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高效磨耳朵 | 最好的英语听力资源

Chinese, Education, 1 season, 1403 episodes, 5 days, 11 hours, 50 minutes
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41.Can I borrow your pen?能借你的笔用一下吗?Go right ahead.用吧。42.Don't you agree with me?你不赞成我吗?I don't think so.我不赞成。43.Will you be able to break open the door?你能打破门吗?It'snot difficult.这不难。44.I promise, don't you believe me?我向你保证,你不相信我?It can't be!怎么可能!45.What do you mean?你什么意思?Never mind.没什么事。46.I want to visit your new place.我想拜访一下你的新家。Drop by anytime.随时恭候。47.What should I do with the books on the table?桌子上的书怎么办?Please put it away.请收起来。48.Why are you so sad today?你今天为什么伤心?I feel depressed.我有些抑郁。49.I think I might have left my phone in the car.我好像把手机忘在车里了。That's quite possible.很有可能。50.What are you thinking about?你在想什么?Just wondering.只是觉得有点儿奇怪。
10/1/20243 minutes, 45 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day69(681-690)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 69681.Disappearv.消失,不见;失踪;灭绝He disappeared in the crowd.他消失在人群中。The sun has disappeared behind a cloud.太阳消失在云后。The forests are disappearing at an alarming rate.森林正在以惊人的速度消失。682.Disappointv.使失望;使破灭,使落空I didn't mean to disappoint her.我不是故意让她失望的。I know you won't disappoint me.我知道你不会让我失望的。In summary, this was a disappointing performance.总之,这是一个令人失望的表现。683.Disappointedadj.失望的,沮丧的;破灭的 v.使失望He seemed disappointed at the results.他似乎对结果感到失望。I can assure you that you won't be disappointed.我可以向你保证,你不会失望的。The less you know about him, the less disappointed you are.你对他的了解越少,你就越不失望。684.Disappointmentn.失望,沮丧;令人失望的人She couldn't hide her disappointment.她无法掩饰自己的失望。Her disappointment was apparent to everyone.她的失望对所有人来说都是显而易见的。685.Disapprovaln.不赞同,反对He shook his head in disapproval.他摇头表示不赞成。They stare at my clothes with disapproval.他们不以为然地盯着我的衣服。686.Disapprovev.不赞成,反对;不批准,否决I disapprove of what you say.我不赞成你说的话。Do you approve or disapprove of my project?你赞成还是不赞成我的项目?687.Disastern.灾难,灾害;;祸患Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters.地震和洪水是自然灾害。If that accident had happened in a city, it would have caused a disaster.如果那起事故发生在城市,将造成灾难。688.Disciplinen.纪律,风纪;惩罚v.惩罚,处分Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.纪律是目标和成就之间的桥梁。Discipline is doing what you know needs to be done, even though you don't want to.纪律是做你知道需要做的事,即使你不想做。689.Discountn.减价,折扣adj.打折的v.打折,减价Is there a student discount?有学生折扣吗?Can you give me a discount?你能给我个折扣吗?I bought the car at a 10%discount.我以10%的折扣买了这辆车。690.Discoverv.发现,找到;了解到,发觉What have you discovered?你发现了什么?Columbus discovered America in 1492.哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。We discovered that our luggage had been stolen.我们发现行李被偷了。
9/29/202415 minutes, 11 seconds
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考级英语听力材料(专四)4 对话

0:00 2006年英语专业四级 对话11:16 2006年英语专业四级 对话22:40 2006年英语专业四级 对话32006年英语专业四级 对话1Hello!你好。Oh, hello!You must be a new student. Did you find us OK?哦,你好。你一定是一个新学生。找到我们这里还顺利吗?Well,I got a bit lost and I had to ask a stranger, but I got here eventually.嗯,我有点迷路了,我求助了一个陌生人,但最终我找到了地方。Oh,dear! Have you come far today?亲爱的,今天你走了很远的路吗?Only from Brighton. I was staying with my brother.从布莱顿来的。我和哥哥住在一起。Oh, good.How did you get here?挺好的。你怎么来的?My brother took me to the railway station, and I got a bus at this end.我哥哥带我去火车站,我搭了一辆公共汽车。Aha,well you'd better tell me your name so I can find your form.啊哈,告诉我你的名字吧,这样我就能找到你的表格了。It's Mark Burn.马克·伯恩。Burn,Burn. Oh, yes. Oh, you've changed since this photo. What happened to your beard and mustache? And you are not wearing glasses, either.伯恩,伯恩。是的。哦,这张照片跟你现在不太像。你的胡子怎么了?你也没戴眼镜。No, I thought I'd better look smarter.没戴,我感觉这样看起来聪明一点。Here is the key to your room. It's 501.这是你房间的钥匙。501室。Thanks.How do I get there?谢谢。怎么过去呢?Go to the end of this corridor. Turn left, and it's the third door on the right.走到这条走廊的尽头。向左转,右边第三个门。Thank you. Oh, there is a meeting for new students. What time is that?谢谢你。哦,有个新生会议。什么时间呢?Half past five in the Common Room on the ground floor at the other end of the corridor.五点半,在走廊另一头一楼的公共休息室里。Thanks a lot. Bye!非常感谢。再见!2006年英语专业四级 对话2Hi,Steve, how are things?嗨,史蒂夫,最近怎么样?Hi, Maggie.Good, thanks. What's new with you?嗨,麦琪。好,谢谢。今天你有什么新鲜事吗?Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight.哦,我只是想知道你今晚想不想出去。Well,I was thinking of going to the university library to do a bit of study. What have you got in mind?我想去大学图书馆做点研究。你有什么想法?I thought we could just go for a walk, maybe down to that park near the beach.我们可以去散步,也许去海滩附近的公园。Tonight?You must be joking! It's too cold!今晚吗?你一定是在开玩笑!太冷了!Oh,yes, it's too cold. But I still want to go out somewhere. That new Tom Cruise's film is on in town. How about that?哦,是的,太冷了。但我还是想出去。汤姆·克鲁斯的新电影正在上演。你觉得怎么样?OK.What time does it start?好的。什么时候开始?Oh, I think it's half past eight or something. I'll just get the paper and have a look. Just hang on for a minute. Look, the film got a fantastic review in the paper last week.哦,我记得是八点半左右。我去拿报纸看看。等一下。看,上周的报纸对这部电影进行了精彩的评论。OK,OK. Where're we going to meet?好吧,好吧。我们在哪里见面?It'd be easiest if we met at the cinema.我们在电影院见面最方便。OK.Where is it?好的。在哪里?Oh,you know the Olieon.哦,你知道的,在奥力威。Where is that?那是哪里?Near the town hall and opposite the bank.在市政厅附近,银行对面。Oh,yeah. I know where it is. OK, look, I'll meet you there at fifteen past eight.哦,好的。我知道在哪了。好吧,我8点15在那儿等你。2006年英语专业四级 对话3What are you reading, Bill?你在读什么,比尔?It's this week's New Scientist, Why?这周的《新科学家》,怎么了?I was just wondering. It looks interesting. But I've never actually read it myself.It's for real scientists. Or can ordinary people like me understand it?我只是好奇。它看起来很有趣。但我从来没有读过。这是科学家阅读的。像我这样的普通人能理解吗?Oh,it's for anyone really. It usually has articles and stories about current affairs, about science as well as papers about new developments in research. I am reading about a new telephone that allows you to see the person you're speaking as well as  hearing.我正在读一篇关于一种新电话的文章,它能让你在听别人说话的同时也能看到对方。Oh,I've heard about it. Is it on the market yet? Can I buy one?哦,我听说了。它上市了吗?我可以买一个吗?No,not this one. But the company has made other models to try out the business.This one is special because of its color, and the image is moving.不,不是这一个。但该公司还推出了其他模型来进行这项业务。这个是特殊的,因为它的颜色以及可以移动的影像。Oh,that's interesting.哦。真有趣。You see the first video phones, that's what they called, were made in Japan. But they can only show a still black-and-white image. So this video phone is much better than that. Mind you I am not sure l want one, Would you?你可以看到他们称为的第一批视频电话是白本制造的。但它们只能显示黑白图像。这个视频电话比那个好多了。我不确定我想要一个。你想吗?Well,no. I don't think I would. I bet it costs a lot of money. Does it say how muchit costs?嗯,没有。我想我不会的。我猜它要花很多钱。上面说了它要花多少钱吗?Yes,the early black-and-white ones cost several hundred pounds. But the one that the story is about costs several thousand pounds.是的,早期的黑白电话要几百英镑。但是这个文章中讲的这个要花几干英镑。Mm,why does anybody want one, do you think?嗯,为什么有人想要一个,你觉得呢?Business organizations that need to frequently contact overseas organizations would want it. It's like a face-to-face conversation, so maybe a lot of overseas travel can be avoided.需要经常与海外组织联系的商业组织会想要它。这就像面对面的交谈,可以省去很多海外旅行。Yes,I suppose so.是的,我想是这样。
9/28/20244 minutes, 22 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 加斯顿·勒鲁《歌剧魅影》 part 2

The Phantom of the Opera by Jennifer Basset原文Chapter 2: The directors of the Opera HouseThe Opera House was famous, and the directors of the Opera House were very important men.It was the first week of work for the two new directors.Mr. Armand Moncharmin and Mr. Firmin Richard.In the director's office the next day, the two men talked about Joseph Buquet."It was an accident," Mr. Armand said angrily. "Or Bouquet killed himself.""An accident? .…… killed himself?"Mr. Firmin said."Which story do you want, my friend? Or do you want the story of the ghost?""Don't talk tome about ghosts!" Mr. Arrmand said."We have 1500 people working for us in this Opera House and everybody is talking about the ghost. They are all mad! I don't want to hear about the ghost. Okay? "Mr.  Firmin looked at a letter on the table next to him."And what are we going to do about this letter, Armand?"."Do?",cried Mr. Arrmand."Why, do nothing,of course! What can we do?"The two men read the letter again.It wasn't very long.To the new directors.Because you are new in the Opera House, I am writing to tell you some important things. Never sell tickets for Box 5. That is my box for every Opera night.Madame Giry, the doorkeeper, knows all about it. Also, I need money for my work in the Opera House.I am not expensive, and I am happy to take only 20,000 francs a month. That is all. But please remember, I can be a good friend, but a bad enemy. OG."Don't sell tickets for Box 5! 20,000 francs a month!"Mr. Armand was very angry again."That's the best box in the Opera House, and we need the money, Firmin! And who is this O.G.,eh? Tell me that!""Opera ghost,of course," Mr. Firmin said."But you're right, Armand. We can do nothing about this letter. It's a joke, a bad joke. Somebody thinks we are fools, because we are new here. That are no ghosts in the Opera House!"The two men then talked about the opera for that night.It was Faust, and usually La Carlotta of sang Margarita. La Carlotta was Spanish, and the best singer in Paris.But today, La Carlotta was ill."Everybody in Paris is going to be at the opera tonight," said Mr. Armand, "and our best singer is ill. Suddenly! She writes a letter to us just this morning, she is ill, she cannot sing tonight!""Don't get angry again, Armand," Mr. Firmin said quickly. "We have Christine Daae, that young singer from Norway. She can sing Margarita tonight. She has a good voice.""But she's so young., and nobody knows her! Nobody wants to listen to a news singer.""Wait and see.Perhaps Daae can sing better than La Carlotta. Who knows?"翻译第二章:歌剧院的主管们歌剧院很有名,歌剧院的主管们都是非常重要的人物。这是两位新主任工作的第一周。阿曼德·蒙查曼先生和菲尔曼·理查德先生。第二天,在主任的办公室里,两个人谈到了约瑟夫·比凯。“这是个意外,”阿尔芒生气地说。“或者是波格自杀了。”“意外?.......自杀了?”菲尔曼说。“你想听哪个故事,我的朋友?还是你想听鬼的故事?”“别跟我谈鬼!”阿尔芒说。“我们有1500人在歌剧院为我们工作,每个人都在谈论鬼魂。他们都疯了!我不想听鬼的事。没事吧?”菲尔曼先生看了看旁边桌子上的一封信。“阿尔芒,这封信怎么办呢?”“怎么办?”阿尔芒先生叫道。“当然,什么也不做!”我们能做什么呢?”那两个人又读了一遍信。它不是很长。致新任主管。因为你是歌剧院的新人,所以我写信告诉你一些重要的事情。不要卖5号包厢的票。那是我每个歌剧之夜的包厢。守门人吉丽夫人知道这一切。还有,我需要钱在歌剧院工作。我并不贵,一个月只拿两万法郎我就心满意足了。就这些。但请记住,我可以是一个好朋友,而不是一个坏敌人。o.g.“不要卖5号包厢的票!”一个月两万法郎!”阿尔芒先生又生气了。“那是歌剧院最好的包厢,我们需要钱,菲尔曼!”这个o.g.是谁?快告诉我!”“当然是歌剧幽灵,”菲尔曼先生说。“您说得对,阿尔芒。我们对这封信无能为力。这是个玩笑,一个糟糕的玩笑。有人认为我们是傻瓜,因为我们是新来的。歌剧院里没有鬼!”然后这两个人谈论了那天晚上的歌剧。那是《浮士德》,通常是拉·卡洛塔唱的玛格丽塔。拉·卡洛塔是西班牙人,是巴黎最好的歌手。但今天,拉·卡洛塔病了。“今晚巴黎的每个人都要去看歌剧,”阿尔芒先生说,“我们最好的歌唱家病了。突然!她今天早上刚刚给我们写了一封信,她病了,今晚不能唱歌了!”“别再生气了,阿尔芒,”菲尔曼先生赶紧说。“我们有克里斯汀·达埃,那个来自挪威的年轻歌手。她今晚可以唱玛格丽塔。她有一副好嗓子。”“但她太年轻了。没有人认识她!没人想听一个新闻歌手的歌。”“等着瞧吧。也许达埃唱得比拉·卡洛塔好。谁知道呢?”
9/26/20244 minutes, 17 seconds
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31.Was the theater performance good for you too?你也喜欢这部戏剧的演出吗?I was moved.我看得很感动。32.I heard about your promotion.听说你升职了。I couldn't be happier.我简直高兴极了。33.Will you please come and visit again?你还会再来吗?I promise.我保证。34.What is wrong with you this morning?你今天早上怎么了?I have diarrhea.我拉肚子了。35.When are you going to class?你什么时候去上课?I'm about to leave.我这就去。36.Sorry,did I bother you?对不起,我打扰了你吗?Not at all.完全没有。37.Did you go through the check list properly?你仔细对照清单检查过了吗?Everything is ready.一切都准备好了。38.How many times must I repeat myself?我还要重复多少遍?Once more, please.请再重复一遍。39.How are you feeling this morning?今天早上感觉怎么样?I feel energized.我感觉精力充沛。40.Do you think it will be OK to try?你觉得可以尝试一下吗?It sure is.当然可以。
9/24/20244 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day68(671-680)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 68671.Digv.搜寻,寻找;挖,掘n.挖苦,嘲讽They're digging a hole.他们在挖一个洞。You are digging your own grave.你是在自掘坟墓。I think I need to dig into the problem a bit more.我想我需要再深入研究一下这个问题。672.Dinnern.正餐,晚餐;晚宴,宴会Have you had dinner yet?你吃过晚饭了吗?Where're we going for dinner?我们要去哪里吃晚饭?I invited my neighbors to dinner.我邀请邻居共进晚餐。673.Directadj.径直的;坦率的;直接的 v.指引,引导He is very direct and honest.他非常直率和诚实。Can you direct me to the train station?你能告诉我去火车站怎么走吗?There is a direct flight from Tokyo to London.有从东京到伦敦的直飞航班。674.Directionn.方向;趋势;指示;导演Which direction is south?南边是哪个方向?Which direction did he go?他朝哪个方向走了?The sound came from that direction.声音来自那个方向。675.Directlyadv.直接地,径直地;坦率地;很快地He looked directly at us.他直视着我们。Why don't you ask him directly?你为什么不直接问他?676.Directorn.导演;管理者,负责人;董事They appointed him as a director.他们任命他为导演。Who's your favorite movie director?你最喜欢的电影导演是谁?The director resigned in protest at the decision.导演辞职以抗议这一决定。677.Dirtn.污物,尘土;泥土 adj.土的His clothes were covered with dirt.他的衣服上沾满了污垢。You have to take a shower to get the dirt off.你得洗个澡才能把污垢清除。In Vietnam, tropical fruits are dirt cheap when they are in season.在越南,当季的热带水果价格便宜。678.Dirtyadj.肮脏的;下流的;卑鄙的His body is dirty.他的身体很脏。The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes.厨房的水槽里满是脏盘子。The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us.餐厅里的脏盘子让我们感到厌恶。679.Disadvantagen.不利条件,劣势;不利因素 vt.损害Each plan has its own advantages and disadvantages.每个方案都有自己的优点和缺点。His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage.不会说英语使他处于不利地位。680.Disagreev.有分歧,意见不合;不一致Does anyone disagree?有人不同意吗?They disagreed about the price.他们对价格有分歧。I completely disagree with you.我完全不同意你的看法。
9/22/202415 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork


00:00 2005年英语专业四级 新闻100:52 2005年英语专业四级 新闻201:31 2005年英语专业四级 新闻302:10 2005年英语专业四级 新闻403:34 2005年英语专业四级 新闻52005年英语专业四级 新闻1The bodies of dozens of African immigrants, discovered off the Italian coast last week, might have been thrown overboard, Italian officials said on Monday.意大利官员周一表示,上周在意大利海岸发现的数十名非洲移民的尸体可能被扔到海里。A coast guard spokesman said 15 illegal immigrants, all believed to come from Somalia, survived being thrown into the Mediterranean Sea.海岸警卫队发言人表示,据称来自索马里的15名非法移民在被抛入地中海后幸存下来。But one of the survivors, a woman, was in a serious condition.但其中一名幸存者是一名妇女,她情况严重。They told the coast guard that their boat had left Libya 20 days before, with around 100 immigrants aboard.他们告诉海岸警卫队,他们的船20天前离开了利比亚,船上大约有100名移民。They said most had died during the trip.他们说大多数人在旅途中死亡。Last Friday,7 Africans, including 3 children, died before their boat could reach the island. A further 25 people survived.上周五,7名非洲人(包括3名儿童)在他们的船抵达该岛之前死亡。另有25人幸存。2005年英语专业四级 新闻2China has set its sight on putting 3 people into space for a week, the China News Service said on Tuesday.中国新闻社周二报道,中国已经决定将3位宇航员送入太空一周。The news agency reported an official as saying that preparations were underway for the next Shenzhou launch.据新华社报道,一名官员表示,神舟飞船下一次发射正在准备中。The Shenzhou VI is expected to blast off within the next 2 years.神舟六号预计两年内会发射升空。Shenzhou V carried a Chinese astronaut aloft.神舟五号搭载了一名中国宇航员。He circled the Earth 14 times during his 21-hour trip, October 15-16, 2003, making China the third country to put a man into space.2003年10月15日至16日,21小时的太空之旅中他环绕地球14周,使中国成为世界上第三个成功实现载人航天的国家。2005年英语专业四级 新闻3Gigantic waves of flame that covered entire neighborhoods and filled the skies over Southern California with ash have killed at least 13 people.大火席卷了整个社区,在加州南部的天空中布满了灰烬,已经造成至少13人死亡。At least 6 separate wildfires were still burning on Monday morning, all the way from the Mexican border to the suburbs of Los Angeles.周一早上,至少有6场野火仍在燃烧,从墨西哥边境一直到洛杉矶郊区。They were reported to have destroyed 800 homes and consumed about 120,000 hectares of land.据报道,大火摧毁了800个房屋,烧毁了约12万公顷土地。Authorities said they were seeking 2 men in connection with the fires, which they believe were started deliberately.当局表示他们正在寻找与火灾有关的两名男子,他们认为火灾是有人蓄意造成的。2005年英语专业四级 新闻4There has been modes growth in tourism worldwide, despite 2 years of terrorism, war and disease.尽管经历了两年的恐怖主义、战争和疾病,世界各地的旅游业仍保持着增长势头。And China is the engine driving it, according to the World Tourism Organization.世界旅游组织的数据显示,中国是推动旅游业发展的引擎。International tourist numbers hit a record 702 million last year, a rise of 2.7 percent over 2001, the year of the September 11 attacks.去年,国际游客数量达到7.02亿人,创世纪新高,比2001年增加了2.7%,而2001年9月11日发生了恐怖袭击。France remains the most popular destination, receiving more than 77 million visitors, followed by Spain, United States, and Italy.法国仍然是最受欢迎的旅游目的地,游客超过7700万,其次是西班牙、美国和意大利。China,however, marked 11 percent growth over that period, attracting 36.8 million international visitors.这段时间内中国增长了11%,吸引了3680万国际游客。It ranks fifth among leading tourism nations.中国在旅游大国中排名第五。By 2020, it will be top, with predictions of 130 million visitors per year.到2020年,预计游客人数将达到1.3亿人次每年,成为最大的旅游大国。Chinese themselves are also becoming a major force as travelers.中国人也正在成为主要的旅游者。According to a Xinhua report, over 16.6 million Chinese traveled abroad last year, up 37 percent from the previous year.据新华社报道,去年有超过1660万中国人出国旅游,同比增长37%。Their numbers are expected to grow to 30 million by the end of the decade, and 100 million in 2020.预计2020年之前,这一数字将增至3000万,到2020年将增至1亿。2005年英语专业四级 新闻5Around 40 former military officers in Argentina have been arrested for possible extradition to Spain on human rights charges.阿根廷约40名前军官被捕,由于人权诉讼,可能会引渡到西班牙。The arrest came as the Argentine government struck down the decree prohibiting such extradition, saying all Argentines should be equal before the law.逮捕事件发生之际,阿根廷政府废除了禁止引渡的法令,称所有阿根廷人在法律面前都应该是平等的。Those detained include a former navy captain and several other ex-officers suspected of torture or murder during the last period of military rule in Argentina,which ended in 1983.这些被拘留的人包括一名前海军上尉和其他几名前军官,他们涉嫌在阿根廷最后一段军事统治时期实施酷刑或谋杀,阿根廷的军事统治于1983年结束。
9/21/20244 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 加斯顿·勒鲁《歌剧魅影》 part 1

The Phantom of the Opera by Jennifer Basset词汇提示1.phantom 幽灵原文Story BackgroundThe Opera House in Paris is a very famous and beautiful building. It is the biggest Opera House in the world. Work on the building began in 1861 finished in 1875 and cost 47 million francs.It has 17 floors 10 above the ground, and 7 under the ground. Behind and under the stage, there are stairs and passages and many many rooms. Dressing rooms for the singers and the dancers, rooms for the stage workers, the opera dresses and shoes.There are more than 2500 doors in the building. You can walk for hours and never see daylight under the Paris Opera House. And the Opera House has a ghost, a phantom, a man in black clothes.He is a body without a head or a head without a body. He has a yellow face. He has no nose. He has black holes for eyes. This is the true story of the Phantom of the Opera. It begins one day in 1880 in the dancer's dressing room.Chapter 1: The dancers"Quick, quick, close the door. It's him." Annie Sorelli ran into the dressing room, a face white.One of the girls ran and close the door. And then they all turned to Annie Sorelli."Who? Where? What's the matter?" They cried."It's the ghost" Annie said. "In the passage, I saw him. He came through the wall in front of me! And ... and I saw his face!"Most of the girls were afraid, but one of them, at all girl with black hair laughed. "Pooh!" she said. "Everybody says they see the Opera ghost, but there isn't really a ghost. You saw a shadow on the wall".But, she did not open the door or look into the passage. "Lots of people see him," a second girl said. "Joseph Buquet saw him two days ago. Don't you remember?"Then all the girls began to talk at once. "Joseph says the ghost is tall, and he wears a black evening coat". "He has the head of a dead man, with a yellow face and no nose.…." "... And no eyes - only black holes!".Then, little Meg Giry spoke for the first time. "Don't talk about him. He doesn't like it. My mother told me." "Your mother?" The girl with black hair said. "What does your mother know about the ghost?""She says that Joseph Buquet is a fool. The ghost doesn't like people talking about him, and one day Joseph Buquet is going to be sorry, very sorry." "But what does your mother know? Tell us tell us" All the girls cried."Oh dear!", said Meg. "But please don't say a word to anyone. You know my mother is the doorkeeper for some of the boxes in the Opera House. Well, Box 5 is the ghost's box!. He watches the Operas from that box, and sometimes he leaves flowers for my mother!""The ghost has a box! And leaves flowers in it!""Oh, Meg, your mother's telling you stories! How can the ghost have a box?" "It's true. It's true. I tell you!" Meg said. "Nobody buys tickets for box 5, but the ghost always comes to it on opera nights.""So somebody does come there?""Why, no! the ghost comes, but there is nobody there."The dances looked at Meg."But how does your mother know?" One of them asked."There's no man in a black evening coat, with a yellow face. That's all wrong. My mother never sees the ghost in Box 5, but she hears him! He talks to her, but there is nobody there. And he doesn't like people talking about him!".But that evening, the dancers could not stop talking about the Opera ghost. They talked before the opera, all through the opera, and after the opera. But they talked very quietly, and they looked behind them before they spoke.When the opera finished, the girls went back to their dressing room. Suddenly, they heard somebody in the passage, and Madame Giry, Meg's mother, ran into the room. She was a fat, motherly woman, with a red happy face. But tonight, face was white."Oh, girls," she cried. "Joseph Buquet is dead! You know he works a long way down, on the fourth floor under the stage. The other stage workers found his dead body there an hour ago, with a rope around his neck!"."It's the ghost!" cried Meg Giry."The ghost killed him!".翻译故事的背景巴黎歌剧院是一座非常著名和美丽的建筑。它是世界上最大的歌剧院。这座建筑始建于1861年,于1875年完工,耗资4700万法郎。它有17层,地上10层,地下7层。在舞台的后面和下面,有楼梯、通道和许多房间。歌手和舞者的化妆室,舞台工作人员的化妆室,还有戏服和鞋子。大楼里有2500多扇门。你可以在巴黎歌剧院下走上几个小时,却看不到日光。歌剧院里有一个鬼,一个幽灵,一个穿黑衣服的人。他是一个没有头的身体,或者是一个没有身体的头。他有一张黄脸。他没有鼻子。他的眼睛像黑洞一样。这是《歌剧魅影》的真实故事。故事始于1880年的一天,在舞者的化妆间里。第一章:舞者“快,快,把门关上。这是他。”安妮·索雷利跑进化妆室,脸色煞白。其中一个女孩跑过去把门关上。然后他们都转向安妮·索雷利。“谁?在哪里?怎么啦?”他们哭了。“是鬼,”安妮说。“在过道里,我看见了他。他在我面前穿墙而入!和…我看见了他的脸!”大多数女孩都很害怕,但其中一个黑发女孩笑了。“呸!”她说。“每个人都说他们看到了歌剧院的鬼,但实际上并没有鬼。你看到墙上有个影子。”但是,她没有打开门,也没有往走廊里看。“很多人看到他,”另一个女孩说。“约瑟夫·比凯两天前见过他。你不记得了吗?”然后所有的女孩立刻开始说话。“约瑟夫说鬼魂很高,穿着一件黑色晚礼服。”“他长着死人的头,黄脸,没有鼻子.....”“…而且没有眼睛——只有黑洞!”然后,小梅格·吉丽第一次开口说话了。“别说他了。他不喜欢它。我妈妈告诉我的。”“你妈妈?”黑发女孩说。“关于鬼魂,你妈妈知道些什么?”“她说约瑟夫·比凯是个傻瓜。鬼魂不喜欢人们谈论他,总有一天约瑟夫·比凯会后悔的,非常后悔的。”“可是你妈妈知道什么?告诉我们,告诉我们”所有的女孩都哭了。“哦,天哪!”麦格说。“但是请不要告诉任何人。你知道我妈妈是歌剧院一些包厢的看门人。5号包厢是鬼的包厢!他在那个包厢里看歌剧,有时还会给我妈妈送花!”“鬼有一个包厢! 里面还有花!”“噢,麦格,你妈妈在给你讲故事呢!鬼怎么会有包厢呢?”“这是真的。这是真的。我告诉你!”梅格说。“没有人买5号包厢的票,但在歌剧之夜,鬼魂总是来这里。”“那么,确实有人到那儿去了?”“为什么,不!鬼来了,但那里没有人。”跳舞的人看着梅格。“可你妈妈是怎么知道的?”其中一个问道。“没有一个穿黑色晚礼服、黄脸的男人。这都是错的。我妈妈从来没见过5号包厢的鬼,但她听到了!他和她说话,但那里没有人。而且他不喜欢人们谈论他!”但那天晚上,跳舞的人不停地谈论着歌剧院的幽灵。他们在歌剧开始前,在歌剧的整个过程中,在歌剧结束后都在交谈。但他们说话的声音很轻,说话前都回头看了看。歌剧结束后,女孩们回到了她们的化妆间。突然,他们听到走廊里有人,麦格的母亲吉丽夫人跑进了房间。她是一个肥胖的、慈母般的女人,红着一张快乐的脸。但今晚,脸是白的。“哦,姑娘们,”她叫道。“约瑟夫·比凯死了!”你知道他在很远的地方工作,在舞台下面的四楼。一小时前,其他工作人员在那里发现了他的尸体,脖子上缠着一根绳子!”“是鬼!”梅格·吉丽叫道。“是鬼杀了他!”
9/19/20247 minutes
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21.Will you please be here early?请问你能早些来吗?I'll try.我尽量。22.Where do you think you are going?你这是要去哪里?I'm leaving.我要离开了。23.Did I make it in time?我完成得及时吗?You've done it!你做到了!24.Is there anything more I can do for you?你还需要别的服务吗?You're the best.你是最好的。25.Would you like some wine?你想喝点儿红酒吗?I never drink.我从不喝酒。26.Thank you for the help.谢谢你的帮助。It's no bother.不客气。27.What are we doing with the bill?我们怎么付账?Let's split it.咱们一人一半吧。28.I made it!我做到了!We're so proud of you.我们为你感到骄傲。29.Do you think I could come and visit this weekend?这周末我能过来拜访吗?It's about time.可以的。30.What should I do with your coffee?你的咖啡怎么办?Bring it to me.请给我端过来。
9/17/20243 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day67(661-670)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 67661.Diagramn.图表,图解;几何图形v.用图表示Let me explain it with a diagram.让我用一张图表来解释一下。Would you like me draw you a diagram of the system?你想让我给你画一张系统图吗?662.Diamondn.钻石;菱形;(纸牌的)方块He bought her a diamond ring.他给她买了一枚钻石戒指。663.Diaryn.日记Keeping a diary is a good habit.记日记是个好习惯。She has kept a diary for 3 years.她写日记已有3年了。It's fun to read my old diary.读我的旧日记很有趣。664.Dictionaryn.字典,词典;双语词典This dictionary has about 40,000 entries.这本词典有大约40,000个条目。I keep a dictionary beside me when I'm doing crosswords.我在做填字游戏的时候会在身边放一本字典。665.Diev.死亡;消失,灭亡Are they going to die?他们会死吗?He will certainly die if you don't call a doctor.如果你不打电话给医生,他肯定会死的。666.Dien.规定饮食;日常饮食v.节食adj.低脂的,低糖的You need to vary the diet.你需要改变饮食。She went on an extreme diet.她过着极端的饮食习惯。You have to go on a strict diet to lose weight.你必须严格饮食才能减肥。667.Differencen.差异,不同之处;差额;分歧I don't see any significant difference.我看不出有什么显著的区别。Do you think it'll make a difference?你认为这会有所作为吗?Can you tell the difference between these two pictures?你能分辨出这两张照片的区别吗?668.Differentadj.不同的;分别的;与众不同的I tried many different methods.我尝试了许多不同的方法。My opinion is entirely different from yours.我的看法与你的看法完全不同。This factory produces over 20 different kinds of product.这家工厂生产20多种不同种类的产品。669.Differentlyadv.不同地I now view life differently than l used to.我现在对生活的看法与以前不同。670.Difficultadj.困难的,费力的;不友好的,难对付的It turned out to be awfully difficult.事实证明这非常困难。It was much more difficult than l initially thought.这比我最初想象的要困难得多。Initially I found it difficult to deal with my new environment.起初我发现很难适应我的新环境。
9/15/202413 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork


00:00 2005年英语专业四级 短文101:27 2005年英语专业四级 短文202:58 2005年英语专业四级 短文32005年英语专业四级 短文1Attention all passengers, platform change, this is a platform change.各位乘客注意,火车停靠站台改变,火车停靠站台改变。The train, now standing at platform 9, is the 10:48 train, calling at all stations to Nanjing.现在停在九号站台的这列火车,是10:48分出发的火车,它会在通往南京的所有站做停留。Please note, the train on platform 9 is not the 10:52 train to Jinan.请注意,停在九号站台的火车并不是10:52分开往济南的火车。It's the 10:48 train calling at all stations to Nanjing.这是10:48分出发,在通往南京所有站做停留的火车。The 10:52 to Jinan will now leave from platform 7.10:52开往济南的火车即将从七站台出发。Train announcement.列车到发通告。The 11:20 train to Zhengzhou from platform 8 will be subject to a 15-minute delay.11:20从八号站台开往郑州的列车晚点15分钟。I repeat, there will be a 15- minute delay for the Zhengzhou train on platform 8 .It will now leave at 11:35, not 11:20.再次重复,八号站台开往郑州的列车晚点15分钟。11:35列车开动,不是11:20。The 11:28 train to Hangzhou has been cancelled.11:28开往杭州的火车已经取消。We apologize to customers, but due to a signal problem, the 11:28 train to Hangzhou from platform 15 has been cancelled.我们向您道歉,由于信号问题,11:28从十五号站台开往杭州的列车已经取消。The 11:32 train to Tianjin is now standing at platform 13.11:32开往天津的火车现在停靠在十三号站台。Please note, there will be no restaurant car on this train. I repeat, there will be no restaurant car on the 11:32 to Tianjin now standing at platform 13.请注意,这列火车上没有餐车。再次重复,现在停靠在13号站台,11:32开往天津的火车上没有餐车。2005年英语专业四级 短文2The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum was opened in Geneva in 1988国际红十字会和红新月博物馆于1988年在日内瓦开幕。It tells the story of men and women who, in the course of the major events of the last 150 years, have given assistance to victims of war and natural disasters.它讲述了在过去150年的重大事件中,为战争和自然灾害受害者提供援助的男男女女的故事。The organization was established in 1863 and was based on an idea by a Swiss businessman called Henri Durant.该组织成立于1863年,由瑞士商人亨利·杜南创建。He had witnessed the heavy casualties at the battle of Sulferino in Italy 4 years earlier, in which 40,000 people were killed, wounded or missing.四年前,他看到了意大利索尔费里诺战役的惨重伤亡,那场战役造成4万人死亡、受伤或失踪。He had seen the lack of medical services and the great suffering of many of the wounded who simply died from lack of care.他看到了医疗服务的缺乏以及因为缺乏医疗而死亡的大量伤员的巨大痛苦。The International Red Cross or Red Crescent exists to help the victims of conflicts and disasters regardless of their nationalities.国际红十字会或红新月博物馆的存在是为了帮助冲突和灾难的受害者,不论他们的国籍是什么。The symbol of the organization was originally just the red cross.该组织的象征最初只是红十字会。It has no religious significance.没有宗教意义。The founders of the movement adopted it as a tribute to Switzerland.该组织的创始人将它作为对瑞士的致敬。However,during the Russo-Turkish War, the Turks felt that the cross could be seen as offensive to Muslim soldiers.然而,在俄土战争期间,土耳其人认为十字架是对穆斯林士兵的冒犯。And a second symbol, the red crescent, was adopted for use by national organizations in the Islamic world. Both are now official symbols.第二个标志红新月,为伊斯兰世界的国家组织所采用。现在两者都是官方标志。2005年英语专业四级 短文3At major college or high school sports events, cheerleaders, both male and female,jump and dance in front of the crowd, and shout the name of their team, running around and yelling "Go, team, Go"在主要的大学或高中体育赛事中,啦啦队队长,无论男女,都要在人群前蹦蹦跳跳,喊出自己球队的名字,到处跑,喊着“加油,球队,加油”。The first cheerleader ever was a man.第一个啦啦队队长是一个男人。In 1898, John Campbell jumped in front of the crowd at the University of Minnesota and shouted for his team.1898年,约翰·坎贝尔在明尼苏达大学的人群前跳下,为他的球队呐喊。He shouted "Hoorah, Minnesota". This was the first organized shout, oryell.他喊道“万岁,明尼苏达大学”。这是第一次有组织的喊叫或呐喊。For the next 32 years cheerleaders were men only.在接下来的32年里,啦啦队员只有男性。Cheerleading is not just about cheering. They practice special shouts, dances, and athletic shows.啦啦队不仅仅是为了欢呼。他们练习特殊的喊叫声、舞蹈和体育表演。The men throw the women high in the air and catch them.男人把女人抛向空中,然后抓住她们。The team members climb on each other's shoulders to make a human pyramid.队员们爬上彼此的肩膀,形成一个金字塔。They yell and dance, too. It is like human fireworks.他们喊啊,叫啊,舞啊,那激情如烟花般四射。Of course, they may often suffer serious knee and wrist injuries, and bloody noses.当然,他们可能经常遭受严重的膝盖和手腕受伤,流鼻血。Cheerleaders have their own contests every year at local, state and national levels.拉拉队长每年在地方、州和国家都有自己的比赛。And the crowd shouts for them.群众为他们呼喊。It is not fair to think cheerleading is just being cheerful and lively and having aloud voice.把啦啦队看作娱乐,维持现场气氛活跃,保持声音响亮的手段是不公平的。Cheerleading is a sport in itself.啦啦队本身就是一项运动。
9/14/20244 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part10

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 10: The EndThe pirates thought about the treasure and they were happy.They ate their breakfast quickly and we all started to walk along the beach.'We must go this way, and look for a tall tree,'said Silver.There were a lot of tall trees on the island and the pirates ran to look at all of them.Then one of the pirates said, 'Here!'Near a tree was a dead man.'He was a sailor,' said one of the pirates. 'Look at his jacket! But what's he doing here? When did he die?''Flint killed him years ago,' said Silver. 'He's showing us the way to the treasure. Follow his arm.Come on! This way.'The pirates followed quietly. They were afraid. We climbed a hill, then we sat down.Suddenly we heard singing.'It's Flint!' said one man, his face very white.'No,' said Silver.'Not Flint. Flint's dead. Remember the treasure, my boys, and don't be afraid!'But all the pirates had white faces.Silver listened carefully to the singing.'That's not Flint!' he said. 'It's ... it's Ben Gunn! We're not afraid of Ben Gunn!'The singing stopped and we moved on.After twenty minutes,we saw a very big tree on top of a hill.The pirates started to run.But they did not find any treasure.Under the tree they found an old box.There was nothing init.Flint's treasure was not there.For a long time, the six pirates sat and said nothing.Then Silver turned to me.'Be very careful,Jim,' he said quietly. 'These men are dangerous.'He gave me a gun.The pirates looked at us and we looked back at them.Suddenly, from the trees, guns started to shoot.Two of the pirates dropped to the ground and the other three ran away.The doctor and Ben Gunn ran out of the trees and started to run after the pirates.'They can't getaway,' said Silver. 'And you, Ben Gunn, what are you doing here?''Ben found the treasure a long time ago,' said the doctor. 'He moved it to his home on the island. So I gave the pirates Flint's map and we left the house and went to stay with Ben.'We took one of the pirate's boats, and broke the other.'The pirates haven't got a boat now,' said the doctor. 'They can't follow us.'Then we went round the island to find the Hispaniola.At last, we found our ship and met Mr. Trelawney and Captain Smollett.'What are you doing here, John Silver?' asked the captain.'I'm here to help you,' said Silver.'Ah,' said the captain.I had a good dinner that night with all my friends.We were all happy.Silver ate and drank and smiled and laughed too.The next morning, we started to carry the treasure to the ship.We did not see the three pirates on the island.Three days later, we finished our work.We heard the pirates singing loudly, but we did not see them.We left some boxes of food for the pirates, and started across the sea to the nearest town.We were happy when we arrived there.And there Silver left us.We were in the town and he got away.He took some of the treasure with him, too.And so, after some weeks at sea, we arrived home with our treasure.I never wanted to go back to that island again.
9/12/20245 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


11.Aren't I allowed to do that?我这样做不可以吗?That's against the contract.这样做违反合同规定。12.Are you ready for the presentation?你准备好做演示了吗?My heart is pounding.我的心怦怦跳。13.Do we all agree to it?大家都同意吗?I see no objection whatever.没有什么可反对的。14.Did you check my email?你收到我的邮件了吗?I'll check it out.我查一下。15.I have to finish this soon.我要尽快完成它。You don't have to hurry.你没必要着急。16.Will you sing for us?你能给我们唱支歌吗?Noway!不能!17.May I contact you again to follow up?我可以联系你了解后续吗?Keep in Touch.保持联系哦。18.Are we making too much noise?我们是不是太吵了?Cut it out!请安静!19.Have you heard of it?你听说过吗?That rings a bell.很耳熟。20.Do you like the choice I made for us?你赞成我为我们做的选择吗?I'm thrilled.我觉得很好。
9/10/20243 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day66(651-660)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 66651.Destructionn.破坏,摧毁The destruction of the ozone layer affects the environment.臭氧层的破坏会影响环境。We are trying to save the building from destruction.我们正在努力拯救这座建筑物免遭破坏。652.Detailn.细节;详情v.详细说明,详述I'm not concerned with the details.我不关心细节。I'll explain it in detail next week.下周我会详细解释的。We need to clarify a few details.我们需要澄清一些细节。653.Determinationn.决心,坚定;决定,裁定The key to success is determination.成功的关键是决心。Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.如果我的成功决心足够强烈,失败将永远不会超越我A dream doesn't become reality through magic. It take sweat, determination and hard work.梦想不会通过魔法变成现实。这需要汗水、决心和辛勤工作。654.Determinev.决定,控制;查明;下定决心We're still trying to determine what happened.我们还在努力确定发生了什么。The doctors couldn't determine the cause of death.医生无法确定死因。655.Determinedadj.下定决心的,坚定的v.决定;确定I am determined to give up smoking.我决心戒烟。The path to success is to take massive, determined action.成功之路是采取大规模、坚定的行动。The government is determined to tackle inflation.政府决心解决通货膨胀问题。656.Developv.成长,发育,发展;开发;出现We need to develop a new kind of energy.我们需要开发一种新的能源。He is planning to develop his business.他正计划发展自己的业务。657.Developmentn.成长;发展;开发,研制He contributed to the development to the city.他为这座城市的发展做出了贡献。Use your free time for self-development.利用你的空闲时间进行自我发展。658.Devicen.装置,设备;手段,方法Computer is an electronic device.计算机是一种电子设备。This is a very sophisticated device.这是一款非常复杂的设备。The device will be in production by the end of the year.该设备将于今年年底投入生产。659.Devotev.献身,致力;用于I want to devote more time to my family.我想花更多的时间陪伴我的家人。660.Devotedadj.挚爱的;热衷的v.献身,致力She's devoted to her family.她很爱她的家庭。He is a devoted husband.他是一位虔诚的丈夫。He devoted his whole life to science.他毕生致力于科学。
9/8/202415 minutes, 20 seconds
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00:00 2005年英语专业四级 对话101:37 2005年英语专业四级 对话203:12 2005年英语专业四级 对话22005年英语专业四级 对话1Good morning, sit down please Mr. Johnson.早上好,请坐,约翰逊先生。Thank you, ma'am.谢谢你,女士。I have read your letter here. You seem to have done very well at school. Can you tell me something about your school work?我在这里读过你的信。你似乎在学校表现得很好。你能跟我讲讲你学校的工作吗?As you can see, my strongest subjects were art subjects. My best subject was history and my second best was geography. However, my favorite subject was math and the results I got in the math paper were quite reasonable.正如你所看到的,我最擅长的科目是艺术。我最好的科目是历史,其次是地理。然而,我最喜欢的科目是数学,我的数学论文相当不错。That's true. Now can you tell me why you think these subjects will help you in this job?这是真的。现在你能告诉我为什么你认为这些科目会对你的工作有帮助呢?Well,ma'am, I understand that you manufacture computers, prepare software and advise clients on how to use them. Is that right?嗯,女士,我知道你们生产电脑,准备软件,并向客户建议如何使用。是这样吗?That's right.是的。And I've been told that working with computers needs the logical mind rather than great skills in mathematics. That's especially true, I believe, when it comes to writing programs. So I think my results show that I have some ability in logic and in mathematics as well.有人说,与计算机打交道需要的是逻辑思维,而不是高超的数学技能。我相信,当涉及到编写程序时,这一点尤其正确。所以我认为我的科目成绩表明我在逻辑和数学方面也有一些能力。So you would like to write material for computers, would you?所以你想为电脑编写程序,是吗?Yes,ma'am, that's what interests me most about computers: writing programs. But I think the computer industry itself is still expanding enormously. I am sure that career prospects in the industry will be very good no matter what sort of job I went into.是的,女士,这就是我对计算机最感兴趣的地方:编写程序。但是我认为计算机产业本身仍在极大的扩张。我相信,无论我从事什么样的工作,这个行业的职业前景都会很好。I see. Well, thank you. I've enjoyed our talk, we'll be writing to you.我明白了。好,谢谢你。我很喜欢我们的谈话,我们会写信给你。Thank you ma'am. Good morning.谢谢你女士。早上好。2005年英语专业四级 对话2Excuse me, could I ask you some questions?打扰一下,我能问你几个问题吗?Of course.当然。I work for an advertising agency and I'm doing some research. It's for a new magazine, for people like you.我在一家广告公司工作,正在做一些研究。是为一本新杂志,正是为了像你一样的人。People like me? What do you mean?像我一样的人?是指什么意思?People between 25 and 35 years old.25到35岁的人。OK.这样啊。Right.Um, what do you do at the weekend?是的。嗯,你周末都做什么呢?Well,on Fridays my wife always goes to her exercises class, then she visits friends.嗯,星期五我妻子总是去健身班,然后再去拜访朋友。Don't you go out?你不出去吗?Not on Fridays. I never go out on Fridays. I stay at home and watch television.不是在星期五。我从来不在星期五出去。我呆在家里看电视。And on Saturdays?星期六呢?On Saturdays my wife and I always go sailing together.星期六我和妻子总是一起去航海。Really?真的吗?Mmm,We love it. We never miss it. And then in the evening we go out.嗯,我们喜欢航海。我们从来没有错过。晚上我们出去。Whereto?去哪里呢?Different places. We sometimes go and see friends, we sometimes go to the cinema or a restaurant, but we always go out on Saturday evenings.不同的地方。我们有时去看朋友,有时去电影院或餐馆,但我们总是在星期六晚上出去。I see. And now, Sunday? What happens on Sundays?我知道了。那么现在,星期日呢?星期日会发生什么事情吗?Nothing special. We often go for a walk and I always cook a big Sunday lunch.没什么特别的。我们经常出去散步,我总是在星期天做一顿丰盛的午餐。Oh, how often do you do the cooking?哦,你多久做一次饭?Um, twice a week, three times a week.嗯,一周两次或者三次。Thank you very much. All I need now are your personal details, your name, job,and soon. What's your surname?非常感谢。我现在需要你的个人资料,名字、工作等等。你的姓是什么?Robinson.罗宾逊。2005年英语专业四级 对话3Parcel Express, good morning. How can I help you?包裹快递,早上好。我能帮你什么忙吗?Good morning. I'm thinking of sending a parcel to New York next week. Can you tell me what the procedure is, please?早上好。我打算下星期寄一个包裹到纽约。你能告诉我手续吗?Certainly.When you ring us, we need the following information: the invoice address,that's probably your address, isn't it? And then, the pickup address if that's different. And a contact phone number.当然可以。环时,我们需要以下信息:收票人的地址,这可能是你的地址,不是吗?如果跟你的地址不同,还需要提货地址,还有一个联系电话。Just a moment, I'm taking notes. Phone number, right.请等一下,我在做笔记。电话号码,好的。Then we need the full name, address and phone number of the person you're sending the parcel to.然后我们需要收件人的全名、地址和电话号码。Ok,anything else?好的,还有别的吗?Yes,the weight and dimensions of the parcel. That's height, width and length. And the value of the goods and a full description.是的,包裹的重量和尺寸。还有高度、宽度和长度。以及商品的价值和详细的描述。Value,description.价值,描述。Yes, but don't seal the parcel. You need to leave it open so that the driver can check the contents when he collects it. After the recent bombing, the airlines said that we'd have to check.是的,但是不要封包裹。你需要把它打开,以便司机取件时检查包裹。最近的轰炸之后,航空公司说我们必须检查所有包裹。他们告诉我们必须这么做。Fine,now last question. How long will the parcel take to get to New York?好的,现在最后一个问题。这个包裹到纽约要多长时间?One to two working days. There are daily flights at midday. And if we collect the parcel from you at 10:15, then your parcel catches that flight and it'll arrive within 24 hours.一到两个工作日。中午有每日航班。如果我们10点15分收到你的包裹,你的包裹可以赶上那趟航班,24小时内就会到达。Right,thank you very much. You've been very helpful.好的,非常感谢。你真是帮了大忙。Not at all. Good-bye.不客气。拜拜。Good-bye. 拜拜。
9/7/20244 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part9

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 9: Silver Helped JimIt was now evening.'I must go back to the house now,' I thought. 'They're going to be angry with me, but I've got the ship.'So I left the ship and went happily back through the trees.I saw the house, and a big fire next to it.I moved on quietly through the trees and went into the house.It was dark and very quiet.'Everyone is sleeping,'I thought.Then somebody spoke.'Who's there?' he said.It was Long John Silver.Somebody brought alight.There were six pirates in the room.The other pirates were all dead.'So here's Jim,' said Long John Silver. 'Here to visit us. That's very nice ...'I said nothing.'So now you want to be a pirate, Jim,' Silver said. 'The captain and the doctor are angry with you,I know.''What's happening?' I asked.'Well, Jim,' said Silver. 'The ship's far away. Your friends left the house yesterday, and we're here now. And you, Jim, are you going to stay with us?''Let's kill him,' said one of the other pirates.'No,' said Silver.'I'm the captain. And I like this boy.'The other men were angry with Silver.They went away to talk about it together.'I want to help you,Jim,' said Silver quietly tome. 'But you must help me, too.'At last, the other pirates came back.They gave Silver some paper.It was black.'You aren't our captain now, John Silver,' one of the pirates said. 'We don't want you. And we don't want that boy.''Well,' said Silver. 'I have something you want. Look! And he showed them Mr.Trelawney's treasure map.''The doctor gave me this!' he said.The pirates were very excited and they all looked at the map.'Good old Silver!' they said. 'Good old Captain Silver!'The next morning the doctor came to the house.'Good morning, doctor,' said Long John. 'Look who's here!''Jim!' said the doctor. 'I want to talk to you. But first I must look at these men.''Now I want to talk to Jim, 'said the doctor after a few minutes.'No, you can't,'said one pirate.But Silver said, 'Yes,he can. You can speak to the boy, doctor.'The doctor turned tome.'Why are you with the pirates, Jim?' he asked sadly.'It was a mistake,' I said. 'They caught me here last night. But doctor, I've got the ship. It's in the North Inlet.''The ship! 'said the doctor.'Good boy!' he said.Then he turned to Silver.'Silver! Look after this boy. Perhaps I can help you later. Goodbye, Jim.'And the doctor left us.'And now, Jim,' said Silver, 'we're going to look for the treasure.'
9/5/20244 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork


1.Can you hand me the papers?能递给我纸吗?Here you go.给你。2.The airport is crowded.机场人好多。Keep an eye on this suitcase.看好这个行李箱。3.Would you like to join our athletics club?你想加入我们的运动俱乐部吗?I'm for it.我想。4.Where do you want to go?你想去哪里?It'sup to you.你说了算。5.I'm sorry for the inconvenience.很抱歉给你添了麻烦。It doesn't matter.没关系的。6.I just got hired!我被录用了!I'm glad to hear it.我为你感到高兴。7.Is the radio disturbing you?收音机吵到你了吗?Turn it off.请关掉它。8.Are you also glad I got the bonus?我中奖了,你为我感到高兴吗?I envy you.我简直嫉妒你呢。9.We have to work harder to win.我们要更努力地拼搏,争取胜利。That's the bottom line.必须如此。10.Is it going to rain?要下雨了吗?Yes,I'm afraid so.是的,恐怕是。
9/3/20243 minutes, 50 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day65(641-650)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 65641.Desertn.沙漠,荒漠;荒凉的地方v.背弃,放弃The Sahara is a vast desert.撒哈拉沙漠是一片广阔的沙漠。Crossing that desert is dangerous.穿越那片沙漠很危险。They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.他们在沙漠中迷路了,死于口渴。642.Desertedadj.空旷的;被抛弃的;废弃的 v.离弃The school is quite deserted.学校已经空无一人了。I like walking alone on the deserted beach.我喜欢独自在荒凉的海滩上散步。643.Deservev.值得,应受I think I deserve a raise.我想我应该加薪。You deserve a higher salary.你应该得到更高的薪水。We want to help you because you deserve it.我们想帮你,因为你值得。644.Designn.设计,布局;设计艺术v.设计,制图She is studying interior design.她正在学习室内设计。I'mat college, studying graphic design.我在上大学,学习平面设计。645.Desiren.愿望,欲望,渴望v.渴望,想望I have no desire to stay here.我不想待在这里。My desire is to help you with this problem.我的愿望是帮助你解决这个问题。646.Deskn.书桌,办公桌,写字台We need to dust the desk.我们需要把桌子除尘。She found her purse under the desk.她在桌子底下找到了自己的钱包。This desk is designed for children.这张桌子是为儿童设计的。647.Desperateadj.拼命的;极需要的,渴望的;绝望的,无望的She'sin desperate need of money.她迫切需要钱。I know the situation is desperate.我知道情况非常严峻。We're desperate to find a solution.我们迫切希望找到解决方案。648.Desperatelyadv.绝望地,拼命地,不顾一切地;非常He tried desperately to get her attention.他拼命试图引起她的注意。We desperately need more money to help fund our project.我们迫切需要更多的资金来资助我们的项目。649.Despiteprep.尽管,即使;不由自主地,忍不住地I like him despite all his faults.尽管他有种种缺点,但我还是喜欢他。He refused to quit despite many obstacles.尽管遇到了许多障碍,他还是拒绝辞职。650Destroyv.破坏,毁灭;杀死,彻底打败,击溃We intend to destroy it.我们打算摧毁它。Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.不要让别人的行为破坏你内心的平静。
9/1/202414 minutes, 20 seconds
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Level 5-Day 39.Salman Rushdie 'Life Under Threat' (2)

词汇提示1.heretics 异端2.savaged 激烈批评3.mugged 公开打劫4.tormentor 折磨者5.scapegoat 替罪羊6.marchers 抗议游行者7.Enlightenment 启蒙教育8.blasphemy 亵渎原文Salman Rushdie: 'Life Under Threat' (2)Out there where you are, in the rich and powerful and lucky west, has it really been so long since religions persecuted people, burning them as heretics,drowning them as witches, that you can't recognize religious persecution when you see it?The original metaphor has reasserted itself.I'm back in the balloon, asking for the right to live.What is my single life worth" Despair whispers in my ear: 'Not a lot.'But I refuse to give in to despair.I refuse to give in to despair because I've been shown love as well as hatred.I know that many people do care, and are appalled by the crazy, upside-down logic of the post-fatwa world, in which a single novelist can be accused of having savaged or 'mugged' a whole community, becoming its tormentor (instead of it starred and feathered victim) and the scapegoat for all its discontents.Many people do ask, for example: When a white pop-star-turned-Islamic-fanatic speaks approvingly about killing an Indian immigrant, how does the Indian immigrant end up being called the racist?Or,again: What minority is smaller and weaker than a minority of one?I refuse to give in to despair even though, for a thousand days and more, I've been put through a degree course in worthlessness, my own personal and specific worthlessness.My first teachers were the mobs marching down distant boulevards, baying for my blood, and finding, soon enough, their echoes on the English streets.I could not understand the force that makes parents hang murderous slogans around their children's necks.I have learned to understand it.It burns books and effigies and thinks itself holy.But at first, as I watched the marchers, I felt them trampling on my heart.Once again, however, I have been saved by instances of fair-mindedness, of goodness.Every time I learn that a reader somewhere has been touched by The Satanic Verses, moved and entertained and stimulated by it, it arouses deep feelings in me.And there are more and more such readers nowadays, my postbag tells me, readers(including Muslims) who are willing to give my burned, spurned child a fair hearing at long last.Sometimes I think that, one day, Muslims will be ashamed of what Muslims did in these times, will find the 'Rushdie affair' as improbable as the west now finds martyr-burning.One day they may agree that - as the European Enlightenment demonstrated- freedom of thought is precisely freedom from religious control, freedom from accusations of blasphemy.Maybe they'll agree, too, that the row over The Satanic Verses was at bottom an argument about who should have power over the grand narrative, the Story of Islam, and that power must belong equally to everyone.That even if my novel were incompetent, its attempt to retell the story would still be important.That if I've failed, others must succeed, because those who do not have power over the story that dominates their lives, power to retell it, rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change,truly are powerless, because they cannot think new thoughts.翻译萨尔曼·拉什迪:《生命受到威胁》(2)在你们所处的地方,在富裕、强大、幸运的西方,宗教迫害人们真的已经很久了吗,把他们当作异教徒烧死,把他们当作女巫淹死,以至于当你看到宗教迫害时,你都认不出来了?原来的比喻再次出现了。我又回到了气球里,要求生存的权利。我的单身生活值多少钱?”绝望在我耳边低语:“不值多少钱。”但我拒绝向绝望屈服。我拒绝向绝望屈服,因为我既被爱也被恨。我知道,很多人确实关心这个问题,并对法特瓦后世界的疯狂、颠倒的逻辑感到震惊,在这个世界上,一个小说家就可能被指控蹂躏或“抢劫”了整个社会,成为它的折磨者(而不是被涂上焦油和羽毛的受害者),成为所有不满的替罪羊。例如,很多人确实会问:当一个白人流行歌星出身的伊斯兰狂热分子赞许地说要杀死一名印度移民时,为什么印度移民最终会被称为种族主义者?又或者:哪个少数群体比一个人的少数群体更小更弱?我拒绝向绝望屈服,即使在过去的一千多天里,我已经完成了一个关于毫无价值的学位课程,我个人的和特定的毫无价值。我的启蒙老师是那些在远处林荫大道上游行的暴徒,他们叫嚷着要我的血,很快,他们就在英国的街道上找到了回声。我无法理解是什么力量让父母把杀人的标语挂在孩子的脖子上。我已经学会了理解它。它焚烧书籍和雕像,认为自己是神圣的。但起初,当我看着游行队伍时,我感到他们在践踏我的心。然而,我又一次被公正和善良的事例所拯救。每当我得知某个地方的读者被《撒旦诗篇》所感动,被它所感动,被它所娱乐,被它所刺激,我的内心就会产生深深的感情。现在有越来越多这样的读者,我的邮袋告诉我,读者(包括穆斯林)终于愿意给我那个被烧伤、被抛弃的孩子一个公平的机会。有时我想,总有一天,穆斯林会为自己在这段时间里所做的事感到羞愧,会发现“拉什迪事件”就像西方现在认为焚烧烈士一样不可能。有一天,他们可能会同意——正如欧洲启蒙运动所证明的那样——思想自由正是不受宗教控制的自由,不受亵渎指控的自由。也许他们也会同意,关于《撒旦诗篇》的争论本质上是关于谁应该拥有对宏大叙事——伊斯兰故事——的权力的争论,这种权力必须平等地属于每个人。即使我的小说不称职,它试图重述这个故事的努力仍然很重要。如果我失败了,其他人一定会成功,因为那些没有能力掌控自己生活中的故事的人,没有能力复述、反思、解构、拿它开玩笑,也没有能力随着时代的变化而改变它的人,真的是无能为力的,因为他们无法想出新的想法。
8/31/20243 minutes, 14 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part8

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 8: Got The ShipThe pirates had a big fire on the beach, and there was a small light on the Hispaniola.Very quietly, I put Ben Gunn's boat into the sea.The boat moved slowly and quietly across the water.Soon I was near the ship.Nobody saw me.'I can cut the ship's rope with my knife,' I thought. 'And then the wind can push the ship away from the beach.'I listened.There were two men on the ship.The other pirates were all on the beach.The men on the ship were talking loudly and angrily.'They're going to have a fight,' I thought.One of the men was Israel Hands.I waited, then I cut the rope.Slowly the ship turned round and began to move away from the beach.The two men on the ship started to fight.The pirates on the beach sat round their fire and sang.They did not see the ship moving away.I sat down in Ben Gunn's boat and fell asleep.In the morning, I sat up and looked around.The little boat was not far from the island and I saw that I was quite near the Hispaniola.I looked for Israel Hands and the other pirate, but I did not see them.I moved slowly nearer and nearer to the Hispaniola.Then I climbed on to the ship.The two pirates were there, on the ship.They did not move.One of them was dead.Israel Hand's leg was badly hurt, but he was not dead.I looked round the ship.All the cupboards were open, and everything was dirty.There were a lot of bottles on the floor.I found some drink and gave it to Hands.Then I took down the pirates' flag.'The ship is ours, now,'I thought.Israel Hands spoke.'You can't sail the ship, Jim Hawkins,' he said. 'Give me some food. I can help you.''I don't want to go back to the beach,' I said. 'Help me to sail it to the North Inlet.''Right,' he said.So we sailed to the north of the island.The ship moved quietly through the water; I was happy.The old pirate watched me carefully.Then he smiled.'Jim, go and get me ... er ... get me something to drink,' he said. 'I'm thirsty.'I did not like his smile.  I went away, but I came back very quietly and watched him.He moved slowly and took a knife from behind some rope.Then he put the knife under his jacket and he went back to his old place.'Ah,' I thought. 'He can move and he's got a knife. He wants to kill me. I must be careful.'I went back to him and gave him the bottle.We sailed on and came to the North Inlet.Hands told me what to do and I brought the ship near the beach.I watched the sails and the sea, but I did not watch Hands.Suddenly I turned and saw him behind me with his knife in his hand.I jumped away and took out my gun.I tried to shoot at Hands but nothing happened.The gun was wet with sea water.I moved away quickly, but Hands followed me.I climbed up among the sails and tried to shoot again.Hands looked up,then he threw his knife at me.It went into my arm.Then I shot him and he dropped into the sea.The pirate's knife was in my arm.I pulled it out and climbed down on to the ship.
8/29/20244 minutes, 55 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 111A:The washing machine doesn't work.洗衣机坏了。B:Really? When did you find out?是吗?你什么时候发现的?A:When I tried to wash your denim jeans last night.昨晚我想洗你的牛仔裤时就发现了。B:Then I will call the electrician now to come and repair it.那我马上叫电工来修理。Conversation 112A:Are you ready to order?您凖备好点菜了吗?B:Yes, I am. I will have coffee with milk, two pancakes, and scrambled eggs,please.是的,我凖备好了。请给我来一份加牛奶的咖啡、雨个煎饼和一份炒鸡蛋。A:Would you like the order to go?您要打包带走吗?B: I would like to order to go, thank you!我想打包带走,谢谢!Conversation 113A:l'd really like to have you meet my family.我真的很想让你见见我的家人。B: Me too, I've heard so much about them from you.我也是,我听你说了很多关于他们的事。A:When is it convenient for you?你什么时候方便?B:Sunday afternoon is fine.周日下午可以。Conversation 114A:You are not looking well at all.你看起来不太舒服。B: My throat is so sore I can hardly swallow.我的喉昽很痛,几乎无法吞咽。A:Have you seen the doctor?你去看医生了吗?B:Not yet.还没有。
8/27/20244 minutes, 8 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day64(631-640)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 64631.Denyv.否认;拒绝承认;拒绝给予Hedenied knowing anything about it.他否认知道此事。Wecan't deny the fact that he's honest.我们不能否认他诚实的事实。Weshouldn't deny the existence of these problems.我们不应该否认这些问题的存在。632.Departmentn.部门,司,系,处Whomanages this department?谁管理这个部门?Iwould like to speak to the head of the department.我想和部门负责人谈谈。Thereis a bookstore in front of the department store.百货商店前面有一家书店。633.Departuren.背离;离开,启程Whatis the departure time?出发时间是几点?Thetime of departure is still uncertain.出发时间仍不确定。Pleasefasten your seat belts and prepare for departure.请系好安全带,为出发做好准备。634.Dependv.取决于;依赖,依靠;相信,指望Don'tdepend too much on others.不要过分依赖他人。Shestill depends on her parents.她仍然依靠她的父母。Oureconomy depends on agriculture.我们的经济依赖于农业。Thefuture depends on what we do in the present.未来取决于我们现在所做的。635.Depositv.放置;储蓄;寄存n.订金;押金;存款Shemade a deposit of 1000dollars last month.她上个月存了1000美元。I hadto deposit 10% of the price of the house.我不得不存入房价的10%。Theshop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit.如果我交了押金,商店答应为我保留货物。636.Depressv.使抑郁,使沮丧;降低;使萧条;压下Failuredidn't depress him.失败并没有让他感到沮丧。637.Depressedadj.抑郁的,沮丧的;萧条的 v.使抑郁,使沮丧Shewas so depressed.她太沮丧了。Ifeel depressed whenever I think about that problem.每当我想到这个问题时,我都会感到沮丧。Themore she thought about it, the more depressed she became.她想得越多,她就越沮丧。638.Depthn.深度;深刻;深厚,深切;深处Hewas surprised by the depth of the lake.他对湖的深度感到惊讶。Weare measuring the depth of the river.我们正在测量河的深度。Nevertest the depth of water with both feet.切勿用双脚测试水深。639.Describev.描述,形容;形成......形状Canyou describe it?你能描述一下吗?Describeyour ideal breakfast.描述一下你理想的早餐。Hedescribed exactly what happened.他准确地描述了所发生的事情。640.Descriptionn.描述,形容,说明;类型Canyou give me a brief description of the thief?你能给我一个关于小偷的简短描述吗?Weneed a detailed description of what happened.我们需要详细描述发生了什么。Hisdescription was too general.他的描述太笼统了。
8/25/202417 minutes, 31 seconds
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Level 5-Day 38.Salman Rushdie 'Life Under Threat' (1)

词汇提示1.balloon 热气球2.chasm 深坑3.qualms 顾虑4.merits 优点5.demerits 缺点6.hostages 人质7.pitched 扔8.abyss 严厉的9.metaphor 隐喻原文Salman Rushdie: 'Life Under Threat' (1)A hot-air balloon drifts slowly over a bottomless chasm, carrying several passengers.A leak develops; the balloon starts losing height.Good grief! The wounded balloon can bear just one passenger to safety; the many must be sacrificed to save the one!But who should live, who should die? And who could make such a choice?In point of fact, debating societies everywhere regularly make such choices without qualms, for of course what I've described is the given situation of that evergreen favorite, the Balloon Debate, in which, as the speakers argue over the relative merits and demerits of the well-known figures they have placed in disaster's mouth, the assembled company blithely accepts the faintly unpleasant idea that a human being's right to life is increased or diminished by his or her virtues or vices -that we may be born equal but thereafter our lives weigh differently in the scales.It's only make-believe, after all.And while it may not be very nice, it does reflect how people actually think.I have now spent over a thousand days in just such a balloon; but, alas, this isn't a game.For most of these thousand days, my fellow-travelers included the Western hostages in Lebanon, and the British businessmen imprisoned in Iran and Iraq, Roger Cooper and lan Richter.And I had to accept, and did accept, that for most of my countrymen and countrywomen,my plight counted for less than the others'.In any choice between us, I'd have been the first to be pitched out of the basket and into the abyss.'Our lives teach us who we are,' I wrote at the end of my essay 'In Food Faith'.Some of the lessons have been harsh, and difficult to learn.Trapped inside a metaphor, I've often felt the need to redescribe it, to change the terms.This isn't so much a balloon, I've wanted to say, as a bubble, within which I'm simultaneously exposed and sealed off.The bubble floats above and through the world, depriving me of reality, reducing me to an abstraction.For many people, I've ceased to be a human being.I've become an issue, a bother, an 'affair'.Bullet-proofed bubbles, like this one, are reality-proof, too.Those who travel in them, like those who wear Tolkien's rings of invisibility, become wraith-like if they're not careful.They get lost.In this phantom space a man may become the bubble that encases him, and the none day - pop! - he's gone forever.It's ridiculous - isn't it? - to have to say, but I am a human being, unjustly accused, unjustly embubbled.Or is it I who am being ridiculous, as I call out from my bubble, I'm still trapped inhere, folks; somebody, please, get me out?翻译萨尔曼·拉什迪:《生命受到威胁》(1)一个热气球载着几名乘客在一个无底的深渊上缓缓漂流。泄漏发生了;气球开始失去高度。好悲伤!受伤的气球只能载一名乘客到安全地带;为了救一个人,必须牺牲很多人!但谁该活,谁该死?谁能做出这样的选择呢?事实上,世界各地的辩论协会经常毫无疑问地做出这样的选择,因为我所描述的当然是常青树最受欢迎的气球辩论的特定情况,在这种情况下,演讲者争论他们放在灾难口中的知名人物的相对优点和缺点,聚集在一起的人们愉快地接受了一个有点令人不快的观点,即一个人的生存权是由他或她的美德或恶习而增加或减少的——我们可能生来平等,但此后我们的生活在天平上的分量就不同了。毕竟,这只是幻想。虽然这可能不太好,但它确实反映了人们的真实想法。我在这样一个气球里已经度过了一千多天了;但是,唉,这不是一场游戏。在这一千天的大部分时间里,我的同伴包括黎巴嫩的西方人质,以及被关押在伊朗和伊拉克的英国商人罗杰·库珀和伊恩·里希特。我不得不承认,而且确实承认,对于我的大多数同胞来说,我的困境比其他人的要小。在我们之间的任何一个选择中,我都会是第一个被扔出篮筐扔进深渊的人。“我们的生活教会我们我们是谁,”我在我的文章《食物信仰》(In Food Faith)的结尾写道。有些教训是残酷的,而且很难学到。困在一个比喻里,我经常觉得有必要重新描述它,改变术语。我想说,与其说这是一个气球,不如说是一个泡泡,我在里面既暴露又被封闭。泡沫漂浮在世界的上空,使我脱离了现实,使我成为一个抽象的人。对很多人来说,我已经不再是一个人了。我成了一个问题,一个麻烦,一个“外遇”。防弹泡沫,就像这个一样,也是不受现实影响的。那些穿着它们旅行的人,就像那些戴着托尔金的隐形戒指的人一样,如果不小心,就会变成幽灵。他们迷路了。在这个虚幻的空间里,一个人可能会变成包裹着他的泡沫,然后一天也不会破裂!-他永远消失了。这很荒谬,不是吗?——不得不说,但我是一个人,受到不公正的指责,受到不公正的指责。或者是我太可笑了,当我从我的泡泡里喊出来的时候,我仍然被困在这里,伙计们;谁来救我出去?
8/24/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part7

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 7: Jim's Story II'Your friends are in the house now,' said Ben Gunn.'I must go to them,'I said. 'Are you coming with me?'No,' said Ben. 'But you know where to find me. Come tomorrow afternoon.'I looked at the Hispaniola, out on the sea, and saw the pirates' flag.'They have the ship now,' I thought.The pirates on the beach made a big fire.They started to drink and to talk loudly.I waited for a time,then went to the house.I told Dr Livesey about my meeting with Ben Gunn up on the hill.'Tell me about this man,' said the doctor. 'Is he going to help us?''Yes, I think he is,' I said.'There are fifteen pirates now,' said the doctor. 'And there are six of us. Seven, with Ben Gunn.'I was very tired and I slept well that night.The next morning one of our men said: 'Look! Someone's coming! A man with a white flag.''Don't shoot!' said the man. 'It's me. John Silver.''What do you want?' asked Captain Smollett.'Captain Silver wants to talk to you,' said Long John.'Captain Silver now?Come on, then,' said Captain Smollett.Long John came slowly up the hill to the house.We all watched him.'Yes?' asked the captain.'One of our men is dead,' said Silver. 'You killed him in the night.'The captain said nothing.'We didn't kill that man,' I thought. 'Ben Gunn killed him. Now there are only fourteen pirates.''We want that treasure,' Silver said. 'And you've got a map, right?''Perhaps,' said the captain.'I know you've got it,' said Silver. 'Give us the map. Then you can leave the island with us, or,if you like, you can stay here.''Is that all?' asked Captain Smollett. 'Now, listen to me, Silver. You can't find the treasure and you can't sail the ship. We aren't going to help you find the treasure, so you can go now. I have nothing more to say to you.''Then we're going to fight you,' said Silver angrily, and he went away, walking slowly down the hill.It was a hot day.We waited for a longtime and then the pirates started shooting again.Suddenly some of the pirates ran out of the trees up to the house.'Get them!' said the captain.We all fought hard.We killed three of the pirates and the others ran away.But when we got back inside the house, we found that Joyce was dead.Hunter and the captain were hurt, too.'Five pirates are dead,'said the doctor.'Good,' said the captain. 'Now they have nine men and we have five.'The pirates went back to the beach.Everything was quiet.Later that day Hunter died.The doctor left the house.'He's going to meet Ben Gunn,' I thought.It was very hot inside the house and I did not like waiting.So I took some food and a gun and went to look for Ben Gunn's boat.After about an hour I found it.It was very small and light.'I can take this boat and go out to the Hispaniola at night,' I thought.I sat down and waited.Night came, and it was very dark.
8/22/20245 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 106A: I heard you went to Vancouver last summer, Tim.蒂姆,我听说你去年夏天去了温哥华。B:Yes, I did. I visited Vancouver with my wife on July 22.是的。我和我的妻子在7月22日去了温哥华。A:How long did you stay there?你们在那里呆了多久?B: We stayed there for a week and had a great time.我们在那里呆了一个星期,玩得很开心。Conversation 107A:When is it convenient for you?你什么时候方便?B: I am free for the next few hours.接下来的几个小时我都有空。A:Can we get started now?那我们现在可以开始了吗?B:Yes, that would be great.可以,那太好了。Conversation 108A: Do you like traveling?你喜欢旅游吗?B:Yes, I do. I am particularly addicted to places with beaches.是的,我喜欢旅游。我特别喜欢有海滩的地方。A: I also love going to the beach and walking along the boardwalk.我也喜欢去海边,沿着木板道散步。B: We can go to the beach together next time.下次我们可以一起去海边。Conversation 109A: Do you have anything to drink?你有喝的吗?B:Yes, I do. What would you like to drink?是的,我们有喝的。你想喝点什么呢?A:Chilled water or lemonade.冷水或柠檬水。B:Lemonade is much better. Enjoy.柠檬水比较好。请享用。Conversation 110A:What's your present job?你现在做什么工作?B: I am a Social Media Marketing Strategist at ABC company.我是ABC公司的社交媒体营销策略师。A:Nice! that sounds interesting.太棒了!听起来很有趣。B:Yes, it's a very exciting job!是的,这份工作挺令人兴奋的。
8/20/20245 minutes, 34 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day63(621-630)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 63621.Delayv.推迟,延期;延误,耽搁n.延期,推迟He was irritated by her delay.他对她的拖延感到恼火。We apologize for the delay.对于延迟,我们深表歉意。I was delayed by a traffic jam.我被交通堵塞耽搁了。622.Deliberateadj.故意的,蓄意的;从容的v.仔细考虑,认真商讨He told deliberate lies.他故意撒谎。Do you think it was deliberate?你认为这是故意的吗?623.Deliberatelyadv.故意地;从容不迫地,小心翼翼地I didn't do it deliberately.我不是故意这样做的。She deliberately exposed him to danger.她故意将他置于危险之中。She deliberately ignored me on the street.她在街上故意不理我。624.Delicateadj.柔和的,清淡的;虚弱的;微妙的,棘手的She put me in a delicate situation.她让我陷入了微妙的境地。The negotiations are at a very delicate stage.谈判正处于非常微妙的阶段。That's a delicate problem.这是一个微妙的问题。625.Delightn.高兴;乐事v.使高兴The gifts will delight the children.这些礼物会让孩子们高兴。I'd be delighted if you could join us for dinner.如果你能和我们一起吃晚饭,我会很高兴的。626.Deliverv.投递,运送;履行;交付,移交;接生We can deliver it this evening.我们今晚可以送达。Can you deliver it to my house?你能把它送到我家吗?He delivered a very long speech yesterday.他昨天发表了一个很长的演讲。627.Deliveryn.递送,投递;递送物;分娩,生产 adj.运送的One-Day delivery will cost an additional 9.99 dollars.一日送达将额外花费9.99美元。How long do I have to wait for delivery?我还要等多久才能送达?Do you charge for delivery?你们收取运费吗?628.Demandv.强烈要求;需要,需求n.需求,需求量I demand an explanation.我要求解释。Will you meet our demands?你能满足我们的要求吗?I demand to know what's happening.我要求知道发生了什么。629.Demonstratev.证明;示范,演示;表露;游行,示威The salesman demonstrated how to use it.推销员演示如何使用它。The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment.老师用实验证明了这个想法。630.Dentistn.牙科医生;牙医诊所I have a dentist appointment at 2:30 P.M.我在下午2:30预约牙医。I'd like to be a dentist in the future.我将来想当牙医。
8/18/202416 minutes, 7 seconds
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Level 5-Day 37.Robert Runcie 'After the Falklands War' (2)

词汇提示1.fanciful 空想2.integrity 完整性3.obliterate 消灭4.alter 祭坛5.cathedrals 大教堂原文Robert Runcie: 'After the Falklands War' (2)Man without God finds it difficult to achieve this revolution inside himself.But talk of peace and reconciliation is just fanciful and theoretical unless we are prepared to undergo such a revolution.Many of the reports I have heard about the troops engaged in this war refer to moments when soldiers have been brought face to face with what is fundamental in life and have found new sources of strength and compassion even in the midst of conflict.Ironically,it has sometimes been those spectators who remained at home, whether supporters or opponents of the conflict, who continue to be most violent in their attitudes and untouched in their deepest selves.Man without God is less than man.In meeting God, a man is shown his failures and his lack of integrity, but he is also given strength to turn more and more of his life and actions into love and compassion for other men like himself.It is necessary to the continuance of life on this planet that more and more people make this discovery.We have been the choice.Man possesses the power to obliterate himself, sacrificing the whole race on the altar of some God-substitute, or he can choose life in partnership with God the Father of all.I believe that there is evidence that more and more people are waking up to the realization that this crucial decision peers us in the face here and now.Cathedrals and churches are always places into which we bring human experiences - birth, marriage,death, our flickering communion with God, our fragile relationships with each other, so that they may be deepened and directed by the spirit of Christ.Today we bring our mixture of thanksgiving, sorrows and aspirations for a better ordering of this world.Pray God that he may purify, enlarge and redirect these in the ways of his kingdom of love and peace.Amen.翻译罗伯特·朗西:《马岛战争之后》(2)没有上帝的人很难实现自己内心的革命。但是,除非我们准备经历这样一场革命,否则谈论和平与和解只是幻想和理论。我听到的许多关于参加这场战争的部队的报道都提到了士兵们面对生活中最基本的东西,甚至在冲突中也找到了新的力量和同情心的源泉的时刻。具有讽刺意味的是,有时正是那些留在家里的旁观者,无论是冲突的支持者还是反对者,他们的态度仍然是最暴力的,而他们内心最深处的自我却没有受到影响。没有上帝的人不如人。在与上帝的会面中,一个人会看到他的失败和缺乏正直,但他也会得到力量,把越来越多的生活和行为转化为对像自己一样的其他人的爱和同情。为了这个星球上生命的继续,越来越多的人进行这一发现是必要的。我们一直是选择。人拥有毁灭自己的能力,可以把全人类牺牲在某个神的替代者的祭坛上,或者他可以选择与万有之父神为伴的生活。我相信,有证据表明,越来越多的人开始意识到,这个至关重要的决定现在就摆在我们面前。大教堂和教堂总是我们把人类的经历——出生、结婚、死亡、我们与上帝的短暂交流、我们彼此之间脆弱的关系——带进去的地方,这样它们就可以被基督的精神深化和引导。今天,我们带着感恩、悲伤和对世界更美好秩序的渴望来到这里。求神洁净、扩大、引导这些人进入祂爱与和平的国度。阿们。
8/17/20242 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part6

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 6: Dr Livesey's StoryAt half-past one in the afternoon two, small boats went from the ship to the island.We looked for Jim Hawkins on the Hispaniola, but he was not there.We waited on the ship.There were six pirates with us.Then Hunter and I took a boat and went to the island.I wanted to see the house on the island.The house was strong and it was in a good place.'We can stay here,' I thought. 'There's water, and we can bring food and guns from the ship.'Then I heard the pirates fighting in the trees.'They're killing someone,' I thought. 'Perhaps Jim Hawkins is dead.'Hunter and I went back to the Hispaniola.I told the captain about the house, and we started to put food into the small boat.The pirates on the ship did not hear us.Joyce and I carried the food from the beach to the house.Joyce stayed in the house with his gun and I went back to the ship.We put more food and our guns into the small boat and dropped all the other guns into the sea.Then Mr. Trelawney's men Redruth and Hunter, Mr. Trelawney, the captain and I left the ship.There were five of us in a small boat and we moved very slowly.Then we saw the pirates on the Hispaniola.They had the big gun on the ship.'They're going to shoot at us,' somebody said.We tried to go faster.Mr. Trelawney shot at the men on the ship.He hit one of them.Then the pirates on the island ran out of the trees.They began to run along the beach.'Quickly!' said the captain. 'They're going to catch us. Leave the boat.'We heard the big gun on the Hispaniola behind us; we jumped on to the beach and ran.Most of our food and our guns went down into the sea with the small boat.We heard the pirates running along the beach behind us, but we ran quickly through the trees to the house.We arrived at the house and turned to shoot at the pirates.We hit one of the pirates, and the other men ran away.Then one of the pirates turned and shot Redruth through the head.Captain Smollett said sadly: 'Now there are only five of us and we have food for ten days. What are we going to do?'Suddenly we heard somebody outside.'Dr Livesey,' said Jim Hawkins, 'it's me, Jim. I'm here.'So then there were six of us.
8/15/20243 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 101A:You look pale. Are you all right?你的脸色有些苍白。你还好吗?B:Yeah. I just need some sleep.是的。我只是需要一些睡眠。A:Maybe some hot tea warm you up too.也许来点热茶也能让你暖和起来。B:That's a good idea!好主意!Conversation 102A:Dad, can you bring my math textbook to school? I left it at home.爸爸,你可以把我的数学课本带到学校吗?我把它忘在家里了。B:Oh, did you? Where is it?噢,是吗?它在哪里呢?A: I think it's on the desk in my room.我想它应该是在我房间的桌子上。B:OK, I'll bring it right away.好的,我马上带过去。Conversation 103A:It's time to go to bed.该去睡觉了。B: I was thinking the same thing.我也是这么想的。A:It's getting late and I have to wake up early tomorrow.时间不早了,我明天还要早起。B: Me too. Have a good night.我也是。晚安。Conversation 104A:Are you going grocery shopping later?你一会儿要去杂货店买东西吗?B:Yes.是的。A:Can you get me a coffee?能给我带一杯咖啡吗?B: Of course.当然。Conversation 105A:Where are you from?你从哪里来?B:I'm from Vietnam.我来自越南。A:Your English is really good.你的英语非常好。B:Thank you! But I'm still working on it.谢谢!不过我还在努力学习当中。
8/13/20244 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day62(611-620)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 62611.DecreaseV.(使)减少,(使)降低 n.减少,降低This medicine will decrease your pain.这种药会减轻你的痛苦。612.Deepadj. 深的,厚的;严重的;深受..…影响How deep is the hole?洞有多深?Take a deep breath and then relax.深吸一口气,然后放松。Do you know how deep the water is?你知道水有多深吗?613.Deeplyadv.很,非常;深刻地,深沉地;至深处They love each other deeply.他们彼此深爱。He is deeply in debt now.他现在负债累累。I was deeply impressed with his courage.他的勇气给我留下了深刻的印象。614.Defeatv.击败,战胜n.失败,战败;战胜,击败They refused to admit defeat.他们拒绝承认失败。He admitted his defeat.他承认自己失败了。You can't defeat him without my help.没有我的帮助你无法打败他。615.Defendv.保卫,防御;防守,防卫Can you teach me how to defend myself?你能教我如何为自己辩护吗?We must defend our freedom at all cost.我们必须不惜一切代价捍卫我们的自由。616.Definev.给.…..….下定义,解释;阐明Some words are hard to define.有些词很难定义。Things are not clearly defined.事物没有明确的定义。617.Definiteadj.清晰的,明晰的;确定的 n.确定之事I want you to have a definite plan before you leave.我希望你在离开之前有一个明确的计划。They failed to get any definite information.他们没有得到任何确切的信息。Give me a definite answer.给我一个明确的答案。618.Definitelyadv.肯定地,当然;明确地,确定地He is definitely not a gentleman.他绝对不是绅士。He definitely has enough time to get the job done.他肯定有足够的时间来完成工作。This is definitely the best way.这绝对是最好的方法。619.Definitionn.定义,释义;榜样,典范What is your definition of happiness?你对幸福的定义是什么?The definition doesn't cover all the meanings of the word.该定义并未涵盖该词的所有含义。620.Degreen.度,度数;角度;学位He is working toward a master's degree in engineering.他正在努力攻读工程学硕士学位。She graduated from Cambridge with a degree in law.她毕业于剑桥大学,获得法学学位。
8/11/202415 minutes
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Level 5-Day 36.Robert Runcie 'After the Falklands War' (1)

词汇提示1.goodwill 善意2.rationality 理性3.sect 派别4.nourishing 滋生5.brutality 暴行6.reluctance 不情愿7.distill 提取原文Robert Runcie: 'After the Falklands War' (1)Our hope as Christians is not fundamentally in man's naked goodwill and rationality.We believe that he can overcome the deadly selfishness of class or sect or race by discovering himself as a child of the universal God of love.When a man realizes that he is a beloved child of the Creator of all, then he is ready to see his neighbors in the world as brothers and sisters.That is one reason why those who dare to interpret God's will must never claim him as an asset for one nation or group rather than another.War springs from the love and loyalty which should be offered to God being applied to some God-substitute, one of the most dangerous being nationalism.This is a dangerous world where evil is at work nourishing the mindless brutality,which killed and maimed so many in this city last week.Sometimes,with the greatest reluctance, force is necessary to hold back the chaos which injustice and the irrational element in man threaten to make of the world.But having said that, all is not lost and there is hope.Even in the failure of war there are springs of hope.In that great war play by Shakespeare, Henry V says:'There is some soul of goodness in things evil, would men observingly distill it out.'People are mourning on both sides of this conflict.In our prayers, we shall quite rightly remember those who are bereaved in our own country and the relations of the young Argentinean soldiers who were killed.Common sorrow should do something to reunite those who were engaged in this struggle.As hared anguish can be a bridge of reconciliation.Our neighbors are indeed like us.I have had an avalanche of letters and advice about this service.Some correspondents have asked 'why drag God in?' as if the intention was to wheel up God to endorse some particular policy or attitude rather than another.The purpose of prayer and of services like this is very different and there is hope for the world in the difference.In our prayers we come into the presence of the living God.We come with our very human emotions, pride in achievement and courage, grief at loss and waste.We come as we are and not just mouthing opinions and thanksgiving which the fashion of the moment judges acceptable.As we pour into prayer our mourning, our pride, our shame and our convictions, which will inevitably differ from person to person, if we are really present and really reaching out to God and not just demanding his endorsement, then God is able to work upon us.He is able to deepen and enlarge our compassion and to purify our thanksgiving.The parent who comes mourning the loss of a son may find here consolation, but also a spirit which enlarges our compassion to include all those Argentinean parents who have lost sons.翻译罗伯特·朗西:《马岛战争之后》(1)作为基督徒,我们的希望根本不在于人类赤裸裸的善意和理性。我们相信,他可以克服阶级、教派或种族的致命自私,发现自己是普遍的爱的上帝的孩子。当一个人意识到他是万物创造者心爱的孩子时,他就准备好把世界上的邻居视为兄弟姐妹。这就是为什么那些敢于诠释上帝旨意的人绝不能声称上帝是某个国家或团体的资产而不是另一个国家或团体的资产的原因之一。战争源于对上帝的爱和忠诚,而这种爱和忠诚被用于某些上帝的替代品,最危险的一种是民族主义。这是一个危险的世界,邪恶在滋养着盲目的暴行,上周在这个城市造成了如此多的人死亡和致残。有时,尽管极不情愿,武力是必要的,以阻止不公正和人类非理性因素对世界造成的混乱。但话虽如此,并不是一切都完了,还有希望。即使在战争的失败中也有希望之泉。在莎士比亚的战争剧中,亨利五世说:“在邪恶的事物中也有善良的灵魂,如果人们能敏锐地发现它的话。”冲突双方的人民都在哀悼。在我们的祈祷中,我们将非常正确地记住那些在我们自己的国家失去亲人的人以及被杀害的年轻阿根廷士兵的关系。共同的悲痛应该能使参加这场斗争的人们重新团结起来。共同的痛苦可以成为和解的桥梁。我们的邻居确实和我们一样。我收到了大量关于这项服务的信件和建议。一些记者问:“为什么要把上帝扯进来?”,好像是想让上帝支持某种政策或态度,而不是另一种。祈祷和这样的服务的目的是非常不同的,在这种不同中有对世界的希望。在祷告中,我们来到永生神的面前。我们带着人类的情感而来,为成就和勇气而自豪,为失去和浪费而悲伤。我们就是这样来的,而不仅仅是口口相传的观点和感恩,而这被当下的时尚认为是可以接受的。当我们在祷告中倾注我们的哀恸,我们的骄傲,我们的羞耻和我们的信念时,每个人都不可避免地会有所不同,如果我们真的在场,真的与上帝接触,而不仅仅是要求他的认可,那么上帝就能在我们身上工作。他能加深和扩大我们的同情心,净化我们的感恩。前来哀悼失去儿子的父母可能会在这里找到安慰,但也会找到一种精神,使我们的同情扩大到包括所有失去儿子的阿根廷父母。
8/10/20243 minutes, 23 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part5

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 5: Ben GunnThe next morning we arrived at the island.I remembered Billy Bones's map.'I know there's a house on the island,' I thought. 'But I can't see it from here.'The sailors wanted to leave the ship, but Captain Smollett said, 'Tell the men they can go to the island this afternoon.''What are we going to do?' asked Mr. Trelawney.We must think quickly.'Three of the men on the ship, Hunter, Joyce and Redruth, were Mr. Trelawney's men.He told them about Long John Silver and the pirates and he gave them some guns.Then he spoke to the other men, the pirates.'Men,' he said,'it's a hot day and we're all tired. Take a boat and go to the island. You can come back this evening.'The pirates were happier.Six of them stayed on the Hispaniola and thirteen got into the small boats to go to the island.I quietly got into one of the boats, too.We arrived on the beach and I ran away from the pirates.Long John Silver saw me.'Jim! Jim!' he said.'Come here!'But I did not listen to him. I ran into the trees.I walked about for a time, then I heard the pirates talking angrily. There was some fighting, and one man died.'He didn't want to help them, so they killed him,' I thought, 'They're bad men.'I ran and ran.'How can I get back to the ship?' I thought. 'The pirates are going to kill me, too.'I climbed the hill.Suddenly I saw a man.'Who's this?' I thought. 'He isn't one of our men. Nobody lives on this island.'I began to run back to the beach, but I was tired and the man ran very quickly.I stopped and took out my gun.The man carefully came out of the trees.'Who are you?' I asked.I'm Ben Gunn,' he said. 'I live here. The pirates left me on this island three years ago. What's your name?''Jim,' I told him.'Well, Jim,' he said, 'I'm a very rich man. But tell me, who came in that ship? Is it Flint's ship?''No, it isn't. Flint is dead,' I said. 'But some of his men are on the ship.''Not... not a man with one leg?''Silver?' I asked.'Yes, Silver,' he said. 'Are you a friend of his?''No, I'm not,' I answered. And I told him everything.'Is Mr. Trelawney a good man?' Ben asked. 'Perhaps I can help him.''Yes, he's very good. And I think he can help you, too.''Good,' said Ben Gunn.'But can you help me now?' I asked.' I must get back to the ship.''I've got a little boat,' he said. 'You can use it tonight.'Suddenly we heard the sound of guns.'Listen! they're fighting!' I said.We ran to the beach.We heard more guns,then everything was quiet and a flag went up above the trees.
8/8/20244 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 96A:Did you sleep well?你睡得好吗?B:No, I didn't sleep very well.不,我睡得不太好。A: I thought I heard you tossing and turning in your bed.我好像听到你在床上辗转反侧。B: I was too hot and the mosquitoes were annoying me too.天气太热了,蚊子也很烦。Conversation 97A:What are you doing?你在做什么?B:I'm getting ready for the camping trip.我正在为野营旅行做凖备。A:Have you ever been camping before?你以前野营过吗?B:This is my first time and I'm really looking forward to it.这是我的第一次野营旅行,我很期待。Conversation 98A: If you don't mind, can we postpone our business meeting till next Tuesday?如果您不介意的话,我们可以把商务会议推迟到下周二吗?B:That's fine with me.这对我来说没问题。A: I am still waiting for feedback from my associates and need their data and input.我还在等我同事的反馈,需要他们的数据和意见。B:That suits me too, it will give me more time to think of questions to ask you.这也很适合我,这样我就有更多时间来思考想问的问题。Conversation 99A:Brian, where would you like to go?布莱恩,你想去哪里?B: To the beach!去海边!A:Sounds good. But there's a lot of jellyfish in August. How about going to the mountains?听起来不错。但是八月有好多水母。去山上怎么样?B: I hate hiking in a hot weather. I want to go swimming.我讨厌在天热的时候去徒步旅行。我想去游泳。Conversation 100A:I'm afraid I must be off now.恐怕我现在得走了。B:It's only 8 O'clock.才八点钟。A: I have an exam tomorrow. I should start studying.我明天要考试。我应该开始学习了。B:Good luck!祝你好运!
8/6/20245 minutes, 40 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day61(601-610)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 61601.Debtn.欠款,债务;负债情况;人情债He is deeply in debt now.他现在负债累累。How will you pay your debts?你将如何偿还你的债务?We are trying to reduce our debt.我们正在努力减少债务。602.Decaden.十年,十年期;十进I lost my son about a decade ago.大约十年前我失去了儿子。We have experienced many changes over the last decade.在过去的十年中,我们经历了许多变化。603.Decayv.破败,衰落;衰败;腐烂n.腐烂Salt helps to preserve food from decay.盐有助于保护食物免于腐烂。604.Decembern.十二月She died on a cold night in December.她死于十二月份一个寒冷的夜晚。Their wedding celebration is on December 20th.他们的结婚庆典是在12月20日。605.Decidev.断定,判定;决定,选定;裁决She decided to marry him.她决定嫁给他。They decided to adopt a child.他们决定收养一个孩子。We decided to go to the cinema.我们决定去看电影。She decided to settle permanently in France.她决定在法国永久定居。606.Decisionn.决定,抉择;判决,裁定;果断,决断力;作决定,决策What is your final decision?你的最终决定是什么?It was an easy decision.这是一个容易的决定。We made a quick decision, but it turned out to be a good one.我们很快做出了决定,但事实证明这是一个不错的决定。607.Declarev.宣布,声明;断言,宣称;申报;放弃击球,宣布结束赛局She declared that she was right.她宣称她是对的。Do you have anything to declare?你有什么要申报的吗?608.Declinev.下降,衰退;拒绝,谢绝;变格,词形变化n.减少,衰退She declined to say more about it.她拒绝就此事多说。I declined his invitation to dinner.我拒绝了他的晚餐邀请。609.Decoratev.装饰,装点;粉刷,装修Let's decorate the Christmas tree.让我们来装饰圣诞树。She decorated the wall with pictures.她用图画装饰墙壁。610.Decorationn.装饰,装饰品;勋章,奖章;装潢,装饰风格I study interior decoration.我学习室内装饰。You've done a wonderful job on the interior decoration.你在室内装饰方面做得非常出色。
8/4/202414 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 35.Prince Charles 'Ugly Buildings'(2)

词汇提示1.concrete 混凝土2.stumps 树桩3.municipal 市政的4.siren 汽笛5.demolished 拆除6.layout 布局7.monstrous 巨大的8.carbuncle 痈肿9.Renaissance 文艺复兴10.curves 曲线11.vertical 垂直的原文Prince Charles: 'Ugly Buildings'(2)It would be a tragedy if the character and skyline of our capital city were to be further ruined and St Paul's dwarfed by yet another giant glass stump, better suited to downtown Chicago than the City of London.It is hard to imagine that London before the last war must have had one of the most beautiful skylines of any great city, if those who recall it are to be believed.Those who do, say that the affinity between buildings and the earth, in spite of the city's immense size, was so close and organic that the houses looked almost as though they had grown out of the earth and had not been imposed upon it - grown, moreover, in such a way that as few trees as possible were thrust out of the way.Those who knew it then and loved it, as so many British love Venice without concrete stumps and glass towers, and those who can imagine what it was like, must associate with the sentiments in one of Aldous Huxley's earliest and most successful novels.Antic Hay, where the main character, an unsuccessful architect, reveals a model of London as Christopher Wren wanted to rebuild it after the Great Fire and describes how Wren was so obsessed with the opportunity the fire gave the city to rebuild itself into a greater and more glorious vision.What have we done to it since the bombing during the war?What are we shortly going to do to one of its most famous areas - Trafalgar Square?Instead of designing an extension to the elegant facade of the National Gallery which complements it and continues the concept of columns and domes, it looks as if we may be presented with a kind of vast municipal fire station, complete with the sort of tower that contains the siren.I would understand better this type of High Tech approach if you demolished the whole of Trafalgar Square and started again with a single architect responsible for the entire layout, but what is proposed is like a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much loved and elegant friend.Apart from anything else, it defeats me why anyone wishing to display the early Renaissance pictures belonging to the gallery should do so in a new gallery so manifestly at odds with the whole spirit of that age of astonishing proportion.Why can't we have those curves and arches that express feeling in design?What is wrong with them?Why has everything got to be vertical, straight, unbending, only at right angles -and functional?翻译查尔斯王子:“丑陋的建筑”(二)如果我们首都的特色和天际线进一步被毁,圣保罗大教堂被另一个更适合芝加哥市中心而不是伦敦金融城的巨型玻璃桩所衬托,那将是一场悲剧。如果那些回忆起来的人是可信的,那么很难想象,在上一次大战之前,伦敦一定拥有所有大城市中最美丽的天际线之一。持这种观点的人说,尽管城市规模巨大,但建筑物与土地之间的联系是如此紧密和有机,以至于这些房屋看起来几乎像是从土地中生长出来的,而不是强加给它的——而且,生长的方式尽可能少地阻碍了树木。那些当时了解并热爱它的人,就像许多英国人热爱没有混凝土树桩和玻璃塔的威尼斯一样,那些能想象出它是什么样子的人,一定会联想到奥尔德斯·赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)最早也是最成功的小说之一中的情感。在《安蒂克海》中,主人公是一位不成功的建筑师,他展示了一个伦敦的模型,因为克里斯托弗·雷恩想在大火后重建伦敦,并描述了雷恩是如何痴迷于大火给这座城市带来的重建机会,使其成为一个更伟大、更辉煌的城市。自从战争期间的轰炸以来,我们对它做了什么?我们马上要去它最著名的地区之一——特拉法加广场做些什么呢?而不是设计一个扩展到国家美术馆的优雅的外观,补充它,并继续柱和圆顶的概念,它看起来好像我们可能会看到一种巨大的市政消防站,完成了那种包含警笛的塔。如果你拆除整个特拉法加广场,让一个建筑师负责整个布局,我会更好地理解这种高科技的方法,但提议的东西就像一个可爱而优雅的朋友脸上的巨大红宝石。除此之外,让我感到困惑的是,为什么有人想要展示属于画廊的早期文艺复兴时期的画作,却要在一个与那个时代的整体精神如此明显地格格不入的新画廊里展出。为什么我们不能在设计中使用那些表达情感的曲线和拱门呢?他们怎么了?为什么所有的东西都必须是垂直的,直的,不弯曲的,只有在直角上——而且是功能性的?
8/3/20242 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part4

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 4: Pirates on The ShipMr. Trelawney liked to give the sailors things to make them happy.There was always a big barrel of fruit for them.One night, after I finished my work on the ship, I went to get some fruit from the barrel.Everything was very quiet.I climbed inside the barrel to get the fruit.Suddenly a heavy man sat down next to the barrel.He began to speak.It was Long John Silver.I stayed very quiet.'Yes,' he said.' Flint was our captain. I sailed with him many times. We had one big fight. I lost my leg and Old Pew lost his eyes. I saw a lot of fighting and a lot of treasure,too.''Ah,' said a younger man. 'Flint was a bad man! And where are all Flint's men now?''Most of them are here,' said Silver quietly, 'on this ship. Old Pew's dead. And you, young man,do you want to help us? Do you want to be a pirate?''Yes, I do.''Good,' said Silver.'You're going to be a good pirate.'Then a second man spoke to Long John Silver.It was Israel Hands.'I don't like our captain, John,' he said. 'Let's kill Smollett and the others.''No. We must wait.We must have Captain Smollett to sail the ship,' said Silver. 'And Mr.Trelawney and the doctor have the map. Let them find the treasure first. Then we can kill them. Now get me some fruit from this barrel.'I was very afraid.But then someone said, 'Land!'Everybody ran to seethe island. I waited for a minute, then I climbed out of the barrel and ran, too.The ship was now quite near an island.'Does anybody know this island?' Captain Smollett asked.'I do,' said Silver.'There were a lot of pirates here in the old days. That hill in the center of the island is called the Spy Glass.'Then Captain Smollett showed Silver a map of the island.Silver looked at the map very carefully, but it was not Billy Bones's map.It did not show the treasure.I went to Dr Livesey. 'Can I speak to you please, doctor?' I said.'What is it, Jim?' he asked.Then I told the doctor, Mr. Trelawney and Captain Smollett about Long John Silver.'Most of the sailors are pirates,' I said. 'They want to kill us and take the treasure.''Thank you, Jim,' said Mr. Trelawney. 'And Captain Smollett, you were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry.''Silver is a very clever man,' said the doctor. 'We all liked him.''What are we going to do, captain?' asked Mr. Trelawney.
8/1/20244 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 91A:Are you going to wear the blue or orange shirt?你要穿蓝色的还是橙色的衬衫?B: I haven't decided yet.我还没决定好。A: I think you should go for the blue, it suits you better.我觉得你应该选蓝色的,它更适合你。B:That's what I was thinking too.我也是这么想的。Conversation 92A:Any ideas for the weekend?周末想怎么度过呢?B:How about we go for a road trip?我们自驾游怎么样?A:What's a road trip?什么是自驾游?B: It means driving to different places or different cities.意思是开车去不同的地方或不同的城市。Conversation 93A:What is your favorite kind of music?你最喜欢哪种音乐?B: I like rock music. What about you?我喜欢摇滚音乐。你呢?A: It depends on my mood.这取决于我的心情。B: I feel the same way sometimes.有时候我也有同样的感觉。Conversation 94A:Excuse me, sir. Do you have a minute?对不起,先生。能打扰您几分钟吗?B: I am a little swamped right now. Do you mind waiting for 30 minutes?我现在有点忙。您可以稍等30分钟吗?A:Okay, no problem. I will be back.好的,没问题。我稍候回来。B:Thank you. I appreciate it.谢谢!感谢你。Conversation 95A: Do you have any brothers or sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗?B:Yes, I have two brothers and one sister.是的,我有两个弟弟和一个妹妹。A:Oh, really? By the way, does Lisa have a brother or sister?噢,真的吗?顺便问一下,莉萨有兄弟姐妹吗?B:No, she is an only child.没有,她是独生女。
7/30/20244 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day60(591-600)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 60591.Datan.数据,资料She was hired to do data entry.她受雇做数据录入。There is very little data available.可用的数据很少。The job involves gathering and analysing data.这项工作涉及收集和分析数据。592.Daten.日期,日子;约会;约会对象v.注明日期;确定年代593.Daughtern.女儿 adj.女儿的;子代的Their daughter is a nurse.他们的女儿是一名护士。We have two sons and a daughter.我们有两个儿子和一个女儿。His daughter is growing up rapidly.他的女儿正在迅速成长。594.Dayn.一天;白昼,白天;工作日;时期;如今He exercises twice a day.他每天锻炼两次。We spent the entire day at the beach.我们整天都在沙滩上度过。She advised him to get exercise every day.她建议他每天锻炼身体。595.Deadadj.死的,去世的,用尽的 adv.恰好;完全地Is the mouse dead or alive?老鼠死了还是活着?He has been dead for ten years.他已经死了十年了。We don't know whether he's alive or dead.我们不知道他是活着还是死了。596.Deafadj.聋的;置若罔闻的Helen Keller was blind and deaf.海伦·凯勒既盲又聋。He went deaf as a result of an accident.他因事故失聪了。I'm a bit deaf so you'll have to speak up.我有点聋了所以你得大声说出来。597.Dealn.大量;交易;优惠的价格v.应对,适应What's the deal?这是怎么回事?We can deal with it.我们可以处理它。Initially I found it difficult to deal with my new environment.起初我发现很难适应我的新环境。598.Dearadj.珍视的;亲爱的;昂贵的 n.亲爱的What a dear child!真是个亲爱的孩子!Thank you my dear!谢谢你亲爱的!He is very dear to us.他对我们来说非常亲爱。599.Deathn.死,死亡;破灭,终止;死神I was scared to death.我被吓死了。His death was totally unexpected.他的死完全出乎意料。We were shocked at the news of his death.我们对他去世的消息感到震惊。600.Debaten.讨论,辩论v.斟酌;讨论,辩论Let's end this debate.让我们结束这场辩论。He participated in the debate.他参加了辩论。We will debate this subject at the meeting.我们将在会议上就这个问题进行辩论。
7/28/202415 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 34.Prince Charles 'Ugly Buildings'(1)

词汇提示1.facades 立面2.wholesale 大批的3.undertake  承担4.tenants 租户5.monopoly 垄断6.arches 拱门7.porches 门厅原文Prince Charles: 'Ugly Buildings'(1)At last, people are beginning to see that it is possible, and important in human terms, to respect old buildings, street plans and traditional scales and at the same time not to feel guilty about a preference for facades, ornaments and soft materials.At last, after witnessing the wholesale destruction of Georgian and Victorian housing in most of our cities, people have begun to realize that it is possible to restore old buildings and, what is more, that there are architects willing to undertake such projects.For far too long, it seems to me, some planners and architects have consistently ignored the feelings and wishes of the mass of ordinary people in this country.Perhaps,when you think about if, it is hardly surprising as architects tend to have been trained to design buildings from scratch - to tear down and rebuild...A large number of us have developed a feeling that architects tend to design houses for the approval of fellow architects and critics, not for the tenants.To be concerned about the way people live, about the environment they inhabit and the kind of community that is created by that environment should surely be one of the prime requirements of a really good architect.It has been most encouraging to see the development of community architecture as a natural reaction to the policy of decanting people to new towns and over spill estates where the extended family patterns of support were destroyed and the community life was lost.Now,moreover, we are seeing the gradual expansion of housing cooperatives, particularly in the inner-city areas of Liverpool, where the tenants are able to work with an architect of their own who listens to their comments and their ideas and tries to design the kind of environment they want, rather than the kind which tends to be imposed upon them without any degree of choice...What I believe is important about community architecture is that it has shown ordinary people that their views are worth having; that architects and planners do not necessarily have the monopoly of knowing best about taste, style and planning; that they need not be made to feel guilty or ignorant if their natural preference is for the more traditional designs - for a small garden, for courtyards, arches and porches - and that there is a growing number of architects prepared to listen and to offer imaginative ideas...翻译查尔斯王子:“丑陋的建筑”(一)最后,人们开始认识到,尊重老建筑、街道规划和传统尺度,同时不为对立面、装饰和软材料的偏好感到内疚,这是可能的,也是重要的。最后,在目睹了我们大多数城市中乔治时代和维多利亚时代的房屋被大规模摧毁之后,人们开始意识到修复旧建筑是可能的,而且,有建筑师愿意承担这样的项目。在我看来,长期以来,一些规划师和建筑师一直忽视这个国家普通民众的感受和愿望。也许,当你想到这一点时,这并不奇怪,因为建筑师往往被训练为从零开始设计建筑物-拆除和重建……我们中的很多人都有这样一种感觉:建筑师设计房子的目的往往是为了获得同行建筑师和评论家的认可,而不是为了租户。关心人们的生活方式,他们居住的环境,以及这种环境所创造的社区,当然应该是一个真正优秀的建筑师的主要要求之一。最令人鼓舞的是,社区建筑的发展是对将人们转移到新城镇和溢出的庄园政策的自然反应,在这些政策中,大家庭的支持模式被破坏,社区生活被失去。此外,现在我们看到住房合作社的逐渐扩大,特别是在利物浦的市中心地区,在那里,租户能够与自己的建筑师合作,听取他们的意见和想法,并努力设计他们想要的那种环境,而不是那种没有任何选择的强加在他们身上的环境……我认为社区建筑的重要之处在于,它向普通人展示了他们的观点是值得拥有的;建筑师和规划师并不一定垄断对品味、风格和规划的了解;如果他们天生偏爱更传统的设计——小花园、庭院、拱门和门廊——他们不必感到内疚或无知,而且有越来越多的建筑师准备倾听并提供富有想象力的想法……
7/27/20242 minutes, 24 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part3

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 3: The Sailor with One LegThe next day Mr.Trelawney left for Bristol.“I stayed at home and waited.At last, weeks later, Dr Livesey got a letter from Bristol.Dear Livesey, the ship is ready. Its name is Hispaniola.I found a good man to be our cook on the ship.He's an old sailor and he has an inn here in Bristol.He is going to help me find sailors for our ship.He knows a lot of men here.His name is Long John Silver.He has only one leg.Please send Jim Hawkins to Bristol tomorrow.Trelawney.”I was very excited.The next morning I said goodbye to my mother and started for Bristol.Mr. Trelawney met met here.'When do we sail?' I asked him.'Sail?' he said. 'We sail tomorrow!'I had something to eat, then Mr. Trelawney gave me a letter for Long John Silver at the Spy Glass Inn.There were a lot of sailors in the Spy Glass Inn.I looked round and saw a tall strong man with one leg.'He's Long John Silver,' I thought.'Mr. Silver, sir?'I asked.'Yes, that's my name. And who are you?'I gave him the letter and he took my hand.Suddenly, one of the other men in the inn jumped up and ran to the door.I knew him.It was Black Dog!'Stop him!' I said. 'Stop him! It's Black Dog!''Harry,' said Silver, 'run and catch that man.'A man got up and ran after Black Dog.Long John Silver turned to me."Who was that man?'he asked. 'Black what?''Dog, sir,' I said.'He's a pirate.''A pirate!' said Silver. 'Ben, run and help Harry. You can catch him!'But Ben and Harry came back without Black Dog.'We lost him,' they said.'Well, what is Mr.Trelawney going to think?' said Silver. 'You know, Jim, we did try to catch him. And nobody in the inn knew that he was the pirate Black Dog. Now, Jim,come with me. We're going to see Mr. Trelawney.'Long John Silver walked with me to meet Mr. Trelawney and Dr Livesey.He told them about Black Dog.Mr. Trelawney listened carefully, and then said, 'Well, we can't do anything about Black Dog now.John, tell all the men to come to the ship this afternoon.'The doctor turned tome. 'Come and see the ship, Jim,' he said. And meet our captain, Captain Smollett.'So we went to the Hispaniola.'Well, Captain Smollett,' said Mr. Trelawney, 'I hope everything is ready.''Well, sir,' said the captain, 'it is, but l'm not happy about it. I don't like the sailors.''Oh?' said Mr.Trelawney. He was very angry with the captain.But Dr Livesey said,'Tell me, Captain Smollett. Why are you unhappy?'Well,' said the captain, I don't know where we are going. But all the sailors say we are going to look for treasure. I don't like it. I don't know these men.''Well, what do you want?' asked the doctor.'We must have all the guns in our rooms, sir. And Mr. Trelawney's men must sleep near us, not with the other sailors.''And?' said Mr. Trelawney.'You have a map. Thesailors know about it. Nobody must see that map.''Right, sir,' said Mr.Trelawney. 'We can do that. But I think they're very good men.''Trelawney,' said the doctor later, 'you have two good men, Captain Smollett and Long John Silver.''I don't know about the captain,' said Mr. Trelawney angrily.Then Captain Smollett found me. 'And you, boy, go and help the cook!'We worked all night and in the morning, the ship left Bristol.The Hispaniola was a good ship and we had good weather.The sailors all liked Long John Silver.'In the old days,before he lost his leg, he was a good fighter,' some of them said.' He was always very good to me. '
7/25/20245 minutes, 59 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 86A:Nice talking with you.跟你谈话很愉快。B:Same here.我也一样。A:Are you on Facebook?你在Facebook上吗?B:Yes here is my name to find me.是的,这是我账号名称。Conversation 87A:May I help you?我可以帮您吗?B:I'm looking for the coat.我在找外套。A:How about this one?这个怎么样?B:May I try it on?我可以试穿一下吗?Conversation 88A:What are you doing this weekend?这个周末你计划怎么过?B:I'll be throwing a house party this Sunday. Come and stop by if you can.这周日我要办个家庭派对。如果可以,请你也过来玩。A:Really? I'd love to! What should I bring?真的吗?我很乐意!我应该带些什么呢?B:Nothing. But thanks for asking.不用带东西。不过还是谢谢你。Conversation 89A:Linda, why are you looking so sad?琳达,你为什么看起来那么难过?B:I've lost my favorite piercing.我把我最喜欢的耳环给弄丢了。A:I'm so sorry to hear that! What kind of piercing was it?太遗憾了。那耳环长什么样呢?B: It was a heart-shaped piercing.心形的。Conversation 90A:Well, I have to go soon. Thanks for inviting me over today.我马上就得走了。感谢你今天邀请我过来。B:Absolutely. It was a pleasure!当然。这是我的荣幸!A: It was really fun. Next time, come by my place.今天很开心。下次来我家吧。B:Thank you for the invitation!谢谢你的邀请!
7/23/20244 minutes, 57 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母D day59(581-590)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 59581.dadn.爸爸;爹爹That's the building where my dad works.那是我爸爸工作的大楼。My mom is two years younger than my dad.我妈妈比我爸小两岁。You don't know my dad, do you?你不认识我爸,对吧?582.Dailyadj.每日的,日常的;一天的 adv.每日,每天;日常地He practices yoga daily.他每天练习瑜伽。I'm fed up with my daily routine.我已经厌倦了我的日常工作。The museum is open daily throughout the year.博物馆全年每天开放。583.Damagen.&v.损坏,损失;损害;费用The storm didn't cause any damage.暴风雨没有造成任何伤害。Smoking can seriously damage your health.吸烟会严重损害你的健康。I don't think there's any significant damage.我认为没有任何重大损害。584.Dampadj.潮湿的 n.湿气,潮气 v.使潮湿,弄湿The damp weather affects his health.潮湿的天气会影响他的健康。Don't put that damp towel into the bag.不要把那条湿毛巾放进袋子里。Clean the window with a damp cloth.用湿布清洁窗户。585.Dancev.跳舞;跳跃,摆动,摇晃;n.舞蹈,舞步Who taught you how to dance?谁教你跳舞?Who is your dance partner?你的舞伴是谁?Would you like to dance with me?你想和我一起跳舞吗?586.Dancern.舞蹈家;舞蹈演员;舞女;跳舞者I want to become a ballet dancer.我想成为一名芭蕾舞演员。He wants to be the best dancer in his class.他想成为班上最好的舞者。She is a professional dancer.她是一名职业舞蹈演员。587.Dangern.危险,风险;威胁,危险因素The church roof is in danger of collapse.教堂的屋顶有倒塌的危险。A red sign usually indicates danger.红色标志通常表示危险。Do you realize the danger you're in?你意识到自己所处的危险吗?588.Dangerousadj.危险的,有威胁的He is a dangerous opponent.他是一个危险的对手。This insect is tiny, but very dangerous.这种昆虫很小,但非常危险。It is dangerous to swim here.在这里游泳很危险。It is a dangerous aggressive dog.这是一条危险好斗的狗。589.Darev.激,激将;敢于,胆敢n.挑战,激将I dare say he is right.我敢说他是对的。How dare you speak like this?你怎么敢这样说话?I dare you to say that again.你敢再说一遍吗。590.Darkadj.黑暗的,昏暗的;深色的;恐怖的,悲惨的Let's go back to camp, it's getting dark.我们回营地吧,天黑了。He was tall and thin, with dark hair.他又高又瘦,有着黑头发。There is a contrast between light and dark.明暗之间存在对比。
7/21/202417 minutes, 28 seconds
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Level 5-Day 33.Eisenhower 'The Military-Industrial Complex' (3)

词汇提示1.ultimate 最终的2.yearn 渴求3.scourge 灾难原文Dwight D. Eisenhower: 'The Military-Industrial Complex' (3)Happily, I can say that war has been avoided.Steady progress toward our ultimate goal has been made.But so much remains to be done.As a private citizen, I shall never cease to do what little I can to help the world advance along that road.So, in this, my last "good night" to you as your president, I thank you for the many opportunities you have given me for public service in war and in peace.I trust that, in that service, you find some things worthy.As for the rest of it, I know you will find ways to improve performance in the future.To all the peoples of the world, I once more give expression to America's prayerful and continuing aspiration:We pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied;  that those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full;that all who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings;that those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities;that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity;that the scourges of poverty, disease, and ignorance will be made to disappear from the earth;and that in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love.Now,on Friday noon, I am to become a private citizen.I am proud to do so.I look forward to it.Thank you, and good night.翻译德怀特·d·艾森豪威尔:“军工复合体”(三)令人高兴的是,我可以说战争已经避免了。我们朝着最终目标稳步前进。但仍有许多工作要做。作为一名普通公民,我将永远尽我所能帮助世界沿着这条道路前进。因此,在此,作为你们的总统,我向你们说最后一声“晚安”。我感谢你们给了我许多机会,无论在战争时期还是在和平时期为公众服务。我相信,在这份工作中,你会发现一些值得做的事情。至于其他的,我知道你将来会找到提高表现的方法。对世界各国人民,我再次表达美国虔诚而持久的愿望:我们祈祷,所有信仰、所有种族、所有国家的人民,他们伟大的人类需求都能得到满足;使那些现在被剥夺了机会的人将来能充分地享受它;让所有渴望自由的人都能体验到精神上的幸福;那些拥有自由的人也会理解自由的重大责任;凡对别人的需要漠不关心的人,都要学会仁爱;使贫穷、疾病和无知的祸害从地球上消失;假以时日,各国人民将在相互尊重和爱的约束力的保障下共同生活在和平之中。现在,星期五中午,我将成为一名普通公民。我为此感到自豪。我很期待。谢谢大家,晚安。
7/20/20241 minute, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part2

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 2: Flint's MapA week later, the captain came down and sat in his usual chair.I went outside the inn and looked up and down the road.I saw another man on the road.He wore a long black coat and he walked very slowly.'He can't see,'I thought.The man arrived in front of the inn and turned his face to me. 'Can you tell me, please, where I am?'I told him.He listened carefully ;'You're young,' he said. 'Take my hand, my young friend, and take me inside.'He took my hand, He was very strong.'Now my young friend,' he said, 'take me to the captain. Quickly! I can break your arm.'When the captain saw the man, he did not move.The man put something into the captain's hand and then left the inn.The captain looked at the black paper in his hand.Then he read the words on it.'Ten o'clock!They're coming at ten o'clock,' he said. 'We've got six hours!'He tried to stand up, but he was too ill.I ran for my mother,but it was too late.When we came back the captain was dead on the floor.My mother and I went to the village, but the people there did not want to help us.They were too afraid.Our friend the doctor was away.Nobody could help us.'I must get my money from the captain's box,' my mother said. 'It's our money.'We opened the box.There were some old coats and shirts and a bag of money.My mother began to take the money.'Quickly!' I said. 'It's nearly ten o'clock.'It was a cold night,and very quiet.Suddenly, I heard a sound on the road.Then I heard someone stop outside the inn.We waited, but then everything was quiet again.Nothing moved.'Quickly, mother!' I said. 'Take all the captain's money.''No,' she said. 'I don't want it all.'Then we heard someone again, outside the front door.'Let's go without the money,'my mother said.I took an envelope from the captain's box.  'I'm going to take this,' I said.We left the inn very quietly through the backdoor.We heard men running along the road to the inn.We stopped behind some trees and watched the men.There were seven or eight of them, all pirates.They broke down the door of the inn and ran inside.'Bill's dead!'someone said.'Open his box!' a second man said.'Flint's map!Where's Flint's map?''We can't find it!''It's not here!''It's those people at the inn - it's that boy! The boy's got the map. Find them, boys!'The men moved quickly.They looked into every room in the inn.'Listen!' one of them said. 'Someone's coming! We must run!''No, find the boy!He's near here somewhere, I know.'Then I heard a gun.The pirates heard it too, and began to run away.We waited for a minute or two and then we went back to the inn.'What did the pirates want?' a man from the village asked me. 'Did they find the captain's money?''Yes,' I said. 'But I think they wanted this.' I showed him the envelope. 'I think there's a map inside it.''You must take it to Mr.Trelawney,'he told me.When I arrived at Mr.Trelawney's house, Dr Livesey was there.'Hello Jim, what is it?' he asked.I told him about the pirates.'Let's see that map,' the doctor said. 'But first, Mr. Trelawney, what do you know about Captain Flint?''Flint?' said Mr.Trelawney. 'He was a famous pirate and a very bad man. Everybody was afraid of Captain Flint. But he's dead now.''Money!' said Mr.Trelawney. 'He was the richest pirate in the West Indies.'Then perhaps this map shows where Captain Flint's treasure is,' said the doctor.'What?' said Mr.Trelawney.Then I must buy a ship and we can all go and look for the treasure.'The doctor opened the map very carefully.It was a map of an island.There was some writing on the map.It said: 'Treasure here'.Mr. Trelawney and the doctor were excited.'Livesey!' said Mr.Trelawney. 'Tomorrow I'm going to Bristol. I'm going to buy a ship and find sailors.Jim, you and Dr Livesey are going to come with me to look for the treasure!'
7/18/20246 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 81A:What's up?出了什么事?B:Sorry, I broke the plate.对不起,我把盘子打破了。A: No problem, it was not a special one.没关系,这不是什么特别的东西。B: I still feel bad, I'd like to replace it.我还是感到很难过,我想换掉它。Conversation 82A:Look what I bought today?看看我今天买了什么。B:Oh, it looks very good on you.哦,你穿起来真好看。A:Thank you.谢谢!B: I'd like to buy a new one too.我也想买一件新的。Conversation 83A:When do you get up every day?你每天几点起床?B: I usually get up at about 6 o'clock.我通常6点左右起床。A: Do you get up that early on the weekends too?你周末也起得那么早吗?B:No, I usually have another hour or two of sleep then.不,我通常会再睡一两个小时。Conversation 84A:How can I reach you?我怎么联系到您呢?B:You may contact me by telephone or email or by WhatsApp App on my cellphone.您可以通过电话或邮件联系我,也可以通过WhatsApp与我联系。A:What would be the best time to call you, I want to speak to you personally.什么时候给您打电话最合适?我想亲自跟您通话。B:Give me a call between 10 am and midday, that will be the best time.上午10点到中午给我打电话最好。Conversation 85A:Excuse me. Is this seat taken?打扰一下。这位子有人坐吗?B:No. it isn't.没有。A:Would you mind moving over one, so my wife and I can sit together?你介意挪过去一个座位吗?这样我和我的妻子就可以坐在一起。B:No, not at all.好的,没问题。
7/16/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day58(571-580)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 58571.Curiousadj.好奇的,求知欲强的;稀奇的He's a curious boy who always questions.他是个好奇心强的男孩,总是问问题。He still has a curious and youthful spirit.他仍然有一种好奇和年轻的精神。572.Curlv.弯曲,卷曲;盘绕n.卷发I curl the paper.我把纸卷起来。She keeps her hair in curls.她留着卷发。573.Currentadj.现行的,当前的;流行的 n.水流,气流;电流I'm satisfied with my current income.我对目前的收入感到满意。The boat is going against the current.这艘船正在逆流而行。574.Currentlyadv.现时,当前How many people are currently working for you?目前有多少人在为你工作?We'recurrently working on that problem.我们目前正在研究这个问题。Many young people in Vietnam are currently unemployed.目前,越南有许多年轻人失业。575.Curtainn.窗帘,门帘;帘状物,开幕,落幕Could you please pull the curtain aside?你能把窗帘拉到一边吗?Let's hide behind the curtain.让我们躲在窗帘后面。She pulled the curtain aside.她把窗帘拉到一边。576.Curven.曲线;转弯,弯道v.弯曲,呈曲线形adj.弯曲的This road curves gently to the right.这条路慢慢向右拐。The road curves gently toward the lake.这条路慢慢地向湖边拐弯。That's a dangerous curve. There've been many accidents there.这是一条危险的弯道。那里发生过很多事故。577.Customn.风俗,习俗;光顾;adj.定做的,量身设计的Each region has its own customs.每个地区都有自己的风俗习惯。He is very proud of his custom bike.他为自己的定制自行车感到非常自豪。578.Customern.顾客;(某一类型的)家伙He is a tough customer.他是一个强硬的客户。Why don't you call customer service?你为什么不打电话给客服?Please call customer service for help.请致电客户服务寻求帮助。579.Cutv.切,割,砍,剪,削,剁;削减;删减I need to get a hair cut.我得去剪头发。Where did you get your haircut?你在哪里剪头发?He cut the advertisement out of the newspaper.他把报纸上的广告剪掉了。580.Cyclen.自行车,摩托车;循环;自行车骑行v.骑自行车;循环Every product has a life cycle.每个产品都有一个生命周期。Usually I cycle or get the bus to work.通常我骑自行车或者乘坐公共汽车上班。
7/14/202413 minutes, 43 seconds
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Level 5-Day 32.Eisenhower 'The Military-Industrial Complex' (2)

词汇提示1.alert 警觉的2.meshing 结合3.solitary 独自地 抵押5.disarmament 裁军6.definite 明确的原文Dwight D. Eisenhower: 'The Military-Industrial Complex' (2)We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.We should take nothing for granted.Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.Akin to and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture has been the technological revolution during recent decades.In this revolution research has become central.It also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly.A steadily increasing share is conducted for by, or at the direction of the federal government.Today the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists, in laboratories and testing fields.In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research.Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity.For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time.As we peer into society's future, we-you and I, and our government-must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow.We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage.We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.Such a confederation must be one of equals.The weakest must come to the conference table with the same confidence as do we, protected as we are by our moral, economic, and military strength.That table, though scarred by many past frustrations, cannot be abandoned for the certain agony of the battlefield.Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative.Together we must learn how to compose differences-not with arms but with intellect and decent purpose.Because this need is so sharp and apparent, I confess that I lay down my official responsibilities in this field with a definite sense of disappointment.As one who has witnessed the horror and the lingering sadness of war, as one who knows that another war could utterly destroy this civilization which has been so slowly and painfully built over thousands of years, I wish I could say tonight that a lasting peace is in sight.翻译德怀特·d·艾森豪威尔:“军工复合体”(二)我们绝不能让这种结合的重压危及我们的自由或民主进程。我们不应该想当然。只有警惕和知识渊博的公民才能迫使庞大的工业和军事防御机器与我们的和平方法和目标适当地结合起来,这样安全和自由才能共同繁荣。近几十年来的技术革命与我们的工业军事态势的彻底变化类似,并在很大程度上负责。在这场革命中,研究已成为中心。它也变得更加形式化、复杂和昂贵。一个稳步增长的份额是由联邦政府或在联邦政府的指导下进行的。如今,在实验室和测试领域里,科学家们组成的工作队已经让那些在自己的商店里修修补补的孤独发明家黯然失色。同样,自由大学,历史上自由思想和科学发现的源泉,在研究行为方面也经历了一场革命。部分由于所涉及的巨大成本,政府合同实际上已经成为求知欲的替代品。每块旧黑板对应着数百台新的电子计算机。保持平衡的另一个因素是时间的因素。当我们展望社会的未来时,我们——你和我,还有我们的政府——必须避免只为今天而活的冲动,避免为了我们自己的安逸和方便而掠夺明天的宝贵资源。我们不能抵押子孙后代的物质财富,而不冒着失去他们的政治和精神遗产的风险。我们希望民主能够代代相传,而不是成为明日无力偿债的幻影。这样的联盟必须是平等的联盟。最弱小的国家必须带着和我们一样的信心来到谈判桌,因为我们受到道德、经济和军事实力的保护。这张桌子虽然因过去的许多挫折而伤痕累累,但不能因为战场上的某种痛苦而放弃。在相互尊重和信任的情况下进行裁军是一项持续的必要任务。我们必须共同学习如何消除分歧——不是用武力,而是用智慧和正当的目的。由于这种需要是如此尖锐和明显,我承认,我怀着明确的失望心情辞去了我在这一领域的正式职责。作为一个目睹了战争的恐怖和持续不断的悲伤的人,作为一个知道另一场战争可能会彻底摧毁这个经过数千年缓慢而痛苦地建立起来的文明的人,我希望今晚我能说,持久和平近在眼前。
7/13/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part1

Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson原文Chapter 1: Jim Hawkins' Story IMy father had an inn near the sea.It was a quiet place.One day, an old man came to our door.He was tall and strong, and his face was brown.His old blue coat was dirty and he had a big old box with him.He looked at the inn, then he looked at the sea.My father came to the door.At first the old man did not speak.He looked again at the sea, and at the front of the inn.'I like this place,'he said. 'Do many people come here?''No,' said my father.'I'm going to stay here,' said the old man. 'I want a bed and food. I like watching the sea and the ships. You can call me Captain.'He threw some money on the table.'That's for my bed and my food,' he said.And so the old captain came to stay with us.He was always quiet.In the evenings he sat in the inn and in the day he watched the sea and the ships.One day he spoke tome.'Come here, boy,' he said, and he gave me some money.'Take this, and look out for a sailor with one leg.'He was afraid of that sailor with one leg.I was afraid too.I looked for the man with one leg, but I never saw him.Then winter came,and it was very cold.My father was ill,and my mother and I worked very hard.Early one January morning, the captain went to the beach.I helped my mother to make the captain's breakfast.The door opened and a man came in.His face was very white and he had only three fingers on his left hand.I could see that he was a sailor.'Can I help you?' I asked.The man looked at the captain's breakfast table.'Is this table for my friend Bill?' he asked.'I don't know your friend Bill,' I said. 'It's the captain's table.''The captain?' he said. 'Well, they sometimes call my friend Bill the Captain. Is he here in the house?''No. He's out,'I said.The man sat down and waited for the captain.Then the captain came into the room.He went to his table and sat down.The captain turned round quickly.His face went white.Suddenly, he looked old and ill.'Come, Bill, you know me. You know an old friend, Bill,' said the man.'Black Dog!' said the captain.'Yes,' said the man.'It's me, Black Dog. I wanted to see my old friend Billy.''Well, here I am,'said the captain. 'What do you want?''I want to talk to you, Bill,' Black Dog said.The captain looked at me.'Leave the room,boy,' he said, 'and don't listen at the door.'They talked for along time.Then I heard them talking angrily.'No, no, no!' said the captain.There was a fight and then Black Dog ran out of the house.The captain's face was white.'I must get out of here!'he said.I ran to get him a drink.I came back and found the captain on the floor.His eyes were closed.Our doctor, Dr Livesey, came and looked at the old captain.'He's very ill,'said the doctor.The captain opened his eyes and looked at the doctor.'Where's Black Dog?'he asked.'There's no Black Dog here,' said the doctor.'Now, Billy Bones,you must...''Billy Bones?' said the captain. 'My name's not Billy Bones.''Oh?' said the doctor. 'Oh, yes. It's the name of a famous pirate.'We put the old captain in his bed.'He must stay in his bed for a week,' said the doctor. 'He's very ill.'At twelve o'clock I went to see the captain in his room.'What did the doctor say?'he asked.You must stay in bed for a week,' I told him.'Too late!' he said.'You remember Black Dog. He's a bad man, but there are worse men than Black Dog. They want my old box. You must look out for sailors. You must look out for Flint's men.'Then the captain closed his eyes.But I didn't lookout for sailors, because my father died that night.I was too sad to think about the captain.
7/11/20245 minutes, 58 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 76A:How did you spend your holiday?你假期怎么过的?B: I went climbing with my friends.我和朋友去爬山了。A:Where did you go?你们去哪儿了?B: We went to the mountains north of the big lake.我们去了大湖以北的山。Conversation 77A:The TV is too quiet, can you turn it up?电视太安静了,你能开大点声吗?B:With pleasure.乐意为你效劳。A:Thank you so much, it's perfect.谢谢你,真是太好了。B: I had it quieter as you were having a little sleep!你刚才睡觉的时候,我把音量调低了。Conversation 78A:Susan is not in. May I take a message for her?苏珊不在。我可以给她带个口信吗?B:Yes, please.好的,谢谢。A:Could you tell her that the flowers she ordered will be delivered on Saturday?你能告诉她,她订购的鲜花将在周六送达吗?B: I will do so as soon as she returns.她一回来我就告诉她。Conversation 79A: Do you have a cold?你感冒了吗?B: I might. I have a throat ache, and a runny nose.有可能。我嗓子疼,还流鼻涕。A:Have you checked your fever?测了体温没?B: I haven't yet. But I do feel a bit feverish.还没有。不过确实感觉有点发烧。Conversation 80A: Do you eat breakfast every day?你每天都吃早餐吗?B:Yes, I eat breakfast every day.是的,我每天都吃早餐。A:What do you eat?吃什么呢?B:Toast, coffee, and salad when I have time.吃烤面包、咖啡,有时间的话,还吃些色拉。
7/9/20245 minutes, 5 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day57(561-570)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 57561.Crownn.王冠,冕;王位,王权v.为…..…加冕The king always wears a crown.国王总是戴着王冠。This book is about a king who loses his crown.这本书讲述的是一位失去王冠的国王。562.Crucialadj.至关重要的,决定性的It is crucial that you get regular exercise if you want to lose weight.如果你想减肥,定期运动是至关重要的。Knowing how to use a computer is a crucial skill in today's professional job market.在当今的专业就业市场中,知道如何使用计算机是一项至关重要的技能。563.Crueladj.残酷的,残忍的;引起痛苦的She has a cruel fate.她有一个残酷的命运。He was very hurt by her cruel words.她残酷的话让他受了很大的伤害。How could you be so cruel?你怎么会这么残酷?564.Crushv.压坏,挤压变形n.热恋,迷恋Do you have a crush on Mary?你对玛丽有好感吗?Everybody can see that he has a crush on her.每个人都可以看出他迷恋她。565.Cryv. 哭,哭泣n.叫声,哭声;大喊She tried to comfort him, but he kept crying.她试图安慰他,但他还是哭个不停。As soon as she saw me, she started to cry.她一看见我,她就开始哭了。566.Culturaladj.文化的,艺术的,文艺的I think that cultural exchanges are important.我认为文化交流很重要。567.Culturen.文化,文明;艺术活动In our culture, it is rude to ask someone how much they earn.在我们的文化中,问别人赚多少钱是不礼貌的。I am interested in studying German culture.我有兴趣学习德国文化。His music reflects his interest in African culture.他的音乐反映了他对非洲文化的兴趣。568.Cupn.杯子;一杯;杯;奖杯He ordered a cup of coffee.他点了一杯咖啡。Would you like a cup of milk?你想要一杯牛奶吗?She is going downstairs to take a cup of coffee.她要下楼去喝杯咖啡。569.Cupboardn.橱柜,衣柜;壁橱;小储藏室She put a box in that cupboard.她在那个橱柜里放了一个盒子All of the money in the cupboard was stolen.橱柜里的所有钱都被偷走了。My mom has just bought a new cupboard.我妈妈刚买了一个新橱柜。570.Curen.药物,疗法;治愈v.治愈Doctors did everything they could to cure him.医生竭尽全力治愈他。Scientists haven't found a cure for cancer yet.科学家们还没有找到治愈癌症的方法。
7/7/202413 minutes, 51 seconds
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Level 5-Day 31.Eisenhower 'The Military-Industrial Complex' (1)

词汇提示1.military 军事的2.farewell 告别的3.holocausts 大屠杀4.preeminence杰出优秀5.prestige 声望6.mighty 强大的7.plowshares 犁铧8.conjunction 结合9.imperative 必要的原文Dwight D. Eisenhower: 'The Military-Industrial Complex' (1)This evening,I come to you with a message of leave-taking and farewell, and to share a few final thoughts with you, my countrymen...We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations three of these involved our own country.Despite these holocausts America is today the strongest, the most influential, and most productive nation in the world.Understandably proud of this preeminence, we yet realize that America's leadership and prestige depend, not merely upon our unmatched material progress, riches, and military strength, but on how we use our power in the interests of world peace and human betterment.A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment.Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor maybe tempted to risk his own destruction.Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime or, indeed, by the fighting men of World War Il or Korea.Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry.American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well.But we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense.We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions.Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment.We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.Now,this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual - is felt in every city,every statehouse, every office of the federal government.We recognize the imperative need for this development.Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.翻译德怀特·d·艾森豪威尔:“军工复合体”(一)今晚,我要向你们告别,并与你们分享一些最后的想法,我的同胞们……我们现在站在一个世纪中期的十年过去了,这个世纪见证了大国之间的四次主要战争,其中三次涉及我们自己的国家。尽管经历了这些浩劫,美国今天仍是世界上最强大、最有影响力和最具生产力的国家。可以理解,我们对这种卓越感到自豪,但我们也认识到,美国的领导地位和威望不仅取决于我们无与伦比的物质进步、财富和军事实力,还取决于我们如何利用我们的力量为世界和平和人类福祉服务。维持和平的一个重要因素是我们的军事机构。我们的武器必须强大,随时准备立即行动,这样就不会有潜在的侵略者冒着毁灭自己的危险。我们今天的军事组织与和平时期我的任何一位前任所知道的,甚至与第二次世界大战或朝鲜战争的战士所知道的,几乎没有什么关系。在最近的世界冲突之前,美国没有军备工业。随着时间的推移和需要,美国的犁头制造商也可以制造剑。但我们不能再冒国防紧急应变的风险。我们被迫建立一个规模庞大的永久性军备工业。除此之外,还有350万男女直接参与国防建设。我们每年仅在军事安全上的开支就超过了美国所有公司的净收入。现在,庞大的军事机构和庞大的武器工业的结合在美国是新的经验。所有的影响——经济的、政治的,甚至精神上的——在每个城市、每个州议会、联邦政府的每个办公室都能感受到。我们认识到这一发展的迫切需要。然而,我们必须理解它的严重影响。我们的劳动、资源、生计都牵涉其中;我们的社会结构也是如此。在政府委员会中,我们必须防止军工复合体获得不必要的影响力,无论是有意的还是无意的。错位的权力带来灾难性崛起的可能性存在并将持续下去。
7/6/20242 minutes, 28 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part12(story18)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.glassware 玻璃器皿2.sumptuous 豪华的3.wounds 伤口4.cellar 地窖5.bait 诱饵6.witch 巫婆7.hoax 骗局原文Story 18: The Barber's Tale of His Fifth BrotherThe Barber told the Caliph the tale of his fifth brother Al-Nashshar.His nickname was the Babbler.Both of his ears were cut off.The Barber told the Caliph that when their father died, he left the brothers 700 dirhams to share.The fifth brother did not know what to do with his share so he bought 100 dirhams worth of glassware.He planned to sell them for a profit, and use the profit to buy more items to sell.The brother sat on a bench at the foot of a wall, and put his glassware on display.He daydreamed in detail about how he would gain riches.He thought to himself in detail, "I will buy merchandise and jewels, I will buy a house and slaves, I will marry the daughters of Kings and Wazirs."He imagined how he would even ignore his wife on their wedding night, showing how important he was.She would beg for his attention saying, "Oh! Look at me my husband, heal my broken spirit."In his deep daydream he kicked his foot up and knocked over all of his glassware.Everything broke.He was left with nothing.He cried and hid his face.A beautiful lady was passing by and took pity on him.She gave him 500 dirhams.When he was home later that evening, an old lady knocked on his door.She asked him if she could enter his home to wash and prepare herself for prayer.When she was about to leave, he offered her 2 dirhams.She said, "I am not a beggar. I don't need it"She said she was servant of the rich lady who had had given him money earlier that day.She invited him to come and meet the beautiful and wealthy lady.She said that he should bring all of his gold and riches with him to make a good impression.He entered a large room, with wonderful carpets and curtains.The young lady met him, wearing sumptuous clothes. She sat and talked with him before saying, "Stay here, I will be right back."Next a large black slave entered, who questioned why he was there, and whipped and beat him.After he finished beating him, he asked, "Where is the salt girl?"A servant girl who held a large tray of salt came in.The slave girl rubbed the salt into my brother's wounds.He called for "cellar-guardian", She had him tossed into a cellar full of dead bodies.After two days, he was able to move and was able to sneak away.He followed the old lady and saw how she tricked one man after another, in the same way he was tricked.He disguised himself as rich Persian and asked her, with a foreign accent, "I'ma stranger to this city. Do you know where I can weigh my 1,100 dinars?"She took the bait and invited him to her home, where the young lady and slave were waiting.When the large black slave came, he grabbed his sword and killed him.He then called out, "Salt girl, where are you?"When she came, he took the sword and killed her, too.He called out, "Cellar-guardian, where are you?"When the old lady came, my brother said, "Do you know who I am, you old witch?"She said that she did not know him.He told her who he was and about the 500 gold pieces.She pleaded for her life.He took the sword and killed her.He found the young lady and she begged for her life.He asked her why she did such deceptive things?She said that she was tricked by the old lady and the slave, too.She told my brother that for three years she was forced to be part of their game and tricks.He believed her and asked her, "Is there anything valuable in this house?"She said yes, but it was so much that he would need ten men to carry it out.So,he hired help and when he returned, the girl was gone and nothing was left in the house.He knew then he was a victim of her hoax.He stayed at the house, but the next morning 20 soldiers came saying, "The Governor wants you!"He offered them money but they refused.They grabbed him and took him to the Governor.He told the Governor everything that happened to him.The Governor showed him mercy and said, "Leave this city or I will hang you."When my brother was travelling outside of the city he was attacked by thieves and they cut off his ears.The barber told the Caliph that when he heard this story, about his brother, he found his brother and secretly took care of him.翻译故事十八:理发师关于他第五个兄弟的故事理发师给哈里发讲了他第五个哥哥阿尔-纳什沙的故事。他的外号叫胡言乱语者。他的两只耳朵都被割掉了。理发师告诉哈里发,当他们的父亲去世时,他留给兄弟们七百迪拉姆分享。老五不知道该拿那份钱怎么办,就买了价值一百迪拉姆的玻璃器皿。他打算把它们卖掉赚钱,然后用赚来的钱买更多的东西来卖。哥哥坐在墙脚边的长凳上,把他的玻璃器皿拿出来展示。他详细地做着如何发财的白日梦。他仔细地想:“我要买商品和珠宝,买房子和奴隶,娶国王和高官的女儿。”他想象着在新婚之夜,他甚至会忽略他的妻子,这表明他是多么重要。她会乞求他的注意,说:“哦!看着我,我的丈夫,治愈我破碎的心灵。”在深沉的白日梦中,他把脚踢翻了,把所有的玻璃器皿都打翻了。一切都坏了。他一无所有。他哭了起来,捂住了脸。一位漂亮的女士路过,很同情他。她给了他五百迪拉姆。那天晚上他回家后,一位老太太敲了他的门。她问他是否可以到他家里洗洗,准备祈祷。当她准备离开时,他给了她2迪拉姆。她说:“我不是乞丐。我不需要。”她说她是那天早些时候给他钱的那位富婆的仆人。她邀请他去见这位美丽而富有的女士。她说他应该带上所有的黄金和财富,给人留下好印象。他走进一间大房间,铺着漂亮的地毯和窗帘。那位年轻的女士迎接了他,她穿着华丽的衣服。她坐下来和他聊了一会儿,然后说:“待在这儿,我马上回来。”接着,一个高大的黑人奴隶走了进来,问他为什么在那里,用鞭子抽打他。打了他一顿后,他问:“卖盐的女孩在哪里?”一个丫鬟端着一大盘盐走了进来。那个女奴把盐撒在我哥哥的伤口上。他叫来“地窖守卫”,她把他扔进了一个满是尸体的地窖。两天后,他能够移动并且能够偷偷溜走。他跟着老妇人,看到她是如何一个接一个地欺骗男人,就像他被欺骗一样。他把自己伪装成富有的波斯人,带着外国口音问她:“我对这个城市不熟。你知道我在哪里可以称一下我的一千一百第纳尔吗?”她上钩了,邀请他去她家,年轻的女士和奴隶都在那里等着他。当那个高大的黑奴走过来时,他抢过他的剑杀死了他。然后他喊道:“盐姑娘,你在哪里?”当她来的时候,他拿起剑把她也杀了。他喊道:“守酒窖的人,你在哪儿?”当老妇人来了,我哥哥说:“你知道我是谁吗,你这个老巫婆?”她说她不认识他。他告诉她自己是谁,还有那五百枚金币的事。她恳求饶她一命。他拿起剑杀了她。他找到了那位年轻女士,她求他饶她一命。他问她为什么要做这种骗人的事?她说她也被老太太和奴隶骗了。她告诉我哥哥,三年来,她被迫成为他们的游戏和诡计的一部分。他相信了,就问她说:“这房子里有什么贵重的东西吗?”她回答了,但那东西太多了,他需要十个人来搬。所以,他雇了帮手,当他回来的时候,女孩已经走了,房子里什么都没有留下。他知道他是她骗局的受害者。他呆在房子里,但是第二天早上二十个士兵来了,说:“总督找你!”他要给他们钱,但他们拒绝了。他们抓住他,把他带到总督那里。他把发生在他身上的一切都告诉了总督。总督就怜悯他,说,离开这城,不然我就把你吊死。当我哥哥在城外旅行时,他遭到了小偷的袭击,他们割掉了他的耳朵。理发师告诉哈里发,当他听到这个关于他兄弟的故事时,他找到了他的兄弟,并秘密地照顾他。
7/4/20245 minutes, 28 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 71A:This coat is really warm. How much does it cost?这件外套真的很暖和。多少钱呢?B:It's not as expensive as you would think. It costs $30.没有你想的那么贵。它的售价是30美元。A:That's a good price.这个价格不错。B: I was lucky to find it.我很幸运找到了它。Conversation 72A:What do you want to eat?你想吃什么?B:It's up to you.由你决定。A: I am in the mood for noodles and vegetables.我想吃面条和蔬菜。B:That sounds fine for me too.对我来说也不错Conversation 73A:Hello. I called but it went to voicemail.您好。我打过电话,但转到语音信箱了。B:Sorry, I was tied up with something.抱歉,之前有些忙。A: No problem I will send you an e-mail.没关系,我会给您发送电子邮件。B:Thanks. I will get back as soon as can.谢谢。我会尽快回复您。Conversation 74A: Do you have this sweater in medium?这种毛衣有中号的吗?B:I'm sorry. It's out of stock.抱歉。缺货了。A:Are you going to restock?你们会再进货吗?B: We don't have any plans to restock.我们没有计划要补货。Conversation 75A:What do you like to do in your spare time?你有空时喜欢做什么?B: I like playing video games.我喜欢玩电子游戏。A: I can't keep up with the speed of most of the games I've tried.我试过很多电子游戏,大多数我都跟不上速度。B: I will send you some easier and slower ones to try.我给你寄一些简单和慢速一点的,你可以试试。
7/2/20245 minutes, 17 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day56(551-560)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 56551.Creditn.信用,信贷,赊购v.把钱存入Can I pay by credit card?我能用信用卡付款吗?Can I use a credit card for payment?我可以使用信用卡付款吗?He usually uses credit cards instead of cash.他通常用信用卡,不用现金。552.Crimen.罪,罪行;犯罪,犯罪活动;可耻行为They commit a serious crime.他们犯了严重的罪行。There is an alarming increase in crime these years.这些年来,犯罪率惊人地增加。He is the victim of a terrible crime.他是一场可怕罪行的受害者。553.Crisisn.危机,紧要关头;关键时刻We'rein the middle of a crisis.我们正处于危机之中。We suffered heavy losses in the financial crisis我们在金融危机中蒙受了沉重的损失There was a financial crisis in 2009.2009年发生了金融危机。554.Criticaladj.批判的;关键的;严重的;病重的I can't understand why you are so critical of him.我不明白你为什么这么批评他。Why are you always so critical?你为什么总是这么挑剔?Capital is a critical ingredient for the success of a business.资本是企业成功的关键因素。555.Criticismn.批评,批判;意见;评论,评价Don't be so sensitive to criticism.不要对批评太敏感。His book became an object of criticism.他的书成为批评的对象。She accepts criticism from anyone but her parents.除了父母之外,她接受任何人的批评。556.Criticizev.批评,指责;评论They criticized me for coming late.他们批评我迟到了。He constantly criticizes other people.他经常批评别人。557.Cropn.庄稼;收成,产量;v.剪短;剪裁We have a good crop of tomatoes this year.今年我们有不错的西红柿。The crops were badly damaged by the storm.庄稼受到暴风雨的严重破坏。558.Crossv.超过;交叉;穿越 n.十字形She helped an old man cross the road.她帮助一位老人过马路。Where can we cross the stream?我们能在哪里过河?You need to wait until the light turns green to cross the street你需要等到灯变绿后才能过马路。559.Crowdn.人群;一伙人;百姓v.聚集,群集The crowd was clapping and cheering.人群在鼓掌和欢呼。He disappeared in the crowd.他在人群中消失了。The boy was lost in the crowd.这个男孩在人群中迷路了。560.Crowdedadj.拥挤的,塞满的v.聚集,群集;挤满,塞满The shop was crowded with young people.商店里挤满了年轻人。Tom was stuck in a crowded elevator.汤姆被困在拥挤的电梯里。It is a remarkably noisy and crowded city.这是一个非常嘈杂和拥挤的城市。
6/30/202415 minutes, 43 seconds
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Level 5-Day 30.Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (3)

词汇提示1.comrades 同志战友2.paramilitary 准军事的3.blatantly 公然的4.tabloids 通俗小报5.dissemination 传播原文Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (3)Not satisfied however with the most vicious anti-union legislation in the world, the Tories are currently introducing new measures which are so draconian they have staggered and brought forth opposition even from some traditional enemies of the trade-union movement.The steps taken against British trade unionism can probably only be compared with those taken against our German comrades by Hitler in the 1930s.If this new Tory legislation is left unchallenged, then civil liberties and human rights in Britain are in danger of being wiped out...As life in Britain becomes harder, as frustrations and tensions rise, the State must bring into play all the elements of its machinery in order to suppress any attempts to throw off its power.The police are used increasingly in paramilitary fashion.The judiciary use greater ruthlessness against any trade union that attempts to stand by its rules and constitution as the experience of the National Union of Mine workers over the past four years proves.The courts have dealt just as savagely with the Lambeth and Liverpool councillors who refused to betray the commitments made to their communities.Meanwhile the media, now quite openly under the control of international capitalists such as Murdoch and Maxwell, become even more blatantly the mouthpiece of Toryphilosophy.The British capitalist press can make no claim to either objectivity or integrity, whether through the gutter journalism of the tabloids, or the more restrained style of the so-called 'quality' papers; they both play a key role in the daily dissemination of lies and misinformation to the public.This is but an outline of the situation which today faces the British Labour and trade - union movement.The terrible irony about it is that whilst throughout our movement there is general agreement on the ravages of the Tory attack and agreement that it should be stopped – we have not united in an effective force to combat those ravages and challenge the system which has forced them on to our class.On the contrary! Rather than uniting to fight our common enemy, our movement has been diverted time and time again by internal attacks: attacks aimed,disgracefully, at the very sections which have fought so bravely to carry out Labour Party and TUC policies by battling to save jobs, industries, communities and services.Margaret Thatcher has been absolutely clear in recognizing her enemy - it is socialism and she has openly declared her intention of wiping it off the British agenda.翻译阿瑟·斯卡吉尔:“对保守党政策的批评”(3)然而,托利党对世界上最恶毒的反工会立法并不满意,他们目前正在引入新的严厉措施,这些措施令人震惊,甚至引起了工会运动的一些传统敌人的反对。对付英国工会主义的措施,大概只能与希特勒在20世纪30年代对付我们德国同志的措施相比。如果保守党的这项新立法不受挑战,那么英国的公民自由和人权就有被消灭的危险。随着英国人的生活变得越来越艰难,随着挫折和紧张局势的加剧,国家必须调动其机器的所有要素,以镇压任何推翻其权力的企图。警察越来越多地用于准军事用途。司法部门对任何试图遵守其规则和宪法的工会都更加无情,正如全国矿工工会过去四年的经验所证明的那样。法院对拒绝违背对社区承诺的兰贝斯和利物浦议员也同样粗暴。与此同时,媒体现在完全公开地受到默多克和麦克斯韦尔等国际资本家的控制,它们甚至更加公然地成为保守党哲学的喉舌。英国资本主义新闻界无论是通过小报的下流新闻,还是通过所谓的“优质”报纸的更克制的风格,都不能声称客观性或完整性;他们都在日常向公众传播谎言和错误信息方面发挥着关键作用。这只是今天英国劳工和工会运动所面临的情况的一个概要。可怕的讽刺之处在于,尽管在我们的整个运动中,人们普遍认为保守党的攻击造成了破坏,并一致认为应该停止这种破坏,但我们没有团结起来,形成一支有效的力量来对抗这些破坏,挑战把这些破坏强加给我们阶级的制度。恰恰相反!我们的运动非但没有团结起来对抗我们共同的敌人,反而一次又一次地被内部攻击所转移:这些攻击可耻地瞄准了那些勇敢地为执行工党和职工大会的政策而斗争的部门,这些部门为挽救就业、工业、社区和服务而斗争。玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)已经非常清楚地认识到她的敌人是社会主义,并公开宣布她打算把社会主义从英国的议程上抹去。
6/29/20242 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part11(story17)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.confronted 质问2.banished 流放3.cobbler 鞋匠4.whipped 鞭打5.bruises 伤痕6.guilty 犯罪7.lashes 抽打原文Story 17: The Barber's Tale of His Fourth BrotherThere once was a barber with many brothers.He shared his brothers' stories with the Caliph.The Barber told the Caliph the tale of his fourth brother Al-Kuz al-aswanie.His nickname was the long-necked Gugglet.He was blind in one eye.He became rich as a butcher selling meat in Baghdad.An old man with a grey beard bought meat from the butcher with bright silver coins.The butcher put these coins in a separate box because they were very white and different.After five months he noticed they were just paper cut into the shape of coins.When the old man came again to buy sheep meat, the butcher confronted him.The old man said, "Which is better for you, to accuse me or for everyone to find out that you are selling human flesh?"The people of the city believed the hanging meat to be a man and not a ram.The Chief sentenced the butcher to 500 beatings with a stick and took his property.He was banished from Baghdad.The brother travelled to a new city and started a new life as a cobbler.One day the King of the city rode by the brother's store on his horse.The brother was standing outside and looked at the King with his one good eye.The King feared bad luck from being looked at by a person with one blind eye so he had the brother beat and whipped.He decided to leave the city and find somewhere else to live.The people in the new city thought he was a thief, because of his scars and bruises.They took him to the Governor who also said, "How can we listen to the words of someone with scars on his back and bruises? You must be guilty of a great crime."The Governor sentenced him to 100 lashes.The brother left the city, wandering, not knowing where to go.The barber told the Caliph that when he heard of his brother's bad luck he found him and secretly took care of him, giving him food and drink.翻译故事十七:理发师关于他第四个哥哥的故事从前有一个理发师,他有许多兄弟。他把他兄弟的故事告诉了哈里发。理发师给哈里发讲了他的四兄弟库兹·阿斯瓦尼的故事。他的绰号是长脖子的咯咯笑。他一只眼睛瞎了。他在巴格达当屠夫卖肉发家致富。一位胡子灰白的老人用亮闪闪的银币从屠夫那里买了肉。屠夫把这些硬币放在一个单独的盒子里,因为它们很白,很不一样。五个月后,他发现它们只是剪纸成硬币的形状。当老人再次来买羊肉时,屠夫拦住了他。老人说:“你告发我好,还是让大家知道你卖人肉好?”城里的人相信挂着的肉是人而不是羊。酋长用棍子打了屠夫五百下,并没收了他的财产。他被驱逐出巴格达。他哥哥去了一个新的城市,开始了做皮匠的新生活。一天,城里的国王骑着马经过哥哥的仓库。哥哥站在外面,用他那只完好的眼睛看着国王。国王害怕被一个独眼的人看到会带来厄运,所以他让人鞭打他的哥哥。他决定离开这个城市,另找地方住。新城里的人都以为他是个小偷,因为他身上的伤疤和瘀伤。他们把他带到总督那里,总督还说:“我们怎么能听一个背上有伤疤和瘀伤的人的话呢?你一定犯了大罪。”总督判他鞭刑一百下。哥哥离开了城市,四处漂泊,不知该去哪里。理发师告诉哈里发,当他听说他的兄弟运气不好时,他找到了他哥哥,并秘密地照顾他,给他食物和饮料。
6/27/20242 minutes, 30 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 66A:This restaurant is very nice.这家餐馆很不错。B:It's one of my favorites.这是我的最爱之一。A:It's very kind of you to pay for this.感谢你买单请客。B: No worries. It's my treat.不客气。今天我做东。Conversation 67A:When will you finish work?你什么时候结束工作?B: I will finish around 6 p.m.下午6点左右结束。A: Do you work weekends also?周末也工作吗?B:No. I only work during the week.不,我只在工作日工作。Conversation 68A:Can I request a one-week leave?我可以请一个星期的假吗?B:Are you traveling somewhere?你要去哪里旅行吗?A:No, I'm going to go back to my country. My cousin is getting married.不,我是要回国。我堂兄要结婚了。B:Congratulations!恭喜!Conversation 69A:Can you tell me the way to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局的路吗?B:Sorry, but I'm a stranger here.对不起,我对这里不熟。A:Okay sorry to bother you.好的,抱歉打扰你了。B: No problem. Sorry that I couldn't help.没关系。抱歉,没能帮上忙。Conversation 70A:How often do you go to the gym?你多久去一次健身房?B:About three times a week.大约一周三次。A:You must be quite fit by now.你现在一定很健壮。B:Not yet, I have only been going for 2 weeks.还没有,我才去了两个星期。
6/25/20244 minutes, 55 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day55(541-550)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 55541.Courtn.法院,法庭;球场;董事(会)I don't want to end up in court.我不想最终出庭。Silence in court may be equivalent to confession.在法庭上保持沉默可能等同于招供。Are you on your way to the tennis court?你在去网球场的路上吗?542.Cousinn.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹He went to stay with his cousin.他去和他堂兄呆在一起。I have a cousin who is a lawyer.我有一个堂兄是律师。543.Coverv.覆盖,遮盖;包括,涉及One hundred dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.一百美元将支付您旅行的所有费用。The definition doesn't cover all the meanings of the word.该定义并未涵盖该词的所有含义。You can't judge a book by its cover.你无法凭封面来判断一本书。544.Cown.母牛,奶牛;雌性动物Oh,is that the way you milk a cow?哦,你就是这样给牛挤奶的吗?He exchanged his cow for two horses.他用牛换了两匹马。545.Crackv.破裂,裂开;崩溃,垮掉;砸开,砸碎There is a crack in the glass.玻璃杯有裂缝。Don't put boiling water in the glass or it will crack.不要将开水倒入玻璃杯中,否则它会破裂。546.Crashv.撞车,坠毁;猛撞;破产n.撞车事故,失事Remarkably,she wasn't hurt in the crash.值得注意的是,她没有在坠机事故中受伤。His wife is in the hospital because she was injured in a car crash.他的妻子住院是因为在车祸中受伤。547.Crazyadj.愚蠢的,古怪的,不理智的 n.疯子That noise is driving me crazy.那噪音让我发疯。It sounds crazy.听起来很疯狂。Most people think I'm crazy.大多数人都认为我疯了。548.Creamn.奶油,乳脂;霜,膏The vast majority of children love ice cream.绝大多数孩子都喜欢冰淇淋。This ice cream tastes really good.这个冰淇淋味道真的很棒。Our children love ice-cream.我们的孩子喜欢冰淇淋。549.Createv.创造,创建;设计,创作In ever thought it'd be this hard to create an iPhone app.我从没想过创建iPhone应用程序会这么难。What kind of games do you create?你创作什么样的游戏?We don't want to create any new problems.我们不想制造任何新问题。550.Creaturen.生物,动物;怪物;受支配的人,产物The dragon is an imaginary creature.龙是一种虚构的生物。He observed many types of creatures there.他在那里观察了许多种类的生物。Humans are the only living creatures that make use of fire.人类是唯一使用火的生物。
6/23/202415 minutes
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Level 5-Day 29.Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (2)

词汇提示1.deliberate 故意的2.collapse 崩溃3.inevitably 不可避免地4.savage 野蛮5.vacancy 空缺6.vicious 恶毒的原文Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (2)We are indeed facing a deliberate political attack by Britain's ruling class.A war of attrition is being waged as capitalism, in a condition of acute crisis,lashes out with increasing ferocity to protect itself.The existence of this crisis is now clear for all to see.It has been exposed by the recent collapse of stock markets throughout the capitalist world, triggered off by the slide on Wall Street (which according to experts is the worst slump since 1929).This collapse will in my view lead inevitably to more hardship for the British people, with a massive increase in unemployment and reduced living standards as capitalism seeks once again to make working people pay for its pursuit of profit and power.The Tories have based their savage policies on an ideology called monetarism - it is this philosophy which has led to the virtual destruction of our manufacturing industries and in particular to the devastation of our coal, rail and steel industries.The steel industry has lost over 150,000 jobs, and the coal and rail industries have lost approximately 100,000 each within a period of eight years.Parts of our nation such as South Wales have been reduced to a lunar landscape as the Tories have systematically butchered our manufacturing and industrial infrastructure.In seeking to win that absolute control which it must have for even limited survival, the State through the Tory Government has introduced twin measures to destroy or render ineffective all those who oppose it.On the one hand, it has deliberately increased unemployment from just over one million to four and a half million in eight years creating as in the 1930s a situation where thirty to forty people pursue each job vacancy, driven by this emotional blackmail to increasing fear.At the same time, it has introduced vicious legal measures designed to render the British trade-union movement completely ineffective.Indeed,Margaret Thatcher has made it absolutely clear that she wants to wipe socialism off the agenda of British politics; to achieve this aim the Tories are determined also to wipe effective trade unionism off the industrial agenda.Since 1979, we have seen a whole range of anti-trade-union legislation - all of it designed to dismantle the gains achieved by trade unionists in more than a century of struggle.Today,the extent of this legislation is such that Britain's trade-union movement must now be regarded as one of the most oppressed in the world!Tory legislation has removed trade-union immunity, made secondary action including secondary picketing and mass picketing illegal, and rendered all trade unions vulnerable to legal actions which could result in their bankruptcy.Britain's trade unions have found themselves no longer free to determine their own policies in relation to industrial solidarity action.翻译阿瑟·斯卡吉尔:“对保守党政策的批评”(2)我们确实面临着英国统治阶级蓄意的政治攻击。一场消耗战正在展开,因为资本主义在严重危机的情况下,为了保护自己而越来越猛烈地出击。这场危机的存在现在是有目共睹的。最近整个资本主义世界的股票市场的崩溃已经暴露了这一点,这是由华尔街的下滑引发的(根据专家的说法,这是自1929年以来最严重的衰退)。在我看来,这种崩溃将不可避免地给英国人民带来更多的困难,失业率大幅上升,生活水平下降,因为资本主义再次寻求让劳动人民为其对利润和权力的追求付出代价。保守党将其野蛮的政策建立在一种叫做货币主义的意识形态上——正是这种哲学导致了我们制造业的实际破坏,尤其是对煤炭、铁路和钢铁工业的破坏。钢铁行业已经失去了超过15万个工作岗位,煤炭和铁路行业在八年内分别失去了大约10万个工作岗位。我们国家的部分地区,如南威尔士,已经沦为月球景观,因为保守党有系统地屠杀了我们的制造业和工业基础设施。为了争取哪怕是有限的生存所必需的绝对控制,国家通过托利党政府采取了两项措施来摧毁或使所有反对它的人无效。一方面,它故意在八年内将失业人数从100多万增加到450万,就像20世纪30年代那样造成了一个局面,在这种情绪勒索的驱使下,每个职位空缺都有30到40个人在竞争。与此同时,它还采取了恶毒的法律措施,旨在使英国工会运动完全无效。事实上,玛格丽特•撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)已经非常明确地表示,她希望把社会主义从英国政治议程上抹去;为了实现这一目标,保守党还决心将有效的工会主义从工业议程中抹去。自1979年以来,我们看到了一系列反工会的立法——所有这些立法都是为了破坏工会主义者在一个多世纪的斗争中取得的成果。今天,这项立法的范围如此之大,以至于英国的工会运动现在必须被视为世界上最受压迫的运动之一!托利党立法取消了工会的豁免权,规定二级纠察和大规模纠察等二级行动为非法,并使所有工会容易受到可能导致其破产的法律诉讼。英国的工会已经发现,在工业团结行动方面,他们不再能够自由决定自己的政策。
6/22/20243 minutes, 21 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part10(story16)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.wazir 旧时某些穆斯林国家的高官2.exquisite 精致的 经纪人4.charisma 魅力5.enamored 迷恋6.lavish 奢华的7.unbind 解开8.sober 未醉9.pleaded 恳求10.behead 斩首原文Story 16: NurAl-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis Al-JalisOnce there was a King of Bassorah named Mohammed son of Sulayman al-Zayni.He had two Wazirs.One was named Al-mu'in son of Sawi and the other Al-Fazl son of Khakan.Al-Fazl was very generous, respectable and everyone came to him for advice.On the other hand, Al-mu'in son of Sawi was the opposite.He was hated, not trusted by the people.One day the King told Al-Fazl that he wanted a beautiful slave girl.Al-Fazl found an exquisite and perfect girl for sale.He gave the Persian slave-broker 10 thousand dinars.The broker said, "You shouldn't bring the girl to the King today. She's tired and has been travelling. If she can rest and recover she will be more beautilul."The Wazir Al-Fazi agreed and took the girl to his private palace.She lived there in a private room, eating and drinking, having everything given to her.Her name was Anis al-Jalis.WazirAl-Fazl had a very handsome son.His name was Nur Al-Din Ali.He was charming and had a reputation of being with everyyoung girl he desired.No one was safe from his charisma.She heard about him and wanted to see him.She was curious.One day at the Hammam, she saw him and he saw her.He was instantly enamored with her.He said, "You must be the girl my father bought for me."She unknowingly assumed it to be true and said, "Yes."They embraced and kissed and he slept with her.He realized what he had done and he avoided his parents for two months only coming home to eat and sleep.He would leave early in the morning and return late at night.His Father was upset, but did not want to lose his son.He forgave him gave him the girl to be his own.His father said, he must not have any other wives otherwise to sell her.AI-DinAli and Al-Jalis lived together one year before AI-Din Ali's father died.He devoted himself to a lavish life, entertaining guests and giving away expensive possessions.He ran out of money and went to the door of each of his friends.He thought those people were his friends.No one would answer the door.They avoided him.He was in despair and said to his slave-girl, "What should we do now?"She said that he should take her to the slave-bazaar and sell her.She said if it was God's will they would be together again one day.Her sale price was four thousand five hundred dinars.The Wazir Al-mu'in son of Sawi was at the bazaar that day.He saw Al-Din Ali and was sure that he was selling the slave-girl Anis Al-Jalis because he was penniless.Al-Mu'in offered the sales price.Al-DinAli did not want to sell her to him.The broker sat the slave-market liked AI-Din Ali and told him to grab Anis Al-Jalis and act like he did not intend to sell her, to act like he wanted only to unbind her status as a slave.He then beat up Al-Mu'in, pulling him off his horse and punching him until his clothes and beard were stained with blood.No one dared to stop the fight between a Wazir and Wazir's son.AI-Mu'intold the Sultan what had occurred.The Sultan sent out 40 soldiers to bring Al-DinAli to him.One of the Sultan's servants was Alamal-Din Sanjar.He had been a servant to Al-Fazl long before.When he heard the King's orders, he went in secret to Nur al-Din's home to warn him to run away from the city.Nural-Din fled the city with his damsel.They found a ship that took them safely to Baghdad.They were so tired from their journey.They came to a place called the Garden of Gladness, which belonged to the Caliph Hairun al-Rashid.The keeper of the garden was an old man named Shaykh Ibrahim.He found the two travelers sleeping in the garden, exhausted.He decided not to beat them, instead he let them rest and was kind to them.He brought them food and they requested wine.The old man said he had no wine and that he had not drunk wine for 13 years.Eventually they persuaded him to bring wine and to drink it.Anis Al-Jalis lit all of the candles and sang.The Caliph noticed the Garden lights were blazing, glowing with light.He thought there was an invasion.He was told that Ibrahim forgot to say that he was using the Garden for a circumcision party.When the Caliph heard this he wanted to attend, so the elders and the poor could be honored with his presence at the party.The Caliph climbed a tree and looked inside the Garden.He saw the old gardener Ibrahim drunk with the two young visitors.The Caliph disguised himself by trading clothes with a known fisherman named Karim.He went to the Garden palace saying that he saw the lights and the party atmosphere and was bringing fish as a gift.Ibrahim invited him in.He was asked to cook the fish, and so he did.The Caliph's servants offered to cook the fish for him but he said, "I insist on cooking the fish with my own hands."He brought the deliciously prepared fish to them.They ate, and sang and talked.The travelers shared their story, that they had to run away.The Caliph replied, "I will write a letter to Muhammed son of Sulaymanal-Zayni. When he reads it he will pardon you."They laughed at him saying, "You're a fisherman! Write it so we can see it."The Caliph left the Garden, wrote the letter and changed into his royal Clothes.Then he entered the Garden.When Ibrahim saw him he immediately became sober.He fell on his knees and pleaded to the Caliph for forgiveness.The King pardoned him and told him to take the girl to the palace.Shestayed safely there in her own apartment, with her own slaves.Al-DinAli travelled back to Bassorah and gave the letter to the King.Al-Mu'inson of Sawịsaid to the King, "This is a fake letter. If it was real, why is he coming alone'?"The Wazir al-Mui'n and the King planned to behead Al-Din Alifor his deception.On the day of the beheading, Ja'afar one of the Caliph's men arrived in a cloud of dust.He saved Al-Din Ali and took him back to Baghdad.Al-Mu'in was beheaded.Al-DinAli said that he did not want to be the King of Bassorah.He lived in luxury in one of the palaces in Baghdad with Anis Al-Jails.He was a close friend of the King, enjoying life until the day he died.翻译故事十六:努尔·丁·阿里和少女阿尼斯·阿尔贾利斯从前,巴索拉国王名叫穆罕默德,是苏莱曼·扎尼的儿子。他有两个高官。一个是萨维的儿子阿尔穆因,另一个是可汗的儿子法兹尔。法兹尔非常慷慨,受人尊敬,每个人都向他寻求建议。另一方面,萨维的儿子阿尔穆因则完全相反。人们憎恨他,不信任他。一天,国王告诉法兹尔他想要一个漂亮的女奴。法兹尔找到了一个精致完美的待售女孩。他给了波斯奴隶经纪人1万第纳尔。经纪人说:“你今天不应该把这个女孩带到国王面前。她很累,而且一直在旅行。如果她能休息和恢复,她会更漂亮。”法兹尔同意了,并把女孩带到他的私人房间。她住在一个私人房间里,吃吃喝喝,什么都给她。她的名字是阿尼斯·阿尔贾利斯。法兹尔高官有个非常英俊的儿子。他的名字是努尔·丁·阿里。他很有魅力,他喜欢的年轻姑娘都喜欢他。没有人能幸免于他的魅力。她听说了他的事,很想见见他。她很好奇。一天在浴室里,她看见了他,他也看见了她。他立刻被她迷住了。他说:“你一定是我父亲给我买的那个女孩吧。”她不知不觉地认为这是真的,说:“是的。”他们拥抱亲吻,他和她睡了。他意识到自己做了什么,两个月来他一直躲着父母,只回家吃饭睡觉。他清早出门,晚上很晚才回来。他的父亲很难过,但不想失去他的儿子。父亲原谅了他,把女孩给了他。他的父亲说,他不能再娶别的妻子,否则就卖了她。努尔·丁·阿里和阿尼斯·阿尔贾利斯在一起生活了一年,之后努尔·丁·阿里的父亲去世了。他过着奢侈的生活,招待客人,赠送贵重物品。他的钱用光了,就去拜访每个朋友。他认为那些人是他的朋友。但是没人应门。他们避开了他。他绝望了,对他的女奴说:“我们现在该怎么办?”她说他应该把她带到奴隶市场去卖。她说如果这是上帝的旨意,他们总有一天会在一起的。她的售价是四千五百第纳尔。那天,萨维的儿子阿尔穆因也在集市上。他看到了努尔·丁·阿里,确信他是在卖女奴阿尼斯·阿尔贾利斯,因为他身无分文。阿尔穆因给出了购买价格。努尔·丁·阿里不想把她卖给他。奴隶市场上的掮客很喜欢努尔·丁·阿里,让他抓住阿尼斯·阿贾利斯,表现得好像他不想卖她一样,表现得好像他只想解除她的奴隶身份。然后他痛打阿尔穆因,把他从马上拉下来,打他,直到他的衣服和胡须被鲜血染污。没有人敢阻止高官和高官的儿子之间的战斗。阿尔穆因把发生的事情告诉了苏丹。苏丹派了40名士兵去把努尔·丁·阿里带来见他。苏丹的一个仆人是阿拉马尔-丁·桑贾尔。很久以前他是法兹尔的仆人。当他听到国王的命令时,他秘密地去了努尔丁的家,警告他逃离这座城市。努尔·丁·阿里带着他的女人逃离了这座城市。他们找到了一艘船,把他们安全带到巴格达。他们在旅途中太累了。他们来到了一个叫做快乐花园的地方,那里属于哈里发海伦·拉希德。看守花园的是一位名叫谢赫·易卜拉欣的老人。他发现两个旅行者睡在花园里,筋疲力尽。他决定不打他们,而是让他们休息,对他们很好。他给他们拿来食物,他们要酒。老人说他没有酒,他已经13年没喝过酒了。最后他们说服他拿酒来喝了。阿尼斯·阿贾利斯点燃了所有的蜡烛并唱起歌来。哈里发注意到花园的灯在亮着,闪闪发光。他认为有人入侵。他被告知易卜拉欣忘了说他正在花园举行割礼派对。当哈里发听到这件事,他想参加,因为老人和穷人可以荣幸地出席聚会。哈里发爬上一棵树往花园里看。他看见老园丁易卜拉欣和两个年轻的客人一起喝醉了。哈里发通过与一个名叫卡里姆的渔夫交换衣服来伪装自己。他去了花园宫殿,说他看到了灯光和聚会的气氛,并带了鱼作为礼物。易卜拉欣邀请他进来。他被要求做鱼,于是他就做了。哈里发的仆人提出要为他煮鱼,但他说:“我坚持要亲手煮鱼。”他把准备好的美味的鱼拿给他们。他们边吃边唱边聊。旅行者们分享了他们的故事,他们不得不逃跑。哈里发回答说:“我要给苏莱曼·扎尼的儿子穆罕默德写封信。当他读到信的时候,他会原谅你的。”他们笑他说:“你是个渔夫!写下来,让我们看看。”哈里发离开花园,写了这封信,换上了他的皇家服装。然后他走进了花园。当易卜拉欣看到他时,他立刻清醒了。他跪倒在地,请求哈里发的宽恕。国王赦免了他,并让他把女孩带进宫殿。她和自己的奴隶安全地呆在自己的公寓里。努尔·丁·阿里回到巴索拉,把信交给了国王。萨维的儿子阿尔穆因对国王说:“这是一封假信。如果是真的,他为什么一个人来呢?”阿尔穆因和国王计划因为他的欺骗而斩首。砍头那天,哈里发的一名手下贾法尔在一团尘土来到这里。他救了努尔·丁·阿里,把他带回了巴格达。阿尔穆因被斩首。努尔·丁·阿里说他不想当巴索拉的国王。他和阿尼斯·阿尔贾利斯住在巴格达的一座豪华宫殿里。他是国王的亲密朋友,享受生活,直到他去世的那一天。
6/20/20248 minutes, 24 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 61A:George, how have you been recently?乔治,你最近怎么样?B:I've been going to the beach during holidays.假期我去海边玩了。A: Where is the beach that you visited?你去了哪个海滩?B:It's the nearest beach to where I live.离我住的地方最近的海滩。Conversation 62A: I am very hungry, I missed breakfast.我很饿,我错过早餐了。B: We are at a bistro now, order something to eat.我们在小酒馆里了,点些东西吃吧。A: Do you care if I order this pizza?我可以点这个披萨吗?B:Fine with me. I'm easy.没问题。我都可以。Conversation 63A:This hamburger doesn't taste good.这个汉堡不好吃。B:Yes, it doesn't. I actually thought that I am the only one who thought that itis terrible.是的,不好吃。我以为只有我自己觉得它不好吃。A:Let's order something else.我们点其他的东西吧。B:Alright.好的。Conversation 64A:Excuse me. Do you know the way to the zoo?打扰一下。你知道去动物园的路吗?B:Yes. Do you see that gas station over there?是的。你看到那边的加油站了吗?A:Oh, yes.哦,是的。B:Ok. Turn right at the gas station and you will soon find the zoo.很好。你在加油站右转,很快就会找到动物园。Conversation 65A: Do you have time now?您现在有时间吗?B: I'm free now.我现在有时间。A:Thanks for making time for me!感谢您百忙中抽出宝贵的时间!B: No problem. I always try to be available.不客气。我总会尽量抽出些时间来。
6/18/20245 minutes, 12 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day54(531-540)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 54531.Cottagen.小屋,村舍,乡间别墅They lived in a cottage when they traveled to that town.他们去那个城镇旅行时住在一间小屋里。There is a cottage beyond the bridge.桥的那边有一座小屋。532.Coughv.咳嗽;发出咳嗽般的声音 n.咳嗽(病);咳,咳嗽声I went to the drug store to buy some cough medicine.我去药店买了些止咳药。Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.咳嗽、打喷嚏或打哈欠时要遮住嘴。533.Couldv.(礼貌地请求许可)可以,能I'd be delighted if you could join us for dinner.如果你能和我们一起吃晚饭我会很高兴。She thought she could reform him but she was wrong.她以为她能使他改邪归正,但她错了。You think I don't care about it, but nothing could be further from the truth.你以为我不在乎,但事实远非如此。534.Countv.数数;计数,点数目n.计算,总数;数数You can't count on him for financial help.你不能指望他提供经济帮助。What's the final count?最后的计数是多少?535.Countern.柜台;对立面;计数器v.反驳;抵制Please pick up your ticket at the counter.请在柜台领取门票。Please come to the counter at least an hour before your flight.请至少在航班起飞前一小时到柜台。536.Countryn.国,国家;乡下,乡村adj.乡下的,农村的I hear that his father is in another country.我听说他父亲在另一个国家。The eastern part of the country is very mountainous.该国东部非常多山。The country's economy is about to collapse.该国的经济即将崩溃。537.Countrysiden.乡村,农村;乡村居民I enjoy the fresh atmosphere in the countryside.我喜欢乡村的清新气氛。He loves to hike in the quiet countryside.他喜欢在安静的乡村徒步旅行。Our kids don't want to live in the countryside.我们的孩子不想住在乡下。538.Couplen.两个,几个;一对夫妇,一对情侣Could you save me a couple of cookies?你能给我留几个饼干吗?They are a newly married couple.他们是一对新婚夫妇。Could you lend me your bicycle for a couple of days?你能把你的自行车借给我几天吗?539.Couragen.勇气,胆量What you need the most now is courage.你现在最需要的是勇气。I admire your courage.我很佩服你的勇气。I was deeply impressed with his courage.他的勇气给我留下了深刻的印象。540.Coursen.课程;过程;道路,航线;进程,进展The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.本课程的主要目的是提高你的英语口语。I'd like to take an advanced English course.我想参加高级英语课程。Of course she can speak English.她当然会说英语。
6/16/202414 minutes, 51 seconds
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Level 5-Day 28.Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (1)

词汇提示1.Tories 保守党2.utter 彻底的3.eroded 侵蚀4.devastation 破坏 抵押贷款6.derelic 废弃的7.vulnerable 脆弱的8.negotiating 谈判原文ArthurScargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (1)Todayour nation, after eight years under the Tories, is on the brink of utter chaos,facing both social and economic collapse.Ourbasic industries have been butchered.Ourmanufacturing base has been eroded with hundreds of businesses, large andsmall, gone to the wall while the nation has become increasingly dependent onimported goods.Thehuman consequences of this industrial and economic devastation are terrible.Overeight million people struggle for survival on or below the poverty line andfour and a half million people are unemployed.Thousandsof families are homeless: the number of homeless families in Britain hasdoubled since 1978, while the enforced repossession of homesis at an all-time record because so many can no longer manage to maintainmortgage payments.Evenmore people, meanwhile, try to cope as best they can in derelict, oftendangerous dwellings - one and a quarter million homes are unfit to live in, whilehouse-building investment throughout Britain has been slashed by sixty per centsince 1979.Sicknessand ill health of all kinds are rampant, and they are made even more terribleby the crisis in the National Health Service and throughout the welfare system.TheTories have been utterly ruthless in their butchery of health and welfareprovisions.TheNHS, once the pride of our nation, has been reduced to a critical conditionthrough hospital closures, medical staff cutbacks, the lack and withdrawal ofresources and vital equipment, and the privatization of key services.Approximately700,000 people wait today for hospital treatment and an increasing number willnot receive that treatment before it is too late.Thousandsof people who are suffering from serious, often fatal diseases are being turnedaway through lack of hospital beds and staff.Oursocial services are faced with ever-increasing family and community problems asTory attacks take their toll, with children and old people among those mostvulnerable.Oureducation system is also in chaos, as students and teachers struggle againstyet more cutbacks, fewer resources - and for our youngsters it must seem oftena pointless exercise, with jobs, training and access to higher education becomingmore and more difficult to attain.Theirteachers meanwhile, like many other trade unionists, have had their negotiatingrights removed by the Government, and their commitment to teaching the nation'schildren treated with contempt.Thishas become a grim and desperate society - fulled by unemployment and its socialconsequences, frustration, rage and despair are rampant all around us.Moreand more people, I believe, are coming to see themselves as under attack - andthey are correct.翻译阿瑟·斯卡吉尔:“对保守党政策的批评”(1)今天,在保守党执政八年后,我们的国家正处于彻底混乱的边缘,面临着社会和经济的崩溃。我们的基础工业遭到了破坏。我们的制造业基础受到侵蚀,数以百计的大大小小的企业倒闭,而这个国家越来越依赖进口商品。这种工业和经济破坏对人类造成的后果是可怕的。800多万人在贫困线上或贫困线以下挣扎求生,450万人失业。成千上万的家庭无家可归:自1978年以来,英国无家可归家庭的数量翻了一番,而强制收回房屋的数量达到了历史最高水平,因为许多人无法再支付抵押贷款。与此同时,更多的人试图在废弃的,往往是危险的住房中尽可能地应对——125万套住房不适合居住,而自1979年以来,英国的住房建设投资已经削减了60%。各种各样的疾病和不健康状况都很严重,而国民医疗服务体系和整个福利体系的危机使它们变得更加可怕。托利党在削减医疗和福利方面一直非常无情。国民保健制度曾经是我们国家的骄傲,但由于医院关闭、医务人员裁减、资源和重要设备的缺乏和撤回以及关键服务的私有化,它已沦落到危急的境地。今天大约有70万人在等待医院治疗,越来越多的人得不到治疗,否则就为时已晚。由于缺乏医院床位和工作人员,成千上万患有严重、往往是致命疾病的人被拒之门外。由于保守党的攻击,我们的社会服务面临着越来越多的家庭和社区问题,儿童和老人是最脆弱的群体。我们的教育体系也陷入混乱,学生和教师都在努力应对更多的削减和更少的资源——对于我们的年轻人来说,这似乎是一项毫无意义的工作,工作、培训和接受高等教育的机会变得越来越难获得。与此同时,他们的教师像许多其他工会成员一样,被政府剥夺了谈判权利,他们对教育全国儿童的承诺受到蔑视。这已经变成了一个严峻而绝望的社会——充满了失业及其社会后果,挫折、愤怒和绝望在我们周围猖獗。我相信,越来越多的人开始觉得自己受到了攻击——他们是对的。
6/15/20243 minutes, 6 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part9(story15)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.eunuch 太监2.blemish 瑕疵3.anguish 痛苦 4.smashing 打碎5.collapsed 倒塌6.castrated 阉割7.concubine 妃子8.rags 破布9.mosque 清真寺10.dehydrated 脱水的11.chamber 房间12.dizzy 发晕13.fainted 昏厥14.eloquent 有口才的原文Story 15: Tale of the Second Eunuch, KafurThere was once a slave named Kafur.He told one lie every year and caused problems for his owners.The slave-traders told the buyer about his blemish, that he told a lie every year.On the twelfth month with his new owner, he was asked by his owner to go home from the fields and get something from his wife.The slave went to the house and told the wife that an old wall fell on her husband and his friends in the field.The wife and daughters cried and screamed.In her anguish, she destroyed her home and furniture.Kafur helped her, smashing plates and cups.He ran to tells his owner in the field that his wife and children were dead.He said that a wall had collapsed on them in the house.It was discovered that Kafur tricked them both.The owner was very upset.Kafur reminded him that he was purchased with a known fault, that of being a liar.The owner was so nervous about what else the slave could do or say to make his life worse.The slave was taken to the Governor.He was beaten, bruised, his head shaved and he was castrated.He was made a eunuch and sold for a profit.Eventually he ended up in the palace.His name was now Ghanim.He shared his story with two other slaves.The third slave shared a story about a box that contained riches and it was still not buried.Very early the next morning Kafur found the box and opened it.Inside the box there was a beautiful young lady who was drugged.She seemed to be asleep.She was wearing expensive jewelry.Her name was Kut al-Kulub.He took her out of the box and the fresh air made her cough.She woke up.He helped her return home.They were together for a month, eating and talking and enjoying each other's company.She always put him off.It was unrequited love.She revealed to him that she was a concubine of the King.This was why she couldn't give herself to him.She told him how she was drugged by the Lady Zubaydah in the palace.The King's wife, Lady Zubaydah, paid one of the slave girls to put poison in her drink.Ghanim's fear of the King was too great to give in to desire.He isolated himself from her.He did not want to be disrespectful.The King was away during this time.The King's wife didn't want him to find out what she had done to the slave-girl Kutal-Kutub.She made a grave.The King returned and the wife made everyone wear black.He was very sad and also thanked his wife for making such a nice grave.He passed out crying, and woke up near the grave hearing two slave-girls talking.He heard that the grave was empty and four months the slave-girl was with a young merchant named Ghanim, son of Ayyub of Damascus.He was very upset and called his guards to bring Ghanim to him.To protect Ghanim, Kut al-Kutub dressed him in rags and put a basket on his head.He sneaked away in the crowd.She dressed herself in her best outfit and jewelry and filled a chest with precious stones, gold and all of her wealth.She told the guards, the young merchant left long ago and she didn't hear from him.The riches were delivered to the King and the guards destroyed Ghanim's house.Ghanim traveled far away until he stopped at a mosque, exhausted and sweating. He fell to the ground dehydrated.The villagers gave him food and drink.His mother and sister, two beggars, came into that same mosque.He shared his bread with them.They did not recognize each other.After one month the villagers took him to Baghdad.A man took him to his house, thinking that he would die.He asked his wife to tend to the sick stranger.The King was very angry thinking she was with another man.He locked her in a dark chamber for eighty days.One day he overheard her singing, "O my darling, Ghanim. You are so honorable,you never took advantage of me, and you protected my honor."The king removed her from chamber and apologized to her.He asked her to request anything she want in return.She said, "All I want from you is my darling Ghanim."The King replied, "If he ever comes into my presence, I will give him to you."She was very happy.She went into town with a thousand dinars to give as donations in the name of Ghanim.The Chief said, "Come with me, there is a young man who is sick and is in need of assistance. He looks like he is from a good family, respectful. I want you to see him."Ghanimh was in the Chief's home.She heard a beggar woman say, "All I want is to be reunited with my son,Ghanim son of Ayyub."Kut al-Kutub was dizzy with excitement.She said to them, "Don't worry, this is the first day of your prosperity andthe last day of your adversity."She took care of them.She took them to the Chief's home.Ghanim heard the name "Kut-al Kutub" spoken in conversation.Instantly his energy returned.The women fainted because of the wonderful discovery.She returned to the King and told him that she found her lover.She rushed back to Ghanim and prepared him.He dressed expensively, spoke gloriously, and showed the King how eloquent he was.The King was impressed by Ghanim and believed him to be truthful.He gave him a palace and a salary, providing everything he could possibly need.The King married Fitnah, who was Ghanim's sister.A double marriage was performed between the King and Fitnah and between Ghanimand Kut al-Kutub.The next day, the King ordered the history of the events to be recorded and stored in a royal room so that everyone in the future could learn about the wonders of destiny.翻译故事十五:第二大太监卡富尔的故事从前有一个名叫卡富尔的奴隶。他每年撒一次谎,给他的主人带来麻烦。奴隶贩子告诉买主他的缺点,说他每年都说谎。在第十二个月,他的新主人叫他从地里回家,从他妻子那里拿点东西。奴隶去告诉妻子说,一堵旧墙倒在了她丈夫和他的朋友们的田里。妻子和女儿们又哭又叫。在极度痛苦中,她毁掉了自己的家和家具。卡富尔帮她打碎盘子和杯子。他跑去告诉田野里的主人,他的妻子和孩子都死了。他说房子里的一堵墙倒塌了。人们发现卡富尔欺骗了他们俩。主人很不高兴。卡富尔提醒他,他生来就有一个众所周知的缺点,那就是他是个骗子。主人非常担心奴隶还会做些什么或说些什么使他的生活变得更糟。奴隶被带到总督那里。他被打得遍体鳞伤,头被剃光,还被阉割。他被封为太监,卖了钱。最后他进了皇宫。他现在的名字是加尼姆。他和另外两个奴隶分享了他的故事。第三个奴隶讲了一个关于一个箱子的故事,箱子里装着财富,但还没有被埋葬。第二天一大早,卡富尔找到了盒子,打开了它。盒子里有一位被下了药的年轻漂亮的女士。她似乎睡着了。她戴着昂贵的珠宝。她的名字是库特·库鲁伯。他把她从盒子里拿出来,新鲜的空气使她咳嗽起来。她醒了。他帮助她回家。他们在一起呆了一个月,一起吃饭、聊天,享受彼此的陪伴。她总是不理睬他。这是单相思。她向他透露她是国王的妾。这就是她不能把自己交给他的原因。她告诉他她是如何在宫殿里被祖巴耶达夫人下药的。国王的妻子,祖巴伊达夫人,花钱让一个女奴在她的饮料里下毒。加尼姆对国王的恐惧太大了,无法屈服于欲望。他与她隔绝了。他不想失礼。这段时间国王不在家。国王的妻子不想让他知道她对女奴库特·库鲁伯做了什么。她建了一个坟墓。国王回来了,他的妻子让每个人都穿黑色衣服。他很伤心,也感谢他的妻子为她做了这么好的坟墓。他哭晕过去了,醒来时听到两个女奴在坟墓旁说话。他听说坟墓是空的,四个月后,这个女奴和大马士革的阿尤布的儿子,一个名叫加尼姆的年轻商人在一起。他非常沮丧,叫他的卫兵把加尼姆带到他面前。为了保护加尼姆,库特·库鲁伯给他穿上破衣服,在他头上套上一个篮子。他在人群中偷偷溜走了。她穿上最好的衣服,戴上最好的珠宝,在一个箱子里装满了宝石、金子和她所有的财富。她告诉卫兵,那个年轻的商人很久以前就走了,她没有听到他的消息。财宝被交给了国王,卫兵们摧毁了加尼姆的房子。加尼姆走了很远,直到他在一座清真寺停了下来,筋疲力尽,满头大汗。他倒在地上脱水了。村民们给他食物和饮料。他的母亲和妹妹,两个乞丐,也来到了同一座清真寺。他把面包分给他们吃。他们彼此不认识。一个月后,村民们把他带到巴格达。一个人把他带回家,以为他会死。他请妻子照顾那个生病的陌生人。国王很生气,以为她和另一个男人在一起。他把她锁在一个黑暗的房间里八十天。一天,他无意中听到她在唱歌:“哦,我亲爱的加尼姆。你是如此的可敬,你从不占我的便宜,你保护了我的荣誉。”国王把她带出房间,向她道歉。他让她要求任何她想要的作为回报。她说:“我只想从你这里得到我亲爱的加尼姆。”国王回答说:“如果他出现在我面前,我就把他交给你。”她非常高兴。她带着一千第纳尔进城,准备以加尼姆的名义捐出去。酋长说:“跟我来,有个年轻人病了,需要帮助。他看起来来自一个很好的家庭,很有礼貌。我想让你看看他。”加尼姆在酋长的家里。她听到一个讨饭的女人说:“我只想和我的儿子,阿尤布的儿子加尼姆团聚。”库特·库鲁伯兴奋得头晕目眩。她对他们说:“不要担心,这是你们幸福的第一天,也是你们苦难的最后一天。”她照顾他们。她带他们去了酋长家。加尼姆在谈话中听到了“库特·库鲁伯”这个名字。他的精力立刻恢复了。妇女们因为这个奇妙的发现而晕倒了。她回到国王那里,告诉他她找到了她的爱人。他衣着华丽,谈吐优雅,向国王展示了他的口才。国王对加尼姆印象深刻,相信他是诚实的。他给了他一座宫殿和一份薪水,提供了他可能需要的一切。国王娶了加尼姆的妹妹菲特娜为妻。国王和菲特娜以及加尼姆和库特·库鲁伯之间举行了双重婚礼。第二天,国王下令将这些事件的历史记录下来,并保存在一间皇家房间里,以便将来的每个人都能了解命运的奇迹。
6/13/20247 minutes, 21 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 56A:This cake looks a bit burned on top.这瑰蛋糕上面似乎有点焦。B: I thought I followed the recipe exactly.我应该是完全按照食谱做的。A:You might have confused Fahrenheit and Centigrade temperatures.你可能把华氏温度和摄氏温度搞混了。B:Really? That makes sense.真的吗?那就讲得通了。Conversation 57A:Hello, Kevin. What did you do last Sunday?嗨,凯文。你上个星期天干什么去了?B:Hi, Jessica. I went to the aquarium in Sydney.嗨,杰西卡。我去了悉尼的水族馆。A:That sounds interesting. Did you enjoy it?听起来很有趣。你玩得开心吗?B:Yes, it was very large and I could see many rare fish from all over the world.是的,它很大,我可以看到很多来自世界各地的稀有鱼类。Conversation 58A:How long have you been in London?你来伦敦多久了?B:Only two weeks.才两个星期。A:How are you liking it so far?到目前为止,你觉得这里怎么样?B:It's definitely a beautiful city.这绝对是一个美丽的城市。Conversation 59A:Which do you prefer, dogs or cats?猫和狗,你更喜欢哪个?B: I like dogs.我喜欢狗。A:Why?为什么?B:Because they are smart and friendly.因为它们聪明又友好。Conversation 60A:Have you begun exercising?你开始锻炼了吗?B:Who did you hear it from?你听谁说的?A:From Tom. Why did you start going to the gym?汤姆。你为什么开始去健身房了?B: I haven't had any exercise lately.我最近都没有运动。
6/11/20245 minutes, 11 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day53(521-530)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 53521.Cookn.厨师,炊事员v.煮,烧;烹饪,烹调Mymom works as a cook at a famous restaurant.我妈妈在一家著名的餐厅当厨师。My brother will cook dinner tomorrow.我哥哥明天会做饭。You are a good cook, aren't you?你是个好厨师,不是吗?522.Cookern.<英>炊具,锅,厨灶;There is a cooker in the kitchen.厨房里有炊具。My mom bought a new electric cooker.我妈妈买了一个新的电饭煲。523.Cookien.曲奇饼,小甜饼;缓存文件;漂亮的女子Could you save me a couple of cookies?你能给我留几块饼干吗?Even though there were many cookies on the dish, I only ate three.尽管碟子上有很多饼干,我只吃了三块。How many cookies did you eat?你吃了多少饼干?524.Cookingn.烹饪;饭菜 adj.烹饪用的 v.烹饪My mom takes pride in her cooking.我妈妈为自己的烹饪感到自豪。She's thinking of taking a couple of courses at a cooking school.她正在考虑在烹饪学校上几门课。I'm going to register for a cooking class.我要报名参加烹饪课。525.Cooladj.凉爽的;冷静的;酷的 v.冷却,变凉;n.凉快;平静The water was beautifully cool.水非常凉爽。That's cool!太酷了!It's getting cool outside.外面越来越凉了。526.Copev.对付,处理n.长袍,法衣How did she cope with the problem?她是如何应对这个问题的?She is unable to cope with stress.她无法应付压力。He didn't have enough experience to cope with the problem.他没有足够的经验来应对这个问题。527.Coren.果核;核心;骨干adj.核心的,最重要的They are the cores of an organization.它们是一个组织的核心。528.Cornern.角;嘴角,眼角;街角,拐角;角落Turn right at the next corner.在下一个拐角处右转。Spring is around the corner.春天即将来临。Someone is hiding in the corner.有人躲在角落里。529.Correctadj.正确的;恰当的v.改正,纠正;批改In my opinion, he is correct.我认为他是对的。Please correct the following sentence.请更正以下句子。Is your watch correct?你的手表准吗?530.Costn.价钱,费用;成本,开支;代价,损The cost is $10 plus $2 for shipping.运费为10美元加2美元。One-Day delivery will cost an additional 9.99 dollars.一日送达将额外花费9.99美元。I must help her at any cost.我必须不惜一切代价帮助她。
6/9/202414 minutes, 48 seconds
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Level 5-Day 27.Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (3)

