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Siarhei Korbut Cover

Siarhei Korbut

11 sample tracks
Romantic Date
Christmas Meditation Lullaby
Dark Christmas
Parting Moments
Sleepy Eyes
Theta Angel
417 Hz - Marmalade
Space is Near
I Need Spring
Xmas Chill
About Siarhei Korbut
Hi! I'm Siarhei. As a music composer, I have always been drawn to the ethereal, encompassing sounds. My passion lies in creating of all types of ambient music (meditation, new age, soundscape, chillout, ambient hip-hop and other). My music explores the intersection of melody and atmosphere, weaving together sonic textures to create a truly unique listening experience. Whether it's through relaxing chillhop rhythms or haunting dark ambient tones, my goal is to create a space for listeners to unwind and escape the chaos of everyday life. Join me on a journey of sound and emotion, where each track is a step deeper into the infinite expanse of ambient music.▶️ Visit my music channels:@calmcomposer - anime background, relaxing music;@elvenimm - elven civilization, nature music;@ZenSide - black screens, solfeggio freq, binaural;@sleepside - 15 min videos;@ambient-hero - dark ambient music.