词汇提示1.entangled 卷入2.skirmishes 小冲突3.prestige 声望4.quotation 引用原文Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (3)There are free elections and an election campaign ahead of us.Let us not allow this struggle to dirty the so far clean face of our gentle revolution.Let us not allow the sympathies of the world which we have won so fast to be equally rapidly lost through our becoming entangled in the jungle of skirmishes for power.Let us not allow the desire to serve oneself to bloom once again under the fair mask of the desire to serve the common good.It is not really important now which party, club, or group will prevail in the elections.The important thing is that the winners will be the best of us, in the moral,civic, political, and professional sense, regardless of their political affiliations.The future policies and prestige of our state will depend on the personalities we select and later elect to our representative bodies .….In conclusion, I would like to say that I want to be a president who will speakless and work more.To be a president who will not only look out of the windows of his airplane but who,first and foremost, will always be present among his fellow citizens and listen to them well.You may ask what kind of republic I dream of.Let me reply; I dream of a republic independent, free, and democratic, of are public economically prosperous and yet socially just, in short, of a humane republic which serves the individual and which therefore holds the hope that the individual will serve it in turn.Of are public of well - rounded people, because without such it is impossible to solve any of our problems, human, economic, ecological, social, or political.The most distinguished of my predecessors opened his first speech with a quotation from the great Czech educator Comenius.Allow me to round off my first speech with my own paraphrase of the same statement: People,your government has returned to you!翻译瓦茨拉夫·哈维尔:“道德的污染”(3)我们面前有自由选举和竞选活动。不要让这场斗争玷污我们温和的革命迄今为止干净的面貌。让我们不要让我们如此迅速地赢得了全世界的同情,同样迅速地失去了,因为我们陷入了争夺权力的小规模斗争的丛林。让我们不要让为自己服务的欲望在为公共利益服务的欲望的美丽面具下再次绽放。现在,哪个政党、俱乐部或团体将在选举中获胜并不重要。重要的是,无论他们的政治立场如何,获胜者将是我们中在道德、公民、政治和专业意义上最优秀的人。我们国家未来的政策和声望将取决于我们选出的人物以及后来选出的代表机构.....总之,我想说的是,我想成为一个少说多做的总统。要成为这样一位总统,他不仅会从飞机的窗户向外看,而且最重要的是,他会永远和他的同胞们在一起,倾听他们的心声。你也许会问我梦想什么样的共和国。让我来回答;我梦想着一个独立、自由、民主的共和国,一个经济繁荣而社会公正的共和国,简而言之,一个为个人服务的人道的共和国,因此它希望个人也能反过来为它服务。因为没有这些,就不可能解决我们的任何问题,无论是人类的、经济的、生态的、社会的还是政治的。我的前任中最杰出的一位在他的第一次演讲中引用了伟大的捷克教育家夸美纽斯的话。请允许我用我自己对同一声明的解释来结束我的第一次演讲:人民,你们的政府已经回到了你们身边!
6/8/20242 minutes, 4 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part8(story13-14)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.turban 头巾 2.clownish 滑稽的3.rummaged 翻找4.victim 受害者5.prank 恶作剧6.mistress 情妇7.poised 沉着8.nickname 昵称9.rumor 传言 10.disguised 伪装原文Story 13: The Syrian and the Three Women of CairoOnce there was a man from Syria who came to Cairo.He was wealthy, had money, merchandise and elegant clothes.He rented a room and explored the city.One day he came across three beautiful women.He invited them to come to his room to drink coffee that evening.They came and ate dinner with him and drank wine.He asked their names and they gave answers like, "My name is Have-you-ever-seen-anyone-like me."They encouraged him to drink until he passed out drunk.They switched his turban with a clownish cap.They rummaged through his belongings and took what they wanted, money, etc.When he woke up, he went into the streets calling for them,"Have-you-ever-seen-anyone-like-me? Where are you?"The people thought he was crazy and laughed at him and replied to him, "No, we have never seen anyone like you!"They took him to a barbershop, so he could see his reflection in the mirror.He knew then he was a victim of a prank.He demanded to know where he could find the three ladies.The people just told him to go back where he came, so he left Cairo and returned to Syria.Story 14: Mohammed the Shalabi and His Mistress and His WifeThere once lived a man in Cairo.He had a son by the name of Mohammed Shalabi, who was handsome and well regarded among his peers.When he was 10 years old, his father selected a wife for him to marry in the future.At the same time in Egypt, the Judge of the army named Kazi al-Aksar had a beautiful daughter.Her name was Sitt-al-Husn.She was poised, brilliant and graceful.Her nickname was the Lady of Loveliness.One day, by chance, they saw each other and were instantly attracted to each other.For three years they wrote each other secret messages.They never were able to meet privately.She couldn't wait any longer.Her desire was so strong.She sent an old woman to Shalabi, to tell him when and where he could secretly me ether.Someone reported seeing two lovers to the chief of police.An officer, the Wali, found them.He took them to jail.Soon the Kazi, heard of this rumor about his daughter.He went to the palace to talk with the Sultan.The wife of the young Shalabi heard this and disguised herself as a man and went to find the Wali.She found the prison and gave the guard gold to let her in.Her husband Shalabi didn't recognize her, as she was dressed like a man.She brought him food, but he refused to eat.She said to him, "Eat and good things will happen to you."When she left, Shalabi asked his wife why she came.She said, "I came to save you and to save girl that you love."The chief the honor of the of police told the Sultan of the disgrace.The girl, Sitt al-Husn, changed into her own clothes and secretly went back to her room at home.Her mother was upset.Her father, the Kazi ,was upset.Her parents worried about their reputation.One of the servant-girls found their daughter laying in a room resting.The Kazi immediately told the Sultan about the false accusation by the Wali.The chief of police said that the Wali put both of them in prison.He sent the Wali to get them as proof.He presented them to the Sultan.They identified themselves.Their identities and marriage were certified to be true.Shalabi said that he tried to sneak away with his wife, but the Wali saw them and arrested them.Shalabi said, "He spread scandalous rumors that I try to sneak away with the Kazi's daughter."The King sentenced the chief of police to death.It was announced publicly, "This is what happens to those who lie and dishonor the noble with false charges."Then the chief of police was put to death.翻译故事十三:叙利亚人和三个开罗女人从前有一个人从叙利亚来到开罗。他很富有,有钱,有商品,有漂亮的衣服。他租了一个房间,开始探索这个城市。一天,他遇到了三个漂亮的女人。那天晚上,他邀请她们到他的房间喝咖啡。她们来和他一起吃饭喝酒。他问她们的名字,她们的回答是,“我的名字是‘你见过像我这样的人吗?’”她们鼓励他喝酒,直到他醉倒。她们把他的头巾换成一顶滑稽的帽子。她们翻遍了他的财物,拿走了她们想要的东西,钱等。当他醒来时,他走到街上喊他们:“‘你们见过像我这样的人吗’你在哪儿?”众人以为他疯了,就嗤笑他说:“不,我们从来没有见过像你这样的人!”他们带他去理发店,这样他就能看到镜子里的自己。他知道他是一个恶作剧的受害者。他要求知道在哪里可以找到这三位女士。百姓叫他回他来的地方去,他就离开开罗,回叙利亚去了。故事十四:穆罕默德沙拉比和他的情妇和他的妻子从前在开罗住着一个人。他有一个儿子,名叫穆罕默德·沙拉比,长得很英俊,在同辈中很受尊敬。当他10岁的时候,他的父亲为他挑选了一个将来要娶的妻子。与此同时,在埃及,军队的法官阿克萨尔酋长有一个美丽的女儿。她的名字叫西特·胡森。她泰然自若,才华横溢,举止优雅。她的昵称是“可爱的女士”。一天,偶然的机会,他们看到了对方,并立即被对方吸引。三年来,他们互相给对方写秘密信息。他们从来没有机会私下见面。她不能再等了。她的欲望是如此强烈。她派了一个老妇人去找沙拉比,告诉他何时何地可以秘密地和她见面。有人向警察局长报告说看到两个恋人。一位名叫瓦利的军官发现了他们。他把他们送进了监狱。不久,酋长听说了这个关于他女儿的谣言。他去皇宫和苏丹谈话。少年人沙拉比的妻子听见了,就化装成男人去找瓦力。她找到了监狱,给了看守金子让她进去。她的丈夫沙拉比没认出她来,因为她穿得像个男人。她给他拿来食物,但他拒绝吃。妇人对他说:“你吃吧!你必有福。”当她离开时,沙拉比问他的妻子为什么来。她说:“我来救你,救你爱的女孩。”警察局长把这件耻辱的事告诉了苏丹。这个名叫西特·胡森的女孩换上了自己的衣服,偷偷地回到了自己的房间。她的母亲很不安。她的父亲酋长很不高兴。她的父母担心他们的名声。一个使女发现她们的女儿躺在一个房间里休息。酋长立即把瓦里的诬告告诉了苏丹。警察局长说,瓦里把他们俩都关进了监狱。他派瓦里人去拿他们作为证据。他把他们带去给苏丹。他们表明了自己的身份。他们的身份和婚姻被证明是真实的。沙拉比说他试图和他的妻子偷偷溜走,但瓦里看到了他们并逮捕了他们。沙拉比说:“他散布谣言,说我试图带着酋长的女儿偷偷溜走。”国王判处警察局长死刑。公开宣告说:“这就是那些说谎,诬告贵族的人的下场。”然后警察局长被处死。
6/6/20245 minutes, 7 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 51A:Where were you this morning?今天早上你在哪里??B: I have breakfast at the cafe.我在咖啡厅吃早餐。A:Was it the new one across the street?是街对面那家新开的吗?B:Yes. How did you know!是的。你怎么知道的!Conversation 52A:What's your favorite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?B: My favorite food is pizza.我最喜欢吃匹萨。A: Me too. And I always get lots of toppings.我也是。而且我总是会加很多馅料。B: I love toppings too. Like avocados and smoked salmon.我也喜欢馅料。像牛油果和烟熏鲑鱼。Conversation 53A:Which do you prefer, basketball or football?篮球和足球,你更喜欢哪个?B:Neither. I like car racing.两个都不喜欢。我喜欢赛车。A:Why?为什么?B:That's what I saw growing up so it got me interested.我小时候见过,所以对它产生了兴趣。Conversation 54A: Hi George, how have you been?你好,乔治,你最近好吗?B:Hi! Good to see you, it's been a minute.你好!很高兴见到你,好久不见了。A: I have been well. How are you?我过得很好。你呢?B: I am okay. Just busy though.我还好。只是比较忙。Conversation 55A:Why don't we go somewhere for dinner?我们为什么不找个地方吃晚饭呢?B:It's freezing outside, so I'd rather get delivery.外面很冷,我宁愿点外卖。A:Okay what were you thinking of ordering?好吧,你想点什么呢?B: I would like sushi or kebab.我想吃寿司或烤肉串。
6/4/20245 minutes, 11 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day52(511-520)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 52511.Contrastn.差异,对比;对照物;v.对比,对照There is a contrast between light and dark.明暗之间存在对比。His actions contrast with his words.他的行为与他的话形成鲜明对比。512.Contributev.捐赠,捐助;(为......)做贡献;投稿Would you like to contribute to the program?你想为该计划做出贡献吗?How can you contribute to our organization?你如何为我们的组织做出贡献?513.Contributionn.贡献,促成作用;捐款,捐助I really appreciate his contribution for this work.我非常感谢他为这项工作所做的贡献。That organization depends on voluntary contributions.那个组织依靠自愿捐款。514.Controln.控制权,支配权;v.控制,掌管;限制,抑制He struggled to retain control of the situation.他努力保持对局势的控制。Nobody can control us.没人能控制我们。He couldn't control his anger.他无法控制自己的愤怒。515.Convenientadj.方便的,便利的;附近的,方便到达的Is it convenient for you if I come at 5 p.m.?如果我下午5点来对你来说方便吗?We must arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting.我们必须为会议安排一个方便的时间和地点。516.Conventionn.习俗,惯例;集会;公约,协定;传统风格There will be a convention next Thursday.下周四将举行大会。517.Conventionaladj.依照惯例的,遵循习俗的;老一套的;常规的Why are conventional language classes so boring?为什么传统语言课这么无聊?518.Conversationn.(非正式的)谈话,交谈In real conversation, there is no time to think about grammar rules.在真实的对话中,没有时间考虑语法规则。The main topic of conversation was his new girlfriend.谈话的主要话题是他的新女友。I'm having a conversation with a friend.我正在和朋友谈话。519.Convertv.(使)转变,(使)转换We've just finished converting one of the bedrooms in our house into a playroom for the children.我们刚把家里的一间卧室改造成孩子们的游戏室。This sofa can easily be converted into a very comfortable double bed for guests.这张沙发可以很容易地改装成一张非常舒适的双人床。520.Convincev.使确信,使信服;说服,劝服Your arguments don't convince me.你的论点不能说服我。I was convinced by his explanation.我被他的解释说服了。
6/2/202412 minutes, 48 seconds
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Level 5-Day 26.Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (2)

词汇提示1.legacy 遗产2.bequeathed 遗赠3.blunt 减弱4.slumbered 睡5.apathy 冷漠6.categorically 绝对的7.meek 温顺的8.totalitarian 极权主义的9.yoke 枷锁10.speculation 投机11.intrigue 阴谋 原文Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (2)Why do I say this?It would be very unreasonable to understand the sad legacy of the last forty years as something alien, which some distant relative bequeathed us.On the contrary, we have to accept this legacy as a sin we committed against ourselves.If we accept it as such, we will understand that it is up to us all, and up to us only, to do something about it.We cannot blame the previous rulers for everything, not only because it would be untrue but also because it could blunt the duty that each of us faces today,namely, the obligation to act independently, freely, reasonably, and quickly.Let us not be mistaken: the best government in the world, the best parliament and the best president, cannot achieve much on their own.And it would also be wrong to expect a general remedy from them only.Freedom and democracy include participation and therefore responsibility from us all.If we realize this, then all the horrors that the new Czechoslovak democracy inherited will cease to appear so terrible.If we realize this, hope will return to our hearts.In the effort to rectify matters of common concern, we have something to lean on.The recent period - and in particular,the last six weeks of our peaceful revolution -has shown the enormous human,moral, and spiritual potential and civic culture that slumbered in our society under the enforced mask of apathy.Whenever someone categorically claimed that we were this or that, I always objected that society is a very mysterious creature and that it is not wise to trust only the face it presents to you.I am happy that I was not mistaken.Everywhere in the world people wonder where those meek, humiliated,skeptical, and seemingly cynical citizens of Czechoslovakia found the marvelous strength to shake from their shoulders in several weeks and in a decent and peaceful way the totalitarian yoke.And let us ask: from where did the young people who never knew another system take their desire for truth, their love of free thought, their political as,their civic courage and civic prudence?How did it happen that their parents- the very generation that had been considered as lost - joined them?How is it possible that so many people immediately knew what to do and, none of them needed any advice or instruction?Masaryk based his politics on morality.Let us try in a new time and in a new way to restore this concept of politics.Let us teach ourselves and others that politics should be an expression of a desire to contribute to the happiness of the community rather than of a need to cheat or rape the community.Let us teach ourselves and others that politics can be not only the art of the possible, especially if this means the art of speculation, calculation, intrigue,secret deals, and pragmatic maneuvering,but that it can even be the art of the impossible, namely, the art of improving ourselves and the world...翻译瓦茨拉夫·哈维尔:“道德的污染”(2)我为什么这么说?把过去四十年的悲惨遗产理解为某种陌生的东西,是某个远亲留给我们的,这是非常不合理的。相反,我们必须接受这一遗产是我们对自己犯下的罪。如果我们这样接受它,我们就会明白,我们所有人都有责任,也只有我们有责任对此采取行动。我们不能把一切都归咎于前任统治者,不仅因为这是不真实的,而且因为它会削弱我们今天每个人所面临的责任、独立、自由、合理和迅速行动的义务。让我们不要误解:世界上最好的政府、最好的议会和最好的总统,单凭自己的力量是无法取得很大成就的。而且,仅仅指望从他们那里得到普遍的补救也是错误的。自由和民主包括参与,因此也包括我们所有人的责任。如果我们认识到这一点,那么新的捷克斯洛伐克民主所继承的一切恐怖将不再显得那么可怕。如果我们意识到这一点,希望就会重新回到我们的心中。在纠正共同关心的问题的努力中,我们是有依靠的。最近一段时期,特别是我们和平革命的最后六个星期,显示了我们社会中巨大的人性、道德和精神潜力和公民文化,它们被强加在冷漠的面具下沉睡着。每当有人明确地宣称我们是这样或那样时,我总是反对说,社会是一种非常神秘的生物,只相信它呈现给你的面孔是不明智的。我很高兴我没有弄错。世界各地的人们都想知道,那些温顺、受辱、怀疑和看似愤世嫉俗的捷克斯洛伐克公民,在几周内,以一种体面而和平的方式,从他们的肩膀上摆脱了极权主义的枷锁。让我们问一下:那些从不了解另一种制度的年轻人,他们对真理的渴望、对自由思想的热爱、他们的政治抱负、他们的公民勇气和公民审慎,是从哪里来的?他们的父母——被认为是迷失的一代——是如何加入他们的呢?怎么可能这么多人马上就知道该怎么做,而且他们都不需要任何建议或指导?马萨里克把他的政治建立在道德之上。让我们尝试在一个新的时代,以一种新的方式,恢复这一政治概念。让我们教育自己和他人,政治应该是一种为社会幸福做出贡献的愿望的表达,而不是欺骗或强奸社会的需要。让我们教导自己和他人,政治不仅可以是可能的艺术,特别是如果这意味着投机、计算、阴谋、秘密交易和务实操作的艺术,而且它甚至可以是不可能的艺术,即改善我们自己和世界的艺术……
6/1/20243 minutes, 8 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part7(story11-12)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.gallants 勇士2.butcher 屠夫3.bonnet 帽子4.ridiculous 荒谬的5.infatuated 迷恋原文Story 11: The Goodwife of Cairo and Her Four GallantsThere once a beautiful woman in Cairo.She was married to an Emir.She had problems with a Kazi(or Judge) who was alway swatching her.Once a month she went to the Hammam.The road to the Hammam passed by the Kazi's courthouse.One day, the Kazi saw her and she saw him.He asked,"Is there a possibility that something could happen between us?" and she said yes, and invited him to come to her home after dinner.After the Hammam she met a man named Shahbandar.He asked the same of her, "Is union possible between us?" and she agreed.She invited him to come to her at a specific time.The same happened with a man who was a butcher, and again with a trader.She promised herself to four men.At the appointed time, each man arrived, one after the other.She had them change into a light robe and bonnet.The Butcher came after the Kazi.When the Butcher knocked on the door, the Kazi feared it might be her husband.She told him to hide in the closet.She repeated this until there were four men in the closet.She said loudly so they could hear, "Oh, yesterday my husband killed four men!"Her husband the Emir came home.He sat in a chair and they talked.He asked her about her day.She told him she came across four silly men all dressed in light robes and funny fluffy bonnets.She asked her husband, "If I brought them here,would you have killed them?"He said no, he could not kill those ridiculous men."We could have made them dance and be silly for us."The wife said, "Actually, don't get upset with me but they are here!"He promised he wouldn't be upset.She brought out the Judge (the Kazi) and they made him dance like a monkey.He fell to the floor, exhausted.The husband said, "Get up and entertain us with a story!"The Judge told the story of The Tailor and the Lady and the Captain.Story 12: The Tailor and the Lady and the Captain.There was Captain who had a beautiful wife.Their home faced a tailor shop.The tailor saw the wife and was infatuated with her.His staring and looking offended her.She thought to herself, "I'll play a trick on him and he'll never bother me again."She put on her best clothes and made herself extra beautiful.She sent one of her servant girls to the tailor, sending a message saying, "My lady wishes to have coffee with you..."He immediately closed his shop and crossed the street.They talked and had coffee and she had dinner prepared for them.Her husband knocked on the door.She told the tailor to hide in the closet.She locked the closets door and broke a piece of the key and put it in her pocket.The husband saw the food and questioned her.She said openly that she was with her lover, and that he was in the closet.She gave her husband the key but the door would not open.The Captain was very upset and threatened to kill the lover when he found him.Finally,the wife laughed and said, "Do you really think I would tell you if I had a lover here? That's ridiculous. I was just playing a trick on you."The husband calmed down and believed her.They sat and ate the meal, while the tailor was nearby in the closet.When the husband left to go to the Hammam, she opened the closet.She said to the tailor, "I hope you learned your lesson. If you ever look at me or talk to me again you will die. This time I'm letting you go free."The servant girl took him across the street to his shop.The tailor was disgraced, walking back to his shop full of embarrassment.翻译故事十一:开罗的女主人和她的四个侍臣从前在开罗有一个美丽的女人。她嫁给了一位埃米尔。她和一个总是盯着她的酋长(或法官)有矛盾。她每个月去一次浴室。通往浴室的路经过酋长的法院。一天,酋长看到了她,她也看到了他。他问:“我们之间有没有可能发生什么?”她说有可能,并邀请他晚饭后去她家。从澡堂出来后,她遇到了一个叫沙班达的人。他又问她:“我们能在一起吗?”她答应了。她邀请他在一个特定的时间到她那里去。同样的事情也发生在一个屠夫身上,又发生在一个商人身上。她许诺给了四个男人。到了日期,他们一个接一个地到了。她让他们换上浅色长袍和帽子。屠夫在酋长之后来。当屠夫敲门时,酋长担心可能是她的丈夫。她让他躲在壁橱里。她这样重复着,直到衣橱里出现了四个男人。她大声说:“哦,昨天我丈夫杀了四个人!”她的丈夫埃米尔回来了。他坐在椅子上,他们交谈起来。他问她今天过得怎么样。她告诉他,她遇到了四个傻乎乎的男人,他们都穿着浅色的长袍,戴着有趣的毛茸茸的帽子。她问丈夫:“如果我把他们带到这里来,你会杀了他们吗?”他说不,他不能杀那些可笑的人。“我们本可以让他们跳舞,为我们犯傻。”妻子说:“其实,别生我的气,他们就在这里!”他保证他不会生气。她把法官(酋长)带了出来,他们让他像猴子一样跳舞。他倒在地板上,筋疲力尽。丈夫说:“起来,给我们讲个故事吧!”法官讲了裁缝、夫人和船长的故事。故事十二:裁缝、夫人和船长。有一个船长,他有一个美丽的妻子。他们家对面是一家裁缝店。裁缝看到妻子,就被她迷住了。他的凝视和眼神冒犯了她。她心想:“我要捉弄他一下,他就再也不会来烦我了。”她穿上最好的衣服,把自己打扮得格外漂亮。她派了一个女仆去找裁缝,捎话说:“夫人想和您喝杯咖啡……”他立即关了店,过了马路。他们聊天,喝咖啡,她为他们准备了晚餐。她丈夫敲了敲门。她叫裁缝躲到壁橱里去。她锁上壁橱的门,打碎了一把钥匙,放进口袋里。丈夫看到食物,问她。她坦率地说她和她的情人在一起,而他在壁橱里。她把钥匙给了丈夫,但门就是打不开。船长非常沮丧,并威胁说如果他找到这个情人,要杀了他。最后,妻子笑着说:“你真的认为我会告诉你,如果我在这里有个情人吗?那太荒唐了。我只是跟你开个玩笑。”丈夫平静下来,相信了她。他们坐下来吃饭,裁缝就在旁边的壁橱里。当丈夫离开去浴室时,她打开了壁橱。她对裁缝说:“我希望你吸取了教训。如果你再看我一眼或者跟我说话你就死定了。这次我要放你自由。”女仆把他带到街对面他的商店。裁缝觉得很丢脸,尴尬地走回自己的店铺。
5/30/20244 minutes, 36 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 46A:What do you do on weekends?你周末一般做什么?B: I usually go shopping and clean my room.我通常去购物,打扫房间。A: Do you hang out with your friend?你会跟朋友一起出去玩吗?B:Yes, sometimes.是的,偶尔会。Conversation 47A:Are you ready to go?你准备好出发了吗?B:Hold on a minute! I can't find my house keys.稍等一下!我找不到房门钥匙。A:Did you check inside your bag and coat pockets?你检查过你的包包和外套口袋了吗?B:Ah! I found it! It was in the pocket!啊!找到了!在口袋里面!Conversation 48A:What kinds of food don't you like?你不喜欢吃哪种食物?B:I'm bad with spicy foods.我不喜欢吃辣的东西。A:Don't you have any spicy foods in your country?你们国家没有什么辣的食物吗?B:No, we don't have any spicy foods in my country.不,我们国家没有辣的食物。Conversation 49A: I left my bag on a train.我把包忘在火车上了。B:You should go to the Lost and Found.你应该去失物招领处。A:Where is it?它在哪里?B:Right next to the station entrance, on the right hand side.就在车站入口旁边,在右手边。Conversation 50A: Do you have an appointment?你有预约吗?B:No, I don't.不,我没有预约。A:The manager is very busy but if you'd like to wait I'll see if he has a moment for you.经理很忙,但如果您愿意等一下,我去看看他是否有空B:Thank you, I won't take up much time, I just want to thank him for his help.谢谢,我不会估用太多时间,我只是想感谢他的帮助。
5/28/20245 minutes, 22 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day51(501-510)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 51501.Consultv.咨询,请教;商量,商讨;查询,查阅Why don't you consult a lawyer?你为什么不咨询律师?You should consult a doctor if the symptoms get worse.如果症状恶化,您应该咨询医生。502.Contactn.联系,联络;接触,触摸v.联系,联络;接触Please contact my secretary to make an appointment.请联系我的秘书预约。If you'd prefer a room closer to the Convention Center, please contact us.如果您想要离会议中心更近的房间,请联系我们。I found it impossible to get in contact with him.我发现不可能和他取得联系。503.Containv.包含,容纳;遏制,防止…..…蔓延;抑制(感情)Some mushrooms contain deadly poisons.有些蘑菇含有致命的毒药。This juice contains no added sugar.这种果汁不含添加糖。504.Contentadj.满足的,满意的 n.目录;满足,满意;v.使满意,使满足She was content with her life.她对自己的生活很满意。The content of his essay is excellent, but it's not very well expressed.他的文章内容非常好,但表达得不太好。Are you content with your present salary?你对现在的薪水感到满意吗?505.Contestn.比赛,竞赛;争夺,竞争v.争辩,提出异议What time does that contest start?那场比赛什么时候开始?I joined a speech contest.我参加了演讲比赛。506.Contextn.背景,环境;上下文,语境He didn't understand the context of this paragraph.他不明白这段的背景。Can you guess the meaning of this phrase from the context?你能从上下文中猜出这句话的含义吗?507.Continentn.洲,大陆Africa is the poorest continent.非洲是最贫穷的大陆。Australia is the smallest continent in the world.澳大利亚是世界上最小的大陆。They crossed the vast continent on foot.他们徒步穿越了广阔的大陆。508.Continuev. (使)继续,(使)延续;继续说,接着说How long will this cold weather continue?这种寒冷的天气还会持续多久?Prices will continue to rise.价格将继续上涨。Please continue with your story. It's really interesting.请继续讲你的故事。这真的很有趣。509.Continuousadj.连续不断的,持续的This continuous noise annoys me.这种持续的噪音让我很烦。510.Contractn.合同,契约;婚约,订婚v.签合同,订立契约This is my very first contract.这是我的第一份合同。The terms of the contract are under review.合同条款正在审查中。What are the terms of the contract?合同的条款是什么?
5/26/202413 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 25.Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (1)

词汇提示1.contamination 污染2.morality 道德3.variation 变化4.flourished 繁荣的5.humiliates 羞辱6.exploits 剥夺7.obsolete 过时的8.bequeathed 遗赠的9.concepts 基本观念10.regime 政权11.autonomous 自主性12.inexorably 无情地13.totalitarian 极权主义者原文Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (1)My dear fellow citizens, for forty years you heard from my predecessors on this day different variations of the same theme; how our country flourished, how many million tons of steel we produced, how happy we all were, how we trusted our government, and what bright perspectives were unfolding in front of us.I assume you did not propose me for this office so that I, too, would lie to you.Our country is not flourishing.The enormous creative and spiritual potential of our nation is not being used sensibly.Entire branches of industry are producing goods which are of no interest to anyone, while we are lacking the things we need.A state which calls itself a workers' state humiliates and exploits workers.Our obsolete economy is wasting the little energy we have available.A country that once could be proud of the educational level of its citizens spends so little on education that it ranks today as seventy-second in the world.We have polluted our soil, our rivers and forests, bequeathed to us by our ancestors, and we have today the most contaminated environment in Europe.Adult people in our country die earlier than in most other European countries...But all this is still not the main problem.The worst thing is that we live in a contaminated moral environment.We fell morally ill because we became used to saying something different from what we thought.We learned not to believe in anything, to ignore each other, to care only about ourselves.Concepts such as love, friendship, compassion, humility, or forgiveness lost their depth and dimensions, and for many of us they represented only psychological peculiarities, or they resembled gone-astray greetings from ancient times, a little ridiculous in the era of computers and spaceships.Only a few of us were able to cry out loud that the powers that be should not be all-powerful, and that special farms, which produce ecologically pure and top-quality food just for them, should send their produce to schools,children's homes, and hospitals if our agriculture was unable to offer them to all.The previous regime - armed with its arrogant and intolerant ideology - reduced man to a force of production and nature to a tool of production.In this it attacked both their very substance and their mutual relationship.It reduced gifted and autonomous people, skillfully working in their own country, to nuts and bolts of some monstrously huge, noisy, and stinking machine, whose real meaning is not clear to anyone.It cannot do more than slowly but inexorably wear down itself and all its nuts and bolts.When I talk about contaminated moral atmosphere, I am not talking just about the gentlemen who eat organic vegetables and do not look out of the plane windows.I am talking about all of us.We had all become used to the totalitarian system and accepted it as an unchangeable fact and thus helped to perpetuate it.In other words, we are all - though naturally to differing extents - responsible for the operation of the totalitarian machinery; none of us is just its victim:we are all also its co-creators.翻译瓦茨拉夫·哈维尔:“道德的污染”(1)我亲爱的同胞们,四十年来的今天,你们从我的前任那里听到同一主题的不同变化;我们的国家是多么繁荣,我们生产了多少百万吨的钢铁,我们是多么幸福,我们是多么信任我们的政府,多么光明的前景展现在我们面前。我猜你向我推荐这个职位不是为了让我也对你撒谎。我们的国家并不繁荣。我们国家巨大的创造力和精神潜能没有得到合理的利用。整个工业部门都在生产人们不感兴趣的产品,而我们却缺乏我们所需要的东西。一个自称工人国家的国家是对工人的羞辱和剥削。我们陈旧的经济正在浪费我们仅有的一点能源。一个曾经可以为其公民的教育水平感到自豪的国家,在教育上的花费如此之少,以至于今天它在世界上排名第72位。我们污染了祖先留给我们的土壤、河流和森林,我们今天的环境是欧洲污染最严重的。我们国家的成年人比大多数其他欧洲国家死得早。但这还不是主要问题。最糟糕的是,我们生活在一个被污染的道德环境中。我们之所以道德上有问题,是因为我们习惯于说出与自己想法不同的东西。我们学会了不相信任何东西,忽略彼此,只关心自己。诸如爱、友谊、同情、谦卑或宽恕之类的概念失去了它们的深度和维度,对我们中的许多人来说,它们仅仅代表了心理学上的独特性,或者它们就像来自远古时代的误入歧途的问候,在计算机和宇宙飞船的时代有点可笑。我们中只有少数人能够大声喊出,权力不应该是万能的,如果我们的农业不能为所有人提供食物,那些专门为他们生产生态纯净和高质量食物的特殊农场应该把他们的产品送到学校、儿童之家和医院。前政权以其傲慢和不宽容的意识形态武装起来,把人贬低为生产力,把自然贬低为生产工具。在这一点上,它既攻击了它们的实质,也攻击了它们的相互关系。它把那些在自己的国家里熟练地工作的天才和自主的人,沦为某种巨大的、吵闹的、臭烘烘的机器的螺丝钉,而这些机器的真正意义谁也不清楚。它只能缓慢而无情地消耗自身及其所有的螺母和螺栓。当我谈到被污染的道德氛围时,我指的不仅仅是那些吃有机蔬菜、不看窗外的绅士们。我说的是我们所有人。我们都已经习惯了极权主义制度,把它当作一个不可改变的事实来接受,从而助长了它的延续。换句话说,我们所有人——尽管自然在不同程度上——都要对极权主义机器的运作负责;没有人只是它的受害者:我们都是它的共同创造者。
5/25/20243 minutes, 29 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part6(story10)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.sharpers 骗子2.jeweler 珠宝商3.genealogist 谱系学家4.smashed 打碎5.lineage 血缘6.bushy 浓密7.immunity 豁免8.adulterer 奸夫9.swindle骗子原文Story 10: The Story of the Three SharpersAlong time ago there were three sharpers.Everyday they searched through the garbage piles to find some coins or pieces of silver.Every night they spent everything they found on food, drugs and a candle.Three days passed and they found nothing.They were very hungry.They decided to beat each other up outside of the palace to get attention.The guards saw them and brought them in.The King questioned them.They said they were masters of special skills.One said he was a jeweler, one said he was a genealogist of horses, and one said he was a genealogist of humans.The King decided to test them.He gave them apartments and food.When the time came for them to prove their skills, he called for them, one by one. The jeweler was asked to examine a precious stone.He told the King there was a worm, or defect in the stone.The King ordered the stone to be smashed and they discovered there was really a defect.The King asked how he knew this and the jeweler said, "The sharpness of my sight."Next,the King was given a black horse.He asked the horse specialist if the horse was a pure breed.He said no, the mother was a buffalo cow.The King asked how he knew this and he said, "The horse's hoof is round and the hooves of bison are long and shaped like a duck."The King asked the third sharper about the genealogy of his wife, the Queen.He told the King that the Queen's mother was a gypsy.The King asked how could he have known this and he answered that he noticed her lineage from the shape of her eyes and her bushy eyebrows.The King asked to know about his own lineage.The third Sharper made the King promise him immunity if he told him.The King agreed.The King was told he was not true King; he was the son of a cook.The King's mother confessed it was true, saying she could not get pregnant from her husband the King, so she took the cook as a lover to get pregnant.The King, her husband, never knew.The King said, "I am not fit to be a king, I am the son of an adulterer."He gave his kingship, his crown and robe to the third swindler.The new"King" called for his friends and they did not recognize him.He ruled as a generous king for the rest of his days.翻译故事十:三个骗子的故事很久以前,有三个骗子。每天他们都在垃圾堆里寻找一些硬币或银币。每天晚上,他们把所有的钱都花在食物、药物和蜡烛上。三天过去了,他们什么也没找到。他们非常饿。他们决定在宫殿外互相殴打以引起注意。警卫看到了他们,把他们带了进来。国王问他们。他们说他们是特殊技能的大师。一个说他是珠宝商,一个说他是马的谱系学家,还有一个说他是人类的谱系学家。国王决定考验一下他们。他给他们住处和食物。当要他们证明自己的技能时,他一个接一个地叫他们。珠宝商被要求检查一块宝石。他告诉国王石头里有虫,或者说是有缺陷。国王下令把石头砸碎,他们发现确实有一个缺陷。国王问他是怎么知道的,珠宝商说:“我的视力太敏锐了。”接着,国王得到了一匹黑马。他问马专家这匹马是否是纯种马。他说不是,妈妈是一头野牛。国王问他是怎么知道的,他说:“马的蹄子是圆的,野牛的蹄子是长的,形状像鸭子。”国王问第三个专家关于他妻子——王后的家谱。他告诉国王王后的母亲是吉普赛人。国王问他是怎么知道的,他回答说,他从她眼睛的形状和浓密的眉毛上看出了她的血统。国王要求了解他自己的血统。第三个骗子让国王答应,如果他告诉他,就赦免他。国王同意了。国王被告知他不是真正的国王;他是厨师的儿子。国王的母亲承认这是真的,说她不能从她的丈夫国王那里怀孕,所以她带着厨师作为情人怀孕。她的丈夫,老国王,从来不知道。国王说:“我不配做国王,我是奸夫的儿子。”他把王位、王冠和袍子给了第三个骗子。新"国王"叫来了他的朋友,他们都不认识他。他作为一个慷慨的国王度过了他的余生。
5/23/20243 minutes, 2 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 41A:Will you come and pick me up?你能来接我吗?B:What time?什么时间?A:About 9 am will be perfect, thanks.大约上午9点吧,谢谢。B: I will leave at 8:45 so I will be on time.我将在8:45离开,所以我会准时到。Conversation 42A:Excuse me. What time is it now?打扰一下。现在几点了?B: It is 6:30.六点三十分。A:What time will this airplane arrive?这架飞机什么时候到达?B: It is scheduled for 7:30.预定是7:30。Conversation 43A: I have to get going.我得走了。B:Oh, are you leaving so soon?噢,这么快就要走了吗?A: My train ticket is booked for 2 o'clock and I still have to fetch my documents.我的火车票已订好2点的,我还得去拿我的文档。B:It's been great to see you, I hope you have a safe trip and a successful meeting.很高兴见到您,希望您旅途平安,会议顺利。Conversation 44A:When shall we have a meeting?我们什么时候开会?B: At 10 AM tomorrow morning. Do you know where it is?明天早上10点。你知道在哪里开会吗?A:Conference room B, right?B会议室,对吧?B:No. We changed the meeting room. It's no longer conference room B.不对,我们换了会议室。不再是B会议室了。Conversation 45A:What's the temperature?温度是多少?B:It's five degrees below zero.现在是零下五度。A:That is freezing temperature!那是冻结温度啊!B:The winters here are harsh.这里的冬天太冷了。
5/21/20245 minutes, 13 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day50(491-500)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 50491.Connectionn.关系,联系;连接,接通;人际关系,人脉He can't do his job without an internet connection.没有互联网连接他就无法完成工作。There is a connection between smoking and lung cancer.吸烟和肺癌之间有联系。492.Consequencen.结果,后果;重要性,价值It's the consequence of your laziness.这是你懒惰的结果。He takes the consequence of not studying hard.他承担了不努力学习的后果。493.Conservativeadj.保守的;守旧的;n.保守者,因循守旧者I'm not as conservative as I used to be.我不像以前那样保守。Old people are usually more conservative than young people.老年人通常比年轻人更保守。494.Considerv.考虑,斟酌;认为,视为;探讨,讨论We must consider all options.我们必须考虑所有选项。I think it's time for me to consider going on a diet.我想是时候考虑节食了。What do you consider your greatest achievement?你认为你最大的成就是什么?495.Considerableadj.相当大的,相当重要的;显要的,值得尊敬的We've saved a considerable amount of money.我们已经存了一大笔钱。That was a considerable distance.那是相当长的距离。He is under considerable stress.他承受着相当大的压力。496.Considerationn.考虑,斟酌;考虑因素;体贴,关心;报酬,酬金The problem is not worth consideration.这个问题不值得考虑。We'll take that into consideration.我们会考虑这一点。The proposals are still under consideration.这些提案仍在审议之中。497.Constantadj.持续不断的,经常发生的;恒定的;忠诚的 n.常数I couldn't walk to school because of the constant rain.因为持续下雨,我无法步行去学校。He is my constant supporter.他是我一贯的支持者。This entrance is in constant use.这个入口一直在使用。498.Constantlyadv.总是,经常地,不断地He is constantly provoking me.他一直在挑衅我。He constantly criticizes other people.他经常批评别人。The world is constantly changing.世界在不断变化。499.Constructv.建造,修建;组成,创立I wonder when this building was constructed?我想知道这栋楼是什么时候建的?They'reconstructing a bridge over the river.他们正在河上建一座桥。500.Constructionn.建造,建筑;构造,结构;建筑物The construction blocked the entrance to the street.建筑物封锁了街道的入口。He has a son who is a construction worker.他有一个儿子是建筑工人。The railway is still under construction.铁路仍在建设中。
5/19/202414 minutes, 59 seconds
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Level 5-Day 24.Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address

词汇提示1.conceived 构想2.consecrate 奉献原文Abraham Lincoln: 'Gettysburg Address'Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.We are met on a great battlefield of that war.We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.But,in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate-we cannot consecrate-we cannot hallow-this ground.The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated hereto the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.翻译亚伯拉罕·林肯:《葛底斯堡演说》八十七年前,我们的先辈在这个大陆上创立了一个新国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。现在我们正在进行一场伟大的内战,以考验这个国家,或者任何一个孕育于上述原则和奉行上述原则的国家是否能够长久存在下去。我们在这场战争的一个伟大战场上集会。我们来到这里,是为了把这个战场的一部分奉献给那些为这个国家的生存而献出生命的人,作为他们最后安息的地方。我们这样做是完全合适和适当的。但是,从更广泛的意义上说,这片土地我们无法奉献——我们无法圣化——我们无法神化。那些曾经在这里战斗过的勇士们,活着的和死去的,已经使这块土地神圣化了,远远不是我们微薄的力量所能增减的。我们今天在这里所说的话,世界不会注意到,也不会长久记住,但勇士们在这里所做的事,世界却永远不会忘记。毋宁说,应该由我们这些活着的人来献身于那些曾在这里战斗过的勇士们所崇高推进的尚未完成的事业。我们应该在这里献身于仍然留在我们面前的伟大任务——我们要从这些光荣的死者身上汲取更多的献身精神,来完成他们已完全为之献身的事业;我们要在这里下定决心,不让这些死者白白牺牲;要使这个国家在上帝的庇佑下获得自由的新生,要使这个民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。
5/18/20241 minute, 53 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part5(story9)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.wiles 诡计2.inscription 题词3.pockmarked 长麻子的4.stingy 小气的5.veiled 戴面纱的6.furious 狂怒的7.predicament 困境8.gypsies 吉普赛人9.blacksmith 铁匠原文Story 9: Women's WilesThere once was a young and handsome, son of a merchant in Baghdad.He had a shop in the city where he bought, and sold goods.One day, a charming young woman passed by his shop.She looked up an saw the inscription written above the shop door and it made her upset 'Men's wits exceed women's wiles.'She was determined to do something about it.The next day, she went back to the store dressed in her most expensive clothes.She went into the store pretending to shop and while talking with the merchant she said, "Look at the shape of my body, how could anyone say that I have a hunchback." She leaned forward so that he could see part of her breasts.Then she said, "And how can they say my arms are pockmarked, and that I'm one-eyed."She showed him her smooth white forearms, and let him see her face.The merchant said that of course, she was none of these things and asked why she had these ideas.The young lady told the merchant that her father said all of these horrible things.She said her father was the Chief Kazi of the city and turned away all her suitors, he telling them that she was deformed and she would never marry.She said, "My father is stingy and doesn't want to spend money. He says, I am like the slave girls and shouldn't wear elegant clothing and that I will be single forever."The merchant was so charmed by her beauty and suffering that he begged for her to stop crying and vowed to marry her himself.The woman warned him that her father would try to discourage the match.The merchant assured her that he wouldn't believe the Kazi's lies.He went to the Kazi's palace to ask to marry the Kazi's daughter.The Kazi said that they were not a good match.Insisting that he didn't care, the contracts were signed and a grand wedding was made.The daughter was heavily veiled and was brought to the merchant's house.He discovered to his horror that she was indeed hunchbacked,covered in pockmarks, and had only one eye, just as the Kazi said.He realized the beautiful young woman who came to his store had tricked him.The next morning, she dressed herself with even more expensive clothes that showed her perfect shape.The furious merchant to know why she played such a tricks on him, saying,"What did I do to harm you? I don't understand."The girl pointed to his sign and said that the sign over his door made her angry and displeased.She said to him, "If you change your sign to say the opposite I will get you out of your predicament."He agreed to change the sign.She told him to hire all the gypsies, dancers and beggars in the city to come and sing the next morning, exactly at the time when he will be having coffee with his new father-in-law.The next day, the crowd came to the merchant and the Kazi.The Kazi was shocked and demanded to know what was going on.The merchant said what the young woman had told him to say, "These are my relatives,I am the son of their uncle. They have come to wish me congratulations on my new marriage."The Kazi was sad that he had married his daughter into such a low-class family and divorced from the wanted his daughter merchant.After the divorce was processed, the merchant ordered a new sign for his shop.The sign said, "Women's wiles exceed men's wits."In the end, he persuaded a young lady, who was a blacksmith's daughter, to marry him and they lived happily through the rest of their days.翻译故事九:女人的诡计从前,巴格达有一个年轻英俊的商人的儿子。他在城里开了一家商店,在那里买卖货物。一天,一位迷人的年轻女子经过他的商店。她抬头一看,看到店门上写着这样一句话,她很不高兴:“男人的智慧胜过女人的诡计。”她决心要做点什么。第二天,她穿着她最昂贵的衣服回到了商店。她假装购物走进商店,一边和店主说话一边说:“看看我的身材,怎么会有人说我是驼背呢?”她身体前倾,好让他看到她的部分乳房。然后她说:“他们怎么能说我的胳膊上有麻子,说我是独眼呢?”她给他看她光滑洁白的前臂,让他看她的脸。商人说,她当然不是这样人,并问她为什么有这些想法。这位年轻的女士告诉商人,她的父亲说了所有这些可怕的话。她说她的父亲是这个城市的酋长,拒绝了所有的追求者,他告诉他们她是畸形的,她永远不会结婚。她说:“我爸爸很小气,不想花钱。他说,我就像女奴一样,不应该穿高雅的衣服,我将永远单身。”商人被她的美丽和痛苦所吸引,他恳求她停止哭泣,并发誓要娶她为妻。那女人警告他说,她父亲会设法阻止这门亲事。商人向她保证,他不会相信酋长的谎言。他来到酋长的宫殿,要求娶酋长的女儿为妻。酋长说他们不般配。他坚持说他不在乎,于是签了契约,举行了盛大的婚礼。女儿蒙着厚厚的面纱,被带到商人家里。他惊恐地发现她确实是驼背,满脸麻子,只有一只眼睛,正如酋长所说的那样。他意识到来店里的那个年轻漂亮的女人骗了他。第二天早上,她穿上了更加昂贵的衣服,展现了她完美的身材。愤怒的商人想知道她为什么要捉弄他,说:“我做了什么伤害你的事?我不明白。”女孩指着他的牌子说,他门上的牌子让她又生气又不高兴。她对他说:“如果你把你的牌子换成相反的,我会帮你摆脱困境。”他同意更改标志。她让他雇城里所有的吉普赛人、舞者和乞丐来唱歌,就在第二天早上他和他的新岳父喝咖啡的时候。第二天,人们来到商人和酋长面前。酋长很震惊,要求知道发生了什么事。商人照着年轻女子的话说:“他们是我的亲戚,我是他们叔叔的儿子。他们是来祝贺我新婚的。”酋长很伤心,他把自己的女儿嫁到这样一个低下的家庭,和想迎娶女儿的商人离婚了。离婚手续办完后,商人为他的商店订了一个新招牌。牌子上写着:“女人的诡计胜过男人的智慧。”最后,他说服了一位年轻的女士,她是一个铁匠的女儿,嫁给了他,他们幸福地度过了余生。
5/16/20244 minutes, 21 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 36A:May I speak to John?我可以和约翰说话吗?B:Sorry, he is out now.不好意思,他出去了。A: Do you know when he'll be back?你知道他什么时候回来吗?B:He'll be back in about 20 minutes.他大约20分钟后回来。Conversation 37A:How hot this room is!这个房间好热!B:It's not really that hot for me.对我来说没那么热。A: Do you mind if I open the window?你介意我打开窗户吗?B:Sure. Make yourself comfortable.没关系。请随意。Conversation 38A: Do you mind waiting for 30 minutes?您可以稍等30分钟吗?B:Okay, no problem. I will be back.好的,没问题。我稍候回来。A:Thank you for your patience.感谢您的耐心等候。B: No problem. I'll see you in 30 minutes.不客气。30分钟后见。Conversation 39A:Hi! What's new?嗨!最近有什么新消息吗?B:Nothing special. What about you?没什么特别的。你呢?A: I have had quite an exciting time, I bought a new car.我最近过得还不错,买了一辆新车。B:That is wonderful, I hope you have many miles of happy driving in it.那太好了,我希望你开得开心。Conversation 40A:Where are you going?你去哪儿?B: To the dentist.去看牙医。A:Oh, really? Do you have cavities?噢,真的吗?你有蛀牙吗?B:Probably. I've had a toothache since last night.可能吧。从昨晚开始牙一直痛。
5/14/20245 minutes, 1 second
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day49(481-490)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 49481.Confirmv.确定,确认;证实,证明;批准,认可I'd like to confirm our reservations.我想确认一下我们的预订。I'm calling to confirm your appointment.我打电话来确认你的预约Can you confirm that?你能确认一下吗?482.Conflictn.争执,分歧;战斗;抵触v.冲突,抵触It is impossible to resolve the conflict.解决冲突是不可能的。There is a great conflict between religion and science.宗教和科学之间存在着巨大的冲突。Is there a conflict between science and religion?科学和宗教之间有冲突吗?483.Confrontv.面对,面临;正视;对峙,对抗;当面对证I think it's time for me to confront that problem.我想是时候面对这个问题了。She confronted him and demanded an apology.她质问他,要求他道歉。484.Confusev.使糊涂,使迷惑;混淆,弄错I always confuse John and his twin brother.我总是混淆约翰和他的双胞胎兄弟。485.Confusedadj.困惑的,糊涂的;混乱的 v.使糊涂,使迷惑I was confused by the expression on her face.我对她脸上的表情感到困惑。They confused me by asking so many questions.他们问了这么多问题,使我感到困惑。Her unexpected arrival confused all our plan.她的意外到来混淆了我们所有的计划。486.Confusingadj.令人费解的,令人迷惑的v.使迷惑,使困惑The instructions were somewhat confusing.说明书有些混乱。There ports were confusing.这些报告令人困惑。It can be confusing at first.起初可能会令人困惑。487.Confusionn.困惑,不明确;混淆;慌乱;混乱,乱成一团I can understand your confusion.我能理解你的困惑。To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colors.为了避免混淆,球队穿着不同的颜色。Everything was in confusion.一切都混乱了。488.Congratulationsn.祝贺,恭喜;贺词,祝词;贺词Please accept my congratulations.请接受我的祝贺。Congratulations on your graduation!恭喜你毕业。489.Congressn.国会,议会;代表大会She was invited to join peace congress.她被邀请参加和平大会。That was an international congress of mathematicians.那是一次国际数学家大会。490.Connectv.连接;相通;与…..有关系Connect the two cables together.将两根电缆连接在一起。She is connected with that company.她和那家公司有关系。The village is connected with our town by a bridge.这个村庄由一座桥与我们镇相连。
5/12/202414 minutes, 26 seconds
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Level 5-Day 23.Edward Kennedy: Remembering Martin Luther King

词汇提示1.coalition 联盟2.march 前进3.anew 重新4.destiny命运5.ripple 涟漪6.valiant 勇敢的原文Edward Kennedy 'Remembering Martin Luther King'You and I have stood together many times, but no time has been more important than this.The campaign that stretches before us now is a struggle for the souls and the future of America.For we are more than a political coalition, more than a collection of programmes, more than the sum of our prospects and our strategy.Most of all, we are the trustees of a dream.Twenty years ago, in 1968, we lost two of the most powerful voices of that dream.But they left us their vision, their values, and the hopes they awakened.In the countless millions of people whose hearts they touched, we remember them now to remind ourselves that the American journey is unfinished, that we stand for change in order to march again towards enduring ideals, that we do not have to settle for things as they are.Martin Luther King Jr told us something we need to hear anew.He said, 'We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today.We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now, in the unfolding life and history.There is such a thing as being too late.And Dr King also said, 'We must work unceasingly to lift this Nation to a higher destiny, to a new plateau of compassion.'And in that time there was another voice, only briefly heard, but whose words too have outlasted all the loss in years.Robert Kennedy said, 'Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.And crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.'He was my brother.But he and Dr King were also in the deepest sense brothers to us all.These two, these valiant two, lived for the same dream and were gone only months apart.And if they were here with us, two decades later, I think I know what they would say: 'Now is the time. Some men see things as they are and say, why? We dream things that never were and say, why not? Now is the time.'翻译爱德华·肯尼迪:《纪念马丁·路德·金》你和我曾多次并肩作战,但没有什么比这一次更重要。现在摆在我们面前的竞选是一场关乎灵魂和美国未来的斗争。因为我们不仅仅是一个政治联盟,不仅仅是一系列计划的集合,不仅仅是我们的前景和战略的总和。最重要的是,我们是梦想的受托人。20年前,1968年,我们失去了这一梦想中两个最有力的声音。但他们给我们留下了他们的愿景、他们的价值观和他们唤醒的希望。我们缅怀他们,是为了提醒我们自己,美国的征途尚未完成,我们主张变革,是为了再次向持久的理想迈进,我们不必安于现状。马丁·路德·金告诉我们一些我们需要重新听一遍的事情。他说:“我们现在面对的事实是,明天就是今天。在生活和历史的发展中,我们面临着现在的强烈紧迫性。有一件事是太迟了。金博士还说:“我们必须不断努力,把这个国家提升到一个更高的命运,提升到一个充满同情的新平台。”在那段时间里,还有另一个声音,虽然只被短暂地听到,但他的话也比失去亲人的岁月更持久。罗伯特·肯尼迪说过:“每当一个人为理想挺身而出,或为改善他人的命运而行动,或反对不公正时,他都会发出一丝希望的涟漪。”这些涟漪从一百万个不同的能量和勇气中心相互交叉,形成一股水流,可以冲垮最强大的压迫和反抗之墙。”他是我的兄弟。但在最深刻的意义上,他和金博士也是我们所有人的兄弟。这两个,这两个勇敢的人,为了同一个梦想而活,只相隔几个月就走了。如果二十年后他们还在这里,我想我知道他们会说:‘现在是时候了。有些人看到事情本来的样子就会问,为什么?我们梦想着从未实现过的事情,然后说,为什么不呢?现在是时候了。”
5/11/20242 minutes, 24 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part4(story7-8)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.bribed 贿赂2.cozened 欺骗3.compeer 同伴4.swindler 骗子5.droppings 粪6.raisins 葡萄干7.figs 无花果8.burial 下葬9.loot 赃物原文Story 7: The Tale of the Robber and the WomanThere once was a robber who broke into a poor man's home and didn't find anything to steal.He woke up the man because he didn't believe that there was nothing of value.The poor man's wife convinced the thief that there was a treasure hidden in the house.He went into a room, where they pushed him, beat him and locked him inside.They didn't let him out until they had bribed him to get his wife to pay all of their debts.Story 8: The Tale of the Two Sharpers Who Each Cozened His CompeerThere once was a swindler in the city of Baghdad.His name was AI-Marwazi.He went out one day with a load of sheep's droppings, determined to tricks peoples and sell them as raisins.In another city there was another swindler, his name was Al-Razi.His idea was similar that day, but he had a load of goat droppings that he wanted to sell as sun-dried figs. The two men's paths crossed and they tricked each other in a mutual trade.When they parted and looked into what they received in trade, they found each other again and laughed and canceled their trade.They decided to make partnership and split the money and goods they swindled together.Al-Razisaid to Al-Marwazi, "Come to my city, it's closer."They went to Al-Razi's city and made a plan to trick everyone into thinking Al-Razi was dead.Al-Marwazi pretended to be sad, saying his brother had died.He collected donations and money.The chief of police saw the begging continuing the next day and demanded a burial, immediately.Al-Razi agreed to be buried alive and waited to be saved.Al-Marwazi wanted to take all of the money.He dug up the grave and beat Al-Razi.A group of robbers happened to see this beating and thought angels were beating a magian.The robbers said, "We are all sinners."They started beating the man too.Al-Razi started fighting back.He made peace with Al-Marwazi and scared away the robbers.The robbers said, "Run for your life! The dead arecoming out of their graves and they are fighting!"The robbers dropped their loot, the things they had stolen.The swindlers kept the money the robbers left and shared the money they collected.翻译故事七:强盗和女人的故事从前,有个强盗闯进了一个穷人的家,却没有发现任何东西可以偷。他叫醒了那个人,因为他不相信世上没有什么有价值的东西。那个穷人的妻子使小偷相信房子里藏着宝藏。他进了一个房间,他们推他,打他,把他锁在里面。直到他们贿赂了他,让他的妻子还清了他们所有的债务,他们才放他出来。故事八:两个骗子欺骗对方的故事从前,巴格达城里有一个骗子。他的名字叫艾玛瓦兹。有一天,他带着一车羊粪出去,打算捉弄人们,当葡萄干卖掉。在另一个城市有另一个骗子,他的名字叫艾拉兹。那天他也有类似的想法,但他有一大堆山羊的粪便,他想把它们当作晒干的无花果卖掉。这两个人的道路相遇了,他们在相互交易中都欺骗了对方。当他们分开,查看他们在交易中得到了什么时,他们又找到了对方,笑着取消了交易。他们决定合伙,把他们骗来的钱和货平分。艾拉兹对艾玛瓦兹说:“来我的城市吧,那里更近。”他们去了艾拉兹所在的城市,制定了一个计划,让所有人都以为艾拉兹已经死了。艾玛瓦兹假装悲伤,说他的兄弟死了。他筹集捐款和金钱。第二天,警察局长看到乞讨的人还在继续,就要求立即埋葬他。艾拉兹同意被活埋,等待救援。艾玛瓦兹想拿走所有的钱。他挖开了坟墓,打了艾拉兹。一群强盗碰巧看到了这一幕,他们以为是天使在打魔术师。强盗们说:“我们都是罪人。”他们也开始打那个男人。艾拉兹开始反击。艾拉兹和艾玛瓦兹讲和,吓跑了强盗。强盗们说:“快逃命!死人从坟墓里出来了,他们在打仗!”强盗们丢掉了他们的赃物,就是他们偷来的东西。骗子们把强盗们留下的钱留着,把他们赚来的钱分了。
5/9/20242 minutes, 46 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 31A: Do you like Italian food?你喜欢意大利菜吗?B:Yes, I like it very much.是的,非常喜欢。A: My favorite is spaghetti Bolognese.我最喜欢的是意大利肉酱面。B:Mine is spaghetti with tuna, I prefer fish to meat.我最喜欢的是带金枪鱼的意大利面,我更喜欢鱼而不是肉。Conversation 32A:Did you have lunch?你吃午饭了吗?B:Yes, I did.是的,我吃了。A:What did you have for lunch?你午饭吃了什么?B:Tuna sandwich and tomato soup.金枪鱼三明治和西红柿汤。Conversation 33A:How long does it take from here to the station?从这里到车站需要多长时间?B: By walking. It's about 20 minutes.步行的话,大概是20分钟。A:How about if I take the train?如果坐火车呢?B: It should be half the time.应该是一半的时间。Conversation 34A: I am so disgruntled and irritable these days.这些天我很不高兴,很烦躁。B: I know how you feel.我理解你的感受。A:This pandemic is taking its toll on everybody, I want to go back to normal life.这场疫情对每个人都造成了伤害,我想回到正常的生活。B:That could be a long time in the future, we just have to do our best.那可能是未来很长一段时间以后了,现在我们只能尽力而为。Conversation 35A: I'd like to eat outside.我想去外面吃饭。B:That's a good idea.这主意不错!A:The weather is so nice today.今天天气真好。B:Yes. Let's enjoy the weather.是的。让我们好好享受一下吧。
5/7/20245 minutes, 14 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day48(471-480)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 48471.Concertn.音乐会,演奏会;一致v.共同议定,协调I wish I could go to the concert.我希望我能去听音乐会。We advertised the concert quite widely.我们非常广泛地宣传了这场音乐会。The concert was broadcast live.音乐会进行了现场直播。472.Concludev.断定,推断出;结束,终止;达成They conclude that the dog was stolen.他们得出结论,那只狗被偷了。The judge concluded that the prisoner was innocent.法官断定这个囚犯是无辜的。She angrily concluded the meeting.她生气地结束了会议。473.Conclusionn.结论,推论;结局,结尾I came to the conclusion that I had been deceived.我得出的结论是我被欺骗了。What led you to this conclusion?是什么导致你得出这个结论?The following is a summary of our conclusions.以下是我们总结的结论。474.Concreteadj.确实的,具体的;混凝土的;物质的n.混凝土I haven't got any concrete proof.我没有任何具体的证据。Modern buildings are made of concrete.现代建筑由混凝土建成。475.Conditionn.状况,状态;条件,环境He is in good physical condition.他身体状况良好。The house was in poor condition.房子状况很差。The patient's condition is stable,it is not getting worse.病人的病情稳定。476.Conductv.实施,进行;指挥;表现;传导n.行为,举止We're conducting a survey.我们正在进行调查。He shamed his whole family by his conduct.他的行为使全家人都感到羞耻。He is ashamed of his son's conduct.他为儿子的行为感到羞耻。477.Conferencen.会议,研讨会;商讨,讨论He was a guest speaker at the conference.他是会议的演讲嘉宾。The conference will take place annually.会议将每年举行一次。He is the chairman of the conference.他是会议的主席。478.Confidencen.自信,信心;信任,信赖;保密,机密Self confidence is the key to success.自信是成功的关键。He doesn't have any confidence in himself.他对自己没有任何信心。I have confidence that the plan will ultimately succeed.我有信心该计划最终会成功。479.Confidentadj.自信的,充满信心的;坚信的How can you be so confident?你怎么能这么自信?I'm confident that I'll pass the exam.我相信我能通过考试。He always feels confident about his capacity of drawing.他总是对自己的绘画能力充满信心。480.Confinev.限制;关押,监禁;n.边界,范围;限制He was confined to his room.他被关在自己的房间里。You don't need to confine yourself to the subject.你不需要把自己局限于这个主题。
5/5/202415 minutes, 3 seconds
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Level 5-Day 22.Margaret Thatcher 'Against European Unity' (3)

词汇提示1.intolerance 不容忍的2.bureaucracy 官僚主义3.ironic 讽刺的4.parliamentary 议会的原文Margaret Thatcher: 'Against European Unity' (3)Some of the founding fathers of the Community thought that the United States of America might be its model.But the whole history of America is quite different from Europe.People went there to get away from the intolerance and constraints of life in Europe.They sought liberty and opportunity; and their strong sense of purpose has, over two centuries, helped create a new unity and pride in being American - just as our pride lies in being British or Belgian or Dutch or German.I am the first to say that on many great issues the countries of Europe should try to speak with a single voice.I want to see us work more closely on the things we can do better together than alone.Europe is stronger when we do so, whether it be in trade, in defence, or in our relations with the rest of the world.But working more closely together does not require power to be centralized in Brussels or decisions to be taken by an appointed bureaucracy.Indeed,it is ironic that just when those countries such as the Soviet Union, which have tried to run everything from the center, are learning that success depends on dispersing power and decisions away from the center, some in the Community seem to want to move in the opposite direction.We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the State in Britain only to see them reimposed at a European level, with a European super-State exercising anew dominance from Brussels.Certainly we want to see Europe more united and with a greater sense of common purpose.But it must be in a way which preserves the different traditions, parliamentary powers and sense of national pride in one's own country; for these have been the source of Europe's vitality through the centuries.翻译玛格丽特·撒切尔:“反对欧洲统一”(3)共同体的一些缔造者认为,美利坚合众国可能是它的典范。但是,美国的整个历史与欧洲的历史大不相同。人们去那里是为了摆脱欧洲生活的不宽容和限制。他们寻求自由和机会;两个多世纪以来,他们强烈的使命感帮助创造了作为美国人的一种新的团结和自豪感——就像我们作为英国人、比利时人、荷兰人或德国人的自豪感一样。我首先指出,在许多重大问题上,欧洲各国应该努力用一个声音说话。我希望看到我们在合作比单独做得更好的事情上更紧密地合作。当我们这样做的时候,欧洲会变得更强大,无论是在贸易、国防,还是在我们与世界其他国家的关系上。但是,更紧密地合作并不需要权力集中在布鲁塞尔,也不需要由指定的官僚机构做出决定。的确,具有讽刺意味的是,就在苏联等试图从中央管理一切的国家认识到成功取决于将权力和决策分散到远离中心的地方时,共同体中的一些国家似乎想要走向相反的方向。我们没有成功地缩小英国的国家边界,只是看到它们在欧洲一级重新被强加,一个欧洲超级国家从布鲁塞尔行使新的统治。当然,我们希望看到欧洲更加团结,有更强烈的共同目标感。但必须保留不同的传统,议会权力和国家自豪感;因为它们是几个世纪以来欧洲活力的源泉。
5/4/20242 minutes, 24 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part3(story6)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.prosperous 繁荣2.nightmare 噩梦3.sequins 古代威尼斯的金币4.bride 新娘5.splendid 华丽的6.perfume 香水原文Story 6: The Tale of Richard Who Married His Beautiful Daughter to the Poor Old ManThere was rich merchant Who had a daughter.When she turned 15 years old, he wanted her to marry a certain poor old man.The old man didn't agree and said, "I am not a good match for her or for you,I am so poor and old. Tell me Why you choose me, and if I find it reasonable I will agree to marry your daughter."So,the merchant told his story.He had a good prosperous when he was young in China.One night he had a dream, and he was shown a very ugly woman that he was going to marry.He woke up from this dream that was like a nightmare to him.He said to himself, "I will never marry, unless this unattractive female is really my fate."Years after this dream, he traveled while selling his merchandise.He eventually settled in a city where he made a life and had friends.One day he was exploring the city and found an elegant house.As he gazed upon the house, he realized that there was a beautiful woman at the window.He found out that the house belonged to the Notary.He gathered his friends to tell them he needed them for some trade related business, and they all met at the Notary's house.When the merchant met the Notary, he said to him, "I have come here as a suitor, I would like to marry your daughter."The Notary replied, "I have no daughter that would be a good match for you."The merchant insisted until finally the Notary agreed to a marriage settlement of four thousand sequins.After the wedding feast, the merchant saw his bride and it was not the beautiful woman he saw in the window of the Notary's house.He thought the woman he loved was playing a trick on him for fun.He didn't eat or sleep for three days.His unattractive wife asked him why he was suffering.She wanted to help him.So,the merchant told the story of the woman he really wished to marry and how he saw her in the window.His ugly wife said to him, "Don't trouble your heart over this, she is my servant. My father gave her to me and I will give her to you, so you can be happy again."The beautiful servant girls was prepared with splendid clothes and perfume and given to the merchant for the night.She was told by the wife of the merchant, "Do not to make him mad, and let him do as he wishes with you."After this, the merchant said, "My wife is more generous than I am!"He sent away the slave girl and lay with his wife.She became pregnant and gave birth to their daughter.The merchant said to the poor old man, "Many notable and wealthy men have asked to marry my daughter. I saw in a dream the same balance of man and woman,and you are the match for my daughter. I want to see you marry her before I die, not after."After hearing this story, the old man agreed to marry the merchant's daughter and he was blessed with her love.翻译故事六:理查把他美丽的女儿嫁给可怜老人的故事从前有一个富有的商人,他有一个女儿。当她15岁时,他想让她嫁给一个可怜的老头。老人不同意,说:“我既不适合她,也不适合你,我又穷又老。告诉我你为什么选择我,如果我觉得合理,我会同意娶你的女儿。”于是,商人讲述了他的故事。他年轻时在中国过得很富裕。一天晚上,他做了一个梦,他看到了一个非常丑陋的女人,他要娶她。他从这个对他来说像噩梦一样的梦中醒来。他对自己说:“我永远不会结婚,除非这个不漂亮的女人真的是我的命运。”在做了这个梦多年之后,他一边旅行一边卖他的商品。他最终在一个城市定居下来,在那里建立了自己的生活,结交了朋友。一天,他在城市里探险,发现了一所优雅的房子。当他凝视着房子时,他意识到有一位美丽的女人站在窗前。他发现房子是公证人的。他把他的朋友们叫来,告诉他们他需要他们做一些与贸易有关的事情,他们都会在公证员的房子里见面。当商人见到公证人时,他对他说:“我是来求婚者的,我想娶你的女儿。”公证人回答说:“我没有适合你的女儿。”商人坚持己见,直到公证人最终同意了四千的婚姻和解金。婚礼宴会结束后,商人看到了他的新娘,但她并不是他在公证员家窗户里看到的那个美丽的女人。他认为他爱的女人是在和他开玩笑。他三天没吃没睡。他那相貌平平的妻子问他为什么受苦。她想帮助他。于是,商人讲述了他真正想娶的女人的故事,以及他如何在窗里看到她。丑妻对他说:“你不要为这事烦心,她是我的婢女。我父亲把她给了我,我将把她给你,这样你就又可以高兴了。”美丽的女仆们准备了华丽的衣服和香水,让商人过夜。商人的妻子对她说:“别惹他生气,让他怎么对你都行。”这之后,商人说:“我的妻子比我还慷慨!”他送走了女奴,与妻子同寝。她怀孕了,生下了他们的女儿。商人对可怜的老人说:“很多有名的富人都向我的女儿求婚。我在梦中也看到了同样的男女平衡,而你正是我女儿的合适人选。我希望你在我死前娶她,而不是死后。”听了这个故事,老人同意娶商人的女儿,并得到了她的爱。
5/2/20244 minutes, 50 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 26A:Are you tired of driving?你开车累了吗?B:Almost I'm getting tired.有些累了。A:Why don't we take a break?要不我们休息一下?B:Thanks. Maybe a little later.谢谢。也许再过一会儿。Conversation 27A:Would you give me a hand?你能帮我一下吗?B: Of course. What can I help you?当然可以。需要我做什么呢?A:Please take the bags from my right hand so I can get my keys.请帮我提一下右手的包包,这样我好拿钥匙。B:Let me carry all the bags so you can open your door easily.我来提所有的包包吧,这样你开门就方便了。Conversation 28A:Excuse me, sir. Do you have a minute?对不起,先生。能打扰您几分钟吗?B:I'm a little busy right now.我现在有点忙。A:Okay should I come back in 5 to 10 minutes?好吧,我5到10分钟后再过来可以吗?B:Yes, that will be fine thank you for understanding.好的,谢谢您的理解。Conversation 29A:What does your brother do?你哥哥是做什么的?B: He is a dentist.他是一名牙医。A:That must be very helpful when you have a tooth problem!那你牙齿有问题的时候,肯定会很有帮助!B:Absolutely! It's great to have a dentist in the family.那当然!家里有牙医真是太好了。Conversation 30A:How do you like it here so far?到目前为止,你感觉怎么样?B:It's exciting, but I'm a little nervous.很兴奋,但我还是有点紧张。A:Don't worry. You'll get used to it.别担心。以后会习惯的。B:That makes me feel better. Thank you.这让我感觉好多了。谢谢你!
4/30/20245 minutes, 14 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day47(461-470)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 47461.Completeadj.完全的,彻底的;全部的v.使完整,使完美She is trying to complete her homework.她正在努力完成作业。He is a complete stranger tome.他对我来说是一个完全陌生的人。The doctor advised me to take a complete rest.医生建议我彻底休息一下。462.Completelyadv.完全地,彻底地He is completely harmless.他完全无害。I'm completely exhausted.我已经筋疲力尽了。That comment is completely off topic.该评论完全不在话题范围内。463.Complexadj.复杂的,难懂的;复数的,复的I think math is a complex subject.我认为数学是一门复杂的学科。That was a complex problem.那是个复杂的问题。464.Complicatev.使复杂化,使难以理解;使卷入,使陷入Don't complicate the matter.不要让事情复杂化。She often complicates everything.她常常把一切都复杂化。465.Complicatedadj.复杂的,难处理的v.使复杂化,使难以理解Things got incredibly complicated.事情变得异常复杂。It's a fairly complicated problem.这是一个相当复杂的问题。The complicated problem has been solved.这个复杂的问题已经解决了。466.Computern.计算机;电脑;电子计算机It seems that your computer was infected by a virus.看来你的电脑感染了病毒。My computer crashed and I lost everything.我的电脑崩溃了,我失去了所有东西。He was absorbed in a computer game.他沉迷于电脑游戏。467.Concentratev.集中注意力;使集中,聚集n.浓缩物,浓缩液Please concentrate on your work.请专注于你的工作。Turnoff the television. I can't concentrate.把电视关掉。我无法集中精力。You should concentrate on one thing and learn to do it well.你应该专注于一件事,学会把它做好。468.Concentrationn.专心,专注;关注,重视;集中,聚集I really appreciate his concentration.我真的很欣赏他的专注。469.Concernn.担心,忧虑;关心,关爱v.有关,关于She always showed genuine concern for others.她总是对别人表现出真正的关心。My primary concern is your safety.我最关心的是你的安全。It's no concern of mine.这不关我的事。460.Concernedadj.相关的;担心的;关注的;关心的v.有关;涉及,影响I'm not concerned with the details.我不关心细节。I think he is concerned with the accident.我想他很担心这起事故。Divorce is very painful, especially when children are concerned.离婚非常痛苦,尤其是在涉及孩子的情况下。
4/28/202414 minutes, 35 seconds
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Level 5-Day 21.Margaret Thatcher 'Against European Unity' (2)

词汇提示1.manifestation 表现2.arid 乏味的3.chronicle 编年史原文Margaret Thatcher: 'Against European Unity' (2)All these things alone are proof of our commitment to Europe's future.The European Community is one manifestation of that European identity.But it is not the only one.We must never forget that east of the Iron Curtain peoples who once enjoyed a full share of, European culture, freedom and identity have been cut off from their roots.We shall always look on Warsaw, Prague and Budapest as great European cities.Nor should we forget that European values have helped to make the United States of America into the valiant defender of freedom which she has become.This is no arid chronicle of obscure facts from the dust-filled libraries of history.It is the record of nearly two thousand years of 'British involvement in Europe,cooperation with Europe and contribution to Europe, a contribution which today is as valid and as strong as ever.Yes, we have looked also to wider horizons -as have others -and thank goodness for that, because Europe never would have prospered and never will prosper as an arrow-minded, inward-looking club.The European Community belongs to all its members.It must reflect the traditions and aspirations of all its members.And let me be quite clear.Britain does not dream of some cosy, isolated existence on the fringes of the European Community.Our destiny is in Europe, as part of the Community.That is not to say that our future lies only in Europe.But nor does that of France or Spain, or indeed any other member.The Community is not an end in itself.Nor is it an institutional device to be constantly modified according to the dictates of some abstract intellectual concept.Nor must it be ossified by endless regulation.The European Community is the practical means by which Europe can ensure the future prosperity and security of its people in a world in which there are many other powerful nations and groups of nations ...To try to suppress nationhood and concentrate power at the center of a European conglomerate would be highly damaging and would jeopardize the objectives we seek to achieve.Europe will be stronger precisely because it has France as France, Spain as Spain, Britain as Britain, each with its own customs, traditions and identity.It would be folly to try to fit them into some sort of identikit European personality.翻译玛格丽特·撒切尔:“反对欧洲统一”(2)所有这些都证明了我们对欧洲未来的承诺。欧洲共同体是这种欧洲特性的一种表现。但它不是唯一的。我们绝不能忘记,在铁幕以东,曾经充分享有欧洲文化、自由和身份的人民已被切断了与他们的根源的联系。我们将永远把华沙、布拉格和布达佩斯视为伟大的欧洲城市。我们也不应忘记,欧洲的价值观曾帮助美利坚合众国成为自由的勇敢捍卫者。这本书并不是对尘封的历史图书馆里的晦涩事实的枯燥编年史。它记录了近两千年来英国对欧洲的参与、与欧洲的合作以及对欧洲的贡献,这种贡献在今天依然有效,一如既往地强大。是的,我们和其他国家一样,也看到了更广阔的视野,谢天谢地,因为作为一个目光短浅、内向的俱乐部,欧洲永远不会繁荣,也永远不会繁荣。欧洲共同体属于其所有成员。它必须反映其所有成员的传统和愿望。让我把话说清楚。英国并不梦想成为欧共体边缘的舒适、孤立的存在。作为共同体的一部分,我们的命运在欧洲。这并不是说我们的未来只在于欧洲。但法国、西班牙或其他任何成员国也没有。共同体本身并不是目的。它也不是一种根据某些抽象知识概念的指令不断修改的制度手段。它也不能因无休止的监管而僵化。欧洲共同体是欧洲在一个有许多其他强国和国家集团的世界上确保其人民未来繁荣和安全的实际手段……试图压制国家地位并将权力集中在一家欧洲企业集团的中心,将具有极大的破坏性,并将危及我们寻求实现的目标。欧洲将变得更加强大,正是因为法国还是法国,西班牙还是西班牙,英国还是英国,每个国家都有自己的习俗、传统和身份。试图让他们融入某种欧洲人的个性是愚蠢的。
4/27/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part2(story4-5)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.suitor 追随者2.flirted 调情3.cabinet 储藏柜4.carpenter 木匠5.dispute 争端6.affectionate 充满深情的原文Story 4: TheLady and Her Five SuitorsThere once was a wife of a merchant.Her lover was put into jail.She wanted to free him from jail, so she invited the important officials to her house.She wanted their help.She had a plan to use them to free her lover.These men all desired her.The Kazi, Wali, Wazir and the King were all tricked into coming to her home because she flirted with them.One by one they came to her house.She also invited a cabinet maker.She told each of them to hide in a cabinet because they thought her husband was coming home.She also locked up the carpenter over a dispute about the size of the cabinet.The wife left the city with her lover.The 5 suitors were left in the cabinet for 3 days, stacked up upon one another.They were hungry and thirsty.The men were eventually discovered by the neighbors.They got another carpenter to release them.Story 5: The Lovers of BassorahThere once was a Caliph named Harun al-Rashid.He asked the famous writer Al-Asma'i and the poet Husayn al-Khali to tell him a story.Husayn told him of visiting Bassorah to present a poem.It was a very hot day, so Husayn went inside a house to ask for a glass of water.And there he met a beautiful woman and she confessed her love for a young man.This young man used to walk by the house,but he stopped after he saw the woman being affectionate with her servant.Husayn decided to help her to meet him again.His name was Zamrah son of Al-Mughayrah.Husayn took him a note.Zamrah refused to come back.She was embarrassed and said, "I can't bare to look at his face..."Zamrah sent her gifts worth over 30 thousand dinars.Eventually the lovers were married.翻译故事四:女士和她的五个追求者从前,有一个商人的妻子。她的爱人被关进了监狱。她想把他从监狱里释放出来,所以她邀请了重要的官员到她的家里。她需要他们的帮助。她有个计划,要用他们来解救她的爱人。这些人都想要她。卡兹、瓦利、瓦兹尔(国家高官)和国王都被骗到她家来,因为她和他们调情。他们一个接一个地来到她家。她还邀请了一位橱柜制造商。她告诉他们每个人躲在一个柜子里,因为他们以为她丈夫要回家了。她还因为对橱柜大小的争执把木匠关了起来。妻子和她的爱人离开了这座城市。这五个求婚者被放在柜子里三天,一个叠一个。他们又饿又渴。这些人最终被邻居们发现了。他们找了另一个木匠把他们放了。故事五:巴索拉的恋人曾经有一个叫哈伦·拉希德的哈里发。他请著名作家阿斯马伊和诗人侯赛因·阿勒哈利给他讲一个故事。侯赛因告诉他要去巴索拉献上一首诗。那是一个非常炎热的日子,所以侯赛因走进一所房子要一杯水。在那里他遇到了一个美丽的女人,她向一个年轻人表白了她的爱。这个年轻人过去常常经过这所房子,但当他看到那个女人和她的仆人亲热后,他停止了。侯赛因决定帮助她再次见到他。他的名字叫扎姆拉, 是艾姆菲拉的儿子。侯赛因给他拿了一张纸条。扎姆拉拒绝回来。她不好意思地说:“我不忍心看他的脸……”扎姆拉送给她价值超过3万第纳尔的礼物。最后,这对恋人结婚了。
4/25/20241 minute, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 21A:Look. There are lots of rabbits! I really love rabbits.看!有好多兔子!我很喜欢兔子。B:Me, too. I think that long haired one is especially cute.我也是。我觉得那只长毛的特别可爱。A: I like that brown-haired one under the chair.我喜欢椅子下面的那只棕色的。B:The white one sleeping in the box is also very cute.睡在盒子里的那只白色的也很可爱。Conversation 22A: I would like to buy this book.我想买这本书。B:That will be $20.0020美元。A:Can I pay by credit card?我能用信用卡付款吗?B:Sorry, we only take cash.抱歉,我们只收现金。Conversation 23A:Has anyone seen my cellphone?有谁见过我的手机吗?B:What does your cellphone look like?你的手机是什么样的?A: It has a bright pink sparkly cover on it.它上面有一个闪闪发光的亮粉色外壳。B:That should make it easy to find.那应该很容易找到。Conversation 24A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office?打扰一下。最近的邮局在哪里?B:It's right at the corner of Broadway Street.就在百老汇街的拐角处。A: Is it across from a mall or a store?是在购物中心对面还是商店对面?B:It's across from the shopping mall.在购物中心对面。Conversation 25A: So how do you want it?那么你希望怎么做呢?B:Simple. Trim the back leaving the sides.很简单。修剪后面,留下雨边。A:How about a shampoo?洗头怎么样?B:Yes, please.好的,可以。
4/23/20245 minutes, 8 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day46(451-460)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 46451.Communicationn.表达,交流,交际;信息;通讯Television is the modern medium of communication.电视是现代通信媒介。What are the barriers to effective communication?有效沟通的障碍是什么?Gesture is another way of communication.手势是另一种沟通方式。452.Communityn.社区,社会;群体;归属感That will benefit the community.这将使社区受益。Do you take part in any community activities?你参加任何社区活动吗?The students volunteered for community service.学生们自愿参加社区服务。;陪伴,同伴That company dominates the market with over 50% market share.该公司以超过50%的市场份额在市场上占据主导地位。She works for a small company.她在一家小公司工作。Two thirds of the employees of this company are engineers.该公司三分之二的员工是工程师。454.Comparev.比较,对比 n.比较Don't compare your children with others.不要把你的孩子和别人比较。He's a giant compared to you.和你相比,他是个巨人。Our problems are nothing compared to theirs.我们的问题跟他们的比起来算不了什么。455.Comparisonn.比较,对照;相提并论,相比;比喻,比拟Let's put them side by side for comparison.让我们把它们并排进行比较。The glasses are small in comparison with the old ones.与旧眼镜相比,这个眼镜很小。456.Competev.竞争,对抗;争夺;参加比赛Many students compete to get into the best universities.许多学生竞争进入最好的大学。We must compete with the local stores in price.我们必须在价格上与当地商店展开竞争。I never wanted to compete with you.我从来不想和你竞争。457.Competitionn.竞争;比赛,竞赛;竞争者,对手He dropped out of the competition.他退出了比赛。Are you worried about the competition?你担心比赛吗?458.Competitiveadj.竞争的;好竞争的,好胜的;有竞争力的The company offers competitive wages and good benefits.该公司提供有竞争力的工资和良好的福利。We offer loans at competitive rates.我们以具有竞争力的利率提供贷款。They sell high quality products at very competitive prices.他们以极具竞争力的价格出售高质量的产品。459.Complainv.诉说(病痛);悲叹,悲鸣;抱怨,投诉He does nothing but complain.他除了抱怨之外什么也没做。That customer came back to complain again.那个买家又回来抱怨了。Shift workers commonly complain of not getting enough sleep.轮班工人通常抱怨睡眠不足。460.Complaintn.抱怨,投诉;抱怨的问题;疾病As far as I'm concerned, I have no complaint.就我而言,我没什么可抱怨的。There have been a lot of complaints about your behavior.有许多人对你的行为表示不满。I'm sick of listening to your complaints.我听腻了你的抱怨。
4/21/202416 minutes, 15 seconds
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Level 5-Day 20.Margaret Thatcher 'Against European Unity' (1)

词汇提示1.bastions 堡垒2.sanctuary 避难所3.tyranny 暴政原文Margaret Thatcher: 'Against European Unity' (1)Nor is the European idea the property of any group or institution.We British are as much heirs to the legacy of European culture as any other nation.Our links to the rest of Europe, the continent of Europe, have been the dominant factor in our history.For 300 years we were part of the Roman Empire and our maps still trace the straight lines of the roads the Romans built.Our ancestors - Celts, Saxons and Danes - came from the continent.Our nation was - in that favorite Community word - 'restructured' under Norman and Angevin rule in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.This year we celebrate the three-hundredth anniversary of the Glorious Revolution in which the British crown passed to Prince William of Orange and Queen Mary.Visit the great churches and cathedrals of Britain, read our literature and listen to our language: all bear witness to the cultural riches which we have drawn from Europe - and other Europeans from us.We in Britain are rightly proud of the way in which, since Magna Carta in 1215, we have pioneered and developed representative institutions to stand as bastions of freedom.And proud too of the way in which for centuries Britain was a home for people from the rest of Europe who sought sanctuary from tyranny.But we know that without the European legacy of political ideas we could not have achieved as much as we did.From classical and medieval thought we have borrowed that concept of the rule of law which marks out a civilized society from barbarism.And on that idea of Christendom -for long synonymous with Europe - with its recognition of the unique and spiritual nature of the individual, we still base our belief in personal liberty and other human rights.Too often the history of Europe is described as a series of interminable wars and quarrels.Yet from our perspective today surely what strikes us most is our common experience.For instance, the story of how Europeans explored and colonized and - yes, without apology - civilized much of the world is an extraordinary tale of talent, skill and courage.We British have in a special way contributed to Europe.Over the centuries we have fought to prevent Europe from falling under the dominance of a single power.We have fought and we have died for her freedom.Only miles from here in Belgium lie the bodies of 120,000 British soldiers who died in the First World War.Had it not been for that willingness to fight and to die, Europe would have been united long before now - but not in liberty, not in justice.It was British support to resistance movements throughout the last war that helped to keep alive the flame of liberty in so many countries until the day of liberation.翻译玛格丽特·撒切尔:“反对欧洲统一”(1)欧洲理念也不是任何团体或机构的财产。我们英国人和其他国家一样,都是欧洲文化遗产的继承者。我们与欧洲其他国家、欧洲大陆的联系,一直是我们历史上的主导因素。300年来,我们一直是罗马帝国的一部分,我们的地图上仍然可以看到罗马人修建的直线道路。我们的祖先——凯尔特人、撒克逊人和丹麦人——来自欧洲大陆。我们的国家——用那个最受欢迎的共同体词汇来说——在11世纪和12世纪诺曼和安吉文的统治下“重建”了。今年,我们庆祝光荣革命300周年,在这场革命中,英国王位传给了奥兰治的威廉王子和玛丽女王。参观英国的伟大教堂和大教堂,阅读我们的文学作品,聆听我们的语言:所有这些都见证了我们从欧洲汲取的文化财富,以及其他欧洲人从我们这里汲取的文化财富。自1215年签订《大宪章》以来,我们英国人开创并发展了代表自由的机构,我们理应为此感到自豪。几个世纪以来,英国一直是欧洲其他地区寻求暴政庇护的人们的家园,我为此感到自豪。但我们知道,如果没有欧洲政治理念的遗产,我们不可能取得今天的成就。我们从古典和中世纪的思想中借用了区分文明社会和野蛮社会的法治概念。长期以来,基督教世界一直是欧洲的代名词,它承认个人的独特性和精神本质,基于这种理念,我们仍然相信个人自由和其他人权。欧洲的历史常常被描述为一系列无休止的战争和争吵。然而,从我们今天的角度来看,最让我们震惊的肯定是我们的共同经历。例如,关于欧洲人如何探索和殖民,以及——是的,毫无疑问——使世界大部分地区变得文明的故事,就是一个才华、技巧和勇气的非凡故事。我们英国人以一种特殊的方式为欧洲做出了贡献。几个世纪以来,我们一直在为防止欧洲落入单一大国的统治而斗争。我们为她的自由而战,为她的自由而死。在离这里几英里远的比利时,埋葬着12万死于一战的英国士兵的尸体。如果不是因为这种战斗和牺牲的意愿,欧洲早就团结起来了——但不是在自由,不是在正义。正是英国在上一场战争中对抵抗运动的支持,才使自由的火焰在许多国家熊熊燃烧,直到解放的那一天。
4/20/20242 minutes, 56 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part1(story1-3)

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights词汇提示1.Arabian 阿拉伯的2.mistrustful 不信任3.betrayed 背叛4.brutality 暴行5.compassionate 有同情心6.Hunchback 驼背的人7.choked 噎住8.wrapped 包起来9.sheet 床单10.tripped 绊倒11.alley 小巷 掮客13.confession 坦白14.revealed 揭露原文Story 1: Arabian NightsArabian Nights is a collection of stories, and it is also known as One Thousand and One Nights.The King is mistrustful because he was betrayed by his previous wife.She had an affair with a kitchen servant.After this, the King started to sleep with one girl every night and then killed them.To stop this brutality, the Wazir's daughter volunteered herself to marry him.She became Queen Scheherazade.She told King Shah Shahryar a story every night.These elaborate stories never ended the same night.To stay alive, she finished the story the next night and started a new story.The King was entertained and didn't kill her.After 3 years, she ran out of stories, but they were married for 3 years and they had had children so The King didn't kill her.Story2: In the Name of Allah the Compassionating the CompassionateOnce long ago, there were two royal brothers, Shahryar and Shah Zaman.They ruled over separate lands.Shahryar ruled India/Indo-China and Shah Zaman ruled Samarkand.They were very close brothers, but couldn't rule together because of certain laws.After being apart for 20 years, Shahryar sent a quest to his brother Shah Zaman to come and see each other.Before leaving to visit his brother, Shah Shahryar found out that his wife was cheating on him with the cook.He was very upset.He could not eat or sleep.King Shahryar ordered his queen to be killed, and swore to marry a young girl each night.After sleeping with them, he killed them the next morning.He wanted to make sure there was no chance for the new wife to be unfaithful.He said, "There never was and never will be a faithful woman!"Story 3: The Hunchback's TaleAlong time ago, in a city in China, a tailor and his wife invited a hunchback to their home for dinner.They wanted to be entertained.While the hunchback was eating and joking, he choked on a sharp fishbone.The two wrapped the dead man up in a sheet and took him to a doctor in the middle of the night.They did not want anyone to see them, so they left the hunchback at the doctor's house and ran away.The doctor was eager to see his patient, and he tripped over the body.The body of the hunchback fell down the stairs.Believing he killed the patient, the doctor put the dead body in his neighbor's yard.The neighbor thought he was a thief and beat him.He thought that he killed him.The neighbor took the body to an alley where he was beaten again.In this way, the hunchback's body was passed around until the King's broker was found with the dead body.Just as the broker was about to be executed, confessions came one by one from all the assumed murderers.He was never dead at all.The King questioned everyone involved.It was revealed that the fishbone was removed from his throat by the barber, andthe hunchback was fine.The King laughed and enjoyed hearing about the crazy events.He said to everyone there, "Did you ever hear a more wonderful story thanthat of my Hunchback?"翻译故事一:天方夜谭《天方夜谭》是一部故事集,也被称为《一千零一夜》。国王不信任他的前妻,因为他被她背叛了。她和一个厨房佣人有染。从那以后,国王开始每天晚上和一个女孩睡觉,然后杀了她们。为了制止这种暴行,瓦齐尔的女儿自愿嫁给他。她成了舍赫拉扎德王后。她每天晚上给国王沙·沙赫拉尔讲一个故事。这些精巧的故事不会在同一个晚上结束。为了活下去,她在第二天晚上结束了这个故事,并且开始了一个新的故事。国王很高兴,没有杀她。三年后,她的故事说完了,但他们结婚三年了,他们有了孩子,所以国王没有杀她。故事2:以慈悲的真主之名很久以前,有两个皇室兄弟,沙赫里亚尔和沙赫扎曼。他们统治着各自的土地。沙赫里亚尔统治印度/印度支那,沙赫扎曼统治撒马尔罕。他们是非常亲密的兄弟,但由于某些法律的原因,他们不能一起统治。在分开20年后,沙赫里亚尔向他的兄弟沙赫扎曼发出了一个请求,让他来见一面。在离开去看兄弟之前,沙赫里亚尔发现他的妻子背着他和厨师在一起。他非常沮丧。他吃不下也睡不着。沙赫里亚尔国王下令杀死他的王后,并发誓每天晚上娶一个年轻女孩。他和她们上床后,第二天早上杀了她们。他想确保新婚妻子不会有不忠的机会。他说:“从来没有,将来也不会有忠实的女人!”故事三:驼子的故事很久以前,在中国的一个城市里,一个裁缝和他的妻子邀请了一个驼背的人到他们家吃饭。他们想要娱乐放松一下。驼背人在吃东西和开玩笑的时候,被一根锋利的鱼刺噎住了。两人用床单把死者包起来,半夜带他去看医生。他们不想让任何人看到他们,所以他们把驼子留在医生的房子里跑了。医生急于看他的病人,结果被尸体绊倒了。驼背的尸体从楼梯上摔了下来。医生相信病人是他杀的,就把尸体放在邻居的院子里。邻居以为他是小偷,打了他一顿。他以为他杀了他。邻居把尸体带到一条小巷,在那里他再次遭到殴打。就这样,驼背的尸体被四处传递,直到国王的掮客和尸体一起被发现。就在掮客即将被处决的时候,所有被认为是凶手的人都一个接一个地招供了。他根本就没有死。国王询问了所有相关人员。结果发现,理发师已经把鱼刺从驼子喉咙里取出来了,这个驼子已经好了。国王笑了,他喜欢听这些疯狂的事情。他对在场的每一个人说:“你们听过比我的驼子故事更奇妙的故事吗?”
4/18/20243 minutes, 57 seconds
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听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 16A:How is your new colleague?你的新同事怎么样?B:I'm getting used to it.我已经习惯了。A:Are the people at your company nice to you?你公司的人对你好吗?B:Yes, they are all very nice to me.是的,他们对我都很好。Conversation 17A:I'm on a diet.我在减肥。B:Why? You're not fat at all.为什么?你一点也不胖。A: I just like to stay in shape.我只是想保持体形。B:That is a very healthy mentality.这是一种非常健康的心态。Conversation 18A: I know that you can play the piano very well.我知道你钢琴弹得很好。B:Oh, yes. I have played the piano since I was four.哦,是的。我从四岁起就开始弹钢琴了。A:That makes you very skilled.所以你现在弹得很熟练。B:Thank you. I'm constantly trying to improve.谢谢!不过,我也一直在努力改进。Conversation 19A:Mike, I really appreciate your help.迈克,非常感谢你的帮助。B: No problem.不客气。A:Having friends like you makes life worth living.有你这样的朋友,生活变得更有意义。B:That's what friends are for, you'd do the same for me.这就是朋友应该做的,你也会为我做同样的事。Conversation 20A:What time do you think it is? Go to sleep.现在几点了?去睡觉。B: I know the time, I'm still reading.我知道时间,我还在看书。A:You have to get up early, you need to rest.你得早起,你需要休息。B:I'll finish this chapter then go to bed.我看完这一章就去睡觉。
4/16/20245 minutes, 12 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day45(441-450)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 45441.Comfortableadj.令人舒适的;感到舒服的,安逸的;自在的;Please make yourself comfortable.请不要拘束。She didn't feel comfortable with my friend.她对我的朋友感觉不舒服。This sofa can easily be converted into a very comfortable double bed for guests.这张沙发可以很容易地转换成一张非常舒适的双人床,供客人使用。442.Commandv.命令,下令;统率,指挥;n.命令,指示Who gave the command?谁下达了命令?My mother commands my presence at the party.我母亲命令我出席聚会。He commanded me to leave the room immediately.他命令我立即离开房间。443.Commentn.评论,意见;批评,指责v.评论,发表意见Do you have any comment, Mr. President?主席先生,你有什么意见吗?That comment is completely off topic.该评论完全不在话题范围内。His comment was concise and to the point.他的评论简明扼要,直截了当。444.Commissionn.考察团,委员会;佣金,回扣;犯罪;委托,命令How much is the commission?佣金是多少?We charge a commission of 5%.我们收取5%的佣金。445.Commitv.犯(罪、错);承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺;订婚,Try it before you commit to a purchase.在承诺购买之前先尝试一下。They commit a serious crime.他们犯了严重的罪行。446.Commitmentn.忠诚,献身;承诺,保证;奉献,投入;决心I cannot make such a commitment at the moment.我现在无法做出这样的承诺。Are you ready to make a long-term commitment?你准备好做出长期承诺了吗?One thing that won't change is our commitment to our customers.有一件事不会改变,那就是我们对客户的承诺。447.Committeen.委员会He's the chairman of the committee.他是委员会的主席。The committee adopted the proposal.委员会通过了该提案。Are you on the committee?你在委员会里吗?448.Commonadj.共同的;常见的,普遍的,一般的;普通的,平凡的This sort of problem is quite common.这种问题很常见。Here are some common mistakes when booking a flight.以下是预订航班时的一些常见错误。Divorce is becoming more common nowadays.如今,离婚变得越来越普遍。449.Commonlyadv.通常,大多数人地She commonly arrives home late after work.她通常下班后回家很晚。Shift workers commonly complain of not getting enough sleep.轮班工人通常抱怨睡眠不足。450.Communicatev.传递信息,通讯;传达,传递;传染;传输Pilots communicate with the airport by radio.飞行员通过无线电与机场通信。It's important to communicate effectively with others.与他人进行有效的沟通非常重要。We communicate with each other by telephone every day.我们每天都通过电话互相沟通。
4/14/202415 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 19. 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (3)

词汇提示1.lurking 潜藏2.plague 困扰3.toll 伤亡人数原文Diana,Princess Of Wales: 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (3)There are said to be around 110 million mines lurking somewhere in the world - and over a third of them are to be found in Africa!Angola is probably more heavily mined than anywhere else, because the war went on for such a long time, and it invaded so much of the country.So that country is going to be infested with mines, and will suffer many more victims.Even if the world decided tomorrow to ban these weapons, this terrible legacy of mines already in the earth would continue to plague the poor nations of the Globe."The evil that men do, lives after them."And so, it seems to me, there rests a certain obligation upon the rest of us.One of my objectives in visiting Angola was to forward the cause of those, like the Red Cross, striving in the name of humanity to secure an international ban on these weapons.Since them, we are glad to see, some real progress has been made.There are signs of a change of heart- at least in some parts of the world.For that we should be cautiously grateful.If an international ban on mines can be secured it means, looking far ahead, that the world may be a safer place for this generation's grandchildren.But for this generation in much of the developing world, there will be no relief,no relaxation.The toll of deaths and injuries caused by mines already there, will continue.This tracing and lifting of mines, as I saw in Angola, is a desperately slow business.So in my mind a central question remains.Should we not do more to quicken the de-miners' work, to help the injured back to some sort of life, to further our own contribution to aid and development?The country is enriched by the work done by its overseas agencies and non -governmental organizations who work to help people in Africa and Asia to improve the quality of their lives.Yet mines cast a constant shadow over so much of this work.Resettlement of refugees is made more hazardous.Good land is put out of bounds.Recovery from war is delayed.Aid workers themselves are put at risk.I would like to see more done for those living in this "no man's land" which lies between the wrongs of yesterday and the urgent needs of today.I think we owe it.I also think it would be of benefit to us, as well as to them.The more expeditiously we can end this plague on earth caused by the landmine, the more readily can we set about the constructive tasks to which so many give their hand in the cause of humanity.翻译威尔士王妃戴安娜:“一场现代悲剧及其后果”(3)据说大约有1.1亿枚地雷潜伏在世界的某个地方,其中超过三分之一在非洲!安哥拉的地雷可能比其他任何地方都要多,因为战争持续了很长时间,它入侵了这个国家的大部分地区。因此,那个国家将被地雷所侵扰,并将遭受更多的受害者。即使世界明天决定禁止这些武器,地球上已经存在的地雷的可怕遗产将继续折磨着地球上的贫穷国家。“人所做的恶,死后仍会存在。”因此,在我看来,我们其余的人都负有某种义务。我访问安哥拉的目标之一是推动像红十字会那样以人类的名义努力争取在国际上禁止这些武器的人的事业。我们高兴地看到,自那时以来,已经取得了一些真正的进展。至少在世界上的一些地区,有迹象表明人们的态度发生了改变。为此,我们应该谨慎地心存感激。如果能够确保国际禁止地雷,这意味着,展望未来,对于我们这一代的子孙来说,世界可能是一个更安全的地方。但对于大多数发展中国家的这一代人来说,他们不会得到缓解,也不会放松。已经存在的地雷造成的伤亡人数将继续增加。正如我在安哥拉看到的那样,追踪和清除地雷是一项极其缓慢的工作。所以在我的脑海里,一个核心问题依然存在。我们难道不应该做更多的工作来加快扫雷工作,帮助受伤者恢复某种生活,进一步促进我们自己对援助和发展的贡献吗?海外机构和非政府组织致力于帮助非洲和亚洲人民提高生活质量,使国家更加富裕。然而,我的地雷一直给这项工作投下阴影。难民的重新安置变得更加危险。好地是禁区。从战争中恢复被推迟了。救援人员自己也处于危险之中。我希望为那些生活在“无人区”的人们做更多的事情,这片无人区介于昨天的错误和今天的迫切需要之间。我想这是我们欠的。我也认为这对我们和他们都有好处。我们越能迅速地结束地雷在地球上造成的这场灾难,我们就越能容易地着手于许多人在人类事业中伸出援手的建设性任务。
4/13/20242 minutes, 48 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part10

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly词汇提示1.Highness 殿下原文Chapter X: Blackbeard's PeaceBlackbeard dropped the knife to the ground."Look!The knife. It moved by itself.""It's the curse of the treasure. It's a message from Blackbeard."No one could see the ghost except for Queen Alliana.She had her great-grandmother's eyes, and those eyes would always be able to see him.She walked towards him, away from the other men, who were preparing to take the pirates to the Queen Anne as prisoners."When you return to this island, you always bring unhappiness to a woman's heart.First, it was my great-grandmother's, and now it is mine. Have you thought of this in all those years while watching that treasure?""How could I forget? I can never die and be peaceful. I always remember what I didby looking at that treasure.""But you can do something good now. You can keep others from touching it and making the same mistake you did.""How?I can't keep people from coming onto my ship and taking my treasure.""You could if you wanted. If there was never any treasure, you would have lived happily with Queen Hanzani. Now, you still have the treasure and you are still unhappy.""But that is what I was told to do, watch the treasure to pay for my mistake.""Have you ever thought of what it is that will end this punishment and let you die in peace?"Blackbeard had no answer.He was quiet.Captain Scott came to say goodbye to Queen Alliana."Your Highness, we are ready to leave your island. I'm sorry for the trouble we brought with us, but I want to thank you for giving us what we need to sail again.""Remember Captain, you must find the ship you got the treasure from and put it back. It's the only way to keep peace on these islands.""We will try.""I think you will succeed. And remember the story I told you about that treasure.Taking what is not yours can never bring you or the ones you love any happiness."Captain Scott and the others rowed back to the Queen Anne, and soon it was sailing again through the Bermuda Triangle.Blackbeard was standing at the ship's side.He was looking across the wide, blue sea, thinking of everything Queen Allianas aidto him before he left Rum Island.He was always saying the same thing to himself: "If there was never any treasure, I would be happy now."Suddenly,Blackbeard's old empty ship appeared sailing along the shining blue sea.The man in the crow's nest shouted to the Captain, and he put his telescope to his eye."Stubbs,sail straight for that ship. We're going back on board."Blackbeard was walking nervously back and forth as the men put the treasure chest into a small row boat.He sat on top of it when they were ready to leave and row towards the empty ship.Captain Scott told the men to leave the chest where they found it.Before the sailors left, Captain Scott looked around the old pirate ship."And this is what you get for wanting all the riches of the world."Blackbeard was standing next to him listening.It was the last thing that was said on that ship.The Queen Anne began to sail away when one of the sailors shouted "Look!"Everyone turned to see Blackbeard's chest rising in the air over the sea.They thought it was moving by itself, but it was Blackbeard moving it.He threw the chest into the sea, ending the curse he had to live with.The sailors of the Queen Anne saw the shining gold on top of the water for one last moment,then it sank into the sea below.When the chest had disappeared into the water, Blackbeard's ship began to break apart and sank into the sea.The sailors' eyes all grew wide as they saw the ghost of a pirate in a long blue coat, with a black beard and a red scarf around his head, fly up into the clouds of the sky."Captain,what in the world was that?" "It was the ghost of Blackbeard.It seems that he has finally found his peace."The end of " Blackbeard's Treasure"by Jenny Dolly
4/11/20244 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 11A: It is so nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。B:Yes, it was lovely bumping into each other in the shop.是的,在商店里偶遇真是太好了。A:How about going out for dinner tonight?今晚出去吃饭怎么样?B:Sorry, I have an appointment tonight. But thanks anyway.对不起,我今晚有约了。但还是谢谢你。Conversation 12A:What would you like for dessert, fruit or ice cream?你想吃什么甜点,水果还是冰淇淋?B:Can we not have both?不能两个都要吗?A: If we do, there won't be dessert tomorrow.那样的话,明天就没有甜点了。B:Then it will be fruit today and ice cream tomorrow, thanks.那就今天是水果,明天是冰淇淋,谢谢。Conversation 13A:It's very warm for winter today.今天的天气相对冬天来说很暖和了。B:How about going to the park?我们去公园怎么样?A: I agree. Let's go to the park.我同意。一起去公园吧。B:I'll get ready. Give me a few minutes.我很快凖备好。稍等我几分钟。Conversation 14A: I hear you've been ill.我听说你病了。B:Well, I had the flu for a couple of weeks, but I'm fine now.嗯,我感冒了几周,现在已经好了。A:You are looking far better than I thought you'd be.你看起来比我想象的要好得多。B: My doctor prescribed a course of vitamins and minerals and it helped a great deal.医生给我开了一个疗程的维生素和矿物质,效果很好。Conversation 15A:Excuse me, will this bus go to the airport?打扰一下,请问这趟车去机场吗?B:No, you need to take the bus that will come in half an hour.不去,你需要搭乘另外一辆公交车,它将在半小时内到。A:How long does it take from here to the airport by bus?从这里搭公交车到机场需要多长时间?B:About 40 minutes.大概40分钟。
4/9/20245 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day44(431-440)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 44431.Colleaguen.同事,同僚Their colleague was transferred to an overseas branch.他们的同事被调到一家海外分支机构。He is a junior colleague.他是一名初级同事。432.Collectv.聚集,聚积;收集,采集;收藏Do you still collect stamps?你还在收集邮票吗?We collected shells on the beach.我们在海滩上收集贝壳。433.Collectionn.收藏品,收集物;专辑,作品集He showed me his collection of butterflies.他给我看了他收藏的蝴蝶。What do you think of our collection?您如何看待我们的收藏?Would you like to see my stamp collection?你想看看我收藏的邮票吗?434.Collegen.大学,专科学校;学院She is proud of herself for finishing college.她为自己完成大学而感到自豪。I'mat college, studying graphic design.我在上大学,学习平面设计。My brother will be going to college next week.我哥哥下周要去上大学。435.Colorn.<美>颜色;肤色;颜料 vt.给…..…涂颜色;vi.变色Green is my favorite color.绿色是我最喜欢的颜色。I'd like to paint the room a different color, just as an experiment.我想把房间漆成不同的颜色,做个实验。Do you know what color she likes?你知道她喜欢什么颜色吗?436.Combinationn.结合体,联合体;结合,联合Don't you think that's a good combination?你不觉得这是一个很好的组合吗?This color combination is stunningly effective.这种颜色组合非常有效。437.Combinev.结合,组合;合并n.联盟,联合体He combined two ideas into one.他把两个想法合为一体。He makes more money than all of the rest of us combined.他赚的钱比我们其他人加起来还多。438.Comev.来;来到,到达;达到,进入Please come into the house.请进屋来。All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.如果我们有勇气去追求,我们所有的梦想都可以实现。It is probable that she will come.她很可能会来。439.Comedyn.喜剧,喜剧片;滑稽的事物;滑稽,诙谐It's a comedy movie.这是一部喜剧电影。I saw an amusing comedy last night.昨晚我看了一部有趣的喜剧。440.Comfortn.舒服,舒适;安慰,慰藉v.安慰,抚慰My uncle now lives in comfort.我叔叔现在过着舒适的生活。She tried to comfort him, but he kept crying.她想安慰他,但他一直在哭。I'm only trying to comfort you.我只是想安慰你。
4/7/202413 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 18. 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (2)

词汇提示1.prosthetic 假设2.handicapped 残疾的3.amputee 截肢者4.pervasive 无所不在的5.hazardous 危险的6.refugees 难民7.casualties 伤员原文Diana,Princess Of Wales: 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (2)As the Red Cross have expressed it:"Each victim who survives, will incur lifetime expenses for surgery and prosthetic care totaling between 2,000 and 3,000."That is an intolerable load for a handicapped person in a poor country.That is something to which the world should urgently turn its conscience.In Angola, one in every 334 members of the population is an amputee!Angola has the highest rate of amputees in the world.How can countries which manufacture and trade in these weapons square their conscience with such human devastation?My third main experience was to see what has been done, slowly and perilously, to get these mines out of the earth.In the Kuito and Huambo region I spent a morning with small team from Halo Trust, which is training Angolans to work on the pervasive minefields and supervising their work.I speak of "our team" because men of the Mines Advisory group - or, in this instance, the Halo Trust -who volunteer for this hazardous work are usually former members of our own Services.I take this opportunity to pay my tribute to the work these men do on our behalf- the perils they encounter are not just confined to mines.Two members of the Mines Advisory Group team in Cambodia, Chris Howes and Houn Horth, were kidnapped by the Khmer Rouge a year ago and their fate is uncertain.We can only pray for their safe return.Much ingenuity has gone into making some of these mines.Many are designed to trap an unwary de-miner.Whenever such tricky mines appear, the de-miner will call in one of the supervising team, who will then take over.That is what keeps their lives perpetually at risk.It might be less hazardous, I reflected, after my visit to Angola, if some of the technical skills used in making mines had been applied to better methods of removing them.Many of these mines are relatively cheap- they can be bought for 5 apiece, or less.Tracing them, lifting them, and disposing of them, costs far more – sometimes as much as a hundred times more.Angola,is full of refugees returning after a long war.They present another aspect of this tragedy.The refugee turns towards home, often ignorant of conditions in his homeland.He knows of mines, but homeward bound, eagerness to complete the journey gets the better of him.Or he finds mines on what was once his land, and attempts to clear them.There were many examples of that in Angola.These mines inflict most of their casualties on people who are trying to meet the elementary needs of life.They strike the wife, or the grandmother, gathering firewood for cooking - They ambush the child sent to collect water for the family.I was impressed to see the work being done by many of the world's agencies on"Mine Awareness."If children can be taught at school, if adults can be helped to learn what to do, and what not to do in regions that have been mined, then lives can be saved and injuries reduced.翻译威尔士王妃戴安娜:“一场现代悲剧及其后果”(2)正如红十字会所说:“每一位幸存的受害者,都将终身承担总计2000到3000美元的手术和假肢护理费用。”这对一个贫穷国家的残疾人来说是难以忍受的负担。这是世界迫切需要反省的问题。在安哥拉,每334个人中就有一个是截肢者!安哥拉是世界上截肢率最高的国家。制造和交易这些武器的国家怎么能以这样的人类毁灭来问心无愧呢?我的第三个主要经历是,看看人们已经做了些什么,缓慢而危险地把这些地雷从地球上挖出来。在奎托和万博地区,我与Halo Trust的一个小团队度过了一个上午,该团队正在培训安哥拉人在无处不在的雷区工作并监督他们的工作。我之所以说“我们的团队”,是因为自愿从事这项危险工作的地雷咨询小组的成员- -或者在这个例子中是Halo信托基金的成员- -通常是我们自己部队的前成员。我借此机会向这些人代表我们所做的工作表示敬意——他们所遇到的危险不仅仅局限于矿山。柬埔寨地雷咨询小组的两名成员克里斯·豪斯和霍恩·霍斯一年前被红色高棉绑架,他们的命运尚不确定。我们只能祈祷他们平安归来。制造这些地雷需要很大的匠心。很多都是用来诱捕不小心的排雷人员的。每当出现这种棘手的地雷时,排雷人员将叫来一个监督小组,然后由他接管。这就是让他们的生命永远处于危险之中的原因。在我访问安哥拉之后,我想,如果把制造地雷所用的一些技术技能应用于更好的排除地雷的方法,危险可能会小一些。这些矿中有许多相对便宜——每片5英镑或更低就能买到。追踪、打捞和处理垃圾的成本要高得多,有时甚至要高出100倍。安哥拉到处都是经过长期战争返回的难民。他们展现了这场悲剧的另一面。难民返乡,往往不了解家乡的情况。他知道我的故事,但在回家的路上,他对完成旅程的渴望胜过了他。或者他在曾经属于自己的土地上发现了地雷,并试图清除它们。在安哥拉有很多这样的例子。这些地雷造成的伤亡大多数是在努力满足基本生活需要的人身上。他们袭击收集柴火做饭的妻子或祖母——他们伏击被派去为家庭取水的孩子。看到世界上许多机构在“地雷意识”方面所做的工作,我印象深刻。如果能够在学校教育儿童,如果能够帮助成年人学习在被地雷埋设的地区该做什么、不该做什么,那么就可以挽救生命,减少伤害。
4/6/20243 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part9

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly词汇提示1.threatened 恐吓 2.torches 火炬原文Chapter IX: The Circle of fireThe clouds came again to cover the light of the moon.The sea was dark.None of the British sailors heard the pirates rowing their boats towards the Queen Anne.Captain Pike and his men climbed the ship's side and surprised the sailors on deck. They attacked the sailors with knives and Captain Pike went below deck.He kicked open the door to the treasure, but he saw that it was gone."Gone?!Where is it?"He ran back upstairs and threatened one of the sailors with a knife. "Where's that treasure you had down there? Talk or I'll kill you right here!""The Captain took it to the island, to trade with the natives. We needed something to fix our sails." The pirates left the Queen Anne and rowed towards Rum island.Captain Scott and his men were preparing to leave the Island. They had what they needed to fix the sails, and they were saying goodbye to Queen Alliana and her people.Torches were lit all around the village, and everyone was having one last cup of rum."Queen Alliana! I hope you and your people will live long lives!"Everyone raised their cup, but before they could drink, one of the natives came running through the village. "Pirate ship! Pirate ship!"The natives all dropped their cups and began running to their huts. The Queen looked at Captain Scott. "You see, the treasure is cursed. Wherever it goes, bad luck follows.""We have enough men here to fight these pirates. We won't let them destroy your island.We have a lot of experience fighting such men, but you can help by letting us use that treasure. Don't worry, you'll get it all back in the end."The natives kept their rum in wooden barrels near a small lake, next to the village.They took all the tops off the barrels to let the smell lead the pirates to where they were.When the pirates arrived, they saw Blackbeard's treasure chest in the middle of a large circle of sugar plant leaves.Queen Alliana was standing outside the circle, holding a torch.Captain Pike saw the chest first."There it is! Take it!""I wouldn't if I were you. You can't come here and take whatever you want.""Who are you? I'll do what I want!"Captain Pike and some of his men walked over the sugar leaves towards the treasure.The leaves had rum on them, and Queen Alliana set them on fire with her torch.The pirates and the treasure were in the middle of a circle of fire, unable to move."You see, Captain, your eye for treasure has kept you from seeing what you should see.It's always the same with such men."Captain Scott, his men and the natives came out from behind the trees and houses to fight the pirates.They put out the fire, and Captain Pike with his six pirates standing next to the treasure took out his sword."I'll fight to the death for this treasure. No one'll have it if I can't."He and Captain Scott fought while the others watched."You won't kill me Captain."Theirs words were locked together and they were looking at each other fiercely.Captain Pike reached for a knife in his belt."Watch out Captain! He's got a knife."Captain Scott saw Pike's eye grow wider, then he fell back.A knife with blood on it was in the air.No one could see that Blackbeard's ghost held it.
4/4/20243 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 6A:May I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?我可以跟约翰逊先生说话吗?B:Who's calling, please?请问您是哪位?A:It's his brother.我是他弟弟。B:Hold on please. I'll transfer the call to him.请稍等。我现在转给他。Conversation 7A:Any ideas for the weekend?周末想怎么过呢?B:How about we go for a road trip?我们自驾游怎么样?A:That's a lovely idea.这主意不错!B:Let's make all the necessary arrangements and have a good time.我们一起来做好所有必要的安排,好好玩一下。Conversation 8A:ABC Hotel, How can we help you?这里是ABC酒店,请问有什么可以帮到您吗?B: I want a single room for 2 nights.我需要一间单人房,住2晚。A:When would you like your reservation?您预订什么时候入住呢?B:From Friday July 13th to Sunday July 15th.从7月13日(星期五)到7月15日(星期日)。Conversation 9A:What did you do yesterday?你昨天做什么了?B: I went shopping at the mall.我去商场购物。A:Did you buy anything?你有买到什么东西吗?B: I bought a new pair of sneakers and a jacket.我买了一双新的运动鞋和一件外套。Conversation 10A:How much is it?这个多少钱?B:It's 50 dollars.50美元。A: I'll take it.我就要它了。B:Great! It looks really nice on you.好极了!你穿起来真好看。
4/2/20244 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day43(421-430)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 43421.Closetn.壁橱,储藏室;adj.秘密的,不公开的There's someone hiding in the closet.有人藏在壁橱里。He has a large closet in his bedroom.他的卧室里有个大壁橱。422.Clothesn.衣服,衣物;服装,礼服;被褥They stare at my clothes with disapproval.他们不以为然地盯着我的衣服。She spends a lot of money on clothes.她花了很多钱买衣服。His clothes were covered with dirt.他的衣服上沾满了污垢。423.Clothingn.衣服,服装v.给….….穿衣,为……提供衣服I usually buy clothing at a local store.我通常在当地商店买衣服。424.cloudn.云,云朵;云状物,一团;阴影The sun disappeared behind a cloud.太阳消失在云层后面。The moon emerged from behind the cloud.月亮从云层后面冒出来。425.Coachn.教练;私人教师;教练v.训练,指导The coach accused us of not doing our best.教练指责我们没有尽力而为。This team is trained by a good coach.这支球队是由一位优秀的教练训练的。She liked tennis and became a tennis coach.她喜欢网球,成为了一名网球教练。426.Coatn.外套,大衣;v.用…..….覆盖;给……穿外套He hid the envelope underneath his coat.他把信封藏在外套下面。Hangup your coat, please.请把你的外套挂起来She put on her coat and went out.她穿上外套然后出去了。427.Coffeen.咖啡;咖啡豆;咖啡色There's no coffee left in the pot.锅里没有咖啡了。Would anyone like more coffee?有人想要更多的咖啡吗?"Do you want coffee?" "No, I prefer tea, thanks."“你想喝咖啡吗?”“不,我更喜欢喝茶,谢谢。”428.Coinn.硬币,金属货币;v.铸币,造币;The boy throws the coin through the window.那个男孩把硬币扔进窗户。She opened her purse and took out a coin.她打开钱包拿出一枚硬币。429.Coldadj.冷的,凉的;冷淡的,冷漠的;n.感冒,伤风He takes a cold bath every morning.他每天早上都要洗个冷水澡。She died on a cold night in December.她在12月的一个寒冷的夜晚去世了。How long will this cold weather continue?这种寒冷的天气还会持续多久?430.Collapsev.倒塌;崩溃,瓦解;暴跌n.倒塌,塌陷The church roof is in danger of collapse.教堂的屋顶有倒塌的危险。The country's economy is about to collapse.该国的经济即将崩溃。
3/31/202413 minutes, 29 seconds
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Level 5-Day 17. 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (1)

词汇提示1.landmines 地雷2.preoccupations 忧虑3.chronic 长期4.surgeons 外科医生5.overwhelming 压倒性的6.handicap 残疾7.prostheses 假肢原文Diana, Princess Of Wales: 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (1)Ladies and Gentlemen, I must begin by saying how warmly I welcome this conference on landmines convened by the Mines Advisory Group and the Landmines Survivors' Network.It is so welcome because the world is too little aware of the waste of life, limb and land which anti- personnel landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth.Indeed,until my journey to Angola early this year - on which I am going to speak this morning I was largely unaware of it too.For the mine is a stealthy killer.Long after conflict is ended, its innocent victims die or are wounded singly, in countries of which we hear little.Their lonely fate is never reported.The world, with its many other preoccupations, remains largely unmoved by a death roll of something like 800 people every month many of them women and children.Those who are not killed outright - and they number another 1,200 a month – suffer terrible injuries and are handicapped for life.I was in Angola in January with the British Red Cross - a country where there are 15 million landmines in a population, Ladies and Gentlemen, of 10 million - with the desire of drawing world attention to this vital, but hitherto largely neglected issue.Some people chose to interpret my visit as a political statement.But it was not.I am not a political figure.As I said at the time, and I'd like to re-iterate now, my interests are humanitarian.That is why I felt drawn to this human tragedy.This is why I wanted to play down my part in working towards a world-wide ban on these weapons.During my days in Angola, I saw at firsthand three aspects of this scourge.In the hospitals of Luanda, the capital, and Huambo, scene of bitter fighting not long ago, I visited some of the mine victims who had survived, and saw their injuries.I am not going to describe them, because in my experience it turns too many people away from the subject.Suffice to say, that when you look at the mangled bodies, some of them children, caught by these mines, you marvel at their survival.What is so cruel about these injuries, is that they are mostly invariably suffered, where medical resources are scarce.I observed for myself some of the obstacles to improving medical care in most of these hospitals.Often there is a chronic shortage of medicine, of pain killers, even of an aesthetics.Surgeons constantly engaged in amputating shattered limbs, never have all the facilities we would expect to see here.So the human pain that has to be borne is often beyond imagining.This emergency medical care, moreover, is only the first step back to a sort of life.For those whose living is the land, loss of an arm or leg, is an overwhelming handicap which lasts for life.I saw the fine work being done by the Red Cross and other agencies to replace lost limbs.But making prostheses is a costly as well as a complicated business.For example; a young child will need several different fittings as it grows older.Sometimes,the severity of the injury makes the fitting of an artificial limb impossible.There are never enough resources to replace all the limbs that are lost.翻译威尔士王妃戴安娜:“一场现代悲剧及其后果”(1)女士们、先生们,首先我必须表示我多么热烈地欢迎地雷咨询小组和地雷幸存者网络召开的这次地雷问题会议。它是如此受欢迎,因为世界对杀伤地雷在地球上一些最贫穷的人中间造成的生命、肢体和土地的浪费认识得太少。事实上,直到我今年早些时候前往安哥拉之前- -我今天上午将就此发言- -我基本上也没有意识到这一点。因为地雷是一个隐秘的杀手。在冲突结束很久之后,在我们很少听到消息的国家中,无辜的受害者仍然单独死亡或受伤。他们孤独的命运从未被报道过。世界及其许多其他关注事项,基本上对每月大约800人死亡无动于衷,其中许多是妇女和儿童。那些没有被直接杀害的人- -每月又有1200人被杀害- -受到严重伤害并终身残疾。我于1月同英国红十字会一起前往安哥拉- -这个国家的1 000万人口中有1 500万枚地雷- -希望提请世界注意这一至关重要但迄今基本上被忽视的问题。有些人把我的访问解读为一种政治声明。但事实并非如此。我不是一个政治人物。正如我当时所说,现在我想重申,我的兴趣是人道主义。这就是为什么我被这场人类悲剧所吸引。这就是为什么我想淡化我在争取在世界范围内禁止这些武器方面所起的作用。在安哥拉期间,我亲眼目睹了这一灾祸的三个方面。在不久前发生激烈战斗的首都罗安达和万博的医院里,我看望了一些幸存的地雷受害者,看到了他们的伤势。我不打算描述它们,因为根据我的经验,它会让太多人偏离这个主题。我只想说,当你看着那些被地雷炸得血肉模糊的尸体,其中一些是儿童,你会对他们的幸存感到惊讶。这些伤害的残酷之处在于,它们大多都是在医疗资源匮乏的地方遭受的。我亲眼目睹了这些医院在改善医疗服务方面存在的一些障碍。药品、止痛药、甚至麻醉剂的长期短缺往往存在。外科医生不断忙于切除破碎的肢体,从来没有我们期望在这里看到的所有设备。所以人类要承受的痛苦往往是无法想象的。此外,这种紧急医疗只是回到某种生活的第一步。对于那些以土地为生的人来说,失去一只胳膊或一条腿是一个终生的巨大障碍。我看到了红十字会和其他机构为替换失去的肢体所做的出色工作。但制造假肢是一项昂贵而复杂的业务。例如;随着年龄的增长,一个年幼的孩子将需要几次不同的试穿。有时,由于伤势严重,无法安装假肢。没有足够的资源来替换所有失去的肢体。
3/30/20243 minutes, 33 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part8

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly原文Chapter VIII: The Face in the MoonWhen Captain Pike's men put the chest with Blackbeard's ghost on it down on the pirateship's deck, Blackbeard stood up and saw that it was not his treasure.He opened the top, picked up the gold coins in both his hands, and threw them to the ground.The pirates could not see Blackbeard; they only saw the chest open itself and the gold coins flying in the air and falling to the ground by themselves."The gold, Captain. It was flying in the air.""Who opened that chest?""The treasure! Where is the treasure?"Blackbeard ran to the ship's side to see if the Queen Anne was still nearby.It was gone.He let out a loud scream, but no one heard him.His voice disappeared into the grey clouds that were beginning to cover the sky.It began to rain heavily that night.Santiago and Captain Pike were sitting in the warm yellow light of the Captain's cabin below deck."How long will it take to fix the ship?""One or two days. I don't know.""We'll lose that English ship, and I want that treasure.""But Captain, we've got the gold. Why do you want more?""You don't understand. That treasure is more valuable than ten chests of gold. It has some magic in it. There is a story behind it, and I think the man who has it is going to feel he has everything."Blackbeard was alone at the front of the ship, looking out at the dark sea.Everything around him was wet, the men had gone below deck for the night.Slowly,the rain stopped and the clouds moved away.A full, shining silver moon appeared, lighting the sea in front of him.Blackbeard looked into its round face for along time.It looked like a round ball turning and turning.Then he thought it was more like a circle cut from a piece of paper.Suddenly,a face appeared in it. It was the face of Queen Hanzani. She closed, then opened her big, brown eyes slowly. She was smiling at Blackbeard.She looked to her left and Blackbeard did the same. He saw a light, in the distance.The light was Rum island, but no one knew it.The Queen's face disappeared, and Blackbeard ran to the bell near the ship's wheel.The man at the wheel was almost asleep when Blackbeard rang the bell and frightened him.Captain Pike, Santiago and the other men ran upstairs. "What is it, what do you see?"The man at the wheel was still trying to wake up."I think it's a light." Captain Pike looked through his telescope. He saw the beach of the island in the moonlight.Then he saw a light coming from the Queen Anne. "Santiago, tell the men to drop the anchor. We've found the treasure and this time we're not going to lose it."
3/28/20243 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。原文Conversation 1A:Your jacket looks amazing!你的夹克看起来很棒!B:Thank you. But does it look good on me?谢谢!但我穿起来好看吗?A: It looks just perfect. It compliments your pants.简直太完美了。跟你的裤子很搭。B: Thank you. I bought these recently at the mall.谢谢你!这些都是我最近在商场买的。Conversation 2A:Sorry to keep you waiting for so long.抱歉,让您久等了。B:No, no. It's fine. Is something wrong, though?不,不,没关系。不过,您们是不是碰到了什么事?A: My train arrived late.我乘坐的火车晚点了。B: I see. Sounds like trouble.这样啊。听起来很麻烦。Conversation 3A:What do you want for lunch?你午餐想吃什么?B:I'm easy. Anything you want.我都可以。由你决定。A:How about having a fruit salad?吃水果沙拉怎么样?B:That will be great, I'll help you slice the fruit.太好了,我来帮你切水果。Conversation 4A:Oh, it's a bargain. Where did you get it?噢,这个很便宜。你从哪里买到的?B: At the flea market. You can find all kinds of interesting things selling for cheap.在跳蚤市场上。你可以淘到各种各样有趣的东西,价格很便宜。A:Can you take me with you next time?下次能带我一起去吗?B: Of course! It's going to be so fun! Let's definitely go together!当然啦!肯定非常好玩。下次一起去吧。Conversation 5A:Are you ready for tomorrow?明天的东西都准备好了吗?B:No, not yet.还没有。A: We have a very early start so l suggest you pack now and get some sleep.我们要很早出发,所以我建议你现在就收拾东西,然后睡一会儿。B: I will indeed, I don't need much so packing won't take long.我会的,我的东西不多,所以打包不会花太长时间。
3/26/20245 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day42(411-420)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 42411.Clearlyadv.清楚地,清晰地;毫无疑问,显然Things are not clearly defined.事情没有明确定义。Pleases peak slowly and clearly.请慢慢而清晰地说话。412.Clerkn.办事员,职员;售货员,店员;接待员He got a position as a clerk.他得到了文员的职位。She has been working as a bank clerk for almost three years.她担任银行职员已有将近三年了。413.Cleveradj.聪明的,机灵的;机敏的,巧妙的She was an extremely clever and studious young woman.她是一个非常聪明好学的年轻女子。They are equally clever.他们同样聪明。He taught the dog to perform some very clever tricks.他教狗表演一些非常聪明的把戏。414.Clientn.客户,委托人;客户机,用户端The lawyer has a lot of wealthy clients.这个律师有很多有钱的客户。My clients are treated on an equal basis.我的客户受到平等的对待。They do everything to attract more clients.他们想尽一切办法来吸引更多的客户。415.Climaten.气候;气候区;氛围,局势How is the climate in your country?你们国家的气候怎么样?This island has an ideal climate.这个岛的气候非常理想。The climate affected his health.气候影响了他的健康。416.Climbv.攀登,攀爬;爬升n.攀登,爬升;晋升Can you climb up that tree?你能爬上那棵树吗?I need to climb over the wall.我得爬过墙。We decided to climb to 6,000 meters.我们决定爬到6000米。417.Climbingn.登山,攀岩 adj.攀缘植物;登山运动He loves camping and climbing.他喜欢露营和攀岩。He goes climbing nearly every weekend.他几乎每个周末都会去攀爬。Some animals are very good at climbing.有些动物非常擅长攀爬。418.Clockn.时钟,时钟的;考勤钟;里程表It's nearly six o'clock.快六点钟了。How much is this clock?这个时钟多少钱?I'll meet you at 10 o'clock, all right?我10点钟见你,好吗?419.Closev.(使)关闭;合上,合拢;关门;结束We're so close to winning.我们已经快要赢了。He is a close ally of the Prime Minister.他是总理的亲密盟友。The hotel is close to this area.酒店就在这一地区附近。420.Closelyadv.仔细地,严密地;紧密地;秘密地,接近地Are you listening closely?你在仔细听吗?This question is closely related to the previous one.这个问题与前一个问题密切相关。If you look closely, you can see a nest in that tree.如果你仔细观察,你可以在那棵树上看到一个巢。
3/24/202415 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 16.Naomi Wolf 'A Woman's Place' (3)

词汇提示1.controversy 争议2.dwindle 缩小3.quail 胆怯4.diagnosed 诊断原文Naomi Wolf : 'A Woman's Place' (3)When I wrote a book that caused controversy, I saw how big a dragon was this paralysis by niceness."The Beauty Myth" argues that newly rigid ideals of beauty are instruments of a backlash against feminism, designed to lower women's self-esteem for a political purpose.Many positive changes followed the debate.But all that would dwindle away when someone yelled at me -- as, for instance,cosmetic surgeons did on TV, when I raised questions about silicone implants.Oh,no, I'd quail, people are mad at me!Then I read something by the poet Audre Lorde.She'd been diagnosed with breast cancer."I was going to die," she wrote, "sooner or later, whether or not I had even spoken myself. My silences had not protected me. Your silences will not protect you...What are the words you do not yet have? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence? We have been socialized to respect fear more than our own need for language."I began to ask each time: "What's the worst that could happen to me if I tell this truth?"Unlike women in other countries, our breaking silence is unlikely to have us jailed, "disappeared"or run off the road at night.Our speaking out will irritate some people, get us called bitchy or hypersensitive and disrupt some dinner parties.And then our speaking out will permit other women to speak, until laws are changed and lives are saved and the world is altered forever.Next time, ask: What's the worst that will happen?Then push yourself a little further than you dare.Once you start to speak, people will yell at you.They will interrupt you, put you down and suggest it's personal.And the world won't end.And the speaking will get easier and easier.And you will find you have fallen in love with your own vision, which you may never have realized you had.And you will lose some friends and lovers, and realize you don't miss them.And new ones will find you and cherish you.And you will still flirt and paint your nails, dress up and party, because, as I think Emma Goldman said, "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution."And at last you'll know with surpassing certainty that only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth.And that is not speaking.翻译娜奥米·沃尔夫:《女人的位置》(3)当我写了一本引起争议的书时,我看到了这条被善良麻痹的巨龙有多大。《美丽的神话》认为,新的严格的美丽理想是反对女权主义的工具,旨在降低女性的自尊,以达到政治目的。辩论之后发生了许多积极的变化。但是,当有人对我大喊大叫时,这一切都会消失——比如,当我在电视上提出关于硅胶植入物的问题时,整形外科医生就会这样做。不,我会退缩,大家都在生我的气!然后我读了诗人奥德丽·洛德的诗。她被诊断出患有乳腺癌。“我迟早会死,”她写道,“不管我自己有没有说出口。我的沉默并没有保护我。你的沉默保护不了你……你还有什么话没说?你们日复一日地吞下并企图成为你们自己的暴政是什么,直到你们仍然在沉默中为它们感到恶心和死亡?我们已经学会了尊重恐惧,而不是自己对语言的需求。”我开始每次都问自己:“如果我说出真相,最坏的结果会是什么?”与其他国家的女性不同,我们打破沉默不太可能让我们被关进监狱、“失踪”或在夜里冲出马路。我们的直言不讳会激怒一些人,让我们被称为恶毒或敏感,还会扰乱一些晚宴。然后,我们的发声将允许其他妇女发声,直到法律得到改变,生命得到拯救,世界被永远改变。下次,问问自己:最坏的结果是什么?然后把自己逼得比你敢的更远一点。一旦你开始说话,人们就会对你大喊大叫。他们会打断你,贬低你,并暗示这是私人恩怨。世界不会毁灭。说话会变得越来越容易。你会发现你已经爱上了你自己的愿景,你可能从来没有意识到你已经爱上了。你会失去一些朋友和爱人,然后意识到你并不想念他们。新的人会找到你,珍惜你。你仍然会调情,涂指甲油,打扮,参加派对,因为,我记得艾玛·戈德曼说过,“如果我不会跳舞,我不想成为你们革命的一部分。”最后你会非常肯定地知道只有一件事比说出真相更可怕。那就是不说话。
3/23/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part7

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly词汇提示1.furious 盛怒原文Chapter VII: Queen Hanzani's StoryCaptain Scott did not understand what Queen Alliana was saying.He asked Mr. Stewart:"What do you think the Queen meant by saying that the treasure was cursed?""Sir, these islanders have a lot of strange beliefs. I think we should listen to what they say and leave the island.""But we can't leave without new sails. Surely they can help us there.""What do you suggest we do?""I'm going to have a talk with her.You go and look after the men."The captain knocked on Queen Alliana's door,then opened it.The Queen was sitting in a large chair with her eyes closed.She opened them when the captain spoke."Excuse me, Queen Alliana, but I would like to talk to you."She did not say anything."I don't know why that treasure made you so angry, but our ship..."The Queen raised her hand to stop the captain from talking.She stood up and walked to one of the walls of the room.She took a picture from it.It was a picture of the same woman in Blackbeard's cabin.Without her headpiece on, Queen Alliana looked exactly like her.She gave the picture to Captain Scott to look at."It's a beautiful picture of you.""It's not me, Captain. It's my great-grand mother, Queen Hanzani. She was once the Queen of this island and of all the islands in the Bermuda Triangle. She was a great and kind woman, but she died sadly, at a young age, from a broken heart.""Was her husband killed by one of your enemies?""We had no enemies at that time,except for the pirates who came to steal from us. The man she loved and married left these islands and changed into an evil person.""Does this have something to do with you not wanting the treasure we showed you?""Captain, sit down and I will tell you a story."The captain sat in a chair opposite the Queen.Her large, soft eyes made him feel very relaxed.He sat back in his chair and listened to her story.He saw everything as if it was all happening right there in front of him."When my great-grandmother was sixteen,she and a boy her age promised to love each other forever.So they married and sometime later that boy left the island. He said he was going to sail around the world and bring back all of the things which would make their life together perfect and happy. While he was gone, pirates attacked the island. They killed Queen Hanzani's parents and stole everything they had. Many people died because they had no food. Queen Hanzani found a way to make rum from the sugar plants so they could trade it with others for food. She made the island strong and soon all of the people,from all of the islands in this triangle, began working together so that the pirates would never do such a thing again. ""Everyone knew the Queen did this so her true love would have a home to return to. Each morning, she would walk along the beach to see if his ship was coming, and each morning she returned a little bit more sad.""When he finally returned, it was awful. He returned as a pirate with a chest full of stolen treasure. He wanted to give it to Queen Hanzani and take her away from the island to live with other rich kings and queens. She was furious."'Pirates killed my parents, and now you want me to touch stolen treasure?''But I did this for you, to make you happy.''Throw it into the ocean and live as we do and I will be happy.''Throw it into the ocean? After all the years I spent getting his? I was almost killed many times.'"There was a terrible storm; we call it the storm with the large face. The clouds were so large that they looked like the face of a man blowing on to the sea. The pirate ship was destroyed and now a ghost ship travels these waters with Blackbeard's ghost on it, watching the treasure he thought more important than love. My great-grandmother died in her sleep that same night. I wear this necklace to remember her. The pirate's ghost and his treasure are there to remind him, and anyone else who tries to take what is not theirs, that they will never be happy. You have that treasure Captain and you must take it from this island and put it back on that empty ship. Otherwise, you will never leave the Bermuda Triangle alive."
3/21/20245 minutes, 39 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文491.They wanted a wedding picture in front of the Eiffel Tower.他们想在艾菲尔铁塔前面拍张结婚照。492.I have a lot of friends to help me.我有很多朋友帮我。493.He amassed a fortune in stock trading during the last boom.他在上个经济景气的时期炒股攒下了一笔钱。494.Everyone is anxious to know what has become of the former champion.大家都渴望知道前冠军得主发生了什么。495.Sorry, but can you show me the way to the next village?能不能麻烦你告诉我去邻村怎么走?496.Are you going to visit any other countries?你会去访问其他国家吗?497.The entire sales staff has worked around the clock for a week.全体销售人员通宵达旦地工作了一周。498.Will you please explain the meaning of this sentence to me?您能为我解释这句句子的意思吗?499.Please remind me to mail the report tomorrow.请提醒我明天把报告寄了。500.Would you like to go to the zoo this afternoon?今天下午你想去动物园吗?
3/19/20243 minutes, 59 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day41(401-410)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 41401.Citizenn.市民,城镇居民;公民,国民Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.每个公民都可以要求得到法律的保护。A good citizen obeys the laws.一个好公民要遵守法律。402.Cityn.城市,都市;市民,全市居民All of my relatives are living in this city.我所有的亲戚都住在这座城市。It is a remarkably noisy and crowded city.这是一个非常嘈杂和拥挤的城市。403.Civiladj.公民的,国内的;平民的;文明的You're violating my civil rights.你侵犯了我的公民权利。I'll be polite and civil to him.我会礼貌和文明的对待他。404.Claimv.声称,断言;索取n.声称,断言;索要Have you claimed the insurance yet?你索要保险金了吗?Does anyone claim this umbrella?有人认领这把雨伞吗?405.Clapv.拍手,鼓掌n.鼓掌,拍手The crowd was clapping and cheering.人群在鼓掌欢呼。A few people clapped after his lecture.他演讲后,有几个人鼓起掌来。406.Classn.班级;上课时间;课程;阶级,阶层The teacher dismissed his class when the bell rang.铃一响,老师就下课了He didn't come to English class today.他今天没上英语课。I'm going to register for a cooking class.我要报名参加烹饪课。407.Classicadj.典型的;经典的 n.经典作品,杰作He owns a classic novel.他拥有一部经典小说。I was very impressed with the quality of classic car that I saw at the show.我在展会上看到的老爷车的质量给我留下了深刻的印象。408.Classroomn.教室When did she leave the classroom?她什么时候离开教室的?The boy looks confused when he sees his parents at the door of his classroom.当男孩在教室门口看到父母时,他看起来很困惑。There are over fifty people in this classroom.这个教室里有五十多人。409.Cleanadj.洁净的,干净的;爱干净的;清白的;n.干净,清洁We need to invest in clean, renewable energy.我们需要投资于清洁的可再生能源。There are no clean plates left.没有干净盘子了。This business card is quite simple but looks clean and professional.这张名片很简单,但看起来简洁又专业。410.Clearadj.易懂的;清楚的;听得清的;干净的I have a few things I want to make clear.我有几件事要说清楚。Could you please help me clear the table?你能帮我清理桌子吗?
3/17/202413 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 15.Naomi Wolf 'A Woman's Place' (2)

词汇提示1.archetypes 典型2.anorexia 厌食症3.bulimia 贪食症4.tithe 十一捐献5.disobedience 不服从原文Naomi Wolf : 'A Woman's Place' (2)We lack archetypes for the questing young woman, her trials by fire; for how one "becomes a woman" through the chrysalis of education, the difficult passage from one book, one idea to the next.Let's refuse to have our scholarship and our gender pitted against each other.In our definition, the scholar learns woman hood and the woman learns scholarship;Plato and Djuna Barnes, mediated to their own enrichment through the eyes of the female body with its wisdoms and its gifts.I saythat you have already shown courage:Many of you graduate today in spite of the post-traumatic syndrome of acquaintance rape,which one-fourth of female students undergo.Many of you were so weakened by anorexia and bulimia that it took every ounce of your will to get your work in.You negotiated private lives through a mine field of new strains of VD and the ascending shadow of AIDS.Triumphant survivors, you have already "become women."Message No. 2 breaks the ultimate taboo for women.Ask for money in your lives.Expect it. Own it. Learn to use it.Little girls learn a debilitating fear of money - that it's not feminine to insure we are fairly paid for honest work.Meanwhile,women make 68 cents for every male dollar and half of marriages end in divorce,after which women's income drops precipitously.But whatever field your heart decides on, for god's sake get the most specialized training in it you can and hold out hard for just compensation, parental leave and child care.Resist your assignment to the class of highly competent, grossly underpaid women who run the show while others get the case - and the credit.Claim money not out of greed, but so you can tithe to women's political organizations, shelters and educational institutions.Sexist institutions won't yield power if we are just patient long enough.The only language the status quo understands is money, votes and public embarrassment.When you have equity, you have influence- as sponsors, shareholders and alumnae.Use it to open opportunities to women who deserve the chances you've had.Your B. A. does not belong to you alone, just as the earth does not belong to its present tenants alone.Your education was lent to you by women of the past, and you will give some back to living women, and to your daughters seven generations from now.Message No. 3: Never cook for or sleep with anyone who routinely puts you down.Message No. 4: Become goddesses of disobedience.Virginia Woolf once wrote that we must slay the Angel in the House, the censor within.Young women tell me of injustices, from campus rape cover ups to classroom sexism.But at the thought of confrontation, they freeze into niceness.We are told that the worst thing we can do is cause conflict, even in the service of doing right.Antigone is imprisoned.Joan of Arc burns at the stake.And someone might call us unfeminine!翻译娜奥米·沃尔夫:《女人的位置》(2)我们缺乏追求的年轻女子的原型,她的考验;一个人如何通过教育的茧,从一本书、一种思想到下一种思想的艰难过渡,“成为一个女人”。让我们拒绝把我们的学识和我们的性别对立起来。在我们的定义中,学者学习女性气质,女性学习学术;柏拉图和Djuna Barnes,通过女性身体的智慧和天赋的眼睛来调解他们自己的丰富。我要说的是,你们已经表现出了勇气:尽管四分之一的女学生都患有熟人强奸的创伤后综合症,但今天你们中的许多人还是毕业了。你们中的许多人因为厌食症和暴食症而变得如此虚弱,以至于用尽了每一盎司的意志来完成你的工作。你们在新的性病毒株和不断上升的艾滋病阴影中度过了私人生活。胜利的幸存者们,你们已经“成为女人”了。信息2:打破了女性的终极禁忌。在你的生活中要钱。期望它。拥有它。学会使用它。小女孩学会了对金钱的一种使人衰弱的恐惧——确保我们诚实地工作得到公平的报酬并不是女性的行为。与此同时,女性的收入为男性的68美分,一半的婚姻以离婚告终,此后女性的收入急剧下降。但无论你决定从事什么行业,看在上帝的份上,都要尽可能接受最专业的培训,并努力争取公正的薪酬、育儿假和育儿服务。不要把你的任务分配给那些能力出众、收入极低的女性,她们在主持这个节目,而其他人则负责案件和荣誉。要钱不是出于贪婪,而是为了给妇女政治组织、庇护所和教育机构奉献什一税。只要我们有足够的耐心,性别歧视的机构就不会屈服。维持现状者唯一能理解的语言就是金钱、选票和公众尴尬。当你拥有股权时,你就有影响力——作为赞助商、股东和校友。用它来为那些值得拥有你所拥有的机会的女人打开机会之门。你的学士学位并不只属于你一个人,正如地球并不只属于它现在的房客一样。从前的妇女借给你们受教育,从今以后,你们要把教育还给活着的妇女和你们的女儿。信息3:永远不要为那些经常让你失望的人做饭或和他上床。信息4:成为不服从的女神。弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)曾写道,我们必须杀死屋里的天使和屋里的审查者。年轻女性向我讲述了各种不公,从掩盖校园强奸案到课堂性别歧视。但一想到要对抗,他们就变得友善起来。我们被告知,我们能做的最糟糕的事情就是引起冲突,即使是为了做好事。安提戈涅被囚禁。圣女贞德被处以火刑。有人可能会说我们没有女人味!
3/16/20243 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part6

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly词汇提示1.bandage 绷带2.anchored 抛锚3.vanilla 香草味4.rum 朗姆酒5.barrels 桶原文Chapter VI: Rum IslandThe Queen Anne was badly damaged and many of its men were hurt.The captain was in his bed, with a white bandage on his head.His first mate, Mr.Stewart, came to see him."Captain, the men have found the door to the treasure broken open. It seems Pike and his men took the Queen's gold but left behind the treasure we found on that ship.""How is the ship and the men?""Many men are hurt, sir. Our sails are badly damaged. We're now sailing to an island we've seen about two miles away.""Mr. Stewart, have someone watch that treasure. It's all we have left."The Queen Anne moved very slowly with all of its sails pulled down.The men were sitting or standing quietly along the deck as the ship anchored, a half mile from the beach.They were tired and hurt from the fight with the pirates.The sun was shining and the island looked beautiful, but the men were not interested.The captain came up on deck and began ordering the men."Lower the boats! I'm going to the island to see if we can get something to fix the  sails. I want to take that treasure with us. We don't know what we'll have to give them."The island had a long beach of white sand with tall, green coconut trees on it.They pulled their boats up onto the sand.As they were deciding which way to go, they saw a native boy jump from a tree and run away.The captain spoke first."Let's follow him. He may lead us to his people."The boy led the men through the green hills of the island.He stayed far ahead of them but stopped whenever he wanted them to see him and follow.There were tall green plants on the hills, and the air smelled of vanilla."What's that smell? It smells like rum.""It is, and these are the sugar plants they use to make it. They break the plants apart and mix the rum in large barrels. It smells as if they're making sweets.""It'll be nice if we get to taste it."The men laughed as they walked on.When they came to the top of a hill looking down onto a village, they saw natives working near small houses made from trees and leaves.The small boy they were following ran into the village before them and everyone began looking up at Captain Scott and his men.They stopped what they were doing and waited for the sailors.A tall, dark and very beautiful woman in a white headdress was standing in front of the natives, waiting for Captain Scott.She had large dark, eyes and she wore a gold necklace with a green stone, just like the one in the picture on Blackbeard's ship.Her name was Queen Alliana, and she was the Queen of Rum Island.The sailors put Blackbeard's treasure down behind Captain Scott when he went to meet the Queen."I am Captain Scott of the Queen Anne from England. We've come here to trade our gold for anything you may have to offer, but we also have a problem. Our ship is badly damaged. We need to fix our sails.""Welcome Captain. I am Queen Alliana and this is Rum Island. Come and sit with us and show us what you have brought."The sailors sat in a circle around the treasure chest.Captain Scott sat next to Queen Alliana and all the men were offered a cup of the island's rum.When Captain Scott opened the chest and showed the Queen the shining treasure of jewels and gold, her eyes widened and she stood up."Where did you get that?""It's not really ours. It's something we've found on an empty ship at sea. Our gold...""Take it away! We do not want it here! It is cursed! The man who owns it must have it back. You must take it back to where you found it."The Queen waved her hand. All of the natives left and went inside their houses, leaving Captain Scott and his men alone.
3/14/20244 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文481.I'm going to run a couple of errands. Wanna tag along?我要去购物。你要跟着来吗?482.I'd like to try this on. Where are the fitting rooms?我想试试这件。请问哪里是试衣间?483.The old church on the hill dates back to the twelfth century.山上的老教堂的历史可以追溯到12世纪。484.This guidebook might be of use to you on your trip.这本导游册子或许会对你的旅行有帮助。485.I can't get at the exact meaning of the sentence.我抓不到句子的确切含义。486.I don't want to live my life in fear.我不想生活在恐惧中。487.A caged cricket eats just as much as a free cricket.笼子里的蟋蟀吃得跟野生的蟋蟀一样多。488.I'd like to live in the suburbs of Kobe.我喜欢住在神户的郊区。489.I found the secret compartment quite by accident.我完全是在偶然的情况下发现了密室。490.Weather permitting, we will leave in an hour.如果天气允许的话,我们1小时后出发。
3/12/20243 minutes, 57 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day40(391-400)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 40391.childn.儿童,小孩;子女;幼稚的人Even a child can understand the book.即使是孩子也能理解这本书。The child was rescued from a burning house.孩子是从燃烧的房子里救出来的。I am no longer a child.我不再是个孩子了。392.Chinn.颏,下巴 v.引体向上She has a beautiful chin.她的下巴很漂亮。Keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling.抬起头来,保持下巴向上,最重要的是,保持微笑。Itried to keep my chin up.我试着把下巴抬起来。393.Chocolaten.巧克力,朱古力 adj.巧克力的,巧克力味的He bought an orange and a bar of chocolate.他买了一个橙子和一块巧克力。I love chocolate creams.我喜欢巧克力奶油。Who wants hot chocolate?谁想要热巧克力?394.Choicen.选择,抉择;入选者adj.上等的,优质的I didn't want to say anything, but I had no choice.我什么都不想说,但我别无选择。I had to do it because I had no choice.我必须这样做,因为我别无选择。I think this is a wise choice.我认为这是一个明智的选择。395.Choosev.选择,挑选;情愿,决定Please choose a stronger password.请选择一个更强的密码。I never thought it'd be this hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen.我从没想过要选择一种颜色来粉刷厨房会这么难。It's not easy to choose a career.选择职业并不容易。396.Churchn.教堂;礼拜仪式;教会adj.教会的;礼拜的The church was largely rebuilt at the end of the 15thcentury.教堂在15世纪末基本上进行了重建。Some people go to church every Sunday.有些人每个星期天都会去教堂。The church roof is in danger of collapse.教堂的屋顶有倒塌的危险。397.Cigaretten.香烟,纸烟;麻醉烟,草药烟,药性烟I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke.我受不了香烟烟雾的味道。She caught him smoking a cigarette.她抓到他在抽烟。398.cineman.电影院;电影;电影业She never goes to the cinema.她从来没有去过电影院。I went to the cinema with my family last Sunday.上周日我和家人一起去了电影院。We decided to go to the cinema.我们决定去电影院。399.Circlen.圆,圆形物;圈子;周期v.盘旋;围绕The five of us stood in a circle holding hands.我们五个人牵着手围成一圈。She drew a circle on a piece of paper with a pencil.她用铅笔在纸上画了一个圆圈。The students are sitting in a circle.学生们围成一圈坐着。400.Circumstancen.条件,情况,环境;详情;命运v.处于某种情况He couldn't adapt to new circumstances.他不能适应新的环境。The artists are living in reduced circumstances.艺术家们生活在艰苦的环境中。We wanted to marry but circumstances didn't permit.我们想结婚,但现实情况不允许。
3/10/202416 minutes, 2 seconds
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Level 5-Day 14.Naomi Wolf 'A Woman's Place' (1)

词汇提示1.awry 错误的2.backlash 反对3.tassels 流苏4.menstruate 来月经原文Naomi Wolf : 'A Woman's Place' (1)Even the best of revolutions can go awry when we internalize the attitudes we are fighting.The class of 1992 is graduating into a violent backlash against the advances women have made over the last 20 years.This backlash ranges from a Senator using "The Exorcist" against Anita Hill, to beer commercials with the "Swedish bikini team."Today I want to give you a backlash survival kit, a four-step manual to keep the dragons from taking up residence inside your own heads.My own commencement, at Yale, eight years ago, was the Graduation from Hell.The speaker was Dick Cavett, rumored to have been our president's"brother" in an all-male secret society.Mr.Cavett took the microphone and paled at the sight of hundreds of female about-to-be- Yale graduates."When I was a graduate," I recall he said, "There were no women.The women went to Vassar.At Vassar, they had nude photographs taken of the women in gym class to check their posture.One year the photos were stolen, and turned up for sale in New Haven's red-light district.His punch line, "The photos found no buyers."I'll never forget that moment.There we were, silent in our black gowns, our tassels, our brand new shoes.We dared not break the silence with hisses or boos,out of respect for our families, who'd come so far; and they kept still out of concern for us.Consciously or not, Mr. Cavett was using the beauty myth aspect of the backlash: when women come too close to masculine power, someone will draw critical attention to their bodies.We might be Elis, but we still wouldn't make pornography worth buying.That afternoon, several hundred men were confirmed in the power of a powerful institution.But many of the women felt the shame of the powerless: the choking on silence, the complicity, the helplessness.We were orphaned from the institution.I want to give you the commencement talk that was denied to me.Message No. 1 in your survival kit: redefine "becoming a woman."Today you have "become women."But that sounds odd in ordinary usage.What is usually meant by "You're a real woman [sic] now? "You"become a woman" when you menstruate for the first time, or when youlose your virginity, or when you have a child.These biological definitions are very different from how we say boys become men.One"becomes a man" when he undertakes responsibility, or completes aquest.But you, too, in some ways more than your male friends graduating today, have moved into maturity through a solitary quest for the adult self.翻译娜奥米·沃尔夫:《女人的位置》(1)即使是最好的革命,当我们内化了我们所对抗的态度时,也会出错。1992届毕业生将在一场针对女性在过去20年里取得的进步的暴力反弹中毕业。从一位参议员用《驱魔人》来攻击安妮塔·希尔,到“瑞典比基尼队”的啤酒广告,都出现了这种反弹。今天我想给你们一个反击生存工具包,一个四步手册来防止龙在你自己的头脑中居住。八年前,我自己在耶鲁大学的毕业典礼是“来自地狱的毕业典礼”。演讲者是迪克·卡维特,据传他是我们总统在一个全是男性的秘密社团里的“兄弟”。卡维特先生接过麦克风,面对数百名即将毕业的耶鲁女学生,他的脸色变得苍白。“当我毕业的时候,”我记得他说,“没有女人。女人们去了瓦萨学院。在瓦萨学院,他们给体育课上的女性拍了裸照,以检查她们的姿势。有一年,这些照片被盗,并在纽黑文的红灯区被出售。他的妙语是:“照片没有找到买家。”我永远不会忘记那一刻。我们静静地站在那里,穿着黑色长袍,戴着流苏,穿着崭新的鞋子。出于对远道而来的家人的尊重,我们不敢用嘘声或嘘声打破沉默;他们不作声,是出于对我们的关心。不管有意无意,卡维特都是在利用这种反对的美丽神话方面:当女性过于接近男性权力时,有人会把批评的注意力吸引到她们的身体上。我们可能是Elis,但我们仍然不会让色情作品值得购买。那天下午,几百人在一个强大的机构的权力下得到确认。但是,许多妇女感到无能为力的耻辱:沉默、同谋和无助。我们是孤儿院的孤儿。我想给你们在毕业典礼上的演讲,我被拒绝了。你生存工具箱里的第一条信息:重新定义“成为一个女人”。今天,你们已经“成为女人”了。但这在日常用法中听起来很奇怪。“你现在是个真正的女人了”通常是什么意思?当你第一次来月经时,或者当你失去贞操时,或者当你有了孩子时,你就“成为了一个女人”。这些生物学上的定义与我们所说的男孩变成男人的方式非常不同。当一个人承担责任或完成任务时,他就“成为了一个人”。但是,在某些方面,你们也比你们今天毕业的男性朋友们更加成熟,你们是通过对成人自我的孤独追求而走向成熟的。
3/9/20242 minutes, 51 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part5

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly词汇提示1.splash 水花2.fierce 激烈原文Chapter V: The Wrong ChestThe Queen Anne sailed for a few more days,but it couldn't find the Bermuda Triangle.The men were getting angry.Captain Scott heard more and more talk about the treasure, so he decided to call the men and speak to them."I know that a lot of you want to see these islands. I want you to know that you will be handsomely paid for this long voyage. Wait a little longer and you will be rewarded."Blackbeard's ghost was walking behind the men as the captain talked.Smith, the man who stole some of Blackbeard's treasure, was standing in the front where Captain Scott could see him.He still had the jewels in his pocket,and Blackbeard knew this.Because no one could see him, he put his hand in Smith's pocket and threw the jewels on the deck in front of Smith.The others thought Smith dropped something,but when they saw the beautiful diamonds and the gold necklace, they looked at Smith to see what he would say."Captain, I don't know how they got there. It was him that put them there."He pointed at a man.He was the man who had helped him carry the chest aboard."You're a liar!"They began to fight, and the other men joined in.Some of them wanted to stop the fight,but others tried to take the jewels from the deck.The captain quickly took the jewels before anyone else could.The men didn't stop fighting with each other until they heard the man in the crow's nest shout 'Ship!'They looked and saw the black flag above the sails of a ship coming towards them, but they didn't know it was Captain Pike.Captain Scott looked through his telescope,then called to the men: "Enemy ship approaching! Open the cannons! Prepare to fight!"The men were running to different parts of the ship when Captain Pike's ship fired a cannon.Aloud 'boom!' was heard, but the cannon ball missed and landed in the water, making a big splash next to the Queen Anne.Another cannon was fired.This one hit one of the Queen Anne's sails.The Queen Anne fired back, and the battle began.It was a fierce battle.The sails on both ships had holes in them and were on fire and there was black smoke in the air.When the ships were close enough, the pirates used ropes to jump onto the Queen Anne.All the men were fighting with swords, so there was no one to watch the treasure.Captain Pike jumped on board the Queen Anne.He went below with two of his men where Blackbeard's treasure was.Captain Scott saw them below and followed with his sword in his hand.Captain Pike turned to fight him."I know you've got that treasure and I'm not leaving without it.""You will die before you touch apiece of what's behind that door!"Blackbeard was watching all of this.He followed Captain Pike downstairs, and when he had the chance, he hit him over the head with a piece of wood.Captain Pike was surprised.He didn't know what happened."Quick, open that door. Now!"Pike's men broke the door open and Captain Pike opened both chests.He left the Queen's gold pieces and put his hands on the shining jewels of Blackbeard's treasure."Look at these beauties! I've never seen such colors. Blue diamonds, pearls, red rubies!"Blackbeard closed the top down on Captain Pike's hands and he screamed in pain."Good God! Open it! Open it!"His men helped open the chest, but both Pike's hands were badly hurt."Take that one with us. We'll comeback for the other later."Captain Pike was looking at his injured hands.His men were very surprised at what happened.So, they picked up the wrong chest.It was the chest with the Queen's gold init.Blackbeard was smiling at Captain Pike, knowing that no one would get his gold.He didn't know himself that they were leaving his treasure behind.So, he sat on the chest that the men took back to the pirate ship.
3/7/20244 minutes, 36 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文471.It's been a long time since we last saw each other.真是好久不见了!472.I slept a little during lunch break because l was so tired.我在午休时间睡了一会儿,因为我太累了。473.You do your part and I'll do the rest.你做你的部份,其他的我来做。474.The man reading a paper over there is my uncle.在那儿看报纸的男人是我叔叔。475.As soon as the door opened, they ran away.门一开,他们就逃走了。476.We take it for granted that he will succeed in his business.我们认为他的生意肯定会获得成功。477.I don't care what color ink, just bring me a pen.颜色无所谓,给我一支笔就行了。478.The Internet is an invaluable source of information.互联网是一种无法估量的信息资源。479.I don't want to be involved in that matter.我不想被牵扯到这件事里。480.The show was very interesting. You should have seen it.演出真的很有意思,你该去看看的。
3/5/20243 minutes, 59 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day39(381-390)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 39381.Cheekn.脸颊,面颊;厚颜无耻,半边屁股v.对…..无礼Tears rolled down her cheek.眼泪从她的脸颊上滚下来。He kissed her lightly on the cheek.他轻轻地吻了她的脸颊。He touched me on the cheek.他摸了我的脸颊。382.Cheerfuladj.欢快的,高兴的;令人高兴的;乐观的Why are you so cheerful?你为什么这么开朗?She talked to us with a cheerful voice.她用欢快的声音和我们说话。The room was painted in cheerful colors.房间被涂成欢快的色彩。383.Cheerfullyadv.高高兴兴地He was whistling cheerfully.他兴高采烈地吹口哨。He cheerfully admits that he is over fifty years old.他高兴地承认自己已经五十多岁了。384.Chemicaladj.化学的,与化学有关的 n.化学品;成瘾的药物The chemical formula for water is H2O.水的化学配方是H2O。This is the chemical composition of the atmosphere.这是大气的化学成分。385.Chemistn.化学家;<英>药剂师;<英>药店,药房He is now working as a chemist in an Institute.他现在在一家研究所担任化学家。His father is a chemist.他的父亲是一名化学家。He wants to become a chemist.他想成为一名化学家。386.Chemistryn.化学;化学成分,化学反应;v.(彼此间的)吸引When I was at high school, one of my favorite subjects is chemistry.当我还在读高中的时候,我最喜欢的科目之一是化学。Are you studying chemistry?你在学习化学吗?387.Chestn.胸部,胸膛;箱子,柜子v.以胸部推(球)I have a pain in my chest.我的胸口疼痛。She put all her old books into a chest.她把所有旧书都放进了箱子里。388.Chewv.咀嚼,嚼碎;咬n.咀嚼;口香糖Swallow it, don't chew it.吞下它,别咀嚼它。Does it hurt when you chew?咀嚼的时候会疼吗?389.Chickenn.鸡;鸡肉;懦夫adj.没勇气的,胆小的The chicken soup is delicious.鸡汤很好吃。She used up the chicken bones to make soup.她把鸡骨头都用来做汤了。390.Chiefadj.首要的,主要的 n.首领;酋长;adv.主要地;首要地He was the chief of the village.他是村长。It's quite simple, chief!这很简单,首领!
3/3/202412 minutes, 41 seconds
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Level 5-Day 13.Takako Doi: Politics, Future, and Hope

词汇提示1.underpinning 基础2.embodied 体现3.atrocity 暴行4.perplexing 令人困惑的5.stagnation 停滞6.beset 困扰7.ethics 道德8.criteria 标准9.enlightened 开明10.forebears 祖先原文Takako Doi: 'Politics, Future, and Hope'Theunderpinnings of our lives is hope.If wehave the smallest margin of hope, we can continue to exist.Ibelieve what is sought from politics is to expand that hope even by thesmallest margin.Whenwe think of it, however, it seems politics has cast a shadow over people'shopes.Icannot ask help but ask myself if there has ever been so much urgency embodiedin the words "future of hope."However,even knowing the absolute destructive capacity of nuclear weapons, and havingexperienced its atrocity, mankind still has not been able to walk the road tothe destruction of nuclear arms.Tothe contrary, some countries see the retention of nuclear arms as the symbol ofa national power.Inthe 21st century, are we going to gain richness with science and technology, orwill humanity be subjugated to science and technology.Wewill be faced with the choice of one or the other.Ibelieve the advances of telecommunication technology will present us with similarchoices in the future.Fiftyyears after the war, the Japanese society is caught in a very perplexingstagnation.WhenI look back on the last 50 years of Japanese history, I am beset by the deepestsoul searching and painful frustration, when I find that we Japanese have notbeen able to overcome our mistakes on our own volition.Westill have not been able to reach a reconciliation with many of our Asianfriends.Politiciansshould speak of the future, of ethics, and life.Adiscussion of hope should be based on fundamental principles.Inparticular, politicians must speak with children and young people and women ifwe are to retain hope for the future.Politiciansmust be accountable for their decisions, and they must also question thecriteria in which their responsibility would be assessed.Thatis why our enlightened forebears and predecessors who have translated idealsinto reality continue to be respected and be a source of encouragement.EmmanuelKant wrote, "Truly lasting peace is not an empty ideal, but a challengegiven to us."Thischallenge will be solved gradually and we will eventually reach our goal.Wemust all share a firm resolve to realize our goals.Thecritical stimulus for that will be the recognition of human rights andcoexistence.However,there are many problems that face us.Butwhen we think of how we can respond to such difficulties and challenges, Iquestion where we can place our starting point.It isat this fundamental question that the future of hope must be questioned.Thatis the question I entertain for myself and which I believe has to be resolved.翻译土井贵子:政治、未来与希望我们生活的基础是希望。只要我们还有一线希望,我们就能继续生存下去。我认为,从政治中寻求的是扩大这种希望,即使是最小的差距。然而,当我们想到这一点时,似乎政治给人们的希望蒙上了阴影。我无法请求帮助,只能问自己,在“希望的未来”这几个字中,是否曾有过如此紧迫的含义。然而,即使知道核武器的绝对破坏力,并且经历了它的暴行,人类仍然没有能够走上毁灭核武器的道路。相反,一些国家认为保留核武器是国家实力的象征。在21世纪,我们将凭借科技致富,还是人类将沦为科技的奴隶?我们将面临二选一的抉择。我相信,随着电信技术的发展,未来我们也会面临类似的选择。战后五十年,日本社会陷入了令人费解的停滞状态。当我回顾过去50年的日本历史时,我被最深的反省和痛苦的挫折感所困扰,当我发现我们日本人并没有能够凭借自己的意志克服我们的错误。我们仍未能与许多亚洲朋友达成和解。政治家应该谈论未来、伦理和生命。关于希望的讨论应该以基本原则为基础。特别是,如果我们要保持对未来的希望,政治家必须与儿童、青年和妇女对话。政治家必须对他们的决定负责,他们也必须质疑评估他们责任的标准。这就是为什么我们把理想变为现实的开明的祖先和前辈们继续受到尊重和鼓舞的原因。伊曼纽尔·康德写道:“真正持久的和平不是空洞的理想,而是摆在我们面前的挑战。”这一挑战将逐步解决,我们最终将达到我们的目标。我们必须以坚定的决心实现我们的目标。这方面的关键刺激因素将是承认人权和共存。然而,我们面临着许多问题。但是,当我们考虑如何应对这些困难和挑战时,我怀疑我们的起点在哪里。必须对希望的未来提出质疑的正是这个根本问题。这是我自己思考的问题,我相信这个问题必须得到解决。
3/2/20243 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part4

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly词汇提示1.skull 头骨2.cheat 欺骗3.stocks 手足枷4.First Mate 大副5.crow's nest 桅杆瞭望塔6.rectangular 矩形原文Chapter IV: Blackbread's True LoveThe men on Captain Pike's ship were very different from the British sailors of the Queen Anne.They played cards all night, and if they lost, they fought with each other.They were only sailing to the Bermuda Triangle to find Blackbeard's treasure and steal anything else they could.Their ship looked like the Queen Anne, except for the flag flying above the sails.It was black, with a white skull and cross bones on it.This was the mark of the pirates.Some of the men were about to throw a man into the sea for cheating at cards when Captain Pike stopped them."What's going on here? Are you trying to kill each other before we find the gold?""This one was trying to cheat us at cards. We can't have that, can we?""That we can't my friend, but we're waiting for a treasure much bigger than the one you play cards for. Put him in the stocks for a day and let him think about things there."The stocks were two pieces of wood with three round holes in them.The men placed the prisoner's head and hands in the holes.Then,they lowered the top and they locked him inside.He had to stand up the whole time.Captain Pike was standing next to his First Mate, Santiago, at the wheel of the ship.Santiago asked him about the danger of finding Blackbeard's Treasure."They say no one can take Blackbeard's treasure. Why do you think you can?""I think that Blackbeard and I are the same kind of pirate. He wanted everything,and he knew how to get it. When I see that treasure, when I put my hands on it,there's nothing that can make me lose it."There was a pirate in a small seat above the sails, looking at the ocean through a telescope.This was called the crow's nest, and he was the first to see Blackbeard's ship sailing ahead of them.He whistled to the men below:"Ship,straight ahead!"Captain Pike put a telescope up to his eye.He saw Blackbeard's empty ship, then yelled to the man who was steering."Go straight for it! This is what we're looking for!"Captain Pike and some of his men went aboard the empty ship, but they couldn't find any treasure.Santiago thought they made a mistake."Maybe this isn't Blackbeard's ship. It could be a ship lost at sea.""There's only one way to find out."Captain Pike went below to Blackbeard's cabin and Santiago followed him.It was dark and the captain had to light a candle.He walked with the candle to one of the cabin walls where there was a round, old picture of a woman.She was a beautiful dark woman with large, dark round eyes.Her black hair was tied at the back of her head, and she had a gold necklace with around, green stone around her neck."Who is it Captain?""It's a woman who was once the Queen of one of these islands. They say Blackbeard was in love with her. They say she was the reason for his death. He came here to marry her and give her all of the jewels he had. No one ever saw him again, and no one's ever found the treasure. This must be his ship."They went upstairs and Captain Pike told his men to begin taking up the boards on deck to see if the treasure was hidden and where.While the men were doing this, Pike saw a clear rectangular spot left by the chest after Captain Scott took it.The whole deck was grey and dirty except for this one spot where the chest was for so many years."Stop!"The men stopped searching and looked at Captain Pike.He raised his hand in the air and looked at the clean spot on the deck."Someone has been here before Us!"
2/29/20244 minutes, 6 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文461.His absence gave birth to all sorts of rumors.他的缺席导致了各种谣言的产生。462.I go to the office by bicycle except on rainy days.除了雨天,我都是骑车去上班的。463.Do you think he is good for the position?你认为他适合这个职位吗?464.I'm not as stupid as you think I am.我不像你想的那么傻。465.She's been absent from school for five days.她已经五天没来上学了。466.We promised to stand by him in case of trouble.我们承诺万一他有麻烦的时候支持他。467.The average height of the girls in class is over 155 centimeters.这个班的女生平均身高超过了155公分。468.The enemy dropped many bombs on the factory.敌人在工厂投下了很多炸弹。469.I admit this may not be the best way of doing it.我承认这可能不是最好的方法。470.I ran across an old friend near the bank.我在银行附近碰见了老朋友。
2/27/20244 minutes, 1 second
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day38(371-380)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 38371.Chaptern.章,回,篇;阶段v.把..….分成章节They are about to begin a new chapter in their history.他们即将开启历史上的新篇章。We will deal with this in chapter eleven.我们将在第十一章中讨论这个问题。372.Charactern.性格,品质;特色,特征;人物She's a woman of strong character.她是个品格坚强的女人。Who's your favorite character in this book?这本书中你最喜欢的角色是谁?373.Characteristicn.特征,特点,特色adj.独特的,典型的It's characteristic of him to behave like that.这样行事是他的特征。A green color is a characteristic of that type of apple.绿色是这种苹果的特征。374.Chargev.充电;指控;收费n.电量;掌管;费用;控告Who is the person in charge?负责人是谁?It's free of charge.它是免费的。I'm in charge of the sales department.我负责销售部门。375.Charityn.慈善组织,慈善事业;仁慈,施舍The remaining money will be donated to charity.剩余的钱将捐给慈善机构。Tom donates half his salary to his favorite charity.汤姆将一半的薪水捐给了他最喜欢的慈善机构。Why do you give everything to charity?你为什么把所有东西都捐给慈善机构?376.Chasev.追逐,追赶;追求n.追赶,追逐;争取Don't chase after fame.不要追逐成名。377.Chatv.闲聊,聊天n.闲聊,聊天Why don't you come in for a cup of coffee and a chat?你为什么不来喝杯咖啡和聊一聊?He and I often chat on the bus.他和我经常在公共汽车上聊天。378.Cheapadj.便宜的;吝啬的;卑劣的 adv.低价地,便宜地There are a lot of cheap stores in our neighborhood.我们附近有很多便宜的商店。The food wasn't good, but at least it was cheap.食物不太好,但至少很便宜。This plastic chair is very cheap.这把塑料椅子很便宜。379.Cheatv.欺骗;作弊;对配偶不忠n.骗子,作弊He's a cheat and a liar.他既是骗子又是说谎者。I'm not trying to cheat you.我不是想欺骗你。370.Checkv.检查,核对;n.检查,核对;结账单Did you double-check these figures?你仔细检查了这些数字吗?I'll check your vision.我会检查你的视力。Please check all the items on this list.请检查此列表中的所有商品。
2/25/202412 minutes, 52 seconds
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Level 5-Day 12.George W. Bush 'Inaugural Address' (3)

词汇提示1.sacrifice 牺牲2.spectator 旁观者3.accumulate 积累4.dignity 尊严5.whirlwind 旋风原文George W. Bush: 'Inaugural Address' (3)America,at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected.Encouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoats, it is a call to conscience.And though it requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment.We find the fullness of life not only in options, but in commitments.And we find that children and community are the commitments that set us free.Our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom.Sometimes in life we are called to do great things.But as a saint of our times has said, every day we are called to do small things with great love.The most important tasks of a democracy are done by everyone.I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well.In all these ways, I will bring the values of our history to the care of our times.What you do is as important as anything government does.I ask you to seek a common good beyond your comfort; to defend needed reforms against easy attacks; to serve your nation, beginning with your neighbor.I ask you to be citizens: citizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens, building communities of service and a nation of character.Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves.When this spirit of citizenship is missing, no government program can replace it.When this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it.After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson:"We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?"Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration.The years and changes accumulate.But the themes of this day he would know: our nation's grand story of courage andits simple dream of dignity.We are not this story's author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose.Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service toone another.Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and everylife.This work continues.This story goes on.And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm.God bless you all, and God bless America.翻译乔治·W·布什:“就职演说”(3)在最好的情况下,美国是一个重视和期望个人责任的地方。鼓励承担责任不是寻找替罪羊,而是对良知的呼唤。尽管这需要牺牲,但它带来了更深层次的满足感。我们发现生活的充实不仅在于选择,而且在于承诺。我们发现,儿童和社区是让我们获得自由的承诺。我们的公共利益取决于个人性格、公民义务、家庭纽带和基本公平,取决于为我们的自由指明方向的无数、不受谴责的体面行为。在生活中,有时我们被召唤去做伟大的事情。但正如我们这个时代的一位圣人所说,我们每天都被召唤用挚爱去做小事。民主国家最重要的任务是由每个人来完成的。我将按照这些原则生活和领导:以文明的态度推进我的信念,以勇气追求公众利益,为更大的正义和同情发声,呼吁承担责任,并努力做到这一点。通过所有这些方式,我将把我们历史的价值观带给我们的时代。你所做的和政府所做的一样重要。我请求你们在舒适之外寻求共同利益;保护所需的改革不受轻易攻击;为你的国家服务,从你的邻居开始。我要求你们成为公民:公民,而不是旁观者;公民,而不是主体;负责任的公民,建设服务社区和有个性的国家。美国人慷慨、坚强、得体,不是因为我们相信自己,而是因为我们拥有超越自我的信念。当这种公民精神缺失时,任何政府项目都无法取代它。当这种精神存在时,任何错误都无法与之对抗。《独立宣言》签署后,弗吉尼亚州政治家约翰·佩奇写信给托马斯·杰斐逊:“我们知道,比赛不属于敏捷者,战斗不属于强者。你不认为有天使乘着旋风指挥这场风暴吗?”自从杰斐逊来参加他的就职典礼以来,已经过去了很多时间。岁月和变化在积累。但他会知道今天的主题:我们国家勇气的伟大故事和尊严的简单梦想。我们不是这个故事的作者,他用自己的目的填满了时间和永恒。然而,他的目的是在我们的职责中实现的,我们的职责是在相互服务中履行的。永不疲倦,永不屈服,永不结束,我们今天重申这一目标,使我们的国家更加公正和慷慨,确认我们的生命和每一个生命的尊严。这项工作仍在继续。这个故事还在继续。一位天使仍然在旋风中驰骋,指挥着这场风暴。上帝保佑你们所有人,上帝保佑美国。
2/24/20243 minutes, 5 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part3

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly词汇提示1.pipe 烟斗2.trouser 裤子原文Chapter III: The Queen AnneAll the men of the Queen Anne were waiting on deck when Captain Scott returned. One of them yelled to the boats after he saw the chest."What have you brought us there, Captain?"Another man answered: "It's gold and rubies and diamonds!"The captain didn't want the men to get too excited, because he didn't know if he should keep the treasure."That's enough. I want that treasure taken below with our own gold until I decide what we'll do with it."Two men carried the chest below with Blackbeard still on top of it.A man named Stubbs spoke to the captain about the treasure."Will we give a little of it to each of the men for the long journey?""I don't know. I've got a strange feeling about that treasure, but I'm not sure why. I think it's better to leave it alone for a while.""But Captain, we've been sailing for seventeen days and we still haven't seen an island. The men need some encouragement.""The men shall carry out their duties and be happy with that. They will get exactly what I promised them."The two men who carried Blackbeard and his treasure below put the chest down to wait for the captain.One of the men, Smith, sat on the chest to tie his shoe.The other was standing, smoking a pipe.Blackbeard stood and watched the men with a smile on his face.He knew they couldn't see him, so he knocked Smith's hat off his head.Smith thought the other man did it."What do you think you're doing?""What are you talking about?""You knocked my hat off.""You're crazy. I was standing here smoking my pipe."The men were about to fight when Captain Scott walked down the stairs."What's going on down here?""Nothing,Captain."The Captain opened the lock on the door."Put it inside next to the Queen's gold."The Queen's gold was in a chest the same size as Blackbeard's treasure, but it looked new.The wood was clean and the lock on it was gold.Blackbeard's chest was old and grey.Blackbeard watched the men put the chest down.Smith stayed behind when the other man left.He opened Blackbeard's chest, took out some of the treasure and put it in his trouser pocket."Smith!What are you doing in there?""Coming Captain!"Blackbeard followed Smith out as the captain locked the door.
2/22/20242 minutes, 52 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文451.We all wondered why she had dumped such a nice man.我们都想知道她为什么甩了这么好的一个男人。452.A bicycle will rust if you leave it in the rain.如果你把自行车留在雨中,它会生锈的。453.There are fifty states in the United States.美国有50个州。454.It is not easy to learn a foreign language.学会一门外语不容易。455.In a crisis, you must get in touch with your teacher.在危险的时候你必须跟你的老师联系。456.To the best of my knowledge, the rumor is not true.据我所知,这个谣言不是真的。457.He crashed his car because someone tampered with the brakes.他撞车是因为有人在刹车上做了手脚。458.I met him just as he was coming out of school.正当他从学校回来的时候,我遇见了他。459.I know an English teacher who comes from Canada.我认识一个加拿大来的英语教师。460.If you can't have children, you could always adopt.如果你不能有孩子,你总能领养。
2/20/20244 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day37(361-370)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 37361.Ceremonyn.仪式,典礼;礼节,礼仪,客套The graduation ceremony will take place on March 20th.毕业典礼将于3月20日举行。The ceremony began with his speech.仪式从他的演讲开始。Are you going to attend the ceremony?你要去参加仪式吗?362.Certainlyadv.无疑,确定;当然,行He certainly deserves the award.他当然应该得到这个奖项。That's certainly one possibility.这当然是一种可能性。He certainly knows how to entertain people.他当然知道如何招待人们。363.Certificaten.证明,证书;文凭v.发证书给….,用证书证明Everyone has a birth certificate.每个人都有出生证明。Each watch comes with a certificate of authenticity.每只手表都附有真品证书。364.Chainn.链,链条;一连串v.用锁链拴住;束缚If you pull too hard, the chain will break.如果你拉得太用劲,链条就会断裂。My mother gave me a silver chain.我妈妈给了我一条银链。365.Chairn.椅子;主席,委员长v.主席,主持The chair is too low for me.椅子对我来说太低了。This chair is uncomfortable.这把椅子不舒服How much is that wooden chair?那把木椅多少钱?366.Chairmann.主席,负责人;总裁v.主持,掌管He is the chairman of the conference.他是会议的主席。He's the chairman of the committee.他是委员会的主席。They have elected him chairman.他们选举他为主席。367.Challengen.挑战,难题;挑战书v.挑战,向….下战书I believe that you will overcome this challenge.我相信你会克服这个挑战。Don't challenge someone who has nothing to lose.不要挑战没有什么可失去的人。368.Chancen.机会;可能性v.偶然,碰巧adj.偶然的I gave her a chance to answer.我给了她一个回答的机会。I have no chance to escape.我没机会逃脱。We have no chance of winning.我们没有获胜的机会。369.Changev.改变;找零;交换n.变化;零钱I think you should change your eating habits.我想你应该改变你的饮食习惯。His parents noticed a dramatic change in his behavior.他的父母注意到他的行为发生了巨大变化。We noticed a gradual change in temperature.我们注意到温度逐渐变化。370.Channeln.电视频道;通道v.引导,输送,传送They have just published a new television channel.他们刚刚发布了一个新的电视频道。This channel is only available on cable.此频道仅在有线电视上可用。
2/18/202414 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 11.George W. Bush 'Inaugural Address' (2)

词汇提示1.stakes2.tactic3.sentiment4.cynicism5.apathy6.momentum7.arrogance8.proliferation9.diminished原文George W. Bush: 'Inaugural Address' (2)But the stakes for America are never small.If our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not be led.If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism.If we permit our economy to drift and decline,the vulnerable will suffer most.We must live up to the calling we share.Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment.It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos.And this commitment, if we keep it, is away to shared accomplishment.America, at its best, is also courageous.Our national courage has been clear in times of depression and war, when defending common dangers defined our common good.Now we must choose if the example of our fathers and mothers will inspire us or condemn us.We must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations.Together, we will reclaim America's schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives.We will reform Social Security and Medicare, sparing our children from struggles we have the power to prevent.And we will reduce taxes, to recover the momentum of our economy and reward the effort and enterprise of working Americans.We will build our defenses beyond challenge,lest weakness invite challenge.We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors.The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake:America remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power that favors freedom.We will defend our allies and our interests.We will show purpose without arrogance.We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength.And to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth.America, at its best, is compassionate.In the quiet of American conscience, we know that deep, persistent poverty is unworthy of our nation's promise.And whatever our views of its cause, we can agree that children at risk are not at fault.Abandonment and abuse are not acts of God, they are failures of love.And the proliferation of prisons, however necessary, is no substitute for hope and order in our souls.Where there is suffering, there is duty.Americans in need are not strangers, they are citizens, not problems, but priorities.And all of us are diminished when any are hopeless.Government has great responsibilities for public safety and public health, for civil rights and common schools.Yet compassion is the work of a nation,not just a government.And some needs and hurts are so deep they will only respond to a mentor's touch or a pastor's prayer.Church and charity, synagogue and mosque lend our communities their humanity, and they will have an honored place in our plans and in our laws.Many in our country do not know the pain of poverty, but we can listen to those who do.And I can pledge our nation to a goal:When we see that wounded traveler on the road to Jericho, we will not pass to the other side.翻译 乔治·W·布什:“就职演说”(2)但对美国来说,风险从来都不小。如果我们的国家不领导自由事业,它就不会被领导。如果我们不让孩子们的心转向知识和性格,我们就会失去他们的天赋,破坏他们的理想主义。如果我们允许我们的经济漂移和衰退,弱势群体将遭受最大的痛苦。我们必须履行我们共同的使命。礼貌不是一种策略或感情。这是一种坚定的选择:信任而非犬儒主义,社区而非混乱。如果我们信守这一承诺,这是实现共同成就的一种方式。在最好的时候,美国也是勇敢的。在萧条和战争时期,当捍卫共同危险定义了我们的共同利益时,我们的民族勇气是显而易见的。现在,我们必须选择我们的父亲和母亲的榜样是激励我们,还是谴责我们。我们必须在一个充满祝福的时代表现出勇气,直面问题,而不是将问题传给子孙后代。在无知和冷漠夺走更多年轻人的生命之前,我们将共同夺回美国的学校。我们将改革社会保障和医疗保险,使我们的孩子免受我们有能力阻止的斗争。我们将减税,以恢复我们的经济势头,并奖励美国工薪阶层的努力和进取心。我们将在挑战之外建立防御,以免软弱招致挑战。我们将面对大规模毁灭性武器,从而使新世纪免于新的恐怖。自由和我们国家的敌人不应该犯错误:美国仍然根据历史和选择参与世界事务,形成有利于自由的力量平衡。我们将捍卫我们的盟友和利益。我们将毫不傲慢地表现出目标。我们将以决心和力量对付侵略和恶意。我们将为孕育我们国家的价值观向所有国家发声。在最好的情况下,美国是富有同情心的。在美国良知的平静中,我们知道,根深蒂固的贫困不值得我们国家的承诺。无论我们对其原因有何看法,我们都可以同意,处于危险中的儿童没有过错。遗弃和虐待不是上帝的行为,它们是爱的失败。监狱的泛滥,无论多么必要,都不能取代我们灵魂中的希望和秩序。哪里有苦难,哪里就有责任。有需要的美国人并不陌生,他们是公民,不是问题,而是优先事项。当任何人绝望时,我们所有人都会被削弱。政府对公共安全和公共卫生、公民权利和普通学校负有重大责任。然而,同情是一个国家的工作,而不仅仅是一个政府的工作。有些需求和伤害是如此之深,以至于他们只会对导师的触摸或牧师的祈祷做出回应。教堂和慈善机构、犹太教堂和清真寺为我们的社区提供了人性,他们将在我们的计划和法律中享有崇高的地位。我们国家的许多人不知道贫困的痛苦,但我们可以倾听那些知道的人的声音。我可以向我们的国家保证一个目标:当我们在前往杰里科的路上看到受伤的旅行者时,我们不会越过另一边。
2/17/20243 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part2

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly词汇提示1.captain 上尉2.cabin 船舱3.crewman 船员4.cannons 加农炮5.rowed 划船6.rope ladder 绳梯7.chest 箱子8.stunned 震惊原文Chapter II: Blackbeard's Treasure.The sun was shining brightly on the blue water of the Atlantic Ocean.A beautiful big ship with large, white sails and the English flag was sailing towards the Bermuda Triangle.The ship's name was the Queen Anne, and it was going to the Bermuda Triangle to trade gold.The captain of the ship was in his cabin, writing in his log-book.Sunday 10th of December 1712. It is the seventeenth day of our voyage and still no island in sight. The men are beginning to complain, and I am afraid they are going to create problems.A knock at the door stopped the captain from writing."Enter.""Captain,a strange ship is sailing towards us. It has no flag so we don't know where it comes from. They need you on the bridge.""I'll be up in a moment."The crewman closed the door and the captain wrote one more sentence in thelog-book.Our luck may have just changed.The strange ship was half a mile from the Queen Anne.It looked old and abandoned.The captain brought his telescope up to his eye."Sail close to it and we'll see if anyone is on board."One of the crewmen flashed alight three times quickly, waited one second, then flashed it two more times.There was no answer."Open the cannons and sail next to it."The strange ship moved slowly through the water; there seemed to be no one onboard.The sails had holes in them, and there was broken wood all over its deck.The captain called over to it."I am Captain Scott, serving Her Majesty the Queen. If anyone is aboard, state your name and who you serve."There was no answer."Lower the boats! We're going aboard!"Captain Scott and twelve of his men rowed two small boats from the Queen Anne to the empty ship.A rope ladder was hanging down from the ship's side.The captain and his men used it to climb on board.There was no one on board.The captain and his men looked around the ship, but they found nothing.There was no one at the wheel, but the ship somehow continued sailing."I've never seen anything like it, Captain.""Neither have I, and I don't like it. Let's follow it and see where it goes."They were ready to leave, when one of the men saw a chest, at the side of the ship, under some old fishing nets.They took off the nets and broke the old, black lock.Inside,they saw beautiful shining diamonds, pearls and gold.The men were stunned into silence.The captain looked at one of the gold coins.It had the picture of King Edward VI on it."This coin is over one hundred years old. It is not even in use anymore.""What should we do with it, Captain?""I don't see why we should leave it here when there is no one on board. Close it and we'll take it with us."When all the men were looking at the treasure, something like a black shadow came to the top of the stairs going down to the cabins below.It stayed back in the darkness of the stairs until the men moved the chest to their boats.No one could see it, but the shadow was really a ghost that looked like a pirate.He wore a long blue coat and had a shining silver sword at his side.He had a red scarf around his head and a long thick black beard.He followed the men to their boat and sat on top of the chest.No one could see him, but it was Blackbeard, and the treasure was his to watch.
2/15/20244 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文441.I would like to have a cup of coffee.我想要一杯咖啡。442.There is a certain amount of truth in what he's saying.他说的话有一定的道理。443.Keep an eye on the child for me for a moment.帮我看会儿孩子。444.London,the capital of England, is on the Thames.英国首都伦敦在泰晤士河畔。445.There is nothing worse than doing something in a half-hearted manner.没有什么比做事缺乏热情更糟。446.I went to the hospital to have my eyes tested.我到医院去检查了眼睛。447.The phone rang while I was taking a shower.我在洗澡的时候,电话响了。448.It looks like the dog wants something to eat.那只狗看起来好像想吃东西。449.You are old enough to know better than to act like that.你够大了,应该知道不能那样做。450.What is the difference between this and that?“这”和“那”有什么区别?
2/13/20243 minutes, 54 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day36(351-360)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 36351.Castlen.城堡,堡垒There used to be a castle on the hill.山上曾经有一座城堡。The castle is now in ruins.这座城堡现在已成废墟。Seen from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle.从远处看,这块大石头看起来像一座古老的城堡。352.Catchv.接住;抓住;了解I advised her to catch a morning train.我劝她搭早班火车。Take care not to catch cold.注意不要感冒。I didn't quite catch the name of that designer.我还不太了解那个设计师的名字。353.Causen.原因,起因;动机v.造成,引起The storm didn't cause any damage.暴风雨没有造成任何伤害。Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer.吸烟是肺癌的主要原因。The cause of the accident is not clear.事故原因尚不清楚。354.Ceilingn.天花板,吊顶;上限Can you reach the ceiling?你能到达天花板吗?The books were stacked from floor to ceiling.这些书从地板堆叠到天花板。The ceiling of my house is going bad.我的房子的天花板坏了。355.Celebratev.庆祝,庆贺;赞扬,赞美;主持Let's celebrate your promotion.让我们来庆祝你的晋升。She celebrated with a glass of champagne.她喝了一杯香槟酒来庆祝。356.Celebrationn.庆典,庆祝活动;庆祝,颂扬The birth of his son was a cause for celebration.他儿子的出生是值得庆祝的事。By tradition, the celebration begins at midnight.按照传统,庆祝活动从午夜开始。Their wedding celebration is on December 20th.他们的婚礼庆典将于12月20日举行。357.Cellphonen.移动电话,手机Her cellphone went bad because of the rain.因为下雨,她的手机坏了。They talked to each other on the cellphone for hours.他们在手机上互相交谈了好几个小时。358.Centn.分(美元、欧元等的货币单位)She saved every cent possible.她尽可能存了每一分钱。359.Centern.中心,中央 vi.居中 vt.集中 adj.中央的There is a nice park in the center of the town.镇中心有一个漂亮的公园。Children like to be the center of attention.孩子们喜欢成为关注的焦点。Where's the shopping center?购物中心在哪里?360.Centuryn.世纪;一百年The church was largely rebuilt at the end of the 15th century.教堂在15世纪末基本上进行了重建。A century ago most people walked to work.一个世纪前,大多数人步行去上班。We are living in 21st century.我们生活在21世纪。
2/11/202414 minutes, 33 seconds
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Level 5-Day 10.George W. Bush 'Inaugural Address' (1)

词汇提示1.Inaugural Address 就职演说2.distinguished 尊敬3.oath 誓言4.flawed 有缺陷的5.fallible 易犯错的6.enduring 持久7.halted 停止8.solemn 庄重原文George W. Bush: 'Inaugural Address' (1)President Clinton, distinguished guests and my fellow citizens, the peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country.With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.As I begin, I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation.And I thank Vice President Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace.I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of America's leaders have come before me, and so many will follow.We have a place, all of us, in a long story-a story we continue, but whose end we will not see.It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old, a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but not to conquer.It is the American story - a story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals.The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born.Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws.And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course.Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea.Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along.And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel.While many of our citizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justice, of our own country.The ambitions of some Americans are limited by failing schools and hidden prejudice and the circumstances of their birth.And sometimes our differences run so deep, it seems we share a continent, but not a country.We do not accept this, and we will not allow it.Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in every generation.And this is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity.I know this is in our reach because we are guided by a power larger than ourselves who creates us equal in his image.And we are confident in principles that unite and lead us onward.America has never been united by blood or birth or soil.We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens.Every child must be taught these principles.Every citizen must uphold them.And every immigrant, by embracing these ideals, makes our country more, not less,American.Today,we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility, courage,compassion and character.America,at its best, matches a commitment to principle with a concern for civility.A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness.Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small.翻译乔治·W·布什:“就职演说”(1)克林顿总统、各位贵宾和我的同胞们,和平移交权力在历史上是罕见的,但在我们国家却很常见。只要简单的誓言,我们就能肯定旧的传统,开创新的开端。首先,我感谢克林顿总统为我们国家所做的贡献。我感谢戈尔副总统以精神进行比赛,并以优雅结束比赛。我很荣幸也很谦卑地站在这里,有这么多美国领导人在我之前,也有这么多人将在我之后。在一个漫长的故事中,我们所有人都有一席之地——这个故事我们还在继续,但我们看不到它的结局。这是一个新世界成为旧世界的朋友和解放者的故事,是一个蓄奴社会成为自由仆人的故事,一个权力进入世界是为了保护而不是占有,是为了保卫而不是征服的故事。这就是美国的故事——一个有缺陷、易犯错误的人的故事,他们几代人因伟大而持久的理想而团结在一起。这些理想中最伟大的是一个正在展开的美国承诺,即每个人都属于自己,每个人都应该有机会,没有一个微不足道的人出生。美国人被要求在我们的生活和法律中实现这一承诺。尽管我们的国家有时停顿,有时拖延,但我们决不能走其他道路。在上个世纪的大部分时间里,美国对自由和民主的信仰就像汹涌大海中的一块石头。现在,它就像风中的种子,在许多国家生根发芽。我们的民主信仰不仅仅是我们国家的信条,它是我们人类与生俱来的希望,是我们承载但并不拥有的理想,是我们承受和传递的信任。即使在将近225年之后,我们还有很长的路要走。虽然我们的许多公民都很成功,但其他人却怀疑我们国家的承诺,甚至是正义。一些美国人的雄心壮志受到失败的学校、隐藏的偏见和他们出生的环境的限制。有时我们的分歧如此之深,似乎我们共享一个大陆,但不是一个国家。我们不接受这一点,也不会允许。我们的团结,我们的联盟,是每一代领导人和公民的认真工作。这是我的庄严承诺:我将努力建设一个正义与机遇并存的国家。我知道这是我们力所能及的,因为我们受到一种比我们自己更强大的力量的引导,他按照自己的形象创造了平等的我们。我们对团结和引导我们前进的原则充满信心。美国从未因血缘、出身或土地而统一。我们被理想所束缚,这些理想使我们超越背景,使我们超越利益,并教会我们作为公民意味着什么。必须教会每个孩子这些原则。每个公民都必须坚持这些原则。每一位移民,通过接受这些理想,都让我们的国家变得更美,而不是更少。今天,我们重申一项新的承诺,即通过文明、勇气、同情心和品格来实现我们国家的承诺。在最好的情况下,美国将对原则的承诺与对文明的关注相匹配。一个公民社会要求我们每个人都有良好的意愿和尊重、公平交易和宽恕。有些人似乎认为,我们的政治可以微不足道,因为在和平时期,我们辩论的利害关系似乎很小。
2/10/20243 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 珍妮·杜利《黑胡子的宝藏》 part1

Blackbeard's Treasure by Jenny Dolly词汇提示1.pirate 海盗2.patch 眼罩3.scar 伤疤4.Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角5.rubies 红宝石6.bartender 酒保原文Chapter I: Captain PikeIt was a dark and quiet night near the port, where all of the pirate ships stay before they sail.There were no lights on the street, and the only sounds were the laughing and singing behind the closed door of a bar called The Blue Dolphin.A man wearing a black pirate hat opened the door of the Blue Dolphin.He had a black patch over one eye and a scar on one side of his face.Everyone suddenly became quiet.A sailor at the bar asked the barman: "Who's that?""That is Captain Pike, the greatest pirate in all the world. They say he's stolen from the Queen of England, the King of France and the King of Spain."Captain Pike walked slowly around the tables looking closely at each man with his cold,grey eye.He had a very serious and cold way of talking."I'm looking for sailors and I need the best there are around."A big man in a white and blue shirt with a blue scarf around his neck stood up infront of Captain Pike."You won't find anyone stronger than I am, Captain. Tell me where to put my name and I'm ready to sail."Captain Pike looked into the man's eyes.His eyes were blue like the sea.Captain Pike's eye became narrower as he talked to the man."I'm sailing to the Bermuda Triangle to get Blackbeard's treasure."The man in front of him slowly sat down.Others began to whisper.The barman said to the sailor:"Nobody has ever found Blackbeard's treasure. They say it was lost somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. All those who have tried to find it have never returned."Captain Pike continued to walk among the men.He knew it would be difficult to find men to go with him, so he talked about the treasure to excite them."They say there are diamonds as big as your nose; rubies, gold, pearls. Blackbeard was a pirate like us. It's in our blood. I'm sure he would want other pirates to have it."Suddenly a loud scream came from a dark corner near the stairs.Avery old man with thin white hair and a shining gold tooth walked out from the darkness to talk to the men.A large white bird sat on his shoulder."You don't know what you're saying! That treasure must always stay with Blackbeard's ghost, on his ship. It is his punishment for hurting the natives of the islands. Go to Rum Island. The natives there will tell you the story."Captain Pike looked down at the man, angry because he was trying to start trouble.He wanted to kill the man with his knife, but instead he reached into his coat and took a bag full of gold coins out of his pocket.He put it on one of the tables next to along white piece of paper he had."I've got one hundred gold coins here. I'll give one to every man that puts his name on this piece of paper and sails with me tomorrow, at midnight."The men forgot what the old man said when they saw the gold coins.They ran to sign their names.Captain Pike stared at the old man once more.The old man looked at him too, and left the bar with his bird.Captain Pike yelled to the bartender:"Bartender!Drinks for everyone! We sail tomorrow."
2/8/20244 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文431.All the signs are that she is getting better.所有迹象表明她好起来了。432.Apart from on rainy days, I always ride my bike to work.除了雨天,我都是骑车去上班的。433.Two months have passed since he left for France.他离开去法国已经有两个月了。434.I will badly miss you if you leave Japan.如果你离开日本,我会非常想你的。435.I'll call for you at eight tomorrow morning.我明早八点来接你。436.You haven't washed your hands yet, have you?你还没洗手吧,是不是?437.The school is five kilometers from my home.学校离我家有五公里远。438.There is no denying that she is very efficient.不可否认她非常有能力。439.We met in a coffee shop near the campus.我们在校园附近的咖啡厅碰面。440.It is sometimes difficult to make yourself understood in public.我们有时很难在公众场合表达清楚自己的意思。
2/6/20243 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day35(341-350)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 35341.Cardboardn.硬纸板,纸板箱adj.不真实的,做作的The room filled with cardboard boxes.房间里装满了纸箱。This box is made of cardboard.这个盒子是用纸板制成的。342.Careern.职业,事业;职业生涯 adj.就业的,职业的She'sat the peak of her career.她正处于职业生涯的顶峰。I plan to pursue a career in international finance.我打算从事国际金融事业。343.Carefuladj.仔细的,小心的;谨慎的,周密的I begged him to be more careful.我求他多加小心。Please be careful that you don't break this vase.请注意不要把这个花瓶弄坏。Be careful. There's broken glass on the floor!小心点。地板上有碎玻璃!344.Carefullyadv.小心地,仔细地She urged him to drive carefully.她敦促他小心开车。You'd better examine the contract carefully before signing.你最好在签订合同之前仔细检查一下合同。Listen carefully to what I say.仔细听我说的话。345.Carelessadj.粗心大意的,随便的;淡漠的,不关心的She is careless about the way she dresses.她不注意自己的穿着。He admitted careless driving.他承认不小心驾驶。346.Carelesslyadv.粗心地;不注意地;无忧无虑地My brother cleans his room carelessly.我哥哥粗心地打扫他的房间。She drove home carelessly because she was drunk.她开车回家不小心是因为她喝醉了。347.Carpetn.地毯v.给….铺地毯;厚厚地铺上I have to buy a new carpet for this room.我得为这个房间买一张新地毯。How do you remove red wine stains from your carpet?你如何去除地毯上的红酒渍?The floor was covered with carpet.地板上铺着地毯。348.Carryv.提;携带,运送,载运;传输Can I carry this on the plane?我能把这个带上飞机吗?I always carry a bottle of mineral water with me.我总是随身携带一瓶矿泉水。This box is very heavy, so l can't carry it.这个箱子很重,所以我无法携带。349.Casen.具体情况,实例;病例,病案;诉;案件Take an umbrella with you in case it begins to rain.带上雨伞,以防雨开始下雨。In any case, I'll call you tomorrow.无论如何,我明天再给你打电话。In case of an emergency, push this button.在紧急情况下,按下这个按钮。350.Cashn.现金;资金v.兑现;支付现款She was always short of cash.她总是缺钱。Don't let your business run out of cash.不要让你的企业用完现金。I'd like to pay in cash.我想用现金支付。
2/4/202414 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 9.Bill Clinton 'Second Inaugural Address' (4)

词汇提示1.dim 喧闹声2.prosperity 繁荣3.prophet 先知4.ceaseless 不停地5.redeem 兑现6.pledges 保证7.bickering 争吵8.breach 缺口9.acrimony 讥讽原文Bill Clinton: 'Second Inaugural Address' (4)And in this land of new promise, we will have reformed our politics so that the voice of the people will always speak louder than the din of narrow interests-regaining the participation and deserving the trust of all Americans.Fellow citizens, let us build that America, a nation ever moving forward toward realizing the full potential of all its citizens.Prosperity and power-yes, they are important, and we must maintain them.But let us never forget: The greatest progress we have made, and the greatest progress we have yet to make, is in the human heart.In the end, all the world's wealth and a thousand armies are no match for the strength and decency of the human spirit.Thirty-four years ago, the man whose life we celebrate today spoke to us down there, at the other end of this Mall, in words that moved the conscience of a nation.Like a prophet of old, he told of his dream that one day America would rise up and treat all its citizens as equals before the law and in the heart.Martin Luther King's dream was the American Dream.His quest is our quest: the ceaseless striving to live out our true creed.Our history has been built on such dreams and labors.And by our dreams and labors we will redeem the promise of America in the 21st century.To that effort I pledge all my strength and every power of my office.I ask the members of Congress here to join in that pledge.The American people returned to office a President of one party and a Congress of another.Surely,they did not do this to advance the politics of petty bickering and extreme partisanship they plainly deplore.No,they call on us instead to be repairers of the breach,and to move on with America's mission.America demands and deserves big things from us-and nothing big ever came from being small.Let us remember the timeless wisdom of Cardinal Bernard in, when facing the end of his own life.He said: "It is wrong to waste the precious gift of time, on acrimony and division."Fellow citizens, we must not waste the precious gift of this time.For all of us are on that same journey of our lives, and our journey, too, will come to an end.But the journey of our America must go on.And so, my fellow Americans, we must be strong, for there is much to do.The demands of our time are great and they are different.Let us meet them with faith and courage, with patience and a grateful and happy heart.Let us shape the hope of this day into the noblest chapter in our history.Yes,let us build our bridge.Abridge wide enough and strong enough for every American to crossover to a blessed land of new promise.May those generations whose faces we cannot yet see, whose names we may never know,say of us here that we led our beloved land into a new century with the American Dream alive for all her children; with the American promise of a more perfect union a reality for all her people; with America's bright flame of freedom spreading throughout all the world.From the height of this place and the summit of this century, let us go forth.May God strengthen our hands for the good work ahead-and always, always bless our America.翻译比尔·克林顿:“第二次就职演说”(4)在这片充满新希望的土地上,我们将改革我们的政治,使人民的声音永远比狭隘利益重新获得参与并值得所有美国人信任的喧嚣更响亮。同胞们,让我们建设美国,一个不断朝着实现所有公民全部潜力前进的国家。繁荣和权力是的,它们很重要,我们必须保持它们。但让我们永远不要忘记:我们已经取得的最大进步,以及我们尚未取得的最大进展,都在人类心中。最终,世界上所有的财富和一千支军队都无法与人类精神的力量和尊严相媲美。34年前,我们今天庆祝他的一生的那个人在购物中心的另一端对我们说的话感动了一个国家的良知。就像一位古老的先知一样,他讲述了自己的梦想,即有一天美国会站起来,在法律面前和心中平等对待所有公民。马丁·路德·金的梦想就是美国梦。他的追求就是我们的追求:不断地努力实现我们真正的信条。我们的历史建立在这样的梦想和努力之上。通过我们的梦想和努力,我们将兑现美国在21世纪的承诺。为了这一努力,我保证我的全部力量和我办公室的每一项权力。我请在座的国会议员加入这一承诺。美国人民以一方总统和另一方国会的身份重返政坛。当然,他们这样做并不是为了推进他们明显谴责的琐碎争吵和极端党派之争的政治。不,他们反而呼吁我们成为漏洞的修复者,继续执行美国的使命。美国要求并理应从我们这里得到大的东西,小而无大。让我们记住红衣主教贝尔纳丁在面对自己生命的尽头时所具有的永恒智慧。他说:“把宝贵的时间浪费在激烈的争论和分裂上是错误的。”同胞们,我们决不能浪费这次宝贵的礼物。因为我们所有人都在同一个旅程上,我们的旅程也将结束。但我们美国的旅程必须继续。因此,我的美国同胞们,我们必须坚强,因为还有很多事情要做。我们这个时代的需求是巨大的,而且是不同的。让我们带着信念和勇气,带着耐心,带着感激和幸福的心来迎接他们。让我们把今天的希望塑造成我们历史上最崇高的篇章。是的,让我们建造我们的桥梁。一座足够宽、足够坚固的桥梁,让每个美国人都能穿越到一片充满新希望的福地。愿那些我们还看不到他们的脸,我们可能永远不知道他们的名字的几代人在这里对我们说,我们带领我们挚爱的土地进入了一个新世纪,她的所有孩子都有美国梦;美国承诺建立一个更完美的联盟,这对她的所有人民来说都是现实;伴随着美国光明的自由之火在全世界蔓延。让我们从这个地方的高度和本世纪的顶峰出发。愿上帝为我们未来的美好工作加强我们的双手,并永远祝福我们的美国。
2/3/20243 minutes, 25 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 儒勒·凡尔纳《八十天环游地球》part9

Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Gabriel Verne词汇提示1.poverty 贫穷原文Chapter 9: When it is better to travel east20 DecemberPhileas Fogg was free and he knew exactly what to do.He looked at Inspector Fix and then he hit him: first with one hand, then with the other.Fix fell to the floor.Passepartout was very happy.'Good!'he told his master.Then he turned to Inspector Fix.'That's what happens to people who behave like you,' he shouted at the confused detective.They left the police station and went towards the railway station immediately.They were in time for the train, but the train was late and when they arrived in London they looked up at the clock in Euston Station to see that it was ten to nine.Phileas Fogg lost his bet - by five minutes!Phileas Fogg accepted this in his usual way, without showing any particular emotion.Mrs. Aouda, on the other hand, was very emotional.She continued to cry. She did not know what to do.Passepartout was also worried for his master, and his job.It was his master's choice to spend all his money on the bet, but he was such a good, honest person.It was not good to see him like this.He still could not stop thinking that it was his fault.The next day, Passepartout followed the same routine, except for one thing.When they heard the sound of Big Ben at half past eleven the next day, Phileas Fogg did not go to the Reform Club.The house felt strange. It was like no one lived there.At about half past seven that evening, Phileas Fogg asked Mrs. Aouda if he could come to her room to speak to her.'Madam', he began sadly. 'I wanted to take you back to England with me because I thought I could offer you a good life here. Now I am a poor man... and I have nothing to offer you.'It was the first time Mrs. Aouda saw Phileas Fogg looking really sad.'I know, Mr. Fogg, and I'm so sorry. You saved my life. You took time to rescue me, and you lost your bet because of me.''Madam,I couldn't let you die that terrible death, but now you are here, and you need a way to live.I have my house and my possessions...''Maybe your friends could...''I have no friends,' he said sadly.'Well,what about your relatives?''I have no relatives.''I tis easier to live in poverty when there are two of us to share it,' said Mrs. Aouda taking his arm. 'I want to be your wife.'Mr. Fogg got up.Mrs. Aouda saw that there was a small tear in his eye.'I love you,' he said, 'And I want to spend my life with you.''Oh...!'said Mrs. Aouda with a surprised cry.She was so happy that she put her hand to her heart.Passepartout came into the room and saw his master standing close to Mrs. Aouda. He understood immediately.'This is wonderful news!' he said. 'We all need some good news.''Yes', said Phileas Fogg. 'If you agree Mrs. Aouda, wecan get married immediately. Passepartout, do you know where Reverend Wilson lives?'Passepartout ran to Reverend Wilson's house, but five minutes later, at twenty-five to eight he was already back at the house.'Tomorrow morning... he said out of breath. 'You can't get married.''Why?'asked Phileas Fogg.'Because today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday!' he said excitedly.'Saturday?Impossible!' replied Phileas Fogg.'Yes,yes, it is. Do you remember? We went around the world and we traveled east and time changes as you go around the world and we're now twenty-four hours ahead.It's Saturday! Hurry, Mr. Fogg! We only have ten minutes. You can still win your bet.'They took Phileas Fogg's carriage to go to the Reform Club.Passepartout wanted to drive.He almost hit two dogs and they almost had more accidents before they arrived at the Reform Club at eight forty-four.'Well,hello my friends,' he said, when he stepped into the Games Room at eight forty-five.'I believe that I am now a rich man,' he said with a small smile.Here he was, eighty days later.And that was how Phileas Fogg won his bet.On Monday morning, Phileas Fogg and Mrs. Aouda were married.Later that morning Passepartout came into his room.'Do you know, mar Fogg,' he said, 'that if you don't go across India, you can go around the world in just seventy-eight days?''Maybe that's true,' said Phileas Fogg.But when we went across India, I met Mrs. Aouda, who is now my lovely wife.'And with these words, they celebrated Phileas Fogg's good fortune.
2/1/20246 minutes, 20 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文421.The teacher has a great influence on his pupils.这个教授对他的学生有很大的影响力。422.It is true that she is pretty, but she is selfish.她确实很漂亮,但她很自私。423.Do I have to take off my shoes here?在这里我必须脱鞋吗?424.You remind me of a boy l used to know.你让我想起我过去认识的一个男孩。425.As far as I know, he did nothing wrong.据我所知,他没做错任何事。426.Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich.玛丽不穷,相反,她相当富裕。427.Can you imagine what the 21st century will be like?你能想象21世纪会是什么样吗?428.As long as you keep quiet, you can stay here.只要你保持安静,你可以留在这里。429.My father is too busy to take a walk.我父亲太忙,不能去散步。430.Some babies learn to swim even before they are one year old.有些宝宝甚至在一岁之前就学习游泳了。
1/30/20244 minutes, 4 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day34(331-340)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 34331.Cancern.癌症;痼疾,社会恶习;巨蟹座(Cancer)He has got cancer.他得了癌症。Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK.乳腺癌是英国最常见的癌症类型。Scientists haven't found a cure for cancer yet.科学家们还没有找到治愈癌症的方法。332.Candidaten.候选人,申请者;考生;攻读学位者The examiners failed half the candidates.考官使一半的应试者不及格。He is the leading candidate for the job.他是这份工作的主要候选人。She was a perfect candidate for this position.她是这个职位的完美候选人。333.Candyn.糖果,巧克力;冰糖v.用糖煮;使结晶The bowl contains many kinds of candy.这个碗里装有许多种糖果。Making candy at home is not difficult.在家制作糖果并不困难。334.Capableadj.有能力的;有本领的,能干的You are perfectly capable of doing it yourself.你完全有能力自己做到这一点。The aircraft is capable of flying 5,000 miles non-stop.这架飞机能够不间断地飞行5,000英里。I'm quite capable of taking care of myself.我完全有能力照顾好自己。335.Capacityn.能力,才能;容积;产量 adj.无虚席的This work is above my capacity.这项工作超出了我的能力。The factory is operating at full capacity.该工厂正在满负荷运作。This book is within the capacity of young readers.这本书在年轻读者的能力范围内。336.Capitaln.资本;资本家;首都;大写字母adj.大写的;省会的;Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam.河内是越南的首都。Write your name in capital letters.用大写字母写下你的名字。337.Captainn.队长,首领;上尉v.率队,指挥The cup was presented to the winning team's captain.杯赛已赠送给获胜队伍的队长。Who's the captain of this ship?这艘船的船长是谁?338.Capturev.俘获;夺取;吸引n.捕获,被捕获The police captured the thief.警察逮捕了小偷。His speech captured our attention.他的演讲引起了我们的注意。339.Carn.汽车,轿车Who is the owner of this car?这辆车的主人是谁?The car was destroyed in the accident.这辆车在事故中被毁了。I recently traded in my car for a new one.我最近用自己的车换了一辆新车。340.Cardn.银行卡,身份证;明信片;名片;纸牌Please insert your card.请插入您的卡。He sent me a beautiful birthday card.他给我发了一张漂亮的生日贺卡。Can I pay by credit card?我能用信用卡付款吗?
1/28/202414 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 8.Bill Clinton : Second Inaugural Address(3)

词汇提示1.encyclopedia 百科全书2.hostile 敌对的3.dictatorship 专政4.legacy 遗产5.igniting 点燃原文Bill Clinton: 'Second Inaugural Address' (3)As this new era approaches we can already see its broad outlines.Ten years ago, the Internet was the mystical province of physicists; today, it is a common place encyclopedia for millions of schoolchildren.Scientists now are decoding the blueprint of human life.Cures for our most feared illnesses seem close at hand.The world is no longer divided into two hostile camps.Instead,now we are building bonds with nations that once were our adversaries.Growing connections of commerce and culture give us a chance to lift the fortunes and spirits of people the world over.And for the very first time in all of history, more people on this planet live under democracy than dictatorship.My fellow Americans, as we look back at this remarkable century, we may ask, can we hope not just to follow, but even to surpass the achievements of the 20th century in America and to avoid the awful bloodshed that stained its legacy?To that question, every American here and every American in our land today must answer a resounding "Yes."This is the heart of our task.With a new vision of government, a new sense of responsibility, a new spirit of community, we will sustain America's journey.The promise we sought in a new land we will find again in a land of new promise.Our schools will have the highest standards in the world, igniting the spark of possibility in the eyes of every girl and every boy.And the doors of higher education will be open to all.The knowledge and power of the Information Age will be within reach not just of the few, but of every classroom, every library, every child.Parents and children will have time not only to work, but to read and play together.And the plans they make at their kitchen table will be those of a better home, a better job, the certain chance to go to college.Our streets will echo again with the laughter of our children, because no one will try to shoot them or sell them drugs anymore.Everyone who can work, will work, with today's permanent under class part of tomorrow's growing middle class.New miracles of medicine at last will reach not only those who can claim care now, but the children and hardworking families too long denied.We will stand mighty for peace and freedom, and maintain a strong defense against terror and destruction.Our children will sleep free from the threat of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.Ports and airports, farms and factories will thrive with trade and innovation and ideas.And the world's greatest democracy will lead a whole world of democracies.Our land of new promise will be a nation that meets its obligations a nation that balances its budget, but never loses the balance of its values.A nation where our grandparents have secure retirement and health care, and their grandchildren know we have made the reforms necessary to sustain those benefits for their time.A nation that fortifies the world's most productive economy even as it protects the great natural bounty of our water, air, and majestic land.翻译比尔·克林顿:“第二次就职演说”(3)随着这个新时代的临近,我们已经可以看到它的大致轮廓。十年前,互联网是物理学家的神秘领域;今天,它是数百万学童的通用百科全书。科学家们正在破译人类生命的蓝图。治疗我们最可怕的疾病似乎近在咫尺。世界不再分为两个敌对的阵营。相反,现在我们正在与曾经是我们对手的国家建立联系。日益增长的商业和文化联系使我们有机会提升世界各地人民的财富和精神。有史以来第一次,这个星球上生活在民主统治下的人比生活在独裁统治下的人多。我的美国同胞们,当我们回顾这个非凡的世纪时,我们可能会问,我们能希望不仅追随,甚至超越美国在20世纪取得的成就,并避免玷污其遗产的可怕流血事件吗?对于这个问题,今天在座的每一个美国人以及我们国土上的每一个美国人都必须响亮地回答:“是的。”这是我们任务的核心。有了政府的新愿景,有了新的责任感,有了新的社区精神,我们将继续美国的征程。我们在新的土地上寻求的希望,我们将在新的希望的土地上再次找到。我们的学校将拥有世界上最高的标准,在每个女孩和每个男孩的眼中点燃可能性的火花。高等教育的大门将向所有人敞开。信息时代的知识和力量不是少数人可以接触到的,而是每个教室、每个图书馆、每个孩子都可以接触到的。父母和孩子不仅有时间工作,还有时间一起读书和玩耍。他们在厨房餐桌上制定的计划将是更好的家,更好的工作,上大学的肯定机会。我们的街道将再次回荡着孩子们的笑声,因为没有人会再试图枪杀他们或卖给他们毒品。每个能工作的人都将工作,今天的下层阶级将成为明天不断壮大的中产阶级的一部分。新的医学奇迹最终将不仅惠及那些现在可以要求治疗的人,而且惠及那些长期得不到治疗的儿童和辛勤工作的家庭。我们将以强大的力量捍卫和平与自由,并保持对恐怖和破坏的强大防御。我们的孩子将在没有核武器、化学武器或生物武器威胁的情况下入睡。港口、机场、农场和工厂将因贸易、创新和创意而蓬勃发展。世界上最伟大的民主国家将领导整个民主世界。我们这片充满新希望的土地将是一个履行其义务的国家,一个平衡预算但永不失去价值观平衡的国家。在这个国家,我们的祖父母有保障的退休和医疗保健,他们的孙子知道我们已经进行了必要的改革,以便在他们的时代保持这些福利。我们的国家在巩固世界上最具生产力的经济的同时,也保护着我们丰富的自然资源——水、空气和壮丽的土地。
1/27/20243 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 儒勒·凡尔纳《八十天环游地球》part8

Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Gabriel Verne词汇提示1.cargo 货物2.Bordeaux 波尔多,法国西南部城市3.crew 船员4.companions 伙伴5.pirate 海盗6.coal 煤原文Chapter 8: When Phileas Fogg becomes the captain of a shipNone of the boats in the port of New York were leaving before 14 December: too late to arrive at the Reform Club before eight forty-five on 21 December.Passepartout was very upset.They were only forty-five minutes late and he was certain it was his fault.Phileas Fogg did not want Passepartout to feel responsible and he simply said, 'We'll see what happens tomorrow.'The next day at midday on 12 December, with just nine days, thirteen hours and forty-five minutes to return to London, Phileas Fogg went to look for a ship -large or small - to take them across the AtlanticAfter trying several ships with no success, he spoke to the captain of a cargo ship,the Henrietta.'When is the ship leaving?" he asked the captain.'In an hour,' he replied.'Where is the ship going to?' Phileas Fogg asked.'To France. Bordeaux.''Will you take myself and three other passengers to Liverpool?''To Liverpool? Certainly not,' said the captain, looking at him like he was mad. 'This ship must arrive in Bordeaux by 20 December.'Phileas Fogg thought for a moment.'I'll give you two thousand dollars for each passenger if you take us to Bordeauxt hen,' he said.'Two thousand dollars each?' he repeated, amazed at such a generous offer.He scratched his head.Why was this man offering him so much money? Did he have something to hide? It was a lot of money.He agreed. 'The ship leaves at nine,' he said.Two hours later our four travelers were on the Henrietta and they were leaving the port of New York on their way to Bordeaux.The next day, on 13 December, Phileas Fogg was the new captain of the ship, and the Henrietta was going to Bordeaux.However,Phileas Fogg gave the sailors some money and they agreed to go to Liverpool instead.The crew locked the captain in his cabin, and he was now in there shouting and trying to free himself unsuccessfully.His companions were surprised to find that Phileas Fogg was a good sailor.Passepartout tried to ask him about this, but Phileas Fogg did not want to talk.He had to try and cross the Atlantic in stormy weather and his mind was concentrating on arriving in England on time.He also did not want to lose the ship and all its crew!Fix decided that Phileas Fogg was not just a thief, he was a pirate.'He'snot taking the ship to Liverpool', he thought, 'but to some unknown place where it's safe for him to escape. If I don't get help from the police there, all is lost!'They were half-way across the Atlantic with only five days to go.They were going at top speed and everything was going well, until one of the men came to speak to Phileas Fogg.'If we continue at this speed, we won't have enough coal to get the ship to Liverpool,' he said. 'We must slow down!''We can't,' replied Phileas Fogg. 'We'll burn all the wood on the ship, if we have to,' he told the worried crew member.When they came close to Ireland, only the outside metal of the body of the ship remained.Phileas Fogg took the ship to a port called Queens town.From there they took a train to Dublin and then a ship to Liverpool.Inspector Fix did not understand the man.What was in Liverpool? What was in London that he wanted to return for? This voyage seemed endless.At twenty to midnight on 20 December, they finally arrived in Liverpool.They were exactly six hours away from London.Enough time to get to the Reform Club to win the bet.Inspector Fix put his hand on Phileas Fogg's shoulder.'You are Mr. Phileas Fogg. Is that correct?' he said.'Yes,'said Phileas Fogg slowly.He was a little confused by the question.'Phileas Fogg, I am arresting you in the name of the law,' he said.In a moment, two policemen stood next to Phileas Fogg.Phileas Fogg was very angry. 'You...'he began.'I don't like men who have no loyalty to people who help them like his own friends. How could you do this, when I thought you were an honest person? You are worse than a criminal!'For the first time, Inspector Fix felt bad.He did not know what to do now that he did not have to follow Phileas Fogg around the world.He could see that he was not really a bad man.But...he was a thief, and he wanted the reward for his efforts.He went out of the room.A policeman took Phileas Fogg away and Mrs. Aouda started crying loudly.She put her head on Passepartout's shoulder and they left.Phileas Fogg looked at the walls.He had no money.All his hopes were gone!He was in a police station because they thought he was a thief.He was losing a lot of money.He could only hope for one more amazing event to rescue him.It came sooner than he thought.Passepartout ran back to the police station with Mrs. Aouda.Then Inspector Fix arrived too.His hair was untidy and he could not breathe.'Mr. Fogg,' he cried when he could finally speak."Mr. Fogg! You are free to go!They caught the thief three days ago!'
1/25/20246 minutes, 38 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文411.She was advised by him to go to the police.他劝她去报警。412.I'm going off to Vancouver next week to see my sister.下周我去温哥华看我妹妹。413.I'd like to leave this town and never come back.我希望离开这个村子并且再也不要回来。414.I plan to stay at home all day tomorrow.我打算明天在家里待一天。415.It's a good thing to read good books when you are young.年轻的时候多看点好书是件好事。416.The truth is that nothing is totally true or false.真相是没有什么完全正确或错误的。417.More money for education will spur economic growth.更多钱投资在教育上将会刺激经济成长。418.One hundred and fifty people entered the marathon race.150个人参加了马拉松比赛。419.She was ashamed of herself for her carelessness.她为自己的粗心感到羞耻。420.Once he had written the letter, he sent it.信一写好,他就把它寄了。
1/23/20243 minutes, 55 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day33(321-330)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 33321.Cabinetn.内阁;储藏柜,陈列柜;adj.内阁的My mom told me to put my stuffs into this cabinet.我妈妈叫我把东西放进这个柜子里。This cabinet is really old, we should sell it.这个柜子真的很旧,我们应该把它卖掉。He has just bought a new cabinet from the store.他刚从商店买了一个新橱柜。322.Cablen.电缆;钢缆,缆绳v.给....发电报This cable is over 3,000 meters long.这条电缆长度超过3,000米。10,000 meters of cable was used for this building.这座建筑使用了10,000米的电缆。This channel is only available on cable.此频道仅在有线电视上可用。323.Caken.饼;块;蛋糕Do you want some birthday cake?你想要一些生日蛋糕吗?This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar.这个蛋糕含有面粉、牛奶、鸡蛋和糖。324.Calculatev.计算,核算;预测,推测I calculate that we will arrive at destination at about 6 a.m.我估计我们将在早上6点左右到达目的地。325.Callv.称呼,(给……)打电话Do you want me to call an ambulance?你要我叫救护车吗?I'm sorry that I wasn't able to call you yesterday.很抱歉昨天没能给你打电话。326.Calmadj.镇静的,沉着的 n.镇静,平和v.使平静,使镇静;Did anyone call me while I was out?我外出时有人给我打电话吗?His voice was calm.他的声音很平静。She had to keep calm at all costs.她必须不惜一切代价保持冷静。The sea is calm this morning.今天早上大海很平静。327.Calmlyadv.冷静地;平静地;安静地The man calmly talked to his customers.那人冷静地与顾客交谈。328.Cameran.照相机;摄影机Do you know how to use this camera?你知道怎么用这台相机吗?Please hold the camera steadily.请稳固地握住相机。My camera is different from yours.我的相机跟你的相机不一样。329.Campn.营地;兵营,军营;v.野营,露营We'll have to camp out if we can't find a place to stay.如果我们找不到住处,我们就得去露营。Let's go back to camp, it's getting dark.我们回营地吧,天黑了。He walked into the camp unarmed.他手无寸铁地走进了营地。330.Cancelv.取消;终止,废除;n.取消,撤销I'm afraid I'll have to cancel our meeting tomorrow.恐怕我明天得取消我们的会议。He was forced to cancel his visit.他被迫取消访问。I'd like to cancel my order.我想取消订单。
1/21/202414 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 7.Bill Clinton : Second Inaugural Address(2)

词汇提示1.preeminent 卓越的2.prejudice 偏见3.contempt 轻视4.cloaked 遮盖5.plague 困扰6.torment 折磨7.fractured 断裂8.obsessions 执念9.succumb 屈服10.impulse 冲动11.texture 结构12.forge 锻造原文Bill Clinton: 'Second Inaugural Address' (2)And once again, we have resolved for our time a great debate over the role of government.Today we can declare: Government is not the problem, and government is not the solution.We-the American people-we are the solution.Our founders understood that well and gave us a democracy strong enough to endure for centuries, flexible enough to face our common challenges and advance our common dreams in each new day.As times change, so government must change.We need a new government for a new century-humble enough not to try to solve our problems for us, but strong enough to give us the tools to solve our problems for ourselves; a government that is smaller, lives within its means, and does more with less.Yet where it can stand up for our values and interests in the world, and where it can give Americans the power to make a real difference in their everyday lives,government should do more, not less.The preeminent mission of our new government is to give all Americans an opportunity-not a guarantee, but a real opportunity-to build better lives.Beyond that, my fellow citizens, the future is up to us.Our founders taught us that the preservation of our liberty and our union depends upon responsible citizenship.And we need a new sense of responsibility for a new century.There is work to do, work that government alone cannot do: teaching children to read;hiring people off welfare rolls;coming out from behind locked doors and shuttered windows to help reclaim our streets from drugs and gangs and crime;taking time out of our own lives to serve others.Each and every one of us, in our own way, must assume personal responsibility-not only for ourselves and our families,but for our neighbors and our nation.Our greatest responsibility is to embrace a new spirit of community for a new century.For any one of us to succeed, we must succeed as one America.The challenge of our past remains the challenge of our future - will we become one nation, one people, with one common destiny, or not?Will we all come together, or come apart?The divide of race has been America's constant curse.And each new wave of immigrants gives new targets to old prejudices.Prejudice and contempt, cloaked in the pretense of religious or political conviction are no different.These forces have nearly destroyed our nation in the past.They plague us still.They fuel the fanaticism of terror.And they torment the lives of millions in fractured nations all around the world.These obsessions cripple both those who hate and, of course, those who are hated,robbing both of what they might become.We cannot, we will not, succumb to the dark impulses that lurk in the far regions of the soul everywhere.We shall overcome them.And we shall replace them with the generous spirit of a people who feel at home with one another.Our rich texture of racial, religious and political diversity will be a Godsend in the 21st century.Greatrewards will come to those who can live together, learn together, work together,forge new ties that bind together.翻译比尔·克林顿:“第二次就职演说”(2)我们再一次解决了我们这个时代关于政府角色的大争论。今天,我们可以宣布:政府不是问题所在,也不是解决问题的办法。我们——美国人民——我们就是解决之道。我们的开国元勋深知这一点,他们给了我们一个强大到足以持续几个世纪的民主,一个灵活到足以在每一天面对我们共同的挑战、推进我们共同的梦想的民主。随着时代的变化,政府也必须改变。我们需要一个新世纪的新政府,它要足够谦卑,不要试图为我们解决问题,但要足够强大,给我们提供工具,让我们自己解决问题;一个规模较小、量入为出、事半功倍的政府。然而,只要它能在世界上维护我们的价值观和利益,只要它能给美国人带来真正改变日常生活的力量,政府就应该做得更多,而不是更少。我们新政府的首要任务是给所有美国人一个机会——不是保证,而是真正的机会——去建设更好的生活。除此之外,同胞们,未来掌握在我们自己手中。我们的开国元勋教导我们,维护我们的自由和我们的联盟取决于负责任的公民。我们需要对新世纪有一种新的责任感。我们有很多工作要做,这些工作单靠政府是无法完成的:教孩子们阅读;雇用没有领取福利的人;走出紧锁的大门和紧闭的窗户,帮助我们的街道摆脱毒品、帮派和犯罪;从自己的生活中抽出时间来服务他人。我们每个人都必须以自己的方式承担个人责任——不仅是为了我们自己和我们的家庭,也是为了我们的邻居和我们的国家。我们最大的责任是在新世纪拥抱新的社区精神。对于我们中的任何一个人来说,我们必须作为一个美国取得成功。我们过去的挑战仍然是我们未来的挑战——我们是否会成为一个拥有共同命运的国家、一个民族?我们会走到一起,还是走到一起?种族分裂一直是美国的祸根。每一波新的移民潮都为旧的偏见提供了新的目标。在宗教或政治信念的伪装下,偏见和蔑视也没有什么不同。这些力量在过去几乎摧毁了我们的国家。它们仍然困扰着我们。它们助长了恐怖主义的狂热。他们折磨着世界各地支离破碎的国家数百万人的生命。这些执念既削弱了那些憎恨的人,当然也削弱了那些被憎恨的人,剥夺了他们可能成为的人。我们不能,也不会屈服于潜伏在灵魂深处的黑暗冲动。我们将战胜他们。我们将以一个民族的慷慨精神来取代它们,这个民族彼此之间都有家的感觉。在21世纪,我们丰富的种族、宗教和政治多样性将是天赐之物。那些能够在一起生活、一起学习、一起工作、建立新的联系的人将获得巨大的回报。
1/20/20243 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 儒勒·凡尔纳《八十天环游地球》part7

Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Gabriel Verne词汇提示1.Sioux 美洲土著2.sledge 雪橇3.Liverpool 利物浦,英国北部城市原文Chapter 7: When Phileas Fogg comes to the rescue1 DecemberTheir journey continued across the mountains of Colorado with no other surprises. At least for now.In three days and three nights, they traveled more than 2,200 kilometres.The passengers were soon familiar with the delays; these only seemed to worry Passepartout.Phileas Fogg continued to play cards with Mrs. Aouda, while Inspector Fix slept like a baby, his head going up and down with the gentle movement of the train.Passepartout correctly predicted more problems; he was right: a few days later a group of Sioux Indians attacked their train.The Sioux rode their horses along both sides of the train.The passengers heard their battle cries before they arrived.Many of them knew what was happening, the horses of the Sioux moved faster than the train and several arrows flew towards the train carriages, until finally the train slowed down.Some of the passengers prepared to defend themselves.The Sioux jumped on the train.Their leader tied up the train driver and his assistant together and threw them offthe train.Then they went towards the other carriages.'They're coming towards our carriage!' shouted Mrs. Aouda.Passepartout bravely hit one of the men over the head with the back of his gun.Then he left the others to see what he could do to stop the train and ask for help.'We need to stop the train,' Passepartout told another passenger.' Maybe we can ask for help from a nearby town.''There are soldiers at Fort Kearney, a few miles away,' replied the man.'Good!'said Passepartout. 'We'll stop the train and someone can go and look for help.'He knew that there was only one way to stop the train – to climb under it.He opened the door and went under their carriage.Then with his great strength he pulled himself along the bottom of the other carriages until he finally found the engine above his head.He separated the engine from the carriages and the train stopped.The soldiers at Fort Kearney heard the cries of the Sioux and the sound of the guns coming from the train.They quickly got on their horses and went to see what was happening.The Sioux were surprised to see the soldiers, who were already shooting at them from the distance.'Let's go!' said their leader. 'But first, take that man who is giving us so much trouble.'The group rode away on their horses taking two passengers with them, and the brave young Frenchman who was trying to save them.When the battle was over Phileas Fogg could not find Passepartout.'The Indians took him away,' said a passenger. 'Poor man! They'll kill him for sure!''I'll find him and bring him back, dead or alive, 'replied Phileas Fogg.Mrs. Aouda looked into his eyes. He was her hero. He truly was a wonderful person.'We can save these people, but I need help ',Phileas Fogg said to the soldiers.He left the fort with thirty soldiers, and their horses, and followed the direction of the Sioux.Mrs. Aouda and Mr. Fix waited for him at Fort Kearney.It was incredibly cold and the wind was blowing hard.Inspector Fix and Mrs. Aouda sat in the uncomfortable station waiting room trying to keep warm.From time to time, they looked outside at the snow.The darkness of the night started to become morning, but she still could not see Phileas Fogg.Not long after the sun came up, they heard the sound of guns in the distance.They stood up, worried, and looked out of the windows.But there was no battle, just the sound of celebrations.A group of people, with Phileas Fogg in front, were coming on horses towards them.Passepartout and the two other passengers were sitting on the horses behind.They looked safe and well.Mrs. Aouda ran to meet them.Inspector Fix waited outside the station.'Maybe he's not so clever after all,' he decided. 'But we must return to England soon and then I can arrest him.''You're all back safe! This is wonderful!' Mrs. Aouda cried.Everyone,except Passepartout, looked happy.'Yes,we're safe but Mr. Fogg will probably lose his bet because of me,' said Passepartout.He left them to their celebrations and went to the station to find out about trains to New York.'When's the next train to New York?' he asked.'But we're already over twenty-four hours late. If the train leaves tonight, we'll be too late to get the boat!'Passepartout felt very bad. He wanted to be a hero, and Phileas Fogg came to rescue him.At that moment, Inspector Fix returned with a man he was talking to outside the station.'This man says he can take us to the station in Omaha in his sledge,' he said. 'We can take a train to New York from there.'The man had a strange sledge with sails.He explained to them that he often took passengers from one station to another in the winter, when the snow stopped the trains, and that with a good wind behind them, they could go a lot faster than the train.Phileas Fogg agreed. They had no choice.They all climbed onto the sledge.The sledge traveled very quickly across the icy, flat lands of the central states.The passengers were very cold, and with an icy wind blowing in their ears they did not speak for most of the journey.They were in Omaha in less than five hours.When they arrived, they thanked the man and Phileas Fogg paid him well.Fortunately,they found a train to Chicago and then to New York immediately.They arrived in New York two days later at eleven o'clock on 11 December.They quickly went to the port, but the China, the ship taking them to Liverpool, was not there.Foggdid not look surprised. He looked at his watch.They were forty-five minutes late.
1/18/20247 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文401.Some of them are healthy, but others are not.他们中的一些人身体健康,但是其他人不是。402.My son is going to leave for France next week.我儿子下周要去法国了。403.It is like looking for a needle in a haystack.这好比大海捞针。404.Switch on the light. I can't see anything.把灯打开。我什么都看不见。405.Let's talk over a cup of tea, shall we?我们用喝茶的时间谈谈,好吗?406.If he is innocent, it follows that his wife is guilty.如果他是清白的,那他妻子就有罪。407.Scientists can easily compute the distance between planets.科学家们可以很容易地计算出行星之间的距离。408.A foreign language cannot be mastered in a year or so.我们无法用一年左右就掌握一门外语。409.The police think the burglar entered through a basement window.警察认为窃贼是从地下室窗口进入的。410.I don't like to go out when it's dark.我天黑后不喜欢出门。
1/16/20243 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day32(311-320)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 32311.Bubblen.气泡,泡沫v.冒泡,沸腾;激动When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface.水沸腾时,气泡升到表面。Soap bubbles are beautiful, but very fragile.肥皂泡很漂亮,但很脆弱。312.Budgetn.预算v.制定预算adj.廉价的,经济型的We can't buy any more equipment or we'll go over budget.我们不能再购买任何设备,否则我们将超出预算。We'reworking on a limited budget.我们的预算有限。My boss rejected the budget for this project.我的老板拒绝了这个项目的预算。313.Buildv.建造,修建 n.体形,体格;构件We plan to build a new house next year.我们计划明年建造一座新房子。Do you know how to build muscle fast?你知道如何快速锻炼肌肉吗?He abandoned his plan to build a factory.他放弃了建造工厂的计划。314.Buildingn.建筑物,房屋,楼房v.建造;发展The building was heavily damaged by fire.该建筑物被火灾严重破坏。An earthquake destroyed the building.地震摧毁了建筑物。He explained the process of building a boat.他解释了造船的过程。315.Bunchn.束;一伙,一群;v.捆,扎,使集中A bunch of people were standing outside waiting.一群人站在外面等着。A bunch of us are going to the pub tonight. Do you want to join us?我们一群人今晚要去酒吧。你想加入我们吗?Your friends are all just a bunch of nobodies.你的朋友都只是一群无名小子。316.Burnv.燃烧,消耗;烧坏n.灼伤,烧伤Turn the heat down or your cake will burn.把热量调低,否则你的蛋糕就会燃烧。Let him burn in hell!让他在地狱里燃烧吧!317.Burstv.爆炸,爆裂n.突发,迸发The children burst into tears.孩子们哭了起来。They burst out laughing.他们突然笑了起来。318.Buryv.埋,埋葬;埋头于,专心于He was buried two days after he died.他死后两天下葬。She buried the box in the back garden.她把盒子埋在后花园里。319.Busn.公共汽车 vt.乘公共汽车Is there regular bus service to the town?去镇上有定期的巴士服务吗?My father is a bus driver.我父亲是公交车司机。A bus transported us from the airport to the hotel.一辆公共汽车将我们从机场运送到酒店。320.Bushn.灌木,灌木丛;v.蓬松;伸展Don't beat around the bush!别在灌木丛中跳动!We have a beautiful rose bush growing just outside our front door.我们在前门外面生长着一棵美丽的玫瑰灌木。The cat slowly approached the bush where the mouse was hiding.猫慢慢地走近老鼠藏身的灌木丛。
1/14/202414 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 6.Bill Clinton : Second Inaugural Address(1)

词汇提示1.inaugural 就职2.millennium 千年3.bold 勇敢的4.scourge 祸害5.turmoil 混乱6.unrivaled 无双的7.atom 原子8.dignity 有尊严的9.exhilarating 振奋的原文Bill Clinton: 'Second Inaugural Address' (1)My fellow citizens: At this last presidential inauguration of the 20th century, let us lift our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the next century.It is our great good fortune that time and chance have put us not only at the edge of a new century, in a new millennium, but on the edge of a bright new prospect in human affairs-a moment that will define our course, and our character, for decades to come.We must keep our old democracy forever young.Guided by the ancient vision of a promised land, let us set our sights upon a land of new promise.The promise of America was born in the 18th century out of the bold conviction that we are all created equal.It was extended and preserved in the 19th century, when our nation spread across the continent, saved the union, and abolished the awful scourge of slavery.Then,in turmoil and triumph, that promise exploded onto the world stage to make this the American Century.And what a century it has been.America became the world's mightiest industrial power;saved the world from tyranny in two world wars and a long cold war;and time and again, reached out across the globe to millions who, like us, longed for the blessings of liberty.Along the way, Americans produced a great middle class and security in old age; built unrivaled centers of learning and opened public schools to all;split the atom and explored the heavens; invented the computer and the microchip;and deepened the wellspring of justice by making a revolution in civil rights for African Americans and all minorities,and extending the circle of citizenship, opportunity and dignity to women.Now,for the third time, a new century is upon us, and another time to choose.We began the 19th century with a choice, to spread our nation from coast to coast.We began the 20th century with a choice,to harness the Industrial Revolution to our values of free enterprise, conservation, and human decency.Those choices made all the difference.At the dawn of the 21st century a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the Information Age and the global society,to unleash the limitless potential of all our people, and, yes, to form a more perfect union.When last we gathered, our march to this new future seemed less certain than it does today.We vowed then to set a clear course to renew our nation.In these four years, we have been touched by tragedy, exhilarated by challenge, strengthened by achievement.America stands alone as the world's indispensable nation.Once again, our economy is the strongest on Earth.Once again, we are building stronger families, thriving communities, better educational opportunities, a cleaner environment.Problems that once seemed destined to deepen now bend to our efforts: our streets are safer and record numbers of our fellow citizens have moved from welfare to work.翻译比尔·克林顿:“第二次就职演说”(1)同胞们:在这20世纪最后一次总统就职典礼上,让我们正视下个世纪等待我们的挑战。时间和机遇不仅把我们置于一个新世纪、一个新千年的边缘,而且把我们置于人类事务一个光明的新前景的边缘,这是我们的巨大幸运。这一时刻将决定我们今后几十年的道路和性格。我们必须使我们古老的民主永葆青春。在对应许之地古老憧憬的指引下,让我们把目光投向一个充满新希望的土地。美国的希望诞生于18世纪,源于我们人生而平等的坚定信念。它在19世纪得到扩展和保存,当时我们的国家在大陆上扩张,拯救了联邦,废除了可怕的奴隶制祸害。然后,在动荡和胜利中,这一承诺在世界舞台上爆发,使这个世纪成为美国世纪。这是一个怎样的世纪啊。美国成为世界上最强大的工业强国;在两次世界大战和漫长的冷战中把世界从暴政中拯救出来;并一次又一次地向全球数百万像我们一样渴望自由祝福的人伸出援助之手。在这一过程中,美国产生了庞大的中产阶级和老年保障;建立了无与伦比的学习中心,向所有人开放公立学校;分裂原子,探索天空;发明了计算机和微芯片;深化了正义的源泉,为非裔美国人和所有少数民族进行了民权革命,扩大了妇女的公民权、机会和尊严。现在,我们第三次迎来了一个新世纪,这是另一个选择的时刻。19世纪伊始,我们有一个选择,那就是把我们的国家从一个海岸扩展到另一个海岸。进入20世纪时,我们有一个选择:利用工业革命来实现我们的自由企业、环境保护和人类尊严的价值观。这些选择决定了一切。在21世纪的黎明,一个自由的民族现在必须选择塑造信息时代和全球社会的力量,释放我们所有人的无限潜力,并且,是的,建立一个更完美的联邦。上次我们聚在一起时,我们向这个新未来的进军似乎没有今天那么确定。我们当时发誓要制定一条明确的路线来振兴我们的国家。在这四年里,我们因悲剧而感动,因挑战而振奋,因成就而坚强。美国是世界上不可或缺的国家。再一次,我们的经济是地球上最强大的。再一次,我们正在建设更强大的家庭,繁荣的社区,更好的教育机会,更清洁的环境。曾经似乎注定要加深的问题,现在屈服于我们的努力:我们的街道更安全了,创纪录数量的同胞从领取福利转向工作。
1/13/20243 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 儒勒·凡尔纳《八十天环游地球》part6

Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Gabriel Verne词汇提示1.Atlantic 大西洋2.ravines 深谷3.whistle 汽笛原文Chapter 6: When our friends risk their lives25 NovemberThey were now sailing across the Pacific on the Carnatic in the direction of San Francisco.On the journey, Passepartout started to remember more details about his evening with Mr. Fix and he began to ask questions.Why did the man try and keep him in the bar for so long? Why was he doing the exact same journey as them?It wasn't an unusual route, but why did he also want to do it so quickly? Was he following them?'I'm going for a walk. I believe Mrs. Aouda will join me. I'll see you in the morning at seven-fifteen,' said Phileas Fogg,interrupting his manservant's thoughts.His master certainly did not look worried and Passepartout decided that he had to think about just one thing: his master had to win his bet.In the next few days, it became clear that Mrs. Aouda was very close to Phileas Fogg. He, on the other hand, did not seem to notice the beautiful lady by his side.Tuesday- 2 hours ahead. Wednesday - 3 hours behind. Thursday - arrived in San Francisco on time.The same evening, at exactly six o'clock, our adventurers left San Francisco to travel to New York.The journey that once took six months to complete, now took seven days on the new Union Pacific Railroad that took the passengers from San Francisco in the west,to Omaha in the central state of Nebraska.From there Phileas Fogg hoped to continue to New York for the final part of their journey: crossing the Atlantic to England on 11 December.On the train, Passepartout sat next to Inspector Fix, but he did not want to talk to him.He was still confused by his behavior in the bar and he did not like him.After just one hour, it started to snow.Fortunately,the snow did not slow down the train.However,about nine o'clock the next morning, the train stopped.To their amazement it was not because of the snow but because hundreds of buffalos we crossing the tracks in front of the train.Passepartout became very impatient.'I can't believe this!' he shouted. 'This country has a modern railway and the train must stop for a group of animals!'The train driver told them he had no choice. The buffalos were not moving and they could damage the engine.They had to wait until the buffalos moved across the tracks – three hours later!As they went through the mountains in Wyoming, Phileas Fogg taught Mrs. Aouda howto play cards.Mrs. Aouda was a very patient learner, and they were soon so occupied with their games that they did not even seem to notice the deep ravines below them.Passepartout was looking out of the window, thinking about the bet, when he almost hit the seating front of him.The train stopped suddenly and gave several loud whistles.He got up to see what the problem was.He saw the driver talking to a man from the next station, a place called Medicine Bow.'The station guard sent me to tell you that you can't go any further," he said."The bridge across the ravine is not safe and it can't take the weight of the train. We have sent a telegram to Omaha, but it will be six hours before another train arrives.''We can't stay here all night. We'll die of cold in this snow!' shouted one of the passengers, hearing their conversation.'Yes,but it will take six hours to go on foot to the next station.' said the train driver's assistant.'I think I have an idea', said the train driver. 'We can get our train across the bridge, if we go fast enough.'Passepartout was interested to hear more.'If the train moves at its top speed, the train won't be as heavy on the bridge',he continued. 'And we can get across before the bridge breaks.'Passepartout was worried for himself and the other passengers.The bridge could break before the train reached the other side!He could not understand why the other passengers seemed to think this was a good idea.'Isn't there a simpler solution, perhaps...?' he began to ask the driver.The driver was not listening.'No,no, this is the best solution we have,' he said."Yes,but maybe not the safest...'Passepartout tried to explain that he had another idea.'Maybe the passengers can go across the bridge on foot.Then the train could follow after wards,' he said to the train driver's assistant'No,the driver is right. If we go at top speed, we can get across the bridge. The train's leaving!' cried his assistant.The train driver blew the whistle and the train went back along the tracks about two kilometers.Then he blew the whistle again.The train moved faster and faster as it came closer to the bridge.In what seemed like minutes, or maybe it was only a few seconds, they were over on the other side, just in time to see the bridge fall into the deep ravine behind them.
1/11/20246 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文391.He has not written to us since last February.他从去年二月开始就没写信给我们。392.Can you please tell me your name once more?你能再告诉我一遍你的名字吗?393.She'll give her photo to whoever wants it.她会把她的照片给所有想要的人。394.That was the first time that a man walked on the moon.那是人类第一次在月球上行走。395.I broke a glass when I did the dishes.我做菜时打碎了一个玻璃杯。396.Did you check all the items on the shopping list?你检查购物单上所有的项目了吗?397.She was too short to see over the fence.她太矮了,看不到围墙外面。398.Islam first reached China about the middle of the 7th century.伊斯兰教大约在七世纪中叶传到中国。399.He is not as smart as his older brother.他不像他的兄长那样聪明。400.How long does it take to get to the train station?去火车站要多久?
1/9/20243 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day31(301-310)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 31301.Brightadj.明亮的;聪明的 adv.光亮地,明亮地That's a bright idea.这是个好主意。Look at the bright side.看看光明的一面。The rooms are bright and spacious.客房宽敞明亮。302.Brightlyadv.明亮地;鲜明地;生辉地The sun is shining brightly.阳光明媚。She placed a bouquet of brightly colored flowers on the table.她在桌子上放了一束鲜艳的花朵。303.Brilliantadj.巧妙的,成功的,辉煌的;聪颖的She is a brilliant public speaker.她是一位出色的公开演讲者。Everyone recognized him as a brilliant scientist.每个人都认出他是一位杰出的科学家。She gave a brilliant performance.她表现出色。304.Bringv.拿来,带来;导致,引起Would you please bring me a dry towel?你能给我带一条干毛巾吗?You aren't permitted to bring dogs into this building.你不允许带狗进入这栋大楼。I'll bring it to you tomorrow.我明天把它带给你。305.Broadadj.宽广的,宽阔的;广泛的,普遍的The company has a broad range of experience.该公司拥有广泛的经验。This room is very broad.这个房间非常宽敞。The valley is three miles long and half a mile broad.山谷长三英里,宽半英里。306.Broadcastv.散布,传播n.广播节目 adv.四散地,撒播地The concert was broadcast live.音乐会进行了现场直播。The football game is now being broadcast.足球比赛现在正在播出。307.Broadlyadv.广泛地,普遍地;多方面的,全面的The climate is broadly similar in the two regions.这两个地区的气候大致相似。He was grinning broadly.他笑得很开心。308.Brothern.兄弟;同事;战友The company is managed by my older brother.公司由我哥哥管理。He is very different from his brother.他和他的兄弟有很大的不同。My brother is a professor.我哥哥是教授。309.Brownn.褐色,棕色His face was brown from the sun.阳光照射他的脸是棕色的。His shoes are brown.他的鞋子是棕色的。She has warm brown eyes.她有温暖的棕色眼睛。310.Brushn.刷子,画笔;灌木丛v.刷,拂拭You should brush your teeth twice a day.你应该每天刷两次牙。She brushed off the sand from her shoes.她刷去鞋上的沙子。
1/7/202413 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 5.Ronald Reagan: Speech at Normandy

词汇提示1.Normandy 诺曼底2.allied 盟军3.tyranny 暴政4.Rangers 游骑兵5.desolate 荒凉的6.grenades 手榴弹原文Ronald Reagan: 'Speech at Normandy'We're here to mark that day in history when the Allied peoples joined in battle to reclaim this continent to liberty.For four long years, much of Europe had been under a terrible shadow.Free nations had fallen, Jews cried out in the camps, millions cried out for liberation.Europe was enslaved, and the world prayed for its rescue.Herein Normandy the rescue began.Here the Allies stood and fought against tyranny in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history.We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France.The air is soft, but forty years ago at this moment, the air was dense with smoke and the cries of men, and the air was filled with the crack of rifle fire and the roar of cannon.At dawn, on the morning of the 6th of June 1944, 225 Rangers jumped off the British landing craft and ran to the bottom of these cliffs.Their mission was one of the most difficult and daring of the invasion: to climb these sheer and desolate cliffs and take out the enemy guns.The Allies had been told that some of the mightiest of these guns were here and they would be trained on the beaches to stop the Allied advance.The Rangers looked up and saw the enemy soldiers -at the edge of the cliffs shooting down at them with machine-guns and throwing grenades.And the American Rangers began to climb.They shot rope ladders over the face of these cliffs and began to pull themselves up.When one Ranger fell, another would take his place.When one rope was cut, a Ranger would grab another and begin his climb again.They climbed, shot back, and held their footing.Soon,one by one, the Rangers pulled themselves over the top,and in seizing the firm land at the top of these cliffs, they began to seize back the continent of Europe.Two hundred and twenty-five came here.After two days of fighting only ninety could still bear arms.Behind me is a memorial that symbolizes the Ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs.And before me are the men who put them there.These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc.These are the men who took the cliffs.These are the champions who helped free a continent.These are the heroes who helped end a war.Gentlemen,I look at you and I think of the words of Stephen Spender's poem.You are men who in your lives fought for life...and left the vivid air signed with your honor'...Forty summers have passed since the battle that you fought here.You were young the day you took these cliffs; some of you were hardly more than boys, with the deepest joys of life before you.Yet you risked everything here.Why?Why did you do it?What impelled you to put aside the instinct for self-preservation and risk your lives to take these cliffs?What inspired all the men of the armies that met here?We look at you, and somehow, we know the answer.It was faith, and belief; it was loyalty and love.The men of Normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, faith that they fought for all humanity, faith that a just God would grant them mercy on this beachhead or on the next.It was the deep knowledge – and pray God we have not lost it -that there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest.You were here to liberate, not to conquer, and so you and those others did not doubt your cause.And you were right not to doubt.You all knew that some things are worth dying for.One's country is worth dying for, and democracy is worth dying for,because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.All of you loved liberty.All of you were willing to fight tyranny, and you knew the people of your countries were behind you.翻译罗纳德·里根:“诺曼底演讲”我们在这里纪念历史上的那一天,盟国人民共同为解放这片大陆而战。在漫长的四年里,欧洲大部分地区都笼罩在可怕的阴影之下。自由的国家已经沦陷,犹太人在集中营里大声疾呼,数百万人大声疾呼要求解放。欧洲被奴役了,全世界都在祈祷拯救它。在诺曼底,救援行动开始了。盟军站在这里,在人类历史上无与伦比的伟大事业中与暴政作斗争。我们站在法国北岸一个孤独的、被风吹过的地方。空气是柔和的,但四十年前的这个时候,空气中弥漫着浓烟和人们的呼喊声,空气中充满了步枪的噼啪声和大炮的轰鸣声。1944年6月6日清晨,黎明时分,225名游骑兵从英国登陆艇上跳下,奔向悬崖底部。他们的任务是入侵中最困难和最大胆的任务之一:爬上这些陡峭而荒凉的悬崖,摧毁敌人的大炮。盟军被告知,这里有一些最强大的大炮,它们将在海滩上接受训练,以阻止盟军的推进。游骑兵们抬头一看,看到了悬崖边的敌军士兵,他们用机关枪和手榴弹向他们射击。美国游骑兵开始往上爬。他们把绳梯架在悬崖上,开始往上爬。当一个游骑兵倒下时,另一个会接替他的位置。当一根绳子被割断时,游骑兵就会抓住另一根绳子重新开始攀登。他们爬上去,反击,站稳脚跟。很快,游骑兵们一个接一个地爬上了山顶,在占领了悬崖顶上坚固的土地后,他们开始夺回欧洲大陆。225人来过这里。经过两天的战斗,只有90人还拿着武器。我身后是一座纪念碑,象征着刺入悬崖顶端的游骑兵匕首。在我面前的是把他们放在那里的人。这些是奥克角的孩子们。就是这些人占领了悬崖。他们是帮助解放一个大陆的斗士。他们是帮助结束战争的英雄。先生们,我看着你们就想起了斯蒂芬·斯彭德的诗。你们是为生命而战的人……留下了写有“阁下”字样的生动的空气……自从你们在这里战斗以来,已经过去了40个夏天。你踏上这些悬崖的那天还很年轻;你们中的一些人还仅仅是孩子,有着生命中最深的快乐。但你却冒着一切危险。为什么?你为什么要这么做?是什么促使你们抛开自我保护的本能,冒着生命危险去爬这些悬崖?是什么激励了所有在这里相遇的士兵?我们看着你,不知怎么的,我们知道答案。这是信念,是信念;那是忠诚和爱。诺曼底的战士们坚信他们所做的是正确的,坚信他们为全人类而战,坚信公正的上帝会在这个滩头阵地或下一个滩头阵地给予他们怜悯。这是一个深刻的认识——祈祷上帝我们没有失去它——在使用武力解放和使用武力征服之间存在着深刻的道德差异。你们来这里是为了解放,而不是征服,所以你们和其他人都没有怀疑自己的事业。你不怀疑是对的。你们都知道有些东西是值得为之牺牲的。一个人的国家值得为之牺牲,民主也值得为之牺牲,因为它是人类所创造的最崇高的政府形式。你们所有人都热爱自由。你们所有人都愿意与暴政作斗争,你们知道你们国家的人民都在支持你们。
1/6/20244 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 儒勒·凡尔纳《八十天环游地球》part5

Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Gabriel Verne单词提示1.acrobats 杂技演员2.Monsieur 先生3.bald 秃的4.pyramid 金字塔5.destination 目的地 原文Chapter 5: When Passepartout becomes an acrobatHong Kong was the last country they traveled to under British law.This was the inspector's final opportunity to get an arrest warrant for Phileas Fogg.It was not difficult to imagine his anger when he discovered that the British officials in Hong Kong knew nothing about the warrant and told him he had to wait for it.His only chance to arrest Phileas Fogg was to keep him in Hong Kong, but how?While he was thinking about this, Fix recognized Passepartout walking down the steps of the Carnatic, the ship which was taking them to Yokohama.An excited Inspector Fix ran towards him.Nice to meet you again, Mr ...?''Fix.We met in Egypt, in the Suez.''I'm sorry, Mr. Fix, but I really don't have time to talk,' said Passepartout, and he continued walking.'Of course, I won't stop you, but tell me, do you always go everywhere so quickly?''I need to go back to the hotel to tell my master that the Carnatic, isn't leaving tomorrow morning. The repairs are complete and the ship is going to leave tonight.''Oh,I understand, but let me walk with you on the way to your hotel,' said Inspector Fix.Suddenly Fix had an idea.'Maybe I can stop Passepartout from telling Phileas Fogg about the ship, and then the ship will leave without him!' he thought to himself.'It's still early,' Inspector Fix began. 'Why don't we have a drink, Monsieur Passepartout? I know a nice place near the hotel. I'm sure we can stop for a drink. It's difficult to find a good friend to talk to after such a long journey away from home. ''Well,just one drink... 'said Passepartout, who was enjoying his conversation with Inspector Fix.When they were inside the bar the detective's plan was complete.He ordered the drinks and asked the barman to make a very strong drink for Passepartout.Less than an hour later, Passepartout was drunk and fell asleep at the table.'Ah! Phileas Fogg will never know about the ship now,' he said to himself. 'And, now Mr. Fogg, I just need to wait until I have the warrant for your arrest, and it won't be long now, you can be certain of that!'The next day, when Phileas Fogg woke up, he was a little surprised to see that Passepartout was not there.He packed the suitcases himself and paid the hotel bill.Then he went straight to the port with Mrs. Aouda.But Passepartout was not there.'How strange!' thought Phileas Fogg, but he showed no surprise to find that the Carnatic was not at the port.In fact, he did not seem worried about the departure of the ship or his manservant.Instead he went to speak to the captains of the different boats in the port.Inspector Fix, who was waiting for Phileas Fogg, followed behind.What was Phileas Fogg's new plan?Fix saw him pay the captain of a small ship, who agreed to leave immediately.'Oh no!' thought Inspector Fix.' He always thinks of something. That thief! He can't escape! Not now.'Fix was very angry and upset.He walked up and down near the ship, until Phileas Fogg noticed the poor man.'Are you looking for a ship, too, my good man?' he asked. 'We're going to Japan. If  that's the direction you're going in, you're welcome to come with us!'Thank you, sir. That's very kind of you. My ship left early and I am in a terrible situation, in fact, I was just thinking about how I could find another ship to take me to Yokohama,' replied Inspector Fix.He was amazed at his good luck but he was worried that things were not going exactly as he planned.He was determined to catch his thief.'I'll have to follow Fogg around the world if that's the only way I can catch him,'he thought.But where was our friend Passepartout?Passepartout woke up in the bar a few hours later.His head hurt and he could not remember anything, except that he came into a bar with someone he met and that he talked to a man about... the ship! The Carnatic was leaving that evening.He looked at his watch.'Oh no!' he thought. 'I'm late. Mr. Fogg will be at the port now.'He ran to the boat and got on.He looked everywhere for Mr. Fogg and Mrs. Aouda, but he could not see them.It was then that he started to remember his afternoon with the man he met at the port.'But of course,' he thought. 'Mr. Fogg doesn't know. How could he? I was still in that bar with Mr. Fix, and then l... 'It was too late. The ship was already sailing towards Yokohama.He felt very bad. This was terrible.His master was losing his bet because of him.And he did not have a penny in his pocket!When he arrived in Yokohama, he walked around the streets, trying to decide what to do.Soon he felt hungry and he decided to sell his elegant European jacket and buy an old Japanese one, but the money was not enough.He needed money to eat and to sleep, and, above all, to return home.Just when he thought the situation was hopeless, he saw an advertisement for a circus.Don't miss Batulcar's Circus. The last show before the circus moves to America.Acrobats, clowns, lions, tigers and much more!'What luck!' thought Passepartout. 'I'll go to the circus owner. If he lets me go with them, I can go to America, and from there to England.''So,you say you're from Paris?' said Mr. Batulcar, a big man with a bald head and a moustache.He looked at Passepartout carefully.'Yes,a true Parisian, from Paris,' replied Passepartout.'Well,you know how to make funny faces then,' said Mr. Batulcar smiling from the corners of his moustache.Passepartout did not understand what he meant. 'Err... yes,' he said uncertainly.'Good!Then you can start as a clown,' said Mr. Batulcar, 'and then you can do other jobs if we need an extra man. You can look after the tigers, for example.'Passepartout was not very happy about this offer, but he needed the job.That night an acrobat was ill, and Passepartout had to take his place as part of a human pyramid.Passepartout was at the bottom of the pyramid and he had to carry the weight of several men on his shoulders.The audience shouted out loudly, the drums sounded like a thunderstorm, and then...the people in the pyramid fell to the floor like a pack of cards.What happened?Passepartou twas running towards someone in the audience, someone he was very happy to see.It was his old employer, Phileas Fogg. But how did he get there?When Fogg and Mrs. Aouda arrived in Yokohama a week later, they spoke to the captain of the Carnatic and found Passepartout's name among the list of passengers, but his ticket only took him to Yokohama.Phileas Fogg and Mrs. Aouda wanted to find Passepartout before the ship left for its next destination - San Francisco.Inspector Fix, on the other hand, had no choice.He went with them and became their 'friend'.They looked all over the city but they could not find him anywhere.'We haven't much time left in the city. Let's go and see the circus. I believe it'svery good,' he told the others.Mr.Fix and Mrs. Aouda agreed.Phileas Fogg did not see his manservant among the acrobats, but his manservant certainly saw him, and he left everyone else in the human pyramid in a big group of arms and legs on the floor.They had no time to say sorry to a very angry Mr. Batulcar.The Carnatic was leaving for America.
1/4/20249 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文381.When she saw that they had no schools, she started one.当她发现他们还没有学校,她就办了一所。382.His mother sat up all night waiting for her son.他的妈妈坐了一整夜,等她的儿子。383.Sir,that CD is available only by special order.先生,那张CD需要预订才有。384.I thank you from the bottom of my heart.我打心底里感激你。385.It was not until I reached home that I missed my purse.我到家以后才发现我的钱包不见了。386.This place has a mysterious atmosphere to it.这个地方的气氛很神秘。387.I recognize that what he says is the truth.我承认他说的是事实。388.I should have known better than to call him.早知道我不应该打电话给他。389.I made a bet that she would win the game.我赌她赢这比赛。390.I do not like tea, so I generally drink coffee for breakfast.我不喜欢茶,所以我早餐一般都喝咖啡。
1/2/20244 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day30(291-300)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 30291.Breakv.打破,破裂;休息;使心碎You will be severely punished if you break the law.如果你违法,你将受到严厉的惩罚。I think it's time for me to take a break.我想是时候休息一下了。If you pull too hard, the chain will break.如果你拉得太用力,链条就会断。292.Breakfastn.早餐;早餐的,早餐时用的 v.吃早餐Describe your ideal breakfast.描述一下你理想的早餐。We provide breakfast and dinner, but you need to make your own arrangements for lunch.我们提供早餐和晚餐,但您需要自己安排午餐。I usually have a light breakfast.我通常会吃一顿清淡的早餐。293.Breastn.乳房、胸部,胸脯;v.挺胸顶着She crossed her arms over her breasts.她双臂交叉抱在胸前。Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK.乳腺癌是英国最常见的一种癌症。294.Breathn.呼吸,气息;微量,迹象;一瞬间I ran out of breath.我气喘吁吁地跑了。Take a deep breath and then relax.深吸一口气然后放松一下。How long can you hold your breath?你能屏住呼吸多久?295.Breathev.呼吸;呼出,吐出;透气I can't breathe through my nose.我无法通过鼻子呼吸。296.Breathingn.呼吸,呼吸声v.呼吸;吸入(breathe的现在分词)His breathing was shallow.他的呼吸很浅。Deep breathing gives you health benefits similar to aerobics.深呼吸给你的健康益处类似于有氧运动。At least I'm still breathing.至少我还在呼吸。297.Brickn.砖块;积木 adj.用砖做的v.用砖墙围起Somebody threw a brick at my window.有人向我的窗户扔了一块砖头。Giving advice to her is like talking to a brick wall. She just won't listen.给她提建议简直是对牛弹琴。她就是不听。298.Bridgen.桥;桥梁,纽带;v.消除(隔阂);横跨The firm decided to bid on the new bridge.该公司决定竞标这座新桥。Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.纪律是目标和成就之间的桥梁。They'reconstructing a bridge over the river.他们正在河上建造一座桥。299.Briefadj.短暂的;简短的;v.给…..….指示n.指示,任务简介He gave me a brief outline of the plan.他给我简要概述了这个计划。Whatever advice you give, be brief.无论你给什么建议,都要简短。This is a brief outline of the event.这是事件的简要概述。300.Brieflyadv.简短地,简要地;短暂地,暂时地He glanced up briefly as Connie walked in.康妮走进来的时候,他抬头瞥了一眼。She told them briefly what happened.她简要地告诉了他们发生了什么事。
12/31/202313 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 4.Kennedy:Speech after Assassination of Martin Luther King

词汇提示1.assassination 暗杀2.polarization 两极分化3.comprehend 领悟4.stain 污渍5.dedicate 奉献6.tame 驯服7.savageness 野蛮原文Robert F. Kennedy: 'Speech after Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.'I have bad news for you, for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace all over the world, and that is that Martin Luther King was shot and killed tonight.Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice for his fellow human beings, and he died because of that effort.In this difficult day, in this difficult time for the United States, it is perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in.For those of you who are black-considering the evidence there evidently is that there were white people who were responsible you can be filled with bitterness,with hatred, and a desire for revenge.We can move in that direction as a country, in great polarization black people amongst black, white people amongst white, filled with hatred toward one another.Or we can make an effort, as Martin Luther King did, to understand and to comprehend,and to replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand with compassion and love.For those of you who are black and are tempted to be filled with hatred and distrust at the injustice of such an act,against all white people, I can only say that I feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling.I had a member of my family killed, but he was killed by a white man.But we have to make an effort in the United States,we have to make an effort to understand, to go beyond these rather difficult times.My favorite poet was Aeschylus.He wrote, "In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will,comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred;what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another,So I shall ask you tonight to return home, to say a prayer for the family of Martin Luther King, that's true,but more importantly to say a prayer for our own country,which all of us love-a prayer for understanding and that compassion of which I spoke.We can do well in this country.We will have difficult times in the future.It is not the end of violence; it is not the end of lawlessness; it is not the end of disorder.But the vast majority of white people and the vast majority of black people in this country want to live together,want to improve the quality of our life,and want justice for all human beings who abide in our land.Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and to make gentle the life of this world.Let us dedicate ourselves to that, and say a prayer for our country and for our people.翻译罗伯特·f·肯尼迪:“马丁·路德·金遇刺后的演讲”我有个坏消息要告诉你们,告诉我们所有的同胞,告诉全世界热爱和平的人们,那就是马丁·路德·金今晚被枪杀了。马丁·路德·金把他的一生奉献给了爱和正义,为他的人类同胞,他也因此而死。在这个困难的日子里,在美国的这个困难的时刻,也许我们应该问问自己,我们是一个什么样的国家,我们想朝哪个方向前进。对于你们当中的黑人来说,考虑到有明显的证据表明白人对此事负有责任,你们可能会充满痛苦、仇恨和复仇的欲望。作为一个国家,我们可以朝着这个方向前进,在巨大的两极分化中黑人和黑人,白人和白人,充满了对彼此的仇恨。或者我们可以做出努力,就像马丁·路德·金所做的那样,去理解,去领悟,去取代那种暴力,那种在我们的土地上蔓延的流血的污点,努力用同情和爱去化解。对于你们当中的黑人,对于这种不公正的行为,对所有白人充满了仇恨和不信任,我只能说,我自己心里也有同样的感觉。我的一个家人被杀了,但他杀的是一个白人。但是在美国,我们必须努力,我们必须努力去理解,去超越这些相当困难的时期。我最喜欢的诗人是埃斯库罗斯。他写道:“在我们的睡眠中,无法忘记的痛苦一滴一滴地落在我们的心上,直到在我们自己的绝望中,违背我们的意愿,上帝的可怕恩典带来智慧。”我们美国需要的不是分裂;我们在美国需要的不是仇恨;在美国,我们需要的不是暴力和无法无天,而是爱、智慧和对彼此的同情。因此,今晚我要求你们回家,为马丁·路德·金的家人祈祷,这是真的,但更重要的是,为我们所有人所爱的国家祈祷——为我所说的理解和同情祈祷。我们可以在这个国家做得很好。我们将来会有困难的时候。这不是暴力的终结;这不是无法无天的终结;这不是混乱的终结。但是,这个国家的绝大多数白人和绝大多数黑人想要共同生活,想要提高我们的生活质量,想要为居住在这片土地上的所有人类伸张正义。让我们献身于希腊人多年前所写的:驯服人类的野蛮,使这个世界的生活变得温和。让我们为此献身,为我们的国家和人民祈祷。
12/30/20233 minutes, 12 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 儒勒·凡尔纳《八十天环游地球》part4

Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Gabriel Verne词汇提示1.suttee 缝合2.pagoda 佛塔3.sacrifice 牺牲4.Yokohama 横滨,日本东部城市原文Chapter 4: When our adventurers rescue a woman from certain deathThey stopped near a village, where they heard the sound of strange musical instruments.Their guide went to discover what was happening and he was soon back with the news.The people of the village, their guide said, were celebrating a local tradition called suttee.Our travelers immediately wanted to know more about it.The guide told them that when a woman's husband dies, his wife must die with him and they burn her alive in a big fire."The name of the woman is Mrs. Aouda,' he told them, and she's very beautiful.Everyone knows her. She is from a rich family.Her father was a businessman in a town near Bombay.Her parents sent her to a European school in Bombay.She learnt European languages there, and she has European ways.Her parents died and she had to marry an old prince.She became a widow after only three months.They are taking her to the pagoda tonight.They are going to burn her alive tomorrow, at sunrise.''My goodness! How terrible! Do such traditions still exist?' asked Phileas Fogg.He seemed surprised, but his voice sounded curious.'Poor woman!' whispered Passepartout.'We can still save her,' said Phileas Fogg. 'We are a few hours ahead of time.'"Yes,but sir, if we save this woman, they'll try and kill us!' said their guide.'I can only speak for myself, but I am prepared to take that risk,' replied Phileas Fogg.When they arrived, they started to plan the rescue.Unfortunately,there were guards all around the pagoda and so they decided that it was too dangerous to do anything.They were about to leave, when Passepartout said that maybe he had an idea.When the sun came up the next day, the crowd arrived to see the bonfire ready for the sacrifice.Phileas Fogg prepared himself to run towards the fire in a final effort to save Mrs. Aouda, when suddenly a terrified cry came from the crowd.Her husband was not dead!He stood up in the flames, took his wife in his hands and ran in the opposite direction to the crowd.It was not difficult to imagine Phileas Fogg's surprise when he later discovered that the woman's 'husband' was Passepartout.A few moments later, our heroes disappeared into the forest with their new travelling companion, followed by the angry guards.Mrs. Aouda slowly started to wake up when they reached the station at Allahabad.Phileas Fogg thanked his guide for his loyalty and gave him the elephant.For a young guide an elephant like Kiouni was a big present.He could make a lot more money now that he had his own elephant.He was very happy and continued to thank Mr. Fogg and the others until they left.On the train to Calcutta, Phileas Fogg and Passepartout told Mrs. Aouda all about their adventure.Mrs. Aouda couldn't believe it: these men risked their lives - for her!At seven o'clock they arrived in Calcutta.The ship for Hong Kong did not leave until twelve o'clock midday.Fortunately,they were still on time.Inspector Fix was also on his way to Hong Kong.How did he know they were there? How did he get there?That remains a mystery, but one thing was sure: Inspector Fix was determined to arrest Phileas Fogg and he had a plan.He just had to wait a little longer.After the ship stopped for a short time in Singapore, it continued on its way to Hong Kong where, on the morning of 6 November, a boat going to Yokohama, in Japan,was waiting for them.Unfortunately,they arrived a day later than planned, because of a bad storm.'Oh no! ' thought Passepartout.' The boat will leave without us, and my master won't win his bet!'When they were at the port, Phileas Fogg and Passepartout walked towards the captain of a small boat.'When does the next boat to Yokohama leave?' Fogg asked.'Tomorrow morning,' he replied.'Didn't it leave this morning?''No,they had to repair it, so it's not leaving until tomorrow.'Passepartout was very happy to hear this good news and shook the captain's hand. The captain was a little surprised.Phileas Fogg simply wrote how late they were in his diary.6 November - minus 24 hours
12/28/20235 minutes, 48 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文371.Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight?这个梯子是否足够牢固,可以承受我的重量?372.One million people lost their lives in the war.100万人在战争中失去了生命。373.I had hoped that my mother would live until I got married.我曾经希望我妈妈能活到我结婚的时候。374.You have to get this work finished by noon.你必须在中午以前完成这个工作。375.The doctor told her that she should take a rest.医生告诉她要静养。376.If you buy me an ice cream, I'll give you a kiss.如果你买给我冰淇淋,我就亲你一下。377.You are free to do as you please with your money.你的钱,你爱怎么花就怎么花。378.The young man put out his hand and I shook it.年轻人伸出他的手,接着我和他握了手。379.He is going to drive you to the airport.他要开车送你去机场。380.A doctor told me that eating eggs was bad for me.一位医生告诉过我,吃鸡蛋对我的健康有害。
12/26/20234 minutes, 4 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day29(281-290)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 29281.bother(使)烦恼,担心n.麻烦,不便v.费心;Don't bother about me. I'll find my own way home.别为我烦恼。我会自己找回家的路。Don't bother waking me up at 4:00 a.m. I don't plan to go fishing tomorrow.别在凌晨4点叫醒我。我明天不打算去钓鱼。It doesn't bother me to walk in the rain.在雨中散步对我并不碍事。282.Bottlen.瓶子;一瓶(的量);酒Please shake the bottle before use.使用前请摇动瓶子。I think I'll start with a bottle of beer.我想我先从一瓶啤酒开始。I filled up the bottle with water.我把瓶子装满了水。283.Bottomn.底,底部;最低水平,臀部;adj.底部的,最后的She paused at the bottom of the stairs.她在楼梯底部停了下来。I live on the bottom floor.我住在底层。284.Boundadj.必然的,肯定的 n.界限,限制v.捆绑The weather is bound to get worse tomorrow morning.明天早上天气肯定会恶化。He is bound to fail.他注定会失败。285.Bowln.碗,盆;v.滚(球,箍或其他圆形物)Give me a bowl and a spoon, please.请给我一个碗和一把勺子。The bowl contains many kinds of candy.这个碗里装有许多种糖果。Bring me a bowl of soup, please!请给我拿一碗汤!286.Boxn.盒,箱,匣There's something inside this box.这个盒子里有东西。The box is leaning to one side.盒子向一侧倾斜。This box is made of tin.這这个盒子是用锡做的。287.Brainn.脑;智力,智慧;聪明的人,智者;The brain is the center of the nervous system.大脑是神经系统的中心。288.Branchn.树枝,分枝v.分岔,岔开;Their colleague was transferred to an overseas branch.他们的同事被调到一家海外分支机构。289.Brandn.品牌,商标It is a brand new product.这是一款全新的产品。It takes a long time to build a brand.建立品牌需要很长时间。290.Braveadj.勇敢的,无畏的 v.勇敢面对 n.勇敢的人You are very brave.你很勇敢。You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.如果你只经历过美好的事情,你就不会勇敢。It was a brave decision to quit her job and start her own business.辞掉工作开始自己的生意是一个勇敢的决定。
12/24/202312 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 5-Day 3.John F. Kennedy: Ich bin ein Berliner

词汇提示1.democracy 民主2.besieged 包围3.vitality 活力4.elementary 基本地5.sober 冷静的原文John F. Kennedy: 'Ich bin ein Berliner'Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was 'Civis Romanus sum'.Today,in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is 'Ich bin ein Berliner'.There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world.Let them come to Berlin.There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future.Let them come to Berlin.And there are some who say in Europe and elsewhere we can work with the Communists.Let them come to Berlin.And there are even a few who say that it is true that communism is an evil system,but it permits us to make economic progress.Let them come to Berlin.Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put up a wall to keep our people in, to prevent them from leaving us.I want to say, on behalf of my countrymen, who live many miles away on the other side of the Atlantic, who are far distant from you, that they take the greatest pride that they have been able to share with you, even from a distance, the story of the last eighteen years.I know of no town, no city, that has been besieged for eighteen years that still lives with the vitality and the force, and the hope and the determination of the city of West Berlin.While the wall is the most obvious and vivid demonstration of the failures of the Communist the system, all the world can see, we take no satisfaction in it, for it is, as your mayor has said,an offense not only against history but an offense against humanity, separating families, dividing husbands and wives and brothers and sisters, and dividing a people who wish to be joined together.What is true of this city is true of Germany-real, lasting peace in Europe can never be assured as long as one German out of four is denied the elementary right of freemen, and that is to make a free choice.In eighteen years of peace and good faith, this generation of Germans has earned the right to be free including the right to unite their families and their nation in lasting peace, with good will to all people.You live in a defended island of freedom, but your life is part of the main.So let me ask you, as I close, to lift your eyes beyond the dangers of today, to the hopes of tomorrow, beyond the freedom merely of this city of Berlin, or your country of Germany, to the advance of freedom everywhere,beyond the wall to the day of peace with justice, beyond yourselves and ourselves to all mankind.Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free.When all are free, then we can look forward to that day when this city will be joined as one and this country and this great continent of Europe in a peaceful and hopeful globe.When that day finally comes, as it will, the people of West Berlin can take sober satisfaction in the fact that they were in the front lines for almost two decades.All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words Ich bin ein Berliner.翻译约翰·肯尼迪:“我在柏林(德语)”两千年前,最引以为豪的话是“我是罗马人(拉丁语)”。今天,在自由的世界里,最引以为豪的是“我在柏林”。世界上有很多人真的不明白,或者说他们不明白,自由世界和共产主义世界之间的大问题是什么。让他们来柏林吧。有人说共产主义是未来的潮流。让他们来柏林吧。还有一些人说,在欧洲和其他地方,我们可以与共产党合作。让他们来柏林吧。甚至有少数人说,共产主义确实是一种邪恶的制度,但它允许我们取得经济进步。让他们来柏林吧。自由有很多困难,民主也不完美,但我们从来没有必要筑起一堵墙来保护我们的人民,防止他们离开我们。我想代表我的同胞们说,他们生活在大西洋彼岸数英里之外,与你们相距甚远,他们非常自豪能够与你们分享过去18年的故事,即使是在远处。据我所知,没有一个城镇,没有一座城市,被围困了18年,仍然以西柏林的活力、力量、希望和决心生活着。虽然这堵墙最明显、最生动地展示了共产党的失败——全世界都能看到,但我们对此并不满意,因为正如你们的市长所说,这不仅是对历史的冒犯,也是对人类的冒犯,分裂了家庭,分裂了丈夫、妻子、兄弟姐妹,分裂了希望团结在一起的人民。这座城市的真实情况和德国的真实情况一样,只要四分之一的德国人被剥夺了自由人的基本权利,即做出自由选择,欧洲的真正、持久和平就永远无法保证。在18年的和平与善意中,这一代德国人赢得了自由的权利,包括将他们的家庭和国家团结在持久和平中的权利,并对所有人怀有善意。你生活在一个被捍卫的自由之岛上,但你的生活是主体的一部分。因此,在我结束发言之际,让我请你们把目光从今天的危险中,从明天的希望中,从仅仅是柏林市或你们的德国的自由中,从世界各地的自由中抬起,从柏林墙之外,到正义的和平之日,从你们自己到全人类。自由是不可分割的,当一个人被奴役时,所有人都不是自由的。当所有人都自由了,那么我们就可以期待有一天,这座城市、这个国家和这个伟大的欧洲大陆将成为一个和平而充满希望的世界。当那一天终于到来时,西柏林人民可以清醒地满足于他们在前线工作了近20年。所有自由人,无论他们住在哪里,都是柏林的公民,因此,作为一个自由人,我为“我在柏林”这句话感到骄傲。
12/23/20233 minutes, 31 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 儒勒·凡尔纳《八十天环游地球》part3

Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Gabriel Verne词汇提示1.Brindisi 布林迪西,意大利城市2.Bombay 孟买,印度西部城市3.Suze Canal 苏伊士运河,在埃及4.Calcutta 加尔各答,印度东部城市5.Allahabad 阿拉阿巴德,印度北部邦城市6.rickshaws 人力车7.palm 棕榈树原文Chapter 3: When gentlemen are thieves9 OctoberInspector Fix was one of the detectives investigating the robbery at the Bank of England.In his years as a detective, he knew only one thing for certain: all the biggest criminals looked like respectable gentlemen.The money, the quick departure. It all made sense.Phileas Fogg was a respectable gentleman, and he, Inspector Fix, wanted to get there ward for catching him.He soon discovered that Phileas Fogg was on the Mongolia, a ship that sailed from Brindisi, in Italy, to Bombay, in India.Our detective decided to look carefully at all the people getting on and off the Mongolia.On Wednesday, 9 October, Inspector Fix saw Phileas Fogg and his manservant as they arrived in the Suez Canal.'So,there's our thief.' he whispered. 'All I need to do now is to tell Scotland Yard and wait for a warrant for his arrest, and then the reward is mine.'Fix decided to speak to Fogg's manservant.'Egypt is a beautiful country,' began the Inspector.'Yes,that's true, but we are travelling so quickly,' replied Passepartout.'Why are you travelling so quickly? Surely you can't see Egypt in only a few days.''My master wants to travel around the world in eighty days.' he said, looking at the detective's confused face. 'I know, it's complete madness.'"Well,your master is... an unusual man, but I imagine he must be very rich to try to do a journey like that in such a short time.''To tell you the truth, he has the money he needs. But... I really must leave. We have a boat to catch. Good day, Mr...?''Fix,my name is Ins.., Mr. Fix. And I believe that we are possibly going the same way. Are you also going to Bombay?''Yes,we are. Sorry, not to introduce myself. My name's Jean Passepartout. I'm sure we'll see each other again.'Passepartout touched his hat and waved goodbye.His conversation with Passepartout made Inspector Fix feel even more certain that Phileas Fogg was the thief.'I must stop him,' he thought.But how? Without the warrant for his arrest it was impossible, and he could escape again.He was worried.Phileas Fogg, on the other hand, was carefully planning his journey.He kept detailed notes of the date, the length of each part of the journey, the time and the places they stopped in.On 10 October, the ship left Suez for the next stop -Bombay.The sea was rough, but Phileas Fogg was not worried and soon found people on theship to play cards with.On 20 October, they arrived in Bombay.Phileas Fogg and his manservant left the ship and went to the station to catch the train to Calcutta.On their way there Passepartout began to think about his master's bet.He felt worried.Yes,it was true, they were two days early, but anything could still happen.The train left Bombay on time.Three days later, the train stopped at a small village.Passepartout heard the train driver shout, 'Everyone must get off. The railway line ends here!'The railway line from Bombay to Calcutta was not yet finished.The passengers had to travel to the next station, Allahabad,on their own.People who often traveled between the two towns were quick to find a way to continue their journey.Among the different types of transport, there were little carts pulled by cows and ponies, and rickshaws pulled by bicycles or the men from the village.Passepartou twas worried about how to get to the next station, but Phileas Fogg immediately found a man with an elephant and after a short discussion, the man sold him the elephant for a very high price, and the two travelers were soon on their way to the next station with a guide and the elephant, called Kiouni.At about nine o'clock that night, our adventurers came to a big forest of palm trees where they had to stop to let Kiouni rest and eat the leaves from the trees.For a few days they slept in huts in the middle of the jungle.Sometimes they heard the cries of the monkeys and the sound of the tigers.Their journey was going well until the elephant suddenly stopped.
12/21/20235 minutes, 34 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文361.My room is three times as large as yours.我的房间是你的三倍大。362.Our eyes take time to adjust to the dark.我们的眼睛需要时间来适应黑暗。363.You had better take an umbrella with you today.你今天最好随身带把伞。364.The space race was an exciting time in history.太空竞赛是历史上激动人心的时刻。365.I always rely on him in times of trouble.我在困难时总是依赖他。366.If he studied hard, he would pass the test.如果他努力学习,他会通过考试的。367.You can get from Washington to New York by train.你们可以乘火车从华盛顿去纽约。368.Thanks very much for having me to dinner the other night.谢谢你那天晚上请我吃了饭。369.If it is fine tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic.如果明天天气好,我们就去野餐。370.Take your hat off when you enter a house of worship.当你进入礼拜堂时,把你的帽子脱下来。
12/19/20233 minutes, 50 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day28(271-280)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 28271.Bonen.骨,骨头v.挑刺,剔骨头adv.非常,完全地His injuries included many broken bones.他的伤包括多处骨折。The child was so thin that you could see his bones.这孩子瘦得连骨头都看得见。272.Bookn.书,书籍;账簿v.预订,预约What's the title of that book?那本书的标题是什么?I'd like you to translate this book into English.我想请你把这本书翻译成英文。Have you already read this book?你已经读过这本书了吗?273.Bootn.靴子;猛踢;v.猛踢;启动(电脑)That boots are too expensive.那双靴子太贵了。She has just bought new boots.她刚买了一双新靴子。274.Bordern.国境,边界v.接壤;沿….…的边缘That is the border between Mexico and the United States.那是墨西哥和美国之间的边界。They crossed the border.他们越过了边境。The train crosses the border between France and Spain.火车穿过法国和西班牙之间的边界。275.Boredadj.无聊的,厌倦的;v.使厌烦She got bored with staring out of the window.她厌倦了盯着窗外。After a while I got bored and left.过了一会儿我感到无聊然后离开了。276.Boringadj.令人厌烦的;无聊的n.钻孔,扩洞v.使厌烦I've got a boring job in an office.我在办公室里有一份无聊的工作。Why are conventional language classes so boring?为什么传统语言课这么无聊?His lectures are terribly boring.他的演讲太无聊了。277.Bornadj.天生的;出生的;产生的v.忍受;承担I was born in the spring of 1986.我出生于1986年春天。He was born in England, but was educated in America.他出生于英国,但在美国接受教育。278.Borrowv.借,借入;借贷;采用,借用Can I borrow your iron?我能借用你的熨斗吗?Can I borrow your nail clipper, please?我能借用你的指甲刀吗?279.Bossn.上司,领导,领班v.发号施令adj.很好的,出色的My boss rejected the budget for this project.我的老板拒绝了这个项目的预算。He married his boss' daughter, didn't he?他娶了他老板的女儿,是吗?My immediate boss is tough to please.我的直属老板很难取悦。280.Bothdet.双方,两者pron.两者adj.两….,双..They both love reading.他们俩都喜欢阅读。Yoga is very healthy for both body and spirit.瑜伽对身体和精神都非常健康。They are both working at the pet store.他们俩都在宠物店工作。
12/17/202314 minutes, 3 seconds
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Level 5-Day 2.Lou Gehrig: Farewell Speech

词汇提示1.Farewell 告别2.Vice Verse 反之亦然3.squabble 发生口角原文Lou Gehrig: 'Farewell Speech'Fans,for the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I got.Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.I have been in ballparks for seventeen years, and have never received anything, but kindness and encouragement from you fans.Look at these grand men.Which of you wouldn't consider it the highlight of his career just to associate with them for even one day?Sure,I'm lucky.Who wouldn't consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert;also the builder of baseball's greatest empire, Ed Barow;to have spent six years with that wonderful little fellow Miller Huggins;then to have spent the next nine years with that outstanding leader, that smart student of psychology the best manager in baseball today-Joe McCarthy!Sure,I'm lucky.When the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa, sends you a gift, that's something!When everybody down to the groundskeepers and those boys in white coats remember you with trophies, that's something.When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles against her own daughter, that's something.When you have a father and mother who work all their lives so that you can have an education and build your body, it's a blessing!When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed, that's the finest I know.So I close in saying that I might have had a tough break; but I have an awful lot to live for!翻译卢·格里克:“告别演讲”粉丝们,在过去的两周里,你们一直在读关于我休息不好的文章。然而,今天我认为自己是世界上最幸运的人。我在棒球场已经17年了,除了你们球迷的善意和鼓励,我从未得到过任何东西。看看这些伟人。你们中哪一个人不认为与他们交往哪怕一天是他职业生涯的亮点?当然,我很幸运。谁会不认为认识雅各布·鲁珀特是一种荣幸呢;同时也是棒球最伟大帝国的缔造者埃德·巴罗;和那个了不起的小家伙米勒-哈金斯相处了六年;然后在接下来的九年里,与这位杰出的领导者,这位聪明的心理学学生,今天棒球界最好的教练乔·麦卡锡一起度过!当然,我很幸运。当纽约巨人队,一支你会用右臂击败的球队,反之亦然,送给你一份礼物时,这真是太棒了!当每个人,包括场地管理员和那些穿着白大褂的男孩,都带着奖杯记住你时,这就是意义所在。当你有一个很棒的婆婆,她在与自己女儿的争吵中站在你一边时,这就是问题所在。当你的父亲和母亲一生都在工作,这样你就可以接受教育,锻炼身体,这是一件幸事!当你有一个妻子,她是一座力量之塔,表现出了比你想象中更大的勇气,这是我所知道的最好的。所以我最后说,我可能经历了一次艰难的休息;但我有很多东西要活!
12/16/20231 minute, 36 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 儒勒·凡尔纳《八十天环游地球》part2

Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Gabriel Verne词汇提示1.pence 便士2.detectives 侦探3.investigations 调查4.shipwrecks 海难5.Dover 多佛,英国南部港口6.cheque 支票7.Calais 加来,法国城市8.Inspector 探员原文Chapter 2: When Phileas Fogg makes a bet2 OctoberEveryday, Phileas Fogg left his house at half past eleven.He put his right foot in front of his left foot 575 times - he knew the exactlength of every step.And he put his left foot in front of his right foot 576 times before arriving atthe steps of the Reform Club.He usually waited a little before having lunch at thirteen minutes to one.Then he went to the lounge room where he spent the afternoon reading the newspapers.At five o'clock, he had afternoon tea and at twenty to six it was time to go to the Games Room to play cards with other wealthy and respected' members of the club,like Sir Ralph Gautier and Andrew Stuart.On this particular day, Andrew Stuart started to read a story to them from the evening newspaper about a robbery at the Bank of England.The robbery took place on 29 September.The thief stole fifty- five thousand pounds while the head cashier was busy writing a receipt for just a few pence.England's best detectives were looking for the thief after hearing that the Bank of England was offering a reward of two thousand pounds to the person who was able to catch the thief.From the first investigations into the robbery they knew only one thing for certain:he was an elegant, well-spoken gentleman.While the other members of the club sat at the table, ready to play their game of cards, Andrew Stuart continued to talk about the robbery.'It isn't so big any more,'replied Phileas Fogg.'What do you mean?' said Andrew Stuart with a laugh. 'The earth doesn't get any smaller! '"Ah!But the earth is smaller,' said Sir Ralph Gautier. 'If you think that we can now go around it ten times quicker than we could one hundred years ago. Did you know that today a man can travel around the world in only three months?''Eighty days to be exact,' Phileas Fogg corrected him."Eighty days?' asked a surprised man at the table."Well,maybe that's true, but only if you don't consider bad weather, storms,shipwrecks, and other things,' said another.'In eighty days, considering all possible events,' continued Phileas Fogg."Ah!You think so, do you, Mr. Fogg?' laughed Sir Ralph, 'Well, I'll bet four thousand pounds that a journey like that is impossible in such a short time!''I repeat that it is possible to do the journey in that time,' said Phileas Fogg,his eyes fixed on Sir Ralph's smile.'Well,if you are so certain, then do it yourself!''I will,' replied Phileas Fogg."When?''Immediately.And I'll bet not four, but twenty thousand pounds that I can go around the world in eighty days; I will return here in 1,920 hours, or, if you prefer, 115,200 minutes. Do you agree to the bet?'They all looked at one another.They could not decide if he was serious.'We agree, ' they said.'Good.I'll take the train for Dover at a quarter to nine this evening. The bet starts as from...' Phileas Fogg took a small notebook and pencil from his pocket and made a note: 2 October, 8.45 p.m.'And I will return here to the Reform Club at eight forty-five on Saturday 21 December. If I am not here by that time, this cheque for twenty thousand pounds is yours, gentlemen! 'And with these words he left the cheque for twenty thousand pounds on the table,picked up his hat and went out of the door.At ten to eight his manservant was surprised to see his new employer come through the door.'Passepartout,we're leaving in ten minutes. We're taking a train to Dover,' he said. 'From there, a boat leaves for Calais at eleven o'clock tonight. We're going to go around the world- in eighty days. We haven't another second to lose! 'His employer did not seem to be in a hurry.The opposite in fact, he spoke a little quicker, but he behaved in the same calm way."Around the world?' said Passepartout to himself.'Well really!' he thought, shaking his head.Just when he finally thought he had the perfect job.He wanted to work for Phileas Fogg because he was a gentleman who lived a quiet life, who always did the same things.'Pack a small bag with just my night things in it, please, and pack one for yourself.We can buy everything else when we need it,' added Phileas Fogg and with these orders he left the room.Passepartout continued to feel a little confused but he followed his master's orders.He quickly packed their bags and at eight o'clock they were ready to leave thehouse.Phileas Fogg opened Passepartout's bag and put twenty thousand pounds into it.He closed it tightly.Twenty minutes later, they were at the station.'It must be the money for the journey,' thought Passepartout as he sat on the train thinking nervously about the money in his bag.After being in the newspapers, Phileas Fogg's journey wasn't a secret.Soon everybody in London was talking about Phileas Fogg's departure and his plan to go around the world in eighty days.Some people thought he was mad, others said he was a genius.But a few days later, the front pages had another story.A certain Inspector Fix, a detective for Scotland Yard, said he knew the identity of the thief.All the evidence pointed in one direction: to a well-known and respectable member of the Reform Club Mr. Phileas Fogg.
12/14/20237 minutes, 53 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文351.You shouldn't share too much private information on the social networks.你不应该在社交网络上分享过多私人信息。352.She waved her hand until the train was out of sight.她挥着她的手,直到火车消失在视线之外。353.In away you are right, but I still have doubts.在某种程度上你是对的,但我还是有疑问。354.That's the computer on which he writes his articles.那就是他用来写文章的那台电脑。355.He said he did not know the man, which was a lie.他说他不认识那个男人,这是一个谎言。356.English is not easy, but it is interesting.英语不简单,但是很有趣。357.I don't like the way you laugh at her.我不喜欢你嘲笑她的方式。358.He is not as intelligent as his older brother.他不像他的兄长那样聪明。359.It took me a little more time than usually to fall asleep.我花了比平常多一点的时间入睡。360.Are you aware of how much she loves you?你知道她有多么爱你吗?
12/12/20234 minutes, 1 second
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day27(261-270)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 27261.Bitteradj.味苦的;痛苦的adv.严寒刺骨地v.使变苦Let the past make you better, not bitter.让过去让你变得更好,而不是痛苦。This tea is too bitter.这茶太苦了。This medicine tastes bitter.这种药味道很苦。262.Blackadj.黑色的,黑的The walls were black with age and dirt.墙壁由于年代久远和肮脏而变成黑色。The sky was moonless and black.天空是没有月亮的,是黑色的。Asians generally have black hair.亚洲人通常有一头黑发。263.Blamev.责怪,归咎于n.责备,过错,罪责Don't blame others for your failure.不要因为你的失败而责怪别人。I don't blame you.我不怪你。When you blame others, you give up your power to change.当你责备别人时,你就放弃了改变的力量。264.Blindadj.失明的,盲的;未察觉的He was blind in one eye.他一只眼睛失明了。Helen Keller was blind and deaf.海伦·凯勒既盲又聋。They say love is blind.他们说爱是盲目的。265.Blockn.大块,街区;阻碍;v.阻塞The narrow roads were blocked by cars.狭窄的道路被汽车堵塞了。The road ahead was blocked.前面的路被堵住了。266.Bloodn.血,血液v.使取得初次经验;It'snot blood. It's tomato sauce.这不是血。这是番茄酱。I have high blood pressure.我有高血压。We need to get a blood sample.我们得去拿血液样本。267.Blowv.(风)刮,吹;吹气;打击The wind is blowing from the west.风从西边吹来。His wife's death was a great blow to him.他妻子的死对他来说是一个沉重的打击。268.Blueadj.蓝色的;忧郁的,沮丧的;n.天蓝色;If you mix blue and yellow, you'll get green.如果你混合蓝色和黄色,你会得到绿色。Do you know why the sky is blue?你知道为什么天空是蓝色的吗?She has blue eyes.她有蓝眼睛。269.Boatn.小船;轮船vi.划船The boat is going against the current.这艘船正在逆流而行。He explained the process of building a boat.他解释了造船的过程。We crossed the river by boat.我们乘船过河。270.Boilv.(使)沸腾,煮沸,烧开We asked people to boil their drinking water.我们要求人们把饮用水烧开。
12/10/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Level 5-Day 1.Winston Churchill Braces: Britons To Their Task

词汇提示1.Braces 支撑,振作2.Britons 英国人3.His Majesty 英王陛下4.conceived 构想5.cabinet 内阁6.rigor 严峻的7.prosecute 起诉,发起8.preliminary 初步的9.preparations 准备10.pardoned 赦免11.ceremony 仪式12.toil 辛苦工作13.ordeal 煎熬14.grievous 令人痛苦的15.monstrous 可怕的16.tyranny 暴政17.lamentable 可悲的18.catalogue 目录19.buoyancy 乐观的原文Winston Churchill Braces: 'Britons To Their Task'On Friday evening last, I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration.It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties.I have already completed the most important part of this task.A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labor,Opposition, and Liberals, the unity of the nation.It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events.Other key positions were filled yesterday.I hope to complete the appointment of principal ministers during tomorrow.The appointment of other ministers usually takes a little longer.I trust when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed and that the administration will be complete in all respects.I considered it in the public interest to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today.At the end of today's proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 21 with provision for earlier meeting if need be.Business for that will be notified to MPs at the earliest opportunity.I now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps taken and declare its confidence in the new government.There solution: "That this House of the nation to prosecute the war with Germany to a victorious conclusion."To form an administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself.But we are in the preliminary phase of one of the greatest battles in history.We are in action at many other points-in Norway and in Holland-and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean.The air battle is continuing, and many preparations have to be made here at home.In this crisis, I think I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at any length today, and I hope that any of my friends and colleagues or former colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make all allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.I say to the House as I said to ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.You ask, what is our policy?I say it is to wage war by land, sea, and air.War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime.That is our policy.You ask, what is our aim?I can answer in one word.It is victory.Victory at all costs- victory in spite of all terrors-victory, however long and hard the road may be,for without victory there is no survival.Let that be realized.No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.I take up my task in buoyancy and hope.I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say,"Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength."翻译温斯顿·丘吉尔振作起来:“英国人要完成他们的任务”上周五晚上,我收到了国王陛下关于组建新政府的任务。议会和国家的明显意愿是,这应该在尽可能广泛的基础上进行构想,并且应该包括所有党派。我已经完成了这项任务中最重要的部分。一个由五名成员组成的战时内阁,与工党、反对党和自由党一起代表国家的团结。鉴于事件的极端紧迫性和严密性,有必要在一天内完成这项工作。其他关键职位已于昨日填补。我希望在明天完成主要部长的任命。其他部长的任命通常需要更长的时间。我相信,当议会再次开会时,我的这部分任务将完成,政府将在各个方面完成。我认为向议长建议今天召开众议院会议符合公众利益。在今天的会议结束时,众议院将提议休会至5月21日,并在必要时提前举行会议。有关业务将尽早通知国会议员。我现在请众议院通过一项决议,记录其对所采取措施的批准,并宣布对新政府的信任。决议:“让这个国家的众议院发起与德国的战争并取得胜利。”组建一个如此规模和复杂的政府本身就是一项艰巨的任务。但我们正处于历史上最伟大的战役之一的初步阶段。我们在挪威和荷兰的许多其他地方都在行动,我们必须在地中海做好准备。空战仍在继续,国内必须做好许多准备。在这场危机中,如果我今天不在众议院发表任何长篇讲话,我想我可能会被赦免。我希望我的任何朋友、同事或受政治重建影响的前同事都能充分考虑到任何缺乏必要仪式的行为。正如我对加入本届政府的部长们所说的那样,我对众议院说,我只能奉献鲜血、辛劳、泪水和汗水。摆在我们面前的是一场最惨痛的磨难。我们面前有许多、许多个月的斗争和苦难。你会问,我们的政策是什么?我说这是通过陆地、海洋和空中发动战争。用我们所有的力量和上帝赋予我们的所有力量进行战争,向一个在黑暗和可悲的人类罪行目录中从未被超越的可怕暴政发动战争。这是我们的政策。你会问,我们的目标是什么?我可以用一个词回答。这就是胜利。不惜一切代价的胜利——不畏一切恐怖的胜利——无论道路多么漫长和艰难,因为没有胜利就没有生存。让我们实现这一点。大英帝国没有生存,大英帝国所代表的一切都没有生存,人类将朝着自己的目标前进的冲动和冲动也没有生存。我怀着乐观和希望接受我的任务。我确信,我们的事业不会在人类中失败。在这个时刻,在这个时候,我觉得有权请求所有人的援助,并说:“那么来吧,让我们携起手来,共同前进。”
12/9/20233 minutes, 40 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 儒勒·凡尔纳《八十天环游地球》part1

AroundThe World In 80 Days by Jules Gabriel Verne词汇提示1.reform 改革2.manservant 仆人3.circus 马戏团 brigade 消防队5.elegant 优雅6.moustache 胡子原文Chapter 1: When Phileas Fogg meets PassepartoutLondon.1872Let me begin by introducing a mysterious' English gentleman called Phileas Fogg.Most people don't know very much about him, but because he does the same thing everyday, some people think they know everything about him.He is very handsome and he is a true gentleman.He is certainly rich, but no one knows how he made his money.Has he ever been to another country?He can name a lot of countries on a world map and he knows the most incredible things about them.He probably traveled at one time, but some people insist that he has not left London for many years.Maybe he only travels in his head.He is a very private man and he does not have many friends.The only time he speaks to other people is at the Reform Club, where he goes to read newspapers and play cards.He does not play to win.He plays for the enjoyment of the game.He often wins, but he does not keep the money. He gives it to charity.He likes to see his games as a challenge; a challenge that does not require any physical effort.He has lunch at the Reform Club every day, in the same room, at the same table.He goes home at midnight.He lives in his house in Savile Row, a good address in central London.No one ever goes there, except his manservant, who must always be on time and be completely loyal to Phileas Fogg.In fact, this very morning, his manservant lost his job because the water he brought Phileas Fogg was too hot to shave with.And this is where our story begins.Phileas Fogg was sitting in his armchair waiting for his new manservant at some time between eleven and half past eleven.At exactly half past eleven, Mr. Fogg goes to the Reform Club.He looked up at the hands of the large clock by the wall that counted every second with aloud tick.There was a knock at the door and a young man of about thirty came in."You say that you are French, but your name is John?' asked Phileas Fogg, looking at him carefully.'Jean,sir, not John,' said the young man. 'Jean Passepartout. I am an honest man,sir, and I must tell you that I haven't been a manservant all my life. I was a physical education teacher and a music teacher; then I became a singer. I once rode a horse in a circus, and for a time I worked for the fire brigade in Paris. I found out that a certain Mr. Fogg was looking for a manservant."He is a very clever, careful man," they told me. "You won't find a quieter man in all of England. He does the same thing every day. And so I came here to ask about the job, in the hope of finally being able to live a quiet life.''Yes,someone at the Reform Club told you this I believe - probably the same person who told me about you. Do you understand what type of person I'm looking for?'"Yes,sir. I do, and I think I'm perfect for the job. "Well then, what time is it now?''Eleven twenty-two, Mr. Fogg,' Passepartout replied, taking his pocket-watch out of as mall side pocket.'Exactly four minutes late,' noted Phileas Fogg, looking at his own watch.'So,let's say you started working for me as from -eleven twenty-six.'Phileas Fogg stood up from his armchair, picked up his hat, and went out of the door without saying another word.From this brief introduction, Passepartout was able to make note of his employer.He was about forty years old, an elegant man with an attractive, gentle face.He was tall, with blond hair and a moustache.He was the sort of person who remained incredibly calm, even under pressure.He had gentle eyes that fixed you with a firm stare.He never seemed upset or worried.He was a typical Englishman.It was always difficult to guess an Englishman's true feelings.And our Frenchman?Passepartout had an attractive face and he was incredibly strong.He had blue eyes, and untidy, curly brown hair.He was a sweet person who understood the meaning of true friendship and loyalty.It was just after half past eleven and Passepartout, who was now alone in his new home, decided to look around.After looking in all the different rooms, he finally came to his own bedroom.Above the fireplace there was an electric clock; it was the same electric clock that Phileas Fogg had in his room.The two clocks ticked at the exact same second.Below the clock there was a piece of paper listing the details of Mr. Fogg's day.'Not bad at all, ' thought Passepartout. 'A man who is as regular as clock work! This is just what I was looking for.'
12/7/20236 minutes, 50 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文341.Did you have a good time on your trip to London?你在伦敦玩得开心吗?342.Let me give you a lift as far as the station.让我送你到车站吧。343.China is about twenty-five times as large as Japan.中国的版图大概是日本的二十五倍。344.How long would it take to swim across the river?游过这条河要多久?345.I love her so much that I can't leave her.我如此地爱她所以我无法离开她。346.What is the distance between New York and London?纽约和伦敦距离多远?347.It's very big of you to admit you're wrong.你能承认你错了,这很了不起。348.Let's go and see as many things as we can.我们走吧,尽可能地多看点东西。349.There are a lot of things you don't know about my personality.我的个性还有很多方面是你不了解的。350.I couldn't put up with her arrogant behavior.我无法忍受她傲慢的态度。
12/5/20233 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day26(251-260)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 26251.Bicyclen.单车,自行车v.骑自行车Last night someone stole my bicycle.昨晚有人偷了我的自行车。This bicycle belongs to my brother.这辆自行车是我哥哥的。He bids 300 dollars for the bicycle.他出价300美元买这辆自行车。252.Bidv.出价;投标n.出价,喊价The firm decided to bid on the new bridge.该公司决定竞标这座新桥。253.Bigadj.大的;重大的adv.夸口地;大量地He works for a big advertising agency.他在一家大型广告公司工作。There is a big drum in my school.我学校里有个大鼓。School violence is a big problem.学校暴力是个大问题。254.Billn.账单;议案,法案v.开账单;把….….宣传为Let's split the bill.让我们分摊账单。He insisted on paying the bill.他坚持要付账单。255.Biologyn.生物学;生命机理,作用方式;生理习性;(某个地区的)生物In ever liked biology.我从来不喜欢生物学。256.Birdn.鸟;年轻女子,姑娘I see a bird on the roof.我看见屋顶上有只鸟。The bird flapped its wings and flew off.那只鸟拍了拍翅膀然后飞走了。Is that bird male or female?那只鸟是雄鸟还是雌鸟?257.Birthn.出生,诞生;出身,血统;开始,起源He was blind from birth.他从出生起就失明了。The birth of his son was a cause for celebration.他儿子的出生值得庆祝。She gave birth to twins a week ago.她一周前生了双胞胎。258.Birthdayn.生日,诞辰;诞生的日子Tomorrow is my birthday.明天是我的生日。My grandfather gave me a birthday present.我爷爷给了我生日礼物。My aunt sent me a birthday present.我姨妈给我发了一份生日礼物。259.Bitn.小片,小块;比特v.咬,咬伤The soup needs a bit more salt.这汤需要多一点盐。I'm a bit deaf so you'll have to speak up.我有点聋所以你得大声说出来。I fell asleep for a bit.我睡了一会儿。260.Bitev.咬,咬伤;上钩;n.咬;咬伤Does your dog bite?你的狗会咬人吗?He was curious about how it would taste, so he took a small bite.他对它的味道很好奇,所以他咬了一口。It's nearly lunchtime. Why don't we stop to have a bite to eat?差不多是午餐时间了。我们为什么不停下来吃点东西?
12/3/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Level 4-Day 85.Colonial Williamsburg

词汇提示1.prosperous 繁荣的2.Powder magazine 弹药库3.fairs 集市4.auctions 拍卖5.drafted 起草原文Colonial WilliamsburgTravelers in the desert or the jungle sometimes see the remains of old cities.These cities were once large and prosperous, but something has changed.Perhaps the climate got drier or wetter; perhaps the trade routes, which had brought merchants to the city, now went elsewhere; perhaps enemies destroyed them; or perhaps disease or famine drove the people away.Other cities, which were once important, have become less so in time.Jamestown,Virginia, the first English colony in America is now only an historic site.It began as the capital of Virginia.But when fire destroyed the government buildings in 1699, the capital was moved to nearby Williamsburg.Williamsburg was an important town for many years.The British Governors lived there, and two of them worked on the plans for the town and its buildings.The College of William and Mary was established there in the 1690s - the second oldest college in America.As the capital, Williamsburg contained many public buildings, including a courthouse, a jail, a powder magazine, the governor's palace, and the government building.Of course, there were many private houses as well.From 1699 until 1780, Williamsburg was the capital of Virginia.Many people came there for government and legal business.It was also a social center with dances, fairs, horse races and auctions.The Governor and his wife provided expensive dinners and entertainment for their guests.Most of the important people in Virginia owned tobacco plantations.In 1612, John Rolfe had first raised tobacco to sell to England.Soon tobacco farming was Virginia's most important business.Most planters were able to build large houses and buy slaves to do their work.One plantation owner is said to have owned 300,000 acres of land and 1,000 black slaves, as well as having large amounts of money.The planters were the leaders of this colonial society, and they resented British interference in their local government.When England imposed taxes on the American colonists in 1765, it was a Virginian, Patrick Henry, who spoke against them.His words, "Give me liberty, or give me death" helped to inspire the American Revolution.As complaints about British rule increased, it was Virginians who led the rebels.George Washington became commander of the revolutionary army, and Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776.In 1780, the capital of Virginia was moved to Richmond.Williamsburg was now simply a small college town of local importance.Not much changed in Williamsburg for many years.In the twentieth century, the Reverend Dr. Goodwin, who was the priest at the Williamsburg Church, had the idea of restoring Williamsburg to the way it appeared in colonial days.Goodwin approached John D. Rockefeller Jr. with his idea, and Rockefeller agreed to finance the project.Beginning in 1926, the old buildings of Williamsburg were restored to their original form.First were the college buildings, then the Raleigh Tavern, the government building, the governor's palace and so on.Buildings that had been destroyed over time were reconstructed from plans and descriptions.Soon the restored buildings were opened to the public.Guides,dressed in eighteenth century costumes, show visitors through the buildings and gardens.Visitors can also travel to nearby tobacco plantations.Now tourists who pay admission to visit this wonderful historic town finance much of the work of restoration and conservation.翻译殖民地威廉斯堡在沙漠或丛林中的旅行者有时会看到古城的遗迹。这些城市曾经是大而繁荣的,但有些事情发生了变化。也许气候变得更干燥或更潮湿;也许曾经把商人带到城市的贸易路线现在去了别的地方;也许是敌人摧毁了他们;也可能是疾病或饥荒把人们赶走了。其他一些曾经很重要的城市,随着时间的推移,已经变得不那么重要了。弗吉尼亚州的詹姆斯敦,英国在美国的第一个殖民地,现在只是一个历史遗迹。它最初是弗吉尼亚州的首府。但当1699年大火烧毁政府大楼时,首都就搬到了附近的威廉斯堡。威廉斯堡多年来一直是一个重要的城镇。英国总督住在那里,其中两人负责规划小镇及其建筑。威廉玛丽学院于17世纪90年代在那里建立,是美国第二古老的学院。作为首都,威廉斯堡有许多公共建筑,包括法院、监狱、火药库、州长官邸和政府大楼。当然,也有许多私人住宅。从1699年到1780年,威廉斯堡是弗吉尼亚州的首府。许多人来这里是为了政府和法律事务。它也是一个社交中心,有舞会、集市、赛马和拍卖。总督夫妇为客人提供昂贵的晚餐和娱乐。弗吉尼亚的大多数重要人物都拥有烟草种植园。1612年,约翰·罗尔夫(John Rolfe)首次种植烟草,并出售给英国。很快,烟草种植成为弗吉尼亚最重要的产业。大多数种植园主能够建造大房子,并购买奴隶来干活。据说一位种植园主拥有30万英亩土地和1000名黑人奴隶,还拥有大量资金。种植园主是这个殖民地社会的领袖,他们憎恨英国对当地政府的干预。当英国在1765年向美洲殖民者征税时,是弗吉尼亚人帕特里克·亨利(Patrick Henry)反对他们。他的名言“不自由,毋宁死”激发了美国革命。随着对英国统治的不满不断增加,领导叛乱的是弗吉尼亚人。乔治·华盛顿成为革命军队的指挥官,托马斯·杰斐逊在1776年起草了《独立宣言》。1780年,弗吉尼亚的首府迁至里士满。威廉斯堡现在只是当地一个重要的大学城。威廉斯堡多年来没有太大变化。在二十世纪,威廉斯堡教堂的牧师古德温(Goodwin)博士有一个想法,要把威廉斯堡恢复到殖民时期的样子。古德温向小约翰·d·洛克菲勒提出了他的想法,洛克菲勒同意为这个项目提供资金。从1926年开始,威廉斯堡的老建筑被恢复到原来的样子。首先是大学大楼,然后是罗利酒馆,政府大楼,总督宫殿等等。随着时间的推移,被摧毁的建筑物根据计划和描述进行了重建。很快,修复后的建筑向公众开放。导游穿着18世纪的服装,带领游客参观建筑和花园。游客还可以前往附近的烟草种植园。现在,那些付费参观这个奇妙的历史小镇的游客为修复和保护工作提供了大量资金。
12/2/20233 minutes, 59 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part15

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter XV: The Last of the PiratesJack stood in front of the governor, Commodore Norrington, Norrington's sailors, and people from the town."It's time, Jack Sparrow," said the governor.Suddenly, Will was at Elizabeth's side."I love you, Elizabeth," he said. "I wanted to tell you before, but I couldn't."Then he ran to Jack and threw him a sword.They fought Norrington's men.Elizabeth and her father watched."Shoot Sparrow!" shouted Norrington. "Use your guns!"Will stood in front of Jack."Shooth im, and you shoot me," he said."Will!"said the governor." What are you doing? This man is a pirate!""And a goodman!" Will shouted."You're nobody, Turner," said Norrington.Will looked at him."I'm the man between you and Jack," he said.Elizabeth stood next to Will."And my place is here, too!" she said.Norrington looked from Will to Elizabeth.He knew now. She didn't love him. She loved Will.Jack looked at the people around them."Friends, "he said. "Remember this day. On this day you almost killed..."But he didn't finish. He fell back into the harbor.Everybody ran and looked down.There, below them, they saw the Black Pearl.And on the Black Pearl were Jack's sailors.They were there for their captain.Norrington looked at Will.Then he looked at his sword."This is a good sword," he said. "A good man made it. I hope you're a good man, Will Turner."He turned to Elizabeth. "I hope you two will be very happy, Miss Swann,"he said.A sailor ran to them. "Commodore Norrington, sir, do we follow the Black Pearl?" "Not now. I think we can give them some time. We'll follow them later."He walked away, will looked at Elizabeth, and she smiled back at him."Oh, Dear, " said the governor, "He isn't a sailor, he isn't a captain.He's only a blacksmith. ""He's a pirate", Said Elizabeth, she smiled again.Jack swam to the black Pearl and climbed onto the ship."You came for me ", He said to Gibbs, looked at the floor."I know it was wrong of us. But..."Jack smiled.He looked back at Port Royal.Then he looked out across the ocean.It was a beautiful day.Ana Maria was at the front of the ship.She turned to him."Captain Sparrow," she said, "the Black Pearl is yours."Jack took off his hat and his coat.Then he smiled and turned the boat to the east. He started to sing: "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.…."THE END
11/30/20234 minutes, 24 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文331.The Tigers lost the game, which was a surprise to us.我们觉得很惊讶老虎队竟然输掉了比赛。332.If you hurry, you will catch up with him.如果你快一点,还能赶上他。333.He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.他通过驾驶考试的事让每一个人都觉得惊讶。334.I want you to stay here until I get back.我希望你待在这里直到我回来。335.All of a sudden, three dogs appeared in front of us.突然之间,三只狗出现在我们面前。336.I am going to my room, where I can study.我要回房间了,在那儿我可以学习。337.Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter.别忘了在你的信上贴张邮票。338.She told me that she would go to Paris in August.她跟我说八月份她会去巴黎。339.You should know better than to ask a lady her age.你应该知道不要问小姐的年龄。340.My father always speaks in a very loud voice.我父亲总是说话很大声。
11/28/20233 minutes, 58 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day25(241-250)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 25241.Believev.相信;认为,猜想;信教I truly believe you can do it.我真的相信你能做到。I can't believe you eat that stuff.我简直不敢相信你吃了那些东西。I firmly believe that your time will come.我坚信你的时机将会到来。242.Belongv.适应,合得来;归…....所有;是……的成员,属于The vehicle did not belong to him.这辆车不属于他。Where do these things belong?这些东西属于哪里?243.Belowprep.在....下面;在......以下;低于 adv.在下面Your work is below average.你的工作低于平均水平。Please select one item from the list below.请从下面的列表中选择一项。Please write your full name and address below.请在下面写下您的全名和地址。244.Beltn.腰带,皮带;传送带;v.猛击;抽打,打击He's looking for a leather belt.他在找一条皮带。Please fasten your seat belt.请系好安全带。245.Bendv.弯曲;转弯;使弯曲,弄弯n.拐弯,弯道The road bends to the left here.这条路在这里向左转弯。246.Benefitn.好处,益处;额外奖励,v.对(某人)有用,使受益;得利于These changes will benefit the nation.这些变化将使国家受益。That will benefit the community.这将使社区受益。247.Besideprep.在……旁边,除…….以外adv.在附近;况且,此外He crawled onto the bed and lay down beside his mom.他爬到床上躺在妈妈旁边。I keep a dictionary beside me when I'm doing crosswords.我在做填字游戏的时候旁边有一本字典。The boy who sat beside him was his son.坐在他旁边的那个男孩是他的儿子。248.Betv.打赌,赌博;n.下注;猜想;abbr.在.….之间You really want to win this bet, don't you?你真的想赢这个赌注,不是吗?I bet you wish he'd come hereto talk to you.我敢打赌你希望他能来这里跟你谈谈。I'll bet you $15 you won't find a single scratch.我敢打赌你15美元你找不到任何划痕。249.Betweenprep.在..….中间;在.....之间;adv.介于.....之间There is a contrast between light and dark.明暗之间存在对比。How long is the interval between the Olympics?奥运会之间的间隔有多长?There is a great conflict between religion and science.宗教和科学之间存在着巨大的冲突。250.Beyondprep.包括;超出adv.在另一边;n.来生,再世This job is beyond my ability.这份工作超出了我的能力。The restaurant has succeeded beyond expectations.这家餐厅的成功超出了预期。He pointed to a spot beyond the trees.他指着树林那边的一个地方。
11/26/202311 minutes, 19 seconds
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Level 4-Day 84.Business Ethics

词汇提示1.ethics 伦理2.barracks 营房3.discriminate 歧视4.ethnic 民族的5.boasting 自夸的6.bribe 贿赂7.tentative 试探性的8.hazardous 有毒害的原文Business EthicsWhat do business and ethics have to do with each other?Business is about making profits.Ethics is about right and wrong.Well,business ethics is the study of right and wrong as applied to business actions.Some businessmen would say that there is no need for business ethics.If we don't break the laws of the country, we have nothing to worry about.However,we can do many bad things without breaking laws.In some countries, it would be legal for a businessman to pollute the land, sea and air, to confine his workers to barracks and to hire children to work in factories.But,these things may not be right.On the other hand, it may be illegal for a businessman to do some good things.For example, his society may expect him to treat people unequally and discriminate against some ethnic or religious groups.In order to know what is right or wrong, we need a moral rule.This rule does not come from business itself, but from ethics.So we need a statement of what we believe to be right.The American Declaration of Independence in 1776 states an ethical principle: "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal..…."The Declaration further tells us that all men have a right to ",liberty and the pursuit of happiness."Principles such as these can be used in American politics and law to decide whether an action is right or wrong.Many companies have their own ethical guidelines.IBM,for example, outlines its corporate ethics under headings such as, "Tips,Gifts and Entertainment, ""Accurate Reporting," "Fair Competition,"and "Not boasting."So each employee knows what to do or not to do in various situations.Ethical choices are made on three levels.Individuals,by companies and by societies, make them.An individual might choose whether or not to accept a bribe.A company might decide whether or not to bribe government officials.A government or society might decide whether or not to outlaw bribery.Similar principles of right and wrong might be used at all three levels.For example, it might be decided that bribery is simply wrong in all situations.On the other hand, it might be decided to view the situation case by case.In other words, there is a strong ethical stand and a more tentative ethical stand.The strong ethical stand applies when you have a basic moral principle and apply it to all situations.For example, you might believe that it was always wrong to let workers handle hazardous substances without any protection.The weaker stand would consider whether it is legal to do so.If it is legal to let workers handle dangerous materials, and this conforms to social expectations, then the weak ethical stand would say, "No problem."As long as the law is not broken, and no one strenuously objects, then everything is okay.However,in ethics there is a principle called the "moral minimum."This principle means that you should never harm another person knowingly.The only exception would be to protect some other people, or yourself.So business ethics would say that the businessman who exposes his workers to hazardous chemicals is wrong.He is not practicing the moral minimum.翻译商业道德商业和道德之间有什么关系?做生意就是要赚钱。道德是关于对与错的。嗯,商业伦理是对应用于商业行为的对与错的研究。有些商人会说,不需要商业道德。如果我们不违反国家的法律,我们没有什么可担心的。然而,我们可以做很多坏事而不违法。在一些国家,商人污染土地、海洋和空气,将工人限制在营房里,雇佣儿童在工厂工作是合法的。但是,这些事情可能并不正确。另一方面,商人做一些好事可能是违法的。例如,他所在的社会可能期望他不平等地对待他人,歧视某些种族或宗教团体。为了知道什么是对或错,我们需要一个道德准则。这条规则不是来自商业本身,而是来自道德。所以我们需要一个我们认为正确的陈述。1776年的《美国独立宣言》阐明了一条道德原则:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等......”《宣言》进一步告诉我们,所有人都有权“……生命,自由和对幸福的追求"诸如此类的原则可以用于美国的政治和法律,以决定一项行动是对还是错。许多公司都有自己的道德准则。例如,IBM在“小费、礼物和娱乐”、“准确报告”、“公平竞争”和“不自夸”等标题下概述了它的企业道德。所以每个员工都知道在不同的情况下该做什么不该做什么。道德选择有三个层面。个人、公司和社会都在制造它们。个人可以选择是否接受贿赂。公司可以决定是否贿赂政府官员。政府或社会可以决定是否取缔贿赂。类似的是非原则可以在所有三个层次上使用。例如,可能会认为贿赂在任何情况下都是错误的。另一方面,也可以根据具体情况来看待情况。换句话说,有一个强烈的道德立场和一个更试探性的道德立场。当你有一个基本的道德原则,并将其应用于所有情况时,你就会有强烈的道德立场。例如,你可能认为让工人在没有任何保护的情况下处理有害物质总是错误的。立场较弱的一方会考虑这样做是否合法。如果让工人处理危险材料是合法的,这符合社会期望,那么道德立场薄弱的人会说:“没问题。”只要法律没有被打破,没有人极力反对,那么一切都没问题。然而,在伦理学中有一个原则叫做“道德最低限度”。这个原则意味着你永远不应该故意伤害别人。唯一的例外是为了保护其他人,或者你自己。因此,商业道德会说,让工人接触危险化学品的商人是错误的。他没有达到道德的最低限度。
11/25/20233 minutes, 44 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part14

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter XIV: The End of the CurseAt the same time, Elizabeth left the Dauntless and swam to the Black Pearl.She climbed up the side and heard pirates.There were only two of them on the ship.They wanted Barbossa to come back.They wanted the end of the curse.The sailors looked at the food on the captain's table."What will you eat first?" one asked."Cake. A lot of cake," said the other man.Quietly, Elizabeth climbed onto the Pearl.But then the pirates saw her."Hey,you! Stop!"Elizabeth ran and the pirates followed.But they stopped when they heard a noise behind them."What was that?"Gibbs was there.Then Ana Maria, and more sailors.They pushed the two pirates, hard, and the pirates fell into the water."Who are you?" said Elizabeth."We're Jack Sparrow's sailors," said one of them." And now the Black Pearl is ours!" "Good! " said Elizabeth."We have to help Will. And Jack, too. Quick! We have to go into the cave."But the sailors didn't move."No, "said Ana Maria. "The Black Pearl is ours, not Jack Sparrow's. He took my boat.""OK, "said Elizabeth." Then I'll go without you!"Int he cave, Jack, Will, and Barbossa looked at the gold."I don't understand you," said Barbossa. "Are you with them or with us?""I'ma difficult man," said Jack. "Nobody understands me. ""Here,catch! " he said to Will, suddenly.He threw a sword from the floor to the young man."Jack!"said Barbossa. "I almost liked you!"Jack laughed."Remember, I am a pirate!" he said.Jack fought Barbossa, and Will fought Barbossa's men.Suddenly,Barbossa stopped."You can't win, Jack," he said.Then he pushed his sword hard into Jack.It went through him and came out of his back.Jack stopped fighting.Will stopped fighting.They looked at the end of the sword."I liked your curse," said Jack." I wanted some gold, too."He pulled a gold medallion from his pants.He was a skeleton, too!Jack pulled the sword out, and the two skeletons fought again.Barbossa was good with a sword, but Jack was better and quicker.But ghosts don't die.He couldn't kill Barbossa, and Barbossa couldn't kill him.Will fought the other pirates.Then,suddenly, he saw Elizabeth."I want to help you," she said.She took a sword and started to fight.But Barbossa saw Elizabeth too, put his sword near her head."I win. Captain Sparrow, " He said, give me your sword or the girl dies. Jack didn't move.He looked at Elizabeth, and then it will took out his gun and looked at Barbossa.Then he shot.Barbossa smiled, "Are you stupid? You wait 10 years,and then you use your gun on me. You can't kill me.""He'snot stupid, " said Will, he stood next to the box of pirate gold, with the medallion in his hand.His hand was bloody.He put the medallion in the box.Barbossa stopped talking.He looked down at his shirt and saw blood.Then he fell down, dead.The same time on the dauntless.The other pirates changed, too.The skeletons were now men."What's happening?" said one of them."I feel..."Norrington's men fought them easily.Some pirates died.The men put the other pirates in chains.In the cave, Jack cut his hand, put some blood onto his medallion, and put the medallion in the box.He took some other gold from the floor, then he left the cave with Elizabeth and Will.But the Black Pearl wasn't there.He sat down."I'm sorry, Jack," Elizabeth said."I understand," said Jack. "I was late, so they didn't wait. They were right. Pirates don't wait for anybody."
11/23/20235 minutes, 51 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文321.He has just published an interesting series of articles.他刚发表一系列有趣的文章。322.What makes you think I won't be able to do it?你怎么认为我做不了?323.I wonder if you have something to write with.我怀疑你是否有东西可写。324.I would like to leave this town and never come back.我希望离开这个村子并且再也不要回来。325.It makes sense to pay off your credit card balance every month.每个月还清信用卡负债很重要。326.Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world.俄罗斯的贝加尔湖是世界上最深的湖泊。327.What is the total amount of money you spent?你一共花了多少钱?328.I don't know what to say to make you feel better.我不知道该说什么来安慰你。329.He always plans a thing out carefully before he does it.他做每件事之前都会细心计划。330.The crane, unlike the dog, has never dreamed of flying.不像狗,这只鹤从来没有梦想过飞翔。
11/21/20234 minutes, 1 second
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day24(231-240)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 24231.Beefn.牛肉;肌肉,力量,力气She ordered a plate of beef.她点了一盘牛肉。"Do you prefer pork or beef?" "I don't like either."““你喜欢猪肉还是牛肉?”“我两个都不喜欢。”Would you like some more beef?你想再来点牛肉吗?232.Beern.啤酒I went to drink a beer with friends.我和朋友一起去喝啤酒。We had several bottles of beer left.我们还剩几瓶啤酒。I think I'll start with a bottle of beer.我想我先从一瓶啤酒开始。233.Beforeprep.(时间上)在......之前,早于;在..….之前;在前面Stir the paint before you use it.使用前先搅拌油漆。You must obtain approval before you can go.你必须先获得批准,然后才能去。All things are difficult before they become easy.所有事情在变得容易之前都是困难的。234.Beginv.开始,着手;开始说;以.....为起点,起始于They are about to begin a new chapter in their history.他们即将开启历史上的新篇章。The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.开始的方法是停止说话然后开始做。Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness.成长开始于我们开始接受自己的弱点。235.Beginningn.开始;初期;起源adj.初级的,基本的v.开始,着手I'll start again from the beginning.我会从头开始。His beginning in business is not really smooth.他的创业起步并不顺利。My legs are beginning to tire.我的腿开始疲惫不堪。236.Behalfn.代表;因为,为了....的利益;就..…而言On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your hard work.我谨代表整个公司感谢你的辛勤工作。237.Behavev.行为,表现;起反应,起作用;守规矩,举止得体He always behave like a gentleman.他总是表现得像个绅士。He doesn't know how to behave himself.他不知道如何表现自己。Just try to behave normally.试着表现正常。238.Behaviorn.行为,举止;态度;反应His behavior is morally unacceptable.他的行为在道德上是不可接受的。There's no excuse for such behavior.这种行为没有任何借口。How can you justify your behavior?你怎么能证明自己的行为是合理的?239.Behindprep.在.….….后面;跟在..….后面;落后于;低于Let's hide behind the curtain.让我们躲在窗帘后面。The sun has disappeared behind a cloud.太阳已经消失在云层后面。The moon emerged from behind the cloud.月亮从云层后面冒出来。240.Beliefn.相信,信心;看法,信念,观点;信仰,信条His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.在困难时期,他对上帝的信仰给了他希望。I have a firm belief in his innocence.我坚信他是无辜的。That's a mistaken belief.这是一个错误的看法。
11/19/202312 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 83.A Favourite Place

词汇提示1.hectic 繁忙2.refuge 避难3.stagnant 停滞4.patio 露台5.rippling 涟漪6.willow 柳树7.rushes 灯芯草8.crawfish 小龙虾原文A Favorite PlaceIt is good to have a favorite place where you can go to be alone and relax.Sometimes,this spot is your own room or a quiet part of the house.Sometimes,it is somewhere outdoors away from people and busy streets.Or you may feel most comfortable in a shopping mall or a downtown park.Our favorite place is especially nice to go to at times of stress.When work gets too hectic, or we have trouble with other people, then our favorite place is a refuge from these difficulties.My special spot is very close to where I work.It is on a busy university campus.Atone end of the university, hidden among several buildings, there is a pond.This pond is surrounded by large rocks, which rise up like a small cliff on one side.Shooting out of these rocks are water pipes, which create a small waterfall.The water is drawn up from the bottom of the pond and drops back into the middle.This keeps the water from becoming stagnant.On the other side of the pond, there is a grassy shore and a flat stone patio.Here,in the summer, people can sit out and have meals.Yet,very few people come here to sit; perhaps because they are very busy with their work.There is something very calm and pleasant about trees and grass and shade, about birds singing and water rippling, and flowers blooming all around.Green is a relaxing color for the eyes.Still water suggests peace.Running water seems full of life.There is a large weeping willow tree on the grassy side of the pond.Its branches touch the water and shade much of the pond.Rushes grow in the shallow water.The pond is only about three feet deep.In the summer, there are beautiful water lilies in bloom over much of the pond.Sometimes,I have counted over thirty blooms, and some flowers are over five inches wide.Goldfish and minnows are the pond's chief inhabitants.But there are also crawfish and other animals.At different times there have been a turtlea water snake, and a family of ducks.Behind the pond is a large glassy wall, which reflects the entire scene.One can also go inside and view the pond, even on rainy or snowy days.There are several gardens close to the pond.One of the gardeners told me that he could turn the waterfall off and on.Usually on the weekends it is turned off, but if there is a special event the water fallis left on.Behind the glassy wall is a cafeteria.Here,visitors to the university are sometimes taken for meals.The students do not use it.In the winter, the pond freezes over.Sometimes,if the winter is very cold the pond freezes right down to the bottom.Then,most of the goldfish and minnows die.Usually,some survive in the mud at the bottom of the pond.Occasionally,people will skate on the pond, if the ice is smooth.When spring comes, a lot of the old rushes and water lily leaves from the previous year are cleared away.This makes the pond more attractive and gives the new plants room to grow.If there are too many rushes, they are sometimes cut down in summer.Then visitors can see the water lilies better.Chances are that if you ever visit Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, you will hear about Pond Inlet.And,if you come in the summer, you will probably see me there, thinking about my next article.翻译最喜欢的地方有一个你最喜欢的地方可以独自去放松是件好事。有时,这个地方是你自己的房间或房子的一个安静的部分。有时,它是在远离人群和繁忙街道的户外。或者你可能在购物中心或市中心的公园里感觉最舒服。我们最喜欢的地方在压力大的时候特别适合去。当工作变得太忙,或者我们与他人有麻烦时,我们最喜欢的地方就是逃避这些困难的避难所。我的特殊位置离我工作的地方很近。它在一个繁忙的大学校园里。在大学的一端,隐藏在几栋建筑之中,有一个池塘。这个池塘四周都是大岩石,这些岩石在一边像小悬崖一样耸立起来。从这些岩石中射出的是水管,形成了一个小瀑布。水从池塘底部被抽上来,然后又落回池塘中央。这样可以防止水停滞不前。在池塘的另一边,有一个草地岸边和一个平坦的石头露台。在这里,夏天,人们可以坐在外面吃饭。然而,很少有人来这里坐;也许是因为他们工作太忙了。树木、草地和树荫,鸟儿歌唱,流水潺潺,周围的鲜花盛开,都有一种非常平静和愉快的感觉。绿色是让眼睛放松的颜色。静水意味着和平。流水似乎充满了生命。池塘的草地边有一棵大垂柳。它的树枝触到水面,遮蔽了池塘的大部分。浅水里长着灯心草。这个池塘只有大约三英尺深。在夏天,池塘的大部分地方都盛开着美丽的睡莲。有时,我数过有三十多朵花,有些花有五英寸多宽。金鱼和鲦鱼是池塘里的主要居民。但也有小龙虾和其他动物。在不同的时期,曾出现过海龟、水蛇和鸭子家族。池塘后面是一面巨大的玻璃墙,它反映了整个场景。即使在雨天或下雪天,人们也可以进去观赏池塘。池塘附近有几个花园。其中一个园丁告诉我他可以打开和关闭瀑布。通常在周末它是关闭的,但如果有特殊活动,瀑布是开着的。玻璃墙后面是自助餐厅。在这里,参观大学的游客有时会被带去吃饭。学生们不使用它。冬天,池塘结冰了。有时,如果冬天很冷,池塘的底部就会结冰。然后,大多数金鱼和鲦鱼都死了。通常,有些在池塘底部的泥浆中存活。偶尔,如果冰面光滑的话,人们会在池塘上滑冰。当春天来临时,许多往年的灯心草和睡莲叶子都会被清理掉。这使池塘更有吸引力,并给新植物生长的空间。如果有太多的灯心草,它们有时会在夏天被砍掉。然后游客可以更好地看到睡莲。如果你曾经访问过安大略省圣凯瑟琳的布洛克大学,你很有可能会听说池塘入口。而且,如果你夏天来,你可能会在那里看到我,思考我的下一篇文章。
11/18/20233 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part13

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter XIII: Back to the Isla de MuertaJack was on the Dauntless again.And again,Commodore Norrington wanted to put him in chains."Mr. Norrington!" Elizabeth said. "We have to go to the Isla de Muerta. Captain Sparrow can help us, but not in chains.""Commodore Norrington," said Jack, "Barbossa is the captain of the last pirate shipin the Caribbean. You have to catch him. But without me, how can you find him?"Norrington thought about this."We have to go back to Port Royal," he said. "The governor wants to take his daughter home. We can't go after pirates.""Please,please," said Elizabeth. "Will is on the Isla de Muerta. We have to help him.""Do we?""Mr. Norrington, you want to marry me. We can marry. We will marry. But first, we have to help Will. Please do it for me."Norrington smiled.Then he turned to his sailors."OK,men, get ready. We're going to the Isla de Muerta"Will and the ghostly pirates were in the cave on the Isla de Muerta."It isn't a problem," Pintel told Will. "It's only a little blood.""Maybe more than a little," said Barbossa.He pushed Will down on the floor and put a knife to his head."Excuse me!""Who's that?" said Barbossa. "Who's there?""It's me. Captain Jack Sparrow." Jack walked into the cave.Barbossa looked at him."Not you again!" he said. "How did you get off the island?"Jack laughed,and Barbossa got angry."First Turner, then you," he said to Jack. "I want to see you die.""No,"said Jack, very slowly. "You don't want to do that.""And why not?""Because the Dauntless is here. They want to take you. "Barbosa took the knife away from Will's head. Take us."They can't. We're not men. We're ghosts.""You are ghosts now. But after the blood, when you're men again, they can kill you."Barbosa thought about this."So,what's your plan?" he said. "Go out to the Dauntless now. Ghosts can take the Dauntless. Then you'll have two ships.""And what do you want?" "I want to be a captain again. Under you, of course. You'll have the Dauntless,and I'll be your captain on the Black Pearl."Barbossa smiled. "Okay. Let's do it. "Outside the cave.Commodore Norrington waited on the water.He had seven small boats and more than fifty men.It was time for a fight.But when the ghostly pirates started to move, Norrington didn't see them.They weren't in their boats.They walked on the ocean floor, below Norrington and his men.Only the fish saw them."Where are they?" said one of the sailors. "Can anybody see them?"Suddenly,they heard a loud noise.  Guns!On the Dauntless! Commodore Norrington turned and looked at his ship.He saw his men.And he saw... skeletons."Quickly!"he shouted. "Back to the ship!"They went back to the Dauntless and climbed up the side.They shot at the ghostly pirates, but they couldn't kill them.Then Norrington saw Governor Swann."Are you OK, sir?" he asked."I'm OK. But where's Elizabeth?"
11/16/20234 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文311.She came to Japan for the purpose of studying Japanese.她为了学习日文来到日本。 312.I am going to stay here for a couple of days.我将要在这里待几天。313.Make sure to turn off all the lights before going out.出去之前确认一下所有的灯都关了。314.If I had taken that plane, I would be dead now.要是我坐了那架飞机的话,我现在早就死了。315.Afire broke out in my neighborhood last night.昨晚我领居家着火了。316.I had to abstain from smoking while I was in the hospital.在医院的时候,我不得不戒烟。317.I've had a lot of work to do lately.我最近有很多事情要做。318.Marriage is the main cause of all divorces.结婚是所有离婚的主要原因。319.Let me help you. Your bag looks very heavy.让我来帮你吧。你的包看起来很重。320.A trip to America was equivalent to a two-year salary for her.去美国旅行一次相当于她两年的工资。
11/14/20234 minutes, 3 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day23(221-230)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 23221.Bearv.携带;承受,容忍n.熊;粗暴无礼的人I asked the teacher to bear in mind that l am just a beginner.我请老师记住我只是个初学者。What should you do if you encounter a bear while hiking?如果你在徒步旅行时遇到熊该怎么办?222.Beardn.胡须,络腮胡子;v.对抗,顶撞;抓….…的胡须;"I can't imagine you with a beard," she finally said.她终于说:“我无法想象你留着胡须。”He has such a weird beard.他有这么奇怪的胡须。223.Beatv.敲,击,打n.敲,击John beat me at chess.约翰下棋赢了我。Don't beat around the bush!别拐弯抹角了!224.Beautifuladj.美丽的,漂亮的;令人愉悦的,美妙的;出色的,极好的What a beautiful garden!多么美丽的花园!Soap bubbles are beautiful, but very fragile.肥皂泡很漂亮,但非常脆弱。What a beautiful ring!多么漂亮的戒指!225.Beautifullyadv.漂亮地;美好地This book is beautifully illustrated.这本书插图精美。The water was beautifully cool.水非常凉爽。She was beautifully dressed.她穿得很漂亮。226.Beautyn.美丽,漂亮;美人,美女;魅力;adj.美容的"Your inner beauty never needs makeup."““你的内在美永远不需要化妆。”227.Becauseconj..(说明原因)因为,由于;(作出解释)因为I had to do it because I had no choice.我必须这样做,因为我别无选择。His wife is in the hospital because she was injured in a car crash.他的妻子住院是因为她在车祸中受伤。We couldn't go out because of the heavy rain.因为大雨我们无法出去。228.Becomev.变得,变成,成为;适合,使显得漂亮I'd like to become a doctor.我想成为一名医生。I want to become a ballet dancer.我想成为一名芭蕾舞演员。All things are difficult before they become easy.所有事情在变得容易之前都是困难的。229.Bedn.床,床铺v.把...…固定,嵌入;与(某人)上床This sofa can easily be converted into a very comfortable double bed for guests.这张沙发可以很容易地转换成一张非常舒适的双人床,供客人使用。I forgot to turn off the TV before going to bed.我睡觉前忘记关掉电视了。She laid down on the bed and cried.她躺在床上哭了。230.Bedroomn.卧室adj.两性关系的;城郊住宅区的He has a large closet in his bedroom.他的卧室里有个大壁橱。My bedroom is just above.我的卧室就在上面。She leaves her bedroom window open, however cold it is.无论天气多么冷,她都会打开卧室的窗户。
11/12/202311 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 82.Trial By Jury

词汇提示1.summoned 传唤2.penalties 惩罚的3.registering 登记注册4.panel 咨询组5.prosecution 控诉6.burglary 入室盗窃罪7.approximately 大约 律师9.insinuate 暗示10.swayed 摇摆11.civil suit 民事诉讼12.preponderance 多数原文Trial By JuryIf you are a citizen of Canada or the United States, it is very likely that you will be summoned at some time for jury duty.A letter will come in the mail, telling you to report to a certain place at a given time.There are legal penalties for not attending, because jury duty is considered every citizen's responsibility.Often a large number of people, perhaps several hundred, will be summoned at onetime.When you arrive, you will join a line-up of others who are registering for duty.Eventually,you will get to a table and talk to an official.If you have a special reason for not being a juror, such as ill health, you may be excused at this point.Those not immediately exempted become a part of a "jury panel."Out of this panel, a number of juries of twelve people will be chosen.These will decide a variety of criminal cases over the next few weeks.What follows is the experience of one woman in a "jury pool."She went with the others into a large courtroom where they spent the whole day.At the front of the courtroom were the judge, and the lawyers for the prosecution and for the defense.One of the lawyers explained what the case was going to be about.The names of the jury panel were in a box at the front.When someone's name was called, they went up to the front of the courtroom.The person called up would then have a chance to explain why they couldn't serve as a juror, if there was some reason preventing them.For example, one woman was dismissed because she knew the accused.The first jury to be chosen was for a burglary case.A panel member went forward and faced the accused.Then the lawyers in the trial decided whether the juror was satisfactory to them.At lunchtime, the panel was dismissed for an hour.The second jury was to try someone on a charge of murder.Usually the panel was told approximately how long the trial might be.Since jurors are not usually paid, many would like to avoid being involved in a long trial.The woman was called forward and had to look the man accused of murder in the eye.This made her quite nervous.Judging by her expression, the two lawyers would decide whether they wanted her on the jury or not.The defense lawyer would try to choose someone who seemed sympathetic to the man accused.The prosecutor would prefer someone who was not sympathetic.The woman excused herself by saying that she had a very young child to look after and no relatives to help.She was allowed to go home at the end of the day.Some people wonder whether it is fair for lawyers to dismiss jurors who may not be sympathetic to their cases.For example, defense lawyers may try to choose young people if they think that these will be less severe to their clients.In the case above, the lawyer seemed to prefer women to men.This means that a lot of people are dismissed from being jurors without a good reason.One principle of the jury system, however, is to protect the rights of the accused particularly well.One might say that the jury system is biased in favor of the defendant.This is why defense lawyers have an opportunity to dismiss people who they think will not be favorable to their clients.Furthermore,having twelve jurors gives the defense good opportunity for a successful defense.If the defense attorney can raise a reasonable doubt about the guilt of his client in even one juror, then the accused has a chance of being released.This happened in the O. J. Simpson murder trial.There,even though there was strong evidence that Simpson committed the crime, the defense was able to insinuate some doubts among the jurors.Moreover,the defense lawyers may be able to appeal to the emotions of the jurors, particularly if they can think of a way to gain sympathy for their client.For this reason, defense lawyers are more likely to choose trial by jury over trial by judge alone.A judge is less likely to be swayed by emotion than a jury.And a defense attorney may also prefer a criminal trial to a civil suit.In the latter case, the client does not have to be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt but will be found liable if the preponderance of evidence is against him or her.This is why O.J. Simpson was acquitted on criminal charges, but then found liable for damages in a civil suit.翻译陪审团审判如果你是加拿大或美国公民,你很可能会在某个时候被传唤履行陪审团义务。邮件中会有一封信,让你在特定的时间到特定的地点报到。由于陪审义务被认为是每个公民的责任,因此不参加陪审会受到法律处罚。通常一次会召集大量的人,可能有几百人。当你到达时,你将加入一排正在登记值班的人。最后,你会坐到一张桌子前,和一位官员交谈。如果你有特殊原因不能担任陪审员,比如身体不好,你可以在这一点上被原谅。那些没有立即获得豁免的人成为“陪审团”的一部分。从这个小组中,将选出12人组成的陪审团。他们将在未来几周内对各种刑事案件作出裁决。以下是一位女性在“陪审团池”中的经历。她和其他人一起走进一个大法庭,在那里度过了一整天。站在法庭前面的是法官,以及控方和辩方的律师。其中一位律师解释了这个案子的内容。陪审团的名字在前面的一个盒子里。当有人叫到名字时,他们就走到法庭前面。被召唤的人将有机会解释为什么他们不能担任陪审员,如果有什么原因阻止他们。例如,一名妇女因认识被告而被解雇。选出的第一个陪审团是一起入室盗窃案。一名陪审团成员走上前去面对被告。然后律师们在审判中决定陪审员是否令他们满意。午餐时,小组休息一小时。第二个陪审团要审判一个被控谋杀的人。通常陪审团会被告知审判大概需要多长时间。由于陪审员通常没有报酬,许多人希望避免卷入旷日持久的审判。那个女人被叫到前面,不得不正视那个被控谋杀的男人。这使她很紧张。根据她的表情,两位律师将决定是否让她加入陪审团。辩护律师会尽量选择一个似乎同情被告的人。公诉人会选择不同情他的人。那位妇女为自己辩解说,她有一个很小的孩子要照顾,没有亲戚可以帮忙。她被允许在一天结束时回家。一些人怀疑律师解雇那些可能对他们的案件不感兴趣的陪审员是否公平。例如,辩护律师可能会选择年轻人,如果他们认为这些人对他们的客户不那么严重。在上面的案例中,律师似乎更喜欢女人而不是男人。这意味着很多人在没有充分理由的情况下就被解雇了。然而,陪审制度的一个原则是特别保护被告的权利。有人可能会说陪审团制度偏向于被告。这就是为什么辩护律师有机会解雇那些他们认为对他们的客户不利的人。此外,有12名陪审员为辩方提供了成功辩护的好机会。如果辩护律师能对其当事人的有罪提出合理的怀疑,哪怕只有一名陪审员,那么被告就有机会被释放。这发生在o.j.辛普森谋杀案的审判中。在那里,即使有强有力的证据表明辛普森犯了罪,辩方还是能够在陪审员中引起一些怀疑。此外,辩护律师可能会吸引陪审员的情绪,特别是如果他们能想到一种方法来获得对他们的当事人的同情。出于这个原因,辩护律师更有可能选择陪审团审判而不是法官单独审判。法官不像陪审团那样容易受情绪影响。辩护律师也可能更喜欢刑事审判而不是民事诉讼。在后一种情况下,当事人不必在排除合理怀疑的情况下被证明有罪,但如果证据优势对他或她不利,则应被判有罪。这就是为什么O.J.辛普森在刑事指控中被判无罪,但在民事诉讼中却被判负有损害赔偿责任。
11/11/20234 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part12

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter XII: On a Small Island"Now, "Barbossa said to Jack, "it's time for a swim.""Last time you gave me a gun," said Jack."Yes,that's right." Barbossa turned to his sailors."Give him his gun.""There are two of us. We want two guns.""Only one. You can shoot the girl with it."Barbossa took the gun and threw it into the water.Elizabeth jumped in and Jack followed.They swam to the bottom and got the gun.Then they swam to the island.They looked back at the Black Pearl."He has my ship again!" said Jack angrily. "For the second time!"Elizabeth looked around the island."It's not very big," she said.Jack didn't speak.He remembered this island.He sat down and started to make a fire."How can we get away?" asked Elizabeth."We can't.""How long can we live here?""Oh,there's food on the trees. Maybe a month. Maybe more.""But we don't have a month! We have to help Will! We have to do something now!"Elizabeth sat by the fire and started to sing the old song: "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me,Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life... We drink, we fight, and then we die, Yo ho, yo ho, and we drink to a pirate's life.""How do you know that?" Jack asked."Oh,I learned it when I was a child.""I love that song," said Jack.He sang with her.  "We're hard and we're bad and we fight and we drink.…."And then he fell asleep.Elizabeth thought hard.Then she started to work.She got more wood and put it on the fire.Then she found more and more wood.When Jack woke up, there was fire everywhere. "What are you doing?" he asked Elizabeth."We have to live here!""Look at the smoke," Elizabeth said.He looked. There was a lot of smoke."You see?" Elizabeth said. "Everybody is looking for us. And when they seethe smoke.….""Nobody will see it," Jack said."They aren't looking around here." Jack walked down to the water.And then he saw it - a ship! An English ship! It was the Dauntless."She's never going to forget this," he thought.
11/9/20233 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文301.There is no point in pretending to be sick.装病是没用的。302.This is the best book that I've ever read.这是我读过的最好的书。303.He wrote this book at the age of twenty.他在20岁的时候写了这本书。304.Don't translate English into Japanese word for word.不要逐字逐句的把英文翻译成日文。305.You didn't come to school yesterday, did you?你昨天没来学校,是吗?306.The date of the festival coincides with that of the exam.节日和考试碰巧在同一天。307.I like swimming, but I don't like to swim here.我喜欢游泳,但我不想在这里游。308.We all consider your idea to be impractical.我们都认为你的想法是行不通的。309.She went into her room to change her dress.她进了她的房间换裙子。310.The town was destroyed by the flood after the storm.小镇被暴风雨后的洪水摧毁了。
11/7/20233 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day22(211-220)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 22211.Barriern.障碍,壁垒;障碍物,屏障;大关,界限The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.成功的最大障碍是对失败的恐惧。The greatest obstacle to international understanding is the barrier of language.国际理解的最大障碍是语言障碍。212.Basen.基础;基地;v.以....…为基础;adj.卑鄙的,下流的;低劣的She sat down at the base of a tree.她坐在一棵树的底部。213.Basicadj.最重要的,基本的;初级的 n.基本要素,基本原则My knowledge of physics is pretty basic.我的物理知识非常基础。This textbook is very basic.这本教科书非常基础。In addition to English I can speak basic Japanese.除了英语,我还能说基本的日语。214.Basicallyadv.基本上,大体上;从根本上说,总的说来I was lucky, basically.基本上我很幸运。They are basically the same.它们基本上是一样的。215.Basisn.基础,基准,方式;理由,根据We meet on a monthly basis.我们每月开会一次。The work is done on a voluntary basis.这项工作是在自愿的基础上完成的。This method has no scientific basis.这种方法没有科学依据。216.Bathn.浴缸,洗澡,浴室;v.给……洗澡;洗澡,沐浴He took an early bath.他被迫提前离开。He takes a cold bath every morning.他每天早上都要洗个冷水澡。I was in the bath when you rang.你打电话的时候我在洗澡。217.Bathroomn.浴室,盥洗室;<美>卫生间,厕所;The bathroom is occupied now.卫生间现在已经被占用了。You can use the upstairs bathroom.你可以使用楼上的浴室。There's a spider in the bathroom.浴室里有只蜘蛛。218.Battlen.战役,战争;争论;奋斗v.与……作战,打败I had a battle with my conscience.我和我的良心发生了一场战斗。That's half the battle.那是成功的一半。The worst battle is the one that goes on between your heart and your mind, younever know which one to listen to.最糟糕的战斗是你内心和思想之间发生的战斗,你永远不知道该听哪一个。219.Bayn.湾;山脉的低凹处;v.(犬)连续吠,(狼)连续嚎叫We have a house with a view across the bay.我们有一间可以欣赏海湾景色的房子。220.Beachn.海滩,海滨v.把(船)拖上岸;搁浅;The children are building sandcastles on the beach.孩子们正在沙滩上建造沙堡。I like walking alone on the deserted beach.我喜欢独自在荒凉的海滩上散步。We spent the entire day at the beach.我们在沙滩上度过了整整一天。
11/5/202311 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 81.Helen Keller

词汇提示1.frustrating 沮丧的2.charitable institutions 慈善机构3.tipped 倾倒4.horrified 惊恐5.handicapped 残疾的6.sympathetic 有同情心的7.pupil 学生8.Braille 盲文原文Helen KellerWhat would it be like to be unable to see anything, hear anything, or say anything?Life for young Helen Keller was like that.She had had an illness before she was two years old that had left her deaf, dumb and blind.After that, it was difficult for her to communicate with anyone.She could only learn by feeling with her hands.This was very frustrating for Helen, her mother and her father.Helen Keller grew up in Alabama, U.S.A., during the 1880s and 1890s.At that time, people who had lost the use of their eyes, ears and mouth often ended up in charitable institutions.Such a place would provide them with basic food and shelter until they died.Or they could go out on the streets with a beggar's bowl and ask strangers for money.Since Helen's parents were not poor, she did not have to do either of these things.But her parents knew that they would have to do something to help her.One day, when she was six years old, Helen became frustrated that her mother was spending so much time with the new baby.Unable to express her anger, Helen tipped over the baby's crib, nearly injuring the baby.Her parents were horrified and decided to take the last chance open to them.They would try to find someone to teach Helen to communicate.A new school in Boston claimed to be able to teach children like Helen.The Kellers wrote a letter to the school in Boston asking for help.In March 1887, a teacher, twenty year old Anne Sullivan arrived at the Keller's home in Tuscumbia, Alabama.Anne Sullivan herself had had a very difficult life.Her mother had died when she was eight.Two years later, their father had abandoned Anne and her little brother Jimmy.Anne was nearly blind and her brother had a diseased hip.No one wanted the two handicapped children, so they were sent to a charitable institution.Jimmy died there.At age 14, Anne, who was not quite blind, was sent to the school for the blind in Boston.Since she had not had any schooling before, she had to start in Grade One.Then she had an operation that gave her back some of her eyesight.Since Anne knew what it was like to be blind, she was a sympathetic teacher.Before Anne could teach Helen anything, she had to get her attention.Because Helen was so hard to communicate with, she was often left alone to do as she pleased.A few days after she arrived, Anne insisted that Helen learn to sit down at the table and eat breakfast properly.Anne told the Kellers to leave, and she spent all morning in the breakfast room with Helen.Finally,after a difficult struggle she got the little girl to sit at the table and use a knife and fork.Since the Keller family did not like to be strict with Helen, Anne decided that she needed to be alone with her for a while.There was a little cottage away from the big house.The teacher and pupil moved there for some weeks.It was here that Anne taught Helen the manual alphabet.This was a system of sign language.But since Helen couldn't see, Anne had to make the signs in her hands so that she could feel them.For along time, Helen had no idea what the words she was learning meant.She learned words like "box" and "cat," but hadn't learned that they referred to those objects.One day, Anne dragged Helen to a water pump and made the signs for"water" while she pumped water over Helen's hands.Helen at last made the connection between the signs and the thing."Water"was that cool, wet liquid stuff.Once Helen realized that the manual alphabet could be used to name things, she ran around naming everything.Before too long, she began to make sentences using the manual alphabet.She also learned to read and write using the "Square Hand Alphabet" which was made up of raised square letters.Before long, she was also using Braille and beginning to read books.Helen eventually learned to speak a little, although this was hard for her because she couldn't hear herself.She went on to school and then to Radcliffe College.She wrote articles and books, gave lectures, and worked tirelessly to help the blind.The little girl who couldn't communicate with anyone became, in time, a wonderful communicator.翻译海伦·凯勒什么也看不见,什么也听不见,什么也说不出来会是什么感觉?年轻的海伦·凯勒的生活就是这样。她在两岁之前生过一场病,导致她又聋又哑又盲。从那以后,她很难与任何人沟通。她只能用手摸来学习。这对海伦、她的父母来说都是非常令人沮丧的。海伦·凯勒于19世纪八九十年代在美国阿拉巴马州长大。在那个时候,那些失去了眼睛、耳朵和嘴巴的人最后往往会去慈善机构。这样的地方可以为他们提供基本的食物和住所,直到他们死去。或者他们可以拿着乞丐的碗走到街上向陌生人要钱。由于海伦的父母并不穷,她不必做这两件事。但是她的父母知道他们必须做点什么来帮助她。海伦六岁的时候,有一天,她对妈妈花那么多时间和新生婴儿在一起感到沮丧。海伦无法表达她的愤怒,打翻了婴儿床,差点把婴儿弄伤。她的父母吓坏了,决定抓住最后的机会。他们会设法找人教海伦交流。波士顿的一所新学校声称能够教海伦这样的孩子。凯勒一家给波士顿的学校写了一封信寻求帮助。1887年3月,20岁的教师安妮·沙利文来到凯勒在阿拉巴马州图斯坎比亚的家。安妮·沙利文自己的生活也很艰难。她母亲在她八岁时就去世了。两年后,他们的父亲抛弃了安妮和她的弟弟吉米。安妮几乎失明了,而她的哥哥髋骨有病。没有人要这两个残疾儿童,所以他们被送到了慈善机构。吉米死在那里。14岁时,还没有完全失明的安妮被送到波士顿的一所盲人学校。由于她以前没有受过任何教育,她不得不从一年级开始。后来她做了手术,恢复了部分视力。因为安妮知道盲人的感受,所以她是一位富有同情心的老师。在安妮教海伦任何东西之前,她必须引起她的注意。因为海伦很难与人沟通,所以她经常被独自留下做她想做的事。到了几天后,安妮坚持要海伦学会在餐桌旁坐下,好好吃早餐。安妮叫凯勒一家离开,她整个上午都和海伦待在早餐室里。最后,经过一番艰难的挣扎,她让小女孩坐在桌子旁使用刀叉。由于凯勒一家不喜欢对海伦太严格,安妮决定自己需要和海伦单独待一段时间。在大房子的旁边有一间小屋。老师和学生搬到那里住了几个星期。就是在这里,安妮教会了海伦手工字母。这是一种手语系统。但由于海伦看不见,安妮不得不用手做手势,这样她才能感觉到。很长一段时间,海伦不知道她正在学习的单词是什么意思。她学会了“盒子”和“猫”这样的词,但不知道它们指的是这些物体。一天,安妮把海伦拖到一个水泵旁,一边把水抽到海伦手上,一边做着“水”的手势。海伦终于把这些符号和那个东西联系起来了。“水”是那种又冷又湿的液体。当海伦意识到可以用手工字母来命名事物时,她四处奔波,为所有事物命名。不久之后,她开始用手语字母造句。她还学会了用由凸起的方形字母组成的“方手字母表”来阅读和书写。不久,她也开始使用盲文,并开始阅读书籍。海伦最终学会了说一点话,尽管这对她来说很困难,因为她听不到自己的声音。她继续上学,然后去了拉德克利夫学院。她写文章和书,做演讲,不知疲倦地帮助盲人。那个不能和任何人交流的小女孩,最终变成了一个很棒的沟通者。
11/4/20234 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part11

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter XI: The Blood of a PirateWill and Elizabeth arrived at the Interceptor."Where's Jack?" asked Gibbs."Yes, where's Jack?" asked Ana Maria."Jack? Jack Sparrow? "Elizabeth wasn't happy.She didn't want the help of a pirate."He'son the island, "Will told them. "We have to go - now.""OK,"said Gibbs. "Get ready!" he shouted to the other sailors.Will and Elizabeth went to the back of the boat.Will looked into Elizabeth's eyes.He moved nearer but Elizabeth stopped him."This is yours," she said.She gave him the gold medallion."What's this?" he asked."Don't you remember? You had it when I found you.""Oh yes," said Will.He looked at the medallion. "It was my father's."And then he understood. "They have to have my blood - not yours. My father's blood. The blood of a pirate!"Jack and Barbossa sat at a table on the Black Pearl."Ah,my ship," Jack said."It isn't your ship now," Barbossa said angrily. "You give me my ship," Jack said, "and I'll give you a name. You'll have your blood. And I want to say thank you.""Why?""You left me on that island," Jack said. "You took the gold, and the curse went with it. But the curse isn't on me. So thank you!"A pirate came in. "We can see the Interceptor," he said."Get the guns ready," shouted Barbossa."Why don't I go onto the ship and talk to them?" Jack said. "I'll get your medallion.""No,you won't."Barbossa turned to his sailors. "Take him downstairs - and watch him!"The Black Pearl moved faster and faster.The sailors on the Interceptor watched the pirate ship."It's too fast," Gibbs shouted."We're too heavy," said Ana Maria.They threw everything into the water: boxes, bottles, food.But the Black Pearl was very near them now.Then it was at their side.The fight was short, and Barbossa's pirates quickly won.They took Elizabeth and Jack's sailors onto the Black Pearl.Barbossa had the medallion in his hand.Suddenly,Will was there in front of him!He had a gun."She goes free!" he said. "Elizabeth goes free.""No,she doesn't, boy," said Barbossa. "Put down that gun. You can't kill me. We're ghosts. We can't die.""You can't. But I can." Will put the gun to his head. "My name is Will Turner. My father was Bill Turner. His blood is my blood!"The pirates looked at Will.They didn't move."Without my blood," said Will, "the curse will always be with you."He was right. The pirates knew it."OK,Mr. Turner," said Barbossa. "What do you want?""Elizabeth goes free.""Yes.We know that. And?" Will thought hard.This game was new to him."And...and the sailors of the Interceptor.""OK,"said Barbossa.Will put down his gun.Barbossa took it and smiled."Jack and the girl will go to that island," he said.He showed them a very small island near the boat."But they won't be free!" shouted Will. "You said...""They will be free. But they'll be free on that island."
11/2/20235 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文291.I can't put up with that noise any longer.我无法再忍受那噪音了。292.You may as well tell me all about it.你不妨告诉我一切。293.A good cook doesn't throw out yesterday's soup.一个好的厨师不会丢掉昨天的汤。294.I couldn't enter because the door was closed.我因为门关着进不去。295.For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier.不知为什么,刚才我的麦克风没声音。296.The weather was so cold that the lake froze over.天冷得湖面都结冰了。297.How come you know so much about Japanese history?你为什么知道这么多的日本历史?298.The coral reef is the region's prime attraction.珊瑚礁是这个地区的主要景点。299.Their contract is to run out at the end of this month.他们的合同在这个月底到期。300.Some people like red wine and some people like white wine.有人喜欢红酒,有人喜欢白酒。
10/31/20233 minutes, 57 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母B day21(201-210)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 21201.Badlyadv.严重地;拙劣地;非常;不友好地,恶劣地;不利地,负面地The crops were badly damaged by the storm.农作物受到暴风雨的严重破坏。I'm bleeding badly.我流血得很厉害。He was badly injured in the accident, but now he's fully restored.他在事故中受了重伤,但现在他已经完全康复了。202.Bagn.袋,包;v.把.....装进袋子Where is your bag?你的包在哪里?There's something wrong here, it's not my bag.这里出了点问题,不是我的包。Don't put that damp towel into the bag.不要把那条湿毛巾放进袋子里。203.Baggagen.行李;思想包袱,成见Where can I pick up my baggage?我可以在哪里领取行李?Please help me with this heavy baggage.请帮我处理这个沉重的行李。Where can l get my baggage?我在哪里可以拿到行李?204.Bakev.炎热,灼热;烤,烘,焙;炙烤,受晒n.烤制食品Do you fry it or bake it?你油炸还是烤?205.Balancen.平衡,均衡;账户余额;天平;v.保持平衡;使收支平衡;Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.生活就像骑自行车一样。为了保持平衡,你必须继续前进。He lost his balance and fell off the ladder.他失去了平衡,从梯子上掉下来了。She's trying to balance her work and home lives.她正在努力平衡自己的工作和家庭生活。206.Balln.球,球状物;球类运动;舞会The ball rolled down the hill.球从山上滚下来。He kicked the ball into the goal.他把球踢进了球门。207.Bandagen.绷带v.用绷带包扎He had a bandage on his arm.他的手臂上有绷带。208.Bankn.银行;储蓄罐;库存,库;v.把(钱)存入银行,把….…储存入库;The bank loaned her 500 dollars.银行借了她500美元。How can I transfer money from my bank account to his?我怎样才能将钱从我的银行账户转到他的?Previously,I worked at a bank.以前,我在一家银行工作。209.Barn.酒吧;吧台;小吃店;v.阻止,禁止 prep.除了……以外The bar is closed until further notice.酒吧关闭,直至另行通知。Celebrate what you've accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.庆祝你所取得的成就,但每次成功时都会把门槛提高一点。He bought an orange and a bar of chocolate.他买了一个橙子和一块巧克力。210.Bargainn.便宜货,减价品;协议,交易v.讨价还价,谈判That was a bargain indeed.这确实很划算。Have you forgotten our bargain?你忘记我们的讨价还价了吗?
10/29/202311 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 80.Garage Sales and Yard Sales

词汇提示1.garage 车库2.lawn 草坪 经销商4.antique 古董5.flea 跳蚤6.motto 座右铭7.boast 夸耀8.catalogues 目录9.attic 阁楼原文Garage Sales and Yard SalesEvery Saturday morning in our part of the world - except in winter - many people drive around the city looking for yard sales.Yard sales, or garage sales, often take place in the driveway of someone's home, or perhaps on the front lawn.The homeowners take out all the stuff they don't want and arrange it in front of their house.Usually,they put a price tag on items.People driving by will stop to see if there is anything they want.Many people spend every Saturday morning shopping at yard sales.If they find that they have bought too many things, then they have a yard sale of their own.Some of the shoppers are dealers who buy things for resale.Sometimes they resell them at their own yard sales.But some dealers are professionals who run antique stores, used bookshops, flea markets or used furniture and appliance stores.Usually the dealers will try to get to the yard sale before anyone else.That way they have the best selection.Often they will try to buy items for less than the price tag says.The cheaper they can buy the item, the more profit they can make when they resell it.Their motto is, "Buy low. Sell high."Sometimes a merchant will boast that he paid one dollar for a glass or china cup at a yard sale, and sold it for $100 at his store, or on the Internet.By having catalogues that show the value of "collectibles," dealers can sometimes make large profits.Now,however, many of the people having yard sales will try to check the value of the things they are selling first.So it is getting harder to get a real bargain.One reason for yard sales is that North Americans often live in big houses, which fill up with things.People may use the basement, the attic, the spare room and the garage to store things that they are not using.If they store things in their garage, all they have to do is open the garage door to have a garage sale.When children grow up and move away, the parents will often sell the children's old clothes, toys and furniture.Another reason for yard sales is that there are a lot of things that people might like,but don't want to pay full price for.For example, if someone likes to read novels, they may be happy to pay one dollar for a book at a yard sale,rather than 20 or 30 dollars at a retail store.What sorts of things are sold at yard sales?Just about anything that you might find in a house or a yard.There are ornaments, china, home decorations, sports equipment, bicycles, games, dolls,toys, tables and chairs,lamps, appliances, books, records,paintings, clothes, record players, and much more.Some items are things that were popular a few years ago but have now gone out of fashion.This might include many toys, books and games that relate to an old television show that is no longer being shown.While a lot of older people go to yard sales, so do a lot of students.Students and young people may need cheap furniture for their apartment or a bicycle to get to school or work.They may not be able to pay full price.If you are lucky, you can find almost anything at a yard sale.The trick is to get there early.Most yard sales are advertised to start at 9:00 am, but dealers may arrive as early as 7:30 am.By 10:00 am the busiest part is already over, although most yard sales go on into the afternoon.Yard sales tend to prove the common saying that "one person's trash is another person's treasure.翻译车库销售和庭院销售在我们这片土地上,除了冬天,每个星期六的早晨,都会有许多人开车在城市里转来转去,寻找旧货出售。庭院销售或车库销售通常发生在某人家的车道上,或者可能在前面的草坪上。房主把所有他们不想要的东西都拿出来,放在他们的房子前面。通常,他们会在商品上贴上价格标签。开车经过的人会停下来看看是否有他们想要的东西。许多人在每周六上午在庭院大甩卖中购物。如果他们发现他们买了太多的东西,那么他们有一个自己的庭院出售。有些购物者是买东西转售的经销商。有时他们会在自己的庭院拍卖会上转卖。但有些经销商是经营古董店、二手书店、跳蚤市场或二手家具和电器店的专业人士。通常经销商会比其他人先到旧货市场。这样他们就有了最好的选择。他们通常会尝试以低于标价的价格购买商品。他们买的东西越便宜,他们转售时能赚的利润就越多。他们的座右铭是“低价购买”。高卖。”有时,一个商人会吹嘘他在庭院拍卖中花了一美元买了一个玻璃杯或瓷杯,而在他的商店或互联网上以100美元的价格出售。通过拥有显示“收藏品”价值的目录,交易商有时可以赚取巨额利润。然而,现在,许多进行庭院销售的人会先检查他们出售的东西的价值。因此,想要买到真正的便宜货越来越难了。庭院销售的一个原因是北美人通常住在大房子里,房子里堆满了东西。人们可能会用地下室、阁楼、空房间和车库来存放他们不用的东西。如果他们把东西存放在车库里,他们所要做的就是打开车库门进行车库甩卖。当孩子们长大搬走后,父母通常会卖掉孩子们的旧衣服、玩具和家具。庭院拍卖的另一个原因是,有很多东西人们可能喜欢,但不想付全价。例如,如果有人喜欢读小说,他们可能会乐意在庭院拍卖中花一美元买一本书,而不是在零售店花二三十美元买一本书。庭院旧货拍卖会上卖什么东西?你可以在房子里或院子里找到任何东西。有装饰品、瓷器、家庭装饰品、运动器材、自行车、游戏、娃娃、玩具、桌椅、灯具、电器、书籍、唱片、绘画、衣服、唱机等等。有些东西几年前很流行,但现在已经过时了。这可能包括许多与不再播放的旧电视节目有关的玩具、书籍和游戏。虽然很多老年人会去旧货拍卖,但很多学生也会去。学生和年轻人可能需要便宜的家具来装饰他们的公寓,或者需要一辆自行车去上学或上班。他们可能无法支付全价。如果幸运的话,你几乎可以在庭院拍卖中找到任何东西。关键是要早到。大多数庭院甩卖广告都是早上9点开始,但经销商可能早在早上7点半就到。到上午10点,最忙的时候已经过去了,尽管大多数庭院甩卖一直持续到下午。庭院甩卖往往证明了一句老话:“一个人的垃圾是另一个人的宝藏。”
10/28/20233 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part10

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter X: Gold.A short time later, Will and Jack and their men arrived at the Isla de Muerta,too.Through the fog, they could see ships – old ships under the water.Jack turned to Gibbs."Stay here with the men," he said.Jack and Will got into a smaller boat and started to go to the island."Do you see that?" said Will. "There! A cave, I think."The boat moved slowly into the cave.It was very dark, and the walls were wet.Jack and Will didn't speak.On their left, they saw a light, and next to it was a skeleton.It had a sword in its back.They stopped the boat and jumped out.Then Will followed Jack, and they climbed for a short time.Suddenly, they saw some lights.In front of them was a second, bigger cave.They saw gold boxes, gold cups, gold plates, and gold swords. And a lot of money.The cave was full of gold!In the middle of the cave, in the middle of the gold, Elizabeth stood next to an old Aztec box.She couldn't move because Barbossa had his hands on her.Will wanted to go to her, but Jack stopped him."No!"he said. "We have to wait."Will didn't want to wait.Elizabeth's life was too important to him."I'm sorry, Jack," he said, and he hit Jack hard.Jack fell to the ground. He didn't move.Will looked around the cave and listened."Do you know my plan?" Captain Barbossa said to his men. "When this curse ends, I'm going to eat fruit. A lot of fruit!"The other pirates laughed.Barbossa looked at Elizabeth. He took her hand and cut it with a knife.Then he put the medallion on her hand and closed her hand around it."Blood,"he said. "Turner's blood. The curse started with blood and it ends with blood."He took the bloody medallion from Elizabeth and put it into the box on to the gold.The pirates waited."I don't feel different,"Ragetti said. "Is that really the end of the curse?""How will we know?" Pintel asked.Barbossa thought about that.Then he took out his gun and shot Pintel.Pintel stayed on his feet.The pirates were very unhappy."Oh,it didn't work!" they shouted.Barbossa didn't understand."You!"he said to Elizabeth. "Was your father William Turner? Bill Turner?""No,"she said.The pirates shouted again."She's not Turner's child!""She's the wrong person!""But she had the medallion!""She's the right age."They called to Barbossa."You killed Bill.""You started this!"Nobody looked at Elizabeth.Suddenly,she felt a hand on her arm.It was Will. "Come with me," he said quietly. "Quickly. Now."Elizabeth started to move.But first, she took the medallion.They ran to the boat."Look,the girl! She has the medallion! Get them!"The pirates ran to their boats.Then they saw Jack."Jack Sparrow!" said Barbossa. "Aren't you dead?""No,I'm not dead.""But you will be..." Barbossa took out his gun."Wait,wait," said Jack. "The girl's blood didn't work.""How do you know?""I know. You don't want her blood. I can help you."
10/26/20235 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文281.Prices are double what they were ten years ago.价钱是10年前的2倍。282.The dolphin and trainer communicated much better than we expected.海豚和驯养员交流得比我们所期望的好得多。283.She was at a loss for words to express her feeling.她已经无法用言语表达她的感觉了。284.I've been waiting for you since two o'clock.我从两点开始一直等你。285.I wouldn't be too surprised if this song became a hit.如果这歌成名,我不会太惊讶。286.I felt a drop of rain on my head.我感觉有滴雨落在头上。287.You should not have lent the money to such a person.你不应该借钱给这样的人。288.I've done bad things that I should be punished for.我做了该受罚的坏事。289.I can't go with you because I'm very busy.我不能和你们一起去,因为我很忙。290.I can't put up with that noise any longer.我无法再忍受那噪音了。
10/24/20233 minutes, 53 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A-B day20(191-200)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 20191.Awareadj.知道的,明白的;察觉到的,意识到的He is fully aware of the problem.他完全意识到这个问题。I was not fully aware of the danger.我还没完全意识到这种危险。I'm aware of its importance.我知道它的重要性。192.Awayadv.距离….….有多远,距离……有多久;离开The station is 100 meters away.离这个地铁站的距离有100米。Do you want me to throw it away?你想让我把它扔掉吗?He passed away yesterday.他昨天去世了。193.Awfuladj.让人讨厌的,糟糕的;可怕的;adv.非常The music was awful.音乐太糟糕了。They lost an awful lot of money.他们损失了很多钱。An awful accident will happen inevitably if you drive at 140 km per hour.如果你以每小时140公里的速度行驶,不可避免地会发生可怕的事故。194.Awfullyadv.可怕地;十分;非常;很It turned out to be awfully difficult.事实证明这非常困难。It's awfully cold today.今天天气太冷了。That name sounds awfully familiar.这个名字听起来非常熟悉。195.Awkwardadj.令人尴尬的,使人难堪的;难对付的,难处理的;不舒适的I usually feel awkward around strangers.我通常对陌生人感到尴尬。He asked me an awkward question.他问了我一个尴尬的问题。196.Awkwardlyadv.笨拙地;无技巧地She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle.她笨拙地摔倒了脚踝。"I'm sorry", he said awkwardly.“对不起”,他笨拙地说。197.Backn.后部,末尾;背部,腰背I glued the pieces of the broken cup back together.我把破碎的杯子的碎片粘在一起。I will wait until you comeback.我会等你回来的。When will you come back?你什么时候回来?198.Backgroundn.出身背景,学历,经历;背景adj.背景的v.作……的背景He is working as an administrator, but his background is in law.他是一名管理员,但他的背景是法律。The word is written in white on a red background.这个词用白色写在红色背景上。Programs can be left running in the background.程序可以在后台运行。199.Backwardsadv.向后;倒转,相反;回溯;倒退"I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards."“我是一个慢行者,但我从不向后走。”Look forward with hope, not backwards with regret.满怀希望地向前看,而不是遗憾地向后看。I started stepping backwards in the direction of the doors.我开始朝门的方向向后退。200.Badadj.坏的,不好的,粗鲁的;难过的n.坏人,坏事The flight was canceled due to bad weather.由于天气恶劣,航班被取消。Smoking is a bad habit.吸烟是个坏习惯。It's neither good nor bad.既不好也不坏。
10/22/202314 minutes, 46 seconds
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Level 4-Day 79.Christmas Holidays

词汇提示1.invincible 不可战胜的2.evergreen 常青树3.mistletoe 槲寄生4.ceiling 天花板5.dowries 嫁妆6.chimney 烟囱7.reindeer 驯鹿8.carols 圣诞颂歌原文Christmas HolidaysIn many ways, Christmas is the most important holiday in North America.It is the most important commercial festival.Most retail stores do half of their annual business in the six weeks or so before Christmas.Christmas is an important holiday from work and school.Many workers take the whole week off between Christmas and New Year's Day.It is the biggest time of the year for parties gift-giving, home decorations and visiting.Many homeowners compete to see who can have the best display of lights.It is also an important time for the entertainment industry.Many Christmas movies, TV shows, recordings, concerts and plays are produced every year for the Christmas season.It is also the time of year when the largest number of people attend church, because Christmas is a religious festival too.It celebrates the birthday of Jesus.How all these different things came together to become Christmas is a long story.Why,for example, is Jesus' birthday celebrated on December 25th?No one knows the exact day that Jesus was born.But,Jesus was born during the Roman Empire and, for the Romans, December 25th was a very important day.The Romans had many gods and many religions.Two religions, both of which had one main god, were the worship of the Invincible Sun and of Mithras.These gods were both honored on December 25th.Because December 25th was just after the shortest day of the year, it was a natural time to worship the sun.December was also a time to celebrate the end of the agriculture year.The Romans held one of their main festivals, the Saturnalia, beginning on December 17th.It lasted for a week.The Romans also began the custom of celebrating New Year's Day on January 1st.So the last half of December and the beginning of January was a wonderful time for partying and games.The early Christians didn't know what day Jesus was born.At first, they celebrated his birthday on January 6th.However,as most of the people in the Roman Empire were becoming Christians, it was decided to move the date to December 25th.The celebration lasted twelve days until January 6th, and took the place of all other festivals.That way, people who were used to celebrating on December 25th would feel more comfortable.As different peoples became Christian, they brought their own customs to be part of Christmas.The people of northern Europe used evergreen trees and mistletoe as symbols of spring and eternal life.The evergreen tree became the Christmas tree.The mistletoe is hung from the ceiling at Christmas for couples to kiss under it.It was also in northern Europe where the idea of Santa Claus, or Father Christmas,began.In Roman times, there was a man who became known as Saint Nicholas.He is said to have given gifts to the poor and provided dowries for poor girls who wouldn't otherwise be able to marry.The idea of the gift-giving Saint became joined with the northern idea of Spirit of Christmas festivities.It was a poem written in 1831 by the American writer, Clement Moore,which popularized Santa Claus throughout the world."Twas the night before Christmas..."told the story of how Santa visits every house in the world on Christmas Eve and brings toys for good girls and boys.Since that time, parents have secretly bought toys for their children at Christmas.When the children awake on Christmas Day, they find toys by the chimney, or under the Christmas tree.They are told that Santa Claus and his reindeer brought them.Adults also give gifts to each other at Christmas time.No wonder that the stores sell so many things then! It is often said that Christmas is becoming too commercialized.In the rush to get everything ready--to buy the gifts, decorate the house and tree, give parties, visit family and friends, and attend special Christmas events the original reason for celebrating is sometimes forgotten.Only when people go to church, or sing Christmas carols, or attend musical performances about Jesus' birth,do they remember that Christmas is the birthday of Christ.翻译圣诞假期在许多方面,圣诞节是北美最重要的节日。它是最重要的商业节日。大多数零售商店在圣诞节前的六周左右完成了一半的年度业务。圣诞节是一个远离工作和学校的重要节日。许多工人在圣诞节和新年之间休整整一周的假。这是一年中聚会、赠送礼物、装饰家庭和参观的最大时刻。许多房主竞相看谁能拥有最好的灯光。对于娱乐业来说,这也是一个重要的时期。每年都会为圣诞节制作许多圣诞电影、电视节目、唱片、音乐会和戏剧。这也是一年中去教堂的人最多的时候,因为圣诞节也是一个宗教节日。它庆祝耶稣的生日。所有这些不同的东西是如何结合在一起成为圣诞节的,这是一个很长的故事。例如,为什么耶稣的生日是在12月25日?没有人知道耶稣出生的确切日期。但是,耶稣出生在罗马帝国时期,对罗马人来说,12月25日是一个非常重要的日子。罗马人有许多神和许多宗教。两种宗教,都有一个主神,是对无敌太阳和密特拉的崇拜。这些神都在12月25日受到尊崇。因为12月25日是一年中白天最短的一天,所以这是一个崇拜太阳的自然时间。12月也是庆祝农业年结束的时候。罗马人从12月17日开始举行他们的主要节日之一农神节。它持续了一个星期。罗马人还开始了在1月1日庆祝新年的习俗。因此,12月的下半月和1月初是聚会和游戏的美好时光。早期的基督徒不知道耶稣是哪一天出生的。起初,他们在1月6日庆祝他的生日。然而,由于罗马帝国的大多数人都成为基督徒,于是决定将日期改为12月25日。庆祝活动持续了12天,直到1月6日,并取代了所有其他节日。这样,习惯在12月25日庆祝的人们会感觉更舒服。随着不同的民族成为基督徒,他们带来了自己的习俗,成为圣诞节的一部分。北欧人用常青树和槲寄生作为春天和永恒生命的象征。常青树变成了圣诞树。圣诞节时,人们会把槲寄生挂在天花板上,让情侣们在它下面接吻。圣诞老人或圣诞老人的想法也是在北欧开始的。在罗马时代,有一个人被称为圣尼古拉斯。据说他给穷人送礼物,并为那些无法结婚的贫穷女孩提供嫁妆。送礼物的圣人的想法与北方的圣诞节庆祝活动的精神结合在一起。1831年,美国作家克莱门特·摩尔写了一首诗,这首诗使圣诞老人在全世界家喻户晓。“这是圣诞节的前一夜……”讲述了圣诞老人如何在圣诞夜拜访世界上的每户人家,并为乖孩子们带来玩具的故事。从那时起,父母们就会在圣诞节偷偷地给孩子们买玩具。当孩子们在圣诞节醒来时,他们在烟囱旁或圣诞树下找到玩具。他们被告知是圣诞老人和他的驯鹿带来的。成年人也会在圣诞节互赠礼物。难怪商店那时卖这么多东西!人们常说圣诞节变得太商业化了。在匆忙准备一切的时候——买礼物,装饰房子和圣诞树,举办聚会,拜访家人和朋友,参加特别的圣诞活动——庆祝的最初原因有时被遗忘了。只有当人们去教堂,或唱圣诞颂歌,或参加有关耶稣诞生的音乐表演时,他们才会记得圣诞节是基督的生日。
10/21/20234 minutes, 7 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part9

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter IX: The Island of TortugaWill helped Jack on the Interceptor.The weather was good, and the wind was strong."You're not a sailor," said Jack. "You're a blacksmith. Where did you learn about sailing?""I worked on a ship when I was a boy," said Will."I came from England. I wanted to find my father - Bill Turner.""Is that right?""You knew my father," said Will. "I asked for your help when you were in the cell. You weren't interested. But when you heard my name, you said yes.""Oh,I knew him," said Jack. "Everybody knew Bill. He was a good man. He was... a good pirate.""No!"shouted Will."You're wrong. My father wasn't a pirate." He pulled out his sword."Put that away," Jack told him. "Why are you getting excited? Your father was a pirate, Mr. Turner. A good man, but a pirate. Now help me with this ship."They arrived at the island of Tortuga.Tortuga was a small, dirty place.It had a harbor, some houses, an old store, and four bars.Badmen and pirates went there.They wanted to drink and to find women."Come with me," Jack said to Will. "We have to find some sailors for our ship."They went into a bar and found an old man.His name was Joshaemee Gibbs.He was asleep, and he had a bottle in his hand.Jack kicked him."Wake up, Mr. Gibbs. We have work for you."Slowly,Gibbs opened his eyes."Oh,it's you. What do you want?"Jack move dnear to the old man.He didn't want Will to hear their conversation."We're looking for a ship," he said. "The Black Pearl.""The Black Pearl?" The old man sat up. "That's not smart, Jack Sparrow.You know the stories about the Black Pearl. Do you think Barbossa is going to give you his ship?"Jack laughed. "Oh, I think he will," he answered.He looked at Will, and the old man's eyes followed his."I have the boy and they want him.""That boy?""The child of Bill Turner. His only child."Joshaemee Gibbs didn't speak.He thought about Jack's words.And then he smiled."Ah,I understand," he said. "His only child. I think I can find some sailors for you now."Gibbs did his job well.Some of the sailors were small; some were tall.Some were fat; some were thin.Some were smart; some were stupid.But they were all good sailors.They stood in front of their captain.Jack looked at them.Then he showed them the ship."There's my ship, the Interceptor," he said. "It is a fine ship, a fast ship.Sail with me, and at the end you can have it! What do you say?"The sailors shouted, "Yes!"Jack stopped in front of a sailor in a very big hat.Suddenly a hand came out from under the hat and hit him. Jack fell to the ground.The hat fell, too - and showed a woman's face.Jack stood up. "Hello, Ana Maria," he said."You took my boat!" she shouted."Ah..."said Jack slowly."And where is it now? Do you have it?""No,I don't. But this ship is better."He turned to the men."Get ready!" he said. "We're going to sail. And Ana Maria will give you your work."The sailors ran onto the ship, and the Interceptor left Tortuga.Gibbs and Will sat and looked out at the ocean."Do you know Captain Sparrow well?" Will asked."Oh yes," said Gibbs. "I knew him when he was captain of the Black Pearl.""What?Captain of the Black Pearl? But how..?""Listen to the story," said Gibbs. "Jack Sparrow was a pirate, but he was a good man. He found the Isla de Muerta -and there was gold for every sailor on his ship.But his sailors didn't want Jack Sparrow. They wanted the gold. So they left him on an island with no food and no water – only his gun.""They left him?""They left him -but he got away. And now he wants to find those pirates, and he wants to use that gun. He wants to shoot their captain, Barbossa!"The Black Pearl was at the Isla de Muerta."It's time, my dear,'" said Ragetti.He smiled at her, but his one good eye watched her carefully.They put her in a small boat and left the Black Pearl.The fog got thinner.Elizabeth could see a big, black cave."Are we going in there?" she asked."Yes,my dear," said Pintel.
10/19/20237 minutes, 12 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文271.I don't think I can help you very much.我不认为我能帮你很多。272.I got up early enough to catch the first train.我起了个大早为了赶第一班火车。273.I didn't expect to see you at a place like this.我没想到会在这里碰见你。274.He has three times as many books as I have.他的藏书是我的三倍。274.I can't believe your parents let you come here by yourself.我不敢相信你父母会让你自己一个人过来。275.Did you forget to lock the door last night?你昨天晚上忘了锁门吗?276.I always take a bath before going to bed.我睡觉前总要洗个澡。277.She got all dolled up for her big date.为了她的重要约会,她精心打扮了一下。278.Plastics have taken the place of many conventional materials.塑料代替了许多传统的原料。279.What time does the train for New York depart?去纽约的火车几点出发?280.You should try to form the habit of using your dictionaries.你们该养成使用字典的习惯。
10/17/20233 minutes, 44 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day19(181-190)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 19181.Attractiveadj.吸引人的,有吸引力的;迷人的,有魅力的She is very attractive.她非常有吸引力。I don't find him physically attractive.我觉得他在身体上没什么吸引力。Your offer is very attractive, but I will have to think about it a bit.您的报价非常有吸引力,但我必须考虑一下。182.Audiencen.观众,听众;读者;觐见,拜见;拥护者The audience exploded with laughter.观众大笑起来。The audience clapped loudly after his speech.演讲结束后,观众大声鼓掌。183.Authorityn.专家;权利,权限;权威;授权;官方He is a leading authority in his field.他是该领域的领导权威。He abuses his authority.他滥用权力。Are you challenging my authority?你在挑战我的权威吗?184.Automaticadj.自动的;必然的;无意识的n.自动挡汽车;自动武器This is an automatic door.这是自动门。Breathing is an automatic function of the body.呼吸是身体的自动功能。185.Automaticallyadv.自然地,必然地;不假思索地,无意识地;自动地Wisdom does not automatically come with age.智慧不会随着年龄的增长而自动出现。The door will lock automatically when you go out.当你外出时,门会自动锁定。186.Availableadj.可用的,可获得的;有空的,有闲暇的;未婚的,单身的This channel is only available on cable.此频道仅在有线电视上可用。This is the only room available.这是唯一可用的房间。Are you available at 9 p.m?晚上9点有空吗?187.Averagen.平均水平;平均值;adj.平常的;平均的;中等的v.平均为The average person must drink at least a liter of water every day.普通人每天必须至少喝一升水。What's the average temperature here?这里的平均温度是多少?I sleep six hours a day on average.我平均每天睡六个小时。188.Avoidv.避免,防止;回避,避开;撤销,使无效Don't avoid my question.不要回避我的问题。To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colors.为了避免混淆,球队穿着不同的颜色。You must avoid making such mistakes.你必须避免犯这样的错误。189.Awakeadj.醒着的v.(使)醒来,唤醒;唤起,激发起;意识到Are you still awake?你还醒着吗?"Are you asleep? "No, I'm awake."“你睡着了吗?” “不,我醒了。”190.Awardn.奖,奖品;(收入的)增加;授予;奖学金v.颁发;判给He certainly deserves the award.他当然应该得到这个奖项。
10/15/202310 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 78.Charlotte Church

词汇提示1.impresario 剧院经理2.nightingales 夜莺3.heritage 文化传承4.infant 婴儿5.Catholic 天主教信徒6.Pope 教皇7.assembly 立法院8.spoiled 宠坏9.brash 盛气凌人的原文Charlotte ChurchMany years ago, a German opera impresario was asked why so many of his leading ladies were physically unattractive.He replied, "The ones who look like horses, sing like nightingales, and vice versa."Certainly,a good voice doesn't always go with an attractive appearance.But in our day of media images, good looks seem very important.Charlotte Church recorded her first album when she was 12 years old.It was called, "Voice of an Angel."Everyone agreed that the little girl has a very big voice.And they were delighted that Charlotte not only sounded like an angel, she also looked like one.Her sweet schoolgirl appearance and winning smile are part of her success.Charlotte Church was born in Cardiff, Wales in February, 1986.Music and singing are very important in Welsh culture, and all of Charlotte's family were musical.Although Wales is part of Great Britain, the Welsh people are very proud of their own language, history and heritage.Now that Wales has its own parliament at Cardiff, Welsh culture is promoted even more strongly.Charlotte sings some of her songs in the Welsh language.Charlotte began singing along with the radio as an infant, and by the age of three she could sing a number of popular songs.She began singing lessons when she was nineCharlotte first appeared on television early in 1997.This led to a number of other TV and concert appearances.In 1998, she signed a contract with Sony to record five albums.Since Charlotte's first album appeared, she has spent a lot of time doing promotional tours.Since she is a schoolgirl, her two tutors travel along with her."Voice of an Angel" was recorded in five days in Cardiff, Wales.All the songs were ones that Charlotte already knew and liked.These included "Pie Jesus," "The Lord's Prayer,""Jerusalem," and "Danny Boy."The album came out on November 9,1998, and within a couple of weeks was number four on the popular music charts.She recorded her second album, "Charlotte Church," in 1999.Travelling involves doing "showcases" for people in the music industry and the media.This is to encourage people to promote your music.Charlotte also appeared on various U.S. talk shows, including David Letterman and Jay Leno.She finds that she gets asked the same questions over and over again.Besides media celebrities, Charlotte has met many leading public figures.Since she is Roman Catholic, Charlotte was especially excited to meet the Pope.This was after she had been invited to sing at a Christmas concert at the Vatican.She was also asked to sing at Prince Charles' fiftieth birthday party in 1998.She saw the Prince again in 1999, when she sang at the official opening of the Welsh National Assembly.Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip talked to her too.Later that year, she sang for Bill and Hilary Clinton at the Ford Theater in Washington.Something that people like about Charlotte Church is that she hasn't been spoiled by fame.Many show business kids are loud, brash, noisy and rude.But when she is away from the stage, the young singer leads a normal life with her family and friends.Even when she is on TV, she comes across as an ordinary teenager, but a very nice one.Charlotte's voice always gets comments.It seems like such a big voice for a little girl.Very few teenagers have a powerful operatic voice like hers.Some people have found it hard to believe that it is actually Charlotte singing.For the most part, she enjoys her success.She likes to travel and meet new people.Los Angeles is her favorite city, and she likes the United States and Canada.But she is always glad to get home to Wales and be with her friends.At the moment, she goes to an all-girl school, so she doesn't see boys very often.But,at age fifteen, an interest in boys is likely to become a factor in her life.Charlotte now has recorded three albums and we can expect a fourth in 2001.She has also written an account of her life for all her fans.It is entitled, "Voice of an Angel: My Life (So Far). "翻译夏洛特·丘奇许多年前,有人问一位德国歌剧经理,为什么他的许多女主角都长得不好看。他回答说:“长得像马的人唱得像夜莺,反之亦然。”当然,好嗓子不一定配得上漂亮的外表。但在我们这个媒体形象盛行的时代,美貌似乎非常重要。夏洛特·丘奇12岁时录制了她的第一张专辑。歌名是《天使之声》每个人都认为这个小女孩有一个非常大的声音。他们很高兴夏洛不仅听起来像个天使,而且看起来也像个天使。她甜美的学生模样和迷人的微笑是她成功的部分原因。1986年2月,夏洛特·丘奇出生于威尔士的卡迪夫。音乐和歌唱在威尔士文化中非常重要,夏洛特一家都喜欢音乐。虽然威尔士是英国的一部分,但威尔士人对自己的语言、历史和传统感到非常自豪。现在威尔士在卡迪夫有了自己的议会,威尔士文化得到了更有力的推广。夏洛特用威尔士语演唱她的一些歌曲。夏洛特在婴儿时期就开始跟着收音机唱歌,到三岁时,她已经能唱一些流行歌曲了。她九岁时开始上歌唱课夏洛特于1997年初首次出现在电视上。这导致了许多其他的电视和音乐会的亮相。1998年,她与索尼公司签约录制五张专辑。自从夏洛特的第一张专辑发行以来,她花了很多时间进行巡回宣传。因为她是一名女学生,所以她的两位家庭教师和她一起旅行。《天使之声》是在威尔士卡迪夫用五天时间录制的。所有的歌都是夏洛特已经知道和喜欢的。其中包括“派耶稣”、“主祷文”、“耶路撒冷”和“丹尼男孩”。这张专辑于1998年11月9日发行,几周内就登上了流行音乐排行榜的第四位。1999年,她录制了第二张专辑《夏洛特教堂》(Charlotte Church)。旅行包括为音乐行业和媒体人士做“展示”。这是为了鼓励人们推广你的音乐。夏洛特还参加了包括大卫·莱特曼和杰·雷诺在内的许多美国脱口秀节目。她发现自己一遍又一遍地被问到同样的问题。除了媒体名人,夏洛特还见过许多重要的公众人物。因为夏洛特是罗马天主教徒,所以见到教皇特别兴奋。这是在她受邀在梵蒂冈的圣诞音乐会上演唱之后发生的。1998年,她还受邀在查尔斯王子50岁生日派对上演唱。1999年,当她在威尔士国民议会的正式开幕式上唱歌时,她再次见到了王子。伊丽莎白女王和菲利普亲王也和她交谈过。那年晚些时候,她在华盛顿的福特剧院为比尔·克林顿和希拉里·克林顿演唱。人们喜欢夏洛特·丘奇的一点是她没有被名声宠坏。许多演艺圈的孩子大声、傲慢、吵闹、粗鲁。但是当她离开舞台时,这位年轻的歌手和她的家人和朋友过着正常的生活。即使在电视上,她给人的印象也是一个普通的青少年,但却非常好。夏洛特的声音总是得到评论。对一个小女孩来说,声音太大了。很少有青少年像她那样有一副强有力的歌剧嗓音。有些人很难相信这真的是夏洛特在唱歌。在很大程度上,她喜欢她的成功。她喜欢旅行和结识新朋友。洛杉矶是她最喜欢的城市,她喜欢美国和加拿大。但她总是很高兴回到威尔士的家,和朋友们在一起。目前,她在一所女子学校上学,所以她不经常见到男孩。但是,在15岁的时候,对男孩的兴趣很可能成为她生活中的一个因素。夏洛特现在已经录制了三张专辑,我们预计在2001年将会有第四张专辑。她还为她所有的粉丝写了一篇关于她生活的文章。它的标题是“天使的声音:我的生活(到目前为止)”。
10/14/20234 minutes, 9 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part8

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble单词提示1.curse 诅咒2.skeletons 骷髅原文Chapter VIII: Dinner with BarbossaElizabeth sat at a table on the Black Pearl.There was a lot of food on the table -bread, fruit, and meat.Captain Barbossa sat at the other end of the table."Are you hungry?" he said. "Please eat."Elizabeth was very hungry.She took some bread and some meat and started to eat."Have a drink," said Barbossa.Elizabeth drank. Then she looked at the captain. "You're not eating," She said, "Is something wrong with the food? Are you trying to kill me? You eat it? "She gave the captain some bread, but he didn't take it."I can't eat it," Barbossa said unhappily. "I'd like to. I'd love to.But I can't."He took the gold medallion from his coat."This gold, Miss Turner, is very old. The Aztecs gave it to Cortes when he arrived in the Americas. There are many, many more of these. And the Aztecs put a curse on them. ""We found the gold on the Isla de Muerta," said Barbossa. "We took all of it. We bought food and drink with it. But then, suddenly, we couldn't eat and we couldn't drink. When we took the money, Miss Turner, the curse came with it."The captain suddenly looked happier."But now we can end the curse. We had to find all of the gold. Then we had to put it back on the island and give some blood. For ten years we looked for the gold one very ship and in every town...""And now you have all of it," Elizabeth said."Yes.With this gold medallion, we have all of it. Thank you."She thought for a minute. "You have everything, and you're going to be free of the curse. So why am I here? ""There's one more thing, you're Elizabeth Turner, the daughter of the pirate Bill Turner.He was one of us, but he isn't with us now. We have to have your blood!"Elizabeth didn't understand, but she was afraid. Her blood?She jumped up and tried to run.But Barbossa stood in front of her.She took a knife and pushed it into him.Then she ran outside.She closed her eyes.Her blood! What could she do?She opened her eyes and saw the pirates at work.Then she looked carefully.They weren't men - they were skeletons!Barbossa was behind her."Now,Miss Turner, you can really see us." He smiled. "Yes, Miss Turner,we're all ghosts. You're in a ghost story!"
10/12/20234 minutes
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文261.She wrote him a long letter, but he didn't read it.她给他写了一封长信,但是他没有看。262.She liked tennis and became a tennis coach.她喜欢网球并成为了一个网球教练。263.I hope everything will be fine in the end.我希望最后一切都好。264.We lost sight of the man in the crowd.在人群中,我们失去了那个男人的踪影。265.I'm sure I can find something for you to do.我确定我能给你找点事做。266.There are a lot of new buildings here now.这里现在有了很多新建筑。267.I walk my dog in the park every morning.我每天早上到公园里遛狗。268.My son is now as tall as I am.我儿子现在和我一样高了。269.A woman visited us while you were sleeping.你睡觉的时候,一个女人来看过我们。270.I swear I will never do such a thing.我发誓我不会做这种事。
10/10/20233 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day18(171-180)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day18171.Attachv.系上,贴上,连接;与...有关联You need to attach your photo to the application form.您需要将照片附在申请表上。Don't forget to attach your photo to the application form.别忘了将照片附在申请表上。You must attach this label to your suitcase.您必须将此标签贴在行李箱上。172.Attachedadj.非常喜欢……的,附属的;附加的v.系上,贴上;赋予Please see the document attached.请参阅所附文件。She attached a note to the package.她在包裹上附了一张纸条。Please fill out the attached application.请填写随附的申请表。173.Attackv.批评,侵害;攻击n.(疾病的)突然发作;(情感的)一阵突发We're under attack.我们受到了攻击。He died after a serious heart attack.他在严重的心脏病发作后死亡。174.Attemptv.努力,尝试n.试图,努力;企图杀害I passed my driving test at the first attempt.我第一次尝试通过了驾驶考试。175.Attendv.随同,陪同;经常去;出席,参加;注意,专心Are you going to attend the ceremony?你要去参加仪式吗?l just want to let you know that I can't attend your party.我只想告诉你我不能参加你的派对。You are not entitled to attend the meeting.您无权参加会议。176.Attentionn.注意;注意力;照料;兴趣;立正;殷勤,关心You must pay attention to him.你一定要注意他。His speech captured our attention.他的讲话引起了我们的注意。Pay attention to the traffic signals.注意交通信号灯。177.Attituden.态度,看法;姿势;个人风格He had an unfriendly attitude.他态度不友好。My attitude towards him has changed.我对他的态度已经改变。She has a negative attitude toward life.她对生活持消极态度。178.Attorneyn.律师;代理人My husband is an attorney.我丈夫是律师。He trusted his defense attorney.他信任他的辩护律师。179.Attractv.吸引;(物体间)产生引力;引起;有吸引力They do everything to attract more clients.他们竭尽全力吸引更多客户。If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper.如果您想吸引更多客户,请尝试在当地报纸上刊登广告。The museums attract a lot of tourists.博物馆吸引了很多游客。180.Attractionn.有吸引力的事物;吸引力;(两性间的)吸引;引力A good relationship is based on more than just physical attraction.良好的关系不仅仅基于身体上的吸引力。She felt an immediate attraction for him.她立即对他有吸引力。
10/8/202313 minutes, 39 seconds
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Level 4-Day 77.The Story of Anne Frank

词汇提示1.persecution 迫害2.handicapped 残疾人3.intellectuals 知识分子4.pectin 果胶5.herbs 草药6.seasoning 调味7.gypsies 吉普赛人8.homosexual 同性恋9.chronically 长期地10.eliminated 消除11.authorities 当局者原文The Story of Anne FrankWar,persecution, and economic depression affect not only adults, but also old people, children, babies, the sick and the handicapped.Since history is written mostly about politicians, soldiers, intellectuals and criminals, we don't read very often about how events affect ordinary people.Now and then a special book will shed light on what it was like to live in the midst of terrible events.Such a book is "The Diary of Anne Frank."Anne Frank was born in Frankfurtam Main, Germany, in 1929.Her father Otto Frank was a businessman who moved the family to the Netherlands in 1934.In Amsterdam, Otto started a company selling pectin to make jams and jellies.Later he began a second company that sold herbs for seasoning meat.Otto Frank had decided to leave Germany because of the policies and personality of the new German Chancellor Adolph Hitler.Hitler had a personal hatred not only for Jewish people but also for everything Jewish.He felt that one way to strengthen Germany and solve its problems was to kill or drive out all the Jews.Hitler also felt that other groups, such as blacks, gypsies, the handicapped,homosexuals and the chronically unemployed should be eliminated.Then only strong healthy "true Germans" would be left.Since Hitler had a plan to solve Germany's economic problems, he received a lot of popular support.Very few Germans realized that he was mentally and emotionally unbalanced and would kill anyone who got in his way.The Frank family was Jewish, and they felt that they would be safe in the Netherlands.However,in May 1940, Germany invaded the Netherlands and soon took over the government.In 1941, laws were passed to keep Jews separate from other Dutch citizens.The following year, Dutch Jews began to be shipped to concentration camps in Germany and Poland.Just before this began, Anne Frank, Otto's younger daughter, received a diary for her 13th birthday.Less than a month later, the whole family went into hiding.Otto Frank had made friends with the Dutch people who worked with him in his business operations.Now these friends were ready to help him, even though hiding Jews from the authorities was treated as a serious crime.Behind Otto Frank's business offices, there was another house that was not visible from the street.Here the Franks moved many of their things.Only a few trusted people knew they were living there.The Franks moved into these small rooms on July 6, 1942,and they lived there with another Jewish family, the Van Pels, until the police captured them on August 4, 1944.So,for more than two years, the two families never went outside.All their food and supplies had to be brought to them.During this period, Anne Frank told her diary all her thoughts and fears.Like any teenage girl, she hoped that good things would happen to her, that she would become a writer or a movie star.She complained that her parents treated her like a child.She insisted that she was grown up.She also talked about how difficult it was to live in a small area with seven other people and not be able to go outside.She wrote about the war and hoped that the Netherlands would soon be liberated from the Germans.Anne sometimes envied her older sister, Margot, who was so much more mature, and who never got into trouble.She and Margot wrote letters to each other to pass the time.Anne even had a romance with Peter van Pels, who was seventeen.Then all their fears came true.All the eight Jews hiding in the house were arrested and eventually sent to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland.Although the war was ending, it did not end soon enough for the Frank family.Only Otto Frank survived the war.One of their helpers, Miep Gies, saved Anne's diary and kept it.After the war, Otto Frank decided to publish it.Since 1947 more than 20 million copies have been sold in 55 languages.Anne's diary shows the terrible cost of hatred, persecution and war better than any history book.翻译安妮·弗兰克的故事战争、迫害和经济萧条不仅影响成年人,也影响老人、儿童、婴儿、病人和残疾人。由于历史主要是关于政治家、士兵、知识分子和罪犯的,我们很少读到事件对普通人的影响。时不时地,一本特别的书会揭示生活在可怕事件中的感觉。这样一本书就是《安妮日记》。安妮·弗兰克1929年出生于德国法兰克福。她的父亲奥托·弗兰克是一位商人,1934年全家搬到了荷兰。在阿姆斯特丹,奥托开了一家公司,销售用来制作果酱和果冻的果胶。后来,他又开了第二家公司,出售调味肉用的草药。由于德国新总理阿道夫·希特勒的政策和个性,奥托·弗兰克决定离开德国。希特勒不仅对犹太人,而且对一切犹太人都有个人的仇恨。他认为,加强德国和解决其问题的一个方法是杀死或驱逐所有犹太人。希特勒还认为其他群体,如黑人、吉普赛人、残疾人、同性恋者和长期失业者应该被消灭。这样就只剩下强壮健康的“真正德国人”了。由于希特勒有一个解决德国经济问题的计划,他得到了很多民众的支持。很少有德国人意识到他在精神上和情感上都不平衡,会杀死任何挡他路的人。弗兰克一家是犹太人,他们觉得在荷兰会很安全。然而,1940年5月,德国入侵荷兰,并很快接管了政府。1941年,通过了将犹太人与其他荷兰公民分开的法律。第二年,荷兰犹太人开始被运往德国和波兰的集中营。就在这一切开始之前,奥托的小女儿安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)在13岁生日时收到了一本日记。不到一个月后,全家人都躲起来了。奥托·弗兰克与在他的商业运作中与他一起工作的荷兰人交了朋友。现在这些朋友都愿意帮助他,尽管向当局藏匿犹太人是一种严重的罪行。在奥托·弗兰克的商业办公室后面,还有一栋房子,从街上看不见。法兰克人把他们的许多东西搬到了这里。只有少数值得信赖的人知道他们住在那里。1942年7月6日,弗兰克斯一家搬进了这些小房间,他们和另一个犹太家庭范佩尔(Van Pels)住在一起,直到1944年8月4日被警察逮捕。因此,在两年多的时间里,两家人从未出门。他们所有的食物和补给都必须运来。在此期间,安妮·弗兰克把她所有的想法和恐惧都写在日记里。像任何一个十几岁的女孩一样,她希望好事会发生在她身上,希望她能成为一名作家或电影明星。她抱怨父母把她当孩子对待。她坚持说她已经长大了。她还谈到了和其他七个人住在一个小地方,不能出去是多么困难。她写了关于战争的文章,希望荷兰能很快从德国人手中解放出来。安妮有时羡慕她的姐姐玛戈特,因为她成熟得多,而且从不惹事。她和玛戈特互相写信打发时间。安妮甚至和17岁的彼得·范·佩尔斯有过一段恋情。然后他们所有的恐惧都成真了。躲在房子里的8名犹太人全部被捕,最终被送往波兰的奥斯维辛死亡集中营。虽然战争即将结束,但对弗兰克一家来说,结束得还不够快。只有奥托·弗兰克在战争中幸存下来。他们的助手之一梅普·吉斯保存了安妮的日记并保存了下来。战后,奥托·弗兰克决定出版这本书。自1947年以来,该书已被翻译成55种语言,销量超过2000万册。安妮的日记比任何一本历史书都更好地展示了仇恨、迫害和战争的可怕代价。
10/7/20233 minutes, 52 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part7

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter VII: On the Dauntless and the InterceptorWhen Will Turner woke up, his head hurt.But he thought only of Elizabeth.He ran to the governor's office.He found the governor, Norrington, and the two sailors."The pirates have Elizabeth!" he shouted.Norrington looked at him."Mr.Turner," he said. "You're a blacksmith. This isn't your fight. Please go.""We have to find her," Will said."Of course we do," Norrington said. "And we will.""Jack Sparrow!" said one of the sailors. "He knows about the Black Pearl.""Go to Sparrow. Ask him!" shouted Will. "We can follow the ship! He can take us to it.""Mr.Turner," said Norrington. "Please leave us. Now!" He turned away.Will ran to Jack's cell."Hey,you! Sparrow! Do you know the pirate ship - the Black Pearl?""Yes..."said Jack. "Where does it go?""It sails from the Isla de Muerta – the Island of the Dead. You know the stories. Butwhy ask me?""They took Miss Swann," said Will angrily.The pirate smiled."Oh,so you did find a girl..." he said. "But what can I do? I'm inhere.""I can help you," said Will. "I can get you out of here, and then you can help me!"Jack Sparrow thought about this."Whats your name, boy?" he asked. "Turner. Will Turner.""Turner?OK, Mr. Turner. I'll help you. But first, I have to get out of this cell."Will smiled. He was a blacksmith. He could open a cell door!When Jack was free, he and Will went down to the harbor."What are we going to do?" asked Will."We're going to take that ship," said Jack."The Dauntless.""Take it? You're crazy!"But Will followed Jack.The two men swam to the ship and climbed up the side.There were sailors on the ship."Don't move!" Jack told them."I have a gun! I want this ship."The sailors looked at Jack, then at Will.They started to laugh, "But this is a big ship," one of them said. "You can't sail it with two men!""We can try," said Jack. "Now, leave!"The sailors looked at Jack and Will. They looked at the gun.And then they got into a small boat and left the Dauntless.From the Interceptor, Norrington saw Will and Jack on the Dauntless."What?"he thought. "You? But how...? And where are you going on my ship?"He turned to his sailors. "Quickly," he said. "We have to catch the Dauntless. Now!"The Interceptor was a faster ship, and minutes later it was near the Dauntless."Let'stake them!" shouted Norrington.He and his men went onto the Dauntless.Only one man stayed on the Interceptor.Norrington's men looked every where."Find them! I know they're here!" the captain shouted.But Jack and Will weren't on the Dauntless.They were now on the Interceptor."Hello,"said Jack to the only sailor there.The man looked at him.He looked at Jack's sword. And he looked at Jacks gun."Can you swim?" asked Jack."Like a fish," said the sailor."Good!"said Jack and threw him in the water.Commodore Norrington and his men saw the sailor when he fell."Stop them!" Norrington shouted. "Stop them!"But it was too late.The Interceptor sailed out of the harbor.
10/5/20235 minutes, 22 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文251.This book is too difficult for you to read.这本书对你来说太难了。252.The red flag indicated the presence of danger.红色的旗代表有危险存在。253.Let's divide this money between you and me.这钱你和我分了吧。254.I wish that we could spend more time together.我希望我们有更多时间呆在一起。255.Leaving something unfinished is the worst thing you can do.半途而废是最糟糕的事情。256.I wish I could go to the party with you.我希望我能和你一起参加派对。257.People are more educated now than they used to be.现在的人教育程度比以前高得多。258.She can sing better than anybody else in her class.她唱歌唱得比班上任何人都好。259.He studied hard in order to get into college.他努力学习,为的是能够考上大学。260.I can speak Chinese, but I can't read it.我会说中文,但是我不会读中文。
10/3/20233 minutes, 45 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day17(161-170)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 17161.Asleepadj.睡着的;麻木的;长眠的,已死的adv.处于睡眠状态地The children pretended to be asleep.孩子们假装睡着了。Don't let me fall asleep.别让我睡着了。I fell asleep for a bit.我睡了一会儿。162.Aspectn.方面,特色;外表,外观;v.形成角度关系The service was excellent in every aspect.该服务在各个方面都非常出色。We must consider every aspect of the problem.我们必须考虑问题的各个方面。163.Assistv.帮助,协助;n.(球赛中的)助攻;资助,帮助We're here to assist you.我们是来帮助你的。Can l assist you in any way?我能以任何方式帮助你吗?164.Assistancen.帮助,援助Thank you for your kind assistance.谢谢你的帮助。I would appreciate any assistance you could offer.如果您能提供任何帮助,我将不胜感激。Do you need my assistance?你需要我的帮助吗?165.Assistantn.助理,助手;店员,售货员 adj.助理的,副的My assistant will now give you some instructions.我的助手现在会给你一些指示。I am looking for an assistant.我在找助手。I have been working as a teaching assistant for several years.我担任助教已有好几年了。166.Associatev.联想,联系;支持n.同事,伙伴adj.联合的,有关连的I don't associate with people like him.我不会和像他这样的人交往。What do you associate with summer?你和夏天有什么关系?167.Associationn.协会,社团,联盟;交往,联合;联想They denied having any association with terrorists.他们否认与恐怖分子有任何联系。My association with them didn't last long.我和他们的关系没持续很长时间。168.Assumev.假定,假设,认为;装出I assume you know why I'm here.我想你知道我为什么来这里。I assume you've read my report.我想你已经看过我的报告了。169.Assurev.使确信,向…..…保证;确保,使确定;给….….保险I assure you that an error like this will never happen again.我向你保证,这样的错误永远不会再发生。I assure you I'll do everything possible to help you.我向你保证我会尽一切可能帮助你。I can assure you that's not true.我可以向你保证这不是真的。170.Atmospheren.大气,大气层;空气;气氛,环境;感染力I enjoy the fresh atmosphere in the countryside.我喜欢乡村的清新气氛。The atmosphere was uncomfortable.气氛很不舒服。There is a friendly atmosphere in the office.办公室气氛友好。
10/1/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Level 4-Day 76.Alexander Graham Bell

词汇提示1.screw 螺丝2.propeller 螺旋桨3.harnessing 利用4.tuberculosis 结核病5.sensation 轰动6.cylinders 圆筒7.phonograph 留声机8.humid 潮湿的9.enthusiasts 热情的10.resistance 阻力11.hydrofoil 水翼船原文Alexander Graham BellThe Victorian period was a time of many new inventions.Earlier discoveries, such as the steam engine, the screw propeller, the power of electricity, and the possibility of sending messages along a wire, werenow applied to everyday life.Inventors such as Thomas Edison and Nicholas Tesla explored new methods for harnessing electric power.Some of the greatest discoveries were made by Alexander Graham Bell.Bell was born in Scotland in 1847.Both his father and grandfather taught speech methods and worked with deaf and dumb children.Alexander was also interested in this work especially as his mother was almost deaf.Alexander's two brothers died of tuberculosis ,and he himself contracted the disease, so his parents decided to leave Scotland for a drier, healthier climate.They moved to Brantford, Ontario, Canada, and lived in a roomy, comfortable house overlooking the Grand River.Today,the Bell Homestead is an historical museum that attracts visitors from all over the world.At that time, Canada did not have a lot of business opportunities, so Alexander found a job teaching speech in Boston, U.S.A.But he returned to Brantford every summer.In Boston, Bell married one of his deaf studentsHis father-in-law suggested that there were good business opportunities in inventing communication devices.Bell soon developed a method for sending more than one telegraph message at the same time.While working on improving the telegraph, Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson,found a way to send the human voice over wires.On August 10, 1876, Bell sent the first telephone message over wires strung between Brantford and Paris, Ontario–eight miles away.The telephone caused an international sensation, with government leaders asking to have one.But Bell didn't stop there.He worked on the recording properties of wax cylinders and other approaches toflat phonograph records.He also developed the photophone, which later led to the development of the motion picture sound track.Bell worked on these inventions at his laboratory in Washington, D.C.,but he didn't like the hot humid summer weather there.So Bell began looking for a new place to spend his summers.He decided to build a summer home in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.The Island reminded Bell of his native Scotland.Now he had space during the summer to do experiments outside.He soon began to experiment with flying machines.Bell designed and tested huge kites, hoping to come up with a frame for a flying machine.Along with some enthusiastic friends, Bell also experimented with airplanes.On February 23, 1909, one of these planes flew through the air for half a mile.This was the first airplane flight in the British Empire.The Alexander Graham Bell Museum at Baddeck, Nova Scotia, displays many of these inventions.Bell was also interested in making a faster boat.Since much of a boat stays under water, the water resistance slows the boat down.Bell thought that if you could raise the boat out of the water it would go much faster.Working on Cape Breton Island, Bell and his friends developed the hydrofoil,a boat that would skim the surface of the water at high speeds.Hydrofoils are in use in many places today.Every time people use the telephone, listen to a recording, watch a movie or television,or ride on a hydrofoil, they owe a debt to that great inventor, Alexander Graham Bell.翻译亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔维多利亚时代是许多新发明的时代。早期的发现,如蒸汽机、螺旋推进器、电力以及通过电线发送信息的可能性,现在都应用到日常生活中。发明家如托马斯·爱迪生和尼古拉斯·特斯拉探索了利用电力的新方法。一些最伟大的发现是由亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔做出的。贝尔于1847年出生于苏格兰。他的父亲和祖父都教授语言方法,并与聋哑儿童一起工作。亚历山大对这项工作也很感兴趣,特别是因为他的母亲几乎是聋子。亚历山大的两个兄弟死于肺结核,他自己也感染了这种疾病,所以他的父母决定离开苏格兰,去一个气候更干燥、更健康的地方。他们搬到了加拿大安大略省的布兰特福德,住在一所宽敞舒适的房子里,俯瞰着大河。今天,贝尔庄园是一座历史博物馆,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。当时,加拿大没有很多商业机会,所以亚历山大在美国波士顿找到了一份教演讲的工作但他每年夏天都会回到布兰特福德。在波士顿,贝尔娶了他的一个聋哑学生他的岳父建议说,在发明通讯设备方面有很好的商机。贝尔很快发明了一种同时发送多个电报信息的方法。在改进电报的过程中,贝尔和他的助手托马斯·沃森发现了一种通过电线传送人声的方法。1876年8月10日,贝尔通过布兰特福德和8英里外的安大略省巴黎之间的电线发送了第一条电话信息。这种电话在国际上引起了轰动,各国政府领导人都要求安装。但贝尔并没有就此止步。他研究了蜡筒的记录特性和其他制作平面留声机唱片的方法。他还发明了光电电话,这后来导致了电影声道的发展。贝尔在华盛顿特区的实验室里从事这些发明,但他不喜欢那里炎热潮湿的夏季天气。因此,贝尔开始寻找一个新的地方来度过他的夏天。他决定在新斯科舍省的布雷顿角岛建造一座避暑别墅。这个岛使贝尔想起了他的家乡苏格兰。现在夏天他有地方在外面做实验了。他很快就开始试验飞行器。贝尔设计并测试了巨大的风筝,希望能制造出飞行器的框架。贝尔还和一些热心的朋友一起试验了飞机。1909年2月23日,其中一架飞机在空中飞行了半英里。这是大英帝国的第一次飞机飞行。位于新斯科舍省巴德克的亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔博物馆展示了许多这样的发明。贝尔还对制造更快的船感兴趣。由于船的大部分都在水下,水的阻力会减慢船的速度。贝尔认为,如果你能把船从水里提出来,它就会走得快得多。在布雷顿角岛工作时,贝尔和他的朋友们发明了水翼船,一种可以高速掠过水面的船。水翼船现在在许多地方使用。每当人们使用电话,听录音,看电影或电视,或乘坐水翼船时,他们都感谢伟大的发明家亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔。
9/30/20233 minutes, 17 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part6

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter VI: On the Black PearlThe pirates took Elizabeth to the Black Pearl in a small boat.When they climbed out, a man came out of the fog."Good day," he said to Elizabeth. "My name is Barbossa. I'm the captain of the Black Pearl."Elizabeth looked around her.There were pirates everywhere.She was afraid, but she didn't show it."I am Elizabeth Turner."She didn't want to use her name."I want you to leave Port Royal," she said. "Leave and never comeback."The pirates laughed."I'm sorry," said Barbossa. "But that isn't possible. We're looking for...""I know!" shouted Elizabeth.She ran to the side of the boat and then showed them the gold medallion. "You're looking for this! Come near me and I'll throw it in the water."The pirates didn't speak.Their eyes were on the medallion."I know you want it," said Elizabeth. "I know this ship. After eight years, I remember it. Now go and never come back!"The pirates watched her, carefully.Elizabeth tried again.With the medallion in her hand, she looked down at the water."I'll throw it away now...""OK,OK," said Barbossa. "You win. Give me the medallion, and we'll leave."Elizabeth gave him the gold medallion."Stop the guns!" shouted Barbossa. "We're leaving."He looked at Elizabeth." And, Miss Turner, you're going to come with us.""But you have to take me back!" Elizabeth said."No,"said the pirate, and he smiled. "I stopped the guns, and we're going. But I'm not going to take you home. You're going to stay with us! "
9/28/20232 minutes, 46 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。词汇提示1.granted that 假定2.sin 罪原文241.The weather was not only cold, it was also damp.天气又冷又湿。242.To tell the truth, I don't agree with you.实话说,我不赞成你。243.I took it for granted that he would keep his word.我理所当然地认为他会履行诺言。244.I don't know if I'll have time to do it.我不知道我是否有时间做。245.We should have taken the schedule into consideration.我们本该考虑一下行程。246.The job looked quite simple, but it took me a week.这份工作看起来很简单,但它花了我一个星期。247.Our teacher has a wonderful sense of humor.我们的老师非常有幽默感。248.You can't drink sea water because it is too salty.你不能喝海水,因为它太咸了。249.Is it always a sin to tell a lie?说谎总是一种罪恶吗?250.English is a universal language and is used all over the world.英语是一种世界性的语言,用于世界各地。
9/26/20233 minutes, 59 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day16(151-160)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 16151.Arrivaln.到达,到来;到达者,加入者;产生,出现Her unexpected arrival confused all our plan.她的意外到来混淆了我们所有的计划。I informed her of my arrival.我告诉她我到了。We apologize for the late arrival of the train.对于列车迟到,我们深表歉意。152.Arrivev.到达,抵达;送达,寄到;发生,出现,诞生I calculate that we will arrive at destination at about 6 a.m.我估计我们将在早上6点左右到达目的地。When will we arrive?我们什么时候到达?Please check in at reception when you arrive.请在抵达时在前台办理入住手续。153.Arrown.箭,矢;箭头,箭号The arrow hit its target.箭击中了目标。The road continues straight as an arrow.这条路笔直地向前延伸。154.Artn.美术,艺术;艺术品;技巧;人文学科;adj.艺术性的I like poetry, music and art.我喜欢诗歌、音乐和艺术。They usually go to art galleries on Sundays.他们通常在周日去美术馆。The old factory has been transformed into an art gallery.旧工厂已经变成了美术馆。155.Articlen.文章,论文;见习契约,见习期 v.见习The article is full of technical terms.这篇文章充满了技术术语。The article covered a wide range of topics.这篇文章涵盖了广泛的主题。156.Artificialadj.人造的,人工的;人为的;不真挚的,矫揉造作的One of her hobbies is making artificial flowers.她的爱好之一是制作人造花。They don't like artificial flowers.他们不喜欢人造花。157.Artistn.艺术家,美术家;表演艺术家;大师,行家She is a well-known tattoo artist.她是一位著名的纹身艺术家。Whoever made this cake is a real artist.制作这个蛋糕的人都是真正的艺术家。He is an unknown artist.他是一位不为人知的艺术家。158.Artisticadj.艺术的,艺术家的;有艺术性的She comes from an artistic family.她来自一个艺术家庭。His artistic talent is admirable.他的艺术天赋令人钦佩。159.Ashamedadj.感到羞愧,感到羞耻;羞于(做某事)I'm ashamed to ask you such a silly question.我很惭愧地问你这么愚蠢的问题。I'm ashamed of what I did.我为自己的所作所为感到羞耻。He is ashamed of his son's conduct.他为儿子的行为感到羞耻。160.Asideadv.在旁边,到(或向)一边;除……以外 n.旁白;低语,悄悄话Stand aside and let these people pass.站在一边让这些人过去。She pulled the curtain aside.她把窗帘拉到一边。She stepped aside to let them pass.她走到一边让他们过去。
9/24/202313 minutes, 43 seconds
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Level 4-Day 75.The Planetarium

词汇提示1.planetarium 天文馆2.stargazing 观星3.worship 崇拜4.phenomena 现象5.constellations 星座6.mighty 强有力的7.phases 月相盈亏8.meteor 流星雨9.demonstrated 演示原文The PlanetariumAll around the world stargazing is a popular activity.The night sky lit up with stars is one of the most impressive scenes in nature.Beside sits natural beauty, people study the night sky for many reasons.Others think that the stars influence the weather while some people worship the stars and the planets.There is a problem with stargazing.If the night is cloudy, people on the ground cannot see the stars, also bad weather makes being outside at night uncomfortable.Besides,not everybody wants to stay up late at night.A planetarium is an ideal solution to all these problems.A planetarium is usually a large dome-covered building.It has seating like a theater.The program here is a star show.A special projector throws a picture of the night sky on the ceiling of the planetarium theater.Like a movie projector, the planetarium projector can show a constantly changing program.It can show how the stars look right now, how they looked thousands of years ago,and how they will look in the future.Planetarium scan be both entertaining and educational.Schoolchildren can go to learn about the nine planets of the solar system, or about the various groupings of stars.Planetarium scan teach you how to find the stars and planets yourself when you are out at night.There can also be dramatic showings about changes to the universe over time.This is also a way to view special phenomena, like Halley's Comet, which only appears once in a lifetime.Planetarium scan also show how ancient people viewed the skies.Shepherds,living out under the sky, imagined that groups of stars represented wonderful people and huge animals.Stories were told about these constellations.Sometimes,the story explained how the people or animals became stars.For example, why Orion, the mighty hunter, is chasing Taurus the Bull.Planetarium scan project these figures on their screen.It takes about 28 days for the moon to travel through all its phases.Changes in the moon, or in the sun, can be shown easily.Planetarium scan also show the sky the way it appears in another part of the world.Or the way it appeared on a famous historical occasion.Special heavenly phenomena, such as a meteor shower, can also be demonstrated.A planetarium is usually concerned to put in special programs to keep its audience coming back.Since the heavens are always moving and changing, there is no shortage of ideas for programmers.翻译天文馆在世界各地,观星是一项很受欢迎的活动。被星星照亮的夜空是大自然中最令人印象深刻的景象之一。除了它的自然美,人们研究夜空还有很多原因。其他人认为星星影响天气,而有些人崇拜星星和行星。观星有一个问题。如果夜晚阴天,地面上的人就看不到星星,而且恶劣的天气也会让晚上在外面的人感到不舒服。此外,不是每个人都想熬夜。天文馆是解决所有这些问题的理想方案。天文馆通常是一个巨大的圆顶建筑。它的座位像剧院一样。这里的节目是明星秀。一个特殊的放映机将夜空的画面投射到天文馆的天花板上。像电影放映机一样,天文馆的放映机可以播放不断变化的节目。它可以显示恒星现在的样子,几千年前的样子,以及它们未来的样子。天文馆既有娱乐性又有教育性。学校的孩子们可以去学习太阳系的九大行星,或者不同的恒星群。天文馆可以教你如何在晚上外出时自己寻找恒星和行星。随着时间的推移,宇宙也会发生戏剧性的变化。这也是一种观察特殊现象的方式,比如哈雷彗星,它一生中只出现一次。天文馆还可以展示古人是如何看待天空的。生活在天空下的牧羊人把成群的星星想象成奇妙的人和巨大的动物。关于这些星座的故事流传着。有时,故事解释了人或动物是如何成为星星的。例如,为什么猎户星座追逐金牛座。天文馆可以把这些数字投射到屏幕上。月球经过所有的相位大约需要28天。月亮或太阳的变化可以很容易地显示出来。天文馆还可以展示天空在世界另一端的样子。或者它在一个著名的历史场合出现的方式。特殊的天文现象,如流星雨,也可以被证明。天文馆通常会安排一些特别的节目来吸引观众的回头客。由于天空总是在移动和变化,所以节目从不缺乏想法。
9/23/20232 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part5

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble原文Chapter V: Pirates in TownIt was night, and there was a thick fog in Port Royal.Through the fog came a ship -a tall, black ship.It carried the skull and crossbones.In her bed in the Governor's House, Elizabeth tried to read.She couldn't sleep.She saw the fog, and she thought about the pirates and the ghost story.Down in the town, Will left the store and stood in the street.Everything was quiet - too quiet.In his cell, Jack sat and thought, could he do? How could he get out of this place?He looked out at the harbor and at the fog, but he wasn't afraid.Suddenly,there was a loud noise from guns."I know those guns," Jack thought. "It's the Pearl!"He heard the guns again. And again.Jack looked down at the town.It was on fire! Smoke came from the houses and the stores.People ran out into the streets.And then, out of the smoke and the fog, the pirates came.They ran through the town, with their guns and their swords and their knives.They started more fires, and carried things away from the houses.Will ran back into the store and took a sword and a knife.Then he went outside again. "Elizabeth," he thought. "I have to help Elizabeth."He started to run to the governor's house, but he didn't see the man behind him.The pirate hit him hard on the head and Will fell to the ground.Upstairs in her room, Elizabeth looked out her window and saw the fire and the smoke in the town. Then she looked down and saw two pirates at the door of the house.What could she do? Where could she go?One of the pirates looked up.Ragetti was very dirty, and he only had one good eye.With it, he saw Elizabeth."Look, Pintel,"he said. "Up there!"Pintel looked up and smiled.The  pirates ran up the stairs. Elizabeth was afraid and quickly closed her bedroom door.Thepirates hit the door, again and again.After some time, they broke the door and went into the room.But they couldn't see Elizabeth. Suddenly, Elizabeth ran past them and out of the room.She ran down the stairs and into the dining-room.The pirates ran after her.She looked for a gun, for a sword, but there was nothing there.She heard the pirates on the stairs.Where could she go?There was a small closet at the back of the room.She went in and closed the door, very quietly.The pirates came into the room."Come out, little girl," called Pintel. "You have something, and we want it.""The gold is calling to us," said Ragetti."Come out."In the closet, Elizabeth didn't move.She had the gold medallion in her hand.And then, suddenly, the door opened, and there was Ragetti.His one eye looked at her. "Hello, little girl...
9/21/20234 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文231.Finishing the report by tomorrow is next to impossible.在明天前完成报告几乎是不可能的。232.Honesty is the primary reason for his success.诚实是他成功的主要原因。233.I was a high school student at that time.我当时是高中生。234.She doesn't have as much patience as you do.她不像你那样有耐心。235.You'd better wear a sweater under your jacket.您最好在外套里穿一件毛衣。236.I was just about to come looking for you.我刚才正要找你。237.I always have to wear a tie because of my job.因为这份工作的缘故,我总是要打领带。238.You have to turn in the reports on Monday.星期一你必须交报告。239.What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?你明天这个时候会在做什么?240.It is definite that he will go to America.他肯定要去美国。
9/19/20233 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day15(141-150)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 15141.Arguev.主张,认为;说服;争论,争辩;争吵It's useless to argue with an idiot.跟一个白痴争论没用。I don't want to argue with you about it.我不想和你争论这件事。We shouldn't argue in front of the children.我们不应该在孩子们面前争论。142.Argumentn.争论,争吵;论据,理由;辩论,讨论The argument ended in a fight.争论以一场战斗告终。We had an argument this morning.今天早上我们吵架了。143.Arisev.出现;起源,由…...引出;起床,起立;上升We will keep you informed of any changes as they arise.如果发生任何变化,我们会及时通知您。A new difficulty has arisen.出现了新的困难。144.Armn.手臂,上肢;武器;v.武装,备战;配备;I broke my left arm.我摔断了我的左臂。You're hurting my arm.你伤了我的手臂。He put his arm around her waist.他把胳膊缠在她的腰上。145.Armedadj.武装的;有扶手的;有防卫器官的(指动物)The Police were heavily armed.警察全副武装。The man is armed and dangerous.这个人有武器而且很危险。It is an international armed conflict.这是一场国际武装冲突。146.Armyn.陆军,军队;大批,大群He is an army officer.他是一名军官。Why did you join the Army?你为什么要参军?The town was defended by a large army.该镇由一支庞大的军队保卫。147.Aroundadv.&prep.围绕,环绕;大约;周围,四周;I'm just looking around.我只是环顾四周。Spring is around the corner.春天即将来临。The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳移动。148.Arrangev.安排,筹备;整理,布置,排列Please arrange a meeting with your manager.请安排与您的经理会面。Can you arrange for us to meet your parents?你能安排我们去见你的父母吗?Please arrange these books in alphabetical order.请按字母顺序排列这些图书。149.Arrangementn.安排,筹备;商定,约定;整理,排列;I like the arrangement of the furniture in this room.我喜欢这个房间里的家具布置。150.Arrestv.逮捕,拘留;n.逮捕,拘留;停止,终止The policeman arrested the thief.警察逮捕了小偷。The thief was arrested and put in jail.小偷被捕并被关进监狱。
9/17/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 74.The Internet

词汇提示1.mainframe 主机2.military 军队3.payroll 工资单4.emerged 出现5.collapse 解体6.instantaneously 瞬间 图形8.pornography 色情刊物9.viruses 病毒10.etiquette 礼仪原文The InternetThe first working computers in the 1950s and 1960s were large mainframe machines.In some ways, they were like large calculating machines.The U.S. government, the military and businesses and institutions used them for specific tasks.For example, they might be used to handle the payroll.As more uses were found for computers, the need to transfer data from one computer to another became a concern.In 1969, the U.S. government sponsored a program to explore ways for computers to transfer data over telephone lines.The first Internet was created with four computers linked together.Of course,computer use increased beyond anyone's expectations.Standards were developed that describe how data was to be transferred between computers.A common language for commands and communications emerged.Operating programs such as MS-DOS, UNIX, Macintosh and Windows came into existence.The Internet quickly expanded beyond government and military uses.Private agencies acted as hosts for Internet usage.Around 1982, there were 213 hosts; by 1986, there were 2,300; today, there are millions.The role of computers expanded so quickly that the U.S.S.R., which had discouraged computer use, found itself left behind by the U.S.A.Part of the reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 was that they had fallen too far behind the United States in high tech areas to ever catch up.One of the most popular uses of the computer is electronic mail, or e-mail.You can send a letter by computer over the Internet to anywhere in the world in seconds or less.Now data can be transferred great distances almost instantaneously.Another major Internet use is the World Wide Web.In the 1990s, it became possible to make web pages interactive and multi-media.Interactive means that readers could click on items on the web page and get more information.They could also communicate directly with the web-page owner.They could also have graphics, film/video, and audio.This has helped to turn computers into popular entertainment.However,there are some problems.Many businesses are trying to control employees using the net during working hours.Since the Internet includes just about every kind of information, not all of it is good.You can find directions on how to be a criminal or a terrorist.There are also aggressive, pornography salesmen, not to mention people who want to kill your computer with viruses.Since the Internet is not closely regulated, it is up to individual users to follow computer etiquette.Parents need to supervise their children's use of the net.Although the Internet has some disadvantages many people see the net as one of the greatest inventions of modern times.翻译互联网20世纪50年代和60年代的第一台计算机是大型主机。在某些方面,它们就像大型计算机。美国政府、军方、企业和机构使用它们来完成特定任务。例如,它们可能用于处理工资单。随着人们发现计算机的用途越来越多,需要将数据从一台计算机传输到另一台计算机就成了一个问题。1969年,美国政府资助了一个项目,探索计算机通过电话线传输数据的方法。第一个互联网是由四台计算机连接在一起创建的。当然,电脑使用的增长超出了任何人的预期。人们制定了标准来描述如何在计算机之间传输数据。一种用于命令和通信的通用语言出现了。MS-DOS、UNIX、Macintosh、Windows等操作程序应运而生。互联网迅速扩展到政府和军事用途之外。私人机构充当互联网使用的主机。1982年前后,共有213个服务器;到1986年,有2300个;今天,有数百万人。计算机的作用扩展得如此之快,以至于不鼓励使用计算机的苏联发现自己被美国甩在了后面。1989年苏联解体的部分原因是,他们在高科技领域远远落后于美国,永远无法赶上。电子邮件是计算机最常用的用途之一。你可以用电脑通过互联网在几秒钟或更短的时间内把信寄到世界上的任何地方。现在数据几乎可以瞬间传输到很远的地方。互联网的另一个主要用途是万维网。在20世纪90年代,网页的交互性和多媒体化已经成为可能。互动性意味着读者可以点击网页上的项目并获得更多信息。他们也可以直接与网页所有者沟通。它们也可以有图像、电影/视频和音频。这有助于将电脑变成流行的娱乐。然而,也存在一些问题。许多企业正试图控制员工在工作时间上网。由于互联网包含了几乎所有种类的信息,所以并不是所有的信息都是好的。你可以找到如何成为罪犯或恐怖分子的指南。还有一些咄咄逼人的色情推销员,更不用说那些想用病毒杀死你电脑的人了。由于互联网没有受到严格的监管,个人用户是否遵守电脑礼仪取决于自己。父母需要监督他们的孩子使用网络。虽然互联网有一些缺点,但许多人认为网络是现代最伟大的发明之一。
9/16/20233 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part4

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble单词提示1.blacksmith 铁匠原文Chapter IV: In the Blacksmith's StoreJack ran down one street and up the next.He turned left.He turned right.He ran and ran.Then he listened.He couldn't hear the sailors.He was free!But he had the chains on his hands.He saw a store and opened the doors.Then he went in, very carefully.It was dark, but he could see some swords and knives."Ah,a blacksmith's store," he thought. "I can use one of those knives."He took one and started to cut the chains.It was hard work, and it hurt his hands.But after a minute or two, the chains fell to the floor.Suddenly,Jack heard a sound behind him.It was Will Turner."What are you doing here?" asked Will.He looked at Jack."Oh,you're the pirate. People are looking for you."He took a sword."Is that a good idea?" asked Jack.Will didn't speak.He put up his sword and looked at Jack.They fought.Jack was quick, but Will was quick, too."You can use a sword!" said Jack.He turned and ran to the door.But Will was too quick for him.He threw his sword at the door.It went over Jack's head.Jack tried to pull it out, but he couldn't.And now he couldn't open the door.He turned to Will and smiled."That was good," he said.He looked at the other door to the store."But you're between me and that door. And now you have no sword!"Will took another sword and they fought again."Do you make these swords?" Jack asked."Yes,and I use them for three hours a day after work, too," will answered."Why don't you find a girl? It's more exciting," Jack said.He took out a gun."Now,move away from the door," he said.Behind Jack, Will saw his boss, Mr. Brown.In Mr. Brown's hand, there was a bottle.Slowly,the blacksmith moved his arm up.And then he hit Jack on the head - hard.Jack fell to the ground.Norrington arrived with his sailors.He looked down at Jack."Good work, Mr. Brown. Remember this day. On this day, Captain Jack Sparrow almost got away!"Mr.Brown looked at the glass on the ground."He broke my bottle!" he said.
9/14/20233 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。词汇提示1.turn in 提交2.definite 一定的原文221.A lot of people swim here in the summer.许多人夏天在这里游泳。222.She stayed in that area for a short while.她在那地方待了片刻。223.He does nothing but complain from morning till night.他从早到晚只是在抱怨。224.The whole neighborhood was surprised at the news.整个小区对这个消息很惊讶。225.Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else.书是为了那些希望自己在另一个地方的人而有的。226.Since my mother was sick, I stayed home from school.因为母亲病了,我就待在家里没去上学。227.Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna.我们的音乐老师建议我去维也纳看看。228.Fluency in English is a very marketable skill today.流利的英语在今天是一种十分抢手的技能。229.My father has been in good shape since his operation.自从手术后,我父亲一直处于良好的状态。230.Would you like to have a drink before dinner?晚饭前您想喝一杯吗?
9/12/20233 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day14(131-140)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 14131.Appointv.任命,指派;约定,安排(日期、时间)They appointed him manager.他们任命他为经理。I've been appointed to help you.你我被任命来帮你。The government appointed a committee to investigate the accident.政府任命了一个委员会来调查这起事故。132.Appointmentn.约会,约定;任命,委派Do you have an appointment with him?你和他有预约吗?I have a dentist appointment at 3 p.m.我下午3点有牙医预约。Please contact my secretary to make an appointment.请联系我的秘书预约。133.Appreciatev.欣赏,鉴赏;理解,明白;感谢,感激I appreciate your concern.我很感激你的关心。We appreciate your hard work.我们感谢你的辛勤工作。I would appreciate any assistance you could offer.如果您能提供任何帮助,我将不胜感激。134.Approachv.靠近,临近;交谈;n.方法,态度;靠近,接近;What's the best way to approach a girl?接近女孩的最好方法是什么?Let's try a different approach to the problem.让我们尝试一种不同的方法来解决这个问题。Let's approach this problem from a different angle.让我们从另一个角度来看待这个问题。135.Appropriateadj.合适的,相称的v.拨出(款项);私占,挪用It is not appropriate for you to do this.你这样做是不合适的。I couldn't think of anything appropriate to say.我想不出有什么合适的话要说。You should wear something more appropriate your age.你应该穿更适合你年龄的衣服。136.Approvaln.称许,赞成;批准,许可I asked for their approval.我请求了他们的批准。You must obtain approval before you can go.你必须先获得批准,然后才能去。You should not have done that without my approval.没有我的同意你不应该这样做。137.Approvev.同意,赞成;批准,通过;核准;喜欢,赞赏He probably won't approve your proposal.他可能不会批准你的提议。Do you approve or disapprove of my project?你批准还是不赞成我的项目?138.Approximateadj.大概的,近似的v.类似;模仿,模拟;粗略估计What is the approximate height of the mountain?这座山的大概高度是多少?Can you give me the approximate cost of the repair?你能告诉我大概的维修费用吗?The trip will take approximately 4 hours.这次旅行大约需要4个小时。139.Apriln.四月She was born in April.她出生于四月。I'm looking forward to seeing you this April.我很期待今年四月见到你。140.Arean.地区,区域;领域;面积I live in a rural area.我住在农村地区。This is a restricted area.这是一个禁区。He enjoys exploring remote areas.他喜欢探索偏远地区。
9/10/202314 minutes, 40 seconds
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Level 4-Day 73.The Great Walls of China

词汇提示1.nomadic 游牧民族的2.raids 抢劫3.unified 统一的4.united 一统5.tribe 部落6.rebelled 反叛7. rulers 统治者8.rubble 瓦砾9.quarried 开采10.peasants 农民11.forts 堡垒12.lit 点火13.plumes of smoke 烟柱14.uprising 起义15.revolt 反抗16.maintaining 维护原文The Great Walls of ChinaThe Great Wall of China is famous in North America, and many tourists would like to travel there.However,most North Americans don't know very much about Chinese history.That is changing now, as China is becoming an important subject for study in the West.The settled communities of China were targets for nomadic raids since earliest times.For much of its early history, China was not fully unified.However,Shih Huang, who died in 210 B.C., united the whole country.Then he set about defending China from the northern nomads.It seems likely that there had been defensive walls in the north before.However,Shih Huang had a wall constructed across the entire north of China.This defensive wall extended for almost 2,000 miles and had 25,000 towers.They also required huge numbers of men to construct them, and later to defend them.Even so, the Great Wall did not stop nomadic invasions altogether.Not long after Shih Huang's death, a tribe called the Huns crossed the wall.The Emperor Hu Ti, who expanded Chinese power beyond the Wall, defeated them.Centuries later, the Mongols to the north of China were united under Genghis Khan.The Mongols attacked China, and Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis, became the first non- Chinese emperor of China in 1279.Eventually, the Chinese rebelled and overthrew their Mongol rulers.Nonetheless, the Mongols remained a threat.In 1449, they destroyed a Chinese army and captured the Emperor.A new Great Wall was begun to keep the Mongols out.This is the wall which tourists visit today and which is pictured on Chinese stamps.Construction continued for 200 years.While some parts were built of packed earth, much of the wall was built of stone,brick and rubble.This is why it took so long.Stones had to be quarried, and bricks baked and carried to the site.Laborers,peasants, soldiers and criminals were forced to work on the wall.Large and small forts and watchtowers carefully guarded the wall.Nearly a million soldiers were stationed along it.The Chinese defenders lit fires when the enemy was sighted.Plumes of smoke and cannon shots told that the enemy was advancing and how many there were.By 1644, the new wall was almost completed.That same year, however, an internal uprising overthrew the Emperor.This revolt was partly caused by the high taxes demanded to pay for the wall.The Emperor's men invited the nomadic Manchu tribe to come through the gates in the wall to help put down the revolt.The Manchus came; but they stayed, and ruled China for several hundred years.Since the Manchus ruled both north and south of the wall, they did not care about maintaining.Many parts fell into disrepair, and some completely disappeared.Today the parts that remain are a major tourist attraction.Even if it didn't really succeed in its purpose of keeping the northern nomads out of China.翻译中国的长城中国的长城在北美很有名,许多游客都想去那里旅游。然而,大多数北美人不太了解中国的历史。这种情况现在正在改变,因为中国正在成为西方研究的一个重要课题。中国的定居社区自古以来就是游牧民族袭击的目标。在早期历史的大部分时间里,中国并没有完全统一。然而,公元前210年去世的始皇统一了整个国家。然后,他开始保护中国免受北方游牧民族的侵害。在此之前,北方很可能有防御墙。然而,秦始皇在整个中国北部修建了一道城墙。这道防御墙绵延近2000英里,有25000座塔楼。它们还需要大量的人力来建造和保卫它们。即便如此,长城并没有完全阻止游牧民族的入侵。在秦始皇死后不久,一个叫匈奴的部落越过了长城。把中国的力量扩大到长城之外的皇帝武帝打败了他们。几个世纪后,中国北方的蒙古人在成吉思汗的统治下统一起来。蒙古人进攻中国,1279年,成吉思汗的孙子忽必烈成为中国第一位非华人皇帝。最终,中国人奋起反抗,推翻了蒙古统治者。尽管如此,蒙古人仍然是一个威胁。1449年,他们摧毁了一支中国军队并俘虏了皇帝。为了抵御蒙古人的入侵,新的长城开始修建。这是今天游客们参观的长城,它被印在了中国的邮票上。工程持续了200年。虽然有些部分是用泥土填筑的,但长城的大部分是用石头、砖和瓦砾建造的。这就是为什么花了这么长时间。石头要采石,砖要烧制后运到工地。劳工、农民、士兵和罪犯被迫在长城上工作。大大小小的堡垒和瞭望塔小心翼翼地守卫着城墙。近一百万士兵驻扎在这条河上。看到敌人时,中国守军点燃了火。滚滚浓烟和炮声告诉我们敌人正在前进,知道敌人有多少。到1644年,新城墙几乎完工。然而,同一年,国内起义推翻了皇帝。这次起义的部分原因是修建隔离墙需要缴纳高额税款。皇帝的手下邀请游牧的满族部落通过城墙的大门来帮助镇压叛乱。满族人来了;但他们留了下来,统治了中国几百年。由于满族人统治着长城的南北,他们并不关心维护。许多部件年久失修,有些完全消失了。今天,保留下来的部分是一个主要的旅游景点。即使它没有真正成功地将北方游牧民族赶出中国。
9/9/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part3

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble单词提示1.Interceptor 拦截者号2.harbor 港口原文Chapter III: Captain Jack Sparrow.Captain Jack Sparrow looked at the ships in Port Royal.His boat was small and old.He wanted a new, bigger ship.He had no money, but that wasn't a problem.Jack Sparrow was a pirate, and he had a plan.He looked at the Dauntless for a long time.It was a big ship with fifty guns.Then he saw the Interceptor.It was smaller, but faster.He wanted it.There were two sailors next to the Interceptor.Jack went to them."Hey,you can't come here," one of them said.He looked at Jack's old boat and laughed."Who are you? And what's that?""That's my boat," said Jack.He smiled at the man and looked carefully at the Interceptor.The man smiled back."I like your ship," Jack said."Yes,it's the fastest ship in the Caribbean.""Really?"said Jack. "Isn't the Black Pearl the fastest ship?"The sailor laughed."Ghost stories are for children," he said."It isn't a story," said the other sailor to his friend."I saw that ship." He turned to Jack - but Jack wasn't there.He was on the Interceptor.The sailors ran after him."What are you doing?" they shouted."You can't go up there! What's your name?""Smith,"Jack answered."And what are you doing in Port Royal, Mr. Smith?""I want one of these ships," Jack said.The sailors thought about this.High above the harbor, Elizabeth stood with Commodore Norrington.It was a hot day, and her dress was very heavy."Look at the ships down in the harbor," she said. "They're beautiful.""And you are more beautiful," said Commodore Norrington. "You're a fine woman."Elizabeth didn't say anything."I hope..." he said. "I hope that one day you will marry me,Elizabeth.""Marry?"Elizabeth said. "Marry you?"She moved back, but she couldn't move easily in her new dress.Suddenly,she fell.She fell down, down into the harbor below.On the Interceptor, Jack and the two sailors saw everything.The sailors didn't move."Quick!"Jack said to them. "Aren't you going to help her?""But we can't swim!""Here,"said Jack." Take these and don't lose them!"He gave them his hat and his gun.Jack jumped into the water and swam to Elizabeth.She was under the water.He took her hand and tried to help her.But her dress was too heavy!Jack found his knife and cut the dress off.Then he pulled the young woman out.Commodore Norrington and Governor Swann ran down to the harbor."Thank you!Thank you!" said the governor." Elizabeth, my dearest daughter, areyou OK?""Yes,yes, I'm fine," said Elizabeth.She sat up.Norrington looked at Jack."Goodman!"he said. "Thank you! Give me your hand."Then he saw it - a white P on Jack's hand."I know you," he said. "You're a pirate!"He looked at Jack carefully. "Your name is Jack Sparrow.""Captain Jack Sparrow, please," said Jack."I don't see your ship... captain," said Norrington. "And you're a pirate.""He wanted to take one of our ships."The sailors from the Interceptor were with them now.Norrington looked at Jack and laughed.Then he turned to the sailors."Take him away!" he said. "Put him in chains. Now!"The sailors put chains on Jack."You can't do that!" said Elizabeth. "Maybe he is a pirate, but he helped me."Suddenly,Jack moved.He jumped behind Elizabeth and put his chains around her.The sailors showed their guns."No,no, don't shoot!" shouted Norrington. "Be careful! He'll kill her."Jack pulled Elizabeth back."I really don't like you," Elizabeth said to him."I helped you and now you're helping me," Jack said.He smiled.Then,suddenly, he took the chains off Elizabeth and ran."Get him!" shouted Norrington. "Get him, now!"
9/7/20235 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文211.Many schools are closed today because of the storm.今天许多学校因为风暴停课。212.Where did you get the money to buy that dress?你从哪儿弄来钱买的那件衣服?213.I have a friend whose father is a teacher.我有一个朋友,他的父亲是老师。214.This book is easy enough for them to read.这本书对他们来说读起来够简单了。215.The first thing you have to take into consideration is time.你应该考虑的第一件事是时间。216.Judging from the look of the sky, it is likely to rain.看看天的样子,要下雨了。217.I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open.我感觉困得几乎不能睁开我的眼睛了。218.They came up with a plan after a long discussion.他们终于在漫长的讨论之后得出了一个计划。219.If I were in your place, I would lend him my hand.如果我是你,我会帮他一把。220.He is one of the greatest artists in Japan.他是日本最伟大的艺术家之一。
9/5/20234 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day13(121-130)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 13121.Apartadv.相隔,相距;拆开,成碎片;adj.意见不一致的,有分歧的He lives apart from his family.他与家人分开生活。Apart from that, I don't know anything.除此之外,我什么都不知道。122.Apartmentn.公寓套房;(总统等要人的)房间,套间My apartment is near here.我的公寓就在这附近。I'm looking for an apartment to rent.我在找一套公寓出租。We lived in an apartment for several years before buying a house.在买房之前,我们在公寓里住了几年。123.Apologizev.道歉,谢罪I apologize for being late.我很抱歉迟到了。We apologize for the delay.对于延误,我们深表歉意。We sincerely apologize for our error.对于我们的错误,我们深表歉意。We apologize for the mistake and promise that it won't happen again.对于这个错误,我们深表歉意,并保证不会再发生。124.Apparentadj.显而易见的,易懂的;貌似的,表面上的Her anxiety was apparent to everyone.她的焦虑对所有人来说都是显而易见的。His disappointment was apparent to everyone.他的失望对所有人来说都是显而易见的。It's quite apparent that you don't want to do it.很明显,你不想这样做。125.Apparentlyadv.据说,显然;似乎,好像Apparently,that's not correct.显然,这是不正确的。Apparently they are getting divorced soon.显然他们很快就要离婚了。126.Appealn.v.呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;吸引力,感染力His idea doesn't appeal to me very much.他的想法对我不太有吸引力。I can't understand the appeal of fishing.我无法理解钓鱼的吸引力。The Beatles have never really lost their appeal.甲壳虫乐队从未真正失去他们的吸引力。127.Appearv.出现,呈现;首次使用,起源;出庭My name doesn't appear on the list.我的名字没有出现在名单上。The advertisement will appear in five magazines.该广告将出现在五本杂志上。128.Appearancen.露面,演出;出庭,到场;外表,外观She has a good-looking appearance.她的外表很漂亮。Don't judge a man by his appearance.不要以外表来判断一个人。She took too much pride in her appearance.她对自己的外表太得意了。129.Applyv.申请;涂,敷;施加,实施;应用,运用;I am going to apply for a scholarship.我要申请奖学金。I don't speak English well enough to apply for that job.我的英语说得不够好,无法申请那份工作。130.Applicationn.申请;申请书,申请表;应用软件This application needs more features.该应用程序需要更多特性。His job application has been rejected.他的工作申请被拒绝了。You need to attach your photo to the application form.你需要把你的照片贴在申请表上。
9/3/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 72.The Florida Everglades

词汇提示1.Everglade 大沼泽2.coral 珊瑚3.swamps 沼泽4.drained 流汗5.hammocks 吊床6.mangrove 红树林7.alligator 短吻鳄8.crocodiles 鳄鱼9.wrestling 摔跤10.foolhardy 莽撞的11.reptiles 爬行动物12.lizards 蜥蜴13.mammals 哺乳动物14.amphibians 两栖动物原文The Florida EvergladesSouthern Florida stretches south, dividing the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico.Stretching further south is the Florida Keys.These coral islands are the southernmost part of the United States.The famous Everglades are wetlands where tall grass and bunches of trees grow.Part of these swamps has been drained for agricultural land.The soil is rich and market gardening is an important activity.The Everglades that remain are too wet to be used for farming.The Everglades are a "river of grass."The deeper water areas stay wet all year, but the shallower pools dry up in the dry season.Some of the water has been drained off for agricultural purposes, making the Everglades drier.Nonetheless,the best way to travel in this region is by airboats.Besides the wet grasslands, southern Florida has smaller areas of tropical forest.These areas of hardwood trees are called hammocks, and they are rich in animal and plant life.Along much of the coast are mangrove trees, which provide important nesting grounds for wild birds.The Florida Keys stretch 200 miles from Miami southwest.These islands are tropical in climate.Fishing and tourism are important industriesBecause of its sub-tropical nature, the animal and plant life of southern Florida differs from other parts of U.S.A.Characteristic animals are alligators and crocodiles.Alligators prefer fresh water and usually live in land, while crocodiles live in saltwater along the coats.Alligator wrestling is considered a sport for the brave or foolhardy.Probably Florida is most famous for its birds.Their long feathers were used on women's hats.Florida has at least six species of herons, several egrets, wood storks, white ibises and cormorants.Characteristic Florida birds are the purple gallinule, the anhinga, the limpkin, flamingoes and roseate spoonbills.Many of these birds are notable for their size, coloring and interesting habits.Notable animals include the key deer, a miniature form of the white-tailed deer.There are also panthers or cougars, bobcats, marsh rabbits, mangrove squirrels round-tailed muskrats and the manatee.Naturally,the Everglades are home to many reptiles.Snakes are common – both water snakes and land species.There are four poisonous varieties.Both land and sea turtles abound and lizards are fairly common.Sports fishermen go to sea in search of trophies, such as marlin, sailfish and tarpon.Freshwater sport fish include bass and gar.After many decades of work to protect the animals and plants of the Everglades, the region finally became a National Park in 1947.It is the third largest park in the U.S.A. and covers one and a half million acres.Within the park live 300 kinds of birds, 30 kinds of mammals, 65 kinds of reptiles and amphibians, and nearly 1,000 species of flowering plants.翻译佛罗里达大沼泽地南佛罗里达向南延伸,将大西洋与墨西哥湾分隔开来。向南延伸的是佛罗里达群岛。这些珊瑚岛是美国的最南端。著名的大沼泽地是长着高大的草和一簇簇树木的湿地。这些沼泽的一部分已被抽干用作农田。土壤肥沃,市场园艺是一项重要活动。剩下的沼泽地太湿,不能用于农业。大沼泽地是一条“草河”。较深的水域全年保持湿润,但较浅的水池在旱季干涸。一些水被抽干用于农业,使大沼泽地变得更加干燥。尽管如此,在这个地区旅行的最佳方式是乘汽艇。除了潮湿的草原,佛罗里达南部还有面积较小的热带森林。这些阔叶树的区域被称为吊床,里面有丰富的动物和植物。大部分海岸都是红树林,它们为野生鸟类提供了重要的筑巢地。佛罗里达群岛从迈阿密西南绵延200英里。这些岛屿属热带气候。渔业和旅游业是重要的产业由于地处亚热带,佛罗里达南部的动植物生活与美国其他地区不同典型的动物是短吻鳄和鳄鱼。短吻鳄喜欢淡水,通常生活在陆地上,而鳄鱼则生活在沿皮毛的盐水中。鳄鱼摔跤被认为是一项勇敢者或蛮勇者的运动。也许佛罗里达最出名的是它的鸟类。它们长长的羽毛被用来制作女性的帽子。佛罗里达州至少有六种苍鹭、几种白鹭、木鹳、白朱鹭和鸬鹚。佛罗里达特有的鸟类有紫鹰、凤头鸟、山雀、火烈鸟和玫瑰色琵鹭。这些鸟中有许多以它们的体型、颜色和有趣的习性而闻名。著名的动物包括钥匙鹿,一种微型的白尾鹿。还有黑豹或美洲狮、山猫、沼泽兔子、红树林松鼠、圆尾麝鼠和海牛。自然,大沼泽地是许多爬行动物的家园。蛇很常见——水蛇和陆生蛇都有。有四种有毒的品种。海龟和陆龟都很丰富,蜥蜴也很常见。喜欢运动的渔民出海是为了寻找战利品,比如马林鱼、旗鱼和大海鲢。淡水鱼包括鲈鱼和黄鱼。经过几十年保护大沼泽地动植物的努力,该地区终于在1947年成为国家公园。它是美国第三大公园,占地150万英亩。公园内生活着300种鸟类,30种哺乳动物,65种爬行动物和两栖动物,以及近1000种开花植物。
9/2/20233 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part2

The Curse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble单词提示1.commodore 海军准将原文Chapter II: Port RoyalElizabeth opened her eyes.She was in bed, in the Governor's House in Port Royal.She looked at the gold medallion and smiled.Everyday she thought about the medallion.And every day she thought about Will Turner.Was it really eight years?She heard her father. "Are you in bed? Get up now!"Governor Swann came into the room."It's a beautiful day," he said. "And look -I have something for you!"He gave Elizabeth a box.Inside,there was a beautiful new dress from London."You can wear it today," he said, "for Captain Norrington's party.""Oh,him," said Elizabeth."He's a good man. And he likes you, you know. He likes you very much. And after today, he will be a commodore."The governor left the bedroom and went back to his office.Will Turner was there.He was now twenty years old and a big, strong young man."Mr.Turner," said the governor. "Good day""Good day," said Will."Do you have it?""Yes,sir. Here it is."He gave the governor a long box.The governor opened it carefully.He took out a sword and smiled."Ah,very good! A fine job!"He wanted to give the sword to the new Commodore Norrington."Thank you, sir," Will said.Will looked up and saw Elizabeth.She looked beautiful in her new dress."Ah,Elizabeth!" the governor said. "A wonderful dress!"But Elizabeth's eyes were on Will."Hello,Will," she said. "I thought of you last night. Do you remember thatfirst day, on the ship?""Of course I remember, Miss Swann," said Will. "I can never forget that day."He smiled at her.The governor wasn't happy with this conversation."We have to go," he said to Elizabeth. "It's time."He took Elizabeth's arm.Elizabeth smiled at Will."Goodbye,Mr. Turner," she said.The governor and his daughter left the house and went out into the busy street.
8/31/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文201.Women eat lighter meals when they're eating with a guy.当女性跟一个男人吃饭时,女性会吃得比较少。202.This airplane is capable of carrying 40 passengers at a time.这架飞机一次可以载客40人。203.I will provide you all the necessary information.我会把所有有用的信息提供给您的。204.It is said that treasure is buried in this area.据说财宝埋在这一片地区。205.I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him.我希望他能来!我想见他。206.I know him by name, but not by sight.我知道他的名字,但不知道他长什么样。207.The fact is that he didn't even take the exam.实际上他根本没有去考试。208.Could you please talk a bit louder? I can't hear very well.你能大声点讲吗?我听不太清。209.If you can't come, you should let me know ahead of time.如果你不能来,你该让我提前知道。210Can you wake me up at seven o'clock tomorrow morning?你明天早上七点可不可以叫我起床。
8/29/20236 minutes, 15 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day12(111-120)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 12111.Annualadj.一年一度的;年度的;n.一年生植物What's your annual income?你的年收入是多少?His annual income is over$150,000.他的年收入超过15万美元。She gets an annual salary of$30,000.她的年薪为30,000美元。How much is the annual membership fee?每年的会员费是多少?112.Annuallyadv.每年,一年一次地The meeting is held annually.该会议每年举行一次。Staff performance is reviewed annually.每年对员工绩效进行审查。113.Another另一的pron.又一个,再一个;adj.再加一个的;另一的Give me another example.再举一个例子。I have another question for you.我还有另一个问题要问你。Each individual is different from another.每个人都是不同的。We will discuss this again on another occasion.我们将在另一个场合再次讨论这个问题。114.Answerv.回答,答复;回复;接电话;n.回答,答复My answer matches yours.我的答案与你的答案相符。Give me a definite answer.给我一个明确的答案。I refuse to answer this question.我拒绝回答这个问题。115.Anticipatev.预期,预料;预见(并做准备);期望,盼望The job was harder than I anticipated.这份工作比我预期的要难。We don't anticipate any major problems.我们预计不会出现任何重大问题。Our current revenues are certainly lower than anticipated.我们目前的收入肯定低于预期。116.Anxietyn.焦虑,忧虑;令人焦虑的事He tried to hide his anxiety.他试图掩饰自己的焦虑。Her anxiety was apparent to everyone.她的焦虑对所有人来说都是显而易见的。117.Anxiousadj.焦虑的,担心的;渴望的,急切的We are anxious about your health.我们担心你的健康。He seems anxious about the meeting.他似乎对这次会议感到焦虑。118.Anxiouslyadv.不安地,忧虑地My mother is anxious about my future.我妈妈担心我的未来。He anxiously looked around for her.他焦急地四处寻找她。Her parents waited anxiously for her to come home that night.那天晚上她的父母焦急地等着她回家。119.Anywayadv.不管怎样,无论如何;而且,加之It's too late now, anyway.无论如何,现在为时已晚。Don't worry about being late. It doesn't matter anyway.别担心迟到了。无论如何都没关系。It's too expensive and anyway the color doesn't suit you.它太贵了,反正颜色不适合你。120.Anywhereadv.在任何地方;无论何处 n.任何地方You can sit anywhere you want.你可以坐在任何你想去的地方。I can't find my keys anywhere.我在任何地方都找不到我的钥匙。I will take you anywhere you want to go.我会带你去任何你想去的地方。
8/27/202314 minutes, 34 seconds
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Level 4-Day 71.The Expulsion of the Acadians

词汇提示1.expulsion 驱逐2.tragedies 悲剧3.heart-rendering 心碎4.expedition 探险队5.treaty 条约6.oath 宣誓7.allegiance 效忠8.skirmishes 小规模冲突9.troops 部队10.greedy 贪图11.eluded 逃脱12.exile 流放地原文The Expulsion of the AcadiansThe history of the Americas, from their discovery by Columbus till the founding of modern nation states has been the struggle among European powers for the largest and richest sections of the continentsIn particular, England and France have struggled for control of most of North America.Many tragedies and disasters have marked this conflict, but few have been as heart-rendering as the expulsion of the Acadians in 1755."Acadia"refers to what are now the Maritime Provinces of Canada - New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.In 1605, a French expedition under De Monts and Champlain established an agricultural settlement at Port-Royal in present day Nova Scotia.Although Port-Royal and other colonies had very mixed success, there was a gradual increase of French settlement through the seventeenth century.By 1710,the French, or Acadian, population had reached 2,100.In 1710, Port-Royal fell to the English, and the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 confirmed British ownership of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.By this treaty, the Acadians, that is the French-speaking inhabitants, were allowed to stay or leave the country as they pleased.The majority of inhabitants of Acadia were French and were still being influenced by agents from France and Quebec.This made their loyalty to Britain very doubtful in time of war.Governor Philipps attempted to get the Acadians to swear an oath of allegiance to King George of England.And Philipps was able in 1729 to get the French settlers to agree to a modified oath, with the understanding that they would not have to fight against the French and their Indian allies.The Acadians remained neutral during the fighting between Britain and France in 1744-45 in Nova Scotia.In 1749, the British established a new capital for Nova Scotia at Halifax, and began to bring in English-speaking settlers.Because of threats from the French and Indians most of these settlers remained close to Halifax.British skirmishes with the French and Indians continued, and a new war between France and England was approaching.Governor Lawrence decided that it was time to settle the Acadian question.He ordered the Acadians either to take an unqualified oath of allegiance to England, or to face expulsion from the colony.At that time, in 1755, there were troops and ships from New England in the area, and it seemed like an opportune time to round up the Acadians and ship them out.When the Acadians refused to take the oath which might oblige them to fight against France,the British rounded up about 6,000 of the 8,000 Acadians,burned their homes,and shipped them away to the British colonies of Virginia, the Carolinas, and as far as the mouth of the Mississippi River.Several of the transport ships sank, drowning all on board, and the Acadians died from disease and hardship.Since the expulsion order did not come from London,it has been suggested that Governor Lawrence had personal reasons for the expulsion.He may have been greedy for the land and possessions confiscated from the Acadians.Others say that there was the genuine fear for the English position in North America,and that Lawrence was only protecting the interests of the colony.Acadians still live in Maritime Canada today.Almost 2,000 fled into the woods and eluded the round-up.Another 2,000 Acadians later returned from exile to take the oath of allegiance.Many stories were told of their sufferings.One tale relates how on the very day of his wedding, a bridegroom was seized by the British and transported from the colony.His bride wandered for many years through the American colonies trying to find him.At last, when she was old, she found him on his deathbed.The shock of finding him, and his death, soon caused her death.This is the story of Henry W. Longfellow's poem "Evangeline."翻译阿卡迪亚人的驱逐美洲的历史,从哥伦布发现美洲到现代民族国家的建立,一直是欧洲列强之间争夺这块大陆最大、最富裕地区的斗争特别是,英国和法国一直在争夺对北美大部分地区的控制权。这场冲突发生了许多悲剧和灾难,但很少有像1755年阿卡迪亚人被驱逐那样令人痛心。“阿卡迪亚”指的是现在加拿大的沿海省份——新不伦瑞克省、爱德华王子岛省和新斯科舍省。1605年,德蒙茨和尚普兰率领的一支法国探险队在今新斯科舍省的罗亚尔港建立了一个农业定居点。虽然罗亚尔港和其他殖民地取得了好坏参半的成功,但在整个17世纪,法国人的定居点逐渐增加。到1710年,法国人或阿卡迪亚人的人口已经达到了2100人。1710年,罗亚尔港落入英国人之手,1713年的乌得勒支条约确认了英国对新斯科舍省和新不伦瑞克省的所有权。根据这个条约,阿卡迪亚人,也就是讲法语的居民,被允许随意离开或留在这个国家。阿卡迪亚的大多数居民是法国人,他们仍然受到来自法国和魁北克的代理人的影响。这使得他们在战争时期对英国的忠诚令人怀疑。总督菲利普斯试图让阿卡迪亚人宣誓效忠英国国王乔治。1729年,菲利普斯成功地让法国定居者同意修改后的誓言,前提是他们不必与法国人和他们的印第安盟友作战。1744年至1745年英法在新斯科舍的战争中,阿卡迪亚人保持中立。1749年,英国人在哈利法克斯为新斯科舍省建立了一个新的首都,并开始引进说英语的定居者。由于受到法国人和印第安人的威胁,大多数移民都留在哈利法克斯附近。英国人与法国人和印第安人的小规模冲突仍在继续,法国和英国之间的一场新的战争即将来临。劳伦斯州长认为是时候解决阿卡迪亚人的问题了。他命令阿卡迪亚人要么无条件宣誓效忠英国,要么被驱逐出殖民地。当时,也就是1755年,有来自新英格兰的军队和船只在这个地区,这似乎是一个围捕阿卡迪亚人并将他们运出的好时机。当阿卡迪亚人拒绝宣誓与法国作战时,英国人围捕了8000名阿卡迪亚人中的6000人,烧毁了他们的房屋,并将他们运往英国殖民地弗吉尼亚、卡罗来纳,甚至远至密西西比河的入海口。几艘运输船沉没了,船上所有人都淹死了,阿卡迪亚人死于疾病和艰苦。由于驱逐令并非来自伦敦,因此有人认为劳伦斯总督有驱逐的个人原因。他可能对从阿卡迪亚人那里没收的土地和财产很贪婪。还有人说,英国在北美的地位确实受到了威胁,劳伦斯只是在保护殖民地的利益。今天,阿卡迪亚人仍然住在加拿大海事区。近2000人逃进了树林,躲过了围捕。后来又有2000名阿卡迪亚人从流放中返回,宣誓效忠。关于他们的苦难,人们讲了许多故事。有一个故事讲的是,就在新郎举行婚礼的当天,新郎被英国人抓住并从殖民地运走了。他的新娘为了找他,在美洲殖民地徘徊了许多年。最后,当她老了,她发现他在临终的床上。发现他的震惊和他的死亡很快导致了她的死亡。这是亨利·w·朗费罗的诗《伊万杰琳》的故事。
8/26/20233 minutes, 43 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 艾琳·特里姆布尔《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》part1

TheCurse of the Black Pear by Irene Trimble单词提示1.fog 雾2.thick 厚的3.pirates 海盗4.governor 州长5.Dauntless 无畏号6.medallion 徽章7.skull 头骨原文Chapter I: The Ghost ShipSailors tell a story about a big, black pirate ship.They see it sometimes when the fog is thick.The ghostly pirates on the black ship can never leave it because the ship carries a curse.But this is only a story.There aren't really any ghosts.Or are there?The Dauntless sailed slowly through the thick fog.It was a big ship, and it carried fifty guns and a hundred strong men.Twelve-year-old Elizabeth Swann stood at the front of the ship.She was on her way to Port Royal in Jamaica.Her father was the new governor there."I'd like to meet a pirate," she thought.She remembered an old song: "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me, Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life..."Suddenly,a sailor called to her. "Quiet, Miss!" he said."Pirates sail this ocean. You don't want to call them to us.""Mr.Gibbs!" Captain Norrington shouted at the old sailor."Don't be afraid," he said to Elizabeth." There aren't any pirates here today.""I'm not afraid," said Elizabeth.But she knew the stories about pirates and fog.They looked down at the dark water.There was something there.What was it? Wood? A box?"Look!"Elizabeth shouted to the captain."It's a man!" said Captain Norrington."No,it's not," said Elizabeth. "It's a boy. Quickly, quickly, help him!Somebody help him!"Captain Norrington called to his men. "Get him out!"The men pulled the boy onto the Dauntless."Is he OK?" asked Elizabeth."Oh,yes, Miss," said one of the sailors. "He's fine.""But where did he come from?" asked Elizabeth. "There's nothing out there.Only the ocean."Nobody spoke.And then a big ship came out of the fog.Every man on it was dead.The men ran to the side of the Dauntless and looked down at the water.Were there any more people there?"Miss,you stay with the boy," the captain said to Elizabeth.Elizabeth sat down next to the boy.He was about the same age as her - ten or maybe eleven.Slowly,his eyes opened."Hello,"said Elizabeth. "My name is Elizabeth Swann.""I'm Will. Will Turner."And then he was asleep again.Elizabeth watched him.Then she saw something inside his shirt. Something gold.Slowly,she took it from him.She looked at it carefully.It was a medallion and there, on the front, was a skull and crossbones!"Oh!"she thought. "Will Turner, you're... a pirate!"When Captain Norrington came back, she quickly put the medallion under her dress."Did he speak?" he asked."His name is Will Turner," she answered.Inside her dress, she felt the gold medallion.She looked out at the ocean -and there, in front of her, was a big, black ship.And it had the skull and crossbones, too!The black ship turned away.But Elizabeth was suddenly very afraid.
8/24/20234 minutes, 25 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文191.This problem is too difficult for primary school children to solve.这个问题让小学生解决太难了。192.He makes it a rule to take a walk every morning.他给自己定下每天早上散步的规矩。193.How far is it from the airport to the hotel?从机场到旅馆多远?194.I'm just writing a letter to my girlfriend.我只是在写一封信给我的女友。195.You've worked hard for months and have certainly earned a holiday.你已经辛苦地工作好几个月了,当然可以休假。196.The potato was so hot that it burned my mouth.土豆太热,烫到了我的嘴。197.Quite by chance, I met my old friend in the airport.很幸运地,我在机场遇到了我的老朋友。198.There must be a way to arrive at a diplomatic solution.应该用一种外交解途径来解决。199.You should have told me a longtime ago.你早就应该告诉我了。200.Ebola spreads from person to person through bodily fluids.埃博拉通过体液在人与人之间传播。
8/22/20234 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day11(101-110)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 11101.Ancientadj.古代的,远古的;古老的 n.古代人;My father is interested in ancient history.我父亲对古代历史很感兴趣。Rome is famous for its ancient architecture.罗马以其古老的建筑而闻名。102.Angern.愤怒,怒火v.使生气,激怒He couldn't control his anger.他无法控制自己的愤怒。He ran out of the room in anger.他愤怒地跑出了房间。He couldn't hide his anger at us.他无法掩饰对我们的愤怒。I can understand your anger in this situation.我能理解你在这种情况下的愤怒。103.Anglen.角;倾斜,斜角;v.斜移,斜置;Measure each angle of the triangle.测量三角形的每个角度。The photo was taken from an unusual angle.这张照片是从一个不寻常的角度拍摄的。Let's approach this problem from a different angle.让我们从另一个角度来看待这个问题。104.Angrilyadv.愤怒地He swore angrily.他愤怒地发誓。She slammed the door angrily.她愤怒地砸了门。There is a woman complaining angrily out there.外面有个女人愤怒地抱怨。105.Angryadj.愤怒的,生气的;What is he angry about?他在生什么气?What made you so angry?是什么让你这么生气?I don't like people who easily get angry.我不喜欢那些容易生气的人。106.Animaln.动物;兽类;adj.动物的;肉体的,肉欲的Dogs are loyal animals.狗是忠诚的动物。I love animals, especially dogs.我喜欢动物,尤其是狗。Some animals are very good at climbing.有些动物非常擅长攀爬。The leaves of this tree are poisonous to most animals.这棵树的叶子对大多数动物都是有毒的。107.Anklen.脚踝,踝关节He has a broken ankle.他的脚踝骨折了。I slipped and twisted my ankle.我滑倒并且扭住了脚踝。She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle.她笨拙地跌倒,摔断了脚踝。108.Anniversaryn.周年纪念(日)Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary.明天是我们的结婚周年纪念日。They invited over 300 guests to their wedding anniversary.他们邀请了300多位客人参加结婚周年纪念日。109. Announcev.宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;He announced his intention to retire.他宣布打算退休。They haven't formally announced their engagement yet.他们还没有正式宣布订婚。110.Annoyv.使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;She is so annoying.她太烦人了。You'restarting to annoy me.你开始惹恼我了。She looked at him with a very annoyed expression.她用非常恼火的表情看着他。
8/20/202314 minutes, 23 seconds
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Level 4-Day 70.The Calgary Stampede

词汇提示1.stampede 奔逃2.ranches 牧场3.reservations 保留地4.scout 侦察兵5.fondly 深情地 牛仔竞技比赛7.marshal 元帅8,topple 倾倒原文The Calgary StampedeThe"Wild West," as we know it from Hollywood westerns, did not last along time.Its height was from about 1865 to 1885, or only twenty years.By 1885, there were railways across the plains, fences had been built around farms and ranches and lawmen were on the lookout for any troublemakers.Not only that, but by 1885 nearly all the buffalo had been killed, and most of the Indians were on reservations.Still the "Wild West" had captured the imagination of the reading public.A former buffalo hunter and Indian scout, Buffalo Bill Cody, decided to take advantage of his fame as a cowboy.In 1883, he organized "Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show,"and toured North America and EuropeAlberta,Canada had been the last part of the old west to be settled.But by 1912, ranching was being replaced by farming.The city of Calgary was itself becoming a commercial and industrial center.Old-timers looked back fondly to the old days of cowboys and Indians.In 1908, the Miller Brothers' Wild West Show visited Calgary.One of the cowboys, Guy Weadick, talked to local businessmen about putting on a rodeo and the Wild West Show.Eventually,four Calgary businessmen put up $25,000 each to finance the event.Weadick was a good organizer.He advertised all over the U.S. and the Canadian west for cowboys and rodeo-riders to come.And with $25,000 in prize money, people came from as far away as Mexico.Weadick was able to persuade the Canadian government to let large numbers of Indians leave their reservations to attend.In fact, the Indians were a big part of the program.The main rodeo events were bronco riding, bareback riding, women's bronco riding,steer roping and bulldogging.These events were based on things that working cowboys actually did.But to make them harder, special bucking horses were brought in.One horse named Cyclone had never been ridden long by anyone.He had thrown 127 riders in a row.Most of the rodeo cowboys came from the United States - from Wyoming, Oregon, Oklahoma,Colorado and Arizona.But there were also Canadian cowboys and some Canadian Indians competing.Queen Victoria's son, the Duke of Con naught, was the grand marshal.Many cowboys rode well, but no one could stay on Cyclone.On the sixth and final day, the grounds were muddy from rain, and the horses kept slipping.Cyclone escaped from his handlers and ran around the track.Fort his last bronco-riding contest, Cyclone's rider would be Tom Three Persons.Three Persons was a Blood Indian from Southern Alberta.When Three Persons got on Cyclone, the horse would rear up, then plunge its head down to throw the rider.Cyclone acted as though it would topple over backwards, but Three Persons hung on.Then it hurled itself forward with its head almost touching the ground.After a wild ride of several minutes, Cyclone began to tire.The judges declared Tom Three Persons the winner of the bucking bronco event.Three Persons was the only Canadian to win a major event at that first Calgary Stampede in 1912.Today,the Calgary Stampede continues to be the largest rodeo and Wild West show in North America.It has many new events and attractions and still attracts the best rodeo riders from all over North America.翻译卡尔加里牛仔节我们从好莱坞西部片中了解到的“狂野西部”并没有持续很长时间。它的鼎盛时期大约是从1865年到1885年,也就是仅仅20年。到1885年,平原上已经有了铁路,农场和牧场周围已经建起了栅栏,执法者也在密切关注着任何捣乱分子。不仅如此,到1885年,几乎所有的水牛都被杀死了,大多数印第安人都住在保留地。尽管如此,“狂野的西部”还是抓住了读者的想象力。水牛比尔·科迪(Bill Cody)曾是水牛猎人和印第安侦察员,他决定利用自己作为牛仔的名声。1883年,他组织了“野牛比尔的狂野西部秀”,并在北美和欧洲巡回演出加拿大的阿尔伯塔省是旧西部最后一个有人定居的地方。但到了1912年,牧场被农业所取代。卡尔加里市本身正在成为一个商业和工业中心。老一辈的人深情地回忆起有牛仔和印第安人的旧时代。1908年,米勒兄弟的狂野西部表演来到卡尔加里。其中一名牛仔盖伊·威迪克(Guy Weadick)与当地商人讨论举办一场牛仔竞技表演和狂野西部秀。最终,卡尔加里的四位商人每人拿出了2.5万美元来资助这次活动。威迪克是一个很好的组织者。他在美国和加拿大西部到处做广告,招募牛仔和竞技骑手。带着两万五千美元的奖金,人们从遥远的墨西哥赶来。威迪克成功地说服了加拿大政府,允许大量印第安人离开他们的保留地参加这次活动。事实上,印第安人是这个项目的重要组成部分。主要的竞技项目有骑野马、无鞍骑马、女子骑野马、套牛和斗牛。这些活动都是基于牛仔们实际做的事情。但为了让他们更坚强,他们引进了特殊的驯马。一匹名叫旋风的马从来没有被人骑过很久。他一连把127个车手摔了下去。大多数牛仔来自美国——怀俄明州、俄勒冈州、俄克拉何马州、科罗拉多州和亚利桑那州。但也有加拿大牛仔和一些加拿大印第安人参加比赛。维多利亚女王的儿子康诺特公爵是大元帅。许多牛仔骑得很好,但没有人能呆在旋风上。第六天,也是最后一天,场地被雨水弄得泥泞不堪,马不停地滑倒。旋风从他的训练员那里逃了出来,绕着跑道跑了起来。对于这最后一次骑野马比赛,旋风的骑手将是汤姆三人。“三人”是来自阿尔伯塔省南部的印第安人。当“三人”骑上“旋风”时,这匹马就会抬起头来,然后一头扎下去,把骑手扔在地上。“旋风”似乎要向后倾倒,但“三人”坚持住了。然后它猛地向前扑去,头几乎碰到了地面。狂奔了几分钟后,旋风开始累了。裁判宣布汤姆三人为野马比赛的获胜者。三人组是唯一一个在1912年第一届卡尔加里赛马大赛中获胜的加拿大人。今天,卡尔加里踩踏节仍然是北美最大的牛仔竞技表演和狂野西部表演。它有许多新的活动和景点,仍然吸引着来自北美各地的最佳牛仔竞技骑手。
8/19/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》 part5

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare单词提示1.sentence 宣判2.gloomy 黑暗的原文Chapter Five: The SentenceThe next morning was gray and rainy.Shylock felt that it was the last day of his life.The atmosphere of the courtroom was very gloomy.The crowd hated Shylock, but nobody wanted him to be killed.When the Duke walked in, everyone became very quiet."Most people understand mercy," said the Duke, at last. "It seems that you.Shylock, don't understand it. I am a human being. I understand mercy. And I understand the value of a human life. In the spirit of mercy, I forgive you. I will spare your life. I must punish you, though. If I don't, maybe other people will act like you. You must give half of your money to Antonio, and the other half to the City of Venice."Antonio was always a generous man.Even after all that had happened, he didn't change.He knew that Shylock's daughter, Jessica, was poor."I have a request about the money," said Antonio."What is your request?" asked the Duke.The court became quiet again.The crowd leaned forward to hear."I want to give Shylock's money to his daughter. And I want him to put Jessica back in his will.""I think this is a fair request. Shylock, I order you to give half of your money to Jessica. And you must write her back into your will. If you don't do this, I'll throw you in jail for the rest of your life."Shylock felt sick.He had failed to get revenge on Antonio.He had lost his money.He hated everyone."Fine,I'll do what you want. Just let me go now. I am not feeling well."Shylock was set free.He walked through the streets pulling out his hair.He couldn't believe his luck!"Sir,"said the Duke to Portia. "I have never seen such a clever lawyer in my life. I must admit that I was worried at first because you looked so young. If you're not too busy, please have dinner with me tonight. I'd love to talk about the law with you."Portia wanted to get home before her husband."I would love to, but I have another case that I must work on. I'm sorry. I'm just too busy to have dinner with you tonight.""Oh,well. Another time, then." The Duke turned to Antonio."You should pay this lawyer well. You owe him an awful lot.""Please,"said Bassanio to Portia. "Take these three thousand ducats. That's how much we borrowed from Shylock in the first place.""I don't want the money.""I'll give you three thousand more, then.""I don't want any money at all," said Portia."Instead,I want your wedding ring.""My wedding ring? I'm sorry. This is the one thing in the world that I can't give you. I promised my wife that I would never take it off. I will find you the most expensive ring in Venice. I will buy it for you now. But I can't give you this ring. No way!""I want your wedding ring, but I'm not going to beg. I see that you're too cheap to give it to me."Portia left the courtroom.She seemed angry.Actually,she was happy."Please,Bassanio. Give him the ring," said Antonio. "I know your wife will bemad. But think about what this lawyer has done for us today. I owe him my life.Don't you think that's worth your wedding ring?"Bassanio felt ashamed.Antonio was right.He took off his ring and gave it to Gratiano."Go and find Balthasar. Give him this ring."When Gratiano found Portia, he gave her the ring.Nerissa,who was with her, said, "You! Gratiano! You give me your ring, too."Gratiano knew that he couldn't say "no."He gave her his ring.When Portia and Nerissa were alone, they had a good laugh.They decided to play a trick on their husbands.Bassanio and Gratiano returned to Belmont that evening.They found their wives waiting for them.They kissed their wives.For a moment, everyone was very happy to be together again.Then,the women started yelling at them."Where's your wedding ring?" cried Portia."You gave our wedding rings to other women," screamed Nerissa."Please believe us," said Bassanio. "We gave our rings to two young lawyers.The lawyers saved the life of my best friend. They said that they wanted our wedding rings as payment. They wouldn't accept anything else. Please understand,darling. They saved Antonio's life!"Bassanio felt sad and guilty."I suppose that there is only one thing we can do," said Portia.Bassanio was afraid.Gratiano's knees were shaking."We must give you your rings back." Portia opened her hand.Nerissa opened hers as well.Bassanio and Gratiano couldn't believe their eyes!They were holding their wedding rings!Portia and Nerissa started to giggle.Then they laughed harder and harder.The men stood there with confused looks on their faces.Finally,Portia began to tell their story.Bassanio was amazed.His wife was even more wonderful than he had thought.She was the cleverest woman in Italy.She saved his best friend's life.He was overcome with happiness.As if this surprise weren't enough, a messenger soon arrived with another.The man brought news that Antonio's ships had not sunk.They had safely arrived in Venice.The goods were ready for sale.They couldn't have been happier.That night, they all celebrated under the beautiful Italian moon.They laughed thinking about the rings and the trick Portia and Nerissa had played on Bassanio and Gratiano.Bassanio looked lovingly at his wife."What's the scariest thing in the world?" he asked her."Owing a pound of flesh to a money-lender?" asked Portia."Absolutely not! It's losing my wife's wedding ring."Bassanio never took off his ring again.End of The Merchant of Venice
8/17/20237 minutes, 52 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文181.With your approval, I would like to offer him the job.如果您同意,我想给他这份工作。182.This book is for students whose native language is not Japanese.这本书是给母语不是日语的学生写的。183.I don't want to work under these conditions.我不想在这些条件下工作。184.She was more beautiful than all the others.她比其他人都漂亮。185.Where do you suppose you'll spend your vacation?你觉得你会去哪儿度假?186.She bought six yards of cloth fora dress.她买了六码的布做衣服。187.Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you speak English.当你说英语的时候不要怕犯错。188.I don't want to hear any more of your complaining.我不想再听你抱怨了。189.She may be a nurse. I am not sure.她可能是护士。我不太肯定。190.The air is thin at the top of a high mountain.山顶上空气稀薄。
8/15/20233 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day10(91-100)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 1091.Altogetheradv.完全地;总共;总之You owe me $99 altogether.你一共欠我99美元。It has cost me $1000 altogether.总共花了我1000美元。How many sheep are there in the field altogether?田里总共有多少只羊?92.Alwaysadv.总是,每次都是;一直,长久以来His room is always tidy.他的房间总是很整洁。I always keep my promises.我总是信守诺言。She was always short of cash.她总是缺钱。She always showed genuine concern for others.她总是对别人表现出真正的关心。93.Amazev.使惊奇,使惊愕I was amazed at his courage.我对他的勇气感到惊讶。It amazes me that no one noticed the error.令我惊讶的是,没人注意到这个错误。I'm amazed at her rapid progress in English.我对她在英语方面的快速进步感到惊讶。94.Amazingadj.惊人的,了不起的;v.使惊奇,使惊愕The concert was so amazing.音乐会太棒了。The magician performed some amazing tricks.魔术师执行了一些惊人的技巧。It's amazing how much money he spends everyday.他每天花多少钱真是太神奇了。95.Ambitionv.追求,有……野心I have no political ambition.我没有政治野心。His ambition is to become a great scientist.他的志向是成为一名伟大的科学家。She finally achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.她终于实现了成为著名作家的雄心。96.Ambulancen.急救车,救护车v.用救护车送(人)Please send an ambulance.请派一辆救护车。Do you want me to call an ambulance?你要我叫救护车吗?She died before the ambulance arrived.她在救护车到达之前就死了。97.Amongprep.在...…当中,周围是;与...…在一起The profits are shared out equally among the partners.利润在合作伙伴之间平均分配。98.Amountn.数量,量;金额,钱数;v.达到,总计His debts amount to $2,000.他的债务总额为2,000美元。I borrowed a large amount of money from her.我从她那里借了很多钱。No amount of money can make up for their loss.没有多少钱可以弥补他们的损失。99.Amusev.逗乐,逗笑;My joke amused everyone.我的笑话让所有人都开心。We were greatly amused by her story.她的故事让我们非常开心。100.Amusingadj.逗人发笑的,有趣的v.逗乐,逗笑;I found her very amusing.我觉得她很有趣。What an amusing situation!多么有趣的情况!I saw an amusing comedy last night.昨晚我看了一部有趣的喜剧。She told the children an amusing story.她给孩子们讲了一个有趣的故事。
8/13/202314 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 69.Thanksgiving Day

词汇提示1.pilgrim 朝圣者2.puritans 清教徒3.barn 谷仓4.wrestling 摔跤5.cranberries 蔓越莓6.squash 南瓜原文Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving Day has a special meaning for Americans.Many holidays were brought along from Europe by the early settlers, and didn't change very much.But Thanksgiving takes on a special shape in North America.That is because of the Thanksgiving celebrated by the early pilgrim settlers in Massachusetts in 1621.These early settlers were from England and they were known as Puritans.This is because they wanted to purify the state religion of England.They felt that the churches were more concerned with politics and customs than God and worship.They were also called Pilgrims, because they were willing to travel to other countries in order to worship God the way they wanted to.When the English government put some of the Pilgrims in jail, the rest left England and went to the Netherlands.In the Netherlands, they could have their own churches.However,it was hard to earn a living there, and at first they didn't know the language.In time, the English king learned where they were and tried to have them arrested.So they thought of another plan.Pilgrim leaders like William Brewster attempted to raise money to start a colony in North America.They would have to borrow money and pay it back later.Thirty members of the Pilgrim church in the Netherlands voted to sail to America with their families.They returned to England and set sail on two ships, the Speedwell and the Mayflower.When the Speedwell appeared unable to cross the ocean, both ships returned to England.All who still wanted to sail crowded into the Mayflower and set sail on September 6, 1620.Many of the passengers became sick during the long voyage, and some died.They encountered fierce storms because they were sailing late in the season.After sixty-six days, they sighted the sandy shoreline of Cape Cod, in present-day Massachusetts.There was disagreement between the Pilgrims and others on board ship about what to do.So first they had to agree to a common form of government and elect a governor.Since winter was coming, they decided to stay on the ship till spring.About half of the remaining settlers died during that first winter.When the Mayflower sailed back to England, only about fifty settlers were left.Nearly half of these were children.There were Indians in Massachusetts, but at first they were not friendly.They shot arrows at the settlers.But one day a friendly Indian named Samoset came to visit them.He spoke English and could tell them many things.He brought another Indian named Squanto, who showed the Pilgrims how to plant corn.Eventually,their chief Massosoit came, and he promised to keep peaceful relations with the settlers.All spring and summer of 1621, the Pilgrims worked hard in the fields.They also finished building houses and barns.In the fall, they were delighted to see that the corn and vegetables had grown well.They decided to have a thanksgiving feast and invited their Indian friends.On the day of the feast, Chief Massosoit came with ninety Indians.There were turkeys, deer meat and fish to eat.The feast lasted three days.When the food ran low, the Indians went out to shoot more birds and animals.The Pilgrims and Indians competed in races, wrestling, shooting and other games.The Pilgrims addressed prayers and thanks to God for providing food, shelter,freedom of religion and friendly Indians in this new land.Ever since 1621, Thanksgiving celebrations include memories of that special occasion.Today,turkeys, cranberries, corn and squash are usually part of the Thanksgiving meal.In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday.It is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday in November.In Canada, where the harvest is earlier, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October.The celebration always includes giving thanks for the good things that people have received, especially for food and families.Along with this goes the Thanksgiving meal, when so many good things are eaten.翻译感恩节感恩节对美国人来说有着特殊的意义。许多节日都是由早期的移民从欧洲带来的,并没有太大的变化。但感恩节在北美有一种特殊的形式。这是因为1621年马萨诸塞州早期移民庆祝的感恩节。这些早期的移民来自英国,他们被称为清教徒。这是因为他们想要净化英国的国教。他们觉得教会更关心政治和习俗,而不是上帝和敬拜。他们也被称为朝圣者,因为他们愿意前往其他国家,以他们想要的方式崇拜上帝。当英国政府把一些清教徒关进监狱时,其余的人离开英国去了荷兰。在荷兰,他们可以有自己的教堂。然而,在那里谋生很困难,一开始他们不懂语言。后来,英国国王得知了他们的下落,并试图逮捕他们。所以他们想到了另一个计划。像威廉·布鲁斯特这样的清教徒领袖试图筹集资金在北美建立殖民地。他们将不得不借钱,以后还钱。荷兰清教徒教会的30名成员投票决定与家人一起乘船前往美国。他们回到英国,乘坐两艘船,“速德威尔”号和“五月花”号启航。当斯比德威尔号似乎无法横渡大洋时,两艘船都返回了英国。1620年9月6日,所有仍然想航行的人都挤上了五月花号,起航了。许多乘客在长途航行中生病,有些人死亡。他们遇到了猛烈的风暴,因为他们在季末航行。66天后,他们看到了科德角的沙滩海岸线,在今天的马萨诸塞州。清教徒和船上的其他人对该怎么做存在分歧。因此,首先他们必须同意一个共同的政府形式,并选举一位总督。因为冬天就要来了,他们决定在船上待到春天。剩下的定居者中大约有一半在第一个冬天死亡。当五月花号返回英国时,只剩下大约50名定居者。其中近一半是儿童。马萨诸塞州有印第安人,但起初他们并不友好。他们向定居者射箭。但是有一天,一个名叫萨莫塞特的友好的印第安人来拜访他们。他会说英语,能告诉他们很多事情。他带来了另一个名叫斯匡托的印第安人,斯匡托向清教徒们展示了如何种植玉米。最后,他们的首领马索索伊特来了,他承诺与定居者保持和平关系。1621年的整个春天和夏天,清教徒们都在地里辛勤劳作。他们还完成了房屋和谷仓的建造。到了秋天,他们高兴地看到玉米和蔬菜长得很好。他们决定举办一场感恩节宴会,并邀请了他们的印第安朋友。在宴会那天,马索索伊特酋长带着90个印第安人来了。有火鸡、鹿肉和鱼可以吃。宴会持续了三天。当食物用完了,印第安人就出去射击更多的鸟类和动物。清教徒和印第安人比赛赛跑、摔跤、射击和其他游戏。清教徒们祈祷并感谢上帝在这片新土地上提供食物、住所、宗教自由和友好的印第安人。自1621年以来,感恩节庆祝活动就包含了对那个特殊时刻的回忆。今天,火鸡、蔓越莓、玉米和南瓜通常是感恩节大餐的一部分。在美国,感恩节是一个全国性的节日。每年11月的第四个星期四庆祝。在加拿大,收获较早,感恩节在十月的第二个星期一庆祝。庆祝活动通常包括对人们收到的好东西表示感谢,特别是对食物和家庭。随之而来的是感恩节大餐,人们会吃很多好吃的东西。
8/12/20233 minutes, 42 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》 part4

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare单词提示1.disguise 伪装2.pleading 恳求3.scale 天平4.hooray 万岁5.slammed his fist 砸下他的拳头原文CHAPTER FOUR: The TrialWhen the trial began, Portia gave the Duke of Venice a letter.The letter was from Bellario.It said that he could not be Antonio's lawyer because he was sick.Bellario wrote that Balthasar would be Antonio's lawyer instead.Balthasar was actually Portia in disguise.The Duke didn't mind that Balthasar would represent Antonio.He did wonder, however, if Balthasar was experienced enough."He"looked very young.Portia looked around the huge courtroom.Shylock seemed to be enjoying his day in court.Antonio looked at her with begging eyes.Portia then looked over at her husband.Bassanio didn't realize that Balthasar was actually his wife, either.As the trial began, the room grew quiet.Portia spoke to Shylock first."Sir.According to the agreement, you can take a pound of flesh from Antonio. There's no question about that. But I want to remind you of another choice. Of a more noble choice. You could choose to be merciful. You may ask, 'What is mercy?' Well,I'll tell you. Mercy is like the gentle rain. It falls from heaven. It blesses everyone. It blesses the person who gives mercy and the person who takes it. Mercy makes you feel like a king. You have all of the power in the world. You have the power to give Antonio his life. It is only through mercy that you can do this."All of the citizens in the courtroom agreed with Portia.Everyone except for Shylock."I don't care about mercy! I only want justice!" he yelled. "Well, why don't you just allow Antonio to pay you back?""It's too late for that now. I don't want money. I want my pound of flesh. Read the contract. It says that I can take the pound of flesh. And it says that I can take it from the place nearest to his heart.""Antonio,you must get ready to die, then," said Portia.Everyone in the crowd gasped.They couldn't believe what they were hearing."Shylock,"said Portia in a pleading voice, "please, take this money and let me tear up the loan contract."Shylock said, "I will never change my mind. Not for any reason."He began sharpening his long knife.He couldn't wait to cut into Antonio.Portia turned to Antonio."Do you have anything to say before you die?""No,"said Antonio. "I am ready to die."Then he turned to Bassanio."Goodbye,my friend. Don't blame yourself for my death."Bassanio was crying."Oh,Antonio. I would do anything to save your life. But there's nothing I can do.I'm so sorry. You are the best friend in the world.""Enough of this," yelled Shylock. "Let's get on with it. I want my pound of flesh."Portia asked the Duke, "Is the scale ready?"The Duke nodded."Is the doctor here?""What doctor?" asked Shylock."There should be a doctor here. Antonio shouldn't bleed to death."But,of course, Shylock wanted him to bleed to death."The contract says nothing about a doctor.""But surely we need a doctor here. It's the only decent thing to do!""The contract says nothing about a doctor," Shylock repeated."Alright,"said Portia. "A pound of flesh is yours. The law allows it. The court awards it."Shylock was very happy that he could finally kill his enemy.He was very pleased with the young lawyer."You are such a good lawyer," he said. "You understand justice."Shylock picked up his sharp knife.It was bright and shiny.The moneylender had an evil look in his eyes."Come here," he said to Antonio."Just a minute," said Portia. "There is another thing I need to tell you.This contract doesn't give you a drop of blood. If Antonio loses a drop of blood,you will break the law. The City of Venice will take all of your money and land. Do you understand?"Shylock didn't know what to say.Everything had changed.He couldn't possibly get his revenge now.His face turned red with anger.Everyone was very impressed with this young lawyer."Balthasar"used the terms of the contract to save Antonio.There was no mention of blood in the contract.Shylock could not take any blood.Therefore,he couldn't take any flesh, either.The people in the courtroom clapped their hands."Hooray for Balthasar!"Shylock slammed his fist against the table."Well,where's my money, then? If I can't have my pound of flesh, I want my money." "Here it is."Bassanio happily threw him a bag with three thousand ducats inside.Shylock began to walk away."Not so fast." said Portia. "You tried to murder someone. By law, you must give all of your money to the City of Venice. You could also be killed. You are at the mercy of the Duke of Venice. Get down on your hands and knees. Beg him for forgiveness.""No,"said the Duke. "I don't think anyone should have to beg for their life. It isn't right. I must make an important decision, and I must think about it carefully. I want Shylock thrown in jail tonight. Tomorrow I will tell you what his punishment will be."Everyone left the courthouse that afternoon.They walked through the streets talking about the trial.No one could remember a more unusual day.
8/10/20237 minutes, 40 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文171.I ran as fast as possible to catch up with him.我尽力追赶他。172.After reading his books I feel I can construct a house.读完他的书后,我觉得我能建一栋房子。173.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.我期待很快就能收到你的信。174.I used to play alone when I was a child.我小时候常常独自玩耍。175.The students were for the most part from the West Coast.大部分的学生来自西海岸。176.I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you.没有你我无法做到,谢谢。177.The old houses were torn down to make room for a supermarket.这栋老房子被拆了,好腾出地方给超市。178.He was kind enough to take me to the hospital.他好心地把我送到医院。179.I haven't had time to look for what you wanted.我没时间找你想要的东西。180.I am looking for a present for my mother.我正在为我的妈妈寻找礼物。
8/8/20233 minutes, 52 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day9(81-90)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 981.Allowvt.允许,准许;承认;给予;(for)考虑到Allow me to introduce myself.请允许我自我介绍一下。They won't allow us to enter the garden.他们不允许我们进入花园。He doesn't allow his son to eat ice cream.他不允许儿子吃冰淇淋。His parents won't allow him to stay out late.他的父母不允许他在外面呆到很晚。Her health has improved sufficiently to allow her to return to work.她的健康状况已大大改善,足以让她重返工作岗位。82.Allyn.同盟国;盟友,支持者;v.与……结盟,与……联合I want to be your ally, not your enemy.我想成为你的盟友,而不是你的敌人。He is a close ally of the Prime Minister.他是总理的亲密盟友。83.Almostadv.几乎,差不多We're almost there.我们快到了。There's almost nothing in the fridge.冰箱里几乎什么都没有。Almost everyone here can speak English.这里几乎每个人都能说英语。The insect's wings are almost transparent.昆虫的翅膀几乎是透明的。84.Aloneadj.独自的;单独的;孤独的 adv.独自,单独;Please leave me alone!请别管我!She is scared of going out alone.她害怕一个人出去。He lives alone and often feels lonely.他一个人住,常常感到孤独。It scared me to think I was alone in the building.以为我一个人呆在大楼里真是太吓坏了。85.Alongprep.沿着,顺着;adv.向前;一起,一道;We walked along the beach.我们沿着海滩散步。Do you get along with your boss?你和你的老板相处得好吗?I found it difficult to get along with him.我发现很难和他相处。86.Aloudadv.大声地,出声地She read the letter aloud to us.她大声朗读了给我们的信。I could not stop myself from crying aloud.我无法阻止自己大声哭泣。87.Alphabetn.字母表;基本要素;初步,入门The English alphabet has 26 letters.英文字母表有26个字母。A is the first letter of the alphabet.A是字母表的第一个字母。Can you say the alphabet in reverse order?你能用相反的顺序说出字母表吗?88.Alreadyadv.已经,早已;马上,够了Have you already read this book?你已经读过这本书了吗?She has already left the office.她已经离开办公室了。We've already ordered food and drinks.我们已经订购了食物和饮料。89.Alternativen.可供选择的事物,替代物adj.可替代的,备选的;We have no alternative but to fire him.我们别无选择,只能解雇他。80.Althoughconj.虽然,尽管;但是,然而Although he has many friends, he is lonely.尽管他有很多朋友,但他很孤独。Although she lives nearby, I rarely see her.虽然她住在附近,但我很少见到她。Although he's young, he's an outstanding doctor.尽管他还年轻,但他是一位出色的医生。
8/6/202312 minutes, 41 seconds
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Level 4-Day 68.Sunday Morning at Church

词汇提示1.baptized 洗礼2.buried 下葬3.worship 崇敬4.sermon 布道5.ushers 引座员6.choir 合唱团7.hymns 赞美诗原文Sunday Morning at ChurchEvery Sunday is a holiday, or half-holiday, in North America.Some stores may be open, but banks, offices, and government services are usually closed.Sunday closing has a Christian origin.Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday morning.So Sunday is known as the "Lord's Day."About 30 or 35% of North Americans attend church regularly on Sunday mornings.About the same percentage attend church occasionally.At Christmas and Easter the churches are very full, as people celebrate these two important holy days.Nearly everybody goes to church at least three times.They are baptized or dedicated as a child.Most people are married in a church, and many people are buried after a church service.Church services are usually held Sunday mornings, often at 11:00 am, although there may also be evening services provided.Most services last an hour.Their purpose is to worship God and to help people focus on religious and moral beliefs.The service is led by a pastor, minister or priest who usually also looks after the people and the business of the church.It is the pastor who delivers the sermon, a twenty-minute talk on a religious or moral matter.Usually members take part in the service.They may lead the singing, read from the Bible, offer prayers for the congregation, take up the collection, or act as ushers.Most churches also have a choir, a group of singers who lead in singing the hymns.There are many cultural traditions connected to going to church.People normally wear their best clothing, and try to be on their best behavior.Talking or making noise in church is usually considered bad.This is why children often have a separate "children's church" or Sunday school, where they can be more like children.The Sunday service is the main weekly event at many churches.But nowadays there are a growing number of large "super-churches" which organize all kinds of activities for their members.These churches usually have large buildings and a large staff to plan and lead various activities.These might include prayer group, counseling and social work, youth programs,social action, fund-raising events, etc.Many large churches have gymnasiums for regular sports activities.At the same time, "house churches" are also becoming very popular.Sometimes a group will meet in a house until they have the money to buy a church.But many people say they prefer to meet in small groups.That way, they get to know one another better.Then they feel comfortable sharing their problems and successes, and praying for each other.Some say that large churches can interfere with getting close to God and other Christians.There are many different "brands" of ChristianityThe largest single denomination in North America is Roman Catholicism.Other large Christian "brands" are Episcopalian, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal,Lutheran and Presbyterian.All have slightly different traditions and beliefs.Although in the past, these groups have often been in conflict with one another, today they usually cooperate in working together for their members and the community.翻译星期日早晨在教堂在北美,每个星期天都是假期或半日假期。一些商店可能会开门,但银行、办公室和政府服务部门通常会关门。星期日关门与基督教有关。基督徒相信耶稣基督在一个星期天的早晨死而复生。所以星期天被称为“主日”。大约30%或35%的北美人在周日早上定期去教堂。大约同样比例的人偶尔去教堂。在圣诞节和复活节,教堂里挤满了人,因为人们庆祝这两个重要的神圣日子。几乎每个人都至少去教堂三次。他们在孩童时期受洗或献身。大多数人在教堂举行婚礼,许多人在教堂仪式后下葬。教堂礼拜通常在周日早上举行,通常在上午11点,尽管也可能有晚上的礼拜。大多数服务持续一小时。他们的目的是敬拜上帝,帮助人们专注于宗教和道德信仰。仪式由牧师、牧师或神父主持,他们通常也会照顾教堂的会众和事务。布道是由牧师来做的,一个关于宗教或道德问题的二十分钟的演讲。通常会员会参加这项服务。他们可能带领唱诗,诵读圣经,为会众祷告,收集收藏品,或充当引座员。大多数教堂也有唱诗班,这是一群唱圣歌的歌手。有许多文化传统与去教堂有关。人们通常穿着最好的衣服,并努力表现出最好的行为。在教堂里说话或制造噪音通常被认为是不好的。这就是为什么孩子们经常有一个单独的“儿童教堂”或主日学校,在那里他们可以更像孩子。星期日礼拜是许多教堂每周的主要活动。但是现在有越来越多的大型“超级教会”为其成员组织各种各样的活动。这些教堂通常有很大的建筑和大量的工作人员来计划和领导各种活动。这些活动可能包括祷告小组、咨询和社会工作、青少年项目、社会行动、筹款活动等。许多大型教堂都有体育馆,用于定期的体育活动。与此同时,“家庭教会”也变得非常流行。有时,一群人会在一所房子里聚会,直到他们有钱买一座教堂。但是很多人说他们更喜欢小团体聚会。这样,他们就能更好地了解彼此。然后他们会很舒服地分享他们的问题和成功,并为彼此祈祷。有人说,大型教堂会妨碍人们接近上帝和其他基督徒。基督教有许多不同的“品牌”北美最大的单一教派是罗马天主教。其他大型基督教“品牌”有圣公会、卫理公会、浸信会、五旬节、路德会和长老会。它们都有略微不同的传统和信仰。虽然在过去,这些团体经常相互冲突,但今天他们通常合作,为成员和社区共同努力。
8/5/20233 minutes, 6 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》 part3

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare单词提示1.trembled 发抖2.will 遗嘱3.greedy 贪婪4.gem 珠宝5.nasty 肮脏原文CHAPTER THREE: The DebtA few days later, a messenger arrived at Portia and Bassanio's house.Bassanio received the letter and opened it.It read:Dear Bassanio. My ships have all sunk. I am in big trouble. Shylock wants to take a pound of flash from me. Everyone has tried to talk him out of it. Even the Duke of Venice has tried. But no one has had any success. I am going to die. Please come to my trial and execution. I want to see you once more. Come quickly. I don' I have much time. Your friend Antonio.As Bassanio read the note, his face turned white.He had to sit down.His hands trembled.Portia ran to him. "What is it? What's wrong? Please! Answer me!""Oh!My poor friend Antonio! He's going to die! Portia, listen to me carefully. I amnot only a poor man. I am a debtor as well."Bassanio told her all about the money and the pound of flesh.A chill ran through Portia's body.She couldn't believe that a man wanted to cut a pound of flesh from someone."Bassanio,go to your friend right away," she said." You are my husband now. My money is your money. You must pay back Antonio's debt. I'll give you two times the original loan. Go quickly before Antonio is killed."Bassanio put a lot of money in a bag and left for Venice.He found Antonio in prison.When he saw his friend, Antonio ran to him and hugged him.Antonio looked small and weak."My dear friend," said Bassanio. "I'll go to Shylock today and pay back the money. I'm sure he'll take it and then you can go free. After all, he is very greedy. He won't say no to money.""Dear Bassanio," said Antonio. "You are loo kind. But I think it's too late. Shylock wants a pound of flesh from me. According to the loan agreement,that's what I owe him. You won't be able to talk him out of it.""He's never refused money before.""This time it's different. He hates me so much that he wants to kill me. And to make matters worse, Jessica ran away from home.""Jessica?Do you mean Shylock's daughter?""That's right. She married the young man who was living in your parents' house. The Christian boy. She is going to give up her religion and become a Christian. And when she ran away from home, she stole a gem from Shylock, too.""Oh!That's terrible," said Bassanio."He probably thinks that I made her marry the Christian. But I have nothing to do with it. I swear! He's really mad! He cut Jessica out of his will. And, for the past few days, Shylock's been talking about me. He's told everyone that he's going to kill me.""Don't worry about that," said Bassanio. "I'll talk to Shylock. I'll make him change his mind. I'll do whatever I need to."Bassanio went out of the prison and found Shylock."Please,I beg you. Please spare Antonio's life. Please, please release him from prison.Here's six thousand ducats. That's twice the amount we borrowed in the first place."Bassanio begged on his hands and knees."No.I want a pound of flesh. He owes me that.""I'll give you nine thousand ducats. Just let him live!""No.""Name your price. I'll pay you anything.""I want a pound of flesh."Bassanio realized that Shylock would not change his mind.There was only one thing that he could do.He had to go to court.At that time, everyone of Venice was talking about the problem.Everyone felt sorry for Antonio.He had only wanted to help a friend.And everyone hated Shylock.He was such an evil man.More than being evil, however, he was angry.He was angry with Antonio.Antonio had always spoken roughly to him at the Rialto.He had cursed Shylock for being a Jew.He had yelled at him for being a mean and greedy businessman.Shylock was also very angry about his daughter.His whole world was a dark and nasty place.And he had nothing but hatred in his heart for these two Christians, Antonio and Bassanio.A date was set for the trial.It was a very important trial.Even the Duke of Venice was involved.He would be the judge.Meanwhile,in Belmont, Portia heard about the trial.She decided that she had to help poor Antonio.She could not rely on fate to change the course of events.Portia wrote a letter to her cousin, Bellario.He was a well-known lawyer.She asked for his opinion about Antonio's case.She also asked him to lend her the clothes that he wore in court.A few days later, a letter and a box arrived in Belmont.The letter had instructions for defending Antonio.In the box were two sets of clothes that Bellario wore in court.Portia dressed in one set.She made Nerissa wear the other set.Then they left for Venice.Portia and Nerissa went to the Grand Courthouse of Venice.There,they waited for the trial to begin.On the day of trial, it seemed like every Venetian came to the court.Everyone wanted to know what would happen to Antonio.
8/3/20237 minutes
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文161.A group of young men are playing handball in the playground.一群年轻人在操场上打手球。162.I thought you'd be full after eating that big steak.我觉得吃完那块大牛排你就饱了。163.It is cruel of him to say such things to her.他跟她说这样的话真是太残忍了。164.My father will often read the newspaper during meals.我父亲常在吃饭时看报纸。165.We're out of tissue paper, so I need to go buy some.卫生纸用完了,我必须去买。166.It is more blessed to give than to receive.赠与比接受更让人觉得幸福。167.I find it difficult to express my meaning in words.我觉得很难用言语表达我的意思。168.This car was so cheap that he could afford it.这车便宜得他也买得起。169.He has spent ten years in jail for murder.他因为谋杀案在牢里待了十年。170.Our eyes take time to adjust to the darkness.我们的眼睛需要时间来适应黑暗。
8/1/20234 minutes
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day8(71-80)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 871.Agreevi.同意;持相同意见I partly agree with you.我部分同意你的看法。I don't agree with their policy.我不同意他们的政策。I'm pretty sure that he'll agree.我很确定他会同意的。72.Agreementn.协定,协议;同意We have already reached an agreement.我们已经达成协议。Did you make a formal agreement with him?你和他达成正式协议了吗?I'm glad we're all in agreement about that.我很高兴我们都同意这一点。73.Aheadad.在前;向前;提前Go ahead with your story.继续讲你的故事。The road ahead was blocked.前方的道路被封锁了。We've got a lot of trouble ahead.我们前面遇到了很多麻烦。74.Aimvi.&n.瞄准,针对;致力;目标His aim is to become a doctor.他的目标是成为一名医生。I always aim high to achieve my best.我总是以高远的目标来实现自己的最佳状态。She went to Silicon Valley with the aim of finding a job.她去硅谷是为了找工作。The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.本课程的主要目的是提高你的英语口语。75.Airportn.机场,航空站Let's go straight to the airport.我们直接去机场吧。I dropped her off at the airport.我把她送到机场了。How far is it from here to the airport?从这里到机场有多远?76.Alarmn.惊恐,忧虑;警报Turnoff the alarm clock please!请把闹钟关掉!Don't worry! It was a false alarm.别担心!这是个错误的警报。The fire alarm went off in the middle of the night.火警在半夜响起。77.Alarmingadj.令人担忧的,令人恐惧的 v.使不安,使恐慌;The forests are disappearing at an alarming rate.森林正在以惊人的速度消失。There is an alarming increase in crime these years.这些年来,犯罪率惊人地增加。78.Alcoholn.酒精,乙醇He doesn't drink alcohol.他不喝酒。Do you have alcohol-free drinks?你有无酒精饮料吗?Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.威士忌含有很大比例的酒精。79.Alcoholicadj.酒精的,含酒精的;酒精中毒的n.酗酒者,酒鬼I don't like alcoholic drinks.我不喜欢含酒精的饮料。Her father has been an alcoholic for many years.她父亲多年来一直是酒鬼。80.Alivea.活着的;活跃的Is the snake alive?那条蛇还活着吗?Is the mouse dead or alive?老鼠死了还是活着?He's alive, his heart is still beating.他还活着,他的心脏还在跳动。
7/30/202311 minutes, 45 seconds
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Level 4-Day 67.Stephen Foster-American Songwriter

词汇提示1.minstrel 吟游诗人2.dialect 方言3.melodies 旋律4.folk songs 民歌5.moderately 适当地原文Stephen Foster ? American SongwriterBefore radio and television, movies and recordings, entertainment was often a family or community matter.Someone in the family could play a musical instrument, or a neighborhood musician would play for small gatherings.In addition, there would be travelling groups of musicians, actors and clowns who would go from town to town.In nineteenth century United States, one of the most popular forms of entertainment was the minstrel show.Black slavery was still permitted in the southern states until 1865.Even after that date, the lives of many blacks working on large farms or plantations did not change much.They did hard physical labor in the fields, had little control over their lives, and very little time to relax with their friends.Foster,who was born in 1826, made this situation the background for many of his songs.White musicians would try to imagine the feelings of black men and women working on the plantations.They would write songs in the dialect or speech patterns that they thought black slaves used.In these songs, the black people would be talking about their hardships, falling in love, playing music and dancing, and finally growing old and dying.They would play musical instruments, like the banjo, a small four-stringed guitar, which black people played often.As a small boy, Stephen Foster had sometimes been taken to a black church by his family's black servant, Olivia Pise.Here he first heard the melodies that inspired his own songs.Only a couple of Foster's songs are based directly on "Negro spirituals;" but many of his songs have the natural simplicity and emotional power of folk songs.The youngest member of a large family, Foster showed his musical talent at an early age.Growing up in an energetic business family Stephen was expected to become a businessman.And,for a while, he worked as a book keeper.Foster attended minstrel shows and tried to get the performers to sing his songs.Sometimes the performers would steal his songs and publish them under their own names.Copyright laws were weak and rarely enforced,so some music publishers would just go ahead and publish a song without paying the songwriter.Since Foster hoped to make a living as a songwriter, this was a problem.Foster's first hit song was "Oh!Susanna" published in 1848.It became popular with the thousands of men from all over the United States who were heading west to the Californian gold-rush of 1849.Unfortunately,as an unknown song writer Foster received no money from his early songs.He seems to have given them out right to the music publishers, just to establish his reputation.Foster's name, however, was soon widely known,and in 1849 he was able to afford to give up book keeping, and marry the daughter of a Pittsburgh physician.During the next five years, he earned a moderately good income from songwriting.In 1851, a daughter Marion was born.Foster wrote many of his best-known songs at this time - "Old Folks at Home"in 1851;"My Old Kentucky Home" in 1853, and "Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair" in 1854.Difficulties in Foster's marriage began fairly soon.He spent days locked in his room working on his songs.Then he would rush out with his materials to the local music store, presumably to test out the songs on his friends.Eventually,his wife and daughter left him.Foster died alone in a rooming house in 1864.However,there were very few typically American songs.Foster provided many songs that expressed the life of nineteenth century U.S.A.In a sense, Foster helped to create roots for American popular music.翻译斯蒂芬·福斯特?美国作曲家在广播、电视、电影和唱片出现之前,娱乐通常是家庭或社区事务。家里有人可以演奏乐器,或者邻里音乐家会在小型聚会上演奏。此外,还有由音乐家、演员和小丑组成的巡回团体,他们会从一个城镇到另一个城镇。在19世纪的美国,最流行的娱乐形式之一是吟游诗人表演。直到1865年,南方各州仍然允许蓄奴。即使在那之后,许多在大农场或种植园工作的黑人的生活也没有太大改变。他们在地里干着繁重的体力劳动,对自己的生活几乎没有控制权,很少有时间和朋友们一起放松。福斯特出生于1826年,他的许多歌曲都以这种情况为背景。白人音乐家试图想象在种植园工作的黑人男女的感受。他们会用他们认为黑人奴隶使用的方言或语言模式来写歌。在这些歌曲中,黑人会谈论他们的苦难,恋爱,演奏音乐和跳舞,最后变老和死亡。他们会演奏乐器,比如班卓琴,一种黑人经常演奏的四弦小吉他。斯蒂芬·福斯特小时候,有时会被家里的黑人仆人奥利维亚·皮斯带到黑人教堂。在这里,他第一次听到了启发他创作自己歌曲的旋律。福斯特的歌曲中只有几首是直接取材于“黑人灵歌”,但他的许多歌曲都具有民歌的自然质朴和情感力量。作为一个大家庭中最小的成员,福斯特在很小的时候就展示了他的音乐天赋。斯蒂芬生长在一个充满活力的商业家庭,人们期望他成为一名商人。有一段时间,他做过簿记员。福斯特参加了吟游诗人的演出,并试图让表演者唱他的歌。有时表演者会窃取他的歌曲,并以自己的名义发表。版权法很弱,很少被执行,所以一些音乐出版商会直接出版一首歌,而不付钱给词曲作者。由于福斯特希望以写歌为生,这就成了一个问题。福斯特的第一首热门歌曲是《哦!苏珊娜》出版于1848年。1849年,成千上万的美国人从美国各地前往西部的加利福尼亚淘金热,这个词受到了他们的欢迎。不幸的是,作为一个不知名的词曲作者,福斯特没有从他早期的歌曲中获得任何收入。他似乎把版权给了音乐出版商,只是为了树立自己的声誉。然而,福斯特的名字很快就广为人知了,1849年,他放弃了簿记工作,娶了匹兹堡一位医生的女儿。在接下来的五年里,他从写歌中获得了相当不错的收入。1851年,女儿玛丽昂出生了。福斯特在这个时期创作了许多他最著名的歌曲——1851年的《家里的老人》;1853年的《我的肯塔基老家》和1854年的《浅棕色头发的珍妮》。福斯特的婚姻很快就出现了问题。他一连几天把自己锁在房间里写歌。然后,他会带着他的材料冲到当地的音乐商店,大概是为了在他的朋友们身上测试这些歌曲。最终,他的妻子和女儿离开了他。1864年,福斯特独自一人在一间公寓里去世。然而,很少有典型的美国歌曲。福斯特创作了许多表达19世纪美国生活的歌曲从某种意义上说,福斯特为美国流行音乐奠定了基础。
7/29/20233 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》 part2

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare单词提示1.grumbled 发牢骚2.dearly 极高的3.insulted 辱骂4.spat 吐口水,口角5.cheapskate 小气鬼6.gasped 喘气7.swear 发誓原文CHAPTER TWO: The LoanMeanwhile,in Venice, Antonio and Bassanio found Shylock.He was at the Rialto, as usual."Shylock,I have a request for you," said Antonio."I'd like you to loan three thousand ducats to my best friend, Bassanio. I will sign the contract. I'll happily pay you back in a few days. I'll have plenty of money when my ships arrive.""I have an idea," said Bassanio. "Why don't we go out to dinner? We can talk more about this loan. "  "I never eat with Christians," grumbled Shylock. "I may lend them money or do business with them. But I don't eat with them. Not ever!""Very well," said Bassanio. "Why don't you just lend me the money, then?You know that Antonio will pay you back."As Shylock listened to Antonio and Bassanio, he became angrier and angrier.How foolish these two men were!They knew how much he hated them.And yet they were asking him for a loan!He was determined to make Antonio pay dearly."Shylock!"yelled Antonio, "Are you going to lend us the money or not? Answer me!"Shylock answered him slowly."Do you remember all of those times that you insulted me in a loud voice that everyone could hear? You once spat on me and called me a dog. And now you want to borrow money from me, a dog!""Look!I'm not asking you a favor. You can charge me any interest you want. I don't mind. My ships will arrive any day now.""Alright,Antonio. I'm willing to lend you the money. I won't even charge you any interest. Just pay me back the loan on time."Antonio couldn't believe his ears."What did you say?""I said you didn't know me. You always call me a cheapskate, but I am not. I will help you. I won't even charge you a single ducat. However, there's something I'm worried about. What if you don't pay me back?""Don't worry, Shylock. I'll pay you back.""Well,I need some kind of a guarantee, don't I? Three thousand ducats is a lot of money. If you don't pay me back on time, I want a pound of flesh. I'll take a pound of flesh from any part of your body."Antonio didn't like what Shylock proposed."No.I'd rather pay you interest if I'm late on the payment.""I'm afraid that's no good," said Shylock as he laughed. "Do you think I'd take money from a fellow moneylender? Besides, this contract is only a joke! Do you think that any lawyer or judge would believe me? Would they really believe that I want a pound of your flesh? You don't have to worry about anything! It's my way of saying the bad feelings of the past between us are finished."Antonio pulled Bassanio aside and spoke to him secretly."I don't want to do business with this man. He's evil. And I know that he'd take the pound of flesh from me if he could. Let's see if somebody else will lend us the money."But Bassanio had other ideas."Who else in Venice can lend me this much money? Besides, this man is crazy. Don't worry about the guarantee. Nobody would make you pay a pound of flesh! Everyone will think he's nuts!"So,Antonio agreed to the conditions of the loan.The three men went to a lawyer and signed an agreement.A strange smile came over Shylock's face.In fact, Shylock wanted to take a pound of flesh from Antonio.He'd hated Antonio for so long.And he lost a lot of money because of this generous moneylender.Bassanio took the money that Antonio had borrowed although he had a bad feeling about the loan contract.He bought many gifts and clothes that he needed to propose to Portia.He then loaded the gifts into a carriage.He and his servant, Gratiano, went to Portia's house with the carriage.When Bassanio arrived, Portia was delighted.She had hoped that he would return for her.She was in love with him."Portia,I'm so happy to see you again," said Bassanio."But I have something awful to tell you. I'm broke. I have no money.""Bassanio!Don't worry about that! I have all of the money we need. Money means nothing tome. The only thing you have to worry about is choosing the right box. Then, we can live happily ever after."Portia told Bassanio about her father's contract."Alright.I'll go choose the box now."Portia started to worry.What if he chose the wrong box?"Don't choose today. I have a bad feeling. I want you to wait.""Wait!But the sooner I choose, the sooner I can marry you. I can't wait any longer.""Then let me hire a musician. Maybe the music will help you think more clearly."A little while later, a musician came.He began to play soothing music.Bassanio slowly walked over to the golden chest.He looked at it carefully."This can't be it," he said to himself. "It's too obvious. Everyone would choose the golden one first. I think Portia's father wanted to separate the wise men from the fools."Then,he walked over to the silver chest. "If men didn't choose the golden chest, then they would choose this one. That's obvious, as well."Bassanio's eyes settled on the lead chest."This is the least obvious choice. I don't think anyone else would choose this one."He opened the box.He gasped.He couldn't believe his eyes!Int he box was a small picture of Portia.Bassanio could now marry her!He was so happy that he couldn't even speak.Portia put her arms around him and said, "Oh, Bassanio! I'm the luckiest woman in the world. Yesterday, I was just a girl with a lot of money. Today, I'll be a wife. Please, take this ring and show me you will accept my proposal. Put it on and promise me that you'll never take it off.""I am lucky, too," said Bassanio. "Yesterday, I was poor and lonely. Today,I will be married to the most beautiful woman in the world. I promise that I'll wear this ring forever. Until I die! I swear!"It was a very happy moment.Gratiano felt that it was a good time to ask Bassanio something."Since you're getting married, I'd like to get married, too.""Well,that's wonderful," said Bassanio. "But who are you going to marry?""I want to marry Nerissa."Bassanio and Portia were very surprised."I didn't know you wanted to get married, Nerissa," cried Portia. "This is a great day!"That evening the couples got married.Bassanio and Gratiano wore golden rings that they promised never to take off.They were the happiest men in the world.
7/27/20239 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文151.Will you listen to me for a few minutes?您愿意听我说几分钟话吗?152.Can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?你能把最近的公车站指给我看吗?153.I'd love to find out why she said so.我很想找出她为什么这么说的原因。154.He rushed into the room with his coat on.他穿着大衣冲进房间。155.The more books you read, the more you'll know.你看的书越多,你知道的越多。156.We have less than five minutes to evacuate the whole building.我们有不到五分钟来疏散整栋楼的人。157.I wonder why they left my name off the list.我很奇怪他们为什么没把我的名字加在名单上。158.About how much will I have to pay for all the treatments?我大概一共要付多少医药费?159.She did not visit me on Sunday but on Monday.她没有在星期天来找我,而是星期一。160.How large is the population of New York City?纽约市的人口有多少?
7/25/20233 minutes, 52 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day7(61-70)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 761.Afraida.害怕的;担心的I'm afraid of snakes.我怕蛇。He isn't afraid of death.他不怕死亡。I'm afraid that I might make you angry.恐怕我可能会让你生气。I want to ask her out but I'm afraid of being rejected.我想请她出去但我害怕被拒绝。62.Afterprep.在.….以后;次于Don't chase after fame.不要追逐成名。She arrived shortly after us.她在我们之后不久就到了。Please look after my luggage.请照顾好我的行李。Brush your teeth after each meal.每顿饭后刷牙。She died at the age of 69 after a long illness.她长期患病后去世,享年69岁。63.Afternoonn.下午,午后I trained heavily yesterday afternoon.昨天下午下了大雨。Why don't we go swimming this afternoon?我们今天下午为什么不去游泳?Are you ready for this afternoon's meeting?你准备好参加今天下午的会议了吗?64.Afterwardsadv.过后,后来Shortly afterwards I met her again.不久之后我又见到了她。Let's go out now and eat afterwards.我们现在出去然后再吃饭吧。65.Againad.又一次;而且See you again.再见。I think that we should try again.我想我们应该再试一次。I'll start again from the beginning.我会从头开始重新开始。That customer came back to complain again.那个买家又回来抱怨了。66.Againstprep.倚在;逆,对着,反抗That's against the law.那是违法的。Everyone was against them.每个人都反对他们。He is leaning against the rail.他靠在铁轨上。The boat is going against the current.这艘船正在逆流而行。He plans on taking legal action against the company.他计划对该公司采取法律行动。67.Agen.年龄;时代 vt.变老She is about my age.她差不多我的年龄了。He looks old for his age.他看起来年纪大了。A tour company, the retirement age is 60.在我们公司,退休年龄为60岁。Wisdom does not automatically come with age.智慧不会随着年龄的增长而自动出现。68.Agencyn.经办;代理;代理处My wife works in a travel agency.我妻子在一家旅行社工作。He works for a big advertising agency.他在一家大型广告公司工作。Could you recommend a good travel agency?你能推荐一家好的旅行社吗?69.Aggressivea.侵略的;好斗的He is an aggressive person.他是一个好斗的人。It is a dangerous aggressive dog.这是一只危险的侵略性狗。He gets aggressive when he's drunk.喝醉的时候他会变得好斗。70.Agoad.以前It happened a long time ago.它发生在很久以前。She left home ten minutes ago.她十分钟前离开家了。I quit smoking three years ago.我三年前戒烟了。She gave birth to twins a week ago.她一周前生了双胞胎。A century ago most people walked to work.一个世纪前,大多数人步行去上班。
7/23/202314 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 66.Shopping at the Mall

词汇提示1.suburban 郊区 cart 购物车3.aisles 过道 court 美食广场5.bump 碰上原文Shopping at the MallAt one time in North America, most peopleshopped downtown on Main Street.Most businesses were at the center oftown.When people started using automobiles, however,they moved away from downtown.In time, most people lived in thesuburbs.Eventually, stores and small shoppingplazas were built in suburban areas.Still, most of the big stores weredowntown.But as more and more cars were on theroads, driving and parking downtown became a problem.There wasn't room for a lot of cars topark downtown.People also didn't want to fight downtowntraffic just to go shopping.So in the 1950s and 1960s, there was thebeginning of large suburban shopping malls and plazas.Plazas were a row of stores attached toone another.Malls were usually a double row of storeswith a roof connecting both rows.This means that shoppers did all theirshopping inside.Large department stores and grocerystores were usually part of the mall, but there were many smaller stores aswell.When you came to the mall and wentinside, many people would get a shopping cart.You can walk along the aisles, puttingyour purchases in the cart.When you are finished shopping, you can pushyour shopping buggy out to the car.Many malls also have buggies or strollersfor pushing small children along.There can be a lot of walking in a tripto the mall.In fact, some people go to the mall justto exercise.A half dozen laps around the mall every morningamount to a pretty good workout.However, there are always places to sitdown when you get tired.Most malls have a food court.This is an open area with a lot of tablesand chairs.Usually there are a dozen or more smallrestaurants circled around the food court.The department stores often havefull-size restaurants.Malls have large parking lots.Unlike downtown, you don't pay to park atthe mall.On a busy day, finding a space close tothe store can be a challenge.Many people go to the malls when theweather is bad.During wintry weather, the malls are busy.Likewise, in really hot summer weather, peoplego to the malls to get cool.The climate there is always the same.People don't go to the malls just toshop.They also go to meet people.Usually, you bump into friends andneighbours there.Old people, as well as teenagers, gothere to see friends.Usually the malls sponsor special events.With lots to see and do, malls are apopular place to "hang out."翻译在购物中心购物曾经有一段时间,在北美,大多数人在市中心的主街购物。大多数企业都在市中心。然而,当人们开始使用汽车时,他们就离开了市中心。当时,大多数人住在郊区。最终,商店和小型购物广场在郊区建成。不过,大多数大商店都在市中心。但是随着越来越多的汽车上路,在市中心开车和停车成了一个问题。市中心没有足够的地方停放很多汽车。人们也不想为了去购物而与市中心的交通堵塞作斗争。因此,在20世纪50年代和60年代,大型郊区购物中心和广场开始出现。广场是一排彼此相连的商店。购物中心通常是两排商店,两排商店之间有屋顶连接。这意味着购物者在室内购物。大型百货商店和杂货店通常是购物中心的一部分,但也有许多较小的商店。当你来到商场,走进去的时候,很多人会推着购物车。你可以沿着过道走,把买的东西放到购物车里。当你买完东西后,你可以把你的购物手推车推到汽车上。许多商场也有童车或婴儿车,用来推小孩子。去购物中心的路上可能要走很多路。事实上,有些人去购物中心只是为了锻炼身体。每天早上绕着购物中心跑六圈就是一次很好的锻炼。然而,当你累的时候,总有地方可以坐下来。大多数商场都有美食广场。这是一个有很多桌椅的开放区域。通常有十几家或更多的小餐馆围绕着美食广场。百货公司通常有大型餐厅。购物中心有很大的停车场。不像市中心,在购物中心停车不用付钱。在繁忙的日子里,找一个离商店近的地方可能是一个挑战。天气不好的时候,许多人去购物中心。冬天的时候,商场很热闹。同样,在非常炎热的夏天,人们去商场凉快。那里的气候总是一样的。人们去购物中心不只是为了购物。他们也去见人。通常,你会在那里遇到朋友和邻居。老人和青少年都去那里看望朋友。通常商场会赞助一些特别的活动。购物中心有很多景点和活动,是一个受欢迎的“闲逛”的地方。
7/22/20232 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》 part1

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare单词提示1.merchants 商人2.lead 铅原文CHAPTER ONE: The MoneylendersI have a story to tell.It is a story of love and hatred.A story of giving and taking.A story of laughter and tears.This story was told a longtime ago.But it still has as much meaning today as it did then.It happened in a city called Venice in Italy.This beautiful city rests like a crown jewel on the Adriatic Sea.There lived a moneylender named Shylock in Venice.He earned a lot by lending money to merchants.Many people hated Shylock.Some people hated him because he forced merchants to repay him in terrible ways.Others hated him simply because he was Jew.Of all the merchants who lived in Venice, one hated Shylock more than the others.His name was Antonio.Shylock hated Antonio as well.Shylock lost a lot of business because of Antonio's generosity.More importantly, Shylock hated Antonio because he was a Christian.And Antonio hated Shylock because he was a Jewish.In those days, Jews and Christians didn't like each other.They couldn't agree about anything.They couldn't understand each other's religion or culture.Antonio and Shylock often ran into each other at the Rialto.The Rialto was the business center of Venice.When the two met, they would have arguments.Antonio would often yell at Shylock for the heartless way of doing business.Shylock often thought about ways to get even with Antonio.Almost everyone in Venice really liked Antonio.They felt that he was kind and honest.The merchants especially admired him.They knew that he would help them when they were in hard times.Antonio's best friend was a young man named Bassanio.Bassanio's family was very rich.His parents had given him money, but Bassanio had spent it all.He had wasted his money on wine and good food.He had traveled and he had had fun.And,of course, he ended up without any money.This was very common for young men during that time.In the past, Antonio had helped him in many ways.In fact, he already owed Antonio lots of money.Antonio never said "no" to Bassanio.It seemed Antonio was happy to share his money with his friends.One day, Bassanio came to Antonio for another loan."Antonio!I have great news! I've fallen in love with someone! Her name is Portia. She's the most beautiful woman in the world! And not only that, she's rich, too. Her father passed away recently, and she's going to inherit lots of money!""That's wonderful news, Bassanio," said Antonio."It sounds like she is a wonderful woman, but does she love you as much as you love her?""Of course, she does. When she looks at me, her eyes are full of love and respect.Listen. I want to buy some gifts for her. The only problem is that I don't have any money right now. I know I owe you a lot of money, but can I borrow a little more? I promise I'll pay you back.""Bassanio!You know that my money is your money. I'd gladly lend it to you anytime. The only problem is that I don't have any money right now. I've spent all of my money on merchandise. I can't help you. I'm sorry.""What should I do?" asked Bassanio."She'll never marry me unless I give her some gifts.""Don't worry," said Antonio. "I know what you can do. You can borrow money from a moneylender named Shylock. He always has money on hand. He'll certainly lend you money if I sign a loan agreement. And the ships will come in any day now. I'll make lots of money when my merchandise arrives. I'll pay him back then.""Thanks,Antonio. You really are a great friend!"While Bassanio and Antonio were out to find Shylock, Portia was facing her own problems.Portia's father had arranged conditions of her marriage before he died.He didn't trust Portia's judgment.He felt that she would choose an unsuitable person to marry.So,before he died, he had put three chests in a room.One chest was made of gold, one of silver and one of lead.In one of these chests was a small picture of Portia.If a suitor chose the right box, he would find the picture.That meant that he could propose to Portia.Portia's father believed that the best husband would know which box to choose.If he found the wrong box, he would have to leave the house right away.He wouldn't be allowed to marry Portia.In addition, he wouldn't be able to marry anyone or have a girlfriend for the restof his life.Every suitor had to sign a contract agreeing to these conditions.It was a big risk for them.But Portia's father felt that his daughter was worth the risk.Portia lived in a small town called "Belmont."She had many men visit her house.They all wanted to marry her because she was rich and beautiful.She was tired of having these strange men come to her house.She was also unhappy that her father didn't trust her judgment.Portia often talked to her servant, Nerissa, about her problems.Nerissa was more of a friend than a servant."Why couldn't my father just trust me?" she asked Nerissa one day."Your father was right," said Nerissa. "There are so many badmen out there.They just want to marry you for your money.""But the men who come here are so boring. They have bad manners, and they are vain. Some of them drink too much wine. Some of them even smoke! Ah! I'm so sick of these guys!"Portia was a very independent person.She was capable of making decisions for herself.She also believed that she was smarter than most men.Portia was sad.She thought that she would have to marry a boring, stupid man with bad habits."Not one of these guys is decent. What should I do?""Do you remember the man from Venice?" asked Nerissa.Portia's eyes sparkled."Yes.I remember him. Bassanio. How could I forget? He was so much better than all of the other men who came here. He was handsome and gentle. He was charming, kind,and intelligent. But it's hopeless! He'll never sign my father's contract. I'ma woman who can't even choose her own husband. I'm so unlucky!"Another servant then entered the room."Madam,a message has arrived from the Prince of Morocco. He will be arriving tomorrow.""Great!Another unsuitable suitor! I wonder what problems this one will have."
7/20/20239 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文141.You have changed so much that I can hardly recognize you.你变了那么多,以至于我几乎认不出你了。142.Hey,I may have no money, but I still have my pride.嗨,我可能没钱,但我仍然有我的自尊。143.It is necessary for you to go there immediately.你必需马上去那儿。144.I'd like to ask you a few more questions.我想再问你几个问题。145.The accident seemed to have something to do with the heavy snow.事故似乎和厚厚的积雪有关。146.I hate when other people make me wait a long time.我讨厌别人让我等很久。147.The rivers were flooded by the heavy rain.大雨使河水泛滥。148.The assignment took me longer than I had expected.我用了比我预期更长的时间完成了作业。149.Does he go to school on foot or by bicycle?他走路去学校还是骑车去学校?150.I would like to have a look at your collection of stamps.我想看看您的邮票收藏。
7/18/20234 minutes, 5 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 首字母A day6(51-60)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 651.Advantagen.有利条件,优势;优点;v.有利于,有助于,利用I don't want to take advantage of anyone.我不想利用任何人的优势。What are the advantages of this technology?这项技术的优势是什么?I wonder what the advantage of this technique is.我想知道这种技术的优势是什么。Each plan has its own advantages and disadvantages.每个计划都有其自身的优点和缺点。52.Adventuren.冒险(经历),奇遇;v.冒险;大胆说出He told us a very exciting adventure story.他给我们讲了一个非常激动人心的冒险故事。"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"-Helen Keller"“人生要么是大胆的冒险,要么什么都不是”-海伦·凯勒。53.Advertisev.为.….…做广告,登广告I advertised my car for sale.我宣传我的车要出售。We advertised the concert quite widely.我们非常广泛地宣传了这场音乐会。54.Advertisementn.广告;广告活动,广告宣传He cut the advertisement out of the newspaper.他把报纸上的广告剪掉了。The advertisement will appear in five magazines.该广告将出现在五本杂志上。55.Advertisingn.广告活动,广告业;(总称)广告;v.登广告;He works for a big advertising agency.他在一家大型广告公司工作。Cigarette advertising has been banned.香烟广告已被禁止。56.Advicen.忠告,劝告,建议Thanks for your advice.谢谢你的建议。I will act on your advice.我会根据你的建议行事。You'd better act upon his advice.你最好听他的建议行事。If you take my advice, your chances of winning will increase significantly.如果你听从我的建议,你获胜的机会将大大增加。57.Advisev.通知,告知;劝告,建议I advised him to take a rest.我劝他休息一下。She advised him to walk instead of taking a bus.她建议他走路而不是坐公共汽车。The doctor advised him to cut down on drinking.医生建议他减少饮酒。58.Affairn.公共事务,事情,事件;男女私通,风流韵事He had an affair with a co-worker.他和一位同事有染。I don't want to be involved in this affair.我不想卷入这件事。This has nothing to do with you. It's not your affair.这跟你没关系这不是你的事。59.Affectionn.喜爱,关爱;爱恋,爱慕之情He tried to gain her affection.他试图赢得她的喜爱。He has a deep affection for her.他对她有深厚的感情。I have a great affection for Paris.我非常喜欢巴黎。60.Affordv.买得起;有(时间)做某事;承担得起Can we afford a new car?我们能买得起一辆新车吗?I was unable to afford the trip.我负担不起这次旅行。None of them could afford $50 for a ticket.他们都买不起 50美元的门票。The reality is that we can't afford to buy a house.现实情况是,对于购买房屋的花费我们负担不起。
7/16/202312 minutes, 20 seconds
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Level 4-Day 65.Romance Novels

词汇提示1.tales 故事2.plot 构思3.essence 本质4.sworn 发誓5.nanny 保姆6.widower 鳏夫7.proper 得体的8.dubious 可疑的9.pirate 海岛10.spinster 老处女11.traits 特点12.feisty 易怒的13.fiery 暴躁的14.addictive 沉迷的原文Romance NovelsNovels are imaginary stories about people and events.They are written to entertain and amuse.Two thousand years ago, Greek writers told tales of young lovers.Usually the lovers were separated by terrible events and were reunited only after much hardship and sufferingThis plot idea is still in use today.The most popular books for women today in North America are romance novels.This means that romance publishing is big business and very competitive.Companies survey their readers to determine the kinds of stories they like.One survey asked readers whether or not they would like more references to sex in their novels.Usually,romances are about love, not sex.The essence of the romance is to create suspense by putting obstacles in the way of the lovers.One simple obstacle is to make the hero and the heroine as different as possible.For example, an Eastern school teacher meets a Western cowboy.Of course, at first they don't like each other at all; but in time, they fall in love.Quite often the heroine is a spinster who has sworn never to marry.Or perhaps she has a special dislike for the hero and his family.The romance writer must come up with a plausible way to bring the two together.Sometimes,the heroine - out of a sense of duty – will move in with the hero to help him raise his children.Or she may be a professional nanny who moves in with a widower.A favorite plot is the marriage of convenience.Two people who don't like each other get married for financial or political reasons, or for the sake of the children.Later,of course, they fall in love.Inmost cases, there is some particular obstacle to marriage.Often either the hero or the heroine already has children, and he or she doesn't expect that anyone will want to take on their ready-made family.Sometimes,one or the other has a physical disability, or is of a different race, class,or background.For example, the heroine may come from a very strict and proper family, while the hero may have a dubious reputation, or even be a criminal.The interest of the story lies in how these very different people come together.Usually,the hero is a very masculine type – a cow boy, engineer, military man, pirate,gambler, etc.The heroine is usually very female, but may have tomboy or spinster traits.She frequently has a strong personality and a temper and is described as feisty or fiery.A good example of the two types is Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind."Nearly every romance novel will contain some promotional offer to encourage readers to order more books.Romances can be addictive, and some women read them almost non- stop.Some romances are very well written, but the majority follows a set formula.That way, the reader always knows what to expect.翻译浪漫小说小说是关于人和事的虚构故事。它们是为了娱乐和娱乐而写的。两千年前,希腊作家讲述了年轻恋人的故事。通常,这对恋人因可怕的事件而分离,只有在经历了许多艰难困苦之后才得以重聚这种情节构思至今仍在使用。当今北美最受女性欢迎的书是爱情小说。这意味着浪漫小说出版是一门大生意,竞争非常激烈。公司会调查他们的读者,以确定他们喜欢的故事类型。一项调查询问读者是否希望在他们的小说中更多地提到性。通常,浪漫是关于爱,而不是性。浪漫的本质是通过在恋人的道路上设置障碍来制造悬念。一个简单的障碍是让男女主角尽可能地不同。例如,一个东部学校的老师遇到了一个西部牛仔。当然,一开始他们根本不喜欢对方;但随着时间的推移,他们相爱了。女主角往往是一个发誓不结婚的老处女。或者她对男主角和他的家人有一种特别的厌恶。浪漫小说的作者必须想出一个合理的方法把这两者结合在一起。有时,出于责任感,女主角会搬去和男主角住在一起,帮助他抚养孩子。或者她可能是个职业保姆,搬去跟鳏夫住。最受欢迎的情节是便利婚姻。两个不喜欢对方的人因为经济或政治原因结婚,或者为了孩子。当然,后来他们坠入爱河。在大多数情况下,结婚会遇到一些特殊的障碍。通常,男主角或女主角都已经有了孩子,他或她不希望有人愿意接受他们现成的家庭。有时,其中一方有身体残疾,或来自不同的种族、阶级或背景。例如,女主角可能来自一个非常严格和适当的家庭,而男主角可能有一个可疑的名声,甚至是一个罪犯。这个故事的趣味在于这些截然不同的人是如何走到一起的。通常,男主角都是非常男性化的类型——牛郎、工程师、军人、海盗、赌徒等等。女主角通常很女性化,但也可能有假小子或老处女的特征。她经常有强烈的个性和脾气,被描述为好斗或暴躁。这两种类型的一个很好的例子是《乱世佳人》中的瑞德·巴特勒和斯嘉丽·奥哈拉。几乎每本言情小说都会包含一些促销活动,以鼓励读者订购更多的书。浪漫小说会让人上瘾,有些女人几乎不停地读。有些爱情小说写得很好,但大多数都遵循一套套路。这样,读者总是知道会发生什么。
7/15/20232 minutes, 53 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 丹尼尔·笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》 part 9

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe原文Chapter Nine: Home in EnglandWhen I came back to England, I felt like a stranger in the country.Many things were different, and not many people remembered me.I went home to York, but my father and mother were dead, and also my two brothers.I did find the two sons of one of my brothers.They were happy to learn that I was alive, and I was pleased to find some family.After some months I decided to go down to Lisbon in Portugal.I had friends there who could help me to sell my land in Brazil, and I needed the money.Soon I was ready to go home again - by land.No more adventures and dangers by sea for me!It was a long, hard journey.We had to cross the mountains between Spain and France in winter, and the snow was deep.Poor Friday was very afraid of the snow.In his country it was always hot, and he did not like cold weather.Back in England I found a house and began to live a quiet life.My two nephews came to live with me.The younger one wanted to be a sailor, and so I found him a place on a ship.After a while I married, and had three children, two sons and a daughter.Then my wife died, and my nephew, who was now the captain of a ship, came home to see me.He knew that I did not really like a quiet life.'I have a fine ship, uncle,' he said. 'I'm going out to the East Indies - India, Malaya, the Philippines ... Why don't you come with me?'.And so, in 1694, I went to sea again, and had many more adventures.Perhaps one day I'll write another book about them.
7/13/20233 minutes, 7 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文131.Their trip was postponed because of the rain.他们的旅行因为下雨延期了。132.The fire broke out after the staff went home.在全体职员回家后,火灾发生了。133.I told you not to talk about the matter in her presence.我跟你说过她在的时候不要说这件事。134.My grandfather sometimes talks to himself when he is alone.我祖父一个人的时候,有时会自言自语。135.He picked up a mirror and examined his tongue.他拿了面镜子细看自己的舌头。136.Can you put up with the way he behaves?你能容忍他做事的方式吗?137.It was raining heavily when I got up this morning.我今天早上起来的时候雨下得很大。138.I'll come and see you one of these days.这些天我会抽一天来看你的。139.He was moved to tears when he heard the news.当他听到那个新闻的时候,他感动得哭了。140.Water is liquid. When it freezes, it becomes solid.水是液体。冻起来就成了固体。
7/11/20234 minutes, 1 second
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单词造句磨耳朵 day5(41-50)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 541.Additionaladj.附加的,额外的How much is the additional charge?额外费用是多少?One-Day delivery will cost an additional 999 dollars.一日送达将额外花费9,99美元。Can you give me some additional information about your situation?你能给我一些关于你的情况的补充信息吗? 42.Addressn.地址,住址Here's my email address.这是我的电子邮件地址。What is your permanent address?你的永久地址是什么?Please take me to this address.请带我去这个地址。The letter was returned because it had been addressed incorrectly.这封信已退回,因为地址不正确。43.Adequateadj.足够的,适当的,合乎需要的The food is adequate for the price.这些食物值这个价格。Is your salary adequate to support your family?你的薪水足以养家糊口吗?Your grades are adequate but I think you can do better.你的成绩足够了,但我认为你可以做得更好。44.Adjustv.调整,调节;整理 You need to adjust your watch. It's slow.你需要调整你的手表。太慢了。The rules need to be adjusted as soon as possible.规则需要尽快调整。45.Admirev.钦佩,仰慕;欣赏,观赏 I admire your courage.我很佩服你的勇气。I've always admired your determination.我一直很钦佩你的决心。46.Admitv.(勉强)承认;招认,招供;准许进入He admitted his defeat.他承认自己失败了。She publicly admitted her mistake.她公开承认了自己的错误。Don't be afraid to admit to your mistakes.不要害怕承认自己的错误。This method has not been formally admitted.这种方法尚未被正式接受。He cheerfully admits that he is over fifty years old.他高兴地承认自己已经五十多岁了。47.Adoptv.收养;采取,采纳,接受They decided to adopt a child.他们决定收养一个孩子。The committee adopted the proposal.委员会通过了该提案。The government adopted a new policy.政府采取了一项新政策。She was adopted by a rich family when she was a child.她小时候被一个富裕的家庭收养。48.Adultn.成年人;成年动物 adj.成年的,发育成熟的;I've lived here all of my adult life.我成年后都住在这里。That child talks as if he were an adult.那个孩子说话好像他是成年人一样。This movie is for adults, not for children.这部电影是给成年人的,不是给孩子的。We need accommodation for seven adults and two children.我们需要为七名成人和两名儿童提供住宿。49.Advancev.(使)前进,提前 n.前进Can you pay me in advance?你能提前付钱给我吗?Why didn't you tell me in advance?你为什么不提前告诉我?We live in an age of rapid technological advance.我们生活在一个技术飞速进步的时代。50.Advancedadj.先进的;高级的;等的 v.行进;发展,进步The software has many advanced features.该软件具有许多高级功能。I'd like to take an advanced English course.我想参加高级英语课程。We offer a variety of courses for elementary, intermediate and advanced levels.我们为初级、中级和高级水平提供各种课程。
7/9/202314 minutes, 6 seconds
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Level 4-Day 64.Red-haired Ann

词汇提示1.orphan 孤儿2.gables 山墙3.orphanage 孤儿院4.buggy 小马车5.vigilant 警惕6.freckle 雀斑7.complexion 肤色8.descent 血统9.stern 严厉的原文Red-haired AnnThe story of Anne Shirley, the red-haired orphan, has been popular around the world for almost a century.The opening chapters of "Anne of Green Gables" tell how a brother and sister, living together on a farm, have decided to adopt a boy.Matthew Cuthbert is now 60 years old and needs help working the farm.They have sent away to the orphanage, and the boy will be arriving by train.When Matthew goes to the train station with his horse and buggy, there is no boy,only a girl - Ann Shirley.Anne is no ordinary girl.She has a vivid imagination and loves to talk about things that interest her.Matthew,who is shy and quiet, takes an immediate liking to her.When they arrive home, however, his sister Marilla is very upset.She doesn't see what good a girl would be to them.Matthew says, "We might be some good to her. "After a while, Marilla begins to feel sorry for the thin little orphan and decides to keep her.But Marilla finds that teaching Anne how to behave properly is quite a challenge.Anne often does things without thinking first, and Marilla has to be vigilant to keep her out of trouble.As time goes by, Anne becomes accepted in the community and doesn't get into as many difficulties.One characteristic of the little orphan is a love of big words.While she lived a life of hard work, Anne liked to imagine beautiful things that she didn't have.This was her way of dealing with unhappiness when she worked as a servant for unkind people.Living at Green Gables makes her happy, but she doesn't lose her love of special words or beautiful things.Anne is also unhappy because she has red hair and freckles.In Anne's day, beautiful women were thought to have light clear complexions and black hair.Her coloring seemed unromantic.However,red hair and freckles are very common on Prince Edward Island, where many of the people are of Scottish descent.This story tells us a lot about how to be happy.When Matthew and Marilla stop worry about needing a boy, and start taking care of Anne, they find that they enjoy having her around.Their lives become much more interesting now that they have someone who needs them.So happiness involves looking after others, and being needed by them.There were many stories about orphans when "Anne of Green Gables" was written.Before modern medicine, many parents died before their children were grown up.A lot of mothers died in childbirth.Since fathers didn't usually try to raise young children in those days, someone else had to take the responsibility.This is what happened to Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author of "Anne."Her mother died when she was a baby, and her father left her with her mother's parents.Montgomery's grandparents provided a good home for her, but they were very strict and stern and didn't have a lot of sympathy with the little girl.In her story, Montgomery is imagining how she would have liked her own life tohave happened.What if her grandparents had been more like Matthew and Marilla?What if they had allowed her to do more of the things she wanted to do?The story shows how young children are hurt by bad treatment from the adults looking after them?Even if the adults don't mean to be unkind, sometimes they say or do things that make children very unhappy."Anne"teaches parents and grandparents to encourage their children and help them to be happy and successful.Anne Shirley is one little person who changes a whole community and makes it better.We all have special gifts and talents, and if we are allowed to use those abilities, they will benefit everyone around us.翻译红发安妮一个世纪以来,红发孤儿安妮·雪莉的故事一直风靡全球。《绿山墙的安妮》的开头几章讲述了一对住在农场的兄妹决定收养一个男孩的故事。马修·卡斯伯特(Matthew Cuthbert)现在60岁了,他在农场需要帮助。他们已经送孩子去孤儿院了,这个男孩将乘火车到达。当马修骑着马车去火车站时,没有男孩,只有一个女孩——安·雪莉。安妮不是一个普通的女孩。她有丰富的想象力,喜欢谈论她感兴趣的事情。马修害羞而安静,他立刻就喜欢上了她。然而,当他们回到家时,他的妹妹玛丽拉非常沮丧。她不知道女孩对他们有多好。马修说:“我们可能对她有好处。”过了一段时间,玛丽拉开始为这个瘦小的孤儿感到难过,并决定留下她。但是玛丽拉发现教安妮如何举止得体是一个相当大的挑战。安妮经常不假思索地做事情,玛丽拉必须保持警惕,让她远离麻烦。随着时间的推移,安妮逐渐被社区所接受,也没有遇到那么多的困难。这个小孤儿的一个特点是爱说大话。虽然安妮过着艰苦的生活,但她喜欢想象她没有的美好事物。这是她为不友好的人当仆人时处理不幸的方式。住在格林·盖布尔斯使她很快乐,但她并没有失去对特殊词语和美丽事物的热爱。安妮也不开心,因为她有红头发和雀斑。在安妮的时代,漂亮的女人被认为是肤色明亮,头发乌黑。她的肤色似乎不浪漫。然而,红头发和雀斑在爱德华王子岛上很常见,那里的许多人都是苏格兰后裔。这个故事告诉我们很多关于如何快乐。当马修和玛丽拉不再担心需要一个男孩,并开始照顾安妮时,他们发现他们喜欢有她在身边。因为有人需要他们,他们的生活变得有趣多了。所以幸福包括照顾别人,被别人需要。《绿山墙的安妮》写的时候,有很多关于孤儿的故事。在现代医学出现之前,许多父母在孩子长大之前就去世了。很多母亲死于分娩。在那个年代,父亲通常不会抚养年幼的孩子,所以必须由其他人来承担这个责任。这就是《安妮》的作者露西·莫德·蒙哥马利(Lucy Maud Montgomery)的遭遇。她的母亲在她还是婴儿的时候就去世了,她的父亲把她留给了她的父母。蒙哥马利的祖父母为她提供了一个很好的家,但他们非常严厉,对这个小女孩没有太多的同情。在她的故事中,蒙哥马利想象着她希望自己的生活是怎样发生的。如果她的祖父母更像马修和玛丽拉呢?如果他们允许她做更多她想做的事情呢?这个故事展示了小孩子是如何被照顾他们的成年人的虐待所伤害的。即使大人们不是故意不友好,有时他们说的话或做的事情让孩子们非常不开心。“安妮”教父母和祖父母鼓励他们的孩子,帮助他们快乐和成功。安妮·雪莉是一个小人物,她改变了整个社区,让它变得更好。我们都有特殊的天赋和才能,如果我们被允许使用这些能力,它们将使我们周围的人受益。
7/8/20234 minutes, 2 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 丹尼尔·笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》 part 8

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe词汇提示1.mutiny 兵变原文Chapter Eight: Escape from the islandI was now in my twenty-seventh year on the island, and I did not want to be there for another year.We worked hard to get the corn in, and to make a lot of bread.We had dried fruit and salted meat, and big pots to keep water in.One evening Friday went out to look for a turtle for meat and eggs.But in less than an hour he was back, and he looked very afraid.'Master! Master!' he cried. 'There's a great ship near the island, and men are coming to the shore in a boat!'I jumped up and ran with him down to the shore.To my great surprise, I saw that it was an English ship!But why was it here?English ships never came this way.Perhaps they were pirates!'Don't let them see you, Friday!' I called. 'We'll hide in the trees and watch.There were eleven men in the boat, but three of them were prisoners.Their arms were tied with rope, but their legs were free and they could walk.The other sailors pushed the three prisoners up the beach, laughing and shouting and hitting them.Then some of them sat down on the sand and began to drink.Others walked away to look at the island, and two men stayed to watch the boat.The three prisoners walked slowly along the beach and sat down under a tree, not far from us.They looked very unhappy.Very quietly, I came up behind them through the trees, and called out to them in English.'Don't be afraid,' I said. 'I'm an Englishman. Perhaps I can help you.'The three men turned and looked at me.They did not answer at once; they were too surprised.Perhaps they thought I was a wild man myself, in my strange homemade clothes of animals' skins, and with my long hair and beard.Then the oldest man spoke.'I am the captain of that ship,' he said, 'and these two men are my first and second officers. Last night there was a mutiny, and the seamen took the ship from me. Now they're going to leave the three of us here, to die on this island.''Do these mutineers have guns?''Only two,' he answered, 'and they've left those on the boat.'Friday ran back to my house to get all the guns, and the captain and I made a plan.The first part was easy because the seamen were not ready for a fight.We shot the two men at the boat, and the captain shot another man.This man, Tom Smith, was the worst of them all and he began the mutiny on the ship.Then the captain talked to the other five men, and they agreed to help him.They did not really want to be mutineers, but they were afraid of Tom Smith.'Now,' I said to the captain, 'we must get back your ship.How many men are on it?' 'Twenty-six,' the captain replied, 'and they will fight hard because they won't want to go home. It is death for all mutineers in England. But not all the men are bad. I'm sure that some of them will help me.'Just then we saw another boat, which was coming from the ship to the shore.There were ten men in it, and they all had guns.We ran into the trees and waited.It was a long hard fight, but by now it was dark and this helped us very much.We ran here and there in the trees, calling and shouting.The seamen could not see us and did not know how many men they were fighting.In the end the first officer shouted to them:'Put down your guns and stop fighting! The captain has fifty island people to help him. We can kill you all!'So the seamen stopped fighting and we took their guns.Three of the men agreed to come back to the captain, and we put the others in my cave.Friday and I stayed to watch the prisoners, while the captain and his men went back to fight for the ship.All night we listened to the sound of guns and shouting, but in the morning, when the sun came up, the captain was master of his ship again.I went down to the shore to meet him.'My dear friend,' he cried. 'There's your ship! I'll take you to the ends of the world in it!'I put my arms round him, and we laughed and cried together.How happy I was to leave the island!My good friend Friday came with me, of course, but we left the mutineers on the island.We decided not to kill them; they could begin a new life on the island.I showed them my three houses, my cornfields and my goats, and all my tools.Their life would be easy because of all my hard work for so many years.And so, on the nineteenth of December 1686 – after twenty-seven years, two months and nineteen days -I said goodbye to my island and sailed home to England.
7/6/20237 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文121.I don't feel very well. I should go home.我感觉不太舒服,我该回家。122.Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done?你能做成你想做的一切事情吗?123.One good friend is better than ten relatives.一个好友胜过十个亲戚。124.I couldn't prevent Tom from eating all the cookies.我阻止不了汤姆把饼干全吃了。125.We have to sing at an old folks home today.我们今天得去养老院唱歌。126.We are looking forward to seeing you and your family.我们很期待见到您和您的家人。127.What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大后想成为什么?128.I would like to retract my previous statement.我想撤回我之前的陈述。129.She spends a lot of time practicing the piano.她花很多时间练钢琴。130.The boss has a good opinion of your work.老板对你的工作有很高的评价。
7/4/20233 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

单词造句磨耳朵 day4(31-40)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 431.Across 穿过He walked across the field.他走过田野。I can swim across the river.我能游到河的对岸。My house is just across the street.我的房子就在马路对面。There's a bank right across the street.马路对面有一家银行。32.Act 行动We should act morally.我们应该按道德行事。I will act on your advice.我会根据你的建议行事。He acts as if he were a king.他的行为就像是国王一样。You'd better act upon his advice.你最好听他的建议行事。It was obvious that they acted wrongly.很明显,他们的行为是错误的。33.Action 行动He is a man of action.他是个有行动能力的人。Prompt action is necessary.必须迅速采取行动。This action had been calculated.这个动作已经过计算。We need to take military action.我们需要采取军事行动。Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.思考不会克服恐惧,但行动会克服恐惧。34.Active 活跃He is an active member.他是一名活跃成员。You need to be more active.你需要更加活跃。He is an active member of the club.他是俱乐部的活跃成员。Although he's nearly 80, he is still very active.尽管他快80岁了,但他仍然非常活跃。35.Actively 积极地She's actively looking for a job.她正在积极找工作。Your proposal is being actively considered.您的提案正在积极考虑之中。She actively takes part in social activities.她积极参与社交活动。36.Activity 活动I enjoy outdoor activities.我喜欢户外活动。He doesn't like indoor activities.他不喜欢室内活动。She takes part in many school activities.她参加了许多学校活动。Do you take part in any community activities?你参加任何社区活动吗?37.Actual 实际的Belief creates the actual fact.信念创造了真实的事实。The movie is based on actual events.这部电影是根据实际事件改编的。How much actual experience do you have?你有多少实际经验?The actual cost was higher than expected.实际成本高于预期。First we need to identify actual and potential problems.首先,我们需要确定实际和潜在的问题。38.Actually 其实Do you actually believe that?你真的相信吗?They're not married, actually.实际上,他们还没结婚。I don't know what actually happened.我不知道到底发生了什么。Russia is the biggest country in the world, but China actually has longer land borders.俄罗斯是世界上最大的国家,但中国的陆地边界实际上更长。39.Adapt 适应He couldn't adapt to new circumstances.他无法适应新的情况。We must adapt our plan to these new circumstances.我们必须调整我们的计划以适应这些新情况。I quickly adapted myself to my new school.我很快就适应了我的新学校。40.Addition 另外In addition to being a doctor, he is a writer.除了当医生外,他还是一名作家。In addition to English I can speak basic Japanese.除了英语,我还能说基本的日语。
7/2/202315 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 63.Public Transit

词汇提示1.lobbying 游说2.torn 拔出3.snarled 混乱的4.proportion 比例5.concern 涉及6.fumes 废弃7.erode 侵蚀8.whiz by 呼啸而过9.bumper 保险杠原文Public TransitPublic transportation in North America varies greatly from place to place.Some large cities like New York, Boston, Toronto and Montreal have subway systems.These same cities usually also have train service into the city.But most towns and cities do not have subways or trains.Some do not even have buses.Most big cities have some sort of public bus service.Inmost North American cities, people who use the buses complain about poor service.This is partly because most people prefer to drive a car.Automobile companies spend billions of dollars on advertising.They want to convince young people that they should drive a car as soon as they are old enough.Even when public transportation is very good, most North Americans prefer to drive cars.So mostly students, poor people and seniors use buses.The large car companies have a lot of economic and political power in North America.They can usually convince politicians to limit the money put into public transit.Lobbying by large car companies has been effective in closing down many railway lines.In some cases, large corporations have bought train tracks, and torn them up so that no one could use them again.Because of this, nearly all transportation in North America is by car, bus or truck.The automobile created the modern North American city.Cars allowed families to live outside the city and drive back in to work.Since the 1920s, large numbers of Americans have lived in the suburbs, and used cars to do nearly all their daily activities.People drive to school, to work, to the shopping mall, to the theater, to church and to doctors, lawyers and dentists.Because the modern city is so spread out, it is difficult to get where you want to go by walking, or even by bicycling.But the automobile also causes problems.Car accidents are a major cause of death and injury.Crowded streets and snarled traffic can lead to road rage.Young people often use cars as super toys.They enjoy driving very fast and take risks while driving.A high proportion of serious accidents concern drivers using alcohol or drugs.More recently, some people have accused cell phones of being a cause of accidents.About half of the air pollution in North American cities is caused by motor vehicles.The exhaust fumes from cars and trucks are part of this.The other part is that vehicles erode the surface of the highways.Small particles are torn loose from the road and thrown into the air as cars whiz by.Heavy trucks are particularly large contributors to particle pollution.Especially in hot weather, a layer of smog covers many cities.Because city roads are often crowded, the result is frequent traffic jams.When cars are moving very slowly, bumper to bumper, it adds to air pollution.Another problem with cars is that not everyone can afford one.The average car costs nearly $20,000 to buy, and about $4,000 a year to operate.So cars are also a status symbol.People with cars tend to move out of the city.As a result, downtown areas are usually where the poorer people live.For along time, many people have said that governments should try to make downtown areas more attractive to live in.This would include improving public transit, into and inside, the cities.And air pollution levels will decline.Right now, the large automobile companies and oil companies oppose these measures.Recently,there have been cuts to public transit in many cities.Whether these cuts continue, or whether they get reversed, is a big political issue in North America today.翻译公共交通北美各地的公共交通差异很大。一些大城市,如纽约、波士顿、多伦多和蒙特利尔都有地铁系统。这些城市通常也有火车服务进入城市。但是大多数城镇没有地铁或火车。有些甚至没有公共汽车。大多数大城市都有某种公共汽车服务。在大多数北美城市,乘坐公共汽车的人抱怨服务差。部分原因是大多数人喜欢开车。汽车公司在广告上花费数十亿美元。他们想让年轻人相信,他们应该一到年龄就开车。即使公共交通很发达,大多数北美人还是喜欢开车。所以大多数学生,穷人和老年人使用公共汽车。大型汽车公司在北美有很大的经济和政治权力。他们通常能说服政客限制公共交通的资金投入。大型汽车公司的游说有效地关闭了许多铁路线。在某些情况下,大公司买下铁轨,然后把它们撕碎,这样就没有人能再使用它们了。正因为如此,北美几乎所有的交通工具都是汽车、公共汽车或卡车。汽车创造了现代北美城市。汽车让人们可以住在城外,开车回家上班。自20世纪20年代以来,大量美国人住在郊区,几乎所有的日常活动都用汽车来完成。人们开车去上学、上班、去购物中心、去剧院、去教堂、去看医生、律师和牙医。因为现代城市是如此分散,很难通过步行,甚至骑自行车到达你想去的地方。但是汽车也会带来问题。车祸是造成伤亡的一个主要原因。拥挤的街道和混乱的交通会导致路怒症。年轻人经常把汽车当作超级玩具。他们喜欢开得很快,喜欢冒险。严重事故的很大一部分与驾驶员使用酒精或药物有关。最近,一些人指责手机是交通事故的一个原因。北美城市大约一半的空气污染是由机动车造成的。汽车和卡车排放的废气也是其中的一部分。另一部分是车辆侵蚀高速公路的表面。当汽车呼啸而过时,路面上的小颗粒被撕裂,抛向空中。重型卡车是颗粒物污染的主要来源。特别是在炎热的天气,一层烟雾覆盖了许多城市。由于城市道路经常拥挤,结果是交通堵塞频繁。当汽车一辆接一辆地缓慢行驶时,就加剧了空气污染。汽车的另一个问题是并不是每个人都买得起。一辆车的平均售价接近2万美元,每年的运营费用约为4000美元。所以汽车也是地位的象征。有车的人倾向于搬出城市。因此,市中心通常是穷人居住的地方。很长一段时间以来,许多人都说政府应该努力使市中心地区更有吸引力。这将包括改善城市内外的公共交通。空气污染水平也会下降。目前,大型汽车公司和石油公司对此表示反对。最近,许多城市都削减了公共交通开支。这些削减是否会继续,或者是否会逆转,是当今北美的一个重大政治问题。
7/1/20234 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 丹尼尔·笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》 part 7

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe原文Chapter Seven: Man FridayFor two years I never went anywhere without my gun.I felt lonely and afraid, and had many sleepless nights.One night there was a very bad storm, and I thought I heard the sound of guns out at sea.The next morning I looked out, and saw a ship.It was lying on its side not far from the shore.Quickly, I put my little boat in the water and sailed out to it.There were two dead men on the ship, but no one alive.The bodies of the other sailors were lost in the sea.I took some clothes and tools, and also a box of Spanish gold and silver money.I was a rich man now, but what use was money to me?I could not buy anything with it.I wanted people, a friend, somebody to talk to ... somebody who could help me escape from my island.One morning I woke up and made a plan.'I'll try to catch one of the prisoners of the wild men,' I said to myself. 'He'll be happy to be alive and perhaps he'll help me to escape.'I watched day and night, but for a year and a half there were no boats.Then one day five boats came.There were about thirty men and they had two prisoners.They made their fire on the sand and danced round it.Then they killed one of the prisoners and began to cook their terrible meal.The second prisoner waited under the trees, with two men to watch him.Suddenly, the prisoner turned and ran.The two men ran after him, but the other wild men were busy round the fire and did not see what was happening.The prisoner ran like a wild goat, and soon I saw that he was coming near the bottom of my hill.As fast as I could, I ran down the hill and jumped out of the trees between the prisoner and the two wild men.I hit the first man with the wooden end of my gun and he fell down, but I had to shoot the second man.The poor prisoner did not move.He was afraid of the noise of my gun.I called to him and tried to show him that I was friendly.Slowly, he moved nearer to me, but just then the first wild man began to get up from the ground.Then the prisoner spoke and I understood that he wanted my sword.How happy I was to hear words again!I gave him my sword, and at once he cut off the head of his enemy.Hurriedly, we hid the dead bodies under some leaves, and then left quickly.I took my prisoner to my secret cave on the other side of the island and gave him food and drink.After that, he went to sleep.He was a fine young man, about twenty-five years old, tall and well-built, with a kind face and a nice smile.He had a brown skin, black hair, bright eyes and strong white teeth.I decided to give him the name of 'Man Friday', because I first saw him on a Friday.When he woke up in the morning, he ran out to me.I was milking my goats in the field, and he got down on the ground and put his head near my foot.I understood that he was thanking me, and I tried to show him that I was his friend.I began to teach him to speak English, and soon he could say his name, 'Master', and 'Yes' and 'No'.How good it was to hear a man's voice again!Later that day we went back to my first house.We went carefully along the beach, but there were no boats and no wild men.Just blood and bones all over the sand.I felt ill, but Friday wanted to eat the pieces of men's bodies which were still on the ground.I showed him that this was terrible for me, and he understood.When we got to my house, I gave Man Friday some trousers, and I made him a coat and a hat.He liked his new clothes very much.Then I made him a little tent to sleep in, but for a few weeks I always took my gun to bed with me.Perhaps Friday was still a wild man and would try to kill me in the night.At first, Friday was very afraid of my gun.Sometimes he talked to it, and asked it not to kill him.Friday was a quick learner and his English got better day by day.I told him the story of my adventures and about life in England, and he told me about his country and his people.One day we were at the top of the highest hill on the island, and we were looking out to sea.It was a very clear day and we could see a long way.Suddenly, Friday began to jump up and down, very excited.'What's the matter?' I said.'Look, Master, look!' Friday cried. 'I can see my country. Look over there!'I looked, and there to the north-west, between the sea and the sky, was a long thin piece of land.I looked, and there to the north-west, between the sea and the sky, was a long thin piece of land.I began to think again about escape.Perhaps Friday wanted to go home too.Perhaps together we could get to his country.But what then?Would Friday still be my friend, or would his people kill me and eat me?I took Friday to the other side of the island and showed him my big canoe.It still lay under the trees.It was very old now, and there were holes in the wood.'Could a boat like this sail to your country, Friday?' I asked him.'Oh yes,' he answered. 'A boat like this can carry a lot of food and drink.''Then we'll make another canoe like it, and you can go home in it,'I said.But Friday looked very unhappy.'Why are you angry with me?' he asked. 'What have I done? Why do you want to send me home?''But I thought you wanted to go home,' I said. 'Yes. But you must come with me. Kill me if you want, but don't send me away fromyou!'Then I saw that Friday was a true friend, and so I agreed to go with him.We began work on the canoe at once.Friday chose the tree himself - he understood wood better than I did - and we cut it down.We worked hard and in a month the boat was finished.Two weeks later it was in the sea, and we began to get ready for our long journey.
6/29/202310 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork


听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。词汇提示1.vowed 发誓2.platform 站台原文111.I vowed that I would never speak to her again.我发誓再也不跟她说话了。112.The teacher lined the children up in order of height.老师按照身高给孩子们排队。113.The train for Birmingham leaves from platform 3.去伯明翰的火车从3号站台出发。114.It took her a long time to choose a hat.她花了好长时间挑帽子。115.He is as smart as any other boy in the class.他和班上其他男生一样聪明。116.I agree with what you say to some extent.在某种程度上,我认同你所说的。117.As soon as she wakes up, we'll turn on the music.她一醒,我们就放音乐。118.The fish he caught yesterday is still alive.他昨天抓住的鱼一直还活着。119.If I'd known the truth, I'd have told you.如果我知道真相,我就告诉你了。120.It is easy for a monkey to climb a tree.对猴子来说,爬树很容易。
6/27/20233 minutes, 56 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 day3(21-30)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 321.Accommodation 住宿We need accommodation for seven adults and two children.我们需要为七名成人和两名儿童提供住宿。Hotel accommodation is included in the price of the tour.旅游价格中包含酒店住宿。They're not sure they could provide accommodation for the whole group.他们不确定他们能否为整个团体提供住宿。22.Accompany 陪伴May I accompany you home?我可以陪你回家吗?He suggested that I accompany him to the party.他建议我陪他去参加聚会。Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?你确定你不想让我陪你吗?23.According to 根据Everything proceeds according to plan.一切都按计划进行。I did everything according to your instructions.我按照你的指示做了所有事情。According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.根据天气预报,明天会下雨。24.Account 帐户Here's my account number.这是我的账号。They don't have a bank account.他们没有银行账户。I'd like to open a savings account.我想开一个储蓄账户。I withdrew $200 from my savings account.我从储蓄账户中提取了200美元。25.Accurate 准确的He is very accurate in his work.他的工作非常准确。This data isn't accurate at all.这些数据根本不准确。Your analysis of the situation is accurate.你对情况的分析是准确的。Accurate measurement is very important in science.准确的测量在科学中非常重要。26.Accuse 指责She accused him of lying.她指责他撒谎。He was wrongly accused of theft.他被错误地指控犯有盗窃罪。The police accused him of murder.警察指控他犯有谋杀罪。He is accused of stealing the money.他被指控偷钱。The coach accused us of not doing our best.教练指责我们没有尽力而为。27.Achieve 实现He finally achieved his goals.他终于实现了自己的目标。I always aim high to achieve my best.我总是以高远的目标来实现自己的最佳状态。Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.没有热情,任何伟大的成就都不可能实现。She finally achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.她终于实现了成为著名作家的雄心。28.Achievement 成就He proudly told me his achievement.他自豪地告诉我他的成就。His academic achievements are impressive.他的学术成就令人印象深刻。What do you consider your greatest achievement?你认为你最大的成就是什么?They are proud of their children's achievements.他们为孩子的成就感到自豪。It was a remarkable achievement for such a young leader.对于这样一位年轻的领导人来说,这是一项了不起的成就。29.Acknowledge 承认He acknowledges that he was defeated.他承认自己被打败了。We acknowledge receipt of your letter.我们确认收到您的来信。She acknowledged that she couldn't speak English.她承认自己不会说英语。They acknowledged that the decision was a mistake.他们承认这个决定是错误的。30.Acquire获得They acquired a large fortune.他们获得了一大笔财富。She has acquired a good knowledge of English.她已经掌握了很好的英语知识。How long will it take to acquire the necessary skills?掌握必要的技能需要多长时间?
6/25/202315 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Level 4-Day 62.Prince Edward Island

词汇提示1.enchanted 迷人的2.oxide 氧化的3.occupations 职业4.orchards 果园5.strife 斗争原文Prince Edward IslandThroughout history, people have dreamed about a special place, remote from the day-to-day business world.Sometimes,they have thought of this place as an enchanted world where the weather is always good and food is always easy to get.Sometimes,it has been a hidden valley in the mountains, or an island far out at sea.When the Europeans arrived in the South Pacific, they thought that they had found it.Islands such as Tahiti seemed about as perfect as possible.Nowadays,our cities grow larger and larger, and people have to work harder and harder to succeed.Many people would like to escape to a quieter, slower, more peaceful, more attractive environment.When summer holidays come, many people travel to Prince Edward Island in Eastern Canada.It has a mild summer climate, and hardly ever gets too hot or dry.The fields, trees, and crops stay green all summer.In fact, P.E.I. is famous for the many shades of green on the island.Its soil and dirt roads are red because of iron oxide in the soil.And visitors are never far away from the blue waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.In late June and early July, the roadsides are covered with large purple flowers called lupins.The vivid colors of P.E.I. help make the province a photographer's paradise.Prince Edward Island is almost 100 miles long and about 20 miles wide.It is small enough that a tourist can see much of the Island in a couple of days.But there are enough interesting things to see and do that most people like to stay longer.One of the chief traditional occupations is fishing.Atone time, fishing was an important source of food and income for many islanders.Now the fisheries are in decline; boat owners find it more profitable to take tourists out to fish than to fish themselves.Lobsters and shellfish are still important to the Island, which is famous for its “lobster suppers”.Tourists can visit many picturesque little fishing villages all around the famous for its potatoes, which are exported all over the world.Dairy farming is also common, and local ice cream is popular with tourists.Apple orchards, grain fields, hay fields, and vegetable gardening are also widely found.During the era of sailing ships, a lot of shipbuilding took place on the Island.But as steel hulls replaced wooden hulls, shipbuilding moved to regions where steel was being produced.The full impact of the industrial revolution has never hit P.E.I.Farming,fishing and tourism have remained the chief industries.There are no large cities on the Island.So,if young people want to go to the big city, they have to leave P.E.I.The majority of Island people prefer to live in small towns and villages, just as their ancestors did.Since there wasn't much industry on the Island, many people did not have a lot of money.As a result, they "made do" with their old houses, old furniture, and old ways of doing things.This is why visitors to P. E. I. sometimes feel like they are going back in time.Things on the Island seem like they are still the way things were in our parents' or grandparents' day.Most of the people who live on the Island are descended from British immigrants in the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries.The majority of these were from Scotland, and the Scottish heritage remains strong.There are also some Micmac Indians and some French Canadians, or Acadians.The Island has generally avoided social and political strife, and this contributes to the peaceful atmosphere.Islanders welcome people "from away" as tourists.However,some say that to be a true Islander, you have to be born on the Island.Nonetheless,some tourists have fallen in love with P.E.I. and have gone there to live.A couple of years ago, a bridge was built to connect the Island with the mainland.Many opposed this "fixed link," saying that it would destroy the special P.E.I. atmosphere.It remains to be seen whether the Island will change, now that tourists can drive directly on to the rich, red soil.翻译爱德华王子岛纵观历史,人们一直梦想着一个特殊的地方,远离日常的商业世界。有时,他们认为这个地方是一个迷人的世界,天气总是很好,食物总是很容易得到。有时,它是一个隐蔽的山谷在山,或一个岛屿在遥远的海上。当欧洲人到达南太平洋时,他们以为已经找到了。像塔希提岛这样的岛屿似乎再完美不过了。如今,我们的城市变得越来越大,人们必须越来越努力地工作才能成功。很多人都想逃到一个更安静、更慢、更平和、更有吸引力的环境中去。暑假来临时,许多人去加拿大东部的爱德华王子岛旅游。它的夏季气候温和,几乎不会太热或太干。整个夏天,田地、树木和庄稼都是绿色的。事实上,P.E.I.岛以岛上深浅不一的绿色而闻名。它的土壤和土路是红色的,因为土壤中的氧化铁。游客们永远不会远离圣劳伦斯湾的蓝色海水。在六月下旬和七月初,路边开满了紫色的大花,叫做羽扇豆花。P.E.I.岛以鲜艳的色彩使该省成为摄影师的天堂。爱德华王子岛长约100英里,宽约20英里。它足够小,游客可以在几天内看到岛上的大部分地方。但是这里有很多有趣的东西可以看,可以做,所以大多数人喜欢多待一会儿。捕鱼是主要的传统职业之一。曾经,捕鱼是许多岛民的重要食物和收入来源。现在渔业在减少;船主发现带游客出海捕鱼比自己捕鱼更有利可图。龙虾和贝类对这个以“龙虾晚餐”闻名的岛屿来说仍然很重要。游客们可以在海岸线上参观许多风景如画的小渔村。P.E.I.以马铃薯闻名,马铃薯出口到世界各地。奶牛场也很常见,当地的冰淇淋很受游客的欢迎。苹果园、谷地、干草地和菜园也随处可见。在帆船时代,岛上发生了大量的造船活动。但随着钢船体取代了木制船体,造船转移到了生产钢铁的地区。工业革命的全面影响从未冲击过P.E.I.农业、渔业和旅游业仍然是主要产业。岛上没有大城市。所以,如果年轻人想去大城市,他们必须离开P.E.I.大多数岛民喜欢住在小城镇和村庄,就像他们的祖先一样。由于岛上没有多少工业,许多人没有很多钱。结果,他们只好凑合着用他们的旧房子、旧家具和旧的做事方式。这就是为什么来体育课的人有时会觉得自己回到了过去。岛上的事情似乎仍然是我们父母或祖父母时代的样子。住在岛上的大多数人是十八、十九世纪英国移民的后裔。其中大多数来自苏格兰,苏格兰的传统仍然很强。也有一些米克马克印第安人和一些法裔加拿大人,或阿卡迪亚人。该岛一般避免了社会和政治冲突,这有助于和平气氛。岛民欢迎“远道而来”的游客。然而,有人说,要成为一个真正的岛民,你必须出生在岛上。尽管如此,还是有一些游客爱上了P.E.I.,并去那里生活。几年前,建了一座桥把这个岛和大陆连接起来。许多人反对这种“固定联系”,称这会破坏P.E.I.的特殊氛围。现在游客们可以直接开车到这片肥沃的红色土地上,岛上是否会发生变化还有待观察。
6/24/20234 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

英文名著分集阅读 丹尼尔·笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》 part 6

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe原文Chapter Six: A footprintThen, one year, something strange and terrible happened.I often walked along the shore, and one day I saw something in the sand.I went over to look at it more carefully, and stopped in sudden surprise.It was a footprint - the footprint of a man!Who could this be?Afraid, I looked around me.I listened. I waited. Nothing.I was more and more afraid.Perhaps this man was one of those wild people who killed and ate other men!I looked everywhere, but there was nobody, and no other footprint.I turned and hurried home.'There's someone on my island,' I said to myself. 'Perhaps he knows about me ... Perhaps he's watching me now from behind a tree .…. Perhaps he wants to kill me.'That night I couldn't sleep.The next day I got all my guns ready and I put more wood and young trees around my house.Nobody could see me now.But, after fifteen years alone on the island, I was afraid, and I did not leave my cave for three days.In the end, I had to go out to milk my goats.But for two years I was afraid.I stayed near my home and I never used my guns because I didn't want to make a noise.I could not forget the footprint, but I saw and heard nothing more, and slowly I began to feel happier.One day, a year later, I was over on the west side of the island.From there I could see the other islands, and I could also see a boat, far out to sea.'If you have a boat,' I thought, 'it's easy to sail across to this island.Perhaps that explains the footprint - it was a visitor from one of the other islands.'I began to move more freely around the island again, and built myself a third house.It was a very secret place in a cave.'No wild man will ever find that,' I said to myself.Then one year something happened which I can never forget.I was again on the west side of the island and was walking along the shore.Suddenly, I saw something which made me feel ill.There were heads, arms, feet, and other pieces of men's bodies everywhere.For a minute, I couldn't think, and then I understood.Sometimes there were fights between the wild men on the other islands.Then they came here to my island with their prisoners, to kill them, cook them, and eat them.Slowly, I went home, but I was very angry.How could men do this?For many months I watched carefully for the smoke from fires, but I didn't see anything.Somehow the wild men came and went, and I never saw them.I was angry and afraid.I wanted to shoot them all, but there were many of them and only one of me.'Perhaps I can shoot two or three, 'I said to myself, 'but then they will kill and cat me.'Then, one morning in my twenty-third year on the island, I was out in my fields and I saw the smoke from a fire.Quickly, I went up the hill to watch.There were nine men around the fire, and they were cooking their terrible food.Then these wild men danced round the fire, singing and shouting.This went on for about two hours, and then they got into their boats and sailed away.I went down to the shore and saw the blood of the dead men on the sand. 'The next time they come, I'm going to kill them, 'I said angrily.
6/22/20235 minutes, 53 seconds
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听前提示一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。原文101.Having lived in Tokyo, I know the city well.因为在东京住过,我对这个城市非常了解。102.We waited in the park for a long time.我们在公园等了好久。103.It's next to impossible to finish it in a day.在一天之内完成它几乎是不可能的。104.He looked for every possible means of escape.他寻找一切可能的逃生途径。105.It took us half an hour to set up the tent.搭帐篷花了我们半小时。106.I have two dogs. One is white and the other black.我有两条狗。一条是白色的,另一条是黑色的。107.My cell phone has a built-in digital camera.我的手机有内置的数码相机。108.My husband reads the newspaper while eating breakfast.我丈夫一边吃早餐一边读报纸。109.I live near the sea so I often go to the beach.我住在海边,所以经常去海滩。110.My wife's part-time job brings in a little extra money.我太太兼职的工作赚进了一些额外的钱。
6/20/20234 minutes, 5 seconds
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单词造句磨耳朵 day2(11-20)

听前提示一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。Day 211.Absorb 吸收This paper does not absorb ink.本纸不吸收墨水。He was absorbed in a computer game.他沉迷于电脑游戏。He was completely absorbed in his work.他完全沉迷于自己的工作。12.Abuse 虐待He abuses his authority.他滥用权力。She abused her friend's trust.她滥用了朋友的信任。She is a victim of sexual abuse.她是性虐待的受害者。Many children have been sexually abused.许多儿童遭到性虐待。13.Academic 学术的His academic achievements are impressive.他的学术成就令人印象深刻。She is working at an academic institution.她在一家学术机构工作。14.Accent 口音He made fun of my accent.他取笑了我的口音He has a southern accent.他有南方口音。He spoke with a regional accent.他讲话时带有区域口音。15.Accept 接受He accepted our offer.他接受了我们的提议Will you accept my invitation?你会接受我的邀请吗?We must accept this inevitable fact.我们必须接受这一不可避免的事实。Please accept my sincere apologies.请接受我诚挚的歉意。She's decided not to accept the job.她决定不接受这份工作。16.acceptable可以接受的We want a solution that is acceptable to all parties.我们想要一个各方都能接受的解决办法。The food at this restaurant was acceptable, but no more.这家餐厅的食物可以接受,但没有更多。17.Access 访问They have access to the library.他们可以进入图书馆。You'll need a password to access the database.您需要密码才能访问数据库。18.Accident 事故I only found it by accident.我只是偶然发现的。He was injured in the accident.他在事故中受伤了。The accident happened at 3 p.m.事故发生在下午3点。That was a frightening accident.那是一场可怕的意外。The accident could have been avoided.事故本来可以避免的。19.accidental偶然的This is an accidental error.这是一个意外错误。That discovery was quite accidental.这个发现是非常偶然的。20.accidentally偶然I accidentally deleted the file.我不小心删除了这个文件。I accidentally stepped on her foot.我不小心踩到了她的脚。I accidentally stepped on her toe.我不小心踩到了她的脚趾。
6/18/202315 minutes, 17 seconds
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Level 4-Day 61.Peggy_'s Cove, Nova Scotia

词汇提示1.charm 有美丽的2.granite 花岗岩3.destination 目的地4.vicinity 周围地区5.dwellings 住所6.prominent 突出7.lobsters 龙虾8.thrive 生长9.spray 海浪10.carnivorous 食肉的11.nourish 滋养12.stately 庄严的13.beak 鸟喙原文Peggy's Cove, Nova ScotiaWhy do people travel hundreds of miles to look at beautiful scenery?And why does one particular place attract many more visitors than similar places not far away?Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia, Canada, is one of those special spots that draws people from all over the world.It is hard to explain its special charm, but anyone who has been there will know whatI am talking about.The southern-eastern shore of Nova Scotia possesses many picturesque fishing villages and many beautiful seascapes.But one doesn't have to go very far from the capital city of Halifax to see this special spot.The dominant feature are huge round granite rocks, many of them the size of houses.They seem to be pushing up and out of the land and sea.Nestled inside the circle of these rocks is a group of fishing huts.Now and then a fishing boat leaves by the little bay or cove, in order to travel out into the great Atlantic Ocean.For nearly two hundred years, there have been fishermen at Peggy's Cove.All around the little harbor there are huts or "fish stores" where the fishermen do their work.Here they bring in the fish, and clean them, wash them and salt them.The salted fish are then stored in barrels.Visiting as a tourist, I wandered into one of these huts while the fisherman was busy at his work.He explained to me that, although Peggy's Cove is a tourist destination, it is also a working fishing village.The fishermen get no money from the tourists, but have to take the time to talk to them and explain their work.There are, however, some tourist shops and tea rooms in the vicinity.Part of the charm of Peggy's Cove is that it is so small.The population has been well under 100 people for most of its history.The buildings are mostly small dwellings, with the lighthouse being the most prominent structure.A good variety of fish are caught in the area, including mackerel, herring,haddock, cod and halibut.Lobsters are also trapped nearby.However,because of over-fishing, catches have declined in recent decades.Showy purple lupins grow close to the ocean.They thrive on salty ground, and the closer they grow to the spray of the ocean the better.One of the world's few carnivorous plants - the common pitcher plant -also grows around Peggy's Cove.Its leaves trap insects, which are digested to nourish the plant.Common birds are the stately blue heron, which likes to fish in the marshy pools.The heron stands several feet high and spear fish and frogs with its sharp beak.Another bird is the osprey, or fish hawk.The osprey's keen eyes can spot a fish moving beneath the surface of the water.It can dive swiftly, hitting the water with great speed, catch the fish in its claws,and then fly away with its catch.I have also seen pools close to the ocean full of large tadpoles.These tadpoles spend several years in the water before they develop into bullfrogs.Bullfrogs,the largest Canadian frog, have been know to eat baby ducks and small fish.Looking over the little harbor and out toward the great ocean, one notices the contrast between the very small and the very large.If Peggy's Cove were larger, it would be more ordinary.As it is, it represents all the little fishing villages, where men have gone forth inlittle boats to fish on the wide ocean.翻译佩吉湾,新斯科舍省为什么人们不远万里去看美丽的风景?为什么一个特定的地方比不远处的类似地方吸引更多的游客?加拿大新斯科舍省的佩吉湾是吸引世界各地游客的特别景点之一。很难解释它的特殊魅力,但任何去过那里的人都会知道我在说什么。新斯科舍省东南岸有许多风景如画的渔村和美丽的海景。但人们不必离开首都哈利法克斯很远就能看到这个特别的地方。主要特征是巨大的圆形花岗岩,其中许多有房子那么大。它们似乎正在向上伸展,脱离陆地和海洋。在这些岩石圈内坐落着一群钓鱼小屋。偶尔会有一艘渔船从小海湾或小海湾驶出,驶往浩瀚的大西洋。近两百年来,佩吉湾一直有渔民。小港口周围到处都是小屋或“鱼店”,渔民们在那里工作。在这里,他们把鱼带进来,把鱼洗干净,再加盐。咸鱼然后被储存在桶里。我以游客的身份来到这里,当渔夫忙于工作时,我走进了其中一间小屋。他向我解释说,虽然佩吉湾是一个旅游胜地,但它也是一个工作的渔村。渔民没有从游客那里得到钱,但不得不花时间与他们交谈并解释他们的工作。然而,附近有一些旅游商店和茶室。佩吉湾的魅力之一就在于它很小。在其历史上的大部分时间里,人口都远远低于100人。这些建筑大多是小型住宅,灯塔是最突出的建筑。该地区捕捞的鱼类种类繁多,包括鲭鱼、鲱鱼、黑线鳕、鳕鱼和大比目鱼。龙虾也被困在附近。然而,由于过度捕捞,近几十年来捕捞量有所下降。艳丽的紫色羽扇豆生长在靠近海洋的地方。它们在咸的土地上茁壮成长,越靠近海洋的浪花越好。世界上为数不多的食肉植物之一——常见的猪笼草——也生长在佩吉湾附近。它的叶子捕获昆虫,这些昆虫被消化以滋养植物。常见的鸟类是庄严的蓝鹭,它喜欢在沼泽池塘里钓鱼。苍鹭有几英尺高,用它锋利的喙刺鱼和青蛙。另一种鸟类是鱼鹰或鱼鹰。鱼鹰敏锐的眼睛能发现在水面下游动的鱼。它能迅速潜水,以极快的速度撞水,用爪子抓住鱼,然后带着鱼飞走。我还见过靠近海洋的池塘里满是大蝌蚪。这些蝌蚪在长成牛蛙之前要在水里待上几年。牛蛙是加拿大最大的蛙类,以小鸭子和小鱼为食。从小港口望向大海,人们会注意到小港湾和大港湾之间的对比。如果佩吉湾再大一点,它就会更普通。事实上,它代表了所有的小渔村,在那里,人们乘着小船在广阔的海洋上捕鱼。
6/17/20233 minutes, 45 seconds
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英文名著分集阅读 丹尼尔·笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》 part 5

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe原文Chapter Five: Learning to live aloneI still needed a lot of things.'Well,' I said, 'I'm going to have to make them.'So, every day, I worked.First of all, I wanted to make my cave bigger.I carried out stone from the cave, and after many days' hard work I had a large cave in the side of the hill.Then I needed a table and a chair, and that was my next job.I had to work on them for a long time.I also wanted to make places to put all my food, and all my tools and guns.But every time I wanted a piece of wood, I had to cutdown a tree.It was long, slow, difficult work, and during the next months I learnt to be very clever with my tools.There was no hurry.I had all the time in the world.I also went out every day, and I always had my gun with me.Sometimes I killed a wild animal, and then I had meat to eat.But when it got dark, I had to go to bed because I had no light.I couldn't read or write because I couldn't see.For along time, I didn't know what to do.But in the end, I learnt how to use the fat of dead animals to make a light.The weather on my island was usually very hot, and there were often storms and heavy rain.The next June, it rained all the time, and I couldn't go out very often.I was also ill for some weeks, but slowly, I got better.When I was stronger, I began to go out again.The first time I killed a wild animal, and the second time I caught a big turtle.I was on the island for ten months before I visited other parts of it.During those months I worked hardon my cave and my house and my fence.Now I was ready to find out more about the rest of the island.First, I walked along the side of a little river.There, I found open ground without trees.Later, I came to more trees with many different fruits.I decided to take a lot of the fruit, and to put it to dry in the sun for a time.Then I could keep it for many months.I saw that my house was on the worst side of the island.But I didn't want to move from there.It was my home now.I stayed away for three days, and then I came home.But I often went back to the other, greener side of the island.And so my life went on.Every month I learnt to do or to make something new.But I had troubles and accidents too.Once there was a terrible storm with very heavy rain.The roof of my cave fell in, and nearly killed me!I had to build it up again with many pieces of wood.I had a lot of food now.I cooked it over a fire or dried it in the sun.So I always had meat during the rainy months when I could not go out with a gun.I learnt to make pots to keep my food in.But I wanted very much to make a harder, stronger pot - a pot that would not break in a fire.I tried many times, but I could not do it.Then one day I was lucky.I made some new pots and put them in a very hot fire.They changed color, but did my first pot not break.One day I found a little bag.We used it on the ship, to keep the chickens' food in.There was still some of the food in the bag, and I dropped some of it onto the ground.A month later I saw something bright green there, and after six months I had a very small field of corn.I was very excited.Perhaps now I could make my own bread!It was easy to say, but not so easy to do.It is a lot of work to make bread from corn.Many people eat bread, but how many people can take corn from a field and make bread out of it without help?I had to learn and to make many new things, and it was a year before I cooked and ate my first bread.During all this time, I never stopped thinking about escape.When I travelled across to the other side of the island, I could see the other islands, and I said to myself, 'Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day.'So I decided to make myself a boat.I cut down a big tree, and then began to make a long hole in it.It was hard work, but about six months later, I had a very fine canoe.Next, I had to get it down to the sea.How stupid I was!Why didn't I think before I began work?Of course, the canoe was too heavy.I couldn't move it!I pulled and pushed and tried everything, but it didn't move.I was very unhappy for a long time after that.That happened in my fourth year on the island.In my sixth year I did make myself a smaller canoe, but I did not try to escape in it.The boat was too small for a long journey, and I did not want to die at sea.The island was my home now, not my prison, and I was just happy to be alive.A year or two later, I made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island.I also built myself a second house there, and so I had two homes.My life was still busy from morning to night.There were always things to do or to make.I learnt to make new clothes for myself from the skins of dead animals.They looked very strange, it is true, but they kept me dry in the rain.I kept food and tools at both my houses, and also wild goats.There were many goats on the island, and I made fields with high fences to keep them in.They learnt to take food from me, and soon I had goat's milk to drink every day.I also worked hard in my cornfields.And so many years went by.
6/15/202310 minutes, 16 seconds
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(Level 3)-Day_40 The Protestant Reformation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.the Protestant Reformation 新教改革2.Catholic 天主教3.theologian 神学家4.committing 犯罪5.sins 罪恶6.freedom 特权7.acknowledge the authority 承认权威8.heretic 异教徒9.celibate 独身的 10.interpret 解释原文The Protestant ReformationUntil about 500 years ago,there was only one Christian church in western and central Europe.People from Portugal and Poland all belonged to the Roman Catholic Church.However,soon after the year 1500,people in many parts of Europe broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and began their own churches instead.This was known as the Protestant Reformation.The leader of the early Protestant movement was a German theologian named Martin Luther.Luther believed that many of the priests of the Roman Catholic Church had became too concerned about wealth and luxury.Also,he disapproved of some practices in the Church.One such practice was that priests allowed people to pay money to the Church in exchange for committing various sins.Luther believed that it was wrong to allow people to buy the freedom to commit acts that were against the teaching of the Church.Luther began to criticize the Roman Catholic Church in public,and he refused to acknowledge the authority of the Church.He said that instead he would follow the teachings of the Bible as he understood them.The officials of the Church declared that Luther was a heretic.However,the local German rulers did not punish Luther.Many of them resented the power of the Church and welcomed his ideas.Luther and other Protestant leaders disagreed with the Church on several important issues.The Protestants believed that priests should be allowed to marry,whereas the Roman Catholic Church believed priests should remain celibate.The Protestants believed that people should read the Bible for themselves,whereas the Roman Catholic Church believed that the priests should interpret the Bible for the people.During the decades that follow Luther,the Protestant movement spread throughout much of Europe.Over time,many Protestant churches were formed.During this period,many wars were fought between local rulers who were favored Protestantism,and other local rulers who supported the Roman Catholic Church.In the end,many parts of Europe became Protestant,such as Scandinavia,England,and parts of Germany,Holland and Switzerland.However,the people and rulers of many other areas of Europe preferred remain in the Roman Catholic Church.These areas included most of southern Europe,such as Poland and Ireland.The Roman Catholic Church changed a few of its practices in response to Protestant Criticism,but kept its most important beliefs.In recent times,relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the various Protestant churches have become much more friendly.Some discussions have been held between Catholic and Protestant officials,in order to resolve some of their disagreements.
12/2/20215 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_40 The Protestant Reformation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.the Protestant Reformation 新教改革2.Catholic 天主教3.theologian 神学家4.committing 犯罪5.sins 罪恶6.freedom 特权7.acknowledge the authority 承认权威8.heretic 异教徒9.celibate 独身的 10.interpret 解释原文The Protestant ReformationUntil about 500 years ago,there was only one Christian church in western and central Europe.People from Portugal and Poland all belonged to the Roman Catholic Church.However,soon after the year 1500,people in many parts of Europe broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and began their own churches instead.This was known as the Protestant Reformation.The leader of the early Protestant movement was a German theologian named Martin Luther.Luther believed that many of the priests of the Roman Catholic Church had became too concerned about wealth and luxury.Also,he disapproved of some practices in the Church.One such practice was that priests allowed people to pay money to the Church in exchange for committing various sins.Luther believed that it was wrong to allow people to buy the freedom to commit acts that were against the teaching of the Church.Luther began to criticize the Roman Catholic Church in public,and he refused to acknowledge the authority of the Church.He said that instead he would follow the teachings of the Bible as he understood them.The officials of the Church declared that Luther was a heretic.However,the local German rulers did not punish Luther.Many of them resented the power of the Church and welcomed his ideas.Luther and other Protestant leaders disagreed with the Church on several important issues.The Protestants believed that priests should be allowed to marry,whereas the Roman Catholic Church believed priests should remain celibate.The Protestants believed that people should read the Bible for themselves,whereas the Roman Catholic Church believed that the priests should interpret the Bible for the people.During the decades that follow Luther,the Protestant movement spread throughout much of Europe.Over time,many Protestant churches were formed.During this period,many wars were fought between local rulers who were favored Protestantism,and other local rulers who supported the Roman Catholic Church.In the end,many parts of Europe became Protestant,such as Scandinavia,England,and parts of Germany,Holland and Switzerland.However,the people and rulers of many other areas of Europe preferred remain in the Roman Catholic Church.These areas included most of southern Europe,such as Poland and Ireland.The Roman Catholic Church changed a few of its practices in response to Protestant Criticism,but kept its most important beliefs.In recent times,relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the various Protestant churches have become much more friendly.Some discussions have been held between Catholic and Protestant officials,in order to resolve some of their disagreements.
12/2/20215 minutes, 35 seconds
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(Level 3)-Day_39 Cultural Differences:Individualism and Collectivism

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.individualism 个人主义2.collectivism 集体主义3.ethnic 民族的4.obligation 义务的5.inclination 倾斜6.versus 对抗原文Cultural Differences:Individualism and CollectivismThe many cultures of the world differ in a great variety of ways.One of the most interesting ways in which cultures vary in the extent to which they are“individualistic”or“collectivistic”.An individualist society and collectivist society are different in many ways.In an individualistic culture,each person tends to think himself or herself in terms of his or her characteristics and preferences the things that make the person unique and different from others.In a collectivistic culture,each person tends to think himself or herself in terms of his or her social relationships and roles the things that make the person a part of a larger group,such as an extended family or an ethic group.Another difference between individualist and collectivist cultures involves the tendency to help others.In an individualist society,people feel some obligation to help persons who share some group identity such as their distant relatives,or persons from the same town,but obligation is not as nearly as strong as in collectivist cultures.On the other hand,people in collectivist cultures tend to feel very little inclination to help other people who are not belong to their groups,whereas people in individualist cultures are more often willing to help others even if they are not belong to the same group.Another difference between individualist and collectivist cultures involves the relationship between people and the groups to which they belong.In an individualist culture,people usually join or leave group when it is in their personal interest to do so.In a collectivist culture,people usually stay with one group for a long time.For example,people in individualist societies are more willing to quit their job,and take a new job at another company.People in collectivist societies usually prefer to stay with one company throughout their career.Similarly,people in individualist countries usually get married for reasons of personal choice,and are more likely to get divorced.However,people in collectivist societies usually get married according the wishes of their relatives,and are less likely to get divorced.Western countries,such as west Europe and North America,are usually considered to be very individualist.However,not all individualist countries are similar in every way.For example,the individualism of the United States is viewed as more“competitive”,than that of socialist countries,such as Sweden.In contrast of Western countries,the countries of most parts of Asia and Africa are usually considered to be very collectivist.Collectivist countries also differ from each other in many ways.The idea of individualism versus collectivism is an interesting way to understand some of differences between cultures.By learning about ideas like this,one can better appreciate the customs of other peoples.
11/29/20216 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_39 Cultural Differences:Individualism and Collectivism

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.individualism 个人主义2.collectivism 集体主义3.ethnic 民族的4.obligation 义务的5.inclination 倾斜6.versus 对抗原文Cultural Differences:Individualism and CollectivismThe many cultures of the world differ in a great variety of ways.One of the most interesting ways in which cultures vary in the extent to which they are“individualistic”or“collectivistic”.An individualist society and collectivist society are different in many ways.In an individualistic culture,each person tends to think himself or herself in terms of his or her characteristics and preferences the things that make the person unique and different from others.In a collectivistic culture,each person tends to think himself or herself in terms of his or her social relationships and roles the things that make the person a part of a larger group,such as an extended family or an ethic group.Another difference between individualist and collectivist cultures involves the tendency to help others.In an individualist society,people feel some obligation to help persons who share some group identity such as their distant relatives,or persons from the same town,but obligation is not as nearly as strong as in collectivist cultures.On the other hand,people in collectivist cultures tend to feel very little inclination to help other people who are not belong to their groups,whereas people in individualist cultures are more often willing to help others even if they are not belong to the same group.Another difference between individualist and collectivist cultures involves the relationship between people and the groups to which they belong.In an individualist culture,people usually join or leave group when it is in their personal interest to do so.In a collectivist culture,people usually stay with one group for a long time.For example,people in individualist societies are more willing to quit their job,and take a new job at another company.People in collectivist societies usually prefer to stay with one company throughout their career.Similarly,people in individualist countries usually get married for reasons of personal choice,and are more likely to get divorced.However,people in collectivist societies usually get married according the wishes of their relatives,and are less likely to get divorced.Western countries,such as west Europe and North America,are usually considered to be very individualist.However,not all individualist countries are similar in every way.For example,the individualism of the United States is viewed as more“competitive”,than that of socialist countries,such as Sweden.In contrast of Western countries,the countries of most parts of Asia and Africa are usually considered to be very collectivist.Collectivist countries also differ from each other in many ways.The idea of individualism versus collectivism is an interesting way to understand some of differences between cultures.By learning about ideas like this,one can better appreciate the customs of other peoples.
11/29/20216 minutes, 2 seconds
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(Level 3)-Day_38 Sexual Harassment

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sexual harassment 性骚扰2.blatant 明目张胆的3.sexual favors 性服务4.comply 服从5.prospect 展望6.sexual access 性接触7.demeaning 贬低的8.vulgar 粗俗的9.speculate 猜测10.pornographic 色情的11.intimidation 恐吓12.penalties 惩罚13.perceived 注意到14.potential 潜在的原文Sexual HarassmentWhen an employee is subjected unwanted sexual advances or comments by a co-worker or an employer,we say that the employee is experiencing sexual harassment.In some workplaces,sexual harassment is a serious problem.In its most blatant form,a boss may demand sexual favors from an employee and threaten to fire the employee if she fails to comply.Similarly,the employer might promise a promotion or raise in exchange for some sexual favor.Whenever an employer uses the prospect of reward or punishment as a way to obtaining sexual access to an employee,sexual harassment has occurred.This is not the only form of sexual harassment.Sometimes,an employee may be subjected to demeaning comments by her employer or co-workers.For example,a boss may make vulgar comments about the physical appearance of the employee.Another example is that a co-worker might make remarks that speculate about the sexual behavior of the employee.In both of these cases,the employee is treated disrespectfully on the basis of her sex,so both cases would represent sexual harassment.Some forms of sexual harassment are more subtle.If a group of workers exchanges offensive jokes of a sexual nature in such a way that they can be easily overheard by other workers,then this is also a form of sexual harassment.Similarly,if workers post pornographic pictures in their workplace,in such a way that they can be seen by other workers,then this also represents sexual harassment.In both cases,the workplace becomes an environment in which the employee is made to feel uncomfortable because of her sex.Sexual harassment usually involves a female employee who is being bothered by a male employer or co-worker.In some cases,a woman might sexually harass a man,or one person might sexually harass another person of the same sex.However,these cases are not as common.Also,in some cases,the person who commits sexual harassment is not a boss or co-worker,but a customer or visitor to the workplace.Sexual harassment is a form of intimidation and abuse of power that causes much stress for many employees.In recently years,many steps have been taken to reduce the occurrence of sexual harassment.Educational campaigns have been designed to teach people that sexual harassment is wrong.Stronger penalties for sexual harassment have been introduced.Another way to reduce the prevalence of sexual harassment is to develop a culture of respect in the workplace.People need to be aware of how their jokes or comments might be perceived by others,and to imagine how they would feel if one of their relatives were subjected to sexual harassment.Employers and employees must recognize that sexual harassment is a serious concern and treat potential cases of sexual harassment very seriously.Each company should have clear policies about sexual harassment,and each should establish a fair and efficient process for dealing with complaints of this kind.In this way,the workplace can be a comfortable environment for all persons.
11/26/20216 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_38 Sexual Harassment

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sexual harassment 性骚扰2.blatant 明目张胆的3.sexual favors 性服务4.comply 服从5.prospect 展望6.sexual access 性接触7.demeaning 贬低的8.vulgar 粗俗的9.speculate 猜测10.pornographic 色情的11.intimidation 恐吓12.penalties 惩罚13.perceived 注意到14.potential 潜在的原文Sexual HarassmentWhen an employee is subjected unwanted sexual advances or comments by a co-worker or an employer,we say that the employee is experiencing sexual harassment.In some workplaces,sexual harassment is a serious problem.In its most blatant form,a boss may demand sexual favors from an employee and threaten to fire the employee if she fails to comply.Similarly,the employer might promise a promotion or raise in exchange for some sexual favor.Whenever an employer uses the prospect of reward or punishment as a way to obtaining sexual access to an employee,sexual harassment has occurred.This is not the only form of sexual harassment.Sometimes,an employee may be subjected to demeaning comments by her employer or co-workers.For example,a boss may make vulgar comments about the physical appearance of the employee.Another example is that a co-worker might make remarks that speculate about the sexual behavior of the employee.In both of these cases,the employee is treated disrespectfully on the basis of her sex,so both cases would represent sexual harassment.Some forms of sexual harassment are more subtle.If a group of workers exchanges offensive jokes of a sexual nature in such a way that they can be easily overheard by other workers,then this is also a form of sexual harassment.Similarly,if workers post pornographic pictures in their workplace,in such a way that they can be seen by other workers,then this also represents sexual harassment.In both cases,the workplace becomes an environment in which the employee is made to feel uncomfortable because of her sex.Sexual harassment usually involves a female employee who is being bothered by a male employer or co-worker.In some cases,a woman might sexually harass a man,or one person might sexually harass another person of the same sex.However,these cases are not as common.Also,in some cases,the person who commits sexual harassment is not a boss or co-worker,but a customer or visitor to the workplace.Sexual harassment is a form of intimidation and abuse of power that causes much stress for many employees.In recently years,many steps have been taken to reduce the occurrence of sexual harassment.Educational campaigns have been designed to teach people that sexual harassment is wrong.Stronger penalties for sexual harassment have been introduced.Another way to reduce the prevalence of sexual harassment is to develop a culture of respect in the workplace.People need to be aware of how their jokes or comments might be perceived by others,and to imagine how they would feel if one of their relatives were subjected to sexual harassment.Employers and employees must recognize that sexual harassment is a serious concern and treat potential cases of sexual harassment very seriously.Each company should have clear policies about sexual harassment,and each should establish a fair and efficient process for dealing with complaints of this kind.In this way,the workplace can be a comfortable environment for all persons.
11/26/20216 minutes, 23 seconds
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(Level 3)-Day_37 Obesity and Nutrition

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.obesity 肥胖的2.triumphs 胜利3.abundance 充裕的4.malnutrition 营养不良5.prevalent 普遍存在的6.excess 过量的7.diabetes 糖尿病8.genetic 遗传的9.associated 相关的10.adequate 充足的11.fad 时尚12.mineral 矿物质原文Obesity and NutritionFor people in many countries,one of the great triumphs of modern life is that there is great abundance of food.In those places,problems such as starvation and malnutrition are no longer prevalent,and people do not worry about going hungry.Despite the fact that there is plenty food in modern countries,people still face many healthy problems that are related to their diet.One problem is that modern technology has made it possible to produce cheap and tasty food that is not very healthy.This leads to the problems that many people are obese,or very overweight.One example of this is the“fast food”that is served in many restaurants.This food is often cooked by frying.Fried food contains a high proportion of fat.Also,fast food meals are often very large.When people frequently eat large amounts of fried“fast food”,they will likely eat too much fat.This excess can lead to weight gain.Of course,many people enjoy the taste of fried fast food and like to eat it occasionally.However,eating this kind of food too often is bad for one's health.Another example of health problems caused by modern food products involves soft drinks and other sweetened beverages.These drinks,sometimes called“pop”,have a sweet taste that many people enjoy on occasion.However,these drinks contain large amounts of sugar.When people drink soft drinks very frequently,they consume a great deal of sugar.This excess sugar can lead to weight gain.The weight gain that can result from consuming too much fast food and too much soft drinks can have several harmful effects.For example,people who are very obese have an increased risk of heart disease and of diabetes.Of course,fast food and soft drinks are not the only causes of obesity.Other eating habits may be involved,and so are lack of exercise and genetic factors.To avoid the health problems that are associated with obesity,it is important that one does not eat too much food.However,this dose not mean that one should try to eat as little as possible.People need an adequate amount of food in order to stay healthy.Also,it is important to avoid new“fad”diets that become popular from time to time,because these are often unsafe.Some of these diets that are recommend in popular books do not contain adequate amounts of nutrients,such as vitamins and minerals.Instead,one should try to eat foods that are nutritious.For example,foods such as fruits,vegetables,grains,and lean meats have many vitamins and minerals that are needed for good health.People whose diet consists mainly of these foods will probably be much healthier,on average,than people whose diet contains too many foods that have high levels of fat or sugar.In addition,many of these nutritious foods are also very tasty and enjoyable to eat!
11/23/20215 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_37 Obesity and Nutrition

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.obesity 肥胖的2.triumphs 胜利3.abundance 充裕的4.malnutrition 营养不良5.prevalent 普遍存在的6.excess 过量的7.diabetes 糖尿病8.genetic 遗传的9.associated 相关的10.adequate 充足的11.fad 时尚12.mineral 矿物质原文Obesity and NutritionFor people in many countries,one of the great triumphs of modern life is that there is great abundance of food.In those places,problems such as starvation and malnutrition are no longer prevalent,and people do not worry about going hungry.Despite the fact that there is plenty food in modern countries,people still face many healthy problems that are related to their diet.One problem is that modern technology has made it possible to produce cheap and tasty food that is not very healthy.This leads to the problems that many people are obese,or very overweight.One example of this is the“fast food”that is served in many restaurants.This food is often cooked by frying.Fried food contains a high proportion of fat.Also,fast food meals are often very large.When people frequently eat large amounts of fried“fast food”,they will likely eat too much fat.This excess can lead to weight gain.Of course,many people enjoy the taste of fried fast food and like to eat it occasionally.However,eating this kind of food too often is bad for one's health.Another example of health problems caused by modern food products involves soft drinks and other sweetened beverages.These drinks,sometimes called“pop”,have a sweet taste that many people enjoy on occasion.However,these drinks contain large amounts of sugar.When people drink soft drinks very frequently,they consume a great deal of sugar.This excess sugar can lead to weight gain.The weight gain that can result from consuming too much fast food and too much soft drinks can have several harmful effects.For example,people who are very obese have an increased risk of heart disease and of diabetes.Of course,fast food and soft drinks are not the only causes of obesity.Other eating habits may be involved,and so are lack of exercise and genetic factors.To avoid the health problems that are associated with obesity,it is important that one does not eat too much food.However,this dose not mean that one should try to eat as little as possible.People need an adequate amount of food in order to stay healthy.Also,it is important to avoid new“fad”diets that become popular from time to time,because these are often unsafe.Some of these diets that are recommend in popular books do not contain adequate amounts of nutrients,such as vitamins and minerals.Instead,one should try to eat foods that are nutritious.For example,foods such as fruits,vegetables,grains,and lean meats have many vitamins and minerals that are needed for good health.People whose diet consists mainly of these foods will probably be much healthier,on average,than people whose diet contains too many foods that have high levels of fat or sugar.In addition,many of these nutritious foods are also very tasty and enjoyable to eat!
11/23/20215 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_36 Extinctions

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.extinctions 灭绝2.presence 存在3.eliminated 淘汰4.disrupt 扰乱5.emerged 出现6.prehistoric 史前时期7.pigeon 鸽子8.prairie 大草原9.bison 野牛10.habitat 栖息地11.ivory 象牙12.rhinoceros 犀牛13.tragic 悲剧地14.aphrodisiaca 壮阳药15.stimulants 兴奋剂原文ExtinctionsEver since human beings appeared on the earth,we have had a serious impact on other living things.One of the most serious of the human presence had been the extinction of other species.Since the arrival of humans,many species of animals and plants have died out as a result of human activity.The extinction of species is a serious problem.When certain species are eliminated,this may disrupt the balance of nature,leading to overpopulation of some species and extinction of others.These changes may have an impact on humans.Also,some of the species that become extinct might have had benefits for human beings.For example,some scientists believe that some of the plants growing in rain forest areas might be valuable for treating human diseases.If these plants become extinct as a result of human activity,then these treatments will never be found.The earliest extinctions caused by humans occurred very long ago.Modern human emerged in Africa over 100000 years ago,and some of those people migrated to other parts of the world.When they reached new areas,they found that it was very easy to hunt the large animals,which had not previously been hunted by humans.As these prehistoric people moved into the Europe,Australia,and the Americas,they killed large numbers of large animals.Within a few hundred years,many species of animals had become extinct.For example,prehistoric people reached New Zealand less than 100 years ago,but they soon hunted a huge bird,called the giant moa,to extinction.With the beginnings of modern technology,several hundred years ago,many other species were driven to extinction.Hunters armed with guns were able to kill vast numbers of animals.In North America,these led to the extinction of bird species such as the passenger pigeon,which has previously been very numerous.Other species were nearly wiped out,such as the large prairie mammals called bison.There were once million of these animals,but now only a few thousand remain.Today,many more species of animals and plants are going extinct.Sometimes this happens because of human expansion into areas that are the habitat of certain species.When people clear a forest,some species may be lost.In the near future,many other extinctions are possible or likely.In some cases,the problem is due to human greed.For example,some people buy ivory that is taken from bodies of animals such as elephants or rhinoceros.Hunters sometimes kill these animals simply to take their ivory,and the result is a tragic decline in populations.Another example involves bears in North America.Some people buy the sexual organs of these animals for use as aphrodisiacs or sexual stimulants.The result is that the hunters kill these animals simply to obtain these organs,and this leads to a reduction in the number of bears.Fortunately,many countries have laws to prevent the hunting of species that are facing extinction,knowns as “endangered species.However,some hunting of these endangered animals continues.Only by refusing to buy the products that are made from endangered species can we prevent this terrible crime.
11/20/20216 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_36 Extinctions

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.extinctions 灭绝2.presence 存在3.eliminated 淘汰4.disrupt 扰乱5.emerged 出现6.prehistoric 史前时期7.pigeon 鸽子8.prairie 大草原9.bison 野牛10.habitat 栖息地11.ivory 象牙12.rhinoceros 犀牛13.tragic 悲剧地14.aphrodisiaca 壮阳药15.stimulants 兴奋剂原文ExtinctionsEver since human beings appeared on the earth,we have had a serious impact on other living things.One of the most serious of the human presence had been the extinction of other species.Since the arrival of humans,many species of animals and plants have died out as a result of human activity.The extinction of species is a serious problem.When certain species are eliminated,this may disrupt the balance of nature,leading to overpopulation of some species and extinction of others.These changes may have an impact on humans.Also,some of the species that become extinct might have had benefits for human beings.For example,some scientists believe that some of the plants growing in rain forest areas might be valuable for treating human diseases.If these plants become extinct as a result of human activity,then these treatments will never be found.The earliest extinctions caused by humans occurred very long ago.Modern human emerged in Africa over 100000 years ago,and some of those people migrated to other parts of the world.When they reached new areas,they found that it was very easy to hunt the large animals,which had not previously been hunted by humans.As these prehistoric people moved into the Europe,Australia,and the Americas,they killed large numbers of large animals.Within a few hundred years,many species of animals had become extinct.For example,prehistoric people reached New Zealand less than 100 years ago,but they soon hunted a huge bird,called the giant moa,to extinction.With the beginnings of modern technology,several hundred years ago,many other species were driven to extinction.Hunters armed with guns were able to kill vast numbers of animals.In North America,these led to the extinction of bird species such as the passenger pigeon,which has previously been very numerous.Other species were nearly wiped out,such as the large prairie mammals called bison.There were once million of these animals,but now only a few thousand remain.Today,many more species of animals and plants are going extinct.Sometimes this happens because of human expansion into areas that are the habitat of certain species.When people clear a forest,some species may be lost.In the near future,many other extinctions are possible or likely.In some cases,the problem is due to human greed.For example,some people buy ivory that is taken from bodies of animals such as elephants or rhinoceros.Hunters sometimes kill these animals simply to take their ivory,and the result is a tragic decline in populations.Another example involves bears in North America.Some people buy the sexual organs of these animals for use as aphrodisiacs or sexual stimulants.The result is that the hunters kill these animals simply to obtain these organs,and this leads to a reduction in the number of bears.Fortunately,many countries have laws to prevent the hunting of species that are facing extinction,knowns as “endangered species.However,some hunting of these endangered animals continues.Only by refusing to buy the products that are made from endangered species can we prevent this terrible crime.
11/20/20216 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_35 Soccer

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.torso 躯干2.accurately 准确3.tournament 锦标赛4.participate 参加5.proceed 前进原文SoccerSoccer is the most popular sport in the world.The basic rules of the sport are simple:two teams of eleven players to kick the soccer ball into the opposing team's goal.Only one player on each team,the goal-keeper,is allowed to touch the ball with hands or arms.Perhaps part of the reason for the popularity of the soccer is its simplicity.The game require no expensive equipment,merely ball and a playing surface,preferable a large grassy area.For children in most parts of the world,soccer is the sport that is played most widelySoccer is also known as football,especially in England.However,soccer should not be confused with American Football,Australian Rules Football,and Rugby Football,which are very different sports.Although the basic rules of soccer are easy to learn,it is very difficult to master the skills of the game.The best soccer players have developed,through natural talent and hard work,a remarkable ability to control the soccer ball with their feet,knees,torso and headThey can pass the ball very accurately ,or shoot the ball very hard.The most famous soccer tournament is the World Cup.Every four years,teams representing countries from around the world play in a tournament to decide which country has the best soccer team in the world.Because soccer is such a popular sport,it is not possible for every country in the world to be represented at the World Cup tournament.To decide which countries may participate in the World Cup,it is necessary to have tournaments within various regions of the world.The countries that perform well with their parts of the world can then proceed to the World Cup.In the past,most of the available places at the World Cup have been reserved for team from Europe and from South America.The reason for this is that soccer has been extremely popularity in these continents,which have produced the winning teams in previous World Cup tournaments.Recently,however,several African and Asian countries have played quite well at the World Cup,so there are now additional places provided for teams from Africa and Asia.Someday,teams from these areas will win the World Cup.However,there will be no doubt be strong competition from countries that have traditionally had very strong teams,such as Argentina,England,Brazil,France,Germany,Italy and the Netherlands.In many parts of the world,soccer has been an increasingly popular sport for women.There are many soccer leagues and tournaments available for women athletes,and it seem likely that the number of women who play soccer will someday equal the number of men who play soccer.Among children in many parts of the world,soccer is equally popular for boys and girls.
11/17/20215 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_35 Soccer

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.torso 躯干2.accurately 准确3.tournament 锦标赛4.participate 参加5.proceed 前进原文SoccerSoccer is the most popular sport in the world.The basic rules of the sport are simple:two teams of eleven players to kick the soccer ball into the opposing team's goal.Only one player on each team,the goal-keeper,is allowed to touch the ball with hands or arms.Perhaps part of the reason for the popularity of the soccer is its simplicity.The game require no expensive equipment,merely ball and a playing surface,preferable a large grassy area.For children in most parts of the world,soccer is the sport that is played most widelySoccer is also known as football,especially in England.However,soccer should not be confused with American Football,Australian Rules Football,and Rugby Football,which are very different sports.Although the basic rules of soccer are easy to learn,it is very difficult to master the skills of the game.The best soccer players have developed,through natural talent and hard work,a remarkable ability to control the soccer ball with their feet,knees,torso and headThey can pass the ball very accurately ,or shoot the ball very hard.The most famous soccer tournament is the World Cup.Every four years,teams representing countries from around the world play in a tournament to decide which country has the best soccer team in the world.Because soccer is such a popular sport,it is not possible for every country in the world to be represented at the World Cup tournament.To decide which countries may participate in the World Cup,it is necessary to have tournaments within various regions of the world.The countries that perform well with their parts of the world can then proceed to the World Cup.In the past,most of the available places at the World Cup have been reserved for team from Europe and from South America.The reason for this is that soccer has been extremely popularity in these continents,which have produced the winning teams in previous World Cup tournaments.Recently,however,several African and Asian countries have played quite well at the World Cup,so there are now additional places provided for teams from Africa and Asia.Someday,teams from these areas will win the World Cup.However,there will be no doubt be strong competition from countries that have traditionally had very strong teams,such as Argentina,England,Brazil,France,Germany,Italy and the Netherlands.In many parts of the world,soccer has been an increasingly popular sport for women.There are many soccer leagues and tournaments available for women athletes,and it seem likely that the number of women who play soccer will someday equal the number of men who play soccer.Among children in many parts of the world,soccer is equally popular for boys and girls.
11/17/20215 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_34 London

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Empire 帝国2.emerging 新兴的3.distinct 明显的4.cockney 伦敦腔5.cosmopolitan 世界性的6.abbey 修道院7.cathedral 大教堂8.Gothic architecture 哥特式建筑9.vibrant 充满活力的原文LondonThe city of London is one of the famous cities in the world.In previous centuries,London was the center of the British Empire.Today,it is one of the most important cities of the emerging European Union.London is located in the southeastern England on the Thames River.The greater London area contains about 12 million people,and the surrounding areas contain several million more.London was the first city in the modern world to have a reached a population of one million people.London is a very old city,and many of its neighborhoods maintain their distinct character.One of the most famous parts of London is the East End,where people speak with an accent known as“cockney”.One of the features of the Cockney accent is that the letter“h”is often not pronounced.London's population is very cosmopolitan.The city contains,in addition to people of English background,large communities of South Asian,Chinese,African,and Caribbean people.Most of these people have their origins in countries that belong to the British Commonwealth of Nations.Many of the most famous buildings in London are located in a small central area.This area contains several huge churches,including Westminster Abbey,where many famous people are buried.Another famous church is St. Paul's Cathedral,which was re-built after the original was destroyed by fire in the year 1665.The House of Parliament are also found in the central London.These building are famous for their Gothic architecture and for the sound of the large clock,known as“Big Ben”.The Tower of London,which was formerly used as a prison,is now a popular tourist attraction.Buckingham Palace,the residence of the royal family,was first opened for public viewing during the 1990s.London is also famous for its many impressive museums,art galleries,and theatres.For example,the British Museum contains priceless objects from all parts of the world.The National Gallery holds a great collection of artistic masterpieces.The Globe Theatre has been re-built to appear as it did during the time of Shakespeare.Despite its age,London remains a vibrant and busy city.Most of the cultural and financial institutions in England are located in London,and the city attract many young people from other parts of England and around the world.Of course,London is popular with tourists who come to see many attractions of this city.
11/14/20215 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_34 London

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Empire 帝国2.emerging 新兴的3.distinct 明显的4.cockney 伦敦腔5.cosmopolitan 世界性的6.abbey 修道院7.cathedral 大教堂8.Gothic architecture 哥特式建筑9.vibrant 充满活力的原文LondonThe city of London is one of the famous cities in the world.In previous centuries,London was the center of the British Empire.Today,it is one of the most important cities of the emerging European Union.London is located in the southeastern England on the Thames River.The greater London area contains about 12 million people,and the surrounding areas contain several million more.London was the first city in the modern world to have a reached a population of one million people.London is a very old city,and many of its neighborhoods maintain their distinct character.One of the most famous parts of London is the East End,where people speak with an accent known as“cockney”.One of the features of the Cockney accent is that the letter“h”is often not pronounced.London's population is very cosmopolitan.The city contains,in addition to people of English background,large communities of South Asian,Chinese,African,and Caribbean people.Most of these people have their origins in countries that belong to the British Commonwealth of Nations.Many of the most famous buildings in London are located in a small central area.This area contains several huge churches,including Westminster Abbey,where many famous people are buried.Another famous church is St. Paul's Cathedral,which was re-built after the original was destroyed by fire in the year 1665.The House of Parliament are also found in the central London.These building are famous for their Gothic architecture and for the sound of the large clock,known as“Big Ben”.The Tower of London,which was formerly used as a prison,is now a popular tourist attraction.Buckingham Palace,the residence of the royal family,was first opened for public viewing during the 1990s.London is also famous for its many impressive museums,art galleries,and theatres.For example,the British Museum contains priceless objects from all parts of the world.The National Gallery holds a great collection of artistic masterpieces.The Globe Theatre has been re-built to appear as it did during the time of Shakespeare.Despite its age,London remains a vibrant and busy city.Most of the cultural and financial institutions in England are located in London,and the city attract many young people from other parts of England and around the world.Of course,London is popular with tourists who come to see many attractions of this city.
11/14/20215 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_33 Scotland

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.evicted 驱逐2.fabric 织物3.pattern 图案4.tartan 格子呢5.heritage 遗产6.bagpipes 风笛7.parades 游行原文ScotlandScotland is the country that located on the northern part of the island of the Great Britain.The Scottish people are one of the four maintain nationalities of the Britain Isles,together with the English,the Welsh,and the Irish.Scotland and its people have played an important part in the history of the English-speaking world.Scotland can be roughly divided into two main regions.The Lowland areas,in the southern part of the Scotland,contain most of the population and the two main cities,Edinburgh and Glasgow.Most of Scotland's agriculture and industry are located in the Lowland areas.The Highland areas,together with the islands that lie off the coasts of Scotland,are not so heavily populated.The lakes and mountain of the highlands are known for their beautiful scenery.One of the themes of Scottish history is conflict with England.During the Middle Ages,the English and Scottish kings were often at war.Around the year 1300,the Scots repelled some invasions from England.During the 1600s,though,Scotland and England had the same king,and the countries were official joined as“the United Kingdom”in 1701.For people in the highlands of Scotland,the eighteenth centuries was very difficult.Most people worked as farmers on land that was owned by a few wealthy landlords.The landlords decided that they could make more money on the land if they evicted the farmers,so many of the farmers were forced to leave.The highlanders rebelled against the king in 1745,but they were defeated.During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,many people left the highlands of Scotland.They moved to the United States,Canada,Australia,and New Zealand.During the nineteenth century,Scotland was the first country to have the universal public education for children.The country produced a great number of famous scientists and inventors during that time.Scotland is famous for its national costume.This costume includes the“kilt”,which is a knee-length skirt worn by both men and women.The kilt is made from a fabric that contains stripes of different colors and widths,which cross over each other produce a pattern that is called a“tartan”.In the Scottish highlands,group of related families,called“clans”,have their own unique tartan.Another famous part of Scottish heritage is the musical instrument known as the bagpipes.The bagpipes have a distinctive sound that is easily recognized.Bagpipes were original played to intimidate enemies in battle,but today Scottish people play the bagpipes at parades and other celebrations.People of Scottish heritage around the celebrate their heritage on January 25thof each year.This day celebrates the birthday of Bobbie Burns,the famous Scottish poet.People celebrate this day at parties,where people eat a famous Scottish food called haggis.Today,Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom,but some Scottish people would like Scotland to became independent.Whatever Scottish people decide,their country will remain a unique and interesting place.
11/11/20216 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_33 Scotland

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.evicted 驱逐2.fabric 织物3.pattern 图案4.tartan 格子呢5.heritage 遗产6.bagpipes 风笛7.parades 游行原文ScotlandScotland is the country that located on the northern part of the island of the Great Britain.The Scottish people are one of the four maintain nationalities of the Britain Isles,together with the English,the Welsh,and the Irish.Scotland and its people have played an important part in the history of the English-speaking world.Scotland can be roughly divided into two main regions.The Lowland areas,in the southern part of the Scotland,contain most of the population and the two main cities,Edinburgh and Glasgow.Most of Scotland's agriculture and industry are located in the Lowland areas.The Highland areas,together with the islands that lie off the coasts of Scotland,are not so heavily populated.The lakes and mountain of the highlands are known for their beautiful scenery.One of the themes of Scottish history is conflict with England.During the Middle Ages,the English and Scottish kings were often at war.Around the year 1300,the Scots repelled some invasions from England.During the 1600s,though,Scotland and England had the same king,and the countries were official joined as“the United Kingdom”in 1701.For people in the highlands of Scotland,the eighteenth centuries was very difficult.Most people worked as farmers on land that was owned by a few wealthy landlords.The landlords decided that they could make more money on the land if they evicted the farmers,so many of the farmers were forced to leave.The highlanders rebelled against the king in 1745,but they were defeated.During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,many people left the highlands of Scotland.They moved to the United States,Canada,Australia,and New Zealand.During the nineteenth century,Scotland was the first country to have the universal public education for children.The country produced a great number of famous scientists and inventors during that time.Scotland is famous for its national costume.This costume includes the“kilt”,which is a knee-length skirt worn by both men and women.The kilt is made from a fabric that contains stripes of different colors and widths,which cross over each other produce a pattern that is called a“tartan”.In the Scottish highlands,group of related families,called“clans”,have their own unique tartan.Another famous part of Scottish heritage is the musical instrument known as the bagpipes.The bagpipes have a distinctive sound that is easily recognized.Bagpipes were original played to intimidate enemies in battle,but today Scottish people play the bagpipes at parades and other celebrations.People of Scottish heritage around the celebrate their heritage on January 25thof each year.This day celebrates the birthday of Bobbie Burns,the famous Scottish poet.People celebrate this day at parties,where people eat a famous Scottish food called haggis.Today,Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom,but some Scottish people would like Scotland to became independent.Whatever Scottish people decide,their country will remain a unique and interesting place.
11/11/20216 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_32 Drug Use Among Athletes

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.amateur 业余2.anabolic steroids 合成代谢类固醇3.hormone 激素4.testosterone 睾酮5.sprinters 短跑运动员6.irrtability 易怒7.acne 痤疮8.testicles 睾丸9.menstruation 月经10.endurance 耐力11.scandal 丑闻12.interfere 干涉13.clot 凝块14.stroke 中风15.detect 查明原文Drug Use Among AthletesDrug use is a common problem in many sports competitions today.In both professional and amateur sports,many athletes use drugs that are designed to improve athletic performance.The use of these drugs may have harmful effects on the future health of athletes,but they also give an unfair advantage in athletic competitions.Some of the most widely-use-performance-enhancing drugs are called“anabolic steroids”.Anabolic steroids are drugs that are very similar to the male hormone,testosterone.These drugs allow athletes to develop larger and stronger muscles,and to increase the intensity of training.For sports that require strength,power,and speed,the use of steroids  can provide advantages.In past years,many sprinters and weightlifters have been found to have used steroids.However,anabolic steroids have many negative side effects.To give just a few example,steroids can cause changes in mood,including irritability and anger,and can also cause skin problems such as acne.In men,steroid use can lead to reduction in the function of the testicles.In women,steroid use can interfere with menstruation.In both men and women,long-term side effects include an increased risk of some forms of cancer.Another wild-used drug is known as EPO.EPO is a hormone that helps to produce red blood cells,which carry oxygen to the muscles.When taken by athletes who compete in sports that require great endurance,EPO may provide an advantage by allowing the athletes to maintain their speed,for a longer time and distance.During 1998,there was a scandal at a famous bicycle race,the Tour de France,when it was found that many of these long-distance cyclists were using EPO to gain an advantage to over their competitors.EPO has side effects.For example,it increases the likelihood of developing blood clots,which increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack.One difficulty in preventing the use of performance-enhancing drugs is that it is not always possible to detect the use of the drugs.Tests have been developed to detect the drugs,but new verities of the drugs are often not detected.Also,athletes who stop using the drugs well before a drug test may avoid being detected.Preventing the use of performance-enhancing drugs in athletes is difficult,but it is important.Most athletes want to compete without artificial substances that provide easy advantages,and they do not want to risk of their health by using these substances.If those athlete are to have a fair chance,it is necessary to prevent other athlete from gaining advantages due to the use of these drugs.
11/8/20216 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_32 Drug Use Among Athletes

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.amateur 业余2.anabolic steroids 合成代谢类固醇3.hormone 激素4.testosterone 睾酮5.sprinters 短跑运动员6.irrtability 易怒7.acne 痤疮8.testicles 睾丸9.menstruation 月经10.endurance 耐力11.scandal 丑闻12.interfere 干涉13.clot 凝块14.stroke 中风15.detect 查明原文Drug Use Among AthletesDrug use is a common problem in many sports competitions today.In both professional and amateur sports,many athletes use drugs that are designed to improve athletic performance.The use of these drugs may have harmful effects on the future health of athletes,but they also give an unfair advantage in athletic competitions.Some of the most widely-use-performance-enhancing drugs are called“anabolic steroids”.Anabolic steroids are drugs that are very similar to the male hormone,testosterone.These drugs allow athletes to develop larger and stronger muscles,and to increase the intensity of training.For sports that require strength,power,and speed,the use of steroids  can provide advantages.In past years,many sprinters and weightlifters have been found to have used steroids.However,anabolic steroids have many negative side effects.To give just a few example,steroids can cause changes in mood,including irritability and anger,and can also cause skin problems such as acne.In men,steroid use can lead to reduction in the function of the testicles.In women,steroid use can interfere with menstruation.In both men and women,long-term side effects include an increased risk of some forms of cancer.Another wild-used drug is known as EPO.EPO is a hormone that helps to produce red blood cells,which carry oxygen to the muscles.When taken by athletes who compete in sports that require great endurance,EPO may provide an advantage by allowing the athletes to maintain their speed,for a longer time and distance.During 1998,there was a scandal at a famous bicycle race,the Tour de France,when it was found that many of these long-distance cyclists were using EPO to gain an advantage to over their competitors.EPO has side effects.For example,it increases the likelihood of developing blood clots,which increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack.One difficulty in preventing the use of performance-enhancing drugs is that it is not always possible to detect the use of the drugs.Tests have been developed to detect the drugs,but new verities of the drugs are often not detected.Also,athletes who stop using the drugs well before a drug test may avoid being detected.Preventing the use of performance-enhancing drugs in athletes is difficult,but it is important.Most athletes want to compete without artificial substances that provide easy advantages,and they do not want to risk of their health by using these substances.If those athlete are to have a fair chance,it is necessary to prevent other athlete from gaining advantages due to the use of these drugs.
11/8/20216 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_31 California

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.populous 人口众多的2.diversity 差异化3.regions 区域4.exceed 超过5.slope 山坡6.priests 交付7.suburbs 郊区8.smog 烟雾9.trolley car 电车10.vibrant 充满活力原文CaliforniaBy far the most populous state of the United States is California.Located in the southwestern corner of the United States,California is home to a great diversity of natural environments and cultural influences.In the year 2000,over 33 million people lived in California.California's many mountains and valleys produce a wide verity of climates and natural regions.In the interior,southeastern parts of the state are many areas of desert.For example,Death Valley,which is so deep that it is below sea level,is extremely dry.Temperatures in Death Valley sometimes exceed 50 degrees Celsius.Other valleys are more pleasant and hospitable places.In the central valley,many farms grow vast amounts of fruits and vegetables.California also contains many tall,snow-covered mountains.On the slopes of some mountains are forests that have many large trees.Some of the giant redwood trees of California reach heights of 100 meters or moreMany of the cities in California have Spanish name.This because many of those cities began as religious missions that were started by Spanish priests.Mexico owned California during the early nineteenth century,but few Mexican people lived there.The United States gained control of California during the 1840s,and the discovery of gold brought many Americans and others to California.Today,California contains some of the largest cities in the United States.Within the greater Los Angeles area,one can find Hollywood,known as the movie capital of the world.Many rich people live in suburbs such as Beverly Hills,and many poor people live in other neighborhoods throughout the city.The Los Angeles area is home to over 15 million people,many of whom have immigrated to the United States from Mexico and from many Asian countries.Los Angeles is a very large city that has spread across a great area.As a consequence,the city has many traffic jams and air pollution,or smog,is sometimes a problem.Further north is the city of San Francisco,one of the most beautiful cities of the United States.The image of the Golden Gate Bridge,which crosses the harbor of San Francisco,is famous around the world.Also famous are the hilly streets of San Francisco and the trolley cars that provide transportation along them.San Francisco's Chinese community is one of the largest in North America,and the cities also contains vibrant artistic and cultural life.San Francisco was destroyed by an earthquake in 1906 and was damaged again in 1989.California has always had a special place in the imagination of Americans.This is hardly surprising,given the variety and diversity of this vast state!
11/5/20216 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_31 California

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.populous 人口众多的2.diversity 差异化3.regions 区域4.exceed 超过5.slope 山坡6.priests 交付7.suburbs 郊区8.smog 烟雾9.trolley car 电车10.vibrant 充满活力原文CaliforniaBy far the most populous state of the United States is California.Located in the southwestern corner of the United States,California is home to a great diversity of natural environments and cultural influences.In the year 2000,over 33 million people lived in California.California's many mountains and valleys produce a wide verity of climates and natural regions.In the interior,southeastern parts of the state are many areas of desert.For example,Death Valley,which is so deep that it is below sea level,is extremely dry.Temperatures in Death Valley sometimes exceed 50 degrees Celsius.Other valleys are more pleasant and hospitable places.In the central valley,many farms grow vast amounts of fruits and vegetables.California also contains many tall,snow-covered mountains.On the slopes of some mountains are forests that have many large trees.Some of the giant redwood trees of California reach heights of 100 meters or moreMany of the cities in California have Spanish name.This because many of those cities began as religious missions that were started by Spanish priests.Mexico owned California during the early nineteenth century,but few Mexican people lived there.The United States gained control of California during the 1840s,and the discovery of gold brought many Americans and others to California.Today,California contains some of the largest cities in the United States.Within the greater Los Angeles area,one can find Hollywood,known as the movie capital of the world.Many rich people live in suburbs such as Beverly Hills,and many poor people live in other neighborhoods throughout the city.The Los Angeles area is home to over 15 million people,many of whom have immigrated to the United States from Mexico and from many Asian countries.Los Angeles is a very large city that has spread across a great area.As a consequence,the city has many traffic jams and air pollution,or smog,is sometimes a problem.Further north is the city of San Francisco,one of the most beautiful cities of the United States.The image of the Golden Gate Bridge,which crosses the harbor of San Francisco,is famous around the world.Also famous are the hilly streets of San Francisco and the trolley cars that provide transportation along them.San Francisco's Chinese community is one of the largest in North America,and the cities also contains vibrant artistic and cultural life.San Francisco was destroyed by an earthquake in 1906 and was damaged again in 1989.California has always had a special place in the imagination of Americans.This is hardly surprising,given the variety and diversity of this vast state!
11/5/20216 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_30 New York City

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.urban 城市的2.permanent settlements 永久定居点3.Jewish 犹太人4.dramatic skyline 引人注目的天际线5.architecture 建筑学6.district 地区7.headquarters 总部8.Statue of Liberty 自由女神像9.bustling 繁忙的原文New York CityNew York City is the largest city in the United States,and one of the largest cities in the world.The city of New York has a population of over seven million people,and the surrounding urban areas bring the total to about twenty million people.However,New York City is not merely a very large city;it is also known as one of the world's leading centers of financial,artistic,and media activities.Compared with most of the great cities of the world,New York is very young.The first permanent settlements were established during the seventeenth century,by settlers from the Netherlands.Those people named their town“New Amsterdam”.Soon,the colony was taken over by English settlers,who re-named the city“New York”.New York grew very quickly,and by the nineteenth century it was the largest city of the United States.New York was usually the place where new immigrants to the United States would arrive.In the nineteenth century,immigrants from Germany and Ireland were numerous in New York.In the early twentieth century,New York City was the home of many Jewish immigrants,and also immigrants from Italy.In addition,many African-American people arrived New York from other parts of the United States,and many persons came to New York form the American territory of Puerto Rico,a Spanish-speaking island in the Caribbean.In more recent decades,immigrants have arrived New York from places all over the world.One of the most famous features of New York City is its dramatic skyline.New York has more tall buildings,called“Skyscrapers”,than any other city in the world.Many of the tallest and most interesting building in New York-including the Woolworth Building,the Chrysler Building,and the Empire State Building were constructed during the early decades of the twentieth century.In addition to these impressive buildings,New York is also known for the huge bridges that join the island of Manhattan to the surrounding areas.The Brooklyn Bridge is the most famous of these remarkable and old bridges.Of course,New York is famous for much more than just its architecture.New York City's financial district,Wall Street,and its theatre district,centered on Broadway,are the most important in the United States.Center Park is one of the world's great urban parks,and the art galleries,museums,and concert halls are among the greatest to be found anywhere.The United Nations has its headquarters in New York City.People around the world recognized the famous Statue of Liberty,which stands on an island in the harbor of New York,and the bustling Time Square ,located in the mid-town Manhattan area.Visitors to New York find it to be an extremely busy,fast-placed city,and are struck by the extremes of wealth and poverty that surround it.Many people love New York City,but even those who would not want to live in New York do agree that it is a very interesting place.
11/2/20216 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_30 New York City

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.urban 城市的2.permanent settlements 永久定居点3.Jewish 犹太人4.dramatic skyline 引人注目的天际线5.architecture 建筑学6.district 地区7.headquarters 总部8.Statue of Liberty 自由女神像9.bustling 繁忙的原文New York CityNew York City is the largest city in the United States,and one of the largest cities in the world.The city of New York has a population of over seven million people,and the surrounding urban areas bring the total to about twenty million people.However,New York City is not merely a very large city;it is also known as one of the world's leading centers of financial,artistic,and media activities.Compared with most of the great cities of the world,New York is very young.The first permanent settlements were established during the seventeenth century,by settlers from the Netherlands.Those people named their town“New Amsterdam”.Soon,the colony was taken over by English settlers,who re-named the city“New York”.New York grew very quickly,and by the nineteenth century it was the largest city of the United States.New York was usually the place where new immigrants to the United States would arrive.In the nineteenth century,immigrants from Germany and Ireland were numerous in New York.In the early twentieth century,New York City was the home of many Jewish immigrants,and also immigrants from Italy.In addition,many African-American people arrived New York from other parts of the United States,and many persons came to New York form the American territory of Puerto Rico,a Spanish-speaking island in the Caribbean.In more recent decades,immigrants have arrived New York from places all over the world.One of the most famous features of New York City is its dramatic skyline.New York has more tall buildings,called“Skyscrapers”,than any other city in the world.Many of the tallest and most interesting building in New York-including the Woolworth Building,the Chrysler Building,and the Empire State Building were constructed during the early decades of the twentieth century.In addition to these impressive buildings,New York is also known for the huge bridges that join the island of Manhattan to the surrounding areas.The Brooklyn Bridge is the most famous of these remarkable and old bridges.Of course,New York is famous for much more than just its architecture.New York City's financial district,Wall Street,and its theatre district,centered on Broadway,are the most important in the United States.Center Park is one of the world's great urban parks,and the art galleries,museums,and concert halls are among the greatest to be found anywhere.The United Nations has its headquarters in New York City.People around the world recognized the famous Statue of Liberty,which stands on an island in the harbor of New York,and the bustling Time Square ,located in the mid-town Manhattan area.Visitors to New York find it to be an extremely busy,fast-placed city,and are struck by the extremes of wealth and poverty that surround it.Many people love New York City,but even those who would not want to live in New York do agree that it is a very interesting place.
11/2/20216 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_29 The Rights of the Accused

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.prosecutors 检察官2.habeas corpus 人身保护令3.warrant 许可证4.detain 扣留5.Commonwealth 英联邦6.witness 目击者7.statement 陈述8.committed 忠诚的9.arbitrary invasions 任意入侵10.tried 被审判原文The Rights of the AccusedIn English-speaking countries,the rights of an accused person are taken very seriously.Over many centuries,laws involved in such a way that people could not be arrested or charged without a very good reason.Of course,every country needs to enforce its laws.This means the police officers are needed,and so are “prosecutors”the lawyers whose job is to make criminal charges against people who break the laws,and to prove those charges are true.However,it is important that people's freedom are not taken away wrongly.People should not be punished unfairly,and people who are accused of crimes must have the opportunity to defend themselves.In some parts of the world,people can be arrested and imprisoned for long periods of time without any criminal charges being made against them.One of the most important principle of justice in English-speaking countries is that a person cannot be held by the police unless that person is charged with a crime.This principle is known by the Latin term“habeas corpus”.According to the idea of habeas corpus,the police are not allowed to detain a person more than a certain period of time(usually twenty-four hours),unless some charge is made against the person.A judge will order the release of a person who is not charged with a crime.Another important feature of justice systems in most English-speaking countries is that accused individuals have the right to be represented by a lawyer.Most accused people want to hire an expert lawyer.However,even if a person cannot afford to hire a lawyer,the criminal court must provide a lawyer who will represent that person.The lawyer for a accused person is required to defend that person as thoroughly as possible.One of the most important aspects of justice systems in the United States and British Commonwealth is that an accused person must be full informed of any charges made against them.Also,any evidence that will be used to show the accused person's guilt must be shared with that accused person and with that person's lawyer.In this way,accused persons can challenge the truth of any evidence that will be used against them.Similarly,any person who acts as a witness against an accused person can be across-examined by the accused person's lawyer.This means that the statements of a witness can be challenge by the accused person.Another important element of most English-speaking justice systems is that evidence must be obtained fairly.Police officers cannot simply enter a person's home to look for evidence of a crime.They must first have a good reason to believe that a crime has been committed,and they must obtain a permission from a judge to enter the person's property.This permission is called a “search warrant”.Because search warrants are required,people are free from arbitrary invasions of their property by the police.Finally,another important aspect of most English-speaking justice systems is that trails must be held in public,where other citizens can watch the trial.An accused person is not tried secretly.Moreover,as discuss in another passage,the accused person has the right to tried by jury of other free citizens.All of these rules ensure that order can be maintained without taking away the free of innocent people.
10/30/20217 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_29 The Rights of the Accused

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.prosecutors 检察官2.habeas corpus 人身保护令3.warrant 许可证4.detain 扣留5.Commonwealth 英联邦6.witness 目击者7.statement 陈述8.committed 忠诚的9.arbitrary invasions 任意入侵10.tried 被审判原文The Rights of the AccusedIn English-speaking countries,the rights of an accused person are taken very seriously.Over many centuries,laws involved in such a way that people could not be arrested or charged without a very good reason.Of course,every country needs to enforce its laws.This means the police officers are needed,and so are “prosecutors”the lawyers whose job is to make criminal charges against people who break the laws,and to prove those charges are true.However,it is important that people's freedom are not taken away wrongly.People should not be punished unfairly,and people who are accused of crimes must have the opportunity to defend themselves.In some parts of the world,people can be arrested and imprisoned for long periods of time without any criminal charges being made against them.One of the most important principle of justice in English-speaking countries is that a person cannot be held by the police unless that person is charged with a crime.This principle is known by the Latin term“habeas corpus”.According to the idea of habeas corpus,the police are not allowed to detain a person more than a certain period of time(usually twenty-four hours),unless some charge is made against the person.A judge will order the release of a person who is not charged with a crime.Another important feature of justice systems in most English-speaking countries is that accused individuals have the right to be represented by a lawyer.Most accused people want to hire an expert lawyer.However,even if a person cannot afford to hire a lawyer,the criminal court must provide a lawyer who will represent that person.The lawyer for a accused person is required to defend that person as thoroughly as possible.One of the most important aspects of justice systems in the United States and British Commonwealth is that an accused person must be full informed of any charges made against them.Also,any evidence that will be used to show the accused person's guilt must be shared with that accused person and with that person's lawyer.In this way,accused persons can challenge the truth of any evidence that will be used against them.Similarly,any person who acts as a witness against an accused person can be across-examined by the accused person's lawyer.This means that the statements of a witness can be challenge by the accused person.Another important element of most English-speaking justice systems is that evidence must be obtained fairly.Police officers cannot simply enter a person's home to look for evidence of a crime.They must first have a good reason to believe that a crime has been committed,and they must obtain a permission from a judge to enter the person's property.This permission is called a “search warrant”.Because search warrants are required,people are free from arbitrary invasions of their property by the police.Finally,another important aspect of most English-speaking justice systems is that trails must be held in public,where other citizens can watch the trial.An accused person is not tried secretly.Moreover,as discuss in another passage,the accused person has the right to tried by jury of other free citizens.All of these rules ensure that order can be maintained without taking away the free of innocent people.
10/30/20217 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_28 George Washington Carver

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.despite adversity 尽管在逆境2.kidnapped 被绑架3.intense 强烈的4.attended 出席5.rotating 轮换6.preserve 保存7.paints 油漆8.cosmetics 化妆品9.monument 纪念碑原文George Washington CarverGeorge Washington Carver is possible the most famous agricultural scientist of all time.He invented hundreds of products that could be made from crops such as peanuts and sweet potatoes,and he changed the methods of farming in the southern United States.The story of George Washington Carver's life is interesting and inspiring,as it shows how some people can achieve success despite adversity.George Washington Carver was born in a small town in the American state of Missouri,in 1864 or 1865.He was named after the first President of the United States.George's parents were slaves.His father was killed in an accident,and his mother was kidnapped and later died.George and his brother was raised by a married couple,the Carvers,who had owned George's mother.George was often sick during his childhood,but he showed an intense interest in nature.The Carvers taught George to read and write,and he became known locally as an expert on plants.Later,the Carvers sent George to a school for African-American children in a nearby town.After his graduation,George Washington Carver continued his education in the state of Iowa.While a student in Iowa,Carver had very little money and had to work at many jobs to afford the costs of his education.However,his knowledge of plants was very impressive,and after receiving his Master's degree,he became a teacher in the college he had attended as a student.Soon,however,Carver moved south to the state of Alabama,where he worked as a teacher and researcher at a college for African-American students.It was here that Carver stayed for the rest of his life,and was here he performed his important agricultural research.One problem for farmers in the southern United States was that the most widespread crops,cotton and tobacco,tended to remove the nutrients from the soil.Carver realized that this problem could be solved ,to some extent,by“rotating”the cotton and tobacco crops with other kinds of crops,such as peanuts and sweet potatoes,which could help preserve the nutrients in the soil.Carver's discoveries made the peanuts,the sweet potatoes,and the soybean very useful to southern farmers.He invented the food product knowns peanut butter,plus hundreds of other products.For example,Carver found ways to produce plastics,ink,cooking oil,paints,and cosmetics from peanuts and other crops.Carver also developed a new variety of cotton.Carver received many awards for his scientific research,but he never interested in fame or fortune.When Carver died,in 1943,the American government made his birthplace a national monument.Today,Carver are still known as a great agricultural scientist.
10/27/20216 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_28 George Washington Carver

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.despite adversity 尽管在逆境2.kidnapped 被绑架3.intense 强烈的4.attended 出席5.rotating 轮换6.preserve 保存7.paints 油漆8.cosmetics 化妆品9.monument 纪念碑原文George Washington CarverGeorge Washington Carver is possible the most famous agricultural scientist of all time.He invented hundreds of products that could be made from crops such as peanuts and sweet potatoes,and he changed the methods of farming in the southern United States.The story of George Washington Carver's life is interesting and inspiring,as it shows how some people can achieve success despite adversity.George Washington Carver was born in a small town in the American state of Missouri,in 1864 or 1865.He was named after the first President of the United States.George's parents were slaves.His father was killed in an accident,and his mother was kidnapped and later died.George and his brother was raised by a married couple,the Carvers,who had owned George's mother.George was often sick during his childhood,but he showed an intense interest in nature.The Carvers taught George to read and write,and he became known locally as an expert on plants.Later,the Carvers sent George to a school for African-American children in a nearby town.After his graduation,George Washington Carver continued his education in the state of Iowa.While a student in Iowa,Carver had very little money and had to work at many jobs to afford the costs of his education.However,his knowledge of plants was very impressive,and after receiving his Master's degree,he became a teacher in the college he had attended as a student.Soon,however,Carver moved south to the state of Alabama,where he worked as a teacher and researcher at a college for African-American students.It was here that Carver stayed for the rest of his life,and was here he performed his important agricultural research.One problem for farmers in the southern United States was that the most widespread crops,cotton and tobacco,tended to remove the nutrients from the soil.Carver realized that this problem could be solved ,to some extent,by“rotating”the cotton and tobacco crops with other kinds of crops,such as peanuts and sweet potatoes,which could help preserve the nutrients in the soil.Carver's discoveries made the peanuts,the sweet potatoes,and the soybean very useful to southern farmers.He invented the food product knowns peanut butter,plus hundreds of other products.For example,Carver found ways to produce plastics,ink,cooking oil,paints,and cosmetics from peanuts and other crops.Carver also developed a new variety of cotton.Carver received many awards for his scientific research,but he never interested in fame or fortune.When Carver died,in 1943,the American government made his birthplace a national monument.Today,Carver are still known as a great agricultural scientist.
10/27/20216 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_27 The Earth Revolves Around the Sun

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.revolves 环绕2.geocentric 地心的3.philosophers 哲学家4.heliocentric 日心的5.Polish astronomer 波兰天文学家6.demonstrating 论证7.Catholic 天主教8.authorities 当局9.renounced 宣布放弃10.elliptical 椭圆形11.oval 卵形的原文The Earth Revolves Around the SunOne year is the time required for the earth to travel around the sun.For most years ,however,people did not know that the earth moved around the sun.Instead,people believed that the sun moved around the earth.The old idea that the sun moved around the earth is known as the“geocentric”theory.This idea was first made famous by an ancient Greek scientist,Ptolemy,who lived in Egypt nearly 2000 years ago.Some other Greek Philosophers had suggested that the earth might travel around the sun.However,this idea,which is known as the“heliocentric”theory,was not widely accepted.For centuries,people in Europe did not seriously question Ptolemy's geocentric theory.During the early fifteenth century,however,a Polish astronomer named Nicolaus Copernicus began to think that the heliocentric idea was right,and that the geocentric idea was wrong.Shortly before his death,Copernicus wrote a book that described the mathematical details of his theory that the earth revolved,or travelled around the sun.Later astronomers came to agree with Copernicus's view.One of the most famous of these was Galileo,an Italian scientist.Galileo was famous for the demonstrating that light and heavy objects fall at exactly the same speed,unless the object is so light that it is slowed by the air.Galileo was also the first astronomer to used a powerful telescope to observe the sky.He discovered many unknown features of the moon,the sun,and the planets.When Galileo announced that he believed in Copernicus's theory that the earth revolved around the sun,some officials of the Roman Catholic Church were angry.They argued that this theory was against the beliefs of the Church.Some church officials disagreed with this view,but the authorities decided Galileo should be punished by“house arrest”(In other words,Galileo was not allowed to leave his house).Also,Galileo was forced to made a public statement that renounced his belief in the heliocentric theory.At about the same time that Galileo supported the heliocentric idea,another astronomer did some important work that supported Copernicus's view.This astronomer was Johannes Kepler,who lived in Germany.Kepler used the observations of previous scientists to figure out the motion of the planets around the sun.He realized that the planets did not travel in circular paths,but instead in paths that were elliptical,or oval ,in shape.Kepler's discoveries showed mathematically how the planets would revolve around the sun.Today,everyone knows that the earth moves around the sun,but for a long time,it seemed more reasonable to believe that the sun moved around the earth.We can thank the great scientists of the past who discovered the surprising truth.
10/24/20216 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_27 The Earth Revolves Around the Sun

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.revolves 环绕2.geocentric 地心的3.philosophers 哲学家4.heliocentric 日心的5.Polish astronomer 波兰天文学家6.demonstrating 论证7.Catholic 天主教8.authorities 当局9.renounced 宣布放弃10.elliptical 椭圆形11.oval 卵形的原文The Earth Revolves Around the SunOne year is the time required for the earth to travel around the sun.For most years ,however,people did not know that the earth moved around the sun.Instead,people believed that the sun moved around the earth.The old idea that the sun moved around the earth is known as the“geocentric”theory.This idea was first made famous by an ancient Greek scientist,Ptolemy,who lived in Egypt nearly 2000 years ago.Some other Greek Philosophers had suggested that the earth might travel around the sun.However,this idea,which is known as the“heliocentric”theory,was not widely accepted.For centuries,people in Europe did not seriously question Ptolemy's geocentric theory.During the early fifteenth century,however,a Polish astronomer named Nicolaus Copernicus began to think that the heliocentric idea was right,and that the geocentric idea was wrong.Shortly before his death,Copernicus wrote a book that described the mathematical details of his theory that the earth revolved,or travelled around the sun.Later astronomers came to agree with Copernicus's view.One of the most famous of these was Galileo,an Italian scientist.Galileo was famous for the demonstrating that light and heavy objects fall at exactly the same speed,unless the object is so light that it is slowed by the air.Galileo was also the first astronomer to used a powerful telescope to observe the sky.He discovered many unknown features of the moon,the sun,and the planets.When Galileo announced that he believed in Copernicus's theory that the earth revolved around the sun,some officials of the Roman Catholic Church were angry.They argued that this theory was against the beliefs of the Church.Some church officials disagreed with this view,but the authorities decided Galileo should be punished by“house arrest”(In other words,Galileo was not allowed to leave his house).Also,Galileo was forced to made a public statement that renounced his belief in the heliocentric theory.At about the same time that Galileo supported the heliocentric idea,another astronomer did some important work that supported Copernicus's view.This astronomer was Johannes Kepler,who lived in Germany.Kepler used the observations of previous scientists to figure out the motion of the planets around the sun.He realized that the planets did not travel in circular paths,but instead in paths that were elliptical,or oval ,in shape.Kepler's discoveries showed mathematically how the planets would revolve around the sun.Today,everyone knows that the earth moves around the sun,but for a long time,it seemed more reasonable to believe that the sun moved around the earth.We can thank the great scientists of the past who discovered the surprising truth.
10/24/20216 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_26 Australia:People

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Aborigines 土著人2.spiritual attachment 精神依恋3.curved 弧形的4.boomerang 回力标5.separate colonies 独立殖民地原文Australia:PeopleThe first people who lived in Australia were known as the Aborigines.The Aborigines came to Australia by boat more than 40000years ago.They are the first people in the world who are known to have used boat for transportation.Even though many parts of Australia were very inhospitable places,the Aborigines survived.They lived by hunting and gathering throughout the continent,even in desert areas where survival is almost impossible.The Aborigines felt a deep spiritual attachment to the land,and they made many beautiful paintings upon the rocks of many parts of the county.Their most famous invention is a curved hunting stick known as the“boomerang”.The design of the boomerang is remarkable,because it can be thrown in such a way that it will turn around and return to the person who threw it.Until about two hundred years ago,the Aborigines had only a very limited amount of contact with people in the outside world.The next people to migrate to Australia were from the British Isles.Beginning in the late eighteen century,Australia was used for a prison colony,where common criminal and political prisoners were sent from Britain.By the middle of the nineteenth century,many British people moved to Australia voluntarily to begin farms or to search for gold.By the late nineteenth century,Britain stopped sending its prisoners to Australia,but migration continued.After the arrival of the British colonists,the Aborigines population declined sharply.This was partly due to disease,partly due to cruel treatment by settlers,and partly due to the loss of their traditional way of life.Today,the Aboriginal population is growing again,and the Australian government has taken some steps to correct the injustices of the past.The various parts of Australia were governed at first as separate colonies,but in 1901 they joined to form a single country.Australia continue to grow during the twentieth century,and after World War Two it attracted many immigrants from countries in Europe.During the past few decades,many people have moved to Australia from various parts of Asia and from other parts of the world.Today,Australia consists of one territory(the Northern Territory)and six states(Western Australia,South Australia,Tasmania,Victoria,New South Wales,and Queensland).Tasmania is a small island off the southern coast,and Victoria,New South Wales,and Queensland are found in the eastern part of the country.The two largest cities in Australia are Sydney and Melbourne,both of which are in the southeastern part of the country.Sydney has a beautiful harbor that is one of the largest in the world,and Melbourne has many beautiful parks and gardens.The capital city of the country is Canberra,which is located between Sydney and Melbourne.Other large cities in Australia are Brisbane(in the northeast),Perth(in the southwest),and Adelaide(in the south).
10/21/20216 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_26 Australia:People

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Aborigines 土著人2.spiritual attachment 精神依恋3.curved 弧形的4.boomerang 回力标5.separate colonies 独立殖民地原文Australia:PeopleThe first people who lived in Australia were known as the Aborigines.The Aborigines came to Australia by boat more than 40000years ago.They are the first people in the world who are known to have used boat for transportation.Even though many parts of Australia were very inhospitable places,the Aborigines survived.They lived by hunting and gathering throughout the continent,even in desert areas where survival is almost impossible.The Aborigines felt a deep spiritual attachment to the land,and they made many beautiful paintings upon the rocks of many parts of the county.Their most famous invention is a curved hunting stick known as the“boomerang”.The design of the boomerang is remarkable,because it can be thrown in such a way that it will turn around and return to the person who threw it.Until about two hundred years ago,the Aborigines had only a very limited amount of contact with people in the outside world.The next people to migrate to Australia were from the British Isles.Beginning in the late eighteen century,Australia was used for a prison colony,where common criminal and political prisoners were sent from Britain.By the middle of the nineteenth century,many British people moved to Australia voluntarily to begin farms or to search for gold.By the late nineteenth century,Britain stopped sending its prisoners to Australia,but migration continued.After the arrival of the British colonists,the Aborigines population declined sharply.This was partly due to disease,partly due to cruel treatment by settlers,and partly due to the loss of their traditional way of life.Today,the Aboriginal population is growing again,and the Australian government has taken some steps to correct the injustices of the past.The various parts of Australia were governed at first as separate colonies,but in 1901 they joined to form a single country.Australia continue to grow during the twentieth century,and after World War Two it attracted many immigrants from countries in Europe.During the past few decades,many people have moved to Australia from various parts of Asia and from other parts of the world.Today,Australia consists of one territory(the Northern Territory)and six states(Western Australia,South Australia,Tasmania,Victoria,New South Wales,and Queensland).Tasmania is a small island off the southern coast,and Victoria,New South Wales,and Queensland are found in the eastern part of the country.The two largest cities in Australia are Sydney and Melbourne,both of which are in the southeastern part of the country.Sydney has a beautiful harbor that is one of the largest in the world,and Melbourne has many beautiful parks and gardens.The capital city of the country is Canberra,which is located between Sydney and Melbourne.Other large cities in Australia are Brisbane(in the northeast),Perth(in the southwest),and Adelaide(in the south).
10/21/20216 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_25 Australia:Nature

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hemisphere 半球2.remote 遥远的3.outback 内陆4.ranched 牧场5.harsh 恶劣的6.thick lush vegetation 茂密的植被7.exotic 异国风情的8.coral 珊瑚9.reef 暗礁10.barrier 障碍11.category 类别12.marsupial 有袋动物13.pouch 育儿袋14.hopping 跳跃15.eucalyptus 桉树原文Australia:NatureAustralia is the only country in the world that is also a continent.Located in the southern hemisphere,between the Pacific and Indian Oceans,Australia is also one of the largest countries in the world.Despite its vast size,Australia does not have a large population.In the year 2000,there were about 19 million people in Australia.Most Australians live within a short distance of the ocean,because much of the interior of Australia is extremely dry.The remote areas of Australia,known as the“outback”,contains several sandy,rocky deserts.Some parts of the outback receive somewhat rainfall,and can support some grassy vegetables.In these areas,there are many ranches or farms,where sheep and cattle are raised.Although the outback of Australia is a harsh place,some parts of it are quite beautiful.In the middle of the Australia continent,a large red rock known as Uluru stands in the deserts.It is nearly 350 meters tall and is nearly 10 kilometers around.Tourists come from all over the world to see this huge and beautiful rock in the middle of a flat desert.In contrast to the dry interior areas,the northern coast of Australia receive a great deal of rainfall.This area is covered in thick,lush vegetation,with tropic rainforests whose exotic trees and flowers are found nowhere else in the world.Off the north-east coast of the continent,a large coral reef known as the Great Barrier Reef if found.A coral reef is a structure that consists of the bodies of small underwater animal called coral,whose dead bodies created this unusual structure beneath the surface of the water.The reef and the underwater life surrounding it are especially beautiful.Australia was separated from the rest of the world for millions of years.As a result,many of the plants and animals species in Australia are very different those in other parts of the world.For example,many of the animals in Australia belong to a special category called the“marsupials”.Marsupials are mammals,but they are a special kind of mammal,because they give birth to offspring that are not yet well developed.In many marsupials,the offspring continue to develop,after being born,inside a pocket or“pouch”on the mother's body.The most famous marsupial is the kangaroo.Kangaroos can travel at great speeds by hopping on their hind legs and using their large tails for balance.The kangaroo is a rather large animal,with the large individuals sometimes weighing 90 kilograms.Another famous marsupial is the koala.This animal sometimes is called a koala bear,because it looks somewhat like a small bear.The koala lives in branches of trees called eucalyptus trees.Koala eats the leaves of eucalyptus trees.Of course,Australia also has people.We will discuss the people of Australia in the next passage.Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent.Located in the southern hemisphere,between the Pacific and Indian Oceans,Australia is also one of the largest countries in the world.Despite its vast size,Australia does not have a large population.In the year 2000,there were about 19 million people in Australia.Most Australians live within a short distance of the ocean,because much of the interior of Australia is extremely dry.The remote areas of Australia,known as the“outback”,contains several sandy,rocky deserts.Some parts of the outback receive somewhat rainfall,and can support some grassy vegetables.In these areas,there are many ranches or farms,where sheep and cattle are raised.Although the outback of Australia is a harsh place,some parts of it are quite beautiful.In the middle of the Australia continent,a large red rock known as Uluru stands in the deserts.It is nearly 350 meters tall and is nearly 10 kilometers around.Tourists come from all over the world to see this huge and beautiful rock in the middle of a flat desert.In contrast to the dry interior areas,the northern coast of Australia receive a great deal of rainfall.This area is covered in thick,lush vegetation,with tropic rainforests whose exotic trees and flowers are found nowhere else in the world.Off the north-east coast of the continent,a large coral reef known as the Great Barrier Reef if found.A coral reef is a structure that consists of the bodies of small underwater animal called coral,whose dead bodies created this unusual structure beneath the surface of the water.The reef and the underwater life surrounding it are especially beautiful.Australia was separated from the rest of the world for millions of years.As a result,many of the plants and animals species in Australia are very different those in other parts of the world.For example,many of the animals in Australia belong to a special category called the“marsupials”.Marsupials are mammals,but they are a special kind of mammal,because they give birth to offspring that are not yet well developed.In many marsupials,the offspring continue to develop,after being born,inside a pocket or“pouch”on the mother's body.The most famous marsupial is the kangaroo.Kangaroos can travel at great speeds by hopping on their hind legs and using their large tails for balance.The kangaroo is a rather large animal,with the large individuals sometimes weighing 90 kilograms.Another famous marsupial is the koala.This animal sometimes is called a koala bear,because it looks somewhat like a small bear.The koala lives in branches of trees called eucalyptus trees.Koala eats the leaves of eucalyptus trees.Of course,Australia also has people.We will discuss the people of Australia in the next passage.
10/18/20216 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_25 Australia:Nature

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hemisphere 半球2.remote 遥远的3.outback 内陆4.ranched 牧场5.harsh 恶劣的6.thick lush vegetation 茂密的植被7.exotic 异国风情的8.coral 珊瑚9.reef 暗礁10.barrier 障碍11.category 类别12.marsupial 有袋动物13.pouch 育儿袋14.hopping 跳跃15.eucalyptus 桉树原文Australia:NatureAustralia is the only country in the world that is also a continent.Located in the southern hemisphere,between the Pacific and Indian Oceans,Australia is also one of the largest countries in the world.Despite its vast size,Australia does not have a large population.In the year 2000,there were about 19 million people in Australia.Most Australians live within a short distance of the ocean,because much of the interior of Australia is extremely dry.The remote areas of Australia,known as the“outback”,contains several sandy,rocky deserts.Some parts of the outback receive somewhat rainfall,and can support some grassy vegetables.In these areas,there are many ranches or farms,where sheep and cattle are raised.Although the outback of Australia is a harsh place,some parts of it are quite beautiful.In the middle of the Australia continent,a large red rock known as Uluru stands in the deserts.It is nearly 350 meters tall and is nearly 10 kilometers around.Tourists come from all over the world to see this huge and beautiful rock in the middle of a flat desert.In contrast to the dry interior areas,the northern coast of Australia receive a great deal of rainfall.This area is covered in thick,lush vegetation,with tropic rainforests whose exotic trees and flowers are found nowhere else in the world.Off the north-east coast of the continent,a large coral reef known as the Great Barrier Reef if found.A coral reef is a structure that consists of the bodies of small underwater animal called coral,whose dead bodies created this unusual structure beneath the surface of the water.The reef and the underwater life surrounding it are especially beautiful.Australia was separated from the rest of the world for millions of years.As a result,many of the plants and animals species in Australia are very different those in other parts of the world.For example,many of the animals in Australia belong to a special category called the“marsupials”.Marsupials are mammals,but they are a special kind of mammal,because they give birth to offspring that are not yet well developed.In many marsupials,the offspring continue to develop,after being born,inside a pocket or“pouch”on the mother's body.The most famous marsupial is the kangaroo.Kangaroos can travel at great speeds by hopping on their hind legs and using their large tails for balance.The kangaroo is a rather large animal,with the large individuals sometimes weighing 90 kilograms.Another famous marsupial is the koala.This animal sometimes is called a koala bear,because it looks somewhat like a small bear.The koala lives in branches of trees called eucalyptus trees.Koala eats the leaves of eucalyptus trees.Of course,Australia also has people.We will discuss the people of Australia in the next passage.Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent.Located in the southern hemisphere,between the Pacific and Indian Oceans,Australia is also one of the largest countries in the world.Despite its vast size,Australia does not have a large population.In the year 2000,there were about 19 million people in Australia.Most Australians live within a short distance of the ocean,because much of the interior of Australia is extremely dry.The remote areas of Australia,known as the“outback”,contains several sandy,rocky deserts.Some parts of the outback receive somewhat rainfall,and can support some grassy vegetables.In these areas,there are many ranches or farms,where sheep and cattle are raised.Although the outback of Australia is a harsh place,some parts of it are quite beautiful.In the middle of the Australia continent,a large red rock known as Uluru stands in the deserts.It is nearly 350 meters tall and is nearly 10 kilometers around.Tourists come from all over the world to see this huge and beautiful rock in the middle of a flat desert.In contrast to the dry interior areas,the northern coast of Australia receive a great deal of rainfall.This area is covered in thick,lush vegetation,with tropic rainforests whose exotic trees and flowers are found nowhere else in the world.Off the north-east coast of the continent,a large coral reef known as the Great Barrier Reef if found.A coral reef is a structure that consists of the bodies of small underwater animal called coral,whose dead bodies created this unusual structure beneath the surface of the water.The reef and the underwater life surrounding it are especially beautiful.Australia was separated from the rest of the world for millions of years.As a result,many of the plants and animals species in Australia are very different those in other parts of the world.For example,many of the animals in Australia belong to a special category called the“marsupials”.Marsupials are mammals,but they are a special kind of mammal,because they give birth to offspring that are not yet well developed.In many marsupials,the offspring continue to develop,after being born,inside a pocket or“pouch”on the mother's body.The most famous marsupial is the kangaroo.Kangaroos can travel at great speeds by hopping on their hind legs and using their large tails for balance.The kangaroo is a rather large animal,with the large individuals sometimes weighing 90 kilograms.Another famous marsupial is the koala.This animal sometimes is called a koala bear,because it looks somewhat like a small bear.The koala lives in branches of trees called eucalyptus trees.Koala eats the leaves of eucalyptus trees.Of course,Australia also has people.We will discuss the people of Australia in the next passage.
10/18/20216 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_24 Jazz

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.stereos 立体音响2.improvisation 即兴创作3.syncopation 切分音4.spontaneously 自发地5.modified 修改6.pattern 模式7.uneven 不规律的8.derived 起源9.incorporated 包含10.rhythm节奏11.cornet 角12.comprising 包括13.blended 混合原文JazzOne of the most popular forms of music is known as jazz.Each year,hundreds of thousands of people attend jazz concerts and festivals in cities around the world.Jazz music,both old and new,is played on the radio and on home stereos.Two of the most important features of jazz music are“improvisation”and“syncopation”.Improvisation means that music is created spontaneously by the musician during a performance.In other words,the musician modifies some existing music in a new and interesting way.Syncopation means that the regular pattern found in music may be broken up with new accents and uneven patterns being created.The features of improvisation and syncopation are difficult to use with skill,and require great creativity on the part of the musician.Jazz music originated in the southern United States,during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.It was based on African-American music that was derived in part from rhythms in western Africa.The earliest musicians were influenced by a music style known as“ragtime”which was popular during the late nineteenth century.Jazz music incorporated some aspects of a related kind of music called the“blues”.By the beginning of the twentieth century,a fully developed form of jazz was being played in New Orleans,a city in the southern United States.Jazz musicians played instruments such as the trumpet,saxophone,cornet,and piano.Jazz soon became popular and played on the riverboats that travelled along the Mississippi River.Some jazz musicians moved north to the city of Chicago,and young musicians in the city developed some new forms of jazz music.By the 1920s and 1930s,jazz was popular in many parts of the United States,and some musicians began forming some large bands,comprising many musicians and many different instruments.This began the period known as the“big band”era when a popular form of jazz known as“swing”music was played.During the 1940s and 1950s,other form of jazz,known as“bop”and“cool”jazz were developed.Some people preferred these newer kind of jazz,but others preferred the older varieties.By the 1960s,some jazz musicians began to experiment with different kinds of musical instruments and with other kinds of music.Some musicians incorporated musical styles from other parts of the world,or combined jazz with rock music,and today some musicians have blended jazz with rap music.However,some people prefer the more traditional forms of jazz music.Of course,most of the great jazz musicians of the early twentieth century-people  such as Louis Armstrong,Duke Ellington,Count Basie,Dizzy Gillespie,and Billie Holiday-are no longer alive.However,many great jazz musicians are still alive,and many young musicians have continued this form of music.People will continue to enjoy jazz music for a long time to come.
10/15/20216 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_24 Jazz

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.stereos 立体音响2.improvisation 即兴创作3.syncopation 切分音4.spontaneously 自发地5.modified 修改6.pattern 模式7.uneven 不规律的8.derived 起源9.incorporated 包含10.rhythm节奏11.cornet 角12.comprising 包括13.blended 混合原文JazzOne of the most popular forms of music is known as jazz.Each year,hundreds of thousands of people attend jazz concerts and festivals in cities around the world.Jazz music,both old and new,is played on the radio and on home stereos.Two of the most important features of jazz music are“improvisation”and“syncopation”.Improvisation means that music is created spontaneously by the musician during a performance.In other words,the musician modifies some existing music in a new and interesting way.Syncopation means that the regular pattern found in music may be broken up with new accents and uneven patterns being created.The features of improvisation and syncopation are difficult to use with skill,and require great creativity on the part of the musician.Jazz music originated in the southern United States,during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.It was based on African-American music that was derived in part from rhythms in western Africa.The earliest musicians were influenced by a music style known as“ragtime”which was popular during the late nineteenth century.Jazz music incorporated some aspects of a related kind of music called the“blues”.By the beginning of the twentieth century,a fully developed form of jazz was being played in New Orleans,a city in the southern United States.Jazz musicians played instruments such as the trumpet,saxophone,cornet,and piano.Jazz soon became popular and played on the riverboats that travelled along the Mississippi River.Some jazz musicians moved north to the city of Chicago,and young musicians in the city developed some new forms of jazz music.By the 1920s and 1930s,jazz was popular in many parts of the United States,and some musicians began forming some large bands,comprising many musicians and many different instruments.This began the period known as the“big band”era when a popular form of jazz known as“swing”music was played.During the 1940s and 1950s,other form of jazz,known as“bop”and“cool”jazz were developed.Some people preferred these newer kind of jazz,but others preferred the older varieties.By the 1960s,some jazz musicians began to experiment with different kinds of musical instruments and with other kinds of music.Some musicians incorporated musical styles from other parts of the world,or combined jazz with rock music,and today some musicians have blended jazz with rap music.However,some people prefer the more traditional forms of jazz music.Of course,most of the great jazz musicians of the early twentieth century-people  such as Louis Armstrong,Duke Ellington,Count Basie,Dizzy Gillespie,and Billie Holiday-are no longer alive.However,many great jazz musicians are still alive,and many young musicians have continued this form of music.People will continue to enjoy jazz music for a long time to come.
10/15/20216 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_23 Charles Darwin

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.recommended 推荐2.beaks 鸟嘴3.bark 树皮4.thick 厚的5.offspring 后代6.controversial 有争议的原文Charles DarwinCharles Darwin made what might be the most important scientific discovery of all time-the theory of evolution by natural selection.It was Darwin who first understood how it was that plants and animals evolved over time to produce new and different species.At first,this theory faced much opposition,but since that time it has been supported by evidence from many areas of science.Darwin was born in a small town in England in 1809.When he was a young man,he went to university,first to study medicine,and later to study religion.However,Darwin found his schoolwork to be very boring.Instead,he preferred outdoor activities,and was very interested in nature.While Darwin was at university,the British navy was planning to send one of its ships,called the Beagle,on a voyage of exploration.As part of the voyage,the ship needed a naturalist,who could study the various plants and animals that might be found.Darwin was recommended for this job by one of his professors,who had been impress by Darwin.Darwin was chosen as the naturalist of the Beagle,and the ship left England in 1831.The ship's voyage took Darwin around the world,and he observed many species of plants and animals on his trip.In one place near South America,Known as Galapagos Islands,Darwin observed many unusual species of birds.Several of these birds seemed close related to each other,but they differed in interesting ways.For example,some birds had long beaks that could reach insects hidden in the bark of trees,but other birds had thick beaks that could break open the shells of nuts.What Darwin realized was that certain characteristics could help an animal(or a plant)to survive and reproduce.Individuals that lacked those characteristics could be more likely to die without reproducing.Over many generations,the useful characteristics would then become more and more common and the surviving individuals passed the characteristics on to their offspring.Eventually,after many generations,the changes would be so great that a new species would exist.In this way,a single species would divide into two and more new ones.This was called the“process of evolution by natural selection”.When Darwin returned to England,he studied plants and animals in more detail.After much research,he began writing a book about his theory of evolution by natural selection.When the book,the Origin of Species,was published in 1859,it was very popular and very controversial.During the next twenty years,Darwin continued his scientific research,and he wrote several more books.By the time of his death,in 1882,many biologists had realized that Darwin had made one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time.For the first time,scientists could understand the origin of many different species of plants and animals.
10/12/20216 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_23 Charles Darwin

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.recommended 推荐2.beaks 鸟嘴3.bark 树皮4.thick 厚的5.offspring 后代6.controversial 有争议的原文Charles DarwinCharles Darwin made what might be the most important scientific discovery of all time-the theory of evolution by natural selection.It was Darwin who first understood how it was that plants and animals evolved over time to produce new and different species.At first,this theory faced much opposition,but since that time it has been supported by evidence from many areas of science.Darwin was born in a small town in England in 1809.When he was a young man,he went to university,first to study medicine,and later to study religion.However,Darwin found his schoolwork to be very boring.Instead,he preferred outdoor activities,and was very interested in nature.While Darwin was at university,the British navy was planning to send one of its ships,called the Beagle,on a voyage of exploration.As part of the voyage,the ship needed a naturalist,who could study the various plants and animals that might be found.Darwin was recommended for this job by one of his professors,who had been impress by Darwin.Darwin was chosen as the naturalist of the Beagle,and the ship left England in 1831.The ship's voyage took Darwin around the world,and he observed many species of plants and animals on his trip.In one place near South America,Known as Galapagos Islands,Darwin observed many unusual species of birds.Several of these birds seemed close related to each other,but they differed in interesting ways.For example,some birds had long beaks that could reach insects hidden in the bark of trees,but other birds had thick beaks that could break open the shells of nuts.What Darwin realized was that certain characteristics could help an animal(or a plant)to survive and reproduce.Individuals that lacked those characteristics could be more likely to die without reproducing.Over many generations,the useful characteristics would then become more and more common and the surviving individuals passed the characteristics on to their offspring.Eventually,after many generations,the changes would be so great that a new species would exist.In this way,a single species would divide into two and more new ones.This was called the“process of evolution by natural selection”.When Darwin returned to England,he studied plants and animals in more detail.After much research,he began writing a book about his theory of evolution by natural selection.When the book,the Origin of Species,was published in 1859,it was very popular and very controversial.During the next twenty years,Darwin continued his scientific research,and he wrote several more books.By the time of his death,in 1882,many biologists had realized that Darwin had made one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time.For the first time,scientists could understand the origin of many different species of plants and animals.
10/12/20216 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_22 Hawaii

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.volcanic eruptions 火山爆发2.molten 熔化的3.spectacular explosions of lava 壮观的熔岩爆炸4.dormant 休眠的5.tropics 热带6.unified 统一7.sugar cane 甘蔗8.naval base 海军基地9.claim a diverse heritage 拥有多样化的遗产原文HawaiiOf the fifty states in the United States,forty-nine are located on the mainland of North America.The other state is Hawaii,which consists of several islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.Hawaii is known as an especially beautiful and interesting place.The Hawaiian islands were formed by volcanic eruptions that pushed molten rock,called“lava”,above the surface of the ocean.Some of the islands no longer have any volcanic activity,but there are still active volcanoes on two Hawaiian islands Oahu and the“big island”(which is known as simply as Hawaii).One of these volcanoes,Mauna Loa,still erupts sometimes,with spectacular explosions of lava.Another volcano,called Mauna Kea,is now dormant.These volcanoes are both very tall and reach over 4000 meters above sea level.The air above Mauna Kea is so clear and thin that scientists use the mountain as a base for observing the stars.The islands of the Hawaii are located in the tropics,and they are known for their beautiful weather.The temperatures are usually in the rage of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius,and the days are usually sunny.This weather allows people to enjoying swimming and surfing on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii.Despite the sunshine,most of the islands also receive enough rainfall to support many beautiful flowers and trees.The first people to live in Hawaii were Polynesian groups who arrived from other islands in Pacific,well over 1000 years ago.The islands were visited by European explorers during the late eighteenth century.During the early nineteenth century,the islands became unified under a single king.However,during this time,many Hawaiians died from diseases that were brought by European and American visitors.The Hawaii islands are excellent places for growing sugar cane and pineapples.In the late eighteenth century,some Americans became large farms,called“plantations”in Hawaii.The Americans eventually gained the control of the government,and Hawaii became a territory of the United States.The United States built a naval base on the island of Oahu,at Pearl Harbor.This base was attacked by Japan in 1941,but it was soon repaired.The naval base is still in use today.During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,there were great demand for labor on the sugar and pineapple plantations.People came to Hawaii from many lands,and Hawaii became a place of many cultures.The native Hawaiians mixed with people from places such as Japan,China,Korea,the Philippines,Portugal,and Puerto Rico,as well as the mainland United States.Today,many Hawaii can claim a diverse heritage .In 1959,Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States,with the city of Honolulu as its capital.Today,there are more than one million people in Hawaii,more than half of whom live in Honolulu.Each year,many people visit Hawaii as tourists,to experience the beauty of these islands.
10/9/20217 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_22 Hawaii

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.volcanic eruptions 火山爆发2.molten 熔化的3.spectacular explosions of lava 壮观的熔岩爆炸4.dormant 休眠的5.tropics 热带6.unified 统一7.sugar cane 甘蔗8.naval base 海军基地9.claim a diverse heritage 拥有多样化的遗产原文HawaiiOf the fifty states in the United States,forty-nine are located on the mainland of North America.The other state is Hawaii,which consists of several islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.Hawaii is known as an especially beautiful and interesting place.The Hawaiian islands were formed by volcanic eruptions that pushed molten rock,called“lava”,above the surface of the ocean.Some of the islands no longer have any volcanic activity,but there are still active volcanoes on two Hawaiian islands Oahu and the“big island”(which is known as simply as Hawaii).One of these volcanoes,Mauna Loa,still erupts sometimes,with spectacular explosions of lava.Another volcano,called Mauna Kea,is now dormant.These volcanoes are both very tall and reach over 4000 meters above sea level.The air above Mauna Kea is so clear and thin that scientists use the mountain as a base for observing the stars.The islands of the Hawaii are located in the tropics,and they are known for their beautiful weather.The temperatures are usually in the rage of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius,and the days are usually sunny.This weather allows people to enjoying swimming and surfing on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii.Despite the sunshine,most of the islands also receive enough rainfall to support many beautiful flowers and trees.The first people to live in Hawaii were Polynesian groups who arrived from other islands in Pacific,well over 1000 years ago.The islands were visited by European explorers during the late eighteenth century.During the early nineteenth century,the islands became unified under a single king.However,during this time,many Hawaiians died from diseases that were brought by European and American visitors.The Hawaii islands are excellent places for growing sugar cane and pineapples.In the late eighteenth century,some Americans became large farms,called“plantations”in Hawaii.The Americans eventually gained the control of the government,and Hawaii became a territory of the United States.The United States built a naval base on the island of Oahu,at Pearl Harbor.This base was attacked by Japan in 1941,but it was soon repaired.The naval base is still in use today.During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,there were great demand for labor on the sugar and pineapple plantations.People came to Hawaii from many lands,and Hawaii became a place of many cultures.The native Hawaiians mixed with people from places such as Japan,China,Korea,the Philippines,Portugal,and Puerto Rico,as well as the mainland United States.Today,many Hawaii can claim a diverse heritage .In 1959,Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States,with the city of Honolulu as its capital.Today,there are more than one million people in Hawaii,more than half of whom live in Honolulu.Each year,many people visit Hawaii as tourists,to experience the beauty of these islands.
10/9/20217 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_21 The Origins of Canada and The United States

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.coast 海岸2.assembled 集合3.dissatisfied 不满意4.represented 代表5.settlers 定居者6.rebel 造反7.invaded 入侵8.conquer 占领原文The Origins of Canada and The United StatesMost people are aware of that Canada and the United States are two very large countries in North America.However,most people do not know how these countries came to exist.The story of the creation of these countries is a very interesting one.During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,some people from England and from France moved across the Atlantic Ocean.English people lived on what is now the east coast of the United States,and French people lived on what is now Quebec,in the eastern part of Canada.The kings of England and France were often at war with each other.This meant that there were often fighting in the north America between the soldiers of England and France.By about the year of 1750,there were many more people in the English colonies than in the French colonies.When the next war began,the English king was determined to defeat the French and gain complete control of North America.The English assembled a large force of ships and soldiers and attacked the French at Quebec.The French fought bravely,but they were too few in numbers,and the English won the war.England then gained control of all of North America.After this war,the people of the English colonies in North America began to feel dissatisfied with their government.They were not represented in the English government,but they had to taxes to the English king.The taxes were used to paid for English soldiers who defended the American colonies,but the Americans did not want these soldiers.In 1775,the American settlers began to rebel,and in 1776 the Americans declared their independence.For several years,there were much fighting between the Americans and the English soldiers.For a wile,it appeared that the Americans would lose,even though they fought bravely.Then,the king of France decided to help the Americans.He sent his ships and soldiers to America,and they helped the Americans to defeat the English forces.England recognized the United States of America as an independent country in 1783However,England kept control of Canada.When the American colonies rebelled against England,some of the people who lived in those colonies did not rebel.These people were called“Loyalists”,because they were loyal to the king.When the war ended,the Loyalists had to leave the country.They moved northward to Canada,where they started new English-speaking colonies.During the year 1812,the Americans invaded Canada,but they were not able to conquer the country.During the nineteenth century,the people of Quebec continued to speak French and to maintain their French culture.Meanwhile,many people moved to the English-speaking areas in Canada.In the year 1867,Quebec and the English-speaking colonies agreed to form a single country,Canada.By this time,there were two large countries in the northern part of North America!
10/6/20217 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_21 The Origins of Canada and The United States

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.coast 海岸2.assembled 集合3.dissatisfied 不满意4.represented 代表5.settlers 定居者6.rebel 造反7.invaded 入侵8.conquer 占领原文The Origins of Canada and The United StatesMost people are aware of that Canada and the United States are two very large countries in North America.However,most people do not know how these countries came to exist.The story of the creation of these countries is a very interesting one.During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,some people from England and from France moved across the Atlantic Ocean.English people lived on what is now the east coast of the United States,and French people lived on what is now Quebec,in the eastern part of Canada.The kings of England and France were often at war with each other.This meant that there were often fighting in the north America between the soldiers of England and France.By about the year of 1750,there were many more people in the English colonies than in the French colonies.When the next war began,the English king was determined to defeat the French and gain complete control of North America.The English assembled a large force of ships and soldiers and attacked the French at Quebec.The French fought bravely,but they were too few in numbers,and the English won the war.England then gained control of all of North America.After this war,the people of the English colonies in North America began to feel dissatisfied with their government.They were not represented in the English government,but they had to taxes to the English king.The taxes were used to paid for English soldiers who defended the American colonies,but the Americans did not want these soldiers.In 1775,the American settlers began to rebel,and in 1776 the Americans declared their independence.For several years,there were much fighting between the Americans and the English soldiers.For a wile,it appeared that the Americans would lose,even though they fought bravely.Then,the king of France decided to help the Americans.He sent his ships and soldiers to America,and they helped the Americans to defeat the English forces.England recognized the United States of America as an independent country in 1783However,England kept control of Canada.When the American colonies rebelled against England,some of the people who lived in those colonies did not rebel.These people were called“Loyalists”,because they were loyal to the king.When the war ended,the Loyalists had to leave the country.They moved northward to Canada,where they started new English-speaking colonies.During the year 1812,the Americans invaded Canada,but they were not able to conquer the country.During the nineteenth century,the people of Quebec continued to speak French and to maintain their French culture.Meanwhile,many people moved to the English-speaking areas in Canada.In the year 1867,Quebec and the English-speaking colonies agreed to form a single country,Canada.By this time,there were two large countries in the northern part of North America!
10/6/20217 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_20 Alcohol

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.beverages 饮料2.fermentation 发酵3.yeasts 酵母4.bacteria 细菌5.break down 分解6.convert 转变7.spirits 烈酒8.precision 精确9.category 类别10.depressants 镇静剂11.inhibited  抑制12.restrained 克制 协调14.attempts 企图15.campaigns 运动16.punishments 惩罚原文AlcoholAlcohol is the oldest drug that is used in Western countries.For thousands of years,people have made alcoholic beverages.These beverages are made by allowing a process fermentation to occur.Alcoholic fermentation happens when yeasts or bacteria break down the sugars that occur in some liquids,and convert some of those sugars into alcohol.Many liquids,such as fruit juices,can ferment.Thousands of years ago,alcoholic drinks were common in the Middle East.However,the Islamic region forbids alcohol,so very little alcohol is consumed in this part of the world.In European countries,and in other parts of the world,many different kinds of alcoholic beverages are produced and consumed.In warmer areas of Europe,people make wine by allowing grape juice to ferment.In cooler areas of Europe,people make beer by fermenting liquids made from water and various grains.The process of fermentation is also used to make stronger drinks known as spiritsThese drinks include vodka,whisky,and rum.The techniques for making good wine,beer,and spirits have been developed over hundreds of years,and require scientific precision.Some people have developed a great appreciation for well-made wine,beer and spirits,and have become experts about the many different varieties of these beverages.Many people appreciate the taste of alcoholic beverages,but many also enjoy the feeling that alcohol causes.Alcohol belong to a category of drugs called“depressants”,because it“depresses”the central nervous system,causing a person to feel less inhabited or restrained.Many people enjoy this feeling,but when a person drinks a lot of alcohol,he or she loses co-ordination,balance,and judgement.Speech may become unclear,and the person may speak too much.Some people become aggressive or depressed.When a person under the influence of alcohol,the person is said to be drunk.One of the problems that can result from alcohol consumption is known as“drunk driving”.Some people try to drive a car after having consumed alcohol,but this is extremely dangerous.Each year,thousands of people are killed by drunk drivers who lose control of their cars.In recently years,attempts have been made to reduce this problem,by public education campaigns and by strict laws and punishments.If you drink,don't drive!Another problem associated with alcohol is addiction,and it is known as alcoholism.Some people drink so frequently that they develop a psychological addiction to alcohol.This problem can have terrible consequences for a person's health,personal relationships,and career.Alcoholic beverages are firmly a part of Western culture,and of many other cultures also.On the one hand,drinks provide many people with much enjoyment and appreciation.On the other hand,alcohol is a drug that can be abused,leading to accidents and addiction.
10/3/20216 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_20 Alcohol

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.beverages 饮料2.fermentation 发酵3.yeasts 酵母4.bacteria 细菌5.break down 分解6.convert 转变7.spirits 烈酒8.precision 精确9.category 类别10.depressants 镇静剂11.inhibited  抑制12.restrained 克制 协调14.attempts 企图15.campaigns 运动16.punishments 惩罚原文AlcoholAlcohol is the oldest drug that is used in Western countries.For thousands of years,people have made alcoholic beverages.These beverages are made by allowing a process fermentation to occur.Alcoholic fermentation happens when yeasts or bacteria break down the sugars that occur in some liquids,and convert some of those sugars into alcohol.Many liquids,such as fruit juices,can ferment.Thousands of years ago,alcoholic drinks were common in the Middle East.However,the Islamic region forbids alcohol,so very little alcohol is consumed in this part of the world.In European countries,and in other parts of the world,many different kinds of alcoholic beverages are produced and consumed.In warmer areas of Europe,people make wine by allowing grape juice to ferment.In cooler areas of Europe,people make beer by fermenting liquids made from water and various grains.The process of fermentation is also used to make stronger drinks known as spiritsThese drinks include vodka,whisky,and rum.The techniques for making good wine,beer,and spirits have been developed over hundreds of years,and require scientific precision.Some people have developed a great appreciation for well-made wine,beer and spirits,and have become experts about the many different varieties of these beverages.Many people appreciate the taste of alcoholic beverages,but many also enjoy the feeling that alcohol causes.Alcohol belong to a category of drugs called“depressants”,because it“depresses”the central nervous system,causing a person to feel less inhabited or restrained.Many people enjoy this feeling,but when a person drinks a lot of alcohol,he or she loses co-ordination,balance,and judgement.Speech may become unclear,and the person may speak too much.Some people become aggressive or depressed.When a person under the influence of alcohol,the person is said to be drunk.One of the problems that can result from alcohol consumption is known as“drunk driving”.Some people try to drive a car after having consumed alcohol,but this is extremely dangerous.Each year,thousands of people are killed by drunk drivers who lose control of their cars.In recently years,attempts have been made to reduce this problem,by public education campaigns and by strict laws and punishments.If you drink,don't drive!Another problem associated with alcohol is addiction,and it is known as alcoholism.Some people drink so frequently that they develop a psychological addiction to alcohol.This problem can have terrible consequences for a person's health,personal relationships,and career.Alcoholic beverages are firmly a part of Western culture,and of many other cultures also.On the one hand,drinks provide many people with much enjoyment and appreciation.On the other hand,alcohol is a drug that can be abused,leading to accidents and addiction.
10/3/20216 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_19 Kings and Queens of England

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.monarchies 君主制2.ceremonial figure 礼仪人物3.constitutional 宪法的4.democraticies 民主政体5.barons 贵族6.Magna Carta 大宪章7.parliament 议会8.abolish 废除9.ongoing 进行中的原文Kings and Queens of EnglandToday,in the early twenty-first century,most countries no longer have kings and queens.However,some countries have remained as monarchies,including England and its former colonies.However,even in these countries,the monarch is a ceremonial figure who no longer has any real power over his or her subjects.These countries are called constitutional monarchies because they are democracies in which the monarch remained the official head of state.Many years ago,the kings and queens of England did have real power,but gradually this power was transferred to people and their elected officials.It is interesting to examine how this transition occurred.Even in very early times,the kings of England did not have absolute power.He was the most powerful man in the country,but he could not entirely force his will upon others.If he became too demanding,he might face opposition from powerful local land-owners.These men,called the barons,might resist a king who tried to become too strong.This was exactly what happened in the year 1215.The king of England had made many unreasonable demands upon the country,and the barons decided to resist.They force the king to agree a list of rules that would limit his power.These rules were written in a famous document called the Magna Carta.This document described not only the rights of the barons,but also of the people of England.During the next few hundred years,the kings still had much power.However,the other people,such as the landowners and the richer men of the towns,also had influence.Their meetings became known as Parliament,and the king had to share power with the parliament.During the 1640s,one king tried to rule without parliament,and tried to take away the right of parliament.This led to a civil war,and the king was defeated.England soon became a monarchy again,but it became clear that parliament would have more power than the king.Until the twentieth  century,the parliaments of England became more democratic,as more and more people were allowed to vote.Today,England still has a constitutional monarchy.But not all English-speaking countries recognize the England queen.For example,the United States became an independent country over 200 years ago and has been a republic ever since.In some countries,there is debate about the future of the monarchy.Canada,Australia and New Zealand still recognize the queen of England as their own queen even though those countries are no longer governed by England.Many people in those countries want to abolish the monarchy.They believe that they countries should now have their own head of state.On the other hand,some people in those countries want to keep the monarchy it reminds them of their country's early history.This is an ongoing topic of debate for Canadians,Australians and New Zealanders.
9/30/20217 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_19 Kings and Queens of England

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.monarchies 君主制2.ceremonial figure 礼仪人物3.constitutional 宪法的4.democraticies 民主政体5.barons 贵族6.Magna Carta 大宪章7.parliament 议会8.abolish 废除9.ongoing 进行中的原文Kings and Queens of EnglandToday,in the early twenty-first century,most countries no longer have kings and queens.However,some countries have remained as monarchies,including England and its former colonies.However,even in these countries,the monarch is a ceremonial figure who no longer has any real power over his or her subjects.These countries are called constitutional monarchies because they are democracies in which the monarch remained the official head of state.Many years ago,the kings and queens of England did have real power,but gradually this power was transferred to people and their elected officials.It is interesting to examine how this transition occurred.Even in very early times,the kings of England did not have absolute power.He was the most powerful man in the country,but he could not entirely force his will upon others.If he became too demanding,he might face opposition from powerful local land-owners.These men,called the barons,might resist a king who tried to become too strong.This was exactly what happened in the year 1215.The king of England had made many unreasonable demands upon the country,and the barons decided to resist.They force the king to agree a list of rules that would limit his power.These rules were written in a famous document called the Magna Carta.This document described not only the rights of the barons,but also of the people of England.During the next few hundred years,the kings still had much power.However,the other people,such as the landowners and the richer men of the towns,also had influence.Their meetings became known as Parliament,and the king had to share power with the parliament.During the 1640s,one king tried to rule without parliament,and tried to take away the right of parliament.This led to a civil war,and the king was defeated.England soon became a monarchy again,but it became clear that parliament would have more power than the king.Until the twentieth  century,the parliaments of England became more democratic,as more and more people were allowed to vote.Today,England still has a constitutional monarchy.But not all English-speaking countries recognize the England queen.For example,the United States became an independent country over 200 years ago and has been a republic ever since.In some countries,there is debate about the future of the monarchy.Canada,Australia and New Zealand still recognize the queen of England as their own queen even though those countries are no longer governed by England.Many people in those countries want to abolish the monarchy.They believe that they countries should now have their own head of state.On the other hand,some people in those countries want to keep the monarchy it reminds them of their country's early history.This is an ongoing topic of debate for Canadians,Australians and New Zealanders.
9/30/20217 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_18 The Inuit

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.mammals 哺乳动物2.whales 鲸鱼3.sleds 雪橇4.lamps 灯5.territory 版图6.carvings 雕刻7.sculptures 雕塑8.depict 描绘9.sketches 素描原文The InuitNot many people would want to live in the Arctic areas of northern Canada,Alaska,and Greenland.In these places,the summers are very short and the winters are extremely cold and dark.However,there are some people who have made this place their home for many generations.These people are called the Inuit.The word“Inuit”means“person”in the language of Inuit,which is called InukitiutBefore modern times,the Inuit had to survive by hunting.Because their homeland was in such a cold,northern place,the Inuit could not make a living by farming or by gathering plants.Many of the animals that the Inuit hunted are mammals that live in the water.For example,the Inuit used the boats to hunt whales.Also,they hunted seals by waiting for the seals to rise to the surface of the water.Sometimes,the Inuit would hunt the land mammals,such as polar bears.When eating the meat of the animals they had hunted,the Inuit often ate the meat raw.This was necessary because only raw meat could provide them with enough nutrients to survive in a place where fruits and vegetables were not available.In previous times,the Inuit were known as the“Eskimos”,which means“people who eat raw meat”.However,the Inuit did not like this name.The Inuit invented many useful tools for surviving in the cold,northern areas.They sewed warm clothing from the furs and skins of the animals they hunted.For transportation,they used the dogs,which could pull them in sleds across the snow.For making heat and light,they used the lamps that burned the fat and oil of whales.The Inuit were famous for their houses made of snow,which were called igloos.The igloos were made by cutting blocks of snow and then using these blocks to build a small round-shaped house.People could enter or exit the igloo through a narrow tunnel.In recently decades,the Inuit have had much contact with the modern world.Inuit children now attend schools,and Inuit adult work at a variety of occupations.In some ways,the Inuit have found it difficult to adjust to the changes from their traditional ways,but the Inuit are meeting this challenge.In Canada,there is a new territory in the far north,called Nunavut,where most of the people,including the leaders,are Inuit.The Inuit are famous for their beautiful artwork.In particularly,Inuit carvings and sculptures are known for their excellent quality.These carvings,which nowadays are made from a kind of stone called soapstone,depict people or animals such as bears,seals,or whales.In addition to paintings,Inuit artists have produced beautiful sketches and painting of northern scenes.
9/27/20216 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_18 The Inuit

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.mammals 哺乳动物2.whales 鲸鱼3.sleds 雪橇4.lamps 灯5.territory 版图6.carvings 雕刻7.sculptures 雕塑8.depict 描绘9.sketches 素描原文The InuitNot many people would want to live in the Arctic areas of northern Canada,Alaska,and Greenland.In these places,the summers are very short and the winters are extremely cold and dark.However,there are some people who have made this place their home for many generations.These people are called the Inuit.The word“Inuit”means“person”in the language of Inuit,which is called InukitiutBefore modern times,the Inuit had to survive by hunting.Because their homeland was in such a cold,northern place,the Inuit could not make a living by farming or by gathering plants.Many of the animals that the Inuit hunted are mammals that live in the water.For example,the Inuit used the boats to hunt whales.Also,they hunted seals by waiting for the seals to rise to the surface of the water.Sometimes,the Inuit would hunt the land mammals,such as polar bears.When eating the meat of the animals they had hunted,the Inuit often ate the meat raw.This was necessary because only raw meat could provide them with enough nutrients to survive in a place where fruits and vegetables were not available.In previous times,the Inuit were known as the“Eskimos”,which means“people who eat raw meat”.However,the Inuit did not like this name.The Inuit invented many useful tools for surviving in the cold,northern areas.They sewed warm clothing from the furs and skins of the animals they hunted.For transportation,they used the dogs,which could pull them in sleds across the snow.For making heat and light,they used the lamps that burned the fat and oil of whales.The Inuit were famous for their houses made of snow,which were called igloos.The igloos were made by cutting blocks of snow and then using these blocks to build a small round-shaped house.People could enter or exit the igloo through a narrow tunnel.In recently decades,the Inuit have had much contact with the modern world.Inuit children now attend schools,and Inuit adult work at a variety of occupations.In some ways,the Inuit have found it difficult to adjust to the changes from their traditional ways,but the Inuit are meeting this challenge.In Canada,there is a new territory in the far north,called Nunavut,where most of the people,including the leaders,are Inuit.The Inuit are famous for their beautiful artwork.In particularly,Inuit carvings and sculptures are known for their excellent quality.These carvings,which nowadays are made from a kind of stone called soapstone,depict people or animals such as bears,seals,or whales.In addition to paintings,Inuit artists have produced beautiful sketches and painting of northern scenes.
9/27/20216 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_17 Violence on Television

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.debated 辩论2.restrictions 限制3.imitate 模仿4.wrestlers 摔跤手5.disputes 争执6.conduct 安排7.conflict 冲突原文Violence on TelevisionNowadays,the issue of violence on television is often debated.Many people are concerned that the images of violent acts might cause the viewers to become more aggressive.Some of these people believe that there should be restrictions on violent television programs.Other people feel that individuals should be able to choose what they want to watch on TV.Many of these people believe that violent television is unlikely to affect people's behavior.One of concerns that some people have about violent TV is that viewers might imitate aggressive acts.For example,consider a TV program that shows professional wrestlers.Some people believe that children watch the program might copy the actions of the wrestlers and that this could lead to serious injuries.As another example,consider a TV program that shows people shooting guns at each other.Some people believe that viewers of such a program might be more likely to use a gun in their disputes with others.Another concern that some people have with violent TV is that it might make people less sensitive to the effects of violence.In other words,people who watch many acts of violence on television might no longer be shocked by violet acts.They might then become quite tolerant of the use of violence.Some people do not believe that violence on television is likely to have harmful effects.They point out that many terrible acts of violence occurred long before television.They also argue that people can tell the difference between television and real life.That is,they say that people are unlikely to imitate violent acts,and are unlikely to become less sensitive to violence in real life.Also,they argue that parents are able to prevent their children from watching violent television.Psychologists have conducted some research studies on the effects of violent television.Some studies have shown that children who watch a lot of violent TV do become slightly more aggressive as adults.Other studies have found that people behave somewhat more aggressively after watching a violent program.This is especially true for people who have an aggressive personality.Finally ,some other research has found that rates of murder tend to increase slightly in the days following a televised boxing match.Nearly all psychologists now agree that violence on television does contribute to aggressive behavior in everyday life.The issue of violence on television is difficult because it is a conflict between public safety and individual freedom.Some people feel that violent TV should be restricted because it might have harmful effects on society but other feel that individuals should be free to watch the programs that they like.
9/24/20216 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_17 Violence on Television

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.debated 辩论2.restrictions 限制3.imitate 模仿4.wrestlers 摔跤手5.disputes 争执6.conduct 安排7.conflict 冲突原文Violence on TelevisionNowadays,the issue of violence on television is often debated.Many people are concerned that the images of violent acts might cause the viewers to become more aggressive.Some of these people believe that there should be restrictions on violent television programs.Other people feel that individuals should be able to choose what they want to watch on TV.Many of these people believe that violent television is unlikely to affect people's behavior.One of concerns that some people have about violent TV is that viewers might imitate aggressive acts.For example,consider a TV program that shows professional wrestlers.Some people believe that children watch the program might copy the actions of the wrestlers and that this could lead to serious injuries.As another example,consider a TV program that shows people shooting guns at each other.Some people believe that viewers of such a program might be more likely to use a gun in their disputes with others.Another concern that some people have with violent TV is that it might make people less sensitive to the effects of violence.In other words,people who watch many acts of violence on television might no longer be shocked by violet acts.They might then become quite tolerant of the use of violence.Some people do not believe that violence on television is likely to have harmful effects.They point out that many terrible acts of violence occurred long before television.They also argue that people can tell the difference between television and real life.That is,they say that people are unlikely to imitate violent acts,and are unlikely to become less sensitive to violence in real life.Also,they argue that parents are able to prevent their children from watching violent television.Psychologists have conducted some research studies on the effects of violent television.Some studies have shown that children who watch a lot of violent TV do become slightly more aggressive as adults.Other studies have found that people behave somewhat more aggressively after watching a violent program.This is especially true for people who have an aggressive personality.Finally ,some other research has found that rates of murder tend to increase slightly in the days following a televised boxing match.Nearly all psychologists now agree that violence on television does contribute to aggressive behavior in everyday life.The issue of violence on television is difficult because it is a conflict between public safety and individual freedom.Some people feel that violent TV should be restricted because it might have harmful effects on society but other feel that individuals should be free to watch the programs that they like.
9/24/20216 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_16 Preservation of Forests

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳2.absorbing 吸收3.species 种4.extinct 灭绝5.declare 宣布原文Preservation of ForestsMany thousands of years ago,much of the world's land area was covered in forests.Since that time,people have needed to clear the forests by cutting the trees in order to make room for their farms and cities.Today,forests are still being cleared,and many people are worried that too much forest area is being lost.There are many reasons why it is important to preserve forests.One reason is that the trees inside the forests help to remove carbon dioxide from the air and put oxygen back into the air.This is important,because scientists believe that too much carbon dioxide in the air might be causing the world's temperature increase quickly.The forests might help to reduce the problem by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air.Another reason for preserving forests is maintain many different species of plants and animals.The forests are the home of a huge variety of plants and animals,which will be extinct if the forests are destroyed.These plants and animals are both beautiful and interesting,but they also have practical benefits for people.For example,doctors believe that many diseases might be treated by chemicals that are obtained from forest plants.Forests are also important for providing wood,or lumber,but sometimes people cut down too many trees for lumber.To preserve the forests,it is important to ensure that the amount of wood removed is not more than the amount of new wood that grows in the forest.Otherwise,the forest will gradually disappear.In many parts of the world,forests have already been cleared.In recently years,many forests have been cleared in South America,Africa,and southeast Asia.In other parts of the world,the forests had been cleared a long time ago.There are only a few areas of the world where very large areas of forests have not yet been changed by people.These areas include the Amazon rain forest in Brazil,and the northern forests of Canada,Alaska,and Siberia.Some countries have passed laws to protect their forests from being cleared.For example,a country can declare its forest areas to be a national park and prevent the forests from being cut down.However,this is very difficult for poor countries to do.The people may want to cut down the forests to obtain wood,to gain access to natural resources in the forest areas ,or to have new land for farming.When forests are cut down to gain new farmland,however,people usually find that the soil is not very good for farming.It is a difficult challenge to provide opportunities for poor people of these countries,and to protect the forests at the same time.However,it is very important that this challenge be met successfully because the forests will be needed by future generations of people.
9/21/20216 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_16 Preservation of Forests

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳2.absorbing 吸收3.species 种4.extinct 灭绝5.declare 宣布原文Preservation of ForestsMany thousands of years ago,much of the world's land area was covered in forests.Since that time,people have needed to clear the forests by cutting the trees in order to make room for their farms and cities.Today,forests are still being cleared,and many people are worried that too much forest area is being lost.There are many reasons why it is important to preserve forests.One reason is that the trees inside the forests help to remove carbon dioxide from the air and put oxygen back into the air.This is important,because scientists believe that too much carbon dioxide in the air might be causing the world's temperature increase quickly.The forests might help to reduce the problem by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air.Another reason for preserving forests is maintain many different species of plants and animals.The forests are the home of a huge variety of plants and animals,which will be extinct if the forests are destroyed.These plants and animals are both beautiful and interesting,but they also have practical benefits for people.For example,doctors believe that many diseases might be treated by chemicals that are obtained from forest plants.Forests are also important for providing wood,or lumber,but sometimes people cut down too many trees for lumber.To preserve the forests,it is important to ensure that the amount of wood removed is not more than the amount of new wood that grows in the forest.Otherwise,the forest will gradually disappear.In many parts of the world,forests have already been cleared.In recently years,many forests have been cleared in South America,Africa,and southeast Asia.In other parts of the world,the forests had been cleared a long time ago.There are only a few areas of the world where very large areas of forests have not yet been changed by people.These areas include the Amazon rain forest in Brazil,and the northern forests of Canada,Alaska,and Siberia.Some countries have passed laws to protect their forests from being cleared.For example,a country can declare its forest areas to be a national park and prevent the forests from being cut down.However,this is very difficult for poor countries to do.The people may want to cut down the forests to obtain wood,to gain access to natural resources in the forest areas ,or to have new land for farming.When forests are cut down to gain new farmland,however,people usually find that the soil is not very good for farming.It is a difficult challenge to provide opportunities for poor people of these countries,and to protect the forests at the same time.However,it is very important that this challenge be met successfully because the forests will be needed by future generations of people.
9/21/20216 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_15 Benjamin Franklin

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.politics 政治2.printer 印刷商3.almanace 年历4.experiments 实验5.bifocals 双光眼镜6.supervised 监督7.ambassador 大使原文Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin was one of the most famous people in American history.He was never a President of the United States,but he made great achievements in many areas in life,including business,literature,science,and politics.Benjamin Franklin was born in the city of Boston,during the year 1706.In his early years,Franklin was very poor.As a young man,he worked for his older brother,who was a printer.However,the two brother soon argued with each other.Benjamin decided to leave,and he moved to the city of Philadelphia.He worked very hard and soon became a successful printer.He published his own newspapers,and he also published books called almanacs,which contained many wise sayings.Many of the wise sayings in Franklin's almanacs are still repeated today.Franklin's printing business was very successful ,but he was also very interested in science.He performed experiments on the topic of electricity.Some of these experiments were very dangerous.In one experiment,Franklin was almost killed when he went outside during a lightning storm and flew a kite that had a metal key attached.However,Franklin was lucky enough to avoid injury,and he learned new facts about electricity.In addition to scientific research,Franklin was also an inventor.He invented a new kind of eye-glasses called“bifocals”.Bifocals are eye-glasses that allow people to see things that are far away,but also allow them to read things that are very close.Another invention was a new kind of stove for burning wood.This new stove was much more efficient than the older stove had been.He also invented a new lightning rod,which keeps house safe from lightning.Franklin was also interested in making his city a better place to live.He started a public library,and he helped to organize a hospital and a fire department.In addition,he supervised the postal service,which operated profitably under his command.In his later years,Franklin became heavily involved in politics.For most of Franklin's life,the United Sates was not yet a country.Instead,the states were still colonies of England,but Franklin encouraged other Americans to become an independent country.When the United States became a country,Franklin became the American ambassador to France.The French people like Franklin very much.Franklin later returned to the United States,and he died in 1790.Today,many Americans still admire the brilliant achievements of Benjamin Franklin,who did so much to improve people's lives.The picture of Benjamin Franklin can be seen on the American one hundred-dollar bill.
9/18/20216 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_15 Benjamin Franklin

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.politics 政治2.printer 印刷商3.almanace 年历4.experiments 实验5.bifocals 双光眼镜6.supervised 监督7.ambassador 大使原文Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin was one of the most famous people in American history.He was never a President of the United States,but he made great achievements in many areas in life,including business,literature,science,and politics.Benjamin Franklin was born in the city of Boston,during the year 1706.In his early years,Franklin was very poor.As a young man,he worked for his older brother,who was a printer.However,the two brother soon argued with each other.Benjamin decided to leave,and he moved to the city of Philadelphia.He worked very hard and soon became a successful printer.He published his own newspapers,and he also published books called almanacs,which contained many wise sayings.Many of the wise sayings in Franklin's almanacs are still repeated today.Franklin's printing business was very successful ,but he was also very interested in science.He performed experiments on the topic of electricity.Some of these experiments were very dangerous.In one experiment,Franklin was almost killed when he went outside during a lightning storm and flew a kite that had a metal key attached.However,Franklin was lucky enough to avoid injury,and he learned new facts about electricity.In addition to scientific research,Franklin was also an inventor.He invented a new kind of eye-glasses called“bifocals”.Bifocals are eye-glasses that allow people to see things that are far away,but also allow them to read things that are very close.Another invention was a new kind of stove for burning wood.This new stove was much more efficient than the older stove had been.He also invented a new lightning rod,which keeps house safe from lightning.Franklin was also interested in making his city a better place to live.He started a public library,and he helped to organize a hospital and a fire department.In addition,he supervised the postal service,which operated profitably under his command.In his later years,Franklin became heavily involved in politics.For most of Franklin's life,the United Sates was not yet a country.Instead,the states were still colonies of England,but Franklin encouraged other Americans to become an independent country.When the United States became a country,Franklin became the American ambassador to France.The French people like Franklin very much.Franklin later returned to the United States,and he died in 1790.Today,many Americans still admire the brilliant achievements of Benjamin Franklin,who did so much to improve people's lives.The picture of Benjamin Franklin can be seen on the American one hundred-dollar bill.
9/18/20216 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_14 The History of Trial by Jury

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trial by jury 陪审团审判2.accused 控告3.guilt 罪犯4.innocence 无辜5.crime 罪行6.jurors 陪审员7.ridiculous 荒唐的8.ordeal 折磨9.blistered 起泡10.combat 搏斗11.witchcraft 巫术12.barbaric 野蛮13.victim 受害者14.bias 偏见15.prejudice 成见16.accurate 精确的17.inconvenient 不方便原文The History of Trial by JuryIn most English-speaking countries,a person is accused of a crime has the right to a“trial by jury”.In a trial by jury,the guilt or innocence of the accused person is decided by a group of 12 people,called jurors,who must listen to the evidence about this case.The idea of trial by jury is over 800 years old,but there was a time when criminal cases were decided in other ways.Today,many of these methods seem ridiculous and cruel.Many accused people were forced to undergo a trial by ordeal.There were several different kinds of this trial.For example,in the ordeal by fire,an accused man was forced to carry a red-hot piece iron in his hand.People believed that if the man was innocent,then the gods would protect him,and his hand would not be burned or blistered by the iron.Another form of the trial by ordeal was the ordeal by combat.If one person accused another of a crime,they would be forced to fight each other with some weapon.People believed that the gods would help the man who was right and allow him to win the fight.Yet another kind of ordeal was the ordeal by water.If a woman was accused of a crime,such as witchcraft,she might be thrown into a river with rocks attached to her.People believed that if the gods would help an innocent woman and allow her to float on the water.Gradually,people realized that the trial by ordeal was a completely worthless way to judge person's innocence or guilt.They wanted a less barbaric way to decide criminal cases.During the twelfth century,a new method was introduced by one of the kings of the England,Henry the Second.Henry said that criminal cases should be decided by the opinions of twelve honest men who knew about the crime,the victim,and the accused person.This was the beginning of trial by jury in English-speaking countries,and the method soon became very popular.People trusted this new method much more than they trusted the old methodsLater,the system of trial by jury changed somewhat.Instead of having twelve men and women who knew about the crime,juries were chosen so that the twelve people did not know anything about the crime.This change ensures that the jurors do not have any bias or prejudice about the case.When jurors do not know any of the people involve in the case,their decisions are more like to be fair and accurate.Today,citizen in many countries are called occasionally for jury duty.This can be inconvenient for the people who are busy with their work and family life.However,many men and women are willing to serve on juries because of a feeling of responsibility to society.The use of juries in criminal cases helps to ensure that justice is done.
9/15/20216 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_14 The History of Trial by Jury

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trial by jury 陪审团审判2.accused 控告3.guilt 罪犯4.innocence 无辜5.crime 罪行6.jurors 陪审员7.ridiculous 荒唐的8.ordeal 折磨9.blistered 起泡10.combat 搏斗11.witchcraft 巫术12.barbaric 野蛮13.victim 受害者14.bias 偏见15.prejudice 成见16.accurate 精确的17.inconvenient 不方便原文The History of Trial by JuryIn most English-speaking countries,a person is accused of a crime has the right to a“trial by jury”.In a trial by jury,the guilt or innocence of the accused person is decided by a group of 12 people,called jurors,who must listen to the evidence about this case.The idea of trial by jury is over 800 years old,but there was a time when criminal cases were decided in other ways.Today,many of these methods seem ridiculous and cruel.Many accused people were forced to undergo a trial by ordeal.There were several different kinds of this trial.For example,in the ordeal by fire,an accused man was forced to carry a red-hot piece iron in his hand.People believed that if the man was innocent,then the gods would protect him,and his hand would not be burned or blistered by the iron.Another form of the trial by ordeal was the ordeal by combat.If one person accused another of a crime,they would be forced to fight each other with some weapon.People believed that the gods would help the man who was right and allow him to win the fight.Yet another kind of ordeal was the ordeal by water.If a woman was accused of a crime,such as witchcraft,she might be thrown into a river with rocks attached to her.People believed that if the gods would help an innocent woman and allow her to float on the water.Gradually,people realized that the trial by ordeal was a completely worthless way to judge person's innocence or guilt.They wanted a less barbaric way to decide criminal cases.During the twelfth century,a new method was introduced by one of the kings of the England,Henry the Second.Henry said that criminal cases should be decided by the opinions of twelve honest men who knew about the crime,the victim,and the accused person.This was the beginning of trial by jury in English-speaking countries,and the method soon became very popular.People trusted this new method much more than they trusted the old methodsLater,the system of trial by jury changed somewhat.Instead of having twelve men and women who knew about the crime,juries were chosen so that the twelve people did not know anything about the crime.This change ensures that the jurors do not have any bias or prejudice about the case.When jurors do not know any of the people involve in the case,their decisions are more like to be fair and accurate.Today,citizen in many countries are called occasionally for jury duty.This can be inconvenient for the people who are busy with their work and family life.However,many men and women are willing to serve on juries because of a feeling of responsibility to society.The use of juries in criminal cases helps to ensure that justice is done.
9/15/20216 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_13 Physical Fitness

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.element 元素2.cardio-vascular fitness 心血管健康3.rowing 划船4.steady 稳定5.recreational 娱乐6.strength 力量7.endurance 耐力8.palms 手心原文Physical FitnessIn modern society,many people find that they do not get very much exercise.They travel by bus,train,or car,and they can move up or down in elevators.They have machines that do most of the heavy work that was once done by people.However,exercise is important for staying healthy.A person who exercises frequently will be“physically fit”.There are different aspects of physical fitness.One important element of being physically fit is called cardio-vascular fitnessThe words“cardio-vascular” refers to the heart and lungs.If one's heart and lungs are good condition,then one can exercise at a steady pace without soon getting tired.To devolve cardio-vascular fitness,it is important to perform some exercise that makes one's heart beat quickly.For example,a person can improve cardio-vascular fitness by riding a bicycle,by running,by swimming,by rowing,or even by walking quickly.Some people go to special places called“health clubs”or“gyms”,where they can use different exercise machines to develop their cardio-vascular fitness.But many people improve their cardio-vascular fitness by playing recreational sports,such as tennis or soccer,or by dancing vigorously.By having good cardio-vascular fitness,one is less likely to suffer from heart disease.Of course,there is one way to improve cardio-vascular fitness that does not involve exercise:stop smoking!Another important aspect of physical fitness is called flexibility.Flexibility refers to one's ability to stretch comfortably.For example,a healthy person should be able to touch his or her toes without bending the legs.People can perform various stretching exercises to improve flexibility.By being flexible,a person can avoid injuries that might otherwise affect their body.Yet another important aspect of physical fitness is the strength and endurance of one's muscles.Many people suffer from injuries that result,in part,from weakness of the muscles.Muscular strength and endurance can be improved by a variety of exercises.Some of these exercises involve lifting a weight,but other exercises simply involve pushing and pulling against the weight of one's own body.One example is an exercise called the“push-up”.In this exercise,a person lies on the floor,with the face pointing down.The person bends his or her arms,so that palms of the hands are on the floor,next to the shoulders.The person then pushes with his or her arms,lifting the upper part of the body above the ground until the arms are straight.Before starting to do any exercises,it is a good idea to have a medical check-up.Some people do not want to exercise,because they think it will be too much work.However,many people find that they feel very good when they exercise.Exercising can be an enjoyable and fun way to maintain health and fitness.
9/12/20217 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_13 Physical Fitness

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.element 元素2.cardio-vascular fitness 心血管健康3.rowing 划船4.steady 稳定5.recreational 娱乐6.strength 力量7.endurance 耐力8.palms 手心原文Physical FitnessIn modern society,many people find that they do not get very much exercise.They travel by bus,train,or car,and they can move up or down in elevators.They have machines that do most of the heavy work that was once done by people.However,exercise is important for staying healthy.A person who exercises frequently will be“physically fit”.There are different aspects of physical fitness.One important element of being physically fit is called cardio-vascular fitnessThe words“cardio-vascular” refers to the heart and lungs.If one's heart and lungs are good condition,then one can exercise at a steady pace without soon getting tired.To devolve cardio-vascular fitness,it is important to perform some exercise that makes one's heart beat quickly.For example,a person can improve cardio-vascular fitness by riding a bicycle,by running,by swimming,by rowing,or even by walking quickly.Some people go to special places called“health clubs”or“gyms”,where they can use different exercise machines to develop their cardio-vascular fitness.But many people improve their cardio-vascular fitness by playing recreational sports,such as tennis or soccer,or by dancing vigorously.By having good cardio-vascular fitness,one is less likely to suffer from heart disease.Of course,there is one way to improve cardio-vascular fitness that does not involve exercise:stop smoking!Another important aspect of physical fitness is called flexibility.Flexibility refers to one's ability to stretch comfortably.For example,a healthy person should be able to touch his or her toes without bending the legs.People can perform various stretching exercises to improve flexibility.By being flexible,a person can avoid injuries that might otherwise affect their body.Yet another important aspect of physical fitness is the strength and endurance of one's muscles.Many people suffer from injuries that result,in part,from weakness of the muscles.Muscular strength and endurance can be improved by a variety of exercises.Some of these exercises involve lifting a weight,but other exercises simply involve pushing and pulling against the weight of one's own body.One example is an exercise called the“push-up”.In this exercise,a person lies on the floor,with the face pointing down.The person bends his or her arms,so that palms of the hands are on the floor,next to the shoulders.The person then pushes with his or her arms,lifting the upper part of the body above the ground until the arms are straight.Before starting to do any exercises,it is a good idea to have a medical check-up.Some people do not want to exercise,because they think it will be too much work.However,many people find that they feel very good when they exercise.Exercising can be an enjoyable and fun way to maintain health and fitness.
9/12/20217 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_12 Worries About Physical Appearance

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.extreme 极端2.anorexia 厌食症3.disorder 混乱4.bulimia 贪食症5.eliminate 消除6.vomiting 呕吐 外科手术8.implanted 植入9.steroids 类固醇原文Worries About Physical AppearanceMost people would like to have an attractive physical appearance,but some people become very worried about the way they look.This can sometimes lead them to do things that are unhealthy.For example,many women believe that they must be very thin in order to be attractive.They see pictures of fashion models who are very thin and then believe that an attractive woman must look the same way.However,many men prefer the appearance of women who are not so thin.In order to become thin,some try to reduce the amount of food that they eat.When this is taken to an extreme,a woman might eat far too little food to remain healthy.Her weight might become dangerously low,as she tries to be thinner and thinner.This condition is called“anorexia”,and it effects many thousands of women in Western countries.Anorexia is one of several conditions known as eating disorders.Another eating disorder is called“bulimia”.A woman who has bulimia will sometimes eat larger amounts of food,but then will try to eliminate the food,by vomiting.This is intended to prevent to weight gain,but it is also a very unhealthy behavior.Unfortunately,some women are concerned about being very thin,but some women have different concerns related to their appearance of their body.For example,some women believe that their breasts are not larger enough,and undergo surgery to enlarge their breasts.In this surgery,some artificial substance is implanted inside the breast to make it larger.Many women have had this surgery,but many of them have suffered serious health problems as a result.In recently years,many men have also become very concerned about their physical appearance.For example,some men believe that they must become very muscular in order to have an attractive appearance.To achieve this appearance,some men use drug called steroids,which make it possible to gain large amounts of muscle.However,steroids can have a very unhealthy side effects.In addition to drugs,some men have used surgery to changed their physical appearance.For example,some men have had implants to their arms,legs or chest appear larger.It is unfortunate that so many men feel so unhappy about their physical appearance and that they do unhealthy things to change the way they look.Of course,everyone should try to be healthy,but people must also learn to accept their physical appearance.Many  different body types can be attractive,and there is no single idea body typeThere is no need to use unnatural methods of changing one's body.
9/9/20215 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_12 Worries About Physical Appearance

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.extreme 极端2.anorexia 厌食症3.disorder 混乱4.bulimia 贪食症5.eliminate 消除6.vomiting 呕吐 外科手术8.implanted 植入9.steroids 类固醇原文Worries About Physical AppearanceMost people would like to have an attractive physical appearance,but some people become very worried about the way they look.This can sometimes lead them to do things that are unhealthy.For example,many women believe that they must be very thin in order to be attractive.They see pictures of fashion models who are very thin and then believe that an attractive woman must look the same way.However,many men prefer the appearance of women who are not so thin.In order to become thin,some try to reduce the amount of food that they eat.When this is taken to an extreme,a woman might eat far too little food to remain healthy.Her weight might become dangerously low,as she tries to be thinner and thinner.This condition is called“anorexia”,and it effects many thousands of women in Western countries.Anorexia is one of several conditions known as eating disorders.Another eating disorder is called“bulimia”.A woman who has bulimia will sometimes eat larger amounts of food,but then will try to eliminate the food,by vomiting.This is intended to prevent to weight gain,but it is also a very unhealthy behavior.Unfortunately,some women are concerned about being very thin,but some women have different concerns related to their appearance of their body.For example,some women believe that their breasts are not larger enough,and undergo surgery to enlarge their breasts.In this surgery,some artificial substance is implanted inside the breast to make it larger.Many women have had this surgery,but many of them have suffered serious health problems as a result.In recently years,many men have also become very concerned about their physical appearance.For example,some men believe that they must become very muscular in order to have an attractive appearance.To achieve this appearance,some men use drug called steroids,which make it possible to gain large amounts of muscle.However,steroids can have a very unhealthy side effects.In addition to drugs,some men have used surgery to changed their physical appearance.For example,some men have had implants to their arms,legs or chest appear larger.It is unfortunate that so many men feel so unhappy about their physical appearance and that they do unhealthy things to change the way they look.Of course,everyone should try to be healthy,but people must also learn to accept their physical appearance.Many  different body types can be attractive,and there is no single idea body typeThere is no need to use unnatural methods of changing one's body.
9/9/20215 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_11 African Slavery in the Americas

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tragic 悲剧2.obtain 获得3.rival 对抗4.brutal 残酷5.abolished 废除6.Civil War 美国南北战争7.descendants 后代8.racial prejudice 种族偏见原文African Slavery in the AmericasOne of the most tragic parts of the history of North and South America is the period of African slavery.For hundreds of years,many people were taken from African,by force,to work in the fields of many different countries in North and South America.When Europeans first came to the Americas,some of them realized that they might make money by growing crops and selling them in Europe.However,in order to make money,they would need a cheap source of labor.Few Europeans would come to the Americas to work for the low wages,so instead,the landowners looks for slaves.In the areas of the great farms,or plantations,there were few Indians,so they used another source of slaves:Africa.The plantation owners usually obtained slaves by buying them from local kings in western Africa.This led to many wars between rival kings within Africa,who tried to capture each other's people to sell them as slaves.A few kings tried to avoid the slave trade,but this was very difficult.During the period of several hundred years,from the 1500s to the 1800s,about 12 million people were taken from western Africa to the Americas.Many more people died as slaves before leaving Africa,and many more died on the ships that took them to the Americas.This was because the conditions on the ships were extremely unhealthy:the ships were far too crowded,and there was little food and water.When the African slaves arrived in the Americas,the plantation owners made them work on the farms that produced goods such as cotton and sugar.In many places,the work was very hard,and many of the slaves died from overworkThey were then replaced by other slaves who arrived from Africa.However,many slaves survived despite the brutal conditions.In some places,the African slaves were able to revolt against the plantation owners.However,this was difficult because the slaves who had recently arrived spoke different languages.Some slaves escaped into wilderness areas and were able to remain free from the plantation owners.As time went by,many people in Europe and in Americas realized that slavery was wrong.By the 1830s,slavery had been end ,or abolished in islands owned by the British,and in parts of the United States.In the southern United States,slavery was ended in the 1860s,during the Civil WarIn some countries,such as Brazil and Cuba,slavery only ended in the 1880s.Today,many millions of people in North and South America are the descendants of slaves who were brought from Africa.The effects of slavery have lasted for many generations,and there was much racial prejudice against African people even when slavery ended.However,some have achieved success despite these disadvantages.Today,the people of African background in North and South America are a very important part in population in many countries.
9/6/20216 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day_11 African Slavery in the Americas

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tragic 悲剧2.obtain 获得3.rival 对抗4.brutal 残酷5.abolished 废除6.Civil War 美国南北战争7.descendants 后代8.racial prejudice 种族偏见原文African Slavery in the AmericasOne of the most tragic parts of the history of North and South America is the period of African slavery.For hundreds of years,many people were taken from African,by force,to work in the fields of many different countries in North and South America.When Europeans first came to the Americas,some of them realized that they might make money by growing crops and selling them in Europe.However,in order to make money,they would need a cheap source of labor.Few Europeans would come to the Americas to work for the low wages,so instead,the landowners looks for slaves.In the areas of the great farms,or plantations,there were few Indians,so they used another source of slaves:Africa.The plantation owners usually obtained slaves by buying them from local kings in western Africa.This led to many wars between rival kings within Africa,who tried to capture each other's people to sell them as slaves.A few kings tried to avoid the slave trade,but this was very difficult.During the period of several hundred years,from the 1500s to the 1800s,about 12 million people were taken from western Africa to the Americas.Many more people died as slaves before leaving Africa,and many more died on the ships that took them to the Americas.This was because the conditions on the ships were extremely unhealthy:the ships were far too crowded,and there was little food and water.When the African slaves arrived in the Americas,the plantation owners made them work on the farms that produced goods such as cotton and sugar.In many places,the work was very hard,and many of the slaves died from overworkThey were then replaced by other slaves who arrived from Africa.However,many slaves survived despite the brutal conditions.In some places,the African slaves were able to revolt against the plantation owners.However,this was difficult because the slaves who had recently arrived spoke different languages.Some slaves escaped into wilderness areas and were able to remain free from the plantation owners.As time went by,many people in Europe and in Americas realized that slavery was wrong.By the 1830s,slavery had been end ,or abolished in islands owned by the British,and in parts of the United States.In the southern United States,slavery was ended in the 1860s,during the Civil WarIn some countries,such as Brazil and Cuba,slavery only ended in the 1880s.Today,many millions of people in North and South America are the descendants of slaves who were brought from Africa.The effects of slavery have lasted for many generations,and there was much racial prejudice against African people even when slavery ended.However,some have achieved success despite these disadvantages.Today,the people of African background in North and South America are a very important part in population in many countries.
9/6/20216 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 10 The History of the English Language

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Germanic language 日耳曼语2.Dutch 荷兰人3.distinct 不同4.derived 来源5.conquered 征服6.ancient 古代7.Celtic languages 凯尔特语原文The History of the English LanguageMost people know that the English language is spoken by many millions of people around the world.However,few people are aware of the history of the English language.Today,English is one language,but in some ways it is a mixture of many different languages.The English language is most closely related to a group of languages called the Germanic languages.The group also includes languages such as German and Dutch.About 1500 years ago,these languages were not yet distinct from each other.Some of the people of Germany and the Netherlands then moved to England.Those people were called the Anglo-Saxons,and their language then evolved into English.Most of the basic words of English language are derived from these very old Anglo-Saxon languages.For example,the words for the path of the body,for numbers and for animals are mostly Anglo-Saxon languages.Some new words are brought to England over 1000 years ago by people who came from the Scandinavia countries of northern Europe.Many words that begin with the letters“sk”,such as skin and skill,are Scandinavia words.A major change happened in the English language after the year 1066.In that year,England was conquered by a king from the northern part of France.He and his followers spoke French,so French became an important language in England.During the next few hundred years,the England language absorbed a very large number of French words.In fact,today's English dictionaries contain more words of French origin than of Anglo-Saxon origin.Part of the reason why the English language has so many words is that it has two words for each idea,one word of Anglo-Saxon origin and one word of French origin.Many more word entered the English language a few hundred years ago,when science and technology became more widespread.Most scientific and technical words are derived from words of the ancient languages of Latin and Greek.Because there are so many of these scientific and technical words in the English language today,the influence of Latin and Greek has been quite large.Other languages have also contributed many words to the English language.Some word have come from the Celtic languages,spoken in Ireland,Scotland and Wales.Many words have been added to the English language by immigrants who came to North America from various countries of Europe.Also,many words have been adopted from the Native Languages of North America,Australia,and the Pacific,and from the languages of people in Africa and Asia.All of these words have made English a very interesting language!
9/3/20215 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 10 The History of the English Language

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Germanic language 日耳曼语2.Dutch 荷兰人3.distinct 不同4.derived 来源5.conquered 征服6.ancient 古代7.Celtic languages 凯尔特语原文The History of the English LanguageMost people know that the English language is spoken by many millions of people around the world.However,few people are aware of the history of the English language.Today,English is one language,but in some ways it is a mixture of many different languages.The English language is most closely related to a group of languages called the Germanic languages.The group also includes languages such as German and Dutch.About 1500 years ago,these languages were not yet distinct from each other.Some of the people of Germany and the Netherlands then moved to England.Those people were called the Anglo-Saxons,and their language then evolved into English.Most of the basic words of English language are derived from these very old Anglo-Saxon languages.For example,the words for the path of the body,for numbers and for animals are mostly Anglo-Saxon languages.Some new words are brought to England over 1000 years ago by people who came from the Scandinavia countries of northern Europe.Many words that begin with the letters“sk”,such as skin and skill,are Scandinavia words.A major change happened in the English language after the year 1066.In that year,England was conquered by a king from the northern part of France.He and his followers spoke French,so French became an important language in England.During the next few hundred years,the England language absorbed a very large number of French words.In fact,today's English dictionaries contain more words of French origin than of Anglo-Saxon origin.Part of the reason why the English language has so many words is that it has two words for each idea,one word of Anglo-Saxon origin and one word of French origin.Many more word entered the English language a few hundred years ago,when science and technology became more widespread.Most scientific and technical words are derived from words of the ancient languages of Latin and Greek.Because there are so many of these scientific and technical words in the English language today,the influence of Latin and Greek has been quite large.Other languages have also contributed many words to the English language.Some word have come from the Celtic languages,spoken in Ireland,Scotland and Wales.Many words have been added to the English language by immigrants who came to North America from various countries of Europe.Also,many words have been adopted from the Native Languages of North America,Australia,and the Pacific,and from the languages of people in Africa and Asia.All of these words have made English a very interesting language!
9/3/20215 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 9 Chinese People in North America

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.immigration illegal 移民问题2.prominent 杰出的原文Chinese People in North AmericaIn recent years,many people have moved to North America from China,but many people do not know Chinese people have a long history in Canada and the United States.During the nineteen century,both Canada and the United States were rapidly expanding to the west,toward to the Pacific Ocean.In those days,there were of course no cars or airplanes to allow people and goods to move across the land.Instead,the best method of long-distance transportation was the railroad.Railway trains could move quickly across the countryside.However,there were one problem:before the railway trains could run,railroads had be built across very long distances.To build the railroads was a very big job.Many men would be needed because the distance was so long and the land was so difficult,with many mountains and rivers to be crossed.For the men who own the railway companies,it would be too expensive to hire Canadian or American men to build the railroads,because those workers only work for high wages.The railroad owners decided to get workers from overseas.Many Chinese men were willing to work for low wages because they were very poor.These men would work very hard and send much of the money to their relatives in China.Thousands of Chinese men were brought to North America to work on the railroads.They did good work,but their employers treated them badly.The work day was very long,and the working conditions were very unsafe.Many Chinese men died in accidents while constructing the railroads.Some Chinese women also came to North America,but there were many more men than women.After the railroads were completed,by about the year 1900,very few Chinese people were allowed to come to North America.Most people in Canada and the United States were not familiar with Chinese people,and did not want strangers to come to their countries.Any Chinese person who came to North America had to pay an expensive tax.This made it difficult for Chinese men to bring their wives and families to join them in North America.Later,the governments of Canada and the United States made Chinese immigration illegal.Eventually,the people of Canada and the United States realized that their laws had been unfair.They changed the rules so that Chinese people could immigrant in the same way that people from other countries could do so.In recent decades,many Chinese people have moved to North America,and formed a very lively and successful community.Many cities,such as Toronto,Vancouver,San Francisco,and New York,have been enriched by Chinese culture.Chinese people now are very prominent in North America,just as they were many years ago.
8/31/20216 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 9 Chinese People in North America

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.immigration illegal 移民问题2.prominent 杰出的原文Chinese People in North AmericaIn recent years,many people have moved to North America from China,but many people do not know Chinese people have a long history in Canada and the United States.During the nineteen century,both Canada and the United States were rapidly expanding to the west,toward to the Pacific Ocean.In those days,there were of course no cars or airplanes to allow people and goods to move across the land.Instead,the best method of long-distance transportation was the railroad.Railway trains could move quickly across the countryside.However,there were one problem:before the railway trains could run,railroads had be built across very long distances.To build the railroads was a very big job.Many men would be needed because the distance was so long and the land was so difficult,with many mountains and rivers to be crossed.For the men who own the railway companies,it would be too expensive to hire Canadian or American men to build the railroads,because those workers only work for high wages.The railroad owners decided to get workers from overseas.Many Chinese men were willing to work for low wages because they were very poor.These men would work very hard and send much of the money to their relatives in China.Thousands of Chinese men were brought to North America to work on the railroads.They did good work,but their employers treated them badly.The work day was very long,and the working conditions were very unsafe.Many Chinese men died in accidents while constructing the railroads.Some Chinese women also came to North America,but there were many more men than women.After the railroads were completed,by about the year 1900,very few Chinese people were allowed to come to North America.Most people in Canada and the United States were not familiar with Chinese people,and did not want strangers to come to their countries.Any Chinese person who came to North America had to pay an expensive tax.This made it difficult for Chinese men to bring their wives and families to join them in North America.Later,the governments of Canada and the United States made Chinese immigration illegal.Eventually,the people of Canada and the United States realized that their laws had been unfair.They changed the rules so that Chinese people could immigrant in the same way that people from other countries could do so.In recent decades,many Chinese people have moved to North America,and formed a very lively and successful community.Many cities,such as Toronto,Vancouver,San Francisco,and New York,have been enriched by Chinese culture.Chinese people now are very prominent in North America,just as they were many years ago.
8/31/20216 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 8 Ice Hockey

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rink 溜冰场2.blades 刀片3.puck 冰球4.goaltender 守门员5.bumping 撞6.opponents 对手7.penalty 处罚8.referee 裁判原文Ice HockeyOne of the most popular sports in northern countries is the game of ice hockey.Each winter,this sports is played by hundreds of thousands of children and adult in North America and in Europe.Ice hockey is a fast and exciting game that can make winter much more enjoyable.The game of ice hockey is played on a flat surface of ice called a rink.The rink is about 60 meters long,and about 25 or 30 meters wide.At any time,each team has six players on the ice.On their feet,the players wear skates,whose thin metal blades allow fast movement along the ice surface.Learning to skate requires time and practice,but many people can skate very quickly and smoothly.In many ways,ice hockey is similar to soccer.However,unlike soccer,there is no large ball used in hockey.Instead,the players use a hard,black rubber disk,which is called a puck.The players skate around the ice,trying to get the puck.They do not use their hands or their feet to control the puck.Instead,they carry long wooden sticks,which is shaped in such a way that it is easy to push the puck along the ice.The players can pass the puck to each other by sliding it across the ice.To score a goal,a hockey player must shoot the puck into the net of the opposing team,but it is a difficult task.The net is less than two meters wide,and it is protected by a player called the goaltender.However,some player can shoot the puck very suddenly and with great powerSometimes,the sport of ice hockey can be quite rough.Players try to take the puck from their opponents by bumping into them at a high speed.This is called a body check.Players are not allowed to hit each other with their sticks.If a player does this,then the player must be given a penalty by the referee,who enforce the rules of the game.Naturally,the sports of ice hockey is most popular in the countries that have cold winters:Slovakia,the Czech Republic,and Germany.In addition,many people play hockey in the United States.In previous generations,ice hockey was considered a sports for men and boys only.However,in recent years,women and girls have been playing hockey much more frequently than in the past.Not only do many girls enjoy playing hockey for fun,but now women's hockey is officially a sports at the winter Olympics.
8/28/20215 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 8 Ice Hockey

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rink 溜冰场2.blades 刀片3.puck 冰球4.goaltender 守门员5.bumping 撞6.opponents 对手7.penalty 处罚8.referee 裁判原文Ice HockeyOne of the most popular sports in northern countries is the game of ice hockey.Each winter,this sports is played by hundreds of thousands of children and adult in North America and in Europe.Ice hockey is a fast and exciting game that can make winter much more enjoyable.The game of ice hockey is played on a flat surface of ice called a rink.The rink is about 60 meters long,and about 25 or 30 meters wide.At any time,each team has six players on the ice.On their feet,the players wear skates,whose thin metal blades allow fast movement along the ice surface.Learning to skate requires time and practice,but many people can skate very quickly and smoothly.In many ways,ice hockey is similar to soccer.However,unlike soccer,there is no large ball used in hockey.Instead,the players use a hard,black rubber disk,which is called a puck.The players skate around the ice,trying to get the puck.They do not use their hands or their feet to control the puck.Instead,they carry long wooden sticks,which is shaped in such a way that it is easy to push the puck along the ice.The players can pass the puck to each other by sliding it across the ice.To score a goal,a hockey player must shoot the puck into the net of the opposing team,but it is a difficult task.The net is less than two meters wide,and it is protected by a player called the goaltender.However,some player can shoot the puck very suddenly and with great powerSometimes,the sport of ice hockey can be quite rough.Players try to take the puck from their opponents by bumping into them at a high speed.This is called a body check.Players are not allowed to hit each other with their sticks.If a player does this,then the player must be given a penalty by the referee,who enforce the rules of the game.Naturally,the sports of ice hockey is most popular in the countries that have cold winters:Slovakia,the Czech Republic,and Germany.In addition,many people play hockey in the United States.In previous generations,ice hockey was considered a sports for men and boys only.However,in recent years,women and girls have been playing hockey much more frequently than in the past.Not only do many girls enjoy playing hockey for fun,but now women's hockey is officially a sports at the winter Olympics.
8/28/20215 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 7 William Shakespeare

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tragedies 悲剧2.invents 编造3.phrases 短语4.quotations 引用原文William ShakespeareThere have been many great writers in the history of England literature,but there is no doubt about which wither was the greatest.Many people consider William Shakespeare to have been the best writer who ever lived.William Shakespeare was born in the town of Stratford,England,in the year of 1564.When he was a young man,Shakespeare moved to the city of London,where he began writing plays.His plays were soon very successful,and were enjoyed both by the common people of London and also by the rich and famous.In addition to his plays,Shakespeare wrote many short poems and a few long poems.Like his plays,his poems are still famous today.Shakespeare's most famous plays include Romeo and Juliet,Macbeth,Hamlet,King Lear,Othello,and Julius Caesar.Usually,Shakespeare did not invent the stories that he told in his plays.Instead,he wrote his plays using stories that already existed.However,Shakespeare's plays told these stories in a more interesting way than ever before.Some of the stories were tragedies,some were comedies,and some described historical events.In his plays,Shakespeare revealed a very wild knowledge of many areas of life.The characters in his plays discussed many different topics,often with the knowledge of experts.But what is even more impressive about these plays is Shakespeare's use of the English language.His vocabulary was very large,and Shakespeare seem to have introduced many words to the language!Also,many of the phrases that are said by Shakespeare's characters are now used in everyday conversation.Today,writers often use quotations from Shakespeare's plays in their own works.But perhaps even the most impressive features of Shakespeare's plays are the characters within them.The many characters in his plays seem very different from each other,but they seem very realistic.The emotions they feel,the words they say,and the actions they perform are all easily understood.Many people who watch one of Shakespeare's plays will find they know the people who remind them somewhat of the characters in those plays.Shakespeare died in year 1619,but his writings are still popular today,400 years after they were written.The poems and plays are greatly admired by experts in literature,but also by people in general.Each year,hundreds of thousands of people enjoy attending performances of Shakespeare's plays.No other writer in the English language has remained so popular for such long time.
8/25/20216 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 7 William Shakespeare

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tragedies 悲剧2.invents 编造3.phrases 短语4.quotations 引用原文William ShakespeareThere have been many great writers in the history of England literature,but there is no doubt about which wither was the greatest.Many people consider William Shakespeare to have been the best writer who ever lived.William Shakespeare was born in the town of Stratford,England,in the year of 1564.When he was a young man,Shakespeare moved to the city of London,where he began writing plays.His plays were soon very successful,and were enjoyed both by the common people of London and also by the rich and famous.In addition to his plays,Shakespeare wrote many short poems and a few long poems.Like his plays,his poems are still famous today.Shakespeare's most famous plays include Romeo and Juliet,Macbeth,Hamlet,King Lear,Othello,and Julius Caesar.Usually,Shakespeare did not invent the stories that he told in his plays.Instead,he wrote his plays using stories that already existed.However,Shakespeare's plays told these stories in a more interesting way than ever before.Some of the stories were tragedies,some were comedies,and some described historical events.In his plays,Shakespeare revealed a very wild knowledge of many areas of life.The characters in his plays discussed many different topics,often with the knowledge of experts.But what is even more impressive about these plays is Shakespeare's use of the English language.His vocabulary was very large,and Shakespeare seem to have introduced many words to the language!Also,many of the phrases that are said by Shakespeare's characters are now used in everyday conversation.Today,writers often use quotations from Shakespeare's plays in their own works.But perhaps even the most impressive features of Shakespeare's plays are the characters within them.The many characters in his plays seem very different from each other,but they seem very realistic.The emotions they feel,the words they say,and the actions they perform are all easily understood.Many people who watch one of Shakespeare's plays will find they know the people who remind them somewhat of the characters in those plays.Shakespeare died in year 1619,but his writings are still popular today,400 years after they were written.The poems and plays are greatly admired by experts in literature,but also by people in general.Each year,hundreds of thousands of people enjoy attending performances of Shakespeare's plays.No other writer in the English language has remained so popular for such long time.
8/25/20216 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 6 The Vikings

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.vikings 维京人2.coast 海岸3.fierce warriors 凶猛的战士4.oars 桨5.descended 传宗接代6.converted 转变原文The VikingsAbout a thousand years ago,people known as the Vikings were known and feared throughout Europe.The Vikings were the people of the northern part of Europe,called Scandinavia,which includes the modern countries of Denmark,Norway and Sweden.The Vikings made their living by farming and fishing.However,by about the year 700,they began to making attacks,or raids,upon towns along the coast of Europe in order to steal the wealth of those towns.The Vikings made their attacks very quickly and without any warning.They were very cruel to the people of the towns they attacked,and they sometimes destroyed the towns by burning down the buildings.In some parts of Europe,the local kings would often fight against the VikingsSometimes,however,the kings would pay the Vikings in order to persuade them  not to attack.Although the Vikings were known as fierce warriors,they also built excellent ships,The wooden Viking ships,called longboats,were able to sail in even very bad weather.Many Viking longboats were about 20 meters long,but some were nearly 90 meters long.The Vikings sailors used both sails and oars to move their ships.The Vikings travelled across a large area.They made many of their attacks in Britain,France and Germany,but sometimes sailed south,into the Mediterranean Sea.Other Vikings moved to the east,and then south along the rivers of Russia.Some even went as far as the area that is now the country of Turkey.In some places,the Vikings decided to stay.Many Vikings settled in the England and in France,and eventually they mixed with the local people.Other people settled in Russia,and also mixed with the people there.The most famous travels of the Vikings were in the Atlantic Ocean.Vikings sailed westward to the island of Iceland where many of them stayed.Today,the people of Iceland were descended from the Vikings.Some Vikings sailed the farther west to the cold island of Greenland.Vikings lived in Greenland for several generations,but eventually they died out.Some Vikings had gone even further west and reached the Canadian island of Newfoundland.The Vikings only stayed for a few years,but they had reached North America about 500 year before Christopher Columbus!Gradually,the Vikings became converted to be Christian religion.They also stopped raiding the towns of Europe,and instead of fighting,they became trading with their neighbors.Today,the Scandinavia countries are known as very peace-loving nations.
8/22/20216 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 6 The Vikings

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.vikings 维京人2.coast 海岸3.fierce warriors 凶猛的战士4.oars 桨5.descended 传宗接代6.converted 转变原文The VikingsAbout a thousand years ago,people known as the Vikings were known and feared throughout Europe.The Vikings were the people of the northern part of Europe,called Scandinavia,which includes the modern countries of Denmark,Norway and Sweden.The Vikings made their living by farming and fishing.However,by about the year 700,they began to making attacks,or raids,upon towns along the coast of Europe in order to steal the wealth of those towns.The Vikings made their attacks very quickly and without any warning.They were very cruel to the people of the towns they attacked,and they sometimes destroyed the towns by burning down the buildings.In some parts of Europe,the local kings would often fight against the VikingsSometimes,however,the kings would pay the Vikings in order to persuade them  not to attack.Although the Vikings were known as fierce warriors,they also built excellent ships,The wooden Viking ships,called longboats,were able to sail in even very bad weather.Many Viking longboats were about 20 meters long,but some were nearly 90 meters long.The Vikings sailors used both sails and oars to move their ships.The Vikings travelled across a large area.They made many of their attacks in Britain,France and Germany,but sometimes sailed south,into the Mediterranean Sea.Other Vikings moved to the east,and then south along the rivers of Russia.Some even went as far as the area that is now the country of Turkey.In some places,the Vikings decided to stay.Many Vikings settled in the England and in France,and eventually they mixed with the local people.Other people settled in Russia,and also mixed with the people there.The most famous travels of the Vikings were in the Atlantic Ocean.Vikings sailed westward to the island of Iceland where many of them stayed.Today,the people of Iceland were descended from the Vikings.Some Vikings sailed the farther west to the cold island of Greenland.Vikings lived in Greenland for several generations,but eventually they died out.Some Vikings had gone even further west and reached the Canadian island of Newfoundland.The Vikings only stayed for a few years,but they had reached North America about 500 year before Christopher Columbus!Gradually,the Vikings became converted to be Christian religion.They also stopped raiding the towns of Europe,and instead of fighting,they became trading with their neighbors.Today,the Scandinavia countries are known as very peace-loving nations.
8/22/20216 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 5 Two Great Artists:Leonardo and Michelangelo

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sculptures 雕塑2.captivated 着迷 3.disciple 信徒4.military 军事5.rough drawing 草图6.submarines 潜水艇7.ceiling 天花板8.faded 褪色原文Two Great Artists:Leonardo and MichelangeloMany people admire the paintings and sculptures that artists create.Some very beautiful paintings and sculptures were created by two men who lived in the same country and same time.These men were Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.They both lived in Italy around the year 1500.Leonardo da Vinci is most famous for his painting called the Mona Lisa.This is perhaps the best-known painting in the world.The Mona Lisa shows the head and shoulders of a dark-haired woman.When people look at this painting,they are often captivated by her smile and by her eyes,which have a look of mystery.Another painting of Leonardo's is called The Last Supper.This painting shows a famous scene from the Christian religion.In this painting,Jesus Christ seated at the middle of a long table,with his followers(the disciples)seated around him.Many of the paintings that were created at this time have a religious theme.Leonardo was not only a artist:he was also interested in engineering.He actually worked for some time as a advisor to a military leader,helping him to developing new machines for use in war.Leonard also made rough drawings of machines that are similar to those that were invented much later,such as submarines and helicopters.Obviously,Leonardo was an extremely creative man.Michelangelo was about 23 years younger than Leonardo.In addition to being a painter,Michelangelo was also a sculptor,and many experts consider him the greatest sculptor of all time.One of his most famous sculptures is David,which is a statue of a young man who was a famous figure in the Bible.Another great sculpture of Michelangelo's is called the Pieta.The Pieta shows Mary,the mother of Jesus,holding the body of her son across her lap.Michelangelo is also famous for painting the ceiling of a church known as the Sistine Chapel.The lead of the Roman Catholic Church,Pope Julius,asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of this new church.This project required many years of hard work,and the Pope complained that it took too long.However,when the work was finished,the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was covered with beautiful paintings of many scenes from the Bible.Fortunately,many of the works of Leonardo and of Michelangelo can still be seen today in the art galleries of Europe.During the past 500 years,the color of the paintings had faded somewhat,but in recent years,some work has been done to restore these paintings to their original appearance.
8/19/20216 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 5 Two Great Artists:Leonardo and Michelangelo

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sculptures 雕塑2.captivated 着迷 3.disciple 信徒4.military 军事5.rough drawing 草图6.submarines 潜水艇7.ceiling 天花板8.faded 褪色原文Two Great Artists:Leonardo and MichelangeloMany people admire the paintings and sculptures that artists create.Some very beautiful paintings and sculptures were created by two men who lived in the same country and same time.These men were Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.They both lived in Italy around the year 1500.Leonardo da Vinci is most famous for his painting called the Mona Lisa.This is perhaps the best-known painting in the world.The Mona Lisa shows the head and shoulders of a dark-haired woman.When people look at this painting,they are often captivated by her smile and by her eyes,which have a look of mystery.Another painting of Leonardo's is called The Last Supper.This painting shows a famous scene from the Christian religion.In this painting,Jesus Christ seated at the middle of a long table,with his followers(the disciples)seated around him.Many of the paintings that were created at this time have a religious theme.Leonardo was not only a artist:he was also interested in engineering.He actually worked for some time as a advisor to a military leader,helping him to developing new machines for use in war.Leonard also made rough drawings of machines that are similar to those that were invented much later,such as submarines and helicopters.Obviously,Leonardo was an extremely creative man.Michelangelo was about 23 years younger than Leonardo.In addition to being a painter,Michelangelo was also a sculptor,and many experts consider him the greatest sculptor of all time.One of his most famous sculptures is David,which is a statue of a young man who was a famous figure in the Bible.Another great sculpture of Michelangelo's is called the Pieta.The Pieta shows Mary,the mother of Jesus,holding the body of her son across her lap.Michelangelo is also famous for painting the ceiling of a church known as the Sistine Chapel.The lead of the Roman Catholic Church,Pope Julius,asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of this new church.This project required many years of hard work,and the Pope complained that it took too long.However,when the work was finished,the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was covered with beautiful paintings of many scenes from the Bible.Fortunately,many of the works of Leonardo and of Michelangelo can still be seen today in the art galleries of Europe.During the past 500 years,the color of the paintings had faded somewhat,but in recent years,some work has been done to restore these paintings to their original appearance.
8/19/20216 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 4 Canada:Provinces and Territories

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.territories 版图,地区2.continent 大陆3.prairie 草原4.cattle 牛5.pasta 意大利面原文Canada:Provinces and TerritoriesCanada is one of the largest countries in the world.It is located in the north half of the continent of North America,above the United States.Canada is divided into ten provinces and three territories,each of which is different from the others.The province of British Columbia is located at the far western end of Canada.British Columbia stretches from the Pacific Ocean,at the west,to the Rocky Mountains,at the east.British Columbia contains the city of Vancouver,where two million people live.Most of the land of British Columbia is very mountainous,with vast forests covering the mountains.In British Columbia,forestry is an important industry,providing wood for people around world.Moving east from British Columbia,the next provinces are Alberta,Saskatchewan,and Manitoba.These are known as the prairie provinces,because they are mostly made of flat,grassy land called“prairie”.Alberta is the province where the flat prairie meets the tall and beautiful Rocky Mountains.In Alberta,there are many fields where oil and gas are found,and there are many farms where cattle are raised.Saskatchewan is the province that grows most wheat.Wheat from Saskatchewan is sent around the world to make bread and pasta for many people.Manitoba is the other prairie province.Its large city,Winnipeg,is about halfway between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.Winnipeg had the coldest winters of any large city in the world,with temperatures sometimes reaching -40 degrees Celsius!Moving east,the next province is Ontario.The land in the northern part of Ontario is very rocky,and contains many thousands and thousands of lakes.Many mines are found in northern Ontario.In the southern part of Ontario,there is good farmland,and there are also many cities where factories produce cars and steel.Ontario contains Canada's large city,Toronto,as well as the capital city of Canada——Ottawa.In the southern part of Ontario are four of the largest lakes in the world,known as the Great lakes.Next to the Ontario is the province of Quebec.Unlike the other provinces,where most people speak English,most of the people in Quebec speak French.The capital of Quebec is called Quebec City,and this is one of the oldest cities in North America.Quebec City contains many buildings that are hundreds of years old.Also in the province of Quebec is the city of Montreal.Of all the French-speaking cities in the world,only Paris is larger than Montreal.In the eastern part of Canada are the Atlantic province,which are next to the Atlantic Ocean.These provinces are New Brunswick,Nova Scotia,Prince Edward Island,and Newfoundland.In the Atlantic province,fishing is an important industry.Tourism is also important,as many people come to see the beauty of these provinces.The people in these provinces are said to be the friendliest in the far north of Canada are the three territories that lie beside the Arctic Ocean:Yukon,Northwest Territories,and Nunavut.Many people in these territories are the native people of Canada,known as the Indians and the Inuit.The northern areas have very cold,dark winters.The summer is short,but the days are very long and bright.
8/16/20218 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 4 Canada:Provinces and Territories

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.territories 版图,地区2.continent 大陆3.prairie 草原4.cattle 牛5.pasta 意大利面原文Canada:Provinces and TerritoriesCanada is one of the largest countries in the world.It is located in the north half of the continent of North America,above the United States.Canada is divided into ten provinces and three territories,each of which is different from the others.The province of British Columbia is located at the far western end of Canada.British Columbia stretches from the Pacific Ocean,at the west,to the Rocky Mountains,at the east.British Columbia contains the city of Vancouver,where two million people live.Most of the land of British Columbia is very mountainous,with vast forests covering the mountains.In British Columbia,forestry is an important industry,providing wood for people around world.Moving east from British Columbia,the next provinces are Alberta,Saskatchewan,and Manitoba.These are known as the prairie provinces,because they are mostly made of flat,grassy land called“prairie”.Alberta is the province where the flat prairie meets the tall and beautiful Rocky Mountains.In Alberta,there are many fields where oil and gas are found,and there are many farms where cattle are raised.Saskatchewan is the province that grows most wheat.Wheat from Saskatchewan is sent around the world to make bread and pasta for many people.Manitoba is the other prairie province.Its large city,Winnipeg,is about halfway between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.Winnipeg had the coldest winters of any large city in the world,with temperatures sometimes reaching -40 degrees Celsius!Moving east,the next province is Ontario.The land in the northern part of Ontario is very rocky,and contains many thousands and thousands of lakes.Many mines are found in northern Ontario.In the southern part of Ontario,there is good farmland,and there are also many cities where factories produce cars and steel.Ontario contains Canada's large city,Toronto,as well as the capital city of Canada——Ottawa.In the southern part of Ontario are four of the largest lakes in the world,known as the Great lakes.Next to the Ontario is the province of Quebec.Unlike the other provinces,where most people speak English,most of the people in Quebec speak French.The capital of Quebec is called Quebec City,and this is one of the oldest cities in North America.Quebec City contains many buildings that are hundreds of years old.Also in the province of Quebec is the city of Montreal.Of all the French-speaking cities in the world,only Paris is larger than Montreal.In the eastern part of Canada are the Atlantic province,which are next to the Atlantic Ocean.These provinces are New Brunswick,Nova Scotia,Prince Edward Island,and Newfoundland.In the Atlantic province,fishing is an important industry.Tourism is also important,as many people come to see the beauty of these provinces.The people in these provinces are said to be the friendliest in the far north of Canada are the three territories that lie beside the Arctic Ocean:Yukon,Northwest Territories,and Nunavut.Many people in these territories are the native people of Canada,known as the Indians and the Inuit.The northern areas have very cold,dark winters.The summer is short,but the days are very long and bright.
8/16/20218 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 3 Corruption

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.corruption 腐败2.bribes 贿赂3.kickbacks 回扣4.nepotism 裙带关系5.embezzlement 贪污6.accused 控告7.guilty 有罪8.qualified 有资格9.expense 花费原文CorruptionWhen an official of a government or business is acting dishonestly,we say that this person is corrupt.Corruption is a serious problem in many countries around the world.There are several different kinds of corrupt practices,including bribes,kickbacks,nepotism and embezzlement.A bribe is a payment of money or some other benefit in exchange for a decision that would not otherwise be made.For example,an accused criminal might bribe a judge so that the judge might make a decision of“no guilty”.Another example is that a business owner might bribe a government official,so that the official would allow the construction of very unsafe buildings.A kickback is similar to a bribe,except that the official receives some part of the money in a dishonest business deal.For example,governments sometimes decide which company should build a road.A company might offer some money to a government official who makes the decision,so that this company will be chosen,even if it is not the best company for the job.Nepotism happens when an official unfairly gives advantages to his or her relatives.For example,a government official might hire a brother or sister to do a job even though other people might be much better qualified for that job.Of course,all of us want to help our relatives,but it is wrong to do this at the expense of the public.Embezzlement happens when an official secretly steals some money from a company or government.For example,a manager at a company might secretly move some of the company's money to his or her own bank account,and that manager might lie about his or her expenses in order to receive more payment from the company.Corruption has very bad effects on people in several ways.Sometimes it can lead to very dangerous situations.One example of this is when unsafe construction projects are approved by officials who have been bribes.Another example is when criminals are freed as a result of bribes.Also,a country's economy can be damaged by corruption.For example,if companies must pay bribes in order to do business,then they may decide to leave the country.Also,if people's tax money is stolen by corrupt officials,this makes the people poorer.In addition,when company officials are corrupt,it makes the company less able to compete with other companies.How can corruption be stopped?An important step is for each person to decide not to act in ways that are corruptPeople must agree to take this problem seriously.Also,each company and each government must have strict rules about corruptionIt must be very clear to all employees-from the lowest to the highest-that corruption is totally unacceptable.
8/13/20215 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 3 Corruption

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.corruption 腐败2.bribes 贿赂3.kickbacks 回扣4.nepotism 裙带关系5.embezzlement 贪污6.accused 控告7.guilty 有罪8.qualified 有资格9.expense 花费原文CorruptionWhen an official of a government or business is acting dishonestly,we say that this person is corrupt.Corruption is a serious problem in many countries around the world.There are several different kinds of corrupt practices,including bribes,kickbacks,nepotism and embezzlement.A bribe is a payment of money or some other benefit in exchange for a decision that would not otherwise be made.For example,an accused criminal might bribe a judge so that the judge might make a decision of“no guilty”.Another example is that a business owner might bribe a government official,so that the official would allow the construction of very unsafe buildings.A kickback is similar to a bribe,except that the official receives some part of the money in a dishonest business deal.For example,governments sometimes decide which company should build a road.A company might offer some money to a government official who makes the decision,so that this company will be chosen,even if it is not the best company for the job.Nepotism happens when an official unfairly gives advantages to his or her relatives.For example,a government official might hire a brother or sister to do a job even though other people might be much better qualified for that job.Of course,all of us want to help our relatives,but it is wrong to do this at the expense of the public.Embezzlement happens when an official secretly steals some money from a company or government.For example,a manager at a company might secretly move some of the company's money to his or her own bank account,and that manager might lie about his or her expenses in order to receive more payment from the company.Corruption has very bad effects on people in several ways.Sometimes it can lead to very dangerous situations.One example of this is when unsafe construction projects are approved by officials who have been bribes.Another example is when criminals are freed as a result of bribes.Also,a country's economy can be damaged by corruption.For example,if companies must pay bribes in order to do business,then they may decide to leave the country.Also,if people's tax money is stolen by corrupt officials,this makes the people poorer.In addition,when company officials are corrupt,it makes the company less able to compete with other companies.How can corruption be stopped?An important step is for each person to decide not to act in ways that are corruptPeople must agree to take this problem seriously.Also,each company and each government must have strict rules about corruptionIt must be very clear to all employees-from the lowest to the highest-that corruption is totally unacceptable.
8/13/20215 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 2 Psychology

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.conformity 从众2.cognitive psychologists 认知心理学家3.clinical psychologists 临床心理学家4.ethologists 动物行为学5.traits 特点6.instincts 本能原文PsychologyAre you interested in the behavior of people and animals?If you are,then you might enjoy the study of psychology.Psychology is the study of behavior,but this is a very large area of study.There are several different branches of psychology,each of which studies a different aspect of behavior.Social psychologists study interactions among people.For example,a social psychologist might try to learn about the situations that cause people to behave aggressively.Another question studies by social psychologists is why certain people become attracted to each other.One of the interesting problems is in social psychology is conformity:what cause people to behave in the same way,and to follow what others do and say?Cognitive psychologists study thinking,memory and language.One problem studied by cognitive psychologists is how people to remember numbers.For example,what is the best way to memorize some numbers?Is it better to repeat the number to oneself,or to try to attach some meaning to these numbers?A cognitive psychologist might also study language.For example,why can young children learn a second language so quickly and easily?Cognitive psychologists are also interested in the ways that people learn to solve problems,such as finding a new place.Clinical psychologists study mental illnesses.For example,a clinical psychologists might try to find out the causes of depression,and to figure out the ways to help people who are depressed.Other clinical psychologists might study the behavior of people who suffer from addiction to drugs,so that this problems can be prevented and treated.Another topic of interest to clinical psychologists is violent behavior.It is very important to find ways of preventing violence and to change the behavior of persons who act violently.Some psychologists are interested in the measurement of psychological characteristics.For example,psychologists might develop tests to excess a person's intelligence,personality traits,or interests.These tests can help people to make decisions about education,occupation and clinical treatment.Psychologists who study the behavior of animals are called ethologists.Ethologists often go into wilderness areas to watch the activity of birds,fish or other animals.These psychologists try to figure out why it is that some animals have“instincts”for various behaviors such as parenting,mating or fighting.Some ethologists have learned very much about the unusual behaviors observe in many animals.These are only a few of the many areas of psychology.Truly,psychology is one of the most interesting areas of knowledge!
8/10/20216 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 2 Psychology

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.conformity 从众2.cognitive psychologists 认知心理学家3.clinical psychologists 临床心理学家4.ethologists 动物行为学5.traits 特点6.instincts 本能原文PsychologyAre you interested in the behavior of people and animals?If you are,then you might enjoy the study of psychology.Psychology is the study of behavior,but this is a very large area of study.There are several different branches of psychology,each of which studies a different aspect of behavior.Social psychologists study interactions among people.For example,a social psychologist might try to learn about the situations that cause people to behave aggressively.Another question studies by social psychologists is why certain people become attracted to each other.One of the interesting problems is in social psychology is conformity:what cause people to behave in the same way,and to follow what others do and say?Cognitive psychologists study thinking,memory and language.One problem studied by cognitive psychologists is how people to remember numbers.For example,what is the best way to memorize some numbers?Is it better to repeat the number to oneself,or to try to attach some meaning to these numbers?A cognitive psychologist might also study language.For example,why can young children learn a second language so quickly and easily?Cognitive psychologists are also interested in the ways that people learn to solve problems,such as finding a new place.Clinical psychologists study mental illnesses.For example,a clinical psychologists might try to find out the causes of depression,and to figure out the ways to help people who are depressed.Other clinical psychologists might study the behavior of people who suffer from addiction to drugs,so that this problems can be prevented and treated.Another topic of interest to clinical psychologists is violent behavior.It is very important to find ways of preventing violence and to change the behavior of persons who act violently.Some psychologists are interested in the measurement of psychological characteristics.For example,psychologists might develop tests to excess a person's intelligence,personality traits,or interests.These tests can help people to make decisions about education,occupation and clinical treatment.Psychologists who study the behavior of animals are called ethologists.Ethologists often go into wilderness areas to watch the activity of birds,fish or other animals.These psychologists try to figure out why it is that some animals have“instincts”for various behaviors such as parenting,mating or fighting.Some ethologists have learned very much about the unusual behaviors observe in many animals.These are only a few of the many areas of psychology.Truly,psychology is one of the most interesting areas of knowledge!
8/10/20216 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 1 Louis Pasteur

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.demonstrated 论证2.spontaneously 自发地3.previous 以前的4.infected 感染5.rabies 狂犬病6.confirmed 证实原文Louis PasteurLouis Pasteur was one of the greatest scientists of all time.Pasteur made very important discoveries in biology and chemistry,and the techniques he developed helped greatly develop medical science and the agricultural and food industries.Pasteur was born in a small town in France during the year 1822.When he was a young man,Pasteur studied science at a university in the city of Paris.He soon did some excellent work in chemistry,and later began his famous study of germs.Pasteur was one of the first scientists to understand that many diseases could be caused by extremely,small,invisible organisms.Only a few other scientists had believed this before Pasteur.He advised doctors to wash their hands thoroughly before treating patients.Pasteur also demonstrated that life forms did not arise spontaneously.His research confirmed the idea,developed by previous scientists,that a living organism would not appear unless other individuals of its kind were present.One of Pasteur's most important contributions was a technique that has been named after him:pasteurization.Pasteurization kills the germs that are found in drinks such as milk or beer.Because of Pasteur's technique,people are no longer infected with diseases by drinking these liquids.Just as important as pasteurization was a technique called immunization.Pasteur found that a person or animal could be made safe,or immune,from a disease,by injecting the person with some weakened germs that cause the disease.The body can resist the disease after being immunized in this way.Today,many diseases are prevented by the use of this technique.Pasteur's discoveries also helped to save people who had already been infected with these diseases.One such disease is rabies.Rabies is a disease that sometimes occur in animals.This disease usually kills the animal,but before dying,the animal became very aggressive and may spread the disease by biting a person or other animal.One day,the parents of a young boy came to Pasteur's.Their son had been bitten by a dog that had the rabies disease.The parents knew their son would die from the disease,unless something could be done to save him.Pasteur agreed to help the boy,and the immunization technique saved the boy's life.Pasteur died in 1895.He was greatly admired around the world for his achievements,which have helped all the humankind.Today,Pasteur is considered to be the greatest figure of the history of medicine.
8/7/20216 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 3)-Day 1 Louis Pasteur

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.demonstrated 论证2.spontaneously 自发地3.previous 以前的4.infected 感染5.rabies 狂犬病6.confirmed 证实原文Louis PasteurLouis Pasteur was one of the greatest scientists of all time.Pasteur made very important discoveries in biology and chemistry,and the techniques he developed helped greatly develop medical science and the agricultural and food industries.Pasteur was born in a small town in France during the year 1822.When he was a young man,Pasteur studied science at a university in the city of Paris.He soon did some excellent work in chemistry,and later began his famous study of germs.Pasteur was one of the first scientists to understand that many diseases could be caused by extremely,small,invisible organisms.Only a few other scientists had believed this before Pasteur.He advised doctors to wash their hands thoroughly before treating patients.Pasteur also demonstrated that life forms did not arise spontaneously.His research confirmed the idea,developed by previous scientists,that a living organism would not appear unless other individuals of its kind were present.One of Pasteur's most important contributions was a technique that has been named after him:pasteurization.Pasteurization kills the germs that are found in drinks such as milk or beer.Because of Pasteur's technique,people are no longer infected with diseases by drinking these liquids.Just as important as pasteurization was a technique called immunization.Pasteur found that a person or animal could be made safe,or immune,from a disease,by injecting the person with some weakened germs that cause the disease.The body can resist the disease after being immunized in this way.Today,many diseases are prevented by the use of this technique.Pasteur's discoveries also helped to save people who had already been infected with these diseases.One such disease is rabies.Rabies is a disease that sometimes occur in animals.This disease usually kills the animal,but before dying,the animal became very aggressive and may spread the disease by biting a person or other animal.One day,the parents of a young boy came to Pasteur's.Their son had been bitten by a dog that had the rabies disease.The parents knew their son would die from the disease,unless something could be done to save him.Pasteur agreed to help the boy,and the immunization technique saved the boy's life.Pasteur died in 1895.He was greatly admired around the world for his achievements,which have helped all the humankind.Today,Pasteur is considered to be the greatest figure of the history of medicine.
8/7/20216 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_107 A Ghost

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.gloomy 昏暗的2.howl 嚎叫3.peek 偷看4.clap 霹雳声5.rumble 隆隆响6.definitely 明确的7.rustling 沙沙作响8.still 静止的9.squeezed 挤压原文A GhostOne dark and gloomy night,I was sitting in my bedroom reading ghost stories.The stories were very scary.A storm was brewing outside my window.The wind began to howl,and the trees shook and bent in the wind.Lightening started to flash across the sky.I felt uneasy as I heard the low rumble of thunder.I glanced around my room.The shadows were deep and dark.The ghost stories were making my imagination play tricks on me.I thought that the shadows were moving.I looked under my bed to make sure that nothing was under there.I hid under the covers and peeked out.I was starting to hear things.A big streak of lightening flashed across the sky,and a loud clap of thunder made me a jump.I was very nervous.All of a sudden,I heard a noise.It was coming from my closet.I thought that it must be a ghost.I looked out from under my covers and waited for the ghost to appear.My face was white,and I was very,very scared.Then,I heard the noise again.Yes,there was definitely a rustling in my closet.I stayed very still and did not make a sound.I watched the closet and hoped the ghost would not come flying out at me.Something started to come out of the closet.I squeezed my eyes shut.I didn't dare to look at the ghost.I heard it come out of the closet.I felt it jump up on my bed.I was still too scared to look.Then the ghost made a noise.It said“meow”.I opened my eyes and saw my kitten standing there.It was my kitten that had made the rustling noises in the closet.I laughed and felt very foolish.I have decided not to read ghost stories on dark stormy nights.I think my imagination plays tricks on me when I read ghost stories on nights like that.
8/4/20214 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_107 A Ghost

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.gloomy 昏暗的2.howl 嚎叫3.peek 偷看4.clap 霹雳声5.rumble 隆隆响6.definitely 明确的7.rustling 沙沙作响8.still 静止的9.squeezed 挤压原文A GhostOne dark and gloomy night,I was sitting in my bedroom reading ghost stories.The stories were very scary.A storm was brewing outside my window.The wind began to howl,and the trees shook and bent in the wind.Lightening started to flash across the sky.I felt uneasy as I heard the low rumble of thunder.I glanced around my room.The shadows were deep and dark.The ghost stories were making my imagination play tricks on me.I thought that the shadows were moving.I looked under my bed to make sure that nothing was under there.I hid under the covers and peeked out.I was starting to hear things.A big streak of lightening flashed across the sky,and a loud clap of thunder made me a jump.I was very nervous.All of a sudden,I heard a noise.It was coming from my closet.I thought that it must be a ghost.I looked out from under my covers and waited for the ghost to appear.My face was white,and I was very,very scared.Then,I heard the noise again.Yes,there was definitely a rustling in my closet.I stayed very still and did not make a sound.I watched the closet and hoped the ghost would not come flying out at me.Something started to come out of the closet.I squeezed my eyes shut.I didn't dare to look at the ghost.I heard it come out of the closet.I felt it jump up on my bed.I was still too scared to look.Then the ghost made a noise.It said“meow”.I opened my eyes and saw my kitten standing there.It was my kitten that had made the rustling noises in the closet.I laughed and felt very foolish.I have decided not to read ghost stories on dark stormy nights.I think my imagination plays tricks on me when I read ghost stories on nights like that.
8/4/20214 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_106 Advice to a Student from a Foreign Country

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.alive and kicking 活蹦乱跳原文Advice to a Student from a Foreign CountryMy advice to a student from a foreign country would be talk,talk,talk.Talk as much as you can to the people who live in the place that you are visiting.Talk to them and practice your new language skills.Learn all the funny says and different words that make up their language.Talking is the only way to really learn a language.Listen to people and talk to people.If you talk to people,you also learn about their culture.I have a friend from Japan.His name is Nori.He often comes to see me so that he can practice his English.He gets confused about words hat sound same,but mean different things.He was asking me about the words“see”and“sea”.I explained to him that they do sound the same,but they are spelled differently,and they mean different things.Nori is learning some of our funny sayings from different people.One morning I asked him how he was,and he said“alive and kicking”.Another morning I asked him how he was,he said“so so”.He laughs about these strange sayings that we use.He is learning English quickly because he spends a lot of time with English-speaking people.He likes to have lunch with my friends and me because we ask questions about his homeland,and he answers us in English.If he doesn't understand our questions,we spend time explaining what we mean to him.He says that he enjoys being here.He thinks that the people are very friendly.We enjoy speaking to him and helping him to learn English.We also enjoy learning about his country.It is enjoyable for us to meet new people and learn about new things.
8/2/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_106 Advice to a Student from a Foreign Country

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.alive and kicking 活蹦乱跳原文Advice to a Student from a Foreign CountryMy advice to a student from a foreign country would be talk,talk,talk.Talk as much as you can to the people who live in the place that you are visiting.Talk to them and practice your new language skills.Learn all the funny says and different words that make up their language.Talking is the only way to really learn a language.Listen to people and talk to people.If you talk to people,you also learn about their culture.I have a friend from Japan.His name is Nori.He often comes to see me so that he can practice his English.He gets confused about words hat sound same,but mean different things.He was asking me about the words“see”and“sea”.I explained to him that they do sound the same,but they are spelled differently,and they mean different things.Nori is learning some of our funny sayings from different people.One morning I asked him how he was,and he said“alive and kicking”.Another morning I asked him how he was,he said“so so”.He laughs about these strange sayings that we use.He is learning English quickly because he spends a lot of time with English-speaking people.He likes to have lunch with my friends and me because we ask questions about his homeland,and he answers us in English.If he doesn't understand our questions,we spend time explaining what we mean to him.He says that he enjoys being here.He thinks that the people are very friendly.We enjoy speaking to him and helping him to learn English.We also enjoy learning about his country.It is enjoyable for us to meet new people and learn about new things.
8/2/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_105 The Middle Child

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hand-me-downs 传下来给我2.spoil 宠爱原文The Middle ChildI am the middle child of the family.I think it is nice in some ways.I have an older sister from whom I can borrow clothes from,if she lets me.I get to meet my older sister's friends,although sometimes they think that I am too young to be with them.I have a younger brother.He is cute,but sometimes I have to baby-sit to him.There are good things and bad things about being the middle child.My sister is the eldest child.She was the first child,so she spent the time alone with my parents.She got lots of attention when she was first born.They took lots and lots of pictures of her.All her clothes and toys were brand new.I got her hand-me-downs.My parents were strictest with her.They had lots of rules for her to follow.She is the first child,so they want her to be prefect.My younger brother is the baby of the family.I think that we all spoil her.We let him get away with some things that he shouldn't get away with.His room is always messy,and my mother never gets mad about that.She gets upset with me if my room is messy.She tells me that I'm old enough to keep a nice clean room.It's not good thinking about which position you would like to hold in the family.You really don't have a choice about that.I think I like being the middle child.I can relate to my older sister and my younger brother.Yes,I think the middle is probably a good place to be.
7/31/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_105 The Middle Child

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hand-me-downs 传下来给我2.spoil 宠爱原文The Middle ChildI am the middle child of the family.I think it is nice in some ways.I have an older sister from whom I can borrow clothes from,if she lets me.I get to meet my older sister's friends,although sometimes they think that I am too young to be with them.I have a younger brother.He is cute,but sometimes I have to baby-sit to him.There are good things and bad things about being the middle child.My sister is the eldest child.She was the first child,so she spent the time alone with my parents.She got lots of attention when she was first born.They took lots and lots of pictures of her.All her clothes and toys were brand new.I got her hand-me-downs.My parents were strictest with her.They had lots of rules for her to follow.She is the first child,so they want her to be prefect.My younger brother is the baby of the family.I think that we all spoil her.We let him get away with some things that he shouldn't get away with.His room is always messy,and my mother never gets mad about that.She gets upset with me if my room is messy.She tells me that I'm old enough to keep a nice clean room.It's not good thinking about which position you would like to hold in the family.You really don't have a choice about that.I think I like being the middle child.I can relate to my older sister and my younger brother.Yes,I think the middle is probably a good place to be.
7/31/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_104 Elementary School

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.counsellor 顾问原文Elementary SchoolI go to Gainsborough Elementary School.I am in Grade 8.I am known as the“King/Queen”of the school this year.I feel very grown up.I love being the oldest kid in the school.My friends and I are often told that we are the examples to the younger kids in the school.That means we need to be good.I remember looking up to the grade eight kids when I was younger.I remember thinking how big and wise they seemed to be.Now I'm in grade eight,I hope that the younger kids see me as wise.I want to be a music teacher or maybe a nurse.My school counsellor helps me plan for high school.I am nervous because I know I will not feel like the“King”anymore.Things will be so different.I am excited because I will be meeting so many new people.I am looking forward to my graduation.I will wear a pink,silky dress.My shoes are light pink,too.My date's name is Chad.He is very nice.He is a good friend.I have known Chad since I was a little girl.I know that my future will be a bright one.I will miss all of my friends but I know we will see each other again someday.
7/29/20213 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_104 Elementary School

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.counsellor 顾问原文Elementary SchoolI go to Gainsborough Elementary School.I am in Grade 8.I am known as the“King/Queen”of the school this year.I feel very grown up.I love being the oldest kid in the school.My friends and I are often told that we are the examples to the younger kids in the school.That means we need to be good.I remember looking up to the grade eight kids when I was younger.I remember thinking how big and wise they seemed to be.Now I'm in grade eight,I hope that the younger kids see me as wise.I want to be a music teacher or maybe a nurse.My school counsellor helps me plan for high school.I am nervous because I know I will not feel like the“King”anymore.Things will be so different.I am excited because I will be meeting so many new people.I am looking forward to my graduation.I will wear a pink,silky dress.My shoes are light pink,too.My date's name is Chad.He is very nice.He is a good friend.I have known Chad since I was a little girl.I know that my future will be a bright one.I will miss all of my friends but I know we will see each other again someday.
7/29/20213 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_103 A Rainy Day

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.buckets 水桶2.puddles 水坑3.chilly 寒冷4.splashing 溅5.wrapped 包裹6.leprechauns 妖精7.claim 索取原文A Rainy DayThe clouds were very gray.There was a loud boom that came from the sky.A bolt of lighting struck down a tree.All of a sudden buckets of rain came pouring down!Jane and Bill were walking in a park when the rain started.Jane wanted to take pictures of the flowers,but the rain got her camera wet.She had to put it away so that it wouldn't get ruined.Jane was going to hide under a big tree to stay dry,but Bill told her that was not a safe idea.He said that she could be hurt if the lighting hit the tree.The tree could break and fall on her,or the lighting could even hit her!The air was very chilly.Jane and Bill put on their sweaters and raincoats to keep warm.Jane took her umbrella out and put it up.They both walked under it to stay dry.The ground was really wet and muddy.Bill and Jane were very glad that they remembered to wear their boots.They ran through the puddles,getting mud and water all over the back of their pants.As they were running and having fun,they saw some ducks.There were five of them splashing around in a pond.The ducks were not afraid of the water;they swim in the water all the time!Jane and Bill saw some big bull frogs near the pond.The frogs jumped into the pond when they heard Jane and Bill coming.After a little while,Jane and Bill decided to go home.They got into some dry clothes.Jane started to sneeze.She had gotten a little bit too wet!Bill noticed the rain had stopped.“Look outside,Jane”he said.Jane wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and looked outside.There was a beautiful,bright rainbow across the sky.Violet,blue,green,yellow,orange and red,the rainbow shone high in the sky.“I wonder if there's a pot of gold on the other side?”Jane asked.She had once been told that leprechauns lived on the other side handing out money to those that made it to the rainbow's end.Bill didn't believe that there was a pot of gold.Jane ignore Bill though and started off across the field,to claim her big pot of money.Let's hope Jane to find her way back home,safe and sound,with a big pot of gold!
7/27/20215 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_103 A Rainy Day

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.buckets 水桶2.puddles 水坑3.chilly 寒冷4.splashing 溅5.wrapped 包裹6.leprechauns 妖精7.claim 索取原文A Rainy DayThe clouds were very gray.There was a loud boom that came from the sky.A bolt of lighting struck down a tree.All of a sudden buckets of rain came pouring down!Jane and Bill were walking in a park when the rain started.Jane wanted to take pictures of the flowers,but the rain got her camera wet.She had to put it away so that it wouldn't get ruined.Jane was going to hide under a big tree to stay dry,but Bill told her that was not a safe idea.He said that she could be hurt if the lighting hit the tree.The tree could break and fall on her,or the lighting could even hit her!The air was very chilly.Jane and Bill put on their sweaters and raincoats to keep warm.Jane took her umbrella out and put it up.They both walked under it to stay dry.The ground was really wet and muddy.Bill and Jane were very glad that they remembered to wear their boots.They ran through the puddles,getting mud and water all over the back of their pants.As they were running and having fun,they saw some ducks.There were five of them splashing around in a pond.The ducks were not afraid of the water;they swim in the water all the time!Jane and Bill saw some big bull frogs near the pond.The frogs jumped into the pond when they heard Jane and Bill coming.After a little while,Jane and Bill decided to go home.They got into some dry clothes.Jane started to sneeze.She had gotten a little bit too wet!Bill noticed the rain had stopped.“Look outside,Jane”he said.Jane wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and looked outside.There was a beautiful,bright rainbow across the sky.Violet,blue,green,yellow,orange and red,the rainbow shone high in the sky.“I wonder if there's a pot of gold on the other side?”Jane asked.She had once been told that leprechauns lived on the other side handing out money to those that made it to the rainbow's end.Bill didn't believe that there was a pot of gold.Jane ignore Bill though and started off across the field,to claim her big pot of money.Let's hope Jane to find her way back home,safe and sound,with a big pot of gold!
7/27/20215 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_102 Air Plane Ride

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hopped 跳跃2.surge 激增3.jerk 猛推4.squealed 尖叫5.brace 预备,抵住6.strip 地带7.beaming 喜气洋洋原文Air Plane RideTasha signed a piece of paper which gave her a chance to win a free air plane ride.She put her name,address and telephone number on that piece of paper.A few days later,she got a telephone call.It was the man that was holding the ticket draw.Tasha didn't think she would win,but the man on the telephone said she did!She listened as the man told her where she would have to go to get her free air plane ride.She had to go near the town of Grimsby.She was allowed to pick a friend to go with her on the air plane ride.Tasha was so happy!She asked her twin sister Tawnya to go with her.Tawnya was very excited!Neither of them had been on an air plane before.When they got to the air plane center,Tasha and Tawnya were nervous.They knew the air plane was small so that meant only the pilot and they were going to be in the plane.Their mom took a picture of them beside the plane before they left.Tasha and Tawnya hopped into the plane.They put their seatbelts on and got ready for take-off.Tasha got to sit in the very front,right beside the pilot.Tawnya sat behind Tasha.The girls laughed nervously as the plane started rolling down the runway.They went faster and faster,trees passing by quickly.There was a powerful surge making everyone's head jerk back.The plane started lifting off the ground.Up,up and away!They were up off the ground and flying high in the sky.It seemed as though they could get anywhere within a matter of seconds.They flew from Grimsby to Beamsville where they saw their high school.Then,on to St.Catharines and then Niagara Falls.They even flew the top of their house!They took pictures of their house.They could see their pond from way up there,too.The pilot asked Tasha if she wanted to fly the plane.“Sure!”Tasha said.So,Tasha took the steering handle and began to fly the plane.She didn't really know how to fly,so when she pulled the handle down,the plane shot upward.Both of the girls squealed.Tasha levelled the plane and flew smoothly from then on.Soon it was time to go back Grimsby.The pilot took over again.We braced ourselves as the landing strip got nearer.The landing went smoothly with Tasha and Tawnya beaming as they looked out at the ground.They hopped off the plane,thanked the pilot and ran to tell their mom about their wonderful experience.
7/25/20215 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_102 Air Plane Ride

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hopped 跳跃2.surge 激增3.jerk 猛推4.squealed 尖叫5.brace 预备,抵住6.strip 地带7.beaming 喜气洋洋原文Air Plane RideTasha signed a piece of paper which gave her a chance to win a free air plane ride.She put her name,address and telephone number on that piece of paper.A few days later,she got a telephone call.It was the man that was holding the ticket draw.Tasha didn't think she would win,but the man on the telephone said she did!She listened as the man told her where she would have to go to get her free air plane ride.She had to go near the town of Grimsby.She was allowed to pick a friend to go with her on the air plane ride.Tasha was so happy!She asked her twin sister Tawnya to go with her.Tawnya was very excited!Neither of them had been on an air plane before.When they got to the air plane center,Tasha and Tawnya were nervous.They knew the air plane was small so that meant only the pilot and they were going to be in the plane.Their mom took a picture of them beside the plane before they left.Tasha and Tawnya hopped into the plane.They put their seatbelts on and got ready for take-off.Tasha got to sit in the very front,right beside the pilot.Tawnya sat behind Tasha.The girls laughed nervously as the plane started rolling down the runway.They went faster and faster,trees passing by quickly.There was a powerful surge making everyone's head jerk back.The plane started lifting off the ground.Up,up and away!They were up off the ground and flying high in the sky.It seemed as though they could get anywhere within a matter of seconds.They flew from Grimsby to Beamsville where they saw their high school.Then,on to St.Catharines and then Niagara Falls.They even flew the top of their house!They took pictures of their house.They could see their pond from way up there,too.The pilot asked Tasha if she wanted to fly the plane.“Sure!”Tasha said.So,Tasha took the steering handle and began to fly the plane.She didn't really know how to fly,so when she pulled the handle down,the plane shot upward.Both of the girls squealed.Tasha levelled the plane and flew smoothly from then on.Soon it was time to go back Grimsby.The pilot took over again.We braced ourselves as the landing strip got nearer.The landing went smoothly with Tasha and Tawnya beaming as they looked out at the ground.They hopped off the plane,thanked the pilot and ran to tell their mom about their wonderful experience.
7/25/20215 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_101 A Life Experience

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sandals 凉鞋2.bandages 绷带3.blisters 水泡原文A Life ExperienceMy friend Lani and I went to Burger King yesterday.We ordered a big order of French fries and a couple of drinks.Lani got a strawberry milkshake.I picked out a table near the window,so we could look at the people passing by.As we were sitting there,we heard our favorite song,“Butterfly”by the band Crazy Town come on the radio.We looked at each other with big grins on our faces and started singing and dancing!It was great fun.Many people began staring at us,wondering why we are so happy.We didn't care,we just kept on moving and enjoying ourselves.The song ended,and we almost finished our food.We sat and talked about what was happening in our lives.She had bought just four new T-shirts for the summer.The new sandals she had got for her birthday had given her really bad blisters on the sides of her feet.When her wore other shoes ,she had to wear bandages on the blisters.I told her that I had bought four new CDs,I love music!As we finished our conversation,we finished off our drink.I like going out with Lani and talking.Lani is my best friend and I can talk to her about anything.I am glad I have her to share my life with,even if it is as simple as going to Burger King and eating French fries!Lani and I are planning to travel together,so we are trying to save our money.Our French fries and drinks only came to 6 dollars,so we didn't feel too bad about spending our money.I wonder though,if McDonald's would have been cheaper?
7/23/20213 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_101 A Life Experience

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sandals 凉鞋2.bandages 绷带3.blisters 水泡原文A Life ExperienceMy friend Lani and I went to Burger King yesterday.We ordered a big order of French fries and a couple of drinks.Lani got a strawberry milkshake.I picked out a table near the window,so we could look at the people passing by.As we were sitting there,we heard our favorite song,“Butterfly”by the band Crazy Town come on the radio.We looked at each other with big grins on our faces and started singing and dancing!It was great fun.Many people began staring at us,wondering why we are so happy.We didn't care,we just kept on moving and enjoying ourselves.The song ended,and we almost finished our food.We sat and talked about what was happening in our lives.She had bought just four new T-shirts for the summer.The new sandals she had got for her birthday had given her really bad blisters on the sides of her feet.When her wore other shoes ,she had to wear bandages on the blisters.I told her that I had bought four new CDs,I love music!As we finished our conversation,we finished off our drink.I like going out with Lani and talking.Lani is my best friend and I can talk to her about anything.I am glad I have her to share my life with,even if it is as simple as going to Burger King and eating French fries!Lani and I are planning to travel together,so we are trying to save our money.Our French fries and drinks only came to 6 dollars,so we didn't feel too bad about spending our money.I wonder though,if McDonald's would have been cheaper?
7/23/20213 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_100 Methods of Transportation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.ferries 渡船 巡航 ships 游艇 旅行5.ports 港口原文Methods of TransportationIn the modern age,people often travel long distances.Sometime people travel for reasons related to their work.Sometimes they travel as tourists.And sometimes people travel to visit relatives and friends.There are many different ways that people can travel.Some forms of transportation move people along the ground.Other methods of transportation move people across the water,or through the air.Airplanes provide the fastest method of travelling.Modern jet airlines travel at about 1000 kilometers per hour.There airplanes cruise through the skies,almost ten kilometers above the level of the sea.Jet airplanes allow people to travel great distances in a short time.For example,it is possible to fly across the great ocean,such as the Pacific or the Atlantic,in several hours.Ships were once the only way to travel across the oceans.Before airplanes,it took many weeks or months to travel around the world.Today,many people still travel by ship when crossing smaller bodies of water.Some ships,called ferries,allow people to bring their cars with them onto the ship.Some people also like to travel by ship as a part of a holiday.These holiday ships,called cruise ships,stop in several interesting ports long the voyage.Trains are very popular in many places.In some places,such as Japan and France,trains travel at a high speed of about 300 kilometers per hour.These trains move people through the country very quickly and efficiently.Trains are also used to move people over short distances,such as the trip form one's home to one's workplace.Buses and cars are also widely used for transportation.Some people travel by bus or car for only short trips,but sometimes buses and cars are used for very long journeys.In North America,many people have driven across Canada or the United States in their cars.The wide,smooth roads allow cars and buses to travel quickly from one place to another.There are many different methods of transportation.Which one do you think is the best?
7/21/20215 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_100 Methods of Transportation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.ferries 渡船 巡航 ships 游艇 旅行5.ports 港口原文Methods of TransportationIn the modern age,people often travel long distances.Sometime people travel for reasons related to their work.Sometimes they travel as tourists.And sometimes people travel to visit relatives and friends.There are many different ways that people can travel.Some forms of transportation move people along the ground.Other methods of transportation move people across the water,or through the air.Airplanes provide the fastest method of travelling.Modern jet airlines travel at about 1000 kilometers per hour.There airplanes cruise through the skies,almost ten kilometers above the level of the sea.Jet airplanes allow people to travel great distances in a short time.For example,it is possible to fly across the great ocean,such as the Pacific or the Atlantic,in several hours.Ships were once the only way to travel across the oceans.Before airplanes,it took many weeks or months to travel around the world.Today,many people still travel by ship when crossing smaller bodies of water.Some ships,called ferries,allow people to bring their cars with them onto the ship.Some people also like to travel by ship as a part of a holiday.These holiday ships,called cruise ships,stop in several interesting ports long the voyage.Trains are very popular in many places.In some places,such as Japan and France,trains travel at a high speed of about 300 kilometers per hour.These trains move people through the country very quickly and efficiently.Trains are also used to move people over short distances,such as the trip form one's home to one's workplace.Buses and cars are also widely used for transportation.Some people travel by bus or car for only short trips,but sometimes buses and cars are used for very long journeys.In North America,many people have driven across Canada or the United States in their cars.The wide,smooth roads allow cars and buses to travel quickly from one place to another.There are many different methods of transportation.Which one do you think is the best?
7/21/20215 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_99 Personal Computers

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.chess 国际象棋2.checkers 国际跳棋 协调原文Personal ComputersDuring the 1980s and 1990s,personal computers became very widespread.The use of the computer has changed people's lifestyles in several ways.Before 1980,hardly anyone owned a computer.Only governments and large companies had computers.But throughout the 1980s and 1990s,computers became much cheaper,faster,and smaller,and they held much more memory.More and more people were able to afford to buy a computer.By the years 2000,computers had become very common.For many people,the personal computer is used mainly for performing calculations and for word processing.For example,people can calculate their finance on the computer.They can also use the computer to type their written documents,such as essays and letters.Many people enjoy playing games on their computers.Some people like to play chess or checkers on their computers.Other people prefer games that require fast reflexes and fine co-ordination.Computer games were very simple during the early days of the 1980s.Today's computer games show detailed images and sounds.Another very popular use of computers involves communication.Many people keep in touch with their friends and relatives by using electronic mail,or e-mail.E-mail allows people to send letter instantly to people far away.It is even possible to attach pictures to one's e-mail messages.Many people also like to use their computers to gain information on the Internet.The Internet is a vast network of electronic pages where people can find information on many different topics.For example,people can read newspapers and magazines on the Internet.Personal computers have only existed for a short time.But for many people,those computers have quickly become a very useful part of everyday life!
7/19/20214 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_99 Personal Computers

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.chess 国际象棋2.checkers 国际跳棋 协调原文Personal ComputersDuring the 1980s and 1990s,personal computers became very widespread.The use of the computer has changed people's lifestyles in several ways.Before 1980,hardly anyone owned a computer.Only governments and large companies had computers.But throughout the 1980s and 1990s,computers became much cheaper,faster,and smaller,and they held much more memory.More and more people were able to afford to buy a computer.By the years 2000,computers had become very common.For many people,the personal computer is used mainly for performing calculations and for word processing.For example,people can calculate their finance on the computer.They can also use the computer to type their written documents,such as essays and letters.Many people enjoy playing games on their computers.Some people like to play chess or checkers on their computers.Other people prefer games that require fast reflexes and fine co-ordination.Computer games were very simple during the early days of the 1980s.Today's computer games show detailed images and sounds.Another very popular use of computers involves communication.Many people keep in touch with their friends and relatives by using electronic mail,or e-mail.E-mail allows people to send letter instantly to people far away.It is even possible to attach pictures to one's e-mail messages.Many people also like to use their computers to gain information on the Internet.The Internet is a vast network of electronic pages where people can find information on many different topics.For example,people can read newspapers and magazines on the Internet.Personal computers have only existed for a short time.But for many people,those computers have quickly become a very useful part of everyday life!
7/19/20214 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_98 A Small Town

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hardware 硬件 供应3.elementary 初级原文A Small TownI grew up in a small town.There were only about two thousand people who live in the town where I grew up.When a town is very small,it is also called a village.My village was surrounded by many farms and many lakes.The house where my family lived was near the middle of the town.On the street where we lived,most of the houses were similar in size,but many of them had different shapes and different colors.Each house was surrounded by a yard,where people grew their lawn and their garden.Often,I would walk from my house to the downtown part of the village.“Downtown”is the area where the stores and shops of a town are located.Because I lived a small town,it was a short walk to the downtown area.Along the main street,there were several different kinds of stores.Some stores sold food,some stores sold clothing,and some stores sold hardware(or building supplies).It was also a short walk to the schools in my town.When I went to elementary school,it would take about ten minutes to walk to the school.Some of my friends lived on the same street where I lived.Sometimes,we walked to school together.During the summer months,many people came from the big city to visit our village.The people liked to get away from the busy street of the city.They enjoyed the quietness and the slow pace of the village life.They also like to spend their vacations near the lake that were near the village.People from the city often said that people who live in villages seems very friendly.When I grew up,I left my village,and I went to work in a large town.But sometimes I like to go back and visit the place where I grew up.
7/17/20214 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_98 A Small Town

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hardware 硬件 供应3.elementary 初级原文A Small TownI grew up in a small town.There were only about two thousand people who live in the town where I grew up.When a town is very small,it is also called a village.My village was surrounded by many farms and many lakes.The house where my family lived was near the middle of the town.On the street where we lived,most of the houses were similar in size,but many of them had different shapes and different colors.Each house was surrounded by a yard,where people grew their lawn and their garden.Often,I would walk from my house to the downtown part of the village.“Downtown”is the area where the stores and shops of a town are located.Because I lived a small town,it was a short walk to the downtown area.Along the main street,there were several different kinds of stores.Some stores sold food,some stores sold clothing,and some stores sold hardware(or building supplies).It was also a short walk to the schools in my town.When I went to elementary school,it would take about ten minutes to walk to the school.Some of my friends lived on the same street where I lived.Sometimes,we walked to school together.During the summer months,many people came from the big city to visit our village.The people liked to get away from the busy street of the city.They enjoyed the quietness and the slow pace of the village life.They also like to spend their vacations near the lake that were near the village.People from the city often said that people who live in villages seems very friendly.When I grew up,I left my village,and I went to work in a large town.But sometimes I like to go back and visit the place where I grew up.
7/17/20214 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_97 Visiting the Doctor

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.stethoscope 听诊器2.cuff 袖口3.reflexes 反射作用4.needle 针5.vaccinations 疫苗原文Visiting the DoctorWhen people feel sick,they go to a doctor.But sometimes people visit the doctor even when they are not sick.Doctors can perform a medical“check-up”,to find out if a person is healthy.By performing this physical examination,the doctor can identify any healthy problems that might be developing.During a check-up,the doctor exams your eyes,ears and throat.The doctor uses a small flashlight to examine the eyes,ears and throat.It is important to make sure that the eyes are react normally to change in light.It is also important to make sure that the ears and throat have a normal appearance.When the doctor examines your throat,he or she will ask you to open your mouth wide and say“ah”.The doctor uses a stethoscope to examine the patient's heartbeat.The stethoscope hangs around the doctor's neck.By using a stethoscope,a doctor can hear the patient's heartbeat very clearly.While checking the patient's heart,the doctor also listens carefully to make sure that the patient's breathing is normal.The doctor also checks the patient's blood pressure.Blood pressure is measured by placing a cuff around the arm.Air is then pumped in the cuff,and this allows the blood pressure to be measured.Having very high blood pressure,or very low blood pressure,is not good for one's health,it is better to be“in between”.Another part of the examination is a test of the reflexes.The doctor tests the patient's reflexes by gently hitting his or her knee with a small hammer.If a person has normal reflexes,the leg will extend suddenly.Sometimes a doctor may give injection using a needle,as an extra part of the check-up.These injections,called vaccinations,prevent the patient from developing certain illnesses.Medical check-up can help to maintain health,but people also should maintain health by leading in a heathy lifestyle.
7/15/20214 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_97 Visiting the Doctor

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.stethoscope 听诊器2.cuff 袖口3.reflexes 反射作用4.needle 针5.vaccinations 疫苗原文Visiting the DoctorWhen people feel sick,they go to a doctor.But sometimes people visit the doctor even when they are not sick.Doctors can perform a medical“check-up”,to find out if a person is healthy.By performing this physical examination,the doctor can identify any healthy problems that might be developing.During a check-up,the doctor exams your eyes,ears and throat.The doctor uses a small flashlight to examine the eyes,ears and throat.It is important to make sure that the eyes are react normally to change in light.It is also important to make sure that the ears and throat have a normal appearance.When the doctor examines your throat,he or she will ask you to open your mouth wide and say“ah”.The doctor uses a stethoscope to examine the patient's heartbeat.The stethoscope hangs around the doctor's neck.By using a stethoscope,a doctor can hear the patient's heartbeat very clearly.While checking the patient's heart,the doctor also listens carefully to make sure that the patient's breathing is normal.The doctor also checks the patient's blood pressure.Blood pressure is measured by placing a cuff around the arm.Air is then pumped in the cuff,and this allows the blood pressure to be measured.Having very high blood pressure,or very low blood pressure,is not good for one's health,it is better to be“in between”.Another part of the examination is a test of the reflexes.The doctor tests the patient's reflexes by gently hitting his or her knee with a small hammer.If a person has normal reflexes,the leg will extend suddenly.Sometimes a doctor may give injection using a needle,as an extra part of the check-up.These injections,called vaccinations,prevent the patient from developing certain illnesses.Medical check-up can help to maintain health,but people also should maintain health by leading in a heathy lifestyle.
7/15/20214 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_96 Being a Good Citizen

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.merely 仅仅2.pedestrians 行人3.yield 让步4.merge 融入5.lanes 车道6.interfere 干涉7.irritate 刺激8.donors 捐献者原文Being a Good CitizenEvery society has laws that regulate the way people behave.A good citizen should obey the laws.However,there is more to being a good citizen than merely obey laws.There are many other things that people can do to make their society a pleasant one for every person.One way to be a good citizen is to be polite in everyday activities.For example,when passing through a door,a considerate person will hold the door open for a person who is close behind.Holding doors open is especially important when someone is carrying a heavy load.Being a good citizen is very important when travelling on the roads and streets.Pedestrians,bicyclists,and car drivers should all follow the rules of the road.Bicyclists should yield to pedestrians,and car drivers should yield to both bicyclists and pedestrians.Drivers should also allow other drivers to merge into their lanes.Also,drivers should avoid honking their horns except when this is necessary.A good citizen will also avoid doing things that interfere with others.For example,a considerate person dose not smoke cigarette in areas where this might irritate others.Also,a polite person avoid playing music so loudly that other people will annoyed.And of course,a good citizen avoid littering or making a mess.Other ways of being a good citizen involve greater effort.Some people serve their community by doing volunteer work of some kind.Other people help by donating money to a charity.Another way to serve the community is to donate blood.Blood donors are needed so that there will be enough blood available to help people who are sick or injured.Being a good citizen is very helpful for the community,and it also gives a feeling of satisfaction and pride!
7/13/20214 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_96 Being a Good Citizen

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.merely 仅仅2.pedestrians 行人3.yield 让步4.merge 融入5.lanes 车道6.interfere 干涉7.irritate 刺激8.donors 捐献者原文Being a Good CitizenEvery society has laws that regulate the way people behave.A good citizen should obey the laws.However,there is more to being a good citizen than merely obey laws.There are many other things that people can do to make their society a pleasant one for every person.One way to be a good citizen is to be polite in everyday activities.For example,when passing through a door,a considerate person will hold the door open for a person who is close behind.Holding doors open is especially important when someone is carrying a heavy load.Being a good citizen is very important when travelling on the roads and streets.Pedestrians,bicyclists,and car drivers should all follow the rules of the road.Bicyclists should yield to pedestrians,and car drivers should yield to both bicyclists and pedestrians.Drivers should also allow other drivers to merge into their lanes.Also,drivers should avoid honking their horns except when this is necessary.A good citizen will also avoid doing things that interfere with others.For example,a considerate person dose not smoke cigarette in areas where this might irritate others.Also,a polite person avoid playing music so loudly that other people will annoyed.And of course,a good citizen avoid littering or making a mess.Other ways of being a good citizen involve greater effort.Some people serve their community by doing volunteer work of some kind.Other people help by donating money to a charity.Another way to serve the community is to donate blood.Blood donors are needed so that there will be enough blood available to help people who are sick or injured.Being a good citizen is very helpful for the community,and it also gives a feeling of satisfaction and pride!
7/13/20214 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_95 Radio Stations

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.format 格式2.rhythm-and-blues 节奏布鲁斯3.theatrical 戏剧的原文Radio StationsWhen I drive in my car,I like to turn on the radio.By listening to the radio,I can enjoy music,and learn the latest news when I am travelling from one place to another.Of course,you can also listen to the radio at home,or even at work.Listening to the radio is a popular activity for many people,and each city has many different radio stations.There are many different kinds of radio stations.Some radio stations provide news and information.Other radio stations have a“talk”format,where listeners can call the radio station's experts,to discuss the political affairs or to ask for personal advice.Although there are many radio stations that provide news and opinions,most radio stations are mainly devoted to playing music of some kinds.For example,some radio stations play the songs that are currently most popular,often called the“top 40”songs.Other radio stations specialize in particular types of music.There are some stations that only play classical music.Other radio stations mainly play jazz music.Some very popular radio stations play“hard rock”music.Others specialize in country music.Some people prefer the radio stations that play rhythm-and-blues music.Still other people enjoy the radio stations that specialize in soft,“easy listening”music.If you have a favorite kind of music,or even if you like to listen to all kinds of music,you can probably find at least one radio station that you will like.In addition to news and music,some radio stations provide other kinds of entertainment.Sometimes,a story from a book will be told over the radio.Occasionally,the words of a theatrical play may be heard on the radio.Even in the age of television and computers,the radio has remain an important source of entertainment and information.People will surely listen to the radio for a long time to come.
7/11/20214 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_95 Radio Stations

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.format 格式2.rhythm-and-blues 节奏布鲁斯3.theatrical 戏剧的原文Radio StationsWhen I drive in my car,I like to turn on the radio.By listening to the radio,I can enjoy music,and learn the latest news when I am travelling from one place to another.Of course,you can also listen to the radio at home,or even at work.Listening to the radio is a popular activity for many people,and each city has many different radio stations.There are many different kinds of radio stations.Some radio stations provide news and information.Other radio stations have a“talk”format,where listeners can call the radio station's experts,to discuss the political affairs or to ask for personal advice.Although there are many radio stations that provide news and opinions,most radio stations are mainly devoted to playing music of some kinds.For example,some radio stations play the songs that are currently most popular,often called the“top 40”songs.Other radio stations specialize in particular types of music.There are some stations that only play classical music.Other radio stations mainly play jazz music.Some very popular radio stations play“hard rock”music.Others specialize in country music.Some people prefer the radio stations that play rhythm-and-blues music.Still other people enjoy the radio stations that specialize in soft,“easy listening”music.If you have a favorite kind of music,or even if you like to listen to all kinds of music,you can probably find at least one radio station that you will like.In addition to news and music,some radio stations provide other kinds of entertainment.Sometimes,a story from a book will be told over the radio.Occasionally,the words of a theatrical play may be heard on the radio.Even in the age of television and computers,the radio has remain an important source of entertainment and information.People will surely listen to the radio for a long time to come.
7/11/20214 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_94 Eating Out

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.buffet 自助餐柜原文Eating OutMany people enjoy the experience of going out to eat at a restaurant.It is enjoyable to eat one's favorite food,or to try some entirely new food.Going out to a restaurant is also fun because it allows a change from the usual routine of eating at home.There are many different kinds of restaurants.One popular type of restaurant is the fast-food restaurant.When ordering fast-food,you must first wait in the line at the front of the restaurant,and then order the food from the counter.After paying,the food is quickly delivered,and you can then take the food to a table,where you enjoy your meal.In most restaurant,you don't have to go to a counter to order your food.Instead,you are taken to a table soon after entering the restaurant.There,a waiter comes to give you a menu.You can choose your meal from the foods that are listed on the menu.After ordering,it takes some time to prepare you food.After a while,the waiter brings your meal to the table.When you finish eating,the waiter brings the“bill”or“check”.You then pay for the bill,and leave some extra money as a“tip”for the waiter.In some restaurant,the waiter dose not bring the meal to your table.Instead,after you are taken to a table,you then go to a counter called a“buffet”.There you can select different types of foods,such as salad,soups,meats,breads,vegetables,and desserts.After putting food on your plate,you return to your table.After eating,you can return to the buffet to get more food.Other restaurants can be very fancy.They may have beautiful decorations,and they may have food hat is prepared by expert chefs.These restaurants may also serve fine wines with the food.Of course,these restaurants are very expensive.At these restaurants,it is necessary to reserve a table by telephoning the restaurant in advance.Different restaurants specialize in different kinds of food.Fast-food restaurant may specialize in hamburgers and chicken.Some restaurants specialize in steak or seafood.Other restaurants specialize in foods that belong to a certain nationality.For example,many restaurants specialize in Italian,Mexican,Chinese,Indian or Thai food.Eating out at a restaurant can be a fun and tasty experience.What is your favorite kind of restaurant?
7/9/20215 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_94 Eating Out

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.buffet 自助餐柜原文Eating OutMany people enjoy the experience of going out to eat at a restaurant.It is enjoyable to eat one's favorite food,or to try some entirely new food.Going out to a restaurant is also fun because it allows a change from the usual routine of eating at home.There are many different kinds of restaurants.One popular type of restaurant is the fast-food restaurant.When ordering fast-food,you must first wait in the line at the front of the restaurant,and then order the food from the counter.After paying,the food is quickly delivered,and you can then take the food to a table,where you enjoy your meal.In most restaurant,you don't have to go to a counter to order your food.Instead,you are taken to a table soon after entering the restaurant.There,a waiter comes to give you a menu.You can choose your meal from the foods that are listed on the menu.After ordering,it takes some time to prepare you food.After a while,the waiter brings your meal to the table.When you finish eating,the waiter brings the“bill”or“check”.You then pay for the bill,and leave some extra money as a“tip”for the waiter.In some restaurant,the waiter dose not bring the meal to your table.Instead,after you are taken to a table,you then go to a counter called a“buffet”.There you can select different types of foods,such as salad,soups,meats,breads,vegetables,and desserts.After putting food on your plate,you return to your table.After eating,you can return to the buffet to get more food.Other restaurants can be very fancy.They may have beautiful decorations,and they may have food hat is prepared by expert chefs.These restaurants may also serve fine wines with the food.Of course,these restaurants are very expensive.At these restaurants,it is necessary to reserve a table by telephoning the restaurant in advance.Different restaurants specialize in different kinds of food.Fast-food restaurant may specialize in hamburgers and chicken.Some restaurants specialize in steak or seafood.Other restaurants specialize in foods that belong to a certain nationality.For example,many restaurants specialize in Italian,Mexican,Chinese,Indian or Thai food.Eating out at a restaurant can be a fun and tasty experience.What is your favorite kind of restaurant?
7/9/20215 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_93 Summer Jobs

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 workers 建筑工人2.mowing lawns 修剪草坪3.cashiers 出纳员原文Summer JobsIn North America,many young people attend high school,college and university.But during the summer months,most of those students work at a summer jobs.For most students,there are no classes during the months of July and August,and sometimes none in May and June also.Having a summer job allows students to make money that they will need during the rest of the year.They need this money because it costs a lot of money to pay for university or college.Of course,students also want money to spend on things that are fun,also.Many students have summer jobs that involve working with children.For example,some students work at children's camps,where they teach children various skills and games.Some students work as lifeguards,at swimming pools and at beaches.Some students do heavy work in their summer jobs.For example,some students find jobs as construction workers.Other students work in factories,and some students work on farm.There are other students who find jobs mowing lawns or collecting trash.Quite a few students work stores.Some of these students have jobs as cashiers,and some have jobs putting products on store shelves.Other students work in restaurants,as waiters or as cooks.Other students work in offices.Some of them work as assistants for other employees.Their tasks might including typing letters,programming computers,or delivering mails.Some of students enjoy their summer jobs very much,and they find those jobs to be a pleasant break from studying.Other students do not really enjoy their summer jobs,but find their jobs to be a nice way to make new friends.But nearly all students who have summer jobs are pleased to have the chance to earn some extra money.
7/8/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_93 Summer Jobs

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 workers 建筑工人2.mowing lawns 修剪草坪3.cashiers 出纳员原文Summer JobsIn North America,many young people attend high school,college and university.But during the summer months,most of those students work at a summer jobs.For most students,there are no classes during the months of July and August,and sometimes none in May and June also.Having a summer job allows students to make money that they will need during the rest of the year.They need this money because it costs a lot of money to pay for university or college.Of course,students also want money to spend on things that are fun,also.Many students have summer jobs that involve working with children.For example,some students work at children's camps,where they teach children various skills and games.Some students work as lifeguards,at swimming pools and at beaches.Some students do heavy work in their summer jobs.For example,some students find jobs as construction workers.Other students work in factories,and some students work on farm.There are other students who find jobs mowing lawns or collecting trash.Quite a few students work stores.Some of these students have jobs as cashiers,and some have jobs putting products on store shelves.Other students work in restaurants,as waiters or as cooks.Other students work in offices.Some of them work as assistants for other employees.Their tasks might including typing letters,programming computers,or delivering mails.Some of students enjoy their summer jobs very much,and they find those jobs to be a pleasant break from studying.Other students do not really enjoy their summer jobs,but find their jobs to be a nice way to make new friends.But nearly all students who have summer jobs are pleased to have the chance to earn some extra money.
7/8/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_92 Reading the Newspaper

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.classified advertisement 分类广告原文Reading the NewspaperI often enjoy reading the newspaper.In my city,there are three different newspapers,and I look at different newspapers on different days.I find that each section of a newspaper has some interesting information.Most newspaper contain several sections that can be easily removed from the rest of the newspaper.The main section is found at the front of the newspaper.This section usually contains the most important news from around the world,from around the nation,and from the local area.Sometimes the main section also including some pages contain the opinions about the news.The editors of the newspaper write an editorial opinion.Other writers provide many different opinions about current events.Also,some readers of the newspaper write letters to the editor,in which they express their opinions.Another popular section of the newspaper is the sports section.This section contains information about many different sports events.The sports section provides scores and results from many games and competitions.Another section of the newspaper contains information about entertainment and the arts.The arts and entertainment section tell readers about new movie and plays.It also describes new books,music concerts,and art exhibits.Most newspapers also have a business section.This section provides information about new business deals,and about the stock market.Many people read the business section of the newspaper to gain information and advice about investing their money.Finally,newspapers usually have a section for classified advertisements.This section allows people to advertise about things that they want to buy or sellIt also gives notices about job openings.Reading the newspaper is surely a good way to keep informed about many different events in the world around us.
7/7/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_92 Reading the Newspaper

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.classified advertisement 分类广告原文Reading the NewspaperI often enjoy reading the newspaper.In my city,there are three different newspapers,and I look at different newspapers on different days.I find that each section of a newspaper has some interesting information.Most newspaper contain several sections that can be easily removed from the rest of the newspaper.The main section is found at the front of the newspaper.This section usually contains the most important news from around the world,from around the nation,and from the local area.Sometimes the main section also including some pages contain the opinions about the news.The editors of the newspaper write an editorial opinion.Other writers provide many different opinions about current events.Also,some readers of the newspaper write letters to the editor,in which they express their opinions.Another popular section of the newspaper is the sports section.This section contains information about many different sports events.The sports section provides scores and results from many games and competitions.Another section of the newspaper contains information about entertainment and the arts.The arts and entertainment section tell readers about new movie and plays.It also describes new books,music concerts,and art exhibits.Most newspapers also have a business section.This section provides information about new business deals,and about the stock market.Many people read the business section of the newspaper to gain information and advice about investing their money.Finally,newspapers usually have a section for classified advertisements.This section allows people to advertise about things that they want to buy or sellIt also gives notices about job openings.Reading the newspaper is surely a good way to keep informed about many different events in the world around us.
7/7/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_91 Life in Outer Space?

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.harsh 恶劣的2.evolve 进化原文Life in Outer Space?People have often wondered about whether or not there is life beyond the planet Earth.For years,the idea of intelligent life on other planets has been very popular.Many books and movies tell stories of what those forms of life might be like.Many scientists believe that very simple forms of life are likely to exist on many other planets.Under the right conditions,simple forms of life might arise.Those conditions,which including moisture and warmth,might occurs in many parts of the universe.Fewer scientists believe that very intelligent forms of life are likely to exist on many other planets.For intelligent life to evolve,a very long period of time is needed.During that time,the conditions on a planet must not be too harsh.Otherwise,the evolving life forms will die.The amount of water,heat,and various chemicals must be“just right”.If not,the complex life might never be evolve.The conditions needed for intelligent life to evolve are very unlikely to occur on any one planet.However,some scientists believe that intelligent life might be common in the universe.Because there are so many stars and planets in the universe,there might be a few places that have intelligent life.However,those place are probably very,very far away.Other scientists disagree.They think the conditions needed for intelligent life are extremely rare.Because of this,our planet might be the only place that has intelligent life!So far,it is impossible to know whether or not there are intelligent beings on other planets.But even if those beings do exist,it seems very unlikely that we will ever meet them.
7/5/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_91 Life in Outer Space?

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.harsh 恶劣的2.evolve 进化原文Life in Outer Space?People have often wondered about whether or not there is life beyond the planet Earth.For years,the idea of intelligent life on other planets has been very popular.Many books and movies tell stories of what those forms of life might be like.Many scientists believe that very simple forms of life are likely to exist on many other planets.Under the right conditions,simple forms of life might arise.Those conditions,which including moisture and warmth,might occurs in many parts of the universe.Fewer scientists believe that very intelligent forms of life are likely to exist on many other planets.For intelligent life to evolve,a very long period of time is needed.During that time,the conditions on a planet must not be too harsh.Otherwise,the evolving life forms will die.The amount of water,heat,and various chemicals must be“just right”.If not,the complex life might never be evolve.The conditions needed for intelligent life to evolve are very unlikely to occur on any one planet.However,some scientists believe that intelligent life might be common in the universe.Because there are so many stars and planets in the universe,there might be a few places that have intelligent life.However,those place are probably very,very far away.Other scientists disagree.They think the conditions needed for intelligent life are extremely rare.Because of this,our planet might be the only place that has intelligent life!So far,it is impossible to know whether or not there are intelligent beings on other planets.But even if those beings do exist,it seems very unlikely that we will ever meet them.
7/5/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_90 Hobbies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sake 原因2.rare 罕见的原文HobbiesHobbies are activities that people do in their spare time,for the sake of enjoyment.A hobby usually involves work of some kind,but the work is fun for the person who does it.Some people enjoy their hobbies very much,and like to spend much time on those hobbies.There are many different hobbies that people enjoy.One of the most popular hobbies is gardening.Many people enjoy growing beautiful flowers or tasty vegetables in a garden near their house or apartment.People who have a garden enjoy seeing the result of their work,when flowers show their bright,beautiful colors.But gardeners also enjoy the tasks of gardening itself.They like to work in the soil,planting and watering their flowers.Another popular hobby is photography.Some people enjoy taking pictures of the people and places around them.People who enjoy photography may sometimes buy expensive cameras that allow interesting photographs to be taken.But even people who have only basic camera can still take beautiful pictures.For many people,car repair is favorite hobby.Some people enjoy looking for the engine and other parts of their cars.Those people make repairs or improvement to their cars.Of course,this is a useful hobby but many people enjoy “fixing up”a car simply because they enjoying working with cars.Some people collect objects as a hobby.For example,some people collect postage stamps,and some people collect coins.It can be very satisfying to find the missing parts of one's collection especially when the stamps and coins are very rare.Of course,these are just a few of many hobbies that people enjoy.Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy?
7/3/20214 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_90 Hobbies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sake 原因2.rare 罕见的原文HobbiesHobbies are activities that people do in their spare time,for the sake of enjoyment.A hobby usually involves work of some kind,but the work is fun for the person who does it.Some people enjoy their hobbies very much,and like to spend much time on those hobbies.There are many different hobbies that people enjoy.One of the most popular hobbies is gardening.Many people enjoy growing beautiful flowers or tasty vegetables in a garden near their house or apartment.People who have a garden enjoy seeing the result of their work,when flowers show their bright,beautiful colors.But gardeners also enjoy the tasks of gardening itself.They like to work in the soil,planting and watering their flowers.Another popular hobby is photography.Some people enjoy taking pictures of the people and places around them.People who enjoy photography may sometimes buy expensive cameras that allow interesting photographs to be taken.But even people who have only basic camera can still take beautiful pictures.For many people,car repair is favorite hobby.Some people enjoy looking for the engine and other parts of their cars.Those people make repairs or improvement to their cars.Of course,this is a useful hobby but many people enjoy “fixing up”a car simply because they enjoying working with cars.Some people collect objects as a hobby.For example,some people collect postage stamps,and some people collect coins.It can be very satisfying to find the missing parts of one's collection especially when the stamps and coins are very rare.Of course,these are just a few of many hobbies that people enjoy.Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy?
7/3/20214 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_89 My Friends

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频原文My FriendsTwo of my best friends are named John and Jane.John and Jane are related to each other.In fact,they are brother and sister.Not only they are brother and sister,but they are also twins.Their mother gave birth to them only a few minutes apart.I first met John and Jane when we were only five years old.We went to kindergarten classes at the same school.Because the house where John and Jane lived was closed to my family's house.I often walked to school with John and Jane.When we weren't at school,John and Jane and I often played together.Sometimes,we would play sports and games.Sometimes,we would play in the forest,looking for birds and animals.On rainy days,we would stay inside,and played with toys and dolls.On warm summer days,we would go swimming in the lake that was near the place where we lived.I often visited with John and Jane at their house.On many occasions,I hand lunch at their place.John and Jane's parents were very nice to me.Of course,John and Jane often visited my house too.My parents enjoyed with it when John and Jane came over for lunch.When I became older,I remained friends with John and Jane.Sometimes,we would study or do our school homework together.Sometimes,we worked at the same part-time job to make extra money.We often helped each other in various ways.Sometimes,I did favors to help John or Jane and sometimes they did favors to help me.Eventually,when we grew up,I moved to a different town.Both John and Jane also moved to different places.But I am still good friends with John and Jane.Two years' ago,I went to Jane's wedding,and last year,I went to John's wedding.I think I will probably always be good friends with John and Jane.Having friends is very nice.I am very lucky to have had good friends such as John and Jane.
7/1/20214 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_89 My Friends

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频原文My FriendsTwo of my best friends are named John and Jane.John and Jane are related to each other.In fact,they are brother and sister.Not only they are brother and sister,but they are also twins.Their mother gave birth to them only a few minutes apart.I first met John and Jane when we were only five years old.We went to kindergarten classes at the same school.Because the house where John and Jane lived was closed to my family's house.I often walked to school with John and Jane.When we weren't at school,John and Jane and I often played together.Sometimes,we would play sports and games.Sometimes,we would play in the forest,looking for birds and animals.On rainy days,we would stay inside,and played with toys and dolls.On warm summer days,we would go swimming in the lake that was near the place where we lived.I often visited with John and Jane at their house.On many occasions,I hand lunch at their place.John and Jane's parents were very nice to me.Of course,John and Jane often visited my house too.My parents enjoyed with it when John and Jane came over for lunch.When I became older,I remained friends with John and Jane.Sometimes,we would study or do our school homework together.Sometimes,we worked at the same part-time job to make extra money.We often helped each other in various ways.Sometimes,I did favors to help John or Jane and sometimes they did favors to help me.Eventually,when we grew up,I moved to a different town.Both John and Jane also moved to different places.But I am still good friends with John and Jane.Two years' ago,I went to Jane's wedding,and last year,I went to John's wedding.I think I will probably always be good friends with John and Jane.Having friends is very nice.I am very lucky to have had good friends such as John and Jane.
7/1/20214 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_88 Easter

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.solemn 庄严的2.hollow 空心的原文EasterTraditionally,Easter has been one of the most important holidays of the Christian religion.For Christians,the Easter holiday celebrates the death of Jesus Christ,who died for the benefit of all people.The exact date when Easter is celebrated is different each year,but it is always held in early spring,during March or April.There are two very important days that make up the Easter holidays,which occurs during the spring season.The first of these days is called Good Friday.Christians recognized Good Friday as the day when Jesus suffered and died on behalf of humanity.The second of these days is called Easter Sunday.Easter Sunday occurs two days after Good Friday.Christians celebrated Easter Sunday as the day when Jesus rose from the dead and went to Heaven.For Christians,Easter is the most solemn holiday of the year.Many people attend church services on Good Friday and on Eater Sunday.Easter is also a time for celebration.Some Easter traditions come from old springtime festivals that exited even before Christianity.One of the traditions associated with Easter is the painting of Easter eggs.People take chickens' eggs,make them hollow,and then paint them with beautiful colorsSome people paint very beautiful and complex designs on the Easter eggsAnother Easter tradition is the Easter Bunny.According to tradition,the Easter Bunny is a magical rabbit that visits the homes of children one the night before Easter Sunday.The Easter Bunny hides chocolate candies,shaped like eggs,throughout the child's house.On the morning of Easter Sunday,the children must search throughout the house,to find these many hidden treats!The Easter holiday is an important time,both as a religious holiday and as a celebration of springtime.
6/29/20214 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_88 Easter

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.solemn 庄严的2.hollow 空心的原文EasterTraditionally,Easter has been one of the most important holidays of the Christian religion.For Christians,the Easter holiday celebrates the death of Jesus Christ,who died for the benefit of all people.The exact date when Easter is celebrated is different each year,but it is always held in early spring,during March or April.There are two very important days that make up the Easter holidays,which occurs during the spring season.The first of these days is called Good Friday.Christians recognized Good Friday as the day when Jesus suffered and died on behalf of humanity.The second of these days is called Easter Sunday.Easter Sunday occurs two days after Good Friday.Christians celebrated Easter Sunday as the day when Jesus rose from the dead and went to Heaven.For Christians,Easter is the most solemn holiday of the year.Many people attend church services on Good Friday and on Eater Sunday.Easter is also a time for celebration.Some Easter traditions come from old springtime festivals that exited even before Christianity.One of the traditions associated with Easter is the painting of Easter eggs.People take chickens' eggs,make them hollow,and then paint them with beautiful colorsSome people paint very beautiful and complex designs on the Easter eggsAnother Easter tradition is the Easter Bunny.According to tradition,the Easter Bunny is a magical rabbit that visits the homes of children one the night before Easter Sunday.The Easter Bunny hides chocolate candies,shaped like eggs,throughout the child's house.On the morning of Easter Sunday,the children must search throughout the house,to find these many hidden treats!The Easter holiday is an important time,both as a religious holiday and as a celebration of springtime.
6/29/20214 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_87 Halloween(2)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.weird 奇怪的2.glow 发光原文Halloween(2)The holiday called Halloween is celebrated on October 31th of each year.Halloween is not an official holiday.Everyone go to work or to school on Halloween,just as on any other day.But Halloween is still one of holidays that children like the most.Why do children like Halloween so much?There are two reasons:costumes and candy.On the evening of October 31th,children dress up in strange and unusual costumes.They wear costumes that may look like a witch,a monster,or many other weird things.Putting on these scary costumes is a lot of fun for children.After the children put on their costumes,they walk from house to house during the evening.The children carry large bags with them.At each house,they stop and knock at the door.When an adult open the door,the children will shout“trick or treat”.The adult who opens the door pretends to be frighten,and then puts pieces of candy into each child's open bag.At the end of the evening,the children have visited many houses and have collected much candy.During the next several days,they can feast upon the sweet candies that they have received.Another Halloween tradition is very unusual.In each house,a family gets a very large,round,orange vegetable called a pumpkin.They cut a hole in the top of the pumpkin,and empty out the flesh and seeds of the vegetable.Then,they cut holes in the side of the pumpkin,so it appears to have eyes,a nose and a mouth.When the carving is finished,the pumpkin looks almost like a person's face.When the pumpkin has been carved to look like a face,people place a light inside the pumpkin,so that the vegetable seems to glow in the dark.This strange-looking face is called a “Jack-o-lantern”.On Halloween evening,one can see many of these jack-o-lanterns,some of which are very beautifully carved.Halloween is truly a fun and interesting holiday,especially for children!
6/27/20215 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_87 Halloween(2)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.weird 奇怪的2.glow 发光原文Halloween(2)The holiday called Halloween is celebrated on October 31th of each year.Halloween is not an official holiday.Everyone go to work or to school on Halloween,just as on any other day.But Halloween is still one of holidays that children like the most.Why do children like Halloween so much?There are two reasons:costumes and candy.On the evening of October 31th,children dress up in strange and unusual costumes.They wear costumes that may look like a witch,a monster,or many other weird things.Putting on these scary costumes is a lot of fun for children.After the children put on their costumes,they walk from house to house during the evening.The children carry large bags with them.At each house,they stop and knock at the door.When an adult open the door,the children will shout“trick or treat”.The adult who opens the door pretends to be frighten,and then puts pieces of candy into each child's open bag.At the end of the evening,the children have visited many houses and have collected much candy.During the next several days,they can feast upon the sweet candies that they have received.Another Halloween tradition is very unusual.In each house,a family gets a very large,round,orange vegetable called a pumpkin.They cut a hole in the top of the pumpkin,and empty out the flesh and seeds of the vegetable.Then,they cut holes in the side of the pumpkin,so it appears to have eyes,a nose and a mouth.When the carving is finished,the pumpkin looks almost like a person's face.When the pumpkin has been carved to look like a face,people place a light inside the pumpkin,so that the vegetable seems to glow in the dark.This strange-looking face is called a “Jack-o-lantern”.On Halloween evening,one can see many of these jack-o-lanterns,some of which are very beautifully carved.Halloween is truly a fun and interesting holiday,especially for children!
6/27/20215 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_86 Thanksgiving

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.reflect upon 反思2.settlers 移民原文ThanksgivingAn important holiday in North America is held during the fall,or autumn,season of the year.This holiday is called Thanksgiving.At this time of year,people join with their relatives to reflect upon their good fortune.Thanksgiving is a holiday that has a long history in North America.It was first celebrated when English settlers arrived in the eastern part of what is now the United States,during the seventeenth century.When they survived the first hard year。They celebrated and gave thanks to God.They invited some of the native people to their Thanksgiving celebration,because the native people had helped them to survived during the hard winter.The tradition of celebration Thanksgiving continued and spread throughout North America.Each fall,during the time of autumn harvest,people celebrated Thanksgiving.They gave thanks for the food of the harvest and for all the good things in their lives.Today,the tradition of Thanksgiving celebration continues.Families gather to eat a large bird called a turkey.They also eat pumpkin pie.This is a sweet dessert that is made from a large orange vegetable that grows on the ground.In the United States,Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.But the follow day,Friday,is also a holiday,and then comes the weekend.In Canada,Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October.The reason for the earlier celebration in Canada is that the weather is colder than in the United States.This means that the harvest happens earlier in Canada,so Thanksgiving is held at an earlier date.But in both countries,Thanksgiving is a very pleasant time of year.
6/25/20214 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_86 Thanksgiving

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.reflect upon 反思2.settlers 移民原文ThanksgivingAn important holiday in North America is held during the fall,or autumn,season of the year.This holiday is called Thanksgiving.At this time of year,people join with their relatives to reflect upon their good fortune.Thanksgiving is a holiday that has a long history in North America.It was first celebrated when English settlers arrived in the eastern part of what is now the United States,during the seventeenth century.When they survived the first hard year。They celebrated and gave thanks to God.They invited some of the native people to their Thanksgiving celebration,because the native people had helped them to survived during the hard winter.The tradition of celebration Thanksgiving continued and spread throughout North America.Each fall,during the time of autumn harvest,people celebrated Thanksgiving.They gave thanks for the food of the harvest and for all the good things in their lives.Today,the tradition of Thanksgiving celebration continues.Families gather to eat a large bird called a turkey.They also eat pumpkin pie.This is a sweet dessert that is made from a large orange vegetable that grows on the ground.In the United States,Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.But the follow day,Friday,is also a holiday,and then comes the weekend.In Canada,Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October.The reason for the earlier celebration in Canada is that the weather is colder than in the United States.This means that the harvest happens earlier in Canada,so Thanksgiving is held at an earlier date.But in both countries,Thanksgiving is a very pleasant time of year.
6/25/20214 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_85 Christmas

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.manger 马槽2.sled 雪橇3.artificial 人造的原文ChristmasIn the most western countries,Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.People gather with their families to celebrate this day,which occurs on December 25th each year.The holiday of Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.In the Christian religion,Jesus Christ is recognized as the Son of God.During the Christmas season,many people celebrate the events of the birth of Jesus Christ.For example,they recall the three wise men who visited Jesus Christ shortly after his birth.Also,they recall that Jesus Christ was born in a manger(a place where horses are kept),because his parents could not find a place to stay.In western countries,Christmas is also celebrated by many people who are not religious.People view Christmas as a time for being together with one's relatives.Children,parents and grandparents gather to exchange presents and to eat special foods.The tradition of giving gifts at Christmas is unusual in one way.When children go to bed on evening before Christmas,they hang large socks(called stockings)in their house.When they wake up on Christmas morning,the stockings have been filled with toys and candy.According to tradition,the presents have been given by a fat man who wears a white bread and a red suit.This man,called Santa Claus,flies around the world in a sled that is pulled by reindeer.He stops at each house and flies down the chimney to deliver his presents.In the weeks before the Christmas,children are usually very well behaved.Their parents tell them that Santa Claus will only give presents to children who are good!Another Christmas tradition is the Christmas tree.People put a small tree inside their house and decorate it with various pretty objects.Nowadays,most people use an artificial tree instead of a real tree.The tradition of the Christmas tree is older than Christmas itself,the people in Europe celebrate the beginning of the winter season in this way even before Christianity reached Europe.Christmas is certainly one of the most important and most enjoyed holidays in western countries.
6/23/20215 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_85 Christmas

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.manger 马槽2.sled 雪橇3.artificial 人造的原文ChristmasIn the most western countries,Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.People gather with their families to celebrate this day,which occurs on December 25th each year.The holiday of Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.In the Christian religion,Jesus Christ is recognized as the Son of God.During the Christmas season,many people celebrate the events of the birth of Jesus Christ.For example,they recall the three wise men who visited Jesus Christ shortly after his birth.Also,they recall that Jesus Christ was born in a manger(a place where horses are kept),because his parents could not find a place to stay.In western countries,Christmas is also celebrated by many people who are not religious.People view Christmas as a time for being together with one's relatives.Children,parents and grandparents gather to exchange presents and to eat special foods.The tradition of giving gifts at Christmas is unusual in one way.When children go to bed on evening before Christmas,they hang large socks(called stockings)in their house.When they wake up on Christmas morning,the stockings have been filled with toys and candy.According to tradition,the presents have been given by a fat man who wears a white bread and a red suit.This man,called Santa Claus,flies around the world in a sled that is pulled by reindeer.He stops at each house and flies down the chimney to deliver his presents.In the weeks before the Christmas,children are usually very well behaved.Their parents tell them that Santa Claus will only give presents to children who are good!Another Christmas tradition is the Christmas tree.People put a small tree inside their house and decorate it with various pretty objects.Nowadays,most people use an artificial tree instead of a real tree.The tradition of the Christmas tree is older than Christmas itself,the people in Europe celebrate the beginning of the winter season in this way even before Christianity reached Europe.Christmas is certainly one of the most important and most enjoyed holidays in western countries.
6/23/20215 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_84 Snow

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.moisture 水分2.Celsius 摄氏度原文SnowSnow is the white substance that falls to the ground during cold weather conditions.Each tiny piece of snow,called a snowflake,is a very small amount of water that has frozen into an unusual shape.During the winter months,huge numbers of snowflakes fall to the ground,covering the land in a white blanket of snow.In many parts of the world,people never see any snow.Snow only falls when there is moisture in the air,and when the temperature is blow the freezing point of water,which is zero degree Celsius.During the winter,snow falls instead of rain.One advantage of snow is that it allows many fun outdoor activities.Children like to play in the snow.For example,they may make a snowman by rolling snow into a large ball,and then placing these balls of snow on top of each other,in the shape of a person.Another fun activity in the snow is skiing.Skis are very long,thin flat pieces of hard material that one wears on one's feet.Wearing skis allows a person slide along the surface of the snow.People can ski down the side of a hill,travelling at great speeds.Many people find the sport of downhill skiing to be very exciting.Some people like to ski along flat ground,often travelling great distances.This sport,called cross-country skiing,is an excellent way to develop physical fitness.Of course,snow also causes some problems.Snow can make driving dangerous,because falling snow makes roads slippery,and on a windy day,blowing snow can make it difficult to see very far.It can also be a lot of work to remove snow from the roads and sidewalks.Snow is a heavy substance,and it must be cleaned away by a shovel and a large machine.Many people love the beauty of the land when it is covered by snow.The white covering of snow over the fields and trees can give a feeling of peace and calm.If you have never seen snow before,you should someday experience this strange and wonderful substance!
6/21/20215 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_84 Snow

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.moisture 水分2.Celsius 摄氏度原文SnowSnow is the white substance that falls to the ground during cold weather conditions.Each tiny piece of snow,called a snowflake,is a very small amount of water that has frozen into an unusual shape.During the winter months,huge numbers of snowflakes fall to the ground,covering the land in a white blanket of snow.In many parts of the world,people never see any snow.Snow only falls when there is moisture in the air,and when the temperature is blow the freezing point of water,which is zero degree Celsius.During the winter,snow falls instead of rain.One advantage of snow is that it allows many fun outdoor activities.Children like to play in the snow.For example,they may make a snowman by rolling snow into a large ball,and then placing these balls of snow on top of each other,in the shape of a person.Another fun activity in the snow is skiing.Skis are very long,thin flat pieces of hard material that one wears on one's feet.Wearing skis allows a person slide along the surface of the snow.People can ski down the side of a hill,travelling at great speeds.Many people find the sport of downhill skiing to be very exciting.Some people like to ski along flat ground,often travelling great distances.This sport,called cross-country skiing,is an excellent way to develop physical fitness.Of course,snow also causes some problems.Snow can make driving dangerous,because falling snow makes roads slippery,and on a windy day,blowing snow can make it difficult to see very far.It can also be a lot of work to remove snow from the roads and sidewalks.Snow is a heavy substance,and it must be cleaned away by a shovel and a large machine.Many people love the beauty of the land when it is covered by snow.The white covering of snow over the fields and trees can give a feeling of peace and calm.If you have never seen snow before,you should someday experience this strange and wonderful substance!
6/21/20215 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_83 Learning to Drive

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.method 方式2.lanes 车道3.aspects 方面4.brakes 刹车5.accelerator 加速装置6.steering wheel 方向盘7.supervised 被监管的原文Learning to DriveEach year,many young people learn to drive a car.For many people,learning to drive is very important because the car is an important method of transportation in many places.Before learning to drive a car,it is important to understand the rules of the road.A beginning driver should already understand the many signs that are found around the roads.Also,the student driver should know the many rules about changing lanes,turning,stopping and many other aspects of driving.In addition,the driver should be familiar with the way the car is operated;it is important to know how to use the lights,signs,brakes,accelerator,and steering wheel.When a person starts learning to drive,it may take some time to become skillful.It takes some practice to become an expert in driving a car.One must become familiar with steering,speeding up and slowing down.At first,it is good to practice driving in a large open space,such as an empty parking lot.Here,one can practice without being a danger to anyone.When a person gains some skill in driving,it is then safe enough to practice driving on a road.Of course,a student driver must still be very careful.He or she should always have an expert driver in the car with him or her.Many beginning drivers take driving lessons from professional instructors,who can teach safe driving techniques.Eventually,the young driver is ready for a driving test,which is needed to obtain a regular driver's license.This test is supervised by a government official.In the driving test,the driver must show that he or she can control the car with great skill by being able to make turns and to park the car in small spaces.But he or she must show respect for the rules of the road by driving at proper speed,and obey all traffic signs and signals.Of course,even when one has obtained a driver's license,it is always important to drive carefully and responsibly!
6/19/20215 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_83 Learning to Drive

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.method 方式2.lanes 车道3.aspects 方面4.brakes 刹车5.accelerator 加速装置6.steering wheel 方向盘7.supervised 被监管的原文Learning to DriveEach year,many young people learn to drive a car.For many people,learning to drive is very important because the car is an important method of transportation in many places.Before learning to drive a car,it is important to understand the rules of the road.A beginning driver should already understand the many signs that are found around the roads.Also,the student driver should know the many rules about changing lanes,turning,stopping and many other aspects of driving.In addition,the driver should be familiar with the way the car is operated;it is important to know how to use the lights,signs,brakes,accelerator,and steering wheel.When a person starts learning to drive,it may take some time to become skillful.It takes some practice to become an expert in driving a car.One must become familiar with steering,speeding up and slowing down.At first,it is good to practice driving in a large open space,such as an empty parking lot.Here,one can practice without being a danger to anyone.When a person gains some skill in driving,it is then safe enough to practice driving on a road.Of course,a student driver must still be very careful.He or she should always have an expert driver in the car with him or her.Many beginning drivers take driving lessons from professional instructors,who can teach safe driving techniques.Eventually,the young driver is ready for a driving test,which is needed to obtain a regular driver's license.This test is supervised by a government official.In the driving test,the driver must show that he or she can control the car with great skill by being able to make turns and to park the car in small spaces.But he or she must show respect for the rules of the road by driving at proper speed,and obey all traffic signs and signals.Of course,even when one has obtained a driver's license,it is always important to drive carefully and responsibly!
6/19/20215 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_82 The Planets of Our Solar System

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Mercury 水星2.Venus 金星3.asteroids 小行星4.remaining 剩下的5.Jupiter 木星6.Saturn 土星7.Uranus 天王星8.Neptune 海王星9.Pluto 冥王星10.vast 巨大的原文The Planets of Our Solar SystemThe planet which we live on is called the Earth.Our planet is constantly moving around the sun,and each year,the Earth travels all the way around the sun.But there are many other planets that also travel around the sun.Together with the sun,the planets,and various other bodies,the Earth is part of our“solar system”.The planet that is closest to the sun is Mercury.Mercury is extremely hot,and it is much smaller than the Earth.The second planet from the sun is Venus.Venus is about the same size as the Earth.Venus is also very hot.The Earth is the third planet from the sun.The Earth is unusual among the planets ,because it has such a large moon.The Earth is bigger than the moon,but the moon is still quite large.It takes about one month for the moon to travel around the Earth.The fourth planet from the sun is Mars.Mars is known for its red color.Mars is smaller and colder than the Earth.Mars has two very small moons.After the planet Mars,there are many small bodies called the asteroids.These rocky bodies are much smaller than planets.The first four plants are all made of rock and metal.The remaining planets,however,are mostly made of frozen gases.The fifth planet is called Jupiter.Jupiter is the largest planet.It has many moons that travel around it,and it also has a large red spot.The sixth planet is called Saturn.Saturn is the second-largest planet,and it is famous for the wide “ring”that surround it.These rings are made of many smaller subjects that are found in the same area.The seventh planet is called Uranus.The eighth planet is called Neptune.These planets are also gas giants,but they are smaller than Jupiter and Saturn.Both Uranus and Neptune are so far from the sun that scientists only discovered these planets during the past few hundred years,using telescopes.The other planets had all been visible to curious people for many thousands of years.The ninth planet is called Pluto.Pluto is very small,and it is much more rocky than the gas giants.Some scientists believe that the Pluto is not really a planet at all.They suggest that the Pluto is the largest of many asteroids that are found at the edge of the solar system.The solar system is a vast place.So far,people have not travelled Beyond the moon.But perhaps someday,human astronauts will visit the other planets of our solar system!
6/16/20216 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_82 The Planets of Our Solar System

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Mercury 水星2.Venus 金星3.asteroids 小行星4.remaining 剩下的5.Jupiter 木星6.Saturn 土星7.Uranus 天王星8.Neptune 海王星9.Pluto 冥王星10.vast 巨大的原文The Planets of Our Solar SystemThe planet which we live on is called the Earth.Our planet is constantly moving around the sun,and each year,the Earth travels all the way around the sun.But there are many other planets that also travel around the sun.Together with the sun,the planets,and various other bodies,the Earth is part of our“solar system”.The planet that is closest to the sun is Mercury.Mercury is extremely hot,and it is much smaller than the Earth.The second planet from the sun is Venus.Venus is about the same size as the Earth.Venus is also very hot.The Earth is the third planet from the sun.The Earth is unusual among the planets ,because it has such a large moon.The Earth is bigger than the moon,but the moon is still quite large.It takes about one month for the moon to travel around the Earth.The fourth planet from the sun is Mars.Mars is known for its red color.Mars is smaller and colder than the Earth.Mars has two very small moons.After the planet Mars,there are many small bodies called the asteroids.These rocky bodies are much smaller than planets.The first four plants are all made of rock and metal.The remaining planets,however,are mostly made of frozen gases.The fifth planet is called Jupiter.Jupiter is the largest planet.It has many moons that travel around it,and it also has a large red spot.The sixth planet is called Saturn.Saturn is the second-largest planet,and it is famous for the wide “ring”that surround it.These rings are made of many smaller subjects that are found in the same area.The seventh planet is called Uranus.The eighth planet is called Neptune.These planets are also gas giants,but they are smaller than Jupiter and Saturn.Both Uranus and Neptune are so far from the sun that scientists only discovered these planets during the past few hundred years,using telescopes.The other planets had all been visible to curious people for many thousands of years.The ninth planet is called Pluto.Pluto is very small,and it is much more rocky than the gas giants.Some scientists believe that the Pluto is not really a planet at all.They suggest that the Pluto is the largest of many asteroids that are found at the edge of the solar system.The solar system is a vast place.So far,people have not travelled Beyond the moon.But perhaps someday,human astronauts will visit the other planets of our solar system!
6/16/20216 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_81 My Parents

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pebbles 卵石2.feathers 羽毛3.pastry 糕点4.rolling pin 擀面杖5.tender 柔软的6.curtains 窗帘7.tapes 磁带原文My ParentsMy parents live in England,and I live in Canada.I don't see them often.They used to come and visit on a plane,and we would pick them up at Toronto airport.But now they are older and say the flight is too long for them.I went to visit them last year,with my son,their grandson.They live by the ocean,and we could hear the sound of waves through the bedroom window and see the blue water of the England channelThere is an island with a castle on top in the bay.We walked many times on the beach and picked up pebbles and feathers.We visited the island and walked up the steep hill to the castle.My mother likes to cook.She makes delicious cakes and pies.We went for a hike and picked wild blackberries.She made them into a pie that smelled so good coming out of the oven and tasted so good on our plates.She has many cook books with recipes from all over the world and likes to try new things.She can make pastry very easily and rolls it with a rolling pin quickly.When I tried to make pastry,it sticks to the rolling pin,it has holes at the bottom of the pie,and it tastes like a rock!Her pastry is crisp and tender.My father likes to garden.He grows lettuce,carrots,potatoes,tomatoes,cucumbers and many flowersWhen my mother was very ill last year,she had to stay in bed.He planted rose outside her bedroom window,so she could open the curtains and see them.Their house has small room with windows all around,and they plants seeds there in winter in small pots.The warmth from the sun makes the seeds grow,and in spring they are a good size to be planted outside.In the house beside them and in the house in front them,there are older ladies whose husbands have died.These ladies do not drive,so my father takes my mother and the two ladies to the town for shopping every week.He helps one find her groceries because she cannot see well.He helps her take tapes of books from the library,so she can listen to books instead of reading them because of her eyes.He helps them cut their grass and fix anything that broken in the house.I am very proud of my parents;they are over eighty years old and often hurt when they move around.But still they help other people,and they help each other.They have been married for over fifty years,but still my father loves my mother enough to plant roses for her to cheer her up when she was ill.
6/14/20215 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_81 My Parents

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pebbles 卵石2.feathers 羽毛3.pastry 糕点4.rolling pin 擀面杖5.tender 柔软的6.curtains 窗帘7.tapes 磁带原文My ParentsMy parents live in England,and I live in Canada.I don't see them often.They used to come and visit on a plane,and we would pick them up at Toronto airport.But now they are older and say the flight is too long for them.I went to visit them last year,with my son,their grandson.They live by the ocean,and we could hear the sound of waves through the bedroom window and see the blue water of the England channelThere is an island with a castle on top in the bay.We walked many times on the beach and picked up pebbles and feathers.We visited the island and walked up the steep hill to the castle.My mother likes to cook.She makes delicious cakes and pies.We went for a hike and picked wild blackberries.She made them into a pie that smelled so good coming out of the oven and tasted so good on our plates.She has many cook books with recipes from all over the world and likes to try new things.She can make pastry very easily and rolls it with a rolling pin quickly.When I tried to make pastry,it sticks to the rolling pin,it has holes at the bottom of the pie,and it tastes like a rock!Her pastry is crisp and tender.My father likes to garden.He grows lettuce,carrots,potatoes,tomatoes,cucumbers and many flowersWhen my mother was very ill last year,she had to stay in bed.He planted rose outside her bedroom window,so she could open the curtains and see them.Their house has small room with windows all around,and they plants seeds there in winter in small pots.The warmth from the sun makes the seeds grow,and in spring they are a good size to be planted outside.In the house beside them and in the house in front them,there are older ladies whose husbands have died.These ladies do not drive,so my father takes my mother and the two ladies to the town for shopping every week.He helps one find her groceries because she cannot see well.He helps her take tapes of books from the library,so she can listen to books instead of reading them because of her eyes.He helps them cut their grass and fix anything that broken in the house.I am very proud of my parents;they are over eighty years old and often hurt when they move around.But still they help other people,and they help each other.They have been married for over fifty years,but still my father loves my mother enough to plant roses for her to cheer her up when she was ill.
6/14/20215 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_80 A Summer Sunday

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.row 一排2.knelt 跪3.straw 稻草4.pails 桶5.roller blades 轮滑6.thighs 大腿7.maples 枫树原文A Summer SundayToday the sun was warm;the sky was blue with a few white clouds.It was a good day to pick strawberries;it was a good day to go to the beach.I drove to a pick-your-own farm where people can pick their own fruit and buy it.There the fruit is very fresh and delicious.The owner of the farm gave everyone a row to pick their strawberries.Everyone was wearing sun hats.I knelt down on the straw between the rows and picked the big juicy red strawberries.I tasted one;it was warm from the sun.When I bit into it;the juice was sweet and strong.When three big pails were full,I went to pay for them and picked up some recipes for some strawberries desserts.I packed two of the pails in a cooler with some ice,and the other one we would eat at the beach.I met my daughter at the beach.She had a soft pink blanket on the sand.This beach is beside a lake,and across the lake about 50 km away,the large city can sometimes be seen.Today the wind blew cooler air across the lake over the people on the beach.There were the children playing in the water.One man helped his son dig holes in the sand,and the water ran into the holes.One lady held her children's hands and walked down into the water.Families climbed over the rocks and sat on the last rock where the water was deep.Teenagers rode bicycles and roller blades along the path beside the beach.Adults walked and ran along this path,carried water bottles around their waists.We sat on the blanket and ate sandwiches of meat and lettuce and strawberries from the pail.We talked and read books and lay in the sun,relaxing.We wore sunscreen,but our skin was getting hot.How cold was the water?We walked across the sand that almost burned our feet,to the edge of the water.She went right in and lay down floating.I put my toes in and felt the chill through my body.I went up to my knees,then my thighs,but that was far enough!My whole body was cooled down,I headed back to the blanket to lay in the sun again.Soon it was time to go home,she was coming to my house foe supper.We drove down the high way with the windows open and our hair blowing in the warm breeze.We cut the strawberries up and made a strawberry dessert with cake and ice cream.We sat outside in the backyard under the maple trees with the birds singing around us and ate our supper.It was perfect ending to a relaxing summer day.
6/11/20216 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_80 A Summer Sunday

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.row 一排2.knelt 跪3.straw 稻草4.pails 桶5.roller blades 轮滑6.thighs 大腿7.maples 枫树原文A Summer SundayToday the sun was warm;the sky was blue with a few white clouds.It was a good day to pick strawberries;it was a good day to go to the beach.I drove to a pick-your-own farm where people can pick their own fruit and buy it.There the fruit is very fresh and delicious.The owner of the farm gave everyone a row to pick their strawberries.Everyone was wearing sun hats.I knelt down on the straw between the rows and picked the big juicy red strawberries.I tasted one;it was warm from the sun.When I bit into it;the juice was sweet and strong.When three big pails were full,I went to pay for them and picked up some recipes for some strawberries desserts.I packed two of the pails in a cooler with some ice,and the other one we would eat at the beach.I met my daughter at the beach.She had a soft pink blanket on the sand.This beach is beside a lake,and across the lake about 50 km away,the large city can sometimes be seen.Today the wind blew cooler air across the lake over the people on the beach.There were the children playing in the water.One man helped his son dig holes in the sand,and the water ran into the holes.One lady held her children's hands and walked down into the water.Families climbed over the rocks and sat on the last rock where the water was deep.Teenagers rode bicycles and roller blades along the path beside the beach.Adults walked and ran along this path,carried water bottles around their waists.We sat on the blanket and ate sandwiches of meat and lettuce and strawberries from the pail.We talked and read books and lay in the sun,relaxing.We wore sunscreen,but our skin was getting hot.How cold was the water?We walked across the sand that almost burned our feet,to the edge of the water.She went right in and lay down floating.I put my toes in and felt the chill through my body.I went up to my knees,then my thighs,but that was far enough!My whole body was cooled down,I headed back to the blanket to lay in the sun again.Soon it was time to go home,she was coming to my house foe supper.We drove down the high way with the windows open and our hair blowing in the warm breeze.We cut the strawberries up and made a strawberry dessert with cake and ice cream.We sat outside in the backyard under the maple trees with the birds singing around us and ate our supper.It was perfect ending to a relaxing summer day.
6/11/20216 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_79 My Sister's visit to Canada

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.multilane 多车道2.grape vine 葡萄藤 3.spray 水花4.drifts 漂流5.chunks 大块6.creek 小溪7.raccoons 浣熊8.donut 甜甜圈9.frosting 结霜10.tulips 郁金香原文My Sister's visit to CanadaMy sister had never been to Canada but came for a visit last April.I picked her up at the airport in Toronto and drove her trough the traffic and multilane highways,past the grape vine and peach trees to Niagara Falls,where I live.She was very tired from the flight and soon slept.The first day,we walked to see the Falls.The spray from the Falls drifts high into the air and across the people standing to watch.There are people from all over the world watching the water and using their cameras.Because it was April,there was still ice beside the water,huge chunks of ice that looked like white rocks.In the river,there were floating pieces of ice moving downstream.The next day,we went to the town where the Niagara River joins Lake Ontario.The weather was warm.We walked a long way and our feet were hot,so we walked down to the edge of the water to put our feet in.One toe was enough!The water was so cold it made our feet ache!A piece of ice drifted beside our feet.I put one foot in for a second then out,as the pain of the cold went right though me!My sister could not understand how it could be so warm,but there was still ice.Another day,we went to see my daughter;she is living on a farm an hour's drive away.We walked through her trees,the buds were starting to turn into leaves.We stopped and looked at the spring wildflowers.We climbed across a creek by walking over a fallen tree.We saw the footprints of raccoons by the water.There was fresh air and sunshine and blue sky.On the way home,we stopped for hamburgers and fries at a drive-through restaurant.She had never been a drive-through restaurant before.Then we went to a donut shop.There are no donut shops where she lives.There was a choice of 20 different types of donuts:some round,some with holes,some with frosting,some with jam inside-each was different.The days passed quickly,and soon it was the time to take her back to the airport.Some of the trees now had leaves;some of the tulips were now blooming.It was hard to say goodbye to my sister.I hope we can visit again soon.
6/10/20215 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_79 My Sister's visit to Canada

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.multilane 多车道2.grape vine 葡萄藤 3.spray 水花4.drifts 漂流5.chunks 大块6.creek 小溪7.raccoons 浣熊8.donut 甜甜圈9.frosting 结霜10.tulips 郁金香原文My Sister's visit to CanadaMy sister had never been to Canada but came for a visit last April.I picked her up at the airport in Toronto and drove her trough the traffic and multilane highways,past the grape vine and peach trees to Niagara Falls,where I live.She was very tired from the flight and soon slept.The first day,we walked to see the Falls.The spray from the Falls drifts high into the air and across the people standing to watch.There are people from all over the world watching the water and using their cameras.Because it was April,there was still ice beside the water,huge chunks of ice that looked like white rocks.In the river,there were floating pieces of ice moving downstream.The next day,we went to the town where the Niagara River joins Lake Ontario.The weather was warm.We walked a long way and our feet were hot,so we walked down to the edge of the water to put our feet in.One toe was enough!The water was so cold it made our feet ache!A piece of ice drifted beside our feet.I put one foot in for a second then out,as the pain of the cold went right though me!My sister could not understand how it could be so warm,but there was still ice.Another day,we went to see my daughter;she is living on a farm an hour's drive away.We walked through her trees,the buds were starting to turn into leaves.We stopped and looked at the spring wildflowers.We climbed across a creek by walking over a fallen tree.We saw the footprints of raccoons by the water.There was fresh air and sunshine and blue sky.On the way home,we stopped for hamburgers and fries at a drive-through restaurant.She had never been a drive-through restaurant before.Then we went to a donut shop.There are no donut shops where she lives.There was a choice of 20 different types of donuts:some round,some with holes,some with frosting,some with jam inside-each was different.The days passed quickly,and soon it was the time to take her back to the airport.Some of the trees now had leaves;some of the tulips were now blooming.It was hard to say goodbye to my sister.I hope we can visit again soon.
6/10/20215 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_78 Why Do I Like Mathematics?

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.conflict 冲突2.triangle 三角形3.formula 公式4.square 平方5.alternatively 有选择的6.pattern 模式原文Why Do I Like Mathematics?Sometime there is a problem in life that has no answer.Perhaps a child has trouble learning.Perhaps someone becomes ill.Perhaps there was love,but now there is conflict.These problems are hard to solve.There is no single answer.Many people have opinions on what is the best answer.But in mathematics there is an answer:a single answer that is right.There is no double,there is no argument,this answer is right.If we ask“What is five plus seven? ”.The answer is twelve.If we ask“How do you raise a child?”.The answer would depend on the child and the parents.Sometimes there will be more than one way to reach an answer.Imagine we want to find the area of a triangle.The triangle has a right angle;the two sides surrounding the right angle are 20mm and 30mm.The formula for the area of a triangle is one half of (base)(height).We could consider the 20mm as the base and the 30mm as the height.We could consider the 30mm as the base and the 20mm as the height.Both ways would produce the same answer.The area is 300 square mm.Alternatively,we could consider the base as the third side of the triangle,and then we would have to draw a height and measure it.The height would be neither 20 nor 30.But still we would end with the same answer.In math,the answer does not change.Another way I like math is the way it brings order.There can be a whole set of numbers or a whole set of measurements that means nothing until mathematics organizes them into a pattern.An average number can be found;graphs can be drawn,the spread of the numbers or the probabilities of a certain number happening can be calculated.This is like having a whole lot of dirty dishes after supper.Applying math is like washing and sorting the dishes and putting them back into the cupboard.Math is a powerful tool.Math should be our friends,and we will find more ways to use it to better our lives.
6/7/20215 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_78 Why Do I Like Mathematics?

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.conflict 冲突2.triangle 三角形3.formula 公式4.square 平方5.alternatively 有选择的6.pattern 模式原文Why Do I Like Mathematics?Sometime there is a problem in life that has no answer.Perhaps a child has trouble learning.Perhaps someone becomes ill.Perhaps there was love,but now there is conflict.These problems are hard to solve.There is no single answer.Many people have opinions on what is the best answer.But in mathematics there is an answer:a single answer that is right.There is no double,there is no argument,this answer is right.If we ask“What is five plus seven? ”.The answer is twelve.If we ask“How do you raise a child?”.The answer would depend on the child and the parents.Sometimes there will be more than one way to reach an answer.Imagine we want to find the area of a triangle.The triangle has a right angle;the two sides surrounding the right angle are 20mm and 30mm.The formula for the area of a triangle is one half of (base)(height).We could consider the 20mm as the base and the 30mm as the height.We could consider the 30mm as the base and the 20mm as the height.Both ways would produce the same answer.The area is 300 square mm.Alternatively,we could consider the base as the third side of the triangle,and then we would have to draw a height and measure it.The height would be neither 20 nor 30.But still we would end with the same answer.In math,the answer does not change.Another way I like math is the way it brings order.There can be a whole set of numbers or a whole set of measurements that means nothing until mathematics organizes them into a pattern.An average number can be found;graphs can be drawn,the spread of the numbers or the probabilities of a certain number happening can be calculated.This is like having a whole lot of dirty dishes after supper.Applying math is like washing and sorting the dishes and putting them back into the cupboard.Math is a powerful tool.Math should be our friends,and we will find more ways to use it to better our lives.
6/7/20215 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_77 Bed Time

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pajamas 睡衣2.stuck 卡住3.stretching 拉伸原文Bed TimeI am almost nine years old and my bed time is 8:30 pm.I think that is so unfair!I think I am old enough to stay up until at least 9:00 pm.My parents say that I have to go to bed early because I have school the next day.I can't wait until I am grown up and can stay away as long as I want.Even though I think I should be able to go to bed later,I do like our night routine.At about 8:15 pm,my mom sends us up to put on our pajamas.When we come back downstairs,we read together.Sometimes mom will read to us,and sometimes we will read to her.If dad is not work,he will sometimes read too.Mostly it is mom we read with though.When we read,mom helps us with words we cannot read.We have to try and sound the word out,but if we are really stuck,she will help us.If we come to a place in our reading where we do not understand the meaning of what was written,we stop reading and look at mom.She will help us what it means or help us figure it out on our own.After we are finishing our reading,we say goodnight to everyone in our house.First,we say goodnight to mom and give her a hug and a kiss.Then we do the same for dad,then our little sister,and then our dog.Afterwards,we go upstairs and brush our teeth.I have to do the special stretching exercises for the muscle in my chest and legs,or I get pains when I run and play.I do my stretching before I get into bed.After my exercises,either my brother or I turn off the lights.We share a bedroom,so we take turns turning the lights off.Before we get into bed,we say our prayers.After we get into our bed,my brother and I talk to each other for a long time.We tell each other about our day,about what we hope will happen in the future,about our friends and all sorts of other important things.After a while,we get so tired,we just fall in asleep in the middle of talking.Even though we go to bed at 8:30 pm,we talk so long we don't go to sleep until about 10:00 pm.I still do not know why I have to go to bed so early when I am not even tired.
6/4/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_77 Bed Time

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pajamas 睡衣2.stuck 卡住3.stretching 拉伸原文Bed TimeI am almost nine years old and my bed time is 8:30 pm.I think that is so unfair!I think I am old enough to stay up until at least 9:00 pm.My parents say that I have to go to bed early because I have school the next day.I can't wait until I am grown up and can stay away as long as I want.Even though I think I should be able to go to bed later,I do like our night routine.At about 8:15 pm,my mom sends us up to put on our pajamas.When we come back downstairs,we read together.Sometimes mom will read to us,and sometimes we will read to her.If dad is not work,he will sometimes read too.Mostly it is mom we read with though.When we read,mom helps us with words we cannot read.We have to try and sound the word out,but if we are really stuck,she will help us.If we come to a place in our reading where we do not understand the meaning of what was written,we stop reading and look at mom.She will help us what it means or help us figure it out on our own.After we are finishing our reading,we say goodnight to everyone in our house.First,we say goodnight to mom and give her a hug and a kiss.Then we do the same for dad,then our little sister,and then our dog.Afterwards,we go upstairs and brush our teeth.I have to do the special stretching exercises for the muscle in my chest and legs,or I get pains when I run and play.I do my stretching before I get into bed.After my exercises,either my brother or I turn off the lights.We share a bedroom,so we take turns turning the lights off.Before we get into bed,we say our prayers.After we get into our bed,my brother and I talk to each other for a long time.We tell each other about our day,about what we hope will happen in the future,about our friends and all sorts of other important things.After a while,we get so tired,we just fall in asleep in the middle of talking.Even though we go to bed at 8:30 pm,we talk so long we don't go to sleep until about 10:00 pm.I still do not know why I have to go to bed so early when I am not even tired.
6/4/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_76 Babies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.puckered 撅起2.flutter 颤振3.whimper 呜咽4.dimples 酒窝5.wrinkled 有皱纹的6.damp 湿润的7.limb 肢8.innocence 纯真9.tickled 挠痒痒10.crawling 爬11.whine 发牢骚12.cherish 爱护原文BabiesMy baby is asleep in my arms.Her soft cheek rests against my chest,while her sweet breath puffs gently on my skin.Her tiny lips are puckered a bit.Her little eyelids flutter.I wonder what she dreams about as she sleeps.Does she dream?I have heard her whimper in her sleep.Sometimes she awakens with a scream.What is so scary in her little baby dreams?Once I heard her giggle as slept.Her dreams must have been sweet that day.I have had three babies.The one I am holding now is my last one.My other babies are grown up more and now at school.I love their childish play are laughter.I miss their baby dimples and their baby sounds and smells.There is such joy in the birth of a new baby.We hear their first little cry,telling us all is with their small worldWe feel their newborn skin,wrinkled,soft and slightly damp.We feel each little limb and are filled with wonder and humanity.Life is good as baby take its first food from its mother.Family gather ground,each waiting to hold and love this newest member.Each time the baby cries,its mom worries,and their bond become stronger.Babies have their own special smell.Some have described it as“milk and innocence”.It is the sweetest smile in the world,I think.It cannot be copied.Somehow,it disappears as baby grows.I love to hear my baby talk.Once in a while,I can even understand a little bit.She is so serious in her baby talk that I just have to pick her up and hug her.I love to hear her say“Mommy”.When my baby is tickled,or when the dog or her big brothers do something funny,it is so sweet to hear her baby laugh.It's such a cute little giggle!Sometimes she laughs so hard,her face turns red, tears come to her eyes,and she falls down weak with the laughter.Those who watch her can't help but laugh,too.I hope she always laughs so easily.The parents watch with pride and joy as baby grows and has many “first”.There is the first time baby sleeps through the night,rolls over,smiles,laughs,hugs and kisses.Then there is the first tooth,crawling,first step and first word.With each new first,the baby becomes less a baby.These steps are a little sad to parents,too,because they know they're“losing their baby”.However,to a mother,even an adult child is still her baby.My baby is not perfect.Sometimes she gets mad or whine for no reason.But,to me,she is still beautiful.Her smiles more than make up for her tears.Her hugs wipe away when she's been bad.I intend to cherish each moment with my baby while I can!
6/3/20216 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_76 Babies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.puckered 撅起2.flutter 颤振3.whimper 呜咽4.dimples 酒窝5.wrinkled 有皱纹的6.damp 湿润的7.limb 肢8.innocence 纯真9.tickled 挠痒痒10.crawling 爬11.whine 发牢骚12.cherish 爱护原文BabiesMy baby is asleep in my arms.Her soft cheek rests against my chest,while her sweet breath puffs gently on my skin.Her tiny lips are puckered a bit.Her little eyelids flutter.I wonder what she dreams about as she sleeps.Does she dream?I have heard her whimper in her sleep.Sometimes she awakens with a scream.What is so scary in her little baby dreams?Once I heard her giggle as slept.Her dreams must have been sweet that day.I have had three babies.The one I am holding now is my last one.My other babies are grown up more and now at school.I love their childish play are laughter.I miss their baby dimples and their baby sounds and smells.There is such joy in the birth of a new baby.We hear their first little cry,telling us all is with their small worldWe feel their newborn skin,wrinkled,soft and slightly damp.We feel each little limb and are filled with wonder and humanity.Life is good as baby take its first food from its mother.Family gather ground,each waiting to hold and love this newest member.Each time the baby cries,its mom worries,and their bond become stronger.Babies have their own special smell.Some have described it as“milk and innocence”.It is the sweetest smile in the world,I think.It cannot be copied.Somehow,it disappears as baby grows.I love to hear my baby talk.Once in a while,I can even understand a little bit.She is so serious in her baby talk that I just have to pick her up and hug her.I love to hear her say“Mommy”.When my baby is tickled,or when the dog or her big brothers do something funny,it is so sweet to hear her baby laugh.It's such a cute little giggle!Sometimes she laughs so hard,her face turns red, tears come to her eyes,and she falls down weak with the laughter.Those who watch her can't help but laugh,too.I hope she always laughs so easily.The parents watch with pride and joy as baby grows and has many “first”.There is the first time baby sleeps through the night,rolls over,smiles,laughs,hugs and kisses.Then there is the first tooth,crawling,first step and first word.With each new first,the baby becomes less a baby.These steps are a little sad to parents,too,because they know they're“losing their baby”.However,to a mother,even an adult child is still her baby.My baby is not perfect.Sometimes she gets mad or whine for no reason.But,to me,she is still beautiful.Her smiles more than make up for her tears.Her hugs wipe away when she's been bad.I intend to cherish each moment with my baby while I can!
6/3/20216 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_75 More Music

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trombone 长号2.clarinet 单簧管3.flute 长笛4.viola 中提琴5.duets 二重奏原文More MusicI like music.I have always liked music.Even when I was very young,I liked music.I like to listen to it,and to make it.When I was a young girl,listening to nice music sometimes would make me cry!That was seem silly,but the music was so pretty that I cried!As I grew older,I started to take piano lessons.I was not very good at first,but after a while I got better.Also,as I grew older,I started to take violin lessons.I did not sound very good at all at first,but I improved.When I was a teenager in high school,I made sure I had music classes every year.Those were the classes I enjoyed most of all.Every one loved music,any we had a lot of fun.I started to take private singing lessons while I was in high school,too.I also sang in the choir,played in a band and acted in plays in high school.The plays were all musicals,so I got to sing and dance and enjoy music that the way also.It was so much fun pretending to be other people!When I finish high school,I went to university to learn how to be a music teacher.That was a lot of fun because every day I was with other people who loved music as much as I do.Mostly I played the piano,but I also learned how to play the drums,a saxophone,a trombone,a French horn,a clarinet,a flute,which I really was not very good at,and a viola.I took more singing lessons,too.We did not have plays to sing and act in,but I sang in the university choir.Some years ,I played the piano for other students who were learning other instruments.One year,I played duets with another girl who was also there to play piano.She and I made sure we played fast,funny songs,so we really enjoyed ourselves doing it.Now ,I am a music teacher.I do not have a lot of students,as many as I used to have anyway.I still find it very rewarding.I like to see people who start off not knowing very much,if anything,and go on to be very good at creating music.I still love listening to music also.Music makes me happy when I am sad.It makes me want to dance or sing when I am already happy.Mostly,music just makes me glad that I am me and that music is alive in me.
6/1/20215 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_75 More Music

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trombone 长号2.clarinet 单簧管3.flute 长笛4.viola 中提琴5.duets 二重奏原文More MusicI like music.I have always liked music.Even when I was very young,I liked music.I like to listen to it,and to make it.When I was a young girl,listening to nice music sometimes would make me cry!That was seem silly,but the music was so pretty that I cried!As I grew older,I started to take piano lessons.I was not very good at first,but after a while I got better.Also,as I grew older,I started to take violin lessons.I did not sound very good at all at first,but I improved.When I was a teenager in high school,I made sure I had music classes every year.Those were the classes I enjoyed most of all.Every one loved music,any we had a lot of fun.I started to take private singing lessons while I was in high school,too.I also sang in the choir,played in a band and acted in plays in high school.The plays were all musicals,so I got to sing and dance and enjoy music that the way also.It was so much fun pretending to be other people!When I finish high school,I went to university to learn how to be a music teacher.That was a lot of fun because every day I was with other people who loved music as much as I do.Mostly I played the piano,but I also learned how to play the drums,a saxophone,a trombone,a French horn,a clarinet,a flute,which I really was not very good at,and a viola.I took more singing lessons,too.We did not have plays to sing and act in,but I sang in the university choir.Some years ,I played the piano for other students who were learning other instruments.One year,I played duets with another girl who was also there to play piano.She and I made sure we played fast,funny songs,so we really enjoyed ourselves doing it.Now ,I am a music teacher.I do not have a lot of students,as many as I used to have anyway.I still find it very rewarding.I like to see people who start off not knowing very much,if anything,and go on to be very good at creating music.I still love listening to music also.Music makes me happy when I am sad.It makes me want to dance or sing when I am already happy.Mostly,music just makes me glad that I am me and that music is alive in me.
6/1/20215 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_74 New Year's

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.squeals 尖叫声2.count down 倒数原文New year's“Ten,nine,eight,seven,six,five,four,three,two,one!HAPPY NEW YEAR!”.What is New Year's?Well,to me a New Year is when the date of the year changes.This year is 2001,and on December 31th at midnight it will change to 2002.I wonder who invented the changing of years and how it made the way it is.It must have been someone a long time ago,since it's already 2001.When New Year's comes closer,a lot of people talk about New Year's resolutions.I don't bother making“resolutions”,because I never do them anyway!And the ones that I do make are usually ones that will happen anyway.I guess it's just common sense.The biggest reason why I like New Year's is because of the fireworks that we have here in Canada and many other countries,too.You should see some of the fireworks that go off.There are many different colors.There's pink,blue,purple,yellow,green,red,even white,silver and gold.Fireworks make loud bangs,squeals,siren sounds,and sometimes all at once.There are lots of different sounds,but I can't even explain what they are all like.Fireworks are best when it's very dark outside.They light up the whole sky!Sometimes,they look as though they are going to fall on you.I like New Year's because it's fun in other ways,but the fireworks are the best part.You can buy fireworks to use for your own fireworks show.However,you have be careful that no one gets burned or hurt.Usually,there are parties at New Year's.Some people really dress up fancy and even wears masks.They don't know who one another is until midnight when they take their masks off.As midnight comes very close, everybody begins to count down,and then everyone yells out“Happy New Year's”and bang pots and pans or ring bells or honk horns.Join me to count down on New Year's Eve.“Ten,nine,eight,seven,six,five,four,three,two,one-HAPPY NEW YEAR!”.
5/30/20215 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_74 New Year's

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.squeals 尖叫声2.count down 倒数原文New year's“Ten,nine,eight,seven,six,five,four,three,two,one!HAPPY NEW YEAR!”.What is New Year's?Well,to me a New Year is when the date of the year changes.This year is 2001,and on December 31th at midnight it will change to 2002.I wonder who invented the changing of years and how it made the way it is.It must have been someone a long time ago,since it's already 2001.When New Year's comes closer,a lot of people talk about New Year's resolutions.I don't bother making“resolutions”,because I never do them anyway!And the ones that I do make are usually ones that will happen anyway.I guess it's just common sense.The biggest reason why I like New Year's is because of the fireworks that we have here in Canada and many other countries,too.You should see some of the fireworks that go off.There are many different colors.There's pink,blue,purple,yellow,green,red,even white,silver and gold.Fireworks make loud bangs,squeals,siren sounds,and sometimes all at once.There are lots of different sounds,but I can't even explain what they are all like.Fireworks are best when it's very dark outside.They light up the whole sky!Sometimes,they look as though they are going to fall on you.I like New Year's because it's fun in other ways,but the fireworks are the best part.You can buy fireworks to use for your own fireworks show.However,you have be careful that no one gets burned or hurt.Usually,there are parties at New Year's.Some people really dress up fancy and even wears masks.They don't know who one another is until midnight when they take their masks off.As midnight comes very close, everybody begins to count down,and then everyone yells out“Happy New Year's”and bang pots and pans or ring bells or honk horns.Join me to count down on New Year's Eve.“Ten,nine,eight,seven,six,five,four,three,two,one-HAPPY NEW YEAR!”.
5/30/20215 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_73 Halloween(1)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.goblins 哥布林地精2.skeletons 骨架3.chimes 敲响4.porch 门廊5.naughty 顽皮的6.recorder 录音机原文Halloween(1)Ghosts,goblins,witches,princes and princesses,kings,queens,skeletons!So many of these“things”are walking down my street.“Oh,no!They are coming to my door! ”The doorbell chimes,and I slowly open the door.There standing on my front porch,is a little ghost and a cute little witch.They hold up a bag and say,“trick or treat”.I put candy into their bags and they smile and say,“thank you”.Every October 31st is Halloween.That is when children dress up as different things(not just funny people,but things like animals or fruits or vegetables,etc).They go from door to door and get different candies or little toys from the people in the houses.Some children,who are not very nice will do naughty things to houses where people are not home,like throwing eggs at their windows.I think that is bad.Sometimes people decorate their houses for this day.Some of the houses can be pretty scary.They'll have scary noises coming from a tape recorder,too.However,it's only for a few days out of the year,so we may as well have fun with it.This year,my brother is dressing up as a skeleton,and I'm dressing up as a bride.I am wearing my mom's wedding dress.It is fun dressing up in costumes and putting on lots of makeup.Sometimes our friends don't even know who we really are!The best part of Halloween is the candy,of course!I once got an entire garbage bag full of candy.My mom and dad took it away,because I was eating too much.Mom gave me a piece of candy every day,though.If you eat too much candy,you can get a stomach ache.You need to remember to brush your teeth often too,so you don't get cavities.Still,that candy sure does taste good.Well,it's time to go“trick or treating”.So off I go,door to door,getting yummy candy and hearing people say,“Oh,aren't you pretty!”.
5/27/20214 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_73 Halloween(1)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.goblins 哥布林地精2.skeletons 骨架3.chimes 敲响4.porch 门廊5.naughty 顽皮的6.recorder 录音机原文Halloween(1)Ghosts,goblins,witches,princes and princesses,kings,queens,skeletons!So many of these“things”are walking down my street.“Oh,no!They are coming to my door! ”The doorbell chimes,and I slowly open the door.There standing on my front porch,is a little ghost and a cute little witch.They hold up a bag and say,“trick or treat”.I put candy into their bags and they smile and say,“thank you”.Every October 31st is Halloween.That is when children dress up as different things(not just funny people,but things like animals or fruits or vegetables,etc).They go from door to door and get different candies or little toys from the people in the houses.Some children,who are not very nice will do naughty things to houses where people are not home,like throwing eggs at their windows.I think that is bad.Sometimes people decorate their houses for this day.Some of the houses can be pretty scary.They'll have scary noises coming from a tape recorder,too.However,it's only for a few days out of the year,so we may as well have fun with it.This year,my brother is dressing up as a skeleton,and I'm dressing up as a bride.I am wearing my mom's wedding dress.It is fun dressing up in costumes and putting on lots of makeup.Sometimes our friends don't even know who we really are!The best part of Halloween is the candy,of course!I once got an entire garbage bag full of candy.My mom and dad took it away,because I was eating too much.Mom gave me a piece of candy every day,though.If you eat too much candy,you can get a stomach ache.You need to remember to brush your teeth often too,so you don't get cavities.Still,that candy sure does taste good.Well,it's time to go“trick or treating”.So off I go,door to door,getting yummy candy and hearing people say,“Oh,aren't you pretty!”.
5/27/20214 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_72 Health

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cereals 谷类原文HealthOur health is very important to us.People can have good jobs,money or good looks.However,if they become sick,those things don't mean a thing.It is wonderful to feel good.Feeling good isn't just about our body.It is also about our mind and spirit.We need to feel good in every area of our life.One of the things we can do to be healthy is to get enough sleep.If we don't sleep well,or enough,it hurts our body.It is during sleep that our body restores itself.Everybody knows we should also eat good foods.We need milk products,meats,fruits and vegetables and breads and cereals.We shouldn't eat too much fat or sugar things either.Of course,we just shouldn't eat too much at all.Another thing that is very important is water.Most people know our bodies are mainly water,and we need to keep that replaced with good water——often!Exercise is very good for both our body and mind.It is good for our heart,lungs,muscles and bones.It gets oxygen to our brain to help us think better.It can help us be smarter.Doing things that we believe are right and good gives us peace inside.It makes us nicer people and is good for our spirit.When we do what we know is right,it helps to reduce stress,which isn't good for any part of us.When we take care of our body,mind and spirit,we feel good all over and inside,too!What a beautiful world this would be,if we could all work at doing these things for ourselves and also trying to be a help to others!
5/24/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_72 Health

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cereals 谷类原文HealthOur health is very important to us.People can have good jobs,money or good looks.However,if they become sick,those things don't mean a thing.It is wonderful to feel good.Feeling good isn't just about our body.It is also about our mind and spirit.We need to feel good in every area of our life.One of the things we can do to be healthy is to get enough sleep.If we don't sleep well,or enough,it hurts our body.It is during sleep that our body restores itself.Everybody knows we should also eat good foods.We need milk products,meats,fruits and vegetables and breads and cereals.We shouldn't eat too much fat or sugar things either.Of course,we just shouldn't eat too much at all.Another thing that is very important is water.Most people know our bodies are mainly water,and we need to keep that replaced with good water——often!Exercise is very good for both our body and mind.It is good for our heart,lungs,muscles and bones.It gets oxygen to our brain to help us think better.It can help us be smarter.Doing things that we believe are right and good gives us peace inside.It makes us nicer people and is good for our spirit.When we do what we know is right,it helps to reduce stress,which isn't good for any part of us.When we take care of our body,mind and spirit,we feel good all over and inside,too!What a beautiful world this would be,if we could all work at doing these things for ourselves and also trying to be a help to others!
5/24/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_71 School Dance

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.awkward 尴尬2.waist 腰3.bumping 冲撞原文School DanceIt is the first school dance that I have ever been to.All of the boys are standing on one side of the gymnasium,and all of the girls are standing on the other side.There is loud music playing,and I can hardly hear my friends talking.The music is going fast,and some people are starting to move to the beat of the song.Soon all the girls are dancing,but the boys are still standing against the wall.Then the song ends,and slow music comes on.I don't know what to do,so I just go and stand against the wall.Then one of the boys in my class comes over and asks me if I would like to dance to the slow song.I really feel awkward and nervous,but say yes.We go out into the middle of the gym,and he puts his hands on my waist,and I put my hands on his shoulder.We start to move to the music,and we step on each other's feet.He is bigger than me,so my toe starts to hurt a little bit.As we continue to “slow dance”,more boys and girls come to the middle of the gym to dance together.It sure is funny to watch people dance because they are stepping on each other's toes and bumping into each other and turning in opposite directions.Soon the song ends,and the boys go to one side of the gym again.The girls decide that they want to dance to a fast song,so they stay in the middle of the gym and dance with one another.Our teachers are making sure that we are behaving because they are watching usI wonder if they want to dance.They probably are remembering their first school dance.I wonder if someday I'll be grown up just like the teachers and laughing at the memories of my first school dance?I sure hope so!
5/22/20214 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_71 School Dance

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.awkward 尴尬2.waist 腰3.bumping 冲撞原文School DanceIt is the first school dance that I have ever been to.All of the boys are standing on one side of the gymnasium,and all of the girls are standing on the other side.There is loud music playing,and I can hardly hear my friends talking.The music is going fast,and some people are starting to move to the beat of the song.Soon all the girls are dancing,but the boys are still standing against the wall.Then the song ends,and slow music comes on.I don't know what to do,so I just go and stand against the wall.Then one of the boys in my class comes over and asks me if I would like to dance to the slow song.I really feel awkward and nervous,but say yes.We go out into the middle of the gym,and he puts his hands on my waist,and I put my hands on his shoulder.We start to move to the music,and we step on each other's feet.He is bigger than me,so my toe starts to hurt a little bit.As we continue to “slow dance”,more boys and girls come to the middle of the gym to dance together.It sure is funny to watch people dance because they are stepping on each other's toes and bumping into each other and turning in opposite directions.Soon the song ends,and the boys go to one side of the gym again.The girls decide that they want to dance to a fast song,so they stay in the middle of the gym and dance with one another.Our teachers are making sure that we are behaving because they are watching usI wonder if they want to dance.They probably are remembering their first school dance.I wonder if someday I'll be grown up just like the teachers and laughing at the memories of my first school dance?I sure hope so!
5/22/20214 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_70 University

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sign up 注册2.rambled on 漫步,漫谈原文UniversityIt's time to sign up for school.This year Natalie is going to Brock University.She is never been to university before.She is little bit scared.She hopes she meets nice,new friends.Natalie stood in line to get her picture taken.The picture was put on a card.The card was her picture ID (identification).She would use this card if she needed to buy books from the school bookstore;if she wanted to get a book from the library;or if she wanted to use the pool.After all of the signing up and money was paid.Natalie went out to lunch with her mother.“Mom,I'm kind of scared about going to school.I'm going to be the youngest kid there.I don't know how to take notes.The teachers might been mean…”,Natalie rambled on.Her mom just calmed her down and said“Take one day at a time,Natalie. Worry only about today.”“Hmmmm,you're right,mom. Thanks!”.Natalie was very scared on the first day of school.She made sure she had all of the books she needs and lots of pen,pencils and erasers.She walked into the front of the building and went on her way to try and find her way to her classroom.Natalie got through her classes and met a lot of new people,nice people.Her classes seemed to go by really fast,and the day went by even faster.When Natalie got home,she was so excited.She told her mom that classes weren't all that scary;the students and the teachers weren't scary either.Natalie knew that the school work would be hard,but she felt good that the people she had met that day.She knew she'd have a good year.
5/20/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_70 University

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sign up 注册2.rambled on 漫步,漫谈原文UniversityIt's time to sign up for school.This year Natalie is going to Brock University.She is never been to university before.She is little bit scared.She hopes she meets nice,new friends.Natalie stood in line to get her picture taken.The picture was put on a card.The card was her picture ID (identification).She would use this card if she needed to buy books from the school bookstore;if she wanted to get a book from the library;or if she wanted to use the pool.After all of the signing up and money was paid.Natalie went out to lunch with her mother.“Mom,I'm kind of scared about going to school.I'm going to be the youngest kid there.I don't know how to take notes.The teachers might been mean…”,Natalie rambled on.Her mom just calmed her down and said“Take one day at a time,Natalie. Worry only about today.”“Hmmmm,you're right,mom. Thanks!”.Natalie was very scared on the first day of school.She made sure she had all of the books she needs and lots of pen,pencils and erasers.She walked into the front of the building and went on her way to try and find her way to her classroom.Natalie got through her classes and met a lot of new people,nice people.Her classes seemed to go by really fast,and the day went by even faster.When Natalie got home,she was so excited.She told her mom that classes weren't all that scary;the students and the teachers weren't scary either.Natalie knew that the school work would be hard,but she felt good that the people she had met that day.She knew she'd have a good year.
5/20/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_69 First Date

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.damp 潮湿2.clips 别针3.bellies 肚子4.Caesar salad 凯撒沙拉原文First Date“Ring,ring”,the phone is ringing.My mother answers it,“hello”she says.It is for me.When I pick up the phone,I hear a boy's voice.It is a boy I go to school with.This boy is very nice,and he is cute too.He asks me if I want to go out for dinner with him tonight.I say yes.He is going to pick me up at 5:30 pm in the evening.He has a nice red car.Before he picks me up,I have to find out an outfit to wear.I am nervous and don't know what to wear.So my sister picks out an outfit for me.I feel excited and have the sensation of butterflies in my stomach.The inside of my hands are damp,too.I put on my outfit and do my hair.My sister gives me some nice clips to put in my hair.“Ding-dong”the doorbell buzzes.My date is here!I hurry to the door,so I can greet him.He tells me that I look nice and that we are going to a place called M-T Bellies.When we arrive at M-T Bellies,there is loud music playing.A smiling waitress comes who serves us our food.I order a large Caesar salad.My date orders steak.When it arrives,the food looks and is delicious.The waitress asks us if we want desert after we've finished.But we are too full.So we ask for our bill to pay.My date pays for the meal.I brought money just in case e would share the cost.When we leave the restaurant,we go for a walk by the river.It is a beautiful night.I am enjoying my first date.I am laughing and having fun.It is time for us to go home,so my date takes me home.I smile and thank him for the great time.I hope he'll ask me out again.
5/18/20214 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_69 First Date

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.damp 潮湿2.clips 别针3.bellies 肚子4.Caesar salad 凯撒沙拉原文First Date“Ring,ring”,the phone is ringing.My mother answers it,“hello”she says.It is for me.When I pick up the phone,I hear a boy's voice.It is a boy I go to school with.This boy is very nice,and he is cute too.He asks me if I want to go out for dinner with him tonight.I say yes.He is going to pick me up at 5:30 pm in the evening.He has a nice red car.Before he picks me up,I have to find out an outfit to wear.I am nervous and don't know what to wear.So my sister picks out an outfit for me.I feel excited and have the sensation of butterflies in my stomach.The inside of my hands are damp,too.I put on my outfit and do my hair.My sister gives me some nice clips to put in my hair.“Ding-dong”the doorbell buzzes.My date is here!I hurry to the door,so I can greet him.He tells me that I look nice and that we are going to a place called M-T Bellies.When we arrive at M-T Bellies,there is loud music playing.A smiling waitress comes who serves us our food.I order a large Caesar salad.My date orders steak.When it arrives,the food looks and is delicious.The waitress asks us if we want desert after we've finished.But we are too full.So we ask for our bill to pay.My date pays for the meal.I brought money just in case e would share the cost.When we leave the restaurant,we go for a walk by the river.It is a beautiful night.I am enjoying my first date.I am laughing and having fun.It is time for us to go home,so my date takes me home.I smile and thank him for the great time.I hope he'll ask me out again.
5/18/20214 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_68 Music

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sink 下沉原文MusicAs song comes on the radio,my lips start to move,singing along.My fingers start to snap,my feet begin to tap.The music sinks deep into my soul.I listen to the music as it falls my brain,and I remember when I used to sing.I sang in front of huge crowds.I loved it when they watched me and clapped for me when I was finished.Letting out my feeling when I was sad,mad,happy or glad was when I would sing.I sang in the shower;I sang in the rain;I sang in church;I sang walking down the street.Music has always been a big part of my life.It seems like I was a baby when I started playing the piano.I would sit on my sister's lap while she played the piano,and I would band on the keys.I remember sitting beside her and learning how to sing.I sang my little lungs out!As I grew,I listen to other singers on tapes,the radio and CDs.I took those things that I heard from different singers and made myself sound like them.Soon,I could take what I had heard all my life and make it into my own sound.I have always liked singing jazz and blues.I don't listen to jazz and blues a lot,however.I listen to pop,rack,classical and some country.As you can see,I like many types of music.I have seen musicals,too,like Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables.Those musicals were amazingThere were such bright costumes and stage sets,not to mention the wonderful songs and singing..Music has been on this earth since the beginning of time,and it touches every one in a different way.I know it has not only touched me,but is a big part of my very being!
5/14/20213 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_68 Music

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sink 下沉原文MusicAs song comes on the radio,my lips start to move,singing along.My fingers start to snap,my feet begin to tap.The music sinks deep into my soul.I listen to the music as it falls my brain,and I remember when I used to sing.I sang in front of huge crowds.I loved it when they watched me and clapped for me when I was finished.Letting out my feeling when I was sad,mad,happy or glad was when I would sing.I sang in the shower;I sang in the rain;I sang in church;I sang walking down the street.Music has always been a big part of my life.It seems like I was a baby when I started playing the piano.I would sit on my sister's lap while she played the piano,and I would band on the keys.I remember sitting beside her and learning how to sing.I sang my little lungs out!As I grew,I listen to other singers on tapes,the radio and CDs.I took those things that I heard from different singers and made myself sound like them.Soon,I could take what I had heard all my life and make it into my own sound.I have always liked singing jazz and blues.I don't listen to jazz and blues a lot,however.I listen to pop,rack,classical and some country.As you can see,I like many types of music.I have seen musicals,too,like Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables.Those musicals were amazingThere were such bright costumes and stage sets,not to mention the wonderful songs and singing..Music has been on this earth since the beginning of time,and it touches every one in a different way.I know it has not only touched me,but is a big part of my very being!
5/14/20213 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_67 Stars in the Midnight Sky

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.twinkle 闪烁2.urge 冲动原文Stars in the Midnight Sky“Twinkle,twinkle,little star,how I wonder what you are;up above the world so high,like a diamond in the sky,twinkle,twinkle,little star.”This is a poem/song I always say when I am outside and I see the stars.When I see the first  star of the night,I always say this one:“Star light,star blight,first star I see tonight;I wish I may;I wish might ,have the wish I wish tonight.”Do you have a special thing to say about the stars?Stars are beautiful bright spots in the sky.Stars are usually seen at night when it is dark.We can't see them in day time because the sun is so bright,the brightest star of all.I like staying up late just to look at the stars.One time I was outside at midnight,and the stars are seemed to sparkle and dance.They really did look like diamonds dancing in the sky.If you watch the stars long enough,you may see a falling star or shooting starI have seen both.A falling star is where the star seems to drop,and it leaves a trail of what appears like star dust.A shooting star is very beautiful.It “shoots”across the sky leaving a long trail of colorful “star dust”.Shooting stars seem to brighten up the whole sky.They usually seem quite close to the earth.Have you ever watched the stars and get the urge to reach out and touch them,or even to join them in their secret dance?I wonder what it would be like to see a star up to close.Would it look like the moon?Maybe one day when I am older,I will go up in a rocket ship and visiting the dancing stars in the midnight sky!
5/13/20213 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_67 Stars in the Midnight Sky

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.twinkle 闪烁2.urge 冲动原文Stars in the Midnight Sky“Twinkle,twinkle,little star,how I wonder what you are;up above the world so high,like a diamond in the sky,twinkle,twinkle,little star.”This is a poem/song I always say when I am outside and I see the stars.When I see the first  star of the night,I always say this one:“Star light,star blight,first star I see tonight;I wish I may;I wish might ,have the wish I wish tonight.”Do you have a special thing to say about the stars?Stars are beautiful bright spots in the sky.Stars are usually seen at night when it is dark.We can't see them in day time because the sun is so bright,the brightest star of all.I like staying up late just to look at the stars.One time I was outside at midnight,and the stars are seemed to sparkle and dance.They really did look like diamonds dancing in the sky.If you watch the stars long enough,you may see a falling star or shooting starI have seen both.A falling star is where the star seems to drop,and it leaves a trail of what appears like star dust.A shooting star is very beautiful.It “shoots”across the sky leaving a long trail of colorful “star dust”.Shooting stars seem to brighten up the whole sky.They usually seem quite close to the earth.Have you ever watched the stars and get the urge to reach out and touch them,or even to join them in their secret dance?I wonder what it would be like to see a star up to close.Would it look like the moon?Maybe one day when I am older,I will go up in a rocket ship and visiting the dancing stars in the midnight sky!
5/13/20213 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_66 Making Cookies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.recipe 食谱配方2.Fahrenheit 华氏度3.flour 面粉4.ingredients 成分配料原文Making CookiesUmmmm.Something smells good!.My friend's mom is making cookies.They are chocolate chip,my favorite!I think I'll go home and ask my mom if we can make cookies,too.I run all the way home and rush through the door.I yell,“Mom,Mom!”.She comes from her bedroom,her eyes wide.“what?”she answers,a little worried.I breathlessly ask if we can please,pretty please,make cookies.She smiles and says,“I guess so!”.“Yes!”I reply.First,my mom tells me to get out the cooking stuff;so I get out the mixer and bowl,the measuring cup and spoons and cooking sheets.Then,she tells to get out the recipe book.I remind her that the recipe book is on the chocolate chip package.“Right”she says.Then she asks me to look at the recipe and get out the things we need:like flour,sugar and butter.We sent the oven temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.Then,we mix all of the flour and other stuff(ingredients)together.Last,we add the chocolate chips.We drop the batter by big teaspoons fall onto the cookie sheets.We set the timer for 12 minutes and just sit back and enjoy the good smell.The buzzer rings,we take the cookies out.Oh,do they look good.We don't even wait for them to cool down.Both mom and I get a big glass of cold milk and two warm cookies each.Yum!Yum!Want to join us?
5/12/20213 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_66 Making Cookies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.recipe 食谱配方2.Fahrenheit 华氏度3.flour 面粉4.ingredients 成分配料原文Making CookiesUmmmm.Something smells good!.My friend's mom is making cookies.They are chocolate chip,my favorite!I think I'll go home and ask my mom if we can make cookies,too.I run all the way home and rush through the door.I yell,“Mom,Mom!”.She comes from her bedroom,her eyes wide.“what?”she answers,a little worried.I breathlessly ask if we can please,pretty please,make cookies.She smiles and says,“I guess so!”.“Yes!”I reply.First,my mom tells me to get out the cooking stuff;so I get out the mixer and bowl,the measuring cup and spoons and cooking sheets.Then,she tells to get out the recipe book.I remind her that the recipe book is on the chocolate chip package.“Right”she says.Then she asks me to look at the recipe and get out the things we need:like flour,sugar and butter.We sent the oven temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.Then,we mix all of the flour and other stuff(ingredients)together.Last,we add the chocolate chips.We drop the batter by big teaspoons fall onto the cookie sheets.We set the timer for 12 minutes and just sit back and enjoy the good smell.The buzzer rings,we take the cookies out.Oh,do they look good.We don't even wait for them to cool down.Both mom and I get a big glass of cold milk and two warm cookies each.Yum!Yum!Want to join us?
5/12/20213 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_65 A Day at the Beach

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pails 桶2.forts 堡垒3.frisbee 飞盘4.glides 滑翔5.vigorously 活泼地6.inflatable 充气玩具7.floating mattress 漂浮床垫8.wade 蹚水原文A Day at the BeachWhen the hot summer weather arrives,many people like to cool off by visiting the beach.Often,there is a cool breeze that comes off the water.And,of course,the water itself is cool and refreshing.One of the favorite activities at the beach is building sandcastles.Children use small shovels and pails to move the sand.They can build small forts and castles by carefully forming and shaping the sand.Building sandcastles is a lot of fun,but you shouldn't build them too close to the water:a wave might come and wash your sandcastles away!There are also many games that people like to play at the beach.Some people play catch with a small plastic disc called a Frisbee.The Frisbee glides smoothly through the air.Other people like to play beach volleyball in the soft sand.Some people prefer just to relax on the beach.They like to lie down on a blanket and feel the warm sunshine.I like to sit on the beach with an ice-cream cone.But you have to eat it quickly,before it melts.Of course,the main attraction of a beach is the water.Many children learn to swim at the beach,and enjoy playing in the water.Some people like to swim vigorously.Other people like to relax in the water on a inflatable,floating mattress.Other people just wade around in the water,as a way to keep cool.When it is a windy day,some people try sports such as surfing.Going to the beach is surely one of the best ways to spend a summer day!
5/11/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_65 A Day at the Beach

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pails 桶2.forts 堡垒3.frisbee 飞盘4.glides 滑翔5.vigorously 活泼地6.inflatable 充气玩具7.floating mattress 漂浮床垫8.wade 蹚水原文A Day at the BeachWhen the hot summer weather arrives,many people like to cool off by visiting the beach.Often,there is a cool breeze that comes off the water.And,of course,the water itself is cool and refreshing.One of the favorite activities at the beach is building sandcastles.Children use small shovels and pails to move the sand.They can build small forts and castles by carefully forming and shaping the sand.Building sandcastles is a lot of fun,but you shouldn't build them too close to the water:a wave might come and wash your sandcastles away!There are also many games that people like to play at the beach.Some people play catch with a small plastic disc called a Frisbee.The Frisbee glides smoothly through the air.Other people like to play beach volleyball in the soft sand.Some people prefer just to relax on the beach.They like to lie down on a blanket and feel the warm sunshine.I like to sit on the beach with an ice-cream cone.But you have to eat it quickly,before it melts.Of course,the main attraction of a beach is the water.Many children learn to swim at the beach,and enjoy playing in the water.Some people like to swim vigorously.Other people like to relax in the water on a inflatable,floating mattress.Other people just wade around in the water,as a way to keep cool.When it is a windy day,some people try sports such as surfing.Going to the beach is surely one of the best ways to spend a summer day!
5/11/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_64 Going to the Grocery Store

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cart 推车2.poultry 禽类3.lamb 羊羔4.pasta 意大利面食5.macaroni 通心粉6.spaghetti 意大利面原文Going to the Grocery StoreEach week I go to the grocery store to buy food for my family.I get a shopping cart from the front of the store,and I push the cart all around the store.The cart is large,but when I am finished shopping,the cart is nearly full.The grocery store is also called a supermarket.When I go shopping,I start out in the produce section of the supermarket.The produce section is where the fresh fruits and vegetables are kept.I like to buy different kinds of fruits,such as apples,oranges and bananas.The vegetables that I often buy are carrots,peas and corn.I also buy tomatoes when they are bright red in color.I often buy a bag of potatoes or a bag of rice.After visiting the produce section,I go to the meat section.Here I buy poultry,such as chicken and turkey.I often buy seafood,especially fish.I also buy beef,and sometimes pork or lamb.I also visit dairy section,where I can buy milk and cheese.Sometimes I also buy ice cream or yogurt.When I have finished in the meat section and dairy sections,I then move to the bakery section.This is where loaves of bread are baked and sold.There are many kinds of different bread in the bakery section.The bakery section also sells pasta,such as macaroni and spaghetti.And,of course,you can buy pies,cakes and cookies in the bakery section.These foods are very sweet and tasty.I also pick up a few other things at the supermarket,such as soap,toothpaste,and cleaning supplies.But sometimes I forget to buy something that I had planned to get.Maybe I should make a list of the things I need to buy.
5/10/20214 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_64 Going to the Grocery Store

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cart 推车2.poultry 禽类3.lamb 羊羔4.pasta 意大利面食5.macaroni 通心粉6.spaghetti 意大利面原文Going to the Grocery StoreEach week I go to the grocery store to buy food for my family.I get a shopping cart from the front of the store,and I push the cart all around the store.The cart is large,but when I am finished shopping,the cart is nearly full.The grocery store is also called a supermarket.When I go shopping,I start out in the produce section of the supermarket.The produce section is where the fresh fruits and vegetables are kept.I like to buy different kinds of fruits,such as apples,oranges and bananas.The vegetables that I often buy are carrots,peas and corn.I also buy tomatoes when they are bright red in color.I often buy a bag of potatoes or a bag of rice.After visiting the produce section,I go to the meat section.Here I buy poultry,such as chicken and turkey.I often buy seafood,especially fish.I also buy beef,and sometimes pork or lamb.I also visit dairy section,where I can buy milk and cheese.Sometimes I also buy ice cream or yogurt.When I have finished in the meat section and dairy sections,I then move to the bakery section.This is where loaves of bread are baked and sold.There are many kinds of different bread in the bakery section.The bakery section also sells pasta,such as macaroni and spaghetti.And,of course,you can buy pies,cakes and cookies in the bakery section.These foods are very sweet and tasty.I also pick up a few other things at the supermarket,such as soap,toothpaste,and cleaning supplies.But sometimes I forget to buy something that I had planned to get.Maybe I should make a list of the things I need to buy.
5/10/20214 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_63 The Circus

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.circus 马戏团2.tent 帐篷3.ringmaster 马戏团领班4.whip 鞭子5.honked 鸣叫5.squeezed 挤压7.acrobats 杂技8.tummy 肚子原文The CircusWow!A big tent was in the middle of the town's parking lot.We were going to a three-ring circus.I couldn't wait for it to begin.Inside and outside of the tent,toys,balloons and food were being sold.All of the children were so very excited.Inside the tent,we found good seats so we could see everything.The band started to play loud music,and the ringmaster came out with a big tall hat on his head.In one ring,there were small animals,dogs,monkeys and parrots doing tricks.The dogs were dressed in funny clothes,and so were the monkeys.They rode on bicycles,danced and climbed ladders.There were wild tigers and lions in a big round wire cage.A man with a whip was inside the cage with them.He had them trained to jump through a hoop of fire and to roll over.He even kissed them!He was very brave!During the break in the middle of the circus,funny clowns came out and did silly things.They had happy faces and sad faces.Some had big red noses that honked if you squeezed them.There were rides on elephants too.I didn't go on one because it cost too much money.The last act took up the whole tent.It was the acrobats.They hung from their teeth,their feet and their necks high up in the air.They also swung high up in the air and “flew”to each other.It's kind of scary to watch,because I was afraid they might fall.I had a very good time at the circus.However,my tummy felt kind of sick from all the cotton candy and junk food I ate!
5/10/20214 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_63 The Circus

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.circus 马戏团2.tent 帐篷3.ringmaster 马戏团领班4.whip 鞭子5.honked 鸣叫5.squeezed 挤压7.acrobats 杂技8.tummy 肚子原文The CircusWow!A big tent was in the middle of the town's parking lot.We were going to a three-ring circus.I couldn't wait for it to begin.Inside and outside of the tent,toys,balloons and food were being sold.All of the children were so very excited.Inside the tent,we found good seats so we could see everything.The band started to play loud music,and the ringmaster came out with a big tall hat on his head.In one ring,there were small animals,dogs,monkeys and parrots doing tricks.The dogs were dressed in funny clothes,and so were the monkeys.They rode on bicycles,danced and climbed ladders.There were wild tigers and lions in a big round wire cage.A man with a whip was inside the cage with them.He had them trained to jump through a hoop of fire and to roll over.He even kissed them!He was very brave!During the break in the middle of the circus,funny clowns came out and did silly things.They had happy faces and sad faces.Some had big red noses that honked if you squeezed them.There were rides on elephants too.I didn't go on one because it cost too much money.The last act took up the whole tent.It was the acrobats.They hung from their teeth,their feet and their necks high up in the air.They also swung high up in the air and “flew”to each other.It's kind of scary to watch,because I was afraid they might fall.I had a very good time at the circus.However,my tummy felt kind of sick from all the cotton candy and junk food I ate!
5/10/20214 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_62 The Musician

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.shivers 颤抖2.choirs 唱诗班原文The MusicianThere once was a little girl named Rain Angle.She loved to sit at the piano and play.Rain Angle was a very gifted girl.She had a voice that gave people shivers,and she loved to sing.As Rain got older,she continued to love music.Rain became involve in the choirs and bands at her high school.She loved performing in front of people.She couldn't help but feel the sense of the power she had when she was up on stage,and there was always loud clapping when she finished a song.Rain soon went out on her own and looked for someone that could help her become famous.Rain wanted to share her talent with the world.She felt that her special talent for music helped people feel good.Rain went out into the big world,and she did very well.She was always performing her best,and someone finally noticed her.Her new agent helped her to make her first album.Rain became famous because she never quit trying.Rain loved her new way of life.She continued singing and playing her piano.She was even taught how to write her own music.Rain Angle had always dreamed of becoming a celebrity.She always remembered her friends and family when she was famous,because they had always believed in her.Rain Angle strove for a faraway place,and it became her reality.She always believed that what she wanted to become was her choice.She believed that if you have the strength and determination,you can make you dreams come true.
5/9/20214 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_62 The Musician

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.shivers 颤抖2.choirs 唱诗班原文The MusicianThere once was a little girl named Rain Angle.She loved to sit at the piano and play.Rain Angle was a very gifted girl.She had a voice that gave people shivers,and she loved to sing.As Rain got older,she continued to love music.Rain became involve in the choirs and bands at her high school.She loved performing in front of people.She couldn't help but feel the sense of the power she had when she was up on stage,and there was always loud clapping when she finished a song.Rain soon went out on her own and looked for someone that could help her become famous.Rain wanted to share her talent with the world.She felt that her special talent for music helped people feel good.Rain went out into the big world,and she did very well.She was always performing her best,and someone finally noticed her.Her new agent helped her to make her first album.Rain became famous because she never quit trying.Rain loved her new way of life.She continued singing and playing her piano.She was even taught how to write her own music.Rain Angle had always dreamed of becoming a celebrity.She always remembered her friends and family when she was famous,because they had always believed in her.Rain Angle strove for a faraway place,and it became her reality.She always believed that what she wanted to become was her choice.She believed that if you have the strength and determination,you can make you dreams come true.
5/9/20214 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_61 My Friend in the Next Office

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lecture 讲座2.giggles 傻笑3.whine 发牢骚4.grumble 抱怨原文My Friend in the Next OfficeWhen I started my job a year ago at the university,I did not know my way aroundI did not know where to find anything.I had a million questions.But Dianne in the next office took me on a tour showing me the places to eat,the library,the lecture rooms,where to get a picture ID card,how to get from one building to another.When I had a question I asked Dianne:how to use the telephone,where to make copies,where to print with my computer,the location of my mailbox.She teaches as I do.We both spend a lot of time helping students and answering their questions.she giggles a lot;I hear her laugh with her students.Sometimes,she asks my advice about her work or about a problem,and I ask her advice.Sometimes ,she comes in to my office and says“I'm really angry,can I whine to you?”.Then she talks about a problem and I listen,and then she returns cheerfully to her office.Sometimes,I go in to her office and say“I'm upset about something that happened;can I come in for a minute?”.Then I grumble to her and she listens,and then I go back cheerfully to my office.Each of us fells better when we have shared our problems.Then they are no longer problems.Dianne is shy in a group of people.She is quiet and does not start a conversation.Everyone around her talks and she listens.On Friday afternoons,she makes popcorn for everyone.We all sit in the staff room and eat microwave popcorn and drink tea and talk.We start to relax for the weekend and talk about our plans.She is a good friend;she helps my students when I am not there;she wishes me a good luck when I go to a lecture.I am very glad that she can be my friend in the office beside mine.
5/8/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_61 My Friend in the Next Office

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lecture 讲座2.giggles 傻笑3.whine 发牢骚4.grumble 抱怨原文My Friend in the Next OfficeWhen I started my job a year ago at the university,I did not know my way aroundI did not know where to find anything.I had a million questions.But Dianne in the next office took me on a tour showing me the places to eat,the library,the lecture rooms,where to get a picture ID card,how to get from one building to another.When I had a question I asked Dianne:how to use the telephone,where to make copies,where to print with my computer,the location of my mailbox.She teaches as I do.We both spend a lot of time helping students and answering their questions.she giggles a lot;I hear her laugh with her students.Sometimes,she asks my advice about her work or about a problem,and I ask her advice.Sometimes ,she comes in to my office and says“I'm really angry,can I whine to you?”.Then she talks about a problem and I listen,and then she returns cheerfully to her office.Sometimes,I go in to her office and say“I'm upset about something that happened;can I come in for a minute?”.Then I grumble to her and she listens,and then I go back cheerfully to my office.Each of us fells better when we have shared our problems.Then they are no longer problems.Dianne is shy in a group of people.She is quiet and does not start a conversation.Everyone around her talks and she listens.On Friday afternoons,she makes popcorn for everyone.We all sit in the staff room and eat microwave popcorn and drink tea and talk.We start to relax for the weekend and talk about our plans.She is a good friend;she helps my students when I am not there;she wishes me a good luck when I go to a lecture.I am very glad that she can be my friend in the office beside mine.
5/8/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_60 Day Dream

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.grassy field 草地2.daisies 雏菊3.crocodiles 鳄鱼4.drifting 漂流5.chariot 战车6.spruce 云杉7.blinked 眨眼8.tugging 拖拽9.grin 咧嘴笑原文Day DreamLittle Annie was very bored one lazy afternoon.She had nothing to do.She had already played with her brothers in the sandbox and had tea with them and her dollies,too.She had baked chocolate chip cookies with her mom and even tasted one.They were very good,she thought.Now Annie was trying to figure out she could do what to pass the day away.Little Annie decided that she would go to her favorite spot in the world…the green,grassy field full of daisies,beneath the great oak tree.She took a red and white blanket with her.She laid it down on the ground,and then she laid down on it.She laid there looking at the clouds,fluffy and white.She saw bunnies,huge gray elephants and scary-look crocodiles.Soon,Little Annie was drifting in and out of clouds and reality.The clouds started dancing with her,begging her to come and play.She got up from her blanket and joined the clouds.They flew over roof top of all of the village people,swam with the fish in the lake and said hello to all over the birds that they passed by.Little Annie was having so much fun.The clouds had formed into a chariot,so Little Annie could drive if she wanted to.She drove over a rainbow that was bright in the sky.Then,she shot through the branches of her friend's spruce tree.Annie suddenly came to a STOP!Hearing someone call her name,Annie looked around.She blinked;once,twice,and finally everything came into focus.Her brother was tugging at her leg,wondering why she was staring into outer space with a big grin on her face.“Oh,”Little Annie said,not really knowing that she had been sitting there all long.
5/7/20214 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_60 Day Dream

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.grassy field 草地2.daisies 雏菊3.crocodiles 鳄鱼4.drifting 漂流5.chariot 战车6.spruce 云杉7.blinked 眨眼8.tugging 拖拽9.grin 咧嘴笑原文Day DreamLittle Annie was very bored one lazy afternoon.She had nothing to do.She had already played with her brothers in the sandbox and had tea with them and her dollies,too.She had baked chocolate chip cookies with her mom and even tasted one.They were very good,she thought.Now Annie was trying to figure out she could do what to pass the day away.Little Annie decided that she would go to her favorite spot in the world…the green,grassy field full of daisies,beneath the great oak tree.She took a red and white blanket with her.She laid it down on the ground,and then she laid down on it.She laid there looking at the clouds,fluffy and white.She saw bunnies,huge gray elephants and scary-look crocodiles.Soon,Little Annie was drifting in and out of clouds and reality.The clouds started dancing with her,begging her to come and play.She got up from her blanket and joined the clouds.They flew over roof top of all of the village people,swam with the fish in the lake and said hello to all over the birds that they passed by.Little Annie was having so much fun.The clouds had formed into a chariot,so Little Annie could drive if she wanted to.She drove over a rainbow that was bright in the sky.Then,she shot through the branches of her friend's spruce tree.Annie suddenly came to a STOP!Hearing someone call her name,Annie looked around.She blinked;once,twice,and finally everything came into focus.Her brother was tugging at her leg,wondering why she was staring into outer space with a big grin on her face.“Oh,”Little Annie said,not really knowing that she had been sitting there all long.
5/7/20214 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_59 The Dentist Appointment

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.leaned 倾斜2.poking 戳,探3.cavities 洞4.flossed 用牙线清理5.fluoride 氟化物6.spit 吐7.squirted 喷射8.clamp down 压制原文The Dentist AppointmentMy dentist called my house the other day.He told me I needed my teeth cleaned.I set up an appointment to see him on Saturday,June 10th.When I got to my dentist's office,I had to sit in the waiting room.There were other people ahead of me.They finally called my name.I went into his room and sat down on a big blue chair.They leaned it back.A bright light was turned on.It hurt my eyes,so I closed them.My dentist asked me to open my mouth.I did.I thought my mouth was very big,but he told me to open it even wider.Soon he began poking around to see if I had any cavities.He flossed my teeth and put fluoride around my teeth too.The fluoride tasted like bubble gum.I had to spit into a dish-like bowl.It squirted out water.My dentist kept asking me questions.I couldn't answer because there were wired tools in my mouth.When I tried answering back,he seemed to understand though.His helper came into the room.She asked me to open my mouth again.I had to clamp down on something that felt like a rubber.She put a big camera-type machine right to my cheek.She did this on the other side of my face as well.They took two pictures of my teeth.It was really cool.The dentist told me my teeth were perfect!I didn't have any problems.I could go home.“See you next year”,he said.
5/7/20213 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_59 The Dentist Appointment

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.leaned 倾斜2.poking 戳,探3.cavities 洞4.flossed 用牙线清理5.fluoride 氟化物6.spit 吐7.squirted 喷射8.clamp down 压制原文The Dentist AppointmentMy dentist called my house the other day.He told me I needed my teeth cleaned.I set up an appointment to see him on Saturday,June 10th.When I got to my dentist's office,I had to sit in the waiting room.There were other people ahead of me.They finally called my name.I went into his room and sat down on a big blue chair.They leaned it back.A bright light was turned on.It hurt my eyes,so I closed them.My dentist asked me to open my mouth.I did.I thought my mouth was very big,but he told me to open it even wider.Soon he began poking around to see if I had any cavities.He flossed my teeth and put fluoride around my teeth too.The fluoride tasted like bubble gum.I had to spit into a dish-like bowl.It squirted out water.My dentist kept asking me questions.I couldn't answer because there were wired tools in my mouth.When I tried answering back,he seemed to understand though.His helper came into the room.She asked me to open my mouth again.I had to clamp down on something that felt like a rubber.She put a big camera-type machine right to my cheek.She did this on the other side of my face as well.They took two pictures of my teeth.It was really cool.The dentist told me my teeth were perfect!I didn't have any problems.I could go home.“See you next year”,he said.
5/7/20213 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_58 Visiting the Zoo

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trunk 象鼻2.tusks 象牙3.grizzly bears 灰熊4.roam 漫步5.pouch 口袋6.gorilla 大猩猩原文Visiting the ZooWhen I was a kid,I always enjoyed visiting the zoo.My family lived far away from the zoo,so we didn't go there very often.But whenever we went to the zoo,I always had a fun and interesting time.Some of the animals were very large.Of course,the elephants were huge,and they had such an unusual appearance with their big ears and their long trunk and tusks.The giraffes were very tall,with long necks that reached high into the trees.Some of my favorite animals were the big cats.The lions looked very powerful with their big teeth and paws.The tigers were just as big and strong,with yellow and black stripes.But the bears were even larger than these cats.The polar bears,with their bright white fur,liked to swim through the water.The grizzly bears had brown fur and liked to roam around on the land.The animals form Australia seemed very unusual.The kangaroos ,with their strong legs and long tail,could jump great distances across the ground.The baby kangaroo could go inside its mother's pouch.Another Australian animal,the koala bear,crawled slowly in the trees,where it ate leaves.The monkeys and apes were also very interesting.In many ways,they reminded me of people.Some of the monkeys were very small.They could use their arms,legs and tails to swing through the trees.Some of the apes were very large.The gorilla was the largest of all.Sometimes,a big gorilla would stand up and pound his fists on his chest.Too see all the animals at the zoo took almost a whole day.By the end of the day,I was very tired from walking around.But I was also very happy to see all the amazing animals from places around the world.
5/3/20214 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_58 Visiting the Zoo

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trunk 象鼻2.tusks 象牙3.grizzly bears 灰熊4.roam 漫步5.pouch 口袋6.gorilla 大猩猩原文Visiting the ZooWhen I was a kid,I always enjoyed visiting the zoo.My family lived far away from the zoo,so we didn't go there very often.But whenever we went to the zoo,I always had a fun and interesting time.Some of the animals were very large.Of course,the elephants were huge,and they had such an unusual appearance with their big ears and their long trunk and tusks.The giraffes were very tall,with long necks that reached high into the trees.Some of my favorite animals were the big cats.The lions looked very powerful with their big teeth and paws.The tigers were just as big and strong,with yellow and black stripes.But the bears were even larger than these cats.The polar bears,with their bright white fur,liked to swim through the water.The grizzly bears had brown fur and liked to roam around on the land.The animals form Australia seemed very unusual.The kangaroos ,with their strong legs and long tail,could jump great distances across the ground.The baby kangaroo could go inside its mother's pouch.Another Australian animal,the koala bear,crawled slowly in the trees,where it ate leaves.The monkeys and apes were also very interesting.In many ways,they reminded me of people.Some of the monkeys were very small.They could use their arms,legs and tails to swing through the trees.Some of the apes were very large.The gorilla was the largest of all.Sometimes,a big gorilla would stand up and pound his fists on his chest.Too see all the animals at the zoo took almost a whole day.By the end of the day,I was very tired from walking around.But I was also very happy to see all the amazing animals from places around the world.
5/3/20214 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_57 The Perfect Place

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sweep 扫2.flapping 振翅3.magnificent 壮丽的4.brilliant 明亮的5.lull 哄睡6.seagull 海鸥7.destruction 破坏原文The Perfect PlaceThere is a place in my mind that is pure.Everything there is beautiful.Many flowers grow,and the grass is very green.The clouds are always white and fluffy.The tree's branches sweep the earth floor.You can hear the sound of a waterfall.It is roaring with life,and the water races.A bird calls in the distance and as you listen,the sound gets closer.A flapping quite near makes me turn and look.A great,magnificent eagle flies over my head.The strength I see in his powerful wings amazes me.I am never thirsty or hungry.I live off the beautiful that surrounds me in this perfect place.I walk on trails that lead me to breath-taking places.The beach is my favorite spot to end up.The sand between my toes is soft and cool.I love to lie down on the sand.I watch the sun go down.Sometimes,the sun is a brilliant orange.The world seems like it is on fire.Waves lull me to sleep.The seagulls wake me up.In this perfect place,I have learned so much.The animals and their homes are so precious.I have learned to respect the animals;they were here first.The sounds,smells and sights are too perfect and full of life.There is no war here,no anger or stress.I don't have to worry about pollution or destruction.My perfect world exists only in my head.Maybe if we all work hard,my fantasy can become real.
4/30/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_57 The Perfect Place

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sweep 扫2.flapping 振翅3.magnificent 壮丽的4.brilliant 明亮的5.lull 哄睡6.seagull 海鸥7.destruction 破坏原文The Perfect PlaceThere is a place in my mind that is pure.Everything there is beautiful.Many flowers grow,and the grass is very green.The clouds are always white and fluffy.The tree's branches sweep the earth floor.You can hear the sound of a waterfall.It is roaring with life,and the water races.A bird calls in the distance and as you listen,the sound gets closer.A flapping quite near makes me turn and look.A great,magnificent eagle flies over my head.The strength I see in his powerful wings amazes me.I am never thirsty or hungry.I live off the beautiful that surrounds me in this perfect place.I walk on trails that lead me to breath-taking places.The beach is my favorite spot to end up.The sand between my toes is soft and cool.I love to lie down on the sand.I watch the sun go down.Sometimes,the sun is a brilliant orange.The world seems like it is on fire.Waves lull me to sleep.The seagulls wake me up.In this perfect place,I have learned so much.The animals and their homes are so precious.I have learned to respect the animals;they were here first.The sounds,smells and sights are too perfect and full of life.There is no war here,no anger or stress.I don't have to worry about pollution or destruction.My perfect world exists only in my head.Maybe if we all work hard,my fantasy can become real.
4/30/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_56 The Wedding

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.aisle 过道2.hush 安静3.intake 吸入4.beads 珠子5.curls 卷发6.bouquet 花束7.tender 温柔原文The WeddingWe went into the church and sat down.There were pretty flowers at the front.There was beautiful organ music playing.The church was full of people dressed up nicely.Everyone was waiting to see the beautiful bride walk up the aisle.A hush,and intake of breath..There she was.Oh,she was so beautiful.She had a lovely,long white dress with pretty lace and beads.Her hair was swept up off from her face.There were curls flowing down her back.Instead of veil,she had little flowers in her hair.Her bouquet of tiny flowers was very,very pretty.Her dad looked very proud of her.He looked just a little sad,too.At the front of the church,the groom stood waiting.He had a beautiful tender smile on his face.He took his bride's hand as her dad left her there.They smiled at each other.The minister read,prayed and offered some words of advice to the lovely couple.Someone sang a pretty song.The groom slipped the simple wedding band on the bride's finger.She struggled a little to put a band on his finger.Pretty soon the minister said they were now husband and wife.They kissed.We all stood,and they walked down the aisle to live their rest lives together as Mr. and Mrs.!We cried.
4/29/20213 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_56 The Wedding

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.aisle 过道2.hush 安静3.intake 吸入4.beads 珠子5.curls 卷发6.bouquet 花束7.tender 温柔原文The WeddingWe went into the church and sat down.There were pretty flowers at the front.There was beautiful organ music playing.The church was full of people dressed up nicely.Everyone was waiting to see the beautiful bride walk up the aisle.A hush,and intake of breath..There she was.Oh,she was so beautiful.She had a lovely,long white dress with pretty lace and beads.Her hair was swept up off from her face.There were curls flowing down her back.Instead of veil,she had little flowers in her hair.Her bouquet of tiny flowers was very,very pretty.Her dad looked very proud of her.He looked just a little sad,too.At the front of the church,the groom stood waiting.He had a beautiful tender smile on his face.He took his bride's hand as her dad left her there.They smiled at each other.The minister read,prayed and offered some words of advice to the lovely couple.Someone sang a pretty song.The groom slipped the simple wedding band on the bride's finger.She struggled a little to put a band on his finger.Pretty soon the minister said they were now husband and wife.They kissed.We all stood,and they walked down the aisle to live their rest lives together as Mr. and Mrs.!We cried.
4/29/20213 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_55 Early Morning

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.yawn 打哈欠2.mumble 咕哝3.yanks 猛拉4.tickling 挠痒痒5.shriek 尖叫6.squint 斜视7.sandals 拖鞋8.handle bars 把手9.pedal 踩踏板原文Early Morning“Yawn!”I am so tired.I don't like getting up in the morning.I wish I could sleep in until noon.My mom has to come into my room and shake my feet.“Get up,you lazy girl!”she says,“It's time to rise and shine,it's a beautiful day!”.I raise my head,mumbling and turn over,putting my pillow over my head.My mom yanks my pillow from off my head and starts tickling me.“Okay,I'll get up.”I shriek.The sun is so bright that I squint.I think I'll go outside and play.I can't wait to get up now.My mom cooks me breakfast.I have eggs,bacon,toast and orange juice.When I finish my breakfast,I brush my teeth,comb my hair,wash my face and then change into play clothes.I choose a bright pink and yellow tank top with jean shorts and blue sandals.My bike is in the garage where my dad keeps the cars and tools.As I pedal,my hair flies out behind me.I keep my mouth shut so that bugs don't get in.I am going down a big hill now.I can hardly pedal anymore.My legs are moving so fast.I hang onto my handle bars tightly.I don't want to fall off.I finally am able to slow down as the road becomes level.I turn a corner and decide to go back home.I realize I now have to ride up the hill.I know I will be tired when I get the top.I think that I will have some water now before I start to go up.Mmmm,it tastes great.It is so clean and cold.Well,I know that I have a big trip ahead of me,so I need to get going.Bye-bye.
4/28/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_55 Early Morning

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.yawn 打哈欠2.mumble 咕哝3.yanks 猛拉4.tickling 挠痒痒5.shriek 尖叫6.squint 斜视7.sandals 拖鞋8.handle bars 把手9.pedal 踩踏板原文Early Morning“Yawn!”I am so tired.I don't like getting up in the morning.I wish I could sleep in until noon.My mom has to come into my room and shake my feet.“Get up,you lazy girl!”she says,“It's time to rise and shine,it's a beautiful day!”.I raise my head,mumbling and turn over,putting my pillow over my head.My mom yanks my pillow from off my head and starts tickling me.“Okay,I'll get up.”I shriek.The sun is so bright that I squint.I think I'll go outside and play.I can't wait to get up now.My mom cooks me breakfast.I have eggs,bacon,toast and orange juice.When I finish my breakfast,I brush my teeth,comb my hair,wash my face and then change into play clothes.I choose a bright pink and yellow tank top with jean shorts and blue sandals.My bike is in the garage where my dad keeps the cars and tools.As I pedal,my hair flies out behind me.I keep my mouth shut so that bugs don't get in.I am going down a big hill now.I can hardly pedal anymore.My legs are moving so fast.I hang onto my handle bars tightly.I don't want to fall off.I finally am able to slow down as the road becomes level.I turn a corner and decide to go back home.I realize I now have to ride up the hill.I know I will be tired when I get the top.I think that I will have some water now before I start to go up.Mmmm,it tastes great.It is so clean and cold.Well,I know that I have a big trip ahead of me,so I need to get going.Bye-bye.
4/28/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_54 Working in My Yard

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lawn 草坪2.maintain 维护3.mower 割草机4.fertilizer 肥料5.melts 融化6.weeds 杂草原文Working in My YardI live in a house that has a small yard around it.In my yard,there is a lawn and a garden.There is also a sidewalk that leads to my front door,and a driveway that leads to my garage.Throughout the year,I work to maintain my yard.During the summer,I cut the grass that grows in my yard,using a lawn-mower.I like the smell of the grass when it has just been cut.But it's better not to cut the grass too short.When the weather is dry,I also put the water on the lawn and garden,so that the grass and flowers can grow.During the autumn,many leaves fall from the trees in my yard.I use a rake to collect the leaves from the lawn.Then I can put the leaves into bags.I can use the leaves to make fertilizer.When I was a kid,I didn't like that job of raking leaves,but now I don't mind it.Another job during the autumn is to remove flowers from the garden before the cold weather arrives.During the winter,there is no work to do in the lawn or garden,because they are covered in snow.But I need to keep the snow off my sidewalk and driveway.Whenever it snows,I use a shovel to clean the snow from the sidewalk and driveway.Sometimes,it snows a lot.If I didn't shovel the snow,it would soon be impossible to get into my house.During the spring, the snow melts.I clean up my yard by sweeping away the dirt and by removing weed from the lawn and garden.I also put flowers back into the garden.It's nice to see them again after the long,cold winter.When spring comes,the grass grows very quickly,so I need to cut the grass quite often.Working in the yard can be very satisfied work.It's so nice when the lawn and garden are looking green and healthy.
4/27/20214 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_54 Working in My Yard

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lawn 草坪2.maintain 维护3.mower 割草机4.fertilizer 肥料5.melts 融化6.weeds 杂草原文Working in My YardI live in a house that has a small yard around it.In my yard,there is a lawn and a garden.There is also a sidewalk that leads to my front door,and a driveway that leads to my garage.Throughout the year,I work to maintain my yard.During the summer,I cut the grass that grows in my yard,using a lawn-mower.I like the smell of the grass when it has just been cut.But it's better not to cut the grass too short.When the weather is dry,I also put the water on the lawn and garden,so that the grass and flowers can grow.During the autumn,many leaves fall from the trees in my yard.I use a rake to collect the leaves from the lawn.Then I can put the leaves into bags.I can use the leaves to make fertilizer.When I was a kid,I didn't like that job of raking leaves,but now I don't mind it.Another job during the autumn is to remove flowers from the garden before the cold weather arrives.During the winter,there is no work to do in the lawn or garden,because they are covered in snow.But I need to keep the snow off my sidewalk and driveway.Whenever it snows,I use a shovel to clean the snow from the sidewalk and driveway.Sometimes,it snows a lot.If I didn't shovel the snow,it would soon be impossible to get into my house.During the spring, the snow melts.I clean up my yard by sweeping away the dirt and by removing weed from the lawn and garden.I also put flowers back into the garden.It's nice to see them again after the long,cold winter.When spring comes,the grass grows very quickly,so I need to cut the grass quite often.Working in the yard can be very satisfied work.It's so nice when the lawn and garden are looking green and healthy.
4/27/20214 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_53 A Picnic

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.roller blades 轮滑2.steep hill 陡坡原文A PicnicWhat a great day for a picnic.We're not only having a picnic,we're having a big bike ride,too.We did this last year with a lot of friends also.It was really fun.We meet quite early in the morning in a pretty little town.The town is where the Niagara River flows into Lake Ontario in Canada.The town's name is Niagara-on-the-Lake.Then all of the people,fifteen or more,get on their bikes or roller blades.We go on a bike path beside the river.The path we take is about 11 km or 6 miles long.There are a lot of people using the path,too.We usually stop for an ice cream treat near the end or where we turn around to go back to our cars.It is just before the park where we will have our picnic,and a steep hill.Many of the man and boys go up the hill.Most of the women and children go back to their cars.The ride takes about two hours plus whatever time we take at the ice cream store.After the ride is finished,we go to the park.We have a delicious“pot-luck”lunch.Pot luck means everyone brings some food to share with the others.We eat,rest,talk and laugh.After we've cleaned up,some of us climb the tower that is there remembering a war at that place and its general.It is a steep climb,over 100 steps.We usually end the day with a fun game of baseball or soccer.Finally,we pack up our stuff.Tired and dirty,we head for home with good memories swimming in our heads.
4/27/20214 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_53 A Picnic

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.roller blades 轮滑2.steep hill 陡坡原文A PicnicWhat a great day for a picnic.We're not only having a picnic,we're having a big bike ride,too.We did this last year with a lot of friends also.It was really fun.We meet quite early in the morning in a pretty little town.The town is where the Niagara River flows into Lake Ontario in Canada.The town's name is Niagara-on-the-Lake.Then all of the people,fifteen or more,get on their bikes or roller blades.We go on a bike path beside the river.The path we take is about 11 km or 6 miles long.There are a lot of people using the path,too.We usually stop for an ice cream treat near the end or where we turn around to go back to our cars.It is just before the park where we will have our picnic,and a steep hill.Many of the man and boys go up the hill.Most of the women and children go back to their cars.The ride takes about two hours plus whatever time we take at the ice cream store.After the ride is finished,we go to the park.We have a delicious“pot-luck”lunch.Pot luck means everyone brings some food to share with the others.We eat,rest,talk and laugh.After we've cleaned up,some of us climb the tower that is there remembering a war at that place and its general.It is a steep climb,over 100 steps.We usually end the day with a fun game of baseball or soccer.Finally,we pack up our stuff.Tired and dirty,we head for home with good memories swimming in our heads.
4/27/20214 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_52 If I Had a Million Dollars

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.roliing hills 起伏的山丘原文If I Had a Million DollarsIf I had a million dollars,I'd travel the world.I would go to the highest mountain.I would swim the deepest sea.I would probably buy a lot of clothes,because I love clothes.More than anything though,I would want to visit Ireland.I want to see the rolling hills and the green,green grass that everyone talks it.When I think of Ireland,I think of where my family came from many years ago.I am almost all Irish and I would love to see my family over in Ireland.If I had a million dollars,I would buy a Mustang or a Pontiac Sunbird car.I would buy a nice house with a big backyard and an outdoor and indoor pool.I would love to take my family wherever they wanted to go.I would buy them wonderful presents,too.However,I know that money does not buy happiness.It does not buy you friends or family.It may bring some happiness only for the moment,but in the long run,your family is what will be there for you if you love them and they are there for them.If I had to pick between a million dollars and my family,I would pick my family.The million dollars is a nice dream.If that dream ever comes true and I do get a lot of money,I hope I would use it wisely.
4/26/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_52 If I Had a Million Dollars

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.roliing hills 起伏的山丘原文If I Had a Million DollarsIf I had a million dollars,I'd travel the world.I would go to the highest mountain.I would swim the deepest sea.I would probably buy a lot of clothes,because I love clothes.More than anything though,I would want to visit Ireland.I want to see the rolling hills and the green,green grass that everyone talks it.When I think of Ireland,I think of where my family came from many years ago.I am almost all Irish and I would love to see my family over in Ireland.If I had a million dollars,I would buy a Mustang or a Pontiac Sunbird car.I would buy a nice house with a big backyard and an outdoor and indoor pool.I would love to take my family wherever they wanted to go.I would buy them wonderful presents,too.However,I know that money does not buy happiness.It does not buy you friends or family.It may bring some happiness only for the moment,but in the long run,your family is what will be there for you if you love them and they are there for them.If I had to pick between a million dollars and my family,I would pick my family.The million dollars is a nice dream.If that dream ever comes true and I do get a lot of money,I hope I would use it wisely.
4/26/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_51 My Hobby

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.zig-zags 锯齿2.frills 花边原文My HobbyLet's see.Today I might go fly a kite,or maybe go for a swim.It is hot outside,and I don't know what to do.My mom tells me that I should do something that I like doing on hot days.Since our house is nice and cool,I guess I'll stay inside and work on my hobby.My hobby is something that not a lot of people do.I make and collect bookmarks.To make my bookmarks,I use stickers and special art pencils to draw.I buy the stickers at a mall,usually in a card store.The art pencils are bought in an art store.Too make the bookmarks,I start with a piece of paper.I measure out how big I want the bookmarks to be with a ruler.I once made a bookmark so big,that it couldn't even be used in a very big book.After I measure it,I draw lines so that I can cut it straight.Sometimes,I use fancy scissors that cut zig-zags or frills.Then I start to decorate them.I like to draw cartoons or flowers on my bookmarks.Sometimes,I even put real flowers on them.A lot of time,I write little sayings on the bookmarks.I like to give my bookmarks to my friends and family.Sometimes,I even sell my bookmarks to people.I like my hobby.I can draw whatever I want on the bookmarks.Maybe sometimes in the future,I will be a famous bookmark maker and even have my own store.
4/25/20213 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_51 My Hobby

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.zig-zags 锯齿2.frills 花边原文My HobbyLet's see.Today I might go fly a kite,or maybe go for a swim.It is hot outside,and I don't know what to do.My mom tells me that I should do something that I like doing on hot days.Since our house is nice and cool,I guess I'll stay inside and work on my hobby.My hobby is something that not a lot of people do.I make and collect bookmarks.To make my bookmarks,I use stickers and special art pencils to draw.I buy the stickers at a mall,usually in a card store.The art pencils are bought in an art store.Too make the bookmarks,I start with a piece of paper.I measure out how big I want the bookmarks to be with a ruler.I once made a bookmark so big,that it couldn't even be used in a very big book.After I measure it,I draw lines so that I can cut it straight.Sometimes,I use fancy scissors that cut zig-zags or frills.Then I start to decorate them.I like to draw cartoons or flowers on my bookmarks.Sometimes,I even put real flowers on them.A lot of time,I write little sayings on the bookmarks.I like to give my bookmarks to my friends and family.Sometimes,I even sell my bookmarks to people.I like my hobby.I can draw whatever I want on the bookmarks.Maybe sometimes in the future,I will be a famous bookmark maker and even have my own store.
4/25/20213 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_50 My Job

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.conservation 保护2.haunted 闹鬼的3.chills 寒颤4.cascading 倾泻5.grind grain 研磨粮食6.tan (皮肤)棕黄色7.crafts 工艺品原文My JobI work at a conservation park called Ball's Falls.I've only work there for three weeks now.I am a tour guide,and I tell people the history of all the buildings there.Somebody told me that one of the houses I work in is haunted.Now I get chills every time I walk into that house.My boss told that the stories aren't real,but I have an active imagination.Ball's Falls is very beautiful.It has two different water falls,the Upper Falls and the Lower Falls.There used to be tons of water cascading over them,which turned a big water wheel to grind grain.However,through the years,the amount of water has lessened.I love working at Ball's Falls because I get to work outside a lot.I am getting a tan.In July and August,I will be working with kids there at a day camp.I am getting ready now,making different crafts and thinking up fun new games to play.I can't wait to start working with them.I think that will be the best part of the summer.I will be going to work tomorrow.I usually have to work from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.I also like the people I work with,they are very nice.Come to Ball's Falls,and I'll give you a tour.
4/25/20213 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_50 My Job

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.conservation 保护2.haunted 闹鬼的3.chills 寒颤4.cascading 倾泻5.grind grain 研磨粮食6.tan (皮肤)棕黄色7.crafts 工艺品原文My JobI work at a conservation park called Ball's Falls.I've only work there for three weeks now.I am a tour guide,and I tell people the history of all the buildings there.Somebody told me that one of the houses I work in is haunted.Now I get chills every time I walk into that house.My boss told that the stories aren't real,but I have an active imagination.Ball's Falls is very beautiful.It has two different water falls,the Upper Falls and the Lower Falls.There used to be tons of water cascading over them,which turned a big water wheel to grind grain.However,through the years,the amount of water has lessened.I love working at Ball's Falls because I get to work outside a lot.I am getting a tan.In July and August,I will be working with kids there at a day camp.I am getting ready now,making different crafts and thinking up fun new games to play.I can't wait to start working with them.I think that will be the best part of the summer.I will be going to work tomorrow.I usually have to work from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.I also like the people I work with,they are very nice.Come to Ball's Falls,and I'll give you a tour.
4/25/20213 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_49 My First Trip Away From Home

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hayloft 草垛2.bales 捆3.barn 谷仓4.itchy 发痒的原文My First Trip Away From Home  Today I am going to my good friend's house.Her name is Valerie.This is going to be my first trip away from home,without my parents.My dad is driving me to Valerie's house,and I'll be staying there for two weeks.Her mom will drive me back home.It takes 1/2 hours to get there.I have to pack enough clothes for play,work and church.I hope I'll pack the right things.Of course,I have to remember my toothbrush and hairbrush.Valeria lives on a farm.I'll be helping her dad with milking the cows-I think!We'll play up in the hayloft after we have helped put the bales into the barn.We'll be all itchy when that job is done.There are a lot of things to do on a farm.Her mom is a good cook and will feed us well.There is a nice pond where we can go swimming.I mustn't forget my bathing suit.I wonder if the farm dog comes into the pond,too.That would be funny.My dad and mom are giving me money just in case we go shopping.I hope we do go shopping because I want to buy lots of candy. (I won't tell my mom that!).Oh,dear!I hear my dad yelling,“let's go!”.I haven't even finished packing my things yet.I guess I better stop writing this now and get busy fast!Bye!
4/24/20213 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_49 My First Trip Away From Home

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.hayloft 草垛2.bales 捆3.barn 谷仓4.itchy 发痒的原文My First Trip Away From Home  Today I am going to my good friend's house.Her name is Valerie.This is going to be my first trip away from home,without my parents.My dad is driving me to Valerie's house,and I'll be staying there for two weeks.Her mom will drive me back home.It takes 1/2 hours to get there.I have to pack enough clothes for play,work and church.I hope I'll pack the right things.Of course,I have to remember my toothbrush and hairbrush.Valeria lives on a farm.I'll be helping her dad with milking the cows-I think!We'll play up in the hayloft after we have helped put the bales into the barn.We'll be all itchy when that job is done.There are a lot of things to do on a farm.Her mom is a good cook and will feed us well.There is a nice pond where we can go swimming.I mustn't forget my bathing suit.I wonder if the farm dog comes into the pond,too.That would be funny.My dad and mom are giving me money just in case we go shopping.I hope we do go shopping because I want to buy lots of candy. (I won't tell my mom that!).Oh,dear!I hear my dad yelling,“let's go!”.I haven't even finished packing my things yet.I guess I better stop writing this now and get busy fast!Bye!
4/24/20213 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_48 My First Job

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 学分2.diploma 文凭3.tailor 裁缝4.fabric 织物5.tuxedos 燕尾服原文My First JobMy first“real”job was during my last year of high school.I had taken classes in various business subjects.In that last year of high school,we could do a“co-op”.That meant we could work part of the time instead of going to school.It would count as credit towards our diploma.The place I got a job was at a men's tailor shop.The owners were a very nice older German couple.They had two other men working for them,too.One of the men had had brain surgery for cancer.He had a big,long scar all around the top of his head.He told me all about it.He was always happy and full of fun.I thought he was very brave!The tailor shop made suits to order.One of the salesmen would measure the man,and the customer would choose a fabric and style he(or his wife)liked.The people in the back of the shop would then cut and sew the suit.The suits cost a lot of money.There were also suits already made that the customer could buy instead if they wished.They could also rent suits or tuxedos for weddings or parties.I worked at a little desk.I answered the phone,wrote the letters,filed the papers and did some bookkeeping.It was about a mile walk from my school to work.I passed many clothes shops.That wasn't good because I spent a lot of the money that I earned in those shops.I worked at the tailor shop for almost a year.It was a good experience and helped me to get next job with the United States Navy.That was fun,too!
4/23/20213 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_48 My First Job

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 学分2.diploma 文凭3.tailor 裁缝4.fabric 织物5.tuxedos 燕尾服原文My First JobMy first“real”job was during my last year of high school.I had taken classes in various business subjects.In that last year of high school,we could do a“co-op”.That meant we could work part of the time instead of going to school.It would count as credit towards our diploma.The place I got a job was at a men's tailor shop.The owners were a very nice older German couple.They had two other men working for them,too.One of the men had had brain surgery for cancer.He had a big,long scar all around the top of his head.He told me all about it.He was always happy and full of fun.I thought he was very brave!The tailor shop made suits to order.One of the salesmen would measure the man,and the customer would choose a fabric and style he(or his wife)liked.The people in the back of the shop would then cut and sew the suit.The suits cost a lot of money.There were also suits already made that the customer could buy instead if they wished.They could also rent suits or tuxedos for weddings or parties.I worked at a little desk.I answered the phone,wrote the letters,filed the papers and did some bookkeeping.It was about a mile walk from my school to work.I passed many clothes shops.That wasn't good because I spent a lot of the money that I earned in those shops.I worked at the tailor shop for almost a year.It was a good experience and helped me to get next job with the United States Navy.That was fun,too!
4/23/20213 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_47 Family

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.nieces 侄女,外甥女2.nephews 侄子,外甥3.foster 代养原文FamilyWhat does the word“family”mean to you?The easiest way to define family is to talk about who you are related to.Usually,there is a mom and a dad and children who are brothers and sisters.This would be the“core”family.Then there is the“extend”family which would include grandparents,aunts and uncles,cousins,nieces and nephews and in-laws(people married to your brothers or sisters,husband or wife).However,I think the word“family”has a much deeper meaning.The word“family”brings words to my minds like:Love,support,help,kindness,fun,love,trips,closeness,love,forgiving,sharing,love,understanding,respect and love.You'll notice one word that is repeated over and over again.LOVE.I believe if a family has real love for one another,they will be able to overcome any problems they may have.Actually,they may not have too many problems if they all love and respect one another.However,there are things that cannot be helped;like death,sickness and accidents.It is during those hard times that a family's love helps them to go through those experiences.We had quite a few children in my family.There are brothers and sisters,which including an adopted brother and a number of foster children,too.I was also very fortunate that I had both my mom and dad to live with and do things like vacations together.We had a lot of fun,and there were some times of tears too.Above all,we love one another.Family is a wonderful thing!I am so lucky!
4/23/20214 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_47 Family

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.nieces 侄女,外甥女2.nephews 侄子,外甥3.foster 代养原文FamilyWhat does the word“family”mean to you?The easiest way to define family is to talk about who you are related to.Usually,there is a mom and a dad and children who are brothers and sisters.This would be the“core”family.Then there is the“extend”family which would include grandparents,aunts and uncles,cousins,nieces and nephews and in-laws(people married to your brothers or sisters,husband or wife).However,I think the word“family”has a much deeper meaning.The word“family”brings words to my minds like:Love,support,help,kindness,fun,love,trips,closeness,love,forgiving,sharing,love,understanding,respect and love.You'll notice one word that is repeated over and over again.LOVE.I believe if a family has real love for one another,they will be able to overcome any problems they may have.Actually,they may not have too many problems if they all love and respect one another.However,there are things that cannot be helped;like death,sickness and accidents.It is during those hard times that a family's love helps them to go through those experiences.We had quite a few children in my family.There are brothers and sisters,which including an adopted brother and a number of foster children,too.I was also very fortunate that I had both my mom and dad to live with and do things like vacations together.We had a lot of fun,and there were some times of tears too.Above all,we love one another.Family is a wonderful thing!I am so lucky!
4/23/20214 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_46 Home Alone

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.peeked 偷看2.robber 强盗3.creaking 吱吱作响4.clunking 沉闷声响5.furnace 火炉6.whirring 呼呼响7.alert 警惕8.suspicious 嫌疑原文Home AloneI remembered the first time that my parents left me home alone.I was very grown up,and I thought that I would be just fine.I was fine for a while.I watched television and had something to eat.I called my friend on the phone and we talked for a while.Then,I sat down to read a book.The house was quiet,very quiet.I found myself listening very carefully.I heard a tap,tap,tapping noise.I wondered where it was coming from.It seemed to be coming from the window.I turned out the lights so that nobody would see me,and I peeked out the window carefully.I was expecting to see a robber was tapping at my window.There was nobody there.It was just a tree branch swaying in the breeze and tapping at the window.I felt silly.I turn on my lights and sat back down to read my book.A few minutes later,I heard some creaking noises.I listened carefully.Then,I heard a clunking noise.I think it might have been the furnace.Then,there was a whirring noise.My imagination began to played tricks on me.I was imagining that there were all kinds of creatures in the house.I told myself to grow up.I wouldn't let my imagination run away with me.I was glad when my parents got home.I told them about all the noises that I had heard.My parents laughed and said that all house make noises.We're usually just so busy that we don't hear all the noise that go on.I have stayed home alone many times now.I just ignore all the little creaks and noises that I hear.I am still alert and listen for anything suspicious,but I know that there are lots of noises that are harmless.That tree that taps on my window still frightens me sometimes,but I'm a lot braver now than I was the first time that I stayed home alone.
4/23/20214 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_46 Home Alone

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.peeked 偷看2.robber 强盗3.creaking 吱吱作响4.clunking 沉闷声响5.furnace 火炉6.whirring 呼呼响7.alert 警惕8.suspicious 嫌疑原文Home AloneI remembered the first time that my parents left me home alone.I was very grown up,and I thought that I would be just fine.I was fine for a while.I watched television and had something to eat.I called my friend on the phone and we talked for a while.Then,I sat down to read a book.The house was quiet,very quiet.I found myself listening very carefully.I heard a tap,tap,tapping noise.I wondered where it was coming from.It seemed to be coming from the window.I turned out the lights so that nobody would see me,and I peeked out the window carefully.I was expecting to see a robber was tapping at my window.There was nobody there.It was just a tree branch swaying in the breeze and tapping at the window.I felt silly.I turn on my lights and sat back down to read my book.A few minutes later,I heard some creaking noises.I listened carefully.Then,I heard a clunking noise.I think it might have been the furnace.Then,there was a whirring noise.My imagination began to played tricks on me.I was imagining that there were all kinds of creatures in the house.I told myself to grow up.I wouldn't let my imagination run away with me.I was glad when my parents got home.I told them about all the noises that I had heard.My parents laughed and said that all house make noises.We're usually just so busy that we don't hear all the noise that go on.I have stayed home alone many times now.I just ignore all the little creaks and noises that I hear.I am still alert and listen for anything suspicious,but I know that there are lots of noises that are harmless.That tree that taps on my window still frightens me sometimes,but I'm a lot braver now than I was the first time that I stayed home alone.
4/23/20214 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_45 I am Clumsy

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.clumsy 笨拙的2.crack 缝隙3.bump 冲撞4.glob 团5.jar 罐6.peanut butter 花生酱 my pants 撕破我的裤子8.tail 尾巴原文I am ClumsyMy mother says that I am clumsy.My father says that I am clumsy.I know that I am clumsy.I do things all the time that are clumsy.I fall down for no reason at all.If there is a crack in the sidewalk,I will be sure to trip on it and fall down.If I carry a plate of food in the cafeteria,I almost always either drop it or bump into someone with it.I don't try to do these things ,it just happens.When I drink juice,I miss my mouth and get juice all over my shirt.I always have something spilled on my clothes.Last week,I opened a jar of peanut butter.The jar flew out of my hands and landed upside down on the floor.There was a big glob of peanut butter on the floor.Yesterday,I knocked over the sugar bowl.There was a big sticky mess on the floor.I bump my head when I get into the car.I rip my pants on things.I lose my money out of my packets.I step on the cat's tail.I always feel bad when I do that because the cat thinks I don't love her.I don't mean to do these things.I am just a clumsy person.My parents tell me to slow down.I am always in a hurry;maybe that's why I'm so clumsy.Maybe it's just a stage that I am going through.If it is,I hope it is over soon.Being clumsy is no fun at all.
4/23/20213 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_45 I am Clumsy

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.clumsy 笨拙的2.crack 缝隙3.bump 冲撞4.glob 团5.jar 罐6.peanut butter 花生酱 my pants 撕破我的裤子8.tail 尾巴原文I am ClumsyMy mother says that I am clumsy.My father says that I am clumsy.I know that I am clumsy.I do things all the time that are clumsy.I fall down for no reason at all.If there is a crack in the sidewalk,I will be sure to trip on it and fall down.If I carry a plate of food in the cafeteria,I almost always either drop it or bump into someone with it.I don't try to do these things ,it just happens.When I drink juice,I miss my mouth and get juice all over my shirt.I always have something spilled on my clothes.Last week,I opened a jar of peanut butter.The jar flew out of my hands and landed upside down on the floor.There was a big glob of peanut butter on the floor.Yesterday,I knocked over the sugar bowl.There was a big sticky mess on the floor.I bump my head when I get into the car.I rip my pants on things.I lose my money out of my packets.I step on the cat's tail.I always feel bad when I do that because the cat thinks I don't love her.I don't mean to do these things.I am just a clumsy person.My parents tell me to slow down.I am always in a hurry;maybe that's why I'm so clumsy.Maybe it's just a stage that I am going through.If it is,I hope it is over soon.Being clumsy is no fun at all.
4/23/20213 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_44 I Need Glasses

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.blurry 模糊2.appointment 约会3.optometrist 验光师4.drops 水珠5.frames 框架6.measurements 测量原文I Need GlassesI have been having trouble seeing the blackboard.Everything is blurry.I keep getting headaches.I told my mother about it,and she made an appointment with the optometrist.I went to a place where they made me read words and letters on a chart.Some of the words were big,and some were very small.I tried to read everything,but sometimes I couldn't see some of the small letters.The optometrist would cover one of my eyes while I read the chart.Then,she would cover my other eye.She even put some drops in my eyes.I asked the optometrist if I had passed or failed the test.She laughed,and said that it wasn't the kind of test that you passed or failed.She was just trying to find out if I needed glasses.I did need glasses.My mother and I looked around.There are many pairs of frames.I wanted something that was in style.I tried on many pairs of frames.Some of them looked good on me,and some of them looked really funny on me.I finally chose a frame that was my favorite.I gave them to a lady who did some measurements.She told me to come back on Friday to get my glasses.On Friday,I got my glasses.My friends like them.They said I looked smart in my glasses.I wore them to school on Monday,and I was able to see the blackboard clearly.I didn't realize how much I hadn't been able to see.Now I don't get headaches anymore.I'm glad that I had my glasses.Everything is a lot clearer now.
4/22/20213 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_44 I Need Glasses

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.blurry 模糊2.appointment 约会3.optometrist 验光师4.drops 水珠5.frames 框架6.measurements 测量原文I Need GlassesI have been having trouble seeing the blackboard.Everything is blurry.I keep getting headaches.I told my mother about it,and she made an appointment with the optometrist.I went to a place where they made me read words and letters on a chart.Some of the words were big,and some were very small.I tried to read everything,but sometimes I couldn't see some of the small letters.The optometrist would cover one of my eyes while I read the chart.Then,she would cover my other eye.She even put some drops in my eyes.I asked the optometrist if I had passed or failed the test.She laughed,and said that it wasn't the kind of test that you passed or failed.She was just trying to find out if I needed glasses.I did need glasses.My mother and I looked around.There are many pairs of frames.I wanted something that was in style.I tried on many pairs of frames.Some of them looked good on me,and some of them looked really funny on me.I finally chose a frame that was my favorite.I gave them to a lady who did some measurements.She told me to come back on Friday to get my glasses.On Friday,I got my glasses.My friends like them.They said I looked smart in my glasses.I wore them to school on Monday,and I was able to see the blackboard clearly.I didn't realize how much I hadn't been able to see.Now I don't get headaches anymore.I'm glad that I had my glasses.Everything is a lot clearer now.
4/22/20213 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_43 Career Choices

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.surgeon 外科医生2.veterinarian 兽医3.janitor 看门人 crew 施工队5.interior 内部6.instructor 教练原文Career ChoicesWhat do you want to be when you grow up?There are so many things that you can be.You might want to work in the field of law.You could be a police officer.You could be a judge and a lawyer.Maybe you'd like to work in the food industry.You could be a cook or a waitress.You might want to manage a hotel dining room.Perhaps you would want to do room service in a hotel.You could be a chef and make fancy meals for people.Maybe show business is what you'd like to be involved in.You could act in television shows or movies.You could sing or play an instrument in a band.If you like to help people,you could go into medicine.You could be a doctor or a nurse.You might be a surgeon and operate on peopleThere are other jobs in the field of medicine too.You could be an X-ray technician or a lab technician.It takes a lot of education to be a doctor.Maybe you would rather be a teacher.You could teach in a primary school or a high school.If you don't want to work with children,you could become a professor at university.There are hundreds of other jobs to choose from to.You might want to fix cars or work in a store.You could be a dentist or a veterinarian.You could be a janitor or a zookeep.There are so many jobs that I just can't name them all.Maybe you'd like to be a minister or an organist in a church.You could be a babysitter or a shop clerk.You might be interested in astronaut or a baker.You could work in a bank or at a shop.You could work on a construction crew and build roads and houses.Maybe you'd rather decorate house,so you'd become an interior decorator.You could hair cut or be a driving instructor.The list is endless.There are even jobs that you may never have heard about.The choice is yours.You just choose whatever you want to be and do your best to become that.I could do on forever.You could work in a library.You could be a factory worker or a fisherman.You could make clothes or build bridges.You could wash windows or be a bricklayer.The possibilities are endless.
4/21/20215 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_43 Career Choices

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.surgeon 外科医生2.veterinarian 兽医3.janitor 看门人 crew 施工队5.interior 内部6.instructor 教练原文Career ChoicesWhat do you want to be when you grow up?There are so many things that you can be.You might want to work in the field of law.You could be a police officer.You could be a judge and a lawyer.Maybe you'd like to work in the food industry.You could be a cook or a waitress.You might want to manage a hotel dining room.Perhaps you would want to do room service in a hotel.You could be a chef and make fancy meals for people.Maybe show business is what you'd like to be involved in.You could act in television shows or movies.You could sing or play an instrument in a band.If you like to help people,you could go into medicine.You could be a doctor or a nurse.You might be a surgeon and operate on peopleThere are other jobs in the field of medicine too.You could be an X-ray technician or a lab technician.It takes a lot of education to be a doctor.Maybe you would rather be a teacher.You could teach in a primary school or a high school.If you don't want to work with children,you could become a professor at university.There are hundreds of other jobs to choose from to.You might want to fix cars or work in a store.You could be a dentist or a veterinarian.You could be a janitor or a zookeep.There are so many jobs that I just can't name them all.Maybe you'd like to be a minister or an organist in a church.You could be a babysitter or a shop clerk.You might be interested in astronaut or a baker.You could work in a bank or at a shop.You could work on a construction crew and build roads and houses.Maybe you'd rather decorate house,so you'd become an interior decorator.You could hair cut or be a driving instructor.The list is endless.There are even jobs that you may never have heard about.The choice is yours.You just choose whatever you want to be and do your best to become that.I could do on forever.You could work in a library.You could be a factory worker or a fisherman.You could make clothes or build bridges.You could wash windows or be a bricklayer.The possibilities are endless.
4/21/20215 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_42 Creative People

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 画廊2.phantom 幻影3.portray 描绘4.miserable scrooge 可怜的吝啬鬼5.entertain 娱乐原文Creative PeopleSome people are just born to create.That's what I think.Some people just have the need to write stories,compose beautiful music,or paint pictures.Creative seems to be inside them,and they need to let it out.It's good that we have people like that.Composers like Mozart and Chopin have given us music that is incredibly beautiful.It's not just the classical composers who have given us great pieces of music;there are modern composers who have written great songs also.Elton John is an example of someone of who has composed many wonderful songs.Andrew Lloyd Webber has given us some very popular musicals like Cats and The Phantom Opera.There are so many talented and creative people in this world.When you visit an art gallery,you marvel at how artists are able to recreate realism or make up something that seems totally unreal yet beautiful.The American artist Norman Rockwell painted some pictures that actually look like photographs.He tried to portray life as it was in America.Through his painting,one can get a good sense of American life through the years.On the other hand,artists like Jackson Pollock did not portray realism.Jackson Pollock painted abstract pictures.His paintings are just as good as Norman Rockwell's,but they are entirely different.Some books we read are classics.Mark Twain portray American life through his character Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.Charles Dickens brought Victorian England to life through his books.Most people are familiar with his Christmas Carol,where the mean and miserable Scrooge learns the true mean of Christmas.People don't have to read the classics.There are modern writers who entertain reader through their stories.Stephen King has written a number of horror stories.Some of his books have even been made into movies.We are lucky to have creative people who share their gifts with us.If you are lucky enough to be creative,you should use your talent to create works of art that we all can share.
4/20/20215 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_42 Creative People

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 画廊2.phantom 幻影3.portray 描绘4.miserable scrooge 可怜的吝啬鬼5.entertain 娱乐原文Creative PeopleSome people are just born to create.That's what I think.Some people just have the need to write stories,compose beautiful music,or paint pictures.Creative seems to be inside them,and they need to let it out.It's good that we have people like that.Composers like Mozart and Chopin have given us music that is incredibly beautiful.It's not just the classical composers who have given us great pieces of music;there are modern composers who have written great songs also.Elton John is an example of someone of who has composed many wonderful songs.Andrew Lloyd Webber has given us some very popular musicals like Cats and The Phantom Opera.There are so many talented and creative people in this world.When you visit an art gallery,you marvel at how artists are able to recreate realism or make up something that seems totally unreal yet beautiful.The American artist Norman Rockwell painted some pictures that actually look like photographs.He tried to portray life as it was in America.Through his painting,one can get a good sense of American life through the years.On the other hand,artists like Jackson Pollock did not portray realism.Jackson Pollock painted abstract pictures.His paintings are just as good as Norman Rockwell's,but they are entirely different.Some books we read are classics.Mark Twain portray American life through his character Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.Charles Dickens brought Victorian England to life through his books.Most people are familiar with his Christmas Carol,where the mean and miserable Scrooge learns the true mean of Christmas.People don't have to read the classics.There are modern writers who entertain reader through their stories.Stephen King has written a number of horror stories.Some of his books have even been made into movies.We are lucky to have creative people who share their gifts with us.If you are lucky enough to be creative,you should use your talent to create works of art that we all can share.
4/20/20215 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_41 I am Curious

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.caterpillars 毛毛虫2.snowflakes 雪花3.vanish 消失原文I am CuriousI am curious about many thingsI would like to find the answers to a lot of questions that I have.What holds the stars up in the sky?Why does the ice form on the top of the lake when it is cold?Is there life on other planets?Why do we not fall off the face of the earth?How do caterpillars turn into butterflies?All of these things are mysteries to me.There are so many questions that are unanswered.I think I should go to library and get a book to find out why people grow old.What makes a television work?I also want to know where electricity comes from.Who is the strongest person in the world?Who is the smartest person in the world?Why do some people have blonde hair,and some people have black hair?Why do people in different countries speak different languages?Why do people have to die?Why are no two snowflakes alike?What makes people fall in love?What makes the rivers run?Why does the sun rise every morning?How did the oceans form?Why did the dinosaurs vanish from the earth?I wonder if I'll ever find out the answers to all my questions.I think I'll have to study hard and stay in school to find out everything that I want to know.Some questions never get answered.It is good to be curious.People who are curious about things are the ones who learn a lot,and some curious people go on to invent things and make important discoveries.
4/19/20213 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_41 I am Curious

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.caterpillars 毛毛虫2.snowflakes 雪花3.vanish 消失原文I am CuriousI am curious about many thingsI would like to find the answers to a lot of questions that I have.What holds the stars up in the sky?Why does the ice form on the top of the lake when it is cold?Is there life on other planets?Why do we not fall off the face of the earth?How do caterpillars turn into butterflies?All of these things are mysteries to me.There are so many questions that are unanswered.I think I should go to library and get a book to find out why people grow old.What makes a television work?I also want to know where electricity comes from.Who is the strongest person in the world?Who is the smartest person in the world?Why do some people have blonde hair,and some people have black hair?Why do people in different countries speak different languages?Why do people have to die?Why are no two snowflakes alike?What makes people fall in love?What makes the rivers run?Why does the sun rise every morning?How did the oceans form?Why did the dinosaurs vanish from the earth?I wonder if I'll ever find out the answers to all my questions.I think I'll have to study hard and stay in school to find out everything that I want to know.Some questions never get answered.It is good to be curious.People who are curious about things are the ones who learn a lot,and some curious people go on to invent things and make important discoveries.
4/19/20213 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_40 My Doll

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rag 破布2.plain 朴素的3.clown 小丑4.tattered 破烂的5.torn 破损的6.worn 磨损7.cherish 爱惜原文My DollWhen I was an infant,I got a rag doll.It was a very plain,little doll,and it wore a clown outfit and a clown's hat.I used to take that doll to bed with me every night.I couldn't go to bed without my doll.My mother used to pretend that the doll was talking to me.She would make the doll dance and sing songs.I would talk to the doll.My mother would answer for the doll,but I was a baby,and I thought that the doll was actually talking to me.That doll was my best friend.I took her everywhere.One time I took the doll to a store with me,and I left the her on a shelf in the store.We were halfway home when I realized that I didn't have my doll with me.I was very upset.My mother and I rushed back the store.My doll was still there.I was so relieved.I hugged my doll,and I promised myself that I would never leave her anywhere again.I couldn't imagine life without that doll.Through the years,the doll became less import to my life.I had other things to do,but the doll still sat on my bed during the day,and I still took it to bed at night.I gave that doll a lot of love when I was little.In fact,I love the doll so much that she looks tattered and torn now.There are parts of her face and hands that are almost worn away.I had a lot of other toys when I was little,but none of them were ever so important as that doll.I don't play with toys anymore,but that doll is still in my room.She sits in a special chair in the corner.I'll always have that doll.No matter how worn out she is,I'll always keep her and cherish her as a part of my early childhood.
4/18/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_40 My Doll

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rag 破布2.plain 朴素的3.clown 小丑4.tattered 破烂的5.torn 破损的6.worn 磨损7.cherish 爱惜原文My DollWhen I was an infant,I got a rag doll.It was a very plain,little doll,and it wore a clown outfit and a clown's hat.I used to take that doll to bed with me every night.I couldn't go to bed without my doll.My mother used to pretend that the doll was talking to me.She would make the doll dance and sing songs.I would talk to the doll.My mother would answer for the doll,but I was a baby,and I thought that the doll was actually talking to me.That doll was my best friend.I took her everywhere.One time I took the doll to a store with me,and I left the her on a shelf in the store.We were halfway home when I realized that I didn't have my doll with me.I was very upset.My mother and I rushed back the store.My doll was still there.I was so relieved.I hugged my doll,and I promised myself that I would never leave her anywhere again.I couldn't imagine life without that doll.Through the years,the doll became less import to my life.I had other things to do,but the doll still sat on my bed during the day,and I still took it to bed at night.I gave that doll a lot of love when I was little.In fact,I love the doll so much that she looks tattered and torn now.There are parts of her face and hands that are almost worn away.I had a lot of other toys when I was little,but none of them were ever so important as that doll.I don't play with toys anymore,but that doll is still in my room.She sits in a special chair in the corner.I'll always have that doll.No matter how worn out she is,I'll always keep her and cherish her as a part of my early childhood.
4/18/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_39 Look for the Beauty

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sidewalk 人行道2.cruel 残酷的3.terrific 极好的原文Look for the BeautyI had learned that things don't always go the way that they were planned.If something doesn't happen the way that I want it to,I try to make the best of the situation.I always find that something good in everything that happens.Last year,I broke my ankle when I was walking on an icy sidewalk.At first,I was very upset.I was missing school,and there was a party that I wanted to go to.I couldn't do very much of anything.My ankle was very sore.I stayed at home and read a book.It was an excellent book,and one that I probably would not have had time to read under normal circumstances.My friends brought my homework to my house,and we had some really nice visits when they were here.I had to accept the fact that I couldn't go anywhere on my broken ankle,so I made the best of a bad situation.Once,I lost my way when I was out camping,I ended up in a very large field.I was afraid that nobody would find me,but I calmed myself down and took time to examine all the interesting wildflowers in the field.My family did find me.They were surprised at how calm I was.I have learned that there is something valuable inside every adventure and something beautiful inside every person.We had a new boy who came into our class.His clothes weren't in style,and he was not particularly handsome.Some of the boys and girls made fun of him.Sometimes,people can be really cruel.He seemed to handle it all right,but inside,I knew that it must hurt.Some of my friends and I invited him out with us.We found out that he had a terrific sense of humor,and he is probably one of the nicest people that I have ever met.He has since become one of my best friends.It makes me ashamed when someone that I know judges someone by how they look.It isn't fair to do that.You'll find that something good comes out of almost every situation.You'll find that something good about almost everyone that you meet if you look hard enough.If something doesn't work out the way you planned it,just make the best of the situation.Look for the beautiful in everything.
4/18/20214 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_39 Look for the Beauty

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sidewalk 人行道2.cruel 残酷的3.terrific 极好的原文Look for the BeautyI had learned that things don't always go the way that they were planned.If something doesn't happen the way that I want it to,I try to make the best of the situation.I always find that something good in everything that happens.Last year,I broke my ankle when I was walking on an icy sidewalk.At first,I was very upset.I was missing school,and there was a party that I wanted to go to.I couldn't do very much of anything.My ankle was very sore.I stayed at home and read a book.It was an excellent book,and one that I probably would not have had time to read under normal circumstances.My friends brought my homework to my house,and we had some really nice visits when they were here.I had to accept the fact that I couldn't go anywhere on my broken ankle,so I made the best of a bad situation.Once,I lost my way when I was out camping,I ended up in a very large field.I was afraid that nobody would find me,but I calmed myself down and took time to examine all the interesting wildflowers in the field.My family did find me.They were surprised at how calm I was.I have learned that there is something valuable inside every adventure and something beautiful inside every person.We had a new boy who came into our class.His clothes weren't in style,and he was not particularly handsome.Some of the boys and girls made fun of him.Sometimes,people can be really cruel.He seemed to handle it all right,but inside,I knew that it must hurt.Some of my friends and I invited him out with us.We found out that he had a terrific sense of humor,and he is probably one of the nicest people that I have ever met.He has since become one of my best friends.It makes me ashamed when someone that I know judges someone by how they look.It isn't fair to do that.You'll find that something good comes out of almost every situation.You'll find that something good about almost everyone that you meet if you look hard enough.If something doesn't work out the way you planned it,just make the best of the situation.Look for the beautiful in everything.
4/18/20214 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_38 Moving to Another Country

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.culture shock 文化冲击2.fairly 相当地3.insult 侮辱原文Moving to Another CountryMy friend Steve moved to another country.He had lived in Canada all his life,and he moved to Japan.Life in Japan was very different for Steve than what he was used to.At first,Steve suffer from culture shock.His whole life seemed different.He was not used to the way of life in Japan.Steve was not used to the large crowds of people that walked up and down the street in Japan.In his hometown in Canada,the streets were fairly quiet.Steve had to get used to the food.In Japan ,the people eat a lot of fish.Steve had never eaten much fish before.Steve wanted pizza,but it was expensive in Japan.Steve said that he had to adjust his eating habits.The people in Japan have different customs than we do here in Canada.Steve didn't want to offend anyone,so he had to learn the customs.He had to learn about what Japanese people considered polite and rude.Sometimes ,in a foreign country,you can do something to insult someone without even realizing that you are being rude.At first,Steve had trouble with the language.He said that the only way to learn the language is to talk to people.Steve talked to a lot of people.He made a lot of mistakes,but people were patient with him,and they tried to help him with his Japanese.It wasn't long before Steve felt more comfortable in his new surroundings.You have to be willing to learn new customs and a new language if you move to another country.Steve feels very comfortable in Japan,and in Canada now.He is thinking about going to another country now.He thinks that he might like to try and live in Italy.I'm sure that he would get over his culture shock very fast if he moved there.Moving to a new country can be difficult,but if you are willing to learn,it can be very rewarding experience.
4/17/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_38 Moving to Another Country

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.culture shock 文化冲击2.fairly 相当地3.insult 侮辱原文Moving to Another CountryMy friend Steve moved to another country.He had lived in Canada all his life,and he moved to Japan.Life in Japan was very different for Steve than what he was used to.At first,Steve suffer from culture shock.His whole life seemed different.He was not used to the way of life in Japan.Steve was not used to the large crowds of people that walked up and down the street in Japan.In his hometown in Canada,the streets were fairly quiet.Steve had to get used to the food.In Japan ,the people eat a lot of fish.Steve had never eaten much fish before.Steve wanted pizza,but it was expensive in Japan.Steve said that he had to adjust his eating habits.The people in Japan have different customs than we do here in Canada.Steve didn't want to offend anyone,so he had to learn the customs.He had to learn about what Japanese people considered polite and rude.Sometimes ,in a foreign country,you can do something to insult someone without even realizing that you are being rude.At first,Steve had trouble with the language.He said that the only way to learn the language is to talk to people.Steve talked to a lot of people.He made a lot of mistakes,but people were patient with him,and they tried to help him with his Japanese.It wasn't long before Steve felt more comfortable in his new surroundings.You have to be willing to learn new customs and a new language if you move to another country.Steve feels very comfortable in Japan,and in Canada now.He is thinking about going to another country now.He thinks that he might like to try and live in Italy.I'm sure that he would get over his culture shock very fast if he moved there.Moving to a new country can be difficult,but if you are willing to learn,it can be very rewarding experience.
4/17/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_37 Giving a Speech

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.campaign 运动2.rubber 橡胶3.palms 手掌4.sweaty 流汗的5.flutter 振动原文Giving a SpeechI had to give a speech last week.I gave a speech to three hundred people.I had to give a speech in front of a group of students.I had to tell them about a campaign that we were having to raise money for cancer research.Giving a speech can be a difficult thing.When you stand in front of a big crowd,you can get very nervous.Some people feel like they have weak knees.Their legs feel as if they are made of rubber.Their heart beats very hard inside of their chest.Their palms get sweaty.Some people even get short of breath.For some people,giving a speech is their worst fear.When you give a speech,everyone is looking at you.They are waiting to hear what you have to say.When you have three hundred people looking at you,you have six hundred eyes that are on you.It is a little frightening when you think of it that way.Before I give speech,I take three big breaths.I calm myself,and I remind myself that what I have to say is important.I like to be sure of what I am going to say,so I practice my speech in front of a mirror at home.I like to look like I am relaxed and friendly.They say that practice makes perfect;so the more speeches you give,the better you will become at it.Whenever I have to give a speech,I imagine that the audience is just one big person. I focus on that person,and I pretend that I am just talking to them.I have become used to giving speeches.I am more relaxed now than I used to be.People tell me that I do not look nervous at all.I like to hear that.Sometime I do feel a little flutter of nervousness,but I just ignore it and do the best that I can.Giving a speech is not as scary as it appears to be.Anyone can do it with a little practice.
4/16/20213 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_37 Giving a Speech

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.campaign 运动2.rubber 橡胶3.palms 手掌4.sweaty 流汗的5.flutter 振动原文Giving a SpeechI had to give a speech last week.I gave a speech to three hundred people.I had to give a speech in front of a group of students.I had to tell them about a campaign that we were having to raise money for cancer research.Giving a speech can be a difficult thing.When you stand in front of a big crowd,you can get very nervous.Some people feel like they have weak knees.Their legs feel as if they are made of rubber.Their heart beats very hard inside of their chest.Their palms get sweaty.Some people even get short of breath.For some people,giving a speech is their worst fear.When you give a speech,everyone is looking at you.They are waiting to hear what you have to say.When you have three hundred people looking at you,you have six hundred eyes that are on you.It is a little frightening when you think of it that way.Before I give speech,I take three big breaths.I calm myself,and I remind myself that what I have to say is important.I like to be sure of what I am going to say,so I practice my speech in front of a mirror at home.I like to look like I am relaxed and friendly.They say that practice makes perfect;so the more speeches you give,the better you will become at it.Whenever I have to give a speech,I imagine that the audience is just one big person. I focus on that person,and I pretend that I am just talking to them.I have become used to giving speeches.I am more relaxed now than I used to be.People tell me that I do not look nervous at all.I like to hear that.Sometime I do feel a little flutter of nervousness,but I just ignore it and do the best that I can.Giving a speech is not as scary as it appears to be.Anyone can do it with a little practice.
4/16/20213 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_36 The Future

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.buttons 按钮2.sundae 圣代冰激凌3.chores 家务原文The FutureI sometimes wonder what life will be like in the future.Life has changed so much in just the past few years.I'm sure that there are still big changes that are coming.Do you think we'll still drive cars?Maybe we'll get computerized vehicles that we won't have to drive.We'll push a few of buttons,and the vehicles will take us to wherever we want to go.Maybe there won't be roads.We might just fly through space to get where we want to go.Instead of telephones,we'll just use our computers.We'll be able to see each other when we talk.That type of thing is already happening.Maybe we won't have to cook our meals.My might be able to push buttons to order whatever we want.A nice roast beef dinner,or an ice cream sundae,might just pop out of a machine.It would be nice to have a robot to clean the house for you.In the past few years,the computers have been extremely important.People used to write to each other through the mail.Now,people communicate so much more frequently through e-mail.Most of my friends own computers.If we had all of these things to do the work for us,what would we do?We would still need people to program the computers.We could spend more time being creative,rather than doing everyday chores.The future holds many surprises.I'm sure that technology will become even more and more amazing.When my parents were young,they had never even seen a color television.Nobody owned a computer.It doesn't take long for things to change a lot.Who knows what amazing things are in store for us?
4/16/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_36 The Future

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.buttons 按钮2.sundae 圣代冰激凌3.chores 家务原文The FutureI sometimes wonder what life will be like in the future.Life has changed so much in just the past few years.I'm sure that there are still big changes that are coming.Do you think we'll still drive cars?Maybe we'll get computerized vehicles that we won't have to drive.We'll push a few of buttons,and the vehicles will take us to wherever we want to go.Maybe there won't be roads.We might just fly through space to get where we want to go.Instead of telephones,we'll just use our computers.We'll be able to see each other when we talk.That type of thing is already happening.Maybe we won't have to cook our meals.My might be able to push buttons to order whatever we want.A nice roast beef dinner,or an ice cream sundae,might just pop out of a machine.It would be nice to have a robot to clean the house for you.In the past few years,the computers have been extremely important.People used to write to each other through the mail.Now,people communicate so much more frequently through e-mail.Most of my friends own computers.If we had all of these things to do the work for us,what would we do?We would still need people to program the computers.We could spend more time being creative,rather than doing everyday chores.The future holds many surprises.I'm sure that technology will become even more and more amazing.When my parents were young,they had never even seen a color television.Nobody owned a computer.It doesn't take long for things to change a lot.Who knows what amazing things are in store for us?
4/16/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_35 How to Avoid Catching a Cold

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sniffle 抽鼻子2.tissues 纸巾3.scratchy 沙哑4.stale 不新鲜的5.germs 微生物6.thoroughly 完全地7.banister 扶手原文How to Avoid Catching a ColdHow many colds do you catch in a year?Most of my friends catch quite a few colds.They cough,sniffle and sneeze.They carry around tissues and blow their noses all the time.Their eyes water,and they have scratchy throats.I don't get many colds.In fact,I can go for a whole year and never catch a cold.That is why I consider myself an expert on how not to catch a cold.I'll tell you how to avoid catching a cold.I think that you need to take a lot of vitamin C.I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.I drink fruit juice too.I also take vitamin C pills.Whenever I begin to feel a cold coming on,I make sure that I have taken my vitamin C pill,and I drink a lot of orange juice.That usually knocks the cold right out of my system.I make sure that I get a lot of fresh air.In the winter,a lot of buildings are shut up tight so that the air is stale,and people's germs circulate through the buildings.I get outside and breath in fresh clean air.If someone is rude enough to cough or sneeze right in front of me without covering his or her mouth,I just hold my breath for a second.I'm not sure if this works or not,but I don't want to breathe in anybody's cold germs.Many germs are passed through hands.It is important to wash your hands thoroughly,if you touch anything in a public place.If I hold a banister while I am walking down the stairs,I think of all the people who have used that banister,and I make sure that I wash my hands before I eat.Doorknobs also have a lot of germs on them.Money is another thing that is passed from hand to hand and is covered with germs.Sometimes,I see people stick money into their mouths.Just think of all the germs that you would be putting into your mouth if you did that.If you just give it a little bit of thought,you can avoid a lot of the germs that cause colds.If you eat food and stay fit,your body will be able to fight off the germs that cause the cold and other diseases.It is not always possible to avoid colds,but if do catch a cold,drink plenty of fluids and get a lot of rest.
4/15/20214 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_35 How to Avoid Catching a Cold

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sniffle 抽鼻子2.tissues 纸巾3.scratchy 沙哑4.stale 不新鲜的5.germs 微生物6.thoroughly 完全地7.banister 扶手原文How to Avoid Catching a ColdHow many colds do you catch in a year?Most of my friends catch quite a few colds.They cough,sniffle and sneeze.They carry around tissues and blow their noses all the time.Their eyes water,and they have scratchy throats.I don't get many colds.In fact,I can go for a whole year and never catch a cold.That is why I consider myself an expert on how not to catch a cold.I'll tell you how to avoid catching a cold.I think that you need to take a lot of vitamin C.I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.I drink fruit juice too.I also take vitamin C pills.Whenever I begin to feel a cold coming on,I make sure that I have taken my vitamin C pill,and I drink a lot of orange juice.That usually knocks the cold right out of my system.I make sure that I get a lot of fresh air.In the winter,a lot of buildings are shut up tight so that the air is stale,and people's germs circulate through the buildings.I get outside and breath in fresh clean air.If someone is rude enough to cough or sneeze right in front of me without covering his or her mouth,I just hold my breath for a second.I'm not sure if this works or not,but I don't want to breathe in anybody's cold germs.Many germs are passed through hands.It is important to wash your hands thoroughly,if you touch anything in a public place.If I hold a banister while I am walking down the stairs,I think of all the people who have used that banister,and I make sure that I wash my hands before I eat.Doorknobs also have a lot of germs on them.Money is another thing that is passed from hand to hand and is covered with germs.Sometimes,I see people stick money into their mouths.Just think of all the germs that you would be putting into your mouth if you did that.If you just give it a little bit of thought,you can avoid a lot of the germs that cause colds.If you eat food and stay fit,your body will be able to fight off the germs that cause the cold and other diseases.It is not always possible to avoid colds,but if do catch a cold,drink plenty of fluids and get a lot of rest.
4/15/20214 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_34 Weather

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fascinating 迷人的2.tornada 龙卷风3.evacuated 疏散4.precautions 预防措施原文WeatherSometimes,I watch the weatherman on television.It is fascinating to watch him point to different areas of the country on the map.He tells us where the weather will be nice and where it will be bad.The weatherman is not always right.Weather reporting is not an exactly science.Nothing is very exactly when it comes to the weather.The weather department does a lot of research,but they can never be sure of exactly what will happen.Sometimes,it looks like it will be clear,but the wind changes direction and clouds move in.The weatherman can warn people if there is a change of a hurricane and tornado.The weatherman can also warn people of floods.Sometimes,entire towns have to be evacuated because of bad weather.It is important to be aware of the weather.For example,it is not good to be caught in the middle of a field when there is going to be a thunderstorm.You might want to take extra precautions if there is going to be a heavy snowstorm.You would need to be in a secure place if a hurricane or tornado was predicted.You might want to cancel a picnic if you knew that it would rain that day.The weather affects us in so many ways.Some people are really affected by dull,cloudy day.If there be no sunny days ,they become very depressed.Heavy air pressure can cause some people to have headaches.Weather affects all of us in one way or another.It is always a topic of conversation.People always say things like“hello,it's a beautiful day today”Often,we plan our lives and activities around the weather.So,if you are planning on walking home tonight,keep an eye on the sky.Are those rain clouds up there?You might need an umbrella.
4/15/20213 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_34 Weather

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fascinating 迷人的2.tornada 龙卷风3.evacuated 疏散4.precautions 预防措施原文WeatherSometimes,I watch the weatherman on television.It is fascinating to watch him point to different areas of the country on the map.He tells us where the weather will be nice and where it will be bad.The weatherman is not always right.Weather reporting is not an exactly science.Nothing is very exactly when it comes to the weather.The weather department does a lot of research,but they can never be sure of exactly what will happen.Sometimes,it looks like it will be clear,but the wind changes direction and clouds move in.The weatherman can warn people if there is a change of a hurricane and tornado.The weatherman can also warn people of floods.Sometimes,entire towns have to be evacuated because of bad weather.It is important to be aware of the weather.For example,it is not good to be caught in the middle of a field when there is going to be a thunderstorm.You might want to take extra precautions if there is going to be a heavy snowstorm.You would need to be in a secure place if a hurricane or tornado was predicted.You might want to cancel a picnic if you knew that it would rain that day.The weather affects us in so many ways.Some people are really affected by dull,cloudy day.If there be no sunny days ,they become very depressed.Heavy air pressure can cause some people to have headaches.Weather affects all of us in one way or another.It is always a topic of conversation.People always say things like“hello,it's a beautiful day today”Often,we plan our lives and activities around the weather.So,if you are planning on walking home tonight,keep an eye on the sky.Are those rain clouds up there?You might need an umbrella.
4/15/20213 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_33 The Best Teacher

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.animated 活泼的2.general 将军3.reverently 恭敬地4.fictional 虚构的原文The Best TeacherI have had a lot of teachers.Some of them were good,and some of them were boring.There is one teacher whom I remember very well.He is the best teacher that I ever had.His name is Mr. Alban.He was a history teacher.History is not my favorite subject.I don't really enjoy history a lot.When I was in Mr. Alban's class,he made history seem exciting.He was more of an actor than a teacher.If he was describing a war,he would make us feel all the emotions that the soldiers and their families would have felt.We could hear almost the guns firing and the people shouting.He would paint a picture in our minds that was very vivid.When I had a history test in his class,I didn't have to learn much.I would remember every word that he had said.I would see him doing the actions that went along with his stories.He was very animated.He would shouted out orders as if he was a general,or he would speak softly and reverently when describing the death of a great hero.The most important thing that I learned from Mr. Alban was that I did really like history.I just thought that I didn't like it because most people make it dull by just reading from the textbooks.History is not a series of dates and dull facts.History is what really happened.History is real life.All the historical figures had really families and emotions.They weren't just fictional people.After I took history from Mr. Alban,I realized that I really did have an interest in it.He was my favorite teacher,and I will always be grateful to him for making me aware of just how interesting history really is.
4/14/20213 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_33 The Best Teacher

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.animated 活泼的2.general 将军3.reverently 恭敬地4.fictional 虚构的原文The Best TeacherI have had a lot of teachers.Some of them were good,and some of them were boring.There is one teacher whom I remember very well.He is the best teacher that I ever had.His name is Mr. Alban.He was a history teacher.History is not my favorite subject.I don't really enjoy history a lot.When I was in Mr. Alban's class,he made history seem exciting.He was more of an actor than a teacher.If he was describing a war,he would make us feel all the emotions that the soldiers and their families would have felt.We could hear almost the guns firing and the people shouting.He would paint a picture in our minds that was very vivid.When I had a history test in his class,I didn't have to learn much.I would remember every word that he had said.I would see him doing the actions that went along with his stories.He was very animated.He would shouted out orders as if he was a general,or he would speak softly and reverently when describing the death of a great hero.The most important thing that I learned from Mr. Alban was that I did really like history.I just thought that I didn't like it because most people make it dull by just reading from the textbooks.History is not a series of dates and dull facts.History is what really happened.History is real life.All the historical figures had really families and emotions.They weren't just fictional people.After I took history from Mr. Alban,I realized that I really did have an interest in it.He was my favorite teacher,and I will always be grateful to him for making me aware of just how interesting history really is.
4/14/20213 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_32 If my Fish Could Talk

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.miniature 微型的2.diver 潜水员3.roomy 宽敞的4.fin 鱼鳍原文If my Fish Could TalkI have a goldfish.He swims around in his bowl all day.He looks bored.I look inside the bowl and watch him.His mouth always moves.He looks like he is talking.I imagine that what my goldfish would say if he really could talk.I think he would say:“Hey,I'm bored in this little bowl.Why don't you get a bigger tank with more fish in it?I would like to have some friends to swim around with.”I went out and bought a big tank for my goldfish.I put some plants on the bottom of the tank,and I got a miniature deep-sea diver to put at the bottom of the tank.I looked into the tank and imagined what my goldfish was saying.He seemed to be saying:“This is a nice tank.It's roomy in here,and you decorated it well.But I still don't have any friends to swim with.”I went to the pet store and bought three more goldfish.I put them into the tank.All of the goldfish seemed to look at each other.They swam near each other and seemed to be playing games.I knew which one was my goldfish because he has a black spot on his fin.I looked at him,and imagined that he was talking again.He said:“This is great!I have a big new home and friends to swim with.These are nice goldfish that you bought home for me.Thank you.”Goldfish can't really talk.I know that.I just like to pretend that my goldfish talks.He seems very happy now with his nice new home,and his new friends.I don't think goldfish can smile either,but it looks like my goldfish has a smile on his face.
4/13/20213 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_32 If my Fish Could Talk

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.miniature 微型的2.diver 潜水员3.roomy 宽敞的4.fin 鱼鳍原文If my Fish Could TalkI have a goldfish.He swims around in his bowl all day.He looks bored.I look inside the bowl and watch him.His mouth always moves.He looks like he is talking.I imagine that what my goldfish would say if he really could talk.I think he would say:“Hey,I'm bored in this little bowl.Why don't you get a bigger tank with more fish in it?I would like to have some friends to swim around with.”I went out and bought a big tank for my goldfish.I put some plants on the bottom of the tank,and I got a miniature deep-sea diver to put at the bottom of the tank.I looked into the tank and imagined what my goldfish was saying.He seemed to be saying:“This is a nice tank.It's roomy in here,and you decorated it well.But I still don't have any friends to swim with.”I went to the pet store and bought three more goldfish.I put them into the tank.All of the goldfish seemed to look at each other.They swam near each other and seemed to be playing games.I knew which one was my goldfish because he has a black spot on his fin.I looked at him,and imagined that he was talking again.He said:“This is great!I have a big new home and friends to swim with.These are nice goldfish that you bought home for me.Thank you.”Goldfish can't really talk.I know that.I just like to pretend that my goldfish talks.He seems very happy now with his nice new home,and his new friends.I don't think goldfish can smile either,but it looks like my goldfish has a smile on his face.
4/13/20213 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_31 Divorce

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.divorce 离婚2.twists 转变原文DivorceMary's parents just got a divorce.Mary is very upset.She thinks that her parents don't love her anymore.She thinks that they got a divorce because of her.She is wrong.Her parents love her just as much as they always did.They aren't getting divorced because of Mary.Sometimes,marriages just don't work out.It isn't really anyone's fault.Marriage isn't easy.It is hard for two people to stay together for a lifetime.Sometimes,people change as they get older and they move on.Some people have perfectly good marriages,and they stay together for their entire lives.Divorce doesn't happen because the parents don't love the children anymore.A lot of children feel that it is their fault,but it isn't their fault at all.Children neither cause the divorce,nor can they prevent it.It is up to the parents.Divorce isn't the end of the world.Children can still see both parents and stay with them.Life goes on.Sometimes,children can get new stepmothers and stepfathers.That can be a good thing.You just have to be understanding,and know that your parents still love you.Life doesn't always go the way that we planned it,but it has its twists and turns.Life is an adventure.If your parents got a divorce,just be understanding.Know that they love you and that this is a hard time for them.It is a hard time for you too,but these things have a way of working themselves out in the end.
4/12/20213 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_31 Divorce

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.divorce 离婚2.twists 转变原文DivorceMary's parents just got a divorce.Mary is very upset.She thinks that her parents don't love her anymore.She thinks that they got a divorce because of her.She is wrong.Her parents love her just as much as they always did.They aren't getting divorced because of Mary.Sometimes,marriages just don't work out.It isn't really anyone's fault.Marriage isn't easy.It is hard for two people to stay together for a lifetime.Sometimes,people change as they get older and they move on.Some people have perfectly good marriages,and they stay together for their entire lives.Divorce doesn't happen because the parents don't love the children anymore.A lot of children feel that it is their fault,but it isn't their fault at all.Children neither cause the divorce,nor can they prevent it.It is up to the parents.Divorce isn't the end of the world.Children can still see both parents and stay with them.Life goes on.Sometimes,children can get new stepmothers and stepfathers.That can be a good thing.You just have to be understanding,and know that your parents still love you.Life doesn't always go the way that we planned it,but it has its twists and turns.Life is an adventure.If your parents got a divorce,just be understanding.Know that they love you and that this is a hard time for them.It is a hard time for you too,but these things have a way of working themselves out in the end.
4/12/20213 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_30 Drugs

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.substance 物质原文DrugsThere are two different types of drugs.There are legal drugs and illegal drugs.Legal drugs are the type of drugs that doctor give you when you are sick.Illegal drugs are the drugs that people sell on the street.Illegal drugs are very dangerous.If someone ever wants you to try any type of substance that you are not sure about,you should always say no.People who sell drugs on street are criminals.If they get caught,they will be sent to jail.They sell drugs to get money.They don't care that people's lives are ruined from taking drugs.If you take illegal drugs,you can become addicted to them.That means that you just have to have the drugs no matter what.Some people steal from other people to get money to buy drugs.Drugs affect your mind.If you take drugs,you will not be able to think clearly.Your marks in school will drop.Your memory won't be very good.Your personality won't be the same.It is very unfortunate that some people do try drugs.They think that it won't hurt them.They are wrong.If you are smart,you will stay away from all drugs,except for the ones that the doctor gives you.Drugs are just bad news.If you know someone who is thinking about trying drugs,tell them that their entire life could be ruined.In America,they had a saying“just say no to drugs”.It is a good saying,but I think I would rather say“I'm just too smart to take drugs”.
4/10/20213 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_30 Drugs

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.substance 物质原文DrugsThere are two different types of drugs.There are legal drugs and illegal drugs.Legal drugs are the type of drugs that doctor give you when you are sick.Illegal drugs are the drugs that people sell on the street.Illegal drugs are very dangerous.If someone ever wants you to try any type of substance that you are not sure about,you should always say no.People who sell drugs on street are criminals.If they get caught,they will be sent to jail.They sell drugs to get money.They don't care that people's lives are ruined from taking drugs.If you take illegal drugs,you can become addicted to them.That means that you just have to have the drugs no matter what.Some people steal from other people to get money to buy drugs.Drugs affect your mind.If you take drugs,you will not be able to think clearly.Your marks in school will drop.Your memory won't be very good.Your personality won't be the same.It is very unfortunate that some people do try drugs.They think that it won't hurt them.They are wrong.If you are smart,you will stay away from all drugs,except for the ones that the doctor gives you.Drugs are just bad news.If you know someone who is thinking about trying drugs,tell them that their entire life could be ruined.In America,they had a saying“just say no to drugs”.It is a good saying,but I think I would rather say“I'm just too smart to take drugs”.
4/10/20213 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_29 Joking

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.racist 种族主义2.slapstick 闹剧3.stooges 丑角4.subtle 巧妙的5.appropriate 合适的6.geared 连接原文JokingJoking is good.Jokes can be very funny.Jokes can also be hurtful.Jokes can be tasteless too.It is not an easy thing to find jokes that do not offend anyone.Some of jokes make fun of different races.Those jokes are not funny.They are hurtful.It is not right to tell racist jokes.Many jokes use bad language or are about questionable subject matter.These jokes are also not acceptable.Many people are highly offended by rude jokes.What some people find funny,others will not.Comedy is a very personal thing.Some people like slapstick comedy.That is the kind of comedy that the Three Stooges use.Some people like very subtle humor.Some people will laugh at just about anything.Sometimes,it is not appropriate to laugh,but you feel like laughing anyway.Did you ever see anyone fall down?Did you feel like laughing when they fall down?You were probably worried that they had hurt themselves,yet the way that fall was so funny that you felt like laughing.It's not funny when someone falls,but you can't help laugh even though you try to hide it.Jokes and comedy differ from culture to culture.Many people from other countries come here and don't understand our comedy.Jokes and comedies are often geared toward our environment.Sometimes,the comedians make fun of the things that we do in our everyday lives,like going to the bank or going grocery shop.We can all relate to that.Being a comedian is not an easy job.Telling jokes and making people laugh is extremely difficult.Jokes are fun,and they are funny if they are good.Jokes can get you into a lot of trouble if they are inappropriate,and sometimes they're just not funny and nobody laughs.Here is a joke.Why does a cow wear a bell?Because its horn doesn't work.Do you get it?Do you think it is funny?Well,maybe it's not that funny.I told you that it was difficult being a comedian.
4/10/20214 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_29 Joking

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.racist 种族主义2.slapstick 闹剧3.stooges 丑角4.subtle 巧妙的5.appropriate 合适的6.geared 连接原文JokingJoking is good.Jokes can be very funny.Jokes can also be hurtful.Jokes can be tasteless too.It is not an easy thing to find jokes that do not offend anyone.Some of jokes make fun of different races.Those jokes are not funny.They are hurtful.It is not right to tell racist jokes.Many jokes use bad language or are about questionable subject matter.These jokes are also not acceptable.Many people are highly offended by rude jokes.What some people find funny,others will not.Comedy is a very personal thing.Some people like slapstick comedy.That is the kind of comedy that the Three Stooges use.Some people like very subtle humor.Some people will laugh at just about anything.Sometimes,it is not appropriate to laugh,but you feel like laughing anyway.Did you ever see anyone fall down?Did you feel like laughing when they fall down?You were probably worried that they had hurt themselves,yet the way that fall was so funny that you felt like laughing.It's not funny when someone falls,but you can't help laugh even though you try to hide it.Jokes and comedy differ from culture to culture.Many people from other countries come here and don't understand our comedy.Jokes and comedies are often geared toward our environment.Sometimes,the comedians make fun of the things that we do in our everyday lives,like going to the bank or going grocery shop.We can all relate to that.Being a comedian is not an easy job.Telling jokes and making people laugh is extremely difficult.Jokes are fun,and they are funny if they are good.Jokes can get you into a lot of trouble if they are inappropriate,and sometimes they're just not funny and nobody laughs.Here is a joke.Why does a cow wear a bell?Because its horn doesn't work.Do you get it?Do you think it is funny?Well,maybe it's not that funny.I told you that it was difficult being a comedian.
4/10/20214 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_28 If I Could Go Back in My Life

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pick up after me 跟在我后面2.fooling around 鬼混3.appreciated 欣赏原文If I Could Go Back in My LifeIf I could go back in my life and do something differently,this is what I would do:I would not waste so many hours in front of the television set.I would get out and enjoy my own life,rather than watching actors in shows.I would be a little more considerate of other people.I would realize that my mother has more to do than pick up after me.I would pay more attention in school.Tests are easier when you have paid attention,rather than fooling around in class.I would save more money rather than spent it on useless things.I would read more.Reading is enjoyable,and it opens the door into all kinds of wonderful places both real and imagined.I would learn to play an instrument.Music is always appreciated if it is played well.I would eat better foods.I would try to stay healthy through my diet and exercise.I would take pictures,and I would keep a journal.Memories are very precious.I would take the time to listen to what people have to say.People appreciate a good listener.I would take the time to enjoy each day as it comes.Sometimes,I was so busy looking forward to what is coming up,that I don't take the time to enjoy the day that I am living in.That's what I would do if I could go back in my life.In fact,I think I'll just make a habit of doing all of those things all through my life.
4/9/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_28 If I Could Go Back in My Life

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pick up after me 跟在我后面2.fooling around 鬼混3.appreciated 欣赏原文If I Could Go Back in My LifeIf I could go back in my life and do something differently,this is what I would do:I would not waste so many hours in front of the television set.I would get out and enjoy my own life,rather than watching actors in shows.I would be a little more considerate of other people.I would realize that my mother has more to do than pick up after me.I would pay more attention in school.Tests are easier when you have paid attention,rather than fooling around in class.I would save more money rather than spent it on useless things.I would read more.Reading is enjoyable,and it opens the door into all kinds of wonderful places both real and imagined.I would learn to play an instrument.Music is always appreciated if it is played well.I would eat better foods.I would try to stay healthy through my diet and exercise.I would take pictures,and I would keep a journal.Memories are very precious.I would take the time to listen to what people have to say.People appreciate a good listener.I would take the time to enjoy each day as it comes.Sometimes,I was so busy looking forward to what is coming up,that I don't take the time to enjoy the day that I am living in.That's what I would do if I could go back in my life.In fact,I think I'll just make a habit of doing all of those things all through my life.
4/9/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_27 Walk a Mile in My Shoes

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.circumstances 情况2.assume 假定3.perceives 感知4.perspective 观点原文Walk a Mile in My ShoesHave you ever heard the saying“walk a mile in my shoes”?I think it is a very good saying.Do you know what it means?It means,that before you judge someone,you should put yourself in his or her position.For example,if you see someone was running in a race,and they did very poorly and came in last,it wouldn't be fair to say“oh,he's just a terrible runner”.You would have to look at all the circumstances that made the person lose the race.Maybe they pulled a muscle in their leg the day before;maybe this is their very first race;maybe they are not in good form because something isn't right in their lives.There can be so many things that affect a person's life,performance and moods.If someone was very quiet at a party,you couldn't just assume that they aren't friendly.You don't know what is happening in their lives.They could feel ill,or they might have just had a bad experience.Nobody can know exactly how another person feels.Even if someone tells you what he or she is experiencing,you still won't fully understand what is going on inside the other person.Everyone perceives and feels things differently.To walk a mile in someone else's shoes is to try and understand things from that person's perspectives.We are all shaped by the events that have taken place in our lives.No two people have gone through the exactly same things.So,before you are quick to judge someone,stop and think about what it is that they might have gone through.You won't always understand why people do what they do,but you can try to understand and put yourself in their position.
4/9/20214 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_27 Walk a Mile in My Shoes

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.circumstances 情况2.assume 假定3.perceives 感知4.perspective 观点原文Walk a Mile in My ShoesHave you ever heard the saying“walk a mile in my shoes”?I think it is a very good saying.Do you know what it means?It means,that before you judge someone,you should put yourself in his or her position.For example,if you see someone was running in a race,and they did very poorly and came in last,it wouldn't be fair to say“oh,he's just a terrible runner”.You would have to look at all the circumstances that made the person lose the race.Maybe they pulled a muscle in their leg the day before;maybe this is their very first race;maybe they are not in good form because something isn't right in their lives.There can be so many things that affect a person's life,performance and moods.If someone was very quiet at a party,you couldn't just assume that they aren't friendly.You don't know what is happening in their lives.They could feel ill,or they might have just had a bad experience.Nobody can know exactly how another person feels.Even if someone tells you what he or she is experiencing,you still won't fully understand what is going on inside the other person.Everyone perceives and feels things differently.To walk a mile in someone else's shoes is to try and understand things from that person's perspectives.We are all shaped by the events that have taken place in our lives.No two people have gone through the exactly same things.So,before you are quick to judge someone,stop and think about what it is that they might have gone through.You won't always understand why people do what they do,but you can try to understand and put yourself in their position.
4/9/20214 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_26 Hot and Cold

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.satisfied 满意的2.chatter 打颤3.numb 麻木4.freeze 冻住5.layers 层6.sticky 闷热的7.humid 潮湿的8.moisture 湿气原文Hot and ColdI notice that when it is summer people complain about the heat,but whenever it is winter people complain about cold.It seems that people are never satisfied.I don't like the winter.It is usually much too cold for me.My teeth chatter and my fingers turn numb,whenever the weather gets cold.It is hard for me to warm up when once I start to freeze.I try to wear layers of clothes,but winter winds go through my clothes no matter how much I wear.My feet feel like that they are blocks of ice on a cold January day when I walk home from school.I would not like to live in a place that had a cold climate all year long.I am not comfortable when it is too cold.I like the summer.Some people say that it is hot and sticky in the summer,but I don't mind the heat at all.I love to feel the warm sunshine on my skin.I like the freedom of not having to wear heavy coats and boots.I am happiest when there is a slight cool breeze that comes along to refresh you on a hot summer day.I could live a place with hot climate.I would enjoy that.Of course,when you are in a place with hot climate there are more bugs than in places with cooler climate.I don't care for bugs.Where I live,it is very humid.The heat and moisture combine to make it uncomfortable sometimes.It is nicer when the heat is high but humidity is low.It would be better if I lived somewhere,where it was hot but not humid.That would be just perfect.
4/8/20213 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_26 Hot and Cold

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.satisfied 满意的2.chatter 打颤3.numb 麻木4.freeze 冻住5.layers 层6.sticky 闷热的7.humid 潮湿的8.moisture 湿气原文Hot and ColdI notice that when it is summer people complain about the heat,but whenever it is winter people complain about cold.It seems that people are never satisfied.I don't like the winter.It is usually much too cold for me.My teeth chatter and my fingers turn numb,whenever the weather gets cold.It is hard for me to warm up when once I start to freeze.I try to wear layers of clothes,but winter winds go through my clothes no matter how much I wear.My feet feel like that they are blocks of ice on a cold January day when I walk home from school.I would not like to live in a place that had a cold climate all year long.I am not comfortable when it is too cold.I like the summer.Some people say that it is hot and sticky in the summer,but I don't mind the heat at all.I love to feel the warm sunshine on my skin.I like the freedom of not having to wear heavy coats and boots.I am happiest when there is a slight cool breeze that comes along to refresh you on a hot summer day.I could live a place with hot climate.I would enjoy that.Of course,when you are in a place with hot climate there are more bugs than in places with cooler climate.I don't care for bugs.Where I live,it is very humid.The heat and moisture combine to make it uncomfortable sometimes.It is nicer when the heat is high but humidity is low.It would be better if I lived somewhere,where it was hot but not humid.That would be just perfect.
4/8/20213 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_25 The Trunk in the Attic

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trunk 大箱子2.attic 阁楼3.treasures 宝藏4.vacuum 用吸尘器5.crates 板条箱6.sort 分类整理7.rusty 生锈的8.latch 上锁9.pried 撬开10.velvet 天鹅绒11.moth holes 蛀虫洞12.bell-bottom slacks 喇叭裤 cards 成绩单原文The Trunk in the AtticLast month,my grandmother asked me if I could help her to clean out her attic.I was happy that she asked me.My grandmother says that her attic is full of junk.I think that her attic is full of treasures.I helped her to dust and vacuum the attic.I pulled and pushed around the boxes and crates.I helped her to wash the floors and walls.My favorite thing that I did was to sort through the old trunk that she had up there.The trunk had a rusty latch on it.It was a bit difficult to open,but my grandmother got a knife and pried the latch open.The trunk was full of all kinds of things.There were lots of clothes.Some of the clothes had been my grandmother's.There was a blue velvet dress that she had worn to a dance when she and my grandfather were dating.It was a beautiful dress,but there were a few moth holes in it.There were some of my mother's old clothes.There was a pair of bell-bottom slacks that had bright flower on it.I couldn't believe that my mother had ever worn something like that.There were some of my mother's old report cards.Some of her marks weren't very good.I had fun reading the report cards.There were photographs.There was a picture of my grandparents holding my mother when she was a baby.There was an old baseball glove that one of my uncles had owned.There was even one of my old dolls in there.One of her legs was missing.My grandmother said that I was rough with dolls when I was little.I should have taken better care of my toys.There was even some old jewelry.I tried on some of the old clothes and jewelry.I told my grandmother that I liked looking through old things.My grandmother told me to keep whatever I wanted.She said that it was all junk.I still say that the trunk was full of treasures.
4/8/20214 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_25 The Trunk in the Attic

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trunk 大箱子2.attic 阁楼3.treasures 宝藏4.vacuum 用吸尘器5.crates 板条箱6.sort 分类整理7.rusty 生锈的8.latch 上锁9.pried 撬开10.velvet 天鹅绒11.moth holes 蛀虫洞12.bell-bottom slacks 喇叭裤 cards 成绩单原文The Trunk in the AtticLast month,my grandmother asked me if I could help her to clean out her attic.I was happy that she asked me.My grandmother says that her attic is full of junk.I think that her attic is full of treasures.I helped her to dust and vacuum the attic.I pulled and pushed around the boxes and crates.I helped her to wash the floors and walls.My favorite thing that I did was to sort through the old trunk that she had up there.The trunk had a rusty latch on it.It was a bit difficult to open,but my grandmother got a knife and pried the latch open.The trunk was full of all kinds of things.There were lots of clothes.Some of the clothes had been my grandmother's.There was a blue velvet dress that she had worn to a dance when she and my grandfather were dating.It was a beautiful dress,but there were a few moth holes in it.There were some of my mother's old clothes.There was a pair of bell-bottom slacks that had bright flower on it.I couldn't believe that my mother had ever worn something like that.There were some of my mother's old report cards.Some of her marks weren't very good.I had fun reading the report cards.There were photographs.There was a picture of my grandparents holding my mother when she was a baby.There was an old baseball glove that one of my uncles had owned.There was even one of my old dolls in there.One of her legs was missing.My grandmother said that I was rough with dolls when I was little.I should have taken better care of my toys.There was even some old jewelry.I tried on some of the old clothes and jewelry.I told my grandmother that I liked looking through old things.My grandmother told me to keep whatever I wanted.She said that it was all junk.I still say that the trunk was full of treasures.
4/8/20214 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_24 What I Like Most and Least About Myself

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trait 特质原文What I Like Most and Least About Myself I was trying to think up the best and worst things about myself.I think the best thing about me is that I am very friendly.I have a lot of friends,and they all like me.I try to be good to my friends.I don't often have arguments with people.I think that I am quite easy to get along with.The worst thing about me is that I sometimes feel sad.Sometimes I don't feel sad for any particular reason.I just get into moods where I am depressed.Sometimes there is a reason to be sad.I was sad when my pet frog died.I was sad when I lost my favorite baseball card.On those days,I'll still nice to my friends,but inside I feel like there is a heavy weight in my chest.I think that everyone feels sadness sometimes.I try to do things that make me happy whenever I get into one of my sad moods.Last Saturday,I felt a bit sad so I called up my friend John and asked if he wanted to go to the movies.We went to a comedy.We laughed all the way through the movie,so that by the time the movie was over,I didn't feel sad anymore.My friendliness is my best trait,and my sad moods are my worst traits.I have to work at getting over my sad moods more quickly.Being sad doesn't do anyone any good.There is no use in feeling sorry for oneself.
4/8/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_24 What I Like Most and Least About Myself

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.trait 特质原文What I Like Most and Least About Myself I was trying to think up the best and worst things about myself.I think the best thing about me is that I am very friendly.I have a lot of friends,and they all like me.I try to be good to my friends.I don't often have arguments with people.I think that I am quite easy to get along with.The worst thing about me is that I sometimes feel sad.Sometimes I don't feel sad for any particular reason.I just get into moods where I am depressed.Sometimes there is a reason to be sad.I was sad when my pet frog died.I was sad when I lost my favorite baseball card.On those days,I'll still nice to my friends,but inside I feel like there is a heavy weight in my chest.I think that everyone feels sadness sometimes.I try to do things that make me happy whenever I get into one of my sad moods.Last Saturday,I felt a bit sad so I called up my friend John and asked if he wanted to go to the movies.We went to a comedy.We laughed all the way through the movie,so that by the time the movie was over,I didn't feel sad anymore.My friendliness is my best trait,and my sad moods are my worst traits.I have to work at getting over my sad moods more quickly.Being sad doesn't do anyone any good.There is no use in feeling sorry for oneself.
4/8/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_23 If I Live to be 100

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.back then 那时候2.mentally alert 思维敏捷3.physically agile 身体灵活4.Prime Minister 首相原文If I Live to be 100I think I would like to live to be 100.It seems like an awfully long time to live.It is an entire century.Imagine all the changes that you would see if you lived to be 100.I had a neighbor who was 85.She used to tell me what things were like when she was a little girl.She told me what my town used to look like,what her clothes were like,what her school was like.I used to enjoy listening to her stories.Everything was so different when she was young.Listening to her was like having history come to life.I used to try to imagine what life was like for her back then.When I was 100,I would have grandchildren and great grandchildren.I would tell them stories about my childhood.I would hope that I had a good memory so that I could remember everything.If I do want to live to 100,I'll have to live a healthy lifestyle.Not too many people live to be that old.If I do get to be that old,I hope I'll still be mentally alert and physically agile.In my country,the Prime Minister sends a letter of congratulations to anyone who has their hundredth birthday.People who live to be 100 are very special.Maybe in the future,with better medical and healthier lifestyles,more people will live to be 100.If I live to be 100,I'll have a birthday cake,but I won't put 100 candles on the cake.I could never blow out 100 candles.
4/8/20213 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_23 If I Live to be 100

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.back then 那时候2.mentally alert 思维敏捷3.physically agile 身体灵活4.Prime Minister 首相原文If I Live to be 100I think I would like to live to be 100.It seems like an awfully long time to live.It is an entire century.Imagine all the changes that you would see if you lived to be 100.I had a neighbor who was 85.She used to tell me what things were like when she was a little girl.She told me what my town used to look like,what her clothes were like,what her school was like.I used to enjoy listening to her stories.Everything was so different when she was young.Listening to her was like having history come to life.I used to try to imagine what life was like for her back then.When I was 100,I would have grandchildren and great grandchildren.I would tell them stories about my childhood.I would hope that I had a good memory so that I could remember everything.If I do want to live to 100,I'll have to live a healthy lifestyle.Not too many people live to be that old.If I do get to be that old,I hope I'll still be mentally alert and physically agile.In my country,the Prime Minister sends a letter of congratulations to anyone who has their hundredth birthday.People who live to be 100 are very special.Maybe in the future,with better medical and healthier lifestyles,more people will live to be 100.If I live to be 100,I'll have a birthday cake,but I won't put 100 candles on the cake.I could never blow out 100 candles.
4/8/20213 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_22 My Worst Fear

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.panic 恐慌2.choke 窒息3.lifeguards 救生员4.length 长度原文My Worst FearI am afraid of water.I don't know why I am afraid.I have never had a bad experience in the water.I just never learned to swim.I should have done that when I was just little.It would be easier for me to swim now,if I had started when I was young.I will go into the shallow water,I start to panic when the water gets higher than my chest.I don't like the feeling of not being able to put my feet on the bottom of the pool or the lake.I don't like get water up my nose.I choke and cough when that happens.My friends just tell my to relax and I will float,but I find it is hard to relax in deep water.They keep telling me that if I panic I will sink.Most of my friends have had swimming lessons.Some of them are even lifeguards.They have tried to teach me to swim,but I think I need go to a place where they actually teach swimming.It would be so nice to jump into a pool of cool water on a hot summer day.That would be so refreshing.If I go out onto a boat,I always wear a life jacket.I think it is wise to do that.Everyone should wear a life jacket on a boat.I would rather be safe than sorry.I have decided that I will overcome my fear.I will go and take swimming lessons.I have a goal.By this time next year,I would like to be able to swim the length of the pool without being afraid.It is best to face your fear and deal with them.I hope that I can overcome my fear of water.
4/6/20213 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_22 My Worst Fear

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.panic 恐慌2.choke 窒息3.lifeguards 救生员4.length 长度原文My Worst FearI am afraid of water.I don't know why I am afraid.I have never had a bad experience in the water.I just never learned to swim.I should have done that when I was just little.It would be easier for me to swim now,if I had started when I was young.I will go into the shallow water,I start to panic when the water gets higher than my chest.I don't like the feeling of not being able to put my feet on the bottom of the pool or the lake.I don't like get water up my nose.I choke and cough when that happens.My friends just tell my to relax and I will float,but I find it is hard to relax in deep water.They keep telling me that if I panic I will sink.Most of my friends have had swimming lessons.Some of them are even lifeguards.They have tried to teach me to swim,but I think I need go to a place where they actually teach swimming.It would be so nice to jump into a pool of cool water on a hot summer day.That would be so refreshing.If I go out onto a boat,I always wear a life jacket.I think it is wise to do that.Everyone should wear a life jacket on a boat.I would rather be safe than sorry.I have decided that I will overcome my fear.I will go and take swimming lessons.I have a goal.By this time next year,I would like to be able to swim the length of the pool without being afraid.It is best to face your fear and deal with them.I hope that I can overcome my fear of water.
4/6/20213 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_21 Being a Princess

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.servants 仆人 2.chores 家务活3.privacy 隐私 安全原文Being a PrincessSometimes,I think that I would like to be a princess.A princess would live in a palace and wear beautiful clothes.She would have servants do chores for her,and she would probably marry a handsome prince.People would recognize her.They would wave to her as she drove by.It seems like it would be a lot of fun to be a princess.But maybe it wouldn't be so nice.Maybe it would be terrible to be recognized by everyone.Maybe a princess would feel like everyone was watching her.She would have to look nice every time she left the palace.There would always be people with cameras who want to take her picture.A princess would have no privacy.Even in her own palace,there would be servants around,so she would never really be alone.If I were a princess,I would worry about security for my family.Sometimes,people who are in high position are threatened by other people.That would be a worry.I'm not so sure that being a princess would be all that much fun.I think it might be better to be just a normal person like me.I don't have to worry about looking wonderful all the time.People don't follow me around and take my picture.Whenever you see a picture of a princess,she is smiling.I wonder she is smiling on the inside,or just smiling for the camera.
4/5/20213 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day_21 Being a Princess

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.servants 仆人 2.chores 家务活3.privacy 隐私 安全原文Being a PrincessSometimes,I think that I would like to be a princess.A princess would live in a palace and wear beautiful clothes.She would have servants do chores for her,and she would probably marry a handsome prince.People would recognize her.They would wave to her as she drove by.It seems like it would be a lot of fun to be a princess.But maybe it wouldn't be so nice.Maybe it would be terrible to be recognized by everyone.Maybe a princess would feel like everyone was watching her.She would have to look nice every time she left the palace.There would always be people with cameras who want to take her picture.A princess would have no privacy.Even in her own palace,there would be servants around,so she would never really be alone.If I were a princess,I would worry about security for my family.Sometimes,people who are in high position are threatened by other people.That would be a worry.I'm not so sure that being a princess would be all that much fun.I think it might be better to be just a normal person like me.I don't have to worry about looking wonderful all the time.People don't follow me around and take my picture.Whenever you see a picture of a princess,she is smiling.I wonder she is smiling on the inside,or just smiling for the camera.
4/5/20213 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 20. Super Heroes

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.figures 人物2.figurine 小雕像3.cape 斗篷4.mature 成熟原文Super HeroesWhen my brother was very young,he loved super heroes.He collected plastic figures of all the super heroes.I think he had every super hero figurine that there was.He used to tie a towel on his shoulders and run through the back yard.He pretended that he was rescuing people.One time,he stood on the roof.He really thought that he could fly with his super hero cape on.He would have hurt himself if he had jumped.My dad saw him and told him to get down.My dad explained to my brother that super heroes are not real.Real people cannot fly from rooftops.My brother was disappointed.He thought that the super heroes were really existed.My dad explained that most super heroes were created as comic book characters.Somebody used their imagination to make them up,and then an artist drew them.My brother was not impressed.He said that he wanted to meet the super heroes.My father told him that he might meet someone dressed up as a super hero,but it wouldn't really be a super hero in costume.It is hard to explain to small children that the things that they see in comic books and on televisions aren't really real.My brother still pretends that he is a super hero.He doesn't jump from rooftops,but he runs around and makes noise like he is flyingI look at him and remember when I used to do things like that.I'm more mature than my brother.I know that super heroes aren't real,but I know he is having fun and using his imagination.
4/4/20214 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 20. Super Heroes

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.figures 人物2.figurine 小雕像3.cape 斗篷4.mature 成熟原文Super HeroesWhen my brother was very young,he loved super heroes.He collected plastic figures of all the super heroes.I think he had every super hero figurine that there was.He used to tie a towel on his shoulders and run through the back yard.He pretended that he was rescuing people.One time,he stood on the roof.He really thought that he could fly with his super hero cape on.He would have hurt himself if he had jumped.My dad saw him and told him to get down.My dad explained to my brother that super heroes are not real.Real people cannot fly from rooftops.My brother was disappointed.He thought that the super heroes were really existed.My dad explained that most super heroes were created as comic book characters.Somebody used their imagination to make them up,and then an artist drew them.My brother was not impressed.He said that he wanted to meet the super heroes.My father told him that he might meet someone dressed up as a super hero,but it wouldn't really be a super hero in costume.It is hard to explain to small children that the things that they see in comic books and on televisions aren't really real.My brother still pretends that he is a super hero.He doesn't jump from rooftops,but he runs around and makes noise like he is flyingI look at him and remember when I used to do things like that.I'm more mature than my brother.I know that super heroes aren't real,but I know he is having fun and using his imagination.
4/4/20214 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 19. Learning to Dance

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.clumsy 笨拙的2.waltz 华尔兹原文Learning to DanceI went to England with my mother.She used to be a singer in a band.We went to the hotel that she used to sing at.It was a big fancy hotel.Some of the people she knew when she sang in the band were still there.They remembered my mother,and they had a good time talking to her and remembering old times.Many people told me that I looked like my mother.In the hotel,they had a fancy hall where they had ballroom dancing.I am not used to that kind of dancing.I always dance to rock music.A man told me that he would teach me how to dance.It looked very easy.I held one of his hands,and put my other hand on his shoulder.He told me exactly how move my feet.I was very clumsy,and I stepped on his toes.He was patient with me,and he counted“one,two,three”.I tried to waltz with him.I would start out pretty well,and then I would get mixed up them and stand on his toes again.The man laughed about it.I told him that I wasn't a very good dancer,but he said that I was good for a beginner.I think he was just being polite.The man asked my mother to dance.My mother is a very good dancer.I didn't know that about her.She never stepped on the man's toes once.The man thanked us for dancing with him,and I thanked him for giving me dancing lessons.I don't think I'll ever be very good at that type of dancing.Each generation has a specific type of dancing.The way that I dance is different from the way that my mother dances.The way my dance doesn't involve moving your feet too much.I'm not too good at fancy steps.
4/4/20215 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 19. Learning to Dance

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.clumsy 笨拙的2.waltz 华尔兹原文Learning to DanceI went to England with my mother.She used to be a singer in a band.We went to the hotel that she used to sing at.It was a big fancy hotel.Some of the people she knew when she sang in the band were still there.They remembered my mother,and they had a good time talking to her and remembering old times.Many people told me that I looked like my mother.In the hotel,they had a fancy hall where they had ballroom dancing.I am not used to that kind of dancing.I always dance to rock music.A man told me that he would teach me how to dance.It looked very easy.I held one of his hands,and put my other hand on his shoulder.He told me exactly how move my feet.I was very clumsy,and I stepped on his toes.He was patient with me,and he counted“one,two,three”.I tried to waltz with him.I would start out pretty well,and then I would get mixed up them and stand on his toes again.The man laughed about it.I told him that I wasn't a very good dancer,but he said that I was good for a beginner.I think he was just being polite.The man asked my mother to dance.My mother is a very good dancer.I didn't know that about her.She never stepped on the man's toes once.The man thanked us for dancing with him,and I thanked him for giving me dancing lessons.I don't think I'll ever be very good at that type of dancing.Each generation has a specific type of dancing.The way that I dance is different from the way that my mother dances.The way my dance doesn't involve moving your feet too much.I'm not too good at fancy steps.
4/4/20215 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 18. The Peach Orchard

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.orchard 果园原文The Peach OrchardWhen I was very young,I lived near a peach orchard.Now,there is a park where the orchard used to be.I always remember the peach orchard,because my grandmother and I used to go there and pick peaches.The owner of the peach orchard would let all the neighbors to pick peaches.It's not fact that I used to get many ripe,tasty peaches that I remember;it's the time that I used to spend with my grandmother that I remember.My grandmother was very old,but she was very healthy.She used to walk a lot.I think that is what kept her fit.She had a lot of energy,so she liked to go to a lot of places.She would get a fruit basket,and then she would ask me if I wanted to go to the orchard.I always said yes,because I enjoyed walking through the orchard on a sunny day.We never climbed on a ladder to reach the peaches;we just reach for the low hanging fruit.My grandmother and I used to talk all the time that we were out there.It was nice to spend time with her.She told me many stories about when she was a young girl.We laughed and got to know each other better.My grandmother only visited us during the summer.She lived in California,and I lived in Niagara Falls,so we didn't get to spend a lot of time with each other.We enjoyed the hot summer days in the orchard.You could smell the peaches,and the bees buzzed lazily by us.My grandmother would point out different insects and birds to me.I learned a lot about nature from her.We would end up with a big basket of peaches.When we got home,my mother would wash the peaches,and often she would bake a peach pie for us.Nobody bakes a peach pie like my mother.It's good to have memories like that.Childhood's memories of time spent with my grandmother are very precious for me.Sometimes,it's just simple things that you do in life that leave you with the nicest memories.
4/4/20215 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 18. The Peach Orchard

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.orchard 果园原文The Peach OrchardWhen I was very young,I lived near a peach orchard.Now,there is a park where the orchard used to be.I always remember the peach orchard,because my grandmother and I used to go there and pick peaches.The owner of the peach orchard would let all the neighbors to pick peaches.It's not fact that I used to get many ripe,tasty peaches that I remember;it's the time that I used to spend with my grandmother that I remember.My grandmother was very old,but she was very healthy.She used to walk a lot.I think that is what kept her fit.She had a lot of energy,so she liked to go to a lot of places.She would get a fruit basket,and then she would ask me if I wanted to go to the orchard.I always said yes,because I enjoyed walking through the orchard on a sunny day.We never climbed on a ladder to reach the peaches;we just reach for the low hanging fruit.My grandmother and I used to talk all the time that we were out there.It was nice to spend time with her.She told me many stories about when she was a young girl.We laughed and got to know each other better.My grandmother only visited us during the summer.She lived in California,and I lived in Niagara Falls,so we didn't get to spend a lot of time with each other.We enjoyed the hot summer days in the orchard.You could smell the peaches,and the bees buzzed lazily by us.My grandmother would point out different insects and birds to me.I learned a lot about nature from her.We would end up with a big basket of peaches.When we got home,my mother would wash the peaches,and often she would bake a peach pie for us.Nobody bakes a peach pie like my mother.It's good to have memories like that.Childhood's memories of time spent with my grandmother are very precious for me.Sometimes,it's just simple things that you do in life that leave you with the nicest memories.
4/4/20215 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 17. Help

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.emergency 紧急情况2.tragedies 悲剧3.vehicles 汽车4.sirens 汽笛5.panic 恐慌原文HelpDid you ever have to call for help?Were you ever in a situation that was an emergency?It is good to know what to do in case of an emergency.You should always know how to get in touch with the police and fire departments.I have read the stories where very young boys or girls have called the police and save their friend's or family members' lives because they knew just who to get hold of.If you see the fire,you should call the fire department.A lot of tragedies have been prevented because the calls have been made quickly.It is important that the emergency vehicles arrive very quickly.That is why those vehicles have sirens.When their sirens go,it means to get out of the way.Policemen,firemen and ambulance attendants are trained to handle very difficult situations.They often save people's lives.They go through a lot of training to become good at what they do.They never panic in emergencies.For your part,you should keep emergency numbers near the phone,or know what the emergency numbers are.Where I live,there is a special number that you call for any emergencies.We teach the number to everyone,even very tiny children.It is important to remain calm if you need help.It you call an emergency number,you have to be able to speak clearly,and tell the person you are talking to exactly what the problem is.I hope you are never in an emergency situation,but it is a good idea to be prepared.
4/4/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 17. Help

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.emergency 紧急情况2.tragedies 悲剧3.vehicles 汽车4.sirens 汽笛5.panic 恐慌原文HelpDid you ever have to call for help?Were you ever in a situation that was an emergency?It is good to know what to do in case of an emergency.You should always know how to get in touch with the police and fire departments.I have read the stories where very young boys or girls have called the police and save their friend's or family members' lives because they knew just who to get hold of.If you see the fire,you should call the fire department.A lot of tragedies have been prevented because the calls have been made quickly.It is important that the emergency vehicles arrive very quickly.That is why those vehicles have sirens.When their sirens go,it means to get out of the way.Policemen,firemen and ambulance attendants are trained to handle very difficult situations.They often save people's lives.They go through a lot of training to become good at what they do.They never panic in emergencies.For your part,you should keep emergency numbers near the phone,or know what the emergency numbers are.Where I live,there is a special number that you call for any emergencies.We teach the number to everyone,even very tiny children.It is important to remain calm if you need help.It you call an emergency number,you have to be able to speak clearly,and tell the person you are talking to exactly what the problem is.I hope you are never in an emergency situation,but it is a good idea to be prepared.
4/4/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 16. Superstitions

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.superstitions 迷信2.itchy 发痒3.ladder 梯子原文SuperstitionsI am not superstitious,are you?Yesterday was Friday the thirteenth.Some people think that Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day.I think that it is just like any other day.Some people believe that if a black cat crosses your path,you will have bad luckI don't believe that either.My mother always gets upset if I open an umbrella in the house.She says that it is bad luck.She is probably right about that one,because an open umbrella would take up a lot of space and you might knock things over.If your left hand is itchy,you are supposed to get money.I have had an itchy left hand before,but I haven't received any money because of it.It is bad luck to walk under a ladder.That is probably true,because you might knock somebody off the ladder,or have a can of paint fall on top of you.If you are acting in a play,it is bad luck if someone says “good luck”to youThis is very confusing.You are supposed to tell an actor to“break a leg”.It doesn't mean that you want the actor to break his leg.It means good luck to the actor.Actors have a lot of superstitions that are very unusual.I am not superstitious.I don't believe in superstitions at all.It is just fun to learn about superstitions.Some of them are very old,and have been passed down from generation to generation.I once did a project at school on superstitions.It was a very interesting topic,and I got a good mark for it.
4/3/20214 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 16. Superstitions

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.superstitions 迷信2.itchy 发痒3.ladder 梯子原文SuperstitionsI am not superstitious,are you?Yesterday was Friday the thirteenth.Some people think that Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day.I think that it is just like any other day.Some people believe that if a black cat crosses your path,you will have bad luckI don't believe that either.My mother always gets upset if I open an umbrella in the house.She says that it is bad luck.She is probably right about that one,because an open umbrella would take up a lot of space and you might knock things over.If your left hand is itchy,you are supposed to get money.I have had an itchy left hand before,but I haven't received any money because of it.It is bad luck to walk under a ladder.That is probably true,because you might knock somebody off the ladder,or have a can of paint fall on top of you.If you are acting in a play,it is bad luck if someone says “good luck”to youThis is very confusing.You are supposed to tell an actor to“break a leg”.It doesn't mean that you want the actor to break his leg.It means good luck to the actor.Actors have a lot of superstitions that are very unusual.I am not superstitious.I don't believe in superstitions at all.It is just fun to learn about superstitions.Some of them are very old,and have been passed down from generation to generation.I once did a project at school on superstitions.It was a very interesting topic,and I got a good mark for it.
4/3/20214 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 15. If I Found a Magic Lamp

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lamp 灯2.bump 触碰3.rub 擦4.genie 精灵5.grant 授予6.mansion 豪宅7.fame 名声8.enormous 巨大的 9.self-determination 自我认定原文If I Found a Magic LampIf I was walking down the beach one day,and I happened to bump my toe on a magic lamp,I would pick it up and rub it.If it was a real magic lamp(but I don't believe that there really is a magic lamp),a genie would pop out in a cloud of smoke,and he would call me master.He would say that he would grant me three wishes.I would have to think very hard about those wishes,because I wouldn't want to waste them.I don't think I'd want millions of dollars.Money doesn't buy happiness,or so they say.I might wish for good health,because if health isn't good,you won't be able to enjoy anything.Some people might wish for beauty,but beauty is only skin deep.Some people might wish for a mansion,or a beautiful car or a big boat.I don't want any of those things.Some people would want fame.Some people would want talent.Some people would wish for happiness.That might be a good thing to wish for.Yes,maybe I'd wish for health and happiness,but what would my third wish be?I could wish something enormous,something global.I could wish world peace.That would be a wonderful thing,if somebody could grant me that.Yes,that would probably be my third wish.It's too bad there aren't any genies inside magic lamps.I won't get my three wishes.I can still work toward getting my wishes.I can eat well and exercise to stay heathy.I can be involved with a lot of things and be with my friends to stay happy.I can volunteer my time to different organizations to help achieve world peace.I can do my fair share in my community to help others.That's how I can get my three wishes,not through a magic lamp.I can only get what I want through self-determination and hard work.That is the key to getting your wishes fulfilled.
4/3/20215 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 15. If I Found a Magic Lamp

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lamp 灯2.bump 触碰3.rub 擦4.genie 精灵5.grant 授予6.mansion 豪宅7.fame 名声8.enormous 巨大的 9.self-determination 自我认定原文If I Found a Magic LampIf I was walking down the beach one day,and I happened to bump my toe on a magic lamp,I would pick it up and rub it.If it was a real magic lamp(but I don't believe that there really is a magic lamp),a genie would pop out in a cloud of smoke,and he would call me master.He would say that he would grant me three wishes.I would have to think very hard about those wishes,because I wouldn't want to waste them.I don't think I'd want millions of dollars.Money doesn't buy happiness,or so they say.I might wish for good health,because if health isn't good,you won't be able to enjoy anything.Some people might wish for beauty,but beauty is only skin deep.Some people might wish for a mansion,or a beautiful car or a big boat.I don't want any of those things.Some people would want fame.Some people would want talent.Some people would wish for happiness.That might be a good thing to wish for.Yes,maybe I'd wish for health and happiness,but what would my third wish be?I could wish something enormous,something global.I could wish world peace.That would be a wonderful thing,if somebody could grant me that.Yes,that would probably be my third wish.It's too bad there aren't any genies inside magic lamps.I won't get my three wishes.I can still work toward getting my wishes.I can eat well and exercise to stay heathy.I can be involved with a lot of things and be with my friends to stay happy.I can volunteer my time to different organizations to help achieve world peace.I can do my fair share in my community to help others.That's how I can get my three wishes,not through a magic lamp.I can only get what I want through self-determination and hard work.That is the key to getting your wishes fulfilled.
4/3/20215 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 14. My Favorite Bedtime Story

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.strikes 击打2.sneaks 偷溜3.coincidences 巧合原文My Favorite Bedtime StoryEvery night when I was little,my mother would read me a bedtime story.My favorite story was Tom's Midnight Garden.This was a story by Philippa Pearce.It was a quite long book,and it took quite a few nights for my mother to read the entire book to me.In Tom's Midnight Garden,Tom moves to city to stay with his aunt and uncle.He is very bored at their apartment.They have no children,so Tom has nothing to do.One night,the clock sticks thirteen times.Tom knows that this is impossible.A clock can only strike up to twelve times.He sneaks downstairs and goes outside.When he gets outside,there is a wonderful garden that wasn't there the day before.The next day,Tom goes outside and find that there is no garden.The garden only seems to appear at night.Every night,Tom slips out to the wonderful garden and he meets some people in the garden.He meets a girl named Hattie.Hattie and Tom become very good friends in this garden.Some very strange things happen in this book.There are some coincidences that keep you guessing about what is really going onThe surprise ending is wonderful.I really enjoyed Tom's Midnight Garden,and I was very sad when my mother and I came to the end of the book.I felt that I had visited the magical garden with Tom.It is a book that I will remember all of my life.
4/2/20214 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 14. My Favorite Bedtime Story

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.strikes 击打2.sneaks 偷溜3.coincidences 巧合原文My Favorite Bedtime StoryEvery night when I was little,my mother would read me a bedtime story.My favorite story was Tom's Midnight Garden.This was a story by Philippa Pearce.It was a quite long book,and it took quite a few nights for my mother to read the entire book to me.In Tom's Midnight Garden,Tom moves to city to stay with his aunt and uncle.He is very bored at their apartment.They have no children,so Tom has nothing to do.One night,the clock sticks thirteen times.Tom knows that this is impossible.A clock can only strike up to twelve times.He sneaks downstairs and goes outside.When he gets outside,there is a wonderful garden that wasn't there the day before.The next day,Tom goes outside and find that there is no garden.The garden only seems to appear at night.Every night,Tom slips out to the wonderful garden and he meets some people in the garden.He meets a girl named Hattie.Hattie and Tom become very good friends in this garden.Some very strange things happen in this book.There are some coincidences that keep you guessing about what is really going onThe surprise ending is wonderful.I really enjoyed Tom's Midnight Garden,and I was very sad when my mother and I came to the end of the book.I felt that I had visited the magical garden with Tom.It is a book that I will remember all of my life.
4/2/20214 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 13. Do People Have the Right to Smoke in Public?

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.addiction 上瘾2.craved 渴望3.inhale 吸入4.drifts 飘5.light up 点烟原文Do People Have the Right to Smoke in Public?My father used to smoke .He got very ill.The doctor told him that he had to quit smoking.My father tired for a long time to quit.It was very difficult for him.Smoking is an addition.After many months,my father finally gave up smoking,but he still craved a cigarette once in a while.He says that quitting smoking is the hardest thing that he has ever done.When my father did smoke,he smoked everywhere.He smoked in restaurants,stores and many public buildings.Now,you are not allowed to smoke in a lot of public places.When my father smoked ,the rules were not so strict.People could smoke just about anywhere.It really wasn't fair for the people who didn't smoke.Their clothes always smelled like smoke,and they breathed in second-hand smoke.Some people think that second-hand smoke actually worse for you than if you smoke yourself.People would smoke in their houses,and very young children would inhale the smoke that was in the air.Some people still smoke in their houses,and their children breath in the smoke.Some restaurants have areas for smokers and nonsmokers,but usually the smoke drifts from one area to the other.There are some businesses that have banned smoking altogether.Personally,I think that smoking in public places should be completely banned.I don't think that I should have to breath in another person's smoke if I choose not to smoke myself.It wouldn't be fair for a nonsmoker to get lung cancer,because they had to be in a place where smoker were allowed to light up.I know that the smoking is a powerful addiction and that is very difficult to quit,but smokers should be restrict their smoke to places where there is nobody else around.Lung cancer is an awful disease.Nobody should have to suffer with lung cancer.People should be educated about the dangers of smoking.Smoking should be banned in public places,but eventually I believe that fewer people will smoke.It would be nice to live in a smoke free environment.
4/1/20216 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 13. Do People Have the Right to Smoke in Public?

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.addiction 上瘾2.craved 渴望3.inhale 吸入4.drifts 飘5.light up 点烟原文Do People Have the Right to Smoke in Public?My father used to smoke .He got very ill.The doctor told him that he had to quit smoking.My father tired for a long time to quit.It was very difficult for him.Smoking is an addition.After many months,my father finally gave up smoking,but he still craved a cigarette once in a while.He says that quitting smoking is the hardest thing that he has ever done.When my father did smoke,he smoked everywhere.He smoked in restaurants,stores and many public buildings.Now,you are not allowed to smoke in a lot of public places.When my father smoked ,the rules were not so strict.People could smoke just about anywhere.It really wasn't fair for the people who didn't smoke.Their clothes always smelled like smoke,and they breathed in second-hand smoke.Some people think that second-hand smoke actually worse for you than if you smoke yourself.People would smoke in their houses,and very young children would inhale the smoke that was in the air.Some people still smoke in their houses,and their children breath in the smoke.Some restaurants have areas for smokers and nonsmokers,but usually the smoke drifts from one area to the other.There are some businesses that have banned smoking altogether.Personally,I think that smoking in public places should be completely banned.I don't think that I should have to breath in another person's smoke if I choose not to smoke myself.It wouldn't be fair for a nonsmoker to get lung cancer,because they had to be in a place where smoker were allowed to light up.I know that the smoking is a powerful addiction and that is very difficult to quit,but smokers should be restrict their smoke to places where there is nobody else around.Lung cancer is an awful disease.Nobody should have to suffer with lung cancer.People should be educated about the dangers of smoking.Smoking should be banned in public places,but eventually I believe that fewer people will smoke.It would be nice to live in a smoke free environment.
4/1/20216 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 12. If I were a Giant

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.ceiling 天花板2.needle 针3.thread 线4.rake 耙子5.hurricane 飓风6.gallons 加仑7.quench 解渴原文If I were a GiantIf I were a giant,I wouldn't be able to fit in my house.I'd have to live in a building that had a high ceiling,but I'd probably have a hard time getting through the door.I'd have to make my own clothes,but where would I get a giant needle and thread to sew with?I couldn't ride in a car or a plane.I suppose I would just have to take giant steps from place to place.I would have to be very careful not to step on anybody or anything.When I talked,people would cover their ears.My voice would sound very loud to them.I wouldn't find any shoes to cover my feet.I wouldn't find a knife and fork to eat my dinner with.I might have to use a rake as a fork.My dinner would be huge.What would I cook my dinner in?I certainly wouldn't find an oven big enough to put my dinner in.If I sneezed,it would be like a hurricaneIf I fell down,it would be like an earthquake..I wouldn't have any friends because everyone would be too tiny for me to talk to.I think that being a giant would be very lonely.I couldn't have just one apple.I would have to have a lot of apples to fill me up.I could have to drink gallons and gallons of water to quench my thirst.I could never relax under a tree,I would be taller than all the trees.I don't think that being a giant would be fun.I won't ever make a wish to be giant.I would rather be my height.I'm very happy the way I am.
3/30/20213 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 12. If I were a Giant

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.ceiling 天花板2.needle 针3.thread 线4.rake 耙子5.hurricane 飓风6.gallons 加仑7.quench 解渴原文If I were a GiantIf I were a giant,I wouldn't be able to fit in my house.I'd have to live in a building that had a high ceiling,but I'd probably have a hard time getting through the door.I'd have to make my own clothes,but where would I get a giant needle and thread to sew with?I couldn't ride in a car or a plane.I suppose I would just have to take giant steps from place to place.I would have to be very careful not to step on anybody or anything.When I talked,people would cover their ears.My voice would sound very loud to them.I wouldn't find any shoes to cover my feet.I wouldn't find a knife and fork to eat my dinner with.I might have to use a rake as a fork.My dinner would be huge.What would I cook my dinner in?I certainly wouldn't find an oven big enough to put my dinner in.If I sneezed,it would be like a hurricaneIf I fell down,it would be like an earthquake..I wouldn't have any friends because everyone would be too tiny for me to talk to.I think that being a giant would be very lonely.I couldn't have just one apple.I would have to have a lot of apples to fill me up.I could have to drink gallons and gallons of water to quench my thirst.I could never relax under a tree,I would be taller than all the trees.I don't think that being a giant would be fun.I won't ever make a wish to be giant.I would rather be my height.I'm very happy the way I am.
3/30/20213 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 11. If I Was Tiny

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.crumbles 面包屑2.bottle cap 瓶盖3.thimble 针箍4.oar 桨5.handkerchief 手帕6.matchbox 火柴盒7.gust 一阵狂风原文If I Was TinyImagine what life would be like if you were two inches tall.You would have to be careful that nobody stepped on you.You would have to watch out for cats,dogs and birds.It would be very dangerous,but just think of the things that you could do.You could live in dollhouse,or even a shoebox.You could use a bottle cap for a plate.You would have to wear dolls' clothes.A stamp would make a lovely picture to hang on your wall.You could hide in a mouse hole or a drawer.You wouldn't need much food.You could probably live comfortably on the crumbles that people would leave on the table.A thimble would make a good cup.If you went outside,the grass would seem like a jungle.An insect would be huge and frightening.A puddle would seem to be an ocean.You could cross the puddle in a paper cup and use a spoon for an oar.And matchbox would make a good bed with a handkerchief as a bedspread.You'd brush your hair with a toothbrush,and you'd never find anything small enough to brush your teeth with.You could take a ride on the back of a mouse.You wouldn't find any books that were small enough to read,but you might read the back of a pill bottle.You could ride in a toy car and have a soup bowl for a swimming pool.A leaf would be your umbrella,and a mitten would make a great sleeping bag.If you use your imagination,you could think up something to use for almost all your purposes.Being small might be fun,but then again,it would be frightening.I'd be afraid of my pet cat.I wouldn't want a book to fall on me.I would be afraid of being swept away by a big gust of wind.I think I'd rather be my size.
3/30/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 11. If I Was Tiny

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.crumbles 面包屑2.bottle cap 瓶盖3.thimble 针箍4.oar 桨5.handkerchief 手帕6.matchbox 火柴盒7.gust 一阵狂风原文If I Was TinyImagine what life would be like if you were two inches tall.You would have to be careful that nobody stepped on you.You would have to watch out for cats,dogs and birds.It would be very dangerous,but just think of the things that you could do.You could live in dollhouse,or even a shoebox.You could use a bottle cap for a plate.You would have to wear dolls' clothes.A stamp would make a lovely picture to hang on your wall.You could hide in a mouse hole or a drawer.You wouldn't need much food.You could probably live comfortably on the crumbles that people would leave on the table.A thimble would make a good cup.If you went outside,the grass would seem like a jungle.An insect would be huge and frightening.A puddle would seem to be an ocean.You could cross the puddle in a paper cup and use a spoon for an oar.And matchbox would make a good bed with a handkerchief as a bedspread.You'd brush your hair with a toothbrush,and you'd never find anything small enough to brush your teeth with.You could take a ride on the back of a mouse.You wouldn't find any books that were small enough to read,but you might read the back of a pill bottle.You could ride in a toy car and have a soup bowl for a swimming pool.A leaf would be your umbrella,and a mitten would make a great sleeping bag.If you use your imagination,you could think up something to use for almost all your purposes.Being small might be fun,but then again,it would be frightening.I'd be afraid of my pet cat.I wouldn't want a book to fall on me.I would be afraid of being swept away by a big gust of wind.I think I'd rather be my size.
3/30/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 10. What My Cat Did

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.content 满足2.purring 发出咕噜声3.couched 蹲着4.pounce 猛扑5.centipede 蜈蚣 6.crawl 爬行原文What My Cat DidOne day,I was sitting in a chair drinking a cup of tea.My cat came into the room and sat on my lap.She was quite content,and she sat there purring.My cat likes to drink water,and sometimes she drinks milk.I would never give she tea to drink.Cats just don't drink tea.We were sitting there quietly when suddenly my cat stood up.She was looking at something on the floor.She crouched down low and got ready to pounce.I saw what she was looking at,it was a huge centipede.I think that centipedes are ugly.They have many legs and they move very fast.I would hate to have one crawl over me.My cat jumped to the floor and she ran over to the centipede.She was incredibly fast.I was surprised that she caught the centipedeShe put her paw on it,and then she reached down and ate the centipede..The centipede must not have tasted very good.My cat got a funny look on her face,and she looked like she was trying to get a bad taste out of her mouth.I was thinking that I would be sick if I ate a centipede.My cat looked at me and jumped back up in my chair.She stuck her face in my teacup and took a big drink of tea.I was shocked.I had never seen a cat drink tea before.I think that centipede must have tasted so bad that my cat just needed something to wash the taste out of her mouth.Guess what?I didn't finish my tea.I threw it out and washed out the cup.My cat has never had a drink of tea since that day.She has also never eaten another centipede.If a centipede walks by,she just pretends that she doesn't see it.
3/30/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 10. What My Cat Did

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.content 满足2.purring 发出咕噜声3.couched 蹲着4.pounce 猛扑5.centipede 蜈蚣 6.crawl 爬行原文What My Cat DidOne day,I was sitting in a chair drinking a cup of tea.My cat came into the room and sat on my lap.She was quite content,and she sat there purring.My cat likes to drink water,and sometimes she drinks milk.I would never give she tea to drink.Cats just don't drink tea.We were sitting there quietly when suddenly my cat stood up.She was looking at something on the floor.She crouched down low and got ready to pounce.I saw what she was looking at,it was a huge centipede.I think that centipedes are ugly.They have many legs and they move very fast.I would hate to have one crawl over me.My cat jumped to the floor and she ran over to the centipede.She was incredibly fast.I was surprised that she caught the centipedeShe put her paw on it,and then she reached down and ate the centipede..The centipede must not have tasted very good.My cat got a funny look on her face,and she looked like she was trying to get a bad taste out of her mouth.I was thinking that I would be sick if I ate a centipede.My cat looked at me and jumped back up in my chair.She stuck her face in my teacup and took a big drink of tea.I was shocked.I had never seen a cat drink tea before.I think that centipede must have tasted so bad that my cat just needed something to wash the taste out of her mouth.Guess what?I didn't finish my tea.I threw it out and washed out the cup.My cat has never had a drink of tea since that day.She has also never eaten another centipede.If a centipede walks by,she just pretends that she doesn't see it.
3/30/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 9. A Trip to the Hospital

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tonsils 扁桃体 外科手术3.gown 长袍4.frightening 吓人的原文A Trip to the HospitalI have to get my tonsils out.I'm not really happy about it,but I'm tired of being sick and having sore throats.I have to go to the hospital two hours before my surgery.My mother will go with me.The nurses will take me temperature and check my blood pressure.They will make sure that I am ready for my operation.I will be dressed in a white gown,and I will be wheeled down the hall to the operating room.I can't have anything eat or drink for a long time before my surgery.My mother will walk down the hall with me,then she will wave goodbye as they wheel me into the operating room.The doctor and nurses will be busy in the operating room.They will be getting ready to perform my surgery.The doctor will say hello to me and tell that he will be going to put me to sleep.He will put something into my arm.He will tell me to count backwards from ten.I think that I will only say“ten,nine”,then I will be fast asleep.I won't be awake for the surgery.When I wake up,I will be surprised that the surgery is over.My throat will be hurt,and I probably won't feel very good.My mother will be there with me.The nurses will give me a drink and try to make me comfortable.I won't be in the hospital overnight.I will go home later in the day.My parents will make sure that I have a lot of drink.I can't eat any hard food,or they will hurt my throat.I will sleep a lot,because I will feel not well for a couple of days.It won't take long before I recover from my surgery.Sometimes,we need surgery to make us feel better.Hospital can be a bit frightening,but doctors and nurses are very nice,their job is to make you feel better.
3/30/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 9. A Trip to the Hospital

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tonsils 扁桃体 外科手术3.gown 长袍4.frightening 吓人的原文A Trip to the HospitalI have to get my tonsils out.I'm not really happy about it,but I'm tired of being sick and having sore throats.I have to go to the hospital two hours before my surgery.My mother will go with me.The nurses will take me temperature and check my blood pressure.They will make sure that I am ready for my operation.I will be dressed in a white gown,and I will be wheeled down the hall to the operating room.I can't have anything eat or drink for a long time before my surgery.My mother will walk down the hall with me,then she will wave goodbye as they wheel me into the operating room.The doctor and nurses will be busy in the operating room.They will be getting ready to perform my surgery.The doctor will say hello to me and tell that he will be going to put me to sleep.He will put something into my arm.He will tell me to count backwards from ten.I think that I will only say“ten,nine”,then I will be fast asleep.I won't be awake for the surgery.When I wake up,I will be surprised that the surgery is over.My throat will be hurt,and I probably won't feel very good.My mother will be there with me.The nurses will give me a drink and try to make me comfortable.I won't be in the hospital overnight.I will go home later in the day.My parents will make sure that I have a lot of drink.I can't eat any hard food,or they will hurt my throat.I will sleep a lot,because I will feel not well for a couple of days.It won't take long before I recover from my surgery.Sometimes,we need surgery to make us feel better.Hospital can be a bit frightening,but doctors and nurses are very nice,their job is to make you feel better.
3/30/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 8. Advice

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.reap 收割2.sow 播种3.precious 珍贵的4. conscience  良心原文AdviceSometimes my mother gives me advice.She tells me to save my money for a rainy day.She said that I should eat my vegetables if I want to be strong when I grow up.She says that you reap what you sow.I didn't know what that one meant,so I asked her.She said that if you are good to people,they will be good to you.If you do bad things,then bad things will come back to you.My mother is always giving me advice.She says that a penny saved is a penny earned.I am still thinking about that one.Some of these things are difficult to understand.My mother is very wise.She says that she had learned from her mistakes.She tells me that she would like me not to make mistakes,but she says that everyone does make mistakes.The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes.My mother says that nobody is perfect.My mother tells my sister that time is precious.My sister waste time,and my mother doesn't like that.My mother tells me to be true to myself.She says that I should not follow the crowd.I should listen to my own conscience,and do what I think is right.She says that it doesn't matter if you fail at something,the important thing is that you try.If you've done your best,then that is all that matters.I listen to my mother.I think that she gives very good advice.My mother has a lot of common sense.I hope I am as wise as she is when I have children of my own.Sometimes I wish that she would not give me so much advice.I think that I know what I'm doing.But ,in the end,I always remember what she has said,and I try to live by the standards that she has set for me.Take the advice that your parents give you.They only have your best interests at heart.
3/29/20214 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 8. Advice

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.reap 收割2.sow 播种3.precious 珍贵的4. conscience  良心原文AdviceSometimes my mother gives me advice.She tells me to save my money for a rainy day.She said that I should eat my vegetables if I want to be strong when I grow up.She says that you reap what you sow.I didn't know what that one meant,so I asked her.She said that if you are good to people,they will be good to you.If you do bad things,then bad things will come back to you.My mother is always giving me advice.She says that a penny saved is a penny earned.I am still thinking about that one.Some of these things are difficult to understand.My mother is very wise.She says that she had learned from her mistakes.She tells me that she would like me not to make mistakes,but she says that everyone does make mistakes.The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes.My mother says that nobody is perfect.My mother tells my sister that time is precious.My sister waste time,and my mother doesn't like that.My mother tells me to be true to myself.She says that I should not follow the crowd.I should listen to my own conscience,and do what I think is right.She says that it doesn't matter if you fail at something,the important thing is that you try.If you've done your best,then that is all that matters.I listen to my mother.I think that she gives very good advice.My mother has a lot of common sense.I hope I am as wise as she is when I have children of my own.Sometimes I wish that she would not give me so much advice.I think that I know what I'm doing.But ,in the end,I always remember what she has said,and I try to live by the standards that she has set for me.Take the advice that your parents give you.They only have your best interests at heart.
3/29/20214 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 7. A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to School

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.force 力量2.twirled 旋转3.swaying 摇摆4.frantically 疯狂地5.swished 挥动6.lid 盖子原文A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to School Last Friday,it was very windy.I was walking down the street with my friend Joan.We were having a difficult time walking against the wind.The wind was pushing against us,and we feel the force of it pressed against us.We even had a hard time breathing.We were walking slowly.We watched the leaves as they danced and twirled in the wind.We watch a plastic bag as it flew by us.We saw a little boy whose baseball cap flew right off his head.His cap flew along the sidewalk,and he had to chase it.He finally caught it,and he held it in his hand tightly after he got it back.The trees were swaying frantically.Their branches swished and waved in the wild wind.Joan and I were hit by flying bits of paper and leaves.We laughed when a garbage can lid rolled along and hit Joan in the leg.We saw another garbage can rolling along the road ad if it was alive.Everything was moving because of the wind.Then,the funniest thing happened.I wasn't paying any attention,and a paper bag came flying up the street toward us.It hit me right in my face and covered my whole face.At first,I didn't know what had happened.I was blinded.I couldn't see where I was going.I stopped and held out my hands.When I stopped,the bag fell of my face.I looked at Joan.He was laughing very hard.He was laughing so hard that tears were rolling down his cheeks.He said that I looked very funny with the brown paper bag stuck to my face.I started to laugh too.We laughed about it in all the way to school.Joan said that he wished he had a camera.He would have taken a picture of me with the bag on my face.
3/28/20214 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 7. A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to School

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.force 力量2.twirled 旋转3.swaying 摇摆4.frantically 疯狂地5.swished 挥动6.lid 盖子原文A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to School Last Friday,it was very windy.I was walking down the street with my friend Joan.We were having a difficult time walking against the wind.The wind was pushing against us,and we feel the force of it pressed against us.We even had a hard time breathing.We were walking slowly.We watched the leaves as they danced and twirled in the wind.We watch a plastic bag as it flew by us.We saw a little boy whose baseball cap flew right off his head.His cap flew along the sidewalk,and he had to chase it.He finally caught it,and he held it in his hand tightly after he got it back.The trees were swaying frantically.Their branches swished and waved in the wild wind.Joan and I were hit by flying bits of paper and leaves.We laughed when a garbage can lid rolled along and hit Joan in the leg.We saw another garbage can rolling along the road ad if it was alive.Everything was moving because of the wind.Then,the funniest thing happened.I wasn't paying any attention,and a paper bag came flying up the street toward us.It hit me right in my face and covered my whole face.At first,I didn't know what had happened.I was blinded.I couldn't see where I was going.I stopped and held out my hands.When I stopped,the bag fell of my face.I looked at Joan.He was laughing very hard.He was laughing so hard that tears were rolling down his cheeks.He said that I looked very funny with the brown paper bag stuck to my face.I started to laugh too.We laughed about it in all the way to school.Joan said that he wished he had a camera.He would have taken a picture of me with the bag on my face.
3/28/20214 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 6. What I Look for in a Friend

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 纽带2.sense of humor 幽默感原文What I Look for in a FriendWhat is it that makes somebody your friend?Some people are nice,and you have fun with them.Some people are nice to talk to,but they don't become special to you.Some people become very close to you.Those people are the ones who become your good friends.Did you ever wonder why certain people do become your good friends?Friends usually have something in common.Often,friends enjoy doing the same things as each other.Maybe they like the same sports,or the same music,or maybe they can even talk about problems and schoolwork.Friends usually find a common bond.Friends share ideas and listen to each.Sometimes,people don't have similar interests even become friends.You can learn a lot from a person who likes different things than you.The most important thing about friends is that they must communicate with each other.A good friend is the person who takes the time to listen to the other person.One of the most important things that I think a friend should have is a sense of humor.I like to laugh with my friends.I like to feel comfortable around my friends.It is nice to be able to laugh and talk to people who have similar interests.It is nice to share things with people and learn about their interests.You become a better person if you are able to learn things from others.Life is a journey.On the journey,you meet many people.Some of those people will change your life.You have to choose your friends with care.A good friend is worth more than all the gold in the world.A good friend will make your journey through life more pleasant.Make friends along the way,and the path through life will be very rewarding.
3/28/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 6. What I Look for in a Friend

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 纽带2.sense of humor 幽默感原文What I Look for in a FriendWhat is it that makes somebody your friend?Some people are nice,and you have fun with them.Some people are nice to talk to,but they don't become special to you.Some people become very close to you.Those people are the ones who become your good friends.Did you ever wonder why certain people do become your good friends?Friends usually have something in common.Often,friends enjoy doing the same things as each other.Maybe they like the same sports,or the same music,or maybe they can even talk about problems and schoolwork.Friends usually find a common bond.Friends share ideas and listen to each.Sometimes,people don't have similar interests even become friends.You can learn a lot from a person who likes different things than you.The most important thing about friends is that they must communicate with each other.A good friend is the person who takes the time to listen to the other person.One of the most important things that I think a friend should have is a sense of humor.I like to laugh with my friends.I like to feel comfortable around my friends.It is nice to be able to laugh and talk to people who have similar interests.It is nice to share things with people and learn about their interests.You become a better person if you are able to learn things from others.Life is a journey.On the journey,you meet many people.Some of those people will change your life.You have to choose your friends with care.A good friend is worth more than all the gold in the world.A good friend will make your journey through life more pleasant.Make friends along the way,and the path through life will be very rewarding.
3/28/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 5. If I Could Fly

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.soar 翱翔2.rooftops 屋顶3.wound/wind 曲折而行4.dip 下降5.dive 俯冲6.spread 展开原文If I Could FlyI sometimes imagine what it would be like if I could fly like a bird.Just imagine what it would be like to soar into the sky,fly high above the trees.You could stand on high rooftops and never be afraid of falling.You would see so many things as you flew over rooftops and forests.You would feel incredibly free as you traveled from place to place,not bothered by road signs and traffic jams.If I could fly like a bird,I would start from my back yard and travel through townI would look down on the houses and factories.When I got tired,I would land in a field and take a nap.I would travel above rivers,and follow them as they wound along and emptied into lakes and oceans.I would fly above parks,and I would call out to the children as I flew high above them.I would dip and dive as I flew.I would soar up high and dive down low,so that I could almost touch the treetops.Have you ever flown?I know that you can't fly like a bird,but you might have taken an airplane ride.When you're in an airplane,you pass through clouds.It is exciting to take an airplane ride.I love taking airplane flights.I like to look down the earth.When you are up that high,everything below you looks tiny.That's the closet I'll get to flying like a bird.But I can still use my imagination and spread my wings and soar high above the world just like a bird.
3/28/20213 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 5. If I Could Fly

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.soar 翱翔2.rooftops 屋顶3.wound/wind 曲折而行4.dip 下降5.dive 俯冲6.spread 展开原文If I Could FlyI sometimes imagine what it would be like if I could fly like a bird.Just imagine what it would be like to soar into the sky,fly high above the trees.You could stand on high rooftops and never be afraid of falling.You would see so many things as you flew over rooftops and forests.You would feel incredibly free as you traveled from place to place,not bothered by road signs and traffic jams.If I could fly like a bird,I would start from my back yard and travel through townI would look down on the houses and factories.When I got tired,I would land in a field and take a nap.I would travel above rivers,and follow them as they wound along and emptied into lakes and oceans.I would fly above parks,and I would call out to the children as I flew high above them.I would dip and dive as I flew.I would soar up high and dive down low,so that I could almost touch the treetops.Have you ever flown?I know that you can't fly like a bird,but you might have taken an airplane ride.When you're in an airplane,you pass through clouds.It is exciting to take an airplane ride.I love taking airplane flights.I like to look down the earth.When you are up that high,everything below you looks tiny.That's the closet I'll get to flying like a bird.But I can still use my imagination and spread my wings and soar high above the world just like a bird.
3/28/20213 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 4. New Year's Day

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tempers 心境2.seldom 很少3.intentions 打算4.regardless of 不管原文New Year's DayOn New Year's Day people start a new year.Many people make resolutions.They resolve to be better people.Some people decide that they will lose weight,so that they can be healthier.Some people decide to give up smoking.They also want to be healthier.There are all kinds of resolutions that people make.Some people try not to lose their tempers.Some people say that they will work harder.There are people who try to give up bad habits.Every year,my brother says that he will stop biting his nails.He stops biting his nails in January,but by February he always starts again.That is the things about New Year's resolutions.People seldom keep them.Everybody starts out with good intentions,but it is very hard to stick with them.I don't make New Year's resolutions.I find that I just break them.I just work to day by day to break my bad habits.I know that I eat too many sweets.Every day,I just try to resist them.I think that every day is a new day ,regardless of whether it is the New Year's day or not.Bad habits are hard to break.The best thing is that never to start any bad habits.I don't know if my brother will ever stop biting his nails,but I know each January he intends to stop.Maybe one of these New Year's Days he'll get over that habit.
3/28/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 4. New Year's Day

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tempers 心境2.seldom 很少3.intentions 打算4.regardless of 不管原文New Year's DayOn New Year's Day people start a new year.Many people make resolutions.They resolve to be better people.Some people decide that they will lose weight,so that they can be healthier.Some people decide to give up smoking.They also want to be healthier.There are all kinds of resolutions that people make.Some people try not to lose their tempers.Some people say that they will work harder.There are people who try to give up bad habits.Every year,my brother says that he will stop biting his nails.He stops biting his nails in January,but by February he always starts again.That is the things about New Year's resolutions.People seldom keep them.Everybody starts out with good intentions,but it is very hard to stick with them.I don't make New Year's resolutions.I find that I just break them.I just work to day by day to break my bad habits.I know that I eat too many sweets.Every day,I just try to resist them.I think that every day is a new day ,regardless of whether it is the New Year's day or not.Bad habits are hard to break.The best thing is that never to start any bad habits.I don't know if my brother will ever stop biting his nails,but I know each January he intends to stop.Maybe one of these New Year's Days he'll get over that habit.
3/28/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 3. The Birthday Gift

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.weeded 除草原文The Birthday GiftIt is going to be my father's birthday.What can I give him?I don't have much money.I have looked all through the stores,and I have not found anything that I think he would like,or that I can afford.I have thought very hard about what to buy for him.I thought that he might like some candy,but my father really doesn't eat many sweets.I thought that he might like a new shirt,but he has lots of clothes.I can't afford a new car or computer for him.I was watching him on the weekend.He cut the grass,washed the car,took out the garbage,weeded the garden and watered the plants.I got an idea.I went to my room and took out some paper.I cut out pieces of paper,and I wrote on them.I wrote on one piece of paper that I would wash the car every weekend for the summer.I wrote on another piece that I would take out the garbage every week for the summer.I also wrote that I would cut the grass,weeded the garden and watered the plants every week for the summer.I made a birthday card for my dad,and I put the pieces of paper inside it.I went downstairs and gave me gift to my dad.My dad thought that the gift was very thoughtful.He said that it was a gift from the heart.I did all those things for my dad all summer.He said that he had a lot of time because I helped him so much.My dad and I are good friends.I don't mind doing things for him because I know that he is always there to help me out.A good gift doesn't have to something that costs a lot.My dad says that the best gifts are the ones that show how much you care for the other person.I'm glad my dad liked his gift.
3/28/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 3. The Birthday Gift

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.weeded 除草原文The Birthday GiftIt is going to be my father's birthday.What can I give him?I don't have much money.I have looked all through the stores,and I have not found anything that I think he would like,or that I can afford.I have thought very hard about what to buy for him.I thought that he might like some candy,but my father really doesn't eat many sweets.I thought that he might like a new shirt,but he has lots of clothes.I can't afford a new car or computer for him.I was watching him on the weekend.He cut the grass,washed the car,took out the garbage,weeded the garden and watered the plants.I got an idea.I went to my room and took out some paper.I cut out pieces of paper,and I wrote on them.I wrote on one piece of paper that I would wash the car every weekend for the summer.I wrote on another piece that I would take out the garbage every week for the summer.I also wrote that I would cut the grass,weeded the garden and watered the plants every week for the summer.I made a birthday card for my dad,and I put the pieces of paper inside it.I went downstairs and gave me gift to my dad.My dad thought that the gift was very thoughtful.He said that it was a gift from the heart.I did all those things for my dad all summer.He said that he had a lot of time because I helped him so much.My dad and I are good friends.I don't mind doing things for him because I know that he is always there to help me out.A good gift doesn't have to something that costs a lot.My dad says that the best gifts are the ones that show how much you care for the other person.I'm glad my dad liked his gift.
3/28/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 2. Why Do People Dislike Other People?

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.mean 刻薄2.cruel 冷酷原文Why Do People Dislike Other People?Some people don't like other people just because they look different.I think that is silly.I don't think that it is fair to judge someone by the way they look.Some people look very nice,but they are mean or cruel.Some people look very ordinary,but they are incredibly nice.I remember when I was in grade one,I saw a girl across the room.She had a mean look on her face.I thought to myself that she was probably not a very nice person.I stayed away from her,and played with the other children.Then,we had to play a game,and the teacher said that she would pick partners for me.The teacher picked the girl with the mean face as my partner.I didn't think that the game would be much fun at all with a partner who seemed as mean as that girl.I walk up to her and said hello.The girl's face changed.She smiled at me,and she began to talk to me.Her mean face disappeared.We had lots of fun playing the game.We laughed a lot and enjoyed each other's company.That girl became my best friend.Now I look at her I see what is inside her.Sometimes she doesn't smile,but I know what is she like.She is a kind and funny person.I have learned that you can't“judge a book by its cover”.It is not fair to dislike someone just because they don't look like you want them to look.You have to get to know a person.It doesn't matter to me what color a person's skin color is.It doesn't matter to me if they are short or tall,skinny or fat,or happy or sad looking.I judge people by how they treat me,and I try to treat people like I would want to be treated.
3/27/20214 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 2. Why Do People Dislike Other People?

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.mean 刻薄2.cruel 冷酷原文Why Do People Dislike Other People?Some people don't like other people just because they look different.I think that is silly.I don't think that it is fair to judge someone by the way they look.Some people look very nice,but they are mean or cruel.Some people look very ordinary,but they are incredibly nice.I remember when I was in grade one,I saw a girl across the room.She had a mean look on her face.I thought to myself that she was probably not a very nice person.I stayed away from her,and played with the other children.Then,we had to play a game,and the teacher said that she would pick partners for me.The teacher picked the girl with the mean face as my partner.I didn't think that the game would be much fun at all with a partner who seemed as mean as that girl.I walk up to her and said hello.The girl's face changed.She smiled at me,and she began to talk to me.Her mean face disappeared.We had lots of fun playing the game.We laughed a lot and enjoyed each other's company.That girl became my best friend.Now I look at her I see what is inside her.Sometimes she doesn't smile,but I know what is she like.She is a kind and funny person.I have learned that you can't“judge a book by its cover”.It is not fair to dislike someone just because they don't look like you want them to look.You have to get to know a person.It doesn't matter to me what color a person's skin color is.It doesn't matter to me if they are short or tall,skinny or fat,or happy or sad looking.I judge people by how they treat me,and I try to treat people like I would want to be treated.
3/27/20214 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 1. I Want to Dye my Hair Green

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.dye 染色2.fad 时尚 纹身4.cliff 悬崖原文I Want to Dye my Hair GreenMany of my friends have dyed their hair different colors.I don't mean normal hair colors like brown or black.My friends have dyed their hair orange,purple and blue.I told my mother that I would like to dye my hair green.I explained to my mother that I would only use food coloring.The green would not last forever.My mother said that dying your hair was a silly fad.She said that I would not look good with green hair.I said that if I couldn't dye my hair green,maybe I could get a nose ring.My mother said“no”.I said that maybe a tattoo on my arm would be nice.My mother said“no way”.My mother said that she did some crazy things when she was a young girl.She said that she used to iron her hair to make it straight.That sounds quite boring to me.My friend Joan came over.Her hair is dyed bright pink.My father said“nice hair,Joan”.I don't think that he really meant it.My mother said that when I am an adult,I can dye my hair whatever crazy color I like,but for now she would like me to leave my hair its natural color.I tried to tell her that all my friends were doing it.My mother asked“if all my friends were jumping off a cliff,would do it too ”I said“no”.I think I'll have to wait to have green hair.But maybe by the time I'm old enough to dye my hair green,I won't want it that color.My mother says that fads change all the time.One day something might be popular,and the next day it's not in style at all.I'll just have to live without green hair for now.I wonder what the fad will be next month.
3/26/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

(Level 2)-Day 1. I Want to Dye my Hair Green

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.dye 染色2.fad 时尚 纹身4.cliff 悬崖原文I Want to Dye my Hair GreenMany of my friends have dyed their hair different colors.I don't mean normal hair colors like brown or black.My friends have dyed their hair orange,purple and blue.I told my mother that I would like to dye my hair green.I explained to my mother that I would only use food coloring.The green would not last forever.My mother said that dying your hair was a silly fad.She said that I would not look good with green hair.I said that if I couldn't dye my hair green,maybe I could get a nose ring.My mother said“no”.I said that maybe a tattoo on my arm would be nice.My mother said“no way”.My mother said that she did some crazy things when she was a young girl.She said that she used to iron her hair to make it straight.That sounds quite boring to me.My friend Joan came over.Her hair is dyed bright pink.My father said“nice hair,Joan”.I don't think that he really meant it.My mother said that when I am an adult,I can dye my hair whatever crazy color I like,but for now she would like me to leave my hair its natural color.I tried to tell her that all my friends were doing it.My mother asked“if all my friends were jumping off a cliff,would do it too ”I said“no”.I think I'll have to wait to have green hair.But maybe by the time I'm old enough to dye my hair green,I won't want it that color.My mother says that fads change all the time.One day something might be popular,and the next day it's not in style at all.I'll just have to live without green hair for now.I wonder what the fad will be next month.
3/26/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_115 The Bedroom

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bedspread 床罩2.feather pillows 羽毛枕头3.lamp 灯4.frames 相框5.drawers 抽屉6.hangers 衣架7.rug 小地毯8.cozy 舒适的原文The BedroomMy bed is nice and soft.I have a pretty bedspread on my bed.I have sheets and a blanket on my bed also.I use two feather pillows.My pillows have pillowcases on them.My dresser has a mirror on it.I have a lamp on top of my dresser.I also have some picture frames with pictures of my friends and family on the top of my dresser.There is an alarm clock beside my bed,so that I can wake up on time in the morning.I keep many clothes in my dresser drawers.The drawers are nice and deep.My closet is large.It is a walk-in closet.I have my clothes hanging in my closet.All of my clothes are hung on hangers.My shoes are all lined up on the floor of my closet.There are shelves are at the top of my closet.I keep games up there.There is a rug on my bedroom floor.My bedroom window looks out over the back yard.There are curtains on my bedroom window.My bedroom is very cozy.At night,I turn off the lamp and get under the covers.I set my alarm clock at seven o'clock.I lay my head on the pillow,and I fall asleep.
3/25/20213 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_115 The Bedroom

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bedspread 床罩2.feather pillows 羽毛枕头3.lamp 灯4.frames 相框5.drawers 抽屉6.hangers 衣架7.rug 小地毯8.cozy 舒适的原文The BedroomMy bed is nice and soft.I have a pretty bedspread on my bed.I have sheets and a blanket on my bed also.I use two feather pillows.My pillows have pillowcases on them.My dresser has a mirror on it.I have a lamp on top of my dresser.I also have some picture frames with pictures of my friends and family on the top of my dresser.There is an alarm clock beside my bed,so that I can wake up on time in the morning.I keep many clothes in my dresser drawers.The drawers are nice and deep.My closet is large.It is a walk-in closet.I have my clothes hanging in my closet.All of my clothes are hung on hangers.My shoes are all lined up on the floor of my closet.There are shelves are at the top of my closet.I keep games up there.There is a rug on my bedroom floor.My bedroom window looks out over the back yard.There are curtains on my bedroom window.My bedroom is very cozy.At night,I turn off the lamp and get under the covers.I set my alarm clock at seven o'clock.I lay my head on the pillow,and I fall asleep.
3/25/20213 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_114 The Bathroom

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rod 杆子2.towels 毛巾3.racks 支架4.sink 洗涤池5.plug 塞子6.drain 排水管7.flush 冲刷8.swooshes 哗哗响9.tissue 纸巾10.cabinet 橱柜11.spray 喷雾剂12.gel 凝胶13.combs 梳子 floss 牙线原文The BathroomThere is a bathtub in my bathroom.On the wall over the bathtub,there is a shower head.We have a shower curtain hanging on the rod over the bathtub.If we want to take a shower,we close the curtain.There is soap and shampoo in the bathroom.The soup is used for washing yourself,and the shampoo is used to wash your hair.Towels are hanging on racks.There are washcloths and facecloths to wash yourself with.The sink has hot and cold taps.There is a plug for the drain.When you pull the plug,the water runs out of the sink.There is a toilet in the bathroom.When you flush the toilet,the water swooshes out of it.There is the toilet tissue hanging beside the toilet.We keep other things in the bathroom too.There is a medicine cabinet which holds pain killers,toothpaste and makeup.My mother likes to wear a lot of makeup on her face.There is also hair spray and gel.There are brushes and combs for our hair.There are toothbrushes and dental floss for our teeth.We only have one bathroom, so we have to line up to use it.It is good to have more than one bathroom in a house.
3/25/20213 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_114 The Bathroom

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rod 杆子2.towels 毛巾3.racks 支架4.sink 洗涤池5.plug 塞子6.drain 排水管7.flush 冲刷8.swooshes 哗哗响9.tissue 纸巾10.cabinet 橱柜11.spray 喷雾剂12.gel 凝胶13.combs 梳子 floss 牙线原文The BathroomThere is a bathtub in my bathroom.On the wall over the bathtub,there is a shower head.We have a shower curtain hanging on the rod over the bathtub.If we want to take a shower,we close the curtain.There is soap and shampoo in the bathroom.The soup is used for washing yourself,and the shampoo is used to wash your hair.Towels are hanging on racks.There are washcloths and facecloths to wash yourself with.The sink has hot and cold taps.There is a plug for the drain.When you pull the plug,the water runs out of the sink.There is a toilet in the bathroom.When you flush the toilet,the water swooshes out of it.There is the toilet tissue hanging beside the toilet.We keep other things in the bathroom too.There is a medicine cabinet which holds pain killers,toothpaste and makeup.My mother likes to wear a lot of makeup on her face.There is also hair spray and gel.There are brushes and combs for our hair.There are toothbrushes and dental floss for our teeth.We only have one bathroom, so we have to line up to use it.It is good to have more than one bathroom in a house.
3/25/20213 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_113 Places to Lives

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.dormitory 宿舍楼2.tent 帐篷3.motel 汽车旅馆4.trailer 拖车原文Places to LivesI live in a house.My house is a town.My uncle lives in an apartment building.His apartment building is in a busy city.My cousin lives in a dormitory in a school.He shares his room with a classmate.My uncle lives out in the country.He lives on the farm.The police caught a criminal,now the criminal lives in prison.When I go to summer camp,I live in a tent.When my parents go on vacation,they live in a motel or a hotel.A motel only has one or two floors.A hotel usually has many floors.My aunt and uncle live in a trailer.They like to move around from place to place.My friends live in a cottage by a lake.My grandfather lives in a retirement home.My people who are about the same age as he is live there.I would like to live in a palace.I think you have to be a king,or a queen,or a prince,or a princess to live in a palace.
3/25/20212 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_113 Places to Lives

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.dormitory 宿舍楼2.tent 帐篷3.motel 汽车旅馆4.trailer 拖车原文Places to LivesI live in a house.My house is a town.My uncle lives in an apartment building.His apartment building is in a busy city.My cousin lives in a dormitory in a school.He shares his room with a classmate.My uncle lives out in the country.He lives on the farm.The police caught a criminal,now the criminal lives in prison.When I go to summer camp,I live in a tent.When my parents go on vacation,they live in a motel or a hotel.A motel only has one or two floors.A hotel usually has many floors.My aunt and uncle live in a trailer.They like to move around from place to place.My friends live in a cottage by a lake.My grandfather lives in a retirement home.My people who are about the same age as he is live there.I would like to live in a palace.I think you have to be a king,or a queen,or a prince,or a princess to live in a palace.
3/25/20212 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_112 Roommate Wanted

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.spacious 宽敞2.facilities 设施3.hydro 水力4.utilities 公共事业5.responsible 负责6.resume 简历7.duplex 复式住宅7.references 证明原文Roommate WantedSpacious two-bedroom apartment with kitchen facilities.On the bus route to Brock University.Looking for quiet female roommate.Must be a non-smoker.Available from September 1.$300 a month.Hydro is including.Call Barb after 5.905-111-1111.For SaleTen speed men's bike for sale.Excellent condition.$100 dollars or best offer.Call Fred 905-111-1111.Apartment for RentThree-bedroom apartment in the downtown area.$450 a month.With walking distance to stores and bus route.Utilities not included.Call 905-111-1111.Please leave a message on the machine,and I will get back to you.Roommate WantedResponsible,quiet roommate wanted to share to bedroom apartment.Some furniture including.First and last month's rent required.$300 a month.Utilities included.Call before 6.905-111-1111.Ask for George.Help WantedFriendly reliable person wanted to work part time hours at shoe store.No experience necessary,we will train you.Please leave resume at Friendly Feet Shoe Store,34 Main,Niagara Falls.For SaleTextbooks for sale.Included are 2ndyear English and American history texts.Excellent condition.For complete list of texts,call Marie 905-111-1111 anytime after 5.Upper Half of Duplex for RentWithin walking distance to Brock University.Two bedroom and balcony.Laundry facilities in basement.Very spacious and clean.Hydro not included.References required.$700 per month.Call 905-111-1111,and ask for Mr. Bridges.
3/25/20215 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_112 Roommate Wanted

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.spacious 宽敞2.facilities 设施3.hydro 水力4.utilities 公共事业5.responsible 负责6.resume 简历7.duplex 复式住宅7.references 证明原文Roommate WantedSpacious two-bedroom apartment with kitchen facilities.On the bus route to Brock University.Looking for quiet female roommate.Must be a non-smoker.Available from September 1.$300 a month.Hydro is including.Call Barb after 5.905-111-1111.For SaleTen speed men's bike for sale.Excellent condition.$100 dollars or best offer.Call Fred 905-111-1111.Apartment for RentThree-bedroom apartment in the downtown area.$450 a month.With walking distance to stores and bus route.Utilities not included.Call 905-111-1111.Please leave a message on the machine,and I will get back to you.Roommate WantedResponsible,quiet roommate wanted to share to bedroom apartment.Some furniture including.First and last month's rent required.$300 a month.Utilities included.Call before 6.905-111-1111.Ask for George.Help WantedFriendly reliable person wanted to work part time hours at shoe store.No experience necessary,we will train you.Please leave resume at Friendly Feet Shoe Store,34 Main,Niagara Falls.For SaleTextbooks for sale.Included are 2ndyear English and American history texts.Excellent condition.For complete list of texts,call Marie 905-111-1111 anytime after 5.Upper Half of Duplex for RentWithin walking distance to Brock University.Two bedroom and balcony.Laundry facilities in basement.Very spacious and clean.Hydro not included.References required.$700 per month.Call 905-111-1111,and ask for Mr. Bridges.
3/25/20215 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_111 Memories

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.captured 捕获 胶片3.precious 宝贵的4.cherish 珍惜原文MemoriesSomebody once asked me what the most valuable things that I own were.I thought about that for a long time.Then I realized that most of the things that I had could be replaced.What I would not be able to replaced were the photographs that I had of my friends and family.Photographs are memories that are captured on film.Some of the photographs are of the people who are no longer with us.I would hate to lose them.Memories are precious.They are all we have sometimes to link us to days gone by.I remember the good times.I try to relive them in my mind sometimes.I remember the sad times.Some of the sad memories are painful,but they are all a part of my life,and I don't want to lose any of my memories.People come into our lives and people leave our lives,but most people leave our a memory for us.I have lots of memories,and when I look at my photographs,the memories come flooding back into my brain.I remember what people were like when they were younger.I remember vacations that I took.I remember the days that seem ordinary at the time,but you never get to relive even the ordinary days.Memories are so precious.Cherish your memories,and keep them in a place close to your heart.
3/23/20213 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_111 Memories

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.captured 捕获 胶片3.precious 宝贵的4.cherish 珍惜原文MemoriesSomebody once asked me what the most valuable things that I own were.I thought about that for a long time.Then I realized that most of the things that I had could be replaced.What I would not be able to replaced were the photographs that I had of my friends and family.Photographs are memories that are captured on film.Some of the photographs are of the people who are no longer with us.I would hate to lose them.Memories are precious.They are all we have sometimes to link us to days gone by.I remember the good times.I try to relive them in my mind sometimes.I remember the sad times.Some of the sad memories are painful,but they are all a part of my life,and I don't want to lose any of my memories.People come into our lives and people leave our lives,but most people leave our a memory for us.I have lots of memories,and when I look at my photographs,the memories come flooding back into my brain.I remember what people were like when they were younger.I remember vacations that I took.I remember the days that seem ordinary at the time,but you never get to relive even the ordinary days.Memories are so precious.Cherish your memories,and keep them in a place close to your heart.
3/23/20213 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_110 Amy

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.wheelchair 轮椅2.crayon 蜡笔3.tray 托盘 信用5.handle 处理原文AmyAmy was a girl who came into our classroom.She had many things wrong with her.Amy was in a wheelchair,and she couldn't talk.She couldn't make her hands and feet do what she wanted them to do.We wondered why Amy would even be in our class,because she really couldn't do much of anything.Amy had a teaching assistant who had to stay with her all the time.One day,the teaching assistant got called away.I had to look after Amy.I was afraid to look after her.I really didn't know what to do.I sat beside Amy,and smiled at her.She smiled back at me.I never realized before that she had a such nice smile.Amy made a noise.It seemed like she wanted a crayon that was lying beside her.I put the crayon into her hand.She had trouble holding it,but eventually she got the crayon into her hand well enough ,so that she could make marks on the paper that was on the tray in front of her.Amy spent a long time making marks on the paper.She tried so hard to create whatever it was that she was drawing.She worked for a long time.I just watched her,and I gave her a lot of credit for not giving up when she obviously had so many problems.When she was finally done,she picked up the paper with great difficulty.With a look of pride on her face,she handed me the picture.It was for me.I was very touched that she spent all that time drawing something for me.I thanked Amy and smiled at her.I told her I loved the picture.I still have the picture,although I'm not sure what it is a picture of.I learned a lot from Amy that day.I saw a brave girl who wouldn't give up.Whenever I think my problem is too big to handle,I think of Amy and I remember her smile.
3/22/20214 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_110 Amy

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.wheelchair 轮椅2.crayon 蜡笔3.tray 托盘 信用5.handle 处理原文AmyAmy was a girl who came into our classroom.She had many things wrong with her.Amy was in a wheelchair,and she couldn't talk.She couldn't make her hands and feet do what she wanted them to do.We wondered why Amy would even be in our class,because she really couldn't do much of anything.Amy had a teaching assistant who had to stay with her all the time.One day,the teaching assistant got called away.I had to look after Amy.I was afraid to look after her.I really didn't know what to do.I sat beside Amy,and smiled at her.She smiled back at me.I never realized before that she had a such nice smile.Amy made a noise.It seemed like she wanted a crayon that was lying beside her.I put the crayon into her hand.She had trouble holding it,but eventually she got the crayon into her hand well enough ,so that she could make marks on the paper that was on the tray in front of her.Amy spent a long time making marks on the paper.She tried so hard to create whatever it was that she was drawing.She worked for a long time.I just watched her,and I gave her a lot of credit for not giving up when she obviously had so many problems.When she was finally done,she picked up the paper with great difficulty.With a look of pride on her face,she handed me the picture.It was for me.I was very touched that she spent all that time drawing something for me.I thanked Amy and smiled at her.I told her I loved the picture.I still have the picture,although I'm not sure what it is a picture of.I learned a lot from Amy that day.I saw a brave girl who wouldn't give up.Whenever I think my problem is too big to handle,I think of Amy and I remember her smile.
3/22/20214 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_109 Time

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.measure 测量2.conscious 意识到3.glance 瞥一眼原文TimeTime is something you should never waste.Once an hour is gone,it is gone forever.You should make the most of every minute.Time is a funny thing.Some days go by so slowly.Those are the days that you do things that aren't fun.When you are having fun,time just flies by.Time is made up of different units.Seconds turn into minutes.Minutes turn into hours.Hours turn into days.Days turn into weeks.Weeks turn into months,and months turn into years.We measure our lives by time.We are very concerned with time.Even little children are very conscious of time.Little children often want to appear older,so if you ask a three-year-old how old he is,he will often says three and a half.Many of our says are based on time.“Give me a minute.”“Hold on a second.”“I'm running out of time.”“Time's up.”“I just want an hour of your time”.All of these are common things that we say,and they're all based on time.We are a society that lives by the clock.We almost all wear watches,and we glance at our watches a lot.Time is something that we can't see,but it is a big factor in our lives.How many times a day do you look at a watch or a clock?I bet you're surprised at just how many times you do.
3/21/20213 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_109 Time

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.measure 测量2.conscious 意识到3.glance 瞥一眼原文TimeTime is something you should never waste.Once an hour is gone,it is gone forever.You should make the most of every minute.Time is a funny thing.Some days go by so slowly.Those are the days that you do things that aren't fun.When you are having fun,time just flies by.Time is made up of different units.Seconds turn into minutes.Minutes turn into hours.Hours turn into days.Days turn into weeks.Weeks turn into months,and months turn into years.We measure our lives by time.We are very concerned with time.Even little children are very conscious of time.Little children often want to appear older,so if you ask a three-year-old how old he is,he will often says three and a half.Many of our says are based on time.“Give me a minute.”“Hold on a second.”“I'm running out of time.”“Time's up.”“I just want an hour of your time”.All of these are common things that we say,and they're all based on time.We are a society that lives by the clock.We almost all wear watches,and we glance at our watches a lot.Time is something that we can't see,but it is a big factor in our lives.How many times a day do you look at a watch or a clock?I bet you're surprised at just how many times you do.
3/21/20213 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_108 Getting Old

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cane 手杖2.bald 秃头3.wrinkled 皱纹4.naps 瞌睡原文Getting OldMy grandfather is getting old.When I was younger ,my grandfather would carry me on his shoulders,and we would go for a walk.Now,my grandfather cannot put me on his shoulders.He has a hard time walking,and he uses a cane.My grandfather used to have lots of hair.Now he is bald.His skin doesn't look like it used to.It is more wrinkled.My grandfather takes more naps than he used to.He goes to doctor's,and he takes pills for his heart.I love my grandfather very much.I don't like the fact that he is getting old,but my mother says that growing older is just a fact of life.She says that we will all get older.Sometimes my grandfather forgets things.My mother says to be patient.I am patient.I try to help my grandfather as much as I can.I sometimes go for a walk with him.I help him to walk when he has trouble.I cheer him up when I think he might be sad.I get things for him,and I even read to him at night.He used to read to me when I was little.Now his eyesight is bad,and he can't see very well.My grandfather tells me stories about when he was a boy.The world was a very different place than he tells me.His stories are interesting.Sometimes I wish we could trade places for a day,so that I would know what it felt like to be old.My grandfather doesn't complain.He jokes about his old bones.I spend a lot of time with my grandfather.I hope that he is around for a long time.
3/21/20213 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_108 Getting Old

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cane 手杖2.bald 秃头3.wrinkled 皱纹4.naps 瞌睡原文Getting OldMy grandfather is getting old.When I was younger ,my grandfather would carry me on his shoulders,and we would go for a walk.Now,my grandfather cannot put me on his shoulders.He has a hard time walking,and he uses a cane.My grandfather used to have lots of hair.Now he is bald.His skin doesn't look like it used to.It is more wrinkled.My grandfather takes more naps than he used to.He goes to doctor's,and he takes pills for his heart.I love my grandfather very much.I don't like the fact that he is getting old,but my mother says that growing older is just a fact of life.She says that we will all get older.Sometimes my grandfather forgets things.My mother says to be patient.I am patient.I try to help my grandfather as much as I can.I sometimes go for a walk with him.I help him to walk when he has trouble.I cheer him up when I think he might be sad.I get things for him,and I even read to him at night.He used to read to me when I was little.Now his eyesight is bad,and he can't see very well.My grandfather tells me stories about when he was a boy.The world was a very different place than he tells me.His stories are interesting.Sometimes I wish we could trade places for a day,so that I would know what it felt like to be old.My grandfather doesn't complain.He jokes about his old bones.I spend a lot of time with my grandfather.I hope that he is around for a long time.
3/21/20213 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_107 Making Friends

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fascinating 吸引人的原文Making FriendsI used to be very shy.I would not go up to someone that I did not know and say hello.I was afraid that people would not want to talk to me.I have changed.I have become less shy.I have learned that making friends is easy to do.All you have to do is say hello.Most people will respond to a smile and a friendly hello.People will begin to talk to you about little things in their lives.You will soon realize you have something in common with that person.Whenever I start talking to a new person,I find that there is some interest that we share.Maybe we know some of the same people,or we went to the same school.Often we find that we like the same music or the same movies.It is easy to have a conversation with someone once you find a topic that you both can relate to.The most important part to making friends is to listen to what the other people says.If you take an interest in them,they are sure take an interest in you.I have learned many things from many people.I have had many fascinating conversations,and I have made a lot of good friends.One day,a girl came up to me and said that she was lost.She couldn't find her way to her English class.I said that I was going to that class too.I told her to come with me.We began talking,and we became very good friends.That was a few years ago.She is still one of my best friends.Just think,if she hadn't been lost,we might never have become friends.
3/21/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_107 Making Friends

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fascinating 吸引人的原文Making FriendsI used to be very shy.I would not go up to someone that I did not know and say hello.I was afraid that people would not want to talk to me.I have changed.I have become less shy.I have learned that making friends is easy to do.All you have to do is say hello.Most people will respond to a smile and a friendly hello.People will begin to talk to you about little things in their lives.You will soon realize you have something in common with that person.Whenever I start talking to a new person,I find that there is some interest that we share.Maybe we know some of the same people,or we went to the same school.Often we find that we like the same music or the same movies.It is easy to have a conversation with someone once you find a topic that you both can relate to.The most important part to making friends is to listen to what the other people says.If you take an interest in them,they are sure take an interest in you.I have learned many things from many people.I have had many fascinating conversations,and I have made a lot of good friends.One day,a girl came up to me and said that she was lost.She couldn't find her way to her English class.I said that I was going to that class too.I told her to come with me.We began talking,and we became very good friends.That was a few years ago.She is still one of my best friends.Just think,if she hadn't been lost,we might never have become friends.
3/21/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_106 Favorite Colors

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.daffodils 水仙花2.dandelions 蒲公英原文Favorite ColorsMy very favorite color is purple.There are not a lot of things that are purple.Some grapes are purple.Sometimes the sky looks purple.My second favorite color is blue.Something is blue.The sky is blue,and water is blue.Many people have blue eyes.Green is a very common color in nature.Trees are green in summer.Some trees are green all year long.Grass is green.Sometimes water looks green.Many people have green eyes.Many vegetables are green.Broccoli,cabbages,beans,lettuce,peas and cucumbers are all green.Green vegetables are very good for you.Yellow is a bright color.The sun looks yellow.Bananas are yellow.Some people have yellow hair.Daffodils and dandelions are yellow.White is a common color,especially in the winter.Snow is white.Clouds are white.Polar bears,some dogs and some cats are white.There are white flowers that grow.Some flowers are red.Roses can be red.Blood is red.Sometimes the sky is red at night or in the morning.Artists use all these colors to make beautiful paintings.Nature used all these colors to make the beautiful earth.We are so fortunate to be surround by beauty.We should do our part to make sure that nature stays beauty and clean.
3/21/20213 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_106 Favorite Colors

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.daffodils 水仙花2.dandelions 蒲公英原文Favorite ColorsMy very favorite color is purple.There are not a lot of things that are purple.Some grapes are purple.Sometimes the sky looks purple.My second favorite color is blue.Something is blue.The sky is blue,and water is blue.Many people have blue eyes.Green is a very common color in nature.Trees are green in summer.Some trees are green all year long.Grass is green.Sometimes water looks green.Many people have green eyes.Many vegetables are green.Broccoli,cabbages,beans,lettuce,peas and cucumbers are all green.Green vegetables are very good for you.Yellow is a bright color.The sun looks yellow.Bananas are yellow.Some people have yellow hair.Daffodils and dandelions are yellow.White is a common color,especially in the winter.Snow is white.Clouds are white.Polar bears,some dogs and some cats are white.There are white flowers that grow.Some flowers are red.Roses can be red.Blood is red.Sometimes the sky is red at night or in the morning.Artists use all these colors to make beautiful paintings.Nature used all these colors to make the beautiful earth.We are so fortunate to be surround by beauty.We should do our part to make sure that nature stays beauty and clean.
3/21/20213 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_105 When I Grow Up

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.principal 校长2.veterinarian 兽医3.shots 打针4.rescue 救援5.defending 辩护6.carpenter 木匠7.welder 焊接工8.metal 金属原文When I Grow Up I have been thinking about what I'd like to be when I grow up.There are so many choices.I could be a principal like my father.I could be a teacher.I like animals.Maybe I should be a veterinarian.My cat just went to the veterinarian to get her shots.I don't think my cat was too happy to be there.I could be a farmer and grow vegetables.Maybe I could be a doctor and cure people.If I was good enough,I could be a famous sports person or a singer.I could be an actor on television or in the movies.Maybe I would like to be a policeman or a fireman.I could rescue people.I can play the piano.Maybe I should be a musician.I could be a lawyer.I sometimes watch shows about layers defending people.Lawyers have to be able to speak well.I could be a carpenter and work with wood,or I could be a welder and work with metal.There are just so many jobs.I could work in a restaurant.I could cook food,or I could serve food.I could be an airplane pilot or the captain of a ship.I could be a repairman or an artist.The world is full of jobs.Some of the jobs require a lot of education.Some require a little bit training and some require a lot of training.It's all up to me.I can be whatever I want to be.
3/21/20213 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_105 When I Grow Up

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.principal 校长2.veterinarian 兽医3.shots 打针4.rescue 救援5.defending 辩护6.carpenter 木匠7.welder 焊接工8.metal 金属原文When I Grow Up I have been thinking about what I'd like to be when I grow up.There are so many choices.I could be a principal like my father.I could be a teacher.I like animals.Maybe I should be a veterinarian.My cat just went to the veterinarian to get her shots.I don't think my cat was too happy to be there.I could be a farmer and grow vegetables.Maybe I could be a doctor and cure people.If I was good enough,I could be a famous sports person or a singer.I could be an actor on television or in the movies.Maybe I would like to be a policeman or a fireman.I could rescue people.I can play the piano.Maybe I should be a musician.I could be a lawyer.I sometimes watch shows about layers defending people.Lawyers have to be able to speak well.I could be a carpenter and work with wood,or I could be a welder and work with metal.There are just so many jobs.I could work in a restaurant.I could cook food,or I could serve food.I could be an airplane pilot or the captain of a ship.I could be a repairman or an artist.The world is full of jobs.Some of the jobs require a lot of education.Some require a little bit training and some require a lot of training.It's all up to me.I can be whatever I want to be.
3/21/20213 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_104 The Library

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.atlas 地图册2.fine 罚款 食谱原文The LibraryOne of my favorite places is the library.I go there to get books for school,and I go there to get books for pleasure.I often read mysteries for fun.In the summer,I read lots of mysteries.I like to sit outside and read.In the winter,I have to read books for school.I go to the library to find out things for my projects.I often use the dictionary and the atlas.Some of my friends go with me,and we sit at the tables and do our homework.We can't make a lot of noise in the library.People have to be quiet when they are in a library.When I first went to the library,I was confused about how to find books.The librarian showed me how to use the computer to find books.Now I am able to do all my research by myself.I have read some very interesting books.I have learned a lot for library books.I always bring the books back on time,so I don't get a fine.I am collecting books at home.People often give me books for gifts.Soon I will have my own library.Reading is a good hobby.Everyone in my family likes to read.The library has other things besides books.There are videos at the library.There are also compact discs at the library.I have a library card so I can get books,videos or compact discs whenever I want toMy mother sometimes goes to the library to look at the magazines.She gets some good recipes from the magazines.My father looks for books on how to build things.He is building some bookshelves for me at the moment.He found the instructions in a book.My little brother reads children's books.He likes books about trains.I have liked books ever since I was very small.My mother says that reading is a good habit to get into.
3/20/20214 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_104 The Library

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.atlas 地图册2.fine 罚款 食谱原文The LibraryOne of my favorite places is the library.I go there to get books for school,and I go there to get books for pleasure.I often read mysteries for fun.In the summer,I read lots of mysteries.I like to sit outside and read.In the winter,I have to read books for school.I go to the library to find out things for my projects.I often use the dictionary and the atlas.Some of my friends go with me,and we sit at the tables and do our homework.We can't make a lot of noise in the library.People have to be quiet when they are in a library.When I first went to the library,I was confused about how to find books.The librarian showed me how to use the computer to find books.Now I am able to do all my research by myself.I have read some very interesting books.I have learned a lot for library books.I always bring the books back on time,so I don't get a fine.I am collecting books at home.People often give me books for gifts.Soon I will have my own library.Reading is a good hobby.Everyone in my family likes to read.The library has other things besides books.There are videos at the library.There are also compact discs at the library.I have a library card so I can get books,videos or compact discs whenever I want toMy mother sometimes goes to the library to look at the magazines.She gets some good recipes from the magazines.My father looks for books on how to build things.He is building some bookshelves for me at the moment.He found the instructions in a book.My little brother reads children's books.He likes books about trains.I have liked books ever since I was very small.My mother says that reading is a good habit to get into.
3/20/20214 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_103 Niagara Falls

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布2.railings 栏杆3.tumbles 滚落4.drawn 拉5.mist 薄雾6.mighty 强大的7.legends 传说8.maid 少女9.daredevils 蛮干的人10.barrels 桶11.tightropes 钢索原文Niagara FallsI live in Niagara Falls.Niagara Falls is a famous place.A lot of tourists visit here every year.Most of the tourists come to see the waterfalls.The waterfalls are very beautiful and powerful.At night,they shine lights on the falls that make them even more dramatic.Tourists line up against the railings to watch the water as it tumbles into the Niagara River.There are other things in Niagara Falls that tourists like to visit.There are a lot of gifts shops and museums.There are many hotels that the tourists can stay at.Tourism is very important to Niagara Falls.Many people work in the tourism industry.There are many jobs in the tourism industry.You can take a special bus and tour Niagara Falls.You can ride in a horse-drawn-carriage and in Niagara-on-the-lake,or you can take a balloon ride over the falls from the American side.You can even ride in a helicopter over the falls.Niagara Falls is very busy in summertime.Summer is the time when most tourists visit here.Sometimes the tourists think it raining near the falls,but it is only the mist that rises from the mighty waterfalls.There are many legends and stories connected to Niagara Falls.There is a special legend called“The Maid of The Mist”.There are stories about the daredevils who thought that they were more powerful than the falls.Some of them went over the falls in barrels,and others walked on the tightropes over the falls.Both of those things are very dangerous.I stay behind the railings when I look at the falls.I know just how powerful the falls are.It is interesting to discover all the stories that there are about Niagara Falls.
3/20/20214 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_103 Niagara Falls

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布2.railings 栏杆3.tumbles 滚落4.drawn 拉5.mist 薄雾6.mighty 强大的7.legends 传说8.maid 少女9.daredevils 蛮干的人10.barrels 桶11.tightropes 钢索原文Niagara FallsI live in Niagara Falls.Niagara Falls is a famous place.A lot of tourists visit here every year.Most of the tourists come to see the waterfalls.The waterfalls are very beautiful and powerful.At night,they shine lights on the falls that make them even more dramatic.Tourists line up against the railings to watch the water as it tumbles into the Niagara River.There are other things in Niagara Falls that tourists like to visit.There are a lot of gifts shops and museums.There are many hotels that the tourists can stay at.Tourism is very important to Niagara Falls.Many people work in the tourism industry.There are many jobs in the tourism industry.You can take a special bus and tour Niagara Falls.You can ride in a horse-drawn-carriage and in Niagara-on-the-lake,or you can take a balloon ride over the falls from the American side.You can even ride in a helicopter over the falls.Niagara Falls is very busy in summertime.Summer is the time when most tourists visit here.Sometimes the tourists think it raining near the falls,but it is only the mist that rises from the mighty waterfalls.There are many legends and stories connected to Niagara Falls.There is a special legend called“The Maid of The Mist”.There are stories about the daredevils who thought that they were more powerful than the falls.Some of them went over the falls in barrels,and others walked on the tightropes over the falls.Both of those things are very dangerous.I stay behind the railings when I look at the falls.I know just how powerful the falls are.It is interesting to discover all the stories that there are about Niagara Falls.
3/20/20214 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_102 The Smart Paperboy

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.faint 微弱的2.hip 臀部3.grateful 感激的原文The Smart PaperboyIn my town,there is a paperboy who just got an award because of his actionsThis boy delivered the local newspaper every morning.One of the people to whom he delivered the paper was an elderly man.This man lived alone.The paperboy had often spoken to the man,so he knew that the man lived alone.The paperboy often left the newspaper in the man's mailbox.One morning,the boy notice that the man had not picked up his newspaper and his mail from the day before.The boy felt that something was not right.All day at school,the boy had a feeling that something might be wrong with the man.After school,the boy went back to the man's house to see if he had taken his mail and newspapers.The newspapers and mail were still in the mailbox.The boy knocked on the man's door.He could hear a faint voice,but could not hear what the person was saying.He tried to open the door,but it was locked.The boy knew that something wasn't right,so he went home and called the police station.He explained to the police that the man lived alone.He gave the address of the man's house to the police.The police knocked on the door,and they also heard the faint voice.The police got into the house and found the man lying at the bottom of the stairs.The man had fallen and broken his hip.The man had not been able to get up.He had been afraid that nobody would find him.He was very grateful to the paperboy for caring enough to get the police.The boy got an award.The man said that the boy was a hero.The police said that the boy was an example of a very good citizen.The paperboy and the man are very good friends.The man will never forget what the paperboy did for him.
3/19/20213 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_102 The Smart Paperboy

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.faint 微弱的2.hip 臀部3.grateful 感激的原文The Smart PaperboyIn my town,there is a paperboy who just got an award because of his actionsThis boy delivered the local newspaper every morning.One of the people to whom he delivered the paper was an elderly man.This man lived alone.The paperboy had often spoken to the man,so he knew that the man lived alone.The paperboy often left the newspaper in the man's mailbox.One morning,the boy notice that the man had not picked up his newspaper and his mail from the day before.The boy felt that something was not right.All day at school,the boy had a feeling that something might be wrong with the man.After school,the boy went back to the man's house to see if he had taken his mail and newspapers.The newspapers and mail were still in the mailbox.The boy knocked on the man's door.He could hear a faint voice,but could not hear what the person was saying.He tried to open the door,but it was locked.The boy knew that something wasn't right,so he went home and called the police station.He explained to the police that the man lived alone.He gave the address of the man's house to the police.The police knocked on the door,and they also heard the faint voice.The police got into the house and found the man lying at the bottom of the stairs.The man had fallen and broken his hip.The man had not been able to get up.He had been afraid that nobody would find him.He was very grateful to the paperboy for caring enough to get the police.The boy got an award.The man said that the boy was a hero.The police said that the boy was an example of a very good citizen.The paperboy and the man are very good friends.The man will never forget what the paperboy did for him.
3/19/20213 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_101 Opposites

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.opposite 反面2.pillow 枕头3.puddle 水坑4.shallow 浅的原文OppositesSome things are opposites of each other.The opposite of black is white.The opposite of happy is sad.If I am at the opposite side of the room from you,it means that I am at the other side of the room than you are on.The opposite of up is down,and the opposite of left is right.Do you know what the opposite of young would be?Old is the opposite of young.What is the opposite of dirty?Clean is the opposite of dirty.Big is the opposite of small.Man is the opposite of woman.Boy is the opposite of girl.Sometimes people think the opposite things than other people.Someone might be wrong,and someone might be right.The opposite of mother is father.See if you can think of some opposites.It is cold in the winter,and it is hot in the summer.My father is very tall,and my brother is very short.A rock is hard,and a pillow is soft.An ocean is deep,and a puddle is shallow.I might tell the truth,and I might tell a lie.All of these things are opposites.The morning is bright,but the night is dark.A feather is light,but an elephant is heavy.Sugar is sweet,but a lemon is sour.A jet plane is fast,but a turtle is slow.I can go out in the day,or I can go out at night.I might love to swim,or I might hate to swim.It is interesting to see how many opposites you can think up.I could say hello,but I think it's time to say goodbye.
3/19/20213 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_101 Opposites

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.opposite 反面2.pillow 枕头3.puddle 水坑4.shallow 浅的原文OppositesSome things are opposites of each other.The opposite of black is white.The opposite of happy is sad.If I am at the opposite side of the room from you,it means that I am at the other side of the room than you are on.The opposite of up is down,and the opposite of left is right.Do you know what the opposite of young would be?Old is the opposite of young.What is the opposite of dirty?Clean is the opposite of dirty.Big is the opposite of small.Man is the opposite of woman.Boy is the opposite of girl.Sometimes people think the opposite things than other people.Someone might be wrong,and someone might be right.The opposite of mother is father.See if you can think of some opposites.It is cold in the winter,and it is hot in the summer.My father is very tall,and my brother is very short.A rock is hard,and a pillow is soft.An ocean is deep,and a puddle is shallow.I might tell the truth,and I might tell a lie.All of these things are opposites.The morning is bright,but the night is dark.A feather is light,but an elephant is heavy.Sugar is sweet,but a lemon is sour.A jet plane is fast,but a turtle is slow.I can go out in the day,or I can go out at night.I might love to swim,or I might hate to swim.It is interesting to see how many opposites you can think up.I could say hello,but I think it's time to say goodbye.
3/19/20213 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_100 Homework

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.diagrams 图标2.occur 发生原文HomeworkSometimes,my teacher gives us homework.I don't mind doing my homework except when the weather is really nice and all my friends are outside.On those nights,I'd rather be outside with them,so I try to get my homework done quickly.Tonight,I have some English homework.We have been reading a book.We have to read a chapter of the book and answer the questions at the end of the chapter.It is an interesting book,so the homework for this is quite easy.My math homework is not so easy.I have to do some addition and subtraction.I don't mind that,but there are some problems that need to be solved.The problems involve addition,subtraction and multiplication.I am not good with numbers.I need to work harder on my math.I just finished a project for history.I had to make a map of Canada with diagrams showing the routes of all the explorers.It was an interesting project,because I have been to some of the places that the explorers went to.I don't have any science homework.At school,we are growing bean plants.We go in every day and see how the plants have grown.We write all the changes that occur in the plant every day.The only other homework that I have is geography.I have the map of Canada,and I have to write the names of all provinces and their capitals on it.It won't take me long to do that,because I know all the provinces.When my homework is all done,I will go outside and play ball with my friends until it is time to come in.I am a good student.I get good marks because I like school.My favorite subjects are physical education,English and history.Math is my least favorite subject,but I'm trying to improve my marks.
3/19/20213 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_100 Homework

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.diagrams 图标2.occur 发生原文HomeworkSometimes,my teacher gives us homework.I don't mind doing my homework except when the weather is really nice and all my friends are outside.On those nights,I'd rather be outside with them,so I try to get my homework done quickly.Tonight,I have some English homework.We have been reading a book.We have to read a chapter of the book and answer the questions at the end of the chapter.It is an interesting book,so the homework for this is quite easy.My math homework is not so easy.I have to do some addition and subtraction.I don't mind that,but there are some problems that need to be solved.The problems involve addition,subtraction and multiplication.I am not good with numbers.I need to work harder on my math.I just finished a project for history.I had to make a map of Canada with diagrams showing the routes of all the explorers.It was an interesting project,because I have been to some of the places that the explorers went to.I don't have any science homework.At school,we are growing bean plants.We go in every day and see how the plants have grown.We write all the changes that occur in the plant every day.The only other homework that I have is geography.I have the map of Canada,and I have to write the names of all provinces and their capitals on it.It won't take me long to do that,because I know all the provinces.When my homework is all done,I will go outside and play ball with my friends until it is time to come in.I am a good student.I get good marks because I like school.My favorite subjects are physical education,English and history.Math is my least favorite subject,but I'm trying to improve my marks.
3/19/20213 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_99 Rhyming Words

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rhyming 押韵2.lime 石灰原文Rhyming wordsSometimes my friends and I play a game.It's something we made up,so it doesn't have a name.We like to take words that rhyme.We put them together line by line.Do get the picture now?We're playing the game,and this is how.I might say that I like to drive a car.I really don't like to go very far.If I decide to take a walk,I'd like go with a friend so that we could talk.Do you see that these lines rhyme?Play the game,if you have time.We could talk about school or even playing.Do you know I am saying?Rhyming words is easy to do.It's fun for me,it can be fun for you.Just join in and say something.Or make it into a song that you can sing.There are so many words that rhyme with others.Like“smile”and“mile”,and“mothers”and“brothers”.I could spend all day just making up these things.I could let my imagination fly on wings.Up to the could and back to my mind.There are so many rhymes that I can find.There are some words that are hard to find rhymes for.I don't use those words anymore.I like to choose words that are easy to rhyme.Like “cat”and“bat”or“lime”and“time”.So give it a try,you'll have fun.I'll say “goodbye”,my rhyming is done.
3/18/20213 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_99 Rhyming Words

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rhyming 押韵2.lime 石灰原文Rhyming wordsSometimes my friends and I play a game.It's something we made up,so it doesn't have a name.We like to take words that rhyme.We put them together line by line.Do get the picture now?We're playing the game,and this is how.I might say that I like to drive a car.I really don't like to go very far.If I decide to take a walk,I'd like go with a friend so that we could talk.Do you see that these lines rhyme?Play the game,if you have time.We could talk about school or even playing.Do you know I am saying?Rhyming words is easy to do.It's fun for me,it can be fun for you.Just join in and say something.Or make it into a song that you can sing.There are so many words that rhyme with others.Like“smile”and“mile”,and“mothers”and“brothers”.I could spend all day just making up these things.I could let my imagination fly on wings.Up to the could and back to my mind.There are so many rhymes that I can find.There are some words that are hard to find rhymes for.I don't use those words anymore.I like to choose words that are easy to rhyme.Like “cat”and“bat”or“lime”and“time”.So give it a try,you'll have fun.I'll say “goodbye”,my rhyming is done.
3/18/20213 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_98 A Surprise

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.frustrated 沮丧的2.spaniel 猎犬原文A SurpriseLast Friday,my dad came home from work and said that he had a surprise for us.We tried to guess what the surprise might be.My brother said that we were going out for dinner.My dad said“no”.My other brother asked if my father had tickets to a hockey game.My dad said“no”.My sister asked if we were going on a trip.My dad said“no”.My mother knew what the surprise was,so she just stood and smiled at us.I guessed that we might be getting a swimming pool.My dad said“no”.We were getting very frustrated trying to guess what the surprise might be.My brother asked how big the surprise was.My dad said that the surprise was quite small.We were not sure what the surprise could be.“Will we all like it?”I asked.“Yes”my dad replied.Every one of you will love this surprise.We heard the noise.It was a crying noise.“Your surprise wants to see you”,my dad saidHe opened the door to the bedroom,and a tiny puppy came running out..We were all excited.Our surprise was a puppy.It was a little baby spaniel.The puppy loved all of us.She ran around and licked all of our faces.We had always wanted a dog.We take turns feeding the puppy and taking her out for walks.She is growing quickly and will soon be an adult dog.We all agree that the puppy was the nicest surprise that my dad could had given us.
3/18/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_98 A Surprise

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.frustrated 沮丧的2.spaniel 猎犬原文A SurpriseLast Friday,my dad came home from work and said that he had a surprise for us.We tried to guess what the surprise might be.My brother said that we were going out for dinner.My dad said“no”.My other brother asked if my father had tickets to a hockey game.My dad said“no”.My sister asked if we were going on a trip.My dad said“no”.My mother knew what the surprise was,so she just stood and smiled at us.I guessed that we might be getting a swimming pool.My dad said“no”.We were getting very frustrated trying to guess what the surprise might be.My brother asked how big the surprise was.My dad said that the surprise was quite small.We were not sure what the surprise could be.“Will we all like it?”I asked.“Yes”my dad replied.Every one of you will love this surprise.We heard the noise.It was a crying noise.“Your surprise wants to see you”,my dad saidHe opened the door to the bedroom,and a tiny puppy came running out..We were all excited.Our surprise was a puppy.It was a little baby spaniel.The puppy loved all of us.She ran around and licked all of our faces.We had always wanted a dog.We take turns feeding the puppy and taking her out for walks.She is growing quickly and will soon be an adult dog.We all agree that the puppy was the nicest surprise that my dad could had given us.
3/18/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_97 My Mother

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.involved 包含2.comforted 安慰原文My MotherMy mother does so many things.She has a job at a dress store;she cooks our meals;she cleans the house;she feeds the pets,and she still finds time to spend with us.My mother is always busy,but she says that her favorite time is time that she spends with us.My mother works from Monday to Friday.When she comes home from work,she makes something for supper.We usually do the dishes,so that she won't have to do them.After supper,she helps us with our homework or she sits down to watch television.Some nights,she goes for shopping,and she takes whoever wants to go with her.Mothers are a little bit of everything.My mother is like a teacher when she helps us with our homework.She is like a nurse when she looks after us when we're ill.She is like a cook when she makes meals for us.She says that cleaning the house is her least favorite thing.She says that the house gets dirty right after you clean it.She gets my father,my brothers ,my sister and me to help her with the cleaning.My mother washes all our clothes,and sometimes she irons them when they need it.My mother says that there are not enough hours in a day.We try to help our mother as much as we can.There is a lot of work involved in keeping a home neat and organized.Most of my friends' mothers work.Mothers are the people who you go to when you need to be comforted.Mothers are the people who can make you feel better.I'm glad that I have mother that I have.My mother is caring and funny.She is fun to be around.
3/18/20213 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_97 My Mother

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.involved 包含2.comforted 安慰原文My MotherMy mother does so many things.She has a job at a dress store;she cooks our meals;she cleans the house;she feeds the pets,and she still finds time to spend with us.My mother is always busy,but she says that her favorite time is time that she spends with us.My mother works from Monday to Friday.When she comes home from work,she makes something for supper.We usually do the dishes,so that she won't have to do them.After supper,she helps us with our homework or she sits down to watch television.Some nights,she goes for shopping,and she takes whoever wants to go with her.Mothers are a little bit of everything.My mother is like a teacher when she helps us with our homework.She is like a nurse when she looks after us when we're ill.She is like a cook when she makes meals for us.She says that cleaning the house is her least favorite thing.She says that the house gets dirty right after you clean it.She gets my father,my brothers ,my sister and me to help her with the cleaning.My mother washes all our clothes,and sometimes she irons them when they need it.My mother says that there are not enough hours in a day.We try to help our mother as much as we can.There is a lot of work involved in keeping a home neat and organized.Most of my friends' mothers work.Mothers are the people who you go to when you need to be comforted.Mothers are the people who can make you feel better.I'm glad that I have mother that I have.My mother is caring and funny.She is fun to be around.
3/18/20213 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_96 My Dad

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.yell 大喊2.spilled 溢出3.arena 圆形运动场4.assignments 任务 基础原文My DadMy dad is the man whom I respect the most in my life.He works very hard to make the money that supports us.My mother has a job too,and she also works very hard.My dad is the principal of a high school.He works at the school all day,and often has to go to meetings at night.He deals with parents,students and staff.There is always something that he has to deal with.He has a lot on his mind.It doesn't matter how much work my dad has to do,he always has time for my brothers,my sister and me.If I go to him with a problem,he will sit down and discuss it with me.He doesn't yell.He is always very logical,and he tries to think of the best way to deal with thingsMy dad is a very patient man.Once,I spilled some ink on some papers that he was working on.I thought he would be mad,but he didn't get angry.He said that it was okay.He takes time out to do things with us.He has taken my brothers fishing.He takes me to the arena to skate,and he helps my sister to write her essays and assignments.He always makes us laugh,and he makes us feel like we are very special to himHe is a very good fatherAnd on Father's day,I always buy him a card that tells him just how much he means to me..I think it is important to have good parents.I hope that when I have children,I will be a good parent like my parents are to meParents give children the foundation that they need to live good lives.
3/18/20213 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_96 My Dad

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.yell 大喊2.spilled 溢出3.arena 圆形运动场4.assignments 任务 基础原文My DadMy dad is the man whom I respect the most in my life.He works very hard to make the money that supports us.My mother has a job too,and she also works very hard.My dad is the principal of a high school.He works at the school all day,and often has to go to meetings at night.He deals with parents,students and staff.There is always something that he has to deal with.He has a lot on his mind.It doesn't matter how much work my dad has to do,he always has time for my brothers,my sister and me.If I go to him with a problem,he will sit down and discuss it with me.He doesn't yell.He is always very logical,and he tries to think of the best way to deal with thingsMy dad is a very patient man.Once,I spilled some ink on some papers that he was working on.I thought he would be mad,but he didn't get angry.He said that it was okay.He takes time out to do things with us.He has taken my brothers fishing.He takes me to the arena to skate,and he helps my sister to write her essays and assignments.He always makes us laugh,and he makes us feel like we are very special to himHe is a very good fatherAnd on Father's day,I always buy him a card that tells him just how much he means to me..I think it is important to have good parents.I hope that when I have children,I will be a good parent like my parents are to meParents give children the foundation that they need to live good lives.
3/18/20213 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_95 A Wedding

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.aisle 过道2.bride 新娘3.organist 风琴手4.veil 面纱5.groom 新郎6.lapel 翻领7.minister 牧师8.symbolize 象征9.reception 招待会10.bouquet 花束原文A WeddingThe church bells are ringing.I am inside the church waiting for my cousin to walk down the aisle.Today is her wedding day.She is a bride.The organist is playing a song on the organ.We all stand up and watch my cousin walk down the aisle.She is arm in arm with her father.She is dressed in a long white dress and a veil.She looks so beautiful.She looks like a princess.The man who she is going to marry is standing at the front of the church.He is the groom.He looks nice too.He is wearing a suit,and he has a flower in his lapel.The minister says words to the couple which will make them man and wife.The bride and groom smile at each other,but they seem to be a little bit nervous.They give each other gold rings to wear to symbolize that they are married.They kiss each other and walk out of the church as the organist plays joyous music.Some of the people in church cried at the wedding,but not because they were sad.Everyone in the church is very happy for the couple.A photographer takes pictures of the happy couple.We wish them well and look forward to the reception where we will have a dinner,and we will dance and have a good time until it is very late.The bride will throw her bouquet of flowers,and it is said whoever catches the bouquet will be the next bride.The next day,the bride and groom will leave for their honeymoon.My cousin and her husband are going to Mexico for their honeymoon.
3/18/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_95 A Wedding

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.aisle 过道2.bride 新娘3.organist 风琴手4.veil 面纱5.groom 新郎6.lapel 翻领7.minister 牧师8.symbolize 象征9.reception 招待会10.bouquet 花束原文A WeddingThe church bells are ringing.I am inside the church waiting for my cousin to walk down the aisle.Today is her wedding day.She is a bride.The organist is playing a song on the organ.We all stand up and watch my cousin walk down the aisle.She is arm in arm with her father.She is dressed in a long white dress and a veil.She looks so beautiful.She looks like a princess.The man who she is going to marry is standing at the front of the church.He is the groom.He looks nice too.He is wearing a suit,and he has a flower in his lapel.The minister says words to the couple which will make them man and wife.The bride and groom smile at each other,but they seem to be a little bit nervous.They give each other gold rings to wear to symbolize that they are married.They kiss each other and walk out of the church as the organist plays joyous music.Some of the people in church cried at the wedding,but not because they were sad.Everyone in the church is very happy for the couple.A photographer takes pictures of the happy couple.We wish them well and look forward to the reception where we will have a dinner,and we will dance and have a good time until it is very late.The bride will throw her bouquet of flowers,and it is said whoever catches the bouquet will be the next bride.The next day,the bride and groom will leave for their honeymoon.My cousin and her husband are going to Mexico for their honeymoon.
3/18/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_94 A Baby

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.crib 婴儿床2.bottle 奶瓶3.burped 打嗝4.disapers 尿布原文A BabyMy aunt just had a baby girl.We went to the hospital to visit my aunt and to see the new baby.My aunt was feeling fine,although she was just a bit tired.She walked with us to a big window that had lots of babies behind it.She pointed to a crib with a baby in it.The baby was wrapped in a pink blanket.We all said how pretty the baby looked.I couldn't believe how tiny the baby was.She was asleep,so we couldn't see her eyes.When the baby went home,we went to visit her.We heard the baby.She was crying.My aunt said that the baby was hungry.My aunt had a baby bottle full of warm milk.She fed the baby with it.The baby was happy after that.My aunt patted the baby on the back until the baby burped,and then the baby fell asleep.I held the baby.I looked at her tiny fingers and tiny toes.I was very careful with her.She opened her eyes and looked at me.I spoke to the baby,but I knew that she could not understand me.Babies have to learn to walk and talk.My aunt changed the baby.Babies wear diapers ,so they need to be changed often.The baby has a lot of toys,but she is still too young to play with them.My aunt said that it won't be long before the baby is crawling and trying to talk.Babies are cute.
3/18/20213 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_94 A Baby

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.crib 婴儿床2.bottle 奶瓶3.burped 打嗝4.disapers 尿布原文A BabyMy aunt just had a baby girl.We went to the hospital to visit my aunt and to see the new baby.My aunt was feeling fine,although she was just a bit tired.She walked with us to a big window that had lots of babies behind it.She pointed to a crib with a baby in it.The baby was wrapped in a pink blanket.We all said how pretty the baby looked.I couldn't believe how tiny the baby was.She was asleep,so we couldn't see her eyes.When the baby went home,we went to visit her.We heard the baby.She was crying.My aunt said that the baby was hungry.My aunt had a baby bottle full of warm milk.She fed the baby with it.The baby was happy after that.My aunt patted the baby on the back until the baby burped,and then the baby fell asleep.I held the baby.I looked at her tiny fingers and tiny toes.I was very careful with her.She opened her eyes and looked at me.I spoke to the baby,but I knew that she could not understand me.Babies have to learn to walk and talk.My aunt changed the baby.Babies wear diapers ,so they need to be changed often.The baby has a lot of toys,but she is still too young to play with them.My aunt said that it won't be long before the baby is crawling and trying to talk.Babies are cute.
3/18/20213 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_93 Pretending(语速较快)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.prehistoric 史前的2.buzzed 发出嗡嗡声3.whirred 发出呼呼声4.spun/spinning 旋转5.thick 浓密的6.rustling 发出沙沙声7.beak 鸟喙8.ferns 蕨类植物9.grunted 咕哝着10.thumps 重击11.dial 表盘原文PretendingI like to pretend.I like to make up things that aren't real.I use my imagination.I was pretending that I was in a time machine.I set the date for a prehistoric time.I turned on the time machine,and it buzzed and whirred and spun madly.When it stopped spinning,I opened the door and stepped out into a very thick jungle.I listened careful to the sound of the jungle.I could hear strange animal noises,and the leaves were rustling.I wasn't sure that I had gone back in time or had just landed in a jungle somewhere in the twenty first century.It didn't take me long time to realize that I had indeed gone back in time.A very strange bird-like creature with a large beak flew overhead.I had never seen anything like it in my life.I took a few steps out into the long grass and ferns.I didn't want to go too far away from my time machine.I heard a noise over on my right side.There was a man who looked quite different from me.He was dressed in an animal skin,and he carried a big stick.I didn't want him to see me,so I hid behind a tree.He didn't speak any language that I could understand.He grunted at someone who must have been in the distance.Then,I felt the earth shake beneath my feet.I heard giant thumps on the ground as the floor of the jungle shook.The man in the animal skin began to run.I saw why he was running.A giant dinosaur appeared above the top of the trees.It was bigger than anything I had ever seen.My heart began to pound in my chest.It was coming toward me.I ran toward my time machine and jumped in.I set the dial for the twenty-first century.The machine whirred and buzzed.My time machine landed in the twenty-first century.I got away just in time.
3/18/20213 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_93 Pretending(语速较快)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.prehistoric 史前的2.buzzed 发出嗡嗡声3.whirred 发出呼呼声4.spun/spinning 旋转5.thick 浓密的6.rustling 发出沙沙声7.beak 鸟喙8.ferns 蕨类植物9.grunted 咕哝着10.thumps 重击11.dial 表盘原文PretendingI like to pretend.I like to make up things that aren't real.I use my imagination.I was pretending that I was in a time machine.I set the date for a prehistoric time.I turned on the time machine,and it buzzed and whirred and spun madly.When it stopped spinning,I opened the door and stepped out into a very thick jungle.I listened careful to the sound of the jungle.I could hear strange animal noises,and the leaves were rustling.I wasn't sure that I had gone back in time or had just landed in a jungle somewhere in the twenty first century.It didn't take me long time to realize that I had indeed gone back in time.A very strange bird-like creature with a large beak flew overhead.I had never seen anything like it in my life.I took a few steps out into the long grass and ferns.I didn't want to go too far away from my time machine.I heard a noise over on my right side.There was a man who looked quite different from me.He was dressed in an animal skin,and he carried a big stick.I didn't want him to see me,so I hid behind a tree.He didn't speak any language that I could understand.He grunted at someone who must have been in the distance.Then,I felt the earth shake beneath my feet.I heard giant thumps on the ground as the floor of the jungle shook.The man in the animal skin began to run.I saw why he was running.A giant dinosaur appeared above the top of the trees.It was bigger than anything I had ever seen.My heart began to pound in my chest.It was coming toward me.I ran toward my time machine and jumped in.I set the dial for the twenty-first century.The machine whirred and buzzed.My time machine landed in the twenty-first century.I got away just in time.
3/18/20213 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_92 The Police

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.effectively 有效的2.track down 追踪3.criminals 罪犯4.arrest 逮捕5.jail 监狱原文The PoliceMy mother always told me that if I was lost I could go up to a policeman and he would help me to find my home way.I never get lost,but I always remembered what my mother told me about the police.I think policemen look very nice in their uniformsI see police officers drive by in their police cars.In my town,we even have police officers on bicycles.Policemen and policewomen have a job that can sometimes be dangerous.They have to catch people who break the law.Sometimes,they have to chase people or try to calm people down.To be a police officer,you need a lot of training.It is important to be able to deal with people effectively.A police officer came to our school.He had a police dog with him.The officer showed us how the dog could track down criminals.The dog was very smart.He could even find things that were hidden.Criminals sometimes hide things that they don't want the police to find.The policeman told us that he and his dog were partners.His dog lives at his home with the policeman and his family.Sometimes I see police cars on the side of the road.The policemen stop people who are speeding or who are not wearing their seatbelts.The police officers warn people or give out tickets.Sometimes they even have to arrest people.Police officers are just doing their job when they arrest people.Some people need to be arrested and put into jail to make it safer for the rest of us.
3/16/20214 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_92 The Police

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.effectively 有效的2.track down 追踪3.criminals 罪犯4.arrest 逮捕5.jail 监狱原文The PoliceMy mother always told me that if I was lost I could go up to a policeman and he would help me to find my home way.I never get lost,but I always remembered what my mother told me about the police.I think policemen look very nice in their uniformsI see police officers drive by in their police cars.In my town,we even have police officers on bicycles.Policemen and policewomen have a job that can sometimes be dangerous.They have to catch people who break the law.Sometimes,they have to chase people or try to calm people down.To be a police officer,you need a lot of training.It is important to be able to deal with people effectively.A police officer came to our school.He had a police dog with him.The officer showed us how the dog could track down criminals.The dog was very smart.He could even find things that were hidden.Criminals sometimes hide things that they don't want the police to find.The policeman told us that he and his dog were partners.His dog lives at his home with the policeman and his family.Sometimes I see police cars on the side of the road.The policemen stop people who are speeding or who are not wearing their seatbelts.The police officers warn people or give out tickets.Sometimes they even have to arrest people.Police officers are just doing their job when they arrest people.Some people need to be arrested and put into jail to make it safer for the rest of us.
3/16/20214 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_91 Museum

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bullets 子弹2.cannons 大炮3.antique 古老的4.appliances 器具5.washboard 搓板6.mummies 木乃伊7.fascinated 着迷的8.artifacts 手工艺品9.arrowheads 箭头10.cradles 摇篮原文MuseumThe museum was very interesting.There were so many things in the museum that I would need more time to really see everything.There were clothes from the past.I don't know how people wore some of those things.They look like they would like uncomfortable.I like to wear my jeans.There were things from wars.There were bullets,and cannons,and even uniforms from the soldiers.I don't think that war is a good thing,but it is good to remember the past and honor the people who died for your country.There was an old fire truck in the museum.This fire truck was pulled by a horse.There were some very old photographs of the firemen putting out fires.There were rooms in the museum that were set up like an old house.There were antique irons and sewing machines.The women used to clean the clothes with a washboard.There were no modern appliances back then.I'm glad that we have electricity and modern appliances.The things that we have make life so much easier.There were mummies from Egypt at the museum.I was fascinated by those.There were artifacts from Indians.There were arrowheads and cradles that the babies slept in.I tried my best to see everything,but it was almost impossible.The museum is a good place to learn about your past.I tried to imagine my grandparents using some of the things that were on display at the museum.
3/16/20214 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_91 Museum

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bullets 子弹2.cannons 大炮3.antique 古老的4.appliances 器具5.washboard 搓板6.mummies 木乃伊7.fascinated 着迷的8.artifacts 手工艺品9.arrowheads 箭头10.cradles 摇篮原文MuseumThe museum was very interesting.There were so many things in the museum that I would need more time to really see everything.There were clothes from the past.I don't know how people wore some of those things.They look like they would like uncomfortable.I like to wear my jeans.There were things from wars.There were bullets,and cannons,and even uniforms from the soldiers.I don't think that war is a good thing,but it is good to remember the past and honor the people who died for your country.There was an old fire truck in the museum.This fire truck was pulled by a horse.There were some very old photographs of the firemen putting out fires.There were rooms in the museum that were set up like an old house.There were antique irons and sewing machines.The women used to clean the clothes with a washboard.There were no modern appliances back then.I'm glad that we have electricity and modern appliances.The things that we have make life so much easier.There were mummies from Egypt at the museum.I was fascinated by those.There were artifacts from Indians.There were arrowheads and cradles that the babies slept in.I tried my best to see everything,but it was almost impossible.The museum is a good place to learn about your past.I tried to imagine my grandparents using some of the things that were on display at the museum.
3/16/20214 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_90 The Zoo

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.swinging 摇晃2.clinging 紧抱3.pacing 踱步4.restless 焦躁的5.nibbled 啃6.exotic 异国的7.slithery 滑溜的8.hissed 发出嘶嘶声9.enormous 巨大的10.trunk 象鼻原文The ZooMy class took a trip to the Toronto Zoo.I had a wonderful time there.My favorite animals were the lions.They look very powerful and strong.They say that lion is the king of the forest,I think that title suits him.The monkeys were funny.They were looking at us just as much as we looked at them.They were swinging from the branches and doing tricks to impress us.There was a baby monkey that was clinging to its mother's back.It was very cute.The tigers were pacing back and forth.They seemed restless.The stripes on a tiger are very beautiful.We watch the tall giraffes as they nibbled leaves off the tallest trees.We spoke to the colorful parrots that spoke back to us.We saw exotic animals that we had never seen before.Some of them were very strange.There were different types of bears there.There were black bears.I saw a black bear once when I was camping up north.We saw polar bears.Polar bears are white.They like the cold.We even saw panda bears.One of my friends bought a toy panda bear from the gift shop because she thought that the pandas were so cute.We saw slithery snakes.Some of the snakes had very bright skins.Most of the girls were afraid of the snakes.The zoo keeper was looking after the snakes and one of them hissed at him.He has to be very careful when he works with the snakes.The last thing that we saw at the zoo was the elephant.He was enormous.He looked at us,then raised his trunk and then made a loud sound.It made us jump.
3/16/20214 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_90 The Zoo

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.swinging 摇晃2.clinging 紧抱3.pacing 踱步4.restless 焦躁的5.nibbled 啃6.exotic 异国的7.slithery 滑溜的8.hissed 发出嘶嘶声9.enormous 巨大的10.trunk 象鼻原文The ZooMy class took a trip to the Toronto Zoo.I had a wonderful time there.My favorite animals were the lions.They look very powerful and strong.They say that lion is the king of the forest,I think that title suits him.The monkeys were funny.They were looking at us just as much as we looked at them.They were swinging from the branches and doing tricks to impress us.There was a baby monkey that was clinging to its mother's back.It was very cute.The tigers were pacing back and forth.They seemed restless.The stripes on a tiger are very beautiful.We watch the tall giraffes as they nibbled leaves off the tallest trees.We spoke to the colorful parrots that spoke back to us.We saw exotic animals that we had never seen before.Some of them were very strange.There were different types of bears there.There were black bears.I saw a black bear once when I was camping up north.We saw polar bears.Polar bears are white.They like the cold.We even saw panda bears.One of my friends bought a toy panda bear from the gift shop because she thought that the pandas were so cute.We saw slithery snakes.Some of the snakes had very bright skins.Most of the girls were afraid of the snakes.The zoo keeper was looking after the snakes and one of them hissed at him.He has to be very careful when he works with the snakes.The last thing that we saw at the zoo was the elephant.He was enormous.He looked at us,then raised his trunk and then made a loud sound.It made us jump.
3/16/20214 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_89 Food

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.steak 牛排2.orchards 果园3.spaghetti 意大利面4.lasagna 烤宽面条5.pretend 假装6.nutritious 营养的原文FoodWhat kinds of food do like to eat?I am lucky,because in Canada there are many foods to choose from.I like to eat hot dogs,hamburgers and steak.These are all meat products.I also like cheese,ice cream and yogurt.These are all dairy products.I like vegetables.My vegetables are broccoli,cabbage,carrots and peas.I eat a lot of fruit.I eat whichever fruit is in season.In strawberry season,I eat a lot of strawberries.In peach season,I eat many peaches.Sometimes,my mother will make a peach pie.Many different crops grow in Canada.We have many orchards and farms.Fresh fruits and vegetables are plentiful in Canada.Meat and fish are also plentiful here.In Canada,we have a lot of different foods to choose from.In my city,there are a lot of Italian restaurants.My favorite food at the Italian restaurant is pizza.My parents would rather have spaghetti and lasagna.There are Greek restaurants,Mexican restaurants,and Chinese restaurants,in fact there are restaurants from most cultures.I can go around from restaurant to restaurant and pretend that I am traveling the world and trying all the different foods from around the world.Sometimes I eat things that aren't good for me.I eat potato chips and candies.These food aren't part of the nutritious diet,but they are fun to eat.
3/16/20214 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_89 Food

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.steak 牛排2.orchards 果园3.spaghetti 意大利面4.lasagna 烤宽面条5.pretend 假装6.nutritious 营养的原文FoodWhat kinds of food do like to eat?I am lucky,because in Canada there are many foods to choose from.I like to eat hot dogs,hamburgers and steak.These are all meat products.I also like cheese,ice cream and yogurt.These are all dairy products.I like vegetables.My vegetables are broccoli,cabbage,carrots and peas.I eat a lot of fruit.I eat whichever fruit is in season.In strawberry season,I eat a lot of strawberries.In peach season,I eat many peaches.Sometimes,my mother will make a peach pie.Many different crops grow in Canada.We have many orchards and farms.Fresh fruits and vegetables are plentiful in Canada.Meat and fish are also plentiful here.In Canada,we have a lot of different foods to choose from.In my city,there are a lot of Italian restaurants.My favorite food at the Italian restaurant is pizza.My parents would rather have spaghetti and lasagna.There are Greek restaurants,Mexican restaurants,and Chinese restaurants,in fact there are restaurants from most cultures.I can go around from restaurant to restaurant and pretend that I am traveling the world and trying all the different foods from around the world.Sometimes I eat things that aren't good for me.I eat potato chips and candies.These food aren't part of the nutritious diet,but they are fun to eat.
3/16/20214 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_88 My Country

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.territories 地区2.unique 独特的3.wheat 小麦4.the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋5.maritime 靠海的6.fiddles 小提琴7.accordions 手风琴8.Arctic 北极9.diverse 多种多样的10.tranquil 宁静的11.ethic 部落的原文My CountryI live in Canada.It is a very large country that is made up of ten provinces and three territories.Most of the provinces and territories are quite unique.For example,in Saskatchewan the land is flat,and it is not surrounded by water.They grow wheat in Saskatchewan.British Columbia has mountains.I have never been to British Columbia,but I hear that it is very beautiful.Nova Scotia is on the Atlantic Ocean,so there are many fishermen out there.The people in the provinces are even different from each other.In Quebec,many of the people speak French.In the maritime provinces,the people like to play their own kind of music.They play fiddles and accordions,and many of them dance very well.Nunavut is in the north,so life is quite different there.The people who live in the new territory of Nunavut are very close to wildlife.They do a lot of hunting and fishing.It can get very cold up in the Arctic where Nunavut is.I live in Ontario.Even within Ontario,life can be quite different.The capital of Ontario is Toronto.Toronto is a very busy city with lots of apartments,offices and shops.Toronto is an exciting place and it has a lot to offer.There are theaters and restaurants to suit every taste.The culture in Toronto is very diverse.If you drive a few miles north of Toronto,you will find the places that are tranquil and peaceful.Many people leave Toronto on weekends,and drive to their cottages where they find rest and relaxation.Canada is made up of many different cultures.People of many different ethnic backgrounds live in harmony in Canada.That is why I like Canada.In Canada,we celebrate our differences.
3/16/20215 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_88 My Country

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.territories 地区2.unique 独特的3.wheat 小麦4.the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋5.maritime 靠海的6.fiddles 小提琴7.accordions 手风琴8.Arctic 北极9.diverse 多种多样的10.tranquil 宁静的11.ethic 部落的原文My CountryI live in Canada.It is a very large country that is made up of ten provinces and three territories.Most of the provinces and territories are quite unique.For example,in Saskatchewan the land is flat,and it is not surrounded by water.They grow wheat in Saskatchewan.British Columbia has mountains.I have never been to British Columbia,but I hear that it is very beautiful.Nova Scotia is on the Atlantic Ocean,so there are many fishermen out there.The people in the provinces are even different from each other.In Quebec,many of the people speak French.In the maritime provinces,the people like to play their own kind of music.They play fiddles and accordions,and many of them dance very well.Nunavut is in the north,so life is quite different there.The people who live in the new territory of Nunavut are very close to wildlife.They do a lot of hunting and fishing.It can get very cold up in the Arctic where Nunavut is.I live in Ontario.Even within Ontario,life can be quite different.The capital of Ontario is Toronto.Toronto is a very busy city with lots of apartments,offices and shops.Toronto is an exciting place and it has a lot to offer.There are theaters and restaurants to suit every taste.The culture in Toronto is very diverse.If you drive a few miles north of Toronto,you will find the places that are tranquil and peaceful.Many people leave Toronto on weekends,and drive to their cottages where they find rest and relaxation.Canada is made up of many different cultures.People of many different ethnic backgrounds live in harmony in Canada.That is why I like Canada.In Canada,we celebrate our differences.
3/16/20215 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_87 Television

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.popcorn 爆米花2.bottle 瓶子3.remote 遥远的原文TelevisionDo you watch television?My mother says that I watch too much television.I watch cartoons on Saturday mornings.Cartoons make me laugh.My brother and I each have our favorite cartoons.We have trouble deciding which cartoons we will watch.On Saturday afternoons,we like to watch sports.My brother really like to watch baseball,but usually my mother tell us to go out and play on a Saturday afternoon.On week nights,we have our own favorite shows.I like shows about outer space and monsters.My brother likes comedies.He likes to laugh.My mother likes the shows about real life situations.She likes to watch the news.She says that the news is important.She watches the news and weather to find out what is going on in the world.Sometimes she watches the real life shows about doctors and policemen.My father doesn't watch television.He says that he would rather read a good book or the newspaper.My dad gets all his news from the newspaper.My favorite thing is to sit in front of the television with a bag of popcorn and a bottle of pop.I sit there and change the channels with the remote control.I change the channels and watch a few different shows at once.My mother won't let watch too much television.She doesn't want me to get lazy.Television is good if you don't spend too much time watching it.You can learn a lot from television if you watch the education channels.I learned about dinosaurs and rainforests last week just from watching television.
3/16/20214 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_87 Television

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.popcorn 爆米花2.bottle 瓶子3.remote 遥远的原文TelevisionDo you watch television?My mother says that I watch too much television.I watch cartoons on Saturday mornings.Cartoons make me laugh.My brother and I each have our favorite cartoons.We have trouble deciding which cartoons we will watch.On Saturday afternoons,we like to watch sports.My brother really like to watch baseball,but usually my mother tell us to go out and play on a Saturday afternoon.On week nights,we have our own favorite shows.I like shows about outer space and monsters.My brother likes comedies.He likes to laugh.My mother likes the shows about real life situations.She likes to watch the news.She says that the news is important.She watches the news and weather to find out what is going on in the world.Sometimes she watches the real life shows about doctors and policemen.My father doesn't watch television.He says that he would rather read a good book or the newspaper.My dad gets all his news from the newspaper.My favorite thing is to sit in front of the television with a bag of popcorn and a bottle of pop.I sit there and change the channels with the remote control.I change the channels and watch a few different shows at once.My mother won't let watch too much television.She doesn't want me to get lazy.Television is good if you don't spend too much time watching it.You can learn a lot from television if you watch the education channels.I learned about dinosaurs and rainforests last week just from watching television.
3/16/20214 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_86 Transportation(2)(语速较慢)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.skateboard 滑板2.meter 计量器3.tight 紧4.reins 缰绳5.bumpy 颠簸6.tracks 轨道7.whistle 呼啸原文Transportation(2)People move from place to place.There are lots of ways that you can move around from one place to another.Sometimes you can just move your feet and walk.Walking is good for you.Some places are too far to walk to.You might have to ride a bicycle or ride on a skateboard.Some places are too far away to ride your bicycle to.You might have to drive in a car,or a van,or even a truck.My father has a car.My uncle has a van.I have never been in a big truck.Trucks are usually used to carry big loads from one city to another.I would like to be a truck driver.I would travel all over and sit high up in the cab.I have been in the taxi cab.Once,my mother and I took a taxi to the hospital.There was a special meter in the taxi.When we finished our taxi ride,the driver looked at the meter to find out how much money we owed him.I once rode a horse.I sat in the saddle and held on tight to the reins.The horse ran very fast.It was a bumpy ride,and I was afraid that I would fall off the horse.Not too many people around here use horses for transportation.They used to use horse for transportation in the old days.If you want to travel very far away,you have to go on a train,a plane,or a boat.If you are in a hurry,it is best to take a plane.Planes fly through the air very fast.Trains go along the tracks.Sometimes I can hear the trains whistle from my house.Boats take a long time to cross the ocean.Great big boats that cross the ocean are called ships.If you like to take it easy and look out at the water,then ships are a good way to travel.They say that the world is a lot smaller now because of transportation.People can travel to all parts of the world quickly and easily.The world is not really smaller,but it has become easy to get faraway places.
3/15/20215 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_86 Transportation(2)(语速较慢)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.skateboard 滑板2.meter 计量器3.tight 紧4.reins 缰绳5.bumpy 颠簸6.tracks 轨道7.whistle 呼啸原文Transportation(2)People move from place to place.There are lots of ways that you can move around from one place to another.Sometimes you can just move your feet and walk.Walking is good for you.Some places are too far to walk to.You might have to ride a bicycle or ride on a skateboard.Some places are too far away to ride your bicycle to.You might have to drive in a car,or a van,or even a truck.My father has a car.My uncle has a van.I have never been in a big truck.Trucks are usually used to carry big loads from one city to another.I would like to be a truck driver.I would travel all over and sit high up in the cab.I have been in the taxi cab.Once,my mother and I took a taxi to the hospital.There was a special meter in the taxi.When we finished our taxi ride,the driver looked at the meter to find out how much money we owed him.I once rode a horse.I sat in the saddle and held on tight to the reins.The horse ran very fast.It was a bumpy ride,and I was afraid that I would fall off the horse.Not too many people around here use horses for transportation.They used to use horse for transportation in the old days.If you want to travel very far away,you have to go on a train,a plane,or a boat.If you are in a hurry,it is best to take a plane.Planes fly through the air very fast.Trains go along the tracks.Sometimes I can hear the trains whistle from my house.Boats take a long time to cross the ocean.Great big boats that cross the ocean are called ships.If you like to take it easy and look out at the water,then ships are a good way to travel.They say that the world is a lot smaller now because of transportation.People can travel to all parts of the world quickly and easily.The world is not really smaller,but it has become easy to get faraway places.
3/15/20215 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_85 My First Day of School(语速较慢)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.frightening 可怕的2.kindergarten 学前班原文My First Day of SchoolI remember my first day of school.I was excited,but I was afraid.I held my mother's hand as we walked to the school.When we got near the school,I wouldn't let her hold my hand anymore.I didn't want to look like a baby.We got to the school.The school looked very big and frightening.There were children outside on the playground.They all looked very big.I looked at him,and some of them looked at me.I felt very small.My mother and I went into school and found the kindergarten room.There were children in there.Most of them were the same size with me.My mother spoke to the kindergarten teacher.The teacher was very nice.She said my name,and she introduced me to some of the other children.I already knew some of the children because they lived near with meI began to play with some of the things that were in the classroom.There were toy trucks,coloring books and even a doll house.I soon forgot to be scared and I began to play with some of the other children.I didn't even notice that my mother had left the room.In school,we sang songs,played some games and listened as the teacher read us a story.I had a lot of the fun on my first day of school.I even drew a picture of my teacher.I took the picture home,and my mother put it on the refrigerator.I like school.It is a good place to meet new friends and learn all about the world.
3/15/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_85 My First Day of School(语速较慢)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.frightening 可怕的2.kindergarten 学前班原文My First Day of SchoolI remember my first day of school.I was excited,but I was afraid.I held my mother's hand as we walked to the school.When we got near the school,I wouldn't let her hold my hand anymore.I didn't want to look like a baby.We got to the school.The school looked very big and frightening.There were children outside on the playground.They all looked very big.I looked at him,and some of them looked at me.I felt very small.My mother and I went into school and found the kindergarten room.There were children in there.Most of them were the same size with me.My mother spoke to the kindergarten teacher.The teacher was very nice.She said my name,and she introduced me to some of the other children.I already knew some of the children because they lived near with meI began to play with some of the things that were in the classroom.There were toy trucks,coloring books and even a doll house.I soon forgot to be scared and I began to play with some of the other children.I didn't even notice that my mother had left the room.In school,we sang songs,played some games and listened as the teacher read us a story.I had a lot of the fun on my first day of school.I even drew a picture of my teacher.I took the picture home,and my mother put it on the refrigerator.I like school.It is a good place to meet new friends and learn all about the world.
3/15/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_84 The Pet Store

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.collars 项圈2.leashes 拴狗皮带3.tropical 热带4.licked 舔5.curled 蜷曲原文The Pet StoreOn Saturday,my parents took us to the pet store.They have everything that you would need if you had a pet.They had dog food,collars and leashes for dogs.They had treats to give your dog,and brushes to brush your dog.For cats,they had food,toys and little boxes.For birds,they had seed and cages.There was a section for fish.They had fish in big tanks and little bowls.In the big tanks,there were colorful fish swimming around.The girl who worked there said that they were tropical fish.There were goldfish in the smaller fishbowls.I saw the girl get a goldfish out with a little net.She sold it to a boy who said he had another goldfish at home.There was a very large cage with a parrot in it.I walked up to the cage,and the parrot said“hello”.I was surprised that the parrot could talk.It could say a few things.It said“I love you”,“pretty bird”and“bye-bye”.I told my mother that I would like a parrot,but she said that parrots need a lot of care and attention.At the back of the store,there were some puppies.They seemed glad to see me.I stuck my hand into the cage,and one of them licked my hand.They were very lively.They were running around and chasing their own tails.In the next cage,there were two kittens.One of them was playing with toys,and the other one was asleep.The kittens were very small.The one was sleeping was curled up into a ball.I couldn't see her face.I didn't want to leave the pet store.I was wishing that I could take all the animals home with me.
3/14/20214 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_84 The Pet Store

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.collars 项圈2.leashes 拴狗皮带3.tropical 热带4.licked 舔5.curled 蜷曲原文The Pet StoreOn Saturday,my parents took us to the pet store.They have everything that you would need if you had a pet.They had dog food,collars and leashes for dogs.They had treats to give your dog,and brushes to brush your dog.For cats,they had food,toys and little boxes.For birds,they had seed and cages.There was a section for fish.They had fish in big tanks and little bowls.In the big tanks,there were colorful fish swimming around.The girl who worked there said that they were tropical fish.There were goldfish in the smaller fishbowls.I saw the girl get a goldfish out with a little net.She sold it to a boy who said he had another goldfish at home.There was a very large cage with a parrot in it.I walked up to the cage,and the parrot said“hello”.I was surprised that the parrot could talk.It could say a few things.It said“I love you”,“pretty bird”and“bye-bye”.I told my mother that I would like a parrot,but she said that parrots need a lot of care and attention.At the back of the store,there were some puppies.They seemed glad to see me.I stuck my hand into the cage,and one of them licked my hand.They were very lively.They were running around and chasing their own tails.In the next cage,there were two kittens.One of them was playing with toys,and the other one was asleep.The kittens were very small.The one was sleeping was curled up into a ball.I couldn't see her face.I didn't want to leave the pet store.I was wishing that I could take all the animals home with me.
3/14/20214 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_83 The Garden(语速较慢)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pollen 花粉2.seeds 种子3.swallows 燕子4.robin 知更鸟5.snails 蜗牛6.soil 土7.weeds 杂草8.choke 使窒息原文The GardenThe garden is very interesting.I sometimes go outside and I watch all things that go on in the garden.It smells wonderful in the flowers garden.There are red,white,pink and yellow roses that have very a sweet smell.I watch the bees as they take pollen from the roses.There are tiny bugs that live on the rose bushes.My mother tries to get rid of the little bugs,but it is difficult to get rid of them.She is glad to see the red ladybugs who eat the little bugs.The birds like sunflowers.They like to eat sunflower seeds.There is a birdbath in the garden.The blackbirds and swallows go in there to take a drink or have a bath.I sometimes see a robin or a bluejay in there too.In the dirt,there are little holes where the ants go in and out.The ants are hard workers.I watch them as they work together as a team to bring food to their nests.There are snails in the garden too.They carry their homes on their backs.They move slowly and leave a silvery trail as they go.They eat leaves from my mother's plants.My mother also has vegetables growing in her garden.She grows green peas.We like to pick those and eat the peas raw,right out of their pods.She grows lettuce and tomatoes too.We have so many tomatoes that we always give some to our neighbors.My mother sends us outside to pick lettuce and tomatoes whenever we have a salad.My favorite vegetables are carrots.Their top grow above the earth,but the carrots are blow the dirt.When you pick them,you have to pull the carrots out from under the soil.Weeds also grow in the garden.After a good rainfall,it seems that the weeds just spring up.I pull the weeds out by their roots so that they won't grow back.Weeds choke the good plants,so we don't want they in our garden.Gardening is a good hobby.You get fresh air,sunshine and exercise.You even get beautiful, colorful flowers and nice fresh food.
3/14/20216 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_83 The Garden(语速较慢)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pollen 花粉2.seeds 种子3.swallows 燕子4.robin 知更鸟5.snails 蜗牛6.soil 土7.weeds 杂草8.choke 使窒息原文The GardenThe garden is very interesting.I sometimes go outside and I watch all things that go on in the garden.It smells wonderful in the flowers garden.There are red,white,pink and yellow roses that have very a sweet smell.I watch the bees as they take pollen from the roses.There are tiny bugs that live on the rose bushes.My mother tries to get rid of the little bugs,but it is difficult to get rid of them.She is glad to see the red ladybugs who eat the little bugs.The birds like sunflowers.They like to eat sunflower seeds.There is a birdbath in the garden.The blackbirds and swallows go in there to take a drink or have a bath.I sometimes see a robin or a bluejay in there too.In the dirt,there are little holes where the ants go in and out.The ants are hard workers.I watch them as they work together as a team to bring food to their nests.There are snails in the garden too.They carry their homes on their backs.They move slowly and leave a silvery trail as they go.They eat leaves from my mother's plants.My mother also has vegetables growing in her garden.She grows green peas.We like to pick those and eat the peas raw,right out of their pods.She grows lettuce and tomatoes too.We have so many tomatoes that we always give some to our neighbors.My mother sends us outside to pick lettuce and tomatoes whenever we have a salad.My favorite vegetables are carrots.Their top grow above the earth,but the carrots are blow the dirt.When you pick them,you have to pull the carrots out from under the soil.Weeds also grow in the garden.After a good rainfall,it seems that the weeds just spring up.I pull the weeds out by their roots so that they won't grow back.Weeds choke the good plants,so we don't want they in our garden.Gardening is a good hobby.You get fresh air,sunshine and exercise.You even get beautiful, colorful flowers and nice fresh food.
3/14/20216 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_82 Christmas

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.decorate 装饰2.twinkle 闪烁3.glow 发光 4.artificial 人工的5.tinsel 光片6.ornament 装饰品7.strands 缕8.wrapped 包装9.bow 蝴蝶结10.chimney 烟囱11.pudding 布丁12.carolers 颂歌者原文ChristmasIn December,Christmas comes.We get a holiday from school,and our parents get a few days off from work.Our family gets ready for Christmas by decorating the house.We decorate inside and out.On the outside of the house,we put up lights that twinkle and glow.We have a wooden Santa Claus and reindeer set that my father puts up on the roof.Inside,we put up a Christmas tree.Some years we have a real tree.Real pine trees smell nice,but you have to be careful that they don't dry out and start a fire.This year,we have an artificial tree.We hand tinsel and ornaments on the tree.We also hang strands of lights on the tree and put a star at the top.Everyone think the tree is beautiful when we turn on the lights.We place gifts under the tree.There is a gift for me under the tree.It is wrapped in red paper and it has a big green bow on it.Red and green are the Christmas colors.On Christmas Eve,my brother and sister and I will hang our stockings near the fireplace.Santa Claus comes down the chimney and fills our stockings full of toys and goodies.On Christmas morning,it is exciting to see what Santa has left for you.My mother will make a big turkey dinner for us on Christmas day.We will have lots of vegetables and good tasting foods to go with the turkey.We will have dessert too.Some of my family like Christmas pudding,but I will just have ice cream.Last year,some carolers came to the door.It was snowing outside.They stood in the snow and sang Christmas carols to us.My father gave them some money,and my mother gave them some hot chocolate to warm them up.They had lovely voices,and they sang some of my favorite carols.We also collect food,gifts and money for some of the people in town who cannot afford to have a Christmas.My father is collecting things for a poor family who live near here.We had fun deciding which toys to buy for the children in that family.It is good feeling to share with people who do not have as much as you do.My parents have always taught us that Christmas is a time for giving,not receiving.I think they are right.
3/14/20214 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_82 Christmas

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.decorate 装饰2.twinkle 闪烁3.glow 发光 4.artificial 人工的5.tinsel 光片6.ornament 装饰品7.strands 缕8.wrapped 包装9.bow 蝴蝶结10.chimney 烟囱11.pudding 布丁12.carolers 颂歌者原文ChristmasIn December,Christmas comes.We get a holiday from school,and our parents get a few days off from work.Our family gets ready for Christmas by decorating the house.We decorate inside and out.On the outside of the house,we put up lights that twinkle and glow.We have a wooden Santa Claus and reindeer set that my father puts up on the roof.Inside,we put up a Christmas tree.Some years we have a real tree.Real pine trees smell nice,but you have to be careful that they don't dry out and start a fire.This year,we have an artificial tree.We hand tinsel and ornaments on the tree.We also hang strands of lights on the tree and put a star at the top.Everyone think the tree is beautiful when we turn on the lights.We place gifts under the tree.There is a gift for me under the tree.It is wrapped in red paper and it has a big green bow on it.Red and green are the Christmas colors.On Christmas Eve,my brother and sister and I will hang our stockings near the fireplace.Santa Claus comes down the chimney and fills our stockings full of toys and goodies.On Christmas morning,it is exciting to see what Santa has left for you.My mother will make a big turkey dinner for us on Christmas day.We will have lots of vegetables and good tasting foods to go with the turkey.We will have dessert too.Some of my family like Christmas pudding,but I will just have ice cream.Last year,some carolers came to the door.It was snowing outside.They stood in the snow and sang Christmas carols to us.My father gave them some money,and my mother gave them some hot chocolate to warm them up.They had lovely voices,and they sang some of my favorite carols.We also collect food,gifts and money for some of the people in town who cannot afford to have a Christmas.My father is collecting things for a poor family who live near here.We had fun deciding which toys to buy for the children in that family.It is good feeling to share with people who do not have as much as you do.My parents have always taught us that Christmas is a time for giving,not receiving.I think they are right.
3/14/20214 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_81 Hobbies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.spare 空余的2.tunnels 隧道3.sailing 驾船4.comic books 漫画书5.album 集邮册6.magnifying glass 放大镜 职业原文HobbiesA lot of people have hobbies.Hobbies are interesting things that people like to do in their spare time.My father has a hobby.He has a model railroad set that he put together.A tiny electric train runs through make-believe villages and travels through the tunnels and over mountains.My father also enjoys sailing.He has a real sailboat that he takes us out on.He is teaching me how to sail.I like to collect things.I collect comic books,stamps and coins.I trade comic books with some of my friends,and sometimes I buy comic books at stores.Some of the very old comic books are worth a lot of money.I have stamps from all over the world.Whenever any of my friends get a letter from a faraway place,they save the stamps for me.I have stamps from England,Japan,Australia and even Russia.I use a magnifying glass to look at the stamps,and I keep them in a special album.I don't have too many coins,but I have a vert old dime from Canada,and I have a coin with a hold in it from Africa.My mother used to collect dolls when she was a little girl.The dolls wore costumes from different countries.My friend John's hobby is painting.He does oil painting.He has even sold some of his paints.He is a good artist.My friend Linda sews.She has made some clothes for herself and some of her friends.Maybe Linda will be a fashion designer when she gets older.Sometimes people's hobbies lead them into their careers.
3/13/20213 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_81 Hobbies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.spare 空余的2.tunnels 隧道3.sailing 驾船4.comic books 漫画书5.album 集邮册6.magnifying glass 放大镜 职业原文HobbiesA lot of people have hobbies.Hobbies are interesting things that people like to do in their spare time.My father has a hobby.He has a model railroad set that he put together.A tiny electric train runs through make-believe villages and travels through the tunnels and over mountains.My father also enjoys sailing.He has a real sailboat that he takes us out on.He is teaching me how to sail.I like to collect things.I collect comic books,stamps and coins.I trade comic books with some of my friends,and sometimes I buy comic books at stores.Some of the very old comic books are worth a lot of money.I have stamps from all over the world.Whenever any of my friends get a letter from a faraway place,they save the stamps for me.I have stamps from England,Japan,Australia and even Russia.I use a magnifying glass to look at the stamps,and I keep them in a special album.I don't have too many coins,but I have a vert old dime from Canada,and I have a coin with a hold in it from Africa.My mother used to collect dolls when she was a little girl.The dolls wore costumes from different countries.My friend John's hobby is painting.He does oil painting.He has even sold some of his paints.He is a good artist.My friend Linda sews.She has made some clothes for herself and some of her friends.Maybe Linda will be a fashion designer when she gets older.Sometimes people's hobbies lead them into their careers.
3/13/20213 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_80 The Lie

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bouncing 拍球2.punished 处罚3.fair 公平4.disappointed 失望5.come forward 站出来6.policy 策略原文The LieYesterday I told a lie.I don't feel very good about it.I was bouncing a ball in the kitchen,and the ball bounced up and broke a cup.It was one of my mother's best cups,so I was afraid that she would be mad.I put the broken cup back on the table,and I didn't tell anyone that I had broken it.That night,my mother asked who had broken the cup.My brother said“not me”.My sister said“I didn't do that”.I said“I didn't break the cup”,but I was lying.My mother said that we would all be punished if someone didn't tell the truth and say who broke the cup.I still did not tell her that I had broken it.She gave us one more chance,and said that she wasn't mad about the cup,she just wanted us to be honest.I still didn't say anything.My brother,sister and I all got sent to our rooms.We had to stay in our rooms all morning.My brother said it wasn't fair.I felt very bad because my brother and sister were being punished because of me.I went wo my mother and told her that I had broken the cup.She said that she was not upset about the broken cup.She knew that it was an accident.She was disappointed in me because I hadn't come forward and told the truth.She said that she wouldn't have punished me if I had been honest with her.I told my brother and sister that I was sorry.I felt bad because they were punished because I was dishonest.I told my mother that I was sorry that I had lied to her.I told her that I had learned a lesson.Honest is the best policy.It is better to tell the truth.It is not a good feeling when people don't truth you.I had learned that lying just hurts people.Sometimes it is hard to be honest,but it is the best way to be.
3/13/20214 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_80 The Lie

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bouncing 拍球2.punished 处罚3.fair 公平4.disappointed 失望5.come forward 站出来6.policy 策略原文The LieYesterday I told a lie.I don't feel very good about it.I was bouncing a ball in the kitchen,and the ball bounced up and broke a cup.It was one of my mother's best cups,so I was afraid that she would be mad.I put the broken cup back on the table,and I didn't tell anyone that I had broken it.That night,my mother asked who had broken the cup.My brother said“not me”.My sister said“I didn't do that”.I said“I didn't break the cup”,but I was lying.My mother said that we would all be punished if someone didn't tell the truth and say who broke the cup.I still did not tell her that I had broken it.She gave us one more chance,and said that she wasn't mad about the cup,she just wanted us to be honest.I still didn't say anything.My brother,sister and I all got sent to our rooms.We had to stay in our rooms all morning.My brother said it wasn't fair.I felt very bad because my brother and sister were being punished because of me.I went wo my mother and told her that I had broken the cup.She said that she was not upset about the broken cup.She knew that it was an accident.She was disappointed in me because I hadn't come forward and told the truth.She said that she wouldn't have punished me if I had been honest with her.I told my brother and sister that I was sorry.I felt bad because they were punished because I was dishonest.I told my mother that I was sorry that I had lied to her.I told her that I had learned a lesson.Honest is the best policy.It is better to tell the truth.It is not a good feeling when people don't truth you.I had learned that lying just hurts people.Sometimes it is hard to be honest,but it is the best way to be.
3/13/20214 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_79 My First Job

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 杂货店2.cheque 每次3.carts 购物车4.lettuce 生菜5.grapes 葡萄6.stack 摆放7.cereal 麦片原文My First JobI just got a job at the grocery store.This is my first job.I will receive a pay cheque every two weeks.I wear a uniform.The uniform has the name of the grocery store on it.I have many jobs at the grocery store.I have to collect all the carts from the parking lot and bring them back into the store.I have to pull all the produces out for the people to see.I will be putting out the vegetables.There are carrots,lettuce,cabbages,cucumbers and beans to put out this morning.I also have to put the fruits out on the stands so that it looks nice.The oranges roll away when I put them out,so I have to be careful.I put out the apples,bananas and grapes.I stack the boxes up so that people can buy the cereal and cookies.I will be careful,or the boxes will be fall.There are cans of things also need to be placed on the shelves.
3/13/20212 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_79 My First Job

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 杂货店2.cheque 每次3.carts 购物车4.lettuce 生菜5.grapes 葡萄6.stack 摆放7.cereal 麦片原文My First JobI just got a job at the grocery store.This is my first job.I will receive a pay cheque every two weeks.I wear a uniform.The uniform has the name of the grocery store on it.I have many jobs at the grocery store.I have to collect all the carts from the parking lot and bring them back into the store.I have to pull all the produces out for the people to see.I will be putting out the vegetables.There are carrots,lettuce,cabbages,cucumbers and beans to put out this morning.I also have to put the fruits out on the stands so that it looks nice.The oranges roll away when I put them out,so I have to be careful.I put out the apples,bananas and grapes.I stack the boxes up so that people can buy the cereal and cookies.I will be careful,or the boxes will be fall.There are cans of things also need to be placed on the shelves.
3/13/20212 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_78 Emotions

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.emotions 情绪2.frown 皱眉原文EmotionsDo you ever think about your emotions?What kinds of things make you sad?I get sad when I get a bad mark in school,or when someone that I like moves away.I sometimes see sad movies that make me cry.I don't like to be sad.I don't like to have a frown on my face.I like to be happy.I am happy most of the time.Parties make me happy.Being with my friends makes me happy.Lots of things make me happy.If someone tells me a joke,I laugh.I enjoy laughing.Funny movies make me laugh.I think that people look the best when they smile.What kinds of things make you mad?I get mad when my brother breaks one of my toys.I try not to show it when I get mad.My parents get mad at me if I come home late.I don't think anger is a good emotion.It is best to stay calm and talk things over.Emotions come from inside you,but they show on your face.People can tell when you are mad,or sad,or happy.I prefer to look happy.Sometimes I even smile when I am feeling sad,the smile makes me feel a little better.
3/13/20212 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_78 Emotions

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.emotions 情绪2.frown 皱眉原文EmotionsDo you ever think about your emotions?What kinds of things make you sad?I get sad when I get a bad mark in school,or when someone that I like moves away.I sometimes see sad movies that make me cry.I don't like to be sad.I don't like to have a frown on my face.I like to be happy.I am happy most of the time.Parties make me happy.Being with my friends makes me happy.Lots of things make me happy.If someone tells me a joke,I laugh.I enjoy laughing.Funny movies make me laugh.I think that people look the best when they smile.What kinds of things make you mad?I get mad when my brother breaks one of my toys.I try not to show it when I get mad.My parents get mad at me if I come home late.I don't think anger is a good emotion.It is best to stay calm and talk things over.Emotions come from inside you,but they show on your face.People can tell when you are mad,or sad,or happy.I prefer to look happy.Sometimes I even smile when I am feeling sad,the smile makes me feel a little better.
3/13/20212 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_77 The School Play

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 化妆2.gymnasium 体育馆3.curtains 窗帘4.clap 鼓掌5.witch 女巫6.broom 扫帚原文The School PlayWe are putting on a play at school.Some of the students are actors in the play.Some people are building the sets.Some people will sew costumes,and some people will be makeup artists.The teacher is the director of the play.The play will be held on the big stage in the gymnasium.The curtains will open,the lights will go on,and the play will begin.It will be very exciting.All of our families will come to see the play.They will clap when the play is over.My friend is very good at cutting wood and build things.He is helping to build the sets.My other friend,Michael,is an artist,so he is painting the sets,so that it looks like a forest.My friend Marie likes to put makeup on people,so she is a makeup artist.She will put makeup on me so that I will look like an old woman.Some of the mothers helped to sew the costumes.The play is called“Hansel and Gretel”.I will play the part of the witch.The boy who plays Hansel has to wear shorts and a shirt.I wear a witch's hat and a black dress.I also carry a broom.Some of the people in my class will be dressed like trees and flowers.This is a music play,so the trees and flowers will sing to Hansel and Gretel as they walk through the forest.I can hardly wait for the opening night.I want my friends and family to see me acting on stage.I hope that they like the play.We have all learned our lines and worked very hard at making this play a success.
3/12/20213 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_77 The School Play

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 化妆2.gymnasium 体育馆3.curtains 窗帘4.clap 鼓掌5.witch 女巫6.broom 扫帚原文The School PlayWe are putting on a play at school.Some of the students are actors in the play.Some people are building the sets.Some people will sew costumes,and some people will be makeup artists.The teacher is the director of the play.The play will be held on the big stage in the gymnasium.The curtains will open,the lights will go on,and the play will begin.It will be very exciting.All of our families will come to see the play.They will clap when the play is over.My friend is very good at cutting wood and build things.He is helping to build the sets.My other friend,Michael,is an artist,so he is painting the sets,so that it looks like a forest.My friend Marie likes to put makeup on people,so she is a makeup artist.She will put makeup on me so that I will look like an old woman.Some of the mothers helped to sew the costumes.The play is called“Hansel and Gretel”.I will play the part of the witch.The boy who plays Hansel has to wear shorts and a shirt.I wear a witch's hat and a black dress.I also carry a broom.Some of the people in my class will be dressed like trees and flowers.This is a music play,so the trees and flowers will sing to Hansel and Gretel as they walk through the forest.I can hardly wait for the opening night.I want my friends and family to see me acting on stage.I hope that they like the play.We have all learned our lines and worked very hard at making this play a success.
3/12/20213 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_76 The Dentist

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bib 围兜2.chin 下巴3.molars 臼齿4.cavities 洞5.floss 牙线 牙科7.hygienist 卫生员8.scraped 擦9.polish 亮光剂10.spit 吐11.rinsed 冲洗原文The DentistMy friend's father is a dentist.He has an office near my house.I went to see him on Thursday.His nurse told me to sit in a very big chair.She tied a bib under my chin.The dentist came in.He examined my teeth with some shiny silver tools.He looked at my front teeth and my back teeth.He told me that the back teeth were called molars.He told me to“open wide”.He had a little mirror that he used to look at my teeth.He said that I had good strong teeth.He told me that I didn't have any cavities.I told him that I didn't eat a lot of candies and that I always brushed my teeth after every meal.He said that was very good.He asked me if I flossed my teeth,and I said“yes,I use dental floss every day”.He told me that my teeth were heathy because I took very good care of themHe left and told me to keep up the good work.The dental hygienist came in ,and said that she would clean my teeth for me.She scraped my teeth with a sharp tool,and then she put some polish on my teeth and began to clean them.When she was done,she told me to spit into a bowl,and then she rinsed my mouth out with water.I looked into a mirror and saw that my teeth were very shiny and white.If I take care of my teeth,I'll have them forever.I would like to keep my teeth healthy and white.I like to smile.
3/11/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_76 The Dentist

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bib 围兜2.chin 下巴3.molars 臼齿4.cavities 洞5.floss 牙线 牙科7.hygienist 卫生员8.scraped 擦9.polish 亮光剂10.spit 吐11.rinsed 冲洗原文The DentistMy friend's father is a dentist.He has an office near my house.I went to see him on Thursday.His nurse told me to sit in a very big chair.She tied a bib under my chin.The dentist came in.He examined my teeth with some shiny silver tools.He looked at my front teeth and my back teeth.He told me that the back teeth were called molars.He told me to“open wide”.He had a little mirror that he used to look at my teeth.He said that I had good strong teeth.He told me that I didn't have any cavities.I told him that I didn't eat a lot of candies and that I always brushed my teeth after every meal.He said that was very good.He asked me if I flossed my teeth,and I said“yes,I use dental floss every day”.He told me that my teeth were heathy because I took very good care of themHe left and told me to keep up the good work.The dental hygienist came in ,and said that she would clean my teeth for me.She scraped my teeth with a sharp tool,and then she put some polish on my teeth and began to clean them.When she was done,she told me to spit into a bowl,and then she rinsed my mouth out with water.I looked into a mirror and saw that my teeth were very shiny and white.If I take care of my teeth,I'll have them forever.I would like to keep my teeth healthy and white.I like to smile.
3/11/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_75 The Doctor

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tonsils 扁桃体2.shone 发光3.swollen 肿胀4.glands 腺体5.fluids 液体原文The DoctorI didn't feel very well last week.I had a sore throat and a fever.My mother took me to see the doctor.When we got there,the nurse took my name and said that the doctor would be  with me soon.The doctor was a very nice man in a white jacket.I had seen the doctor before when I had my tonsils out at the hospital.The doctor took a light and looked in my ears.He put a stick on my tongue and he shone his light into my mouth.He looked my throat.He said that my throat was a bit swollen and red.He felt my neck and said that my glands were swollen.He took my temperature and said that the it was quite high.He listened to my heart,and he made me cough.He asked me some questions.He said that he might have to do some tests.He sent me to get some blood taken out of my arm.I was scared,but it didn't really hurt.The doctor gave some pills and told me to take one in the morning and one at night.He told to drink a lot of fluids.He told me to get plenty of sleep.I did exactly what the doctor told me to do.It wasn't very long before I was feeling well again.I think I might like to be a doctor when I grow up.I would like to make people feel better.
3/11/20212 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_75 The Doctor

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tonsils 扁桃体2.shone 发光3.swollen 肿胀4.glands 腺体5.fluids 液体原文The DoctorI didn't feel very well last week.I had a sore throat and a fever.My mother took me to see the doctor.When we got there,the nurse took my name and said that the doctor would be  with me soon.The doctor was a very nice man in a white jacket.I had seen the doctor before when I had my tonsils out at the hospital.The doctor took a light and looked in my ears.He put a stick on my tongue and he shone his light into my mouth.He looked my throat.He said that my throat was a bit swollen and red.He felt my neck and said that my glands were swollen.He took my temperature and said that the it was quite high.He listened to my heart,and he made me cough.He asked me some questions.He said that he might have to do some tests.He sent me to get some blood taken out of my arm.I was scared,but it didn't really hurt.The doctor gave some pills and told me to take one in the morning and one at night.He told to drink a lot of fluids.He told me to get plenty of sleep.I did exactly what the doctor told me to do.It wasn't very long before I was feeling well again.I think I might like to be a doctor when I grow up.I would like to make people feel better.
3/11/20212 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_74 Summer

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pond 池塘2.toss 投掷3.barbecue 烧烤4.cottage 村舍小屋5.garbage 垃圾6.court 球场7.swing 秋千8.slide 滑梯9.nap 小睡原文SummerYahoo!School is over!We are free for the summer.My friend and I run out on the last day of school into the bright summer sun.We sing a song about“no more pencils,no more books”.We can hardly to do all the summer things that we all like to do.We go swimming,we play baseball,we ride our bikes and we go to the beach.We go on vacations or some of us go to summer camp.It is just nice to run barefoot through the grass or lie on your back and look up at the clouds.Summer days are lazy days.We don't have to do school work.We listen to the buzzing of the bees.We watch the birds as they fly from tree to tree.We go down to the pond and toss rocks into the water.We eat ice cream and we have barbecues.Some of my friends' parents have boats,so we go for  rides in their boats.Some of my friends go for their cottages.They have cottages on lakes.Some of my friends even have summer jobs.My best friend works at the supermarket.My father pays me to do jobs for him.I cut the grass,take out the garbage and wash the car.I like to be outside in the sunshine.On Sundays,my mother will pack the picnic lunch,and we go down to the park.Sometimes we play baseball.There is also a tennis court at the park.I am a very good tennis player.My sister just likes to swing on the swings and slide down the slide.We eat our sandwiches and watch out for the ants that always seem to be at picnic.After our lunch,my sister and I always run off to play with the other children.My dad has a nap,and my mother reads her book.My skin gets brown from the sun in the summer.Summer is my favorite season.I like the sounds,smells and feelings that come with the summer sun.Summer is a lot of fun.I wish summer can go on forever.
3/11/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_74 Summer

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pond 池塘2.toss 投掷3.barbecue 烧烤4.cottage 村舍小屋5.garbage 垃圾6.court 球场7.swing 秋千8.slide 滑梯9.nap 小睡原文SummerYahoo!School is over!We are free for the summer.My friend and I run out on the last day of school into the bright summer sun.We sing a song about“no more pencils,no more books”.We can hardly to do all the summer things that we all like to do.We go swimming,we play baseball,we ride our bikes and we go to the beach.We go on vacations or some of us go to summer camp.It is just nice to run barefoot through the grass or lie on your back and look up at the clouds.Summer days are lazy days.We don't have to do school work.We listen to the buzzing of the bees.We watch the birds as they fly from tree to tree.We go down to the pond and toss rocks into the water.We eat ice cream and we have barbecues.Some of my friends' parents have boats,so we go for  rides in their boats.Some of my friends go for their cottages.They have cottages on lakes.Some of my friends even have summer jobs.My best friend works at the supermarket.My father pays me to do jobs for him.I cut the grass,take out the garbage and wash the car.I like to be outside in the sunshine.On Sundays,my mother will pack the picnic lunch,and we go down to the park.Sometimes we play baseball.There is also a tennis court at the park.I am a very good tennis player.My sister just likes to swing on the swings and slide down the slide.We eat our sandwiches and watch out for the ants that always seem to be at picnic.After our lunch,my sister and I always run off to play with the other children.My dad has a nap,and my mother reads her book.My skin gets brown from the sun in the summer.Summer is my favorite season.I like the sounds,smells and feelings that come with the summer sun.Summer is a lot of fun.I wish summer can go on forever.
3/11/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_73 Autumn

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.shades 色度2.branches 树枝3.shivering 颤抖4.piles 堆5.rake 耙6.brisk 清新的原文AutumnSome people call autumn the“fall”.You can call it either one.Autumn is the time when the leaves change color.They change from green to beautiful shades of gold,orange and red.It looks like an artist has come along and painted all the trees.The air starts to get a little cooler in the autumn.We begin to wear jackets or sweaters.We go back school in the autumn.The teacher sometimes gets us make leaf collections.We collect different types of leaves and make a display of them.Autumn is the time when old friends get back together and talk about what they did on their summer vocations.Halloween comes in autumn.We dress up in costumes.Some of them are scary,and some of them are funny.We go from door to door and say“trick or treat”and people give us candies.We wear masks on our faces,and we have a lot of fun.The autumn winds start to blow.The wind blows the leaves right off the tree until the trees have bare branches.My friend and I have a lot of fun outside before the winter leaves us shivering.We play football and soccer at school.After school,we ride our bikes through piles of dry leaves.The leaves go flying through the air as we drive through them.My parents rake the leaves up and put them in a big pile.I like to jump in the big piles of leaves,but them my parents just have to rake them up again.The skies get a little cloudier in the autumn,and we know that soon there will be snow,so we enjoy the brisk autumn weather while we can.
3/11/20213 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_73 Autumn

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.shades 色度2.branches 树枝3.shivering 颤抖4.piles 堆5.rake 耙6.brisk 清新的原文AutumnSome people call autumn the“fall”.You can call it either one.Autumn is the time when the leaves change color.They change from green to beautiful shades of gold,orange and red.It looks like an artist has come along and painted all the trees.The air starts to get a little cooler in the autumn.We begin to wear jackets or sweaters.We go back school in the autumn.The teacher sometimes gets us make leaf collections.We collect different types of leaves and make a display of them.Autumn is the time when old friends get back together and talk about what they did on their summer vocations.Halloween comes in autumn.We dress up in costumes.Some of them are scary,and some of them are funny.We go from door to door and say“trick or treat”and people give us candies.We wear masks on our faces,and we have a lot of fun.The autumn winds start to blow.The wind blows the leaves right off the tree until the trees have bare branches.My friend and I have a lot of fun outside before the winter leaves us shivering.We play football and soccer at school.After school,we ride our bikes through piles of dry leaves.The leaves go flying through the air as we drive through them.My parents rake the leaves up and put them in a big pile.I like to jump in the big piles of leaves,but them my parents just have to rake them up again.The skies get a little cloudier in the autumn,and we know that soon there will be snow,so we enjoy the brisk autumn weather while we can.
3/11/20213 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_72 Winter

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fall 秋天2.snowflakes 雪花3.blanket 毯4.fort 城堡 rink 滑冰场6.skates 溜冰7.goalie 守门员8.puck 冰球9.shovel 铲10.glistens 闪闪发光原文WinterOnce the fall is over and the snowflakes start to fall,I get very excited.I can hardly wait for the ground to be covered with a blanket of white snow.I put on my mittens,my scarf,my hat,coat and winter boots,and I run out into the fluffy snow.I have to be careful not to slip on the ice.It can be very icy and cold in the winter.The first thing that I do is to build a snow man.I sometimes build a snow fort too.My friends and I have a good snowball fight.We laugh a lot,and our cheeks and noses get very red.When we get too cold,we go into house and have a cup of hot chocolate.My father filled the backyard with water that freezes and turns into an ice rink.When the ice is hard enough,my friends and I get our skates and we go out on the ice to play hockey.All of my friends own hockey sticks.I am usually the goalie,and I have to keep the puck from going into the net.My sister and her friends don't really like to play hockey.They would rather just skate around on the ice.I took skating lessons,so I don't usually fall down.My little brother is just learning to skate,so he falls down a lot.My father has to shovel the snow off the paths and the driveway in the winterI help him.Shoveling snow is hard work.When my dad and I finish shoveling the driveway,we go into the house and warm our hands and feet in front of the fireplace.There is probably nothing more beautiful than the fresh fallen snow on the treesIn the morning,when the sun shines on the snow,it glistens.I like to leave my footprints in the snow.Winter can be very beautiful and exciting.
3/11/20213 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_72 Winter

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fall 秋天2.snowflakes 雪花3.blanket 毯4.fort 城堡 rink 滑冰场6.skates 溜冰7.goalie 守门员8.puck 冰球9.shovel 铲10.glistens 闪闪发光原文WinterOnce the fall is over and the snowflakes start to fall,I get very excited.I can hardly wait for the ground to be covered with a blanket of white snow.I put on my mittens,my scarf,my hat,coat and winter boots,and I run out into the fluffy snow.I have to be careful not to slip on the ice.It can be very icy and cold in the winter.The first thing that I do is to build a snow man.I sometimes build a snow fort too.My friends and I have a good snowball fight.We laugh a lot,and our cheeks and noses get very red.When we get too cold,we go into house and have a cup of hot chocolate.My father filled the backyard with water that freezes and turns into an ice rink.When the ice is hard enough,my friends and I get our skates and we go out on the ice to play hockey.All of my friends own hockey sticks.I am usually the goalie,and I have to keep the puck from going into the net.My sister and her friends don't really like to play hockey.They would rather just skate around on the ice.I took skating lessons,so I don't usually fall down.My little brother is just learning to skate,so he falls down a lot.My father has to shovel the snow off the paths and the driveway in the winterI help him.Shoveling snow is hard work.When my dad and I finish shoveling the driveway,we go into the house and warm our hands and feet in front of the fireplace.There is probably nothing more beautiful than the fresh fallen snow on the treesIn the morning,when the sun shines on the snow,it glistens.I like to leave my footprints in the snow.Winter can be very beautiful and exciting.
3/11/20213 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_70 My House(1)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.two-story 两层2.bottom 底部3.chimney 烟囱4.queen sized bed 双人床5.ruffled curtains 褶皱窗帘6.pine tree 松树7.blinds 百叶窗8.bunk bed 上下铺9.fence 栅栏10.recreation 娱乐 11.garage 车库原文My House(1)I live in a two-story house.The bottom of the house is painted white.The upper part of the house is made of red brick.The chimney is also made of red brick.If you go through the front door and turn right,you'll see the living room.The living room is very large and comfortable.There are easy chairs,a coffee table and a sofa in there.I like to sit there and relax.Next to the living room is the dining room.There are a dining table and chairs in there.We use this room whenever we have visitors over for dinner.Beside the dining room is the kitchen.The kitchen has a stove and a refrigerator in it.There is also a kitchen table with some benches at it.Most of the time we eat in the kitchen.Upstairs there are three bed rooms.My parents' bedroom is very big.They have a very lager queen sized bed in there,and there are two closets for their clothes.My room is smaller.My room is painted pink,and I have ruffled curtains on the windows.From my bedroom window,you can see the front yard.There is a pine tree in the front yard.My brother's bedroom is painted blue.He has blinds on the windows.He has a bunk bed in his room.If he has a friend stay over,one of them can sleep on the top bunk and the other can sleep on the bottom bunk.You can see the back yard from his bedroom window.There are rose bushes and a picnic table in the back yard.There is also a white fence that has gate in it.In the basement,there is a recreation room.This is where we watch television and have friends over to visit.The laundry room is also in the basement.There are a wash machine and a dryer in there.Beside the house is a garage.We keep the car in the garage whenever the weather is bad.Our house is just the right size for our family.Friends are always welcom at our house.
3/11/20214 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_70 My House(1)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.two-story 两层2.bottom 底部3.chimney 烟囱4.queen sized bed 双人床5.ruffled curtains 褶皱窗帘6.pine tree 松树7.blinds 百叶窗8.bunk bed 上下铺9.fence 栅栏10.recreation 娱乐 11.garage 车库原文My House(1)I live in a two-story house.The bottom of the house is painted white.The upper part of the house is made of red brick.The chimney is also made of red brick.If you go through the front door and turn right,you'll see the living room.The living room is very large and comfortable.There are easy chairs,a coffee table and a sofa in there.I like to sit there and relax.Next to the living room is the dining room.There are a dining table and chairs in there.We use this room whenever we have visitors over for dinner.Beside the dining room is the kitchen.The kitchen has a stove and a refrigerator in it.There is also a kitchen table with some benches at it.Most of the time we eat in the kitchen.Upstairs there are three bed rooms.My parents' bedroom is very big.They have a very lager queen sized bed in there,and there are two closets for their clothes.My room is smaller.My room is painted pink,and I have ruffled curtains on the windows.From my bedroom window,you can see the front yard.There is a pine tree in the front yard.My brother's bedroom is painted blue.He has blinds on the windows.He has a bunk bed in his room.If he has a friend stay over,one of them can sleep on the top bunk and the other can sleep on the bottom bunk.You can see the back yard from his bedroom window.There are rose bushes and a picnic table in the back yard.There is also a white fence that has gate in it.In the basement,there is a recreation room.This is where we watch television and have friends over to visit.The laundry room is also in the basement.There are a wash machine and a dryer in there.Beside the house is a garage.We keep the car in the garage whenever the weather is bad.Our house is just the right size for our family.Friends are always welcom at our house.
3/11/20214 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_69 Vacation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sunburned 晒伤2.pinball 弹球3.towel 毛巾4.shore 岸5.seashells 贝壳6.crab 螃蟹7.sandcastles 沙堡8.volleyball 排球9.marshmallows 棉花糖原文VacationMy family and I went on vacation to Lake Huron.The water is beautiful and blue there,and the sand is nice and white.The week that we were there was very hot.The sun was hot,but the water was still very cold.I went swimming and tried to catch little fish in my hands.I was careful not to get sunburned.We stayed at a hotel,that had a pool and a game room.I played pinball and video games sometimes.I liked to swim in the hotel pool,but I like the beach better.I would lie on a big beach towel and get warm;then I would jump in the water and cool off.Sometimes I would just lie on the sand and watch the waves roll up on the shore.I found some seashells and I saw a crab walking on the sand.At first,I was a bit lonely,because I didn't know anyone there.It wasn't long before I met some other kids my age.We built sandcastles together and swam in the lake.The other kids were from different towns,so we told each other stories about our schools and friends.We found that we have a lot in common,even though we were from different places.Our families got together and went to restaurants together.We played volleyball on the beach,and we sat around a campfire at night and sang songs.At campfire we would roast our marshmallows on a stick.I always burned my marshmallows.That is okay.I like them that way.Mostly we just swam in the lake until we were very tired.I was sorry when my vocation was over.I had a good time in Lake Huron.I met some very good friends there.We still write each other.Maybe we'll see each other next summer.
3/9/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_69 Vacation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sunburned 晒伤2.pinball 弹球3.towel 毛巾4.shore 岸5.seashells 贝壳6.crab 螃蟹7.sandcastles 沙堡8.volleyball 排球9.marshmallows 棉花糖原文VacationMy family and I went on vacation to Lake Huron.The water is beautiful and blue there,and the sand is nice and white.The week that we were there was very hot.The sun was hot,but the water was still very cold.I went swimming and tried to catch little fish in my hands.I was careful not to get sunburned.We stayed at a hotel,that had a pool and a game room.I played pinball and video games sometimes.I liked to swim in the hotel pool,but I like the beach better.I would lie on a big beach towel and get warm;then I would jump in the water and cool off.Sometimes I would just lie on the sand and watch the waves roll up on the shore.I found some seashells and I saw a crab walking on the sand.At first,I was a bit lonely,because I didn't know anyone there.It wasn't long before I met some other kids my age.We built sandcastles together and swam in the lake.The other kids were from different towns,so we told each other stories about our schools and friends.We found that we have a lot in common,even though we were from different places.Our families got together and went to restaurants together.We played volleyball on the beach,and we sat around a campfire at night and sang songs.At campfire we would roast our marshmallows on a stick.I always burned my marshmallows.That is okay.I like them that way.Mostly we just swam in the lake until we were very tired.I was sorry when my vocation was over.I had a good time in Lake Huron.I met some very good friends there.We still write each other.Maybe we'll see each other next summer.
3/9/20214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_68 My Classroom

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.chalk 粉笔2.squeaks 吱吱叫3.spread out 展开4.crayons 蜡笔5.scissors 剪刀6.glue 粘合7.erase 擦8.clap 拍原文My ClassroomMy classroom is a large room.It is full of brightly colored pictures.My teacher hangs pictures up all over the walls.There are blackboards at the front of the room.My teacher always had writing all over the blackboards.Sometimes the chalk squeaks when she writes on the blackboard.We cover our ears when that happens.Our classroom is full of desks.There are a lot of students in our class.Our desks are full of books,notebooks and pens.I try to keep my desk neat,but I have a lot of things in there.My ruler and pencils are always falling out of my desk.At the back of the room is a bookcase full of books.We can sign those books out and take them home to read.I have read a lot of the books.I like mysteries and biographies,so I have taken many of those home.There are also tables at the back of the room.That is where we do our artwork.We spread out big sheets of paper,and we use paints or crayons to make pictures.Sometimes we cut things out of magazines with scissors and we glue pictures to the paper.I like art class.After school,my friends and I often erase the blackboards for the teacher.Then we take the erasers outside and clap them together to get the chalk dust out of them.My friends and I walk home together and talk about what we did in school and what we are going to do after supper.
3/9/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_68 My Classroom

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.chalk 粉笔2.squeaks 吱吱叫3.spread out 展开4.crayons 蜡笔5.scissors 剪刀6.glue 粘合7.erase 擦8.clap 拍原文My ClassroomMy classroom is a large room.It is full of brightly colored pictures.My teacher hangs pictures up all over the walls.There are blackboards at the front of the room.My teacher always had writing all over the blackboards.Sometimes the chalk squeaks when she writes on the blackboard.We cover our ears when that happens.Our classroom is full of desks.There are a lot of students in our class.Our desks are full of books,notebooks and pens.I try to keep my desk neat,but I have a lot of things in there.My ruler and pencils are always falling out of my desk.At the back of the room is a bookcase full of books.We can sign those books out and take them home to read.I have read a lot of the books.I like mysteries and biographies,so I have taken many of those home.There are also tables at the back of the room.That is where we do our artwork.We spread out big sheets of paper,and we use paints or crayons to make pictures.Sometimes we cut things out of magazines with scissors and we glue pictures to the paper.I like art class.After school,my friends and I often erase the blackboards for the teacher.Then we take the erasers outside and clap them together to get the chalk dust out of them.My friends and I walk home together and talk about what we did in school and what we are going to do after supper.
3/9/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_67 The Birthday Party

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.decorated 装饰2.candles 蜡烛3.bows 蝴蝶结4.mustard 芥末5.ketchup 番茄酱原文The Birthday PartyYesterday I went to a birthday party.My friend Jane had her tenth birthday.Her house was decorated with balloons and streamersHer mother had baked a big birthday cake.The cake had“happy tenth birthday party Jane”written on it.There were ten candles on the cake.Jane blew out the candles and made a wish.I wonder what she wished for.Your wish won't come true,if you tell anyone what it was.We sang“happy birthday to you”.At the party we played some games.I won one of the games,so I got a prize.We also swam in Jane's swimming pool.Jane opened her gifts.Her gifts were wrapped in bright paper and bows.She got lots of nice gifts.She got some compact discs,some clothes and some computer games.Jane thanked everyone.We ate a lot of food at Jane's party.We had hot dogs.I put mustard and ketchup on my hot dog.Then we ate cake and ice cream.We had pop to drink.I think I had too much cake and ice cream.I was very full by the time the party was over.We thanked Jane and her mother before we all went home.It was a very good party.Everyone had a good time.I hope Jane had a happy tenth birthday.
3/9/20213 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_67 The Birthday Party

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.decorated 装饰2.candles 蜡烛3.bows 蝴蝶结4.mustard 芥末5.ketchup 番茄酱原文The Birthday PartyYesterday I went to a birthday party.My friend Jane had her tenth birthday.Her house was decorated with balloons and streamersHer mother had baked a big birthday cake.The cake had“happy tenth birthday party Jane”written on it.There were ten candles on the cake.Jane blew out the candles and made a wish.I wonder what she wished for.Your wish won't come true,if you tell anyone what it was.We sang“happy birthday to you”.At the party we played some games.I won one of the games,so I got a prize.We also swam in Jane's swimming pool.Jane opened her gifts.Her gifts were wrapped in bright paper and bows.She got lots of nice gifts.She got some compact discs,some clothes and some computer games.Jane thanked everyone.We ate a lot of food at Jane's party.We had hot dogs.I put mustard and ketchup on my hot dog.Then we ate cake and ice cream.We had pop to drink.I think I had too much cake and ice cream.I was very full by the time the party was over.We thanked Jane and her mother before we all went home.It was a very good party.Everyone had a good time.I hope Jane had a happy tenth birthday.
3/9/20213 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_66 Spring

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.buds 芽2.daffodils 水仙花3.robin 知更鸟4.worms 虫5.ground 地面6.toss 投掷7.mud 泥土8.puddles 水坑9.splashes 溅起10.melted 融化原文SpringIt rains a lot in the spring.The trees are full of buds,and the flowers are starting to bloom.My favorite flowers are tulips and daffodils.The birds come back from the south.I can always tell that the spring is here when I see my first robin of the season.The robins pull worms from the wet ground.When it isn't rainy my friends and I go outside and toss a ball around.We look forward to the summer,but we are glad to get outside after the long winter.The air smells so fresh in the spring.My mother always tells me not to track mud into the house.It's very muddy in our yard in the springtime.I wipe my muddy feet before I go into the house.There are a lot of puddles in my yard.I sometimes splash in the puddles,and I get wet and cold,so I have to go into the house.I like it when the snow has melted,the rain has stopped and the sun comes out.On sunny days,I always get together with my friends.On those days,we either ride our bikes or play ball.My parents like to go for walks on spring evenings.They also like to clean up the yard in the spring.Everyone seems to be outside.The springtime brings people out of their houses.
3/8/20213 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_66 Spring

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.buds 芽2.daffodils 水仙花3.robin 知更鸟4.worms 虫5.ground 地面6.toss 投掷7.mud 泥土8.puddles 水坑9.splashes 溅起10.melted 融化原文SpringIt rains a lot in the spring.The trees are full of buds,and the flowers are starting to bloom.My favorite flowers are tulips and daffodils.The birds come back from the south.I can always tell that the spring is here when I see my first robin of the season.The robins pull worms from the wet ground.When it isn't rainy my friends and I go outside and toss a ball around.We look forward to the summer,but we are glad to get outside after the long winter.The air smells so fresh in the spring.My mother always tells me not to track mud into the house.It's very muddy in our yard in the springtime.I wipe my muddy feet before I go into the house.There are a lot of puddles in my yard.I sometimes splash in the puddles,and I get wet and cold,so I have to go into the house.I like it when the snow has melted,the rain has stopped and the sun comes out.On sunny days,I always get together with my friends.On those days,we either ride our bikes or play ball.My parents like to go for walks on spring evenings.They also like to clean up the yard in the spring.Everyone seems to be outside.The springtime brings people out of their houses.
3/8/20213 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_65 Music(2)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.flute 长笛2.choir 唱诗班3.soprano 女高音4.drumstick 鼓槌5.harmony 和谐6.lyrics 抒情诗、歌词7.drummer 鼓手原文Music(2)My family is very musical.My father plays the guitar.He plays in a band.The band plays country music.My mother is a singer in the band.She also plays the piano.I took the flute in music class at school.I play the flute in the school band.I also sing in the school choir.I have a low voice.My sister has a high voice.She is a soprano.At home I like to practice the drums,but my mother says that it is too loud.Sometimes I play so loudly that I break a drumstick.I practice whenever she goes outI would like to be in a rock band.Some of my friends and I are thinking of starting our own rock band.My sister is a very good piano player.She has won many awards at music festivals.She likes to play classic music,but sometimes I get her to play rock music with me.She is also a very good singer.I like to sing with her.We sing in harmony.I listen to the music all the time on the radio.I know a lot of songs.I can sing along with most of the songs that come on the radio.I memorize the lyrics of the songs.My sister and I sometimes get together and sing our favorite songs.Maybe someday we will start our own rock bank ,and I will be the drummer.
3/8/20213 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_65 Music(2)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.flute 长笛2.choir 唱诗班3.soprano 女高音4.drumstick 鼓槌5.harmony 和谐6.lyrics 抒情诗、歌词7.drummer 鼓手原文Music(2)My family is very musical.My father plays the guitar.He plays in a band.The band plays country music.My mother is a singer in the band.She also plays the piano.I took the flute in music class at school.I play the flute in the school band.I also sing in the school choir.I have a low voice.My sister has a high voice.She is a soprano.At home I like to practice the drums,but my mother says that it is too loud.Sometimes I play so loudly that I break a drumstick.I practice whenever she goes outI would like to be in a rock band.Some of my friends and I are thinking of starting our own rock band.My sister is a very good piano player.She has won many awards at music festivals.She likes to play classic music,but sometimes I get her to play rock music with me.She is also a very good singer.I like to sing with her.We sing in harmony.I listen to the music all the time on the radio.I know a lot of songs.I can sing along with most of the songs that come on the radio.I memorize the lyrics of the songs.My sister and I sometimes get together and sing our favorite songs.Maybe someday we will start our own rock bank ,and I will be the drummer.
3/8/20213 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_64 My Cat

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tinny 极小的2.kitten 小猫3.fluffy 毛茸茸的4.meow 猫叫5.treats 零食6.curl up 蜷缩起来7.purrs 发出呼噜声 抚摸9.blanket 毛毯10.twitches 抽动原文My CatI got my cat when she was just a tiny kitten.I named her Puff because her fur is soft and fluffy.She has white fur,but her tail,paws and ears are black.She has a little pink nose and yellow eyes.She says“Meow”whenever she wants a bowl of milk.I feed her cat food and treats.She washes her face with her paw when she is finished eating.My whole family loves her,and we can tell that she loves us.She loves to curl up in our laps.She purrs whenever we pet her.She is very playful.We sometimes roll up a piece of paper and throw it to her.She loves to chase the paper and hit it with her paws.She also chases bugs.Last night she chased a spider,but she was afraid to touch it.At night she curls up in my bed with me.She likes to be warm.I have given her a blanket of her own,but when I put her on it her tail twitches.Her tail twitches whenever she is upset or angry.I know that she doesn't want to be on her blanket.She wants to be in my bed.I let her into my bed,and she falls asleep purring loudly.
3/8/20213 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_64 My Cat

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tinny 极小的2.kitten 小猫3.fluffy 毛茸茸的4.meow 猫叫5.treats 零食6.curl up 蜷缩起来7.purrs 发出呼噜声 抚摸9.blanket 毛毯10.twitches 抽动原文My CatI got my cat when she was just a tiny kitten.I named her Puff because her fur is soft and fluffy.She has white fur,but her tail,paws and ears are black.She has a little pink nose and yellow eyes.She says“Meow”whenever she wants a bowl of milk.I feed her cat food and treats.She washes her face with her paw when she is finished eating.My whole family loves her,and we can tell that she loves us.She loves to curl up in our laps.She purrs whenever we pet her.She is very playful.We sometimes roll up a piece of paper and throw it to her.She loves to chase the paper and hit it with her paws.She also chases bugs.Last night she chased a spider,but she was afraid to touch it.At night she curls up in my bed with me.She likes to be warm.I have given her a blanket of her own,but when I put her on it her tail twitches.Her tail twitches whenever she is upset or angry.I know that she doesn't want to be on her blanket.She wants to be in my bed.I let her into my bed,and she falls asleep purring loudly.
3/8/20213 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_63 I am Special

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频原文I am SpecialNobody in the world is exactly like I am.They might have the same color hair and eyes that I do,but they are not exactly like me.I am the only person in the world who thinks my thoughts.No two people in the world are exactly alike.It is good to be your own person.It is good to be creative and be natural.People have to follow the laws and the rules.People should always be kind to others.I try to follow all the rules.I am kind to others.I am a lot like many other people,yet I am different.I am like my friend Jane,but she has red hair and I have dark hair.She has a loud voice,and I have a soft voice.She likes to eat vegetables,and I do not.Jane and I are the same height.We both like movies,and we are both afraid of spiders.We wear the same size shoes,and we both have the same favorite color.We are best friends,but sometimes we disagree about things.We are alike in many ways,and different in many ways.If we were all exactly the same,the world would be a very boring place.I am myself,and I am glad that I am special.You are special too.Use your own special talents,and take the time to meet other people.The world is made up of a lot of different people,and that's what makes life exciting.
3/8/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_63 I am Special

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频原文I am SpecialNobody in the world is exactly like I am.They might have the same color hair and eyes that I do,but they are not exactly like me.I am the only person in the world who thinks my thoughts.No two people in the world are exactly alike.It is good to be your own person.It is good to be creative and be natural.People have to follow the laws and the rules.People should always be kind to others.I try to follow all the rules.I am kind to others.I am a lot like many other people,yet I am different.I am like my friend Jane,but she has red hair and I have dark hair.She has a loud voice,and I have a soft voice.She likes to eat vegetables,and I do not.Jane and I are the same height.We both like movies,and we are both afraid of spiders.We wear the same size shoes,and we both have the same favorite color.We are best friends,but sometimes we disagree about things.We are alike in many ways,and different in many ways.If we were all exactly the same,the world would be a very boring place.I am myself,and I am glad that I am special.You are special too.Use your own special talents,and take the time to meet other people.The world is made up of a lot of different people,and that's what makes life exciting.
3/8/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_62 The Two Sexes

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.genders 性别2.physically 身体上3.mentally 精神上4.muscular 肌肉强壮的5.masculine 男子气的6.feminine 女子气的原文The Two SexesThere are two sexes or genders.There is the male gender,and there is the female gender.Males and females are different,both physically and mentally.Humans are both male and female,and animals are both male and female.If you have a dog,it is either a girl dog or a boy dog.Boys grow up to be men.Men grow hair on their faces.Men are usually more muscular than women.Men dress differently than women.Men are males.Males are masculine.Girls grow up to be women.Only women can have babies.Women are females.Females are feminine.Another word for women is ladies.It is good that we have males and females.Your father is a male.Your grandfather,brother and uncle are males.Your mother is a female.Your grandmother,sister and aunt are females.
3/8/20212 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_62 The Two Sexes

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.genders 性别2.physically 身体上3.mentally 精神上4.muscular 肌肉强壮的5.masculine 男子气的6.feminine 女子气的原文The Two SexesThere are two sexes or genders.There is the male gender,and there is the female gender.Males and females are different,both physically and mentally.Humans are both male and female,and animals are both male and female.If you have a dog,it is either a girl dog or a boy dog.Boys grow up to be men.Men grow hair on their faces.Men are usually more muscular than women.Men dress differently than women.Men are males.Males are masculine.Girls grow up to be women.Only women can have babies.Women are females.Females are feminine.Another word for women is ladies.It is good that we have males and females.Your father is a male.Your grandfather,brother and uncle are males.Your mother is a female.Your grandmother,sister and aunt are females.
3/8/20212 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_61 Manners

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.manner 礼貌2.shove 推3.address people 称呼别人4.properly 适当地5.manners 礼貌6.common sense 常识7.point at 指向8.burp out 打嗝原文MannersIt is good to be polite.People like you more when you are polite.Always say please and thank you.If you ask for some milk,you should say“please,may I have a glass of milk?”.When someone gives you the milk,you should respond with“thank you.” .It is not difficult to be polite.You should not push or shove people.You should cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.You should address people properly.If you are trying to get someone's attention,you would say“excuse me.”.You wouldn't say“hey you.”.There are table manners.That is where you eat properly and politely at the dinner table.You don't shove food into your mouth.You don't reach over other people's plates.You don't talk with your mouth full.All of these things are common sense.Being polite is mostly thinking about how you would like to be treated.You wouldn't want people to be impolite to you.It is not polite to point at people.It is not polite to burp out loud.It is not polite to use someone else's things without asking first.Being polite just comes naturally if you have been brought up in a home where everyone was polite.
3/8/20212 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_61 Manners

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.manner 礼貌2.shove 推3.address people 称呼别人4.properly 适当地5.manners 礼貌6.common sense 常识7.point at 指向8.burp out 打嗝原文MannersIt is good to be polite.People like you more when you are polite.Always say please and thank you.If you ask for some milk,you should say“please,may I have a glass of milk?”.When someone gives you the milk,you should respond with“thank you.” .It is not difficult to be polite.You should not push or shove people.You should cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.You should address people properly.If you are trying to get someone's attention,you would say“excuse me.”.You wouldn't say“hey you.”.There are table manners.That is where you eat properly and politely at the dinner table.You don't shove food into your mouth.You don't reach over other people's plates.You don't talk with your mouth full.All of these things are common sense.Being polite is mostly thinking about how you would like to be treated.You wouldn't want people to be impolite to you.It is not polite to point at people.It is not polite to burp out loud.It is not polite to use someone else's things without asking first.Being polite just comes naturally if you have been brought up in a home where everyone was polite.
3/8/20212 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_60 Money

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pennies 便士2.jar 罐子3.cent 一分钱4.nickel 五分镍币5.dime 十分钱6.quarter 二十五分钱7.loonies 加拿大元8.tonnies 二元加币9.bills 钞票10.recognize 认出原文MoneyI keep my money in the bank.I have saved up my money.I save all my pennies in a jar.A penny is only worth one cent.I have nickels.A nickel is worth five cents.A dime is worth ten cents.A quarter is twenty-five cents.A quarter is a quarter of a dollar.Four quarters make up a dollar.A dollar is worth one hundred cents.I saved up all of my dollars.Our dollars used to be paper ,but now they are coins.We call our dollars loonies.It is a funny name.We also have two dollar coins.We call those toonies.We have five dollar bills and ten dollar bills.If you are lucky,you will have twenty dollar bills,fifty dollar bills and even hundred dollar bills.Our bills in Canada are different colors.That makes them easy to recognize if you go somewhere to spend them.It is wise to save your money.If you save money,you could have hundreds or thousands of dollars.
3/7/20212 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_60 Money

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pennies 便士2.jar 罐子3.cent 一分钱4.nickel 五分镍币5.dime 十分钱6.quarter 二十五分钱7.loonies 加拿大元8.tonnies 二元加币9.bills 钞票10.recognize 认出原文MoneyI keep my money in the bank.I have saved up my money.I save all my pennies in a jar.A penny is only worth one cent.I have nickels.A nickel is worth five cents.A dime is worth ten cents.A quarter is twenty-five cents.A quarter is a quarter of a dollar.Four quarters make up a dollar.A dollar is worth one hundred cents.I saved up all of my dollars.Our dollars used to be paper ,but now they are coins.We call our dollars loonies.It is a funny name.We also have two dollar coins.We call those toonies.We have five dollar bills and ten dollar bills.If you are lucky,you will have twenty dollar bills,fifty dollar bills and even hundred dollar bills.Our bills in Canada are different colors.That makes them easy to recognize if you go somewhere to spend them.It is wise to save your money.If you save money,you could have hundreds or thousands of dollars.
3/7/20212 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_59 The Office

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.secretary 秘书2.staple 订书钉3.hole punch 打孔机4.liquid paper 修正液5.receptionist 接待员6.bookshelves 书架原文The OfficeSome people work in an office.There are special tools that people in an office need to do their work.There is a computer in the office.There is a telephone.Most of the time,the secretary answers the telephone.The secretary sits at a desk.The secretary has pens and pencils on the desk.The secretary writes on a note pad.Some other things you that you would find in an office include the following:a staple to staple pages together;a photocopier to copy pages;a pencil sharpener to sharp pencils;a water cooler where the employees could get a drink of water;a hole punch to make holes in sheets of paper;and liquid paper which is used to blank out errors on a page.Some offices have many employees in them.All of the employees have their own desks.Other offices just have one person at a desk.In some offices,there is a secretary or a receptionist,and then there is the boss in another room.There are often many important papers in an office.Important papers can be called documents.You might have to sign a document or fill out a form in an office.Some offices have bookshelves filled with books.The books are filled with information that the people in the office need.You will have to visit an office sometime.Maybe it will be a doctor's office or a lawyer's office.There are many different types of offices.
3/7/20213 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_59 The Office

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.secretary 秘书2.staple 订书钉3.hole punch 打孔机4.liquid paper 修正液5.receptionist 接待员6.bookshelves 书架原文The OfficeSome people work in an office.There are special tools that people in an office need to do their work.There is a computer in the office.There is a telephone.Most of the time,the secretary answers the telephone.The secretary sits at a desk.The secretary has pens and pencils on the desk.The secretary writes on a note pad.Some other things you that you would find in an office include the following:a staple to staple pages together;a photocopier to copy pages;a pencil sharpener to sharp pencils;a water cooler where the employees could get a drink of water;a hole punch to make holes in sheets of paper;and liquid paper which is used to blank out errors on a page.Some offices have many employees in them.All of the employees have their own desks.Other offices just have one person at a desk.In some offices,there is a secretary or a receptionist,and then there is the boss in another room.There are often many important papers in an office.Important papers can be called documents.You might have to sign a document or fill out a form in an office.Some offices have bookshelves filled with books.The books are filled with information that the people in the office need.You will have to visit an office sometime.Maybe it will be a doctor's office or a lawyer's office.There are many different types of offices.
3/7/20213 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_58 Which Direction

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.direction 方向2.hole 洞穴3.complicated 复杂的原文Which DirectionWhich direction should I go in?Should I go up?If I go up,I will head toward to the sky.I can go up the stairs.Should I go down?I can go down the stairs to the basement.I can climb down into a hole.Should I go left or left?I am right-handed,so I know which way right is.Should I go backwards?I would be going away from the things that I am facing now if I went backwards.If I went backwards from the things that I am facing,I would go away from it.Should I go forward?I will just go straight ahead if I go forward.If I am facing something and I go forward,then I will go toward the thing that I am facing.Maybe I should go sideways,but which side,right or left?It sounds very complicated,but it is not.Directions are very easy to follow it,if you stop and think about them.
3/7/20212 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_58 Which Direction

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.direction 方向2.hole 洞穴3.complicated 复杂的原文Which DirectionWhich direction should I go in?Should I go up?If I go up,I will head toward to the sky.I can go up the stairs.Should I go down?I can go down the stairs to the basement.I can climb down into a hole.Should I go left or left?I am right-handed,so I know which way right is.Should I go backwards?I would be going away from the things that I am facing now if I went backwards.If I went backwards from the things that I am facing,I would go away from it.Should I go forward?I will just go straight ahead if I go forward.If I am facing something and I go forward,then I will go toward the thing that I am facing.Maybe I should go sideways,but which side,right or left?It sounds very complicated,but it is not.Directions are very easy to follow it,if you stop and think about them.
3/7/20212 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_57 Who,What,Where and Why

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.stole 偷2.glasses 眼镜3.explanation 解释4.round 圆的原文Who,What,Where and WhyThese are important words.They are all words that begin questions.“Who”is about a person.Who is the girl with the blue dress on?Who stole my watch?Who will come with to the game?Who is driving us to the party?“What”is about a thing.What is that big thing on the sidewalk?What should I do when I get to your house?What kind of clothes should I wear to the party?What shall I buy you for your birthday?“Where”is about a place?Where are you going for your vacation?Where did I leaves my glasses?Where did my brother go?Where on earth is Timmins?“Why”is a word that asks for an explanation.Why did you take the last piece of pie?Why is the world round?Why should I give you any money?Why did the chicken cross the street?They say that you should answer all these questions if you are writing a good story.You have to give the who,what,where and why to write a good story.
3/7/20212 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_57 Who,What,Where and Why

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.stole 偷2.glasses 眼镜3.explanation 解释4.round 圆的原文Who,What,Where and WhyThese are important words.They are all words that begin questions.“Who”is about a person.Who is the girl with the blue dress on?Who stole my watch?Who will come with to the game?Who is driving us to the party?“What”is about a thing.What is that big thing on the sidewalk?What should I do when I get to your house?What kind of clothes should I wear to the party?What shall I buy you for your birthday?“Where”is about a place?Where are you going for your vacation?Where did I leaves my glasses?Where did my brother go?Where on earth is Timmins?“Why”is a word that asks for an explanation.Why did you take the last piece of pie?Why is the world round?Why should I give you any money?Why did the chicken cross the street?They say that you should answer all these questions if you are writing a good story.You have to give the who,what,where and why to write a good story.
3/7/20212 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_56 Music(1)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.orchestra 管弦乐队2.tuba 大号3.trumpet 小号4.saxophone 萨克斯管5.cello 大提琴6.percussion 打击乐器7.kettle drum 铜鼓8.organ 风琴9.banjo 班卓琴10.mandolin 曼陀林11.flute 长笛12.french horn 法国号13.stick 棍14.cymbal 钹15.quarter 四分之一16.eighth 八分之一17.scales 范围原文MusicIf you were in a orchestra,what would you paly?Would you play a tuba,a trumpet,or a saxophone?Perhaps you would prefer a stringed instrument like a violin or a cello.Maybe you would enjoy percussion more.You could play the kettle drum.There are instruments that have keyboards.A piano and an organ have keyboards.There are instruments that have strings on them.A guitar,banjo and mandolin have strings on them.There are instruments that you blow into.A flute,a French horn,and a harmonica are all the instruments that you blow into.There are instruments that you hit with a stick.A drum and a cymbal are two things that you would hit with a stick.If you are in an orchestra,you have to watch the conductor.He will lead you through the piece of music.You might just want to be in a band for fun.You could join a rock band or a dance band.Some people learn to read music.Music notes are written on a staff.Each note represents a sound.There are whole notes,half notes,quarter notes and eighth notes.Each one of these is held a different number of beats.It is good to learn about music.You have to learn about your scales,and learn about sharps and flats.If you want to learn how to play an instrument,it is best to take a music lessons.
3/7/20213 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_56 Music(1)

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.orchestra 管弦乐队2.tuba 大号3.trumpet 小号4.saxophone 萨克斯管5.cello 大提琴6.percussion 打击乐器7.kettle drum 铜鼓8.organ 风琴9.banjo 班卓琴10.mandolin 曼陀林11.flute 长笛12.french horn 法国号13.stick 棍14.cymbal 钹15.quarter 四分之一16.eighth 八分之一17.scales 范围原文MusicIf you were in a orchestra,what would you paly?Would you play a tuba,a trumpet,or a saxophone?Perhaps you would prefer a stringed instrument like a violin or a cello.Maybe you would enjoy percussion more.You could play the kettle drum.There are instruments that have keyboards.A piano and an organ have keyboards.There are instruments that have strings on them.A guitar,banjo and mandolin have strings on them.There are instruments that you blow into.A flute,a French horn,and a harmonica are all the instruments that you blow into.There are instruments that you hit with a stick.A drum and a cymbal are two things that you would hit with a stick.If you are in an orchestra,you have to watch the conductor.He will lead you through the piece of music.You might just want to be in a band for fun.You could join a rock band or a dance band.Some people learn to read music.Music notes are written on a staff.Each note represents a sound.There are whole notes,half notes,quarter notes and eighth notes.Each one of these is held a different number of beats.It is good to learn about music.You have to learn about your scales,and learn about sharps and flats.If you want to learn how to play an instrument,it is best to take a music lessons.
3/7/20213 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_55 Traffic

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.seatbelt 安全带2.crosswalks 人行横道3.siren 汽笛4.pull over 靠边停车5.emergency vehicle 紧急车辆原文TrafficTraffic moves along on the streets and highways.There are rules that drivers must follow to make the traffic flow smoothly.You must wear a seatbelt.The seatbelt helps to keep you safe.You must stop at all stop signs.You must also stop at a red light.A green light means go,and a yellow light means to be careful.If you see a sign that says school crossing,you have to be careful because you are near a school,and children might be crossing the street.Some places are crosswalks.Those are places where people cross the street.People who are walking have the right the way.If you hear a siren behind of you, you must pull over.An emergency vehicle like a police car or an ambulance might need to get somewhere fast.When a school bus puts on the flashing signals,you have to stop.You can't go pass the school bus because children may be crossing the street from the bus.You should always obey the speed limit.It is not good to drive too fast.People should never drink and drive.Driving is a serious business.You have to obey all the rules to be a good driver.
3/6/20212 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_55 Traffic

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.seatbelt 安全带2.crosswalks 人行横道3.siren 汽笛4.pull over 靠边停车5.emergency vehicle 紧急车辆原文TrafficTraffic moves along on the streets and highways.There are rules that drivers must follow to make the traffic flow smoothly.You must wear a seatbelt.The seatbelt helps to keep you safe.You must stop at all stop signs.You must also stop at a red light.A green light means go,and a yellow light means to be careful.If you see a sign that says school crossing,you have to be careful because you are near a school,and children might be crossing the street.Some places are crosswalks.Those are places where people cross the street.People who are walking have the right the way.If you hear a siren behind of you, you must pull over.An emergency vehicle like a police car or an ambulance might need to get somewhere fast.When a school bus puts on the flashing signals,you have to stop.You can't go pass the school bus because children may be crossing the street from the bus.You should always obey the speed limit.It is not good to drive too fast.People should never drink and drive.Driving is a serious business.You have to obey all the rules to be a good driver.
3/6/20212 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_54 The Restaurant

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.booth 卡座2.dessert 甜点3.cutlery 餐具4.napkins 餐巾5.appetizer 开胃菜6.tip 小费原文The RestaurantWhen you go to a restaurant you might see a sign that says“please wait your seat”.A host or hostess will ask you how many people are in your party.Then they will want to know if you want to sit in the smoking or no-smoking section.The host or hostess will take you to your seat.You might sit at a table or at a booth.The host or hostess will give a menu to look at.Sometimes there are different menus for different meals.There can be a breakfast menu,a lunch menu and a dinner menu.Sometimes,there are also a wine list and a dessert menu.The food and the prices of the food are listed on the menu.On your table,there will be cutlery.Cutlery is knives,forks and spoons.There will also be a napkin.You are supposed to put your napkin on your lap when you eat.Your waiter or waitress will take your order.You might want a appetizer before your meal.Some people want a salad or soup before their meal.After your meal,you might want a dessert,or tea,or coffee.When it is time to go,you will pay your bill and leave a tip for the waiter or waitress.
3/6/20212 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_54 The Restaurant

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.booth 卡座2.dessert 甜点3.cutlery 餐具4.napkins 餐巾5.appetizer 开胃菜6.tip 小费原文The RestaurantWhen you go to a restaurant you might see a sign that says“please wait your seat”.A host or hostess will ask you how many people are in your party.Then they will want to know if you want to sit in the smoking or no-smoking section.The host or hostess will take you to your seat.You might sit at a table or at a booth.The host or hostess will give a menu to look at.Sometimes there are different menus for different meals.There can be a breakfast menu,a lunch menu and a dinner menu.Sometimes,there are also a wine list and a dessert menu.The food and the prices of the food are listed on the menu.On your table,there will be cutlery.Cutlery is knives,forks and spoons.There will also be a napkin.You are supposed to put your napkin on your lap when you eat.Your waiter or waitress will take your order.You might want a appetizer before your meal.Some people want a salad or soup before their meal.After your meal,you might want a dessert,or tea,or coffee.When it is time to go,you will pay your bill and leave a tip for the waiter or waitress.
3/6/20212 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_53 Differences

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.unique 独一无二的原文DifferencesAre you tall or short?Are big or small?People come in many different shapes or sizes.Some people wear size small clothes.Other people wear size medium clothes.There are people who wear large size clothes.Some people even wear extra large clothes.Some people are thin.Some people are fat.Some people are in between.There are people with short hair.Other people have long hair.Some people have no hair at all.No two people are exactly alike.Some people have long legs.I have short legs.I don't walk as fast as a person with long legs.I am not a tall person.In fact,I am quite short.My feet are size seven.My mother has size five feet.My father has size twelve feet.We are all different sizes.It is not a bad thing.It is a good thing that we are all unique.
3/6/20212 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_53 Differences

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.unique 独一无二的原文DifferencesAre you tall or short?Are big or small?People come in many different shapes or sizes.Some people wear size small clothes.Other people wear size medium clothes.There are people who wear large size clothes.Some people even wear extra large clothes.Some people are thin.Some people are fat.Some people are in between.There are people with short hair.Other people have long hair.Some people have no hair at all.No two people are exactly alike.Some people have long legs.I have short legs.I don't walk as fast as a person with long legs.I am not a tall person.In fact,I am quite short.My feet are size seven.My mother has size five feet.My father has size twelve feet.We are all different sizes.It is not a bad thing.It is a good thing that we are all unique.
3/6/20212 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_52 Grocery Shopping

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 杂货店2.aisles 过道3.department 部门4.bakery 面包房5.tarts 馅饼6.buns 圆面包7.bagels 面包圈8.biscuit 饼干9.canned 罐装的10.section 部门11.dairy 奶制的12.poultry 禽类13.ham 火腿14.baloney 熏肠15.butcher 屠夫16.spray 喷洒17.hygiene 卫生18.toothpaste 牙膏原文Grocery ShoppingWhat do you see when you go to the grocery store?The aisles are filled with food.There are also refrigerators and freezers filled with food.There are sometimes things in bins in the middle of the aisles.There are different departments in the grocery store.There is a bakery.In the bakery,there are sweet things such as cakes,pies,cookies and tarts.There are also things that you would eat with your dinner like bread and buns.There are other things in the bakery department like bagels and biscuits.The baker works in the bakery.There is the canned goods section.There is where you might find sauces and soups.Vegetables and fruits also come in cans.There is the section for dairy products.Here you would find milk and cream.The dairy section would also have cheese and butter.Yogurt is also found in the dairy section.In the meat department,there is beef and pork.Poultry is also found in the meat department.Poultry is chicken,duck and goose.There are also cold cuts in the meat department.Cold cuts are the meat that are sliced up for sandwiches.Some examples of cold cuts are ham and baloney.The butcher works in the meat department.The produce department is full of fruits and vegetables.Clerks spray water on the fruits and vegetables to keep them fresh.There is a section in the grocery store for personal hygiene.There is where you would find shampoo and toothpaste.Soap and skin products would also be in this section.There is even a section for your pets.You can buy cat food and dog food.There are toys for cats and dogs.
3/6/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_52 Grocery Shopping

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 杂货店2.aisles 过道3.department 部门4.bakery 面包房5.tarts 馅饼6.buns 圆面包7.bagels 面包圈8.biscuit 饼干9.canned 罐装的10.section 部门11.dairy 奶制的12.poultry 禽类13.ham 火腿14.baloney 熏肠15.butcher 屠夫16.spray 喷洒17.hygiene 卫生18.toothpaste 牙膏原文Grocery ShoppingWhat do you see when you go to the grocery store?The aisles are filled with food.There are also refrigerators and freezers filled with food.There are sometimes things in bins in the middle of the aisles.There are different departments in the grocery store.There is a bakery.In the bakery,there are sweet things such as cakes,pies,cookies and tarts.There are also things that you would eat with your dinner like bread and buns.There are other things in the bakery department like bagels and biscuits.The baker works in the bakery.There is the canned goods section.There is where you might find sauces and soups.Vegetables and fruits also come in cans.There is the section for dairy products.Here you would find milk and cream.The dairy section would also have cheese and butter.Yogurt is also found in the dairy section.In the meat department,there is beef and pork.Poultry is also found in the meat department.Poultry is chicken,duck and goose.There are also cold cuts in the meat department.Cold cuts are the meat that are sliced up for sandwiches.Some examples of cold cuts are ham and baloney.The butcher works in the meat department.The produce department is full of fruits and vegetables.Clerks spray water on the fruits and vegetables to keep them fresh.There is a section in the grocery store for personal hygiene.There is where you would find shampoo and toothpaste.Soap and skin products would also be in this section.There is even a section for your pets.You can buy cat food and dog food.There are toys for cats and dogs.
3/6/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_51 Parties

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.occasion 场合2.decorate 装饰3.streamers 条幅4.balloons 气球5.costume 戏装原文PartiesParties can be a lot of fun.People get invited to parties.You can have a party because it is a special occasion,or just because you want to have a party.Sometimes,people wear paper hats at parties.These are called party hats.Some people decorate with streamers and balloons.At some parties,there is a cake.Sometimes,there are just snacks and drinks.At some parties,people play games.There are also parties where people just stand around and talk.People wear different things to parties.You can go to some parties in casual clothes.At other parties,you need to be dressed up in good clothes.There are other parties where you are supposed to wear a costume.There are many different kinds of parties.There are Christmas parties,birthday parties,going away parties,and parties for  no reason at all.I have been to parties for people who are retiring,or for people who have just had a new baby.There are hundreds of reasons for having a party.At some parties,you take a gift.If it is a birthday party,then you take a gift and a birthday card to the person who is having the birthday.Sometimes,people will ask you to bring food or drinks to the party.All parties are different.It is nice to be invited to parties.
3/6/20213 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_51 Parties

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.occasion 场合2.decorate 装饰3.streamers 条幅4.balloons 气球5.costume 戏装原文PartiesParties can be a lot of fun.People get invited to parties.You can have a party because it is a special occasion,or just because you want to have a party.Sometimes,people wear paper hats at parties.These are called party hats.Some people decorate with streamers and balloons.At some parties,there is a cake.Sometimes,there are just snacks and drinks.At some parties,people play games.There are also parties where people just stand around and talk.People wear different things to parties.You can go to some parties in casual clothes.At other parties,you need to be dressed up in good clothes.There are other parties where you are supposed to wear a costume.There are many different kinds of parties.There are Christmas parties,birthday parties,going away parties,and parties for  no reason at all.I have been to parties for people who are retiring,or for people who have just had a new baby.There are hundreds of reasons for having a party.At some parties,you take a gift.If it is a birthday party,then you take a gift and a birthday card to the person who is having the birthday.Sometimes,people will ask you to bring food or drinks to the party.All parties are different.It is nice to be invited to parties.
3/6/20213 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_50 Pets

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.parrots 鹦鹉2.tank 水箱3.fishbowl 鱼缸4.gerbils 沙鼠5.Guinea pigs 豚鼠6.ferrets 雪貂7.lizard 蜥蜴8.crickets 蟋蟀9.Labrador retriever 拉布拉多犬10.poodle 贵宾犬11.bark 吠叫12.obedient 顺从的13.cocker spaniel 可卡犬14.Siamese cat 暹罗猫15.Persian cat 波斯猫16.furry 皮毛17.shed fur 掉毛原文PetsThere are many different animals that you can have for pets.The most common pets are cats and dogs.I think the second most common pets are birds and fish.You can hug a cat or a dog.You can play with a cat or a dog,but it is difficult to play with a bird or a fish.Some birds are very smart,and they can be taught to do things.Parrots are very clever.Some of them even talk.Birds usually stay in birdcages.Fish have to stay in the water in a tank or a fishbowl.Some people have gerbils or Guinea pigs as pets.There are even people who have ferrets as pets.I have a friend who has a lizard for a pet.She has to buy live crickets for her lizard to eat.Another friend of mine has a pet snake.I don't think I would like to have a pet snake.There are different types of dogs.Some dogs are very big,and some are small.A Labrador retriever is a very big dog.A poodle is usually a small dog,although there are some large poodles.Some dogs are noisy,and they bark a lot.Other dogs are quiet and obedient.I once have a dog.It was a cocker spaniel.I used to take it for walks.There are different types of cats too.My favorite type of cat is a Siamese cat.Siamese cats have blue eyes.My mother had a Persian catIt was very furry.My mother said that it used to shed fur all over the house.Pets are a lot of fun,but they are a lot of work too.To be a good pet owner,you have to be very responsible.
3/6/20214 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_50 Pets

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.parrots 鹦鹉2.tank 水箱3.fishbowl 鱼缸4.gerbils 沙鼠5.Guinea pigs 豚鼠6.ferrets 雪貂7.lizard 蜥蜴8.crickets 蟋蟀9.Labrador retriever 拉布拉多犬10.poodle 贵宾犬11.bark 吠叫12.obedient 顺从的13.cocker spaniel 可卡犬14.Siamese cat 暹罗猫15.Persian cat 波斯猫16.furry 皮毛17.shed fur 掉毛原文PetsThere are many different animals that you can have for pets.The most common pets are cats and dogs.I think the second most common pets are birds and fish.You can hug a cat or a dog.You can play with a cat or a dog,but it is difficult to play with a bird or a fish.Some birds are very smart,and they can be taught to do things.Parrots are very clever.Some of them even talk.Birds usually stay in birdcages.Fish have to stay in the water in a tank or a fishbowl.Some people have gerbils or Guinea pigs as pets.There are even people who have ferrets as pets.I have a friend who has a lizard for a pet.She has to buy live crickets for her lizard to eat.Another friend of mine has a pet snake.I don't think I would like to have a pet snake.There are different types of dogs.Some dogs are very big,and some are small.A Labrador retriever is a very big dog.A poodle is usually a small dog,although there are some large poodles.Some dogs are noisy,and they bark a lot.Other dogs are quiet and obedient.I once have a dog.It was a cocker spaniel.I used to take it for walks.There are different types of cats too.My favorite type of cat is a Siamese cat.Siamese cats have blue eyes.My mother had a Persian catIt was very furry.My mother said that it used to shed fur all over the house.Pets are a lot of fun,but they are a lot of work too.To be a good pet owner,you have to be very responsible.
3/6/20214 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_49 Vegetables

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.servings 一份食物2.peas 豌豆3.pods 豆荚4.corn 玉米5.cob 玉米芯6.string beans 青豆7.kidney beans 四季豆8.baked beans 甜豆9.broccoli 西蓝花10.Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝11.lettuce 生菜12.celery 芹菜13.cucumber 黄瓜14.radishes 小萝卜15.cauliflower 花菜16.dressing 调料17.beets 甜菜18.parsnips 欧洲防风草原文VegetablesVegetables are very good for you.They say that you should have three servings of vegetables every day.I like green peas.Peas come in pods.I also like snow peas.You eat the pods on the snow peas.I like corn when it is on the cob.Carrots are good to eat raw.Beans are good for you.There are many different types of beans.There are string beans,kidney beans,baked beans and lots of other types of beans.Some people don't like green vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.I like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.You can make a salad and put lots of different vegetables into the salad.In my salads,I like lettuce,tomatoes,celery,cucumber,radishes,cauliflower and spring onions.I try to have a salad with dressing on it every day.My dad likes roots vegetables like beets and parsnips.My brother will only eat potatoes.He likes his potatoes baked.My mother likes to buy her vegetables at the market.She says they are fresher there.My mother buys a lot of onions.She puts onions in almost all the meals that she cooks.Some children won't eat their vegetables.I didn't like some vegetables at first,but I have become used to them.I like have vegetables in my meals.
3/6/20213 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_49 Vegetables

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.servings 一份食物2.peas 豌豆3.pods 豆荚4.corn 玉米5.cob 玉米芯6.string beans 青豆7.kidney beans 四季豆8.baked beans 甜豆9.broccoli 西蓝花10.Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝11.lettuce 生菜12.celery 芹菜13.cucumber 黄瓜14.radishes 小萝卜15.cauliflower 花菜16.dressing 调料17.beets 甜菜18.parsnips 欧洲防风草原文VegetablesVegetables are very good for you.They say that you should have three servings of vegetables every day.I like green peas.Peas come in pods.I also like snow peas.You eat the pods on the snow peas.I like corn when it is on the cob.Carrots are good to eat raw.Beans are good for you.There are many different types of beans.There are string beans,kidney beans,baked beans and lots of other types of beans.Some people don't like green vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.I like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.You can make a salad and put lots of different vegetables into the salad.In my salads,I like lettuce,tomatoes,celery,cucumber,radishes,cauliflower and spring onions.I try to have a salad with dressing on it every day.My dad likes roots vegetables like beets and parsnips.My brother will only eat potatoes.He likes his potatoes baked.My mother likes to buy her vegetables at the market.She says they are fresher there.My mother buys a lot of onions.She puts onions in almost all the meals that she cooks.Some children won't eat their vegetables.I didn't like some vegetables at first,but I have become used to them.I like have vegetables in my meals.
3/6/20213 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_48 The Kitchen

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.stove 火炉2.oven 烤箱3.bake 烘焙4.burner 煤气头5.pans 平底锅6.pots 罐7.freezer 冷藏室8.frozen 冷冻9.toaster 烤面包机10.electric kettle 电水壶11.sink 水槽12.tap 水龙头13.detergent 洗涤剂14.utensils 餐具15.tee towels 茶巾 clothes 抹布17.fry 油炸18.plates 盘子19.bowls 碗20.pitcher 水罐21.jug 壶22.buzzes 蜂鸣原文The KitchenThe kitchen is where we make and eat our meals.There is a stove in the kitchen.Inside the stove there is an oven where you bake things.You can put a cake in the oven to bake.On top of the stove are burners.The burners get hot.You put pots or pans on the burners.The refrigerator is where we store the food that needs to be kept cold.We keep milk,eggs,cheese and vegetables in the refrigerator.At the top of the refrigerator is the freezer.The freezer keeps things frozen.We have frozen vegetables,ice cream,ice cubes in the freezer.We have a toaster in the kitchen.You put the beard into the toaster and it turns into toast.We have an electric kettle.We boil water to make tea in the kettle.There is double sink in the kitchen.That is where we wash the dishes.We turn on the hot tap,and put some dish detergent into the sink to wash the dishes.Sometimes we put the dishes into the dishwasher,and the dishwasher wash the dishes.There are other things in the kitchen.There are utensils like knives,forks and spoons.There are tea towels and dish clothes.There are oven mitts and pots holders to take the hot things out of the oven.There are pots to cook and boil things in.There are pans to fry things.We have dish that we eat from.We have plates for our dinner,and bowls that we can put our soup in.We drink from cups,or coffee mugs,or glasses.We keep our juice in a pitcher or a jug.There is a timer that you can set when you are cooking.The timer buzzes when the food is ready.We also have microwave oven in the kitchen.If we are in a hurry,we cook our food in the microwave.
3/5/20214 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_48 The Kitchen

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.stove 火炉2.oven 烤箱3.bake 烘焙4.burner 煤气头5.pans 平底锅6.pots 罐7.freezer 冷藏室8.frozen 冷冻9.toaster 烤面包机10.electric kettle 电水壶11.sink 水槽12.tap 水龙头13.detergent 洗涤剂14.utensils 餐具15.tee towels 茶巾 clothes 抹布17.fry 油炸18.plates 盘子19.bowls 碗20.pitcher 水罐21.jug 壶22.buzzes 蜂鸣原文The KitchenThe kitchen is where we make and eat our meals.There is a stove in the kitchen.Inside the stove there is an oven where you bake things.You can put a cake in the oven to bake.On top of the stove are burners.The burners get hot.You put pots or pans on the burners.The refrigerator is where we store the food that needs to be kept cold.We keep milk,eggs,cheese and vegetables in the refrigerator.At the top of the refrigerator is the freezer.The freezer keeps things frozen.We have frozen vegetables,ice cream,ice cubes in the freezer.We have a toaster in the kitchen.You put the beard into the toaster and it turns into toast.We have an electric kettle.We boil water to make tea in the kettle.There is double sink in the kitchen.That is where we wash the dishes.We turn on the hot tap,and put some dish detergent into the sink to wash the dishes.Sometimes we put the dishes into the dishwasher,and the dishwasher wash the dishes.There are other things in the kitchen.There are utensils like knives,forks and spoons.There are tea towels and dish clothes.There are oven mitts and pots holders to take the hot things out of the oven.There are pots to cook and boil things in.There are pans to fry things.We have dish that we eat from.We have plates for our dinner,and bowls that we can put our soup in.We drink from cups,or coffee mugs,or glasses.We keep our juice in a pitcher or a jug.There is a timer that you can set when you are cooking.The timer buzzes when the food is ready.We also have microwave oven in the kitchen.If we are in a hurry,we cook our food in the microwave.
3/5/20214 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_47 Bugs

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.termites 白蚁2.germs 病菌3.insect 昆虫4.stung 刺伤5.caterpillars 毛虫6.grasshoppers 蚱蜢7.hop 跳上跳下8.crickets 蟋蟀9.rubbing 摩擦10.dragonflies 蜻蜓11.ladybugs 瓢虫12.beetles 甲虫13.cockroaches 蟑螂14.centipedes 蜈蚣15.fleas 跳蚤16.itchy 痒17.mosquitoes 蚊子原文BugsMany people are afraid of bugs.Some bugs do bad things like eating crops or clothes.Some bugs,such as termites,even eat wood.Other bugs can be good.Spiders catch flies.Flies are not good bugs because they carry germs.Insect get catch in the web that the spider builds.Ants get into home and eat food.Bees are good because honey comes from bees.It is not good if get stung by a bee.A caterpillar turns to a butterfly.Butterflies can be very beautiful.You can find grasshoppers outside on a sunny day.Grasshoppers hop through the grass.Crickets make a noise by rubbing their legs together.Dragonflies usually live near water.They have large,colorful wings.Ladybugs are red with little black dots.There are many types of beetles.Nobody wants to have cockroaches in their house.Centipedes have many legs.Fleas get onto your pets and bite them.They make dogs and cats itchy.Mosquitoes can make you itchy when they bite you.Have you ever had a mosquito bite?
3/5/20212 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_47 Bugs

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.termites 白蚁2.germs 病菌3.insect 昆虫4.stung 刺伤5.caterpillars 毛虫6.grasshoppers 蚱蜢7.hop 跳上跳下8.crickets 蟋蟀9.rubbing 摩擦10.dragonflies 蜻蜓11.ladybugs 瓢虫12.beetles 甲虫13.cockroaches 蟑螂14.centipedes 蜈蚣15.fleas 跳蚤16.itchy 痒17.mosquitoes 蚊子原文BugsMany people are afraid of bugs.Some bugs do bad things like eating crops or clothes.Some bugs,such as termites,even eat wood.Other bugs can be good.Spiders catch flies.Flies are not good bugs because they carry germs.Insect get catch in the web that the spider builds.Ants get into home and eat food.Bees are good because honey comes from bees.It is not good if get stung by a bee.A caterpillar turns to a butterfly.Butterflies can be very beautiful.You can find grasshoppers outside on a sunny day.Grasshoppers hop through the grass.Crickets make a noise by rubbing their legs together.Dragonflies usually live near water.They have large,colorful wings.Ladybugs are red with little black dots.There are many types of beetles.Nobody wants to have cockroaches in their house.Centipedes have many legs.Fleas get onto your pets and bite them.They make dogs and cats itchy.Mosquitoes can make you itchy when they bite you.Have you ever had a mosquito bite?
3/5/20212 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_46 Fruit

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.ripen 成熟2.fuzzy 毛茸茸的3.ladder 梯子4.pits 果核5.edible 可食用的6.shortcake 水果奶油酥饼7.grapes 葡萄8.vine 藤9.raspberries 覆盆子10.cranberries 蔓越莓11.exotic 外来的12.mangos 芒果13.papayas 番木瓜14.spray 喷洒15.crops 农作物16.pesticides 农药原文FruitSome fruit grows on trees.Apples grow on trees.You can get red,yellow and green apples.Some apples are green until they ripen,then they turn red.Peaches grow on trees.Peaches have fuzzy skin.Cherries grow on tree.You can climb a ladder and pick cherries from the trees.Cherries and peaches have pits inside them.The pits are not edible.Pears also grow on trees.Lemons grow on trees.They are very sour.Have you ever picked strawberries?Strawberries do not grow on trees.You have to bend down to pick strawberries.Have ever tried strawberry shortcakes?It is very good.Grapes grow on vines.People use grapes to make wine.There are many types of berries.There are blackberries,blueberries,raspberries and cranberries,just to name a few.Some fruits are more exotic.There are mangos and papayas.They don't grow in Canada.Bananas and oranges don't grow in a Canadian climate either,but we are able to them here.Some fruits have to be peeled,and some can be eaten as they are.It is always good idea to wash fruits before you eat it.The farmers spray the crops with pesticides to kill bugs,so it is good to wash that off.
3/5/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_46 Fruit

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.ripen 成熟2.fuzzy 毛茸茸的3.ladder 梯子4.pits 果核5.edible 可食用的6.shortcake 水果奶油酥饼7.grapes 葡萄8.vine 藤9.raspberries 覆盆子10.cranberries 蔓越莓11.exotic 外来的12.mangos 芒果13.papayas 番木瓜14.spray 喷洒15.crops 农作物16.pesticides 农药原文FruitSome fruit grows on trees.Apples grow on trees.You can get red,yellow and green apples.Some apples are green until they ripen,then they turn red.Peaches grow on trees.Peaches have fuzzy skin.Cherries grow on tree.You can climb a ladder and pick cherries from the trees.Cherries and peaches have pits inside them.The pits are not edible.Pears also grow on trees.Lemons grow on trees.They are very sour.Have you ever picked strawberries?Strawberries do not grow on trees.You have to bend down to pick strawberries.Have ever tried strawberry shortcakes?It is very good.Grapes grow on vines.People use grapes to make wine.There are many types of berries.There are blackberries,blueberries,raspberries and cranberries,just to name a few.Some fruits are more exotic.There are mangos and papayas.They don't grow in Canada.Bananas and oranges don't grow in a Canadian climate either,but we are able to them here.Some fruits have to be peeled,and some can be eaten as they are.It is always good idea to wash fruits before you eat it.The farmers spray the crops with pesticides to kill bugs,so it is good to wash that off.
3/5/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_45 Describing Things

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.compact 袖珍的2.disc 圆盘3.square 正方形4.rectangle 长方形5.triangle 三角形6.orchestra 管弦乐队7.stand for 代表8.oval 椭圆形9.bumps 凸起10.lumps 肿块11.dull 钝的12.blade 刀片13.represent 代表14.truck 卡车原文Describing ThingsSome things are different shapes.They can be described by their shapes.A circle is round.A compact disc is a circle.A square has four equal sides.A rectangle is similar,but two of the sides are longer.A triangle has only three sides.Have you ever seen anyone play an triangle in an orchestra?The word“triangle”can stand for an instrument or a shape.An oval is rounded,but it is not round.An egg is oval shape.The floor is flat.If something is smooth,it has no bumps or lumps.Silk is smooth.Some things are rough.Sandpaper is rough.If something is dull,it is not sharp or pointed.A dull knife will not cut bread because the blade is not sharp.If something is pointed,it has a sharp end.A sharp pencil has a pointed end.A pencil that has been used a lot and hasn't been sharp,has a dull end.Some things are soft.A Teddy bear is soft.It feels good to touch.Some things are hard.A rock is hard.Soft can also represent a noise level.If you have a soft voice,it is not very loud.If someone tell to speak softly,they want you to speak quietly.“Loud”is the word usually to describe noises that hurt your ears.A big truck will make a loud noise.Sometimes your mother will tell you that your music is too loud.
3/5/20213 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_45 Describing Things

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.compact 袖珍的2.disc 圆盘3.square 正方形4.rectangle 长方形5.triangle 三角形6.orchestra 管弦乐队7.stand for 代表8.oval 椭圆形9.bumps 凸起10.lumps 肿块11.dull 钝的12.blade 刀片13.represent 代表14.truck 卡车原文Describing ThingsSome things are different shapes.They can be described by their shapes.A circle is round.A compact disc is a circle.A square has four equal sides.A rectangle is similar,but two of the sides are longer.A triangle has only three sides.Have you ever seen anyone play an triangle in an orchestra?The word“triangle”can stand for an instrument or a shape.An oval is rounded,but it is not round.An egg is oval shape.The floor is flat.If something is smooth,it has no bumps or lumps.Silk is smooth.Some things are rough.Sandpaper is rough.If something is dull,it is not sharp or pointed.A dull knife will not cut bread because the blade is not sharp.If something is pointed,it has a sharp end.A sharp pencil has a pointed end.A pencil that has been used a lot and hasn't been sharp,has a dull end.Some things are soft.A Teddy bear is soft.It feels good to touch.Some things are hard.A rock is hard.Soft can also represent a noise level.If you have a soft voice,it is not very loud.If someone tell to speak softly,they want you to speak quietly.“Loud”is the word usually to describe noises that hurt your ears.A big truck will make a loud noise.Sometimes your mother will tell you that your music is too loud.
3/5/20213 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_44 Days of The week

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.errands 差事 杂货店原文Days of The weekThere are seven days of the week.Sunday is a day of rest for some people,but many people still have to work.Quite a few people go to church on a Sunday.On Monday morning,we go back to school after the weekend.Many people say that they don't like Monday,because it is the beginning of the work week.Tuesday is a school day and a working day.I don't think there are anything special about a Tuesday.Wednesday is the middle of the work week.On Thursday,many of the stores and malls stay open later.It gives you a chance to run some errands on a Thursday night.On Friday,you feel like the work week is nearly over.Some people say “thank goodness it is Friday”.They look forward to the weekend.On Saturday,many people can sleep in late.People get errands done on Saturday.You see a lot of people in the grocery store on a SaturdayMost children look forward to Saturday,so that they can play with their friends..Then,Sunday comes again.The weeks turn into months,and the months turn into years.Time goes by quite quickly.
3/4/20212 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_44 Days of The week

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.errands 差事 杂货店原文Days of The weekThere are seven days of the week.Sunday is a day of rest for some people,but many people still have to work.Quite a few people go to church on a Sunday.On Monday morning,we go back to school after the weekend.Many people say that they don't like Monday,because it is the beginning of the work week.Tuesday is a school day and a working day.I don't think there are anything special about a Tuesday.Wednesday is the middle of the work week.On Thursday,many of the stores and malls stay open later.It gives you a chance to run some errands on a Thursday night.On Friday,you feel like the work week is nearly over.Some people say “thank goodness it is Friday”.They look forward to the weekend.On Saturday,many people can sleep in late.People get errands done on Saturday.You see a lot of people in the grocery store on a SaturdayMost children look forward to Saturday,so that they can play with their friends..Then,Sunday comes again.The weeks turn into months,and the months turn into years.Time goes by quite quickly.
3/4/20212 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_43 Months

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lamb 羊羔2.stormy 有暴风雨3.mild 温和4.blow down 吹掉5.chill 寒冷原文MonthsThere are twelve months in the year.January is the first month of the year.It is usually cold in January.February is the second month in the year.It is still winter when February comes.They say that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.That means that it is still usually cold,and sometimes stormy when March begins.By the time that March ends,the weather is starting to get a little better.April is the rainy month.April showers bring May flowers.Many of the spring flower bloom in May.The weather can be quite mild in May.June is usually a nice warm month.Many people get married in June.July can be hot.People have vacations in July.It is time to do summer things.It is still summer in August,but the summer is winding down.August is the time to have last minute vacations.In September,we go back to school.Autumn winds begin to blow.October really feels like autumn.October is Halloween time.November is when we really start to feel the chill.December is the Christmas month.Most people do a lot of Christmas shopping in December.They spend quite a bit of time getting ready for Christmas.All of the months are different.Which month were you born in?
3/4/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_43 Months

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lamb 羊羔2.stormy 有暴风雨3.mild 温和4.blow down 吹掉5.chill 寒冷原文MonthsThere are twelve months in the year.January is the first month of the year.It is usually cold in January.February is the second month in the year.It is still winter when February comes.They say that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.That means that it is still usually cold,and sometimes stormy when March begins.By the time that March ends,the weather is starting to get a little better.April is the rainy month.April showers bring May flowers.Many of the spring flower bloom in May.The weather can be quite mild in May.June is usually a nice warm month.Many people get married in June.July can be hot.People have vacations in July.It is time to do summer things.It is still summer in August,but the summer is winding down.August is the time to have last minute vacations.In September,we go back to school.Autumn winds begin to blow.October really feels like autumn.October is Halloween time.November is when we really start to feel the chill.December is the Christmas month.Most people do a lot of Christmas shopping in December.They spend quite a bit of time getting ready for Christmas.All of the months are different.Which month were you born in?
3/4/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_42 Wild Animals

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.jungles 丛林2.plains 平原3.beasts 野兽4.mighty 强而有力的5.roars 咆哮6.giraffe 长颈鹿7.trunk 象鼻8.tusks 长牙9.stripes 条纹10.kangaroo 袋鼠11.frightening 可怕 into 遇到13.squirrels 松鼠14.raccoon 浣熊15.chipmunk 花栗鼠16.moose 驼鹿原文Wild AnimalsSome animals are wild.They don't live in homes or cages.They live in jungles or on plains.The lion is the king of the beasts.He is very mighty.He roars loudly.The giraffe has a long neck.They eat leaves from the tallest trees.The elephant is very large.He has a trunk and two tusks.A tiger has stripes.Some bears are black,and some are brown.There are even white bears called polar bears.A kangaroo lives in Australia.That is the only place the you would find a kangaroo,except in a zoo.It might be frightening to run into a wolf or a fox.Monkeys run and play in the trees.In Canada,we don't see lions,tigers,giraffes or monkeys running wild.There are squirrels in my backyard.Sometimes,I see a raccoon or a chipmunk.In northern Ontario,you might see a moose or a bear.I have seen a deer in the forest.There are many wild animals.You can see wild animals if you go to the zoo.
3/4/20212 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_42 Wild Animals

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.jungles 丛林2.plains 平原3.beasts 野兽4.mighty 强而有力的5.roars 咆哮6.giraffe 长颈鹿7.trunk 象鼻8.tusks 长牙9.stripes 条纹10.kangaroo 袋鼠11.frightening 可怕 into 遇到13.squirrels 松鼠14.raccoon 浣熊15.chipmunk 花栗鼠16.moose 驼鹿原文Wild AnimalsSome animals are wild.They don't live in homes or cages.They live in jungles or on plains.The lion is the king of the beasts.He is very mighty.He roars loudly.The giraffe has a long neck.They eat leaves from the tallest trees.The elephant is very large.He has a trunk and two tusks.A tiger has stripes.Some bears are black,and some are brown.There are even white bears called polar bears.A kangaroo lives in Australia.That is the only place the you would find a kangaroo,except in a zoo.It might be frightening to run into a wolf or a fox.Monkeys run and play in the trees.In Canada,we don't see lions,tigers,giraffes or monkeys running wild.There are squirrels in my backyard.Sometimes,I see a raccoon or a chipmunk.In northern Ontario,you might see a moose or a bear.I have seen a deer in the forest.There are many wild animals.You can see wild animals if you go to the zoo.
3/4/20212 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_41 Colors

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.vibrant 充满活力的2.tar 焦油3.crow 乌鸦4.violets 紫罗兰原文ColorsRed is a vibrant color.Roses are sometimes red.Blood is red.White is the color of snow.Clouds are very often white.Blue is the color of the sky and the ocean.Black isn't a really color at all.Tar is black.A crow is black.Green is the color of the grass.It is also the color of leaves on the trees in the summer.Brown is the color of dirt.Many people have brown hair.Yellow is a bright color.Most people use yellow when they draw a picture of the sun.Orange is an easy color to remember,that is because an orange is orange.Pink is the color that we dress baby girls in.We dress baby boys in blue.Purple is the color of some violets.The Canadian flag is red and white.What color is your flag?
3/3/20212 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_41 Colors

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.vibrant 充满活力的2.tar 焦油3.crow 乌鸦4.violets 紫罗兰原文ColorsRed is a vibrant color.Roses are sometimes red.Blood is red.White is the color of snow.Clouds are very often white.Blue is the color of the sky and the ocean.Black isn't a really color at all.Tar is black.A crow is black.Green is the color of the grass.It is also the color of leaves on the trees in the summer.Brown is the color of dirt.Many people have brown hair.Yellow is a bright color.Most people use yellow when they draw a picture of the sun.Orange is an easy color to remember,that is because an orange is orange.Pink is the color that we dress baby girls in.We dress baby boys in blue.Purple is the color of some violets.The Canadian flag is red and white.What color is your flag?
3/3/20212 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_40 Clothing

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.dress 连衣裙2.sweatshirt 汗衫3.swimming trunks 游泳裤4.blouse 女衬衫5.underneath 里面6.panties 女内裤7.boxer 宽松四角内裤8.jockey shorts 男内裤9.sandals 凉鞋10.sleeveless 无袖的11.sweater 毛衣12.slacks 宽松长裤13.skirt 裙子14.tie 领带15.gloves 手套16.coat 外套17.wrap 缠绕18.scarf 围巾19.toque 保暖帽原文ClothingI change my clothes a lot.If I am going to somewhere fancy,I wear a dress.I wear stockings on my legs,and I wear a pair of nice shoes.If I am going to play sports,I will wear a sweatshirt and jeans.If I am going to the beach,I will wear a bathing suit or a bikini.My brother wears swimming trunks to the beach.At work,I wear a skirt and a blouse.Underneath my clothes,I wear underwear.A lady wears a bra and panties as underwear.A man wears a boxer or jockey shorts as underwear.Today,I wear a blouse and a pair of jeans over my underwear.I have socks and shoes on my feet.In the summer,I often wear sandals on my feet.In the summer,the tops that I wear are usually the sleeveless.I usually wear shorts in the summer.Sometimes,I wear a sweater or a jacket if the weather is cool.I wear a cup or a hat on my head.I wear a belt to hold up my jeans or my slacks.Women sometimes wear a dress or a skirt.Men wear a pair of slacks and a shirt.Some men wear a suit and a shirt and tie.If it is very cold outside,I wear a winter coat.If it is cold,I like to wear gloves or mittens on my hands.Sometimes,I wrap a scarf around my neck to keep warm.I wear a toque on my head in cold weather.I wear boots on my feet in the winter.If it is raining,I wear a raincoat.The way I dress depends a lot on the weather.
3/3/20214 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_40 Clothing

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.dress 连衣裙2.sweatshirt 汗衫3.swimming trunks 游泳裤4.blouse 女衬衫5.underneath 里面6.panties 女内裤7.boxer 宽松四角内裤8.jockey shorts 男内裤9.sandals 凉鞋10.sleeveless 无袖的11.sweater 毛衣12.slacks 宽松长裤13.skirt 裙子14.tie 领带15.gloves 手套16.coat 外套17.wrap 缠绕18.scarf 围巾19.toque 保暖帽原文ClothingI change my clothes a lot.If I am going to somewhere fancy,I wear a dress.I wear stockings on my legs,and I wear a pair of nice shoes.If I am going to play sports,I will wear a sweatshirt and jeans.If I am going to the beach,I will wear a bathing suit or a bikini.My brother wears swimming trunks to the beach.At work,I wear a skirt and a blouse.Underneath my clothes,I wear underwear.A lady wears a bra and panties as underwear.A man wears a boxer or jockey shorts as underwear.Today,I wear a blouse and a pair of jeans over my underwear.I have socks and shoes on my feet.In the summer,I often wear sandals on my feet.In the summer,the tops that I wear are usually the sleeveless.I usually wear shorts in the summer.Sometimes,I wear a sweater or a jacket if the weather is cool.I wear a cup or a hat on my head.I wear a belt to hold up my jeans or my slacks.Women sometimes wear a dress or a skirt.Men wear a pair of slacks and a shirt.Some men wear a suit and a shirt and tie.If it is very cold outside,I wear a winter coat.If it is cold,I like to wear gloves or mittens on my hands.Sometimes,I wrap a scarf around my neck to keep warm.I wear a toque on my head in cold weather.I wear boots on my feet in the winter.If it is raining,I wear a raincoat.The way I dress depends a lot on the weather.
3/3/20214 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_39 My Body

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.eyebrows 眉毛2.eyelashes 睫毛3.tongue 舌头4.chin 下巴5.cheeks 脸颊6.neck 颈部7.attach to 关联8.chest 胸9.wrist 手腕10.fingernails 手指甲11.further down 再往下12.waist 腰13.hips 臀14.thighs 大腿15.calves 小腿16.bend 弯曲17.ankles 脚踝18.toes 脚趾 间断原文My BodyOn the top of my head,I have hair.Below my hair is my face.I have two eyes.I have eyebrows and eyelashes.Below my eyes,I have a nose.My mouth is below my nose.I have lips.If I open my lips,you will see my teeth and my tongue.Below my mouth is my chin.On the sides of head,I have two ears.My cheeks are on either side of my nose.My neck holds up my head.My neck attaches my head to my chest.On either side of my chest are my shoulders.My arms hang down from my shoulders.I have wrists on my arms.My hands are attached to my wrists.My fingers are parts of my hands.I have ten fingers and ten fingernails.My back is at the back of me.Further down,there is my waist.If I wear a belt,I put it on my waist.My hips are below my waist.My legs come down from my hips.My legs are made up of my thighs,my knees,and my calves.My knees can bend.My ankles are below my legs.My feet are attached to my ankles.My toes are part of my feet.I have ten toes and ten toenails.I am me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.
3/3/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_39 My Body

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.eyebrows 眉毛2.eyelashes 睫毛3.tongue 舌头4.chin 下巴5.cheeks 脸颊6.neck 颈部7.attach to 关联8.chest 胸9.wrist 手腕10.fingernails 手指甲11.further down 再往下12.waist 腰13.hips 臀14.thighs 大腿15.calves 小腿16.bend 弯曲17.ankles 脚踝18.toes 脚趾 间断原文My BodyOn the top of my head,I have hair.Below my hair is my face.I have two eyes.I have eyebrows and eyelashes.Below my eyes,I have a nose.My mouth is below my nose.I have lips.If I open my lips,you will see my teeth and my tongue.Below my mouth is my chin.On the sides of head,I have two ears.My cheeks are on either side of my nose.My neck holds up my head.My neck attaches my head to my chest.On either side of my chest are my shoulders.My arms hang down from my shoulders.I have wrists on my arms.My hands are attached to my wrists.My fingers are parts of my hands.I have ten fingers and ten fingernails.My back is at the back of me.Further down,there is my waist.If I wear a belt,I put it on my waist.My hips are below my waist.My legs come down from my hips.My legs are made up of my thighs,my knees,and my calves.My knees can bend.My ankles are below my legs.My feet are attached to my ankles.My toes are part of my feet.I have ten toes and ten toenails.I am me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.
3/3/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_38 Jobs

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.enforce 执行2.stage 舞台3.pilot 飞行员4.clerk 店员 牙医6.barber 理发师7.carpenter 木匠8.mechanic 技工9.stewardess 空姐10.agent 代理 建筑12.veterinarian 兽医13.captain 船长原文JobsThere are many different jobs you can choose from.You can be a doctor or a nurse.You could work in a hospital or doctor's office.You might be a firefighter and put out fires.A policeman enforces the law.An actor plays roles on stage or in the movies.You can drive the taxi or be the pilot of an airplane.What kind of things do you like to do?You might want to be a sales clerk in a store.Maybe you are good at a sport.You could be a baseball player or a hockey player.Being a dentist is a good job.A dentist fixes teeth.If you are good at arguing,you might want to be a law.Do you like to fix people's hair?You could be a hairdresser or a barber.If you are good with your hands,you might want to be a carpenter or a mechanic.If you like to travel,you could be a stewardess or a travel agent.You could be a teacher or a photographer.Are you artistic or creative?You might want to be an artist or a writer.You could work on construction and build house.You could look after animals and be a veterinarian.If you like to cook,you could be a cook or a chef.There are so many places to work,and so many jobs to do.Maybe you could fix computers or work in a library.You could wash the windows or be the captain of a ship.There is no limit that what you can be.
3/2/20214 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_38 Jobs

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.enforce 执行2.stage 舞台3.pilot 飞行员4.clerk 店员 牙医6.barber 理发师7.carpenter 木匠8.mechanic 技工9.stewardess 空姐10.agent 代理 建筑12.veterinarian 兽医13.captain 船长原文JobsThere are many different jobs you can choose from.You can be a doctor or a nurse.You could work in a hospital or doctor's office.You might be a firefighter and put out fires.A policeman enforces the law.An actor plays roles on stage or in the movies.You can drive the taxi or be the pilot of an airplane.What kind of things do you like to do?You might want to be a sales clerk in a store.Maybe you are good at a sport.You could be a baseball player or a hockey player.Being a dentist is a good job.A dentist fixes teeth.If you are good at arguing,you might want to be a law.Do you like to fix people's hair?You could be a hairdresser or a barber.If you are good with your hands,you might want to be a carpenter or a mechanic.If you like to travel,you could be a stewardess or a travel agent.You could be a teacher or a photographer.Are you artistic or creative?You might want to be an artist or a writer.You could work on construction and build house.You could look after animals and be a veterinarian.If you like to cook,you could be a cook or a chef.There are so many places to work,and so many jobs to do.Maybe you could fix computers or work in a library.You could wash the windows or be the captain of a ship.There is no limit that what you can be.
3/2/20214 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_37 Disease

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cough 咳嗽2.sneeze 喷嚏3.chills 寒冷4.mumps 腮腺炎5.lumps 肿块6.neck 颈部7.pox 水痘8.measles 麻疹9.itchy 痒10.dots 点11.arthritis 关节炎12.stiff 僵硬13.sore 疼痛14.prevent 预防15.attack 攻击16.treated 治疗原文DiseaseSome diseases are very deadly,and some are not so serious.Most people catch a cold sometimes.A cold make you cough and sneeze.Colds can be passed on from person to person.Some people get the flu.With the flu,you get chills and fever.A fever is a high temperature.If you have the flu,you will feel very bad.You have to stay home in bed.There are diseases that children get.The mumps make you have lumps in your neck.Chicken pox and measles leaves you with red itchy dots on your skin.Older people sometimes get arthritis.Their bones get stiff and sore.There are people who get heart disease.In many cases,a healthy lifestyle can prevent heart disease.Cancer can attack different parts of the body.Many smokers get lung cancer.Some diseases are treated with pills or medicine.Other diseases need to be treated in the hospital.Sometimes doctors need to give you tests to find out what kind of disease you haveThe doctor might have to do a blood test or an X-ray to find out what is wrong with you.Most diseases can be cured by a doctor.
3/2/20213 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_37 Disease

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cough 咳嗽2.sneeze 喷嚏3.chills 寒冷4.mumps 腮腺炎5.lumps 肿块6.neck 颈部7.pox 水痘8.measles 麻疹9.itchy 痒10.dots 点11.arthritis 关节炎12.stiff 僵硬13.sore 疼痛14.prevent 预防15.attack 攻击16.treated 治疗原文DiseaseSome diseases are very deadly,and some are not so serious.Most people catch a cold sometimes.A cold make you cough and sneeze.Colds can be passed on from person to person.Some people get the flu.With the flu,you get chills and fever.A fever is a high temperature.If you have the flu,you will feel very bad.You have to stay home in bed.There are diseases that children get.The mumps make you have lumps in your neck.Chicken pox and measles leaves you with red itchy dots on your skin.Older people sometimes get arthritis.Their bones get stiff and sore.There are people who get heart disease.In many cases,a healthy lifestyle can prevent heart disease.Cancer can attack different parts of the body.Many smokers get lung cancer.Some diseases are treated with pills or medicine.Other diseases need to be treated in the hospital.Sometimes doctors need to give you tests to find out what kind of disease you haveThe doctor might have to do a blood test or an X-ray to find out what is wrong with you.Most diseases can be cured by a doctor.
3/2/20213 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_36 Holidays

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Valentine's day 情人节2.Saint Patrick's day 圣派特里克节3.pretends 装扮4.religious 宗教的5.Easter bunny 复活节兔子6.Labour Day 劳动节7.fortune 幸运的8.poppies 罂粟花9.sleigh 雪橇10.pulled 拉11.reindeer 驯鹿12.stockings 长袜13.chimneys 烟囱原文HolidaysIn Canada,we have many different days that we celebrate.On the first day of January,there is New Year's Day.That is when we ring in the new year and say goodbye to the old year.In February,there is Valentine's day.That is the day when you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend that you love them.You can buy them flowers ,or candy,or take them out to dinner.In March,there is Saint Patrick's day.Everyone pretends that they are Irish on Saint Patrick's day.They all wear green.Easter comes in spring.Easter is a religious holiday.Some people celebrate by going to church.Some people think that the Easter bunny comes and leaves chocolate eggs for them.In May,there is Victoria Day.We celebrate this day in honor of England's queen Victoria.There are fireworks on Victoria Day.July the first is Canada day.In September,there is Labor Day.This is the day that we honor the working man and woman.In October,there is Thanksgiving.We give thanks for all the things that we are fortune enough to have.We usually have a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day.On the last day of October,there is Halloween.The children dress up in costumes,and go from door to door collecting candiesRemembrance Day is in November.People wear red poppies,and they remember all the people that died for their country.Christmas comes in December.Christmas is also a religious holiday,but many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.They believe that Santa Claus fills up their stockings with toys and goodies.He gets in and out of people's houses through their chimneys.We don't get off work or school for all of these days,but many of them are holidays from work and school.
3/2/20215 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_36 Holidays

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Valentine's day 情人节2.Saint Patrick's day 圣派特里克节3.pretends 装扮4.religious 宗教的5.Easter bunny 复活节兔子6.Labour Day 劳动节7.fortune 幸运的8.poppies 罂粟花9.sleigh 雪橇10.pulled 拉11.reindeer 驯鹿12.stockings 长袜13.chimneys 烟囱原文HolidaysIn Canada,we have many different days that we celebrate.On the first day of January,there is New Year's Day.That is when we ring in the new year and say goodbye to the old year.In February,there is Valentine's day.That is the day when you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend that you love them.You can buy them flowers ,or candy,or take them out to dinner.In March,there is Saint Patrick's day.Everyone pretends that they are Irish on Saint Patrick's day.They all wear green.Easter comes in spring.Easter is a religious holiday.Some people celebrate by going to church.Some people think that the Easter bunny comes and leaves chocolate eggs for them.In May,there is Victoria Day.We celebrate this day in honor of England's queen Victoria.There are fireworks on Victoria Day.July the first is Canada day.In September,there is Labor Day.This is the day that we honor the working man and woman.In October,there is Thanksgiving.We give thanks for all the things that we are fortune enough to have.We usually have a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day.On the last day of October,there is Halloween.The children dress up in costumes,and go from door to door collecting candiesRemembrance Day is in November.People wear red poppies,and they remember all the people that died for their country.Christmas comes in December.Christmas is also a religious holiday,but many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.They believe that Santa Claus fills up their stockings with toys and goodies.He gets in and out of people's houses through their chimneys.We don't get off work or school for all of these days,but many of them are holidays from work and school.
3/2/20215 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_35 Transportation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tracks 轨道2.helmet 头盔3.tight 紧的4.scooter 小型摩托车5.propellers 螺旋桨原文TransportationEvery family that I know has at least one car.Some families have two,or even three cars.Most people get their licence to drive when they are sixteen.In my house,we just have one car.If my father takes the car to work,my mother will take the bus.I ride in a school bus to school.My sister works in another town.She gets on the train to go to work.The train station is not far from my house.The train tracks run right by my house.My grandfather from Ireland come to visit us.He came over by boat.He had to cross the ocean.We went Florida last year.We flew on a plane.The plane flew right through the clouds.My friend's brother drives a motorcycle.He wears a helmet.I rode on his motorcycle once.I had to sit on back and hold on tight.I ride my bicycle when the weather is nice.I also have a scooter that I used to travel around.I took a helicopter ride once.The helicopter's propellers were going around when I got on.I went straight up in the air.I enjoyed the ride.I would like to learn how to fly a plane or a helicopter.I like flying through the air.
3/2/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_35 Transportation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tracks 轨道2.helmet 头盔3.tight 紧的4.scooter 小型摩托车5.propellers 螺旋桨原文TransportationEvery family that I know has at least one car.Some families have two,or even three cars.Most people get their licence to drive when they are sixteen.In my house,we just have one car.If my father takes the car to work,my mother will take the bus.I ride in a school bus to school.My sister works in another town.She gets on the train to go to work.The train station is not far from my house.The train tracks run right by my house.My grandfather from Ireland come to visit us.He came over by boat.He had to cross the ocean.We went Florida last year.We flew on a plane.The plane flew right through the clouds.My friend's brother drives a motorcycle.He wears a helmet.I rode on his motorcycle once.I had to sit on back and hold on tight.I ride my bicycle when the weather is nice.I also have a scooter that I used to travel around.I took a helicopter ride once.The helicopter's propellers were going around when I got on.I went straight up in the air.I enjoyed the ride.I would like to learn how to fly a plane or a helicopter.I like flying through the air.
3/2/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_34 The Farm

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.barn 畜棚2.swish 鞭打3.flies 苍蝇4.tails 尾巴5.saddle 马鞍6.pigpen 猪舍7.goats 山羊 鸡笼9.rooster 公鸡10.crows 啼叫11.goose 鹅12.honking 鸣叫13.nips 咬14.stray 无主的、走失的15.sheep 绵羊16.wool 羊毛原文The FarmMy uncle is a farmer.He lives on a farm.He has many different types of animals.In the barn,there are horses and cows.The cows swish the flies away from themselves with their tails.It sounds very loud if a cow says “moo”when you are standing there.The cows eat the grass from my uncle's field.He gets milk from the cows.I put a saddle on one of the horses and went for a ride.There are pigs in the pigpen.He has goats.He says that the goats will eat just about anything.He has a chicken coop with chickens in it.The chickens lay eggs.Have you ever seen baby chicks?They are very cute.My uncle collects the eggs every morning.There is a rooster too.The rooster crows when the sun comes up.My uncle also has a goose.The goose makes a honking noise.I don't think that the goose likes me.It nips me when I go near it.Many cats live in my uncle's barn.They are stray cats,but he lets them stay there because they keep the mice away.My uncle feeds the cats.My uncle says that he would like to get some sheep for his farm.You can get wool from sheep.There are a lot of animals on my uncle's farm.
3/2/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_34 The Farm

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.barn 畜棚2.swish 鞭打3.flies 苍蝇4.tails 尾巴5.saddle 马鞍6.pigpen 猪舍7.goats 山羊 鸡笼9.rooster 公鸡10.crows 啼叫11.goose 鹅12.honking 鸣叫13.nips 咬14.stray 无主的、走失的15.sheep 绵羊16.wool 羊毛原文The FarmMy uncle is a farmer.He lives on a farm.He has many different types of animals.In the barn,there are horses and cows.The cows swish the flies away from themselves with their tails.It sounds very loud if a cow says “moo”when you are standing there.The cows eat the grass from my uncle's field.He gets milk from the cows.I put a saddle on one of the horses and went for a ride.There are pigs in the pigpen.He has goats.He says that the goats will eat just about anything.He has a chicken coop with chickens in it.The chickens lay eggs.Have you ever seen baby chicks?They are very cute.My uncle collects the eggs every morning.There is a rooster too.The rooster crows when the sun comes up.My uncle also has a goose.The goose makes a honking noise.I don't think that the goose likes me.It nips me when I go near it.Many cats live in my uncle's barn.They are stray cats,but he lets them stay there because they keep the mice away.My uncle feeds the cats.My uncle says that he would like to get some sheep for his farm.You can get wool from sheep.There are a lot of animals on my uncle's farm.
3/2/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_33 Travel

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔塔2.tourist attractions 旅游景点3.Venice 威尼斯4.canals 运河5.souvenirs 纪念品6.cobblestones 鹅卵石7.scooters 小型摩托8.luggage 行李9.pleased 高兴原文TravelIt is fun to take a trip to a faraway place.My brother just went to Italy and France.He got on a plane at Toronto airport.He took a flight to France.He stayed there for a couple of days.He visited the Eiffel Tower.He was in Paris.He said that he enjoyed the food in France.He then traveled to Italy.He saw many towns and villages in Italy.He went to Rome and visited many of the tourist attractions.In Venice,he saw the canals.He tried to speak Italian,but he is not too good at it.He said the people were very helpful.They tried to understand him.He bought souvenirs for us when he was in Italy.He ate Italian food.He said that pizza in Italy is quite different from the pizza we eat here in Canada.He saw many streets that were made by cobblestones.He saw many old buildings.A lot of people in Italy travel around on scooters.He stayed at a very nice hotel in Italy.He was sorry when it was time to come home.My brother likes to travel.He likes to fly in airplanes.The airline lost his luggage once.He was not too pleased about that.Next year,he would like to travel to England.
3/2/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_33 Travel

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔塔2.tourist attractions 旅游景点3.Venice 威尼斯4.canals 运河5.souvenirs 纪念品6.cobblestones 鹅卵石7.scooters 小型摩托8.luggage 行李9.pleased 高兴原文TravelIt is fun to take a trip to a faraway place.My brother just went to Italy and France.He got on a plane at Toronto airport.He took a flight to France.He stayed there for a couple of days.He visited the Eiffel Tower.He was in Paris.He said that he enjoyed the food in France.He then traveled to Italy.He saw many towns and villages in Italy.He went to Rome and visited many of the tourist attractions.In Venice,he saw the canals.He tried to speak Italian,but he is not too good at it.He said the people were very helpful.They tried to understand him.He bought souvenirs for us when he was in Italy.He ate Italian food.He said that pizza in Italy is quite different from the pizza we eat here in Canada.He saw many streets that were made by cobblestones.He saw many old buildings.A lot of people in Italy travel around on scooters.He stayed at a very nice hotel in Italy.He was sorry when it was time to come home.My brother likes to travel.He likes to fly in airplanes.The airline lost his luggage once.He was not too pleased about that.Next year,he would like to travel to England.
3/2/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_32 The Shopping Mall

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.blouses 女衬衫2.slacks 休闲裤3.lingerie 女内衣4.hardware 五金、硬件5.compact discs 光盘 装备7.utensils 器皿8.pots 罐9.aprons 围裙10.napkins 餐巾11.fancier 精致12.bulk 散装13.bins 箱14.electronic 电子的15.department store 百货商店 16.perfume 香水原文The Shopping MallThere are many different stores in the shopping mall.There are ladies' wear stores.They sell dresses,blouses,and many kinds of clothes for women.In the men's wear stores,there are suits,ties,shirts and slacks.There are also clothing stores that appeal just to teenagers.Some clothing stores only sell children's clothes.There is even a store that just sell bathing suits and cover-ups for the beach or poolThere are lingerie stores that sell ladies' underwear and nightwear.There are hardware stores that sell tools.There are shoe stores.You buy shoes and boots in a shoe store.There are bookstores.You can buy a book on almost any topic at the book store.There are stores that sell compact discs.Those stores also have tapes and videos.There are sports stores that sell special shoes and clothes for sports.They also sell sports equipment and t-shirts and hats with the logo of your favorite teams.There are gift stores that sell all kinds of things that someone might want for their house.There are kitchen stores where you can buy utensils and pots and pans.Those kinds of stores also sell aprons and napkins and anything you might need for your kitchen.There is a movie theatre at the mall.There is a jewellery store that has a lot of gold and silver jewellery.There is a hairdresser in the mall.Sometimes,I go in there to get my hair cut.There are fast food places in the mall.You can get a quick lunch like a hamburger or some french fries.There are also fancier restaurants in the mall.You can sit down for a nice meal.There is a furniture store in the mall.You can buy a new sofa or bed at the furniture store.There are bulk food stores.At a bulk food store,all foods are in bins.You take as much as you want and pay for it at the counter.There is even a telephone store and an electronics store at the mall.My brother's favorite store is the toy store.He could spend hours in there.There are also department stores at the mall.Department stores sell all kinds of things.They sell perfume,clothes,shoes,kitchen utensils,or just about anything you might need.You can get almost anything you want at the shopping mall.
3/1/20216 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_32 The Shopping Mall

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.blouses 女衬衫2.slacks 休闲裤3.lingerie 女内衣4.hardware 五金、硬件5.compact discs 光盘 装备7.utensils 器皿8.pots 罐9.aprons 围裙10.napkins 餐巾11.fancier 精致12.bulk 散装13.bins 箱14.electronic 电子的15.department store 百货商店 16.perfume 香水原文The Shopping MallThere are many different stores in the shopping mall.There are ladies' wear stores.They sell dresses,blouses,and many kinds of clothes for women.In the men's wear stores,there are suits,ties,shirts and slacks.There are also clothing stores that appeal just to teenagers.Some clothing stores only sell children's clothes.There is even a store that just sell bathing suits and cover-ups for the beach or poolThere are lingerie stores that sell ladies' underwear and nightwear.There are hardware stores that sell tools.There are shoe stores.You buy shoes and boots in a shoe store.There are bookstores.You can buy a book on almost any topic at the book store.There are stores that sell compact discs.Those stores also have tapes and videos.There are sports stores that sell special shoes and clothes for sports.They also sell sports equipment and t-shirts and hats with the logo of your favorite teams.There are gift stores that sell all kinds of things that someone might want for their house.There are kitchen stores where you can buy utensils and pots and pans.Those kinds of stores also sell aprons and napkins and anything you might need for your kitchen.There is a movie theatre at the mall.There is a jewellery store that has a lot of gold and silver jewellery.There is a hairdresser in the mall.Sometimes,I go in there to get my hair cut.There are fast food places in the mall.You can get a quick lunch like a hamburger or some french fries.There are also fancier restaurants in the mall.You can sit down for a nice meal.There is a furniture store in the mall.You can buy a new sofa or bed at the furniture store.There are bulk food stores.At a bulk food store,all foods are in bins.You take as much as you want and pay for it at the counter.There is even a telephone store and an electronics store at the mall.My brother's favorite store is the toy store.He could spend hours in there.There are also department stores at the mall.Department stores sell all kinds of things.They sell perfume,clothes,shoes,kitchen utensils,or just about anything you might need.You can get almost anything you want at the shopping mall.
3/1/20216 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_31 Flowers

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bushes 灌木2.prick 扎3.thorn 刺4.tulips 郁金香5.bloom 花(常指观赏类)6.Ottawa 渥太华7.lilies of the valley 山谷百合8.blossoms 花(常指果木类)9.cherry 樱桃10.geraniums 天竺葵11.petunias 矮牵牛12.marigolds 金盏菊13.petals 花瓣14.shady 背阴的15.hostas 玉簪花16.chrysanthemums 菊花17.carnations 康乃馨18.poinsettias 一品红19.orchid 兰花原文FlowersThere are hundreds of different types of flowers.Most people like roses.Roses grow on bushes,and they smell beautiful.You have to be careful that you don't prick your finger on a rose thorn.Roses come in many colors.There are red,pink,yellow and white roses.In the spring,tulips are in bloom.In Ottawa,there are many tulips.Some people go there just to see all the tulips in the spring.Forget-me-nots are also spring flowers.They are tiny and blue.Lilies of the valley look like white bells.Many of the trees have blossoms on them in the springtime.The apple and cherry trees look particularly beautiful when they are in blossom.We have a blossom festival in my town.My neighbors like to plant geraniums,petunias and marigolds in the summer.Some people plant sunflowers.Sunflowers grow very tall.They have bright yellow petals.All of those flowers grow best in the sunshine.If your garden is shady,you have to plant different things.Hostas grow well in a shady garden.Chrysanthemums are fall flowers.Chrysanthemums come in many colors also.There are purple,yellow and white chrysanthemums.Flowers are good to give as gifts.Women like to receive a dozen roses on Valentine's day.Carnations also make a nice gift.They have a very sweet smell.Where I live, Many people give away lilies for Easter.Poinsettias are very festive at Christmas time.If someone goes to a dance,they often give their partner a flowers to wear.Sometimes a girl will get orchid form her date.If you go to a wedding,you will probably see a lot of flowers there.Flowers help to make place beautiful.
3/1/20215 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_31 Flowers

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.bushes 灌木2.prick 扎3.thorn 刺4.tulips 郁金香5.bloom 花(常指观赏类)6.Ottawa 渥太华7.lilies of the valley 山谷百合8.blossoms 花(常指果木类)9.cherry 樱桃10.geraniums 天竺葵11.petunias 矮牵牛12.marigolds 金盏菊13.petals 花瓣14.shady 背阴的15.hostas 玉簪花16.chrysanthemums 菊花17.carnations 康乃馨18.poinsettias 一品红19.orchid 兰花原文FlowersThere are hundreds of different types of flowers.Most people like roses.Roses grow on bushes,and they smell beautiful.You have to be careful that you don't prick your finger on a rose thorn.Roses come in many colors.There are red,pink,yellow and white roses.In the spring,tulips are in bloom.In Ottawa,there are many tulips.Some people go there just to see all the tulips in the spring.Forget-me-nots are also spring flowers.They are tiny and blue.Lilies of the valley look like white bells.Many of the trees have blossoms on them in the springtime.The apple and cherry trees look particularly beautiful when they are in blossom.We have a blossom festival in my town.My neighbors like to plant geraniums,petunias and marigolds in the summer.Some people plant sunflowers.Sunflowers grow very tall.They have bright yellow petals.All of those flowers grow best in the sunshine.If your garden is shady,you have to plant different things.Hostas grow well in a shady garden.Chrysanthemums are fall flowers.Chrysanthemums come in many colors also.There are purple,yellow and white chrysanthemums.Flowers are good to give as gifts.Women like to receive a dozen roses on Valentine's day.Carnations also make a nice gift.They have a very sweet smell.Where I live, Many people give away lilies for Easter.Poinsettias are very festive at Christmas time.If someone goes to a dance,they often give their partner a flowers to wear.Sometimes a girl will get orchid from her date.If you go to a wedding,you will probably see a lot of flowers there.Flowers help to make place beautiful.
3/1/20215 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_30 Movies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.chases 追逐2.planets 星球3.horror 恐怖4.mosters 怪兽5.thrillers 惊悚片6.tense 紧张7.animated 有生机的、动画的8.matinee 日场9.popcorn 爆米花10.pop 汽水11.documentaries 纪录片原文MoviesI go to the movies almost every week.Sometimes,I rent movies from the video store .My favorite films are action films.I like to watch car chases.I like it the when bad the guy has a shootout with the good guys.I like the good guys to win.I also like science fiction movies.I like things that take place in the future.I like movies that have allies from different planets in them.Some of the science fiction movies can be silly and unbelievable.I don't like those ones.My mother like dramas.She has a lot of favorite actors and actresses.She sometimes watches sad movies that make her cry.She also likes comedies.She laughs out loud if a comedy is very funny.My father likes horror movies.He likes movies with monsters in them.He also likes thrillers.I have watched some thrillers that make you keep tense and on the edge of your seat.Sometimes,I have to shut my eyes if the movie gets too scary.My brother likes animated movies.In animated movies,there are no actors,just cartoon characters.My brother goes to the movies on Saturday afternoon with his friends.He goes to the matinee.He gets popcorn,candy and pop.He usually comes back with a stomach ache because he eats so much.Sometimes,my father watches documentaries.Documentaries are about real things.You can learn a lot from watching a documentary.I watches documentaries with him sometimes,but I would rather see a good action film.
3/1/20214 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_30 Movies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.chases 追逐2.planets 星球3.horror 恐怖4.mosters 怪兽5.thrillers 惊悚片6.tense 紧张7.animated 有生机的、动画的8.matinee 日场9.popcorn 爆米花10.pop 汽水11.documentaries 纪录片原文MoviesI go to the movies almost every week.Sometimes,I rent movies from the video store .My favorite films are action films.I like to watch car chases.I like it the when bad the guy has a shootout with the good guys.I like the good guys to win.I also like science fiction movies.I like things that take place in the future.I like movies that have allies from different planets in them.Some of the science fiction movies can be silly and unbelievable.I don't like those ones.My mother like dramas.She has a lot of favorite actors and actresses.She sometimes watches sad movies that make her cry.She also likes comedies.She laughs out loud if a comedy is very funny.My father likes horror movies.He likes movies with monsters in them.He also likes thrillers.I have watched some thrillers that make you keep tense and on the edge of your seat.Sometimes,I have to shut my eyes if the movie gets too scary.My brother likes animated movies.In animated movies,there are no actors,just cartoon characters.My brother goes to the movies on Saturday afternoon with his friends.He goes to the matinee.He gets popcorn,candy and pop.He usually comes back with a stomach ache because he eats so much.Sometimes,my father watches documentaries.Documentaries are about real things.You can learn a lot from watching a documentary.I watches documentaries with him sometimes,but I would rather see a good action film.
3/1/20214 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_29 Interests and Hobbies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rewarding 有益的2.lift weights 举重3.posters 海报4.folk music 民谣5.instruments 乐器6.orchestras 管弦乐队原文Interests and HobbiesIt is very rewarding to have different interests and hobbies.Some people like to play computer games.Other people spend a lot of time watching television.There are people who would rather watch movies.Some people prefer more physical things.They would rather play a sport like baseball,hockey or basketball.Some people do exercises at a gym,or they just go for walks.There are many ways to exercise.You can ride a bicycle or lift weights.There are people who like to collect things.They can collect all kinds of different things.You can collect stamps,coins,dolls,postcards,movies,rocks or posters.Some people even collect bugs or leaves.Some people are lucky enough to be able to travel.You can travel to a nearby place,or you can travel far way to a different country.There are people who like to listen to music.People have different tastes in music.Some people like rock music,rap,classic music,or folk music.There are many different types of music.Some people would rather play music than listen to it.You can play an instrument,or you can sing.Many people learn to play the guitar or the piano.Some people join bands or orchestras.There are people who like to read books.There are a lot of different hobbies.It depends on what you consider to be fun.You can have more than one hobby or interest.It is good to be interested in a lot of different things.
3/1/20214 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_29 Interests and Hobbies

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rewarding 有益的2.lift weights 举重3.posters 海报4.folk music 民谣5.instruments 乐器6.orchestras 管弦乐队原文Interests and HobbiesIt is very rewarding to have different interests and hobbies.Some people like to play computer games.Other people spend a lot of time watching television.There are people who would rather watch movies.Some people prefer more physical things.They would rather play a sport like baseball,hockey or basketball.Some people do exercises at a gym,or they just go for walks.There are many ways to exercise.You can ride a bicycle or lift weights.There are people who like to collect things.They can collect all kinds of different things.You can collect stamps,coins,dolls,postcards,movies,rocks or posters.Some people even collect bugs or leaves.Some people are lucky enough to be able to travel.You can travel to a nearby place,or you can travel far way to a different country.There are people who like to listen to music.People have different tastes in music.Some people like rock music,rap,classic music,or folk music.There are many different types of music.Some people would rather play music than listen to it.You can play an instrument,or you can sing.Many people learn to play the guitar or the piano.Some people join bands or orchestras.There are people who like to read books.There are a lot of different hobbies.It depends on what you consider to be fun.You can have more than one hobby or interest.It is good to be interested in a lot of different things.
3/1/20214 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_28 International Students

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.accent 口音2.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布3.tapes 磁带原文International StudentsWe have many international students at my school.Some of the students come from England.They speak English,but they have an accent that is different from a Canadian accent.Many students are from Japan.They are learning our language and our customs.We have students from Germany,Italy,China,Korea and Iran.We try to make those students feel welcome here.The students like to see what is here.They go sightseeing.They visit all the places that the tourists like to go to.Niagara Falls and Toronto are interesting places to visit.The students practice their English by talking to Canadians.When they first get here,we show them around.They do many exercises to learn the language.They listen to English songs.They read story books that are written in English.They listen to English language tapes.The best way to learn the language is to talk to other people.It is good to ask questions in English.Canadians try to be helpful to international students.Some of the international students live with host families.The host families have the students living in their homes.It is a good way for the host families and the students to make friendsMany of the international students stay in contact with their friends and host families even after they have gone back to their homelands.The international students learn a lot from their host families because they eat Canadian foods,and they learn what it is like to live in a Canadian household.
2/28/20213 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_28 International Students

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.accent 口音2.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布3.tapes 磁带原文International StudentsWe have many international students at my school.Some of the students come from England.They speak English,but they have an accent that is different from a Canadian accent.Many students are from Japan.They are learning our language and our customs.We have students from Germany,Italy,China,Korea and Iran.We try to make those students feel welcome here.The students like to see what is here.They go sightseeing.They visit all the places that the tourists like to go to.Niagara Falls and Toronto are interesting places to visit.The students practice their English by talking to Canadians.When they first get here,we show them around.They do many exercises to learn the language.They listen to English songs.They read story books that are written in English.They listen to English language tapes.The best way to learn the language is to talk to other people.It is good to ask questions in English.Canadians try to be helpful to international students.Some of the international students live with host families.The host families have the students living in their homes.It is a good way for the host families and the students to make friendsMany of the international students stay in contact with their friends and host families even after they have gone back to their homelands.The international students learn a lot from their host families because they eat Canadian foods,and they learn what it is like to live in a Canadian household.
2/28/20213 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_27 Subject

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.clarinet 单簧管2.drawing and painting 素描和绘画3.deserts 沙漠4.continents 大陆5.addition 加6.subtraction 减7.division 除8.multiplication 乘9.literature 文学10.compositions 作文11.poetry 诗歌12.experiments 实验原文SubjectThere are many subjects that you can take at school.My favorite subject is music.I like to sing and to play the clarinet.I also like art.I am quite good at drawing and painting.History is a good subject.I like learning about the past.Geography is very interesting.We look at many maps in geography.We learn where there are deserts and mountains.I know the names of all the continents and all the oceans.Mathematics is my least favorite subject.I am not very good with numbers.I am good at addition and subtraction,but I am not good at division and multiplication.In my school we learn to speak French.We learn French because Canada has French and English-speaking citizens.English literature is a good subject.I enjoy reading books.I also like to write compositions and poetry.Science is my brother's favorite subject.He is interested in plants,and he likes to do experiments.We also take drama at our school.I like to act.I got the lead role in school play.
2/28/20213 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_27 Subject

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.clarinet 单簧管2.drawing and painting 素描和绘画3.deserts 沙漠4.continents 大陆5.addition 加6.subtraction 减7.division 除8.multiplication 乘9.literature 文学10.compositions 作文11.poetry 诗歌12.experiments 实验原文SubjectThere are many subjects that you can take at school.My favorite subject is music.I like to sing and to play the clarinet.I also like art.I am quite good at drawing and painting.History is a good subject.I like learning about the past.Geography is very interesting.We look at many maps in geography.We learn where there are deserts and mountains.I know the names of all the continents and all the oceans.Mathematics is my least favorite subject.I am not very good with numbers.I am good at addition and subtraction,but I am not good at division and multiplication.In my school we learn to speak French.We learn French because Canada has French and English-speaking citizens.English literature is a good subject.I enjoy reading books.I also like to write compositions and poetry.Science is my brother's favorite subject.He is interested in plants,and he likes to do experiments.We also take drama at our school.I like to act.I got the lead role in school play.
2/28/20213 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_26 School

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 1.elementary 初级2.blackboard 黑板3.parking lot 停车场4.cafeteria 自助餐厅5.principal 校长6.gymnasium 健身房7.senior citizen 老年人 剧院9.concerts 演唱会10.campus 校区、校园11.residences 住宅原文SchoolThere are different types of schools.There is an elementary school.The children at the elementary school are young.There is a playground for them to play in.The classrooms are bright and airy.There are blackboards in the classrooms.The children sit in desks to do their work.There is a parking lot for the teachers to park in.There is a cafeteria for the students to get food.The principal has an office.Nobody wants to go the principal's office.It usually means that you are in trouble if you have to go to the principal's office.When you finish elementary school,you go to high school.Most of the students in high school are teenagers.There is a parking lot outside the high school.There is also a football field outside.The students go to classes in different classrooms.They move from classroom to classroom for each subject.There is a cafeteria where they can get their lunches or eat the lunches they have brought from home.There is a gymnasium where students have physical education.Dances are also held in the gymnasium.Some students go on to university from high school.Students at the university are older.Some of the students are even the senior citizen.People come from all over the world to attend the university.There are lots of different things at the university.There is a theater where plays and concerts are held.There is a bookstore where students can buy their textbooks.There is a physical education building that has a swimming pool in it.The parking lot at the university is very big.They call the land that the university is on a campus.Some of the students live on campus in residences.
2/28/20214 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_26 School

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 1.elementary 初级2.blackboard 黑板3.parking lot 停车场4.cafeteria 自助餐厅5.principal 校长6.gymnasium 健身房7.senior citizen 老年人 剧院9.concerts 演唱会10.campus 校区、校园11.residences 住宅原文SchoolThere are different types of schools.There is an elementary school.The children at the elementary school are young.There is a playground for them to play in.The classrooms are bright and airy.There are blackboards in the classrooms.The children sit in desks to do their work.There is a parking lot for the teachers to park in.There is a cafeteria for the students to get food.The principal has an office.Nobody wants to go the principal's office.It usually means that you are in trouble if you have to go to the principal's office.When you finish elementary school,you go to high school.Most of the students in high school are teenagers.There is a parking lot outside the high school.There is also a football field outside.The students go to classes in different classrooms.They move from classroom to classroom for each subject.There is a cafeteria where they can get their lunches or eat the lunches they have brought from home.There is a gymnasium where students have physical education.Dances are also held in the gymnasium.Some students go on to university from high school.Students at the university are older.Some of the students are even the senior citizen.People come from all over the world to attend the university.There are lots of different things at the university.There is a theater where plays and concerts are held.There is a bookstore where students can buy their textbooks.There is a physical education building that has a swimming pool in it.The parking lot at the university is very big.They call the land that the university is on a campus.Some of the students live on campus in residences.
2/28/20214 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_25 House

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 1.couch 沙发2.sink 洗碗槽3.toilet 坐便器4.dressers 化妆台5.closets 衣柜原文HouseA house is divided into different rooms.In my house, there is a living room.There is a couch, two chairs,a coffee table and a television set in the living room.In the kitchen,there is a stove and a refrigerator.There is also a sink and a dishwasher in the kitchen.There is a kitchen table and chairs.We eat most of our meals at the kitchen table.We have a dining room.There is a dining table and chairs in there.There is washroom or bathroom.There is a toilet,sink and bathtub in the bathroom.There is also a shower in the bathroom.We have three bedrooms.The bedrooms are upstairs.My brother's  room,my room,my parent's room all have beds in them.We also have dressers in our rooms.There are closets in all of our bedrooms.We Keep our clothes in the closets.There is a basement in our house.We store things in the basement.There is also a laundry room in the basement.There is a washing machine and a dryer in the laundry room.This is where we wash and dry our clothes.There is a garage attached to the house.We keep the car in the garage.You drive the driveway and into the garage.We also have a front yard and a back yard.There is a vegetable garden in the back yard.There are some flowers and a tree planted in the front yard.
2/27/20213 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_25 House

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 1.couch 沙发2.sink 洗碗槽3.toilet 坐便器4.dressers 化妆台5.closets 衣柜原文HouseA house is divided into different rooms.In my house, there is a living room.There is a couch, two chairs,a coffee table and a television set in the living room.In the kitchen,there is a stove and a refrigerator.There is also a sink and a dishwasher in the kitchen.There is a kitchen table and chairs.We eat most of our meals at the kitchen table.We have a dining room.There is a dining table and chairs in there.There is washroom or bathroom.There is a toilet,sink and bathtub in the bathroom.There is also a shower in the bathroom.We have three bedrooms.The bedrooms are upstairs.My brother's  room,my room,my parent's room all have beds in them.We also have dressers in our rooms.There are closets in all of our bedrooms.We Keep our clothes in the closets.There is a basement in our house.We store things in the basement.There is also a laundry room in the basement.There is a washing machine and a dryer in the laundry room.This is where we wash and dry our clothes.There is a garage attached to the house.We keep the car in the garage.You drive the driveway and into the garage.We also have a front yard and a back yard.There is a vegetable garden in the back yard.There are some flowers and a tree planted in the front yard.
2/27/20213 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_24 Weather

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.dull 不明亮的 靴子3.forecast 预报4.breeze 微风5.gusty 大风6.hurricane 飓风7.tornado 龙卷风8.hail 冰雹9.pellets 颗粒10.flurries 阵雪11.blizzard 暴雪12.snowstorm 雪暴13.plowed 铲雪14.mittens 手套原文WeatherYou can watch the weatherman on TV to find out what the weather will be like.It might be a nice clear day with no clouds in the sky.The sun might be shining.It could be cloudy day.Sometimes cloudy days are just dull.On some cloudy day, it begins to rain or snow.Some days are rainy.You need a raincoat, umbrella and boots on the rainy day.Rain makes flowers and grass grow.The weather forecast might say that it will be windy.You could have a gentle breeze.It might be very gusty so that the wind pushes you.It is dangerous if the wind is very strong.A hurricane or tornado is very dangerous.Once in a while. the weatherman says there would be hail.Hail stones are hard cold pellets of ice that fall from the sky.Sometimes, the weatherman will say that there will be snow flurries.Sometimes there are just a light dusting of snow.Sometimes there is a blizzard or a snowstorm.It can be dangerous driving through a blizzard.If there is a lot of snow, the streets have to be plowed.You need a hat,coat,mittens and boots on a very cold day.Sometimes the weather forecast is wrong.The weatherman might say that would be a sunny day but then the clouds come in and it rains.That's not good if you are planning a picnic.I prefer sunny days that are warm but not too hot.I like to feel a gentle breeze to cool me down.
2/26/20214 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_24 Weather

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.dull 不明亮的 靴子3.forecast 预报4.breeze 微风5.gusty 大风6.hurricane 飓风7.tornado 龙卷风8.hail 冰雹9.pellets 颗粒10.flurries 阵雪11.blizzard 暴雪12.snowstorm 雪暴13.plowed 铲雪14.mittens 手套原文WeatherYou can watch the weatherman on TV to find out what the weather will be like.It might be a nice clear day with no clouds in the sky.The sun might be shining.It could be cloudy day.Sometimes cloudy days are just dull.On some cloudy day, it begins to rain or snow.Some days are rainy.You need a raincoat, umbrella and boots on the rainy day.Rain makes flowers and grass grow.The weather forecast might say that it will be windy.You could have a gentle breeze.It might be very gusty so that the wind pushes you.It is dangerous if the wind is very strong.A hurricane or tornado is very dangerous.Once in a while. the weatherman says there would be hail.Hail stones are hard cold pellets of ice that fall from the sky.Sometimes, the weatherman will say that there will be snow flurries.Sometimes there are just a light dusting of snow.Sometimes there is a blizzard or a snowstorm.It can be dangerous driving through a blizzard.If there is a lot of snow, the streets have to be plowed.You need a hat,coat,mittens and boots on a very cold day.Sometimes the weather forecast is wrong.The weatherman might say that would be a sunny day but then the clouds come in and it rains.That's not good if you are planning a picnic.I prefer sunny days that are warm but not too hot.I like to feel a gentle breeze to cool me down.
2/26/20214 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_23 Seasons

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.winds blow 风吹 forms 结冰 冰球4.buds 发芽5.bloom 开花6.sun shines 阳光照耀原文SeasonsThere are four seasons.Winter is the cold season.It snows in the winter.The winds blow and ice forms on the water.We play hockey on the ice.We play in the snow.After winter is the spring.That is when it begins to get warmer.Trees get buds on them,flowers start to bloom.It rains a lot in the spring.Spring is followed by summer.It can get very hot in the summertime.The sun shine is brightly.We go swimming in the summer.We spend a lot of time outdoors.Many people go on vacation in the summer.We get summer vacations from school.Summer is followed by the fall or autumn.The leaves on the trees change colors.They change from green to red, orange and brown.The leaves fall off the trees.The weather gets cooler.The day gets shorter.We go back to school in the fall.Then winter comes again. The seasons follow one after each other.
2/26/20212 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_23 Seasons

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.winds blow 风吹 forms 结冰 冰球4.buds 发芽5.bloom 开花6.sun shines 阳光照耀原文SeasonsThere are four seasons.Winter is the cold season.It snows in the winter.The winds blow and ice forms on the water.We play hockey on the ice.We play in the snow.After winter is the spring.That is when it begins to get warmer.Trees get buds on them,flowers start to bloom.It rains a lot in the spring.Spring is followed by summer.It can get very hot in the summertime.The sun shine is brightly.We go swimming in the summer.We spend a lot of time outdoors.Many people go on vacation in the summer.We get summer vacations from school.Summer is followed by the fall or autumn.The leaves on the trees change colors.They change from green to red, orange and brown.The leaves fall off the trees.The weather gets cooler.The day gets shorter.We go back to school in the fall.Then winter comes again. The seasons follow one after each other.
2/26/20212 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_22 Meals

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rushed 匆忙行事2.bacon 培根3.packs 打包4.tuna 金枪鱼5.ham 火腿6.treat 款待7.spaghetti 意大利面8.stews 炖菜9.casserole 砂锅菜10.plums 李子原文MealsBreakfast is very rushed at our house.My brother and sister and I have toast or cereal.We also have orange juice.On weekends, my mother makes bacon and eggs for us.My father just has a cup of coffee for breakfast.My mother packs a lunch for all of us.We usually have a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink of milk or juice.My favorite sandwiches are egg salad, tuna, roast, beef and ham.My brother always wants peanut butter and jam sandwiches.My mother sometimes packs a treat for us.Today we had cookies with our lunch.At supper time, the family sits around the table and talks about what they did all day.My mother makes good suppers.We sometimes have spaghetti.My mother makes a roast of beef with potatoes and vegetables quite often.She makes many different dishes out of the chicken.She makes soups or stews.She also makes casseroles.My brother and sister and I have milk with our dinner.My parents sometimes have wine with their dinner.Sometimes we have salad before our dinner.I set the table for my mother.I put out the forks,the knives and spoons.I also put out the glasses and fill them full of the milk or water.For dessert,we sometimes have ice cream,cake or pie.My mother said that it is better to have fruit because it is better for you.Tonight,I ate a peach for dessert.My favorite fruits are apples, peaches, plums and bananas.After supper my mother always have a cup of tea with sugar and cream in it.After dinner I help my mother with the dishes.Usually she washes the dishes and I will dry them.
2/26/20214 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_22 Meals

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.rushed 匆忙行事2.bacon 培根3.packs 打包4.tuna 金枪鱼5.ham 火腿6.treat 款待7.spaghetti 意大利面8.stews 炖菜9.casserole 砂锅菜10.plums 李子原文MealsBreakfast is very rushed at our house.My brother and sister and I have toast or cereal.We also have orange juice.On weekends, my mother makes bacon and eggs for us.My father just has a cup of coffee for breakfast.My mother packs a lunch for all of us.We usually have a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink of milk or juice.My favorite sandwiches are egg salad, tuna, roast, beef and ham.My brother always wants peanut butter and jam sandwiches.My mother sometimes packs a treat for us.Today we had cookies with our lunch.At supper time, the family sits around the table and talks about what they did all day.My mother makes good suppers.We sometimes have spaghetti.My mother makes a roast of beef with potatoes and vegetables quite often.She makes many different dishes out of the chicken.She makes soups or stews.She also makes casseroles.My brother and sister and I have milk with our dinner.My parents sometimes have wine with their dinner.Sometimes we have salad before our dinner.I set the table for my mother.I put out the forks,the knives and spoons.I also put out the glasses and fill them full of the milk or water.For dessert,we sometimes have ice cream,cake or pie.My mother said that it is better to have fruit because it is better for you.Tonight,I ate a peach for dessert.My favorite fruits are apples, peaches, plums and bananas.After supper my mother always have a cup of tea with sugar and cream in it.After dinner I help my mother with the dishes.Usually she washes the dishes and I will dry them.
2/26/20214 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_21 Daily Schedule

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.toast 烤面包片2.cereal 麦片3.recess 休息4.physical 身体的5.geography 地理的6.line up 排队7.pajamas 睡衣原文Daily ScheduleI wake up every morning at 7 o'clock.I take a shower.I eat my breakfast. I usually have toast or cereal.I brush my teeth.I put on my clothes.I catch the school bus.I ride to school.In my class we have math and English before recess.At recess time, the girls skip or walk around and talk.The boys play in the playground or play baseball.After recess, we have physical education and geography.We eat lunch and then play outside.When the bell rings, we line up go back into the classroom.After lunch we have history and science.At recess we play ball again.Some of the girls play ball too.In the winter, we build snowman.If it's too cold we stay indoor and talk to each other.After recess, we have music and health.We get out school at three thirty.I sometimes walk home with my friends,or I take the bus.I have a snack and change my clothes when I get home.If it is raining,I watch television.If it is nice outside,I play with my friends.I have supper at five thirty.And some nights,I help my mother to do the dishes.After supper,I do my homework.I wash my face and hands,and brush my teeth.I change into my pajamas.I go to bed at 9 o'clock.
2/26/20213 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_21 Daily Schedule

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.toast 烤面包片2.cereal 麦片3.recess 休息4.physical 身体的5.geography 地理的6.line up 排队7.pajamas 睡衣原文Daily ScheduleI wake up every morning at 7 o'clock.I take a shower.I eat my breakfast. I usually have toast or cereal.I brush my teeth.I put on my clothes.I catch the school bus.I ride to school.In my class we have math and English before recess.At recess time, the girls skip or walk around and talk.The boys play in the playground or play baseball.After recess, we have physical education and geography.We eat lunch and then play outside.When the bell rings, we line up go back into the classroom.After lunch we have history and science.At recess we play ball again.Some of the girls play ball too.In the winter, we build snowman.If it's too cold we stay indoor and talk to each other.After recess, we have music and health.We get out school at three thirty.I sometimes walk home with my friends,or I take the bus.I have a snack and change my clothes when I get home.If it is raining,I watch television.If it is nice outside,I play with my friends.I have supper at five thirty.And some nights,I help my mother to do the dishes.After supper,I do my homework.I wash my face and hands,and brush my teeth.I change into my pajamas.I go to bed at 9 o'clock.
2/26/20213 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 20 Working Outside

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.weeded 除杂草2.lawn 草坪3.raked 耙4.sidewalks 人行道5.paths 小路6.lemonade 柠檬汁7.trim 修剪8.bulbs 球茎植物原文Working OutsideToday I was working outside.It was a sunny day,and I was very hot.I wore a hat on my head.I watered all the plants.I weeded the flowers beds.I cut back all the plants that were growing too big.I gave some plants plant food.I cut the lawn.I raked the lawn.I filled up the bird baths with water.I swept the sidewalks and the paths.I took out the garbage.I filled up the car with gas.I washed the car.I hung the clothes on the clothesline.I washed down the lawn furniture.I wash all of the window on the house from the outside.I was so tired.So I had a glass of lemonade.I talked to my neighbor and I helped her trim a tree.I planted some bulbs,and then I went into the house.I was exhausted.
2/25/20212 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 20 Working Outside

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.weeded 除杂草2.lawn 草坪3.raked 耙4.sidewalks 人行道5.paths 小路6.lemonade 柠檬汁7.trim 修剪8.bulbs 球茎植物原文Working OutsideToday I was working outside.It was a sunny day,and I was very hot.I wore a hat on my head.I watered all the plants.I weeded the flowers beds.I cut back all the plants that were growing too big.I gave some plants plant food.I cut the lawn.I raked the lawn.I filled up the bird baths with water.I swept the sidewalks and the paths.I took out the garbage.I filled up the car with gas.I washed the car.I hung the clothes on the clothesline.I washed down the lawn furniture.I wash all of the window on the house from the outside.I was so tired.So I had a glass of lemonade.I talked to my neighbor and I helped her trim a tree.I planted some bulbs,and then I went into the house.I was exhausted.
2/25/20212 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 19 Housework

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.floors 地板2.carpets 地毯3.vacuumed 用吸尘器打扫4.waxed 上蜡 家具6.polished 抛光7.bathtub 浴盆8.laundry 洗衣房9.ironed 熨10.groceries 食品杂货11.pile 堆12.counters 桌台13.wiped 擦14.stove 炉15.refrigerator 冰箱16.cupboard 碗橱17.dust 擦灰18.sweep 打扫19.sheets 床单20.household chores 家务活原文HouseworkThere is always housework to do when you live in a house.You have to wash the window so that you can see outside.The floors and carpets need to be vacuumed.The floors also need to be washed,and some of them need to be waxedThe furniture has to be polished.The bathroom has to be kept clean.After you have a bath,you need to clean the bathtub.Laundry needs to be done regularly,or you will run out of clothes to wear.The clothes go into the washing machine,and then they have to be dried in the dryer.Sometimes, we hang the clothes out on the line to be dried.Some of the clothes need to be ironed.You have to buy groceries and put them away .Meals need to be made.You can't let dishes pile up in the kitchen.The dishes have to be washed and the counter need to be wiped.The stove needs to be cleaned,and sometimes the refrigerator and cupboard need to be cleaned out.You can dust the furniture and sweep up the dirt.You can make the beds.The beds have be changed too.They need to have clean sheets put on them.There are just so many things to do.Household chores take up a lot of time.
2/25/20213 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 19 Housework

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.floors 地板2.carpets 地毯3.vacuumed 用吸尘器打扫4.waxed 上蜡 家具6.polished 抛光7.bathtub 浴盆8.laundry 洗衣房9.ironed 熨10.groceries 食品杂货11.pile 堆12.counters 桌台13.wiped 擦14.stove 炉15.refrigerator 冰箱16.cupboard 碗橱17.dust 擦灰18.sweep 打扫19.sheets 床单20.household chores 家务活原文HouseworkThere is always housework to do when you live in a house.You have to wash the window so that you can see outside.The floors and carpets need to be vacuumed.The floors also need to be washed,and some of them need to be waxedThe furniture has to be polished.The bathroom has to be kept clean.After you have a bath,you need to clean the bathtub.Laundry needs to be done regularly,or you will run out of clothes to wear.The clothes go into the washing machine,and then they have to be dried in the dryer.Sometimes, we hang the clothes out on the line to be dried.Some of the clothes need to be ironed.You have to buy groceries and put them away .Meals need to be made.You can't let dishes pile up in the kitchen.The dishes have to be washed and the counter need to be wiped.The stove needs to be cleaned,and sometimes the refrigerator and cupboard need to be cleaned out.You can dust the furniture and sweep up the dirt.You can make the beds.The beds have be changed too.They need to have clean sheets put on them.There are just so many things to do.Household chores take up a lot of time.
2/25/20213 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 18 Learning How to Drive

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lessons2.licence原文Learning How to DriveAmy is 16 years old.She lives in a small town.Amy is learning how to drive.Amy's dad is giving her lessons.Amy's dad's name is Howard.Amy has had three lessons.Amy and her dad argue during the lessons.Amy's mom is giving her drive lessons.Amy's mom's name is Jane.Jane has given Amy a lesson.Jane has decided to stop giving Amy lessons.Jane and Amy argue during the lessons too.Amy's parents call a drive school.Amy is going to get lessons from a professional.The classes cost 300 dollars for ten lessons.The lessons are very good.Amy learns how to drive.Amy gets a license.
2/25/20212 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 18 Learning How to Drive

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lessons2.licence原文Learning How to DriveAmy is 16 years old.She lives in a small town.Amy is learning how to drive.Amy's dad is giving her lessons.Amy's dad's name is Howard.Amy has had three lessons.Amy and her dad argue during the lessons.Amy's mom is giving her drive lessons.Amy's mom's name is Jane.Jane has given Amy a lesson.Jane has decided to stop giving Amy lessons.Jane and Amy argue during the lessons too.Amy's parents call a drive school.Amy is going to get lessons from a professional.The classes cost 300 dollars for ten lessons.The lessons are very good.Amy learns how to drive.Amy gets a license.
2/25/20212 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 17 Thanksgiving

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.weighs 重2.peel 削皮3.squash 西葫芦4.stuffing 填料5.spices 香料6.carves 切7.gravy 蘸料8.relatives 亲戚原文ThanksgivingWe are having thanksgiving at our house.My whole family is coming.My parents bought a turkey.It weighs 30 pounds.It takes long time to cook.My mom wakes up early to cook the turkey.I clean the house with my dad.The house smells good.We help my mother in the kitchen.I peel potatoes and carrots.My dad makes pumpkin pies.My mom cooks squash.I help my mom make stuffing.I mix the bread and spices.We make good stuffing.It goes inside the turkey.We put on nice clothes.I set the table.My dad carves the turkey.My mom makes the gravy.Our relatives arrive.We say thank you for all we have.We eat and eat.It's a good Thanksgiving.
2/25/20212 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 17 Thanksgiving

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.weighs 重2.peel 削皮3.squash 西葫芦4.stuffing 填料5.spices 香料6.carves 切7.gravy 蘸料8.relatives 亲戚原文ThanksgivingWe are having thanksgiving at our house.My whole family is coming.My parents bought a turkey.It weighs 30 pounds.It takes long time to cook.My mom wakes up early to cook the turkey.I clean the house with my dad.The house smells good.We help my mother in the kitchen.I peel potatoes and carrots.My dad makes pumpkin pies.My mom cooks squash.I help my mom make stuffing.I mix the bread and spices.We make good stuffing.It goes inside the turkey.We put on nice clothes.I set the table.My dad carves the turkey.My mom makes the gravy.Our relatives arrive.We say thank you for all we have.We eat and eat.It's a good Thanksgiving.
2/25/20212 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 16 Christmas Eve

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.roof 屋顶2.eggnog 蛋酒3.stockings 长袜4.fireplace 壁炉5.string 绳6.popcorn 爆米花7.tinsel 亮片8.ornaments 装饰物9.Santa Claus 圣诞老人10.wrapping 包装纸原文Christmas EveBen and Melissa are getting ready for Christmas.Ben and Melissa's house has lots of lights on the roof.The lights are many colors.Inside they listen to the Christmas music.Ben and Melissa drink eggnog.Eggnog tastes good.Ben and Melissa hang stockings on the fireplace.They string popcorn.Bell and Melissa put popcorn string on the Christmas tree.They put Christmas lights on the tree.They put tinsel on the tree.Ben and Melissa put ornaments on the tree.They put a star on the top of the tree.They get ready for Satan Claus.They leave milk and cookies for Satan.Ben opens one present.Melissa opens one present.They go to sleep.Ben and Melissa weak up early.They run down stairs.There are a lot of presents under our tree.They wake up their mom and dad.Ben and Melissa open their presents.They love our presents.Everyone cleans the wrapping paper.It is time for breakfast.
2/25/20213 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 16 Christmas Eve

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.roof 屋顶2.eggnog 蛋酒3.stockings 长袜4.fireplace 壁炉5.string 绳6.popcorn 爆米花7.tinsel 亮片8.ornaments 装饰物9.Santa Claus 圣诞老人10.wrapping 包装纸原文Christmas EveBen and Melissa are getting ready for Christmas.Ben and Melissa's house has lots of lights on the roof.The lights are many colors.Inside they listen to the Christmas music.Ben and Melissa drink eggnog.Eggnog tastes good.Ben and Melissa hang stockings on the fireplace.They string popcorn.Bell and Melissa put popcorn string on the Christmas tree.They put Christmas lights on the tree.They put tinsel on the tree.Ben and Melissa put ornaments on the tree.They put a star on the top of the tree.They get ready for Satan Claus.They leave milk and cookies for Satan.Ben opens one present.Melissa opens one present.They go to sleep.Ben and Melissa wake up early.They run down stairs.There are a lot of presents under our tree.They wake up their mom and dad.Ben and Melissa open their presents.They love our presents.Everyone cleans the wrapping paper.It is time for breakfast.
2/25/20213 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 15 Halloween Night

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.chips 薯片2.bars 条3.trick 恶作剧4.treat 招待5.costume 服装6.princess 公主7.wand 魔杖 皇冠9.pumpkin 南瓜10.Jack O'lantern 南瓜灯原文Halloween NightHalloween is fun.My mom buys candy.My mom buys potato chips.My mom buys chocolate bars.It is for the trick or trickers.My mom buys me a costume.It is a ghost costume.I'm going to be scary.My sister is going to dress up as a princess.She will have a wand.She will have a crown.She will look beautiful.My dad buys a pumpkin.It going to be a Jack O'lantern.We draw a face on the pumpkin.We carve the face with a knife .Our Jack O'lantern looks funny.We go trick or treating.We knock our neighbor's door.We say “trick or treat”.Our neighbors give us candy.We say thanks.We go to many houses.We go home.Our parents check our candy.It's safe.We eat lots of candy.We don't feel very good.We go to bed.
2/25/20212 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 15 Halloween Night

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.chips 薯片2.bars 条3.trick 恶作剧4.treat 招待5.costume 服装6.princess 公主7.wand 魔杖 皇冠9.pumpkin 南瓜10.Jack O'lantern 南瓜灯原文Halloween NightHalloween is fun.My mom buys candy.My mom buys potato chips.My mom buys chocolate bars.It is for the trick or trickers.My mom buys me a costume.It is a ghost costume.I'm going to be scary.My sister is going to dress up as a princess.She will have a wand.She will have a crown.She will look beautiful.My dad buys a pumpkin.It going to be a Jack O'lantern.We draw a face on the pumpkin.We carve the face with a knife .Our Jack O'lantern looks funny.We go trick or treating.We knock our neighbor's door.We say “trick or treat”.Our neighbors give us candy.We say thanks.We go to many houses.We go home.Our parents check our candy.It's safe.We eat lots of candy.We don't feel very good.We go to bed.
2/25/20212 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 14 Remembrance Day

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fought2.celebrate 歌颂3.poppy 罂粟花4.sacrifice 牺牲5.recite 背诵6.poem7.In Flanders Field原文Remembrance DayMy grandfather fought in world War II.My grandmother was a nurse in world War II.Today is November 11th.Today is Remembrance Day.Today we celebrate soldiers.Everyone wears a poppy.Poppies are red flowers.Poppies remind me of my grandparents.Poppies remind me their sacrifice.At 11 AM there are two minutes of silence.People remember their friends and family.People recite the poem “In Flanders Field”.It is a sad poem.It helps us remember.Today we wish for peace in the world.
2/25/20211 minute, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 14 Remembrance Day

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fought2.celebrate 歌颂3.poppy 罂粟花4.sacrifice 牺牲5.recite 背诵6.poem7.In Flanders Field原文Remembrance DayMy grandfather fought in world War II.My grandmother was a nurse in world War II.Today is November 11th.Today is Remembrance Day.Today we celebrate soldiers.Everyone wears a poppy.Poppies are red flowers.Poppies remind me of my grandparents.Poppies remind me their sacrifice.At 11 AM there are two minutes of silence.People remember their friends and family.People recite the poem “In Flanders Field”.It is a sad poem.It helps us remember.Today we wish for peace in the world.
2/25/20211 minute, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 13 Susan's Wedding Day

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fiance 未婚夫 婚礼3.veil 面纱4.garter 吊袜带 首饰6.penny 便士原文Susan's Wedding DaySusan is getting married.Her fiance's name is Michael.They are in love.They are getting married today.Susan wakes up earlyShe is getting her hair done.Susan is having her make up done too.Susan looks beautiful.She puts on her white wedding dress.Susan puts on her veil.Susan needs something blue.Her garter is blue.Susan needs something old.Her grandmother's ring is old.Susan needs something borrowed.She is wearing her mother's jewelry.Susan needs something new.Her shoes and dress are new.Susan needs a penny for her shoe.It's will bring her good luck.Susan is ready to get married.
2/25/20212 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 13 Susan's Wedding Day

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.fiance 未婚夫 婚礼3.veil 面纱4.garter 吊袜带 首饰6.penny 便士原文Susan's Wedding DaySusan is getting married.Her fiance's name is Michael.They are in love.They are getting married today.Susan wakes up earlyShe is getting her hair done.Susan is having her make up done too.Susan looks beautiful.She puts on her white wedding dress.Susan puts on her veil.Susan needs something blue.Her garter is blue.Susan needs something old.Her grandmother's ring is old.Susan needs something borrowed.She is wearing her mother's jewelry.Susan needs something new.Her shoes and dress are new.Susan needs a penny for her shoe.It's will bring her good luck.Susan is ready to get married.
2/25/20212 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 12 Cleaning Up Leaves

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.wind 2.rake 耙子3.gather4.pile 堆5.coats 外套原文Cleaning Up LeavesThe leaves are changing colors.I see red maple leaves.I see orange maple leaves.I see yellow maple leaves.The leaves are beautiful.It is starting to get cold.The wind is strong.Winter is coming.The leaves fall off the tree.On Saturday we will clean them up.The whole family helps.My dad gets the rake.My mom gets the garbage bags.My brother and I help too.We gather leaves with our hands.We make a big pile.My brother and I jump in the leaves.We make a big mess.Our parents don't mind.Our parents fill our coats with leaves.We look really big.Everyone laughs.Play time is over.Back to work.
2/25/20212 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 12 Cleaning Up Leaves

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.wind 2.rake 耙子3.gather4.pile 堆5.coats 外套原文Cleaning Up LeavesThe leaves are changing colors.I see red maple leaves.I see orange maple leaves.I see yellow maple leaves.The leaves are beautiful.It is starting to get cold.The wind is strong.Winter is coming.The leaves fall off the tree.On Saturday we will clean them up.The whole family helps.My dad gets the rake.My mom gets the garbage bags.My brother and I help too.We gather leaves with our hands.We make a big pile.My brother and I jump in the leaves.We make a big mess.Our parents don't mind.Our parents fill our coats with leaves.We look really big.Everyone laughs.Play time is over.Back to work.
2/25/20212 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 11 Summer Vacation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cottage 小屋2.board game 棋类游戏3.cabin 小木屋4.Cape Cod 科德角原文Summer VacationToday is the last day of school.It's summer vacation.Grace is very excited.The summer will be fun.Grace is going to visit her grandparents.They have a cottage.The cottage is on Lake Eric.It is a lot fun.Grace is going to swim.She is going to play board games.She is going to talk with her grandparents.Grace is going to have fun.Grace is going to a summer camp.She will sleep in a cabin.She will make lots of new friends.Grace will learn campfire songs.Camp will be fun.Grace is going to cape Cod with her parents.We are going for two weeks.We are going to drive.Grace will see the ocean.Cape Cod will be beautiful.Summer vacation is fun.
2/25/20212 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 11 Summer Vacation

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cottage 小屋2.board game 棋类游戏3.cabin 小木屋4.Cape Cod 科德角原文Summer VacationToday is the last day of school.It's summer vacation.Grace is very excited.The summer will be fun.Grace is going to visit her grandparents.They have a cottage.The cottage is on Lake Eric.It is a lot fun.Grace is going to swim.She is going to play board games.She is going to talk with her grandparents.Grace is going to have fun.Grace is going to a summer camp.She will sleep in a cabin.She will make lots of new friends.Grace will learn campfire songs.Camp will be fun.Grace is going to cape Cod with her parents.We are going for two weeks.We are going to drive.Grace will see the ocean.Cape Cod will be beautiful.Summer vacation is fun.
2/25/20212 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 10 Joe's First Car

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频原文Joe's First Car Joe is 18 years old.Joe works at McDonald's.Joe saves all his money.Joe has 2500 dollars in the bank.He wants to buy a sports car.Joe starts to look for a new car.Joe looks in the newspaper.Joe looks in magazines.Joe finds a car he likes.Joe goes to see the car with his dad.He really likes it .Joe doesn't have enough money.Joe's dad tells him to keep saving his money.Joe wants this car a lot.Joe asks his dad to help him.Joe and his dad make a deal.Joe's dad will lend him the money.Joe must work hard.He must pay the money back to his dad.Joe is very happy.Joe owns his first car.
2/24/20212 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 10 Joe's First Car

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频原文Joe's First Car Joe is 18 years old.Joe works at McDonald's.Joe saves all his money.Joe has 2500 dollars in the bank.He wants to buy a sports car.Joe starts to look for a new car.Joe looks in the newspaper.Joe looks in magazines.Joe finds a car he likes.Joe goes to see the car with his dad.He really likes it .Joe doesn't have enough money.Joe's dad tells him to keep saving his money.Joe wants this car a lot.Joe asks his dad to help him.Joe and his dad make a deal.Joe's dad will lend him the money.Joe must work hard.He must pay the money back to his dad.Joe is very happy.Joe owns his first car.
2/24/20212 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 9 The Easter Egg Hunt

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Easter egg hunt2.bunnies 兔子3.basket 篮子4.couch 沙发原文The Easter Egg HuntSamantha is going to an easter egg hunt.Tracy is going to an easter egg hunt.The easter egg hunt is at Sydney's house.It's going to be fun.Sydney's Mom hid chocolate eggs.Sydney's Mom hid chocolate bunnies.Everybody is here.Everybody has an easter basket.The easter egg hunt can start.Everybody must close their eyes. One,two,three,go!Samantha finds an easter egg.The easter egg is behind a table.She puts it in her basket.Tracy finds a chocolate easter bunny.It's under the couch.Tracey puts it in her basket.Sydney finds a chocolate easter bunny too.It's in front of the television.She puts it in her basket.Everybody finds lots of chocolate.Everybody shares the chocolate.Samantha,Tracey and Sydney love easter.
2/24/20212 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 9 The Easter Egg Hunt

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.Easter egg hunt2.bunnies 兔子3.basket 篮子4.couch 沙发原文The Easter Egg HuntSamantha is going to an easter egg hunt.Tracy is going to an easter egg hunt.The easter egg hunt is at Sydney's house.It's going to be fun.Sydney's Mom hid chocolate eggs.Sydney's Mom hid chocolate bunnies.Everybody is here.Everybody has an easter basket.The easter egg hunt can start.Everybody must close their eyes. One,two,three,go!Samantha finds an easter egg.The easter egg is behind a table.She puts it in her basket.Tracy finds a chocolate easter bunny.It's under the couch.Tracey puts it in her basket.Sydney finds a chocolate easter bunny too.It's in front of the television.She puts it in her basket.Everybody finds lots of chocolate.Everybody shares the chocolate.Samantha,Tracey and Sydney love easter.
2/24/20212 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 8 Mark's Big Game

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 曲棍球2.league 联盟原文Mark's Big GameMark's favorite sport is hockey.He is 15 years old.Mark practices three times a week.Practices are two hours long.Mark plays one game a week.Mark is a good hockey player.He plays on Friday nights.Friday night hockey games are popular.Mark's family watches him play.Mark's friends watch him play too.There are always many fans.Tonight is the big game.Coaches are coming to watch Mark play.Mark wants to play in the national hockey League.Mark wants to make a lot of money.It's very hard to play in the NHL.Mark's parents want him go to college.They want him to have an education.They want mark to be successful.They want mark to be happy.
2/24/20212 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 8 Mark's Big Game

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示 曲棍球2.league 联盟原文Mark's Big GameMark's favorite sport is hockey.He is 15 years old.Mark practices three times a week.Practices are two hours long.Mark plays one game a week.Mark is a good hockey player.He plays on Friday nights.Friday night hockey games are popular.Mark's family watches him play.Mark's friends watch him play too.There are always many fans.Tonight is the big game.Coaches are coming to watch Mark play.Mark wants to play in the national hockey League.Mark wants to make a lot of money.It's very hard to play in the NHL.Mark's parents want him go to college.They want him to have an education.They want mark to be successful.They want mark to be happy.
2/24/20212 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 7 Jennifer The Firefighter

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.firefighter 消防员2.lifts weights 举重原文Jennifer The FirefighterJennifer Smith is a firefighter.She is one of the first female firefighters.Jennifer works hard every day.Jennifer exercises every day.She lifts weights.She wants her muscle to be very strong.She saves people's lives every day.She is very strong.Jennifer is married.Her husband is a school teacher.Jennifer's husband is proud of her.Jennifer is a mother.She has two daughters.Jennifer's daughters are proud of her too.Jennifer is happy being a firefighter.Jennifer is happy being a wife.Jennifer is happy being a mother.
2/24/20212 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 7 Jennifer The Firefighter

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.firefighter 消防员2.lifts weights 举重原文Jennifer The FirefighterJennifer Smith is a firefighter.She is one of the first female firefighters.Jennifer works hard every day.Jennifer exercises every day.She lifts weights.She wants her muscle to be very strong.She saves people's lives every day.She is very strong.Jennifer is married.Her husband is a school teacher.Jennifer's husband is proud of her.Jennifer is a mother.She has two daughters.Jennifer's daughters are proud of her too.Jennifer is happy being a firefighter.Jennifer is happy being a wife.Jennifer is happy being a mother.
2/24/20212 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 6 My First Pet

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.paws 爪2.fur 毛3.kitten 小猫4.scratched 擦原文 My First PetMy name is Sarah.I'm 14 years old.I have a pet cat.My cat's name is Milo.My cat is black and white.Milo's paws are white.Milo's body is black.She is very cute.Milo's fur is very soft.Milo was a very small kitten.Milo is a very big cat.Milo cannot have kittens.She is fixed.Milo likes to eat.Milo likes to play outside.Milo likes to hunt for birds.Milo likes to hunt for mice.She likes her ear scratched.Milo likes to sit in my lap .Milo likes to sleep on my bed.Milo is a good pet.
2/24/20212 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 6 My First Pet

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.paws 爪2.fur 毛3.kitten 小猫4.scratched 擦原文 My First PetMy name is Sarah.I'm 14 years old.I have a pet cat.My cat's name is Milo.My cat is black and white.Milo's paws are white.Milo's body is black.She is very cute.Milo's fur is very soft.Milo was a very small kitten.Milo is a very big cat.Milo cannot have kittens.She is fixed.Milo likes to eat.Milo likes to play outside.Milo likes to hunt for birds.Milo likes to hunt for mice.She likes her ear scratched.Milo likes to sit in my lap .Milo likes to sleep on my bed.Milo is a good pet.
2/24/20212 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 5 My House

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.closets 衣柜2.workshop 作坊 家具4.floor 层5.garage 车库6.maple 枫树7.backyard 后院原文My Housel live in a house.My house is small.My house has two bedrooms.My mom and dad sleep in one bedroom.My sister and I share the other bedroom.My house has a kitchen.My mom and dad cook dinner there every night.My house has a living room.My family watches television there every night.My house has a big bathroom.My house has a lot of closets.My house has a basement.My dad has a workshop in the basement.My dad makes wood furniture.My house does not have second floor.My house has a garage.My house has a big backyard.My backyard has a maple tree.My backyard has a swimming pool.My backyard has a vegetable garden.My family likes our house.
2/24/20212 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 5 My House

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.closets 衣柜2.workshop 作坊 家具4.floor 层5.garage 车库6.maple 枫树7.backyard 后院原文My Housel live in a house.My house is small.My house has two bedrooms.My mom and dad sleep in one bedroom.My sister and I share the other bedroom.My house has a kitchen.My mom and dad cook dinner there every night.My house has a living room.My family watches television there every night.My house has a big bathroom.My house has a lot of closets.My house has a basement.My dad has a workshop in the basement.My dad makes wood furniture.My house does not have second floor.My house has a garage.My house has a big backyard.My backyard has a maple tree.My backyard has a swimming pool.My backyard has a vegetable garden.My family likes our house.
2/24/20212 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 4 Going camping

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tent 帐篷2.repellent 驱虫剂3.roasted 烤4.marshmallows 棉花糖5.canoeing 划船6.jays 松鸦7.hummingbirds 蜂鸟8.raccoon 浣熊9.squirrel 松鼠原文Going campingThe Bright family went camping on the weekend.The Bright family went to Silent Lake.The Bright family left on Friday.They camped for three days.The Bright family brought a big tent.They brought a lot of food.They brought insect repellent.The Bright family had a campfire on Friday.They roasted marshmallows.They sang campfire songs.On Saturday they went canoeing.On Saturday they went fishing.On Saturday they went swimming.They went hiking on Sunday.The Bright family saw many birds.They saw blue jays.They saw hummingbirds.The Bright family saw many animals.They saw a raccoon.They saw a squirrel.But they didn't see a bear.The Bright family had a fun vacation.
2/24/20212 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 4 Going camping

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tent 帐篷2.repellent 驱虫剂3.roasted 烤4.marshmallows 棉花糖5.canoeing 划船6.jays 松鸦7.hummingbirds 蜂鸟8.raccoon 浣熊9.squirrel 松鼠原文Going campingThe Bright family went camping on the weekend.The Bright family went to Silent Lake.The Bright family left on Friday.They camped for three days.The Bright family brought a big tent.They brought a lot of food.They brought insect repellent.The Bright family had a campfire on Friday.They roasted marshmallows.They sang campfire songs.On Saturday they went canoeing.On Saturday they went fishing.On Saturday they went swimming.They went hiking on Sunday.The Bright family saw many birds.They saw blue jays.They saw hummingbirds.The Bright family saw many animals.They saw a raccoon.They saw a squirrel.But they didn't see a bear.The Bright family had a fun vacation.
2/24/20212 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 3 My Flower Garden

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tulips 郁金香2.petunias 矮牵牛3.weeds 杂草4.insects 昆虫原文My Flower GardenMy name is Ann.I love flowers.I have a flower garden.My garden is in front of my house.My neighbor has a garden too.My garden has different types of flowers.I have roses in my garden.I have tulips in my garden.I have petunias in my garden.My garden has different colors.I plant red flowers.I plant orange flowers.I plant blue flowers.I plant purple flowers.I take care of my garden.I water my garden every day.I kill the weeds in my garden.I kill insects that eat my flowers.I love my beautiful garden.
2/24/20212 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 3 My Flower Garden

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.tulips 郁金香2.petunias 矮牵牛3.weeds 杂草4.insects 昆虫原文My Flower GardenMy name is Ann.I love flowers.I have a flower garden.My garden is in front of my house.My neighbor has a garden too.My garden has different types of flowers.I have roses in my garden.I have tulips in my garden.I have petunias in my garden.My garden has different colors.I plant red flowers.I plant orange flowers.I plant blue flowers.I plant purple flowers.I take care of my garden.I water my garden every day.I kill the weeds in my garden.I kill insects that eat my flowers.I love my beautiful garden.
2/24/20212 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 2 Jessica's First Day of School

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.kindergarten 幼儿园2.national anthem 国歌3.yells 叫喊4.recess 休息5.carpet 地毯原文Jessica's First Day of SchoolToday is Jessica's first day of kindergarten.Jessica and her parents walk to school.Jessica's mom walks with her to her classroom.Jessica meets her teacher. His name Mr. Parker.The school bell rings at 8:45 Am.Jessica hugs and kisses her mom goodbye.Jessica's mom says,I love you.At 9 Am Jessica stands for the national anthem.Mr. Parker calls out children's names.Each child yells back here.Mr. Parker teaches them about letters.Mr. Parker teaches them about numbers.At 10:15 Am the students have recess.Recess is fun.The students get to play and eat.At 10:30Amthe students go to gym class .At 11:15 AM the students return to Mr. Parker's classroom.Mr. Parker tells the students to sit on the carpet.Mr. Parker reads the students a story.Mr. Parker teaches the students a song.The lunch bell rings.Jessica's first day of school is over.
2/24/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 2 Jessica's First Day of School

在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.kindergarten 幼儿园2.national anthem 国歌3.yells 叫喊4.recess 休息5.carpet 地毯原文Jessica's First Day of SchoolToday is Jessica's first day of kindergarten.Jessica and her parents walk to school.Jessica's mom walks with her to her classroom.Jessica meets her teacher. His name Mr. Parker.The school bell rings at 8:45 Am.Jessica hugs and kisses her mom goodbye.Jessica's mom says,I love you.At 9 Am Jessica stands for the national anthem.Mr. Parker calls out children's names.Each child yells back here.Mr. Parker teaches them about letters.Mr. Parker teaches them about numbers.At 10:15 Am the students have recess.Recess is fun.The students get to play and eat.At 10:30Amthe students go to gym class .At 11:15 AM the students return to Mr. Parker's classroom.Mr. Parker tells the students to sit on the carpet.Mr. Parker reads the students a story.Mr. Parker teaches the students a song.The lunch bell rings.Jessica's first day of school is over.
2/24/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 1 First Snow Fall

在喜马拉雅播已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.shovel 铲2.mittens 连指手套3.scarf 围巾4.zippers 拉拉链原文First Snow FallToday is November 26th.It snowed all day today.The snow is beautiful.The snow finally stopped.My sister and I are excited.My Mom doesn't like the snow.My Mom has to shovel the drive way.My sister and I get to play.I put on my hat and mittens.My Mom puts on my scarf.My Mom zippers my jacket.My sister puts on her hat and mittens.My Mom puts on her scarf.My Mom zippers her jacket.My sister and I go outside.We begin to make a snow man.My mom starts to shovel the snow.My sister and I make snow angels.My sister and I throw snowballs.It starts to snow again.We go inside for hot chocolate.
2/22/20212 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 1 First Snow Fall

在喜马拉雅播已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.shovel 铲2.mittens 连指手套3.scarf 围巾4.zippers 拉拉链原文First Snow FallToday is November 26th.It snowed all day today.The snow is beautiful.The snow finally stopped.My sister and I are excited.My Mom doesn't like the snow.My Mom has to shovel the drive way.My sister and I get to play.I put on my hat and mittens.My Mom puts on my scarf.My Mom zippers my jacket.My sister puts on her hat and mittens.My Mom puts on her scarf.My Mom zippers her jacket.My sister and I go outside.We begin to make a snow man.My mom starts to shovel the snow.My sister and I make snow angels.My sister and I throw snowballs.It starts to snow again.We go inside for hot chocolate.
2/22/20212 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

16.磨耳朵练语感 中译英88句

文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示4.strike 罢工5.rated 评价7.pacific 平静11.devoted 献身13.spare 备用14.dwindled 减少15.apear18.bishop 象20.aware 察觉22.enxieties 烦恼23.glazy 呆滞26.blocked 阻止,appointment 约会27.optimistic 乐观28.vintage 葡萄收获期29.blazed 火光,forth30.ursher 接待员,row 排31.evidence 证据34.bent 弯,agony 痛苦35.charming 可爱38.standard40.intense 强烈42.forced 强迫44.drags 吃力跟着47.vast proportion49.dotted 有斑点54.speared 叉起57.brick layer 砌砖匠63.rifle 来复枪、步枪,carries72.apologies 道歉74.crackers 饼干75.forbid 禁止77.crackled,spat79.blowing 吹风81.pillowed 枕,lap 大腿85.minimum 最小87.betrayed 出卖、背叛88.ignorance 无知
2/22/202117 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

16.磨耳朵练语感 中译英88句

文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示4.strike 罢工5.rated 评价7.pacific 平静11.devoted 献身13.spare 备用14.dwindled 减少15.apear18.bishop 象20.aware 察觉22.enxieties 烦恼23.glazy 呆滞26.blocked 阻止,appointment 约会27.optimistic 乐观28.vintage 葡萄收获期29.blazed 火光,forth30.ursher 接待员,row 排31.evidence 证据34.bent 弯,agony 痛苦35.charming 可爱38.standard40.intense 强烈42.forced 强迫44.drags 吃力跟着47.vast proportion49.dotted 有斑点54.speared 叉起57.brick layer 砌砖匠63.rifle 来复枪、步枪,carries72.apologies 道歉74.crackers 饼干75.forbid 禁止77.crackled,spat79.blowing 吹风81.pillowed 枕,lap 大腿85.minimum 最小87.betrayed 出卖、背叛88.ignorance 无知
2/22/202117 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

15.磨耳朵练语感 中译英120句

文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示3.lent8.disturb 打扰10.resign 辞职12.deed 行为,revealed 显示17.type 打印,essays 文章20.wounded  受伤,exchange 交火22.duke 公爵,mourners 送葬的人24.divorce 离婚25.geography地理 财产31.grades 成绩36.economy 经济,plunged骤降,recession 衰退37.explosives 爆炸38.discarded 出牌39.yards41.share 股票,teading 交易42.eager 渴求43.gloves 手套46.fiction 小说52.civil55.barriers 障碍物56.corresponded 通信 机智,one-liners 俏皮话58.solid 结实59.afterward 后来65.fantastically 离谱70.fresh 新的、不同的,instruction 指导71.holy73.plant 工厂74.chairman 主席75.admitted 准许进入77.commands 命令、指挥81.satellite 卫星,stable 稳定,orbit 轨道82.pionner 先驱83.greeted 欢迎84.float,firm 公司86.cast a spell  施魔法、迷倒87.attend 进攻 case 以防96.wallet 钱包97.planting 种植,garden 花园 安全,foothold 落脚点107.adolescent 青春期,temporary 暂时108.flexible 灵活109.affair 事务110.private matter 私事112.wired 打电报117.painter 画家119.sprained 扭伤,wrist 手腕
2/22/202123 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

15.磨耳朵练语感 中译英120句

文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示3.lent8.disturb 打扰10.resign 辞职12.deed 行为,revealed 显示17.type 打印,essays 文章20.wounded  受伤,exchange 交火22.duke 公爵,mourners 送葬的人24.divorce 离婚25.geography地理 财产31.grades 成绩36.economy 经济,plunged骤降,recession 衰退37.explosives 爆炸38.discarded 出牌39.yards41.share 股票,teading 交易42.eager 渴求43.gloves 手套46.fiction 小说52.civil55.barriers 障碍物56.corresponded 通信 机智,one-liners 俏皮话58.solid 结实59.afterward 后来65.fantastically 离谱70.fresh 新的、不同的,instruction 指导71.holy73.plant 工厂74.chairman 主席75.admitted 准许进入77.commands 命令、指挥81.satellite 卫星,stable 稳定,orbit 轨道82.pionner 先驱83.greeted 欢迎84.float,firm 公司86.cast a spell  施魔法、迷倒87.attend 进攻 case 以防96.wallet 钱包97.planting 种植,garden 花园 安全,foothold 落脚点107.adolescent 青春期,temporary 暂时108.flexible 灵活109.affair 事务110.private matter 私事112.wired 打电报117.painter 画家119.sprained 扭伤,wrist 手腕
2/22/202123 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

14.磨耳朵练语感 中译英50句

文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示2.alley 小巷3.descale 除垢,gut 去除内脏7.landslide 山体滑坡8.oblige 帮助,stamp 邮票14.carpenter 木工 fond of,geometry 几何17.tortuous 曲折20.period 一段时间、一节课21.regret 后悔23.count 伯爵26.penicillin 盘尼西林、青霉素27.requested 要求28.powder 火药30.scraped 刮擦32.crime 犯罪36.gasoline 汽油38.brow 眉毛41.deck-chair 躺椅42.rat 告密43.divisions 分野,stark 明确的44.stuck 刺46.brush 刷提示一、每一个句子都先播放1遍中文解释,在播放1遍美式发音和英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1I've had a cold since my arrival.我到这里以后就一直感冒。2We live in the same alley.我们住在同一条小巷里。3Descale, gut, and clean the fish.除去鱼鳞,取出内脏,然后清理干净。4We had to think what to do next.我们不得不考虑下一步该做什么。5Doctors advised me to have it removed.大夫们劝我把它割掉。6She's changing to go out.她打算出门,正在换衣服。7Their house was buried by a landslide.他们的房子被一次山体滑坡掩埋了。8Will you oblige me with a stamp?给我一张邮票好吗?9Fine feathers do not make fine birds衣着漂亮不见得人好。10You spoke too soon.你言之过早。11His jokes amused the whole table.他讲的笑话把满桌人都逗笑了。12He drove a good bargain last Sunday.他上星期天做了一笔好生意。13You have to learn to face your problem.你得学会面对自己的问题。14He worked in a carpenter's shop.他在一家木工厂工作。15She is fond of geometry.她喜欢几何学。16Salter shouted with joy.索尔特高兴地叫起来。17The way ahead is tortuous.前面的路是曲折的。18She came tripping down the garden path.她轻快地沿花圃小路跑过来。19The swimming pool is five meters wide.这个游泳池有5米宽。20Each period lasts forty minutes.每节课40分钟。21I regret what I've done to her.我后悔不该那样对她。22Sharpe felt an emptiness inside.夏普感到心里很空虚。23Her father was a Polish count.她父亲是波兰的一位伯爵。24Her dress was a vivid color.她的服装颜色很鲜艳。25He spoke very clearly indeed.他讲得相当清楚了。26He gave me a second shot of penicillin.他又给我打了一针青霉素。27I requested a taxi for eight o'clock.我要了一辆出租车,8点过来。28The smell of powder was in the air.空气中有火药味。29He has great skill in painting.他非常善于绘画。30He scraped through the narrow opening.他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。31There is too much chat in this office.这间办公室里的闲聊得过多了。32Crime is on the increase.犯罪活动日益猖獗。33You can give me a full report later.你可以稍后给我们一份完整的报告。34Place the card face down on the table.把卡片正面朝下放在桌子上。35I go there very little now.我现在难得去那里。36They ran short of gasoline.他们的汽油不够了。37Would you like a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶吗?38Then her brow cleared.然后,她的眉头松开了。39She received a text message from him.她收到了一条他的短信。40One color may kill another near it.一种颜色可能使相近的颜色显不出来。41Would you like a sit on the deck-chair?在躺椅上坐一会好吗?42We should not rat on our promises.我们不应该违背诺言。43Social divisions in the city are stark.城市里各社会阶层有明确的分野。44Somebody stuck a knife in him.有人用刀捅了他。45They play cards every Friday.他们每个星期五玩纸牌。46He painted the wall with a brush.他用刷子涂墙。47I'm sorry. I'm not with you.对不起,我没听懂你的话。48Can you tell me the way to the station?你能告诉我去火车站怎么走吗?49We were glad about her success.我们都为她的成功感到高兴。50She painted the door green.她把房门漆成了绿色。
2/21/202110 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

14.磨耳朵练语感 中译英50句

文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示2.alley 小巷3.descale 除垢,gut 去除内脏7.landslide 山体滑坡8.oblige 帮助,stamp 邮票14.carpenter 木工 fond of,geometry 几何17.tortuous 曲折20.period 一段时间、一节课21.regret 后悔23.count 伯爵26.penicillin 盘尼西林、青霉素27.requested 要求28.powder 火药30.scraped 刮擦32.crime 犯罪36.gasoline 汽油38.brow 眉毛41.deck-chair 躺椅42.rat 告密43.divisions 分野,stark 明确的44.stuck 刺46.brush 刷提示一、每一个句子都先播放1遍中文解释,在播放1遍美式发音和英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1I've had a cold since my arrival.我到这里以后就一直感冒。2We live in the same alley.我们住在同一条小巷里。3Descale, gut, and clean the fish.除去鱼鳞,取出内脏,然后清理干净。4We had to think what to do next.我们不得不考虑下一步该做什么。5Doctors advised me to have it removed.大夫们劝我把它割掉。6She's changing to go out.她打算出门,正在换衣服。7Their house was buried by a landslide.他们的房子被一次山体滑坡掩埋了。8Will you oblige me with a stamp?给我一张邮票好吗?9Fine feathers do not make fine birds衣着漂亮不见得人好。10You spoke too soon.你言之过早。11His jokes amused the whole table.他讲的笑话把满桌人都逗笑了。12He drove a good bargain last Sunday.他上星期天做了一笔好生意。13You have to learn to face your problem.你得学会面对自己的问题。14He worked in a carpenter's shop.他在一家木工厂工作。15She is fond of geometry.她喜欢几何学。16Salter shouted with joy.索尔特高兴地叫起来。17The way ahead is tortuous.前面的路是曲折的。18She came tripping down the garden path.她轻快地沿花圃小路跑过来。19The swimming pool is five meters wide.这个游泳池有5米宽。20Each period lasts forty minutes.每节课40分钟。21I regret what I've done to her.我后悔不该那样对她。22Sharpe felt an emptiness inside.夏普感到心里很空虚。23Her father was a Polish count.她父亲是波兰的一位伯爵。24Her dress was a vivid color.她的服装颜色很鲜艳。25He spoke very clearly indeed.他讲得相当清楚了。26He gave me a second shot of penicillin.他又给我打了一针青霉素。27I requested a taxi for eight o'clock.我要了一辆出租车,8点过来。28The smell of powder was in the air.空气中有火药味。29He has great skill in painting.他非常善于绘画。30He scraped through the narrow opening.他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。31There is too much chat in this office.这间办公室里的闲聊得过多了。32Crime is on the increase.犯罪活动日益猖獗。33You can give me a full report later.你可以稍后给我们一份完整的报告。34Place the card face down on the table.把卡片正面朝下放在桌子上。35I go there very little now.我现在难得去那里。36They ran short of gasoline.他们的汽油不够了。37Would you like a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶吗?38Then her brow cleared.然后,她的眉头松开了。39She received a text message from him.她收到了一条他的短信。40One color may kill another near it.一种颜色可能使相近的颜色显不出来。41Would you like a sit on the deck-chair?在躺椅上坐一会好吗?42We should not rat on our promises.我们不应该违背诺言。43Social divisions in the city are stark.城市里各社会阶层有明确的分野。44Somebody stuck a knife in him.有人用刀捅了他。45They play cards every Friday.他们每个星期五玩纸牌。46He painted the wall with a brush.他用刷子涂墙。47I'm sorry. I'm not with you.对不起,我没听懂你的话。48Can you tell me the way to the station?你能告诉我去火车站怎么走吗?49We were glad about her success.我们都为她的成功感到高兴。50She painted the door green.她把房门漆成了绿色。
2/21/202110 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

13.美音磨耳朵 听写填空27句

文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”提示一、每一个句子都先播放3遍英语发音,接1遍中文翻译,最后再播放一遍英语发音。二、根据英语发音,默写填空,如果无法识别再根据中文翻译进行理解,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1Nothing was going wrong and I was incredibly happy.一切顺利,我非常高兴。2I'm still incredibly upset but at least my honeymoon was perfect.我仍然非常难过,但至少我的蜜月是完美的。3Nowadays they all get along pretty well.现在他们相处得很好。4He was the love of my life and I couldn't wait to be his wife.他是我一生的挚爱,我迫不及待想成为他的妻子。5They had a big argument that night.那天晚上他们大吵了一架。6My older brother is my best friend.我哥哥是我最好的朋友。7It's the most normal thing in the world.这是世界上最正常的事情。8But she didn't give up so easily.但她并没有那么轻易放弃。9I was really happy,and honestly I didn't miss him at all.我真的很开心,说实话我一点也不想念他。10I had to figure out who I was going to invite.我得弄清楚我要邀请谁。11My mom wondered if they could make it work at all.我妈妈想知道他们是否能让它发挥作用。12My Grandad didn't speak to my mom for over a week.我爷爷一个多星期没和我妈妈说话了。13I was so upset.我很难过。14He sounded so sincere.他听起来很诚恳。15I was surprised by his question and took it as a good sign.我对他的问题感到惊讶,认为这是个好兆头。16Everyone was so understanding and told me it wasn't my fault.每个人都很理解我,告诉我这不是我的错。17The real problem was, I felt awfully guilty about it.真正的问题在于我对此感到非常内疚。18It was a lot of work and mom helped me out a lot.工作很多,妈妈帮了我很多忙。19Everything was perfect.一切都很完美。20Everyone was freaking out and opening the doors and windows to escape.每个人都吓坏了,打开门窗逃跑。21I know it sounds insane to most people.我知道对大多数人来说这听起来很疯狂。22They said we were the cutest couple ever.他们说我们是最可爱的一对。23We were so happy together.我们在一起很开心。24He decided he needed to come out clean to her.他决定要对她坦白。25It was love at first sight.那是一见钟情。26They had a long heart to heart conversation.他们进行了一次长时间的谈心谈话。27My grandma was so worried.我奶奶很担心。
2/20/20219 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

13.美音磨耳朵 听写填空27句

文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”提示一、每一个句子都先播放3遍英语发音,接1遍中文翻译,最后再播放一遍英语发音。二、根据英语发音,默写填空,如果无法识别再根据中文翻译进行理解,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1Nothing was going wrong and I was incredibly happy.一切顺利,我非常高兴。2I'm still incredibly upset but at least my honeymoon was perfect.我仍然非常难过,但至少我的蜜月是完美的。3Nowadays they all get along pretty well.现在他们相处得很好。4He was the love of my life and I couldn't wait to be his wife.他是我一生的挚爱,我迫不及待想成为他的妻子。5They had a big argument that night.那天晚上他们大吵了一架。6My older brother is my best friend.我哥哥是我最好的朋友。7It's the most normal thing in the world.这是世界上最正常的事情。8But she didn't give up so easily.但她并没有那么轻易放弃。9I was really happy,and honestly I didn't miss him at all.我真的很开心,说实话我一点也不想念他。10I had to figure out who I was going to invite.我得弄清楚我要邀请谁。11My mom wondered if they could make it work at all.我妈妈想知道他们是否能让它发挥作用。12My Grandad didn't speak to my mom for over a week.我爷爷一个多星期没和我妈妈说话了。13I was so upset.我很难过。14He sounded so sincere.他听起来很诚恳。15I was surprised by his question and took it as a good sign.我对他的问题感到惊讶,认为这是个好兆头。16Everyone was so understanding and told me it wasn't my fault.每个人都很理解我,告诉我这不是我的错。17The real problem was, I felt awfully guilty about it.真正的问题在于我对此感到非常内疚。18It was a lot of work and mom helped me out a lot.工作很多,妈妈帮了我很多忙。19Everything was perfect.一切都很完美。20Everyone was freaking out and opening the doors and windows to escape.每个人都吓坏了,打开门窗逃跑。21I know it sounds insane to most people.我知道对大多数人来说这听起来很疯狂。22They said we were the cutest couple ever.他们说我们是最可爱的一对。23We were so happy together.我们在一起很开心。24He decided he needed to come out clean to her.他决定要对她坦白。25It was love at first sight.那是一见钟情。26They had a long heart to heart conversation.他们进行了一次长时间的谈心谈话。27My grandma was so worried.我奶奶很担心。
2/20/20219 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示8.shoulder10.royals 王室13.sugar16.strictly,obeyed 执行17.garage 车库18.horribly20.throwing21.vertical cliff 陡峭悬崖23.harvest 丰收26.truck 卡车28.guards29.sow 播种,wheat 小麦30.lawn 草坪,frosted 结霜31.nurseries 托儿所33.whistled 口哨,appreciation 赞同34.drawers 抽屉38.taught,sew 缝补40.razor 剃刀43.sensible 有道理44.explanation 解释48.ticks 滴答49.buried 埋,enemies 敌人52.portable device 轻便装置,knocks down 拆卸 职业,television55.requires56.cropped out 流露出57.messy 散乱的59.wanders60lure 诱饵62.gash 切口,mend 63.traitor 叛徒65.curtains 窗帘,wind66.hitched 搭车68.buckets 水桶69.belted 系,sword71.stain 污点78.stand up for 坚持79.buying,nonsense 废话84.attends,delay 拖延88.contained 抑制90.vitamin,content 内容92.sailed 航行94.balcony 阳台95.frozen 结冰96.rebel 叛乱97.shade 背阴101.bargain 契约104.supected 猜想105.excuted 执行112.foreigners 113.liberty 自由114.brilliant 耀眼116.breeds 产生118.beat,match 比赛119.guests 客人
2/19/202135 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示8.shoulder10.royals 王室13.sugar16.strictly,obeyed 执行17.garage 车库18.horribly20.throwing21.vertical cliff 陡峭悬崖23.harvest 丰收26.truck 卡车28.guards29.sow 播种,wheat 小麦30.lawn 草坪,frosted 结霜31.nurseries 托儿所33.whistled 口哨,appreciation 赞同34.drawers 抽屉38.taught,sew 缝补40.razor 剃刀43.sensible 有道理44.explanation 解释48.ticks 滴答49.buried 埋,enemies 敌人52.portable device 轻便装置,knocks down 拆卸 职业,television55.requires56.cropped out 流露出57.messy 散乱的59.wanders60lure 诱饵62.gash 切口,mend 63.traitor 叛徒65.curtains 窗帘,wind66.hitched 搭车68.buckets 水桶69.belted 系,sword71.stain 污点78.stand up for 坚持79.buying,nonsense 废话84.attends,delay 拖延88.contained 抑制90.vitamin,content 内容92.sailed 航行94.balcony 阳台95.frozen 结冰96.rebel 叛乱97.shade 背阴101.bargain 契约104.supected 猜想105.excuted 执行112.foreigners 113.liberty 自由114.brilliant 耀眼116.breeds 产生118.beat,match 比赛119.guests 客人
2/19/202135 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示3.budgeted 预算4.Easter 复活节6.Thanksgiving 感恩节8.observe 9.drawing11.congratulated12.priest 牧师16.toast 敬酒24.journey 旅行 党派29.accept,sincere 真诚30.nodded 点头31.attend33.may 可以40.expressed 表达46.deserve 应得47.venture 企业51.Mass 弥撒,church 教堂56.rejoice 庆祝提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1I'll be home for Spring Festival.我会回家过春节。2I'm getting a bike for Christmas.圣诞节我会得到一辆自行车。3She budgeted for a holiday.她为了去度假而节省开支。4They are coming lo visit over Easter.他们复活节期间会来拜访。5Christmas Day was a Wednesday this year.今年的圣诞节在星期三。6What kind of a holiday is Thanksgiving?感恩节是一个什么样的节日?7Christmas is quite near now.圣诞节将近。8How many holidays do we observe a year?我们一年过多少个节假日?9The Mid Autumn Festival is drawing near.中秋节快到了。10Business is quiet during the holidays.节假日期间生意很清淡。11His proud parents congratulated him.他的父母感到光彩向他表示祝贺。12The priest blessed the old woman.牧师为这位老太太祝福。13Have a good trip!祝旅途愉快!14Congratulations on your success!祝贺你获得了成功!15May I offer my congratulations?我可以表示祝贺吗?16We drank a toast to absent friands.我们为没能来的朋友举杯祝福。17With best wishes, Louise Foster.把最诚挚的祝福送给你,路易斯·福斯特。18Cheers! Your good health.干杯!祝你健康。19I wish you a very happy future.我祝你有非常幸福的未来。20Merry Christmas one and all!祝大家圣诞节快乐!21Bless you,my sister!祝福你,我的妹妹!22Best wishes for a speedy recovery.祝你早日康复。23I wish you a merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐。24We all wished him a safe journey.我们都祝他一路平安。25I was in a mood to celebrate.我很想庆祝一番。26Wish you a pleasant trip.祝你旅途愉快。27Party officials toasted his health.政党官员为他的健康举杯祝酒。28He telephoned a happy birthday to her.他打电话祝贺她生日快乐。29Please accept my sincere wishes.请接收我的真诚祝愿。30They all nodded a final good-night.他们最后都点头互助晚安。31May good luck attend you!祝你幸福。32Merry Christmas,everyone.祝大家圣诞快乐。33May you be happy.祝你快乐。34He wished me well.他祝我一切顺利。35We wish you every success in the future.我们祝愿你将来事事成功。36A merry Christmas to all our reader.祝我所有的读者圣诞快乐。37For her birthday I bought her a bicycle.为祝贺她的生日,我为她买了一辆自行车。38Give my best wishes to your parents.请转达我对你父母最美好的祝愿。39Have a safe journey.祝一路平安!40They expressed their best wishes to her.他们向她的表达了他们的良好祝愿。41We celebrated New Year's Day.我们庆祝元旦。42I wish you both a good trip.我祝你们俩旅途愉快。43I wish you both a very good journey.我祝你们两人旅途愉快。44I'm praying for mother to get better.我在祷祝母亲身体康复。45Here's to your new job!祝你的新工作一切顺利!46They deserved congratulation.他们应该得到祝贺。47I wished him well with his new venture.我祝他的新企业成功。48May good luck be yours!祝你好运!49They sent a get well card.他们寄了一张祝愿早日康复的慰问卡。50They sent her flowers for her birthday.他们送花为她庆祝生日。51The priest celebrates Mass in church.神父在教堂里庆祝弥撒。52Have a good time!祝你玩得高兴!53So your interview's tomorrow?Good luck!这么说明天你要去面试?祝你好运!54Bless you,my boy!祝福你我的孩子!55May all your wishes come true.祝你所有的心愿都成真。56Let us rejoice together on your success.让我们共同庆祝你的成功。57May you have better luck next time!祝你下次走运!58Here's to Eddie!祝埃迪成功!59We all toasted his health.我们大家为他的健康举杯祝酒。60Let's celebrate!让我们好好庆祝一下吧!
2/19/202116 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示3.budgeted 预算4.Easter 复活节6.Thanksgiving 感恩节8.observe 9.drawing11.congratulated12.priest 牧师16.toast 敬酒24.journey 旅行 党派29.accept,sincere 真诚30.nodded 点头31.attend33.may 可以40.expressed 表达46.deserve 应得47.venture 企业51.Mass 弥撒,church 教堂56.rejoice 庆祝提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1I'll be home for Spring Festival.我会回家过春节。2I'm getting a bike for Christmas.圣诞节我会得到一辆自行车。3She budgeted for a holiday.她为了去度假而节省开支。4They are coming lo visit over Easter.他们复活节期间会来拜访。5Christmas Day was a Wednesday this year.今年的圣诞节在星期三。6What kind of a holiday is Thanksgiving?感恩节是一个什么样的节日?7Christmas is quite near now.圣诞节将近。8How many holidays do we observe a year?我们一年过多少个节假日?9The Mid Autumn Festival is drawing near.中秋节快到了。10Business is quiet during the holidays.节假日期间生意很清淡。11His proud parents congratulated him.他的父母感到光彩向他表示祝贺。12The priest blessed the old woman.牧师为这位老太太祝福。13Have a good trip!祝旅途愉快!14Congratulations on your success!祝贺你获得了成功!15May I offer my congratulations?我可以表示祝贺吗?16We drank a toast to absent friands.我们为没能来的朋友举杯祝福。17With best wishes, Louise Foster.把最诚挚的祝福送给你,路易斯·福斯特。18Cheers! Your good health.干杯!祝你健康。19I wish you a very happy future.我祝你有非常幸福的未来。20Merry Christmas one and all!祝大家圣诞节快乐!21Bless you,my sister!祝福你,我的妹妹!22Best wishes for a speedy recovery.祝你早日康复。23I wish you a merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐。24We all wished him a safe journey.我们都祝他一路平安。25I was in a mood to celebrate.我很想庆祝一番。26Wish you a pleasant trip.祝你旅途愉快。27Party officials toasted his health.政党官员为他的健康举杯祝酒。28He telephoned a happy birthday to her.他打电话祝贺她生日快乐。29Please accept my sincere wishes.请接收我的真诚祝愿。30They all nodded a final good-night.他们最后都点头互助晚安。31May good luck attend you!祝你幸福。32Merry Christmas,everyone.祝大家圣诞快乐。33May you be happy.祝你快乐。34He wished me well.他祝我一切顺利。35We wish you every success in the future.我们祝愿你将来事事成功。36A merry Christmas to all our reader.祝我所有的读者圣诞快乐。37For her birthday I bought her a bicycle.为祝贺她的生日,我为她买了一辆自行车。38Give my best wishes to your parents.请转达我对你父母最美好的祝愿。39Have a safe journey.祝一路平安!40They expressed their best wishes to her.他们向她的表达了他们的良好祝愿。41We celebrated New Year's Day.我们庆祝元旦。42I wish you both a good trip.我祝你们俩旅途愉快。43I wish you both a very good journey.我祝你们两人旅途愉快。44I'm praying for mother to get better.我在祷祝母亲身体康复。45Here's to your new job!祝你的新工作一切顺利!46They deserved congratulation.他们应该得到祝贺。47I wished him well with his new venture.我祝他的新企业成功。48May good luck be yours!祝你好运!49They sent a get well card.他们寄了一张祝愿早日康复的慰问卡。50They sent her flowers for her birthday.他们送花为她庆祝生日。51The priest celebrates Mass in church.神父在教堂里庆祝弥撒。52Have a good time!祝你玩得高兴!53So your interview's tomorrow?Good luck!这么说明天你要去面试?祝你好运!54Bless you,my boy!祝福你我的孩子!55May all your wishes come true.祝你所有的心愿都成真。56Let us rejoice together on your success.让我们共同庆祝你的成功。57May you have better luck next time!祝你下次走运!58Here's to Eddie!祝埃迪成功!59We all toasted his health.我们大家为他的健康举杯祝酒。60Let's celebrate!让我们好好庆祝一下吧!
2/19/202116 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示2.resist 忍3.drag 乏味无聊的事10.carrot12.bites16.broccoli 花椰菜19.loads20.slice28.sip 一小口30.funny 难受的、非法的33.vomit 呕吐,repletion 饱食36.chocked 噎住40.Asprin 阿司匹林41.handful 一把,upper 兴奋剂42.pineapple 菠萝44.crisps 薯片47.stand49.awkward 别扭51.spat out 吐出,nasty pill 难吃的药丸52.buffet 自助餐,supper晚餐53.cropped 啃54.cafeteria 自助餐厅58.quantity 59.adore 喜爱61.beans62.mean, salmon 大马哈鱼63.yogurt 酸奶66.fix 用量67.avoid68.neat 纯69.mad 疯狂72.breasts 胸74.picnic 野餐79.alcohol81.owe 欠86.saucer 茶托87.stick to your ribs 舒舒服服 a while 一段时间92.rash 皮疹95.digest 消化96.vegetarian97.cupboard 碗橱,bare98.hurried
2/19/202128 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示2.resist 忍3.drag 乏味无聊的事10.carrot12.bites16.broccoli 花椰菜19.loads20.slice28.sip 一小口30.funny 难受的、非法的33.vomit 呕吐,repletion 饱食36.chocked 噎住40.Asprin 阿司匹林41.handful 一把,upper 兴奋剂42.pineapple 菠萝44.crisps 薯片47.stand49.awkward 别扭51.spat out 吐出,nasty pill 难吃的药丸52.buffet 自助餐,supper晚餐53.cropped 啃54.cafeteria 自助餐厅58.quantity 59.adore 喜爱61.beans62.mean, salmon 大马哈鱼63.yogurt 酸奶66.fix 用量67.avoid68.neat 纯69.mad 疯狂72.breasts 胸74.picnic 野餐79.alcohol81.owe 欠86.saucer 茶托87.stick to your ribs 舒舒服服 a while 一段时间92.rash 皮疹95.digest 消化96.vegetarian97.cupboard 碗橱,bare98.hurried
2/19/202128 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示1.Gypsy 吉普赛 ,veins 血管7.well 井8.worshipper 礼拜者,praise 赞颂10.sound 明智的,良好的16.glimpses 一瞥17.ordered18.addressed19.frosts 霜,spoil 毁23.mistook,entirely26.major 少校27.perfumed香味28.conducted 带领,galleries 美术馆30.plated 镀32.mop 蓬乱的头发,curls 卷发33.ridiculous 嘲笑、洋相34.carved 雕刻的,chest 柜子,genuine 真正的,antique 古董35.ruffle 弄乱36.comfort 安慰37.waltz 华尔兹38.admired 欣赏41.advanced 前进44.hidden, 出价、叫牌50.fellow51.address 演说,council 议会52.cautions 谨慎,offence53.cosy 舒适55.steamed 行使,harbor 港湾56.remark 言论60.sprung 裂65.constructed 建造67.succeed 继任, labour 分娩71.fortune 命运82.heaven56.wood87.profits88.assume 装出,innocence 天真无邪89.acknowledges 承认90.scream 尖叫
2/17/202124 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示1.Gypsy 吉普赛 ,veins 血管7.well 井8.worshipper 礼拜者,praise 赞颂10.sound 明智的,良好的16.glimpses 一瞥17.ordered18.addressed19.frosts 霜,spoil 毁23.mistook,entirely26.major 少校27.perfumed香味28.conducted 带领,galleries 美术馆30.plated 镀32.mop 蓬乱的头发,curls 卷发33.ridiculous 嘲笑、洋相34.carved 雕刻的,chest 柜子,genuine 真正的,antique 古董35.ruffle 弄乱36.comfort 安慰37.waltz 华尔兹38.admired 欣赏41.advanced 前进44.hidden, 出价、叫牌50.fellow51.address 演说,council 议会52.cautions 谨慎,offence53.cosy 舒适55.steamed 行使,harbor 港湾56.remark 言论60.sprung 裂65.constructed 建造67.succeed 继任, labour 分娩71.fortune 命运82.heaven56.wood87.profits88.assume 装出,innocence 天真无邪89.acknowledges 承认90.scream 尖叫
2/17/202124 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”提示一、每个句子都会播放两遍常速发音 + 一遍慢速发音 + 一遍常速发音。二、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。三、一定要坚持!加油!1I really want them to be successful.我真的希望他们成功。2I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.我可以做我喜欢做的事,同时帮助别人。3Volunteering here is adream come true for me.在这里做志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。4she could read by herself at the age of four.她四岁就能自己看书了。5I don't think that's fair.我觉得这不公平。6The man was saved by the doctors in time.医生及时救了那个人。7Mary is a book lover.玛丽是个爱书的人。8But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.但令他吃惊的是,他们都同意和他一起去。9Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor.马里奥热爱动物,想成为一名兽医。10How do you know?你怎么知道的?11She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read.她仍然每周在那里工作一次,帮助孩子们学习阅读。12He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital.他告诉乘客他必须把这个人送到医院。13A woman next to him was shouting for help.他旁边的一个女人在喊救命。14Too much pressure is not good for a child's development.压力太大不利于孩子的成长。15It's crazy!太疯狂了!16Do you think it comes from a newspaper?你认为是来自报纸上的报道吗。17She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital.她说那个男人有心脏病,应该去医院。18He got off and asked the woman what happened.他下车问那个女人发生了什么事。19Mario believes he can help him to get his future dream job.马里奥相信他能帮助他得到他未来梦想中的工作。20And they're always comparing them with other children.他们总是把他们和其他孩子比较。21But the driver didn't think about himself.但司机没有考虑他自己。22Maybe you should learn to relax.也许你应该学会放松。23But I want to learn more about how to care for animals.但我想学习更多关于如何照顾动物的知识。24He only thought about saving a life.他只想着救人一命。25Many of them are learning exam skills, so that they can get into a good high school.他们中的许多人正在学习考试技巧,以便能进入一所好的高中。26However, the tired children don't get home until after 7 PM.然而,疲倦的孩子们直到晚上七点才回家。27He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.他每周六早上在动物医院做义工。28People shouldn't push their kids so hard.人们不应该把孩子逼得这么凶。
2/17/202110 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”提示一、每个句子都会播放两遍常速发音 + 一遍慢速发音 + 一遍常速发音。二、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。三、一定要坚持!加油!1I really want them to be successful.我真的希望他们成功。2I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.我可以做我喜欢做的事,同时帮助别人。3Volunteering here is adream come true for me.在这里做志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。4she could read by herself at the age of four.她四岁就能自己看书了。5I don't think that's fair.我觉得这不公平。6The man was saved by the doctors in time.医生及时救了那个人。7Mary is a book lover.玛丽是个爱书的人。8But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.但令他吃惊的是,他们都同意和他一起去。9Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor.马里奥热爱动物,想成为一名兽医。10How do you know?你怎么知道的?11She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read.她仍然每周在那里工作一次,帮助孩子们学习阅读。12He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital.他告诉乘客他必须把这个人送到医院。13A woman next to him was shouting for help.他旁边的一个女人在喊救命。14Too much pressure is not good for a child's development.压力太大不利于孩子的成长。15It's crazy!太疯狂了!16Do you think it comes from a newspaper?你认为是来自报纸上的报道吗。17She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital.她说那个男人有心脏病,应该去医院。18He got off and asked the woman what happened.他下车问那个女人发生了什么事。19Mario believes he can help him to get his future dream job.马里奥相信他能帮助他得到他未来梦想中的工作。20And they're always comparing them with other children.他们总是把他们和其他孩子比较。21But the driver didn't think about himself.但司机没有考虑他自己。22Maybe you should learn to relax.也许你应该学会放松。23But I want to learn more about how to care for animals.但我想学习更多关于如何照顾动物的知识。24He only thought about saving a life.他只想着救人一命。25Many of them are learning exam skills, so that they can get into a good high school.他们中的许多人正在学习考试技巧,以便能进入一所好的高中。26However, the tired children don't get home until after 7 PM.然而,疲倦的孩子们直到晚上七点才回家。27He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.他每周六早上在动物医院做义工。28People shouldn't push their kids so hard.人们不应该把孩子逼得这么凶。
2/17/202110 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示4.declared 宣称6.prisoner 禁锢,ego 自我7.signal 信号8.distinguish 区分10.splendid 杰出11.lecture 讲课,technical 技术的 柱子,upright14.iron,magentic force 磁力18.appreciate19.howls of 吼叫24.piped 吹号角,barracks 营房29.expect to 估计,account30.arrow33.Parliament 议会34.even 公平35.bottle 瓶35.consult 商量37.ferry 渡船44.proper 同 符合48.tractor 拖拉机50.liver 肝 钻石61.diary 日记 地产70.chewed 咬,lower lip 下唇71.Peru 秘鲁75.deaf 76.ruled77.fault 挑毛病78.absurd 荒唐80.bound 跳81.naked fist 赤手空拳82.fielded 接83.steddily 持续地84.laundry 洗衣90.wretched existence 悲惨生活92.trest 请客93.apart 分开99.passenger101.ebb and flow 涨退102.a bank of103.balcony 阳台104.detest 厌恶108.wander 游荡109.erupted 爆发113.abandoned114.elaborately decorated 布置考究
2/16/202132 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示4.declared 宣称6.prisoner 禁锢,ego 自我7.signal 信号8.distinguish 区分10.splendid 杰出11.lecture 讲课,technical 技术的 柱子,upright14.iron,magentic force 磁力18.appreciate19.howls of 吼叫24.piped 吹号角,barracks 营房29.expect to 估计,account30.arrow33.Parliament 议会34.even 公平35.bottle 瓶35.consult 商量37.ferry 渡船44.proper 同 符合48.tractor 拖拉机50.liver 肝 钻石61.diary 日记 地产70.chewed 咬,lower lip 下唇71.Peru 秘鲁75.deaf 76.ruled77.fault 挑毛病78.absurd 荒唐80.bound 跳81.naked fist 赤手空拳82.fielded 接83.steddily 持续地84.laundry 洗衣90.wretched existence 悲惨生活92.trest 请客93.apart 分开99.passenger101.ebb and flow 涨退102.a bank of103.balcony 阳台104.detest 厌恶108.wander 游荡109.erupted 爆发113.abandoned114.elaborately decorated 布置考究
2/16/202132 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1The telegram asked for an instant reply.这封电报要求立即回复。2The note supplied a phone number.那字条提供了一个电话号码。3I mended the computer for her.我帮她修了电脑。4He often goes to school by trolleybus.他经常乘无轨电车上学。5Is the telephone working todays?电话今天能用吗?6I made a few phone calls.我打了几个电话。7The television's not working properly.这台电视机运转不正常。8Sorry,the lift is out of service.对不起,电梯停用了。9She was burning to buy a computer.她很想买台电脑。10Cleaning the oven is such a performance.清理烤箱真是一件苦差。11Turn the oven on low.把烤箱调到低火。12I burned myself on the oven door.我被烤箱门烫伤了。13Turn the oven to a low heat.把烤箱调到低火。14Put it in a hot oven.把它放入炙热的烤箱里。15The new-type TV set sells well.这种新型电视销路很好。16I hung up the phone and started to cry.我挂掉电话,开始哭了起来。17where can I find a telephone booth?我在哪里可以找到电话亭?18The TV was on.电视开着。19He arrived just after you called.就在你打电话之后他到了。20I spoke to him by telephone.我通过电话跟他讲话。21Leave the jelly in the fridge to set.把果冻放在冰箱里凝固。22Repairs to the cable did not take long.电缆维修没花太长时间。23The customer called to cancel.顾客打电话来取消。24If necessary,give me a ring.如果需要,给我打个电话。25Right,let's go to our next caller.好,我们来接听下一个电话。26I phoned your office the other day.几天前,我往你的办公室打电话。27He telephoned us that he would be late.他打电话来说他将迟到。28Taka the elevator to the 51st floor.电梯乘到51层。29I had a phone call from Mary.我接到了玛丽的电话。30This is my home phone number.这是我家的电话号码。31Our phone isn't working.我们的电话坏了。32My phone is being tapped.有人在窃听我的电话。33They flashed a torch in his face.他们用手电筒照了他的脸。34Wire one end of the cable to the plug.把电缆的一端接在插头上。35The damaged wire blew out the cooker.电线坏了,电饭锅不能使用了。36Who turned the TV on?谁开的电视?37This is a refrigerator or distinction.这是一台优质电冰箱。38She is on the telephone at the moment.她正在打电话呢。39I went downstairs to answer the phone.我下楼去接电话。40Get the exchange to call their number.让总机给他们打电话。41The radio batteries are running low.收音机的电池快用完了。42They are switching the tram.他们使电车换了轨道。43He was in floods of tears on the phone.他在电话里大哭。44You hold the torch while I look inside.他拿着手电筒,我看看里面。45You've got the wrong number.你打错电话了。46Do ring if you want to talk about it.如果你想谈谈这件事,就给我打电话。47The electricity had been cut off.电让人切断了。48we have repaired the motor.我们已经修好了电机。49I've just got a couple of calls to make.我正要打几个电话。50She hurried to answer the phone.她匆忙去接电话。51I could always call the local doctor.我随时可以给当地医生打电话。52I must phone my parents.我一定要给父母打电话。53The phone suddenly went dead.电话突然不能用了。54He's got an ancient laptop.他有一台老掉牙的电脑。55Thank you very much for your call.非常感谢您打来电话。56Why was his wire busy?为什么他的电话老占线?57Please turn the electric fan on.请打开电风扇。58Put the milk back in the fridge.请把这些牛奶放回冰箱去。59She can mend the fridge by herself.她能自己有冰箱。60Milk keeps much longer in a fridge.牛奶放在冰箱里保鲜时间会更长。61The room is cooled with air conditioner.这房间用空调降温。62Our washing machine needs a new motor.我们的洗衣机需要换个新电动机。63Did you empty the washing machine?你把洗衣机里的衣服都拿出来了吗?64This is a coin washing machine.这是一台投币式洗衣机。65The air conditioner has stopped working.空调停了。66I got the washing machine repair.我让人修理了洗衣机。67Washing machines make house-work easier.洗衣机减轻了家务劳动。
2/12/202119 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1The telegram asked for an instant reply.这封电报要求立即回复。2The note supplied a phone number.那字条提供了一个电话号码。3I mended the computer for her.我帮她修了电脑。4He often goes to school by trolleybus.他经常乘无轨电车上学。5Is the telephone working todays?电话今天能用吗?6I made a few phone calls.我打了几个电话。7The television's not working properly.这台电视机运转不正常。8Sorry,the lift is out of service.对不起,电梯停用了。9She was burning to buy a computer.她很想买台电脑。10Cleaning the oven is such a performance.清理烤箱真是一件苦差。11Turn the oven on low.把烤箱调到低火。12I burned myself on the oven door.我被烤箱门烫伤了。13Turn the oven to a low heat.把烤箱调到低火。14Put it in a hot oven.把它放入炙热的烤箱里。15The new-type TV set sells well.这种新型电视销路很好。16I hung up the phone and started to cry.我挂掉电话,开始哭了起来。17where can I find a telephone booth?我在哪里可以找到电话亭?18The TV was on.电视开着。19He arrived just after you called.就在你打电话之后他到了。20I spoke to him by telephone.我通过电话跟他讲话。21Leave the jelly in the fridge to set.把果冻放在冰箱里凝固。22Repairs to the cable did not take long.电缆维修没花太长时间。23The customer called to cancel.顾客打电话来取消。24If necessary,give me a ring.如果需要,给我打个电话。25Right,let's go to our next caller.好,我们来接听下一个电话。26I phoned your office the other day.几天前,我往你的办公室打电话。27He telephoned us that he would be late.他打电话来说他将迟到。28Taka the elevator to the 51st floor.电梯乘到51层。29I had a phone call from Mary.我接到了玛丽的电话。30This is my home phone number.这是我家的电话号码。31Our phone isn't working.我们的电话坏了。32My phone is being tapped.有人在窃听我的电话。33They flashed a torch in his face.他们用手电筒照了他的脸。34Wire one end of the cable to the plug.把电缆的一端接在插头上。35The damaged wire blew out the cooker.电线坏了,电饭锅不能使用了。36Who turned the TV on?谁开的电视?37This is a refrigerator or distinction.这是一台优质电冰箱。38She is on the telephone at the moment.她正在打电话呢。39I went downstairs to answer the phone.我下楼去接电话。40Get the exchange to call their number.让总机给他们打电话。41The radio batteries are running low.收音机的电池快用完了。42They are switching the tram.他们使电车换了轨道。43He was in floods of tears on the phone.他在电话里大哭。44You hold the torch while I look inside.他拿着手电筒,我看看里面。45You've got the wrong number.你打错电话了。46Do ring if you want to talk about it.如果你想谈谈这件事,就给我打电话。47The electricity had been cut off.电让人切断了。48we have repaired the motor.我们已经修好了电机。49I've just got a couple of calls to make.我正要打几个电话。50She hurried to answer the phone.她匆忙去接电话。51I could always call the local doctor.我随时可以给当地医生打电话。52I must phone my parents.我一定要给父母打电话。53The phone suddenly went dead.电话突然不能用了。54He's got an ancient laptop.他有一台老掉牙的电脑。55Thank you very much for your call.非常感谢您打来电话。56Why was his wire busy?为什么他的电话老占线?57Please turn the electric fan on.请打开电风扇。58Put the milk back in the fridge.请把这些牛奶放回冰箱去。59She can mend the fridge by herself.她能自己有冰箱。60Milk keeps much longer in a fridge.牛奶放在冰箱里保鲜时间会更长。61The room is cooled with air conditioner.这房间用空调降温。62Our washing machine needs a new motor.我们的洗衣机需要换个新电动机。63Did you empty the washing machine?你把洗衣机里的衣服都拿出来了吗?64This is a coin washing machine.这是一台投币式洗衣机。65The air conditioner has stopped working.空调停了。66I got the washing machine repair.我让人修理了洗衣机。67Washing machines make house-work easier.洗衣机减轻了家务劳动。
2/12/202119 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示1.took turns 轮流2.tunnel 隧道3.shore 岸5.load this truck 装车10.bowed 弯腰14.caught 赶车15.steep 陡18.loaded22.jogged 碰撞25.lame 跛足28.aircraft,fuel 加油30.Rolls Poyles 劳斯莱斯35.fell off 跌落37.horn 喇叭、号角 knock down 被撞倒39.crow in 挤进40.hire 租41.flew,jet42.dived 潜、俯冲,steeply44.flew down45.thrill48.bombing along49.bound for 开往 a tremendous rate54.anchored 抛锚,shore 55.listed 倾斜56.swaying 摇晃57.boat58.a stiff breeze 强风,bag out 鼓起60.toughed the ground 搁浅61.farther62.smooth stride 平稳的脚步65.circuit 环形提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1We took turns to drive the car.我们轮流开车。2The train went through a tunnel.这列火车穿过一条隧道。3They walked down to the shore.他们往下走到了岸边。4There is an underground car park.这里有一个地下停车场。5It is time to load this truck.该装车了。6well,I have to go- my ride is here.好了,我该走了,让我搭车的人来了。7I love travelling on train.我喜欢乘火车旅行。8Can you help me get my car going?你能帮我把车发起来吗?9How long is the flight?这次航班飞多久?10He was bowed into a taxi.他被点头哈腰地送上出租车。11I missed the bus and had to walk home.我没赶上公共汽车,只好走回家。12You nearly got hit by that car!你差点被车撞了!13We went there by coach.我们是坐长途汽车去那里的。14He caught the slow train to Birmingham.他赶上去伯明翰的慢车。15That hill's far too steep to cycle up.那个坡太陡了,自行车根本骑不上去。16The car ran clear off the road.车子完全驶离了道路。17I followed him for some distance.我跟着他走了一段路程。18The cargo was loaded onto another ship.货物被撞倒了另外一条船上。19The bus went past without stopping.公交车经过的时候没有停。20Shall we walk or take a cab?我们步行还是坐计程车?21We took a taxi to save time.我们坐了辆出租车以节省时间。22The truck jogged up and down.那辆卡车颠簸行进。23The country road rides hard.乡村路上车不好骑。24The train was 40 minutes late.火车晚点了40分钟。25His lame is the result of an accident.他的跛足是一次车祸的结果。26Our car had a flat tire.我们那辆汽车有一只轮胎漏了气。27They rode up the hill in a jeep.他们坐了一辆吉普车往山上开去。28All aircraft must fuel before flight.所有飞机飞行前都必须加油。29She drove by in her new car.她开着新车驶过。30Rolls Royces are very expensive.劳斯莱斯汽车价格昂贵。31Don't drink and drive.别喝了酒开车。32I lost my train by three minutes.我迟了3分钟,没赶上火车。33The parking area is for members only.停车设施仅供会员使用。34She was driving at 30 miles an hour.她以每小时30英里的速度驱车前行。35He fell off his bike.他从自行车上摔了下来。36The train arrived dead on time.火车准点到达。37A motor horn sounded.有辆车鸣喇叭了。38The man is knock down by the bicycle.这个男人被自行车撞到了。39They had managed to crowd into a train.他们勉强挤上了一列火车。40 This car is for hire.这辆车是供租用的。41We flew to New York by jet.我们乘喷气式飞机到了纽约。42The aircraft dived steeply.那架飞机垂直俯冲下来。43The plane was shot down in error.飞机被错误地击落了。44He flew down the road in a car.他开着汽车沿那条路飞驰而去。45I get a real thrill from speed.飞速驾车会让我兴奋不已。46He flew from London to Paris.他从伦敦飞往了巴黎。47The planes flew through the clouds.飞机穿越云层。48He was bombing along on his motorbike.他正骑着摩托车飞驰。49I boarded the plane bound for Boston.我登上了飞往波士顿的航班。50We drove along the dusty road.我们在尘土飞扬的路上行驶。51His plane lands at six-thirty.他的飞机六点半着陆。52I don't travel much by air.我不常坐飞机。53The taxi was going at a tremendous rate.出租车飞速奔驰。54The ship anchored along the shore.这艘船在岸边停泊。55The ship listed badly.船侧倾得很厉害。56The ship was swaying from side to side.船在左右摇晃。57I took part in the boat races.我参加赛船。58A stiff breeze made the sails bag out.一股劲风吹得船帆鼓了出来。59My father met me off the boat.我父亲接我下船。60Their ship touched the ground.他们的船搁浅了。61He was too tired to go any farther.他太累了,一定也走不动了。62He walked with a long,smooth stride.他走路时步子很大、很稳。63They walked around the town.他们在城里到处走动。64He arose and walked to the window.他站起来,向窗户走去。65She made a slow circuit of the room.她绕着房间慢慢走了一圈。
2/12/202118 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示1.took turns 轮流2.tunnel 隧道3.shore 岸5.load this truck 装车10.bowed 弯腰14.caught 赶车15.steep 陡18.loaded22.jogged 碰撞25.lame 跛足28.aircraft,fuel 加油30.Rolls Poyles 劳斯莱斯35.fell off 跌落37.horn 喇叭、号角 knock down 被撞倒39.crow in 挤进40.hire 租41.flew,jet42.dived 潜、俯冲,steeply44.flew down45.thrill48.bombing along49.bound for 开往 a tremendous rate54.anchored 抛锚,shore 55.listed 倾斜56.swaying 摇晃57.boat58.a stiff breeze 强风,bag out 鼓起60.toughed the ground 搁浅61.farther62.smooth stride 平稳的脚步65.circuit 环形提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1We took turns to drive the car.我们轮流开车。2The train went through a tunnel.这列火车穿过一条隧道。3They walked down to the shore.他们往下走到了岸边。4There is an underground car park.这里有一个地下停车场。5It is time to load this truck.该装车了。6well,I have to go- my ride is here.好了,我该走了,让我搭车的人来了。7I love travelling on train.我喜欢乘火车旅行。8Can you help me get my car going?你能帮我把车发起来吗?9How long is the flight?这次航班飞多久?10He was bowed into a taxi.他被点头哈腰地送上出租车。11I missed the bus and had to walk home.我没赶上公共汽车,只好走回家。12You nearly got hit by that car!你差点被车撞了!13We went there by coach.我们是坐长途汽车去那里的。14He caught the slow train to Birmingham.他赶上去伯明翰的慢车。15That hill's far too steep to cycle up.那个坡太陡了,自行车根本骑不上去。16The car ran clear off the road.车子完全驶离了道路。17I followed him for some distance.我跟着他走了一段路程。18The cargo was loaded onto another ship.货物被撞倒了另外一条船上。19The bus went past without stopping.公交车经过的时候没有停。20Shall we walk or take a cab?我们步行还是坐计程车?21We took a taxi to save time.我们坐了辆出租车以节省时间。22The truck jogged up and down.那辆卡车颠簸行进。23The country road rides hard.乡村路上车不好骑。24The train was 40 minutes late.火车晚点了40分钟。25His lame is the result of an accident.他的跛足是一次车祸的结果。26Our car had a flat tire.我们那辆汽车有一只轮胎漏了气。27They rode up the hill in a jeep.他们坐了一辆吉普车往山上开去。28All aircraft must fuel before flight.所有飞机飞行前都必须加油。29She drove by in her new car.她开着新车驶过。30Rolls Royces are very expensive.劳斯莱斯汽车价格昂贵。31Don't drink and drive.别喝了酒开车。32I lost my train by three minutes.我迟了3分钟,没赶上火车。33The parking area is for members only.停车设施仅供会员使用。34She was driving at 30 miles an hour.她以每小时30英里的速度驱车前行。35He fell off his bike.他从自行车上摔了下来。36The train arrived dead on time.火车准点到达。37A motor horn sounded.有辆车鸣喇叭了。38The man is knock down by the bicycle.这个男人被自行车撞到了。39They had managed to crowd into a train.他们勉强挤上了一列火车。40 This car is for hire.这辆车是供租用的。41We flew to New York by jet.我们乘喷气式飞机到了纽约。42The aircraft dived steeply.那架飞机垂直俯冲下来。43The plane was shot down in error.飞机被错误地击落了。44He flew down the road in a car.他开着汽车沿那条路飞驰而去。45I get a real thrill from speed.飞速驾车会让我兴奋不已。46He flew from London to Paris.他从伦敦飞往了巴黎。47The planes flew through the clouds.飞机穿越云层。48He was bombing along on his motorbike.他正骑着摩托车飞驰。49I boarded the plane bound for Boston.我登上了飞往波士顿的航班。50We drove along the dusty road.我们在尘土飞扬的路上行驶。51His plane lands at six-thirty.他的飞机六点半着陆。52I don't travel much by air.我不常坐飞机。53The taxi was going at a tremendous rate.出租车飞速奔驰。54The ship anchored along the shore.这艘船在岸边停泊。55The ship listed badly.船侧倾得很厉害。56The ship was swaying from side to side.船在左右摇晃。57I took part in the boat races.我参加赛船。58A stiff breeze made the sails bag out.一股劲风吹得船帆鼓了出来。59My father met me off the boat.我父亲接我下船。60Their ship touched the ground.他们的船搁浅了。61He was too tired to go any farther.他太累了,一定也走不动了。62He walked with a long,smooth stride.他走路时步子很大、很稳。63They walked around the town.他们在城里到处走动。64He arose and walked to the window.他站起来,向窗户走去。65She made a slow circuit of the room.她绕着房间慢慢走了一圈。
2/12/202118 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示4.rather damp 相当潮湿7.bound 8.deceive 欺骗10.screaming 尖叫11.acquired 获得12.parade 游行,jammed 阻塞14.coat 大衣15.staved in 撞破18.mayor 市长19.ruined,wheat crop 小麦20.passion 激情21.square 古板24.paused 停顿25.lengths 身位长度26.pulling the string 幕后操纵28.spring-sowing season 春播季节29.bitter 苦30.quieted the engine 关闭发动机32.flooded 淹没34.plenty,absence 缺席35.superb36.adjusted38.bear 忍受41.feather 羽毛,floated 飘42.disapproval 反对44.thick 交情深厚 a stand 陷入僵局48.pronounce 发音提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1He dated her on Wednesday nights.他常在星期三晚上同她约会。2He writes children's stories.他写童话故事。3She's dying of cancer.她患了癌症,就要不久于人世了。4It is rather damp in the basement.地下室很潮湿。5He reviewed the whole of his past life.他回顾了他的整个一生。6I have nothing to do with her.我跟她一点关系也没有。7The book was bound in paper covers.这本书是平装的。8It was wrong of you to deceive him.你不应该欺骗他。9At six o'clock the motor started up.6点钟时马达开动起来。10He was screaming for help.他正尖声叫喊救命。11She has acquired some odd habits.她养成了一些奇怪的习惯。12The parade jammed traffic all over town.游行队伍阻塞了全市的交通。13He is long in returning.他迟迟归来。14His coat is worth hundreds of dollars.他的大衣值好几百美元。15The side of the boat had been staved in.那艘船的侧面已被凿穿。16Francine has taken a fancy to you.弗朗辛看上你了。17He got there earlier than we did.他到得比我们早。18My uncle was the mayor of Memphis.我叔叔是孟菲斯市市长。19The storm ruined our wheat crop.暴风雨毁坏了我们的小麦。20Passion kept us together.激情让我们聚在一起。21He's a bit of a square.他有点古板。22I listened to their conversation.我倾听他们的谈话。23The trains don't run on Sundays.火车星期天不开。24He paused and thought for a moment.他停下来想了一会。25We won by two lengths.我们领先两个身位胜利。26Who's pulling the strings?谁在幕后操纵?27Do you know your way around?你精熟业务吗?28The spring-sowing season has set in.春播季节到来了29Good medicines taste bitter.良药苦口。30Boon walked in and quieted the engine.布恩走进来,关掉发动机。31Is she ready or not?她准备好了没有?32The river has flooded the village.河水淹没了村庄。33That's just like him.他就是这么个人。34He'd been plenty busy during my absence.我不在的时候他十分忙碌。35The athlete made a superb jump.运动员做了一个出色的跳跃。36I adjusted my watch to local time.我把表调整到了当地时间。37Allow me to say a few words.让我说两句。38She could not bear me to be away.她不忍我离去。39The kingdom's power declined.王国的势力衰落了。40He touched the bell.他按铃。41The feather floated through the air.羽毛在空中飞舞。42He shook his head in disapproval.他摇了摇头表示反对。43We leave the day after tomorrow.我们后天离开。44She is thick with him.她和他很要好。45I can run a mile in five minutes.我可以在5分钟里跑1英里。46The business is at a stand.生意萧条。47Part-time work is hard to find.兼职工作不好找。48How do you pronounce this word?这个词你怎么念?49May I see your boarding card first?我可不可以先看看您的登机牌?
2/12/202113 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示4.rather damp 相当潮湿7.bound 8.deceive 欺骗10.screaming 尖叫11.acquired 获得12.parade 游行,jammed 阻塞14.coat 大衣15.staved in 撞破18.mayor 市长19.ruined,wheat crop 小麦20.passion 激情21.square 古板24.paused 停顿25.lengths 身位长度26.pulling the string 幕后操纵28.spring-sowing season 春播季节29.bitter 苦30.quieted the engine 关闭发动机32.flooded 淹没34.plenty,absence 缺席35.superb36.adjusted38.bear 忍受41.feather 羽毛,floated 飘42.disapproval 反对44.thick 交情深厚 a stand 陷入僵局48.pronounce 发音提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1He dated her on Wednesday nights.他常在星期三晚上同她约会。2He writes children's stories.他写童话故事。3She's dying of cancer.她患了癌症,就要不久于人世了。4It is rather damp in the basement.地下室很潮湿。5He reviewed the whole of his past life.他回顾了他的整个一生。6I have nothing to do with her.我跟她一点关系也没有。7The book was bound in paper covers.这本书是平装的。8It was wrong of you to deceive him.你不应该欺骗他。9At six o'clock the motor started up.6点钟时马达开动起来。10He was screaming for help.他正尖声叫喊救命。11She has acquired some odd habits.她养成了一些奇怪的习惯。12The parade jammed traffic all over town.游行队伍阻塞了全市的交通。13He is long in returning.他迟迟归来。14His coat is worth hundreds of dollars.他的大衣值好几百美元。15The side of the boat had been staved in.那艘船的侧面已被凿穿。16Francine has taken a fancy to you.弗朗辛看上你了。17He got there earlier than we did.他到得比我们早。18My uncle was the mayor of Memphis.我叔叔是孟菲斯市市长。19The storm ruined our wheat crop.暴风雨毁坏了我们的小麦。20Passion kept us together.激情让我们聚在一起。21He's a bit of a square.他有点古板。22I listened to their conversation.我倾听他们的谈话。23The trains don't run on Sundays.火车星期天不开。24He paused and thought for a moment.他停下来想了一会。25We won by two lengths.我们领先两个身位胜利。26Who's pulling the strings?谁在幕后操纵?27Do you know your way around?你精熟业务吗?28The spring-sowing season has set in.春播季节到来了29Good medicines taste bitter.良药苦口。30Boon walked in and quieted the engine.布恩走进来,关掉发动机。31Is she ready or not?她准备好了没有?32The river has flooded the village.河水淹没了村庄。33That's just like him.他就是这么个人。34He'd been plenty busy during my absence.我不在的时候他十分忙碌。35The athlete made a superb jump.运动员做了一个出色的跳跃。36I adjusted my watch to local time.我把表调整到了当地时间。37Allow me to say a few words.让我说两句。38She could not bear me to be away.她不忍我离去。39The kingdom's power declined.王国的势力衰落了。40He touched the bell.他按铃。41The feather floated through the air.羽毛在空中飞舞。42He shook his head in disapproval.他摇了摇头表示反对。43We leave the day after tomorrow.我们后天离开。44She is thick with him.她和他很要好。45I can run a mile in five minutes.我可以在5分钟里跑1英里。46The business is at a stand.生意萧条。47Part-time work is hard to find.兼职工作不好找。48How do you pronounce this word?这个词你怎么念?49May I see your boarding card first?我可不可以先看看您的登机牌?
2/12/202113 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示5.fancy 倾慕7.master 掌握,emotion8.feasted 享用10.exceptionlly tough 异常艰苦13.incident,character 品质14.bought15.loyalty 忠诚17.lacked,confidence20.belly 肚22.blank 空洞23.criminal 罪犯,condemned 宣判25.swell 增强27.mice 老鼠29.constantly30.assembled 集合31.knob 球形把手32.hit the roof 大怒34.tinker 修补,gadgets 小装置37.arches 桥东40.novel 小说,was adapted for 被改编41.Torrid Zone 热带43.bared its gums 龇牙45.secret46.gym 健身房47.flew49.effort 努力提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1The car has arrived.车子来了。2He went without my knowledge.他没有让我知道就去了。3It's your turn to go now.轮到你来玩了。4She's a doctor.她是个医生。5He clearly didn't fancy me.他明显对我不感兴趣。6He may be 55, but he's young in mind.尽管他有55岁了,但人老心不老。7You must master your emotions.你必须控制住自己的感情。8We feasted on nuts and candies and cake.我们尽情享用坚果、糖果和蛋糕。9I used to wine with my meals.我过去吃饭时常常配点酒喝。10They've had an exceptionally tough life.他们的一生异常艰苦。11A bright star was shining in the East.东方闪烁着一颗明亮的星。12He modeled himself on his father.他把他的父亲作为自己的楷模。13Incident often brings out character.小事情往往显露品质。14I bought it ready-made.我买的是现成货。15Their loyalty only went so far.他们的忠诚只能到这个程度。16The walls were bare.墙壁光秃秃的。17They still lacked confidence.他们信心还不足。18We'll support you,come what may.不管怎样,我们都会支持你。19Charles got a shock when he saw him.查尔斯看到他时,心里一震。20He has a large belly.他大腹便便。21You've thought of everything!你想到了每件事!22She gave him a blank look.她漠然地看了他一眼。23The criminal was condemned to death.这个罪犯被判死刑。24He was sudden in his actions.他行动迅速。25His anger swelled when he heard.他一听说这个就怒火上升。26It was nice to see Steve again.很高兴又见到了史蒂夫。27I guess there are mice in the kitchen.我猜想厨房里有老鼠。28You say the strangest things sometimes.有时候你说的话非常奇怪。29My parents were constantly in touch.我父母一直保持联系。30The children were assembled in hundred.数百名孩子被集合起来。31This knob goes here.这个球形把手要装在这里。32He hit the roof when I told him.我告诉他时,他勃然大怒。33The machine was at last got to start.机器最后还是给发动起来了。34He likes to tinker at broken gadgets.他喜欢弄坏掉的小器具。35If you lose your way,ask a policeman.你如果迷路了,就找警察问路。36I believe the boy is telling the truth.我认为那个男孩说的是真话。37The bridge has three arches.这座桥有三个拱洞。38There is not a silver hair on her head.她头上没有一个银发。39He has fallen fast asleep.他已酣睡40His novel was adapted for television.他的小说被改编成了电视剧。41Some people live in Torrid Zone.有些人生活在热带。42The children are still wide awake.孩子们仍然完全醒着。43The dog bared its gums at me.狗呲着牙冲我叫。44oh yes?(表示不知情)哦,真的吗?45He leaked my secret.他把我的秘密泄露了。46How often do you go to the gym?你多长时间去一次健身房?47She flew out to join him in Africa.她飞去非洲与他汇合。48The idea came to him in his bath.他洗澡时想出了这个主意。49May your efforts tell in your studies.愿你的努力在学习上取得战果。
2/12/202113 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示5.fancy 倾慕7.master 掌握,emotion8.feasted 享用10.exceptionlly tough 异常艰苦13.incident,character 品质14.bought15.loyalty 忠诚17.lacked,confidence20.belly 肚22.blank 空洞23.criminal 罪犯,condemned 宣判25.swell 增强27.mice 老鼠29.constantly30.assembled 集合31.knob 球形把手32.hit the roof 大怒34.tinker 修补,gadgets 小装置37.arches 桥东40.novel 小说,was adapted for 被改编41.Torrid Zone 热带43.bared its gums 龇牙45.secret46.gym 健身房47.flew49.effort 努力提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1The car has arrived.车子来了。2He went without my knowledge.他没有让我知道就去了。3It's your turn to go now.轮到你来玩了。4She's a doctor.她是个医生。5He clearly didn't fancy me.他明显对我不感兴趣。6He may be 55, but he's young in mind.尽管他有55岁了,但人老心不老。7You must master your emotions.你必须控制住自己的感情。8We feasted on nuts and candies and cake.我们尽情享用坚果、糖果和蛋糕。9I used to wine with my meals.我过去吃饭时常常配点酒喝。10They've had an exceptionally tough life.他们的一生异常艰苦。11A bright star was shining in the East.东方闪烁着一颗明亮的星。12He modeled himself on his father.他把他的父亲作为自己的楷模。13Incident often brings out character.小事情往往显露品质。14I bought it ready-made.我买的是现成货。15Their loyalty only went so far.他们的忠诚只能到这个程度。16The walls were bare.墙壁光秃秃的。17They still lacked confidence.他们信心还不足。18We'll support you,come what may.不管怎样,我们都会支持你。19Charles got a shock when he saw him.查尔斯看到他时,心里一震。20He has a large belly.他大腹便便。21You've thought of everything!你想到了每件事!22She gave him a blank look.她漠然地看了他一眼。23The criminal was condemned to death.这个罪犯被判死刑。24He was sudden in his actions.他行动迅速。25His anger swelled when he heard.他一听说这个就怒火上升。26It was nice to see Steve again.很高兴又见到了史蒂夫。27I guess there are mice in the kitchen.我猜想厨房里有老鼠。28You say the strangest things sometimes.有时候你说的话非常奇怪。29My parents were constantly in touch.我父母一直保持联系。30The children were assembled in hundred.数百名孩子被集合起来。31This knob goes here.这个球形把手要装在这里。32He hit the roof when I told him.我告诉他时,他勃然大怒。33The machine was at last got to start.机器最后还是给发动起来了。34He likes to tinker at broken gadgets.他喜欢弄坏掉的小器具。35If you lose your way,ask a policeman.你如果迷路了,就找警察问路。36I believe the boy is telling the truth.我认为那个男孩说的是真话。37The bridge has three arches.这座桥有三个拱洞。38There is not a silver hair on her head.她头上没有一个银发。39He has fallen fast asleep.他已酣睡40His novel was adapted for television.他的小说被改编成了电视剧。41Some people live in Torrid Zone.有些人生活在热带。42The children are still wide awake.孩子们仍然完全醒着。43The dog bared its gums at me.狗呲着牙冲我叫。44oh yes?(表示不知情)哦,真的吗?45He leaked my secret.他把我的秘密泄露了。46How often do you go to the gym?你多长时间去一次健身房?47She flew out to join him in Africa.她飞去非洲与他汇合。48The idea came to him in his bath.他洗澡时想出了这个主意。49May your efforts tell in your studies.愿你的努力在学习上取得战果。
2/12/202113 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示3.caution 谨慎5.attempt 企图6.pretended 假装,box her ears7.granted 同意,terminal 学期10.spare 饶恕,injure14.pricks 刺,skin 皮肤,sting 针15.flat 平18.waist 腰20.kiln 窑22.guarded 守护,identity 身份23.director 领导25.spoons28.gathered30.abruptly 突然、意外31.cirlular 圆32.roar 吼叫35.stick 针,chair39.pipes 管,leak 漏41.howled 咆哮42.guard,relayed 轮换43.temperture,degrees44.courage 勇气45.shaving46.felt like 想要48.wound 伤49.clouds,gathering,storm51.mourned 哀悼,valiant men 勇士53.plastic 塑形,surgery 手术55.prayers 祈祷59.drawer61.posters 张贴64.tire her dreadfully 惹她生气65.drove67.folks 父母,detonate 引爆 戏剧,arranged70.swear 发誓、诅咒71.fever 发烧72.cropped up 涉及76.pretty 漂亮77.competence 能力80.youth81.shame82.excites,nerves83.garlic 大蒜84.cervix 子宫,dilated 扩大 green to86.awoke87.keened 哭诉,sorrow 悲伤90.typical91.condition92.adopted,lecture 演讲,audience 听众95.brought up,polite 礼貌96.skips97.gunfire98.lager 啤酒99.awkward 不方便
2/11/202127 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示3.caution 谨慎5.attempt 企图6.pretended 假装,box her ears7.granted 同意,terminal 学期10.spare 饶恕,injure14.pricks 刺,skin 皮肤,sting 针15.flat 平18.waist 腰20.kiln 窑22.guarded 守护,identity 身份23.director 领导25.spoons28.gathered30.abruptly 突然、意外31.cirlular 圆32.roar 吼叫35.stick 针,chair39.pipes 管,leak 漏41.howled 咆哮42.guard,relayed 轮换43.temperture,degrees44.courage 勇气45.shaving46.felt like 想要48.wound 伤49.clouds,gathering,storm51.mourned 哀悼,valiant men 勇士53.plastic 塑形,surgery 手术55.prayers 祈祷59.drawer61.posters 张贴64.tire her dreadfully 惹她生气65.drove67.folks 父母,detonate 引爆 戏剧,arranged70.swear 发誓、诅咒71.fever 发烧72.cropped up 涉及76.pretty 漂亮77.competence 能力80.youth81.shame82.excites,nerves83.garlic 大蒜84.cervix 子宫,dilated 扩大 green to86.awoke87.keened 哭诉,sorrow 悲伤90.typical91.condition92.adopted,lecture 演讲,audience 听众95.brought up,polite 礼貌96.skips97.gunfire98.lager 啤酒99.awkward 不方便
2/11/202127 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示3.punish 贪婪吃喝5.verses 诗句,scan well6.exhaustion 耗尽10.mend 修理,aromatic flavor 香味浓郁15.representative 有代表性18.potted 射杀,partridge鹌鹑21.soluted 敬礼26.artificial 人工的29.lapped 折叠、一周30.offence 生气31.passport,expire 期满32.eagle 鹰33.domestic 家庭的34.folk 人们,satisfied37.monitor 班长30.refuse 拆除40.aspect41.proposed,debate 辩论43.project放映45.ankle46.megabucks 百万美元47.wore49.hugging 抱52.adolesence 青春期54.dawning55.mineral water 矿泉水57.twist 转折59.forbid 禁止60.hopeless situation61.dealt,blow 打击65.expect,act on square 公平66.grown69.mainly,salary 工资77.society,downhill79.beneficial 客车81.stove82.prefer83.excellent84.baddest,,residence 住房,stampede the ground 蹬地,nervously89.disturbing 令人烦恼的91.shave the lawn 修草坪,trousers 裤子94.absent 缺席97.sailing over the bushes 越过树丛99.form a soft dough 面团100.duty rota 值班表,pinned up
2/11/202127 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示3.punish 贪婪吃喝5.verses 诗句,scan well6.exhaustion 耗尽10.mend 修理,aromatic flavor 香味浓郁15.representative 有代表性18.potted 射杀,partridge鹌鹑21.soluted 敬礼26.artificial 人工的29.lapped 折叠、一周30.offence 生气31.passport,expire 期满32.eagle 鹰33.domestic 家庭的34.folk 人们,satisfied37.monitor 班长30.refuse 拆除40.aspect41.proposed,debate 辩论43.project放映45.ankle46.megabucks 百万美元47.wore49.hugging 抱52.adolesence 青春期54.dawning55.mineral water 矿泉水57.twist 转折59.forbid 禁止60.hopeless situation61.dealt,blow 打击65.expect,act on square 公平66.grown69.mainly,salary 工资77.society,downhill79.beneficial 客车81.stove82.prefer83.excellent84.baddest,,residence 住房,stampede the ground 蹬地,nervously89.disturbing 令人烦恼的91.shave the lawn 修草坪,trousers 裤子94.absent 缺席97.sailing over the bushes 越过树丛99.form a soft dough 面团100.duty rota 值班表,pinned up
2/11/202127 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词语提示4.admit 承认5.allergy 过敏症15.rufused17.fall ill20.still,jump into action22.letter25.workers28.incredibly 非常30.conscience 良心33.crawled 爬行 剧烈climatic changes 气候变化36.charm 吉祥物、魔法37.temperature温度38.Greek god 希腊神45.hilarious 滑稽47.ignored提示一、每个句子都会播放两遍常速发音 + 一遍慢速发音 + 一遍常速发音。二、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。三、一定要坚持!加油!1We're just sixteen.我们才十六岁。2I simply didn't have the answer.我根本没有答案。3But I shouldn't get back home anymore.但我不该再回家。4Now I have to admit my father isn't a bad guy.现在我不得不承认我的父亲并不是一个坏人。5It was similar to my childhood allergy.这和我儿时的过敏症很相似。6I couldn't believe how well my plan had worked.我简直不敢相信我的计划完美地奏效了。7We don't have heating.我们没有暖气。8I wasn't ready yet.我还没准备好。9We get in touch every evening.我们每天晚上都联系。10The island was perfect for me.这个岛对我来说是完美的。11It was a mystery to me.这对我来说是个谜。12And I don't know how long we 'll be together.我不知道我们会在一起多久。13My mom is still quite young.我妈妈还很年轻。14I was very surprised.我很惊讶。15She refused to work for free.她拒绝免费工作。16And they let me go.他们让我走了。17I started to fall ill a little more often.我开始更经常生病了。18And I'm not talking about my new friends我不是在说我的新朋友。19She hasn't even turned fifty yet.她还没满50岁呢。20Still I decided not to jump into action just yet.我还是决定不立即行动。21I like spending time with him but I didn't want to be around him all the time.我喜欢和他在一起,但我不想一直围着他转。22My hands were really shaking when I took the letter and opened it.当我掌起信打开时,我的手真的在颤抖。23I was already eighteen.我已经十八岁了。24But I won't let him go anyway.但无论如何我不会让他走的。25I thought it was some workers washing the windows我以为是一些工人在擦窗户。26Suddenly an idea came to me.突然间我想到了一个主意。27Here is much better than anywhere else.这里比其他地方好多了。28I got incredibly upset.我非常沮丧。29Do you believe in magic?你相信魔法吗?30Conscience wouldn't let me do it.良心不让我这么做。31I was not happy.我并不开心。32My fingers turn black in front of my eyes.我的手指在眼前变黑了。33Well. I crawled out of my bed.我从床上爬起来。34But no one understood the reason for such sharp climatic changes.但是没有人知道气候变化如此剧烈的原因。35Little by little, he's going back to normal.渐渐地,他恢复成正常的样子。36My plan worked like a charm.我的计划奏效了。37Temperature became normal.温度恢复正常。38I'd say he looks like a Greek god.我觉得他看起来像希腊神。39He knew someone who could get me exactly what I needed.他认识一个可以完全满足我需求的人。40I don't know what happens now.我不知道现在发生了什么。41It was so sad.真是令人伤心。42I knew that the process would be long but | was ready to wait.我知道这个过程会很长,但我已经准备好等待。43I felt very well here.我在这里感觉很好。44There was a note.有张纸条。45It was hilarious.真是好笑。46Everything was fine.一切都很好。47Every time she told me what to do,I just close the door to my room and ignored her.每一次她告诉我要做什么,我就把房门关上。48I found a local boyfriend.我找到了一个当地的男朋友。49My friends know about my hobby.我的朋友知道我的爱好。50No one noticed anything special about me.没人注意到我有什么特别之处。
2/11/202115 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork


文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词语提示4.admit 承认5.allergy 过敏症15.rufused17.fall ill20.still,jump into action22.letter25.workers28.incredibly 非常30.conscience 良心33.crawled 爬行 剧烈climatic changes 气候变化36.charm 吉祥物、魔法37.temperature温度38.Greek god 希腊神45.hilarious 滑稽47.ignored提示一、每个句子都会播放两遍常速发音 + 一遍慢速发音 + 一遍常速发音。二、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。三、一定要坚持!加油!1We're just sixteen.我们才十六岁。2I simply didn't have the answer.我根本没有答案。3But I shouldn't get back home anymore.但我不该再回家。4Now I have to admit my father isn't a bad guy.现在我不得不承认我的父亲并不是一个坏人。5It was similar to my childhood allergy.这和我儿时的过敏症很相似。6I couldn't believe how well my plan had worked.我简直不敢相信我的计划完美地奏效了。7We don't have heating.我们没有暖气。8I wasn't ready yet.我还没准备好。9We get in touch every evening.我们每天晚上都联系。10The island was perfect for me.这个岛对我来说是完美的。11It was a mystery to me.这对我来说是个谜。12And I don't know how long we 'll be together.我不知道我们会在一起多久。13My mom is still quite young.我妈妈还很年轻。14I was very surprised.我很惊讶。15She refused to work for free.她拒绝免费工作。16And they let me go.他们让我走了。17I started to fall ill a little more often.我开始更经常生病了。18And I'm not talking about my new friends我不是在说我的新朋友。19She hasn't even turned fifty yet.她还没满50岁呢。20Still I decided not to jump into action just yet.我还是决定不立即行动。21I like spending time with him but I didn't want to be around him all the time.我喜欢和他在一起,但我不想一直围着他转。22My hands were really shaking when I took the letter and opened it.当我掌起信打开时,我的手真的在颤抖。23I was already eighteen.我已经十八岁了。24But I won't let him go anyway.但无论如何我不会让他走的。25I thought it was some workers washing the windows我以为是一些工人在擦窗户。26Suddenly an idea came to me.突然间我想到了一个主意。27Here is much better than anywhere else.这里比其他地方好多了。28I got incredibly upset.我非常沮丧。29Do you believe in magic?你相信魔法吗?30Conscience wouldn't let me do it.良心不让我这么做。31I was not happy.我并不开心。32My fingers turn black in front of my eyes.我的手指在眼前变黑了。33Well. I crawled out of my bed.我从床上爬起来。34But no one understood the reason for such sharp climatic changes.但是没有人知道气候变化如此剧烈的原因。35Little by little, he's going back to normal.渐渐地,他恢复成正常的样子。36My plan worked like a charm.我的计划奏效了。37Temperature became normal.温度恢复正常。38I'd say he looks like a Greek god.我觉得他看起来像希腊神。39He knew someone who could get me exactly what I needed.他认识一个可以完全满足我需求的人。40I don't know what happens now.我不知道现在发生了什么。41It was so sad.真是令人伤心。42I knew that the process would be long but | was ready to wait.我知道这个过程会很长,但我已经准备好等待。43I felt very well here.我在这里感觉很好。44There was a note.有张纸条。45It was hilarious.真是好笑。46Everything was fine.一切都很好。47Every time she told me what to do,I just close the door to my room and ignored her.每一次她告诉我要做什么,我就把房门关上。48I found a local boyfriend.我找到了一个当地的男朋友。49My friends know about my hobby.我的朋友知道我的爱好。50No one noticed anything special about me.没人注意到我有什么特别之处。
2/11/202115 minutes, 48 seconds